Celtic Memorial Services
Celtic Memorial Services
Celtic Memorial Services
The Liturgy and Service from the Lorrha (Stowe) issal used !y the Churches of "reland# Scotland# $ritain# %rance# &ermany# Swit'erland# and northern "taly
Translated and Rubricated by + Maelruain Kristopher Dowling New English Translation and Rubrication 1995 by R! Kristopher "# Dowling $ll Rights Reser%ed# $&einnded 199' ( 199) R! Kristopher "# Dowling *rinted by! $scension +estern Rite ,rthodo- .hurch/ *#,# 0o- )1121/ $3ron/ ,4 556)1# *hone! 1766278')76'85 9nternet ho&epage! http!::.elticchristianity#org Dedicated to the ;aints who/ by the &eans o< this Missal brought the =ight o< $n .r>osd to the world/ and dedicated to those who would continue 4is &ission#
$lessed for use in the (ncient Celtic )rthodo* Church E*archate of Sts+ $righid and Columcille# E)E ,is Eminence# (mach (rdeas!uig -- Coinneach cCune# C)$(# S)S # ./# (C)C ES$0C# E)E 1 2uly 3456
Antiphon: V. Guide me O Tighearna in Thy Justice. R. Guide me O Tighearna in Thy Justice. Psalms V. Ps : !lessed is the man...through Ps "# ============ $econd Watch
Let the second read the ne*t :fifty: Psalms+
V. !ehold %&a is my helper: and an Tighearna is the Protector o' my soul. R. !ehold %&a is my helper: and an Tighearna is the Protector o' my soul. Psalms V. Ps "(: $a)e me* O %&a* +y Thy name* and ,udge me in Thy strength-through Ps ..
(fter each ;th Psalm is chanted the &lory !e to an (thair+
V. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the $on* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============ Third Watch
(gain let the third gathering read the ne*t fifty+
V. 2phold me according to Thy 1ord* and 3 shall li)e: and let me not +e con'ounded in my e4pectation. R. 2phold me according to Thy 1ord* and 3 shall li)e: and let me not +e con'ounded in my e4pectation. Psalms V. Ps 5: !lessed are the unde'iled in the 1ay* 1ho 1al6 in the la1 o' an Tighearna-until the end o' Ps. "7 V. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the $on* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============ Another set o' %ou+le Antiphons.
V. 8y Redeemer li)eth and shall rene1 me. V. 8y +ones shall +e rene1ed and 1hile in my 'lesh 3 1ill +ehold an Tighearna %&a. Psalm "7 9a)e mercy on me* O %&a* according to thy great mercyV. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the $on* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============ V. Thou commandest that 3 +e +orn* O Tighearna* 'ul'ill Thy promise that 3 rise again V. 3 come at Thy command0 do not a+andon me 'or Thou art Faith'ul. Psalm "( $a)e me* O %&a* +y Thy name* and ,udge me in Thy strengthV. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the 8hic* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============ V. 3 +elie)e that an Tighearna 1ill not a+andon me nor condemn me 1hen 9e cometh in ,udgment V. !ut my Redeemer* the Faith'ul %&a* 1ill +e merci'ul to me. Psalm ": 9a)e mercy on me* O %&a* ha)e mercy on me: 'or my soul trusteth in thee. V. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the 8hic* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============ V. Thou created me* O An ;r&osd* 3 come at Thy command: V. Forgi)e me O %&a0 'orgi)e me O 8ighty 'ree me 'rom the hand o' death. Psalm 5" 3ncline thy ear* O Tighearna* and hear me or 3 am needy and poor. V. Glory +e to an Athair* and to the 8hic* and to an $pioraid /aoimh0 R. As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1 and e)er shall +e* unto the ages o' ages. Ameinn. ============
This (nti9hon is for a 8eacon or Priest<
V. 3 ha)e +ecome a stranger to my +rethren as thou ordained. V. Thou didst call me O %&a: +ehold* 3 come: accept me. Psalm :5 $a)e me* O %&a: 'or the 1aters are come in e)en unto my soul...
Psalms 'or 1hen the !ody is carried to the ;hurch: A $e<uence . We shall +e 'illed 1ith the good things o' thy house0 V. For thine arro1s are 'astened in me: and thy hand hath +een strong upon me #. !e'ore 3 1aste a1ay V. 3 am a''licted and hum+led e4ceedingly: 3 roared 1ith the groaning o' my heart. (. 8y 'lesh is endo1ed V. For 9e 1ill not change 9is mind =. With +ut the 'e1 days V. 9ear* O Tighearna* my prayer: and let my cry come to thee. ". Which Thou hast granted me V. 3' 3 had +een ,ust* my mouth :. 3 6no1* O Tighearna that thy ,udgments are e<uity: and in thy truth thou hast hum+led me. V. Remem+er O Tighearna the 1or6 o' Thy hand. .. Free me V. 9a)e mercy on me O %&a* ha)e mercy on me. 5. %oes not %&a 6no1> V. ?et the dead get up and arise. @. 3 6no1 +ecause o' V. O %&a come to my assistance. 7. 8y desire V. 3 am one 1ho has spo6en . Pour 'orth tears O eyes V. 3 la+ored 1ith so++ing. #. 8y eyes are 'ull o' tears V. O all o' you 1ho ha)e passed o)er (. The chains are loosened V. ;leanse me entirely =. Return to me V. 2nto Thee O Tighearna do 3 arise. ". $o that thou shalt not 'ear in spirit V. 8ay an Tighearna har6en unto thee. :. O Thou Who raised ?aAarus V. Grant eternal rest to himBherBthem O Tighearna. .. 3n Thy hand O Tighearna do 3 commend my spirit. V. 3n Thee ha)e 3 hoped* O Tighearna.
The =e>uiem
ass is )ffered
;cripture readings Cpistle: 3 ;orinthians. ":" D"5 Psalm: (5 Gospel: John ": @D#70 and :#"D#:
ass)+ (%inal &os9el !elow? said at the end of the
&eneral =e>uiem
Cpistle: 3 Thess. =: #D 5 Psalm: (5 Gospel: John ": @D#70 and :#"D#:
ass)+ (%inal &os9el !elow? said at the end of the
V: O %&a come to my assistance. R: O Tighearna ma6e haste to help me. V: Glory +e to an Athair* and to the 8hic* and to an $pioraid /aoimh R: As it 1as in the +eginning* is no1* and e)er unto ages o' ages. Ameinn.
.AEEL+ BThe following 9rayer is said for all that are 9resent<C
V: We ha)e sinned* O Tighearna* 1e ha)e sinned: remit our sins and sa)e us. 9ear us* O Thou Who didst guide /oah upon the 1a)es o' the Flood* and didst recall Jonah 'rom the a+yss +y Thy Word0 'ree us. O Thou Who didst o''er a hand to Peter as he 1as sin6ing0 +ear us up* O An ;r&osd* $on o' %&a. Thou didst per'orm 1onders among our 'athers* O Tighearna: stretch 'orth Thy hand 'rom on high to ans1er our necessities. V: Free us* O An ;r&osd:
R: Gisteacht linn* O An ;r&osd. V: Gisteacht linn* O An ;r&osd. R: Gisteacht linn. R: 9ear us* O An ;r&osd. V: 9ear us* O An ;r&osd: R: 9ear us. V: Hyrie eleison. R: ;hriste eleison. V: %eo Gratias.
St+ PatrickDs ending may !e assumed+ (chanted<)
%: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %:
%&a In Athair in 9ea)en:....................R: %&a In 8hic* Redeemer o' the 1orld:...R: %&a In $pioraid /aoimh:....................R: 9oly Trinity* One %&a*.......................R: 9oly 8ary* .....................................R: 8ost 9oly Theoto6os* ......................R: 9oly Virgins o' Virgins* ....................R: $t. 8ichael* RedDWhite Warrior: ........R: $t. Raphael* Golden 9ealer:..............R:
ha)e mercy ha)e mercy ha)e mercy ha)e mercy pray 'or us. pray 'or us. pray 'or us. pray 'or us. pray 'or us.
on on on on
%: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %:
$t. Ga+riel* !lue 9erald:...................R: $t. 2riel* Guardian o' the Purple Veil:. R: All ye ;ardinal Guardians: ................R: All ye holy Angels and Archangels: ....R: All ye holy orders o' +lessed $pirits: . .R: $t. John the !aptist: .......................R: $t. Joseph: ....................................R: Righteous A+raham: .......................R: Righteous 8elchisedech: ..................R: All ye 9oly Patriarchs and Prophets: . .R: $t. Peter:.......................................R: $t. Andre1: ...................................R: $t. James: .....................................R: $t. John: .......................................R: $t. Thomas: ...................................R: $t. James: .....................................R: $t. Philip: ......................................R: $t. !artholome1: ...........................R: $t. 8atthe1: ..................................R: $t. $imon: .....................................R: $t. Thaddeus: ................................R: $t. !arna+as: .................................R: $t. 8atthias: ..................................R: $t. Paul: ........................................R: $t. ?u6e: .......................................R: $t. 8ar6: .......................................R: All ye 9oly Apostles and C)angelists: . R: $t. 8ary 8agdalene: .......................R: $t. Joseph o' Arimathea: .................R: All ye holy %isciples o' ar Tighearna: . R: All ye holy innocents: ......................R: $t. !righid: ....................................R: $t. ;olumcille: ...............................R: $t. $tephen: ..................................R: $t. Anthony: ..................................R: $t. 8artin: .....................................R: $t. !enedict o' /ursia: ....................R: $t. Gregory: ..................................R: $t. 9ilary: .....................................R:
pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray
'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or
us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us.
