Transistor Staking Effect

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Accurate Stacking Effect Macro-modeling of Leakage Power in Sub-100nm Circuits

Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544 Microsystems Design Lab, The Penn State University, University Park, PA, 16802 Microelectronics Department, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.C, 100871 {shengqiy, wolf}, {vijay, yuanxie}, {wangwp}
Abstract An accurate and efcient stacking effect macro-model for leakage power in sub-100nm circuits is presented in this paper. Leakage power, including subthreshold leakage power and gate leakage power, is becoming more signicant compared to dynamic power when technology scaling down below 100nm. Consequently, fast and accurate leakage power estimation models, which are strongly dependent on precise modeling of the stacking effect on subthreshold leakage and gate leakage, are vital for evaluating optimizations. In this work, making use of the interactions between subthreshold leakage and gate leakage, we focus our attention on analyzing the effects of transistor stacking on gate leakage between the channel and the gate and that between the drain/source and the gate. The contribution of the latter has been largely ignored in prior work, while our work shows that it is an important factor. Based on the stacking effect analysis, we have proposed a new best input vector to reduce the total leakage power; and an efcient and accurate leakage power estimation macro-model which achieves a mean error of 3.1% when compared to HSPICE.

Shengqi Yang, Wayne Wolf, N. Vijaykrishnan, Yuan Xie and Wenping Wang

I. I NTRODUCTION Being consistent with Moores law, the feature size of VLSI circuit is decreasing at a rate of 0.7 per generation. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2003 [1], it will reach 65nm by 2007 and 45nm by 2010. Continuous decrease in feature size results in bigger and denser chips with more transistors per unit area and more logic modules. These changes in density and integration ability of VLSI circuit make power consumption to be a more important and critical issue [2], [3]. Before the deep-submicron era, most of the attention has focused on reducing dynamic power Pd , which is given by, 1 2 f (1) CL Vdd 2 where is the switching activity, CL is the capacitive load, Vdd is the power supply voltage, and f is the clock frequency. From Equation (1) we can see that reducing Vdd is a very efcient mechanism of reducing Pd due to its quadratic contribution. However, reducing the ratio of Vdd to threshold voltage, Vth , increases the delay, D, of a circuit, as given by, Pd = D CL Vdd (Vdd Vth ) (2)

off-state power consumption of the chip and (ii) an increase in the conventional off-state power (i.e. subthreshold leakage power). Due to its exponential dependence on oxide thickness, gate direct tunneling current has the potential to become the dominant factor in sub-100nm technologies. In order to reduce gate leakage, high- gate dielectric [8] and metal gate electrodes [9] have been proposed. However, high- gate dielectric and metal gate electrodes are not compatible with conventional CMOS process and early availability of manufacturing-worthy materials is expected to be delayed until 2008 according to ITRS 2003. Among the six leakage components of a transistor [10] (subthreshold leakage, gate leakage due to direct tunneling, reverse-biased pn junction band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) leakage, gate leakage due to hot carrier injection, gate induced drain leakage, and channel punchthrough leakage), reverse-biased junction BTBT leakage is also an important contributor to the total leakage. It is caused by high substrate doping density and the application of halo/pocket structure, and will be signicant under 25nm technology [11]. However, highly doped halo/pocket structure can be substituted by some more advanced techniques, for example, ultrathin-body SOI MOSFET, to overcome its shortcomings in sub-100nm technologies [12]. As a result, the reverse-biased junction BTBT leakage is not much severe compared with gate and subthreshold leakage. In our work, we focus on gate and subthreshold leakage. A. Related Work A great deal of previous work analyzed the subthreshold leakage power [7], [13], [14] and provided techniques to reduce it. Some of them are input vector control [15], multiple threshold voltage CMOS [16], [17] and supply voltage gating [18], [19]. Gate direct tunneling current was also studied in [5], and minimization techniques were proposed in [5], [6]. All the listed work falls into two categories. They either ignored subthreshold leakage power or gate leakage power, or they treated these two leakage components as they are equally important under all technologies. However, factoring the contributions of both components and also weighing in their relative importance to overall leakage are essential for devising appropriate leakage optimizations. Recently, comprehensive analysis of the total leakage including subthreshold leakage and gate leakage under 100nm was carried out by S. Mukhopadhyay [11], [20], [21] and D. Lee [22], [23]. The methodology of Mukhopadhyays work neglected the interactions between subthreshold leakage and gate leakage, which can result in inaccurate leakage estimation for complex circuit structures. While D.Lees work was based on two important assumptions. The rst is that reverse tunneling current between the drain/source and the gate can be ignored compared with the tunneling current between the channel and the gate; another is that gate leakage current of PMOS need not be considered when compared against that of NMOS. Our experiments will show that the rst assumption is not valid for sub100nm technologies because the ignored reverse tunneling current between the drain/source and the gate is not only comparable to that between the channel and the gate, but is also much greater than the subthreshold leakage current. For the second assumption, the gate leakage of PMOS should not be neglected any more, because

