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NothINg ComPareS
...to the efficiency of a geotherMal heat PUMP

GEOTHERMALRefers to a geothermal heat pump which uses the thermal energy of the ground or ground water to provide heating and cooling; primarily residential WATER SOURCERefers to water source heat pumps used in commercial installations; generally involves boiler/cooling tower and/or water loop installation BTUHBritish thermal units per hour, used to indicate heat output CLOsED LOOPAnother name for ground loop geothermal systems COPCoefcient of Performance, a measurement of efciency in heating; the higher the number, the more efcient the equipment DEsUPERHEATERA partial heat recovery system that captures heat from hot refrigerant as it leaves the heat pump compressor and transfers the heat to domestic hot water EEREnergy Efciency Ratio, a measurement of efciency in cooling; the higher the number, the more efcient the equipment ENERgY STARSignies an energy efcient product, designation rst developed by United States government and now recognized by Canada and a number of other countries

Glossary of Terms

HVACRefers to heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment and systems GROUND LOOPGeothermal system with heat transfer liquid permanently contained in piping buried in the ground or submerged in a pond or lake GROUND WATERGeothermal system in which water is pulled from an aquifer and used for heat transfer, then released to another well, a ditch or other approved water source OPEN LOOPAnother name for ground water geothermal installations R-410AThe environmentally friendly refrigerant now used in all HVAC equipment; all Comfort-Aire geothermal units shown in this brochure are charged with R-410A SINgLE STAgEHeat pump that operates at one stage and one capacity TAX CREDITsU.S. Federal law allows a tax credit of 30% for installations of new qualifying geothermal equipment, with no dollar cap, through 2016 TwO STAgEHeat pump that operates at two stages, depending on demand, and at different speeds through the use of multi-stage compressors and multi-speed blower motors; exceptionally efcient at low speeds but capable of supplying more heat or cooling when required WATER LOOPInstallation used in many commercial applications, includes boiler/cooling tower

EWTEntering water temperature which is the temperature of the water or water/antifreeze solution when it enters the coaxial coil of the unit where the heat exchange process with the refrigerant cycle begins

Table of Contents

Geothermal Advantages........................... 4 Installation Flexibility................................ 6 Advanced Design..................................... 7 Energy Efciency Explained..................... 7 Guide to Features..................................... 8 Two-Stage Congurations........................ 9 HTV/HTD/HTH Two-Stage Package....... 10 HEV/HEH Two Stage Package............... 11 HTS Two-Stage Split.............................. 12 HWW Water-to-Water............................. 14 Ready to Buy?........................................ 15


All Comfort-Aire geothermal heat pumps have AHRI (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute) certication and are tested for safety by ETL for use in the United States and Canada.

TODAYS GEOTHERMAL: Energy Efficient and Earth Friendly

A geothermal heat pump can save half the cost of heating and cooling the average home. In fact, for every unit of energy used to run a geothermal pump and blower, three to ve units of heat energy are produced. Because geothermal systems rely on the relatively stable temperatures of the earth for heat transfer, they arent burning fossil fuels to create energy for heat or cooling. The systems are extraordinarily efcient because in most geographical areas, the temperature of the earth at ve feet below the surface remains fairly consistent, no matter what the season. Similarly, ground water temperatures are constant over the course of the year. The basic concept is simple: piping or tubing is buried in the ground or submerged in a pond or lake. In the winter, heat is absorbed from the water or ground (depending on the type of system) and transferred to the heat pump where it is distributed through the homes ductwork. In the summer, hot air in the home is extracted and

Rising energy costs have made us all aware of the need for energy efciency. At the same time, we are becoming conscious of the cost to the earths environment for the ever-expanding use of fossil fuels. While there are many approaches to saving energy, lowering utility costs, and conserving natural resources, geothermal systems offer a proven solution thats not only practical, but readily available today. Nothing compares to the efciency of geothermal systems.



