The People
Families are very important in Greece. Elders are highly respected, and children care for their elderly parents. Children are disciplined firmly, but parents (even those who are poor) spend a great deal of their income on feeding, clothing and educating their children. Men consider it a personal honor and responsibility to care for their family.
Body Language
Greeks are very demonstrative and affectionate. Nodding your head "yes" is not polite; say "yes" instead. "Yes" is signified by a slight downward nod of the head; no" is a slight upward nod of the head. The O.K. sign is a rude gesture; "thumbs up" means O.K.
Corporate Culture
Punctuality is not particularly important in Greece, but foreigners are expected to be on time for business meetings, even though his/her Greek counterpart may be late. Greeks want to get to know you before they will do business with you. Business meetings will usually begin with general conversation before business is discussed. Trust is a major ingredient for acceptance and is much more important than qualifications, expertise or performance. Greeks and may be slow to trust foreigners. Greeks distrust written communications. Put everything down on paper and get the appropriate signatures. Letters/memos are often stiff and formal. Avoid telephoning unless it is impossible to meet. Personal, face-to-face contact in all matters is vital to communications. There is one boss, and he/she takes complete responsibility. The boss is the owner or the owner's most trusted employee. Meetings are often forums for expressing personal opinions (usually contrary) or to inform the group about what is taking place; they seldom have a formal agenda. Consensus is important and meetings may last or be reconvened until unanimity is reached. The official work day starts early, ends at lunch and may start again at 5:00 p.m.
Eat more, stay longer or do whatever a host insists upon. The offer will be very sincere. Try to join in Greek dances. It is greatly appreciated. Business dinners are social occasions. Follow your host's lead as to whether or not business is discussed at dinner. Be extremely careful of your wine intake.
Dress is more informal than in most European countries. Women most often wear dresses.
Always bring the hostess a gift when invited to someone's home. Give: expensive wines, brandy, pastries, whiskey, cut flowers. Do not give: inexpensive wines, knives, sharp objects. Business gifts are commonly exchanged among business colleagues. Give: expensive wines, something for the home, Greek handicrafts, gifts with company logo. Do not give: inexpensive wines, sharp objects.
Helpful Hints
The Greeks "pass" time, not "use" it. Expect Greeks to ask personal questions, such as "Are you married?" or "Do you have children?" This is not considered rude, but an attempt to get to know you personally.