Asst. Professor Deptt. of Engineering Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technology
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UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION CPU, address bus, data bus and control bus. Input Output devices, buffers, encoders, latches and memories. UNIT 2: 8085 MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE Internal data operations and registers, pins and signals, peripheral devices and memory organization, interrupts. CISC and RISC architecture overview. UNIT 3: 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INSTRUCTIONS Classification, format and timing. Instruction set. Programming and debugging, 8 bit and 16 bit instructions. UNIT 4: 8085 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING 8259, 8257, 8255, 8253, 8155 chips and their applications. A/D conversion, memory, keyboard and display interface (8279). UNIT 5: INTRODUCTION TO 8051 MICROCONTROLLER General features & architecture of 8051. Memory, timers and interrupts Pin details. Interfacing and applications.
Unit 1
Q.1. Ans. Explain Address ,Data ,Control buses. Address lines Address line is an unidirectional bus. It is used to take address of any input. The number of address line in 8085 p is 16 hence it can access 216=64kb memory locations. Process:1. Giving the input from any device (by key/switches). 2. The input is store in memory at particular address. 3. Then the data is process in central processing unit. 4. The output is store in memory at particular address. 5. Finally the data is taken by memory and show at the output device. Control lines It is a bus which is necessary to control the direction of data flow on the bidirectional data bus and to differentiate between a memory address & an input-output address. Some of control signals are as follows:1. Memory used 2. Memory writer 3. Input-output read 4. Input-output write Data lines It is a bus which is used to transfer information between microprocessor, input-output devices and memory. It is also called bidirectional bus. The number of data lines used in data bus equal to the size of data word being written or read. Data bus is time multiplexed with lower order address bus. Q2 Ans Write Short note on Digital Encoder. Digital Encoder Digital Encoder is a Digital Device opposite of the Digital Decoder . A simple encoder circuit can receive a single active input out of 2n input lines generate a binary code on n parallel output lines.
For example a single bit 4 to 2 encoder takes in 4 bits and outputs 2 bits. The illustrated gate level example implements the simple encoder defined by the truth table, but it MUST be understood that for all the non-explicitly defined input combinations (i.e. inputs containing 0, 2, 3, or 4 bits) the outputs are treated as don't cares. Thus this implementation is useless as a priority encoder and only useful as a simple encoder if some previous circuit guarantees that there is one and only one bit high in the input or if it is understood that non-single-active-inputs will produce garbage encodings.
I3 I2 I1 I0 O 1 O 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Gate level circuit diagram of a single bit 4-to-2 line encoder Encoder
Q3 Ans
Write Short note on Digital Decoder. Decoder is a Digital Device opposite of the Digital Encoder. They are collection of logic gates which are arranged in a specific way to break any combination of inputs to a set of terms that are all set to '0' apart from one term. Therefore when one input changes, two output terms will change.
Lets say we have N inputs to a decoder, the number of outputs will be equal to 2^N. Thus there will be one line at the output for each possible input. The truth table for the considered example can be shown as follows. A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Y0 1 0 0 0 Y1 0 1 0 0 Y2 0 0 1 0 Y3 0 0 0 1
Due to the way many logic IC's are made, it is cheaper to purchase inverted decoders. These decoders use NAND gates instead of the AND gates we have seen in the decoder example. In these cases the output to an inverted 2-4 line decoder would be like this: A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Y0 0 1 1 1 Y1 1 0 1 1 Y2 1 1 0 1 Y3 1 1 1 0
Q. 4 Ans
Write Short note on Digital Buffer. A Buffer is single input device that does no invert or perform any type of logical operation on its input signal as its output exactly matches that of its input. In other words, it does nothing as its output state equals its input state. The digital buffer is a "noninverting" device and so will give us the Boolean expression of: Q = A. Then we can define the logical operation of a single input Digital Buffer as being:
"If A is true, then Q is true" The Digital Buffer Symbol A 0 A Digital Buffer Boolean Expression Q = A 1 Truth Table Q 0 1
The Buffer can also be made by connecting together two NOT gates as shown below. The first will "invert" the input signal A and the second will "re-invert" it back to its original level performing a double inversion of the input. Double Inversion using NOT Gates
5. Q5 Ans Explain processors & memory. Processors and Memory There are two main components which processor (known also as the Central Processing Unit or CPU)and memory. The processor is the part of a computer system which does the actual computing. That is, the part which adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. Most processors can also compare values and perform conditional actions as a result of such comparisons. Many processors have instructions which perform various types of conversions between different representations of data. The processor itself is divided into three components that controller. The controller acts as a foreman that oversees the tasks of the processor. The last component of the processor is a collection of one or more registers. Registers are special named memory cells in the processor where information is temporarily stored during various stages of a computation. The memory unit of a computer is the place were both data and programs are stored. A computer memory system is accessed (or read) by specifying the location (called an address) of the memory cell. The memory system then responds by producing a copy of the contents of that cell..
