Mile Sur Mera Tumhara - 25
Mile Sur Mera Tumhara - 25
Mile Sur Mera Tumhara - 25
At a glance
Remembering a Maharaja
June 20 marked the 139th anni-
versary of the passing of the Sikh
empire’s first emperor Ranjit Singh.
Hundreds of Sikhs travelled to Paki-
stan last week to pay tributes at his
resting place in Lahore. An admirer
profiles the great king. Page 10
Poachers go hi-tech
Using cyberspace to peddle in wildlife seems contacted the sellers. The traders contacted the
to be an easy escape route while the enforce- decoy customer through masked phone numbers
ment authorities are still trying to find out how to with varying country codes using hi-tech soft-
tackle this menace. Experts feel unless the Indian ware to ensure that their location is not traced.
government initiates steps for cyber patrolling it Though the Barn owl is a common species,
would be difficult to curb it. With the arrest of a its trade is illegal in India. The owls are used by
wildlife trader and two of his associates last week black magic practitioners or kept as pets. Experts
from Thrissur in Kerala, the racket involving the say that an owl could fetch up to $NZ 15,000 in
online trade of parakeets, peacocks, turtles and the international market where their demand is
even owls was exposed. on increase.
They would put up ads on the internet about Last year another gang from Meerut, UP was
the sale of exotic birds and animals. They would busted via their online advertisements on the
communicate through masked phone numbers popular networking site Orkut for rare parakeets
and using an international network to confuse and the albino civet cats. However authorities
the enforcement officials, said Ashok Kumar, are unable to do much to control such activities.
vice-chairman of Wildlife Trust of India, which Kumar feels these two cases are just the tip of
assisted the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau the iceberg. The Wildlife Trust has been urging
(WCCB) and Kerala Forest Department’s Intel- the government for web patrolling or bring some
ligence Cell in busting the racket. legislation to check the trade.
Once the group had advertised displaying the While the criminals are getting more hi-tech
photograph of the owls labelled as ‘silver owl’ the government has taken little or no initiative
with a note describing it as “a very rare species”. from the authorities so far to track the wildlife
The authorities, then used a decoy customer who trade happening in the cyber world.
The Sikh Empire, commonly known as, Khalsa Raj, hasamadhi, in Nanded, Maharashtra in 1708. At the
was a region straddling the border between modern- Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar, much of the present
day People’s Republic of China and Afghanistan. decorative gilding and marblework date back from
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the first Maharaja of the early 1800s. The gold and intricate marble work
the Sikh Empire and enjoys a revered position in the were conducted under the his patronage.
history of Punjab and Sikhs. His father Maha Singh Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away (A.D. 1839)
Sandhawalia was the commander of the Shukercha- having reigned for forty years. He had seven sons
kia Misl. Ranjit Singh succeeded his father at the and the throne went to his eldest son Kharak Singh,
young age of 12. After several campaigns, he united who was not entirely fit and prepared to rule such
the various Sikh factions into one state taking the a vast empire. The Kingdom began to crumble due
title of Maharaja on April 12 1801 (Baisakhi day), to poor governance and political infighting among
with Lahore serving as his capital from 1799. his heirs. The princes died through internal plots
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the first Asian ruler and assassinations, while the nobility struggled to
to modernise his army to European standards and maintain power.
was well known for filling the leadership positions In 1845 after the First Anglo-Sikh War, Ranjit
in his Darbar with men of varied religions. Singh’s Empire was defeated and all major decisions
The Maharaja developed a formidable military were managed by the British East India Company.
machine that helped him carve out an extensive Eventually, Ranjit Singh’s youngest son Duleep
kingdom and maintain it amid hostile and ambi- Singh, was crowned to the throne of Punjab in 1843.
tious neighbours. The creation of this empire was a In 1849, at the end of the Second Anglo Sikh War,
result of his own genius. Early in his career, he had Punjab was annexed by the British Forces from
watched how the British troops with their systematic Duleep Singh who was only 11 years old.
training and their discipline, had vanquished Indian The British took Duleep Singh, the last Ma-
forces vastly superior in numbers. He had also re- haraja of the Sikh Empire, to England and tricked
alised how crucial in warfare was a well-drilled in- British advance at the Sutlej where the British were him into converting to Christianity at age 13. The
fantry as well as artillery. forced to sign a treaty and not interfere in the empire famous Kohinoor diamond owned by Maharaja
In 1802, soon after his occupation of Amritsar, of the Maharaja. Thus the river Sutlej was the in- Ranjit Singh was also taken away by the British.