%: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %:
$t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t. $t.
Patric6: ....................................R: ;olum+a !eag: ..........................R: %ai+hidh: .................................R: ;olum+anus: .............................R: Adamnan: ................................R: Aidan: ......................................R: Ail+e: .......................................R: !ede: .......................................R: !rendan: ..................................R: !rieuc: .....................................R: ;oinneach: ...............................R: ;olman: ...................................R: ;omgall: ..................................R: ;uth+ert: .................................R: %eclan: ....................................R: %ymphnaJ ................................R: Cnda: .......................................R: Fiacre: .....................................R: Fillan: ......................................R: Fin+arr: ....................................R: Finian: .....................................R: Fridolin: ...................................R: Fursey: ....................................R: Gall: ........................................R: Go+net: ...................................R: %&aric: ......................................R: 3lltyd: ......................................R: 3ta: ..........................................R: He)in: ......................................R: Hieran: .....................................R: Hillian: .....................................R: ?a1rence OKToole: .....................R: ?ua: .........................................R: 8alachy: ..................................R: 8elangell: .................................R: /inian: .....................................R: /on: ........................................R: Oenghus the ;uldee: ..................R: Petroc: .....................................R:
pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray
'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or
%: %: %: %: %:
$t. Piran: ......................................R: $t. $amson0 ..................................R: $t. Tugdual: ..................................R: $t. Wini'ride: .................................R: All ye $aints in 9ea)en: ...................R:
us us us us us
%: %: %: %: %: %:
!e Thou gracious ............................R: !e Thou gracious ............................R: From all e)il: .................................R: Through Thy ;ross: ........................R: We sinners entreat Thee: .................R: We entreat Thee: ...........................R:
$pare us* O Tighearna. Free us* O Tighearna. Free us* O Tighearna. Free us* O Tighearna. 9ear us* O $on o' %&a. 9ear us* and grant us peace.
%: O ?am+ o' %&a Who ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld:
V: ;hrist hear us R: ;hrist graciously hear us. V: Gisteacht linn* O An ;r&osd. R: Gisteacht linn* le
B"f the Cele!rant did not chant the Litany# he now enters the church with the Su!deacon and stands at the rear of the Church+ "f there is no center aisle the Cele!rant and Su!deacon stand @ust !efore the Sacristy+ The Su!deacon stands at the Cele!rantDs left hand+ The Cele!rant is wearing only a cassock+ The Su!deacon is vested in amice# al! and has said the 9rayer of vesting as noted !elow+ The 8eacon goes to the Cele!rant and stands at the Cele!rantDs right hand+ The Cele!rant accom9anied !y the two ministers goes to the foot of the altar and says<
*rayer o< ;aint $&brose ;: O %&a* 3 1ho presume to in)o6e Thy 9oly /ame* stand in the presence o' Thy %i)ine 8a,esty: ha)e mercy upon me* a man: a sinner smeared +y the 'oulness o' inherent impurity0 'orgi)e the un1orthy priest in 1hose hand this o+lation is seen o''ered: $pare O Tighearna one polluted +y sins: in 'aults the 'oremost* in comparison to all others* and do not enter into ,udgment 1ith Thy ser)ant* 'or no one li)ing is ,usti'ied in Thy sight. 3t is true that 1e are 1eighed do1n in the 'aults and desires o' our 'lesh: remem+er* O Tighearna* that 1e are 'lesh and there is no other help +esides Thee. Meah* in Thy sight not e)en those in 9ea)en are much more cleansed than 1e earthly humans* o' 1hom* the Prophet said* Nall o' our righteous acts are li6e unto a menstrual rag.J O3saiah :=::* ?atin and 9e+re1.P We are un1orthy O 3osa An ;r&osd* +ut that 1e may +e li)ing* O Thou Who dost not 1ill the death o' a sinner: grant 'orgi)eness unto us 1ho 1ere created in the 'lesh* so that +y penitential acts 1e may come to en,oy eternal li'e in the 9ea)ens0 through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. ?esting *rayer o< ;aint $ugustine
T,E C)A&=E&(T")A (E S"T+ Festments listed are !ased on vestments found on the relics of St+ Cuth!ert+ Aote that the Su!deacon and 8eacon have vested !efore the Litany# saying this 9rayer# !ut omitting all te*t !etween the Ds+ The Cele!rant now vests# standing in the middle of the nave# saying<
;: 3 pray Thee* O %&a o' $a+aoth* most high* 9oly Father* +e pleased to arm me 1ith the tunic o' ;hastity*
Put on amice and al!+ Tie cincture+
and gird my loins 1ith the cincture o' ?o)e o' Thee* and 'urthermore* +e pleased to in'lame the reins o' my heart 1ith the 'ire o' Thy ;harity
Put on stole+ Aote< Su!deacons do not wear stoles+ Put on right cuff+
ena+ling me to ma6e an intercession 'or my sins and earn remission o' the sins o' these people 1ho are present*
Put on left cuff+ Put on
Also do not a+andon me* nor permit me to die 1hen 3 +oldly approach Thee* +ut permit me to 1ash* )est and calmly underta6e this ser)ice.
The Servers then 9our water over the hands of the Cele!rant# using 9itcher and !asin+ The servers hel9 the Cele!rant 9ut on the Chasu!le+ (The Cele!rant may stand with arms to the sides in the form of a Cross# while the servers 9ut the Chasu!le on him+) "f the Cele!rant serves alone he may go to the Creden'a or a 9orta!le ta!le to wash and vest# and he may 9ut on the Chasu!le !efore he washes his hands+ %or a $isho9< Putting on the =ationale# he says<
Permit us to hold Thy Truth resolutely* O Tighearna* and 1orthily open the %octrine o' Truth to Thy People. ;: Grant this through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages.
R: Ameinn.
The 8eacon and Su!deacon go to the Creden'a which is on the E9istle side of the (ltar+ The 8eacon takes the Cor9oral from the Creden'a and unfolds it u9on the (ltar# and then stands in front of the E9istle side of the (ltar# facing the Crucifi*+ The Su!deacon takes the Chalice (with Pall# folded veil and Purificator on to9 of it) in his left hand and the Paten with the ,ost u9on it in his right hand+ ,e gives the Chalice and the linens to the 8eacon# and waits in front of the E9istle side of the (ltar# !ehind the 8eacon+ (Ao cleric of rank lower than Su!deacon may carry the Chalice# ,ost and Paten+) The Cele!rant ascends to the (ltar# and kisses the o9en Cor9oral (the only Procession)+ The Cele!rant faces the Crucifi*# 9raying with the Congregation+ Servers !ring the cruets# and wait to the E9istle side of the (ltar+ The Cele!rant takes the Chalice and Purificator from the 8eacon+ The Cele!rant holds the Chalice and wi9es its interior with the Purificato=< ,e gives the Purificator to the Su!deacon+ The Cele!rant makes the Sign of the Cross with the Chalice over the Cor9oral and sets the Chalice on the Cor9oral+ The (ltar is the image of the inflicted 9ersecution+ The Chalice is the image of the Church which has !een set and !uilt u9on the 9ersecution of the Pro9hets and of others+ Aotes on the meaning of the images of the ass are in the end of the original te*t+ ST(A8+ The Cele!rant !lesses the water in the cruet with the Sign of the Cross and takes water cruet+ 7ater is 9oured first into the Chalice !y the Cele!rant<
;: 3 pray to Thee* O Father0 3 as6 intercession o' Thee* O $on0 3 appeal to Thee* O 9oly $pirit.
The water cruet is given !ack to the serve=< This is an image of the Peo9le which are 9oured into the Church+ The Cele!rant takes the Paten with the ,ost u9on it? makes the Sign of the Cross with the Paten over the Cor9oral? and ti9s the Paten# allowing theC ,ost to sli9 on to the center of the Cor9oral in front of the Chalice# saying<
;: 3osa An ;r&osd* Alpha and Omega: this is the First and the ?ast.
The Cele!rant then gives the Paten to the Su!deacon who returns it to the Creden'a and covers it with the Purificator+ "f the Cele!rant serves alone# the Cele!rant 9laces the Paten under the right edge of the Cor9oral and covers the Paten with the Purificator+ The setting of the ,ost u9on the (ltar is ,is Conce9tion+ This is an image of (n CrGosdDs $ody which has !een set in the linen sheet of aryDs wom!+ The Cele!rant takes the wine cruet+ The Cele!rant then adds 7ine to the Chalice<
;: 8ay an Athair remit* may an 8hic pardon* may an $pioraid /aoimh ha)e mercy.