A computer memory system is changed (or written) by specifying the location of the memory cell together with the new value for that cell. The previous value stored in the cell is replaced by the new value.. The processor and memory unit are wired together wiring connections called buses. A bus is a low resistance connection consisting of 1 or more wires. There are three such connections. The first, called the address bus, is used by the processor to tell the memory system the number or location of the memory cell the processor wishes to access. The second bus is used to send data out to the memory. The third bus is used to transmit data and instructions to the processor. typical computer might be organized as indicated in the following diagram:
The processor contains a few memory cells, called registers, which are used for efficient temporary storage:
Unit 2
Description of programming model 8o85 model consist of 8 data buses and 16 address buses. It have various types of Registers. Registers are:1. Accumulator(A) 2. General purpose Registers
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3. Flag registers Flag registers are classified as:(a)Sign flag(S) (b)Zero flag(Z) (c)Auxiliary carry flag(AC) (d)Parity flag(P) (e)Carry flag(CY) 4.Program counter(PC) 5.Stack Pointer(Sp) 1. Accumulator : It is 8-bit register. It store the output of arithmetic and logical operation. It receive data from input port ad send it to output port. It is referred as A in any program 2. General purpose register : B,C,D,E,H and L are general purpose register. These registers store 8-bit data temporarily. BC,DE and HL are register pair and used to store 16-bit data 3. Flag register It is also 8-bit register. It indicates the status of accumulator so it is also known as status register. There are 5 type of flag registers. 4. Program counter:It is memory pointer with 16-bit. To execute these register the address is copied in program counter 5. Stack pointer: It is similar to program counter. The memory address stores at the top of stack The concept of LIFO is used(last in first out). Q. 2 Ans Explain the pin diagram of 8085 micro processor The 8085 microprocessor pin diagram: The 8085 is an 8-bit general-purpose microprocessor capable of addressing 64K of memory. The device has 40 pins, requires a +5 V signal power supply, and can operate with a 3 MHZ signal-phase clock. It has 8 data buses and 16 address lines. It has five interrupt. It has 16-bit program counter and stack pointer.
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It has internal timer, counter and encryption circuit. It has 2-math register A and B. Above figure shows the logic pinout of the 8085 microprocessor. All the signal classified into six groups: 1. Address bus 2. Multiplexed address bus/data bus 3. Control and status signal 4. Power supply and frequency signal 5. Externally initiated signals 6. serial input output port
Block diagram of 8085 microprocessor 1. Address bus We have 16-address line in 8085, which divided into two parts. First part higher order address line A8 to A15 at pin 21-28. Another is lower order address line (A0-A7) at pin 12-19. Lower address lines are multiplex with data lines. 2. Multiplexed address bus/data bus The signal lines AD7-AD0 are bidirectional: they serve a dual purpose. They are use as the low-order bus as well as the data bus.
3. Control and status signal This group of signal includes two-control signal (WR compliment & RD compliment), three-status signal (IO/M compliment, S1, and S0) to identify the nature of the operation, and one special signal (ALE) to indicate the beginning of the operation. These signals are as follows: ALE (Address Latch Enable): This is use for demultiplexing of multiplexed address bus/ data bus. ALE signal Lines 0 (low signal) Pin no 12-19 are data lines 1 (high signal) Pin no. 12-19 are address line
RD compliment (Read): This is a read control signal (active low). RD compliment is connecting at pin no. 32. These pin is use to indicates that selected I/O or memory device is to be read. WR compliment (Write): This is a write control signal (active low). WR compliment is connecting at pin 32. These pin is use for permanent storage in memory. IO/M compliment: This is a status signal use to differentiate between I/O and memory operation. When it is high, it indicates an I/O operation. When it is low, it indicates a memory operation. S1 and S2: These status signals, similar to IO/M compliment, can identify various operations, but they are rarely use in small systems.
4. Power supply and clock frequency The power supply and frequency signal are as follows: Vcc: +5 V power supply. Vss: Vss is use to Ground reference. X1, X2; A crystal is connected at these two pins. Two internally divides the frequency; therefore, to operate a system at 3 MHZ, the crystal should have a frequency of 6 MHZ. CLK (OUT)-Clock output: This signal can be use as the system clock for other devices. 5. Externally initiated signal, including interrupts The 8085 interrupts and externally initiated signals Interrupts: We have five-interrupt signal in 8085 microprocessor. There signal are use for generate barrier in any program under execution. 1. INTR (Interrupt request): This is use as a general purpose interrupt.
2. INTA compliment (Interrupt acknowledge): This is use to acknowledge an interrupt. 3. RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 (Restart interrupt): These vectored interrupts transfer the program control to specific memory location. 4. TRAP: This is a nonmaskable interrupt and has the highest priority. HOLD: These pin is use for hold the program in mid way. HLDA (Hold acknowledge): This signal acknowledges the HOLD request. RESET: RESET OUT is use for reset all program which is store in microprocessor. This is on by signal 1 or at high signal. RESET IN compliment is also use for reset all program for external chip. This is on by signal 0 or at low signal. READY: This shows, the status signal is ON or OFF. 6. Serial I/O ports The 8085 has two signals to implement the serial transmission: SID (Serial Input Data) and SOD (Serial Output Data). Q. 3 Ans Explain the flags in 8085, give example. The arithmetic/logic unit performs the computing functions; it includes the accumulator, the temporary register, the arithmetic and logic circuits, and five flags. The flags are set or reset according to the result of the operation. The flags generally reflect data conditions in the accumulator. The descriptions and conditions of the flags are as follows:
SIGN FLAG: After the execution of an arithmetic or logic operation, if bit D7 of the
result is 1, the sign flag is said to be set. This flag is used with signed numbers. If in a given byte, if D7 is 1, the number will be viewed as a negative number, if it is 0, the number will be considered positive. This flag is irrelevant for the operations of unsigned numbers.