Ground Water Earth at 5 Feet Ambient Air

The year round stable temperatures of ground water and the earth itself make it possible for the energy exchange to occur in geothermal systems.

transferred to the cooler ground or water. It is this consistency of earth or water temperature that allows heat transfer to occurkeeping you cool in summer and warm in winter. Energy efciency is the primary advantage of a geothermal system. Energy is needed only to run the compressor and to pump a water solution through the buried piping and then to run the systems blower to distribute the conditioned air. Not only is it possible to heat and cool your home with a geothermal heat pumps, but several of our systems come with a hot water generator that supplements heating of domestic hot water (in both the heating and cooling modes) for further savings.

Exceptional efficiency means fast payback...

Although the initial cost of a geothermal system is higher than a conventional heat pump or furnace/ condenser combination, you can quickly recoup these costs through energy savings and potential Federal tax credits. On average, geothermal heat pumps provide:

With a geothermal system, over half your homes energy is free!

Lighting 3% Appliances 11% Heating & A/C 64%

Heating & A/C 19%

Hot Water 16%

Hot Water 22%

Appliances 11%

40% greater efficiency than air-to-air heat pumps 48% greater efficiency than gas furnaces 75% greater efficiency than oil furnaces
(Source: Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium)

Lighting 3%

Free Geothermal 51%

Conventional System

Geothermal System

Our geothermal systems can work in virtually every climate. With an extended operating range of 20 to 120 F for entering water temperature, they provide a comfortable indoor environment all year long, although some northern locations may require a supplemental heat source. Other advantages include exceptionally quiet operation. Multiple sound attenuation features are built into the design, including a special compressor mounting system that reduces vibration and interior cabinet insulation. Also, there are fewer moving parts to wear out than with a conventional heating/cooling system. Many people appreciate the safety that is inherent in a geothermal system. No gas or oil is used, theres no standing pilot light, no fumes and no odors to worry about. Finally, theres the condence that comes from having technology thats been proven over many years and recognized by the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Ask your dealer to prepare a cost savings analysis for you to determine just how much you can save over the life of the system. Our LoopLogix software makes it easy to compare operating costs of various systems based on your homes requirements and historical weather data.

Geothermal... the logical choice


Installation Flexibility
Which type of system and which type of installation you choose is determined by your preference, your geographic area, and the availability of ground water or adequate land for burying loop pipes. Designed properly, all systems work equally well.
In this heat exchange method, the heat transfer uid is permanently contained in a closed piping system. This piping, typically made of polyethylene tubing, is buried in the earth or submerged in a pond or lake. The heat transfer uida solution of antifreeze and water is pumped through the piping. In the winter, it absorbs heat from the earth or water. This relatively warm solution is then pulled back to the heat pump which extracts heat and circulates warm air throughout the house. During hot weather, heat in the home is extracted by the heat pump and transferred to the liquid circulating through the closed loop piping. The cooler earth or water then absorbs this heat, and the cooled water is circulated back to the heat pump and used to cool the house. Ground loop systems can have piping buried in horizontal trenches or in vertical bores some types of installations are shown below. The number, length and diameter of the pipes are determined by the heating/ cooling load of the house, as well as the amount of land or the availability of a pond or lake.

Slinky-type piping can be buried in a horizontal trench.

This backhoe trench shows six pipes three outgoing, three incoming.

Coils of piping can be submerged in a pond, as can slinky piping.

For a limited space, a vertcal hole is used; this one shows two u-tubes.

In this type of system, there is no heat exchange uid enclosed in piping. Water is removed from an aquifer and is circulated through the heat pump. This water is then discharged to a pond or lake, or into another wellunchanged except for temperature. The heat exchange process works the same as in a Ground Loop system: in the heating mode, heat is extracted from the water and transferred to the air being circulated in the home. In the cooling mode, the process is reversed and heat from the home is extracted by the heat pump and transferred to the cooler ground water. The illustration shows how water is pulled from a well into the heat pump inside the house, before being discharged into another well, pond or approved location.

A typical ground water well installation.

