Qua Che Gan vs. Deportation Board

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Qua Chee Gan v Deportation Board

September 30, 1963

SUMMARY: Qua Chee Gan et. al. were charged before the Deportation Board for buying US dollars w/out permit from the Central
Bank. Board issued warrants of arrest for the aliens pending investigation. Qua Chee Gan et al argue that Board has no jurisdiction.
They contest the power of the President to deport aliens and, consequently, the delegation to the Deportation Board of the ancillary
power to investigate, on the ground that such power is vested in the Legislature. They also assail the Boards authority to order the
issuance of warrants of arrest. HELD: The President and consequently, the Deportation Board has the power to conduct investigations
and deport aliens and this power has been validly delegated to the Deportation Board. However, the same cannot be said of the power
to issue arrests pending investigation. That the arrest of a foreigner is necessary to carry into effect the power of deportation is valid
only when there is already an order of deportation. To carry out the order of deportation, the President obviously has the power to order
the arrest of the deportee but, certainly, during the investigation, it is not indispensable that the alien be arrested. It is enough that a
bond be required to insure the appearance of the alien during the investigation. Whether the Presidents authority to deport and conduct
investigation carries with it the power to order the arrest of the alien during investigation is not decided. However, conceding that it
does, the same may not be delegated to the Deportation Board. While ministerial duties may be delegated, official functions requiring
the exercise of discretion and judgment, may not be so delegated.

Deportation of an undesirable alien may be effected in 2 ways by order of the President, after due investigation, pursuant to Sec.
69 of the Revised Administrative Code, and by Commissioner of Immigration, upon recommendation by the Board of
Commissioners, under Sec. 37 of C.A. 613

That the arrest of a foreigner is necessary to carry into effect the power of deportation is valid only when there is already an order
of deportation.

Under the express terms of our Constitution, it is even doubtful whether the arrest of an individual may be ordered by any authority
other than the judge if the purpose is merely to determine the existence of a probable cause, leading to an administrative

The Constitution does not distinguish between warrants in a criminal case and administrative warrants in administrative

May 12, 52: Qua Chee Gan et. al were charged by Special Prosecutor Galang before the Deportation Board
o W/ having purchased U.S. dollars ($130,000) w/out the necessary license from the Central Bank, and of having
clandestinely remitted the same to Hongkong
o Qua Chee Gan, Chua Lim Pao & Basilio King charged w/ having attempted to bribe RP & US officers in order to evade
prosecution for said unauthorized purchase of U.S. Dollars.

A warrant for the arrest of said aliens was issued by the presiding member of the Deportation Board. Upon filing surety bond
(P10k) & cash bond (P10k), they were provisionally set at liberty.

Sept. 22, 52: Qua Chee Gan et. al filed a joint motion to dismiss the charges against them in the Deportation Board because
o the same do not constitute legal ground for deportation of aliens from this country, and
o Board has no jurisdiction to entertain such charges.

Deportation Board: Motion to dismiss denied

Thus, Qua Chee Gan et. al. filed in SC a petition for habeas corpus and/or prohibition, which petition was given due course in
an SC resolution but made returnable to CFI Manila

CFI: Issued a writ of preliminary injunction restraining Deportation Board from hearing Deportation charges No. R-425 against Qua
Chee Gan et.al, pending final termination of the habeas corpus and/or prohibition proceedings.

Board filed its Answer: Deportation Board, as an agent of the President, has jurisdiction over the charges filed against
petitioners and the authority to order their arrest

CFI: Denied the petition for writs of habeas corpus and/or prohibition, certiorari, and mandamus filed by petitioners
o Upheld the validity of the delegation by the president to the Deportation Board of his power to conduct
investigations for the purpose of determining whether the stay of an alien in this country would be injurious to the
security, welfare and interest of the State.
o Also, sustained the power of the deportation Board to issue warrant of arrest and fix bonds for the alien's
temporary release pending investigation of charges against him
o RATIO: Power to arrest and fix the amount of the bond of the arrested alien is essential to and complement the power to
deport aliens pursuant to Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code.

Thus, Qua Chee Gan et. al. instituted the present appeal
o They contest the power of the President to deport aliens and, consequently, the delegation to the Deportation Board of the
ancillary power to investigate, on the ground that such power is vested in the Legislature.
o In other words, it is claimed, for the power to deport to be exercised, there must be a legislation authorizing the same.
1) Whether the President and consequently the Deportation Board has the power to deport and conduct investigations over aliens?
2) Whether Presidents authority to deport and conduct investigation carries with it the power to order the arrest of the alien during
investigation? (Not decided) And if it does, whether the same may be delegated to the Deportation Board? (NO)


Under C.A. 613 (Immigration Act of 1940), the Commissioner of Immigration was empowered to effect the arrest and expulsion of
an alien, after previous determination by the Board of Commissioners of the existence of grounds.

