Impact of Tourisim Devlopment Odisha

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha


Tourism is travel for recreational or leisure purpose. The world tourism organization defines tourists as people world tourism organization defines tourists as people who Travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for rot more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. Tourist is a complex industry which deals with physical, psychological and spiritual demands of people. The status of tourism industry depends, The status of tourism industry depends, mainly on the type of facilities and services offered to tourist and the nature of tourist item which may attract the visitors to a particular area.

S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

Objective of the tu!"

The present study on tourism A promising industry carries the fallowing objective. To evaluate the variation in tourist inflows. To state the magnitude of income and employment generation. To highlight the tourist spots in rissa.

D#t# $ %etho!olog"
!n this paper secondary date has been collected from different magazines, jouranals, newspaper, text and reference boo"s. #imple statistical tolls li"e ratio, percentage and averages have been used in the study to arrive at conclusion.

Sco&e of the tu!"

The present study has been made on tourism and special attention on rissa and $uri tourism. %ata are given about rissa tourism and $uri tourism

and analyzed. The chapter !! contains the theoretical part, the chapter !!! contains analysis part, and chapter !& contains conclusions.

S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

Tourism is a huge industry that yields millions in revenues every year .!t has a greater significant today. Tourist studies play a major role in the preparation of future leaders and a well trained labour force can boost a destination or male the difference in a more globalized environment and competitive mar"et .

The data are collected from secondary source. %ue to time constraints the study is prepared by ta"ing few data . (oreover the study is based upon limited data because inherent in available secondary source of information. Tourism is a vast topic which cannot be confined in a small report as this. so, the study has been made comprehensive under the limitation of available information and time

)hapter $lan
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha Ch#&ter(1 ) Ch#&ter(* ) Ch#&ter(, ) Ch#&ter(. ) I'tro!uctio' About of Puri Touri + I'flo- Of Touri t /i'!i'g ,Sugge tio' ,Co'clu io' $ 0ibilogr#&h")


About of $uri Tourism

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

T *+!#(
Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity in ,--. there were over /-0 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 1.12 as compared to ,--1. Tourism represents around six present 3124 of world trade,
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

and almost 502 of the total global consumer spending. 'i"e any commercial venture, investment in the industry has to be commensurate with profitability. 6ut unli"e most other industries tourism is essentially based on a good

environment, and should therefore naturally be more concerned about its proper protection, preservation and further development, in its own interest.

DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONS IN TOURISM SECTOR Providers of direct traveller activities within the following establishments:
7ight clubs, #ports centre, 6owling alleys, +ace trac"s, )onvention )enters, (otor )oach Tours, (useums, &acation homes, Theatres, 8co tours, $ublic $ar"s, )amps, 9olf courses, #"ating rin"s, )arnivals and )ruises, +esorts, :ealth #pas, )hatter ;ishing, +iver +afting, ;estivals and 8vents, )asino, Adventure Tours, &isitor !nterpretation.

Providers of traveller support products and services with the following establishments:
:otels and (otels, $ar" and +ecreation concessions, ;ood and 6everage (achines, +estaurants and 6ars, Airlines and +ailways, Aerial Tram <ays, )ar +entals, 6us 'ines, Advertising ;irms, )ar #ervices, Travel Agencies, #hops, )ampgrounds, #ales 6usiness for (otor )ycles, #ports 8=uipment, #ports )lothing, 6oats, Aircraft, $hoto #upplies, Automobiles, )rafts.

Manufacturers of traveler equipments/products:

Automobiles, #porting 9oods, ;oods and 6everages, Airplane, 6oats, 6uses, )amping 8=uipment, $hoto 8=uipment and #upplies, (otorcycles, )rafts.

Policy makers, Planners and Developers

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

'egislators, !nvestors, 'and %evelopers, $lanners, Architect, 'and #craper, 7on $rofit Agencies, 6uilders and )ontractors, 9overnment Agencies such as $ar"s, +ecreational Areas, !nfrastructure, +egulation, +esource, (anagement

Managers and Employees of action and constituency groups

Trade rganizations, 8nvironmental rganizations, :ighways

Associations, )hambers of )ommerce, )onvention and &isitors 6ureaus, Tourism Associations, Tour Associations, #port Associations.

Educators for the above ub ectors of !ourism

*niversity, )ollege Administrators, &ocational Teachers, %egree $rogramme $rofessors, :igh #chool Teachers, )ertificate and %iploma Teachers, 8xtension #pecialists, $roprietary Teachers, Technical Trainers, +esearchers.

$uri Tourism
$uri, the abode of 'ord >agannath is one of the four %hams, celebrated religious centers of !ndia. !t was once a thic"ly wooded hill inhabited by the #abaras 3$re?Aryan and $re?%ravidian tribes of the Austric linguistic family4. The sunny beach at $uri is one of the finest in the world. <atching the sunrise in spectrum of colours is a wonderful experience. !t is one of the most popular sea?side resorts where visitors from any part of the globe can comfortably relax.
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

;or centuries now, the beach at $uri has been the venue of countless pilgrims ta"ing the traditional purifying dip. :owever, for decades now, both !ndian and foreign beach lovers have made it their special haunt. The fine golden sands of $uri beach and the roar of the brea"ers rolling in from the 6ay of 6engal have fascinated visitors throughout the ages. As it is with all the beaches of uncommon. disha, overcrowding is never a problem and the sight of holiday?ma"ers having entire stretch of the beach to them selves is not

The local fishermen, with their catamarans and wide brimmed cane hats are welcomed by tourists. They are not only providing you with a ride on their boats but also act as lifeguards if you wish. And yes, they are also expert masseurs. <ith excellent beach facing hotels and guest houses, the $uri beach is an ideal holiday spot where you can easily spend a lot of time and relax.

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Are# Po&ul#tio' Altitu!e 1#'gu#ge ) ) ) ) 51.@A s=. "m 5, B., 15#ea 'evel riya, 6engali, :indi and 8nglish

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

0e t ti+e to vi it ) STD co!e

ctober to (arch -1.B,

$uri was earlier "nown as )haritraC. The temple of $urusottama >agannath was constructed by )hodaganga %eva and several images of the :indu deities were installed here. *nder the rule of the (ughals, $uri was a part of Data"a circar 3part of a province4. After the (arathas occupied province. The 6ritish annexed rissa in the year 5.B5, they introduced several changes in the revenue divisions of the rissa in the year 5@-0 and set forth huge changes in revenue divisions and political sections. The province was divided into two divisions in >une 5@-A, the 7orthern and #outhern %ivisions. $uri is also popular for its several (athas 3monasteries of a variety of :indu sects4. !t is also home to the relics of many :indu #aints since it is considered a sacred place to die in or to be cremated. The present day town of $uri is one of the most preferred and revered tourist destinations of the east.


