The Call Number: From The Page To The Stage and Back
The Call Number: From The Page To The Stage and Back
The Call Number: From The Page To The Stage and Back
Library and Information Science
Students to Encourage Networking
is the association for students in the
San José State University School of
Library and Information Science. All
SLIS students are encouraged to
participate in the many LISSTEN-
sponsored activities that take place Volume XIV, Issue I November 2006
throughout the year
In This Issue: On Tuesday, August 15, librarians, library students, theater people, and other community members took a
sneak-preview tour of the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center, an 88,000-square- foot space shared by a
• A visit to the new public library and the Lewis Family Playhouse, just five days before the grand opening to the public. The
Victoria Gardens Library theme for our tour of this new center in Rancho Cucamonga was From the Page to the Stage and Back.
• Banned Books Week As we were led through each section of the library by the Victoria Gardens Library’s enthusiastic team of
Event librarians and staff, we learned about the extensive grant proposal submitted to the California State Library,
• Interviews With earning $7.8 million for the facility’s construction, as well as the sponsorships from private and public sec-
Librarians and Students
tors that help fund the Center’s innovative programming schedule. This background information gave us
LIS students a more tangible sense of the tireless work and energy necessary to create a center devoted to
• Career Advice education and enrichment.
• Course Suggestions
Finally able to showcase the results of their hard work, Vic-
toria Gardens librarians, including the project’s main overse-
ers Michelle Perera and Robert Karatsu, brought to life each
Inside this issue: niche of the library, beginning with the Tech Center, a 21-
computer-station center equipped with a reference desk and
full-time staff. Located just outside the main entrance of the
library, the Tech Center is open even when the library is
closed, providing Internet access, computer literacy classes,
President’s 2
Message and space for groups and organizations to rent.
Children’s Reading Room In keeping with the theme of “From the Page to the Stage,”
Making a 8 one of the most popular features of the Children’s Library is the Story Theater, seating 50 people on
Difference multi-tiered, carpeted sectionals that circumvent a small stage, with fiber optic lighting above that creates a
dramatic, starlight motif. Collaboration between the Cultural Center’s Lewis Family Playhouse and the
library will involve Playhouse actors in storytime productions at the Story Theater.
Student Interview 9
Article continued on Page 10
Page 2 The Call Number
President’s Message
President’s Message:
As LISSTEN continues working to represent and be a valuable resource for SJSU SLIS students, it is with great excitement we
announce the establishment of LISSTEN as an official organization on both SJSU and CSUF campuses. Thanks to the hard work
of LISSTEN VP (SJSU) Tiffany Bronzan, LISSTEN is now able to host events on SJSU’s campus as it has done at CSUF in past
years. With this new avenue open to us, LISSTEN is still actively recruiting SJSU SLIS students from San Jose and surrounding
communities to get involved with putting on events up North that benefit our academic and professional goals.
So far this year, LISSTEN has hosted its annual Banned Books Week Read-A-Thon at CSUF, where LIS students and profes-
sional, teachers, and members of surrounding communities gathered to read aloud excerpts of their favorite banned books. In
addition, storytelling, visual art created by SJSU SLIS students and spoken word performances by local poets addressing First
Amendment themes enhanced the mood and energy of the event. Many thanks to all who attended to celebrate our freedom to
read and access information.
Thanks to Lucy Bellamy, LISSTEN VP (CSUF), and her Professional Associations Day Committee, this year’s 5th Annual Profes-
sional Associations Day on October 29th at CSU Fullerton saw an increase in attendance by both the students in our program as
well as the LIS associations that came to set up information tables and share the benefits of membership in their organization.
Attendees had the opportunity to learn about many different scholarship, mentorship, and networking opportunities made avail-
able by these various associations.
In looking toward the coming semester, there are many more LISSTEN events being planned including library tours and our
popular Resume and Interview Workshop in March. There is still plenty of time for all who are interested to get involved in
these upcoming LISSTEN events and committee projects. Regardless of where you reside or where you are in the program,
there is a place for you to get more involved with your student organization and the networking opportunities it provides you in
your career development path.
I’d like to wholeheartedly thank the LISSTEN Board, Dr. Weedman, Stanley Laufer, Dr. Hansen, Dr. Haycock, ALASC, SAASC,
and all the students in our program who have helped and collaborated with LISSTEN these past months to help it develop into a
wider reaching organization for SJSU SLIS. We look forward to hearing from everyone as we work to better serve the students
in our program.
