HIV/AIDS Education Guide

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For: Coaches, trainers and peer educators

Lusaka, November 2007 
Kalusha Foundation
The Kalusha Foundation is a non-governmental charitable organization which was
established by Mr. Kalusha Bwalya in June 2003.

Our vision is:


To that end we promote youth football and conduct HIV/AIDS awareness among youth. The
Kalusha Foundation’s main activities are providing coaching courses, organising workshops,
organising football leagues and tournaments (both boys and girls) and providing HIV/AIDS
and other ‘life skills’ education.

The highest need at present is for reproductive health information and life skills
education. A lot still has to be done to get this education to a higher level; more coaches
and peer educators need to be trained.

With this information folder we are trying to take the first step! Because as we all know:
everyone is involved; either you are infected or affected.

As a volunteer of our foundation we ask you to implement the information in this folder
into your current activities. Our main focus for the coming year will be on the life skills
education, and you are able to help us with that! You can do this by implementing the
movement games, by having chats and discussions with your teams, by letting them write
poems, by asking them the provided questions and so on. The life skills education should
be given at least once a week for all the teams both boys and girls under our foundation.
Before a match, during a tournament or even as a separate activity, it’s up to you.

We ask you to go through the provided information carefully and would like to thank you in
advance for your support!

Please contact one of us if anything is unclear, and keep in mind: ‘a healthy body, a
healthy future’.

Thank you for extending Kalusha Foundation's capacity to develop football and contribute
to development of communities.

All the best!

Team Kalusha Foundation

Tel: +260 211 266025
Lombe Mwambwa
+260 211 266024
Enala Phiri
Fax: + 260 977303373
Floor van Straaten
Marlies van der Kolk Mobiles: + 260 977679216

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

1. Introduction
HIV/AIDS are words, which every person in Zambia knows, only, what do they mean? In
Zambia, HIV/AIDS remains a challenge as it affects families and individuals causing death
and illness. In order to prevent ourselves and the youth around us from acquiring HIV/AIDS
we must have information about it.

In this Guide, we will explain what HIV/AIDS is and how we can use this information while
we educate the children in our football teams and our communities.

First, we will describe HIV/AIDS and after this you will find different ways of using this
information in your movement games, your education and group discussions. This will be a
guideline for you, the coach, trainer or peer educator. Think about your impact on the
children that you coach, you can educate them! You as a coach for example, can be a role
model for the children.

1.1 What is HIV/AIDS?

First, a few facts about AIDS. AIDS is an incurable illness caused by the HIV virus. HIV
stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus, and is sometimes also called the AIDS virus.
The virus breaks down the immune system. This makes the body more susceptible to all
manner of infections and certain forms of cancer, which it would otherwise be able to

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This means that a person's immune
system no longer functions as it should. This allows the tenacious virus to do its
destructive work and break down the immune system.

If someone is found HIV positive, it does not mean this person is ill. With other words, if
someone is HIV positive, it does not mean this person has AIDS.

The HIV virus is passed on:

• By unsafe sexual contact with a person who is seropositive;

• By receiving infected blood;
• By using contaminated injection needles;
• From a seropositive mother to an unborn child.

The HIV virus cannot be passed on:

• By casual contact or just by breathing infected air

• By sweat, tears or urine
• By mosquito bites or other insects

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

How can we make sure HIV/AIDS is no longer passed on?
The taboo on HIV/AIDS is still present. Many people think that you can cure yourself by
sleeping or even raping a young child or virgin for example, but this is not true! Also, you
cannot see on someone’s face if he or she is infected.

Because this virus for many people is just ‘a word’ instead of a real threat for everyone, it
is our role as educators to teach people something about this. In order to effectively do so
we need to have the right information.
You can change your own life and the lives of so many others!

1.2 Our role as the Kalusha Foundation

The Foundations role as mentioned earlier to help you the coaches and peer leaders
through the provision of training and information material. This guide will help you lead
HIV/AIDS discussions and awareness activities. This is just a guide; feel free to address
issues and matters that may not have been raised in this publication.

It is imperative that accurate information is given at all times, if you are not sure about
something contact someone who has information or read about it.

Together with all of us we can fight HIV/AIDS by telling the children, playing with them
and informing them about the dangers of HIV/AIDS.

