Ama 44 (3) 2013
Ama 44 (3) 2013
Ama 44 (3) 2013
M. A. Helmy
Department of Agricultural Engineering Kafrelsheikh University EGYPT
A. Mitrroi
M. A. Basiouny
Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, EGYPT
A reciprocating peanut sheller was fabricated as a multi-crop sheller to shell peanut, soybean, bean, etc. (Helmy, 2001). It was constructed at the Agricultural Engineering Workshop, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr Elsheikh Governorate and modified at the workshop of Rice Mechanization Center, Meet Eldeeba, Kafr Elsheikh Governorate, Egypt throughout the year of 2006. The present study was mainly carried out to evaluate the performance of a reciprocating peanut sheller before and after modification by supplying the sheller with feeding mechanism (conveyor belt), increasing the friction area of shelling box, and using rubber for enhancing shelling process. The experimental results showed that, the performance of a reciprocating peanut sheller after modification is better than, that before modification. Where, the value of shelling efficiency after modification was of 98.85 %, damaged seeds of 1.36 %, unshelled seeds of 1.15 %, total losses of 2.51 %, sheller productivity of 155.98 10 -3 Mg/ h, unit energy consumption of 2.87 kWh/Mg, cleaning efficiency of
99.06 % and criterion cost of 42.17 LE/Mg at feed rate of 160 kg/h, box speed of 1.4 m/s, moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and air velocity of 8.37 m/s. But before modification shelling efficiency was of 95.32 %, damaged seeds of 6.12 %, unshelled seeds of 4.68 %, total losses of 10.8 %, sheller productivity of 89.20 10 -3 Mg/h, unit energy consumption of 3.47 kWh/Mg, cleaning efficiency of 98.88 %, and criterion cost of 84.93 LE/Mg at feed rate of 100 kg/ h and the other studied operating conditions.
The yield of peanut crops that generate a cash return quickly to the farms where it is a major expor t crops consumes about 6570 %. Output locally and make it 30-35 % (BMA, 2004). Kittichai (1984) developed a power-operated groundnut sheller. He found that the best performance of the sheller was achieved at 20 mm clearance and shelling bar speed of 180 rpm. At these parameters the machine capacity, shelling efficiency and percentage of breakage were 210.5
kg-kernels/h, 98 % and 5.3 % respectively. The power consumption of the sheller ranged from 1.0 to 1.1 kW. Gore et al. (1990) classified the groundnut shellers, depending on their power source, into manually operated and poweroperated. Based on shelling action, the shellers could be classified into reciprocating type and continuous or rotary type. The manually operated groundnut shellers could be classified into three subclasses a) semi rotary type sheller, b) handoperated sheller with shelling cylinder which was rotated by hand, and c) foot operated sheller. Abou ElKheir and Shoukr (1993) studied the effect of some operating parameters of sheller and natural properties of crop material on shelling efficiency. The increase in number of drum beaters from 4 to 8 increased the number of hits per unit time and increased shelling efficiency from 74 to 80.6 % at drum speed of 1.83 m/s and from 87 to 92.5 % at drum speed of 4.58m/s. Shelling efficiency, using rubber drum, was less than that of both steel and wooden drum. Singh (1993) tested two types of concave in manual sheller, the first was wire mesh concave and the
second was slotted grate. Shelling capacity with wire mesh concave was higher (86 kg/h) compared to that of slotted grate (60 kg/h). This is due to increased opening area. For wire mesh concave the shelling efficiency ranged from 83 to 89 % compared to the slotted type, which ranged from 82 to 84 %. Also, the percentage of breakage ranged from 3.7 to 6.7 % and from 8.4 to 12.6 % for wire mesh and slotted grate respectively. Younis et al. (1997) developed a peanut sheller. Results of the modified sheller evaluation
indicated that breakage was reduced from 57 to 54 %, cleaning efficiency increased from 67 to about 96 %, and separation efficiency increased from 28 to 93 % compared to the original sheller. The total loss was also decreased from 57 to about 4 % compared to the original sheller. Helmy (2001) designed, built and evaluated a reciprocating sheller to study the effect of some operating parameters on shelling peanut from the pods. He concluded that, the peanut shelling efficiency was 95.44 % at about 17.12 % w.b. moisture
content when the box speed, the clearance and feed rate were 1.4 m/ s, 18mm and 80 kg/h respectively. The lowest value of total cost of 64 LE/Mg was obtained at the same operating conditions. The specific objectives of the present study are directed to the following: a) To specify the optimum conditions of peanut sheller before and after modification. b) To increase the sheller productivity. c) To reduce the total losses percent. d) To lower costs per production unit.
