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Indian June 26, 2009

Log on to Volume 1, No. 8
New Zealand’s first Indian weekend magazine
For free distribution

Anand and Sarita | 2 Mile Sur Mera Tumhara | 25 Papa Kehte

On the cusp of Bharat Ratna for India’s Hain... | 21
global success greatest vocalist Meet SRK
and kids

At a glance
Remembering a Maharaja
June 20 marked the 139th anni-
versary of the passing of the Sikh
empire’s first emperor Ranjit Singh.
Hundreds of Sikhs travelled to Paki-
stan last week to pay tributes at his
resting place in Lahore. An admirer
profiles the great king. Page 10

Sexy Indian English

Someday the whole world will
speak the way we Indians do, says
Professor David Crystal, one of the
foremost experts of the English
language. Meanwhile India’s contri-
bution to the Queen’s language has
crossed 1000 words. Page 17

Laugh for good health

Laughter, as the old adage goes, is
most certainly the best medicine.
Indian Weekender’s medical cor-
respondent explains how laughter
works, some little known facts about
laughing and why it’s important to
laugh.Page 15

May gold bless you

Indian Weekender financial col-
umnist explains the intricacies of
trading in the yellow metal that holds
so much fascination for Indians.
Find out why gold is so sought after
and the different ways to invest in it.
Page 25

Today’s Exchange Rates

1 NZD =
USD 0.64
INR 30.95
FJD 1.34
EURO 0.45

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Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 1

New Zealand

On the cusp of global success

DEV NADKARNI to begin discussions with Reliance on the manu-
facturing of the panels and kits, which we propose
An Auckland-based biochemist couple’s innova- to do here in Auckland as long as the volumes are
tive new technology is set to simplify and quicken manageable.”
the way immuno-diagnostic tests are conducted The diagnostic market in India is estimated
both in humans and animals across the world – at at $200 million – of which 34% is the immuno-
costs far less than existing methods. diagnostic segment – and is expected to grow at
The technology that Anand and Sarita Kumble an annual rate of 10 to 15% due to an increas-
began developing in a garage about three years ing awareness of healthcare among the growing
ago can test a drop of blood for a whole range of middle class and growth of health insurance
diseases using simple, low cost equipment and schemes that require diagnostic tests. The current
procedures making it attractive especially for the worldwide market for autoimmune disease testing
healthcare systems of the developing world where (HIV, rheumatoid arthritis) is over $400 million.
diagnostic labs are poorly equipped. Anand and Sarita met while pursuing their Anand and Sarita Kumble: Their sophisticated yet low cost technology puts immu-
The lab end equipment comprises a set of doctorates in biochemistry at Mumbai University, nodiagnostic tests within reach of millions of people in developing countries.
panels developed using their technology and a PC then married and moved to the US to study and
loaded with proprietary software that detects dis- work at Stanford University (Anand worked with 1995 when Genesis hired him as one of its first “Preventable diseases like rheumatoid arthri-
eases by assessing microscopic patterns that the celebrated geneticist and Nobel laureate Arthur biotechnologists. He went back to the US two tis are taking root in several Pacific Island coun-
blood being tested makes with different sets of re- Konberg) and a few high technology immunodi- years later returning intermittently and finally tries,” says Anand. “We have simple kits that can
agents that are microscopically embedded in the agnostic firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. moved back to Auckland in 2005. detect such ailments at a young age and prevent
panels. Specific kits can test for diseases ranging According to Anand, a “serendipitous” The couple soon met up with Kiwi veterinar- complications in later life that are very expensive
from HIV, hepatitis B and C to rheumatoid arthri- meeting with another Nobel Laureate, Joshua ian Sandy Ferguson who helped raise the first to fix.”
tis, tuberculosis and almost anything in between. Lederberg, gave them the idea of developing in- round of capital to set up Pictor. “A quick, easy Pictor has already touched base with the gov-
In the past few months, their start-up company novative diagnostic technologies that were inex- and effective method to test large herds of cattle ernment health departments of Samoa and Fiji
Pictor, has signed on deals that could potentially pensive and easy to perform even in countries that was in Sandy’s wish list for many years,” Dr and is looking to implement a project shortly in
catapult it into the big league of the diagnostics had minimal diagnostic infrastructure. Anand says. the Fijian island of Taveuni facilitated by an NGO.
business in India, Europe, the US and beyond. In “Dr Lederberg was on the United Nations They got together a band of investors and Both Anand and Sarita like New Zealand and
India it has partnered with the Reliance group, panel for the Millennium Development Goals and raised $90,000, which was matched by New would like it to be their main base at least for
one of the country’s biggest business houses, and he said that there was technology available that Zealand government funding agency Foundation now. While Anand is appreciative of help from
successfully beta tested kits for testing arthritis. could be adapted to develop cost-effective diag- for Research Science and Technology (FRST). the New Zealand government, he is unsure if the
Pictor has also been commissioned by one of nostic systems,” says Anand. Late last year, Pictor raised a further $460,000 local venture capital industry has the nous to help
the world’s largest farm animal diagnostic test “Someone just had to do it,” he continues. from investors and FRST. take this project to its global potential. “Some of
manufacturers and a major Swedish autoimmune “Technologies exist, we need to learn how to While their new tie-ups in India and Europe the venture firms here, quite amazingly view us
diagnostics company to develop more cost-effec- use these to solve immediate problems. But in will take Pictor’s technologies to the big diagnos- as an IT company,” he says.
tive and simpler testing techniques using its pat- the west, development of drugs and technology tic markets globally, Anand and Sarita are keenly Meanwhile Pictor is being wooed by venture
ented technology. If successful, these companies is being chased relentlessly to achieve some big interested in helping smaller, severely disadvan- from as far afield as San Francisco and Mumbai
will distribute the kits to their markets in Europe success that mey be years away, neglecting what taged countries where people have been suffering and Bangalore but for now the Kumbles want to
and the US. can be done to solve the problems with technol- from a range of ailments because early detection give New Zealand their best shot and plan to flag
“Pictor is now on the cusp of commercialisa- ogy that already exists and is available.” is not possible. Clearly for this couple, money is off Pictor’s manufacturing operations from Auck-
tion,” Dr Anand Kumble says. “We’re now about Work first brought Anand to New Zealand in not the sole yardstick of success. land.

2 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

New Zealand
Group wants Worth as Indian ambassador Concerns expressed
over passport scam
A newly formed Facebook group wants to ship games of the two leading parties, though The Chair of Manukau’s Pacific Island Advisory
project Dr Richard Worth as Ambassador to a large number does believe that he may have Committee (PIAC), Tupou Manapori, has expressed
India. given ample cause for events to have come to concern over the fake passport scam being operated
“I think Richard Worth would be a good this pass because of his indiscretions. by Gerrard Otimi, targeting Pacific people.
choice. He knows a lot about Indians and their Dr Worth has vowed to fight to clear his Mrs Manapori has urged PIAC members and
business practices. And he likes bollywood name and is likely to take decisive steps in Pacific leaders to inform their communities to not
films which is such a bonus. He could pick up the following weeks, now that he has stepped get duped into this scam, particularly those who are
some Zardosi at discounted prices,” writes one down from his official duties. He is yet to be vulnerable and who may have immigration issues,
member Dave Crampton. charged on any of the allegations. which they should take up with appropriate authori-
Another groupie Ken Shock writes, “We Meanwhile fielding questions on talkback ties.
need to get serious about trade with India – radio, Labour leader Phil Goff said he had not Manukau has the largest Pacific population in
which Helen Clark deliberately deep sixed. found it important to find out what the Indian New Zealand and these communities constantly fall
After some of us started making a lot of noise woman, Neelam Choudary, had said in her prey to such scams, Mrs Manapori says. “We are
about this, Goff trotted out to acknowledge replies to the numerous texts she has alleged going through a recession, and tough times lie ahead
that they were “working on it” – yeah, two low she received from Dr Worth. for many of our people. This scam does nothing but
level meeting per year. man, could NZ use that Neither had he any convincing replies to create false hope for a lot of people who are already
FTA right now!!” several pointed but decidedly rational ques- struggling to make ends meet.
After John Key unceremoniously dropped tions that callers asked him. “Mr Otimi is seeking to profit from the misfor-
former Internal Affairs minister Dr Richard At the end of it, it seemed as though the tunes of others by misrepresenting the mana and
Worth like a hot potato in the aftermath of the only agenda here was muck raking. close traditional ties that we share with Tangata
largely unsubstantiated allegations involving a None of the politicians involved – Goff, Whenua.
Korean businesswoman and an Indian Labour Key and Worth – can ever hope to come out “He should do the right thing and give back the
party worker, a growing band of his friends of this sordid episode unscathed. If the allega- money that he has taken from our people” said Mrs
and well wishers seem to be rallying around tions are proved to be frivolous, Goff would Manapori.
him. of course look extremely silly and could well “I urge victims to go to the police.”
Last week, the Sunday Star Times fea- kiss any hopes of leading his party in the next Meanwhile Immigration New Zealand has come
tured several of his friends and acquaintances election goodbye. in for criticism from several quarters as one of the
who said they stood by him and a number of But then a growing number of people’s sus- worst run government departments. Its former head,
members of the Indian community that Indian picions that Key has a long way to go before he Mary Anne Thompson is under investigation on a
Weekender spoke to pledged support to him “He has not been given a fair earns his spurs as a true blue politician would number of charges relating to immigration of Pacific
and generally felt that the decision to put pres-
sure on him to quit was unfair.
chance to tell his side of the be confirmed beyond doubt. His pronounce-
ments as the events unfolded and his seeming
In response to the latest incident, Immigration
He has not been given a fair chance to tell
his side of the story and the National Party
story and the National Party flip-flops have already given plenty of evi-
dence of that.
New Zealand has called on organisations working
with migrants to dob in overstayers and has also
leadership acted in an unseemly haste to turn leadership acted in an unseemly As for Worth, his political career will go warned temporary workers who outstay their
the screws on him to step down before Tues- into indefinite hibernation but if the allega- permits that they would face the full force of the law
day’s Caucus meeting, at least two Indian com- haste to turn the screws on him tions come a cropper, he would have the pub- when the authorities catch up with them.
munity leaders said. lic’s sympathy on his side despite his apparent – Indian Weekender news desk
Dr Worth is respected in the Indian com- to step down before Tuesday’s indiscretions and could well put it to good use
Would you report an overstayer if you knew
munity and is largely being seen as the fall guy
in the increasingly crude political one-upman-
Caucus meeting...” in his life after politics.
- Dev Nadkarni
one? Go to to
voice your view.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 3

New Zealand
New transport interchange and tertiary Anti-smacking
campus for Manukau city centre referendum
A new transport interchange and tertiary campus are
the first stages in a long term plan to lift Manukau
city centre to a new level, Manukau Mayor Len
to increase during the next decade. The initial build-
ing will have a floor area of approximately 10,000
square metres.
driver of this exciting development,” says Manukau
Institute of Technology Acting Chief Executive,
Peter Quigg.
Brown says. Manukau Mayor Len Brown says the campus “The facility will encourage both new and re-
A new campaign has been started to make it easy
Manukau City Council and Manukau Institute of and station plan has a number of benefits for the city. turning students to fully participate in tertiary and
for people to take part in the Citizens Initiated Ref-
Technology (MIT) have announced plans for a city “It will have major spin-offs by increasing the university education.”
erendum on the question “Should a smack as part
centre tertiary campus closely linked with the new educational achievements of our residents and by The transport interchange and tertiary campus
of good parental correction be a criminal offence in
train and bus station. They will be built on a section unlocking the economic potential of the city centre. projects are part of a draft masterplan the council
New Zealand?”
of Hayman Park on the corner of Davies Ave and “The council has been pushing for many years to has developed to create a better city centre – one that
The Referendum runs from Friday 31 July until
Wiri Station Rd that has been ear-marked for devel- get a tertiary campus in the city centre that offers a is easy to get around and attracts people and invest-
Friday 21 August, but to take part people need to be
opment for a number of years. full range of courses. Education needs to be available ment to the area.
correctly enrolled before then.
Work should begin soon on the train and bus close to home for Manukau residents so they have the The council owns approximately 21.5 hectares,
“From June 15 every household across the
station, which is due to open in late 2010. Stage one best opportunities possible. about 78 percent, of land in Manukau’s central busi-
Auckland region will get a notice in their mail en-
of the planned tertiary campus is likely to be open “This should help create a better city centre – one ness district. This means the council holds the key to
couraging them to check they are enrolled to vote
to its first students at the start of the 2012 academic that is easy to get around attractive, well used, safe unlocking its potential by working with development
and that their details are up-to- date,” says Anna
year. and lively both day and night,” Mr Brown says. partners on projects to improve the city centre.
Kulkarni, Registrar of Electors.
MIT will open the campus with an initial 1500 “MIT is uniquely placed because of its history – Indian Weekender news desk
“This is the first Citizens Initiated Referendum
full time equivalent students, with numbers expected of success in partnering with universities to be the
to be held by postal vote, and only those people
who are correctly enrolled will receive their voting
The tertiary campus Manukau city centre train and bus station papers.”
People needing to enrol or update their details
should fill in an enrolment form. Enrolment forms
MIT is planning to establish a tertiary campus in The first stage of the project will see ONTRACK digging a deep trench on a section of Hayman are available from the elections website www.elec-
Manukau city centre that offers a wide range of Park close to the corner of Davies Ave and Wiri Station Rd. The 11 metre deep trench is for the, by Freetexting your name and address
tertiary education programmes including business rail tracks and platform where trains will arrive and leave. Passengers will come up escalators to 3676, from any PostShop or by calling Freephone
and commerce. As it develops, other university and from the train station into the interchange on the corner of Putney Way and Davies Ave. Close to 0800 36 76 56.
tertiary education providers will offer programmes this will be a new tertiary campus and on Davies Ave there will be capacity for about eight bus Voting opens on Friday 31 July and closes on
and degrees at the campus. MIT will start the first bays. The Manukau station will be the main hub for most of the bus services in the south of the Friday 21 August. Referendum voting papers will
semester of 2012 with an initial 1500 full time Auckland region. The rail link and transport interchange is a joint project between ONTRACK, be sent to voters in the mail. People should post
equivalent students, with numbers expected to in- the Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) and Manukau City Council. It is the first their voting papers back no later than Thursday 20
crease during the next decade. The initial build- new rail route to be built in Auckland since the eastern line in 1930. The 1.8km section of new August to be sure they are returned on time.
ing will have a floor area of approximately 10,000 track will link Davies Ave in Manukau City with the Southern railway line at Wiri. The track Voters should tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the referen-
square metres. Students coming to the campus and will run under Lambie Drive and Plunket Ave and across Hayman Park. The new track will run dum voting paper in response to the referendum
the services needed to support it will help improve alongside the new SH20 Manukau motorway extension and will be mostly double-tracked to question, and return the voting paper in the enve-
the city centre economically and socially. The ter- achieve convenient and frequent services. The project is part of a $600m upgrade of Auckland’s lope provided.
tiary campus will require accommodation and car rail network which, when completed, will allow more frequent and reliable passenger services For more information visit
parking options as it develops. This and the antici- and improve pedestrian safety around the rail network. nz.
pated commercial demand for office space is a good – Indian Weekender news desk
sign for the re-generation of the city centre.

4 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

New Zealand

Moshims steps up Real results in the real world

to the next level
The New Zealand tourism and hospitality industries
have entered a stage where they not only require ex-
Briana Jellyman has
perienced leaders, but also those who have the ability
made a successful start
to think critically. This field seeks out people who
to her career in Hospi-
can drive businesses strategically to meet the needs
Moshims Discount House Group of Companies market. tality and Tourism. The
and expectations of their valued customers.
added another feather to its cap in the competi- With its spacious premises, and neat and SIT graduate has re-
The Bachelor of Hotel Management and the
tive retail grocery market in Auckland on Sat- well stocked shelves, this supermarket is well cently been promoted to
Diploma in Hotel & Tourism Management at South-
urday with the opening of its first supermarket on track to take on the giants Foodtown and Reservations Manager
ern Institute of Technology are two programmes that
in the bustling Mt Roskill suburb. Pak ‘n’ Save. at Copthorne Hotel and
have been designed with this in mind: to assist those
Starting out If you didn’t Resort, Bay of Islands.
who wish to enter such dynamic industries, and
as a small store know Mr Khan, prosper in a career that will require dedicated, busi-
20 years ago, the you would have ness minded professionals looking for the means to
supermarket was never guessed thrive and rise above the rest. smaller class sizes as I got more one-on-one help
a natural progres- that he was the Briana Jellyman completed a Bachelor of Hotel from tutors.” She also met some great people which
sion to the next main man behind Management at SIT and with that she fulfilled her have resulted in lifelong friendships.
level of business, the impressive desire to work in a people orientated industry. Upon graduating Briana entered the workforce
group managing complex as he Originally from Greymouth, Briana made the with a position in reception at Kingsgate Hotel, Grey-
director Moham- could be seen in move down south because of the unique programme mouth and set herself the goal of working towards a
med Hashim Khan every corner of the and Zero Fees. “I graduated debt-free,” said Briana. management position – Front Office Manager, Res-
told Indian Week- store – from stock- She became competent in a range of hospitality man- ervations Manager or Rooms Division Manager.
ender. ing the shelves to agement skills required within the hotel sector in the Briana was recently promoted within the Mil-
“It’s the start- carting items from areas of food and beverage service, accommodation lennium Hotel and Resort group. She transferred to
ing of bigger delivery trucks. service, and business acumen. “I got an all-round the Copthorne Hotel & Resort Bay of Islands from
things to come, He even helped knowledge of the industry and how the different de- Greymouth to undertake the role of Reservations
Mr Khan said of out the cashiers by partments of a hotel work and work together for the Manager and is well on the way to realising her aspi-
the opening of packing customers ultimate hotel goal,” she says. rations in the hospitality industry.
Moshims Plaza preperations: Azba Khan, daughter of groceries and also Briana enjoyed her learning experience with For more information on SIT’s Diploma and
where the super- Moshims chief Mohammed Hashim Khan, attended to cus- SIT. She found the tutors were friendly, approach- Bachelor programmes in Tourism and Hospitality
market is located was also helping out at the store before the tomers’ gripes and able, and very knowledgeable and says, “I loved the contact them on 0800 4 0 FEES
at 64 Stoddard Rd, saw that they left
Mt Roskill. opening on Saturday, May 20. Photo Arvind the store happy.
“Things will Kumar
happen in stages
Since starting
out 20 years ago, Glidepath to open new office in India
and we plan a restaurant, ice cream shop, the Moshim group has grown into 24 stores Auckland-based company Glidepath has opened an office in the Indian capital Mumbai, as it expands
butcher, video shop – all under one complex,” throughout the country including two in Aus- its baggage handling, sorting and screening system business.
Mr Khan said. tralia. India has seen huge growth in domestic and international airline travel, and Glidepath recently
At the opening on Saturday, June 20, And, according to Mr Khan, there are plans completed airport baggage system upgrades and extensions in Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. The
crowds jammed the complex, and the car park to expand the supermarkets into other parts of company also had work in several other Indian cities.
overflowed with customers as people rushed the country soon. Glidepath, which has finished more than 500 airport baggage handling systems around the world,
to snatch the specials. The supermarket offers The company’s other store on Stoddard Rd was focusing on increasing its market presence in southern Africa, Australia and the United States.
bulk foods, spices, and every other food item will now be closed down. Keep an eye out for It has also increased the capacity of its manufacturing plant to match new work in North and South
that you would find in any other major super- many more specials. America, and Mexico.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 5