he engaged some deserters from the army of the East ternational border between the Khalsa Empire and Upon reuniting with his mother during his adult
India Company to train his own platoons of infantry. British India. PORTRAITS OF COURAGE: Maharaja Ran- years, he reconverted to Sikhism, and petitioned the
What held his troopers together was their personal Maharaja Ranjit Singh is included in the list of jit Singh (left) and his youngest son Duleep Singh Crown to have his kingdom returned. He never re-
loyalty to their leader. The Maharaja employed two “Undefeated Military Commanders”, at Wikibin – ceived any justice, dying in Paris in 1893.
veterans of the Napoleonic wars and charged them a list of known military commanders who did not Guru Gobind Singh. He promoted the teachings The rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is still remem-
with the raising of a special corps. He also employed lose any significant engagement against the enemy of the Dasam Granth (the Tenth Granth) and built bered as the golden period for Punjab and a matter of
a Hungarian physician, who was entrusted with the as the commander-in-chief of a significant portion two of the most sacred temples in Sikhism. These pride for all Punjabis and Indians alike.
manufacture of gunpowder. of a country’s military forces. are Takht Sri Patna Sahib, the birth place of Guru - For an exhaustive article on Maharaja Ranjit
The Maharaja developed Asia’s only modern Maharaja Ranjit Singh deeply loved and Gobind Singh, and Takht Sri Hazur Sahib, the place Singh, log onto
army of the time, one which was able to stop the admired the teachings of the Tenth Guru of Sikhism where Guru Gobind Singh took his final rest or ma-
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In the lead up to the national election in 2008, doesn’t have a Heather Simpson to troubleshoot
several media commentators had said that nine
John Key: The Prime Minister needs either.
years of Labour Party rule and its increasingly cen- to do more to connect better with ethnic It is altogether another matter that Mr Goff’s
trist stance over that period had forced the National communities. ploy badly backfired and burned him more than
Party to make its own outlook far more centrist the Prime Minister or even Dr Worth, for that
than it ever was before. matter. What might have been a strategy to regain
And the pronouncements the party made in Labour’s centrestage has come unstuck for him.
the months before the poll certainly indicated that Commentators have already begun saying that
changing stance. Apart from bashing Labour’s David Shearer would be Labour’s prime ministe-
business unfriendly policies and its brand of social rial candidate next time around.
re-engineering, National projected itself as an in- But the Indian community sees Dr Worth –
clusive outfit, alive to the new realities of a country who has been closely associated with it and who
that had changed considerably since it was last in many respect – as little more than the fall guy in
power. One of these big changes was obviously the this unseemly mudslinging match and believe that
growing multi-ethnic composition of the elector- National could have dealt with him far more rea-
ate. sonably, at least till such a time as no charges were
Seven months into its term, though, it is already laid.
beginning to look like the party is poised to veer Meanwhile the perception of National’s high
back toward its traditional right of centre approach handedness continues in the community. At the
– especially so from the point of view of this coun- executive committee meeting of the New Zealand
try’s growing and increasingly politically active Rodney Hide: Declined to meet with Indian Central Association (NZICA) – which, at
minority communities. 86 years, is the country’s oldest Indian association
Indian community representatives about
Several developments in the recent past point with a nationwide presence – it was revealed that
to this. super city matters its attempts to meet Local Government Minister
The manner in which National list MP Melissa Rodney Hide had come a cropper.
Lee was nearly abandoned by her party’s leader- Melissa Lee: Left high and dry on the day of the Mt Albert The association sought a meeting with Mr Hide
ship as she emerged a distant second in the Mount by-election results to put across the community’s concerns on the
Albert by-election on the day the result was de- super city plans but received a terse reply from his
clared only served to reinforce this perception. office that after careful consideration, the minister
Prime Minister John Key had said he was ously dropped in favour of Lee. “There was hardly had lost his confidence. There has been no evi- had declined to meet with the association. The de-
engaged at a family commitment that was made in any consultation with the community and it was all dence of any crime that has been committed and cision to meet or not is certainly his prerogative.
February. But what about his next in command Bill done so suddenly, it came as a complete surprise,” neither have the full contents of the two way com- But the question is, did he and his office consider
English? What about the rest of the senior leader- a senior Indian community leader from the elector- munication between Dr Worth and Ms Neelam the fact that there are some 100,000 Indians in the
ship? All we heard were excuses for not being there ate had told Indian Weekender. Chaudary have been revealed. Greater Auckland area that comprise nearly 8% of
– and that too after several of them claimed to have Lee’s abandonment by the party’s senior lead- By stepping right into what clearly appears to the metro’s population? That they now form a con-
hit the campaign trail so as to fit their other com- ership on result day has not gone down well not have been nothing more than a mud-slinging set siderable force at the hustings?