ZERO FLAG: The zero flag is set if the arithmetic operation results in 0 and the flag is
reset if the result is not 0. This flag is modified by the results in the accumulator as well as in other registers.
Zero Flag
Parity Flag
Auxiliary Flag
PARITY FLAG: After an arithmetic or logical operation, if the result has an even
number of 1s, the flag is set. If it has an odd number of 1s, the flag is reset.
CARRY FLAG: If an arithmetic operation results in a carry, the carry flag is set:
otherwise it resets. The carry flag also serves as a borrow flag for subtraction.
26 = 0010 0110
Since No carry is
Q. 4 Ans
Explain the Architecture of 8085 mp. 8085-MICROPROCESSOR Chip which consists of complete circuit of ALU(arithmetic and logical unit) and CU(control unit) is called microprocessor. Microprocessor/microcontroller based systems may b used in almost every field of life and their applications are incresing day by day. It can be used for temperature control of furnace, speed of electric motor, radars, tanks, etc. Architecture Of Micro Processor: The architecture means structural design of the digital circuit responsible for computing. The features which affect the architecture of microprocessors are length of its data word, which is decided by size of data buses, the size of memory accessed by microprocessor, which depends on size of address buses, no. of registers, type of instructions etc. The 8085-microprocessor is an 8-bit general purpose microprocessor.8- bit processor means it can read, write, and process 8- bit data at a time. The 8085- microprocessor has 40 pins, requires +5v power supply and can operate with a 3-Mhz clock frequency. Data storage and processing in microprocessor: 8085-microprocessor includes various 8-bit and 16-bit registers. Registers are setoff flip flops and used to store data temporarily for processing. Enormous data is stored in memory, which is separate to microprocessor; hence the data which need to process is copied into registers to save the processing time. Accumulator(8) B register (8) D register (8) H register (8) Flag register C register (8) E register(8) L register(8) Stack pointer (16) Program counter (16)
Various register have different task to perform in 8085-microprocessor. Accumulator is an 8-bit register and the results of arithmetic or logical operations are stored in this. It is also used to receive and send data from input and output port respectively. Flag register is to define status of accumulator; hence it is also called status register. Registers B,C,D,E,H,L are general purpose registers and stores 8-bit data temporarily for
processing. Program counter is a memory pointer and stores memory address of the next byte of the program to be executed. It is of 16-bit.when the first statement is executed it increments itself by 1 and points to the next statement. Stack pointer is same as program counter and holds the memory address at top of the stack. Data stored in stack pointer is read in LIFO manner, which means last entered data, is read first. Bus Organisation: Communication lines in microprocessor, which carry bits from microprocessor to peripherals (memory, input/output ports, and other chips and devices connected to microprocessor) and also from peripherals to microprocessor, called buses. There are three sets of buses: 1. Address bus 2. Data bus 3. Control bus Address bus: it is group of 16 lines. It is used to carry the address of memory location and addresses of input and output ports. It is a unidirectional bus. Means bits can flow only in one direction i.e. microprocessor to peripherals. Data bus: It is group of 8 lines, used to carry data. These lines are bidirectional. Data can flow in both directions i.e. microprocessor to peripherals and vice versa. Since the size of data buses is of 8-bits, the 8085-microproccesor is called 8-bit microprocessor Control bus: It comprises of various single lines that carry various control signals for synchronizing various devices and performing different tasks. The microprocessor generates specific control signals for different operations. Basic Operations Of 8085-Microprocesor: It performs following five basic operations: Opcode fetch: Reading and decoding operation code of an instruction Memory Read: Reading data from memory. Memory Write : Writing data into memory I/O Read: Accepting data from input port I/O Write: sending data to output port. Pins and Signals: 8085-microprocessor chip has 40-pins.Fig shows various pins and signals of 8085microprocessor.signals can be classified into following groups: 1) Higher order address buses 2) Multiplexed address/data buses 3) Control signals 4) Status signals
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5) 6) 7) 8)
Power supply and clock frequency Interrupt signals Other externally initiated signals Serial input/output ports
Description Of Pin Diagram: Pin 1and 2: It is used for oscillator (crystal oscillator). It generate clock frequency for oscillation. The required clock frequency is 3MHz.The crystal oscillator generates frequency of 6Mhz because it is divided into two equal frequencies internally. Pin 3 and 36: Pin 3 is used for Reset Out means to reset all programs which are stored in the microprocessor. The pin is on by (1) or high signal. Pin no 36 is also used to reset the program for external chip. This is on by signal (0) or low signal. Pin 20: Pin 20 is required for grounding purpose. Pin 40: Pin 40 is power supply pin ,at this we give +5V supply. Pin 37: clock out is used for generation clock in external chip connected to microprocessor. Pin 33 and 29(status signal): We have two status signals at 33 and 29. These signals are used for telling the status of external chip. Address Lines: We have 16 address lines in 8085 which is divided in two parts: Higher order address line (A8-A15) -[Pin 21-28] Lower order address line (A0-A7) -[Pin 12-19] The lower order address line is multiplexed with data lines. Pin 30(Address latch enable): It is used for demultiplexing 0 12-19, treat as data lines 1 12-19, treat as address lines Control Signals: Basically we have 3 types of control signals: WR (write) RD(read) ALE
Pin 31: WR is connected at Pin 31. This Pin is used for permanent storage of data in memory. Pin 32: RD is used for temporary storage of data in memory (read only). Intrupt Signal: We have five intrupt signal in 8085. These signals are used to generate barrier in any program under execution. Intrupt will work only whenever the INTR signal at Pin 10 is on.These interrupts works in theirown different way. When all interrupts are on,they work in their priority order.TRAP has highest priority amongst all other interuupts following RST 7.5,RST 6.5, RST 5.5 respectively.RST interrupt restart the execution of program. Pin 38 and 39: First pin is used to hold the program in mid way and second is used as an acknowledgement signal for HOLD.