Thank you,
Annie Knight
LISSTEN President
LISSTEN's Mission
LISSTEN seeks to enhance the educational experiences of students in the Program; address members' concerns; promote profes-
sionalism; and provide networking opportunities. Established in 1993, LISSTEN is an association serving students in San José State
University’s School of Library and Information Science. All students in SJSU’s SLIS are members of LISSTEN, with no dues re-
quired. Each year, the association sponsors events to encourage SLIS students as they prepare to launch or continue careers.
LISSTEN's Purpose
To serve as a channel of communication in resolving concerns between students, faculty, and administration. Any questions, com-
ments, or concerns relating to student matters are welcomed.
To sponsor activities of interest to LISSTEN members.
Volume XIV, Issue I Page 3
Then, local librarians Salena Wakim and Lisa Lee read from favorite banned or controversial books. The day was rounded out by
spoken word performances by members of the group A Mic and Dim Lights Poets, Besskepp, Mike the Poet, Judah 1 and Simply Kat.
They read their own poetry, stories and performance pieces. The day was truly entertaining and enlightening. Many people
stopped by to check out our activities and we raised some awareness of the big problem of censorship in our country.
A big thank you to all the people who came out to read aloud from their favorite banned or challenged books or share their stories.
Among the presenters were StephanieCopelan, Kathy Knight, Annie Knight, Drea Douglass, Chenda, Alaska, Micah Stevens, Angela,
Paul Quillicci, Maureen Roy and Salena Wakim.
Page 4 The Call Number
Sami: What are the sources of funding for the Law Library?
Kim: The funding comes primarily through civil filing fees, from which the Law Library receives a portion equaling $32. This is
unique in comparison with other libraries because we are never sure how much funding we will get each month. This causes obvi-
ous planning and budgeting problems. We also receive revenue through our borrowing program. Patrons pay for borrowing privi-
leges at $65 per six months or $120 per year. Our revenue from photocopies, as well as donations from a non-profit Friends of the
Library organization called AMICUS, make up about 10% of our yearly budget, and the rest is comprised of the civil filing fees.
Kim: We’ll have to make cuts in the budget. Currently we depend on donations. AMICUS has raised about $9,000 this year
through a membership drive to promote the library and its services. This money has allowed us to pay for security and to keep our
doors open on Saturdays. This is very important to patrons who cannot come to the library on weekdays because of their work
Sami: What different populations do you serve in the public law library?
Kim: That is something that is very exciting about working in the library. The range of patrons is so broad, including about half at-
torneys and half non-attorneys. Of the non-attorneys, about twenty percent are students and the rest are people with various legal
Kim: The attorneys are often looking for legislative histories and case law, which requires term searches on Westlaw or Lexis. Stu-
dents in a paralegal program or law school usually need help with an assignment, and we show them through the resources. The
other non-attorney patrons usually come into the library feeling out of place. Many have never been in a law library before, and
don’t know how to search for what they need. The library staff find the appropriate resource for these patrons instead of letting
them wander. If it is obvious that patrons need further assistance, we often direct them to more specific offices, such as the family
law facilitator, small claims advisor or self-help centers.
Sami: Do you find that people come to the library looking for legal advice?
Kim: Yes, patrons often expect us to give legal advice, although we cannot. We can only help them find the resource, or refer them
to legal advisors outside of the library. It is a common misconception that our librarians can give legal advice; patrons will frequently
state that another department or agency has told them we would do so.
Kim: It is very important to have a legal background of some kind. Law library staff should have procedural knowledge in criminal
and civil proceedings. All of our staff have a paralegal or legal secretary certificate and experience working in the legal field. It is also
important for someone in management to have a background or training in library skills and theories. My predecessor trained me on
many of the principles of cataloguing and Boolean searching for patrons. I am currently in the MLIS program at San Jose State and
am bringing back the skills I learn in my classes to the library.
We are really big on customer service. We know that if people are visiting a law library, they probably aren’t having a good day;
something in their life is going wrong, whether it is a divorce, a landlord issue or a custody battle. We try and remember when help-
ing our patrons that this is a serious responsibility. We don’t want to add to their trouble. It is a rewarding career, one that offers
continuous learning and requires creative strategizing to keep the library funded and running smoothly.
