What's New and Cool in Data Processing HVAC
What's New and Cool in Data Processing HVAC
What's New and Cool in Data Processing HVAC
Spring 2008
These links are provided as information only and are not in any way to be considered a comprehensive listing or as an
endorsement by PG&E. All links were current at time of list creation. An electronic version of this list is available at
Best Practices for Data Centers: Lessons Learned from Benchmarking 22 Data Centers
This paper by Steve Greenberg, Evan Mills, et al, was presented at the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy
Efficiency in Buildings. It presents the results of their benchmarking studies and describes best practices for the
operation and design of more efficient data centers.
LEED™ Green Building Rating System for New Construction & Major Renovations, ver. 2.2
This latest version of LEED’s building rating system includes requirements for HVAC&R systems, ventilation for
indoor air quality and thermal comfort. A link to LEED for Existing Buildings is also included on this site.