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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

$uri is one of the fascinating littoral district of rissa. The )ultural heritage of $uri with its long recorded history beginning from third century 6. ) till present day, The monuments and religious sanctity, way of life of the people with their rich tradition possess emphatically to be the cultural heart of $uri is considered cultural capital of its manifold activities. The %istrict has the happy conglomerate of different religions, sects and faith in course of history, :indu, 6uddhist, >aina, (uslim, )hristian, #i"h found here in the %istrict. #ri )haitanya (ahaprabhu, an incarnation of 'ord Drishna, appeared B-3five hundred4 years ago, in the mood of a devotee to taste the sublime emotions of ecstacy by chanting the holy name of Drishna. #talwart scholars of $uri li"e #arvabhauma 6hattacharya 3head priest and great #ans"rit pandit4 and others followed :is teachings. 8ven "ings and ministers of :is period became :is disciples. follower. ne famous Ding, $rataparudra, became :is great admirer and ardent rissa. !n deed rissa. The culture here is flourished with

The festivals are celebrated in a calendar year relating t ! rd "agannath are#

Traditional Fairs and Festivals

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha


Donar" festival %epartment of Tourism 9overnment of rissa 5st wee" of %ecember Donar" (usic E %ance ;estival Donar" 7atya (andap ;ebruary 6asant *tshav $arampara +aghurajpur ;ebruary $uri 6each ;estival at $uri rganized by :otel E +estaurant Association of rissa 6hubaneswar 7ovember #ri"setra (ohoshav, $uri rganized by #ri"shetra (ahoshav committee April 9undicha *tshav at $uri rganized by *rre"a, $uri >une

In all the festivals Odissi f l$ dances fr % different &arty f the c 'ntry are staged(

<ith the objective to encourage the young artist and to display our rich performing art form, )ultural programmee for two hours, in the evening of ,nd #aturday of each month is organized at the collectorFs conference :all ) 37ear #ea bech $olice #tation4 $uri by %istrict )ouncil of culture. The majestic dissi dance, the lucid programmes. $uri is also famous for its F#ahi >atrasF which represent the spirit of F#ahisF 3#ahiG 9eographical barriers based on occupation4 8very year, strong young men dresees as mythological characters li"e +avaan, %urga (adhab, 7aga
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

dissi #ong and enchanting fol" dances are staged in this

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

#anyassi go around the town after see"ing blessings from the #hri >agannath Temple.

)O*+)E*TS The important mon ments o! the Distri"t are#

>agannath Temple, $uri 9undicha Temple, $uri #hyama"ali Temple, $uri #iddha (ahavir Temple, $uri #wetaganga Tan", $uris 'o"onath Temple, $uri >ambeswar temple, $uri Darar Ashram, Driyayoga Teaching E (editation )entre, $uri #apta (atru"a images near (ar"andeswar tan" $uri #un Temple, Donar" 6arahi Temple, at )hourasi, in 7imapara 6loc". (angala Temple, Da"atpur #a"higopal Temple, at #a"higopal Amareswar Temple, at Amareswar, 7imapara 6loc" #culpture shed at 6ishnupur, 7imapara 9ramswar Temple, Terundia, 7imapara Alarnath Temple, 6rahmamgiri 6aliharachandi Temple, 6rahmagiri, 6loc" Dunteswar Temple, Araorh, $ipil 6loc" :arihar Temple, near $ipil #hiva Temple, >agadalpur at %elang 6loc"
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

Tara image at 6adatara, 9op 6ayalisbati Temple, near 9op (ohabir Temple, #iruli #adar 6loc" 9opaljeeu Temple, 9aneswar $ur, 9op 7ila"antheswar Temple, %ighalo,7imapara %as"hina Dali (andir ,6iragovindpur,$uri 7ilachala Dutir 3#wami 7igamananda Ashram4, #wargdwar, $uri The grandeur of architecture and the crafts maintop of the sculptures spea" high of the cultural history of $uri %istrict.

E,cavated Arche l gical Sites The !ollo$in% are the E&"avated ar"heolo%i"al Sites o! P ri Distri"t'
Durum is @- "m away from Donar". The excavation wor" conducted here reveal the remains at 6uddhists artifacts at 5-th century A% (ani"apatana !t is in Drushnaprasad bloc" from which the remains at mediaeval period are found. Dl"ha patana on $uri?Donar" (arine drive road where the remains of 5Bth century was found. THEATRE Anna $urna Theatre, situated at the grand road $uri, is a pioneer institution in the field of theatrical performances. OP3RA pera is a popular mobile drama troupe is very popular in the state. %u eu+ %istrict (useum $uriG <ith a view to preserve and project our rich cultural heritage, the district (useum at $uri is functioning since 5//.. !t is one of the branch museum of rissa state museum and managed by

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

9ovt of rissa. %ifferent veshas of 'ord >agannath, #culptures of various Dinds, $atta paintings palm leaf paintings, :andicrafts of numerous varieties are displayed in this museum. !t is located at the #tation +oad, $uri?,. There is no entry fee for visiting this museum. Another handicraft museum is situated at 6atagaon, B "m from $uri on $uri 6hubaneswar road. !t is managed by a )o?operative #ociety. A museum has been established inside the >agannath Temple which showcases history of >agannath Temple as well as the epics such as (ahabharata and +amayana.

%istrict libraryG The district library of $uri is situated at station road and having more than 5B--- boo"s daily newspapers and magazines are brought to this library regularly. !t is managed by dept of culture, 9ovt of rissa. Anyone interested can read in this library. There is no lending facilities. $anchasa"ha memorial hall library, #a"higopalG This library is also managed by the department of culture, rissa. !t has more than A--boo"s at its stoc". (onday is the wee"ly holidays. To extend library activities in rural areas, registered libraries functioning at different parts of the district are encouraged with various distance from +aja +am (ohan +oy 'ibrary ;oundation )alcutta through #tate 9ovt.

$uri is considered a holy place of pilgrimage in !ndia. The beautiful sea beach with its uni=ue and fantastic views of sunsets and sunrises. The world famous >agannath Temple 36ada %eula4.
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

6#re 7ri h'# %ove+e't, $uri originally started by #ri )haitanya (ahaprabhu B-- years bac" E inspired by :is %ivine 9race A.).6ha"tivedanta #wami $rabhupada, preaching the sublime method of purifying heart E soul by chanting the 'ord DrishnaFs 3>agannath4 holy name. The gateway to heaven 3as per :indu mythology #wargadwara4. #wargadwara means direct gateway to :eaven. :ere, there is a 6urning 9hat for :indus. #warga means :eaven and %wara means gate. ne of the four cardinal institutions established by Adi #han"aracharya $uri matha +atha >atra. 9ateway to famous #un temple 3from $uri 01 "m.4 at Donar" from Donar" towards north HDurumaH is the location of a famous 6uddhist place. !t is possible to wal" along the beach from $uri all the way to Donar" 3or Donara" the name it is also "nown by4 in order to see the Donar" #un Temple. 6ada Tha"ura3'ord >agannath4, 6ada %anda39rand +oad4, 6ada %eula3>agannath temple4, 6ada +aja3Ding of puri4, (aha $rasada3coo"ed food from the temple4, (aha %ipa3oil candel4 etc. are notable persons and things in $uri. Tota 9opinatha mandira, Alharanatha mandir at 6ramhagiri. >ayadeba, the famous riya poet who has written H9ita 9obindaH in #ans"rit was born in Denduli #asan on the outs"irts of $uri. #a"higopala otherwise "nown as #atyabadi is a very significant religious place and tourist destination of $uri district. *t"alamani 9opabandhu %asa with his four friends set up 6a"ula 6ana 6idyalaya here, an open air school which played pivotal role in building character of students. Also immensely contributed to the freedom struggle of !ndia.
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

.EO.RAPHY $uri is located at 5/.@I7 @B.@BI8. !t has an average elevation of - metres 3- feet4.

