Dgca Gas Turbine Ct-Feb2009: Subuz

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1. Speed droop is:As load is progressively added to the engine the speed will progressively decrease. 2. Hottest section in the turbine engine is at:Turbine casing Co pressor casing Co bustion cha ber casing Tailpipe casing !. "hen C#$ sensor %ails during the cruise condition or the high power condition then the engine will &'la e #ecelerate to idle condition Surge Accelerate to a( power condition ). *n a twin spool turbo%an engine+ with the electronic T,T li iter -A pli%ier.+ all engine para eters are %luctuating at the a( rp + this is doe to the al%unction o% the:T,T /1 sensor syste A pli%ier Any one o% the above 0. Co pressor blades are not rigidly %itted on to the hub. There is a slight $rovide source o% replace ent %or the blade $rovide space %or the e(pansion o% the blade due to the heat 1educe vibrational stresses on to the blade All o% the above 2. *n the oil %ilter ele ent+ Cad iu Titaniu ove ent. This is done to:-

etal particles are %or ed that give blue color upon burning:3ron4e 5agnesiu

6. *n co ercial turbo%an+ power anage ent control-$5C. provides an electronic override o% the 57C to correct the %an speed which is a %unction o% :a. $ower lever angle 'an inlet pressure b. 'an inlet te perature All o% the above 8. A odern 9et engine uses an accelero eter. to pic: up engine vibration the indicator Charge a pli%ier Current li iter ;oltage li iter ;oltage to current converter <. A %ree turbo sha%t is running at an higher 1p cause:ust have :-

= there is a loss o% the oil pressure. The $robable

1elie% valve stuc: in the closed position 1elie% valve stuc: in the open position

'ilter clogged *il spray 9et clogged SUBUZ

1>. The electronic %uel %low trans itter is used to output is:-

easure the %uel %low principally. The trans itter

Current is proportional to the %uel %low 're?uency is proportional to the %uel %low ;oltage is proportional to the %uel %low Capacitance is proportional to the %uel %low

11. /o44le guide vanes are o% porosity:Transpiration cooling 'ilter cooling

ade out o% the sintered high te perature alloy walls with a certain degree direct cooling direct cooling because:-

12. Co pressor noise is a less o% a proble than the noise %ro the 9et e(haust strea Co p noise is o% high %re?uency Co p noise can be easily alternated Co p noise is directional Al o% the above

1!. A turbo%an engine with a hydro echanical 'C@ shows constantly poor rp + pic:up = The proble is with:C#$ sensor CAT sensor 1$5 sensor ,overnor proble 1). "hen an oil %ilter particle dissolves %ully in the a?ues solution o% A The particle is:Tin Cad iu Alu iniu Silver 10. Air starter over-speeds due to the internal circuit Air supply to the starter reduced auto atically #rive sha%t brea:s 7ngine will run up to the idle rp nor ally oniu nitrate.

a( power.

al%unction. This will cause :-

12. 5atch the 'ollowing :3ac: pressure valve ------------------------------'uel spray no44le B$ speed governor--------------------------------B$ speed solenoid #ashpot throttle----------------------------------------Annular space $ressure relie% valve----------------------------------------'uel pu p 16. 5TCS 3all bearing is used in the %ront o% the engine. #eep grove ball bearings used %or both the a(ial = the radial loads. Boad carrying capacity o% the roller bearing is ore due to its contact area.