Pin 4 and 5: Both the pins are used for serial communication where SOD is used for output and SID is used for input.
Q. 5
Explain the role of following in micro processor ? 1. Accumulator 2.ALE 3.Ready signal 4.program counter 5.stack pointer
Ans 1. Accumulator :It is the most important part of the airthmetic and logic unit. It is an 8 bit register which can store 8 bit data. 8 bits are referred as D7-D0. Result of any airthmetic operations are store in the accumulator. It is also used to receive data from input port and sending data to output port from microprocessor. 2. Address latch enable :This pin is used for demultiplexing. In microprocessor 12 to 19 pins are called data lines if ALE is off (0) a nd address lines if ALE is on (1). It is an active high signal which enables the latch used to demultiplex. 3. Ready signal:This signal is used to communicate with other peripherals of microprocessor like input ports output ports and memory. If this signal is high means peripheral is ready to send or accept data. If it is low means peripheral is not ready to execute so it will wait until it goes high. 4. Stack pointer:Its a 16 bit register and a memory pointer. For holding the address it uses stack which is the part of memory. It stores the data temporarily. It follows the LIFO concept last in first out.
5. Program counter:It is also a 16 bit register and a memory pointer means it can store 16 bit data. It stores the memory address of the next byte of the program to be executed. Whenever program is to be executed program counter incremented by 1 and after executing the first statement it points to next statement then it gets the address of the second statement automatically. Above process is repeated until the program is over.
Q.6 Ans
Explain the following pins:1. ALE 2.READY 3.HOLD 4.RESET IN. .ALE :- Address latch enable signal is an active high signal. It goes high during first clock cycle and enables the latch used to demultiplex address bus from data bus. 2.READY :- Microprocessor has to communicate with other peripherals ,which are slow as compared to the microprocessor . READY signal is used to synchronies these peripherals with microprocessor. If this signal is high it means the peripheral is ready to send/accept data. If it is low it means peripheral is not ready and microprocessor will wait until it goes high. 3.HOLD :- This signal (when goes high)indicates that some other device (such as DMA controller) is requesting the use of address and data buses. 4.RESET IN :- It is an active low signal. When it goes low, program counter is reset to zero and buses are tri-stated. It also resets interrupt enable flip-flop and instruction register. No other flag and register is affected.
Unit 3
29 33 34 32 31 30
Control Signals: In Microprocessor 8085 ,there are three control signals whose pin no. and name are listed blow: Pin no:30,31,32 Signal: ALE, RD , WR CONTROL SIGNALS PIN NO.30 A.L.E PIN NO.31 WR PIN NO.32 RD
ALE (Address Latch Enable): It is an active high signal in which a positive going pulse generated every time the 8085 begins an operation (machine cycle) that indicates that the bits on AD7-AD0 are address bit s and it is used primarily to latch the low-order address from the multiplexed bus and used to generate a separate set of eight address line i.e A7A0.Its pin no. in microprocessor is 30. RD (Read): This is a Read control signal or we can say active low control signal which indicates that the selected I/O or memory device is to be read and its data are available on the data bus.Its pin no. in microprocessor is 32. WR (Write): This is a write control signal or we can say active low signals whichl indicates that the data on the data bus are to be written into a selected memory or I/O location and its pin no. in microprocessor is 31. Status signals: Status signal in microprocessor is of three type and these signals are output signals. These signals are listed blow: Pin no: 29, 33, 34. Signals: IO/M , S0 ,S1. STATUS SIGNALS
PIN NO.39 S0
PIN NO.33 S1
IO/M: This is a status signal used to differentiate between I/O and memory operations. When it is high, it indicates an I/O operation: when it is low, it indicates a memory operation. This signal is combined with RD (read) and WR (Write) to generate I/O and memory control signals.IIts pin no. in microprocessor is 34. S1 and S0: It is almost similar to IO/M signals and used to identify various operations, but they are rarely used in small systems. Q. 2 Why address and data lines are are multiplexed? Explain how these lines are demultiplexed. Ans Multiplexing of the data and address buses is done to reduce the pin count on the microprocessor chip. The address information is emitted at the beginning of a memory
cycle, and external logic is expected to latch that address. Then the bus becomes the data bus and the required data is transferred to or from memory using the latched address. In the 8085, this saves 8 pins at the cost of 1 pin, ALE. De-multiplexing address/data bus We know that lower order address bus is multiplexed with data bus. Ale (address latch enable) signal is used to de-multiplexed these address/data bus. Ale goes high during earlier part of operation, which enables the latch when the latch (74LS373), the address supplied by the microprocessor is available on the other side of the latch on low order address bus. The high order address lines are dedicated for high-order address only. In this way complete address is available in the address bus, which will locate the memory location on the primary memory of the microprocessor, once the memory address is located, ale goes low, which disables the latch, hence blocks the bits available on multiplexed lines to go towards address bus, now data may be multiplexed lines, which may flow from microprocessor to memory input-output.