T63 PURI 03AC6


As of ,-55 !ndia census,$uri had a population of ,,-5,-,1. (ales constitute B,2 of the population and females A@2. $uri has an average literacy rate of .B2, higher than the national average of B/.B2G male literacy is @-2, and female literacy is .-2. !n $uri, 5-2 of the population is under 1 years of age.

$uri has a very long, broad sand beach. The sea produces very big waves here. !t attracts many national and international tourists because of its beautiful long beach and world famous >agannath Temple The place to start a pilgrimage is here and $uri is a pilgrimFs destination too. There are many ashrams and sacred temples in $uri.


#ri Ju"teswar #amadhi Temple, Darar Ashram Donar" #un Temple )handrabhaga
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

+amachandi 6eleswar )hili"a 'a"e 6hubaneswar 9opalpur 6each 5-- "m apart from puri Denduli #asan #a"higopala 3#atyabadi4 Alarnatha (andira $ipili

Pr %inent Ed'cati nal Instit'ti ns

/egree C lleges #)#3A4 )ollege 9ovt <omenFs )ollege #urajmal #aha )ollege $uri )ol


Profe io'#l College

9opabandhu Ayurvedic (edical )ollege 9hanashyam :emlata !nstitute of Tech and (gt 9 ( 'aw )ollege )ollege of $harmaceutical #ciences !(T $harmacy )ollege UNI53RSITI3S #reejagannath #ans"rit *niversity #adashiv #an"trit 3%eemed4 *niversity
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

6esides these, $uri has many old schools and other professional institutes to cater to the educational needs of the students in and around $uri. 6OSPITA1S %istrict :ead=uarters :ospital, 9rand +oad T.6. E !.%. :ospital, +edcross +oad 9opabandhu Ayurvedic :ospital, &!$ +oad, near police line s=uare. (unicipality %ispensary, %olabedi, 'axmi 6azar. )handan :ajuri $aediatric :ospital, #ubhas 6ose #=uare (unicipality :ospital, #wargadwar. Damaladevi (aternity )entre, #tation road. #ri >agannath #ebayata :ospital, <estern 9ate. :omoeopathic ;ilaria +esearch !nstitute, 'abani"hia )hha" $uri *rban 'eprosy $roject, )ha"ra Tirtha +oad $olice :ospital, $olice 'ine 6esides these there are many $vt. 7ursing homes spread across the city.

)urrent ('A from $uri Assembly )onstituency is (aheswar (ohanty of 6>%, who won the seat in #tate elections in ,--/. :e won this seat for 6>% in ,--- and ,--A and representing >% in 5//B. ther previous ('As from this seat were 6raja Dishor Tripathy who won this seat representing >% in 5//-, representing >7$ in 5/@B and 5/.., 9adadhar (ishra of !7)3!4 in 5/@-.(r *ma 6allav +ath also became the ('A in 5//5 in a 6i election as a >% candidate. $uri is part of $uri 3'o" #abha constituency4

S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

rissa Tourism
rissa in eastern !ndia has immence potential for the development of tourism and hospitality . The site !ndia travel destination ta"es you on a tour to the lovely tribal state of orissa in !ndia. According to available record there are more than 1,tribal communities living in the south?western part of of orissa. The tourism industry in orissa has the potential to generate a lot of revenue.The state tourism sector ta"es special interest in promoting tour pac"ages to the panoramic beaches and attractive wildlife sanctuaries that offer perfect holiday tour options. rissa is "nown for its ethnic and traditional handcrafted item,be it clothes, rugs or decorative items.The tourism industry gets a major boost because of these art forms as people come from far and wide to simply watch

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

these amazingly s"illful artisans at wor" while they create these handcrafted items. The tourism sector in orissa aims to encourage tourist and visitors to come and visit the wildlife sanctuaries such as the #imilipal Tiger +eserve,7andan"anan <ildlife,and 6hitara"ani"a sanctuary.The growing tourism sector in orissa is also giving an encouraging boost to the hotel industry that is also developing at a fast rate rissa Tourism is the most profitable business sector of the state of rissa in !ndia. The state is "nown for the lovely sandy beaches, wildlife sanctuaries, ex=uisite temples, tribal culture, and colorful fairs and festivals. :owever, rissa Tourism still has a lot of potentiality to develop further and rissa. The tourism of rissa generates earn a lot of revenue for the state of

employment opportunities for nearly /,,,-1 persons directly and ,,.1,15@ persons indirectly. !n the last ;J ,--1?-., there were in total BA,51, B0- tourists who came to rissa of which B0,..,5,0 were domestic and 0/,A-. were foreign tourists. Apart from this, many people also come over to rissa to enjoy the waterfalls, la"es, hot water springs, and above all the sandy beaches scattered all over the state. $uri, )handrabhaga, )handipur and 9opalpur offers a memorable beach tour to all those who love to enjoy the natural scenic beauty of the blue seas. The largest brac"ish water la"e in asia, 'a"e )hili"a, attracts many visitors every year to rissa. (oreover there are waterfalls li"e rissa which are also visiting. rissa Tourism is the boost it gives to cultural and 6arehipani and >oranda, #anaghagra, 6adaghagra, and Dhandadhar and also hot springs li"e Atri, Taptapani, %eulajhari, and Tarabalo in worth Another feature of the

religious tourism of rissa. There are many temples in rissa which reflects the

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

architectural beauty as well as signify the rich historical heritage of the state. #ome of the mention worthy temples of rissa are li"e? 1i'g#r#j# Te+&le R#j#r#'i Te+&le 1#8+#'e -#r Te+&le S#trugh#'e -#r Te+&le 0h#r#te -#r Te+&le P#r# ur#+e -#r Te+&le S-#r'#j#le -#r Te+&le 5#it#l Deul Te+&le 0r#h+e -#r Te+&le A'#'t# 5# u!ev# Te+&le 9#g#''#th Te+&le of Puri Su' Te+&le #t 7o'#r: rissa tourism also gets a boost from the numerous fairs and festivals that ta"es place in rissa every year. All these also attracts many tourists from different parts of the world. #ome of the uni=ue festivals of rissa are li"e +aja? #an"ranti or +aja $arva, 9arbhana?#an"ranti, Dumarotsava or the festival of youth, and the most popular of all the +ath Jatra of the >agannath at $uri. The rissa Tourism %evelopment )orporation 'imited plays a very significant and encouraging role in conducting these occasions

