Exercise 2: M DX Dy M M M
Exercise 2: M DX Dy M M M
Exercise 2: M DX Dy M M M
Sid ! $2%
Exercise 2
In following assignments, we will need a way to do simple matrix multiplications in our software. The matrices are 44 and usually structured which we can use to reduce the number of operations. Some of the operations we need is shown below. In the lecture about transformations we will cover and deduce these matrices, but you can prepare and start to see how these operations can be done in C or C++. Below each operation you can see a proposed function header with a given set of parameters. This may of course be altered and complemented. Translation dx 1 dy M MV M MV 1 dz 1 translate(dx,dy,dz) Scaling M MV Rotation around z-axis cos ( z ) sin ( z ) M MV sin ( z ) cos ( z) rotatez(a) Rotation around y-axis
[ [
[ [ [
1 1
sx sy sz 1
cos ( y ) 1 sin ( y )
sin ( y ) cos ( y ) 1
] ]
rotatex(a) A simple search on the web will give several hits for libraries that handles this, both general libraries and specialized for computer graphics. Boost uBlas is a general numeric library and is installed on CS
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(http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/numeric/ublas/doc/index.htm). Another library is Generic Graphics Toolkit, GGT (http://ggt.sourceforge.net/). However, small routines to do the multiplications yourself is not difficult (but do some basic testing and sanity checks). First thing is to define your data type, either in C or C++ or to use those provided by a library. In workshop 1 and its given code, the following definitions is used for 2D-data and a 4x4 matrix. typedef struct { float x; float y; } vec2; typedef float mat4[16];
Matrix routines
It doesn't matter if you like to use C or C++, build your own or use existing libraries, but find a way to do basic matrix operations as described and find a representation that seems efficient. Consider the following It should be fast to copy a matrix and vector to a vector buffer. Use float (not double). Other routines that may come in handy (but certainly not necessarily) are matrix-vector multiplication, cross-product. Matrices are always 44. Vectors if multiplied with a matrix is always 41. A vertex (a coordinate) are typically 3D, or 4D (with the 4th element set to 1) and implemented as a struct (or object), and it should be possible to copy them directly into an array buffer (for speed).