Circuit Diagram: F FIG.9.2 F F (HZ)

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f (Hz)

TAB.1.1: FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF FIXED BIAS AMPLIFIER Keep the input voltage constant (Vin) = Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*- #)* 2 )$ & #$ 3B&

18 1. FIXED BIAS AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT 1.1. AIM: To construct a fixed bias amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 1.2APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( "ame Transistor #esistor #egulated po/er supply !ignal 2enerator &#7 !pread %oard &apacitor #ange %&1'( 1' *+,1'' *+,-8' + ('0.')V ('0.)345 .' 345 1(89 $uantity 1 1,1,1 1 1 1 1 )

1.4. FORMULA: a) R2 2 #R15R2& 0 voltage at /hich &lass :, &lass % or &lass & operation ta*es place

b) hfe = ;<c = ;<b

1.6. THEORY: <n order to operate the transistor in the desired region, /e have to apply an external dc voltage of correct polarity and magnitude to the t/o >unctions of the transistor This is called biasing of the transistor ?hen /e bias a transistor, /e establish a certain current and voltage conditions for the transistor These conditions are called operating conditions or dc operating point or quiescent point This point must be stable for proper operation of transistor :n important and common type of biasing is called 9ixed %iasing The circuit is very simple and uses only fe/ components %ut the circuit does not chec* the collector current /hich increases /ith the rise in temperature

1.7. PROCEDURE 1 &onnections are made as per the circuit diagram

18 ) . 1 6 The /aveforms at the input and output are observed for &lass :, &lass % and &lass & operations by varying the input voltages The biasing resistances needed to locate the $0point are determined !et the input voltage as 1V and by varying the frequency, note the output voltage &alculate gain=)' log (Vo = Vin) : graph is plotted bet/een frequency and gain

1.8. CALCULATIONS: ,& T* 3e'er9$ e ':e .,+ue *; <$,/ re/$/', !e R2 2 #R15 R2& :;e 0= IC2=IB


1.>. RESULT: Thus, the 9ixed bias amplifier /as constructed and the frequency response curve is plotted







f (Hz)

TAB 2.1: ?ee( ':e $ (u' .*+',-e !* /', '@ )$ 0 Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*-#)*2)$ & #$ 3B&



2.1. AIM: To constant a voltage divider bias amplifier and measure input resistance and gain and also to plot the dc collector current as a function of collector resistance 2.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( 2.4. FORMULA: "ame Transistor #esistor &apacitor 9unction 2enerator &#7 #egulated po/er supply %read %oard #ange %& 1'( 6-*@,1)*@,) )*@,1('@ ' 189, 1(89 ('0.)345 .'345 ('0.')V $uantity 1 1,1,1,1 ), 1 1 1 1 1

a) #in = A B #e b) 2ain = A B #e=#in

2.6. THEORY: This type of biasing is other/ise called Cmitter %iasing The necessary biasing is provided using . resistorsD #1, #) and #e The resistors #1 and #) act as a potential divider and give a fixed voltage to the base <f the collector current increases due to change in temperature or change in A, the emitter current < e also increases and the voltage drop across #e increases, reducing the voltage difference bet/een the base and the emitter Eue to reduction in Vbe, base current <b and hence collector current <c also reduces This reduction in Vbe, base current <b and hence collector current <c also reduces This reduction in the collector current compensates for the original change in <c The stability factor != (1FA) B ((1= (1FA)) To have better stability, /e must *eep #b=#e as small as possible 4ence the value of #1 #) must be small <f the ratio # b=#e is *ept fixed, ! increases /ith A


18 1 ) . 1 &onnections are given as per the circuit diagram 3easure the input resistance as #in=Vin=<in (/ith output open) and gain by plotting the frequency response &ompare the theoretical values /ith the practical values Glot the dc collector current as a function of the collector resistance (ie) plot of Vcc and <c for various values of #e

2.8. RESULT: Thus the voltage divider bias amplifier /as constructed and input resistance and gain /ere determined







f (Hz)