All Comfort-Aire geothermal heat pumps are designed for reliable, quiet operation and long life to keep you comfortable for years to come DependaBle Quiet Operation
State-of-the-art, solid state microprocessor controls feature easy to understand diagnostics Scroll compressor is rated for heat pump use, and designed for quiet operation and efciency Performance monitoring system signals a potential problem, much like a cars check engine light, so service can be scheduled Insulated, stainless steel drain pan has condensate overow protection Limited number of moving parts means less wear and long life expectancy Tin-plated air coil prolongs equipment life in most environments and improves efciency Double spring and grommet isolation mounting system for the compressor reduces vibration Flexible torsion motor mounting further reduces vibration and related sound Compressor compartment is insulated; its also separated from the air handler by an insulated divider (package models) Discharge muffler reduces inherent compressor pulse noise

advanced DESIGN
Easy SerVicing

Components can be accessed from multiple sides to simplify service and maintenance Removable blower inlet ring allows easy access to the fan and motor for maintenance Safety features protect the unit: High pressure and loss of refrigerant charge to protect compressor; condensate overow; freeze protection for coaxial heat exchanger and air coil; hot water generator limiter; fault lock-out enables emergency heat and prevents compressor operation

Installation FleXiBility
Condensate line is internally trapped Swivel connectors make water hook-up quick and easy Compact models are ideal for tight spaces or retrot applications

What do we mean by Energy Efficiency?

In recent years, the HVAC industry has made significant advances in the energy efficiency of heating and cooling systems. You can judge efficiencies yourself by comparing some industry standards. Cooling efficiency is measured by an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). This is a ratio of total cooling capacity to electrical energy output. The higher the number, the more efficient the equipment. Our geothermal units have EER ratings as high as 31.5 at ground water conditions, while conventional air-to-air heat pumps have ratings generally in the teens13 to 18 SEER, for instance, which translates to an actual EER of 10 to 15. On the heating side, efficiency is shown by a Coefficient of Performance (COP), which shows the ratio of total heating capacity to electrical energy output. As with EERs, the higher the number, the more efficient the equipment. Again, geothermal systems especially our two-stage modelsrate significantly higher than traditional heat pumps.

Comfort-Aire models in this brochure are Energy Star compliant and most qualify for Federal Tax Credits. Look for the Energy Star logo throughout this brochure.

Quick Reference Guide to Features

Residential Applications Commercial Applications Energy Star Compliant


Scroll Compressor Two Stage Compressor

LoopLoGiX Geothermal Design Software from ComfortAire has everything the installer/dealer needs to help you decide on the right type of geothermal systemor even if a geothermal system is right for you. Once the heating/cooling load has been determined, it takes just a few clicks to design a loop field, compare operating costs of up to six different installations (or types of systems), and calculate return on investment. Results can be printed out for yoube sure to ask for your LoopLogix report when youre considering a geothermal installation.

Microprocessor Controls ECM Blower Motor Performance Monitoring Safeties Protection Hot Water Generator* Interior Insulation Discharge Mufer Double Isolation Mounting Tin Plated Air Coil Extended Range 20 - 120 F** HWW 20 - 110 F TXV Metering Device Brass Swivel Connections Galvanized Steel Cabinet Epoxy Powder Coat Finish Multiple Removable Panels Available in Multiple Voltages Ground Loop Ground Water

DMX Digital Electronic Controls*

Hot water generator may be optional; see individual series for specific features. *These units can work with a communicating thermostat, our part no. 7602-443. **Entering water temperature. Due to ongoing product improvements, design, specications, materials and appearance are subject to change without notice.

AsK your dealer aBout these conVenient CoMfort-Aire accessories

Standard Flow Center A permanent part of your geothermal system, this nonpressurized pumping station makes it easy to ush the system and add uid, then automatically purges any air. Deluxe Flow Center This non-pressurized pumping station includes the same components as Standard model, but in an attractive cabinet. Choose from one pump or two pump versions. Pressurized Loop Pump An essential part of the geothermal system, pump circulates liquid through the heat exchanger, then out through the loop and back, so heat transfer can occur. Available in single or dual pump models.

