Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) For your Company, CSR means Corporate Sustainable Responsibility and this means embedding CSR into its business model. This covers the two broad areas of food-based solutions to increasing nutrition as well as energy conservation, which includes waste management. The solid waste management system of your Company is a first of its kind initiative and works on the credo of reduce, recycle and re-use . The Company!s "#ecutive $ffice in %angalore is a &ero 'aste generator unit. (n effective system of !segregation at source! has been put in place and practised by all employees in the Company!s "#ecutive $ffice. The dry waste is converted into paper through a collaboration with )hadi *ram +dyog. The wet waste is processed in an eco-centre on campus and ,-. kgs of it is composted into manure on a daily basis. (s shared earlier, your Company!s commitment to health includes removal of harmful ingredients such as transfats from its recipes and addition of micronutrients /vitamins and minerals0. This has been achieved through active redesign of recipes. 1roducts like 2utriChoice 3iabetic Friendly "ssentials have also been introduced. 3uring 4.545,, your Company continued its partnership with )arnataka 2utrition 6ission in 4 villages to comprehensively address health and nutrition concerns of children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women. 1art of the program was to provide biscuits fortified with micronutrients to the target audience. ( study done amongst children /7-54 years0 and adolescent girls /55-58 years0 who consumed the fortified biscuits for 9 months has shown an improvement in anthropometric parameters like height and weight and a reduction in anemia. This work will continue till 3ecember 4.5, when the pro:ect report will be presented to the )arnataka State *overnment. (s mentioned in previous reports, the %ritannia 2utrition Foundation was set up with the belief that every child in ;ndia has the right to growth and development through good food - every day. The Foundation disseminates scientific knowledge in the area of nutrition, builds awareness of the massive malnutrition challenge and its solutions and creates a platform for multi-sectoral dialogue and informed action. ;n September 4.54, as part of the national nutrition week, the Foundation partnered a leading "nglish news channel to produce and air a 9 week series titled !;ndia<7-= The 2utrition Challenge!.
The series included an eclectic mi# of participants from the nutrition, policy making, development, corporate and communication sectors, in addition to participation from the audience, several of whom are members of civil society networks and working in the development sector on issues relating to health and nutrition. The program was a platform to throw light on the magnitude of the issue and share success stories in combating malnutrition along with social and scientific advancements in the area. ;n addition to engaging with the e#ternal world, your Company is conducting internal employee programs to boost awareness of the causes and effects of ;ron deficiency.
9. ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY "nergy conservation and the use of clean fuels continue to be a priority area for your Company. Creation of multi-fuel fle#ibility has led to a significant shift towards use of cleaner fuels where available and more of these opportunities will be harnessed in the future. ( biomass gasifier has been successfully commissioned at one factory and more will be installed in the coming year. Following a successful pilot, a new design oven to conserve energy was commissioned with improved benefits. ( focused "nergy 1rogram has been conceived with a view to carrying out specific initiatives in the field of "nergy "fficiency and Conservation. The program looked at fuel conservation by reviewing the design and usage of ovens, and making re>uisite improvements in both the design and technology. The endeavour is to continually look for opportunities to shift to cleaner fuels and conserve energy. The initiative of setting up a wet waste composting facility at the %angalore $ffice, last year, received the prestigious 2amma %engaluru (ward from 2amma %engaluru Foundation for the year 4.54-5, for effective solid waste management. This award recognises the e#tensive efforts made by %ritannia in making %angalore a cleaner city. (s part of the continuous effort to encourage the culture of reducing and recycling, a waste management initiative has also been set up with the Company!s copacker in %angalore and several pro:ects rolled out at other units are at various stages of completion. 'ith the ob:ective of providing a healthy and safe environment, your Company!s "nvironment ?ealth and Safety /"?S0 program has been strengthened with dedicated resources and your Company has undertaken several safety measures at all its manufacturing units that include= @ Communicating the "?S 1olicy to all stakeholders. @ (ssessing and identifying unsafe conditions at work place. @ Conducting ?aAard and Risk Study at units. @ 6onitoring +nit level performance through Total Reportable ;ncident Fre>uency Rate /TR;FR0. @ 3ocumenting and implementing Safe $perational Control 1rocedures at units. @ Training people on good sefety practices on the shop floor and elsewhere in the factory. Bour Company strives for a &ero (ccident Culture through building a robust "?S 6anagement System to ensure the health and safety of all its employees, contractors and visitors at the work place. (s part of this, your Company is adopting (ccident 1revention 1rogram at the work place through structured Safety Committees, Systematic (wareness 1rograms, 1eriodic 6onitoring and 6easurement Systems and regular reviews along with business metrics.