Volume XIV, Issue I Page 5
The course focused primarily on sources of U.S. government information, but also covered state, city and county government
sources, as well as information for other countries. Students learn about the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the Gov-
ernment Printing Office, the structure of the federal government, the issues and budgetary pressures exerting their influence on the
ways in which government information is made available, and the extent to which publishing practices are changing. The presence of
the Internet has accelerated the trend toward the electronic-only publication of government information, which has complicated
issues of preservation and access.
I was surprised to discover how much information is available through government-sponsored web sites and within FDLP collec-
tions, including legislative hearings and reports, consumer information, federally funded research reports, and agency reports and
findings. Although the number of publications has declined during the past 25 years, the United States remains one of the most pro-
lific publishers of free information in the world. In addition, the Internet has a wealth of useful sites important for any librarian:
The following spring, I was able to set up a Special Study in Government Publications (LIBR 298) under the direction of the Docu-
ments Librarian at the King Library. I was given the task of dealing with a backlog of duplicate federal and state documents that had
accumulated since the merger of the San Jose Public and SJSU Libraries in 2003. Government publications in FDLP libraries such as
King remain the property of the US government. As a consequence, once received, items must be held a minimum of five years.
Duplicates and weeded items cannot simply be discarded, but must be offered first to the Regional Depository library, which may
request return of the items or will give permission to the holding library to offer the items first to other regional FDLP libraries and
then to FDLP libraries nationwide. These offers are handled through listservs, Caldoc-L and GovDoc-L, which serve Government
Documents Librarians in California and those across the nation respectively. It was my task to begin to unload many of these un-
wanted items and then develop a manual so that the procedures would be formalized and easily carried out by whomever was sub-
sequently assigned the task.
In addition to writing the manual, I also helped set up a display to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake, and had the
opportunity to learn how to copy catalog California State documents using Millennium. Though I cataloged only about 20 items, the
experience helped solidify some of the concepts and rules I had learned in LIBR 248, and gave me an appreciation for the value of
the practical application of these principles.
If you have the chance to take Government Information Resources, give it a try. And whatever your particular interest, I highly rec-
ommend setting up a practicum or special study to allow yourself the opportunity to put those theoretical skills to practical use.
LISSTEN Officers
Annie Knight--President Vlasta Radan--Webmaster Members at Large:
Lucy Bellamy--VP, CSUF Brenda Welsh--Historian Sean Reinhart, Karen Voigt, Kaley Terwilliger ,
Tiffany Bronzan--VP, SJSU Kimberly Banks--Newsletter Co-editor Stefanie Gyles, Natalie Bulick, Anna Barbour,
Ozgun Tumer--Secretary Beverly McLeod--Newsletter Co-editor Elena Byington, Ja’Nean Palacios, Gabriel Beeler,
David Durante--Treasurer Dr. Judy Weedman--Faculty Advisor Coleen Wakai, Elizabeth Horan, Carol Mulligan,
Lucia Lee--Webmaster Heather Fucinari
Page 6 The Call Number
Whenever someone asks where I work, I always ease gently into the specifics—
“I work on a digital library project… I collect reports, presentations, and other documents to include in our web-based collec-
tion… I work at the Naval Postgraduate School… OK, (here it comes)--I work at the Homeland Security Digital Library.”
Experience has taught me that you can’t say the phrase “homeland security” without evoking a strong political and emotional
response from most people. However, I have a great job working with fantastic people who are doing really important work, and
we have cool technology tools that keep my inner librarian/geek challenged and happy.
The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) ( is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
support two groups: Students at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, especially those working toward masters
degrees at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security and Policy makers, working professionals, and scholarly researchers
around the country with homeland security-related issues. Our students at the Center are 80% civilian and work in fields as di-
verse as emergency management, public health, and law enforcement. More than two hundred colleges and universities have ac-
cess to the HSDL as well.
