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1. $b%ective&
Experimental determination of the time constant of an RC circuit by a changing the capacitor C through a resistance R. Experimental determination of the time constant of an RC circuit by a changing the capacitor C through a resistance R. Compare the experimental value of the time constant with the theoretical value = RC and find the percentage error.
. 'heory&
Charging a capacitor thro#gh a resistance (&
). E*#ipments&
1. #. &. ". .. !. 3. attery !."1 volts. $wo%way switch. 'vometer (n)nown resistance R *1+ ), or #+ ),-. /nown capacitor C *#+++ 0. .+++ 12-. high impedance voltmeter. 4top watch.
+. E,perimental Proced#re&
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1.
5hen the switch / is open6 measure the potential difference 7o across the battery using a high impedence voltmeter.
&. Close the switch / and simultaneously start the stop watch6 then record the values. ". Connect the circuit as shown in figure &. .. Close the two%way switch 4 in position 1. $he capacitor C is now charged. Close the two was switch 4 in position # and and simultaneously start the stop watch6 then record the values.
t ( e#)
..& ..83 !..! 3."! 3.3 9.. 1+ 11.3 1...& 18.!# #8.! .!.&
V ($olt)
+.. 1 1.. # #.. & &.. " ".. . ... !
V = 0.63 Vo = 6.41(0.63) = 4.0383 Volt theo= RC = (22,000)*( 2200 *10^-6 ) = 48.4 1 = 11.!!33"8
% (&)
0.00010510 0.00007800 0.00006210 0.00005210 0.00004420 0.00003740 0.00003160 0.00002690 0.00002290 0.00001950 0.00001660 0.00001420 0.00001210 0.00001020 0.00000870
% = 0.3" %o = 0.3" * 162 = '!.! ( 10-6 & (2.16 - 4.6' )) (1'0 * 10) = - 1 ) + '6.2 + e(, = (+1 - +2) ) 2 +2 = +e(, = 34.1
.e/#e0t12e e//o/ 3= (theo - e(,) ) theo *100 2!.'3 = 100*( 48.4 )(34.1 -48.4)) =
/. Comments&
2rom this e<uation = RC6 we can notice that= 1. $he relation between the time constant and the resistence R is linear relationship. #. $he relation between the time constant and the capacitor C is linear relationship. &. $he relation between the resistence R and the capacitor C is inversed relationship.
1. Concl#sion&
'ctually in this experiment we learned about time constant 6 and how to determine it for charging )nown capacitor C through un)nown resistance R6 and discharging )nown capacitor C through un)nown resistance R.
13 4(5.4C56 7.-6 ( v 8 A 9 C 8 v : 6 C 8 A 6 C 8 ( C 8 s : 6 s
3 ;es< at time constant< 06!./)0o and =e have the val#e of 0o already< so =e can notice that the variation of 0 in the voltmeter #ntil it become !./) 0o and record the val#e of t at that time =hich =ill be >.
)3 ;es< at time constant< I6!.)1 Io and =here I is the initial the of c#rrent thro#gh the capacitor. ?hen the ammeter reading become !.)1 Io< the corresponding val#e of t =ill be the time constant >.