Fig. 1 Elevation and side view of the reciprocating peanut sheller before modification
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 1 Feeding and shelling box (wood), 2 Wooden gates (wood), 3 Wooden strips (wood), 4 Shelling screen (wood), 5 Blower (metal), 6 Steel and wooden frame, 7 Electric motor
Fig. 2 Elevation and side view of the reciprocating peanut sheller after modification
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 1 Feeding hopper (wood), 2 Gate, 3 Conveyor belt (rubber), 4 Shelling box (wood), 5 Wooken strips (wood and rubber), 6 Shelling screen (wood and rubber), 7 Blower (metal), 8 Electric motor
35cm width and made of a number of wooden strips with the dimensions of 2 3 30 cm. The blower (centrifugal type) has four straight blades and two inlet openings. The inlet openings are of circular shape of 28.5cm diameter, while the outlet opening is of rectangular shape of 16 39 cm. On the two inlets, there were two gates for controlling airflow rate. Air velocity was measured by using a digital vane-probe anemometer (Model: BREMI-BRI 5080-USA), which reads the velocity directly in m/s. The frame was constructed from wood, steel angles and steel sheets. The machine is powered by electric motor. Modification: The two gates in shelling box were eliminated and altered by a conveyor belt to increase the total friction area of shelling box and facilitate the feeding rate. The numbers of wooden strips of shelling box were doubled to increase the total friction area. While the wooden strips of shelling screen and shelling box were covered by rubber to minimize seed damage (Fig. 2). The dimensions of pods and seeds forms are considered important as limiting factors in passing the seed and the hull between the screen strips grate holes and in determination of clearance between box bottom and separating screen. For all experiments, this clearance was selected at constant value of 18mm according to study of the physical properties of the same variety by Helmy, 2001. The studied parameters were; three levels of moisture content (11.6, 17.2 and 23.52 % w.b.), three levels of box speed before and after modification (1.0, 1.4 and 1.7 m/s), three levels of feed rate before modification (80, 100 and 120 kg/h) and after modification (140, 160 and 180 kg/h) and three levels of air velocity (6.25, 8.37 and 10.11 m/s). All the experimental treatments were repeated three times and the averaged values of the investigated parameters were
taken. The technical indices in the present investigation were determined as follows: Moisture content of peanut pods was calculated according to ASAE, 1989 as follows: Pods moisturecontent, % = AC + BD.......................................... (1) Where: A: moisture content of seeds, %; C: seeds in average, %; B: moisture content of hull, % and D: hulls in average, %. Total shelling losses are defined as the sum of the damage percentage and unshelled seeds. They were determined according to relations used by Gore et al., 1990: Damage percentage, % = (Mass
of damaged seeds / Total mass of seeds) 100.......................(2) Unshelled seeds percentage, % = (Mass of unshelled seeds / Total mass of seeds) 100. ............ (3) Shelling efficiency was determined according to the formula by El-Sayed, 1992: Shelling efficiency % = 1 (Mass of unshelled seeds / Total mass of seeds) 100....................... (4) Ammeter and voltmeter were used for measuring the current strength and potential difference respectively. Readings of Amperes and Volts were taken before and during each treatment. The power consumption was calculated by using the following formula (Lockwood and Dunstan, 1971):
Fig. 3 Effect of shelling box spend on total losses and productivity before modificaion at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and various feeding rates
Total power consumption, kW = 3 / 1000 (I.V. cos. )...........(5) Where: I: current strength, Amperes; V: potential difference, cos : power factor, decimal (being equal to 0.71) and : mechanical efficiency of motor assumed to be 80 %. The unit energy requirement was calculated by using the following equation: Unitenergy requirement, kW (h / Mg) = Total power consumption (kW) / productivity (Mg / h) . ..............................................(6) Cleaning efficiency was determined according to the formula: Cleaning eff iciency, % = 1 (Mass loss of cleaning seeds /