TAB 4.1: ?ee( ':e $ (u' .*+',-e !* /', '@ )$ 0


Freque !" #$ H%&

Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/&

G,$ 0 21 +*-#)*2)$ & #$ 3B&


18 4.1 AIM: To construct a common collector amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 4.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( 4.4 THEORY: The d c biasing in common collector is provided by #1, #) and #C The load resistance is capacitor coupled to the emitter terminal of the transistor ?hen a signal is applied to the base of the transistor ,V% is increased and decreased as the signal goes positive and negative, respectively &onsidering V%C is constant the variation in the V% appears at the emitter and emitter voltage VC /ill vary same as base voltage V% !ince the emitter is output terminal, it can be noted that the output voltage from a common collector circuit is the same as its input voltage 4ence the common collector circuit is also *no/n as an emitter follo/er 4.7 PROCEDURE: 1 &onnect the circuit as per the circuit diagram ) !et Vi =6' mv, using the signal generator . Keeping the input voltage constant, vary the frequency from ' 45 to 13 45 in regular steps and note do/n the corresponding output voltage 1 Glot the graphH 2ain (d%) vs 9requency(45) "ame Transistor #esistor &apacitor 9unction 2enerator &#7 #egulated po/er supply %read %oard #ange %& 1'( 16*@,1'*@,-8'@,-*@ ' 189, 1(89 ('0.)345 .'345 ('0.')V $uantity 1 1,1,1,1 ), 1 1 1 1 1


18 1 ?hy the common collector amplifier is also called as an emiteer follo/erI

) ?hat is the need for coupling capacitorsI

. ?hat /ill be the input Joutput impedance of common collector amplifierI

1 ?rite some applications of common collector amplifierI

6 ?hat is the current amplification factor of common collector amplifierI

4.8. RESULT: Thus, the &ommon collector amplifier /as constructed and the frequency response curve is plotted







f (Hz)

TAB 6.1:

18 ?ee( ':e $ (u' .*+',-e !* /', '@ )$ 0 Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*-#)*2)$ & #$ 3B&


18 To construct a Earlington current amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 6.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( 1.4 "ame Transistor #esistor &apacitor 9unction 2enerator &#7 #egulated po/er supply %read %oard #ange %& 1'( 16*@,1'*@,-8'@,-*@ ' 189, 1(89 ('0.)345 .'345 ('0.')V $uantity 1 1,1,1,1 ), 1 1 1 1 1


<n Earlington connection of transistors, emitter of the first transistor is directly connected to the base of the second transistor %ecause of direct coupling dc output current of the first stage is (1Fh fe )<b1 <f Earlington connection for n transitor is considered, then due to direct coupling the dc output current foe last stage is (1Fh fe ) n times <b1 Eue to very large amplification factor even t/o stage Earlington connection has large output current and output stage may have to be a po/er stage :s the po/er amplifiers are not used in the amplifier circuits it is not possible to use more than t/o transistors in the Earlington connection <n Earlington transistor connection, the lea*age current of the first transistor is amplified by the second transistor and overall lea*age current may be high, ?hich is not desired 6.6 PROCEDURE: 1 &onnect the circuit as per the circuit diagram ) !et Vi =6' mv, using the signal generator . Keeping the input voltage constant, vary the frequency from ' 45 to 13 45 in regular steps and note do/n the corresponding output voltage 1 Glot the graphH 2ain (d%) vs 9requency(45) 6 &alculate the band/idth from the graph

RE)IEB QUESTIONS: 1 ?hat is meant by darlington pair


) 4o/ many transistors are used to construct a darlington amplifier circuitI

. ?hat is the advantage of Earlington amplifier circuitI

1 ?rite some applications of Earlington amplifier I

6.7. RESULT: Thus, the Earlington current amplifier /as constructed and the frequency response curve is plotted





f (Hz)

FIG.14.2 TAB.7.1. Keep the input voltage constant (Vin) = Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*- #)* 2 )$ & #$ 3B&