Chinese passing off fake Fishy cure for Asthma questioned

Hyderabad: More than 50,000 asthma patients from across the country and even abroad had gath-

drugs as ‘made in India’

ered in Hyderabad for partaking in the fish cure for asthma even as seven cases of swine flu were
reported in the city.
The Bathini Goud family, has been distributing the free fish medicine for over 160 years every
year on the beginning of the “Margasira” month of the hindu calendar. Nearly 300 members of the
Goud family take part in distributing the fish medicine.
The medicine consists of a live murrel fish, which is stuffed with a herbal paste and then slipped
New Delhi: The Indian government had long been suspecting this but now it has some hard into the patient’s throat. The family claims that if taken for three consecutive years cures a patient
evidence that China has been dumping fake generic drugs into the African countries with permanently. The family says that in 1845, the secret of this medicine was passed on to their great-
labels stating ‘Made in India’. great-grandfather Veeranna Goud, by a holy man with a promise the he would never reveal the
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) of ingredients to anyone and that he would distribute it free of cost.
Nigeria issued a press release last week stating that a large consignment of fake anti-ma- But over the last few years the crowds seem to have dwindled following a sustained campaign
larial generic pharmaceuticals labelled ‘Made in India’ were, in fact, found to have been by rationalists, doctors and physicians who termed the medicine “unscientific”. The family is also
produced in China. under pressure from these groups to reveal the ingredients. They however claim that the herbal
Mahesh Sachdeva, the Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, had already written to paste will lose its efficacy if revealed to all. To avoid any further controversies the Goud family
the then commerce secretary G.S. Pillai, alerting him to the details of the drugs seizure renamed the event as “fish prasadam” and said those having faith in the medicine would continue
‘’While this is a case of a Chinese company exporting fake ‘Made in India’ labelled medi- to take it.
cines which has been accidentally exposed, it is unlikely to be an isolated incident. Indeed

Savitri Jindal among world’s richest

there is no reason for Nigeria to be the only country to be receiving such consignments.’’
His letter further states ‘’Fake foreign-made generics carrying ‘Made in India’ label can
do tremendous harm to our interests. It not only dents our image and takes our legitimate
market share, it also erodes the distinction between generic and fake medicines that we
have been campaigning for at WHO and WTO’’. Bangalore: At number nine, Savitri Jindal, worth of $20 billion and $19.5 billion respec-
The Indian government has registered a strong protest with the Chinese mission and Non-Executive Chairperson of steel and power tively. Forbes credited Wal-Mart, the world’s
China’s foreign trade ministry. The Indian mission has also spoken to Dr Paul Orhii, the conglomerate O P Jindal group, is the first and largest retailer for powering through the global
director-general of NAFDAC, who said that the Nigerian preference for generics were en- only Indian to feature among world’s 20 richest recession. It recorded $400 billion in annual
couraging such trade practices. The NAFDAC is also resolved to curb circulation of sub- women enlisted by Forbes. Indu Jain of Times sales last year alone.
standard fake medicines Dr.Orhii added. of India fell from the ranks after making the cut Last year’s number one Liiane Bettencourt
About 60% of drugs in Nigeria are imported and it is not the first time that fake drugs in previous years. who is worth $15 billion is placed at number
have been confiscated. Between 2001 and 2007 about 30 Indian and Chinese companies When Savitri’s late husband O P Jindal three this year. Daughter of Eugene Schueller,
have been banned from the Africa. died in a 2005 helicopter crash, the subsequent the founder of L’Oreal, has had a controlling
Meanwhile some sections of trade feel that since Indian and China are large manufac- transfer of wealth made her India’s richest stake of 27 percent in L’Oreal for the last four
turers of generics, multinational firms would look to discredit the two countries and label woman. Her net worth today is $6 billion. The decades. Last year she was worth $20 billion.
their drugs as substandard, so that they would have greater access to the African markets. group has nearly 50 plants in India and abroad, Also in the list are, Susanne Klatten, Birgit
Dr Mira Shiva of the Initiative for Health Equity and Society (IHES) warned against the including South American countries like Chile, Rausing, Jacqueline Mars, Anne Cox Cham-
two countries trying to run each other down before ascertaining the full facts in the case Bolivia and Peru. bers, Abigail Johnson and Charlene de Carv-
to rule out any orchestration, but added that India ought to be more careful to ensure the The combined net worth of the twenty alho-Heineken. Some high profile female bil-
quality of the drugs exported. women featured in the list is a mammoth $160 lionaires who didn’t make it to the list include
billion. They represent industries like manu- Oprah Winfrey, J K Rowling and former eBay
facturing, finance, real estate and commodities. Chief, Margaret Whitman.
The two top spots belong to Wal-Mart heiresses
Christy Walton and Alice Walton with a net

6 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

Kanpur colleges ban jeans matches. Buchanan’s theoretical coach-
After a recent order in girls’ colleges of ing style and innovations like the multi-
Kanpur that introduced a dress code for captaincy theory created a major contro-
students and teachers the fashion po- versy with even the former India captain
lice seem to have gone a step further. A Sunil Gavaskar criticising Buchanan for his
co-educational college has banned male idea. This led to a war of words between
students from wearing jeans and carrying Gavaskar and Shah Rukh Khan, owner of
mobiles. While students and teachers are knight Riders, who criticised Gavaskar for
strongly opposing the order, academi- voicing his opinion. Buchanan claimed his
cians have divergent views. One dubbed parting of ways with Kolkata was amicable,
it “unnecessary”, and another termed it a saying his coaching style was not “align-
“welcome” move. ing” with team management. Buchanan
Four girls’ colleges affiliated to the Kanpur was in trouble again when he decided to
University, have prohibited jeans, danglers, send several local players back from the
sleeveless blouses and heels on the cam- squad even though the overseas players
pus. The ban not only applies to students performed badly. New Zealander Brendon
and teachers. “The move has been taken to McCullum was elevated to the captaincy
check eve-teasing and ensuring discipline,” replacing Sourav Ganguly. McCullum failed
says DG Girls’ Degree College principal to impress his team, the mult-captaincy
Meeta Jamal while justifying the ban. The theory did not come into practice.
new dress code has found favour with
neither students nor teachers.
When god catches the cold
Varanasi: In the holy city of Varanasi even
Jaya wants Katchatheevu the gods fall ill and have been treated for
reclaimed by their family doctors for years. Pandit
In what is seen as a move to turn the tables Sri Ram Sharma (30), belongs to family of
on her arch-rival AIADMK leader Jaya- priest astrologers, who have been treat-
lithaa asked the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister ing Lord Jagannath who is bedridden for a
Karunanidhi to immediately prevail upon fortnight every year.
the Centre to retrieve Katchatheevu, ceded “Playing doctor to Lord Jagannath a
to Sri Lanka by India in 1974. She further fortnight every year has been in the duty
asked why the state government had so far of our family, which has served priests at
not taken any steps to retrieve the islet. Re- the 300-year-old Jagannath Temple since
ferring to the reports about Sri Lankan gov- the beginning,” said Sharma, who became
ernment’s move to set up a watch tower in the temple priest in 1995 following death of
Katchatheevu, Jayalalithaa said the ceding father Sita Ram Sharma.
of the islet had created such a situation that Sunday, May 7, saw Lord Jagannath down
it would not only affect Indian fishermen but with cough and cold due to excessive bath-
also the security of the country. A couple ing by devotees.
of days earlier the government had sought Every year on the auspicious occasion of
to move a resolution in the state assembly Jyestha Purnima day (which fell on Sunday
and Karunanidhi had sought an assurance this year) devotees troop to the temple and
that complete support would be extended bathe the deity with water from the holy
to the resolution. Karunanidhi had claimed Ganga. It is believed that excessive bathing
that his government had opposed ceding of with water makes the Lord “ill” with cold
Katchatheevu and it was Jayalalithaa who and cough for a fortnight.
had written a letter to then Prime Minister So for the next two weeks he is given a
P V Narasimha Rao in 1992 stating that the “karha” or herbal concoction made of car-
islet was given away keeping in mind the damoms, cloves, tulsi, pepper, etc. Every
need for good bilateral relations. evening the left over karha is distributed as
prasad to devotees.
Kolkata Knight Riders sacks Bu- This is not all, once the Lord is fit and fine,
chanan the priest accompanies the idols of Lord
John Buchanan the high-profile coach Jagannath, his sister Devi Subhadhra and
has been fired from the Indian Premier brother Balbhadra to a garden in the city
League’s, Kolkota Knight Riders, after its for a well-deserved outing. This is followed
disastrous performance in the IPL matches by a three-day ‘rathyatra fair’ by the end of
in South Africa. The team finished at the which the lord returns to his abode again.
bottom of the table, losing 10 of their 14

Poachers go hi-tech
Using cyberspace to peddle in wildlife seems contacted the sellers. The traders contacted the
to be an easy escape route while the enforce- decoy customer through masked phone numbers
ment authorities are still trying to find out how to with varying country codes using hi-tech soft-
tackle this menace. Experts feel unless the Indian ware to ensure that their location is not traced.
government initiates steps for cyber patrolling it Though the Barn owl is a common species,
would be difficult to curb it. With the arrest of a its trade is illegal in India. The owls are used by
wildlife trader and two of his associates last week black magic practitioners or kept as pets. Experts
from Thrissur in Kerala, the racket involving the say that an owl could fetch up to $NZ 15,000 in
online trade of parakeets, peacocks, turtles and the international market where their demand is
even owls was exposed. on increase.
They would put up ads on the internet about Last year another gang from Meerut, UP was
the sale of exotic birds and animals. They would busted via their online advertisements on the
communicate through masked phone numbers popular networking site Orkut for rare parakeets
and using an international network to confuse and the albino civet cats. However authorities
the enforcement officials, said Ashok Kumar, are unable to do much to control such activities.
vice-chairman of Wildlife Trust of India, which Kumar feels these two cases are just the tip of
assisted the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau the iceberg. The Wildlife Trust has been urging
(WCCB) and Kerala Forest Department’s Intel- the government for web patrolling or bring some
ligence Cell in busting the racket. legislation to check the trade.
Once the group had advertised displaying the While the criminals are getting more hi-tech
photograph of the owls labelled as ‘silver owl’ the government has taken little or no initiative
with a note describing it as “a very rare species”. from the authorities so far to track the wildlife
The authorities, then used a decoy customer who trade happening in the cyber world.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 7


Confusion over Golden Indians founded a quarter of

Temple look-alike foreign-owned IT firms in US
Indian entrepreneurs have made the per cent, 6.9 per cent and 5.8 per cent
Amritsar: The Shiromani Gurdwara Parband-
United States their home to carry on of all immigrant-founded businesses,
hak Committee (SGPC), the highest religious
body of the Sikhs is up in arm against the Gur- businesses in a disciplined and profit- respectively,” the report said.
dwara Sachkhand Angitha Sahib in Sangrur, able way and are presently making a According to a new US Congress
about 200 km from Amritsar. The SGPC has valuable contribution to the economy proposal, the firms who receive the gov-
issued strict directives to the managing com- especially in terms of creating jobs. ernment’s bailout package are restricted
mittee of the Sangrur Gurdwara to immediately A new study shows that every fourth from hiring H1-B visa holders, if they
stop construction work of the shrine. engineering and technology company are to replace Americans. The latest
The reason being that the Gurdwara Sach- in the US has an immigrant among its measure, which is part of the American
khand Angitha Sahib is allegedly a replica of founders. Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also
the Golden Temple, the holiest shrine of the India tops among the technology known as stimulus bill, could adversely
Sikhs, in Amritsar.
and engineering companies started by impact Indians as they make up a major
“No one can be allowed to copy the unique
design of the holy shrine, whose foundation was immigrants in the US between 1995 chunk of the H1-B visa holders.
laid by Guru Arjan Dev (the fifth Sikh Guru),” and 2005. Almost 26 per cent of all Of more than 160,000 H1-B visa ap-
said SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar. immigrant-founded companies in past plications for the fiscal 2009, one lakh
Though the managing committee of the 10 years were founded by Indian immi- are estimated to be Indians. Currently,
controversial shrine denied that the struc- grants, according to a study by profes- the US has capped the annual H1-B visa
ture is a replica of the Harmandir Sahib, they management committee with Sant Sadhu Singh sors in Duke University and the Univer- quota at 65,000, which was reduced
have offered to change the design. “We’re only its president and added that all transactions of sity of California. from 195,000 two years ago.
giving the dilapidated structure a facelift,” they bank accounts of the gurdwara were also being The study on “America’s New Immi- Estimates suggest that about 40,000-
claimed. But the SGPC leaders feel that the gur- conducted in their names. grant Entrepreneurs” shows that there 45,000 Indians are getting these skilled
dwara committee must immediately stop its op- Sant Dugga has requested the Jathedar, Akal
was at least one immigrant founder in worker visas currently, down from more
erations, pull down the structure and tender an Takht, Giani Gurbachan Singh to call members
unconditional apology to the Sikh Panth. of the opposite group to the Takht to sort out 25.3 per cent of all engineering and than one lakh a year previously.
Meanwhile Giani Gurbachan Singh, Jathe- the matter. It is also interesting to note that the technology companies established in The report said 46 per cent of Indian
dar of the Akal Takht, has asked the SGPC to names of the senior office bearers of the both the US between 1995 and 2005 inclu- immigrants founded software firms,
call for a Sarbat Khalsa (meeting of all Sikh re- the factions are similar. sive. These entities generated over $52 while 44 per cent started companies in
ligious bodies) in Amritsar to discuss this issue. Following an intervention from the Akal billion in 2005 sales, while creating just innovation or manufacturing-related
A twist in this tale was added when another Takht, which had undertaken a detailed inspec- under 450,000 jobs as of 2005. services. Interestingly, Indians mostly
group claiming to be the original manag- tion of the controversial shrine construction Indian immigrants are followed by found technology and engineering firms
ing committee of Angitha Sahib Gurdwara. was banned in 1996, as the panel felt it was “a those from the United Kingdom, China in California.
The members led by Sant Singh Dugga, blatant attempt to exactly copy the design of and Taiwan. “Immigrants from the UK, – Indian Weekender news desk
vice-president, Mastuana Angitha Sahib “Harmandir Sahib”. However the construction
China, and Taiwan contributed to 7.1
Gurdwara,presented a memorandum to the resumed recently much to the consternation of
Akal Takht, stating that his was the original the SGPC.