Total mass of cleaning seeds) 100. ........................................(7) The total (criterion) cost of the sheller operating was estimated by using the following equation (Awady et al., 1978): Total cost, LE / Mg = unit operating cost + unit worth of shelling losses......................................(8) Unit operating cost was determined by using the following equation: Unit operating cost, LE / Mg = [Sheller cost (LE/h) / productivity (Mg/h)]..............................(9) Peanut sheller costs were determined as follows: Fixed Costs: a) Depreciation:
Fig. 4 Effect of shelling box spend on total losses and productivity after modificaion at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and various feeding rates
Declining balance method was used to determine the depreciation (Hunt, 1983). In this method the depreciation value is different for every year of the machines life. Depreciation value was determined by using the following Eqn: D = Vn Vn + 1, L. E. / Yr.. ....... (10) Vn = P [(L X) / L]n, L. E. / Yr.. . ............................................ (11) Vn + 1 = P [(L X) / L]n + 1, L. E. / Yr.......................................... (12) Where: D: value of depreciation charged year, (n+1); P: purchase price, L. E.; L: time between buying and purchasing, Yr.; n: number representing age of the machine in year at the beginning of year; V: remaining value at any time and X: ratio of depreciation rate for used machine (the maximum rate is 1.5). b) Interest on investment, shelter taxes and insurance: They were estimated as 12 % of the remaining value. Operating Costs: a) Repairs and maintenance: For machinery, repairs and maintenance is about 7 % as a percent of purchase price. b) Electricity cost. c) Lubricant cost. d) Labor cost.
Fig. 5 Effect of feeding rate on damaged, unshelled seeds and tatal losses for the sheller before and after modification at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and shelling box speed of 1.4 m/s
after modification, Fig. 4 illustrates that total shelling losses and productivity as affected by shelling box speed and various feeding rates. It is seen that the optimum operating conditions for the sheller after modification were obtained at feed rate of 160 kg/h and shelling box speed of 1.4 m/s. However, the suitable moisture content of peanut pods was about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification. Total Losses: The damaged seeds percentage was increased by increasing feed rate for the sheller before and after modification. The damaged seeds ranged from 5.55 to 7.13 and 1.25 to 1.54 % at feed rate ranges of 80120 and 140-180 kg/h, box speed of 1.4 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification respectively. The percentage of damaged seeds for the sheller after modification is less than that before modification. This may be due to that before modification: box speed was unqualified to cover feed rate successfully. After modification: the conveyor belt controlled the feed rate to meet the box speed in the proper time, decreasing unshelled and damaged seeds. The unshelled seeds percentage was increased by increasing feed rate for the sheller before and after modification. The unshelled seeds ranges were 4.56-4.73 and 1.081.14 % at feed rate ranges of 80-120 and 140-180 kg/h at box speed of 1.4 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification respectively. The percentage of unshelled seeds for the sheller after modification is less than that before modification. This may be due to the conveyor belt, which gave more uniformity of feeding rate in comparison with gate system. The total losses (damaged + unshelled seeds) percentage was also increased by increasing feed rate for the sheller before and after modification. The total losses
Fig. 6 Effect of feeding rate on shelling efficiency at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and shelling box speed of 1.4 m/s
Table 1 The economical cost for producing one Mega gram of peanut seeds Sheller machine Before modification After modification Feed rate, kg/h 100 160 Sheller productivity, Mg/h 0.08920 0.15598 Sheller operating cost, LE/h 4.14 4.36 Unit operating cost, LE/Mg 46.41 27.95 Total shelling losses, LE/Mg 38.52 14.22 Total cost, LE/ Mg 84.93 42.17
ranges were 10.11-11.86 and 2.332.68 % at feed rate ranges of 80-120 and 140-180kg/h at box speed of 1.4 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification respectively (Fig. 5). Shelling Efficiency: Shelling efficiency of peanut sheller was decreased by increasing feed-
ing rate before and after modification. The shelling efficiency ranged from 95.44 to 95.27 and 98.92-98.86 % at feed rate ranges of 80-120 and 140-180 kg/h at box speed of 1.4 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification respectively ( Fig. 6 ). Increase of shelling efficiency after modification can be attributed to the existing of the conveyor belt, which
