Impact of Western Education On Ifugao
Impact of Western Education On Ifugao
Impact of Western Education On Ifugao
by Tom Steffen
Another major theme is that of the attendees and given out to the sale. The numerous civil cases dealing
reciprocity (man-indawdawat). From neighbors. The provider of this meat with land disputes argues the impor-
early childhood community members will not go unrewarded. On another tance of this important commodity.
teach the young the importance of occasion his family will receive meat Rice (pagey) is the Ifugao’s basic
sharing. No matter what the child has from someone else’s sacrifice. food staple. Without rice as a meal,
he is to share it with those around Reciprocity also carries over in the Ifugao will not feel full. Much of
him for no one wants to be called the spirit world where the ancestors an Ifugao’s life is spent in the rice ter-
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