Examen de Grammar 2 PET
Examen de Grammar 2 PET
Examen de Grammar 2 PET
Where am I?
Q1 Excuse me I ....... if you can help me. (a) expect Q2 I certainly "ill if I ........ (a) coul! Q3 ( ) can (c) can#t (!) shoul! ( ) hope (c) elieve (!) "on!er
$ell% my ....... is that I#m lost. (a) pro lem ( ) situation (c) har!ship (!) !ifficult
I see you have a ....... in your car. (a) car! ( ) route (c) map (!) !ra"ing
&es% I have ut I can#t ....... it. (a) pursue ( ) chase (c) control (!) follo"
'o"% "here are you ....... for( (a) !oing ( ) going (c) !riving (!) ma)ing
I "ant to ....... to 'utfiel! *venue. (a) come ( ) get (c) fetch (!) fin!
I !on#t thin) that#s going to e ........ (a) har! ( ) ha+ar! (c) har!ship (!) har!ly
$hy !o you ....... that( (a) tell ( ) announce (c) say (!) spea)
Q10 ,ecause you#re in that roa! ....... no". (a) simply ( ) o viously (c) a solutely (!) right
It ....... every time I !rin) a cup of tea. (a) happens ( ) goes (c) !oes (!) happene!
.an you give me a little more .......( (a) exact ( ) particular (c) !etail (!) fact
$ell% I get a ....... in my right eye every time I !rin) a cup of tea. (a) hurt ( ) shoot (c) feel (!) pain
/o you !rin) a ....... of tea "ith sugar( (a) much ( ) lot (c) huge (!) many
I can#t ....... give up !rin)ing tea% !octor. (a) pro a ly ( ) possi ly (c) li)ely (!) impossi ly
I#m not ....... you to !o that ut next time you !rin) tea "ith sugar... (a) placing ( ) in!icating (c) spea)ing (!) as)ing
&es% !octor I#m sorry I ....... you. (a) intervene! ( ) intersecte! (c) interrupte! (!) interfere!
Q10 'ext time you !rin) tea "ith sugar% !on#t forget to ....... the spoon. (a) re0ect ( ) replace (c) repeat (!) remove
Weather Forecast
Q1 'o" let#s go ....... to our "eather forecaster% 2ary. (a) on Q2 ( ) out (c) over (!) against
&es% than) you an! I#m afrai! it#s not ....... very right at the moment. (a) seeming ( ) appearing (c) seeing (!) loo)ing
3he trou le is that there are some very ....... rain clou!s over the north. (a) fat ( ) heavy (c) "eighing (!) !ragging
3hese "ill ....... some rainfall later this morning. (a) ear ( ) carry (c) pro!uce (!) present
3hen the clou!s "ill ....... further south in the afternoon. (a) transport ( ) convey (c) !irect (!) move
*n! y early evening the ....... country "ill see the rain. (a) "hole ( ) total (c) complete (!) hole
,ut things "ill ....... tomorro". (a) etter ( ) improvise (c) increase (!) improve
In the early morning the sun "ill ma)e an ........ (a) apparition ( ) appearance (c) appearing (!) appear
,ut you#ll have to e 4uic) ecause it soon ........ (a) !espairs ( ) !isappoints (c) !eserts (!) !isappears
Q10 *n! of course after that our ol! frien! rain ........ (a) repeats ( ) reports (c) returns (!) reacts
On ! ton"#ht
Q1 Goo! evening. 6et me tell you "hat#s in ....... for you on television tonight (a) shop Q2 ( ) mar)et (c) store (!) screen
3o start ....... "e have come!y. (a) "ith ( ) up (c) out (!) in
3his "ill e a programme presenting that ....... come!ian% George ,lair. (a) populate! ( ) popular (c) populous (!) poplar
*fter that "e have the ....... sho" on the latest hits. (a) regimente! ( ) regulate! (c) regular (!) rule!
'ext "e#ll have the ....... ne"s. (a) latest ( ) ne"est (c) later (!) ne"er
3his "ill e rea! y the very pretty ....... 7enny 6ane. (a) ne"sagent ( ) ne"scaster (c) ne"s ringer (!) ne"spaper
*t ....... I thin) she#s very pretty. (a) last ( ) lost (c) less (!) least
*n! the follo"ing programmes are all ....... as far as I#m concerne!. (a) oring ( ) ore! (c) oar! (!) oar!ing
Q10 ,ecause after the ne"s 7enny an! I are ....... on a !ate. (a) !oing ( ) ma)ing (c) going (!) ta)ing
he $e%%s
Q1 /on#t you ....... those ells..( (a) pon!er Q2 ( ) ela orate (c) thin) (!) e!ucate
I#m ....... sorry I can#t hear a "or! you#re saying. (a) horri ly ( ) consi!era ly (c) !efinitely (!) a"fully
....... I "as trying to say "as. (a) *ll ( ) Everything (c) 'othing (!) Something
Sorry you#ll have to spea) ........ (a) to ( ) up (c) along (!) through
I#ll have one more ....... an! then.. (a) come ( ) fin! (c) go (!) leave
It#s no ....... I can#t hear you. (a) try ( ) point (c) i!ea (!) use
'o" I#ve shut the "in!o" an! I#ll ma)e one more ........ (a) attempt ( ) tempt (c) trial (!) experiment
I ....... "ante! to say. (a) closely ( ) simply (c) naturally (!) 4uic)ly
*h that#s ....... etter no" I can#t hear those a"ful ells. 'o" "hat "as it you "ante! to say( (a) more ( ) most (c) mostly (!) much
Q10 It !oesn#t really ....... no". I 0ust "ante! to say ho" eautiful the ells soun!e!. (a) matter ( ) care (c) help (!) hol!