where is an experimental constant that varies from 1.4 to 2 for sub-100nm technologies. To overcome this problem, Vth is reduced as well. This reduction in the threshold voltage causes a 5 increase in subthreshold leakage current per generation. This trend indicates a signicant change in power perspective as technology scales down to the sub-100nm era, i.e., subthreshold leakage power becomes increasingly important as compared to dynamic power [4]. As technology scales, the gate oxide thickness needs to be scaled as well in order to keep the driving capacity of the gate on a considerable level. When the thickness reaches 3nm and below, not only is subthreshold leakage current important, but gate direct tunneling current becomes signicant [5], [6] as it increases exponentially with decreasing oxide thickness [7]. Furthermore, the tunneling current occurs in both transistor on and off states. This introduces two signicant consequences with respect to off-state power consumption: (i) an increase in the number of transistors contributing to the total

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE

Gate Source Drain








P-type Substrate i1 : Subthreshold Leakage i2 : Gate Leakage

Fig. 1.

Signicant leakage components for sub-100nm technologies.

this leakage is much larger than the subthreshold leakage and is comparable to the gate leakage of NMOS. Although the subthreshold leakage is smaller than the gate leakage of NMOS and PMOS, we cannot neglect it because the internal voltage is affected by it. In summary, all the ignored leakage components in these two assumptions should not be overlooked any more for sub-100nm technologies. Their existences have a strong effect on the stacking effect analysis, which is a critical factor in determining the best input state and circuit structure for integrated leakage reduction technique. After discarding these assumptions, we should refresh our memory of the total leakage power properties. This paper embarks on a comprehensively quantitative approach, trying to make the following contributions. B. Paper Contributions Considering the interactions between subthreshold leakage and gate leakage, we are the rst to comprehensively analyze the novel stacking effects on gate leakage current, including the often ignored reverse tunneling current from the drain/source to the gate, which has strong effects on the stacking analysis in sub-100nm nodes. Based on this analysis, a new best input vector is proposed to reduce the total leakage power, and a simple and accurate leakage power estimation macro-model is put forward, which can be integrated into a leakage power estimator in the future work. Further, novel stacking effect on logically equivalent circuit structures is discussed and optimal structure is selected for circuit synthesis. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II provides some preliminaries. Section III analyzes the novel stacking effects on gate leakage. Section IV concludes this work. II. P RELIMINARIES In this section, we will elaborate on some background material that is helpful for understanding the remainder of this paper and further facilitates the stack effect analysis. Specically, we discuss mechanisms and compact models for signicant leakage components, including subthreshold leakage and gate direct tunneling leakage as shown in Fig. 1. A. Subthreshold Leakage Current Subthreshold or weak inversion conduction current between source and drain in an MOS transistor occurs when gate voltage is below the threshold voltage. According to BSIM4 model, the equation governing this subthreshold leakage current can be expressed as following: Isub = I0 e
Vgs Vth nkT /q