Advanced design and quality construction make our two-stage models exceptionally quiet and efficient

Heavy duty blower with multiple features for noise dampening ECM blower motor automatically adapts to system requirements for even temperatures Removable panels on three sides allow easy access for installation, maintenance Air handler and compressor compartments are separated by an insulated divider Insulated, stainless steel drain pan has condensate overow protection Microprocessor controls with monitoring system
All Comfort-Aire geothermal heat pumps meet or exceed all applicable industry standards.

G90 galvanized steel cabinet with epoxy powder coat paint for durability and attractive appearance Large lter captures pollutants for enhanced indoor air quality, can be easily changed Tin plated air coil for corrosion protection Two-stage compressor delivers comfort more efciently than single stage models, has discharge mufer for sound reduction Double isolated compressor mounting reduces vibration and related operational sound Brass swivel connectors are standard and are conveniently located for fast installation

HT SERIES Heat PuMp Configurations

HTH HORIZONTAL: Includes same components as shown above, with upper and lower compartments placed side by side.

HTV VERTICAL: As shown above

HTD DOWNFLOW: Includes the same components as shown above, but with upper and lower compartments reversed.

HTS SPLIT SYSTEM: Contains components in the bottom half of the unit shown above. A separate air handler or furnace fan is required.

GeotherMal Two-Stage Package Heat Pump

Our two-stage design far exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 efciencies, allowing the unit to run at 67% capacity most of the time to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level. When theres a demand for greater heating or cooling, such as during weather extremes, the unit instantly shifts to 100% capacity. This full load/part load capacity signicantly lowers operating costs. At the same time, it increases comfort because theres no on/off cycling of the system. The high tech design of the high efciency ECM blower motor adapts automatically to system demand, delivering a multitude of benets including silent ramp-up, a speed for every mode and much moreall designed to overcome ductwork static pressure (even poor duct design) to maximize the ow of conditioned air.

GeoLogix PlusTM

Quiet OperationDouble isolation compressor mounting and vibration isolation springs combined with insulated compressor and air handler compartments dampen operating sound Variable Speed Blower MotorAutomatically adapts to all applications; provides a multitude of operational modes that maximize comfort and efficiency Two Stage CompressorCopeland multi-stage scroll compressor delivers comfort at higher efficiencies than single stage models Microprocessor ControlsIncludes performance monitoring system to signal a potential problem before a lockout can occur Standard FeaturesComes with domestic hot water generator with built-in pump for value and extra efficiency Extended Operating Range20 o to 120 o F entering water temperature makes the HT Series suitable for virtually all applications and climates
Power 208/230-1-60
AHRI/ISO/ASHRAE/ANSI 13256-1 Performance

HTV ModelsVertical upflow HTD ModelsDownflow/ counterflow HTH ModelsHorizontal

2 to 6 Tons

Ground Water Ground Loop Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Ful Load 77 oF Full Load 32 oF Capacity Water 59oF Water 50oF Part Load 68oF Part Load 41oF Shipping Model Modulation BTUH EER BTUH COP BTUH EER BTUH COP Wt. (lbs) HTV/HTD/ HTH024 HTV/HTD/ HTH036 HTV/HTD/ HTH048 HTV/HTD/ HTH060 HTV/HTD/ HTH070 Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part 28,500 27.1 24,600 4.9 26,100 19.7 18,700 3.9 21,800 35.1 17,500 5.2 20,700 27.8 15,100 4.5 43,100 26.9 37,000 5.1 39,700 20.1 29,000 4.3 31,100 34.2 25,900 5.3 30,200 29.4 23,000 4.7 55,600 25.9 48,200 4.7 50,600 19.1 37,000 3.9 41,800 34.1 34,800 5.0 40,100 27.7 29,900 4.3 71,300 24.2 63,000 4.7 66,000 18.6 48,500 3.8 52,900 32.3 43,800 4.9 51,000 26.5 37,900 4.3 77,500 22.3 71,200 4.3 71,500 16.7 55,600 3.6 60,600 28.4 53,000 4.4 57,900 23.0 45,800 3.8
Cooling capacities based on 80.6 o F DB, 66.2 o F WB entering air temp. Heating capacities based on 68 o F DB, 59 o F WB entering air temp. All ratings based on 208V operation.