Places To Visit in Orissa

A lot of architectural wonders and heritage sites at state.The beaches in rissa offer breathta"ing views and a wholesome experience to the tourists visiting the rissa with some or the other uni=ue feature of their own

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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

are the best loved beaches being yet unspoiled. The $uri 6each ;estival therefore attracts lots of tourists from all over the world. Then there is the #un temple at Donar" that stands as mute evidence to exceptional architectural s"ills of riya artists. The *daigiri and Dhandgiri rissa. <ith exceptional stone caves are also a potential tourist attraction in

carvings, these caves are the best archaeological site at rissa

9#g#''#th Te+&le Puri

7o'#r: Su' Te+&le

Chili:# 1#:e

Puri 0e#ch
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Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

Art & Crafts in Orissa

rissa has an art and craft that are the products of a long historical process in which the spiritual, philosophical and the human dimensions have merged to yield the finest effects of a cultured and civilized life. This art and craft only have made the state a land of rich and diverse artistic achievements . The cultural heritage of rissa is reflected in its vibrant art forms. :aving distinct traditions of painting, architecture, sculpture, handicrafts, music and dance, rissa boasts of a long and rich cultural heritage.

;amous for its appli=uK items, $ipli? the fare attracts thousands of visitors round the year and offers a gala of alluring handicrafts. #ilver filigree has also been an important export item of rissa from ancient times and has been a symbol of the summit of excellence reached by rissan craftsmen. The ex=uisitely carved stone sculptures, embellished on the walls of the ancient shrines and monuments attest the artistry of those sculptors who perfected the s"ill through centuries of disciplined efforts. The progeny of these artisans who built the magnificent temples of (u"teswar, 'ingaraj, >agannath and #un 9od at Donar", have "ept alive the sculptural heritage of their forefathers and their apt hands still continue
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to chisel and carve exact replicas of the original temple sculptures besides producing a variety of other items.

Culture of Orissa

The sacred environs of 'ord >agannath temple, the eroticism of Donar"Fs #un temple, the wondrous caves of >ainism, the mystical monasteries of 6uddhism, the paintings of fol"lore and the weaverFs magicL all stand as mee" evidences of an elo=uent past and continuing golden present of orissa 8xpressions of the soul find way in the form of indigenous theatres namely F$rahalad?7ata"aF or the F%hanuyatraF here. %ance and music form an inseparable part of the rich culture of the state. The exotic classical dance of the region evolved from the cult of the FdevadasisF or female temple dancers. ;ol" dances li"e F)hhowF and F#ambalpuriF along with tribal dances li"e F9humuraF E F$arajaF leave every spirit truly elated. Then there are fairs li"e F6ali >atraF that come as a reminder of an ancient maritime lin"s with 6ali. And to crown it all is the universally?acclaimed F+athyatraF of 'ord >agannath which has become an absolute synonym to rissan culture.

Handicrafts of Orissa

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:aving an ancient tradition of ma"ing splendid pieces of art by hands riya artists have long been presenting their awe inspiring master pieces to the world. There are a lot of handicrafts that have been running as the life force in the cultural land of rissa. #ome of which include? $atta )hitra, #and Art, (etal <or", #ilver ;iligree, #tone )arving and ma"ing $uppets and (as"s etc.

$atta chitras are miniature paintings, used as wall hangings with religious themes as their subject matter. 'egends from the lives of 'ord Drishna are (ainly depicted on this specially treated cloth "nown as patta.

%eveloped over the years, this art form has helped a distinct school of painting to evolve. :aving its origin in #ans"rit language, the word $atta )hitra literally means a painted piece of cloth. This ritualistic art observes a fine blend of sophisticated art and fol" element in the form of rich colors. The s"illed hands of the talented artisans present blood red, red ochre, lamp blac", yellow, white and indigo in a uni=ue way as they pretend to be offsetting each other. These pattas are carried bac" home by pilgrims to $uri as precious mementos. $racticed widely in +aghurajpur and %andshahi villages at the outs"irts of $uri, these pattas have become synonymous to the place.

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Another famous handicraft of rissa is also based at $uri. This implies carving a sand sculpture with just clean and fine?grained sand mixed with water. Attractive sculptures are carved out of this sand by the riya artists.%ating bac" to fourteenth century A.%. the origin of this art is associated to $oet 6alaram %as, the author of %andi +amayan.&ery eye catching and splendidly beautiful, this art form has gained immense popularity with the development of tourism. The artists of )uttac" have also invariably contributed to enrich their tradition in the form of an art "nown as #ilver ;iligree. this art form only the silverware or Tra"ashi of wing its popularity to rissa is very widely "nown .

Thin wires drawn from beaten silver and foils are fashioned to ma"e uni=ue examples of artistic excellence. ;orms of animals and birds, small show pieces, fine pieces of >ewellery and articles of daily use li"e vermilion receptacles are made by the filigree artists that are popular the world over. Artists of rissa create miraculous master pieces of art practicing yet other crafts too that are now not popular in !ndia but across the globe as well.

Museums in Orissa
<ith a very few numbers of museums present in the state, the most famous museum at rissa is the #tate (useum which began as a subsidiary of +avenshaw )ollegeFs :istory %epartment. <ith a wide range of anti=uities being added every year, the museum has gradually become one of the premier institutions of the state standing as mute evidence to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, armory, mining, geology, painting, anthropology and manuscripts, you can have them all in the museum.

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ne of the most significant aspects of this museum is its manuscript gallery. #ome of the rare palm leaf manuscripts about B-,--- in number are housed in this gallery. )overing diverse subjects li"e religion, philosophy, astronomy, astrology, poetry, science, medicine, mathematics, warfare and the crafts, these manuscripts are a repository of artistic expressions of that time. These manuscripts were made by the incision of riya script on a dried palm leaf with a stylus. The manuscripts at the museum depict highly symbolic scenery with costumes, jewellery, hairstyle and facial expressions similar to stone sculptures of rissa. rissa #tate (useum, 6hubaneshwar ? This (useum in bhubaneshwar shows !ndia most artistic traditions with influences form 6uddhism, >ainism, and 6rahminical styles. The (useum also showacase archaeology and numismatics, armoury, natural history and contemporary art.