B. Gate Leakage Current The high electric eld across oxide coupled with low oxide thickness results in tunneling of electrons from substrate to gate and also from gate to substrate through the gate oxide for NMOS (holes tunneling for PMOS), which is referred as the gate oxide tunneling current. To analytically describe this current, many compact models were put forward, among which is the BSIM4 gate tunneling model [7]. But the original BSIM4 gate leakage model is complex and a more simple model to capture the dependence between leakage current and gate oxide or gate voltage is desirable for fast estimations. Here, we simplify the BSIM4 model and explain the gate leakage current as below:
Vgs Igate = (A C ) (W L) e (5) 3/2 3 where A = q /8hb , B = 8 2mox b /3hq , C = (Vgs /tox )2 , tox is the thickness of gate oxide, is a parameter which is ranged from 1 to 0.1 (a typical value is 0.22867) and dependent on the voltage drop across the oxide. For the above terms, h is the Plancks constant, b is the barrier height for electrons/holes in the conduction/valence band (for electron it is 3.1eV , for hole it is 4.5eV ), mox is the effective mass of electron/hole. Based on these numbers, we get A = 4.9589 107 A/V 2 (for NMOS), B = 6.6795 1010 (Kg/F Sec2 )0.5 (for NMOS). Because Vgs and tox are scaled roughly by the same factor, and the leakage current is dominated by the exponential part, here we approximate parameter C as 0.7225 1018 V 2 /m2 . Using this simplied model, we can derive the dependence between gate leakage current and gate oxide thickness or gate voltage: B Igate B tox = (AC )(W L)( )e Vgs tox Vgs B Igate =( ) dtox Igate Vgs B Btox Igate tox = (AC )(W L)( )e Vgs 2 Vgs Vgs Btox Igate =( ) dVgs 2 Igate Vgs

B tox


(7) (8)

Igate B Btox =( ) dtox + ( ) dVgs 2 Igate Vgs Vgs

For the above equation, we only need to care about the second term in the following stacking effect analysis. III. ACCURATE S TACKING E FFECT M ODELING AND A NALYSIS This section embarks on a quantitative approach, instead of a qualitative approach as much previous work did, and gives a refreshed analysis of the gate leakage power, considering the novel stack effect when the often ignored gate leakage components are included. It rst analyzes the gate leakage current of single transistors under different bias conditions. Based on this fundamental analysis, novel stacking effect on gate leakage is elaborately addressed. A new best input vector is deduced to reduce the total leakage power and a simple and accurate leakage power estimation methodology is put forward, which can be integrated into a leakage power estimator in the future work. Stacking effect on logically equivalent circuit structures is discussed and optimal structure for leakage reduction is selected. A. Experimental Settings In the following experiments, we use IGCMOD and IGBMOD, which are control parameters in HSPICE, to turn on and turn off the gate leakage measurements. The operating temperature for NMOS and PMOS is set to be 80o C . The threshold voltage is extracted when the device is working in the saturation region. All the parameters are listed in Table I.

(1 e

ds kT /q


)2 e1.8 , W and L are the transistor where I0 = 0 Cox (W/L)( kT q channel width and length, 0 is the low eld mobility, Cox is the gate oxide capacitance, k is the Boltzmann constant, q is the electronic charge, Vgs and Vds are the gate to source and the drain to source voltages, n is the subthreshold swing factor. From the above equation, we can get the dependence between subthreshold leakage current and Vds : q Isub = (4) Vds Isub kT (eqVds /kT 1)

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE


Parameters Vdd(V) Tox(nm) Temperature(K) Vth(sat mV) HSPICE LEVEL IGCMOD(sub/gate) IGBMOD(sub/gate) 90nm 1.2 1.5 355 290/-305 54 0/1 0/1 65nm 0.9 1.0 355 170/-180 54 0/1 0/1 45nm 0.6 0.7 355 90/-100 54 0/1 0/1

D 0 G 0 0 S0 (000) 0 1 1 0 (100)

1 0 0 (001) 1 1 0 (101)

0 0

1 0

1 0 0 (001) 0 0 11 1 (010)

1 1 (010) (011) 1 0 1 1 (110) 1 (111)

1 (011) 0 1 0 (100)



Fig. 2. (a)All eight possible bias conditions for a NMOS transistor in a CMOS logic circuit.(b)signicant contribution states. S, D, and G represent source, drain and gate respectively.