308 345 458 485 485


Outstanding Limited Warranty12 years on compressor and parts

(Some limitations apply; see printed warranty for details.)

2 to 5 Tons

GeotherMal Two Stage Package Heat Pump

With Electronic Digital Controller

Self-contained, package HE Series units combine a small footprint with two stage operation and integrated digital communication controls at a competitive price. Exceeding industry standards for energy efciency including Energy Star Tier 3 requirements, the units are eligible for tax credits. A digital electronic controller links the thermostat, fan motor and compressor staging to provide set-up and diagnostic data, saving time during installation and service calls. Also saving installation time is a four wire connection between the controller and the communicating thermostat. If the communicating thermostat is not used, the installer can use an optional separate diagnostic tool to access the data, and a port for the tool is built into the unit. The two stage compressor runs at 67% capacity most of the time to maintain a consistent temperature/humidity level. When theres demand, the unit instantly shifts to 100% capacity. The ECM blower motor automatically adapts to system requirements for increased efciency. The HE Series is designed for open loop, closed loop and boiler/ cooling tower applications, and the compact size makes it ideal for tight spaces. (Vertical unit pictured, horizontal unit also available.)

Extended Range Refrigerant CircuitHE unit is capable of geothermal ground loop and ground water applications, as well as boiler/cooling tower water loop installations Scroll CompressorDependable two stage design is efficient, reliable and quiet Large FilterCaptures pollutants for enhanced indoor air quality, can be quickly changed as needed
All models 208/230V-1-60
Ground Water Cooling Water 59o F BTUH 24,900 18,600 32,100 24,700 37,200 27,700 46,100 35,000 51,600 39,000 63,800 48,900 EER 20.2 24.0 20.5 24.6 19.6 25.0 21.1 26.2 20.7 26.6 20.4 25.9 Heating Water 50o F BTUH 22,900 16,200 29,800 21,800 34,700 24,500 42,100 30,300 44,800 32,400 58,000 42,100 COP 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.4 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.0 4.2

System Performance MonitoringSignals when the system is not running at peak performance so maintenance can be scheduled Quiet OperationDouble isolation compressor mounting and air handler compartment insulation make the HE one of the quietest units on the market Easy Service AccessAll components can be accessed through the conveniently located control box and large access panels for fast installation, easy maintenance
AHRI/ISO/ASHRAE/ANSI 13256-1 Performance

Ground Loop Cooling Full Load 77o F Part Load 68o F BTUH 22,700 17,800 29,700 24,000 34,500 26,900 42,900 33,800 47,900 37,400 59,600 47,000 EER 15.0 20.0 15.5 20.7 14.6 20.4 15.9 21.8 15.3 21.0 15.9 21.8 Heating Full Load 32o F Part Load 41o F BTUH 18,200 14,100 23,600 19,200 27,700 22,100 33,100 26,700 35,400 29,000 45,700 37,000 COP 3.5 3.7 3.5 3.8 3.5 3.9 3.4 3.8 3.6 4.0 3.4 3.8 Shipping Weight (lbs.) 213 213 239 250 306 321



Capacity Modulation Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part

Outstanding Limited Warranty10 years on compressor and parts

(Some limitations apply; see printed warranty for details.)


