Sample Rocketry Questions For Promotion Exams
Sample Rocketry Questions For Promotion Exams
Sample Rocketry Questions For Promotion Exams
1. The Rocket centre of gravity should be : A. Behind the centre of pressure B. In the same place as its centre of pressure C. Ahead of the centre of pressure
ulti!stage rocket"s last stage must be stable but it is not necessary for the entire rocket to be stable before launch. True or false#
3. The first letter or number and letter combination for model rocket engine classification indicates the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the engine
4. $sing a series of engine fired in se%uence &ith each engine and its fin unit dropping off as soon as that engine"s propellant is used up is called# 5. A propellant budget for a typical rocket system' &hat are the losses that affect the final velocity of the rocket# ention at least (. 6. )rite an e*pression for velocity gain of a rocket launched on the surface of the earth as a function of latitude of the site east&ard# 7. The science of sending data from a rocket back to earth is called !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8. +olid propellant is composed of a mi*ture of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9. The length of time during &hich a model rocket is airborne is called the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10. ,ame three recovery systems 11. The portion of a rocket engine no--le &ith the smallest cross!sectional area is called the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12. omentum depends upon the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the velocity of the moving body A. +urface B. ass
C. Te*ture 13. Because the top stage of a multi!stage rocket is travelling at e*tremely high speeds' this stage can burn for longer period of time by operating at !!!!!!!!!!! thrust than the previous stage A. .igher
B. /o&er C. +ame 14. 0or a specific amount of propellant' staging &ill allo& a payload to reach a lesser velocity than &ould be achieved for a single stage rocket. True or 0alse# 15. 1ou &ould &eigh less on top of mount 2verest 3highest mountain in the &orld4 than you &ould in death valley 3lo&est elevation in the &orld4. True or false# 16. The force acting on a satellite &hich keeps it in orbit is# A. Tra5ectory B. 6rbital C. 7ravity 17. A satellite in a high circular orbit has a higher orbital velocity than a lo& orbit. True or false# 18. T&o identical rockets are launched using different engines. At burnout' rocket A has greater momentum and &ill coast for a longer time than rocket A. True or false# 19. The !!!!!!!!!!!! pressure in a rocket"s combustion chamber pushes it through space. A. Balanced B. $nbalanced C. 0or&ard 20. The point at &hich the fin or &ing is attached to the body tube is called A. Root edge B. Trailing 2dge C. Tip 21. )hat is the ma*imum launch angle' measured from vertical' for a high po&er rocket# A. 89 degrees B. 8: degrees C. (9 degrees 22. A small hole is typically recommended near the top' but belo& the nosecone or payload section shoulder' of a high po&er rocket"s booster section. )hy# A. This hole allo&s e*cessive e5ection charge pressures to vent to reduce shock cord stress B. The hole is used to give air pressure readings for on board altimeters C. The hole vents internal air pressure as the rocket gains altitude to prevent internal air pressure from prematurely separating the model
;. The hole allo&s easy verification that a parachute is installed 23. The range safety officer says that your model is unsafe to fly. )ho has the authority to overturn this ruling: A. The /aunch Control 6fficer 3/C64 B. The individual &ho <checked!in< the model C. Three certified high po&er fliers &ho agree the model is safe ;. The safety monitor"s 3R+64 decision cannot be overturned by anybody 24. )hich of the follo&ing individuals has the final authority in permitting a high po&er rocket to fly# A. The launch control officer 3/C64 B. The range safety officer 3R+64 C. The check!in officer ;. The rocket o&ner 25. =arachute e5ection systems that sense barometric pressure can malfunction during supersonic flight because: A. Aerodynamic heating changes the values of electronic components B. The outside pressure distribution is not continuous around the model C. +tatic discharges &ill <-ap< sensitive electronic components ;. Both ans&ers <A< and <B< are correct 26. At &hat time is it allo&ed for onboard energetics and>or electronic controls to be activated and &hen shall they be inhibited# A4 The function of firing circuits and onboard energetics shall be inhibited until the high po&er rocket is in the launching position' than they can be activated &hen non!essential personal leave the pad area. B4 )hen the rocket is in the prep area. C4 Both <A< and <;< ;4 The function of firing circuits and onboard energetics shall be inhibited prior to removing the high po&er rocket from the launching position' and doing so only &hen non!essential personal are not in the pad area 27. )hich of the follo&ing can cause unstable flight# A. )eak tubes or couplers that permit airframe bending B. isaligned motor mount tube or motor no--le
C. Inade%uate airspeed leaving the launch to&er on a bree-y day ;. All of the above (?. As a rule of thumb' ho& far should the center of pressure be from the center of gravity# A. The center of pressure should be at the same location as the center of gravity B. The center of pressure should be at least 8.9 body tube diameters behind the center of gravity C. The center of pressure should be at least 8.9 body tube diameters ahead of the center of gravity ;. The center of pressure should be 8.9 body tube diameters ahead of the fin leading edge@ the center of gravity does not matter. 29. )hat does the <899< in the motor designation .899!: stand for# A. It is the peak thrust in pounds of the rocket motor B. It is the rocket motor burn time in seconds C. It is the average thrust in ,e&tons of the rocket motor ;. It is the manufacturer"s retail price code 30. )hat does the <:< in the motor designation .899!: stand for# A. It is the rocket motor burn time B. It is the peak thrust 3in kilograms4 of the rocket motor C. It is the average thrust of the rocket motor ;. It is the e5ection charge delay time
8A. B. /o&er 8B. 0alse 8:. True 8C. 7ravity 8D. 0alse 8?. 0alse 8E. B. $nbalanced (9. A. Root 2dge (8. C ((. C (A. ; (B. B (:. B (C. ; (D. ;