B. Gate Leakage Current Analysis Before the analysis of stacking effects on gate leakage current, we rst need to get deep understanding and quantitative feel of the gate leakage current of a single transistor. Until now, state dependence of gate leakage has not been comprehensively studied in a quantitative approach for sub-100nm technologies. This results in either the neglect of some important leakage components, such as the reverse tunneling from the drain/source to the gate, or treating them in a same way. And this means the optimal results obtained previously are not actually optimal. Now lets use an NMOS transistor as an example. We assume that the supply voltage Vdd , the threshold voltage Vth , and oxide thickness tox are xed and depend on the technology used. Furthermore, we will consider the transistor at steady state, i.e., inbetween transitions only and not during transient switching. As we can see from Equation(7), the magnitude of the gate current is strongly dependent on the applied bias Vgs . In general, a transistor in a static CMOS logic gate operates in one of the 3 regions of operation, each with a signicantly different amount of gate leakage. Case 1 is strong inversion with Vgs = Vdd ; case 2 is off state with Vgs = 0; and case 3 is critical voltage Vgs = Vth . For case 3, a NMOS transistor operating at the threshold will leak signicantly less than that in strong inversion, typically 3 to 6 orders of magnitude less [7]. To simplify the analysis, we neglect this case. For case 1 and 2, we consider all eight possible bias conditions seen by a NMOS device at steady state, as shown in Fig. 2(a). For all the eight possible bias conditions (here, we call them states), we group them into four categories. The rst category includes states [000] and [111]. For these two states, there is no gate direct tunneling current, i.e., no gate leakage. States [100] and [011] belong to the second category. For state [100], electrons tunnel from the channel, source and drain directly into gate polysilicon. For state [011], the analysis is same as state [100] except that the current direction is reverse. The third category consists of states [001] and [010]. Since the CMOS transistor is a symmetric device, its source and drain can be interchanged without changing its operation, these two states are same. Under such state, there exists gate leakage current caused by electron direct tunneling from gate to source/drain. The fourth category contains states [101] and [110]. These two states belong to transient states. They cannot occur in steady state as the drain/source nodes will eventually reach logic 1 level resulting in

the [111] bias state. To sum up, there are four states, i.e., state [001], [010], [011] and [100], which are signicant contributors to gate leakage current compared with other four possible bias states. Based on this conclusion, we only consider these four states, as illustrated in Fig. 2(b), when we calculate the gate leakage current. Table II lists the gate tunneling current for NMOS and PMOS devices at four bias conditions with technology scaling. It shows that the gate leakage current for NMOS in state [001] is same as that in state [010]. And the gate leakage current for PMOS in state [110] is same as that in state [101]. This is because of the symmetrical property of MOSFET, i.e., the interchangeability of source and drain. Furthermore, the gate leakage current in state [011] for NMOS is roughly equal to the summation of the gate current in state [001] and [010]; for PMOS, the gate current in state [100] is roughly equal to the summation of current in state [110] and [101]. For NMOS, the current under state [100] is higher than that under state [011] because the channel is in strong inversion under state [100] and there are more electrons in the channel which can tunnel into the gate. While for PMOS the current under state [011] is less than that under state [100], this is caused by the fact that the holes can more easily tunnel from gate to channel, source and drain than from channel, source and drain to gate. Most importantly, we observed that the gate leakage current tunneling from the drain/source to the gate is comparable to and about half of that between the channel and the gate, as illustrated in Table II. This fact is more obvious for 65nm and 45nm technologies and strongly suggests stacking effect should be refreshed. This detailed analysis will help us analyze the stacking effects on gate leakage as shown in the following section. Here, we use Ing1 , Ing2 , Ipg1 and Ipg2 to represent the gate leakage current for NMOS at state [001] and [100], and for PMOS at state [110] and [011], respectively. C. Stacking Effect The effect of transistor stacking on circuit topology [14], [24], [25] was rst proposed and analyzed for subthreshold leakage current. In serially connected transistors, Vgs is more negative when a transistor is closer to the top of the stack. In addition, the threshold voltages for top transistors are increased because of the reverse-biased body to source voltage. As a result, a stack of OFF transistors leaks less than a single device in the stack. However, this stacking effect on total leakage current is not exactly true when the device dimension scales down to sub-100nm and gate leakage current is becoming dominant. In sub-100nm era, detailed analysis of the novel stacking effect on gate current is necessary for assignments of optimal input vector and circuit structure to reduce the total leakage power. C.1 Analysis of Stacking Effect Here, we use a 3-input NAND gate and a 3-input NOR gate as typical examples to analyze this novel stacking effect, and develop a simple methodology to determine the total leakage power based on the knowledge of a single transistor, considering the internal voltage affected by the subthreshold leakage current. For a 3-input NAND gate as shown in Fig. 3, it has 8 possible input vectors or patterns. For input vector [000], the subthreshold leakage current is determined by the 3 serial NMOS transistors, and it is equal to 1/15Insub according to [13] (here, we use Insub to represent the subthreshold leakage of an NMOS biased at off state); the gate leakage current is contributed by three PMOS transistors which are working under [011] state, and one NMOS transistor under [010] state. For input vector [001], the subthreshold leakage current is determined by 2 serial NMOS transistors m1 and m2, and it is equal to 1/8.4Insub according to [13]; the gate leakage current has four sources, i.e., m4 and m5 under [011] state, m1 under [010] state and m3 under [100] state. The subthreshold leakage current will increase the voltage at the internal nodes 1 and 2. The voltages at node 1 and 2 will trigger gate leakage at m2 transistor. In our experiment,