8 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

ICC T20 World Cup 2009

Pakistan - the new T20 World Champs

Pakistan beat all odds to win Africa, playing some aggressive cricket remained their dream run in the tournament.
the T20 World championship unbeaten in the Super eights and qualified for the This set up and exciting all Asian final
to crown themselves as the Semi Finals as the top team from group E. They between the unbeaten Sri Lankans and the un-
T20 champs. In a low scoring were joined by West Indies, who were the sur- fancied Pakistanis. Sri Lankans had been playing
final they beat Sri Lanka by prise package as they outplayed England to reach some unbelievable and exiting cricket. Dilshan
8 wickets and with an over the semis. In the other group, Sri Lanka remained had introduced the loft shot over the Wicket
to spare. The wonderboy, unbeaten as they snuffled out challenge from keeper and Jayawardene introduced the back of
Shahid Afridi, was once again Ireland, New Zealand and Pakistan to top the the blade sweep, innovations that had helped them
the Man of the Match with an all-round perfor- group F. Pakistan literally swept aside Ireland and to reach the finals. It was looking like 1997 world
mance (54 not out and 1/20). Sri Lanka who put New Zealand thanks to some accurate bowling by cup when Sri Lankans introduced the first 15 over
on a score of 138 on the board, thanks largely to Umar Gul. New Zealand, who could have quali- slog hitting with the openers. Pakistan meanwhile
a brilliant knock of 64 by the captain Sangak- fied had they beaten Pakistan were mesmerised had a subdued tournament and had managed to
kara, supported by Matthews (35 not out) for the by Umar Gul and they crashed out of the tour- get through some tight situations before reaching
sixth wicket. For once Dilshan failed to click and nament. The under dogs, Pakistan, managed to the Semi Finals. It was only against South Africa
Abdul Razzak, bowled a tight line and took 3 qualify behind Sri Lanka for the semis. that they had shown signs of being champions.
wickets to send the top order of Sri Lanka back in The Semi final lineup was an interesting They had already lost to Sri Lanka in the super
the pavilion early. From there on, it was damage affair, the pre-tournament favourite South Africa eights and had a score to settle.
control by captain Sangakkara. They managed to playing the unfancied Pakistan while the un- Pakistan not only avenged their loss in the
score 138 was largely due to some hard hitting at beaten Sri Lankans playing their 1st round group super eights against Sri Lanka but they also
the end by Matthews and intelligent rotation by team West Indies in the other Semi final. South buried the ghosts of losing the inaugural T20
Sangakkara. But that was not enough for them to Africa, who had been in tremendous form and to final to India. They did not choke at the last
defend in the end. were favourite to brush aside Pakistan, were in minute as they did against India. Shahid Afridi
Sri Lanka needed some quick breakthroughs and Sri Lanka. Australians for once did not even for a rude shock as was on fire ensured that
to make a match out of it, however, Akmal was make it to the 2nd stage and the yellow and gold Pakistan turned the the cup went into the
on fire and he scored 38 in double quick time brigade once again failed in their quest to win the form table upside down hands of the Pakistan
before falling to the old war horse Jayasuriya. only trophy that is missing from their cabinet. thanks to Shahid Afridi team. The first edition
The foxy Muralitharan got rid of the other opener Pakistan though made it into the 2nd stage with who scored 51 with of T20 had seen India
Shahbaz Hasan very soon. That was the last comfortable win over Netherland and achieving the bat and supported as the winner, who
success the Lankans could taste as some fiery a higher run rate than the Dutch. New Zealand by Shoaib Malik and never even wanted
batting by Shahid Afridi and calm thinking by lost their match against South Africa by a solitary captain Younis Khan. to participate in that
Shoaib Mallik ensured that Pakistan had no more run, but had already qualified for the super eights. Though the South tournament in the first
hiccups as they reached the target with an over India, South Africa, West Indies, England African bowlers had place. Pakistan entered
to spare. formed one group in the Super eights while restricted Pakistan to into this tournament,
The route to finals was an exciting affair for Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ireland and New Zealand a manageable 149 in on the back of huge dis-
both the teams. In the 1st round where only 2 formed the other group. India, the inaugural title 20 overs, South Africa turbances back home
teams from each group would qualify, Ireland holders and unbeaten in the group one stage failed could only score 142 and had not played
sprang a surprise in their group by eliminating miserably in the super eights and a lost all their 3 courtesy 64 of J H meaningful cricket for
the higher ranked Bangladesh. Similarly in a games in the group to get knocked out of the tour- Kallis and 44 not out a while. Their players
tight group, Australians lost out to West Indies nament without reaching the semi finals. South J P Duminy. But they even missed out on the
had no answer to Af- IPL tournament this
ridi’s bowling who year. However, in di-
took 2 wickets for 16 versity, they emerged
runs in his 4 overs and winning the Man of the from the shadows as champions. Hopefully this
Match award. Once again the South African will spur some support back home for them and
team choked at the final hurdle of a major tour- create an environment for the return of cricket to
nament. Sri Lanka who had been unbeaten in Pakistan. Great show champs!
the tournament so far, as the South Africans, While the T20 for Men was in progress there
were favourites against West Indies. Dilshan was a side show of T20 world cup for women and
who had been promoted to the opening slot for as a curtain raiser for the finals of men’s champi-
this tournament and was enjoying his role as an onship the finals of women’s championship was
opener, nearly completed his century, but fell 4 played prior. It was a repeat of the one day world
short at 96, the tournaments highest individual cup played in Sydney in March between England
score to help Sri Lanka reach 158. However, the and New Zealand. England had come out on top
Sri Lankan bowlers were in no mood to be chari- in Sydney and repeated that feat against New
table and Matthews reduced West Indies to 1 for Zealand in the T20 finals. The kiwi eves had to
3 wickets in his very first over. From then on it settle for the second spot in second tournament
was an uphill battle even for the maverick captain running. Indian women managed to do better
Chris Gayle who scored an unbeaten 63, when than their men and reached the semi finals before
none of the other West Indian batsmen could even falling to New Zealand. It was a great showcase
get into double figures. Murlitharan and Mendis for women’s cricket at the Mecca of cricket,
never let the batsmen settle as they took 5 wickets Lords.
between them. West Indies could only manage Watch out for the ASHES now!
101 in 17.4 overs and were all out and thus ending - Prashant Belwalkar

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 9


Remembering the first Maharaja of the Sikh empire

June 20 marked the 139th anniversary of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s passing. Raghbir Singh pays a tribute.

The Sikh Empire, commonly known as, Khalsa Raj, hasamadhi, in Nanded, Maharashtra in 1708. At the
was a region straddling the border between modern- Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar, much of the present
day People’s Republic of China and Afghanistan. decorative gilding and marblework date back from
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the first Maharaja of the early 1800s. The gold and intricate marble work
the Sikh Empire and enjoys a revered position in the were conducted under the his patronage.
history of Punjab and Sikhs. His father Maha Singh Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away (A.D. 1839)
Sandhawalia was the commander of the Shukercha- having reigned for forty years. He had seven sons
kia Misl. Ranjit Singh succeeded his father at the and the throne went to his eldest son Kharak Singh,
young age of 12. After several campaigns, he united who was not entirely fit and prepared to rule such
the various Sikh factions into one state taking the a vast empire. The Kingdom began to crumble due
title of Maharaja on April 12 1801 (Baisakhi day), to poor governance and political infighting among
with Lahore serving as his capital from 1799. his heirs. The princes died through internal plots
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the first Asian ruler and assassinations, while the nobility struggled to
to modernise his army to European standards and maintain power.
was well known for filling the leadership positions In 1845 after the First Anglo-Sikh War, Ranjit
in his Darbar with men of varied religions. Singh’s Empire was defeated and all major decisions
The Maharaja developed a formidable military were managed by the British East India Company.
machine that helped him carve out an extensive Eventually, Ranjit Singh’s youngest son Duleep
kingdom and maintain it amid hostile and ambi- Singh, was crowned to the throne of Punjab in 1843.
tious neighbours. The creation of this empire was a In 1849, at the end of the Second Anglo Sikh War,
result of his own genius. Early in his career, he had Punjab was annexed by the British Forces from
watched how the British troops with their systematic Duleep Singh who was only 11 years old.
training and their discipline, had vanquished Indian The British took Duleep Singh, the last Ma-
forces vastly superior in numbers. He had also re- haraja of the Sikh Empire, to England and tricked
alised how crucial in warfare was a well-drilled in- British advance at the Sutlej where the British were him into converting to Christianity at age 13. The
fantry as well as artillery. forced to sign a treaty and not interfere in the empire famous Kohinoor diamond owned by Maharaja
In 1802, soon after his occupation of Amritsar, of the Maharaja. Thus the river Sutlej was the in- Ranjit Singh was also taken away by the British.
he engaged some deserters from the army of the East ternational border between the Khalsa Empire and Upon reuniting with his mother during his adult
India Company to train his own platoons of infantry. British India. PORTRAITS OF COURAGE: Maharaja Ran- years, he reconverted to Sikhism, and petitioned the
What held his troopers together was their personal Maharaja Ranjit Singh is included in the list of jit Singh (left) and his youngest son Duleep Singh Crown to have his kingdom returned. He never re-
loyalty to their leader. The Maharaja employed two “Undefeated Military Commanders”, at Wikibin – ceived any justice, dying in Paris in 1893.
veterans of the Napoleonic wars and charged them a list of known military commanders who did not Guru Gobind Singh. He promoted the teachings The rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is still remem-
with the raising of a special corps. He also employed lose any significant engagement against the enemy of the Dasam Granth (the Tenth Granth) and built bered as the golden period for Punjab and a matter of
a Hungarian physician, who was entrusted with the as the commander-in-chief of a significant portion two of the most sacred temples in Sikhism. These pride for all Punjabis and Indians alike.
manufacture of gunpowder. of a country’s military forces. are Takht Sri Patna Sahib, the birth place of Guru - For an exhaustive article on Maharaja Ranjit
The Maharaja developed Asia’s only modern Maharaja Ranjit Singh deeply loved and Gobind Singh, and Takht Sri Hazur Sahib, the place Singh, log onto
army of the time, one which was able to stop the admired the teachings of the Tenth Guru of Sikhism where Guru Gobind Singh took his final rest or ma-

10 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 11

Fiji Government ponders China loan
Registration for Fiji teachers
Teachers in Fiji will need to officially register with the ministry of education before they Suva: Fiji is still working on accessing part of the US$600 million loan facility made available by China in 2006
are allowed to practice as teachers. Filipe Jitoko, the education secretary launched the for Pacific island countries.
new Teachers Registration Certificate in Suva on June 19. Deputy Secretary for educa- The Government is still in the process of documenting the scope of infrastructure works needed in Fiji and
tion, Jimione Buwawa was the first recipient of the teacher’s certificate. Currently, there the amount of funding that it required.
“The China funding is there and what we’ve done is we’ve
are more than 10,000 teachers in Fiji, who now three months to register. Teachers in
asked the Chinese to give us a bit more time because of the docu-
outlying maritime divisions and in the remote rural schools will be given time to file their mentation.
applications. Application forms cost $10 for lodgment and an annual fee of $30. The “The documentation is already done but more information
registration is renewed every three years. is needed to fulfill their re- quirements,” Permanent Secretary
to the Prime Minister’s office Pita Wise said during an interview
New unit to probe Fiji lawyers with FijiLive.
“We are looking at access- ing the fund for basic infrastruc-
A special unit within the office of the Chief Registrar will be set up to investigate the 283
ture works. Our priorities are what’s in the Charter (People’s
pending cases against lawyers. This follows the downgrading of the Fiji Law Society to a
Charter for Change, Peace and Progress) which are basic infra-
voluntary body with the issuance of the Legal Practitioners Decree. Chief Registrar Ana structure, good education for people and health.
Rokomokoti said her office receives five complaints per day on average against law- “The most important thing now is to get basic infrastructure
yers. “Some of the complaints lodged against lawyers dates back to 2000 which were right. Improve our roads, improve shipment to our rural
pending before the Fiji Law Society for action,” she told FijiLive. The complaints against islands, particularly in the mar- itime zones like Lau and Yasawa.”
lawyers include malpractice, misconduct, deliberate attempts to delay cases, trust fund The first government related entities that have applied to China
account violations, incompetence, negligence, discrepancy with costs charged to cli- are the Housing Authority and the Public Rental Board, who have
ents, failure to follow client’s instructions and failure to communicate with clients. put in a joint application to the Export/Import Bank of China for a
F$70 million loan.
The two quasi-government companies are still awaiting final
Prominent lawyer Leung warns Fiji on path to approval ,which will see them delivering a number of housing projects to cater for Fiji’s low and medium
failed state income earners.
A former Fiji Law Society president, Graham Leung, says the people of Fiji must change Wise said while China’s loan facility was available the government was also keeping its options open on
where it would borrow from.
the path they are on or they risk finding themselves in a sad, failed country. Mr Leung
“We will look into all opportunities. We will take advantage of the one that is most cost-effective to us so
was to speak at this week’s Accountants Congress but he withdrew after the police
our options are open. We are looking at China, the Asian Development Bank, Malaysia and, India.
threatened the organisers to cancel the meetings’ license should he and two others, “Wherever opportunities arise, we will carry out due diligence, carry out cost-benefit analysis … the one
Richard Naidu and Dr Brij Lal, appear. He told Radio New Zealand International people that gives us the best deal, we will take it.”
should stop burying their heads in the sand and take action. “The blood instruments of China’s US$600 million soft loan facility – of two percent interest rates with terms of up to 20 years – was
coercion have never really worked anywhere in terms of a cursory review of the history announced by Chinese premier Wen Jiabao when he visited Fiji in 2006.
books. If we don’t correct the current path that we are on, we shouldn’t be surprised if we Wise said the priority projects eyed for funding would be the upgrading of rural roads, housing, wharves
ended similar to a country such as Zimbabwe.” Mr Leung sail a nation that lives under and bridges, water supply and sewerage and the construction of slipway and ship repair facilities.
the tyranny of dictatorship loses its vitality and zest of life.

iPhone introduces Fiji time zone

Fiji now has its own timezone on the latest updated version of iPhone timezone ap-
plication that can be downloaded. “I upgraded my mac and iphone and behold, there
Devalued Fijian dollar attracts
is a timezone for Suva, Fiji,” writes Franck Martin of the Pacific Islands Internet Society
(PICISOC). This is following Franck’s meeting with an Apple employee a few months
ago when he pointed to the fact that they didn’t have a timezone for Fiji and many Pacific
Islands in their system.
Cook Islands
Suva: Cook Islands is expecting to increase its imports from Fiji over the coming months due to the devalued
Fijian dollar and a change in shipping route by regional shipping service Pacific Forum Line.
Department probes extent of child labour is in Fiji A three-member delegation from the tiny island nation, led by its Deputy Prime Minister Sir Terepai
Suva: The number of Fiji’s children engaged in paid labour is still being ascertained but Maoate, Secretary for Finance Sholan Ivaiti and chief executive officer Terry Rangi, was in Fiji this week to
the percentage of primary students who reach secondary school is very telling, says the explore opportunities here and meet with likely suppliers.
Department of Social Welfare. “Our Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary for Finance were here for a meeting in Nadi but prior to coming,
An estimated 15 per cent of primary school students do not survive the full eight years of the Cook Islands Cabinet requested our Deputy PM to look at what was happening in Fiji in terms of trade,”
their primary education while an average of 74.9 per cent of those who start secondary Mr Rangi told FijiLive.
education reach Form Six, according to official statistics. “So there really were two reasons why we are here: one, the devaluation of your dollar has made it attrac-
Social Welfare director Ilisapeci Rokotunidau says child labour is a real concern and tive for us to import out of Fiji. And two, we had so much trouble back in Cook Islands when the Pacific Forum
Line pulled out last year, most of our cargo was stuck in Auckland.
while child labour in Fiji was yet to be quantified, the signs were obvious as more chil-
“But PFL has restarted but it’s now servicing Cook Islands via Fiji and not a direct route between Auckland
dren could now be seen working as barrow boys, shoe shine boys and peanut sellers. and Rarotonga. So to ensure that we maintain this service and not have a repeat of what happened last year, we
“The Department of Social Welfare has less than 50 officers directly delivering services want to maintain or even increase the volume of cargo that the ship carries to Cook Islands.
on the ground all around Fiji and outreach has been weaved into a lot of our community “We are therefore looking specifically at locally manufactured goods here in Fiji, especially construction
programmes,” she told Fiji Times. goods like concrete, cement and building materials. We’re also looking at furniture, flour and basically any-
The department is one of the central agencies working with the International Labour thing that’s manufactured here in Fiji which we used to source from New Zealand,” Mr Rangi said.
Organisation to ascertain the number of children who are working. Cook Islands, he added, spends about NZ$200,000 annually on imports sourced from New Zealand and
Mrs Rokotunidau’s comments follow the release of the US State Department’s 2009 re- with the necessary change of trade direction now, some of that will be spent in Fiji.
port on human trafficking which criticised the wide practice of children being “informally The delegation met with a number of potential local suppliers including Fijian Holdings Ltd and Basic
adopted”. Industries.

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12 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

Fiji - Comment
Fiji drug find linked Fiji to have new constitution,
to NZ, say Police discrimination to be eradicated
Suva: Police believe they have uncovered an There is no room for racial discrimination is this stitution for the country.
international drug network with links to Fiji government, says Fiji’s interim Prime Minister “It would mean bringing in a new constitu-
after finding white powder on a man they ar- Commodore Frank Bainimarama, according to tion, so that racial discrimination a tool previ-
rested at the Nadi International Airport main the Fiji Sun newspaper. ously used by many politicians to win votes is
gate. This will be drafted into the country’s new eradicated,”’ he said.
West police spokesman Wame Bautolu told constitution. “It is my belief that bringing racial discrimi-
FijiLive the man, believed to be in his 40s, was Speaking at Dawasamu, Tailevu, Commo- nation as part of an election is not a good idea - it
from Nausori, on the other side of the main dore Bainimarama said the interim government will lead us to nowhere.”
island, and had been acting suspiciously. was committed to eradicating discrimination at Commodore Bainimarama said Government
“We have identified the white powder to be all levels. would not like to see a no repetition of the 2000
a flu drug called Contact NT, it was bound for “I will not tolerate racial discrimination as a event where little trust was shared by Fijians and
New Zealand,” said Bautolu. way of dividing people of this nation,” he said. other races and drove many people to parliament
Contact NT is the name for an over-the- Commodore Bainimarama said he would to support rebel leader George Speight for no
counter flu remedy produced in China. It has ensure this even if it meant drafting a new con- reason.
a high pseudoephedrine concentration, one

Fiji ISP Connect accused of ‘daylight robbery’

of the key ingredients in the manufacture of
the narcotic methamphetamine, known on the
streets as ice.
Bautolu said “the Fiji police are now liais-
ing with their counterparts in New Zealand to
find out the intended destination for the drug.” Fiji’s largest internet service provider Connect have the exact information for customers due to
“We believe that the drugs were bought in has been accused of “daylight robbery” for the technical complexity of the problem.”
Fiji and supplied to New Zealand.” failing to properly inform all its customers of But Ms Kumar said Connect’s attempts to
In New Zealand last year, 2.3 million disruptions to its service, resulting in huge losses inform its customers were “appallingly” inad-
tablets were intercepted - enough to produce for some. equate because it only placed radio advertise-
147 kg of methamphetamine, which the NZ In a statement reported in the Fiji Times, the $US1, 000 penalty by a resort because the resort ments and a notice on its website.
National Drug Intelligence Bureau estimates Consumer Council of Fiji criticised the company did not receive the e-mail on cancellation of She said the company should have e-mailed
would sell for between $110 million and $147 after it received an overwhelming number of booking within the required span of 10 days.” all its customers and published notices in the
million. complaints from customers who claimed to have Connect chief executive Sharon Smith ac- daily newspapers.
Since tougher laws have been imposed on incurred heavy costs as a result of the service knowledged the technical problems of the past “Businesses have also incurred huge losses
drugs containing pseudoephedrine in New disruptions. two weeks, but she denies they were solely because of regular e-mail problems and now con-
Zealand, manufacturers there are looking at “One consumer had to pay $US283 to Air caused by the planned upgrade. sumers would like to know how they would be
countries where legislation on such laws are Pacific in Los Angeles and incur costs of 3-4 “The issues faced in the past few weeks have compensated,” said Mrs Kumar.
more relaxed. international calls because the airline did not been random; some are due to Connect infra- Ms Smith said monthly rentals would be
Bautolu added that the man, whose expla- receive the e-mail confirming payment of a cli- structure others are due to TFL infrastructure,” rebated to those who have been affected in the
nation made him look suspicious to the police, ent’s booking and the deadline for the ticket she explained. North.
was searched at the airport by the Border payment had lapsed,” said council chief execu- “In all cases we have notified customers of The two parties are to meet shortly to discuss
Control Police. tive Premila Kumar. outages, however admittedly there have been these concerns at length.
“This client also barely managed to escape a times in the past week when we have struggled to


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Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 13

Not just one single writer
Your newspaper stands out because of the variety of writers and points of view you present. We are not stuck
with just one writer from page one to the last page. In your issue dated July 12, I was happy to see writers
whose articles I had read in India. I didn’t know that they were now living here in NZ. It is amazing that
Dev’s View other newspapers and even Indian publications never thought about utilising their talent before. Congratu-
lations to Indian Weekender for bringing good Indian journalism to us. Keep it up.