Q1 ....... me "hat !i! you !o at the "ee)en!( (a) Say Q2 :h% it "as a complete .......; (a) acci!ent Q3 $hy% "hat .......( (a) happene! Q4 ( ) occurre! (c) arrive! (!) evolve! ( ) happening (c) !isaster (!) event ( ) Spea) (c) *nnounce (!) 3ell
$ell% the ....... "as to go sailing. (a) picture ( ) s)etch (c) plan (!) !ra"ing
3hat ....... interesting. (a) rings ( ) loo)s (c) hears (!) soun!s
,ut not in .......% eh( (a) practices ( ) practice (c) practical (!) practicing
Exactly% in fact I almost ........ (a) !o"ne! ( ) !roppe! (c) !rippe! (!) !ro"ne!
3hat ....... have een horri le. So "hat are you !oing this "ee)en!( (a) must ( ) may (c) can (!) shoul!
Q10 I#m starting a ....... of s"imming lessons. (a) line ( ) course (c) run (!) ro"
Responses &1'
Q1 2i)e< I li)e anything to !o "ith sport. ....... (a) =ave you( Q2 ( ) /i! you( (c) /o you( (!) *re you(
2i)e< $e "ent to 7aris last summer. >ane< ....... (a) I never go there too. (c) I never !i! there. ( ) I never "ent there. (!) I#ve never een there.
2i)e< She al"ays goes to "or) on a i)e. >ane< ....... (a) She is very healthy. (c) She can e very healthy. ( ) She must e very healthy. (!) She might e very healthy.
2i)e< 3hey "ent on stri)e last "ee). >ane< ....... (a) $hat on earth for( (c) /o they live on earth( ( ) *re they on earth( (!) $hy on earth to(
2i)e< 2ore people !ie from eating fatty foo! than from smo)ing. >ane< ....... (a) &ou must e ri!iculous; (c) &ou must e smiling; ( ) &ou must e laughing; (!) &ou must e 0o)ing;
2i)e< &ou )no" he faile! all his examinations( >ane< ....... (a) I must elieve it. (c) I might elieve it. ( ) I !on#t elieve it. (!) I ought to elieve it.
2i)e< It#s getting very late% "e must hurry up. >ane< ....... (a) 7oint got. ( ) 7oint receive!. (c) 7oint ta)en. (!) 7oint hel!.
2i)e< I haven#t stoppe! "or)ing for eight hours to!ay. >ane< ....... (a) 2y heart lee!s for you. (c) 2y heart eats for you. ( ) 2y heart rea)s for you. (!) 2y heart hurts for you.
2i)e< &ou )no" the oss "ill e angry "ith you. >ane< ....... (a) I#m not caring. (c) I care nothing. ( ) I#m not at all caring. (!) I !on#t care.
Q10 2i)e< I "on!er if you coul! help me "ith this pro lem. >ane< ....... (a) 7ro e me. ( ) 3ry me. (c) Examine me. (!) 7ractise me.
Responses &2'
Q1 2i)e< #I 0ust can#t ma)e my min! up. $hat !o you thin)(# >ane< #.......# (a) &ou#re up to it. Q2 ( ) It#s up to you. (c) &ou#re up for it. (!) &ou#re up at it.
2i)e< #=ello. I "on!er if you#re intereste! in ne" !ou le@gla+ing.# >ane< #.......# (a) I#m really not intereste!. (c) I#m not really interesting. ( ) I#m really interesting. (!) I "asn#t really intereste!.
2i)e< #=e offere! me a A9B !iscount. $hat shoul! I !o(# >ane< #.......# (a) =ol! his han! !o"n. ( ) ,ite his han! !o"n. (c) =ol! your han! in. (!) ,ite his han! off.
2i)e< #I nee! some support% right no".# >ane< #.......# (a) $ell% you can num er me. (c) $ell% you can count on me. ( ) $ell% I#m your num er. (!) $ell% you can a!! on me.
2i)e< #3hey haven#t sent me the ill for a year no". $hat "oul! you !o(# >ane< #.......# (a) I#! simply forgo it. (c) I#! simply for i! it. ( ) I#! simply forget it. (!) I#! simply forecast it.
2i)e< #.an you explain "hy she !i! that(# >ane< #.......# (a) =eaven alone "ill say. (c) =eaven alone spea)s. ( ) =eaven only says. (!) =eaven only )no"s.