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE







Device NMOS


90nm(nA) 74.498 74.498 148.99 171.17 7.739 7.739 15.478 12.594 65nm(nA) 578.0 578.0 1155.4 1659.5 212.2 212.2 424.5 347.2 45nm(nA) 1585.7 1585.7 3171.3 4032.0 1240.5 1240.5 2480.7 1991.5


Bias(GDS) and Control Conditions 001 010 011 100 IGCMOD=IGBMOD=1 110 101 100 011 IGCMOD=IGBMOD=1

the gate leakage happening at m2 can be compensated by the gate leakage of m3 under full voltage [100]. For input vector [010], the subthreshold leakage current is determined by m1 and m3, and it is same as that under input vector [001]. For gate leakage, m2 is biased under on-state, the voltages at node 1 and node 2 are similar and about half of Vdd . As a result of the exponential dependence between gate leakage and gate to source/drain voltage, we neglect the gate leakage current happening in m2 and m3 and only count that in m1 under state [010] plus gate leakage current from m4 and m6. For input vector [011], m1, m2 and m3 are under states of [010], [100] and [100] respectively after neglecting the trivial voltage change of internal nodes due to subthreshold leakage current, the calculations of subthreshold leakage and gate leakage are simple and direct. For input vector [100], the subthreshold leakage is same as that under input vector [001]. For this case, the voltage at node 2 is about 2/3Vdd , the gate leakage of m2 is calculated to be 1/3Ing1 according to Equation (7). For input vector [101], the subthreshold leakage is determined by m2 transistor and it is Insub ; because the bias condition of m2 is similar as that under input vector [100], the gate leakage current is calculated as (1/3Ing1 + Ing2 ) for NMOS transistors. For input vector [110], the subthreshold leakage and gate leakage can be directly achieved. For input vector [111], all the NMOS transistors are under on-state, the subthreshold leakage current is determined by the 3 parallel connected PMOS transistors; while the gate leakage current is contributed by all the three serial connected NMOS transistors under [100] state. For 3-input NOR gate as shown in Fig. 3(b), the analysis process is same as 3-input NAND gate. We list all the results for NAND and NOR gates in the following descriptions. In order to calculate the leakage power, we multiply these current expressions by the supply voltage which is specied in Table I for different technology nodes. NAND: total leakage current; [000] 1/15Insub + Ing1 + 3Ipg2 ; [001] 1/8.4Insub + Ing1 + Ing2 + 2Ipg2 ; [010] 1/8.4Insub + Ing1 + 2Ipg2 ; [011] Insub + Ing1 + 2Ing2 + Ipg2 ; [100] 1/8.4Insub + 1/3Ing1 + 2Ipg2 ; [101] Insub + 1/3Ing1 + Ing2 + Ipg2 ; [110] Insub + 1/3Ing1 + Ipg2 ; [111] Ipsub + 3Ing2 . NOR: total leakage current; [000] 3Insub + 3Ing1 + 3Ipg2 ; [001] Ipsub + Ing2 + Ipg1 ; [010] Ipsub + Ing2 + Ipg1 + Ipg2 ; [011] 1/8.4Ipsub + 2Ing2 + 3Ipg2 ; [100] Ipsub + Ing2 + Ipg1 + 2Ipg2 ; [101] 1/8.4Ipsub + 2Ing2 + 3Ipg1 ; [110] 1/8.4Ipsub + 2Ing2 + 3Ipg1 + Ipg2 ; [111] 1/15Ipsub + 3Ing2 + 3Ipg1 . The above simple methodology is not only very efcient to calculate the total leakage power of CMOS gates, but also very accurate compared with the HSPICE simulation results. Table III and