- K.N. Vivek

Web edition – Keeping up with times

I was fortunate to read the first issue of Indian Weekender and it was impressive. As the world is moving fast
with technology, people have most of the e-information delivered to their email box rather than the physical
letterbox at their property. Many of us do not have the time to go and physically pick up the newspaper.
Congratulations for moving fast with the technology and launching the web edition and delivering to the
inbox. The contents and variety are certainly of high caliber.

- Balubhai Mistry

Superb Effort - unbelievably wonderful website

The day I picked up the first issue of the Indian Weekender, a few months ago, I could envisage that this
is a very high quality publication with exceptional journalism. Your recent launch of the website further
cements your position and I take this opportunity to congratulate the team behind this very professional

- Anurag Patel

Ethnic reporting ethics

From the Editor In response to the news about Ms Neelam Chowdary and Dr Richard Worth, New Zealand Indian Central
Association takes a strong exception to the way such stories are projected. Why does one have to attach eth-

Why are we shy of thinking big?

nicity when it comes to Korean, Chinese and Indian, etc? How often do we see word Irish, Scottish, English,
Italian, German attached to a Kiwi citizen? NZICA, representing more than 100,000 Kiwi Indians, would
like to state that any self respecting Kiwi of Indian origin would stop at second text message if the first one
was not decent enough and definitely should not accept 34 messages before raising an alarm. It is high time
Kiwis have long been known for their ingenuity and inventiveness. Our propensity that we have some more important items allocated to the front pages of national dailies.
to innovate and also be counted among the earliest adopters of new concepts,
technologies and processes is known all over the world. - Veer Khar, General Secretary, NZICA
But we have always been a little constrained when it comes to transforming that Something to be proud of
inventiveness into commercial success – especially on a global scale. We are often I must tell you that before I could even log on to your superb new website I had
accused of fighting shy of thinking big and letting go opportunities to move quickly two people from different floors in my office building come up to me last morning and tell me that they
enough to cash in on success outside the country and region in the manner and had spotted my byline in The Indian Weekender. Seems you guys have good visibility and fan following
--already! Picked up the paper as well later in the evening and enjoyed reading it. It’s informative and very
speed with which innovators in other countries might do. well formatted and yes, I liked the way my article was laid out as well. Kudos to your team, you’ve brought
In this issue we feature Anand and Sarita Kumble (Page 2) whose start up company out a sterling product that every Indian in the city can be proud of.
Pictor finds itself in a similar situation. Their sophisticated yet simple-to-use
technology can help detect a range of diseases quickly, efficiently and costs far - Farida Master
lower than existing testing technologies. They’ve been successful in obtaining seed
capital to start off but are now beginning to feel it harder to scale up to quickly Charities
reach its full global potential. I totally agree with the contents of Rakesh Krishnan’s article on international charities.
They are now being wooed by investors from India and the US but would like to
- Jagdish Dashora
give New Zealand their best shot because they like the country and it is here that
they developed their technology. It would be a pity if Pictor had to think in terms of
relocating just because of our propensity to think small. Very good article, well written and very well researched. I agree wholeheartedly and am very proud that
That may be changing, though. Kiwi baggage handling systems company someone is out there putting India in the right perspective. Viva La growing, enterprising India.
A very proud Indian.
Glidepath’s recent success is one example that’s truly encouraging. Glidepath
(Page 3) has bagged quite a few contracts in India’s expanding aviation market - Sonali Geo
after setting up over 500 projects around the world.
We would once again like to thank readers for your overwhelming response to Copies received in Fiji
I acknowledge receipt of 3 copies of ‘’Indian Weekender’’ today. Thank you for including me in your remarks
our website launch. In less than ten days, over 1000 have registered to receive and photos in the 15 May Girmit special issue.
our e-newsletter, the first of which is being emailed today (June 26). We are also
pleased that nearly over half that number also downloaded our last issue in the - Sir Moti Tikaram, Fiji
portable document format (pdf) from the website, indicating Indian Weekender’s
You really have your finger on the pulse
growing reach not just here but also across the Tasman, in India and the US. It is amazing to see that you guys are reporting almost “live” as I see all the latest happenings being posted
We invite you to visit more often and as well as on your website in real time! We wish Hashim Khan the owner of Moshims – good luck with his new venture,
checking out the frequently updated multimedia content, also participate in the which will surely be a success due to his hard work.
growing number of contests and activities that are featured every week.
- Tariq Aziz

International business etiquette

Wonderful write up. Think global and act local wherever we are. It’s good to know so many fine things
about changing behaviour in different places. Adding about Australia and New Zealand would be more
Indian Weekender Volume 1 No 8 interesting to know.
Publisher: Kiwi Media Group Limited
Group editor-in-chief: Dev Nadkarni - Bala Sundaram V, Fiji Islands
Online editor: Arvind Kumar
India Correspondent: Shobha Rao
Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza rohan@
Design: Tanmay Desai /
Advertising: Reggie Singh - 021 160 6704,
Would you like your copy of
or Giri Gupta - 021 221 1131
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East Tamaki, Manukau 2013 and printed at APN Print, Ellerslie, Auckland would cover the costs of mailing and handling 26 issues.
Copyright 2009. Kiwi Media Group. All Rights Reserved.

14 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

National needs to step up its act

In the lead up to the national election in 2008, doesn’t have a Heather Simpson to troubleshoot
several media commentators had said that nine
John Key: The Prime Minister needs either.
years of Labour Party rule and its increasingly cen- to do more to connect better with ethnic It is altogether another matter that Mr Goff’s
trist stance over that period had forced the National communities. ploy badly backfired and burned him more than
Party to make its own outlook far more centrist the Prime Minister or even Dr Worth, for that
than it ever was before. matter. What might have been a strategy to regain
And the pronouncements the party made in Labour’s centrestage has come unstuck for him.
the months before the poll certainly indicated that Commentators have already begun saying that
changing stance. Apart from bashing Labour’s David Shearer would be Labour’s prime ministe-
business unfriendly policies and its brand of social rial candidate next time around.
re-engineering, National projected itself as an in- But the Indian community sees Dr Worth –
clusive outfit, alive to the new realities of a country who has been closely associated with it and who
that had changed considerably since it was last in many respect – as little more than the fall guy in
power. One of these big changes was obviously the this unseemly mudslinging match and believe that
growing multi-ethnic composition of the elector- National could have dealt with him far more rea-
ate. sonably, at least till such a time as no charges were
Seven months into its term, though, it is already laid.
beginning to look like the party is poised to veer Meanwhile the perception of National’s high
back toward its traditional right of centre approach handedness continues in the community. At the
– especially so from the point of view of this coun- executive committee meeting of the New Zealand
try’s growing and increasingly politically active Rodney Hide: Declined to meet with Indian Central Association (NZICA) – which, at
minority communities. 86 years, is the country’s oldest Indian association
Indian community representatives about
Several developments in the recent past point with a nationwide presence – it was revealed that
to this. super city matters its attempts to meet Local Government Minister
The manner in which National list MP Melissa Rodney Hide had come a cropper.
Lee was nearly abandoned by her party’s leader- Melissa Lee: Left high and dry on the day of the Mt Albert The association sought a meeting with Mr Hide
ship as she emerged a distant second in the Mount by-election results to put across the community’s concerns on the
Albert by-election on the day the result was de- super city plans but received a terse reply from his
clared only served to reinforce this perception. office that after careful consideration, the minister
Prime Minister John Key had said he was ously dropped in favour of Lee. “There was hardly had lost his confidence. There has been no evi- had declined to meet with the association. The de-
engaged at a family commitment that was made in any consultation with the community and it was all dence of any crime that has been committed and cision to meet or not is certainly his prerogative.
February. But what about his next in command Bill done so suddenly, it came as a complete surprise,” neither have the full contents of the two way com- But the question is, did he and his office consider
English? What about the rest of the senior leader- a senior Indian community leader from the elector- munication between Dr Worth and Ms Neelam the fact that there are some 100,000 Indians in the
ship? All we heard were excuses for not being there ate had told Indian Weekender. Chaudary have been revealed. Greater Auckland area that comprise nearly 8% of
– and that too after several of them claimed to have Lee’s abandonment by the party’s senior lead- By stepping right into what clearly appears to the metro’s population? That they now form a con-
hit the campaign trail so as to fit their other com- ership on result day has not gone down well not have been nothing more than a mud-slinging set siderable force at the hustings?
mitments in Auckland to be able to claim certain only in the Mount Albert electorate but also else- up that Labour leader Phil Goff championed, the His refusal to meet with NZICA leaders has left
expenses as revealed in the New Zealand Herald where in Auckland. The government’s handling of Prime Minister has shown that he has some way to the association and the community disappointed.
last week. the recommendations of the Royal Commission on go before he makes the successful transition from There is no doubt that the ruling party has to
Would it have been the same if Lee had won the Auckland Governance in the lead up to the by-elec- corporate financial czar to astute politician. spruce up its people skills and be far more com-
election? Would she have been left similarly high tion and the manner in which it responded to op- He clearly walked into a trap most ingenuously munity friendly especially when it comes to the
and dry by National’s top brass? position to the State Highway 20 extension through and nearly played along with Labour’s obvious ethnic minorities. Collectively they are an emerg-
In the Indian community this feeling of the Waterview clearly proved counter productive. strategy to keep the issue alive for as long as it ing force with the numbers that can influence elec-
party’s tendency toward high handedness and Key’s poor handling of the Richard Worth could to embarrass him and his government. Of toral outcomes particularly in this country’s tightly
riding roughshod first came up when longtime affair, too, hasn’t helped. He has refused to give course it would be too much to expect Mr Key to contested polls. Inclusiveness is no mere buzzword
National candidate Ravi Musuku was unceremoni- reasons why the former internal affairs minister have Helen Clark’s nous. And then again, Mr Key today. National must step up its act. Act must too.

Flu at Fiji National Provident Fund

Subhash Appana
The Fiji National Provident Fund has re- must collect monies from member salaries and garet Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, the world of highly ambitious projects were discussed in
cently been making headlines again – this employer contributions as a matter of right and turned to business for answers to development the latter half of the 1990s with funding from
time because government feels that, despite manage this, so that the member is assured of a and progress. It took a while to realize that by FNPF very much considered as necessary fuel.
the myriad flu epidemics, retiree members safety net upon retirement. This is particularly removing the “hand of government” through “We must mobilize that money” declared
have been benefiting disproportionately by important in countries like Fiji that do not have deregulation too much faith was being placed an inebriated bureaucrat in the murky con-
living longer than expected and qualifying for welfare benefit schemes. in the “hand of the market”. And the market fines of Suva’s Traps Bar. “That money is lying
monthly stipends from their pension funds. Of Recent experience had strange idiosyncra- idle” complained another enterprising aspirant
particular concern is the fact that at the present with the management sies that were linked too with no business experience. It came to a stage
rate of 15%, discrepancies between FNPF’s of investment funds Momi Bay, Matapo and closely to the “hand of where the rhetoric snowballed into an ever-in-
pension income and pension payments has es- however has left much management”. creasing need to release pension funds for the
calated from $4.5million in 2003 to $20.4m in to be desired and a be- Bridgecorp are just some Harvard Business good of the country. Some of this money did
2008. leaguered public has School has already made go into shoring up one of the public enterprises
Clearly if this is allowed to continue, the increasingly questioned
the motivations and in-
of the more dodgy names an ethics oath a require-
ment for its MBA gradu-
and presenting a veneer of acceptability in the
1998 budget.
fund would have to join the ever-increasing list
of post-subprime mortgage crisis casualties.
That is the dilemma faced by FNPF manage-
tentions of fund man-
agers. The collapse of
associated with FNPF. ates in recognition of the
fact that the “business
Later on, the once-glamorous Grand Pacific
Hotel was bought by FNPF at a price that
ment as they attempt to balance the demanded
outflow against its dwindling inflow of funds.
Bridge Corp and sub-
sequent death throes of
It doesn’t take much is the business of busi-
ness” edict has led to
assumed that it was still a favourite of British
Royalty. That white elephant has long lost its
In a ceteris paribus world, a provident
fund would have two main sources of inflows:
Hanover Finance totally
shook public confidence
imagination or kava- some of the most dam-
aging economic, social
white through the degradations of nature, and
nobody knows if it will ever shake out of its
member contributions and investment returns.
Member contributions increase over time
in financial institutions
in Australasia.
induced hallucination to and political outcomes
imaginable. The hands-
stupor to once-again become the Grand Dame
of the South Seas.
through the inevitable career progress of
members and the inclusion of new subscribees
Eric Watson’s $1.1m
Istanbul gig with his
expect the big blight at the off model of the West
has lost traction and
Momi Bay, Matapo and Bridgecorp are
just some of the more dodgy names associated
who also inevitably continue to join the work-
glitzy entourage for his
50th b’day less than a
fund any time soon. forced US government
involvement in private
with FNPF. It doesn’t take much imagination
or kava-induced hallucination to expect the big
On the other hand, investment returns year after his cohort business has made Chi- blight at the fund any time soon.
arise from the expectations and demands that Mark Hotchin’s 50th bash in Fiji after having na-enthusiasts drool at the prospect of a new FNPF management has a fiduciary rela-
members place on the fund to manage their fi- bellied up Hanover Finance to the tune of model for economic growth. tionship to ensure that members’ funds are
nances in such a way that it grows and contin- $500m have fueled skepticism to the extent Coming back to Fiji, it is no secret that managed prudently and with reasonable en-
ues to provide healthy dividends annually over that some economists have even begun to FNPF has long tantalized fund managers, poli- terprise to ensure that the monies continue to
time. rethink the role of banks in the revival of the ticians and power brokers in the country. In the grow and enrich the lives of members. It is even
In other words, the provident fund must global economy. wake of awakened appetites after the plunder more important for management to ensure that
work like an investment bank at some stage. It When the “remove regulations” flu hit Mar- of the National Bank of Fiji (NBF), a number good money is not thrown after bad money.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 15

Global Indians
Indian in Zuma’s A-team Kavya’s a champion speller
After being sworn in South Africa’s fourth president, Jacob Zuma, 67, appointed noted activist of
Indian origin, Pravin Gordhan, as the country’s finance minister. The word “laodicean” is bound to carry a lot haven’t skipped meals, we haven’t lost sleep,
Gordhan, 60, is the son of working class Gujarati parents and studied at the former University of of significance in the life of Indian American but we’ve skipped a lot of social time.”
Durban-Westville, where he began his anti-apartheid activities. He qualified as a chemist in the late student Kavya Shivashankar. In earlier rounds Kavya, a student at Cali-
1970s, and worked at a local hospital during the days of the apartheid. He was the commissioner of That was the word the 13-year-old student fornia Trail Junior High School, effortlessly
revenue – department around into one of the most efficient and effective organs of the state – before from Olathe, Kansas, spelt correctly to rattled off seemingly challenging words
his appointment as minister. become the winner of the prestigious Scripps like “hydrargyrum,” “blancmange” and
He joined the African National Congress underground and played an important role in mobilising National Spelling Bee 2009 final recently. “baignoire.”
the Indian community. In the 1980s, he was arrested and detained by the security police after being The victory was Kavya’s fourth attempt at The championships were held in the ball-
considered a communist and a threat to the security of the state. When the ANC was disbanded in the the national spelling cham- room of the
early 1990s, Gordhan played an important role in the democratic negotiations as a leader of the Natal pionships, after having Grand Hyatt in
Indian Congress delegation. In 1994, he was chosen as an ANC member of parliament and after com- finished 10th, eighth and Washington DC,
pleting one term, was appointed as the commissioner of revenue. It is this reputation as an efficient ad- fourth over the past three with a calm and
ministrator that made him a favourite to replace Trevor Manuel as the finance minister. Other Indians years. collected Kavya
in the over 40- member cabinet are Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim, deputy minister of foreign affairs, The budding neurosur- beating 11 other
Roy Padaychee, deputy minister of public service and administration, Enver Surty, deputy minister geon won US$40,000 in students who
of basic education, Yunus Carrim, deputy minister of local government and traditional affairs and cash and prizes. Kavya’s had all made it
Ebrahim Patel, minister of economic development. family is originally from through a gru-
The inclusion of six Indians in the ministry shows that Zuma has tried to give more representation India. elling series of
to the community as his predecessor Thabo Mbeki had only two Indian- origin leaders in his cabinet. “I can’t believe it hap- state-wide and
Indicating the warmth in bilateral ties with India, Zuma had told visiting Indian vice-president pened,” Kavya said. “It regional compe-
Hamid Ansari that without India’s participation, his swearing-in would have been incomplete. feels kind of unreal.” titions to reach
After spelling the the final.
winning word, which This year’s