2i)e< #/o you thin) he#ll e the next 7resi!ent(# >ane< #.......# (a) &our guess is as goo! as mine. (c) 2y guess is "orse. ( ) &our guess is etter. (!) $e must guess har!er.
2i)e< #3hat#s the 16th 0o intervie" I#ve faile!. $hat shoul! I !o(# >ane< #.......# (a) /on#t give over. ( ) /on#t give out. (c) /on#t give up. (!) /on#t give on.
2i)e< #I#m ta)ing my !riving test tomorro".# >ane< #.......# (a) Goo! fortune. ( ) Goo! luc). (c) Goo! outcome. (!) Goo! success.
Q10 ,oss< #*n! this is our ne" employee.# >ane< #.......# (a) =o" are you !oing( ( ) =o" !i! you !o( (c) =o" !o you( (!) =o" !o you !o(
Responses &3'
Q1 2i)e< #I coul! try another source if you li)e.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no point. Q2 ( ) 3here#s no en!. (c) 3here#s no i!ea. (!) 3here#s no angle.
2i)e< #I coul! give you a lift to the station.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no re4uirement. (c) 3here#s no aim. ( ) 3here#s no practicality. (!) 3here#s no nee!.
2i)e< #I suppose they might get the contract.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s little notice of that. (c) 3here#s little chance of that. ( ) 3here#s little !ream of that. (!) 3here#s little thought of that.
2i)e< #If the party "ins the next y@election% things might get etter.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no case of that. (c) 3here#s no promise of that. ( ) 3here#s no chance of that. (!) 3here#s no concept of that.
2i)e< #$hat !o you thin) are the chances of fin!ing people still alive(# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s little picture% really. (c) 3here#s little perception% really. ( ) 3here#s little imagination% really. (!) 3here#s little hope% really.
2i)e< #I hope I haven#t left it too late to apply.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s still opportunity. (c) 3here#s still time. ( ) 3here#s still try. (!) 3here#s yet time.
2i)e< #I "on!er "hat she#ll get up to next.# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no fin!ing. (c) 3here#s no guessing. ( ) 3here#s no )no"ing. (!) 3here#s no seeing.
2i)e< #I "on!er if "e coul! call at the post office first.# >ane< #.......#
( ) 3here#s no event.
2i)e< #&ou 0ust can#t elieve "hat they#ll thin) up next% can you(# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no elieving. (c) 3here#s no saying. ( ) 3here#s no cre!iting. (!) 3here#s no announcing.
Q10 2i)e< #I 0ust thin) they#ve "aste! their time% !on#t you(# >ane< #.......# (a) 3here#s no a!mitting it. (c) 3here#s no !ecrying it. ( ) 3here#s no assigning it. (!) 3here#s no !enying it.
Responses &4'
Q1 2i)e< #/o you )no" "hat I !i! last night(# >ane< #.......# (a) I shrin) to thin). Q2 ( ) I !on#t thin). (c) I "ill not thin). (!) I !o not thin).
2i)e< #I et you !on#t )no" "hat happene! at the party(# >ane< #.......# (a) I "ill not imagine. ( ) I !o not imagine. (c) I must not imagine. (!) I can#t imagine.
2i)e< #/o you )no" ho" much the ill has come to(# >ane< #.......# (a) I !are thin). (c) I !are to thin). ( ) I !aren#t thin). (!) I "ill not !are to thin).
2i)e< #Guess ho" much income tax I pay.# >ane< #.......# (a) I haven#t a thought. (c) I haven#t a point. ( ) I haven#t a elief. (!) I haven#t a clue.
2i)e< #3hen you a!! the s4uare root an! multiply y 6-% !o you follo"(# >ane< #.......# (a) Sorry% it#s over me. (c) Sorry% it#s eyon! me. ( ) Sorry% it#s past me. (!) Sorry% it#s after me.
2i)e< #/o you un!erstan! "hat he#s on a out(# >ane< #.......# (a) 'o% it#s long a ove my hea!. (c) 'o% it#s route a ove my hea!. ( ) 'o% it#s roa! a ove my hea!. (!) 'o% it#s "ay a ove my hea!.
2i)e< #I assume you#re follo"ing the argument% aren#t you.# >ane< #.......# (a) 'o% it#s all German to me. (c) 'o% it#s all Spanish to me. ( ) 'o% it#s all Gree) to me. (!) 'o% it#s all 6atin to me.
2i)e< #It#s ama+ing "hen you learn "hat technology can !o% isn#t it(# >ane< #.......# (a) 3he min! trem les. ( ) 3he min! "o les. (c) 3he min! stum les. (!) 3he min! oggles.
2i)e< #So "hat !o you thin) is the ans"er(# >ane< #.......# (a) 'o i!ea. ( ) 'ot i!ea. (c) 'egative i!ea. (!) Small i!ea.
Q10 2i)e< #3hen you ta)e a"ay the first num er D are you "ith me(# >ane< #.......# (a) 'o% you#ve thro"n me. (c) 'o% you#ve turne! me.
(b) No, you've hit me. (d) No, you've lost me.