mitments in Auckland to be able to claim certain only in the Mount Albert electorate but also else- up that Labour leader Phil Goff championed, the His refusal to meet with NZICA leaders has left
expenses as revealed in the New Zealand Herald where in Auckland. The government’s handling of Prime Minister has shown that he has some way to the association and the community disappointed.
last week. the recommendations of the Royal Commission on go before he makes the successful transition from There is no doubt that the ruling party has to
Would it have been the same if Lee had won the Auckland Governance in the lead up to the by-elec- corporate financial czar to astute politician. spruce up its people skills and be far more com-
election? Would she have been left similarly high tion and the manner in which it responded to op- He clearly walked into a trap most ingenuously munity friendly especially when it comes to the
and dry by National’s top brass? position to the State Highway 20 extension through and nearly played along with Labour’s obvious ethnic minorities. Collectively they are an emerg-
In the Indian community this feeling of the Waterview clearly proved counter productive. strategy to keep the issue alive for as long as it ing force with the numbers that can influence elec-
party’s tendency toward high handedness and Key’s poor handling of the Richard Worth could to embarrass him and his government. Of toral outcomes particularly in this country’s tightly
riding roughshod first came up when longtime affair, too, hasn’t helped. He has refused to give course it would be too much to expect Mr Key to contested polls. Inclusiveness is no mere buzzword
National candidate Ravi Musuku was unceremoni- reasons why the former internal affairs minister have Helen Clark’s nous. And then again, Mr Key today. National must step up its act. Act must too.
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Malaika releases
music of Let’s Dance
The music of Advait Entertainment Pvt. Ltd’s
maiden film ‘Let’s Dance’ was released by
Malaika Arora Khan. Among those seen at
the event were debutant Gayatri Patel, Ajay
Chaudhary, Aquib Afzal (county cricket player
in UK) and the director Aarif Sheikh, besides
Himesh Reshammiya, Smilie Suri, Shaad
Ali, Manish Gupta, Longines Fernandes and
Anjan Srivastav. The event was anchored by
Siddharth Kannan, who kept everybody in
splits with his impromptu one-liners. Pro-
ducer Dr. Arvind Patel, who also happens
to be the fond father of the leading lady
Gayatri, launched the music in sync
with the soul of the film ‘Let’s Dance’.
Along with six dancers, Gayatri Patel
performed live on the medley of four
songs from her debut film. This dance
was choreographed by Rajiv Goswami
of Veer-Zaara and Dhoom fame and
encompasses jazz, hip-hop, popular and
kathak dance forms.
new york
Traffic Offences –
Drinking and driving
NEELAM MCDONALD bombay magic
Please keep it in mind that there are a number of of- represent them.
fences under Land Transport Act (LTA) that carry Defences:
a mandatory sentence of disqualification. Repeat The law relating to alcohol driving offences is
offenders may also be liable to have their vehicles very specific.
confiscated by the court. In order to obtain a conviction the prosecution,
I have some clients who ask advice on drink- that is the police, have to follow certain procedures.
ing and driving. My advice is to never drink alcohol The police must, if you cannot afford a lawyer,
and then drive. Suppose you are attend a social oc- provide you with a list of lawyers who can tell you
casion; if you drink then you should have a sober of your rights and advise you.
driver to take you home. If a sober driver is not If the police fail to follow the procedures listed
available, please get a taxi. It will save you from a in the Land Transport Act then you may have what
lot of agony later on. is known in law as a ‘technical defence’. Please
Section 56(1) LTA makes it an offence for a consult a lawyer so he or she can check whether the
person to drive whilst the proportion of alcohol police have followed the procedure correctly.
on his or her breath exceeds 400 micrograms of If you do lose your licence you may be eligible
alcohol per litre of breath. to apply for a “Limited Licence”. Some people call
Section 56(2) LTA makes it an offence for a this a work licence. I will be writing about this in
person to drive whilst the proportion of alcohol in the next addition of the Weekender.
his or her blood exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol - If you have any questions about criminal or
per 100 millilitres of blood. traffic law, please write to Neelam McDonald at
A person convicted for a first and second time is
liable to a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 3 Please indicate if you would like your name and address
months or a fine of $4,500. A mandatory minimum to be printed. The information contained in this article or
disqualification is for six months. That means you response is intended to provide general information. The
will lose your licence for a minimum of six months. contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be
A person charged for a third or subsequent relied on as such. Readers should seek independent legal
time with excess alcohol (over the limit) faces very advice in particular matters.
serious consequences and should have a lawyer to
On a Wing and a prayer temples and other places of worship are a testi-
mony of the Indians’ penchant for taking their re-
ligious traditions with them to foreign lands. On
a balmy afternoon in February of 2007 a group of
friends sat chatting in an Auckland suburb. All
Hall on May road.