As a Content Specialist for the HSDL, I identify and collect resources to include in our
entirely web-based collection, focusing on government and scholarly reports related to
policy, strategy, and organizational structure in homeland security. We currently have
more than 37,000 electronic resources in our collection. I also research current events
and trends for our blog, On the Homefront ( and post reports
Whenever and links almost daily. Recently, I assumed responsibility for maintaining and updating the
taxonomy used for resource classification and site navigation. The majority of our re-
someone sources are auto-categorized into topics, and I create, revise, and test the programmatic
rules used to define the taxonomy terms for the auto-categorization tool. The HSDL is
staffed entirely with contract employees. We are not employees of the U.S. government
asks where I or the military; we are civilian “guests” on the military base where we work. Sometimes
that creates a strange and difficult environment, but most days it is a transparent differ-
ence. There are enough civilian employees on base that contractors don’t stand out on
work, I Tuesdays when full dress uniforms are required for military service members.
always ease I started graduate school at SLIS after working for ten years in higher education admini-
stration and software development. During my time as a student, my relevant work ex-
perience was limited to one unpaid internship not for academic credit and a part-time job
gently into doing tech support for academic library users.
In my interview for the job at the HSDL, I relied heavily on my experiences as a student to
the specifics illustrate my qualifications--
• Learning the reference interview process Reference and Information Services (210)
• Honing my sleuthing skills across a wide variety of tools in Online Searching (244)
• Creating web sites Beginning and Advanced Information Technology Tools and
Applications (240 & 246)
I also emphasized that I planned to take Beginning Cataloging and Classification (LIBR 248) before I graduated because I thought it
was an important area to expose myself to while I was still in school, even if it wasn’t required for graduation. After I endured a
semester with Deb Karpuk, no one was more surprised than me when I assumed responsibility for the HSDL taxonomy.
My dream job was to work in an academic library using my technology skills, but I knew that professional jobs for librarians on
the Monterey Peninsula were scarce. I imagined that I would work wherever I could locally after graduation until someone with
my dream job retired or died. I wasn’t actively looking for a job when I heard about an opening for a librarian at the HSDL. The
word-of-mouth job lead came from the girlfriend of a man who played soccer with my husband and who knew I was in library
school. Talk about serendipity! Networking works, even on soccer sidelines on foggy Sunday mornings.
This job is a great fit for my interest in working in higher education, my technology background and skills, my librarian training,
and my interest in working with end users to help them meet their information needs. I never imagined I’d work at a government-
sponsored library located on a military base, but it’s not nearly as scary as it sounds.
Volume XIV, Issue I Page 7
I frequently had to consult the Chicano Thesaurus (CT) to cross-check for the "legal" authorized terms. Because the CT
is still being developed, Lillian Castillo-Speed, my site supervisor and head of the library, asked me to keep a list of terms I
thought should be added to the thesaurus.
As the weeks went by, I often had to ask her for clarification about terms I found in the CT. I asked questions such as,
"How is this word intended to be used?" or, "Can I use this word in the sense of…?" The formal term for this kind of
usage information is “scope notes,” and there was a general lack of them in the CT. Since Castillo-Speed has worked on
the CT since its inception, all of that information is in her head. There was never a term I asked about that she couldn't
answer. (Librarians have better memories than elephants and brains like warehouses.)
After working at this for several weeks, it occurred to me that I should write scope notes for the terms I was planning to
recommend for the CT. This way, instead of just compiling a list of possible terms, I could submit a more complete
product, and I'd gain some experience in thesaurus building. Dr. Weedman, who teaches Vocabulary Design (LIBR 247),
supplied me with a reading list, and I also created a half-page worksheet I could use for each term. After I finished my
practicum hours, I continued on at the ESL, writing my first scope notes. I learned as I went along, and both the form and
the terms improved over time.
Scope notes are not merely written and forgotten. They are developed, which means studied over and over again, ad-
justed, rephrased and refined. They can be tricky to write. They are not definitions, exactly, although they do, at times,
define. More precisely, scope notes clarify and amplify usage, and tell when a certain term is to be used. It takes a long
time to learn to write concise, clear notes. Scope notes for the CT are supposed to be written from a Latino worldview
and are meant to be used by English as well as bilingual (English-Spanish) speakers. This is an example of a new term I
suggested, and its scope note:
Scope notes are actually written more for indexers than for thesaurus users; they address precisely the kind of questions
I asked Castillo-Speed by explaining when a term should be assigned to a written piece. For example, in the following
entry I composed…
SN: Use in the sense of the social construct that prescribes social and cultural roles for men and women,
not in its biological sense.