With the enactment of this law, however, the legislature did not intend to delimit or concentrate the exercise of the power to
deport on the Immigration Commissioner alone, because in its Sec. 52:
o SEC. 52 of CA 613. This Act is in substitution for and supersedes all previous laws relating to the entry of aliens into the
Philippines, and their exclusion, deportation, and repatriation therefrom, with the exception of Sec. 69 of Act 2711 which
shall continue in force and effect".
o Sec. 69 of Act No. 2711 (Revised Administrative Code). Deportation of subject to foreign power. A subject of a foreign
power residing in the Philippines shall not be deported, expelled, or excluded from said Islands or repatriated to his own
country by the President of the Philippines except upon prior investigation, conducted by said Executive or his
authorized agent, of the ground upon which such action is contemplated. xxx

Although it is not an express conferment, but merely lays down the procedure to be observed should there be deportation
proceedings, the fact that such a procedure was provided for before the President can deport an alien-which provision was
expressly declared exempted from the repealing effect of the Immigration Act of 1940-is a clear indication of the recognition,
and inferentially a ratification, by the legislature of the existence of such power in the Executive.

And the, exercise of this power by the chief Executive has been sanctioned by SC in several decisions. (In re Patterson, In re
McCulloch Dick, Tan Tong v. Deportation Board, Ang Beng v. CIR)

Thus, deportation of an undesirable alien may be effected in 2 ways:

o by order of the President, after due investigation, pursuant to Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code, and
o by Commissioner of Immigration, upon recommendation by the Board of Commissioners, under Sec. 37 of C.A. 613

Pet: Presidents power to deport may be exercised only upon the grounds enumerated in CA 613,as it would be unreasonable to
hold that an alien may be deported upon an unstated ground depending merely on Presidents unlimited discretion.

SC: This contention is not without merit, considering that whenever the legislature believes a certain act or conduct to be a just
cause for deportation, it invariably enacts a law to that effect.
o Thus, in a number of amendatory acts, grounds have been added to those originally contained in Sec. 37 of C.A. 613, as
justifying deportation of an alien, as well as other laws which provide deportation as part of the penalty imposed on aliens.

HOWEVER, Case at Bar: Charges against pet. constitute in effect an act of profiteering, hoarding or blackmarketing of U.S.
dollars, in violation of the Central Bank regulations an economic sabotage which is a ground for deportation under the
provisions of R.A. 503 amending Sec. 37 of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940. The President may therefore order the
deportation of these pet. if after investigation they are shown to have committed the act charged.

President's power of investigation may be delegated w/c is clear from a reading of Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code
which provides for a "prior investigation, conducted by said Executive (the President) or his authorized agent."

E.O. 494 (July 26, 1934): 1st executive order by Governor General Frank Murphy
o Constituted a board to take action on complaints against foreigners, to conduct investigations and thereafter make

E.O. 33 (May 29, 1936): President Quezon created the Deportation Board primarily to receive complaints against aliens charged to
be undesirable, to conduct investigation pursuant to Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code and the rules and regulations
therein provided, and make the corresponding recommendation.

Since then, the Deportation Board has been conducting the investigation as the authorized agent of the President

Question thus is whether Presidents authority carries with it the power to order the arrest of the alien complained of, since the
Admin. Code is silent on the matter, and if it does, whether the same may be delegated to Deportation Board.

Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code , unlike C.A. 613 wherein the Commissioner of Immigration was specifically granted
authority to make arrests, fails to provide the President with like specific power to be exercised in connection with such

It must be for this reason that Pres. Roxas issued E.O. 69.
o For the purpose of insuring the appearance of aliens charged before the Deportation Board created under E.O. 37 and
facilitating the execution of the order of deportation whenever the President decides the case against the respondent.
o I, xxx order that all respondents in deportation proceedings shall file a bond with the Commissioner of Immigration in
such amount and containing such conditions as he may prescribe.
o Note that the E.O. only required the filing of a bond to secure appearance of the alien under investigation. It did
not authorize the arrest of the respondent.

Jan. 5, 1951: Pres. Quirino reorganized the Deportation Board by virtue of E.O. 398.
o Board was authorized motu proprio or upon the filing of formal charges by the Special Prosecutor of the Board, to issue
the warrant for the arrest of the alien complained of and to hold him under detention during the investigation unless
he files a bond for his provisional release in such amount and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the
Chairman of the Board.