Orissa Cuisine
<ith a simple yet delicious cuisine, rissa follows a food pattern that is riya people practice somewhat similar to the neighboring states. +ice, the staple food is paired with vegetables. %ue to their deeply religious culture, most of vegetarianism. 6ut a significant proportion of population yet relishes fish and other sea food delicacies li"e prawns, crabs and lobsters that are found in plenty at the vast coastline of the state. )oo"ed with little or absolutely no oil, food has a less calorific value. riya

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Along with curd and coconut mil", people are very fond of sweets as well. The curd here is rich and creamy and gives the succulent flesh an additional flavor. 7ot only the seafood but yams, brinjals and pump"ins are also liberally used in curd with mustard seeds giving the whole preparation that extra zing. $ithas are also very popular food items here. These are small ca"es both sweet and savory in taste. )hhenapodapitha, the caramelized custard?li"e dessert is also very popular not only with the locals but with the tourists also. <hile at rissa, one must manage to have a traditional must, the tasting of F(ahaprasadF or the sacred food offered as F6hogF to 'ord >agannath. The temple has the worldFs largest "itchen with A-- coo"s and ,--m hearths that feed 5-,--- people daily.

Orissa Tribes
f all the states of !ndia, rissa has the largest number of tribes, as many as 1, that constitute an impressive ,A percent of the total population of the state. These tribes mainly inhabit the 8astern 9hats hill range that runs in the north? south direction. (ore than half of their population is concentrated in the three districts of Doraput 3undivided4, #undergarh and (ayurbhanj. #ubsistence oriented economy of the tribes here is based on food gathering, hunting and fishing, thus, revolving around forests. 8ven the large tribes li"e #antal, (unda, ram and 9ond, settled agriculturists, often supplement their economy with hunting and gathering. <hile farming, they
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ma"e use of a very simple technology and a simple division of labor often limited to the immediate family. 6ut they lose out because their holdings are small and unproductive, lac"ing irrigation facility due to a hilly and undulating terrain.

(any tribes li"e >uanga, 6huiyan, #aora, %harua and 6onda practice shifting cultivation or $odu )hasa, also "nown as slash and burn. They select a plot of land on a mountain slope, slash down all the trees and bushes and burn them to ashes. #preading the ashes evenly over the land, they wait for the rains before planting their crops. %ue to cultivation for two or three seasons on one plot of land the soil gets depleted and the tribes move on. !t is a way of life for them. Doya is the tribe of cattle?breeders. There are simple artisans too li"e the (ohali and 'oharas, who practice crafts of bas"et weaving and tool ma"ing. A sizeable part of the tribal population of rissa notably the #antals, (unda, ran and :o has moved to the mining and industrial belts of the state, thus, easing out the pressures on small holdings. 8ven if the tribal economy is sha"y, tribal culture, in its pristine state, is rich and distinctive and the Adivasis wor" hard to preserve it. A tribal village manages its internal affairs very smoothly through two institutions ?? the village council of elders and the youth dormitory. The core of tribal culture, the youth dormitory, is the largest hut in the village. !t has only three walls, profusely decorated with symbols representing animals. The fourth side is open. 6y night dormitory is home to the youth of the
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village. 6ut before and after a hard dayFs wor", people gather here to chat and relax. The council of elders meets here too to discuss matters relating to the welfare of the village. The open space in font of the dormitory is where youths and maidens dance with abandon every evening, for tribal culture allows free mixing of the two sexes. %espite their poverty, the tribes of rissa have retained their rich and colorful heritage of dance and music. 8very tribal can sing and dance to the sound of pipe and drum, and give tune to impromptu compositions that come to himMher as naturally as breathing The tribal people of rissa observe a string of festivals. #ome are closed affairs, relating to a birth or death within the family or a daughter attaining puberty. thers relate to sowing or harvest time and involve the entire community. (ostly a festival is an occasion for good (ahua li=uorL a game roasted on the sprit and a night of song and dance is revelry. 6ut that is not the end, there is an animal sacrifice too, for the deities and sprits must be appeased first, particularly the malevolent ones, so they donFt unleash drought or sic"ness on the land. Tribal people are superstitious. F jhaF occupies a position of honor since he not only prescribes medicines for the sic" but is also believed to exorcise evil sprits.

Textiles of Orissa
The distinctive hand?woven textiles of rissa in unusual patterns and vibrant colours have supported a thriving cottage industry employing thousands. rissa is famous for its sil" i"at weaves created by an intricate process called the HbandhaH in which warp and weft threads are tie?dyed to produce the pattern on the loom while weaving. Typical design motifs include rows of birds and animals, fish, seashells, rudra"sh beads and temple spires.

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#ambalpur, 6erhampur, (ayurbhanj and 7uapatna produce a stri"ing range in tassar sil" with a brilliance, glaze and texture that is unmatched. The rare sil" fabric produced at 7uapatna in )uttac" district embellished with verses from the 9itagovinda is used to dress the idols at the >agannath Temple. The masters are well versed with the centuries old art of sil" worm cultivation and create sil" ties, stoles, furnishings and dress materials apart from saris.The 6erhampuri $ata are heavy sil" sarees with narrow borders, generally woven without any intricate motifs. The #a"tapar sari, from the weaving looms of #ambalpur, 6argarh and #onepur are identifiable by the double i"at chec"erboard pattern 3passapalli4 and brocade border. The weaving arts of #ambalpur?#onepur and 7uapatna have greatly influenced each other.

The 6om"ai cotton saris from 9anjam district, named after a tribal village, have been influenced by tribal art, and are embroidered with temple spire patterns on the border. The other typical varieties of rissa saris, in sil" and cotton, include the glossy Dhanduas having elaborate designs, the rich red jotai i"at with rows of stylized trees and temple spires on the borders, the unbleached cotton "otpad from Doraput offset by a vibrant red dyed border, the Taraballi and the 6ichitrapuri. The tribal people of the #tate also excel in producing textiles of myriad hues using vegetable dyes. (ost of the handloom textiles of command a premium wherever available.
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rissa are woven in bright and strong

colors. &egetable dyed textiles have given way to chemical dyes, and the former

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

rissaFs traditional appli=uK art is used to ma"e handicrafts and furnishings. $redominantly used colours are red, white, blac", green and yellow. $ipli, 6utapalli, Dhalli"ote, Tushra and )hi"iti are centers "nown for this colourful craft, creating umbrellas, canopies, fans and lampshades. Appli=ue art has been inspired by religion, and continue to offer shade to 'ord >agannath, 6alabhadra and #ubhadra.