Vdd m4 Vin1 m5 Vin2 m1 Vin1 m2 Vin2 m3 Vin3 Vin1 GND 1 m1 2 Vin1 m6 Vin3 Vin3 3 Vin2 m4 m5 m6


3 m2 Vin2 m3 Vin3 GND



Fig. 3. (a)3-input NAND gate; (b)3-input NOR gate. Vdd is the supply voltage; mi represents different transistor; Vin1, Vin2 and Vin3 are gate inputs, 1, 2 and 3 are voltage nodes. TABLE V VALIDATION OF OUR SIMPLE METHODOLOGY VS . HSPICE SIMULATION RESULTS FOR THREE TECHNOLOGY NODES . I N THE TABLE , M.E RROR REPRESENTS MEAN ERROR , S T.D EV. MEANS STANDARD DEVIATION AND W.S TATE MEANS WORST PREDICTION STATE .
90nm(%) 3.33 11.3 [110] 3.94 3.21 [011] 65nm(%) -4.18 6.43 [100] 7.16 6.45 [011] 45nm(%) -2.02 11.7 [011] 10.3 13.1 [011]


M.Error St.Dev. W.State M.Error St.Dev. W.State


Table IV list the gate leakage power, subthreshold leakage power and the total leakage power for 3-input NAND and 3-input NOR gates under 90nm, 65nm and 45nm technology nodes, and these results were obtained from our model. Table V shows mean error, standard deviation and worst prediction states of our simple methodology compared with the HSPICE simulation results. As shown in Table V, the model underestimates the total leakage power for 3NAND gate with 65nm and 45nm gate length; while it overestimates the leakage power for 3NOR gate. This is because the model does not provide very good estimation when the determination of voltage at the internal nodes is complicated by the subthreshold current, for example, the [110] state for 3NAND and the [011] state for 3NOR. In those cases, we can modulate the model by multiplying a coefcient to adjust the calculated leakage power to almost same as the simulated results. Under other input cases, the prediction based on our model is very accurate. The mean error for three future technologies is about 3.1%. As our model and experimental results show, the stacking effect on total leakage power, specically on gate leakage power is quite different from that on subthreshold leakage power. Two new phenomenon are observed based on the above detailed analysis, as shown in the following sections. C.2 New Input Pattern Dependence For CMOS gates, many researches have made evident the inuence of input pattern on circuit subthreshold leakage behavior, which is a consequence of the stacking effect [14], [24], [25]. The goal can be expressed as nding the input pattern that maximizes the number