Before heading to the movement games, you have to know the 4 important elements of
good and successful education:

• Knowledge – this is necessary for good education, if you as a coach or peer do not
know what you are talking about, you cannot teach the children
• Life skills – you need to be able to show the children, how they have to use
condoms for example. Note that the girls need to be informed too, because most
of the times they are most vulnerable! And most important, research has shown
that football and this education can really improve their self esteem and respect
for their body!
• Safe environment – you need a safe place, were you can have some space to
educate the children. They need to feel free to discuss these difficult subjects, to
set their personal boundaries, and so on. Of course, playing football will already
create an informal and social setting which will be seen as a safe place. Also
important, besides a safe environment is the fact of feeling safe in a team, with a
coach or peer. The children need to feel safe and the coaches and peers are
responsible for this result, do not ever use your position to get something the
children do not want!
• Access to a social network – this is important in fighting HIV/AIDS. People can
discuss certain subjects, meet with each other and discuss difficulties and
achievements, and so on. Also for the children the football network is important;
they can meet with their friends and other children (for example street kids).
Coaches can use this opportunity to educate the children during these sporting

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

1.3 Focus
We will focus on both tournaments as on the regular competition. During the tournaments
many children can be reached, both competing teams as the children who are watching. It
might be difficult to reach these people, but this is your challenge!

1.4 Who we are educating about HIV/AIDS

The children we are working with are mostly in a phase called adolescence. In order to
inform and interact with them properly we need to understand them. It is this phase also
that is significant to behaviour and value formation that can help them develop their life

This is the time in a person’s life when they develop from a child into an adult. There are
several physical and psychological changes that take place during this transition.

This is an important time in a person’s life as it is a formative stage; it is a time when

youths adapt or form values and habits that they carry into their adult life.

Adolescence can be broken into three stages; the physical changes that occur during these
stages are coupled with psychological and behavioural changes.

Early Adolescence
• Can be a time of acute embarrassment and intensity of feeling. The individual
fights to keep control of his or her feelings.
• Due to the above emerging feelings and physical change, the adolescent no longer
wishes to be treated as a child.
Middle Adolescence
• Anxiety over physical development
• Emotional independence of parents, this may be seen in deliberate independence
of thought. The adolescent adopts contrary views to those he or she has been
brought up with
• Seeking to establish a unique identity and yet also to belong
• Subject to peer pressure
Late Adolescence
• Consider oneself man/ woman
• Experiment sexually
• A chaste upbringing is no guarantee that experimentation will not take place
because personal values prevail.
• Peer pressure continues to play a part

In the next chapter you will find movement games developed by the Kicking AIDS Out!
Network. They will guide you in your education during the football activities. Good luck!

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

2. Movement games

Game 1
Game: Power ball
Number of players: 15-20
Group: Boys/ girls/ mix
Age: 8-15 years
Time: 30 minutes
Skills needed: Throwing, catching
Life skills: The danger of blood to blood contact
Materials: Light ball, playing field (restricted)

The game description:

Divide the field into two equal fields. Both teams will try to hit each other. The are not
allowed to hit each other on the head or hands. These two body parts are free and can be
used as a shield to prevent themselves from getting hit by the ball. The players are not
allowed to walk with the ball or to leave the field with the ball. If you get hit, you have to
go to the hospital for a few minutes and then you can go in again.


Team 1 Team 2


Message: A player has to go out and into the hospital because she is ill. She has an
open wound and has to take care of this first before playing again. From
the hospital you can come back to play again
Variation: • When a player is out she has to go across to the other hospital.
All balls that are thrown outside the field may be caught by the
player going to the hospital and if she throws and hits a player
from the other team, she can go back in without visiting the
• When a player catches the ball, the thrower is out
• Use two balls
Note: Only play this awareness game if the children know how to play this
game. So practice first!

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

Game 2
Game: Hunters ball
Number of players: 10-25
Group: Girls/ boys/ mix
Age: 10-13 years
Time: 10-15 min
Skills needed: Running, throwing
Life skills: Cover up open wounds
Materials: One (soft) ball

The game description:

Two players, the hunters, use the balls to hit the other players. They will hunt them by
playing together. The hunters are not allowed to walk when holding the ball. They cannot
hit the other players on their heads. The ones who are hit have to go to the hospital.


H = hunter

Message: A player is out because she is hurt and cannot play any more with an
open wound. She needs to nurse the wound in the hospital first before
she can play again (in a new game)
Variation: • 3 hunters
• 2 balls
• Smaller or larger playing field

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

Game 3

Game: Reaction game

Number of players: 6+
Group: Girls/ boys/ mix
Age: 10-13 years
Time: 10 min.
Skills needed: Sprinting/ running
Life skills: Basic knowledge of HIV/AIDS
Materials: Cons and a line in the middle

The game description:

Divide the group into pares. They have to be 1,5 metres away from each other, in a line.
Behind them, you create a ‘true’ line and a ‘not true’ line. These lines should be behind
the rows, about 2 metres. The group near to the ‘true’ line is the ‘true group’ and the
others are the ‘not true group’. You, the coach, asks a question about HIV/AIDS. If the
answer is true, the ‘true group’ runs to the line behind them, and the other group has to
try to reach and touch them. If the answer is ‘not true’, it will happen the other way
around of course.