Mastercard president nets dream salary means lukewarm or indif-

ferent in religion or poli-
tics, Kavya got huge hugs
event was the
82nd, making
the Scripps Na-
The Asia-Pacific chief executive of the crisis-ridden global financial giant Citigroup, Ajaypal Banga, from father Mirle, mother tional Spelling
will get a package of about Rs 90 crore as the new second-in-command at payment services firm Mas- Sandy and little sister Bee America’s
terCard. This could well be one of the biggest packages offered since the global financial crisis began. Vanya. largest and
Banga will join MasterCard as its new President and Chief Operating Officer on August 31 and “The competitiveness longest-running
could possibly be promoted as the chief executive of Citigroup within a year’s time. is in her,” Mirle Shivashankar said. “But she educational promotion. The event was broad-
He will be paid around $US 2.15 million (about Rs 10 crore) in salary and other allowances an- doesn’t show that. She still has that smile. cast live on the ABC television network with
nually and would also get a one time benefit toting up to about $US15.9 million (about Rs 80 crore) That’s her quality.” Emmy Award-winner Tom Bergeron hosting
including a sign-on bonus of about $US 4.2 million. Kavya won in her fourth appearance at the the 16-round final.
The package, which includes over USD 11 million to be paid through stocks and remainder in bee, having finished 10th, eighth and fourth Other words finalists were asked to spell
cash, makes Banga the highest-paid banker after American Express chief Kenneth Chenault and Citi over the past three years. She enjoys playing include: antonomasia, bouquiniste, ori-
chief Vikram Pandit, another Indian, based on the disclosed remuneration paid to the two in the year the violin, bicycling, swimming and learning flamme, guayabera, isagoge and sophrosyne,
2008. Indian classical dance, and her role model is phoresy, menhir, maecenas, ophelimity, dia-
For the year 2008, Chenault’s total compensation amounted to $US 42.8 million, while Pandit Nupur Lala, the 1999 champion featured in coele and reredos.
received $US 38.2 million. the documentary Spellbound.
Responding to the financial crisis earlier this year, Pandit has said he would only take a token “This is the moment we’ve been waiting – Indian Weekender news desk
salary of one dollar. The other components of his compensation package are also expected to go down. for; it’s a dream come true,” Mirle said. “We

16 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Indian English: Why it

will soon be sexy
bridge between the major first-language dia-
Rakesh Krishnan lects of the world, such as British and American
English, and the major foreign-language variet-
ies, such as those emerging in China and Japan.
With an English-speaking population that out- China is the closest competitor for the English-
numbers the US and Britain combined, India speaking record, with some 220 million speakers
will soon write the rules on how the language is of English, but China does not have the pervasive
spoken and written worldwide. English linguistic environment encountered in
If you know the meaning of Jai Ho or gre- India; nor does it have the strength of linguistic
enwashing, you probably know that on June 10, tradition that provides multiple continuities with
2009, the English language recorded its one mil- the rest of the English-speaking world.
lionth word. According to the Global Language English is said to be the language that Shake-
Monitor in Texas that word is Web 2.0, which speare used and George Bush abused. But not
is used to describe the second generation of the even the supercomputers at Global Language
World Wide Web. For a word to officially enter Monitor’s Texas labs can predict what shape
the lexicon, it has to be used in books or on the Indians will give it in the future. However, one
internet 25,000 times. thing is abundantly clear – in the 21st century
Don’t panic if you are trying to learn the lan- the New Delhi drawl rather than the New York
guage. Yes, one million is indeed a stiff target but twang will be rolling off people’s tongues.
most people (and many experts) can get by with And if you are still here, greenwashing
just 400 words. ranked 999,992nd and is defined as rebranding
But what has linguists all excited is that the an old, often inferior product as environmentally
Hindi word Jai Ho (Be Victorious) came second friendly. Now, that’s handy to describe the New
in a photo finish, becoming the 999,999th word. Zealand Greens.
This is no lucky accident; the explosion of words
in the English language reflects the extraordi-
nary rate of borrowings from foreign languages, Subcontinental collection
including a slew of Indian ones. Along with considerable wealth, the
Professor David Crystal, one of the world’s British took a large number of words
foremost experts on English, says people will from India. A small selection: atoll,
effectively have to learn two varieties of the lan- avatar, bandana, bangle, bungalow,
guage – one spoken in their home country, and a cash, cot, cummerbund, dinghy,
new kind of Standard English which can be in- guru, jackfruit, jute, karma, khaki,
ternationally understood. The English spoken in
mongoose, juggernaut, jungle, loot,
countries with rapidly-booming economies, such
as India, will increasingly influence this global mango, mugger, pajamas, polo, pun-
standard, he says. dit, rajah, sentry, shampoo, swastika.
“In future, users of global Standard English English No.1
might replace the British English: ‘I think it’s Although the French and Hindi have
going to rain’, with the Indian English: ‘I am official committees to block words
thinking it’s going to rain’,” argues Crystal, an (mostly English) from entering their
honorary professor of linguistics at the Univer- lexicon, English is not firewalled by
sity of Wales, Bangor. such futile exercises. Hence, English
He adds: “In language, numbers count. There is growing at the rate of 15 words a
are more people speaking English in India than day.
in the rest of the native English-speaking world English 1,000,000
combined. Even now, if you ring a call centre,
Chinese 500,000
often it’s an Indian voice you hear at the end
Japanese 232,000
of the phone. As the Indian economy grows, so
might the influence of Indian English. Spanish 225,000
“There, people tend to use the present contin- Russian 195,000
uous where we would use the present simple. For German 185,000
example, where we would say: “I think, I feel, I Hindi 120,000
see” a speaker of Indian English might say: “I am French 100,000
thinking, I am feeling, I am seeing”. This way of Source: Global Language Monitor, 2009
speaking could easily become sexy and part of
global Standard English.”
Sexy or not, the sheer weight of numbers is Word Power
moving the odds in India’s favour. At least 600
million Indians read and write English and the Other words that have recently made
rest are following fast. Fuelled by a throbbing it to the English vocabulary.
economy and a rapidly growing higher education N00b (popular culture): A derisive
sector (again, where the medium of discourse word to describe a newbie gamer. It
is largely English), a bold new dialect is taking has zero’s instead of oh’s.
shape in India, jettisoning the ‘proper’ British Mobama (US): Relating to the
one. fashion-sense of the US First Lady, as
For this growing English dialect to find ac- in ‘that is quite mobamaish’.
ceptance by the rest of the world, India first has to
Slow food (popular culture): Food
become a world player. Linguistic status comes
other than the fast-food variety hope-
from economic and cultural hegemony and India
is showing signs that in the coming decades its fully produced locally (locavores).
hegemony will be pervasive. Chuddies (Hindi): Ladies’ underwear
Call centres are just the most visible facet or panties.
of Indian dominance of the new economy. The De-follow (internet): No longer fol-
reality is that much of the world’s software is lowing the updates of someone on a
written in India; modern cars are designed in social networking site.
CAD/CAM centres in Bangalore; the world’s Alchopops (Australia): Sugary-
leading financial companies offshore their work flavoured mixed drinks very much in
to Indian MBAs and chartered accountants in vogue.
Mumbai; Reuters has moved its editing opera- Chengguan (China): Urban man-
tions to India; American newspapers are even agement officers, a cross between
moving local news reporting to India; daily
mayors, sheriff, and city managers.
texting exceeds the numbers in the UK and US;
2.5 billion people watch Indian movies compared
with 1.5 billion who prefer Hollywood ones. If Rakesh Krishnan is a features writer with
China is the world’s shop floor, India is its think Fairfax New Zealand. He has previously
tank. worked with India Today, Hindustan Times,
As Crystal says, India has a unique position BusinessWorld and was news editor at
in the English-speaking world. It is a linguistic Financial Express.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 17

Community marks Navtej’s anniversary SPROUT invites you to score high
The first death anniversary of slain Indian control lawlessness. The Sports Recreation and Outdoors Trust with an event calendar. The tournament will be
Liquor store owner Navtej Singh was held at Mr. Bakshi during his speech also em- (SPROUT) is a charitable and non-profitable trust played according to Action Indoor sports tourna-
a very well attended function at Gurudwara phasised the impact that 300 new frontline run by volunteers with an aim to educate, encour- ment rules and a total of 19 matches will be played.
Takanini Sahib on June 14. police officers would have on the situation age, promote and provide opportunities in sports, 16 round robin, 2 semi-finals and one final. Each
Police Minister Judith Collins represented in Manukau. He also urged Indians to come recreation and outdoor pursuits to achieve greater cricket game takes 1 ½ hours to complete with a 5
the New Zealand Government along with MP forward and join the police force as this would wellbeing for people of Indian origin in New min break between the innings. Games would be
Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi. provide much needed interaction between the Zealand. played on all four cricket grounds so everyone gets
Ms Collins read a message from Prime Indian community and the police. SPROUT is organising Freedom Cup Indian to play each Saturday.
Minister John Key who acknowledged the Daljit Singh, a senior leader of the Sikh Indoor Cricket Tournament to celebrate 62 years The winning team will get a Freedom Cup
contribution of the Sikh Community in present community, presented the leaders to the gath- of India’s Freedom. Through this event SPROUT Trophy plus team dinner voucher from RAVIZ.
day multicultural New Zealand. An assurance ering and joined Nahar Singh, father of late aims to provide opportunities to Indian commu- Both the winner and runner up players will get in-
was given by the government that it will try Navtej Singh thanked all who had come to nity to participate in physical activities and live a dividual medals. We have also decided to have an
its best not to have such an incident repeated express solidarity with Navtej’s family. healthy life style and to make kiwi Indian youth ETHC cap (Batsman Cap) and THO Cap (Bowlers
and that 300 new front line officers are being – Indian Weekender news desk understand the importance of our freedom fighters. Cap) for the best batsman and bowler of the tour-
inducted into the Manukau Police precinct to This event is proudly supported by East nament. People who have watched recent IPL
Tamaki Healthcare Family Doctors (ETHC) and matches will understand this concept easily.
Total Healthcare Otara (THO). Both these organi-
sations have a long history of serving the Indian What: FREEDOM CUP
community. Teams: Grand Gandhi, Power Pandey, Super
Indian freedom fighters with their true spirit Shastri, Solid Singh, Noble Nehru, Brilliant Bose,
and undaunted courage had faced various tortures, Proud Patel and Awesome Azad
exploitations and hardships to earn us freedom. Where: Action Indoor Stadium, 577 Great South
In today’s world, cricket is much more than a Road Papatoetoe, Manukau City
game to Indians; it is a passion, an obsession, a re- When: Saturday 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th July 2009
ligion! Millions of youngsters, all over the country, (Round robins -5:00 -6.30 pm)
dream of playing for India! 1st August 2009 (2:00- 3.30 pm – Semi Finals &
Cricket more than any other sport, has tradition- Finals 4.30-6.00 pm)
ally been associated with the virtues of honesty, How: FREE registrations (Thanks to ETHC and
integrity, fair play and teamwork. Upholding and THO) at
promoting the positive values associated with the Or mail your team details to
spirit of cricket and our freedom fighters is a key Any queries call 0211184883 (Nigam)
objective of this event. Condition: Each team must have one player who is
SPROUT invites the Indian community to more than 35 years of age or less than 15 years or a
embrace these values and apply them to the way female of any age group.
they run their business or do their job, while cel-
ebrating the game of cricket and participating in So make a team of your friends /family /work-
Freedom Cup. mates, choose the freedom fighter your team wants
Each team will be named after freedom fight- to represent and follow your passion.
ers: this exercise will create curiosity among
youth in our community; help them understand If you need anymore information about
Top row: Judith Collins, Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, Hardyal Singh and Daljit Singh our history and struggle. On the opening day of Freedom Cup please call Nigam Mehta @
tournament everyone will get detailed information 0211184883 or visit our website
Bottom row: Bhai Malkit Singh and a section of the gathering about the contribution of the freedom fighter along

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18 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

Community news in pictures
The executives of the NZICA at the meeting in Auckland Ethnic Affairs Minister Pansy Wong at
the Indian Weekender booth

National MP Melissa Lee at

Mr Nauhria’s felicitation

NZICA executive meets in Auckland

The New Zealand Indian Central Association’s executive committee met in Auckland for its daylong quar-
terly conference on June 19. Several matters of importance were discussed and deliberated during the
conference, which was attended by executive members from its branches all over New Zealand as well as
representatives of the association’s affiliated branches and associate members. This was the first meeting
after its AGM that was held in Hamilton earlier this year. Next year’s AGM will be held in Auckland.
You can download minutes of the meeting from

Migrant Expo has successful show

The seventh migrant Expo was a success as in all its previous years. The two-day event, held at the Auckland
show grounds on June 13 and 14 hosted a range of activities including product and service demonstrations,
business one-to-ones and offered networking opportunities to migrant businesses. Several government
departments, financial institutions and educational institutes also participated. A special attraction was
the variety of food stalls that vended fare from several countries around the world. The Indian Weekender
booth received a number of visitors and we are in the process of contacting them to take matters forward.

Community felicitates Roshan Nauhria

Over 100 members of the community, family and friends felicitated Mr Roshan Lal Nauhria on receiving
the honour of Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit from Queen Elizabeth-II at a private function on
June 12. Several of his old friends and admirers were there to convey their greetings. Some of them who
were called to say a few words on the occasion gave glowing tributes and recalled his long struggles and Submission made to select committee
dedication and hard work that he put in to help build a number of community institutions that he has been Representatives of the Indian community and the Auckland Indian Association made a verbal submis-
associated with. Members of Parliament Pansy Wong, Melissa Lee and Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi were also sion to the electoral select committee on liquor licencing in Auckland on June 24. Pictured are members
present and addressed the gathering. of the select committee and (inset) Mr Ashok Darji of the Association

Green Chilli heats up

West Auckland
Regular patrons of Hanger Bar in Hen- free drink and a chance to win one of
derson were taken by surprise on the several prizes, the event organisers have
night of June 13 as Green Chilli Enter- a proven formula on hand for a success-
tainment and Bombay Magic took over ful nightclub event.
with their unique brand of nightclub en- They have managed to add value
tertainment. Over 200 Indians flocked by entertaining and stimulating their
to Henderson guests, holding
and mingled a captive audi-
in with Hang- ence and taking
er’s regular a few risks
patrons who along the way
had just fin- which certainly
ished watch- seems to have
ing France paid off. In-fact
edge out the I would say that
All Blacks. it was one of the
Bollywood rare occasions
Jam was billed where I felt as
as a unique if I had received
fusion night- my money’s
club event and worth.
it certainly In atten-
was a rare dance were
experience several promi-
as it marked chillie hot: Manish Sharma (Organiser) nent business
the debut & DJ Manchoo in the background people who
of Auck- all seemed to
land’s very be enjoying a
first nightclub bollywood act, Bombay rare night out within their locality. We
Magic, led by well known DJ and vocal- had a fantastic time and wish to con-
ist, Manish Sharma aka Gabroo. gratulate Green Chilli Entertainment on
They entertained the crowd for an the success of their very first event and
hour followed by an amazing as always extend our thanks for inviting Indian
session with DJ Manchoo, who is without Weekender. We look forward to your
a doubt is one of New Zealand’s busiest next event.
Hip Hop and R&B DJ’s. Manchoo has - Reggie Singh
been quite active on the Indian nightclub
circuit. There were also brief periods of To invite Indian Weekender to your event
live dhol as well as on-stage performanc- or function please contact Reggie Singh
es by the Nachda Punjab Dance Group.
At $25 per person, which included a

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 19


School dancers set to rock stage Tribute to a

musical genius
High school dancers are set to rock the stage Up and coming stars get their moment of glory
again this year at the Bollywood High School when they take the stage for Shyamal Raval’s
Dance Competition 2009 – Second Decade. maiden musical venture in Auckland this Sat-
And this time the total prize at stake is urday, June 27.
a whopping $12,000 in the popular annual O P Nayyar – a Tribute to the Musical
contest which is now in its 11th year. Genius will be held at the Dorothy Winstone
Logan Campbell Centre in Greenlane will Centre, Howe St, featuring fledgling singers
again host the dance extravaganza, which and performers from around Auckland.
is expected to attract 30 high schools from Bringing in little known talents is a de-
around the country. liberate attempt by Raval to give exposure to
Competition organiser Binesh Sumer said those who have not had their moment on the
interest in the dance fest had been growing big stage.
each year. Perhaps the only known performer is
“Last year, we had 24 schools but this time Arpita Chanda, who has performed at numer-
around we are looking at 30,” said Sumer, who ous musical show in Auckland over the years.
himself heads a family of showbiz enthusi- Raval, an Auckland City Council enforce-
asts. His daughters, Deepa and Neera, and son ment officer, is a huge fan of old Hindi musical
Shiva, are well known in the entertainment numbers and has always wanted to have his
circles in New Zealand. own show.
In fact, Deepa will be making a guest ap- “A tribute to O P Nayyar is a fitting way
pearance at the competition which will be held to go about it,” Raval told Indian Weekender
on August 22. recently.
Sumer, who is organising the show under “My aim has been to give exposure to un-
the Desi International Showbiz Ltd banner, knowns, and I have every confidence in my
said preparations were well underway for the musicians and the quality of singers.”
event. Along with Arpita and Raval himself, other
De La Salle College, the defending cham- singers are: Abhas Mazhar, Bhawna Kadam,
pions, will be returning for another shot at the Hemant Shirsat, Shweta Shirsat and Dharmesh
crown, as will runner-up Pakuranga College strut their stuff. Patel.
and Lynfield College. “It’s not just Indians, but all races get in- O P Nayyar, or Opee as he was known, was
All participating schools will be given volved and have a great time – it’ll be just one of the greatest Indian music composers,
$200 each this year to help with their prepara- bigger and better this year.” best known for bringing Asha Bhosle to the
tions and the winner will receive $3000 plus Bollywood High School Dance Compe- limelight. He died in 2007.
trophy on the night. First runner-up picks up tition – Second Decade, Logan Campbel O P Nayyar – a Tribute to the Musical
$1500 plus trophy, and $750 plus trophy for the Centre, Greenlane, Auckland, August 22. Genius, June 27, Dorothy Winstone Centre,
second runner-up. Tickets $25, Binesh Sumer can be contacted Howe St, Auckland, Tickets $15, available
Sumer, who has been involved in the enter- on 021496321. from Shyamal Raval at 09 6200790, or 021
tainment industry for more than 20 years, the 2367803.
competition had always provided a grand stage - By Arvind Kumar, arvind@indianweek-
for a host of young talent who were eager to -

