Extrajudicial Settlement
Extrajudicial Settlement
Extrajudicial Settlement
estate of Don Ramon Dimapigil made and executed this 27 th day of August 2013 et!een the follo!ing persons" 1# 2# 3# $aldo Dimapigil% &ilipino% of legal age% married to 'ennifer (ee% and a resident of 22 )en# (im *t#% +ue,on -ity# )ardo Dimapigil% &ilipino% of legal age% married to -hristine .ano% and a resident of 77 *ta -ru, *t# +ue,on -ity# -ardo Dimapigil% &ilipino% of legal age% single and a resident of 11 )en# (uis *t# .o/aliches +ue,on -ity# 01T.2**2T3" That the a o/e-named persons are the legitimate children and sur/i/ing heirs of the late Don Ramon Dimapigil% copy of their respecti/e irth certificates are attached herein as annexes 4A% $ and -5# That the decedent died in +ue,on -ity on 'anuary 11% 2011 !ithout any !ill and lea/ing no inde tedness# That at the time of his death% Don Ramon Dimapigil left the follo!ing descri ed properties" 6roperty 1 A parcel of land located in +ue,on -ity% co/ered y T-T .o# 17777 of the Registry of Deeds of +ue,on -ity% the
exact description of !hich is indicated on the face of the title% a copy of !hich is attached herein as annex 4D5#
6roperty 11 A parcel of land located in .o/aliches% +ue,on -ity% co/ered y T-T .o# 17777 of the Registry of Deeds of +ue,on -ity% the exact description of !hich is indicated on the face of the title% a copy of !hich is attached herein as annex 425# 6roperty 111 A parcel of land located in &air/ie!% +ue,on -ity co/ered y T-T .o# 138898 of the Registry of Deeds of +ue,on -ity % the exact description of !hich is indicated on the face of the title% a copy of !hich is attached herein as annex 4&5#
That the a o/e-named persons here y decreed and adjudicate among themsel/es the a o/e-descri ed properties in the follo!ing manner" 1# 2# 3# To $aldo Dimapigil" To )ardo Dimapigil" To -ardo Dimapigil" 6roperty 1# 6roperty 11# 6roperty 111#
That this extra-judicial settlement does not include any personal property#
That in compliance !ith the pro/ision of the Rules of -ourt% the a o/e-named persons agree to ha/e this document pu lished in a ne!s paper of general circulation% once a !ee: for three ;3< consecuti/e !ee:s#
1. 01T.2** 032R2=&% !e hereunto affix our signature this 27 th day of August 2013 in the -ity of +ue,on#
R26?$(1- =& T32 631(1661.2*< -1T@ =& +?2A=. <s#s $2&=R2 B2% this 27th day of August% 2013% in the -ity of +ue,on% personally appeared"
1# $aldo Dimapigil% exhi iting his Dri/ers (icense !ith license no# 1233283 issued in +ue,on -ity on April 10% 2013 /alid until April 10% 2018# 2# )aldo Dimapigil% exhi iting his passport !ith passport no# 1112223 issued in Banila -ity% on &e ruary 7% 2010 /alid until &e ruary 7% 2019C and 3# -aldo Dimapigil exhi iting her Dri/ers license !ith license no# 1838238 issued in +ue,on -ity on 'une 10% 2013 /alid until 'une 10% 2018# Dno!n to me to e the same persons !ho executed the foregoing Deed of 2xtra-judicial *ettlement and they ac:no!ledged that the same are their free and /oluntary act and deed# This document consists of four ;8< pages including the page on !hich this ac:no!ledgment is !ritten% all signed y the parties on e/ery page and also signed y their !itnesses# 01T.2** B@ 3A.D A.D .=TAR1A( *2A(#
Diwa Rafae B! B"#$%&a# .otary 6u lic By commission expires on Decem er 31% 2019 6TR .o# 238238238 issued 'an# 3% 2012 1$6 .o# E89E89 Roll .o# 213123123 Doc# .o# >>>> 6age .o# >>>> $oo: .o# >>>> *eries of 2012