GeotherMal Two-Stage Split System

The HTS Series combines the advantages of split system design with two stage efciency. Far exceeding ASHRAE 90.1 eficencies, the unit runs at 67% capacity most of the time to maintain a constant temperature and humidity level. When theres a demand for greater heating or cooling, such as during weather extremes, the unit instantly shifts to 100% capacity. Comfort is increased and operating costs lowered through this shifting of part load and full load capacity. The HTS split system is ideal for locations where a packaged geothermal unit wont t the existing space, such as an attic or crawl space. Not only is the cabinet compact in size, it can be stacked for multiunit installation and, when matched with an air handler, delivers high levels of efciency similar to our two-stage package heat pumps. All models are pre-charged with C environmentally friendly R-410A.

GeoLogix PlusTM


Quiet OperationDouble isolation compressor mounting system and vibration isolation springs for sound attenuation; insulated compressor compartment also reduces operational sound Easy Installation/ServiceBack-seating service valves included; panels on three sides are easily removed for access to components Extended Operating Range20 to 120 F EWT range makes units suitable for virtually all applications and climates Two-Stage CompressorCopeland multi-stage scroll compressor provides steady comfort at higher efficiencies than single stage models DMX ControlsTwo-way communication capability with optional communicating digital thermostat speeds set-up and configuration, helps diagnose operation problems Durable CabinetG90 galvanized steel has a tough epoxy powder coat paint finish; drain pan is stainless steel; air coils are tin plated for corrosion protection

WDG Air Handler

Multi-positioncan be installed for vertical upflow or downflow, or horizontal right or left airflow ECM blower motor matches speed to changing requirements for efficiency Factory installed A-coil Insulation reduces blower sound
Cabinet Sizes: A = 18.5 W x 44 H x 22 D B = 22 W x 55 H x 22 D C = 25.5 W x 59 H x 22 D Fits B = 17.5 Furnace C = 21 to 21.5 Width: D = 24.5

MWG Cased Coil

Multi-position for upflow, horizontal and downflow applications, and horizontal left or right airflow Built with R-410A TXV thermal expansion valve Corrosion-proof drain pan Lined with foil faced insulation for quiet operation Dual condensate connections simplify hook-ups
Fan Motor HP Furnace Width Shipping Wt. (lbs)


Nom. Cap. BTUH

Fan Motor HP

Cabinet Sizes

Shipping Wt. (lbs)


Nom. Cap. BTUH


24,000 36,000 48,000 60,000

1/2 1/2 1 1


96 & 179 198 & 206 218 & 226 236


24,000 36,000 48,000 60,000

1/2 1/2 1 1


57 & 60 60 & 118 83 & 118 118


Coil and air handlers are AHRI certified when matched with HTS split units for water source applications.

Ground Water
Model HTS024 HTS036 HTS048 HTS060 Coil Match WDG24-A WDG36-A WDG48-A WDG60-A Capacity Modulation Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part Cooling Water 59 F BTUH 29,000 22,500 41,300 30,100 52,100 39,900 63,900 51,000 Cooling Water 59 F BTUH 28,700 21,900 41,800 30,300 54,700 42,500 62,200 50,400 EER 22.3 29.1 22.4 29.9 22.0 28.3 19.7 25.4 EER 23.2 31.5 22.2 29.6 21.3 26.5 20.1 26.9 Heating Water 50 F BTUH 24,900 18,700 36,700 26,000 48,400 35,900 59,900 42,600 Heating Water 50 F BTUH 25,200 18,600 35,300 25,100 46,100 34,200 56,000 42,200

2 to 5 Tons
COP 4.60 5.30 4.70 5.00 4.70 5.20 4.10 4.30 Shipping Wt. (lbs) 218 236 265 280

Model HTS024 HTS036 HTS048 HTS060

Air Handler Match MWG24-A MWG36-A MWG48-A MWG60-A

Capacity Modulation Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part

COP 4.60 5.20 4.60 5.10 4.60 5.00 4.00 4.40

Shipping Wt. (lbs) 218 236 265 280

Ground Loop
Capacity Modulation Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part Cooling Full Load 59 F Part Load 68 F BTUH 26,400 21,200 37,400 28,400 47,900 37,600 60,200 47,900 EER 17.5 26.0 16.8 24.6 16.3 22.1 15.8 22.2 Heating Full Load 32 F Part Load 41 F BTUH 19,800 16,400 28,200 22,500 37,400 31,200 45,600 37,000 COP 3.9 4.6 3.9 4.4 3.9 4.6 3.4 3.8 Shipping Wt. (lbs) 218 236 265 280