INFLOW OF TOURIST )ontroversies such as manhandling of foreign tourists near Donar" temple and >agannath temple at $uri seemed to have not made much of a difference to the tourist inflow into rissa during ,--.?-@ that went up by 5B.B per cent compared to its previous year. As per the statistics on tourists released by the %epartment of Tourism here on #aturday, as high a figure as 1,, B0,@/. visitors came to the #tate last fiscal, of whom A0,055 were foreign sightseers. 7atures beauty, uni=ue temple architecture, long coastline, sanctuary li"e #imilipal, green lagoon )hili"a and mangrove forest of 6hitaran"ani"a have
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attracted tourists from across all corners of the country as well as outside,C #tate Tourism (inister %ebi (ishra said. !nflow of foreign tourists to the #tate was estimated at an all?time high record last fiscal. %uring the year ,--1?-., 0/A-. visitors from foreign countries stepped in the #tate while the number of total tourists was around BA la"h. There has been a consistent rise in tourist inflow into the #tate since ,--,. %uring last five years, the #tate witnessed @5.5A per cent growth in the inflow. The reason for increase in tourist inflow can be attributed to improvement in air connectivity with the capital city of 6hubaneswar. !n ,-55, about ,.-, la"h tourists entered the #tate using flight services, which was 5-A.AA per cent higher than of ,--B figure. #imilarly, there was a sizeable growth in volume of tourists using railway services. <hile B-.,0 la"h people came by trains in ,--1, the number was AA.,/ la"h in ,--B. The growth was estimated at 50.A5 per cent. (oreover, 5.0A per cent growth was recorded in tourists who used road

*;;@(1; *;;<(;= *;1;(11 *;;=(;> *;;>(;? *;;?(;@ *;;@(1; *;1;(11

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connectivity. As many as AB- new hotels were established in last eight years. !n 5//@, there were about 1@A hotels in the #tate. ;rom the above table we "now that the inflow of %omestic and ;oreign tourist arrival in rissa. !n the year ,--B?-1 the %omestic tourist arrival is 0A,,/,-,. and ;oreign tourist arrival is ,0,A@@ and the total is 0A,B,,B5B.!n the year ,--1?-. the %omestic tourist arrive increase to 0@,-B,/1@ which is 552 more than previous year and the ;oreign tourist increased to ,B,BB1 which is @.@2 more than previous year. !n the year ,--.?-@ the ;oreign tourist arrival increased in a greater rate. !n the year ,--@?-/ the growth rate of %omestic tourist arrival decreased than previous year. !n the year ,--/?5- the rate of ;oreign tourist arrival increased. !n the year ,-5-?55 the ;oreign tourist arrival increased 31,, B0,@/.4in a greater rate.

*;;@ *;1; *;11

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;rom the above table it is seen that the arrival of %omestic tourist is more in the month of ctober ,7ovember,%ecember,>anuary and ;ebruary. !n summer the tourist arrival is more due to the beaches of rissa. The table shows the month?wise tourist arrival to orissa in the year ,--BM,--1M,--.. 6oth %omestic and ;oreign tourist separately and in total also.The percentage of changes also shown in the table.

Tourism in Western Orissa

Tourism has been recognised as an industry in rissa and a sizeable revenue is earned for the #tate from domestic as well as foreign tourists. The idea of tourism was first mooted by the 9overnment during the 0rd ;ive Jear $lan. !t was revamped during the Bth ;ive Jear $lan. The creation of %epartment of Tourism, 9ovt. of rissa dates bac" to 5/.0. There have been modifications from time to time as regards the sphere of function of the %epartment. The %epartment of Tourism and )ulture has been functioning in the present shape since 5//B. The rissa Tourism %evelopment )orporation was created in (arch 5/./ and it was incorporated under )ompanies Act in #eptember 5/./. ;orm both the sides, 9overnment as well as )orporation, thrust was given on the modernisation of the sight seeing spots of rissa. The spots are generally Donar", $uri, 7andan"anan, )handipur and other tourist spots having
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a close proximity with the capital city. At the initial stage, with a meagre budget, the %epartment could not cope with the pressing demands of tourists. 'ater, the 9overnment decided to streamline and spread its activities not only to coastal districts but also to <estern attractive. $laces of natural beauty are in abundance in <estern rissa. The natural rissa where tourist spots are also

stream and forest resources at :arisan"ar in 6olangir moves the heart of the tourists. 8=ually 7rusinghanath presents a panoramic view. The deity of 7rusinghanath sitting in the shape of a half?human and half?lion form tearing apart :iranya"asipu against the bac"drop of a stream is a scene to witness. f course, now a days, both the %epartment and )orporation have swung into action to create infrastructural facilities for the tourists. Apart from those two natural spots, Dalahandi district is endowed with the wealth of forests with rare species of blac" tigers, a natural water fall at +abandar and a host of temples situated at the pea" of mountain hills at 6hawanipatna. These are also places of tourists importance. The $atala 9anga spot at 7awapara %istrict is also a place of attraction for tourists. *sha"othi, :ira"ud and 6udrama in #ambalpur district attract the attention of tourists. #imilarly, the Dhandadhar <aterfall in #undargarh district is also a tourist spot. The (ahanadi and the Tel river in #uvarnapur district present beathe #tate from domestic as well as foreign tourists. The idea of tourism was first mooted by the 9overnment during the 0rd ;ive Jear $lan. !t was revamped during the Bth ;ive Jear $lan. The creation of %epartment of Tourism, 9ovt. of rissa dates bac" to 5/.0. There have been modifications from time to time as regards the sphere of function of the %epartment. The %epartment of Tourism and )ulture has been functioning in the present shape since 5//B. The #eptember 5/./.
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rissa Tourism %evelopment )orporation

was created in (arch 5/./ and it was incorporated under )ompanies Act in

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

;orm both the sides, 9overnment as well as )orporation, thrust was given on the modernisation of the sight seeing spots of rissa. The spots are generally Donar", $uri, 7andan"anan, )handipur and other tourist spots having a close proximity with the capital city. At the initial stage, with a meagre budget, the %epartment could not cope with the pressing demands of tourists. 'ater, the 9overnment decided to streamline and spread its activities not only to coastal districts but also to <estern attractive. $laces of natural beauty are in abundance in <estern rissa. The natural rissa where tourist spots are also

stream and forest resources at :arisan"ar in 6olangir moves the heart of the tourists. 8=ually 7rusinghanath presents a panoramic view. The deity of 7rusinghanath sitting in the shape of a half?human and half?lion form tearing apart :iranya"asipu against the bac"drop of a stream is a scene to witness. f course, now a days, both the %epartment and )orporation have swung into action to create infrastructural facilities for the tourists. Apart from those two natural spots, Dalahandi district is endowed with the wealth of forests with rare species of blac" tigers, a natural water fall at +abandar and a host of temples situated at the pea" of mountain hills at 6hawanipatna. These are also places of tourists importance. The $atala 9anga spot at 7awapara %istrict is also a place of attraction for tourists. *sha"othi, :ira"ud and 6udrama in #ambalpur district attract the attention of tourists. #imilarly, the Dhandadhar <aterfall in #undargarh district is also a tourist spot. The (ahanadi and the Tel river in #uvarnapur district present butiful natural scenes and the confluence of the two rivers present a memorable sight. The following tourist spots are there in the western parts of rissa G Districts Tourist Spots