All o% the above. 18. #uring Cruise the CS@ %ails then :$ropeller will turn to coarse pitch $ropeller will turn to %ine pitch SUBUZ 1$5 will decrease 1$5 will increase

1<. Co pressor air lea:age in the turbo%an engine is noted by the :1ise in 1$5 1ise in the 7,T 1ise in the %uel%low All o% the above 2>. An the %ollowing diagra 'C*C 5C# Adenti%y A = 3

A is oilinlet A is %uel inlet

5 is oil inlet 5 is %uel inlet

A is at scavenge line 3 is at pressure line A is at pressure line 3 is at scavenge line

21. An the %igure+ A#7/TA'C as per the AS* speci%ication &-

1estrictor Chec: valve

1elie% valve /one o% the above

22. An the above %igure. &$ressure at $D is greater than $2 #yna ic pressure at $2 is higher than $1

Total pressure is sa e at all points Al o% the above are correct

2!. An the %ollowing %igure :Air is not a per%ect gas Boss due to the shape o% the co bustion cha ber

Boss due to the process o% co bustion All o% the above

2). An the %ollowing graph o% a typical turbosha%t helicopter :AS*-speed graph AS*-load graph

20. 1e%er the %ig =

ar: the %ollowing :-

Tertiary creep is independent o% the gas te perature. 1ate o% the pri ary creep is always less than that o% the secondary creep. The iddle portion o% the blade is e(posed to high te p than the root and the tip o% the blade. All o% the above SUBUZ 22. A/ a %ilter clogging indicator+ the indicator will indicate clogging when :B will ove to le%t = 1 will ove to the right. B will ove to the right = 1 will ove to the right. B will ove to the right = 1 will ove to the le%t. Any o% the above. 26. An the %ilter syste i% both the pressures are clogged then the $ressure at A will be :1>psi 2>psi 2>psi !>psi 28. The %ig. is o% A$@ %itted in the C A=3 # /one odern 3oeing aircra%t. The %igure is :-

2<. Adenti%y the angle o% incidence %ro

the given %igure :-

!>. 3BA#7 A/,B7 -$itch Angle. in the %igure :#e%ined as the angle between the %aceEchord o% a particular blade section and the $lane o% the rotation !1. Can annular co bustion cha ber:Bow pressure loss than the can type *n wing aintenance possible 3etter structural stability and high altitude operation Al o% the above !2. "hen CAT input is lost during the hot = dry condition to the hydro echanical 'C@ then :#e%ective 'C@ Surge High S'C All o% the above !2a. "hat i% the wor:load is ot evenly distributed on the turbine blades :The pressure = the ;elocity o% he e(iting gases will not be uni%or . !!. A% an engine has been started using all co ponents nor ally = Hung start occurs At Closure o% surge bleed valve Bac: o% lubrication in bearing *pening o% surge bleed valve !). A% the Constant Speed unit-CS@. %ails then the pilot will :At cli b the rp is aintained at cli b rp At cruise+ coarse pitch is constant !0. $ropeller blade trac:ing is the process o% deter ining :$lane o% the rotation o% the propeller wrt the aircra%t longitudinal a(is. $osition o% the tips o% the propeller blades wrt each other 3lade angle within the speci%ied tolerance o% each other All are correct ay be due to :-

!2. Tre bler coil is used&An series with the pri ary coil o% the trans%or er An series with the secondary o% the trans%or er

parallel with the capacitor

!6. 'BAT 1ATA/, eans:SUBUZ 'ull throttle 9ust be%ore the %ull throttle position $rovide the rated thrust within a te p range 'ull throttle by putting throttle in %ull %orward position !8. An the otor less %uel %low eter :;olu e easured 'low eter trans itter converted into 2 electrical signals corresponding to the !<. Stator vane shrouds o% the a(ial %low co pressor:$rovide support %or longer stator vanes provided in the %orward stage $rovide absolutely necessary sealing between the rotating = the stationary parts. 3oth )>. #uring T1A55A/,+ e(cessive wind in the tailpipe direction will cause :'alse high 7$1 as in A = cause low tri 'alse low epr as in C = cause high tri )1. Tre bler coil connected to the pri ary coil in :Series $arallel An parallel with capacitor )2. An 77C+ B;#T eans Binear ;ariable #i%%erential Transducer )!. An turbine engine within the 9et pipe :$atch repair carried out $atch repair not carried out )). An a(ial %low co pressor Stator vanes:Ancrease pressure whereas rotor vanes increase velocity )0. Anti Surge devices :#i%%uesr guidevanes+ Anletguide vanes+surge guide vanes Accelerator+A,;+S,; )2. Tor?ue echanis $lanetary gear is sensed by :Helical gear 3evel gear