18 7. SOURCE FOLLOBER BOOTSTRAPPED GATE RESISTANCE 7.1. AIM: To construct a source follo/er bootstrapped gate resistance amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 7.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( 7.4. THEORY: !ource follo/er is similar to the emitter follo/er( the output source voltage follo/ the gate input voltage),the circuit has a voltage gain of less than unity, no phase reversal, high input impedance, lo/ output impedance 4ere the %ootstrapping is used to increase the input resistance by connecting a resistance in bet/een gate and source terminals The resister #: is required to develop the necessary bias for the gate 7.6. PROCEDURE: 1 &onnections are made as per the circuit diagram ) The /aveforms at the input and output are observed for cascode operations by varying the input frequency . The biasing resistances needed to locate the $0point are determined 1 !et the input voltage as 1V and by varying the frequency, note the output voltage 6 &alculate gain=)' log (Vo = Vin ) - : graph is plotted bet/een frequency and gain RESULT: Thus, the !ource follo/er /ith %ootstrapped gate resistance /as constructed and the gain /as determined "ame Transistor #esistor #egulated po/er supply !ignal 2enerator &#7 %read %oard &apacitor #ange %&1'( 1*+,11 *+,13 *+ ('0.')V ('0.)345 .' 345 ' '189 $uantity ) 1,1,1 1 1 1 1 )


RE)IEB QUESTIONS: 1 ?hat is meant by source follo/erI

?hat is meant by %ootstrappingI

4o/ the above circuit provide a good impedance matchingI

?hat is the advantage of bootstrapping methodI



OBSER)ATION )IN 0)O 0AC 0 )O 2 )IN FORMULA: &ommon mode 2ain (:c) = V7 = V<" Eifferential mode 2ain (:d) = V' = V<" ?here V<" = V1 K V) &ommon 3ode #e>ection #atio (&3##) = :d=:c ?here, :d is the differential mode gain :c is the common mode gain THEORY: The differential amplifier is a basic stage of an integrated operational amplifier <t is used to amplify the difference bet/een ) signals <t has excellent stability, high versatility and immunity to noise <n a practical differential amplifier, the output depends not only upon the difference of the ) signals but also depends upon the common mode signal Transistor $1 and $) have matched characteristics The values of # &1 and #&) are equal #e1 and #e) are also equal and this differential amplifier is called emitter coupled differential amplifier The output is ta*en bet/een the t/o output terminals


AIM: To construct a differential amplifier using %LT and to determine the dc collector current of individual transistors and also to calculate the &3## 8.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 "ame Transistor #esistor #egulated po/er supply 9unction 2enerator &#7 %read %oard OBSER)ATION )IN 0 )1 C )2 )1 0 A3 0 )12 )IN 9or the differential mode operation the input is ta*en from t/o different sources and the common mode operation the applied signals are ta*en from the same source #ange %&1'( 1 (*+, 1'*+ ('0.')V ('0.) 345 .' 345 $uantity ) ),1 1 ) 1 1

18 &ommon 3ode #e>ection #atio (&3##) is an important parameter of the differential amplifier &3## is defined as the ratio of the differential mode gain, : d to the common mode gain, :c &3## = :d = :c <n ideal cases, the value of &3## is very high

8.7. PROCEDURE: 1 ) &onnections are given as per the circuit diagram To determine the common mode gain, /e set input signal /ith voltage

and determine Vo at the collector terminals &alculate common mode gain,

. To determine the differential mode gain, /e set input signals /ith voltages V1 and V) &ompute Vin=V10V) and find Vo at the collector terminals &alculate differential mode gain, :d=Vo=Vin &alculate the &3##=:d=:c 3easure the dc collector current for the individual transistors


Thus, the Eifferential amplifier /as constructed and dc collector current for the individual transistors is determined The &3## is calculated as


RE)IEB QUESTIONS 1 ?hat is a differential amplifierI

) ?hat is common mode and differential mode inputs in a differential amplifierI

. Eefine &3##

1 ?hat is common mode signalI

6 8.8.