Model HTS024 HTS036 HTS048 HTS060

Coil Match WDG24-A WDG36-A WDG48-A WDG60-A

Model HTS024 HTS036 HTS048 HTS060

Air Handler Match MWG24-A MWG36-A MWG48-A MWG60-A

Capacity Modulation Full Part Full Part Full Part Full Part

Cooling Full Load 59 F Part Load 68 F BTUH 26,500 21,000 38,900 29,600 50,100 39,600 59,900 48,800 EER 17.1 24.7 17.4 25.6 17.0 23.4 15.8 21.9

Heating Full Load 32 F Part Load 41 F BTUH 20,100 16,600 28,100 22,300 35,600 29,900 45,100 37,700 COP 3.9 4.6 4.0 4.5 3.9 4.4 3.5 3.9

Shipping Wt. (lbs) 218 236 265 280

Cooling capacities based on 80.6 o F DB, 66.2 o F WB entering air temp. Heating capacities based on 68 o F DB, 59 o F WB entering air temp. All ratings based on 208V operation.


GeotherMal HWW Series Water-to-Water Systems

These exible systems, available in 3, 5, and 10 ton capacities, have a wide range of HVAC and industrial applications. Units are used for such applications as radiant oors, snow/ice melting, chilled water for fan coils, potable hot water, and other types of residential or industrial applications that require cost-effective heated or chilled water. They can be installed using a ground loop, ground water or water loop (boiler/cooling tower) installation. As with all geothermal models, they offer the benets of super high efciency with low operating costs. Flexibility is a hallmark of geothermal units. As reverse cycle heat pumps, 208/230V models can provide both hot and chilled water, as well as domestic hot water. All HWW units can be installed side by side for large capacity applications, thanks to compact size, single side service access, and water connections at the top of the unit. With no outdoor fan, special mounting systems and 1/2" dual density acoustic type berglass cabinet insulation, operation is exceptionally quiet. A system performance monitor signals when the system is not running at peak performance so maintenance can be scheduled. Units come pre-charged with R-410A.

3 to 10 Tons

US Exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 efciencies

Microprocessor ControlsState-of-the-art controls include on-board diagnostics and seven standard Safeties including anti-short cycle, over- and under-voltage, loss of charge, high refrigerant pressure and more, to protect the unit and the compressor Quiet OperationDouble compressor mounting system and compressor compartment insulation minimize operating noise

Scroll CompressorDependable design is proven efficient and quiet, with internally sprung and externally isolated vibration isolation system, including rubber grommet mounts System Performance MonitoringSignals when the system is not running at peak performance so maintenance can be scheduled Easy Service AccessAll components can be accessed through a front panel for maintenance and service; side panel can also be opened
AHRI/ISO/ASHRAE/ANSI 13256-2 Performance


Water loopBTUH Ground LoopBTUH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Indoor 53.6F Indoor 104F Indoor 53.6F Indoor 104F Outdoor 86F Outdoor 68F Outdoor 77F Outdoor 32F Model Cap. BTUH EER Cap. BTUH COP Cap. BTUH EER Cap. BTUH COP

Shipping Wt. (lbs.)

HWW036A 33,000 14.6 HWW060B 52,800 14.3 HWW120B 105,600 14.1

44,000 5.0 34,000 72,700 4.7 55,600 145,400 4.6 111,200

16.8 28,000 3.1 373 16.2 48,500 3.0 385 16.0 97,000 3.0 770

Ground WaterBTUH Cooling Heating Indoor 53.6F Indoor 104F Outdoor 59F Outdoor 50F Model Cap. BTUH EER Cap. BTUH COP

Limited Warranty5 years on compressor, 1 year on parts

(Some limitations apply; see printed warranty for details.)