ass %low rate

)6. Throttle ove ent is always carried out slowly to avoid :Ther al crac: Creep 7longation )8. An turboprop during starting:Throttle lever at A#B7 = $ropeller control lever at any position. )<. An H5@+ 3ypass valve is given %or:5aintain constant pressure across the valve regardless o% the opening position 1egardless o% rp + aintain constant pressure across the ori%ice 0>. An oil pu p:-

Shear nec: is incorporated Shear nec: is not incorporated +At is in %uel pu p 01. ,overnor creep is associated with:3eyond higher rp due to desired density at higher altitude 3eyond higher rp due to desired te p. 02. The purpose o% the $=# valve :Act as a %low divider = du p e(cess %uel a%ter engine shutdown+ 0!. An e(haust cone the e(haust velocity :#ecreases = pressure increases 1e ains una%%ected Ancreases = pressure decreases SUBUZ

0). "hen oisture is absorbed what is the indication:$in: 3lue Cellow 00. $ropeller synchroni4ation:Synchroni4ation o% a single unit Synchroni4ation o% the propeller unit as a whole

1ed vibration

@sed in ulti engine to reduce All o% the above

02. At higher altitudes when the pressure drops = the te p increases+thenet result is :Ancrease in Altitude #ecrease in Altitude 06. An a twin spool co pressor the no o% stages is always less than that o% co pressor because :#i%%usion rate is slow As in A = co pressor blade angle is larger 08. Co bustion in a turbine engine occurs at a constant:;olu e $ressure 0<. Transpiration cooling:Turbine blades = vanes are ade out o% porous aterial.

2>. An can type co bustion cha ber+ reverse %low o% air helps in:Co plete co bustion 'la e anchoring 1eheating o% the co bustion gases All o% the above 21. 'unction o% the Anlet duct:Convert F7 o% the inlet gases into ra pressure

22. $urpose o% the breather unit:$rovides continuous supply o% the oil to the bearing 2!. Advantages o% the shrouded turbine blades :A proves e%%iciency reduce lea:age at the tip 1educe vibration All o% the above 2). /o44les are reduced :C#$ reduced Ancrease stall argin C#$ increased /one o% the above

20. Aircra%t thrust a%%ected by :Altitude Te perature #i%%user

Airspeed All = Get velocity SUBUZ

22. An a(ial %low co pressors+ the Stator vanes act as :Co pressor 26. An gas turbine engines+ the thrust is indicated by :7ngine pressure ratio-7$1.

28. Hot spots on tail cone are an indication o% :'aulty co bustion cha ber Clogged %uel no44le 3oth o% the /one o% the 2<. 3lades in the co pressor loosely %itted %or :1educe vibrational stress 1educe ther al stress 'or ease o% re oval All o% the above 6>. 5TCS 5ass air%low o% 1).6psi at the end o% the co pressor

eans a co pression ratio o% 1>:1

61. An turbo%an engine. The thrust-20>lbs = shp-0>>7SH$HI

62. . $assage %or ed by the /,; :Straight Convergent #ivergent 6!. Bow pressure turbine da age = de%or ation :High 7,T = %uel %low As in a = low 1$5 in the B$T As in a = low 1$5 6). A% the C#$ %ails in cruise condition :Surge Ancrease 7,T Stall 'la e out 60. 3alancing o% the co pressor blade is done :Andivisual blade is balanced 3alanced as single unit 3oth o% the /one o% the above 62. Cascade vanes are provided in the co pressor Ancrease velocity Ancrease pressure 1educe pressure loss ani%old to :-