?rite some applications of Eifferential amplifier



TAB 2.1: ?ee( ':e $ (u' .*+',-e !* /', '@ )$ 0 Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*-#)*2)$ & #$ 3B&


18 To construct a &lass : po/er amplifier and observe the /aveform and to compute maximum output po/er and efficiency >.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( >.4. FORMULA M,E$9u9 (*Fer 'r, /;er 0P*@9,E0)*22RL E;;e!$e !"@G 0 P*@9,E2P! >.6. THEORY: The po/er amplifier is said to be &lass : amplifier if the $ point and the input signal are selected such that the output signal is obtained for a full input signal cycle 9or all values of input signal, the transistor remains in the active region and never enters into cut0off or saturation region ?hen an a c signal is applied, the collector voltage varies sinusoidally hence the collector current also varies sinusoidally The collector current flo/s for .-'' (full cycle) of the input signal i e the angle of the collector current flo/ is .-'' >.7 PROCEDURE: 1 &onnect the circuit as per the circuit diagram ) !et Vi =6' mv, using the signal generator . Keeping the input voltage constant, vary the frequency from 1' 45 to 13 45 in regular steps and note do/n the corresponding output voltage 1 Glot the graphH 2ain (d%) vs 9requency(45) RESULT: Thus the &lass : po/er amplifier /as constructed The follo/ing parameters /ere calculatedD a) 3aximum output po/er= N Cfficiency= "ame Transistor #esistor &apacitor !ignal 2enerator &#7 #egulated po/er supply %read %oard #ange &M1'', %&668 1(*@,..@,))'+, 1( 89 ('0.)345 .'345 ('0.')V $uantity 1,1 ),1 ) 1 1 1 1


18 1 ?hat is meant by Go/er :mplifier

?hat is the maximum efficiency in class K: amplifier

?hat are the disadvantages of &lass K: amplifier

?rite some applications of Go/er amplifier

6 ?hat si the position of $0point in &lass K: amplifier

B& >.8.



PROCEDURE: 1 ) . 1 6 &onnections are given as per the circuit diagram /ithout diodes 7bserve the /aveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the input signal and distorted /aveforms &onnections are made /ith diodes 7bserve the /aveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the input signal and output signal Era/ the /aveforms for the readings &alculate the maximum output po/er and efficiency

4ence the nature of the output signal gets distorted and no longer remains the same as the input This distortion is called cross0over distortion Eue to this distortion, each transistor conducts for less than half cycle rather than the complete half cycle To overcome this distortion, /e add ) diodes to provide a fixed bias and eliminate cross0over distortion H.7. H.8.RESULT: Thus the &lass % complementary symmetry po/er amplifier /as constructed to observe cross0over distortion and the circuit /as modified to avoid the distortion The follo/ing parameters /ere calculatedD c) 3aximum output po/er= Cfficiency H. CLASS B COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY POBER AMPLIFIER

18 H.1. AIM: To construct a &lass % complementary symmetry po/er amplifier and observe the /aveforms /ith and /ithout cross0over distortion and to compute maximum output po/er and efficiency H.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( 8 H.4. FORMULA: "ame Transistor #esistor &apacitor Eiode !ignal 2enerator &#7 #egulated po/er supply %read %oard #ange &M1'', %&668 1 (*@,16*@ 1''89 <"1''( ('0.)345 .'345 ('0.')V $uantity 1,1 ),1 ) ) 1 1 1 1

<nput po/er, Gin=)Vcc<m=O 7utput po/er, Gout=Vm<m=) Go/er 2ain or efficiency, P=Q=1(Vm=Vcc) 1''
H.6. THEORY: : po/er amplifier is said to be &lass % amplifier if the $0point and the input signal are selected such that the output signal is obtained only for one half cycle for a full input cycle The $0point is selected on the R0axis 4ence, the transistor remains in the active region only for the positive half of the input signal There are t/o types of &lass % po/er amplifiersD Gush Gull amplifier and complementary symmetry amplifier <n the complementary symmetry amplifier, one n0p0n and another p0n0p transistor is used The matched pair of transistor are used in the common collector configuration <n the positive half cycle of the input signal, the n0p0n transistor is driven into active region and starts conducting and in negative half cycle, the p0n0p transistor is driven into conduction 4o/ever there is a period bet/een the crossing of the half cycles of the input signals, for /hich none of the transistor is active and output, is 5ero