…the entry tells future indexers to assign this term to articles on gender roles, but never simply because a piece is about
a man or a woman. I also found tracings for several of my suggested terms. Tracings are other access points in the the-
saurus, for example, RT (Related Term) BT (Broader Term), and NT (Narrower Term). Locating tracings is an art form
in and of itself.
When I submitted my list of 44 terms and notes to my site supervisor, she had me make a case for each term, why I
thought it was needed, and, if there was already a similar term in the thesaurus, why I thought mine should be included.
Even if a word is disqualified, it isn’t wasted. Those terms became “See references” for the thesaurus, which lead the user
to the correct term. In the end, 32 of my scope notes were accepted, and I felt I'd made a contribution that will outlast
me. Best of all, this project led me to a special study the following spring in developing scope notes for terms already in
the CT.
Although I've had several interesting classes and other internships in the Library Science program at San Jose State, this
independent study was not only fascinating, but deeply rewarding. It has also given me a clear idea of where my strengths
lie, and has presented me with a possible career path.
Page 8 The Call Number
Sparanese, disturbed by this act of censorship, decided to voice her concerns via e-mail to two, in her own words, “lesser-
known library listservs:” SSRT (ALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table) and the Progressive Librarians Guild. Once the e-mail
was written and distributed amongst her community of librarians, Sparanese then “forgot about it,” until a few months later,
when she was asked by a reporter how she felt about the publisher’s change of heart. The reporter told her that “the book was
being released and it was because of librarians and my e-mail to them.” Letters to HarperCollins from hundreds of angry librari-
ans had rescued Moore’s book from the shredder.
What is inspiring about Sparanese’s action is how little forethought she gave to it, and even less after-thought. She acted from
the heart and did what she felt was the right thing to do. She followed her instinct. She combined her commitment to librarian-
ship with her longstanding social activism, championed the right to read and elevated the awareness of intellectual freedom. Her
own words suggest her humble regard for her tremendous achievement. In her article she states:
What happened with the Michael Moore book was a fluke – one of those little seeds that a person plants at
the right moment, which actually bears abundant fruit. If you are a gardener, you know what I mean. Every
garden has its surprises, and it is often those little seeds you disregarded as soon as you threw them into the
The goal of LISSTEN’s Banned Books Week event is to remind us of the right to read and the freedom to express our opinions,
our intellectual freedom, is at risk. And we, as the new generation of librarians, are prepared to continue to defend those rights
using whatever means available. Supporting LISSTEN’s Banned Books Week event, and others like it, is only the beginning. Read
For more information on “lone librarian” Ann Sparanese, see the following article links:
“Small Acts of Resistance – Ann Sparanese” March 15, 2003
“Librarian Makes a Difference for ‘Stupid White Men’ Author Michael Moore” School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University SLIS Student News July 25, 2002
During one of our break-out sessions, we discussed strategies to attract more diverse populations to careers in Library and
Information Science. Among the recommendations were:
• Target public library pages for recruitment, as they often represent various ethnic groups.
• For academic librarians, attend departmental colloquiums.
• Making that personal connection was highlighted as key to successful recruiting.
• At the systemic level, offer departments financial incentives for hiring staff from ethnically diverse backgrounds.
• Mentor current technical services staff who show potential for public service positions. If people see faces like their
own, they are more likely to see themselves in that position.
Another subject discussed was the curriculum currently being taught to future librarians. Discussion participants felt that Refer-
ence, Internships, Cataloging, Management, Collection Development, Special Research, and Database Management were the
most important classes a library student should take. The importance of internships was very highly stressed. Additionally, many
reiterated that catalogers are hard to find. Other important skills mentioned were grant writing and communication.
As for my experience, I had a fantastic time. When people realized that I was a student, they were very friendly. Some offered
business cards and urged me to keep in touch. I learned that librarians rock, as my advisor puts it. We are warm and inclusive
people who care about important issues like supporting ethnic diversity in our field. Each person in attendance at the summit
was making time to promote change. I like being a part of that.
Volume XIV, Issue I Page 9
Kristin Yiotis has had a number of accomplishments during her school career. She has published three papers (one in print,
two online), including an award-winning paper on the Open Access Initiative. Kristin has won numerous scholarships, including
three writing awards, which have provided substantial financial support for her SLIS education. Kristin is the 2006-2007 chair
of the SJSU ALA Student Chapter (ALASC). She is particularly interested in information literacy and the Open Access Initiative
(OAI), and she plans to graduate next spring.