Q: 3 Ans
Write an assembly language program to add the two 8-bit no. and use the unconditional jump in this program.
1) MVI A, # 25H; /*move the data 25H in the accumulator. 2) ADI, # 26H; /*add the data of accumulator with immediate data 26H and the result will be Store in accumulator. 3) MOV, #01H; /* the data in accumulator will transfer to the location 01H. 4) OUT 01H; /* display the result at pin 01H. 5) JMP POOJA; /* apply unconditional jump to repeat the procedure. Q: 4 Ans. Write an assembly language program to add the two 8-bit no store in A & B . and use the RST1INSTEAD OF HLT for terminate the program. MVI A, 20H; MVI B, 30H; ADD B; RST1;
Read/Write and Control Logic The function of this block is to manage all of the internal and external transfers of both Data and Control or Status words means it provide whole control. It accepts inputs from the CPU Address and Control busses and send it to peripheral devices. (RD) Read. It is active at low signal. the function of this pin is to send the data to CPU t through the data buses for read the data. (WR) Write. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to write the data in CPU register. (CS) Chip Select. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to active the whole 8255 chip.
(A0 and A1) These pin are connected with the microprocessor address lines. The function of these pins is to identify various ports and control register through the help of decoder (RESET) Reset. A "high" on this input initializes the control register to 9Bh and all ports (A, B, C) are set to the input mode. A1 0 0 1 1 A0 0 1 0 1 SELECTION PORT A PORT B PORT C CONTROL
Group A and Group B Controls The functional configuration of each port is programmed by the systems software. Each of the Control blocks (Group A and Group B) accepts "commands" from the Read/Write Control logic, receives "control words" from the internal data bus and issues the proper commands to its associated ports. In Group A, Port A & Port C upper pins consider & in Group B, Port B &Port C lower pins consider. Ports A, B, and C Port A It have 8 pins & all the pins active at high logic. It is 8-bit data output latch/buffer and 8-bit data input latch. Both "pull-up" and "pull-down" bus-hold devices are present on Port A. Port B It has 8 pins & all the pins active at high logic. It is 8-bit data input/output latch/buffer and 8-bit data input buffer. Port C It has 8 pins & all the pins active at high logic. This port can be divided into two 4-bit ports under the mode control. Each 4-bit port contains a 4-bit latch and it can be used for the control signal output and status signal inputs in conjunction with ports A and B.
Block Diagram of the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) Various modes of 8255- 8255 have 2 modes i.e. BSR mode & I/O mode. I/O mode The D7 bit of the control word must be 1.
Mode Definition Format BSR mode - The D7 bit of the control word must be 0. This mode used to set/reset a single bit of port C.
Q.2. Ans
Describe Programmable Interval timer and Programmable Interrupt controller? PIC provides 8 additional interrupts. This IC is designed to work with 80s family microprocessor. It provides 8 level of interrupt priorities in different modes i.e. fully nested mode, Automatic Rotation mode & Specific Rotation mode. Pin Diagram of 8259
8259 have 28 pins and out of 24, 8 pins for data lines, 8 pins for Interrupt Request Inputs, 2 pins for power supply, 3 pins for cascade lines, 4 for contrl signals & remainid for master slave , address lines. D7- D0- these pins known as data buses & active at high logic.
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Ao- It is known as Command select address & used to connect the microprocessor address line. IR0-IR7 - It is known as Interrupt Request Inputs & used to generate the request for any interrupt. INT This is an Interrupt signal & active at high logic. Whenever any interrupt is recognised by 8259 then this pin goes high. INTA - This is an Interrupt Acknowledgement signal & active at low logic. This signal is used to generate the Acknowledgement signal for Interrupt generation. CAS0-CAS2 - It is known as Cascade lines& used to connect more then one 8259s in cascade mode. SP/EN - It is known as Slave Program/ Enable Buffer & used to define the master slave mode. It is active at low logic, when single 8259 is used , it operate as a master. (RD) - Read. It is active at low signal. the function of this pin is to send the data to CPU through the data buses for read the data. (WR) - Write. It is active at high signal. The function of this pin is to write the data in CPU register. (CS) - Chip Select. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to active the whole 8255 chip. Vcc It is used for +5v power supply. Vss - It is used for Ground. Programmable Interrupt controller PIT is used to provide accurate time delay & have 16 bit counters. This IC is basically used to provide the real time delay, square wave generator, complex waveform generator.
D7- D0- these pins known as data buses & active at high logic.