The following 9rayer is to !e chanted at all asses< )9tional< holding the censer+ This is (n CrGosdDs 8Gahead with ,is humanity that comes u9on the Peo9le at the time of ,is Conce9tion+ The cruet is given !ack to the server# who 9laces the cruets on the Creden'a+ The Cele!rant takes the Pall sets it on the Chalice# and covers !oth the Chalice and the ,ost on the Cor9oral with the veil+ )9tional< !efore the &ifts are covered# a small censing< !less the censer# then cense only the Feil and &ifts# not the (ltar and congregation at this time (9art of the )ffering)+ (LL 7,) (=E P=ESEAT ST(A8 L))."A& HP)A T,E C=HC"%"I+ Ao 9erson# es9ecially the Cele!rant# may have their !ack to the Cross+ The Cele!rant lifts his eyes to the Crucifi*# e*tends and lifts his hands with 9alms u9ward so that they are @ust a!ove and to the sides of the gifts and says<
;: ?et our prayer ascend to the Throne o' Thy Reno1n* O Tighearna* lest emptiness +e returned to us in response to our petitions. This 1e as6 through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
(ll the te*t of the ass from now u9 to the E9istle and the &radual is an image of the esta!lishment of the .nowledge of (n CrGosd in the law of nature through the em!ers of ,is $ody and !y ,is own deeds+ "f the censer was used# return it to its stand+ (LL S"T+ There is no )ld Test(meinnt =eading in the manuscri9t of the Stowe issal+ ,owever# the $o!!io issal 9laces the )ld Test(meinnt =eading# if any# !efore the "ntroductory Collect? then the Collect after the Pro9hecy is said# if any+ ST(A8 )= .AEEL+
9NTR,D@.T,RA .,==E.T
Called the Praefatio in the $o!!io and &othic issals the Collect of the 8ay from the Pro9ers of this issal is to !e used in 9lace of the following< Su!stitute one of the 9rayers !elow for the following 9rayer+
9n ;ole&nities o< *eter and $n .r>osd! O %&a* Who to !lessed Peter Thine Apostle didst +esto1 +y the 6eys o' the 9ea)enly Hingdom* the po1er to +ind and loosen souls* and didst gi)e the o''ice o' 9igh Priest* recei)e our prayers o' propitiation and his intercession. We as6 O Tighearna 'or help that 1e may +e 'reed 'rom the +onds o' our sins through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the
;: O %&a an Athair* %&a an 8hic and %&a an $pioraid /aoimh* the one and only Tighearna o' Tighearnas and Hing o' Hings and glory o' all to come* 1e 'aith'ully implore Thee* +y the clear la1s and ,udgments o' the Patriarchs* +y the glorious prophecies o' the Prophets* through the holy e4amples o' the Apostles* +y the 1itness o' the martyrs* +y the 'idelity o' the ;on'essors* +y the sanctity o' Virgins* +y the contemplati)e li)es o' the Anchorites* +y the spiritual silence o' the mon6s* +y the dependa+le continuous orations o' the !ishops* A++ots and ;atholic Princes* and especially +y the su''rage o' the $aints Eor 9oly VirginsF 1hose solemnity is cele+rated +y us0 that this o''ering o' Thy ser)ants 1hich 1e o''er unto the 9oly Trinity in honor o' D/D may +e accepta+le to %&a and also +e pro'ita+le unto $al)ation0 through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the ass for Living Penitents<
ass of (9ostles#
;: !eing 'aith'ul to Thine C4alted %i)ine Fatherhood* and in trem+ling supplication +e'ore Thy great ma,esty* 1e +eseech Thee on +ehal' o' Thy ser)ants* to gi)e them a pure mind* per'ect charity* sincerity in acts* purity o' heart* )irtue in 1or6* discipline in ha+it* and to restore them in the 'ear o' Thy Justice. For these* D//D* 1e o''er the intention o' our de)otion unto Thee that they may come to 6no1 Thy 'idelity. Through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the
;: Grant* 1e +eseech Thee* Almighty and 8erci'ul %&a* that the souls o' Thy ser)ants D//D may o+tain 'orgi)eness o' sins and perpetual ,oy o' ?ight* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
and on earth peace to men o' good 1ill. We praise Thee0 1e +less Thee0 1e 1orship Thee0 1e glori'y Thee0 1e magni'y Thee0 1e gi)e than6s to Thee 'or Thy great mercy. O Tighearna hea)enly Hing* %&a an Athair Almighty0 O Tighearna* the
Only !egotten $on o' %&a* 3osa An ;r&osd0 O 9oly $pirit o' %&a* and all o' us say* Ameinn. O Tighearna the $on o' %&a an Athair: ?am+ o' %&a Who ta6est a1ay the sin o' the 1orld* ha)e mercy upon us. Recei)e our prayers0 Thou Who sittest at the rightDhand o' %&a an Athair: 9a)e mercy upon us* 'or Thou only art holy* Thou only art an Tighearna* Thou only art an Tighearna* Thou only art glorious0 1ith the 9oly $pirit in the glory o' %&a an Athair. R: Ameinn.
(n e*am9le of music for the (ngelic ,ymn &loria is !elow# or use other music+ (ll @oin in singing< (The issal did not s9ecify the Cele!rant here+)
?am+ o' %&a Who ta6est a1ay the sin o' the 1orld*
1ith an
R: A D meinn.
The Cele!rant continues !owed and with @oined hands<
;: O %&a Who didst prepare unseen good things 'or those 1ho are de)oted to Thee* send 'orth an attitude o' lo)e o' Thee into our hearts* that 1e may 'ollo1 Thee in all things* and a+o)e all things pursue Thine attenti)e promises 1hich surpass all e4pectations. Through ar Tighearna* 3osa an ;riosd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
;. ?et us pray: We gi)e Thee than6s O ar Tighearna is %&a 3osa an ;r&osd* splendor o' an AthairQs glory* and day o' eternal clarity* 'or +eing pleased to illumine Thy t1el)e Apostles +y the Fire o' an $pioraid /aoimh as the t1el)e hours o' the day are illuminated +y the light o' the $un0 unto 1hom Thou didst say Nye are the light o' the 1orldJ and again* NAre there not t1el)e hours o' the daylight> 3' one 1al6s in the light o' day* he shall not stum+le.J %escend on us* O ar Tighearna is %&a 3osa an
;r&osd* the $un o' Righteousness0 in Whose 1ings is 1ellD+eing 'or those that 'ear Thee* that 1e may 1al6 in the ?ight. There'ore 1e ha)e the ?ight* that 1e may +e sons o' the ?ight. O Thou Who didst illumine the Apostles as Thy pro4ies and the other $aints as their pro4ies li6e lamps unto this 1orld: endo1ed 1ith the Grace o' an $pioraid /aoimh and the %octrines* dispel the dar6ness o' ignorance and send 'orth the light o' Thy righteousness through the patronage o' those D/D 1hose 'esti)ities 1e honor today. That 1e may remain al1ays in Thee and through Thee* Who reignest 1ith Thine unoriginate Athair and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the
;. ?et us pray: O Tighearna* pardon us Thy penitents* Thy pretentious ser)ants* that 1ith untrou+led mind 1e may +e a+le to o''er this $acri'ice 'or D//D* that +y the dictates o' Faith* they may o+tain 'orgi)eness and health* through Thee O 9oly Father. 8ay Thy 'ollo1ers +e a+le to ma6e the o''ering and attain to the $al)ation o' eternal grace +y Thine aid. Through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the ass of the 8ead+
;. ?et us pray: We +eg Thee* O Tighearna* grant us Thy mercy* that the souls o' Thy ser)ants D//D may a1ait the 'uture Resurrection* 'orgi)en o' all 'aults and 'reed o' all cares under Thy protection* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
)ther collects may !e said after the LorrhaJStowe Collect+ Hse the Pro9er for the Season# then the Collect against 9ersecution or for the chief $isho9 or from the Pro9er for the Saint of the day (d Li!itum+ The following 9rayer# 7ho is offended !y faults is said in daily asses< The Cele!rant e*tends and @oins his hands# !owing dee9ly# as he says<
;: O %&a Who is o''ended +y 'aults and appeased +y penitence* consider the groans o' the a''licted* and merci'ully a)ert the e)ils 1hich Thou dost ,ustly impose* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
The 9ortion of the ass from the E9istle and gradual to the uncovering of the Chalice is a recounting of the law Letter which 9ro9hesies (n CrGosd# !ut what is 9refigured is not yet known+ The &os9el# (lleluia# and 9rayers chanted from the halfJuncovering of the ,ost and the Chalice until the 9rayer ay these &ifts is a recounting of the Law of the Pro9hets which s9ecifically foretold (n CrGosd# !ut the significance of the Pro9hecy is unknown until ,is "ncarnation+ S"T+
This is said louder !y the Su!deacon# or higher clergy# who reads or chants the E9istle at the foot of the altar facing the )!lations<
The ?esson o' Paul the Apostle to the O;orinthiansP +egins: The General Cpistle o' R/ameS the Apostle +egins:
)r )r
The Lesson of the day is to !e su!stituted for the following# which is 9rovided as a general Lection only+ See the Pro9ers and Lections through the yea=< (Translation from the Latin of the original Celtic LorrhaJStowe issal)<
O3 ;or. :#:D(#P !rethren: 'or as o'ten as you shall eat this !read* and drin6 the ;halice* you shall sho1 the death o' an Tighearna* until 9e come. There'ore 1hosoe)er shall eat this !read* or drin6 the ;halice o' an Tighearna un1orthily* shall +e guilty o' the !ody and o' the !lood o' an Tighearna. !ut let a man pro)e himsel': and so let him eat o' that !read* and drin6 o' the ;halice. For he that eateth and drin6eth un1orthily* eateth and drin6eth ,udgment to himsel'* not discerning the !ody o' an Tighearna. There'ore there are those many 1ea6* sic6ly and im+ecile among you* and many sleep. !ut i' 1e 1ould ,udge oursel)es* 1e should not +e ,udged. !ut 1hen 1e are ,udged* 1e are chastised +y an Tighearna* that 1e +e not condemned 1ith this 1orld.