The sansthan’s objectives primarily are to
propagate the teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi;
To serve the community at large in meaning-
ful ways that would add value to both individuals
RAJESH KRISHNAMURTHY of them incidentally were ardent devotees of Shri as well as the community. To promote spirituality
Saibaba of Shirdi. Gradually the conversation and foster community spirit and expose our chil-
India has always been a land of spirituality and they the indentured laborers that the British took veered to religion and spirituality when one of dren to the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of
it has been blessed to be the land of birth of a to work on the rubber plantations in Malaysia or them lamented the absence of a Saibaba temple in India. The sanstnan also conduct aarti’s at devo-
number of saints and elevated souls that walked the “Girmitiyas” of Fiji, regardless of who they New Zealand. One thing led to another and before tees residence.
the earth. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami were and under what circumstances they left the long an anonymous donation of a reasonably large With the quantum growth in devotees at the
Vivekananda, Saibaba of Shirdi , Swami Chin- shores of the motherland, Indians have always sum found its way into the hands of one of the weekly satsangs the need to have a dedicated
mayananda, Mata Amritananda mayi etc; are a carried with them two things that they hold ex- devotees. That was catalyst enough to charge the temple for Saibaba was felt and a concentrated
few of the prominent modern day saints that India tremely dear-Their distinctive food and their group and the Shri Shirdi Sai Sansthan of New effort to build the temple has begun with the pur-
has produced. spiritual/religious traditions. Indian cuisine like Zealand Inc. of New Zealand took off literally on chase of a plot of land for the purpose at brick street
The advent globalization has the world shrink the Indian Curry, Roti, Dosa, Idli, Saambaar, a wing, a prayer and an anonymous doner! in Henderson.The sansthan also has spread their
like never before and become a much smaller Chicken Tikka etc; have for long tickled the taste The group then started meeting every Thurs- wings beyond Auckland and have conducted aartis
place. Indians heartily embraced this phenome- buds of a global clientele. So much so that items day at devotees’ residence for satsangs. Soon successfully at Pukekohe,Tauranga,Hamilton &
non and set sail to distant lands. The great Indian like the curry have been adopted by the British as the gathering out grew the homes of the humble Wellington. Interested persons may visit their
Diaspora can now be seen in over 150 countries their very own. A quick glance across Auckland devotees and the Satsangs were then shifted to a website: or contact the
across the globe. is testimony of the ever increasing popularity of number of places like the Bharitiya Mandir, Bal- sansthan at
The saying goes “You can take a man out of the Indian Cuisine. moral Temple etc. Currently the weekly satsangs
India but you can’t take India out of a man”. Be By the same token the fairly large number of are being held at the Mount Roskill war Memorial - Rajesh Krishnamurthy
(May 22-June 21) LIBRA (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Try to curb your bad habits. Your pursuits (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Do not yield to children or relatives when 1. Practice breathing exercises
may end up being fruit less. You may want It’s time to reconnect with some of the they really don’t deserve it. If you haven’t (Pranayam) everyday, especially
to clear the air where older relatives are people you used to know. Travel for busi- planned a vacation, then at least try to get Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom for at
concerned. Help children with important ness purposes may bring the highest away for the weekend. Your ability to do least 30min in the morning and 30min
projects. returns. Others may want to steal your detailed work will dazzle those who are in the evening.
thunder when they realize your ideas are less creative. You are ahead of your time,
pretty solid. Refrain from arguing with your and trying to stay in one spot could be ask- 2. Drink Ramdevji’s 100% Aloe Vera
mate. ing too much. Juice 50ml three times a day with hot
CANCER water. You will see the effect within
(June 22-July 22) one month as it has already been
Don’t make unreasonable promises. Be SCORPIO PISCES tested on hundreds of thousands of
sure to organize events that will keep the (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) people.
children busy. Your self esteem will come Take care of the needs of elders in your Be careful to avoid wrong doings. Avoid
back if you take part in organizational func- family. Finish off old projects before start- joint ventures and steer clear of groups 3. Drink 10-12 glasses of warm water
tions that allow you to be in the lime light. ing something new. Don’t exhaust yourself that want you to contribute financial as- everyday.
Spend a quiet day with the one you love. or minor health problems will set in. Get sistance. Make changes that will enhance
involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet your appearance and entice potential part- 4. Use Ramdevji’s Peedantak oil, it
new friends. ners. Dead end projects could plague you. helps in reducing joint pains.
Next Issue: Constipation and gastric
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