Vcc It is used for +5v power supply. Vss - It is used for Ground. (RD) - Read. It is active at low signal. the function of this pin is to send the data to CPU through the data buses for read the data. (WR) - Write. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to write the data in CPU register. (CS) - Chip Select. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to active the whole 8255 chip. (A0 and A1) These pin are connected with the microprocessor address lines. The function of these pins is to identify various ports and control register through the help of decoder (RESET) Reset. A "high" on this input initializes the control register to 9Bh and all ports (A, B, C) are set to the input mode A1 0 0 1 1 A0 0 1 0 1 SELECTION Counter 0 Counter 1 Counter 2 CONTROL REGISTER
CLK0 CLK2 - It is known as Clock Signals & used as an input signal for counter o,counter 1 , counter 2. On each clock cycle the contents of the counters are decremented to provide delay. GATE0 GATE2 - It is known as Gate Signals. & used to start and stop the counting of respective counter. when gate signal is high,counter starts the counting, awhen goes low the counter stops its counting. OUT0 - OUT2 - It is known as output Signals & used as an interrupt signal for microprocessor. Ques3. Describe Direct Memory Access Controller? Ans Direct Memory Access is an I/O technique used for high speed data transfer technique.DMA Controller transfers the data between primary memory & peripherals. The DMA works in two modes i.e. master mode slave mode. Pin Diagram of 8257 (DMA)
The DMA CONTROLLER IS 40 PIN IC Out of 40 pins, 8 for data lines, 8 for address lines, 2 for power supply, 12 for controll & status & remaining 10 for DMA channels. D7- D0- these pins known as data buses & active at high logic. Vcc It is used for +5v power supply. Vss - It is used for Ground. A7- A0 - These pins known as address buses & active at high logic. DRQ3DRQ0 - It is known as DMA Request Signals & used for activation of channel. The peripherals send DRQ signal to the respective channel, whenever they are ready for data transfer. DACK3-DACK0 - It is known as DMA Acknowledgement Signals & used for receiving HLDA signal from microprocessor, the DMA sends dack (low) signal to the respective peripheral. AEN Known as Address Enable used to enable the address lines after receiving the HLDA SIGNAL. ADSTB - Known as Address Strobe & worked with AEN. TC - Known as terminal count and used to count the data transfer ,when data transfer is over than the TC goes high. (IOR) - Read. It is active at low signal. the function of this pin is to send the data to CPU through the data buses for read the data. (IOW) - Write. It is active at LOW signal. The function of this pin is to write the data in CPU register.
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(CS) - Chip Select. It is active at low signal. The function of this pin is to active the whole 8255 chip. Ques4. Describe Keyboard/Display Controller (8279)? Ans It is used to simultaneously control the display of the system & interfaces a keyboard with the microprocessor. A programmable keyboard and display interfacing chip. Scans and encodes up to a 64-key keyboard. Controls up to a 16-digit numerical display. Keyboard section has a built-in FIFO 8 character buffer. The display is controlled from an internal 16x8 RAM that stores the coded display information. It is 40 pin IC. PIN DIAGRAM OF 8279
A0: Selects data (0) or control/status (1) for reads and writes between Microprocessor and 8279. BD: It is known as Blank Display & used as an Output that blanks the displays. CLK: known as clock signal & Used internally for timing. Max is 3 MHz. CN/ST: Known as Control/strobe, connected to the control key on the keyboard. CS: Chip select that enables programming, reading the keyboard, etc. DB7-DB0: Consists of bidirectional pins that connect to data bus on micro. IRQ: Interrupt request, becomes 1 when a key is pressed, data is available. OUT A3-A0/B3-B0: Outputs that sends data to the most signicant/least signicant nibble of display. RD(WR): Connects to micros IORC or RD signal, reads data/status registers.
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RESET: Connects to system RESET. RL7-RL0: Return lines are inputs used to sense key depression in the Keyboard matrix. Shift: Shift connects to Shift key on keyboard. SL3-SL0: Scan line outputs scan both the keyboard and displays. keyboard working modes four modes for keyboard working i.e. scanned keyboard mode, sensor matrix mode, strobe mode. Q.5. Ans Describe Analog to Digital Converter? Analog to digital converters are used to convert analog signal into the digital signal. basically two type of analog to digital converter are used in microprocessor i.e. comparing type & converting type. Comparing type In comparing type the given analog signal is compared with internally generated analog signal. Converting type In converting type the given analog signal is converted to time or frequency and then this new parameter is compared with the known value
Unit 5
The microcontroller has following features: 1. 8-bit CPU with register A (Accumulator) and B. 2. 16-bit Program Counter (PC) and Data Pointer (DPTR) register. 3. 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP). 4. 8-bit Program Status Word (PSW) flag register. 5. 4KB internal ROM. 6. The 128 byte internal RAM. 7. Four 8-bit ports (P0-P3), i.e., 32 I/O pins. 8. Full duplex, serial data transmitter/receiver (SBUF). 9. Two 16-bit timer/counters (T0 and T1). 10. Control Register. 11. Interrupt sources (2 external and 3 internal). 12. Oscillator and clock.
P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1. RST P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 XTAL2 XTAL1 VSS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
P0.5 P0.6
CPU registers(A and B) These registers are use to store the result of various arithmetical and logical operations. The register A is more important register ,used for addition , subtraction, multiplication
and division the register B is used with the accumulator for multiplication and division or to store data and has no other a functions. Program status word and flags Flags are flip flops, grouped together inside program status word (PSW) and power mode control (PCON) registers. The bit definitions of PSW and PCON registers are: D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV P The PSW has four math flags (CY), auxiliary flag(AC), overflow flag (OV)and parity flag(P). Program counter (PC) 1. It is a 16 bit register, used to hold the addresses range from 0000H to 0FFFH. 2. Additional external ROM, for addresses exceeding 0FFFH upto FFFFH 3. Totally external ROM, addresses range from 0000H to FFFFH.