(fter the reading of the E9istle# the Congregation makes no res9onse at this time+ The Cele!rant e*tends and @oins his hands# saying with raised voice immediately<
;: O %&a Who sa)est us +y guidance and ,usti'iest us +y 'or+earance0 rescue us 'rom the tri+ulations o' this time and +esto1 ,oy upon us through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
.AEEL )= ST(A8+ The Cele!rant !ows and says<
;: Almighty* eternal %&a* Who didst redeem Thy people +y the +lood o' Thine OnlyD !egotten $on* destroy the 1or6s o' the de)il* +rea6 the chains o' sin* that those 1ho ha)e attained to eternal li'e in the con'ession o' Thy /ame may +e +ound +y no thing to the author o' death* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
T4E "R$D@$=
The &radual of the day is su!stituted for the following# which is a general Lection only+ See the Pro9ers and Lections of the day+ Through the year# all one hundred fifty Psalms are used+
EPsalm 7=: D=F $ee6 an Tighearna and his strength0 see6 his Face e)ermore. O gi)e than6s unto an Tighearna0 call upon his /ame. $ee6 an Tighearna and his strength0 see6 his Face e)ermore. A'ter1ards* the ;ele+rant* 1ith hands ,oined upon the Altar* +o1s and as6s: ;: ?et these gi'ts +y 1hich the mysteries are cele+rated +e pleasing to Thee O Tighearna* unto our 'reedom and li'e: through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
"n the case of a Psalm or other te*t used as a Tract or Se>uence there might !e no &radual# !ut the 9receding 9rayer is read !efore the Tact or Se>uence+ ST(A8+
All: Alleluia* Alleluia. An Tighearna is my strength and my praise and 9e is +ecome my $al)ation Alleluia.
(fterwards# the Cele!rant# hands @oined u9on the (ltar# !ows slightly and asks<
;: O Tighearna 1e +eg Thee to graciously attend these sacri'icial o''erings here present that our de)otions may +e pro'ita+le to sal)ation through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. Than6s +e to %&a. The =itany o< ;upplication by ;aint Martin
The Litany is always chanted+ The 8eacon chants the verses+ "f there is no 8eacon# the Cele!rant is the Cantor+
V: ?et us all say* Tighearna T hear and ha)e mercy: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy.
V: From our 1hole heart and our 1hole mind* O Thou Who dost loo6 o)er all the earth and ma6e it to trem+le* ?et us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For the greatest peace and tran<uility o' our times* 'or the holy ;atholic ;hurch 1hich is 'rom the +orders* yeah unto the ends o' the earth* ?et us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For our $hepherd and !ishop D/D* and 'or all the !ishops and Priests and %eacons and all the clergy* ?et us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For this place and those li)ing in it* 'or pious leaders and all our military* ?et us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For all 1ho are under the su+lime Rule* 'or )irgins* 1ido1s and orphans* ?et us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For pilgrims and those 1ho tra)el +y land and 1ater and air and space0 'or penitents* catechumens and capti)es* let us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: For these 1ho in the holy ;hurch gi)e 'orth the 'ruits o' mercy* O Tighearna %&a o' )irtues listen to our petitions* let us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: That 1e +e mind'ul o' the $aints* Apostles and 8artyrs* that +y their prayers 'or
us 1e may merit 'orgi)eness* let us pray: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy. V: Permit a ;hristian and peace'ul end* 1e as6 o' an Tighearna*
V: And the di)ine in'luence to remain 1ith us* a holy chain o' ;harity* 1e as6 an Tighearna: R: Grant it* O Tighearna* grant it. V: To preser)e sanctity and purity o' the ;atholic Faith* 1e as6 an Tighearna: R: Grant it* O Tighearna* grant it. V: ?et us say: R: Tighearna ha)e mercy.
The Cele!rant e*tends his hands and looks to heaven# saying<
;: O Tighearna graciously attend the cele+ration o' this $acri'ice unto Thee* 1hich cleanses us 'rom the 'ault o' our condition* and restores us to accepta+ility +y Thy /ame* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
T,E CELE$=(AT ST(A8S+ $owing dee9ly# with hands @oined# the Cele!rant says<
;: O Tighearna +e'ore Thine eyes 3 de'end mysel' 1hile accused +y the 1itness o' a guilty conscience. 3 do not dare to petition 'or others +ecause 3 am un1orthy to accomplish it. 9o1e)er* Thou 6no1est* O Tighearna* all 1hich has +een done among us o' 1hich 1e are ashamed to con'ess. 3t is +ecause o' this that 1e do not 'ear to admit that 1e o+ey Thee in 1ords: +ut 1e lie in our hearts. We say 1e are 1illing0 1e pro)e 1e are un1illing +y our acts. $pare* O Tighearna* the insolent0 'orgi)e sinners0 ha)e mercy on those 1ho call to Thee. $ince in Thy $acrAmeinnt my thoughts are re'uted: Grant O Tighearna* Who dost not recei)e our 1ords 1ith a hard heart* that* +y Thysel'* Thou mayest +esto1 'orgi)eness* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
(LL ST(A8< The Chalice and ,ost are half uncovered< (The Cele!rant folds !ack the veil of the Chalice and ,ost to e*9ose the ,ost and the front of the Chalice+) This 9rayer is recited thrice< "ncense is set in the thuri!le and !lessed+ The censing is illustrated in !ack of the issal+ The Cele!rant censes the )fferings in the form of a Cross three times# saying each time<
;: ?et my prayer +e set 'orth in Thy sight as incense and the li'ting o' my hand +e an e)ening sacri'ice.
This 9rayer is recited thrice< The Cele!rant moves the censer in two antiJclockwise circles and one clockwise circle around the )fferings# for each circle saying<
;: ;ome* O Tighearna* the Almighty $ancti'ier and +less this $acri'ice prepared unto Thee. R: Ameinn.
Then the Cele!rant continues to cense the (ltar and congregation+
The Prayer o' $t. Gregory o)er the Gospel Once the congregation has +een censed* the ;ele+rant censes the Gospel 1ith three s1ings o' the censer* or three ;rosses and three circles* saying once o)er the Gospel: ;: We +eseech Thee* O Tighearna Almighty %&a* that Thou most merci'ully accept our o''erings 1hich are sacri'iced to Thee* and that Thou stretch 'orth Thy right hand unto our de'ense* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. When the ;ele+rant completes the censing* he hands the Thuri+le to the ser)er or replaces the censer on the stand i' ser)ing alone. $er)ers or others hold lights.
The 8eacon (or Cele!rant) goes to the foot of the altar and reads the &os9el facing the )!lations+
V: The ?esson o' the Gospel according to OJohnP +egins: R: Glory +e to Thee* O Tighearna.
The &os9el of the day is to !e su!stituted for the following# which is 9rovided as a general Lection only+ See the Pro9ers and Lections through the yea=< (Translation from the Latin of the original Celtic LorrhaJStowe issal)<
O$t. John ::" D".P Ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd said0 I3 am the li)ing !read 1hich came do1n 'rom hea)en. 3' any man eat o' this !read* he shall li)e 'ore)er0 and the !read that 3 1ill gi)e is my Flesh* 'or the li'e o' the 1orld.Q The Je1s there'ore stro)e among themsel)es* saying* Iho1 can this m an gi)e us his 'lesh to eat>Q Then 3osa said unto them: IAmeinn* Ameinn* 3 say unto you: C4cept you eat the Flesh o' the $on o' man* and drin6 9is !lood* you shall not ha)e li'e in you. 9e that eateth my Flesh* and drin6eth my !lood* hath e)erlasting li'e: and 3 1ill raise him up in the last day. For my Flesh is meat indeed: and my !lood is drin6 indeed. 9e that eateth my Flesh and drin6eth my !lood* a+ides in me* and 3 in him .Q
(fterwards# the congregation res9onds (according to the =ule of Tallaght)<
;: 8ay 9e Whose %ominion and Hingdom remain 1ithout end* +e pleased to sustain us unto ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.F
)r# after congregation# another !lessing !y the Cele!rant# and then<
( sermon is said a!out the %east# &os9el and E9istle+ )nly the $isho9# Priest# or 8eacon may read the &os9el and give the Sermon+ "n the time of the Lorrha issal# the Congregation !rought folding chairs or car9ets for this 9ur9ose+ "t is noted that only the 8oorkee9er or the Cook of a community was allowed to !e a!sent during the Sermon# or the !eginning of the ass+ Aotices and $anns (announcements and engagements) having !een duly read# all 9resent 9rofess the Creed+ The Creed !elow is an accurate translation of the LorrhaJStowe Creed# not adding# omitting# or changing any words or 9hrases in the te*t+ ST(A8+
The Creed
3 +elie)e in one God* the Father Almighty* 8a6er o' hea)en and earth and o' all things )isi+le and in)isi+le. And in one ($)7) ?ord Jesus ;hrist* the OnlyD!egotten $on o' God. (="SE) !egotten o' the Father +e'ore all ages. ?ight o' light* true God o' true God. !egotten* not made* o' one $u+stance 1ith the Father: +y Whom all things 1ere made. Who 'or us men* (&EAH%LECT) and 'or our $al)ation descended 'rom 9ea)en. And 1as 3ncarnate o' the 9oly $pirit and the Virgin 8ary: And 1as made man. (="SE) And 1as cruci'ied also 'or us* under Pontius Pilate0 9e su''ered and 1as +uried. And 9e rose on the third day* in accordance 1ith the $criptures. And ascended into hea)en: and sitteth at the right hand o' the Father: And 9e shall come again 1ith glory to ,udge +oth the li)ing and the dead: Whose Hingdom shall ha)e no end. And 3 +elie)e in the 9oly $pirit* the ?ord and Gi)er o' li'e: Who proceedeth 'rom the Father: ($)7) Who 1ith the Father and the $on together is 1orshiped and glori'ied: Who spa6e +y the Prophets. (="SE) And in one 9oly* ;atholic* and Apostolic ;hurch. 3 con'ess one !aptism 'or the remission o' sins. And 3 loo6 'or the resurrection o' the dead. And the li'e o' the age to come. Ameinn.
