Friendly Classmates
Friendly Classmates
Friendly Classmates
Date: 04.02.2014 Teacher: Plamadeala Ecaterina Form: 5th E Topic: Friendly Classmates Teaching strategies: conversation, dialogue, air !or", individual !or", !hole class !or" etc Materials and eq ipment: u il#s $oo" English %or you& $lac"$oard, !or"sheets S!ills: s ea"ing, reading, listening, !riting Competencies: 'eading (ritten interaction ) o"en interaction S "#competencies: 'eading the te*t +ns!ering to the ,uestions
Lesson stages
$cti%it& 1.1he teacher greets the u ils2 - Good morning, students!/- How are you today? 2. 1he students ans!er the teacher#s ,uestions. 1.1he teacher suggests lay a game in !hich they s ea" a$out their %riends . 1he teacher as"s students to s ea" a$out their %avourite ,ualities o% their %riends. 1he students ans!er to some ,uestions a$out %riends .
2. (arm/u
5min 1o give the emotional tune o% the lesson 5min 1o encourage students to s ea" a$out classmates and to descri$e %avourite ,ualities o% their %riends. 4 min 10 min 1o ma"e u sentences !ith the ne! !ords 1o read the te*t and to translate.
)tudents# a$ility to lay a game is $eing evaluated. )tudents# a$ility to s ea" a$out ,ualities, is $eing evaluated.
0.1eaching s ea"ing
1.1he teacher teacher suggests to ma"e u sentences !ith the ne! !ords,then the students read them. 1.1he teacher as"s the students to read the te*t ,!hile reading they translate the te*t.
Pu ils# a$ilities to ma"e u sentences !ith the ne! !ords are $eing evaluated. )tudents# a$ilities to translate and to do
7.1eaching !riting
4 min
2. 1he teacher as"s the students to do some activities $ased on the te*t. 1he u ils !or" individual and get ready to !rite the correct %orm o% the ver$s !hile they loo"ing in the icture.
8ndividual !or"
some activities are $eing evaluated. )tudents# a$ilities to !rite the corrects %orms is $eing evaluated
4. Evaluation
5min 1o give the synonyms o% the !ords !hich are !ritten on the $lac"$oard. 2min
9. :ome!or"
1.1he teacher e* lains the tas"s to $e done $y the students at home. 2.1he students !rite do!n their :(.