3day Mud School Info6.24.07
3day Mud School Info6.24.07
3day Mud School Info6.24.07
Drilling Technologies
Westport Technology Center 6700 Portwest Drive Houston, Texas 77024 (713) 479 8400 (713) 864-9357 (Fax)
Drilling Technologies
Subjects cited are an approximation of the coursework to be covered. Depth of material and length of time spent on each topic will be adjusted to fit the needs, experience levels, and interests of the participants.
Drilling Technologies
Westports Practical Drilling Fluids Technology School is a 3-Day Mud School course. Practical Drilling Fluids Technology
This course is designed for drilling engineers and supervisors, toolpushers, drilling fluids technologists, chemical sales personnel, laboratory fluids technologists and anyone desiring a more knowledge of drilling fluid operations. It is not designed to for mud engineering basic training. In this course participants will learn the importance of drilling fluids (muds) and how they are applied on the rig. The course will enable participants to: * Learn the functions, properties and the API/ISO standards for drilling fluids * Learn how a field mud engineer tests and reports rig data * Become familiar with the relative accuracy and repeatability inherent in testing muds. * Become familiar with testing equipment and procedures * Learn drilling fluids formulations and additives for water-based, salt-based and non-aqueous fluids as well as for special application drilling fluids. * Become familiar with drilling fluids additives clays, polymers, weight materials and surfactants * Learn how contaminates effect drilling fluids and how to take corrective action against contamination * Learn drilling fluids rheology and annular hydraulics with practical hands-on excercises. * Become familiar with drilling fluids engineering topics, e.g., lost circulation, stuck pipe, lubricity, and wellbore stability. * Become familiar with drilled solids analysis and control.
Materials provided:
Training Manual, Study Guides, personal safety equipment, lab products and equipment
For more information, or to reserve a space, please contact: Louis Elrod, 713-479-8470, louis.elrod@intertek.com
Westport Technology Center Please fax or email this form to: Louis Elrod
Drilling Technologies
Westport Technology Center 6700 Portwest Drive louis.elrod@intertek.com Houston, Texas 77024 You also may download a form at: FAX - 713-864-9357 http://www.intertek-cb.com/newsitetest/services/westport/drillingfluidsservices.
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