Astm C131

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Scope *

Designation coarse aggregate smaller than 3&.' mm !11() : C 131 03 resistance

method covers a procedure for testing si%es of

in." for



3. Terminolog#

Standard Test Method for

to degradation using the *os ngeles testing machine !+ote 3.1 De#nitions-;or denitions of terms used in this test method, refer to Terminology C 1)'. 1". (. S'mmar# of Test Method +,T# 1- procedure for testing coarse aggregate larger than 1../ mm
!3(0 in." is covered in Test 1ethod C '3'.

0.1 This test is a measure of degradation of mineral aggre3

1.) The values stated in $2 units are to be regarded as the

standard. The inch3pound values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the

Resistanc e to safety and health practices and determine the applicaDegradat priate bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. ion of &. Referenced Doc'ments Small).1 ASTM Standards Si e 45 41 $pecication for 6eneral 7e8uirements for 7olled $tructural $teel 9ars, :lates, $hapes, and $heet ). Signi*cance and +se Coarse '.1 This test has been widely used as an indicator of the !ggregat C :iling 1)' Terminology 7elating to Concrete and Concrete relative 8uality or competence of various sources of aggregate having similar mineral compositions. The results do not e ggregates automatically permit valid comparisons to be made between C 134 Test 1ethod for $ieve nalysis of ;ine and Coarse "# sources distinctly different in origin, composition, or structure. ggregates !"rasion C '3' Test 1ethod for 7esistance to <egradation of ssign specication limits with extreme care in consideration of available aggregate types and their performance history in *arge3 and $mpact in $i%e Coarse ggregate by brasion and 2mpact in the specic end uses. *os ,. !pparat's the %os ngeles 1achine 4.1 $os Angeles Machine- *os ngeles machine, con3 C 4&/ :ractice for :reparing :recision and 9ias !ngeles forming in all essential characteristics to the design shown in $tatements Machine ;ig. 1, shall be used. The machine shall consist of a hollow
) 3 3 3

safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-

gates of standard gradings resulting from a combination of actions including abrasion or attrition, impact, and grinding in a rotating steel drum containing a specied number of steel spheres, the number depending upon the grading of the test sample. s the drum rotates, a shelf plate pic@s up the sample and the steel spheres, carrying them around until they are dropped to the opposite side of the drum, creating an impact3 crushing effect. The contents then roll within the drum with an abrading and grinding action until the shelf plate pic@s up the sample and the steel spheres, and the cycle is repeated. fter the prescribed number of revolutions, the contents are removed from the drum and the aggregate portion is sieved to measure the degradation as percent loss.

This standard is issued under the xed designation C 131; the number immediately

for Test 1ethods for Construction 1aterials C &/) :ractice for 7educing $amples of ggregate to Testing $i%e < &' :ractice for $ampling ggregates
3 3 0

steel cylinder, with a wall thic@ness of not less than 1).0 mm


Annual !oo" of ASTM Standards, ?ol 10./).

1 This test method is under the =urisdiction of $T1 Committee C/. on Concrete and Concrete ggregates and is the direct responsibility of $ubcommittee designation indicates C/..)/ on +ormal >eight ggregates. the year of Current edition approved 1arch 1/, )//3. :ublished pril )//3. ,riginally

following the

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.

approved in 1.3&. *ast previous edition approved in )//1 as C 1313/1. ) Annual !oo" of ASTM Standards , ?ol /1./0. 3 Annual !oo" of ASTM Standards , ?ol /0./). 0 Annual !oo" of ASTM Standards , ?ol /0./3.

superscript epsilon !e" indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

*! S'mmar# of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

# 11 $peci $ieves for Testing 1.1 Thi s test

C 131 03

6.4 mm




$nch -.'i/alents 102

190 152



1270 in 14 12 1 31 4 6 71 2 2 50 . 2 2 0 8



!+ote )" closed at both ends, conformi ng to the dimensio ns

shown in ;ig. 1, having an inside diameter of &11 4 ' mm !)A 4 /.) in.", and an inside length of '/A 4 ' mm !)/ 4 /.) in.". The

c n stub shafts y attached to lthe iends of the n cylinder but d not entering e it, and shall rbe mounted in such a smanner that h it rotates a with the axis lin a lhori%ontal position b within a e tolerance in slope of 1 in m 1//. n o opening in u the cylinder n shall be tprovided for e the d introduction of the test o sample.