Sec. 69 of the Revised Administrative Code, upon whose authority the President's power to deport is predicated, does not provide
for the exercise of the power to arrest.

SOLGEN: The law could not have denied to the Chief Executive acts which are absolutely necessary to carry into effect the
power of deportation granted him, such as the authority to order the arrest of the foreigner charged as undesirable.

SC: The contention of the Solicitor General that the arrest of a foreigner is necessary to carry into effect the power of
deportation is valid only when, as already stated, there is already an order of deportation.

Right against unreasonable searches and seizures (Const., Sec 1, Art. III, Bill of Rights): The right of an individual to be secure in
his person is guaranteed by the Constitution.
o 3. The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and
seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, to be determined by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Rodriguez, et al. v. Villamiel ( Justice Laurel, concurring opinion): This provision is not the same as that contained in the Jones Law
wherein this guarantee is placed among the rights of the accused. Under our Constitution, the same is declared a popular right
of the people and, of course, indisputably it equally applies to both citizens and foreigners in this country.

Furthermore, a notable innovation in this guarantee is found in our Constitution in that it specifically provides that the probable
cause upon which a warrant of arrest may be issued, must be determined by the judge after examination under oath, etc., of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce.

This requirement "to be determined by the judge" is not found in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, in the
Philippine Bill or in the Jones Act, all of which do not specify who will determine the existence of a probable cause.

Hence, under their provisions, any public officer may be authorized by the Legislature to make such determination, and thereafter
issue the warrant of arrest.

Under the express terms of our Constitution, it is, therefore, even doubtful whether the arrest of an individual may be
ordered by any authority other than the judge if the purpose is merely to determine the existence of a probable cause,
leading to an administrative investigation.

The Constitution does not distinguish between warrants in a criminal case and administrative warrants in administrative

And, if one suspected of having committed a crime is entitled to a determination of the probable cause against him, by a judge,
why should one suspected of a violation of an administrative nature deserve less guarantee?

Of course it is different if the order of arrest is issued to carry out a FINAL FINDING OF A VIOLATION, either by an
executive or legislative officer or agency duly authorized for the purpose, as then the warrant is not that mentioned in the
Constitution which is issuable only on probable cause. Such, for example, would be a warrant of arrest to carry out a FINAL
ORDER of deportation, or to effect compliance of an ORDER OF CONTEMPT.

To carry out the order of deportation, the President obviously has the power to order the arrest of the deportee. But, certainly,
during the investigation, it is not indispensable that the alien be arrested. It is enough that a bond be required to insure the
appearance of the alien during the investigation, as was authorized in Pres. Roxas E.O.

Be that as it may, it is not imperative for us to rule, in this proceeding - and nothing herein said is intended to so decide on
whether or not the President himself can order the arrest of a foreigner for purposes of investigation only, and before a definitive
order of deportation has been issued. We are merely called upon to resolve herein whether, conceding without deciding that
the President can personally order the arrest of the alien complained of, such power can be delegated by him to the
Deportation Board.

The exercise of the power to order the arrest of an individual demands the exercise of discretion by the one issuing the same, to
determine whether under specific circumstances, the curtailment of the liberty of such person is warranted.

The fact that the Constitution itself, as well as the statute relied upon, prescribe the manner by which the warrant may be issued,
conveys the intent to make the issuance of such warrant dependent upon conditions the determination of the existence of
which requires the use of discretion by the person issuing the same.

In other words, the discretion of whether a warrant of arrest shall issue or not is PERSONAL to the one upon whom the authority
devolves. While MINISTERIAL duties may be delegated, OFFICIAL functions requiring the exercise of discretion and
judgment, may not be so delegated.

Indeed, an implied grant of power, considering that no express authority was granted by the law on the matter under discussion,
that would serve the curtailment or limitation on the fundamental right of a person, such as his security to life and liberty,
must be viewed with caution, if we are to give meaning to the guarantee contained in the Constitution.

If this is so, then guarantee a delegation of that implied power, nebulous as it is, must be rejected as inimical to the liberty
of the people. The guarantees of human rights and freedom can not be made to rest precariously on such a shaky foundation.

Case is different from Tan Sin v. Deportation Board as the power of arrest was not squarely raised in that proceeding, but only as a
consequence of therein petitioner's proposition that the President had no inherent power to deport and that the charges filed
against him did not constitute ground for deportation. .
DISPOSITIVE: Decision Affirmed. E.O. 398 insofar as it empowers the Deportation Board to issue warrant of arrest upon the filing of
formal charges against an alien or aliens and to fix bond and prescribe the conditions for the temporary release of said aliens, is
ILLEGAL. Order of arrest issued by Deportation Board NULL & VOID.

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