Thesis Proposal Museum 2013
Thesis Proposal Museum 2013
Thesis Proposal Museum 2013
1. 2. 3. ". $. This form is to be completed in English and should be clearly typed or legibly handwritten. Information provided in this form should be precise and accurate. As this form is the basis for the final selection of the thesis project the students are advised to ta!e care in completing it. The students will not be allowed to change the project once it has been approved so it is important to ensure that sufficient information for the thesis will be available subse#uently. The student should include any other appropriate% relevant information which may not have been re#uested in this form.
&ame of 'tudent (d .Imran )ussain
*roposal number according to preference Title of the *roject -ocation *roject Type .lient *roject 'ite
I+ no,
3 4
3 1
'ylhet +ivisional (useum. A!halia 'ylhet (useum (inistry of .ultural Affairs /ovt. of 0angladesh. $ Acres .
&ote, *lease supplies all these information in either A" si2e or folded in A" si2e. For official use only APPROVAL
a5 6hat is the importance of the project in the &ational % -ocal conte1t7
Every nation has responsibility for storage of vital artifacts which reflects the heritage of the nation8 develop socio9cultural awareness and !nowledge of continuum. This project will maintain collect : ma!e research on remains of the9 )eritage of 0angladesh .ultural heritage of 'ylhet : &atural heritage of 'ylhet.
A museum is a timeline where the evidence can help us to develop our9 philosophy belief thought technology heritage : overall our civili2ation. +esigning this !ind of museum is not only wor!ing with the detail environmental national : international issues.
PROGRAM OF THE PROJECT) (useum 0uilding, )istory of 'ylhet. .ultural )eritage of 'ylhet division. &atural )eritage of 'ylhet division. Administration <one. -ibrary. E1hibition )all. 'eminar )all. =esearch -aboratory. =ecord9room : *hotographic lab. *ublication : printing +epartment. Auditorium. .afeteria. *ar!ing.
Total no of person
1,200 1 0 !00
Total no of person
2 0 1 0 1 0 200 1 0 100
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 0 1 0 1 0 200 1 0 100
100 +
1 100
100 +00 1 0
Total no of person
/ngineer#s room 0ffice assistant &omple' super1isor "raftsman 2ec)anics room Store /lectrical & mec)anical room Total
Total no of person
100 100 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
Public area: Function
Lobby & lounge Reception & information (ermanent %isplay gallery Temporary %isplay gallery 0ut%oor %isplay gallery
Total no of person
Service area:
&ollection office Reser1e collection room Fumigation 4or5s)op 4or5s)op store ()otograp)y %epartment Toilet Total
Total no of person
Total space requirement [sqft] 1,000 !,000 200 00 00 !00 200 76,4
Total no of person
Total no of person
200 100
Space req per person [sqft]
1 1
Total no of person
200 100
Total space requirement [sqft]
! 0 !00 1 0 ,.00
Lobby an% lounge (ro8ection room 2o1ie )all Store Toilet Total
Total no of person
1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 !
1 0 1 0 . 0 -00 ! 0 ,000
Total space requirement [sqft]
Lobby & information Tic5et counter $u%itorium )all Re)earsal room Stage Stage :or5s)op Scene storage *ents green room La%ies green room Toilet Total
Total no of person
() (*
18 cars 5 cars
(inistry of .ultural Affairs /ovt. of 0angladesh. /overnment of The *eopleDs =epublic of 0angladesh.
.hallenges anticipated,
6or! plan summary >?or 12 academic wee!s5 Activity 1 2 3 " $ @ A B 4 13 11 12 .umulative C .ompetition