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6olangir 6argarh %eogarh >harsuguda Dalahandi 6olangir, :arishan"ar, $atnagarh, +anipur, >harial, >ogisarada, Tur"elaand #aintala 6argarh and 7ursinghanath $radhanpat 3on the outs"rit of %eogarh Town4 >harsuguda, &iram"hol, 6rajarajnagar 6hawanipatna, Ampani, $hurli ? jharan, Darlapat, Asurgarh, 6el"handi, 9udahandi, >unagarh and Thuamul +ampur 7uapada, 6udhi"omna, Jogimatha, and $atalganga #ambalpur, :ira"ud, :uma, )hiplima, *sha"othi E 9udguda #onepur, )harada of 6in"a 3$apa"s? haya ghat4 #undargarh, +our"ela, >unagarh, &edavyas, *hsa"othi, (andira, Dhandadhara, %eodaraha, 9hogar, %arjeeng, (iriglotah and )hhatri :ill

7uapada #ambalpur #onepur #undargarh

These tourist spots have the basic infrastructure and facilities. !n the mean while, the %epartment has identified a few more tourist spots. The boo" :otel 9uide rissa 5//. published by %epartment of Tourism rissa Tourism is also helpful for tourists for

and )ulture embodies a vivid description of accommodation facilities available to tourists. Another boo" entitled the simple reason that it covers wide?ranging information relating to route chart, $anthanivas with telephone numbers. There are brochures giving historical bac"ground of fairs and festivals, percentage of increase and decrease of the domestic and foreign tourists and the revenue earned during particular periods. The survey conducted by the %epartment of Tourism and )ulture reveals the following detailsG
4e#r Do+e tic i'cre# eA !ecre# e over &reviou "e#r B of /oreig' Touri t i'cre# eA !ecre# e over &reviou "e#r B of

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5//5?/, 5//,?/0 5//0?/A 5//A?/B 5//B?/1 5,,A,,.A1 5,,B/,--0 50,-/,0050,,@,-B. 50,.5,1A, 0.@0 5.05 A.-5.A0 0.,@ ,.,5 0-,AAB ,1,00B ,B,@,A ,B,/.@ 0-,,5@ 0,ABA 0.AB 3?450.B3?4 5./A -.151.0, 50.0,

5//1?/. ,,-@,11. 3*pto (ay, 5//14

!t appears from the table that there have been constant fluctuations in the flow of domestic tourists in rissa over the years. )ompared to 5//5?/, the growth rate of domestic tourists for 5//,?/0 wor"s out to be 5.052. #imilarly, the growth rate for 5//0?/A registered an increase of A2 against 5.A@2 in 5//A? /B. The growth rate for 5//1?/. registered only ,.,52 against 0.,@2 for 5//B? /1 respectively. #o far as the foreign tourist flow is concerned the growth rate is =uite dismal. %uring 5//,?/0 and 5//0?/A the growth rate registered negative degree of percentage compared to 5//5?/,. 6ut, unexpectedly, it registered a growth of 51.0,2 and 50.0,2 for the year 5//B?/1 and 5//1?/. respectively. This is due to the better infrastructure facilities created by the %epartment. As regards the national scenario of tourist inflow, a comparative statistical analysis received from different states reveals in following factsG
N#+e of the St#teAU'io' Territor" No. of touri t tot#l (i' B) B,1@,-/A 5,,5,5,5 /-,,,1@@1 &ro&or( tio' to tot#l (i' B) A1.B, /./, ..0/ No. of touri t 1@@< Pro&or( tio' to

<est 6engal Andhra $radesh (adhya $radesh 6ihar *ttar $radesh

B,//,A@1 5,0.,0B5,-,,@@B

AA.-. 5-.5..B1


@.1@ B.-1

5,,@,/,. 1A,,5@

/.A@ A..,

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(aharashtra Tamilnadu 9ujarat Darnata" +ajsthan 7ew %elhi ther #tates 1A,-.. 0A,.B/ 5B,,55.,... 1,150 00,BA. NN5, -5,/AB.,B ,.@B 5.,B 5.A1 -.BA ,..A @.0A .-,0,A.,1@,0,5/,5,B/5,,0,/ A@,01@ 5,-0,/,A ? B.5. 0.B5 5..5.B/ -./5 0.B1

!t appears from the comparative analysis that there has been perceptible increase in the flow of tourists during 5//5?/B. !t is e=ually satisfying that our #tate has not lagged behind compared to the percentages wor"ed out for different states. 6ut it is very difficult to segregate the figures for <estern flow to <estern rissa from

the total inflow of tourists during the said period. 6ut the percentage of tourist rissa, as has been ascertained by the $ E ) %epartmentFs evaluation report, wor"s out to be .2 of the total tourists during 5//5?/.. This is due to inade=uate infrastructural facilities. There is lac" of accommodation, catering and transportation facilities. The roads are narrow with full of ghats. Ade=uate display of places of tourist importance in <estern ta"en up by the Tourism %epartment and the would be ta"en by the <estern tourist spots. An in?depth study over plan outlays of #tate 9ovt. and financial assistance received from 9ovt. of !ndia for development of tourism in Orissa can be seen from the table given below.
4e#r Pl#' outl#"( 2ovt. of Ori # (i' l#:h) A i t#'ce recor!e! 2ovt. of I'!i# (i' l#:h)

rissa is yet to be

T%). :opefully the initiative

rissa %evelopment )ouncil to streamline the

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5//-?/5 5//5?/, 5//,?/0 5//0?/A 5//A?/B 5//B?/1 5//1./. 0,..-0@,.-0B-.-A--.-AB-.-A1@.-A00.-3upto 5,M/14 B1.@0 5,-.00/.-A B-.,A BB.1, 5B..@/ 0.--

!t is obvious from the table that apart from #tate assistance the Tourism %epartment also gets a sizeable amount from the centre to streamline the tourism activities of the #tate. !t is understood from the %irectorate of Tourism that the %epartment earned nearly +s 1-- crores from the tourists who visited rissa.

#o far as the <estern

rissa is concerned, the %epartment and


should ma"e a joint venture to improve the identified tourist spots with the creation of infrastructural facilities. !mprovement of tourist spots would generate employment and improve the lot of the local population


;rom domestic Tourist most of them comes from west 6engal, Andhra $radesh, 6ihar and from ;oreign Tourist most from 7orth America3)anada,*.#.A4.;rom the survey of ,-5-?55 the average duration of stay of domestic tourist is 5,.. days and the foreign tourist in 0./days in rissa. The inflow of money from %omestic ,/B1.-/ )rores E from foreign Tourist 5-0.0/ )rores. The follo-i'g t#ble ho- the #rriv#l of touri t to Puri.

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,--, ,--0 ,--A ,--B ,--1 ,--. ,--@ ,--/ ,-5,-55

The above table shows the tourist arrival to $uri both domestic and foreign in different year. !n the above table the tourist arrival is in a increasing trend. 6ut in the year 5/// the tourist arrival is low as compare to other year it was hue to the cyclone in that yea in our state.