T = True group
N = Not true group
C = Coach

Points: • 1 point for the correct answer

• 1 point for reaching the line without being touched by the
other team
• 1 point for touching the other team

Every team is responsible for their own score

Message: This depends on the questions

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

Game 4
Game: 10 Ball
Number of players: 10-20
Group: Girls/ boys/ mix
Age: 11 + years
Time: 15-20 minutes
Skills needed: Throwing and catching
Life skills: Teamwork, varies with questions
Materials: 1 ball
Description of the game:
Team A tries to throw the ball 10 times within the team. When they succeed without the
other team touching the ball, team A gets 1 point. You cannot throw the ball back to the
player you got the ball from. If team B gets the ball or the ball hits the ground, team B
gets to throw the ball 10 times.

Message: When a team throws the ball 10 times they can earn extra points by
answering a question about HIV/AIDS correctly. The questions can be
about the prevention of HIV for example.
Variation: • Change the number of passes (10) to more or less to score points
• Only allow to throw in a certain way (left hand, for example)
• Do not let the teams run with the ball

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

3. Questions
The questions for this age category are mostly focused on the prevention of getting
infected with HIV by blood contact. Also the image of infected people is important here; it
should be improved starting with the little ones. Children of this age should be able to say
“no” against unwanted activities.

Questions for children aged 8-13 years

1 You can get AIDS by cuddling False

2 You can get AIDS by eating of the same plate or by drinking out of the same False

3 A football team has got 9 players False

4 You can get AIDS from touching someone’s blood True

5 Someone infected with AIDS is a bad person False

6 You cannot get AIDS by holding hands True

7 A football is smaller than a basketball True

8 You cannot always see if a person is HIV infected True

9 If someone touches you, and you do not like it, you should always say “No” True

10 People play rugby with a round ball False

11 You can play with someone who is HIV infected True

12 You have to be careful with blood True

13 Rich people do not get AIDS False

14 Children cannot get AIDS False

15 If you are bleeding and drops fall down on the ground, you have to clean it True

16 You can go to a clinic to get information on HIV/AIDS True

17 If you see a needle you should pick it up immediately False

18 If you help someone who is bleeding you should always wear plastic gloves True

19 It is not dangerous to be friends with someone who is HIV infected True

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||

Questions for children aged 13-17 years
The questions in this age category are about contamination through sexual contact. Of
course, the coach or peer should not promote sexual behaviour. The best and only way to
have safe sex is no sex at all.

1 You can get AIDS by cuddling False

2 Over 70% of the people living in Zambia is infected with HIV/AIDS False

3 You can get AIDS by eating of the same plate or drinking out of the same cup False

4 There is no medicine that can cure HIV/AIDS True

5 You can get AIDS by touching someone’s blood True

6 Someone infected with HIV is a bad person False

7 You cannot get AIDS by holding hands True

8 When you kiss someone, there’s a risk of being infected False

9 You cannot always tell if someone is AIDS infected True

10 You cannot get AIDS if you share toilet, shower and bath True

11 If someone touches you and you do not like it, you should always say “No” True

12 It is ‘cool’ to have several girlfriends at the same time False

13 You can play outside with someone who is HIV infected True

14 If you have sexual intercourse for the first time you cannot get AIDS infected False

15 You should be careful with blood and other physical fluids True

16 One night stands are normal False

17 Sex with a condom is less safe than no sex True

18 You have to say “no” if your partner does not use a condom True

19 Children cannot get AIDS False

20 AIDS is passed on by mosquito’s False

21 If you bleed, and the drops fall down on the ground, you have to clean it True

22 You can go to a clinic to get information on HIV/AIDS True

23 When you see a needle on the ground, you have to pick it up immediately False

24 You can only get infected with HIV if you are not married False

25 It is not dangerous to be friends with someone who is HIV infected True

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||



Team Kalusha Foundation 
Lombe Mwambwa || Enala Phiri || Floor van Straaten || Marlies van der Kolk

Tel: +260 211 266025

+260 211 266024

Fax: + 260 977303373

Mobiles: + 260 977679216


Address: 38 Mutende Road,

Woodlands, P.O. Box 36927
10101 Lusaka

|| Contact: || +260 97 30 33 73 || Lusaka, Zambia ||


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