20 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Teacher’s Pet Papa don’t preach

Shahrukh Khan is beginning to give the other Shahrukh who person- Don’t know about the And once he proudly walked home with the
industry czars a major complex. And that’s got ally requested their class acting bit, but must prized diamond pendant in hand, both mom
nothing to do with King Khan’s acting prowess. teacher to keep an eye say Shahrukh’s beta and dad naturally took it for granted that he
It’s more to do with him running for the ‘Dad of on his kids. He seemed has some of his dad’s would hand over the dainty chain and pendant
the year award’, which is making the other married concerned like every business genes. This to his little sis. But Aryaan flatly refused to do
actors a little uncomfortable. other parent. The only was amply proved that! Not until he was paid the entire amount
Ever since wife Gauri threw up her hands and difference being that when the kids had he spent from his pocket money. No amount
said that both the kids, Aryaan and Suhana refuse when the nation’s heart- to take home those of preaching or cajoling worked. Eventually
to study with her, papa Khan has started taking his throb sends sms’s about mandatory books for his dad had to buy him off along with paying
children’s studies very seriously. So much to the his kids homework or a lucky draw from some extra bucks to top it off as Aryaan gladly
delight of the schoolteachers, Shahrukh lands up at the well being of his school. The prize was made a neat profit out of it. Guess papa Khan
the Dhirubai Ambani International School to pick kids to the teachers, signed ‘love SRK,’ there is a a diamond pendant. And guess what Shahrukh didn’t object too much cause deep within, he’s
up the homework that the kids have missed out on completely different light that radiates out of their Khan junior did. He bought the whole book quite proud of the fact that with such a head
and religiously takes notes. He’s always there at all eyes and reaches their smile as it breaks into a pink and a couple more, with the pocket money he for business Aryaan can help him multiply his
the PTA meetings and is genuinely interested in blush! Needless to say that the devoted dad has had – thus increasing the probability of wining millions, when he grows up!
the progress report of the kids. And recently when managed to work the magic on the teachers and the the prize.
his children went for a school trip to Kerala, it was kids alike, and every one is much happier this way. - Farida Master

A hot favourite with mommies “Its untrue but

Talking about gorgeous dad’s, Arjun Rampal is
another good looking hunk of a dad --so say all
the young moms who have seen the lean actor If it were any other newcomer, she would have been
carelessly bare his torso. Apparently, Meher frazzled by the onslaught of controversies coming
Jesia and Arjun Rampal not only stay in a pent- her way. But not Govinda’s daughter!
house in the Dadar Parsee Colony but also have The beautiful Narmmadaa Ahuja who was
an office on the first floor of the same building as linked to Salman Khan after she escorted him at
Meher Jesia’s cousin, who runs a kindy. So more the IIFA Awards a year ago, now finds herself in
often than not, harried mothers who are leaving another controversy with a section of the media
their kids at the kindy, which is located on the alleging that her father Govinda, has no time to
ground floor are happy to spot a shirtless Rampal devote to her. The gritty girl laughs at this insinua-
casually strolling in his production office. But tion. “Its untrue but amusing. Though it’s a figment
things get even more hot when Arjun decides to of the writers creative imagination, it gives me a approached, none of Govinda’s choice of directors,
drop in at the kindy and play with the children. great feeling that the media wants to keep writing David Dhawan or Nikhil Advani, had the dates.
No wonder, the kindy is fast winning the popu- about me, she chuckles. On a serious note, Narmmadaa’s publicist
larity polls with the thrilled mommies – as it is A recent media report alleges that her illustri- informs us that the budding actress is reading three
with the kids. ous father has kept her debut on hold to concentrate scripts right now. We are waiting with our fingers
on his own Bollywood releases. It claims that when crossed.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 21

Neil is Morellato Time’s
new brand ambassador
Morellato Time has appointed Neil Nitin
Mukesh and Priety Zinta as their brand am-
bassadors for their range of watches in India.
The brand also launched its new TVC that
features the dazzling duo. Morellato Time
is a joint venture between Gitanjali Lifestyle
and Morellato, a leading watch brand from
Italy. “In the selection of the brand ambas-
sador, an exercise was carried out to establish
a fit between the brand and the ambassador.
Priety’s style and elegant persona was a good
fit for the brand whereas Neil with his Italian
appeal was seen as an apt ambassador,” says Neil fit the bill perfectly with their marvelous
Dion Lilywhite, Vice President – Timepiec- chemistry and characteristics that go with
es, Gitanjali Lifestyle. Says Neil Nitin, “I am the brand. With the coming together of two
delighted to be associated with a brand like of the biggest Bollywood faces, the end result
Morellato which symbolizes excellence and is this breathtaking TVC which is an epitome
has garnered immense popularity not only in of timeless luxury.”
India but worldwide.” Dion adds, “Preity and

Runway music released

Richboyz Entertainment organised the
audio release of the film Runway at the
newly opened Marimba Lounge and bar in
Andheri west. The occasion was graced by
the entire cast and crew of the film including
its lead hero, Amarjeet, Tulip Joshi, Deepal
Shaw, Amit Asthana, Mrinal Deshraj and
others. Amarjeet was very excited with the
response he got from the media and guest
who watched the songs. The hit pair of di-
rectors Abbas Mastaan was also present
with Kishan Kumar of T-series. The film is
scheduled for a June 26 release.

Malaika releases
music of Let’s Dance
The music of Advait Entertainment Pvt. Ltd’s
maiden film ‘Let’s Dance’ was released by
Malaika Arora Khan. Among those seen at
the event were debutant Gayatri Patel, Ajay
Chaudhary, Aquib Afzal (county cricket player
in UK) and the director Aarif Sheikh, besides
Himesh Reshammiya, Smilie Suri, Shaad
Ali, Manish Gupta, Longines Fernandes and
Anjan Srivastav. The event was anchored by
Siddharth Kannan, who kept everybody in
splits with his impromptu one-liners. Pro-
ducer Dr. Arvind Patel, who also happens
to be the fond father of the leading lady
Gayatri, launched the music in sync
with the soul of the film ‘Let’s Dance’.
Along with six dancers, Gayatri Patel
performed live on the medley of four
songs from her debut film. This dance
was choreographed by Rajiv Goswami
of Veer-Zaara and Dhoom fame and
encompasses jazz, hip-hop, popular and
kathak dance forms.

Asia’s sexiest vegetarian

Taiwanese actor and singer Barbie Hsu was
crowned Asia’s sexiest vegetarian woman for
2009 after a fierce, month-long battle that re-
cently ended at On
the other hand, Shahid Kapoor won the title
of Asia’s sexiest vegetarian man. Shahid was
credited with convincing Kareena Kapoor (who
was placed in the top ten females in the poll) to
become a vegetarian when they were dating.
“It feels great to be voted the sexiest vegetarian
in Asia. I have always supported the cause of
being a vegetarian and it’s nice to be felicitated
for something so close to my heart. Being voted
as sexy is a matter of perception but being veg-
etarian is a lifestyle change and something that
comes from a sense of responsibility,” Shahid
Kapoor revealed on being called the sexiest veg-
etarian in Asia.

22 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Katrina Kaif: “I think my hard work has paid off”

Model-turned-actor Katrina Kaif has come a long way in her career ever since she entered the industry six years
ago. Her non acting skills and heavily anglicized accent came up for a lot of criticism but she overcame all the odds
and made it to the number one slot. We caught up with the actress on the sets of Rajniti.
She impresses everyone with her chaste Hindi as the very first day. The success of Singh Is King student, something that she had never experienced leaves you speechless,” she laughs.
she walks around confidently, totally in control was still hovering over my head. I had done hard- before. “I have never been to college in my life Despite her forthright attitude, Katrina is not
of herself. The Katrina Kaif you observe on the core commercial ventures and here I was on a film since I started working at the age of 17 as I had known to have too many friends in the industry.
sets of Rajniti is a far cry from her earlier days, that was entirely different from what I had done to pay my rent and take my financial responsibili- In addition, she has been pulled into controversies
when she used to fumble while voicing her Hindi before. Gradually working with Kabir, John, Neil ties. Here I had all the fun that University kids right from her beau Salman Khan to her once siz-
dialogues. She smiles when you compliment her and Irrfan became so have while studying. zling on-screen chemistry with Akshay Kumar,
on the change. “I am glad people are noticing it. I comfortable that I did I was there on the sets her off- screen relationship with John, the latest
guess it is my hard work that is finally paying off. not want to leave the with not much make up being her link-up with Neil Nitin Mukesh. But
The credit also goes to Mohit sir who tutored me sets and go back home.” and simple clothes. It the actress is calm and unfazed by it all. “Chinese
during Rajniti,” she says, adding that she has been According to was like going on the Whispers they are all” she says and shrugs them
consciously working on her diction for a long time Katrina Kaif, the de- college campus and ex- off. “We are all grown up. We have to conduct
now. “My dubbing sessions are the best time for glamorized character periencing all the fun ourselves with respectability. I do not react to such
me to work on my diction when I can sit down with of Maya that she has of those days.” stupid rum ours. It is best to ignore them,” she
the script continuously for five to six hours. It has played in the film is a The great bonding says. On second thoughts she adds, “I don’t ac-
worked to an extent where I can now do my own reflection of what she she shared with her co- knowledge negativity. In fact, I understand that
dubbing independently. I have almost mastered is in real life. “My di- stars, Neil, John and the industry is a place where you can meet all
the language 85 percent. Isn’t that an achievement rector asked me to go Irrfan, made the film a kinds of people. I choose the positive of the lot
in itself?” she asks. on a trip of introspec- worthy experience. “It and things somehow fall in place,” she says.
Never mind the diction. Kat certainly seems tion and look at the certainly wasn’t like Katrina’s has an interesting lot of future films
to be in her element. From being selected as the real self within me. He other films. I shared all of them big-budget ventures including Blue,
Indian face of the Barbie doll to being the sexiest also asked me to visu- an amazing bond with De Dana Dan and Ajab Prem Ki Ghajab Kahani.
and most googled Bollywood actress and more, alize how I’d react in a Neil, who is genuine There’s also
she has got everything going for her. How does she given situation and that and honest at heart. We Sanjay Gadhvi’s 7 Days in Paris opposite
feel about her success? It’s definitely a great honor is exactly what I have understood each other Imran, which reportedly has her in a very special
to be appreciated and sought after by people, but I done.” The film tells really well. When he is role. “The script is still being done and once it’s
rarely get carried away by all the adulation. I think the story of three young in front of the camera, complete I will take the call,” she informs. With
God has been kind to me. On my part, I try to give friends whose lives take an unexpected turn after he is professional and shuts out the world just the so much success reeling under her feet, Katrina is
my best shot to everything I do in life and let the 9/11. Says Katrina, “I was also clearly briefed way I am. On the other hand, John was more re- looking forward to another year ahead in Bolly-
results speak for themselves.” that Maya was not a Muslim and the character sponsible and caring. Irrfan was the naughtiest wood. Will success follow her again? “I wouldn’t
smile and try to take something good and bad was based against the 9/11 attacks, which would amongst all. I had never met him and here I was know. It is for the audiences to gauge and tell me.
out of it.” She adds. deeply impact the lives of me and my two friends. performing in front of him. For some reason, I But I am sure they will consider me as a serious
Coming back to her latest release Yash Raj It was quite a challenging role.” could not say my dialogues in front of him. It took actress after New York,” she concludes.
Films’ New York directed by Kabir Khan, Katrina The film also gave her an opportunity to ex- me 8 takes before I finally voiced them success-
says “I was a misfit when I landed on the sets on perience the pleasure of being a carefree college fully. Irfan stares at you with his big eyes and it

new york

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 23

Celina finds herself in trouble

The charming Celina Jaitley, who has always

campaigned for various social causes, is lately
in the eye of a storm, over her decision to
campaign vociferously for gay rights. Celina
has been receiving hate mail and abusive
messages for her views but she has been
vehemently maintaining that it is a human
right that every person deserves.


24 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Mile Sur Mera Tumhara

Mohan Nadkarni
When India’s greatest living Hindustani vocalist, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, was conferred the country’s highest
honour, the Bharat Ratna, news media from all over asked his long time friend and biographer, Mohan Nadkarni,
to write a personal memoir for the occasion. The Indian Weekender brings to you this article that appeared in
several newspapers and websites in India, the US and the UK shortly after the award.
The news of the conferment of Bharat Ratna, the One can even say that few can equal his box-office The observation made by the celebrated author theme of national integration. It was doubly ironi-
country’s highest civilian award on the maestro, appeal, his phenomenal professional career at home E.M. Forster comes to mind in this context. To him, cal that Bhimsenji “betrayed” himself by frankly
now, 87, is indeed like a miracle that has simply as well as abroad has more that fulfilled the hopes music was of two types: One, that reminded him revealing what he really felt.
happened. Doubly so, in a land where one has to and expectations raised by him in the early forties. of something, and the other, “music itself”. Bhim- But his appearance in Doordarshan feature,
be either thoroughly dead, or get woefully old and At the same time, in the course of his incredible senji symbolises the latter type – he is music itself. “Mile Sur Mera Tumhara”, devised to promote
ailing to deserve State recognition! climb to greater and still greater heights, Bhimsen- In this sense, I place him in the brilliant galaxy of national integration, rightly earned him incredible
Especially for this writer, only 7 months junior ji’s approach to Khayal music some of the all-time greats whom I acclaim. His impassioned utterance, the complete
to him in age, this great event is truly overwhelm- has undergone many significant have heard for the last five decades identification of the man with his music is what has
ing. Indeed, I am at a loss to know what to say, how changes, which have evoked and more, and who, too, evoked an made Pt. Bhimsen Joshi the unrivalled Hindustani
to say, and how much to say, as I write these lines. diverse reactions from his audi- identical reaction in me. vocalist of our time.
I turn nostalgic and my thoughts take me down ences. I am inclined to view the Most of them, alas, have passed True enough, here is a man who has loved and
memory lane. Way back to February 1943-- Febru- changes in his vocalism against into oblivion and I regard Bhimsenji lived his life with all his romance and intensity and
ary 16, to be precise. the background of the qualita- as one of the last --if not the last, one who has sought to reflect it so eloquently to his
That was the day of his first broadcast from tive changes witnessed on the perhaps-- surviving titans of this music --be it classical, light classical, devotional or
All India Radio, Bombay. I still remember his pro- wider musical scene after the generation of Hindustani vocalists. the popular variety, like the Doordarshan number-
gramme schedule of 3 sittings of 20 minutes each: attainment of political freedom. In the mid-eighties, Bhimsenji - who has ever fused so subtly in his “personality-
Miyan Ki Todi in the morning (Daiya Bat Dubar); This is equally true of the seemed to succumb to glamour and bound” vocalism in all its anguish and ecstasy.
then raga Marwa (Ab Mil Aaye) at dusk; and finally, widening singing repertoire money. True, he made history in the
raga Puriya (Piya Gunawanta), later in the evening. strictly outside the Hindustani world of Hindustani vocal music Mohan Nadkarni has been the music, theatre
Like me, whoever might have heard these radio traditional fare- like his “Sant when he won the Platinum Disc and art critic of the Times of India for over 55
sessions would have been left in no doubt that a bril- Vani” in Marathi, Kannada, from HMV for his outstanding con- years. He is a renowned musicologist and has
liant star had risen on the musical horizon. Hindi; the Marathi stage hits; tributions. This was truly a triumph written several books including the biography of
This musical acquaintance gradually matured his playback singing, and his for the artiste and the recording Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, published by Harper Collins
into personal friendship, almost to a point when we scoring music for Marathi stage The maestro: In the company. (London) which is in its fifth edition and still a
could be on abusing terms! By then I had taken to presentations. 1950’s (above) and at a In contrast, it was more anguish fast seller on The government of
writing on Hindustani music as a free-lance writer Bhimsenji’s great musical than anger with which I viewed the India and the state government of Karnataka have
concert in the 1990s maestro’s teaming up with a variety conferred several awards on him. Now 87, he lives
and concert reviewer in 1954 in The Times of India moments are truly great.
and its sister publications. I cannot remember the Indeed, at such moments he reveals a rare genius of “partnerships” -- like those with Lata Mangesh- in Auckland and still writes occasionally.
number of occasions we may have met on and off -- when the spirit seizes him in his creative ecstasy. kar, Bal Murali Krishna, the eminent Carnatic vo-
the concert auditorium. Behind the powerful voice, amazing breath-control, calists, not to speak of his “teamship” with painter On the web: watch
Indeed, in retrospect, we find that few contem- fine musical sensibility and an unwavering grasp of M.F. Hussain. “Mile sur mera tumhara” on
porary Hindustani vocalists have enjoyed such tre- the fundamentals lies something that can only be These were all State-sponsored extravaganzas,
mendous popularity and for so long as Bhimsenji. termed sui generis. ostensibly presented to promote the much-vaunted


Laugh your way to good health

Primla Khar of the brain called the limbic system It helps increase positive emotions. Where do we look for such commod-
seems to play a role. First to draw atten- At a physical level it increase our blood ity?
The way a child smiles, the way it finds tion to the limbic system was a French flow to our Coronary arteries (the 1) Watch comedy movies and let go of
pleasure in small things is a great neurologist Paul Broca. Limbic from blood vessels that supply blood to our your reserve and introvert attitude.
lesson for us adults. One of the most the Latin word “limbus”, ring or circle. heart), increases oxygen to cells and 2) Listen to CDs of Hasya Kavi
important ingredients of keeping good It gives rise to and modulates specific also we get a good physical workout Samelans -- some of these poets are
health is a smile and a good laugh. Yes, functions that allow us to distinguish of muscles. Laughter is one of the best par excellence
good health starts when we can smile between agree- cardio-workout, 3) Organise a Laughter group in your
and laugh. able and the dis- comparable to area with your neighbours or friends
Laughter is an automatic response to agreeable. It is a jogging, swim- 4) Join laughter Yoga Classes
your situation than a conscious strategy complex task that ming and cycling. 5) Read and research so that you
(though it can be inculcated into our our brain performs Laughter also convince yourself about the benefits of
daily health regime) It is not about get- quickly. strengthens our laughter ---e.g. The Pattern Recognition
ting the joke rather it is about getting The limbic system immune system. Theory of Humour--An Introduction, or
along, it is about relationship between mainly comprises There are a few The Faculty of Adaptability, (both writ-
people. (You can’t tickle yourself to of amygdala, hypotheses as to ten by Alastair Clarke) and Laughter a
laugh) hippocampus, how that hap- book by Prof Robert Provine a neurolo-
hypothalamus and pens: by possibly gist who has researched on Laughter.
Some interesting facts about laughter thalamus which increasing the Your best guides though would be
are: are involved with number of natural your children when they laugh – you
A Person speaking laughs more often emotions. killer cells and /or laugh, don’t hold yourself, enjoy in their
than the listener. Why is laugher antibodies (cells humour – you will surely find more than
People laughed more on hearing oth- regarded the best that fight foreign one type of benefit in joining in
ers laugh - hence the laugh tracks for medicine? invaders in our their laughter.
TV and radio programmes. Dr Otto Warburg, body)
Babies start to laugh at about 3-4 German Scientist and Nobel Laureate Given the fact that we would benefit by
months of age. said, “The main reason we fall sick is a simple pleasurable  act to such an ex-
Blind and deaf babies can laugh too. because of lack of oxygen to our body tent why not  train  ourselves or expose
cells” ourselves to such situations where the
Relationship between laughter and Laughter helps at different levels: only menu for day would be laughter,
brain:  Though we don’t know ev- At a mental level it helps us to cope bet- and only some more laughter.
erything about the whole process of ter with life and its stress, it decreases
laughter it is believed that a special part our tension.