-I*/I*.S3S+..ESTIO*S3CO*C!+SIO* 4 0I0I!O.RAPHY# -I*/I*.S
$uri, the head=uarters of the O$uri %istrictP is a city lying on the eastern littoral margin of the 6ay of 6engal in the state of rissa. )onsidered to be one of the oldest cities in eastern part of !ndian peninsula, $uri constitutes one of the angles of the 9olden Triangle of rissa, the other two being 6hubaneswar and Donar". Also recognized by the name >agannath $uri, this is a highly revered pilgrim destination for :indus and one of the holy )har %hams of !ndia. $uri is the holy abode of 'ord >agannath 3the 'ord of the world4 and it is stated that the
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pilgrimage to all the temples in !ndia is not considered complete and fruitful until and unless you pay homage to the 'ord >agannath of >agannath $uri. This is the only &aishnavite shrine in !ndia where +adha is also worshipped in a Drishna temple along with his other consorts. $uri is also applauded for its geographical position and its beaches. This city is settled at such a coastal station from where the spellbinding vistas of both rising and setting sun can be viewed from the oceanfront. >agannath $uri has contributed a word to 8nglish language O>uggernautP meaning destructive and sacrificial devotion. This word is derived from the massive +athas 3wagons4 used to carry the idols of 'ord >agannath, 6alarama and #ubhadra at the time of +atha Jatra. ther than the religious significance and captivating appeal or gorgeous beaches, the city is also remar"able for its rich historical and cultural heritage and architectural splendor. $uri has recently emerged as a developing industrial hub due to its chief industries such as rice milling, fish curing and handicrafts. (oreover, $uri contributes a major part in the tourism industry of rissa as well as !ndia. The word $uri has derived from #ans"rit language which means a town or a city. 'inguists establish a lin" between the #ans"rit word O$uriP and the 9ree" word O$olisP. $uri, the earthly abode of 'ord >agannath 3&ishnu4 has been "nown by several names over the years. $uranas, the holy scriptures of :induism record the various names of this city ? #ri"shetra, #han"ha"shetra, 7eelQchala, 7eelQdri, $urusottama %hQma, $urusottama Dshetra, $urusottama $uri and >agannath $uri. The legendary bac"ground as recorded by $uranas li"e #"anda $urana and 6rahma $urana assert that originally 'ord >agannath was secretly worshipped by a Ding of #abara tribe named &iswavasu in a dense forest of dra %esha 3 rissa4. :e worshipped the 9od by the name O7eela (adhabP. #abaras used to ma"e the idols of deities out of red wood. Ding !ndradyumna, curious about this mystical 9od sent &idyapati, a 6rahmin priest to this place in
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

order to find out the 'ord 7eela (adhab. &idyapati designed a scheme and got married to the daughter of Ding &iswavasu. ;alling for the re=uests of his son in law, &iswavasu lead &idyapati blindfolded to the cave where the deity was seated. !ntelligent &idyapati had dropped mustard seeds on the path which assisted him in finding out the place later on. &idyapati sent the message to the Ding !ndradyumna who immediately rushed to the place. 6ut to his disappointment, the deity had disappeared in the sand. !ndradyumna, determined not to return without having the auspicious darshana of the 'ord observed fast unto death at (ount 7eela. The 'ord &ishnu pleased with his penance made a celestial voice which declared that the Ding will get the darshana. Afterwards, the Ding !ndradyumna built a magnificent temple dedicated to 'ord &ishnu where he placed the idol brought by #age 7arada. 'ater, the "ing received a vision of a certain holy wood log that he would find at the sea shore out of which he was supposed to ma"e the idols. Accordingly, he got the idols of 'ord >agannath, 6alarama 36alabhadra4, #ubhadra and a #udarshan )har"a made and installed them in the temple. #witching to the factual records, $uri was initially "nown by the name O)haritraP. The world famous temple of 'ord >agannath was established by a 9anga Ding Anantavarman )hodaganga %eva in 550B A%. Adi #han"aracharya, the great :indu philosopher and reformer proclaimed $uri as one of the )har %hams and founded one of the famous four (athas 3:indu (onastery4 here. !n 5,th century this region was reined by the "ings of 9anga %ynasty who increased the religious grandeur of this holy abode. riginally this temple was called $urusottama Temple which was renamed as >agannath Temple in 5Bth century during the governance of 9ajapatis. )haitanya (ahaprabhu, the revered &aishnavite saint from 6engal inhabited $uri in 5Bth century. $uri belonged to Data"a province under the rule of (ughals and in 5.B5 A% it was dominated by (arathas. (arathas introduced certain changes in the
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

revenue divisions of this territory. 'ater, during the 6ritish +aj, they annexed $uri with rissa in the year 5@-0 and in 5@-A, $uri was divided into two sections 7orthern and #outhern. Today $uri is a foremost pilgrim destination in !ndia and a sacred place to die at.

The first point of action needed from 9overnments is to incorporate

principles into tourism policies at international and national level, and to promote their inclusion in regional and local tourism strategies. 6y providing such a lead and establishing a coherent global framewor", national governments will ma"e a vital contribution to developing a more sustainable tourism industry.
9overnments should also recognize that Travel E Tourism is a core

service sector which should always be considered when loo"ing at policies to expand trade, increase employment, modernize infrastructure and encourage investment ? at both domestic and international level. !t should also be included in national statistics with its economic impact calculated by means of a national tourism satellite account.
9overnments should also consider helping Travel E Tourism by see"ing

to minimise regulatory impediments and by offering appropriate investment incentives. 6y supporting tourism and allowing it to compete in open and fair mar"ets, tourismPs benefits can be more easily secured. ;inally, governments can address some of the fundamental barriers to tourism growth by loo"ing at how to expand and modernise infrastructure, to apply taxes fairly and to invest in human resource development. !f the program of action outlined above can be underta"en by national governments in co?operation with continued industry commitments and initiatives for sustainable tourism then we can loo" to a brighter future.
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha

There should be ade=uate tourism infrastructure.

;rom the above analysis we come to the conclusion that Travel E Tourism has a number of advantages over other industry sectorsG it creates jobs and wealth . At the same time, it can contribute to sustainable developmentL it tends to have low start?up costsL is a viable option in a wide range of areas and regionsL the industry is, in a large part, aware of the need to protect the resource on which it is based local culture and built and natural environment ? and it is committed to these resourcesP preservation and enhancement. The industry is, therefore, ma"ing a concerted effort to build up programs for sustainable development. :owever, it cannot do this alone. !f Travel E Tourism is to continue to flourish and to contribute to sustainable development, it needs help from national 9overnments. This assistance is needed in two formsG ? both positive encouragement for sustainable tourism initiatives and an understanding that policy decisions in other areas can effect Travel E Tourism. Tourism sector has a lot of contribution but it has some limitation li"eG? C I'#!eDu#te Touri + I'fr# tructure C Co'ce'tr#tio' of touri + i' fe- #re# . C The hort touri t e# o'. C 1o- &erce't#ge h#re i' -orl! touri t #rriv#l

0I0I!O.RAPHY# 6oo" G $uri #hree >agannath pusta" $uri Tourism
S.C.S (A) College, Puri

Tourism Development in Puri,Odisha


S.C.S (A) College, Puri

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