The veil and Pall of the Chalice are removed+ Standing erect# the Priest e*tends his hands# raises them and @oins them# and lifting his eyes to heaven and lowering them# says (This 9rayer is recited thrice)<
;: $ho1 us Thy 8ercy O Tighearna* and grant us Thy $al)ation. The Ele%ation
The Chalice is elevated# and all look at it+
;: O Tighearna* may these gi'ts 1hich are o''ered +e sancti'ied* and cleanse us 'rom the +lots o' our sins* through ar Tighearna 3osa an ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* and an $pioraid /aoimh* throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
The elevation of the Chalice# after the full uncovering# during the 9rayer ay these gifts is the commemoration of (n CrGosdDs $irth and of ,is &lory through the signs and miracles+ The Chalice is re9laced on the Cor9oral and is covered !y the Pall+
;: We* Thy ser)ants* +eseech Thee* O Tighearna* that Thou +enignly recei)e these O''erings o' our de)otion* through this glorious $acri'ice and our puri'ied hearts* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* and an $pioraid /aoimh* throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. ;: O Tighearna* 1e sacri'ice these o+lations and sincere o''erings unto Thee* O 3osa An ;r&osd Who su''ered 'or us and rose on the third day 'rom the dead* 'or the souls o' our lo)ed ones D/D and D/D* 1hose names 1e recite* and also o' those 1hose names 1e do not recite +ut 1hose names are recited +y Thee in the !oo6 o' ?i'e Cternal. O' Thy mercy* rescue them* O Thou Who reignest unto ages o' ages.
R: Ameinn.
( Post Aomina of the day# if any# may !e inserted here+ (LL .AEEL+
;: 8ay this o+lation o' Thy ser)ants +e pleasing unto Thee* 1hich 1e o''er unto Thee in honor o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* and in commemoration o' Thy +lessed Apostles* and Thy 8artyrs and ;on'essors* o' 1hom 1e especially remem+er D/D* and those 1hose 'east is cele+rated today* and 'or the souls o' all our !ishops* and our Priests* and our %eacons* and our lo)ed ones* and our children* and our penitents. 8ay all o' this +e pro'ita+le unto sal)ation* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass o< $postles/ Martyrs and 4oly ?irgins# ;: O %&a* Who dost surround and protect us +y the intercessions o' the most +lessed $pirits o' Angels* and Archangels* the Principalities* and Po1ers* %ominations* Virtues* ;heru+im and $eraphim* Patriarchs* Prophets* Apostles* 8artyrs* ;on'essors and Virgins* Anchorites* ;eno+ites* and o' all the $aints and citiAens o' 9ea)en* grant 1e +eseech Thee that Thou ma6e use o' them and our imitation o' them* to guard us +y setting them +et1een us and dangers* and +y the assem+ly o' the interceding $aints* de'end us 'rom dangers0 through Thy $on* ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass <or =i%ing *enitents# ;: Almighty %&a* again 1e ma6e our entreaties in the presence o' Thy ma,esty* especially 'or Thy ser)ants D//D. We o''er these O+lations 'or their sins in honor o' Thy $aints: 8ary* Peter* Paul* John and all o' Thy $aints. Per'ect these o''erings so that their petitions may arise to Thy compassionate ears* and that a pious +lessing may descend upon them* that they may +e protected in all things +eneath Thy 1ings. 8ay our prayers o' propitiation unto Thee 'or them +e not re,ected 'rom the Presence o' Thy Faith* +ut +e pleased to help and de'end them in all things* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass o< the Dead ;: Attend* O Tighearna* the gi'ts 1hich 1e +ring to Thine Altar in commemoration 'or EThy $aintsF OThy 'aith'ul 1ho ha)e 'allen asleepP D//D and 1hich 1e sacri'ice 'or our o''enses* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
BContinue here<C
R: We
The Preface< The usual Preface is always said !efore any other< BCalled the 8ignum in the Lorrha the Contestatio or "mmolacio in other Celtic sources+
;: Truly it is 1orthy and ,ust and right and unto $al)ation 'or us no1 and here* al1ays and e)ery1here to gi)e than6s* through An ;r&osd ar Tighearna* unto Thee* 9oly Tighearna Almighty and Cternal %&a. Thou Who 1ith Thine OnlyD!egotten and an $pioraid /aoimh* O %&a* art One and 3mmortal %&a* 3ncorrupti+le and 3mmuta+le %&a* 2nseen and Faith'ul %&a* 8ar)elous and PraiseD1orthy %&a* 9onora+le and 8ighty %&a* the 9ighest and 8agni'icent %&a* ?i)ing and True %&a* Wise and Po1er'ul %&a* 9oly and C4emplary %&a* Great and Good %&a* Terri+le and Peace'ul %&a* !eauti'ul and ;orrect %&a* Pure and !enign %&a* !lessed and Just %&a* Pious and 9oly* not in one singularity o' person +ut One Trinity o' One $u+stance. Thee 1e +elie)e0 Thee 1e +less0 Thee 1e adore0 and 1e praise Thy /ame unto eternity and unto ages o' ages: Thou through Whom is the $al)ation o' the 1orld0 through Whom is the ?i'e o' men0 through Whom is the Resurrection o' the dead.
,ere insert the 9ro9er 9reface (after the usual Preface a!ove)< "n addition to the Preface that is always said in the LorrhaJStowe issal# there are s9ecial Prefaces for %estal days and mova!le Sundays+ Celtic sources such as the $o!!io issal and &othic issal (Contestatio or "mmolacio)# which should !e inserted here+ See the Pro9ers through the yea=< "n asses of Saints# in fasting seasons# or for the 8e9arted# also say one of the following Prefaces for Saints# Penitents or the 8ead< Pro9er Prefaces (8ignum from the Lorrha issal)<
*R,*ER *RE $.E ,R T4E 4,=A M$RTAR; ;: O Tighearna Almighty %&a Who dost test Thy $aints 1ith a measure and glori'ies 1ithout measure* Whose precepts ha)e a goal and re1ards ha)e no end* hear our prayers through the 8artyrs and +y their e4amples and tri+ulations. 8ay their patronage encourage us: to the per'ection o' Faith* the 'ruition o' good 1or6s* to the good o' prosperity and o' good health* to religious Aeal* and to the increasing o' di)ine 'eaR: 8ay the 9oly 8artyrs pray 'or us* and 'or our dead* and 'or our herds* and the a+undant crops o' our land* and 'or all residing in this place. U The innumera+le multitudes o' the 9ea)enly and earthly creatures* o' Thy $aints and o' the ;hoir o' Angels unceasingly proclaim Thee* Almighty %&a saying: *R,*ER *RE $.E , T4E $*,;T=E; $ND $== T4E ;$9NT; ;: 3t is Truly 1orthy* and right* and ,ust* and Glorious 'or us to gi)e Thee than6s all the days o' our li'e* O Tighearna %&a Almighty* +ut in this day o' lo)e and
a+undance 1e ought to +e grate'ul 1ith the Joy'ul 9oly $pirit in the solemnity o' D/D the Apostle Eor $aints * etc.F. Grant us* there'ore* Almighty %&a: Faith* 9ope and ;harity* a ;atholic ending* and peace'ulness* through the e4ample and the commemoration o' Thy $aint D/D in 1hose honor todayQs o+lation is o''ered* that altogether it may pro'it unto sal)ation* U through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* +y Whom all the Angels* Archangels* Prophets and Apostles* 8artyrs and ;on'essors* Virgins* and All o' the $aints* 1ith a perpetual hymn and un1earied praises* 1ith the 'our +easts and the t1enty 'our elders ORe.=:=D * ":5D =P harmoniAe* saying: *R,*ER *RE $.E ,R =9?9N" *EN9TENT; Bin <asting ;easonsC ;: 3t is truly Worthy* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Thy $on* Whose Po1er is to intercede* Whose 8ercy is to entreat* Whose Faith is allDencompassing. 1ho else is there* 1ho is a+le to ponder the mar)els o' all Thy po1er* or to hear 1ith human ears* or to attain 1ith human mind* or to disco)er +y human estimation ho1 much Thou hast prepared 'or Thine elect> Met* let us +e a+le to +e a+undantly ashamed o' all that is earthly and lac6ing in sel'Dcontrol0 o' Thy mercy* grant a 'a)or o' 'orgi)eness and o' re'uge 'or Thy suppliants. Furthermore* in commemoration o' the $aints through 1hose intercessions 1e hope 'or 'orgi)eness and petition* that Thou grant unto Thy ser)ants* D //D * remission o' their sins* that Thou per'ect their 1or6s* and that Thou ans1er their needs. Finally* +y Thy ser)ants* the $aints 1ho intercede 'or them* gi)e these people healing o' their souls* since 1e +eg that Thou 'ul'ill their pro'essed needs. O Almighty* grant Thy suppliants pardon* Thy petitioners 'orgi)eness* those 1ho cry unto Thee 'ul'illment o' their longing. I8ay an Tighearna hear thee in the day o' tri+ulation: may the /ame o' the %&a o' Jaco+ protect thee. 8ay 9e send thee help 'rom the $anctuary: and de'end Thee out o' $ion. 8ay 9e +e mind'ul o' all thy sacri'ices: and may thy 1hole +urnt o''ering +e made 'atQ EPs @: D(F. !y these things* gi)e those 1ho petition a di)ine yearning* and esta+lish their assem+ly in that 1hich is good* that the hearts o' those 1ho petition may +e restored to li'e +y Thee* U through An ;r&osd ar Tighearna* through Whom* unto Thy 8a,esty* the Angels gi)e praise* the %ominations Worship* the Po1ers o' the 9ea)ens trem+le* and the hea)enly Virtues and the !lessed $eraphim together 1ith e4altation cele+rate. With Whom* 1e +eseech Thee* +id that our )oices also +e admitted* 1ith suppliant con'ession saying: *R,*ER *RE $.E , T4E DE$D 3t is truly 1orthy that 1e a1ait 9im Whose promises are the 'ul'illment o' eternal good things* in Whom the promises are made 6no1n* in Whom 1e 6no1 the promises are le't here 1ith us: ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who truly is the ?i'e o' those 1ho +elie)e* and is the Resurrection o' Thy ser)ants D //. O' these* 'or 1hom 1e o''er this $acri'ice* 1e ma6e our entreaties* that Thou 1illingly admit those 1ho 1ere cleansed in the 'ont o' regeneration and e4cluded 'rom temptation* to +e counted among the $aints. ;ommand that those 1hom Thou hast made participants +y adoption* may share in Thy legacy* U through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Thy $on through Whom* unto Thy 8a,esty* the Angels gi)e praise* the %ominations Worship* the Po1ers o' the 9ea)ens trem+le* and the hea)enly Virtues and the !lessed $eraphim together 1ith e4altation cele+rate. With Whom* 1e +eseech Thee* +id that our )oices also +e admitted* 1ith suppliant con'ession saying:
The Preface continues here if the te*t does not contain this or a similar ending+ )therwise the 9rayer continues at the Sanctus+
U Through Whom* unto Thy 8a,esty* the Angels gi)e praise* the %ominations Worship* the Po1ers o' the 9ea)ens trem+le* and the hea)enly Virtues and the !lessed $eraphim together 1ith e4altation cele+rate. With Whom* 1e +eseech Thee* +id that our )oices also +e admitted* 1ith suppliant con'ession saying:
Chanted# musical setting may !e used? see 9age !elow for an e*am9le+
A??: 9oly* 9oly* 9oly Tighearna* %&a o' $a+aoth. 9ea)en and the 1hole earth are 'ull o' Thy glory* 9osanna in the highest. !lessed is 9e that cometh in the /ame o' an Tighearna. 9osanna in the highest.