Data pointer (DPTR) It is made up of two 8-bit registers DPH and DPL, used to provide memory address for 1 internal and external code access and 2 external data access. Stack and Stack Pointer (SP) Stack refers to an area of internal RAM that is use to store and retrieve data during execution of the program. The stack pointer is an 8 bit registers, used to store 8 bit address of one of the locations in RAM, called the top of the stack. The stack and stack pointer are used in the same way as in 8085 microprocessor, usingPUSH and POP instructions. In 8051 microprocessor 8-bit data are pushed and poped at one instant, instead of 16-bit data in case of 8085 microprocessor. Internal Memory (RAM and ROM) The ROM is used to store program code for the application at the time of manufacturing and cannot be altered. RAM is used to store the data during the execution of the program. 8051 has 4K of ROM and 128 bytes of RAM. Internal RAM is organised in three distinct areas:
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1. Registers Bank. 2. Bit Addressable Registers 3. General Purpose Area. Using Input / Output Ports Input / Output pin are used to connect the 8051 to the outside world. The 8051 has four ports (P0, P1, P2 and P4) each with 8 pins. The function, a pin performs at a given instant depends on: 1. Physical connections. 2. Instruction used to configure the pin. Interrupts of 8051 In 8051, five interrupts are available. Three of which is generated depending on the status of TF0 (Timer flag 0) and TF1 (Timer flag 1), Serial Port interrupt flags (TI/RI). Two interrupt are triggered by sending external signal to INT0 and INT1. Q.2 Ans Draw the internal architecture of 8051and briefly explain? INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE OF 8051 MICROCONTROLERThe 8051 microcontroller houses in 40 DIP , operates at 1- 16 MHz clock frequency. The 8051 microcontroller has following features1: The 8 bit cpu with register A (accumulator) and. B. 2: 16 bit program counter (PC) and data pointer (DPTR) register. 3: 8 bit stack pointer(SP). 4: 8 bit program status word (PSW)- the flag register. 5: 4 KB internal rom. 6: 128 byte internal ram. 7: Four 8 bit ports (po-p3), i.e.; I/O pins. 8: Full duplex, serial data transmitter / receiver (SPUF). 9: Two 16 bit timer / counter (T0 anT1). 10: CONTROL REGISTOR a) TCON b) TMOD c) SCON d)PCON e) IP f) IE 11: Interrupt sources(2 external and 3 internal) 12: Oscillator and clock.
Q.3. Ans
Briefly describe the interrupt system of microcontroller.. In 8051, five interrupt are available. A computer program has only two ways to determine the conditions that exist in internal and external circuits. One method uses software instructions that jump on the states of flags and port pins. The second responds to hardware signals called interrupts. Interrupt
Serial Interrupt
Three of which are generated depending on the status of TF (Timer flag 0) and TF (Timer flag 1), Serial Port interrupt flag (T1/R1). Two interrupt are triggered by sending external singles to (Pin 3.2) and (Pin 3.3) Programmer can control all the interrupt by modifying the interrupt control bits of enable register (IE), Interrupt Priority register (IP) and Timer Control register (TCON). IE Register:The IE register is used to enable/ disable various interrupt. IP register:The IP register is used to set priority of various interrupts. The bit definition of IE and IP register are shown in fig. 1 & 2 respectively.
Bit 7.
symbol of bit 7 is EA. Function of bit 7 is interrupt enable bit. if 0 all, interrupt are disable. Bit 6: Symbol of bit 6 is - . Function of bit 6 is not implemented.
Bit 5: Symbol of bit 5 is ET. Function of bit 5 is to reserved for future use. Bit 4: Symbol of bit 4 is ES. Function of bit 4 is to Enable/ Disable Serial Port Interrupts. 1= Enable 0= Disable Bit 3: symbol of bit 3 is ET. Function of bit 3 is to Enable/ Disable Timer Interrupts-1. 1= Enable 0= Disable Bit 2: symbol of bit 2 is EX. Function of bit 2 is to Enable/Disable External Interrupts-1. 1=Enable 0= Disable Bit 1: symbol of bit 1 is ET. Function of bit 2 is to Enable/Disable Timer Interrupts-0. 1=Enable 0= Disable Bit 0: symbol of bit 0 is EX. Function of bit 0 is to Enable/Disable External Interrupts-0. 1= Enable 0= Disable
Interrupt Priority Register (IP) D D D D D D D PT PS PT PX PT Fig. 2 Interrupt Priority Register (IP) Bit 7. Symbol of bit 7 is - . Function of bit 7 is not implemented. Bit 6: Symbol of bit 6 is - . Function of bit 6 is not implemented. D PX
Bit 5: Symbol of bit 5 is PT. Function of bit 5 is reserved for future use. Bit 4: Symbol of bit 4 is PS. Function of bit 4 is Priority of Serial Port 1= high 0= low Bit 3: Symbol of bit 3 is PT. Function of bit 3 is to Priority of Timer Interrupts-1 (TF1 of TCON) . 1=high 0= low Bit 2: Symbol of bit 2 is PX. Function of bit 2 is to Priority of External Interrupts-1 (IE OF TCON). 1- high 0= low Bit 1: Symbol of bit 1 is PT. Function of bit 2 is to Priority of Timer Interrupts-0 ( TF of TCON). 1=high o= low Bit 0: Symbol of bit 0 is PX. Function of bit 0 is to Priority of External Interrupts-0 (IE of TCON). 1= high 0=low This register is Bit addressable as IP.0 to IP.7 Interrupt Priority: The bits of IP register determine whether any interrupt has high priority or low priority. If any bit is set to 1, indicates that interrupt is high priority; if reset to 0, indicates that the interrupt is a low priority. A high priority interrupt can interrupt another low priority interrupt. The lower priority interrupt continues after the higher priority interrupt is over. if two interrupts with the same priority occur at the same time, then they have the following order of priority. 1. IE 2. TF Interrupts .