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 25

Finance / Law
Why should you have Enduring Protecting your income
Power of Attorney? Oliver Pereira
Just because your health suffers a setback, your If you were out of action for an ex-
In the column in last issue of Indian Weekender, immediately or can take effect when the person financial wellbeing doesn’t have to. When illness tended period, would you be able
I chose the topic of why everyone over the age of granting the attorney becomes mentally incapa- or an accident leaves you unable to work, income to maintain your current lifestyle
18 should have a will. Enduring Power Of Attor- ble. The person may choose to have its EPA to take protection can protect you and your family from
and still cover expenses such as:
ney (EPA) is another legal document in addition to effect immediately subject to his/her directions the financial consequences.
having a will, and you should consider having it. even though that person is capable of doing things There are a number of insurance products
Have you ever considered as to who will look itself. Alternatively a person may choose that EPA designed to alleviate your financial concerns MORTGAGE REPAYMENTS
after things for you should you ever become should take effect only if it becomes mentally in- should you suffer an illness or accident that pre- MEDICAL EXPENSES
unable to look after your own affairs through age capable or on the happening of a particular event vents you from working. Consider the following DAILY LIVING EXPENSES
or circumstances? like overseas trip etc. options available to you and your family. INSURANCE PREMIUMS
Many people think that their partner will be But the EPA relating to personal care and Critical illness insurance pays a lump sum HIRE PURCHASE PAYMENTS
able to do all this automatically if someone loses welfare comes into effect only when the person on the occurrence of a defined critical condi- A PLANNED HOLIDAY
their mental capacity, but this is not the case. Even granting the authority becomes mentally incapa- tion covered by your policy. Examples of these BUSINESS OVERHEADS
if someone has been married for 40-50 years, his/ ble. This type of EPA is very important. The at- include serious cancer, heart disease and stroke. CHILD CARE
her spouse will not be able to step in. The spouse torney named by you will decide as to which rest With this type of policy, you can save money by SCHOOL FEES
will have to apply to court, which can take a lot of home you should go, will arrange nursing care for combining it with your life insurance policy. RETIREMENT SAVINGS
time and money. The matter will become worse if you, will purchase your clothing and other person- Income protection provides a monthly
the spouse has already died. In that case someone al stuff, medicines on your behalf, will arrange to income if you are unable to work due to sick-
may be appointed by the court that you would not collect any benefits you are entitled to. ness or injury. Policies can include a number of Business expenses protection pays the owner
have approved of, had you been in a stable mental If someone thinks that there is no need to have features that can be used for rehabilitation or oc- or partner of a small business a monthly benefit
state. To cover that risk, you should appoint an enduring power of attorney for younger people cupational retraining. Some occupations cannot to cover the continuing expenses incurred should
someone when you are capable of doing so – and and it is only for elderly people who have higher be covered by income protection – if this affects the owner become totally disabled. This monthly
that you appoint through legal document ‘Endur- risk of losing mental capability, he/she should you, choose a policy that will insure you in the business income can be paid according to a pre-
ing Power of attorney.’ think again and act. One can lose mental capabil- event of your being disabled as a result of one determined timeframe.
Many people would have come across with ity by brain damage in a motor vehicle or other ac- of a specified number of critical health events. Locum cover provides funds to help your
the term “Power of Attorney” some time in their cident at anytime or one can have a stroke, which Many insurers are now offering income protec- business maintain operation if you become
lives. But a traditional power of attorney is dif- can leave one incapable of making important deci- tion for the newly self-employed, which requires totally disabled. It reimburses the costs of replac-
ferent from Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). sions for rest of one’s life. no financial records. ing you, either permanently or with a locum, and
Ordinary power of attorney loses its validity if the All people above the age of 18 should make Permanent Disablement protection pays a it also provides cover for eligible business over-
person granting the power becomes mentally in- EPAs in respect of property as well as personal lump sum in the event of total and permanent heads.
capable. care and welfare. The person you are appointing disablement, such as paraplegia and quadriple- - For further information, please contact:
But an EPA will not become invalid even if the your attorney does not need to have any special gia, caused by accident or illness. Choose a Oliver Pereira – OPM Insurance Services
person granting the power becomes mentally inca- qualification but should be have your trust and policy that’s right for you, as some are available Ltd. Ph. 0800 66 77 92, Faxmail. 021 551 669
pable. Ordinary powers of attorney are granted for should have your welfare in mind. for individuals with businesses, and others for Mobile. 021 66 77 92
temporary purposes like, say you are to be away - Ravi Mehta is an Auckland based Financial individuals with families. Email.
from country for few months and some settlement Advisor and can be contacted on
of property transaction is to take place during that
period of time. You may appoint someone to act A disclosure statement under Securities
for that particular purpose. But the purpose of Markets Act 1998 relating to his services is avail-
EPA is longer-term protection. able on request and is free of charge.
An EPA is a legal document where you appoint Note: We at Professional Financial Solu-
another person to act for you if you become men- tions Limited offer various financial services
tally incapable or you are unable to look after your (for details please turn to page 2) but we don’t
own affairs for any other reason. There should be form trusts or make wills or Enduring Power of
someone able to do your banking, look after your Attorneys, which is an area best handled by law
insurance, dispose of your properties in case you firms. For wills and EPAs recommended by me
are unable to run your own affairs. in this column and the column in the last issue of
There are two types of EPAs. One is in relation Indian Weekender you must seek the advice and
to property and the other is in relation to personal services of your solicitor. If you don’t have one, I
care and welfare. Both are separate documents. can definitely recommend some names.
The EPA in relation to property can take effect

Traffic Offences –
Drinking and driving
NEELAM MCDONALD bombay magic
Please keep it in mind that there are a number of of- represent them.
fences under Land Transport Act (LTA) that carry Defences:
a mandatory sentence of disqualification. Repeat The law relating to alcohol driving offences is
offenders may also be liable to have their vehicles very specific.
confiscated by the court. In order to obtain a conviction the prosecution,
I have some clients who ask advice on drink- that is the police, have to follow certain procedures.
ing and driving. My advice is to never drink alcohol The police must, if you cannot afford a lawyer,
and then drive. Suppose you are attend a social oc- provide you with a list of lawyers who can tell you
casion; if you drink then you should have a sober of your rights and advise you.
driver to take you home. If a sober driver is not If the police fail to follow the procedures listed
available, please get a taxi. It will save you from a in the Land Transport Act then you may have what
lot of agony later on. is known in law as a ‘technical defence’. Please
Section 56(1) LTA makes it an offence for a consult a lawyer so he or she can check whether the
person to drive whilst the proportion of alcohol police have followed the procedure correctly.
on his or her breath exceeds 400 micrograms of If you do lose your licence you may be eligible
alcohol per litre of breath. to apply for a “Limited Licence”. Some people call
Section 56(2) LTA makes it an offence for a this a work licence. I will be writing about this in
person to drive whilst the proportion of alcohol in the next addition of the Weekender.
his or her blood exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol - If you have any questions about criminal or
per 100 millilitres of blood. traffic law, please write to Neelam McDonald at
A person convicted for a first and second time is
liable to a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 3 Please indicate if you would like your name and address
months or a fine of $4,500. A mandatory minimum to be printed. The information contained in this article or
disqualification is for six months. That means you response is intended to provide general information. The
will lose your licence for a minimum of six months. contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be
A person charged for a third or subsequent relied on as such. Readers should seek independent legal
time with excess alcohol (over the limit) faces very advice in particular matters.
serious consequences and should have a lawyer to

26 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


Worth your weight in gold

How to Invest or Trade in Gold?
So do you have a view on the future price
of gold? Evaluating gold as an asset class
unto itself leads us to the choice: Do we
want to invest/trade directly or indirect-
ly in gold?
Sunil Khemlani explains the world of the precious yellow metal, what drives it and how These days investors have various in-
to go about investing in what many say is the perfect hedge vestment vehicles (or means) though which
they can invest or trade in gold. Invest-
ing directly would involve the purchase
of physical gold in the form of bars and
In uncertain times, gold has always been used by coins. For traders who are not inclined to
investors to hedge against (or counter) unforeseen gain custody and store physical gold, in-
disasters, including economical, political, social direct investments may be the way to go.
and currency-based crises. Being one of the few This would involve investing in shares
investments that is not simultaneously an asset and of gold mining companies for instance
someone else’s liability, investors have been at- or gold Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs),
tracted by the simplicity of its basic rule – a store which operate somewhat like a unit trust.
of wealth that is physical, portable and easily devis- It would be important to note though that
able. investing indirectly in mining companies
Historically, gold and money were synonymous: for instance dilutes the “purity” of the asset
paper notes were freely convertible into preset class and exposes investors to operational
fixed quantities of gold (the Gold Standard). So and execution risks, among other issues.
pure Gold was essentially immune from inflation, Also, such investments tend to be based
a condition of rising prices and falling purchasing on a bullish only (or positive) view on the
power. However, with the last vestiges of the gold future price of gold.
standard disappearing in 1971, giving way to fiat Now for individuals who would rather
currency (money declared by a government to be trade on the price movements of gold, there
legal tender), gold has been allowed to float freely is the option of using products such as
and find its own price level. Margin Spot Gold, Gold Futures contracts
For a period of time after the abolishment of the or even Gold CFDs. These individuals tend
Gold Standard, government gold sales had a tem- to form opinions on the future direction of
pering effect on gold prices as governments liqui- the price of gold, be it up or down, and use
dated their “excess” gold bullion which they held such products to trade and profit from. This
in their coffers. But by late 1970s, gold sales had (particularly for production of electronics goods the extent/pace is still relatively uncertain. works on the concept of buying low (first)
reached its peak and prices took off reaching a high such as laptops and mobile phones, and dental / Global inflation is another key factor driving and selling high (if they think the price is
of $870 per ounce in 1980, due in part also to the medical uses) have seen declines, with only China gold prices. Recently, the US government’s con- going up) or inversely selling high (first)
international crisis arising from the Soviet invasion being a notable exception. sumer price index, its broadest inflation gauge, rose and buying low (if they think the price is
of Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution in Iran. According to the World Gold Council, total 0.1 percent in May 2009, against expectations for a going down).
From the peak in 1980, gold investors suffered demand in India, traditionally the world’s largest 0.3 percent increase. This is a rather soft reading of
a punishing 20 years when gold bullion prices de- gold market particularly for jewellery, declined inflation in the world’s largest economy. However,
clined to around $250 per ounce in 1999. While significantly on the back of the deterioration of the tracking it’s future progress could be quite telling. Sunil Khemlani
the U.S. stock market’s benchmark, the S&P 500, domestic economy and record rupee prices. Among Of late there has also been quite a bit of chatter StoneBridge Securities (NZ) Limited
chalked up 16.4% annual returns from 1980 to the other factors that has seen declining interest in on whether the US dollar will continue to be the Tel: 09 308 0787 Email: sunil.khemlani@
2001, gold’s annual return over the same period was India of late appears to be the monsoon season, supreme global reserve currency going forward. A
a loss of about 2.5%! when fewer weddings tend to take place. reserve currency is a currency which is held by in-
However, since bottoming out in 2001, gold has As is commonly known, gold jewellery is the ternational governments and institutions and used StoneBridge Group is an Australian-owned
turned in a shining performance rising again to its most common gift during religious events in India to pay off their international debt obligations. It trading house (accredited with the ASX and
recent peak of $1,033 per ounce in March 2008. No and forms an essential part of the dowry basket. also tends to be the international pricing currency NZX exchanges) providing advisory and execu-
points for guessing the crisis factor that served as a Some analysts however see demand picking up for products traded on a global market, such as oil, tion services on Foreign Exchange, Commodi-
catalyst for its turnaround in 2001! by August and last until the end of the year as a gold, etc. ties, Futures & Options, Shares & CFDs.
Where gold languished as a neglected asset series of festivals and auspicious days for weddings While the US Dollar has its clear supporters
class in the past, its recent surge reflects the restora- compel people to buy gold. like some Asian countries and recently Russia, gold “This publication has been prepared on
tion of gold as a significant component of financial On the other side of the equation, supply charac- seems to track an inverse relationship with the US behalf of and issued by StoneBridge Securi-
assets worldwide. The fear of future inflation and teristics, in the form of mine production, secondary dollar. ties (NZ) Limited (“StoneBridge”). This is not
ongoing financial uncertainty, accompanied with recovery of gold and central bank sales are key in While a strong US dollar sentiment puts a an offer to deal in any financial product and is
the individual’s desire to preserve wealth has also influencing the price of gold. dampener on gold prices, a current declining US not specific advice for any particular inves-
been the driving factors behind its recent appeal. dollar index, a six-currency gauge of the US dollar’s tor. StoneBridge believes that any information
Other Factors value, provides support to gold prices. or advice (including any recommendation)
Supply and Demand Now whether future investment behaviour is The price of Oil, a key inflation indicator, and contained in this publication is accurate when
Demand from retail investment in the form of motivated by wealth preservation (driven by uncer- some other commodities also seem to affect the issued but does not warrant its accuracy or
bars and coins (Germany and Switzerland being the tainty) rather than capital appreciation (driven by price of gold. reliability, and is not liable for the future
top two markets) and precious metals funds, includ- growth) remains to be seen. performance of transactiovns or for any loss or
ing the popular exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have According to the latest World Bank estimates, Spot Gold Price (USD/oz) damage arising in connection with this publica-
been major sources of growth for gold. However the global economy will decline this year (2009) by Last Traded Price: 933.30 (close of 19/6/09)* tion. A full Disclosure Statement in accordance
on the back of the recession and reduced consumer close to 3 percent, a revision from a previous esti- *Source: Reuters with the Securities Markets Act 1988 is avail-
spending, jewellery demand and Industrial demand mate of 1.7 percent. While recovery is seen in 2010, able free of charge on request. ”


On a Wing and a prayer temples and other places of worship are a testi-
mony of the Indians’ penchant for taking their re-
ligious traditions with them to foreign lands. On
a balmy afternoon in February of 2007 a group of
friends sat chatting in an Auckland suburb. All
Hall on May road.
The sansthan’s objectives primarily are to
propagate the teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi;
To serve the community at large in meaning-
ful ways that would add value to both individuals
RAJESH KRISHNAMURTHY of them incidentally were ardent devotees of Shri as well as the community. To promote spirituality
Saibaba of Shirdi. Gradually the conversation and foster community spirit and expose our chil-
India has always been a land of spirituality and they the indentured laborers that the British took veered to religion and spirituality when one of dren to the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of
it has been blessed to be the land of birth of a to work on the rubber plantations in Malaysia or them lamented the absence of a Saibaba temple in India. The sanstnan also conduct aarti’s at devo-
number of saints and elevated souls that walked the “Girmitiyas” of Fiji, regardless of who they New Zealand. One thing led to another and before tees residence.
the earth. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami were and under what circumstances they left the long an anonymous donation of a reasonably large With the quantum growth in devotees at the
Vivekananda, Saibaba of Shirdi , Swami Chin- shores of the motherland, Indians have always sum found its way into the hands of one of the weekly satsangs the need to have a dedicated
mayananda, Mata Amritananda mayi etc; are a carried with them two things that they hold ex- devotees. That was catalyst enough to charge the temple for Saibaba was felt and a concentrated
few of the prominent modern day saints that India tremely dear-Their distinctive food and their group and the Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan of New effort to build the temple has begun with the pur-
has produced. spiritual/religious traditions. Indian cuisine like Zealand Inc. of New Zealand took off literally on chase of a plot of land for the purpose at brick street
The advent globalization has the world shrink the Indian Curry, Roti, Dosa, Idli, Saambaar, a wing, a prayer and an anonymous doner! in Henderson.The sansthan also has spread their
like never before and become a much smaller Chicken Tikka etc; have for long tickled the taste The group then started meeting every Thurs- wings beyond Auckland and have conducted aartis
place. Indians heartily embraced this phenome- buds of a global clientele. So much so that items day at devotees’ residence for satsangs. Soon successfully at Pukekohe,Tauranga,Hamilton &
non and set sail to distant lands. The great Indian like the curry have been adopted by the British as the gathering out grew the homes of the humble Wellington. Interested persons may visit their
Diaspora can now be seen in over 150 countries their very own. A quick glance across Auckland devotees and the Satsangs were then shifted to a website: or contact the
across the globe. is testimony of the ever increasing popularity of number of places like the Bharitiya Mandir, Bal- sansthan at
The saying goes “You can take a man out of the Indian Cuisine. moral Temple etc. Currently the weekly satsangs
India but you can’t take India out of a man”. Be By the same token the fairly large number of are being held at the Mount Roskill war Memorial - Rajesh Krishnamurthy

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 27


28 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |



New Zealand Indian Central Association (Inc.)