The version !elow is the Paschal Sanctus from Li!er Hsualis# which is an ancient melody# and may !e &allican+
9eaD)enDD and the 1hole earth are 'ullDDD o'DD Thy glory*
9osDanDna in theVhighDest.
9osDDDanDDDDDDDDnaDDDDDDDD inDDD theDDDDDDDDDD highDest. ;: !lessed is 9e Who cometh 'rom hea)en that 9e might enter the 1orld* and didst +ecome man unto the +lotting out o' the sins o' the 'lesh* and +ecame a Victim that through su''ering 9e might gi)e eternal li'e to those that +elie)e0 through the same Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
There'ore* most clement Father* through 3osa An ;r&osd Thy $on ar Tighearna* 1e hum+ly +eseech and pray Thee* Ohe 6isses the Altar and 1ith hands ,oined +e'ore his +reast* says:P that Thou accept and +less these gi'ts* these o''erings* these holy and unspotted sacri'ices* O1ith e4tended hands he proceeds:P 1hich* 'irst* 1e o''er unto Thee 'or Thy holy ;atholic ;hurch: that Thou graciously 6eep her in peace* to guard* uni'y* and go)ern her throughout the 1hole 1orld: together 1ith Thy $er)ants* the Orthodo4 Patriarchs* the !ishops o' the Apostolic $ee and all 1ho hold the Orthodo4 and Apostolic 'aith* and our 8etropolitan D/D* A++otD!ishop D/D* !ishop D/D. Meah* remem+er* O Tighearna* Thy ser)ants and handmaids D/D and D/D* E9ere the names o' the li)ing are recitedF and all 1ho are present here* 1hose 'aith and de)otion unto Thee are 6no1n and mani'est* 1ho o''er unto Thee this sacri'ice o' praise* 'or themsel)es* and 'or all o' theirs: 'or the redemption o' their
souls0 'or their +ody o' elders0 'or the purity o' all ministers0 'or the integrity o' )irgins and the continence o' 1ido1s0 'or mildness o' 1eather* 'ruit'ulness o' the lands0 'or the returning o' peace and an end to di)ision0 'or the sa'ety o' our leaders and peace o' the people* and the rescue o' capti)es* and 'or the prayers o' those here present0 'or the commemoration o' martyrs0 'or the remission o' our sins* and the correction o' culprits0 'or repose 'or the dead0 and good 'ortune o' our ,ourney0 'or an Tighearna Patriarch !ishop and all the !ishops and the priests and all in 9oly Orders0 'or the 1hole 1orld* and all ;hristian leaders0 'or our +rothers and sisters0 'or the +rethren 1ho 'ollo1 the straight 1ay0 'or the +rethren 1hom an Tighearna deemed 1orthy to call 'rom the dimness o' this 1orld* 'rom this dar6ness* may eternal %i)ine Faith o' the 9ighest and peace'ul light ta6e them up0 'or +rethren a''licted +y )arious sorro1s o' their lot* may %i)ine Faith +e pleased to cure them0 'or the hope o' sal)ation and sa'ety0 'or those 1ho pay their )o1s unto Thee * the eternal* li)ing and true %&a in communion 1ith-
Pro9er Communicantes<
of the day or season is inserted here+
and cele+rating the most sacred day Oor timeP on 1hich in)iolate )irginity +rought 'orth the $a)ior into this 1orld* .ircu&cision and cele+rating the most sacred day o' the circumcision o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Epiphany
or of the )ctave
and cele+rating the most sacred day Oor timeP on 1hich Thine OnlyD!egotten $on* %&a coeternal 1ith Thee and Thy ma,esty* appeared )isi+ly and +odily to the magi 1ho had come 'rom a'ar* The institution o' the ;up o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Maundy Thursday and cele+rating the most sacred day on 1hich ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd 1as +etrayed* Easter
or of the )ctave
and cele+rating the most sacred night or day (or time) o' the Resurrection o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* 9n the gi%ing up o< Easter the day be<ore the $scension and cele+rating this most sacred day o' the end o' the Passo)er o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* $scension
or of the )ctave
(or time)
or of the )ctave
and cele+rating the most sacred day (or time) o' the Pentecost o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd on 1hich an $pioraid /aoimh descended upon the Apostles*
The 9rayer continues here<
-and )enerating the memory 'irst* o' the glorious e)erD)irgin 8ary the !irthgi)er o' our %&a and Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* and o' Thy +lessed Apostles and martyrs: Peter and Paul* Andre1* James* John* Thomas* James* Philip* !artholome1* 8atthe1* $imon and Thaddeus* ?inus* Ancletus* ;lement* Wi4tus* ;ornilius* ;yprian* ?a1rence* ;rysoginus* John and Paul* ;osmas and %amian and o' all Thy $aints +y 1hose e4amples and prayers mayest Thou grant that* in all things* 1e may +e e)er strengthened +y the help o' Thy protection @oins hands through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
BThe Cele!rant e*tends his hands#9alms down# a!ove the )fferings<
There'ore 1e o''er this o+lation o' our ser)ice and o' Thy 1hole 'amily* 1hich 1e o''er unto Thee in honor o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* and in commemoration o' Thy +lessed martyrs in this church* 1hich Thy ser)ants +uilt in honor o' Thy glorious /ame. We +eseech Thee graciously ta6e it under Thy protection. 8oreo)er* rescue them and all o' the people 'rom the cult o' idols and turn them unto Thysel'* the True %&a * an Athair Almighty. Also order our days in Thy peace* sa)e us 'rom eternal damnation* and num+er us among Thine elect0 O9e ,oins his hands.P through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. The ;ele+rant ma6es the $ign o' the ;ross once o)er the o+lations: Which o+lation do Thou* O %&a* 1e +eseech Thee* +e pleased in all things to ma6e !lessed* X appro)ed* rati'ied* reasona+le and accepta+le: that unto us it may +ecome the !ody and !lood o' Thy most dearly +elo)ed $on* ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* The Post $anctus o' the %ay 'rom the Gothic 8issal* i' any* may +e inserted here* 1ithout omitting the pre)ious prayeR: From the ?orrhaD$to1e 8issal: 3/ 8A$$C$ OF T9C APO$T?C$* 8ARTMR$* $A3/T$ OR V3RG3/$* !CFORC T9C 8O$T %A/GCRO2$ PRAMCR: Truly 9oly* Truly !lessed* Truly Wondrous in 9is $aints* is our %&a 3osa An ;r&osd* Who 9imsel' +esto1ed )irtue and 'ortitude to 9is ser)ants. !lessed +e %&a Whom 1e +less in the Apostles* and in all 9is $aints 1ho ha)e stri)en to appease 9im 'rom the !eginning o' the age* through the $ame ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* T9C ;O/GRCGAT3O/ H/CC?$ OR PRO$TRATC$: When the prayer NWho* the day +e'ore 9e su''ered* too6 !read...J +egins* the ;ele+rant +o1s three times in repentance o' his sins. 9e o''ers the O+lations to %&a* and 1hile this is done: and there must +e no other )oice lest it distur+ the Priest* 'or his mind must not separate 'rom %&a 1hile he chants this lesson. For this reason* its name is The 8ost %angerous Prayer.