0 # I26&# )92 )CC& E 111








9. HALF BA)E RECTIFIER 9.1. AIM: To construct half /ave rectifier and to dra/ their input and output

18 /aveforms 9.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 "ame Transformer Eiode #esistor &apacitor &#7 %read %oard #ange ).' V = -0'0(0-) <"1''( 1 *+ 1''89 .' 345 $uantity 1 1 1 1 1 1

9.4. FORMULA USED: R$((+e F,!'*r 0 B:ere I9 $/ ':e (e,J !urre ' 9.6. THEORY: H,+; F,.e re!'$;$er: : rectifier is a circuit, /hich uses one or more diodes to convert : & voltage into E & voltage <n this rectifier during the positive half cycle of the : & input voltage, the diode is for/ard biased and conducts for all voltages greater than the offset voltage of the semiconductor material used The voltage produced across the load resistor has same shape as that of the positive input half cycle of : & input voltage Euring the negative half cycle, the diode is reverse biased and it does not conduct !o there is no current flo/ or voltage drop across load resistor The net result is that only the positive half cycle of the input voltage appears at the output 9.7. PROCEDURE: 1 ) . 1 &onnect the circuit as per the circuit diagram :pply a c input using transformer 3easure the amplitude and time period for the input and output /aveforms &alculate ripple factor



FIG.14.7 TAB.9.1: HALF BA)E RECTIFIER: ?ithout filter <nput signal :mplitude(V) Time period ?ith filter 7utput signal :mplitude(V) Time period

9.8. RESULT: Thus the half /ave rectifier /as constructed and its input and output /aveforms are dra/n The ripple factor of capacitive filter is calculated as #ipple factor=



FIG.H.2 11. FULL BA)E RECTIFIER 11.1. AIM: To construct a full /ave rectifier and to measure dc voltage under load and to calculate the ripple factor

18 11.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 "ame Transformer Eiode #esistor &apacitor &#7 %read %oard #ange ).' V = -0'0(0-) <"1''( 1 *+ 1''89 .' 345 $uantity 1 ) 1 1 1 1

11.4. FORMULA R$((+e F,!'*r 0 K L#I92K2& 2 #2MI9 2I&N 2D1 B:ere I9 $/ ':e (e,J !urre ' 11.6. THEORY: The full /ave rectifier conducts for both the positive and negative half cycles of the input ac supply <n order to rectify both the half cycles of the ac input, t/o diodes are used in this circuit The diodes feed a common load #M /ith the help of a centre tapped transformer The ac voltage is applied through a suitable po/er transformer /ith proper turnSs ratio The rectifierSs dc output is obtained across the load The dc load current for the full /ave rectifier is t/ice that of the half /ave rectifier The lo/est ripple factor is t/ice that of the full /ave rectifier The efficiency of full /ave rectification is t/ice that of half /ave rectification The ripple factor also for the full /ave rectifier is less compared to the half /ave rectifier . PROCEDURE: 1 ) . 1 6 &onnections are given as per the circuit diagram /iyhout filter "ote the amplitude and time period of the input signal at the secondary /inding of the transformer and rectified output #epeat the same steps /ith the filter and measure Vdc &alculate the ripple factor Era/ the graph for voltage versus time



RESULT: Thus, the full /ave rectifier /as constructed and the ripple factor /as calculated as #ipple factor =


18 1 ?hat is meant by rectifierI

?rite the operation of t/o diodes during the application of :& input signal

?hich type of transformer used for the rectifier inputI

Eefine ripple factor

?rite the efficiency of this rectifier







f (Hz)