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE





90 NM , 65 NM


45 NM
leakage current states 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Best State


45nm(nWatt) Sub 36.17 54.73 55.94 117.54 56.43 122.82 130.80 348.60 000

Gate 134.88 324.86 127.18 511.57 56.83 244.87 36.31 642.02 110

90nm(nWatt) Sub 0.97 1.78 1.78 14.69 1.72 10.36 9.86 29.51 000

Total 135.84 326.64 128.95 526.26 58.55 255.23 46.18 671.53 110

Gate 1458.36 2617.20 1260.09 3555.90 885.17 2032.56 534.83 4867.47 110

65nm(nWatt) Sub 12.31 19.70 19.78 51.92 19.60 49.96 49.90 115.08 000

Total 1470.69 2636.91 1279.89 3607.83 904.77 2082.51 584.73 4982.58 110

Gate 4544.17 5607.95 3654.22 5665.80 2935.23 3955.68 1633.32 8370.60 110

Total 4580.34 5662.68 3710.16 5783.34 2991.66 4078.50 1764.12 8719.20 110

leakage current states 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Best State 90nm(nWatt) Sub 44.26 5.00 5.47 0.40 9.80 0.42 0.42 0.20 111 65nm(nWatt) Sub 161.06 35.18 35.60 11.48 37.47 11.56 11.54 6.85 111 45nm(nWatt) Sub 414.06 104.10 99.96 36.85 99.72 36.97 36.33 22.08 111


90 NM , 65 NM AND

Gate 313.54 208.36 223.92 414.83 244.86 421.66 435.22 625.52 001

Total 357.78 213.36 229.39 415.24 254.66 422.08 435.64 625.72 001

Gate 2488.36 1597.51 1919.75 3108.20 2291.19 3224.93 3489.28 4672.43 001

Total 2649.42 1632.69 1955.34 3119.67 2328.66 3236.49 3500.82 4679.28 001

Gate 6099.54 2755.98 3941.64 5262.05 5093.76 5832.23 6725.07 8011.92 001

Total 6513.60 2860.10 4041.60 5298.90 5193.50 5869.20 6761.40 8034.00 001

of disabled transistors in all stacks across the unit. Once this vector is found, the input vector can be switched to this minimum leakage input when the units are idle for a period of time. Some previous efforts were done just for the purpose of reducing the subthreshold leakage power when the gate leakage is not signicant. With the feature size scaling down to sub-100nm dimension, the gate leakage is exponentially increasing along with the oxide thickness decreasing and becomes the dominant factor of the total leakage power, as illustrated in the above section. Recently, a few papers [22], [23] calculated the dependence between input pattern and gate leakage, but neglecting some important leakage components, which results in these input vectors not being the least leakage state for sub-100nm technologies. New best input vectors should be found to reduce the gate leakage power including the ignored reverse tunneling current from drain/source to gate. From Table III and Table IV we can see, novel stacking effect on sub-100nm dimension devices reveals a new input dependence for leakage power, i.e., there is a big change in the best input vector control when the gate leakage power is the dominant component in the total leakage. For 3NAND gate under all three technology nodes, the best input vector to minimize the gate leakage power is state [110], and [000] for minimization of the subthreshold leakage power. The nal optimal input vector for minimizing the total leakage power is [110] state. However for prior-100nm technology nodes where subthreshold leakage power is the dominant factor, the nal optimal state is [000]. And we observed the similar effect of gate leakage power on the optimal input vector for 3NOR gate. Using the above simple methodology, we list all the optimal input vectors and the minimum leakage power for some typical CMOS gates in Table VI. All the results are validated by HSPICE simulations. Most importantly, we compared our results with that obtained by D.Lee in Table VI. In the work of D.Lee, they did consider the gate leakage power, but ignoring the very important leakage component for sub-100nm nodes, i.e., the reverse tunneling current from drain/source to gate. Our model and experiments show that including it will result different best input vector. C.3 Optimal Gate Structure The structure of CMOS gates denitely has strong effects on the total leakage power consumption [6]. But when the gate leakage power dominates the total leakage power for a CMOS circuit, novel stacking

Vdd c m7 b m6 a m5 c m7 4 d 3 m8 b m6 a m5

Vdd a 4 d 3 m8 m5 d b m6 m8 4 1 2 a m1 b m2 c m3 b c GND a m1 2 d m2 3 m3 m4 c

Vdd d m7 a m5 b m6 1 a m1 2 b c GND m2 3 m3 d m8 4


c m7

m4 2 1



m3 d

m4 1

m4 GND


(a) Gate1

(b) Gate1 equivalence

(c) Gate2

(d) Gate2 equivalence

Fig. 4. Two logically equivalent circuits with different pull-down structure(a)Gate1 (b)Gate1 equivalence; And two logically equivalent circuits with different pull-up structures (c)Gate2 (d)Gate2 equivalence