The Cele!rant !ows three times+
Who the day +e'ore 9e su''ered* Ohe ta6es the 9ostP too6 +read into 9is 9oly and )enera+le 9ands* he lifts u9 his eyes to heaven and 1ith 9is eyes li'ted up to hea)en to Thee* %&a* 9is Almighty Father* he !ows his head gave thanks to Thee# setting the ,ost on the Cor9oral# he signs over it 9e !lessed* 9e +ro6e* and ga)e to 9is disciples* saying:
,olding the ,ost with the right hand !etween the thum! and forefinger# he utters the 7ords of "nstitution distinctly and attentively over the ,ost+
Take and eat from this all of you# for this is my $ody+
The ,ost is raised to eyeJlevel# )ffered and set again in its 9lace u9on the Cor9oral+ ,e !ows or genuflects# stands and then removes the Pall from the Chalice+
3n a similar manner a'ter the supper* he ta6es the ;halice in +oth hands 9e too6 this e4cellent ;halice in 9is 9oly and )enera+le 9ands: he +o1s his head also gi)ing than6s to Thee* setting the ;halice on the ;orporal* he signs o)er it 9e X !lessed* and ga)e to 9is disciples* saying:
,e utters the 7ords of "nstitution over the Chalice distinctly and attentively# holding it slightly raised+
Take and drink from this all of you# for this is the Chalice of my $lood# of the new and eternal test(meinnt< the mystery of faith< which is shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins+
The Chalice is raised to eyeJlevel# )ffered and set again in its 9lace u9on the Cor9oral+ ,e !ows or genuflects# stands# and covers the Chalice with the Pall+
Whene)er you do these things* you shall do them unto my memory: you 1ill praise my Passion0 you 1ill proclaim 8y Resurrection0 you 1ill hope on 8y coming until 3 come again to you 'rom hea)en. Thine o1n gi'ts and +ounty* a pure 9ost* a 9oly 9ost* a spotless 9ost* the 9oly !read o' eternal li'e and the ;halice o' e)erlasting sal)ation. 2pon 1hich graciously loo6 1ith a 'a)ora+le and gracious countenance: and to accept them* e)en as Thou didst graciously accept the gi'ts o' Thy ,ust child A+el* and the sacri'ice o' our Patriarch A+raham: and the 9oly $acri'ice* the spotless 9ost* 1hich Thy high priest 8elchiAede6 o''ered unto Thee. We hum+ly +eseech and pray to Thee* Almighty %&a: command Thou these things to +e +rought +y the hands o' Thy 9oly Angel to Thine Altar on high* in the presence o' Thy %i)ine ma,esty: that* as many o' us as shall recei)e 'rom the Ekisses altar) Altar o' $ancti'ication the most sacred !ody and !lood o' Thy $on* may +e 'ul'illed 1ith all hea)enly +enediction and grace.
T,E C)A&=E&(T")A (E ST(A8<
The .o&&e&oration o< the Departed Remem+er also O Tighearna the names o' those 1ho preceded us 1ith the sign o' 'aith and rest in the sleep o' peace: D/D and D/D. With all those in the 1hole 1orld 1ho o''er the $acri'ices in spirit unto %&a an Athair* and the $on* and an $pioraid /aoimh* our senior* the Priest (if a $isho9 ,igh9riest)* D/D BCele!rantC 1ith the holy and )enera+le Priests* o''ers 'or himsel'* 'or his o1n* and 'or all the rest o' the ;atholic ;hurch assem+ly0 and 'or the commemoration o' the 1restling o' the
Patriarchs* Prophets* Apostles and 8artyrs* and o' all the $aints* that they may +e pleased to entreat an Tighearna our %&a 'or us: A+el* $eth* Cnoch* /oah* 8elchiAede6* A+raham* 3saac* Jaco+* Joseph* Jo+* 8oses* Josuah* $amuel* %a)id* Cli,ah* Clisah* 3saiah* Jeremiah* CAechial* %aniel* Cster* 9osea* Joel* Amos* O+idiah* Jonah* 8icah* /ahum* 9a+acuc* Yephaniah* 9agai* Yachariah* 8alachi* To+it* Ananias* AAarias* 8ishael* the 8acha+ees* 8atthias* 8ar6* ?u6e* $tephen* ;ornelius* ;yprian and all other 8artyrs* Paul* Anthony and other Fathers o' the hermitages o' $ceti* and also the !ishops 8artin* Gregory* 8a4imus* Feli4* Patric6* Patric6* $ecundinus* Au4ilius* 3serninus* ;er+anus* Crc* ;arthage* 3+ar* Ail+e* ;onleth* 8ac/issi* 8oinenn* $enan* Fin+arr* ;olman* ;uan* Aiden* ?aurentius* 8ellitus* Justus* Ctto* %agan* Tigernach* 8ochti* ;iannan* !uite* Cugene* %eclan* ;arthain* 8el* Ruadhan* 8aelrZain* Gregory* %ionisi,* Poli6arp* /i6anor* 8stysla)* 9ryhori,* 9ennadi,* Andre1 EOther departed !ishops may +e insertedF also the Priests Finian* Hieran* Oengus* Cnda* Gildas* !rendan* !rendan* ;oinneach* ;olum+a* ;olum+a* ;olman* ;omgall* ;omghan* EOther departed Priests may +e inserted.F and all o' those at rest 1ho pray 'or us in an TighearnaQs peace* 'rom Adam unto this day* 1hose names %&a has called and rene1ed. 2nto them O Tighearna and to all 1ho rest in An ;r&osd* 1e entreat Thee to grant a place o' re'reshing light and peace.
The Cele!rant# 8eacon and Su!deacon take three ste9s !ackward# 9ause !riefly# and take three ste9s forward+ The three ste9s !ackward and three ste9s forward is the three ways in which everyone sins< in word# in thought# in deed+ These are also the three means !y which one is renovated and !y which one is moved to (n CrGosdDs $ody+
To us sinners also* Thy ser)ants* hoping 'or the multitude o' Thy mercies* graciously grant some part and 'ello1ship 1ith Thy 9oly Apostles and 8artyrs: 1ith Peter* Paul* Patric60 John* $tephen* 8atthias* !arna+as* 3gnatius* Ale4ander* 8arcellinus* Peter* Perpetua* Agnes* ;ecilia* Felicitas* Anastasia* Agatha* ?ucy and 1ith all Thy $aints: 1ithin 1hose 'ello1ship 1e +eseech Thee admit us* not 1eighing our merit* +ut granting us 'orgi)eness through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* through Whom* O Tighearna Thou dost e)er create* $ancti'y* Cnli)en* !less* and +esto1 all these good things upon us.
!ows 9rofoundly# rises and uncovers the Chalice<
3t is through 9im* 1ith 9im* and in 9im* 1ithin the unity o' the 9oly $pirit* that unto Thee* %&a an Athair Almighty* ("t is here that the 9rinci9le ,ost is lifted u9 over the Chalice# elevating !oth<) is all honor and glory* through all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
The Su!deacon takes the Paten# Purificator and knife from the Creden'a+ (The knife must never !e 9laced on the (ltar)+ ,e gives the Paten and the Purificator to the 8eacon who wi9es the Paten with the Purificato=< The Paten may !e on the (lta=< This is said thrice as the ,ost is su!merged halfway in the Chalice<
(fter the Cele!rant has withdrawn the ,ost from the Chalice# the 8eacon holds the Paten under the ,ost+ The Cele!rant 9laces the ,ost u9on the Paten# takes the Paten and ,ost from the 8eacon and sets them on the Cor9oral !efore the Chalice+ The ,ost on the Paten is (n CrGosdDs %lesh u9on the tree of the Cross+
The %raction
9t is here that the 0read is bro3en!
The %raction of the ,ost u9on the Paten is the !reaking of (n CrGosdDs $ody with nails on the Cross+
( Cele!rant Priest and Priest concele!rant !reak the ,ost together over the Paten with right hands only+ ( Priest serving alone or a $isho9 uses !oth hands# saying<
They ha)e 6no1n an Tighearna D Alleluia D in the Fraction o' the !read D Alleluia. The !read 1hich 1e +rea6 is the !ody o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd D Alleluia D The ;halice 1hich 1e +less D Alleluia D is the !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd D Alleluia D in remission o' our sins D Alleluia. ?et Thy mercy +e upon us D Alleluia D e)en as 1e ha)e hoped on Thee D Alleluia. They ha)e 6no1n an Tighearna. D Alleluia.
The two halves of the ,ost are su!merged totally in the Chalice+ (fter the Cele!rant has withdrawn the ,ost from the Chalice# the 8eacon holds the Paten under the ,ost+ The Paten and ,ost are set on the Cor9oral !efore the Chalice+ The following 9rayer# always said# is a Post Secreta or Post ysterium of the &othic issal+ )ther Post Secreta or Post ysterium may follow+
We +elie)e* O Tighearna. We +elie)e 1e ha)e +een redeemed in this Fraction o' the !ody* and the pouring 'orth o' the !lood0 and 1e shall rely on the consumption o' this $acri'ice 'or 'orti'ication: that 1hich 1e no1 hold in hope* 1e may en,oy in truth +y 9ea)enly 'ruition* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
(nother may !e added+ %or (9ostles# $isho9s# and the Firgin ary# this 9rayer resem!les the $y'antine E9iklesis+ The Post ysterium on the %east of the Throne of St+ Peter at =ome# always said<
We 1ho ser)e* o''er these prescri+ed 9oly Gi'ts o' our $al)ation* that Thou may +e pleased to send Thy 9oly $pirit upon this $acri'ice so that it may +e changed into a legitimate Cucharist 'or us in the /ame o' Thee* Thy $on and an $pioraid /aoimh* in the trans'ormation o' the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd0 and may it +e unto us 1ho eat and drin6* ?i'e eternal and the eternal Hingdom. Through 9imsel'* An ;r&osd Ar Tighearna 1ho reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. An ;r&osdQs !ody 1as co)ered in !lood.