PO Box 1941 - Wellington, New Zealand

President: Ratilal Champaneri Gen Secretary: Veer Khar

Phone: 021 383 859 Phone: 0274 417 654
Email: Email:

Social Assistance (Payment of to represent them in their fight against oppres-

sive legislation and discriminatory immigra-
one’s time lived in New Zealand between the
ages of 20 and 65. (violates Article 2 of Univer-
right side.
5. Living overseas will save government expen-
New Zealand Superannuation tion policy, and to promote harmony between sal Declaration of Human Rights) diture on:
and Veteran’s Pension Overseas) Indians, the Maori people, and the dominant 5. The bill also differentiates on the basis of o Essential house repairs
European population in New Zealand; and to where one wants to live. (Violates International o Rent, board and mortgage payments
Amendment Bill respond to misleading propaganda concerning Covenant on Economic and Social Rights) o Rates and rates rebates
Background Indians living in New Zealand. The Central NZICA’s submission: o Overdue power accounts
New Zealand has championed the evolu- Association was also formed to advance the New Zealand has contributed to the wording o Buying household appliances and furniture.
tion of International Human Rights as part of cause of all Indians, be it political, educational, of the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ o Living alone payment.
the United Nations Charter. It has also contrib- health, welfare or cultural identity. and has been one of the nations supporting o Super Gold Card.
uted immensely to negotiate establishment of Today the three branches have grown into universal adherence to it. NZICA would there- 6. Cost of living in the countries like India is
international covenants pertaining to civil, po- ten independent, self governing, incorporated fore impress upon the government to remove going up and catching up with the developed
litical, economic, social and cultural rights as branches throughout New Zealand, all affiliated clauses from the bill that differentiate Kiwis countries. This is because of the improvement
foundation of international relations. At home to the New Zealand Indian Central Association on the basis of their origin and stay clean from in the standards of living.
the progress towards making level fields is slow (Inc.) and there are other affiliated branches violating any part of Universal Declaration or 7. To maintain the standard of living a Kiwi is
but it has been definite. To give them their due representing various Indian ethnic groups. As- International Covenant on Economic and Social accustomed to, he has to spend on upgrading
place, Maori electorates were created for indig- sociation has about 60,000 members as of today. Rights. the accommodation, mode of transportation etc.
enous people in 1867 and in 1893; it was the first NZICA’s Understanding of the Social As- NZICA would like the bill to read “Once a This requires continued expenditure.
country to give women the vote. New Zealand sistance (Payment of New Zealand Super- New Zealand resident / citizen has qualified for 8. When living overseas, occasional visit to
worked in ILO, was a member of the League of annuation and Veteran’s Pension Overseas) National Superannuation, he can live overseas New Zealand will still be required due to family
Nations and contributed to the drafting of At- Amendment Bill:- for as long as he likes without loss or reduction and friends. The cost has to be met from the su-
lantic charter (1941). New Zealand has been a 1. The Bill frees up the rules that restrict in its rate.” There should be no differentiation perannuation.
forerunner in the progress towards making all the ability of older people to move around once on any basis including ‘how long a person has 9. Living overseas in India with extended family
humans equal and as an idealist country today, they get overseas. (upholds Article 13 of Uni- been living in New Zealand’. would require meeting the traditional social ob-
it firmly believes that the human rights (which versal Declaration of Human Rights) Please Note: ligations. This cost again has to be met from the
include Social, political, economic and cultural 2. There is an understanding that in today’s 1. Kiwis that are availing this 100% portabil- Superannuation income.
rights) are universal, inalienable and inherent. global world there are many of us who have rela- ity are paying the same amount of tax as other Conclusion:
The purpose of this submission is to assist gov- tives (parents, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, tax payers in New Zealand including Kiwis of On behalf of the Kiwis of Indian origin, NZICA
ernment in removing any leftover discrimina- and grandchildren) who live in other countries. Indian origin. submits that any discrimination on the basis of
tory laws which need to be nipped to avoid any (upholds Article 16 of Universal Declaration of 2. India is a part of common wealth and 100% origin of a New Zealand resident / citizen will
disrepute to this great nation of ours. Human Rights) portability for Kiwi Indians will be a good start be seen as a ‘second class treatment’ and a gross
New Zealand Indian Central Association 3. There is no doubt that our older people to free trade negotiations. violation of the Human Rights. NZICA will not
NZICA was formed in 1926 with three have made huge contribution to New Zealand 3. When living overseas, person has to pay for accept anything less than 100% portability of
branches Auckland, Country Section (Tauma- during their working life and that they need his own medical expenses. He is not dependent superannuation for all.
runui) and Wellington, where there was a size- to be cared and paid superannuation. (upholds on NZ government funded medical facilities. - Released to Press by Veer Khar
able population of Indians residing. The Indian Article 22 of Universal Declaration of Human 4. More travel to India will mean more busi- (General Secretary, NZICA)
community throughout New Zealand at that Rights) ness with a giant market and an economy with
time in its history, felt the need for a single body 4. The bill differentiates on the basis of which New Zealand will gain by being on the

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 29

Horoscopes Joint pain & Arthritis
(Mar. 21- April 20) (July 23-Aug 22) (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
You’ll be able to discuss your ambitions Chances to express your ideas and beliefs Your ability to visualize will help you con-
with your mate. Direct your energy into can bring popularity as long as you’re not vince others of the possibilities. Don’t try to
physical exertion. Residential moves will arrogant. Your high energy must be direct- hide your true feelings from your mate. Try
be favorable. Moves will be hectic but ed into productive goals, or frustrations will not to lend or borrow money or belongings
favorable in the end. Dig deep, ferret out occur. Try not to get into disputes that will this week. Opportunities to make financial
any hidden concerns be fore you sign your lead to estrangement’s. Don’t let cowork- gains will develop through your connec-
life away ers get wind of your ideas or they might try tions with other people.
to take credit for your hard work.
(Apr. 21- may 21) VIRGO (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
Your charm will mesmerize members of the (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Don’t trust others with private informa-
opposite sex this week. You must be care- You will be uncertain of your feelings. tion that could be used against you. False
ful not to ignore the needs of the young- Take a break; you can finally mend any information from someone trying to start
sters in your family. You will need a little disputes on the home front. You may have problems is likely. Don’t cause a scene, but
competition this week. Gel involved in ac- a problem dealing with elders. Avoid any when you get home let your partner know
tivities that will stretch your stamina. Moves intimate involvement’s with coworkers or how you feel and why. You can come up
will be hectic but favorable in the end. employers. with ways of earning extra cash.

(May 22-June 21) LIBRA (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Try to curb your bad habits. Your pursuits (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Do not yield to children or relatives when 1. Practice breathing exercises
may end up being fruit less. You may want It’s time to reconnect with some of the they really don’t deserve it. If you haven’t (Pranayam) everyday, especially
to clear the air where older relatives are people you used to know. Travel for busi- planned a vacation, then at least try to get Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom for at
concerned. Help children with important ness purposes may bring the highest away for the weekend. Your ability to do least 30min in the morning and 30min
projects. returns. Others may want to steal your detailed work will dazzle those who are in the evening.
thunder when they realize your ideas are less creative. You are ahead of your time,
pretty solid. Refrain from arguing with your and trying to stay in one spot could be ask- 2. Drink Ramdevji’s 100% Aloe Vera
mate. ing too much. Juice 50ml three times a day with hot
CANCER water. You will see the effect within
(June 22-July 22) one month as it has already been
Don’t make unreasonable promises. Be SCORPIO PISCES tested on hundreds of thousands of
sure to organize events that will keep the (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) people.
children busy. Your self esteem will come Take care of the needs of elders in your Be careful to avoid wrong doings. Avoid
back if you take part in organizational func- family. Finish off old projects before start- joint ventures and steer clear of groups 3. Drink 10-12 glasses of warm water
tions that allow you to be in the lime light. ing something new. Don’t exhaust yourself that want you to contribute financial as- everyday.
Spend a quiet day with the one you love. or minor health problems will set in. Get sistance. Make changes that will enhance
involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet your appearance and entice potential part- 4. Use Ramdevji’s Peedantak oil, it
new friends. ners. Dead end projects could plague you. helps in reducing joint pains.

5. Do not eat or drink cold stuff i.e. ice

cream, yogurt etc.

Next Issue: Constipation and gastric

Tangy Recipe by Ruby Dhillon

•0 In a bowl mix mince chicken with all the other ingredients, cover and marinate it
00 for 1 hour.
•0 For the wanton wrappers, knead refined flour with one cup of warm water.Cover
Ingredients: 00 and let it stand for 30 min.
•0 Roll the dough into a small sami- flattened circles for about 8 cm, place the wrap
•0 2 cups- chicken mince 00 per on one palm, put one tablespoon of marinated chicken mixture on it, gather
•0 ½ cup- spring onions (chopped) 00 the edges of the wrapper and pinch firmly together to form Momos.
•0 1tsp- garlic paste •0 Heat up the Steamer; oil the Steamer rack well so that it prevents Momos from
•0 ½tsp- white pepper powder 00 sticking.
•0 1tsp- red chillie flakes (or according WANTON WRAPPERS: •0 Arrange the Momos in the steamer, cover and cook for 10 to 15 min. or until they
00 to taste) •0 3cups- Refined flour (maida) 00 are cooked.
•0 2tbsp- Szechwan sauce •0 Water •0 Serve hot with sweet n sour sauce.
•0 Salt according to taste

Serving suggestion

30 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |


HOLY COW! Who let the cows out?

RAm Lingam

Sacred cattle on Indian roads

CAUTION: INDIAN cows straying the bandwagon to protect the cow only to gain some centre? What to speak of the speechless cow-moth- ma said: “Cows represent sacrifice. Without them,
For a tourist, seeing cows on Indian streets equate mileage. Wonder what would happen if cows could ers of India? there can be no sacrifice…Cows are guileless in their
to an ‘authentic’ Indian experience. People who have vote? The cow is also believed to be a symbol of the behavior and from them flow sacrifices…and milk
never been to India have a hard time to believe how JAI HO: Mother Cow earth – because it gives so much yet asks nothing and curds and butter. Hence cows are sacred...” He
Indian cows and an assortment of other animals For Indians, the cow represents the hallowed in return. There are even special ‘thanks-giving’ also observes that the cow acts as a surrogate mother
freely roam Indian streets. Even the movie ‘Delhi-6’ principle of motherhood. The Hindus consider cow festivals dedicated to the docile cow. The third day by providing milk to human beings for the whole
has a scene on how traffic got choked because a cow as ‘Gomāta’. of the Pongal festi- life. So the cow is truly the mother of the world.
was giving birth. It’s interesting to note that these She symbol- val in South India During medieval periods, cow population was
humble bovines on the roads are not stray cattle. The ises charity and is devoted to cows, protected even by the invading Muslim rulers right
cows seem to enjoy freedom and liberty in Indian bounteousness cattle and bulls. from Humayun to Shahjahan and Shah Alam there
roads without any voting rights. because of her It’s called ‘maattu was complete ban on the slaughter of cow.
Protest against animal-neglect, animal-protec- milk, which is pongal’ where they Modern response…
tion and anti-cruelty movements have been preva- essential for the are bathed in water, Though cows are considered sacred, the prac-
lent in India since ancient times. There are plenty of nourishment horns shaved and tices don’t seem to match the mandate of animal
historical records, edicts, legends and scriptures that of the young. painted, neck bells welfare as the constitution of India provides ‘Animal
support friendly co-existence with animals. Even To India’s mil- tied; sandal applied Protection’ by Article 51 Ensuring “Compassion
Mahatma Gandhi once remarked that “The great- lions of Hindus, to their foreheads, to all Living Creatures”). These days, city councils
ness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged the cow is a kumkum sprinkled, like the Municipal Corporation of Delhi have now
by the way its animals are treated.” This was more a holy animal and then venerated hired ‘cowboy/cow-catchers’ to catch and ship them
moral basis for vegetarianism than to allow cattle to that cannot be for being a great outside the city limits. Also, according to a local
stray or even limp on clogged city roads. Most cattle harmed. In India boon to mankind. report in New Delhi the straying cattle are set to get
have owners and are not totally stray. anything to do Heritage-speak RFID (Radio frequency identification Tracking)
Elsewhere in the world animals on roads are not with prosperity, on cows tags. But what about the owners of these cows, who
uncommon. We see a lot of ‘road-kills’ – run over wealth or sacrifice has ‘motherhood’ tagged to it According to Vedic heritage, cows were consid- let them out in the first place? Could the authori-
by passing traffic everywhere; be it cats, possums, e.g. Bhārat māta, Vande mātaram, Lakshmi māta, ered revered. They constituted material and spiritual ties do something similar to them too? The humble
rodents or even deer, moose, wildlife etc. In North Ganga mayya. The cow acts as the surrogate mother assets of ancient India. From ancient times cows in Indian cow will certainly say ‘Moooo’ to this.
American roads coming across the sign “CAUTION: providing milk for life – from childhood through to India form the core of religious sacrifices, for without Surely the ‘Animal Welfare Board of India’ – the
Animals Crossing” is not rare. These are unlikely in old age. Hence one would be filled with repugnance ghee produced from cow’s milk, no sacrifice can be AWBI, the first of its kind animal welfare organisa-
city limits though. at the ungrateful idea of killing mother, whether sur- performed. tion, established in 1962 by any government in the
Modern India with 30% of the world’s cattle; 26 rogate or otherwise. ‘Rigveda’ refers to cow as ‘Aghnya’ – or one that world has a response to the sad plight of cows that
distinctive cow breeds considers cows as sacred but But there seems to be a myopic view of this term must never be killed. ‘Yajurveda’ states – ‘Go matra amuses the tourists. A quote embedded in the AWBI
sadly neglected. Though there are cow protection ‘motherhood’. If Goddess of wealth - Lakshmi is Na Vidyate’ – which means that there is no parallel website by Lord Mahavir – the Jain Thirthankar (c.
movements, anti-cow slaughter legislations, cow- revered as “mother” – then why should she be squan- to the cow in this world. ’Atharva Veda’ considers 599-527 BCE) may sum up the government’s intent
care programmes, Gaushalas for sick and old cows, dered at the throw of a dice at the casinos? Why the cow as the ‘house of prosperity’ – ‘Dhenu Sadanam on animal welfare: “All beings are fond of life, hate
a new cow-urine cola being developed the plight of mighty Ganga considered sacred and the “sanctify- rayinam’. pain, like pleasure, shun destruction, like life, long to
the Indian cow is painfully sad. Even politicians join ing mother” allowed to be polluted left, right and In the Mahābhārata, the wise grandsire Bheesh- live. To all life is dear.”

Guru Poornima: revering the teacher

Homage to Veda Vyas
What is Guru Poornima? great significance to every seeker of ‘absolute truth’ Badara (Indian jujube) trees, he is also known as Guru of Gurus.
7th July this year is the holy day of Guru (GOD) who has received benediction from their Bādārayana. Some say he lived in ‘Vadari forest Significance of Guru Purnima
Pārnima. ‘Guru’ literally means ‘The one who holy Guru and thus acknowledges the entire lineage in the Himālayas near Badrikāshram hence called In honor of this world teacher, all seekers and
dispels ignorance (avidyā)’. ‘Poornima’ means ‘Full of Gurus symbolised in Ved Vyās. ‘Vādrayan’. devotees perform Vyās Puja on this day by wor-
Moon Day’. Who is Ved Vyās? Works of Guru Ved Vyās: shipping their Guru. Mahatmas and Sādhus are
This day is dedicated and a memory to the great The name, Ved Vyās is in fact a title. Ved Vyās Of the three authoritative and sacred books honoured and acts of charity done by all household-
sage popularly known as Veda Vyās (the one who is also known as ‘Krishna Dwaipāyana Vyās’ and in Hinduism, the Brahma Sutra is attributed to ers with deep faith and devotion. During the ‘four
compiled the Vedās). The day, also known as “Vyās ‘Bādārayana’. He was said to be dark-complexioned Ved Vyās and also makes him the proponent of months’ (chāturmas) beginning from this day the
Poornima” is observed by devout Hindus who and hence may be called by the name Krishna the crest-jewel school of Hindu philosophy, i.e., wandering spiritual masters and their disciples
worship their beloved Gurus. In India and in all (black) and because of his birth on an island (dwip) Vedanta – the Science of Life. The Brahma Sutra is used to settle down at a place to study and discourse
temples/ashrams elsewhere Guru Poornima is cel- in the middle of the river Yamuna, he was conferred one of his shortest theologies on Hindu philosophy. on the Brahma Sutras composed by Ved Vyās, and
ebrated with much grandeur. On this day, Indians the name Dwaipāyana. Hence the name Krishna All Hindus are indebted to this ancient saint Ved engage themselves in Vedāntic discussions.
across the world pay their deepest reverence to both Dvaipayan Vyas. Vyās means to divide or catego- Vyās who edited, classified and compiled the four Happy Guru Poornima!
their personal Guru, as well as to Sri Maharishi rise as he categorised the Vedas into four sections Vedas, wrote the 18 Purānas including the Srimad - Rām Lingam
Vyās with devotion, love and piety. for studying convenience. As the island on which Bhāgavad Purāna and the Mahābhārata. Sri Vyās For more extensive information on Guru
The auspicious day of Vyās Poornima has a Vyās was born is said to have been covered by even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Poornima, visit

Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 | 31




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32 Indian Weekender | June 26, 2009 |

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