When you started the program, did you have a particular focus? Were any courses particularly valuable?
I leaned toward special and academic libraries, but I tried to hit all the basic skills, cataloging, reference, and so on. The
courses that made the biggest impression on me and that I liked the most were the core classes, 200, 202, 204. In 202 and
204, I had good experiences with the group work projects.
You have won a number of scholarships including writing awards. These provided significant support for your SLIS education. Do you have
any advice for other students about finding scholarships?
I started by going through the SLIS scholarship list--I found most of my opportunities there. Another source is professional
organizations like the ALA. When you apply, present a strong case for the basis of your need. The funds are there for people
who apply. Sometimes it seemed as though there was very little competition. When it comes to providing references, that is
part of the job for faculty, but you can make it easier for them by drafting a letter of recommendation yourself.
You published three papers--one of which won the 2005 LITA/Endeavor Student Writing Award and was published in Information Tech-
nology and Libraries (ITAL). How did it feel to accept this award?
I went to the ALA Chicago conference in June 2005, so I was able to accept the award in person. It was a wonderful experi-
ence, but a little scary standing up before the group to say a few words. After my paper was published in ITAL, I began receiv-
ing requests for copies, which was a little astonishing, but exciting.
Your topic for two papers is the Open Access Initiative (OAI). Can you briefly describe OA and how you became interested in it?
OA is a way to publish scholarly works online that avoids the "middle man" of the commercial publisher. I am interested in
electronic theses and dissertation repositories (ETDs). An EDT repository allows students to get their research out there,
available to more people than if it were sitting in a library. My first contact with OA came from a research project I did for
LIBR 200, about the Budapest Open Access Initiative sponsored by the Soros Foundation. It caught my attention because I had
a previous tie to Hungary through a teaching job there as an ESL high school teacher in 1990-91.
You are currently the chair of ALASC at SJSU, the student chapter of ALA. What activities does ALASC support?
Part of the job of the chair is providing leadership in organizing work for the board. ALASC supports a number of programs,
such as the Amazon book-selling plan; luminary talks and other events; and a presentation and booth at new student orienta-
tions. ALASC could use more student participation. We have open seats on the board.
Finally, is there anything that you feel may be important to share with students who are coming into the program?
To new students I would say, don't hurry through the program if you don't have to. If you are working, taking two courses per
semester is reasonable. Take time to develop basic skills and find out what you love. Don't take the easy classes--get your
money's worth.
Page 10 The Call Number
While the VG Library was designed to nurture a love of learning and support the academic needs of
its young customers, resources for adults were also carefully considered. More than 22,000 non-
fiction works, 12,000 fiction books, and a vast array of periodicals (including Spanish-language materi-
als), CDs, and DVDs—all hand-selected by VG librarians—fill the main floor.
Visit us on the Web: Because of the thoughtful and appealing face-out displays of books and materials, even casual
passersby quickly realize the wide breadth of material available to them. In fact, one display includes a
lissten/index.php rotating collection of materials that coincide with current Lewis Family Playhouse productions, such
as the upcoming Miss Nelson is Missing, based on the children’s book by Harry Allard and James Mar-
For those who simply want to enjoy a peaceful place to read, the Quiet Reading Room beckons with
plush chairs, large windows, and a fireplace, making for a homey and relaxing atmosphere where all
can read and peruse materials from the library’s collection at ease.
The Call Number is edited The final stop of our tour included a behind-the-scenes walkthrough of the adjoining Lewis Family
and produced by SLIS Playhouse, where the page is truly transferred to the stage. Here, the Main Street Theater Company,
stages literature-based theatrical productions such as the upcoming Seussical. At the same time, with
students Kimberly Banks
the help of interns from Cal State University, San Bernardino, the theater serves as an educational
and Beverly McLeod
model as it offers hands-on theatrical experience to students through workshops in acting, set design,
costume design, and more. Supplemental curriculum guides for teachers, based on the California
Library and Information Science Students to Encourage Networking (LISSTEN) would like to wholeheart-
edly thank Michelle Perera and Robert Karatsu for inviting SJSU SLIS students to this tour and encourage
all library students to visit Victoria Gardens Cultural Center’s innovative library model.