MCQS ON MICROPROCESSOR Unit 1 Q.1 Which of the following is true with respect to EEPROM? (A)contents can be erased byte wise only. (B)contents of full memory can be erased together. (C)contents can be erased using ultra violet rays (D)contents can not be erased Ans (C). Q.2 Pseudo instructions are basically (A)false instructions. (B)instructions that are ignored by the microprocessor. (C)assembler directives. (D)instructions that are treated like comments. Ans (C). Q.3 EPROM is generally erased by using (A) Ultraviolet rays (B)infrared rays (C)12 V electrical pulse (D) 24 V electrical pulse Ans (A) UNIT 2 1. Which interrupt is not level sensitive in 8085? a) RST6.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt. b) RST7.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt. c) a & b. Ans (B) 2. What are software interrupts? a) RST 0 - 7 b) RST 5.5 - 7.5 c) INTR, TRAP Ans (A) 3. Which stack is used in 8085? a) FIFO b) LIFO c) FILO Ans (B)
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Why 8085 processor is called an 8 bit processor? a) Because 8085 processor has 8 bit ALU. b) Because 8085 processor has 8 bit data bus. c) a & b. Ans (A) 5. What is SIM? a) Select Interrupt Mask b) Sorting Interrupt Mask c) Set Interrupt Mask. Ans (C) 6. RIM is used to check whether, ______ a) The write operation is done or not b) The interrupt is Masked or not c) a & b Ans (B) 7. What is meant by Maskable interrupts? a) An interrupt which can never be turned off. b) An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer. c) none Ans (B)
UNIT 3 Number of the times the instruction sequence below will loop before coming out ofloop is MOV AL, 00h A1: INC AL JNZ A1 (A)00 (B) 01 (C) 255 (D)256 Ans (D) 1 2 What will be the contents of register AL after the following has been executed MOV BL, 8C MOV AL, 7E ADD AL, BL (A)0A and carry flag is set (B)0A and carry flag is reset (C)6A and carry flag is set (D)6A and carry flag is reset Ans, (A).
These are two ways in which a microprocessor can come out of Halt state. (A)When hold line is a logical 1. (B)When interrupt occurs and the interrupt system has been enabled. (C) When both Ans (A) 4 In the instruction FADD, F stands for (A) Far. (B)Floppy. (C)Floating. (D) File. Ans (C). 5 SD RAM refers to (A)Synchronous DRAM (B) Static DRAM (C)Semi DRAM (D) Second DRAM Ans (A) 6 In case of DVD, the speed is referred in terms of n X (for example 32 X). Here, X refers to
(A)150 KB/s (B) 300 KB/s (C) 1.38 MB/s (D)2.4 MB/s Ans (C). 7 Itanium processor of Intel is a (A)32 bit microprocessor. (B)64 bit microprocessor. (C)128 bit microprocessor. (D)256 bit microprocessor. Ans (B). 8 LOCK prefix is used most often (A) during normal execution. (B) during DMA accesses (C) during interrupt servicing. (D) during memory accesses. Ans (C). 9 The Pentium microprocessor has______execution units. (A)1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans (C). Ans (B) UNIT 4 1. Which interrupt has the highest priority? a) INTR b) TRAP c) RST6.5 Ans (C) 2. In 8085 name the 16 bit registers? a) Stack pointer b) Program counter c) a & b Ans( C) 3. Which of the following is hardware interrupts? a) RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5 b) INTR, TRAP c) a & b Ans (C ) 4. What is the RST for the TRAP? a) RST5.5 b) RST4.5 c) RST4 Ans (B)
5. What are level Triggering interrupts? a) INTR&TRAP b)RST6.5&RST5.5 c)RST7.5&RST6.5 Ans (B ) UNIT 5
Ans 2
Direction flag is used with (A)String instructions. (B)Stack instructions. (C)Arithmetic instructions. (D)Branch instructions. (A). EPROM is generally erased by using (A) Ultraviolet rays (B)infrared rays (C)12 V electrical pulse (D) 24 V electrical pulse (A)
Signal voltage ranges for a logic high and for alogic low in RS-232C standard are Low = 0 volt to 1.8 volt, high = 2.0 volt to 5 volt Low =-15 volt to 3 vol, high = +3 volt to +15 volt Low = +3 volt to +15 volt, high = -3 volt to -15 volt Low = 2 volt to 5.0 volt, high = 0 volt to 1.8 volt
Ready pin of a microprocessor is used (A)to indicate that the microprocessor is ready to receive inputs. (B)to indicate that the microprocessor is ready to receive outputs. (C)to introduce wait states. AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design 3 (D)to provide direct memory access. Ans (C).
ROM-Read Only Memory RAM- Random access memory LIFO Last in first out FIFO-First in first out PROM-Programmable read only memory EEPROM Electronically erasable prom
8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software And Application., V Udayashankara, M Mallikarjunaswamy, TMH Introduction To Microprocessors, Mathur, TMH Modern Microprocessors, Korneev, Wiley The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming And Interfacing, K. Udaya Kumar, Pearson Microprocessor Interfacing And Applications, B.P.Singh, New Age Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming And Application For 8085, Goankar, Penram International Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming And System Featuring In 8085, William A.Routt, Delmur Pub The 8051 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems, Mazidi, Pearson Microprocessor & microcontroller by genius publication. www.nptel.com www.wekepedia.com