suitable !of the cylinder, , dust3 3 tight .in such a cover ' way that shall be a plane provide 4 centered d for between the the large / opening faces . with coincides means 1 with an for axial bolting iplane. n the The shelf cover in.shall be place. "of such The thic@ness cover s and so shall be h mounted, so a by bolts designe lor other d as to lsuitable maintai b means, as n the e to be rm cylindri and rigid. ) cal m The contour o position u of of the n the shelf interior t!+ote 3" surface e shall be unless d such that the the o shelf is sample n so and the located steel t that the h spheres charge e shall not will not impact fall on ion n the or near cover, tthe or comee opening r in iand its contact cover, o with it rand that during the the c distance test. y from the remova l i ble steel n shelf d extendi r ng the i c full a length l of the cylinde s r and u pro=ecti r f ng inward a A. 4 ) c e mm

e be 9a sm is umfer +,T v e inside such s ence # rof the that c@3very h of the ,cover the las li@ely cylin )- plate, e charg a may be h to lder in This s used e is furnish the is h f provide caug or test direct e d the ht on results sli ion of the ldirectio the which trotati minifn of outsi p are not on, rotation de o duplicat mu in shall c is ed by surfa such be m o the other ce of tnot n that the *os toler s charge the dringeles less h iwill be angle machine than ance vin e s caught . s 1)&/ per ton the g + ,T produci mm ioutside ng o mitt n face of # me !'/ constant p the in.". ed g ch peripher e al 2nspe on angle. o 4.1. 0- ani speed. ct the n f 1).& 1 ishelf perio mm a The n dicall ! ( g s mac y to ,deter in." e hine c mine rolled t shal steel that it plate i l be m is not as o e so bent descri n a either bed in driv o s lengt $peci f en catio hwise u and n or r r 45 from 41. o so e l cou its +,T d norm # l nter e al 3bal3 radial The d a anced use positi a lon of a as to n maint shel o with g f of ain a respe wea l n substa ct to r3 e g ntiall , the resis cylin tant y unifor tder. 2f steelp r m h either , o perip rect condi e p ang heral tion e ular speed is r in o found cros l!+ote 0". 2f y u , s an trepair sectio m n and angle or s o is repla mount u ice the ed used n d shelf indep tas the enden shelf, befor tly of e e the e the d furthe cover, direct ion of c o r tests is rotati iare prefer n on red. cond r tshall Bowe ucted. h c

C 131 03
4.) Sieves, conforming to $pecication # 11. ..1.1 2f the aggregate is essentially free of adherent coatings 4.3 !alance- balance or scale and dust, the re8uirement for washing accurate within /.1 C of after the test is optional. test load over the range re8uired for Bowever, in the case of referee testing, this test. the washing procedure 4.0 %harge-The charge shall shall be performed. consist of steel spheres aver3 +,T# 4-?aluable information concerning the
aging approximately 04.A mm !1)&(3) in." in diameter and each
uniformity of the sample under test may be obtained by determining the loss having a mass of between 3./ and after 1// revolutions. The loss should be determined by dry sieving the 00' g. material on the 1.&/3mm 4.0.1 The charge, !+ote '" depending sieve without washing. The ratio of the loss after 1// upon the grading of revolutions to the

the test sample as described in $ection A, shall be as followsD

Grading A B C D Number of Spheres 12 11 8 6

Mass of Charge, g 5000 4 25 4584 4 25 3330 4 20 2500 4 15

loss after '// revolutions should not greatly exceed /.)/ for material of uniform hardness. >hen this determination is made, ta@e care to avoid losing any part of the sample; return the entire sample, including the dust of fracture, to the testing machine for the nal 0// revolutions re8uired to complete the test. +,T# &-#limination of washing after test will seldom reduce the

r5min for '// revolutions !+ote 4". fter the prescribed number in diameter, having a mass of approximately 0// and of revolutions, discharge the material 00/ g each, respectively, are readily available. $teel spheres 04.A from the machine and ma@e a preliminary separation of the mm !1 ( in." in sample on a sieve coarser diameter having a mass of approximately 0)/ g may than the 1.&/3mm !+o. 1)" sieve. $ieve also be obtainable. the ner portion on a The charge may consist of a mixture of these si%es 1.&/3mm sieve in a manner conforming to conforming to the mass Test 1ethod C 134. tolerances of 4.0 and 4.0.1. >ash the material coarser than the 1.&/3 2. Sampling mm !+o. 1)" sieve and oven3dry at 11/ 4 'EC !)3/ 4 .E;" to &.1 ,btain the eld sample in substantially constant accordance with :ractice < &', and reduce the eld sample to mass !see ..1.1", and determine the mass to the nearest 1 g ade8uate sample si%e in !+ote &". accordance with :ractice C &/).
)& 3)

+,T# '-$teel ball bearings 04./ mm !113(14 in." and 0&.4 mm !1&(Ain."