TAB.11.1. FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF CASCODE AMPLIFIER Keep the input voltage constant (Vin) = Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*- #)* 2 )$ & #$ 3B&



11.1. AIM: To construct a cascade amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 11.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( "ame Transistor #esistor #egulated po/er supply !ignal 2enerator &#7 !pread %oard &apacitor #ange %&1'( 1'*+,8 *+,6'' +,1''+ ('0.')V ('0.)345 .' 345 ' '189 $uantity 1 1,1,1,1 1 1 1 1 6

11.4. THEORY: : cascade amplifier has many of the same benefits as a cascode : cascade is basically a differential amplifier /ith one input grounded and the side /ith the real input has no load <t can also be seen as a common collector (emitter follo/er) follo/ed by a common base %y cascading a &C stage follo/ed by an emitter0follo/er (&&) stage, a good voltage amplifier results The &C input resistance is high and && output resistance is lo/ The && contributes no increase in voltage gain but provides a near voltage0source (lo/ resistance) output so that the gain is nearly independent of load resistance The high input resistance of the &C stage ma*es the input voltage nearly independent of input0source resistance 3ultiple &C stages can be cascaded and && stages inserted bet/een them to reduce attenuation due to inter0stage loading


18 1 ?hat is meant by &ascadingI

) ?hat is the overall gain of the t/o stage cascaded amplifierI

. ?hat methods are used for cascadingI

1 ?hat is the disadvantage of direct coupled cascade amplifierI

6 ?rite some application of cascaded amplifier


18 1 &onnections are made as per the circuit diagram ) The /aveforms at the input and output are observed for cascade operations by varying the input frequency . The biasing resistances needed to locate the $0point are determined 1 !et the input voltage as 1V and by varying the frequency, note the output voltage 6 &alculate gain=)' log (Vo = Vin ) - : graph is plotted bet/een frequency and gain

11.7. RESULT: Thus, the &ascade amplifier /as constructed and the gain /as determined






f (Hz)

TAB.12.1. FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF CASCODE AMPLIFIER Keep the input voltage constant (Vin) = Freque !" #$ H%& Ou'(u' )*+',-e #$ .*+'/& G,$ 0 21 +*- #)* 2 )$ & #$ 3B&


18 12.1. AIM: To construct a cascode amplifier circuit and to plot the frequency response characteristics 12.2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ! "o 1 ) . 1 6 ( "ame Transistor #esistor #egulated po/er supply !ignal 2enerator &#7 %read %oard &apacitor #ange %&1'( ))*+,- *+,('' +,1('+ 1- *+,- ) *+,. . *+ 1 1 *+ ('0.')V ('0.)345 .' 345 ' '189 $uantity ) 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1, 1 1 1 1 1 .

12.4. THEORY: : cascode amplifier consists of a common emitter amplifier stage in series /ith a common base amplifier stage <t it one approach to solve the lo/ impedance problem of a common base circuit Transistor $1 and its associated components operate as a common emitter amplifier, /hile the circuit of $) functions as a common base output stage The cascade amplifier gives the high input impedance of a common emitter amplifier, as /ell as the good voltage gain and frequency performance of a common base circuit 12.6. PROCEDURE: 1 &onnections are made as per the circuit diagram ) The /aveforms at the input and output are observed for cascode operations by varying the input frequency . The biasing resistances needed to locate the $0point are determined 1 !et the input voltage as 1V and by varying the frequency, note the output voltage 6 &alculate gain=)' log (Vo = Vin ) - : graph is plotted bet/een frequency and gain

RE)IEB QUESTIONS: 1 ?hat is meant by &ascodingI


) ?hat is the overall gain of the t/o stage cascaded amplifierI

. ?hat methods are used for cascadingI

1 ?hat is the disadvantage of direct coupled cascade amplifierI

6 &ompare cascade amplifier /ith cascade amplifier

12.7. RESULT: Thus, the &ascade amplifier /as constructed and the gain /as determined



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