Steps For Creating An Account For Data Entry On Website
Steps For Creating An Account For Data Entry On Website
Steps For Creating An Account For Data Entry On Website
1.3. Fill the form and click on Submit. If your division is not found in drop down list, please mail us in this regard at ( and it will be updated soon accordingly.
1.4. On clicking on Submit following message will be displayed and your user id and password will be sending to given mail id. In future all correspondence will be done on the same mail id.
1.6. Enter your Username and Password (sent on your email) and click Login.
On The left side you will get options select DISTRICT, select ROAD TYPE, Select ROAD NAME Select your DISTRICT from the drop down menu. Select ROAD TYPE i.e SH,NH,MD or OD from the drop down menu. Select your ROAD NAME from the drop down menu.
Next you get an option to select type your action 1. If you want to update/enter records, click on Data/Entry Update option. 2. If you want to see reports Click on, Reports option. 3. If you want to see DTOI forms, click On DTOI option.
2.3. If you select Data/Entry Update option, you will get an option
1. Inventory 2. Condition
Note: - You are only authorised to update/enter records of your District only.
2.4. Now click on Inventory option, you will get screen like below. Here you see the kilometre wise road inventory information of selected road. To start entry/update click on Edit link on left side of window.If you do not have information of design fields then please enter zero(0) as missing value. Note: You must click edit link against each km for which you want to make data entry and after update records save it accordingly.
2.5. On clicking on Edit, corresponding row will be highlighted i.e. you are now able to update current row. Now update information that you want and click on SAVE button.
2.6. Now If you Click on Edit link to update information of selected road section, but you dont have information of some parameters and you want to edit it later, just click on CANCEL link because updation of all fields are mandatory.
2.7. After Updating or Entering record you will get message information successfully updated. On clicking on OK page will reload and you will get updated information of the same row you had updated. In case of change of any updated record, you can change it again. After this colour of that row will turned into blue so that saved rows can be identified easily.
Note: After updation of all km of your road, please send us an email in this regard and then we lock the further updation of that road. Once locked, for any change you may request through e-mail at Instructions for further updation will be sent to you by mail already registered with us.