effect makes this structure dependence more complex. Guindi and Najm [6] studied this structure dependence in a qualitative approach, which neglects the interactions between subthreshold leakage and gate leakage and cannot tell the detailed information for best input vector. Fig. 4 shows two logically equivalent circuits with different pull-down structures and two logically equivalent circuits with different pull-up structures. The difference between gate1 Fig. 4(a) and gate1 equivalence Fig. 4(b) is the location of m4 transistor; while the location of m8 transistor distinguishes the gate2 Fig. 4(c) from gate2 equivalence Fig. 4(d). Based on our macromodeling methodology, Fig. 5 shows the minimal, maximal and average total leakage power for gate1, gate1 equivalence, gate2 and gate2 equivalence. All the results calculated from our model and validated by HSPICE under three technology nodes reveal that the average leakage power of equivalent gates is less than that of the original gates. For gate1 equivalence, its minimal leakage power is less than that of gate1, while its maximal leakage power is same as gate1, and nally from the view of average leakage power, it is superior than gate1. For gate2 equivalence, its minimal leakage power is same as gate2, its maximal leakage power is more than that of gate2, however its average leakage power is less than that of gate2. For gate1, the subthreshold leakage current is determined by three parallel connected transistors m1, m2 and m3; while it is determined by m4 for gate1 equivalence. This fact illustrates that there are more

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE

Typical gates 3NAND 3NOR 3AND 3OR Inverter Best state Sub leakage [000] [111] [000] [111] [1] Min. Leakage(nWatt) 65nm (our work) vs (D.Lee) 584.73/1470.69 1632.69/4679.28 2307.60/6210.37 2518.82/6512.95 886.13/1722.87

Gate leakage (our work) vs (D.Lee) [110]/[000] [001]/[111] [110]/[000] [001]/[111] [0]/[1]

Total leakage (our work) vs (D.Lee) [110]/[000] [001]/[111] [110]/[000] [001]/[111] [0]/[1]

90nm 46.18/135.84 213.36/625.72 270.70/684.31 332.62/751.68 119.26/224.52

45nm 1764.12/4580.34 2860.10/8034.01 5043.90/9612.92 5144.42/9813.63 2284.32/3279.78

Min 800



6000 5000

10000 8000 6000

4000 3000 4000 2000




2000 0 Gate1 Gate1_eq Gate2 Gate2_eq












Fig. 5. Minimal, maximal and average total leakage power for gate1, gate2, gate1 equivalence and gate2 equivalence under three technology nodes.

subthreshold leakage paths for gate1, which mean more subthreshold leakage. For gate leakage current, gate1 has three sources which are permanently connected to ground, this denitely means more possibility of electron tunneling from gate to source than gate1 equivalence which only has one source permanently connected to ground. As a joint effect of subthreshold leakage and gate leakage, gate1 is more leaky than its equivalence. Whats more, when biased in their best input states, the total leakage power of gate1 equivalence is about one half of gate1s leakage power. In summary, gate1 equivalence is superior than gate1 not only from the view of average total leakage power but also from the view of best input state leakage power. The above analysis is also applicable to gate2 and gate2 equivalence except that the leakage power under best input state of these two gates is same. IV. C ONCLUSIONS This paper embarks on a comprehensive quantitative approach to leakage power analysis. For the rst time, we comprehensively analyze the novel stacking effects on gate leakage current, including the long-time ignored reverse tunneling current from drain/source to gate, which has strong effects on the stacking analysis in sub100nm nodes. Based on the novel stacking effect analysis, a new best input vector, which is totally different from previous works, is deduced to reduce the total leakage power; an efcient and accurate leakage power estimation macromodeling methodology is put forward, which is tested to generate mean error as small as 3.1% compared with HPSICE results and can be integrated into a leakage power estimator in the future work; novel stacking effect on logically equivalent circuit structures is discussed and optimal structure for leakage reduction is selected for circuit synthesis. We believe that this detailed analysis will facilitate leakage reduction techniques R EFERENCES
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Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design (VLSID05) 1063-9667/05 $20.00 2005 IEEE

Leakage Power (nWatt)

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