increases the chance of pods to stay more time on the box strips as result shelling efficiency increase and increasing the friction area of shelling box. Energy Requirements: Unit energy values were increased by increasing feed rate for the sheller before and after modification. The unit energy ranges were 3.36-3.68 and 2.71-2.95 kW.h/Mg at feed rate ranges of 80-120 and 140180 kg/h at box speed of 1.4m/s and sheller moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. before and after modification respectively (Fig. 7). The reduction in sheller unit energy values after modification can be attributed to the increase of sheller productivity. Cleaning Efficiency: Cleaning efficiency was decreased by increasing feed rate for the sheller before and after modification. The cleaning efficiency ranged from 99.01 to 98.79 and 99.17 to 98.93 % at feed rate ranged from 80 to 120 and 140 to 180 kg/h at box speed of 1.4 m/s, air velocity of 8.37 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. for the sheller before and after modification respectively ( Fig. 8). Increase of sheller cleaning efficiency after modification may be due to uniformity of feeding rate by using conveyor belt. Cost Analysis: Table 1 summarizes the economical cost for producing one Mega gram of peanut seeds. The total cost was deduced to determine the cheapest operating conditions. It can be concluded that the lowest value of total cost of 84.93 LE/Mg for the sheller before modification
Fig. 7 Effect of feeding rate on unit energy at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. and shelling box speed of 1.4 m/s
Fig. 8 Effect of feeding rate on cleaning efficiency at pods moisture content about 17.12 % w.b., shelling box speed of 1.4 m/s and air velocity of 8.37 m/s
was obtained at feed rate of 100 kg/ h, box speed of 1.4 m/s and moisture content about 17.12 % w.b. While after modification, the lowest value of total cost of 42.17 LE/Mg was obtained at feed rate of 160 kg/h under the same operating conditions.
For the duration of the current investigation, the main results gained are concluded in the following two points: 1. The performance of a reciprocating peanut sheller after modification was better than that before modification because the productivity was increased and the total losses (damaged + unshelled seeds) were decreased. 2. The applied recommendations for operating the reciprocating peanut sheller before and after modification can be concluded in the following: (under the Table)
Abou El-kheir, M. M. and A. Z. Shoukr. 1993. Modelling of the action of mechanical shelling of peanut for different materials of beater drum. Misr J. Ag. Eng.,
10(1): 123-135. ASAE. 1998. Moisture measurement-peanuts. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan. ASAE S410.1 DEC97: 560-561. Awady, M. N. 1978. Tractors and farm machinery. Textbook. Ag. Mech. Dept., Faculty of Ag., Ain Shams Univ.: 164-167. BMA. 2004. Bulletin of the Ministry of Agriculture. Serve and grow peanuts in the land of ancient and new, Agricultural Research Center, the National Programme for leguminous crops. El-Sayed, A. S. 1992. A simple prototype of conical sheller of peanut seeds. Misr J. Ag. Eng., 9(2): 149159. Gore, K. L.; C. P. Gupta, and C. Si ng h 1990. Development of power operated groundnut sheller. AMA, 21(3): 38-44. Helmy, M. A. 2001. Evaluation of a reciprocating peanut sheller. AMA, 32(4): 35-24:27. Hunt, D. 1983. Farm power and machinery management. 8th Ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames., U.S.A., : 59-71. Kittichai, T. 1984. Development and test of a power- operated groundnut sheller. M. Eng. Thesis No. AE-84-11, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok.
Lockwood, F. B. and R. Dunstan 1971. Electric engineering principles. Meinemann Educational Books, L-td, London. Singh, G. 1993. Development of a unique groundnut decorticator. AMA, 24(1): 55-64. Younis, S. M.; H. A. Abdel-Mawla, and H. A. Farag 1997. Development of peanut sheller. Misr J. Ag. Eng., 14(1): 106-117.
Performance parameter Moisture content, % w.b. Clearance, mm Box speed, m/s Air velocity, m/s Feed rate, kg/h Productivity, Mg/h Damaged seeds, % Unshelled seeds, % Total losses (damaged + unshelled seeds), % Shelling efficiency, % Unit energy, kW.h/Mg Cleaning efficiency, % Criterion cost, LE/Mg
Value Before modification 17.12 18 1.4 8.37 100 89.20 10 -3 6.12 4.68 10.80 95.32 3.47 98.88 84.93 After modification 17.12 18 1.4 8.37 160 155.98 10 -3 1.36 1.15 2.51 98.85 2.87 99.06 42.17
Increasing (+) or reduction (), % + 60.0 + 74.9 77.8 75.4 76.8 + 3.7 17.3 + 0.18 50.3