NOTES: Units available in 208/230-1-60, 208/230-3-60, 460-3-60, and 575-3-60 (no HWW036). 208/230-1-60 models available with hot water generator with internal pump.

HWW036A 37,000 23.1 HWW060B 60,200 22.0 HWW120B 120,400 21.6

36,000 4.0 60,300 4.0 120,600 3.9


Ready to buy?

Here are some things to consider:

When you buy Comfort-Aire products, youre purchasing the peace of mind that comes from dealing with a company thats been in business for 75 years. We have a well-deserved reputation not only for quality products, but also for standing behind those products with excellent warranty and support programs. We have technicians available to handle telephone inquiries about operation, installation and maintenance. Our web site is another resource: owners manuals can be downloaded and your installer can access technical information and service manuals at any time. Federal TaX Credits United States federal legislation allowing tax credits has been enacted to encourage energy efcient geothermal installations in new construction, as well as improvements to existing homes through 2016. The tax credit is 30% of the total cost of the equipment and installation costs with no upper limit. Most Comfort-Aire geothermal heat pumps shown in this brochure are eligible for these tax credits. Visit www.energystar.gov for complete details. Warranty CoVerage Comfort-Aire stands behind its geothermal equipment with some of the strongest warranties in the industry. Specic warranties are shown with each product (some restrictions apply, see our web site for full warranty details). ConsuMer Financing PrograM Your Comfort-Aire dealer makes it easy for you to purchase a geothermal system for residential use. Our GEOSmart Financing Program is designed to give qualied buyers the credit needed for a system, installation and any related equipmentwith no long wait and no credit hassle. GEOSmart representatives are available by phone seven days a week and, in most cases, they can give you an answer within minutes. Theres no annual fee and a variety of payment options is available. Talk to your Comfort-Aire dealer about the advantages of this nancing option. EXtended SerVice AgreeMents Although a study by the EPA showed geothermal systems have the lowest life-cycle cost of all systems available today, as with any product containing mechanical and electronic components, service is sometimes needed. Our AssurancePlus Extended Service Agreement (ESA) gives you an extra measure of protection that extends beyond the standard warranty coverage. It protects against unexpected problems that require service and/or replacement parts. AssurancePlus ESAs allow you to extend coverage beyond the original warranty, and there are a variety of plans to choose from, offering parts and labor coverage, parts only or labor only. Your Comfort-Aire dealer can explain the AssurancePlus plans and pricing.

GEOSmart nancing is sponsored by Heat Controller and the Electric & Gas Industries Association (a non-prot association) and underwritten by GE Money. AssurancePlus is a registered trademark of Heat Controller, Inc.




At Comfort-Aire, were in the business of making you comfortable while saving energy. We offer a broad range of products that are efcient and reliable for home, school, ofce, work and institutional settings. All meet or exceed industry standards for energy efciency, and are built for durability. Weve been in the comfort business since our founding in 1933, and our roots go back even further. We can trace our beginnings to the Wingert Furnace Co. which began building coal, gas and oil furnaces in 1907. We moved to new headquarters in Jackson, Michigan, in 1955, and this facility has been expanded many times to accommodate our growth. The acquisition of Aitons Equipment in Canada in 2000 helped build a stronger international presence. Comfort-Aire is known throughout the heating and air conditioning industry for efcient, reliable products and in-season availabilitywhich means theres a good chance we can ship the unit your contractor species within days. Were also known as experts in geothermal technology, offering training courses for distributors and contractors. Geothermal and water source heat pumps are among our fastest growing product groups, largely due to the exceptional energy savings they offer as well as the level of comfort they deliver. This brochure shows the full range of our equipment for residential and commercial installations. It also explains how geothermal installations can make you comfortable year round, and do it economically.

HC-GTHP-FCopyright 2010 Heat Controller, Inc., All rights reserved.

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