66. "hat is the ulti ate li iting %actor o% a gas turbine engine :Co pressor e(it pressure Co bustion te perature Turbine inlet te perature 68. /oise suppression can be achieved by &-

5i(ing ore o% the e(haust gases with at osphere 1educing 9et velocity 3oth a = b 6<. 5TCS. SUBUZ A% the co pression discharge pressure is 1).6 psi then C1 is 1>:1 Cr increase S'C i proves Bp rotor speed increases when altitude increases as load decreases on the rotor All o% the above 8>. "hen the co pressor bleed valve is 9a ed open then the engine operates at :Higher than the nor al 1$5 Bower than the nor al 1$5 #oesnot a%%ect the engine 1$5 /one o% the above 81. "hen the engine is shutdown without any stabili4ation :Crac:ed turbine blades results Turbine blades = vanes sei4ed Crac:ed co bustion cha ber none o% the above 82. 'ire e(tinguisher agent is discharged into the engine:Hot water cleaning is ore e%%ective 7ngine run at Adle 1$5 7ngine re?uires nor al shopleaning All o% the above 8!. ,overnor droop eans :7ngine speed decreases as ra air speed increases 8). An twin sha%t engine+ at the %ront :a. 3all bearing 1oller bearing 80. when a 9et engine catches %ire :5ove %uel shuto%% valve to *'' position = continue cran:ing the engine 82. H$ co pressor speed is ore than the B$ co pressor speed :Shorter length o% blade Bess weight 1educe li iting proble o% the ach airspeed All o% the above 86. An a HC#1*5ATAC propeller :High blade angle As in a = reverse %eathering As in b = %eathering %eature As in c = aneuverability 88. An engine oil T*1J@7 #ecreases Ancreases 8<. H*T start :Si ilar to H@/, start /1 <>. *utput o% the 'A#7C are :/2 7,T eter i% oil te p. increases then tor?ue:1e ains sa e 7,T = TAT increses beyond the speci%ied li it All = TTT As in a = locator bearing

<1. A(ial %low co presors+ the no+ o% co pressor stages rae ore than the turbine because : 1ate o% di%%usion is s all As in a = co pr3lade angle is larger

1ate o% di%%usion is


As in c = co pr blade angle is s aller. 'irstly increases then decreases

<2. Subsonic inlets have :#ecreasing dia eter %ro %ront to rear Ancreasing dia eter %ro %ront to rear

<!. An a can annular co bustion cha ber :SUBUZ Bess pressure loss = greater structural stability Cans are literally indivisual co bustion cha bers with concentric rings 3oth a = b <). "hen a gas turbine engine is shutdown in-%light +it auto-relights itsel% by :SEw position in tailpipe Ancrease in 7,T C#$ losses <0. Throttle is %ree %ro bendingEs ooth operation due to :7rratic reading Ther al stress ;ibration <2. 5TCS Co pr noise is co paratively less o% a proble 7(haust gas velocity o% a turbo%an is slower Bow %re?uency sounds travel longer distance than the noise %ro a 9et-e(haust

<6. An case o% a twin spool a(ial co pressor :/1 speed increases i% load decreases <8. An a T@13*'A/ engine :TS'C = speci%ic weight %all between a turbo9et = turboprop Ancresed aircra%t econo y = range as co pared to a Turbo9et <<. An a C*/;71,7/T no44le:,as velocity cannot e(ceed the speed o% the sound because as the velocity increasesthen the ability o% gas pressure to ove the olecule %ro behind beco es less. 1>>. 5ethods o% retention o% turbine blades :3ulbroot ethod 'irtree ethod ,rubscrew ethod

Toe = doubletoe

Anchor pin


1>>. 5ethods o% attaching blades to turbine dis: :'ir tree root with Boc:ing plate 3ulb root with Boc:ing screw

'ir tree root with shan:seals

Hollow blade with 1etaining pins

------------------------------------S@3@K C*B7L----------------------2>><-->2-

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