3. Test Sample 4reparation A.1 >ash the reduced sample and oven dry at 11/ 4 'EC !)3/ 4 .E;" to substantially constant mass !see ..1.1", separate into individual si%e fractions, and recombine to the grading of Table 1 most nearly corresponding to the range of si%es in the aggregate as furnished for the wor@. 7ecord the mass of the sample prior to test to the nearest 1 g. 5. 4roced're
..1 :lace the test sample and the charge in the *os ngeles

testing machine and rotate the machine at a speed of 3/ to 33

measured loss by more than about /.) C of the original sample mass.

nominal maximum si%e;

11.1.) 6rading designation from Table 1 used for the test;

10. Calc'lation

and 1/.1 Calculate the loss 11.1.3 *oss by abrasion and !difference between the impact of the sample expressed to the nearest 1 C by mass. original mass and the nal mass of the test sample" as a percentage 1&. 4recision and 6ias of 1).1 ;or nominal 1../3mm the original mass of the test !3(03in." maximum si%e coarse sample. 7eport this value as aggregate with percent losses in the the range of 1/ to 0' C, the percent loss !+ote A". multilaboratory coefficient of +,T# A-The percent loss determined variation has been found to be 0.' C. Therefore, results of two by this test method has no @nown consistent relationship to the percent properly conducted tests from two different laboratories loss for the same material when on samples of the same coarse tested by Test 1ethod C '3'. aggregates are not expected to 11. Report differ from each other by more 11.1 7eport the following informationD

19.0 mm (34 in.) 12.5 mm (12 in.) 9.5 mm (38 in.) 6.3 mm (14 in.) 4.75-mm (No. 4) Total

25.0 mm (1 in.) 19.0 mm (34 in.) 12.5 mm (12 in.) 9.5 mm (38 in.) 6.3 mm (14 in.) 4.75-mm (No. 4) 2.36-mm (No. 8)

1 250 4 25 1 250 4 25 1 250 4 10 1 250 4 10 ... ... ... 5 000 4 10

... ... 2 500 4 10 2 500 4 10 ... ... ... 5 000 4 10

... ... ... ... 2 500 4 10 2 500 4 10 ... 5 000 4 10

... ... ... ... ... ... 5 000 4 10 5 000 4 10

11.1.1 2dentication of the aggregate as to source, type, and

These numbers represent, respectively, the !1sC"

and !d)sC" limits as

described in :ractice C 4&/.

T!6%- 1 1radings of Test Samples

M Sieve Size (Square Openings ) Passing Retained on o f I n d i c a t e d a s D s

S i z e s , g Grading A

C 37.5 mm (112 in.) 25.0 mm (1 in.)

C 131 03
than 1).& C !.' C probability" of their average. The

13. 7e#8ords 13.1 abrasion; aggregate !coarse; small si%e"; degradation; impact; *os ngeles machine

operator coefficient of variation has been found to be )./ C. Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same coarse aggregate are not expected to differ from each other by more than '.& C !.' C

probability" of their average. ment on bias is being made.

1).) !ias-$ince there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias for this procedure, no state3

;9onmandator# $nformation< :1. M!$9T-9!9C- =0 S>-%0

F1.1 The shelf of the *os ngeles machine is sub=ect to

severe surface wear and impact. >ith use, the wor@ing surface of the shelf is peened by the balls and tends to develop a ridge of metal parallel to and about 3) mm !11(0 in." from the =unction of the shelf and the inner surface of the cylinder. 2f the shelf is made from a section of rolled angle, not only may this ridge develop but the shelf itself may be bent longitudinally or

transversely from its proper position.

F1.) The shelf should be inspected periodically to deter3

mine that it is not bent either lengthwise or from its normal radial position with respect to the cylinder. 2f either condition is found, the shelf should be repaired or replaced before further tests are made. The inGuence on the test result of the ridge developed by peening of the wor@ing face of the shelf is not @nown. Bowever, for uniform test conditions, it is recom3 mended that the ridge be ground off if its height exceeds ) mm !/.1 in.".

S+MM!R? =0 C>!91-S This section identies the location of changes to this test method that have been incorporated since the last issue !C 1313/1". !4" ..1 was revised. !1" 1.) was revised. !&" ..1.1 was revised. !)" $pecication 45 41 was added to $ection ). !A" 1).1 was revised. !3" 4.1 was revised, and +ote ) was added. !." +ote 4 was revised. !0" 7emaining notes were renumbered. !1/" ;ig. 1 was revised. !'" A.1 was revised.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk

of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,

United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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