The Pro9er Collect of the day !efore the )ur %ather may re9lace the introduction<
;: Taught +y %i)ine instruction* and shaped +y %i)ine institution* 1e dare to say: All: Our Father* Who art in the 9ea)ens* hallo1ed +e Thy /ame. Thy Hingdom come. Thy 1ill +e done on earth as it is in 9ea)en. Gi)e us this day our daily +read0 and 'orgi)e us our trespasses as 1e 'orgi)e those 1ho trespass against us0 and lead us not into temptation +ut deli)er us 'rom the C)il One. ;: Free us O Tighearna 'rom e)ery e)il: past* present* and to come* and +y the intercessions 'or us o' Thy +lessed Apostles Peter* Paul and Patric6* gi)e us 'a)ora+le peace in our time* that helped +y the strength o' Thy mercy 1e may +e al1ays 'ree o' sin and secure 'rom all turmoil * through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
Pro9er Collect after the )ur %ather from the &othic issal may !e su!stituted for this+
The *eace
Cele!rant turns to the 9eo9le# and makes the Sign of the Cross# saying<
The Peace and ;harity o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* and the ;ommunion o' all the $aints +e al1ays 1ith us. R: And 1ith thy spirit.
Turning to the (ltar# he continues<
;: Thou didst command peace0 Thou didst gi)e peace0 Thou didst lea)e peace: +esto1* O Tighearna* Thy peace 'rom hea)en and ma6e this day peace'ul* and esta+lish all the remaining days o' our li'e in Thy peace* through Thee Who reignest 1ith Thine unoriginate Father and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. E-change o< the *a"f there is a 8eacon the Cele!rant e*changes the Pa* with him# !owing+ The 8eacon then continues the Pa* to the Congregation+ The Cele!rant must not shake hands with any 9erson at this time# as his hands are 9urified in order to handle the ,oly Eucharist+ "f serving alone# the Cele!rant may !ow to each 9erson# !ecause each 9erson is made in the image of 8Ga# and they would return 9erson is made in the image of 8Ga# and they would return the !ow+ "f the 8eacon will !e 9erforming the (!lutions later# he also may not shake hands+ The Pro9er $lessing of the 8ay from the Pontificale of Eg!ert or similar document is given here# only !y a $isho9 when he is 9resent# cele!rating or nonJ cele!rating at this ass+ The $isho9 may also cut the Particle and dro9 it into the Chalice if his hands have !een 9urified at the vesting+ The Pa* !eing com9leted# the Cele!rant (or $isho9) turns again to the (ltar# takes the knife from the Su!deacon# cuts a Particle from the !ottom of the left hand 9ortion of the ,ost and re@oins the two halves of the ,ost on the Paten+ The Cele!rant (or $isho9) gives the knife to the 8eacon+ The 8eacon wi9es it with the Purificator and gives it to the Su!deacon who returns it to the Creden'a+ The Cele!rant (or $isho9) dro9s the Particle into the Chalice+
;: 8ay the commi4ture o' the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd +e 'or us li)eDgi)ing unto li'e eternal. R: Ameinn.
The Particle that is cut from the $ottom of the half which is on the PriestDs left hand is the wounding with the Lance in the (rm9it of the right side? for (n CrGosd was facing 7estward as ,e hung u9on the Cross< %acing the City# and Longinus faced Eastward# so what was left to (n CrGosd was right to him+ .AEEL+ Turning to the people# holding a Particle of the Host over the Paten# the Cele!rant says: BSt+ 2ohn 5<3LC
;: !ehold the ?am+ o' %&a. !ehold* O Thou Who ta6est a1ay the ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld.
The Congregation may res9ond with the 9rayer of the Centurion at this 9oint<
R: Tighearna* 3 am not 1orthy that Thou shouldest come under my roo'* +ut spea6 the 1ord only* and my soul shall +e healed. (thrice)
T,E C)A&=E&(T")A ST(A8S+ The Cele!rant turns to the altar and if serving alone# !egins the verses+ Then the Cele!rant continues to 9erform the Confraction according to the num!er re>uired for the day# !reaking the ,ost and 9lacing the Particles in correct formation u9on the Paten? while the Cele!rant or other clergy say the verses# and choir or congregation sing the Psalms+ (t all asses# these words are said clearly and in order# not at the same time as other verses+ ,oly Communion occurs after these verses are com9leted+ "f it is a very large congregation# the door wardens may hel9 them line u9 to receive Communion# !ut otherwise they should wait until after the Confraction+ There are seven kind of Confraction# that is<
V: 8y peace 3 gi)e to you D Alleluia D my peace 3 lea)e you D Alleluia. O$t. John =:#.P V: A+undant peace is 'or those 1ho are attenti)e to Thy ?a1* O Tighearna D Alleluia D and there is no scandal in them D Alleluia. OPsalm 5: :"P V: For the Hing o' 9ea)en 1ith peace D Alleluia D O$t. ?u6e @:(5* Yach. @:@D 7P V: Who is 'ull o' the promise o' li'e D Alleluia D O$t. John 7: 7* :#"D#:P V: $ing Me a ne1 song D Alleluia D OPsalms @": 0 =@: 0 3saiah =#: 7P V: All o' ye holy ones come 'orth D Alleluia. OJn ":#@* :=(P V: ;ome* eat my !read D Alleluia D and drin6 the Wine 1hich has +een mi4ed 'or you D Alleluia. O$t. John # : #P *sal& 11
%ull Psalms may !e said !y =eader or Congregation+ The Se9tuagint or Latin 8ouayJ=heims translation is used+ Chant anti9honally+
An Tighearna shepherds me 3 shall not 1ant U 9e hath made me d1ell in a place o'
green pasture. 9e hath made me rest +eside the still 1ateR: U 9e hath con)erted my soul. 9e hath led me on the paths o' ,ustice* U 'or 9is o1n /ameQs sa6e. For though 3 should 1al6 in the midst o' the shado1 o' death* U 3 1ill 'ear no e)ils* 'or Thou art 1ith me. Thy rod and Thy sta''* U they ha)e com'orted me. Thou hast prepared a ta+le +e'ore me U against them that a''lict me. Thou hast anointed my head 1ith oil0 U and my chalice 1hich ine+riateth me* ho1 goodly is it[ And Thy mercy 1ill 'ollo1 me U all the days o' my li'e. And that 3 may d1ell in the house o' an Tighearna U unto length o' days. V. Whosoe)er eateth my !ody and drin6eth my !lood D Alleluia D $uch a one a+ideth in me and 3 in him D Alleluia. O$t. John ::":P *sal& 16 The earth is an TighearnaQs and the 'ullness thereo': U the 1orld* and all they that d1ell therein. For 9e hath 'ounded it upon the seas0 U and hath prepared it upon the ri)ers. Who shall ascend into the mountain o' an Tighearna> U or 1ho shall stand in 9is holy place> The innocent in hands* and clean o' heart* 1ho hath not ta6en his soul in )ain* U nor s1orn deceit'ully to his neigh+or. 9e shall recei)e a +lessing 'rom an Tighearna* U and mercy 'rom %&a his $a)ior. This is the generation o' them that see6 9im* U o' them that see6 the Face o' the %&a o' Jaco+. ?i't up your gates* O ye princes* and +e ye li'ted up* O eternal gates: U and the Hing o' Glory shall enter in. Who is this Hing o' Glory> U an Tighearna Who is strong and mighty: an Tighearna mighty in +attle. ?i't up your gates* O ye princes* and +e ye li'ted up* O eternal gates: U and the Hing o' Glory shall enter in. Who is this Hing o' Glory> U an Tighearna o' hosts* 9e is the Hing o' Glory. V: This is the !read o' ?i'e 1hich cometh do1n 'rom 9ea)en D Alleluia D 1hosoe)er eateth o' 3t shall li)e unto eternity D Alleluia. O$t. John ::"7* "=* "5.P *sal& 15 To Thee* O Tighearna* U ha)e 3 li'ted up my soul. 3n Thee* O my %&a* 3 put my trust0 let me not +e ashamed. U /either let my enemies laugh at me: For none o' them that 1ait on Thee shall +e con'ounded. U paths. %irect me in Thy truth* and teach me0 'or Thou art %&a my $a)ior0 U and on Thee ha)e 3 1aited all the day long. Remem+er* O Tighearna* Thy +o1els o' compassion0 U and Thy mercies that are
'rom the +eginning o' the 1orld. The sins o' my youth U and my ignorances do not remem+er. According to Thy mercy remem+er Thou me: U 'or Thy goodnessQ sa6e* O Tighearna. An Tighearna is s1eet and righteous: U there'ore 9e 1ill gi)e a la1 to sinners in the 1ay. 9e 1ill guide the mild in ,udgment: U 9e 1ill teach the mee6 9is 1ays. All the 1ays o' an Tighearna are mercy and truth* U to them that see6 a'ter 9is co)enant and 9is testimonies. For Thy /ameQs sa6e* O Tighearna* U Thou 1ilt pardon my sin: 'or it is great. Who is the man that 'eareth an Tighearna> U 9e hath appointed him a la1 in the 1ay he hath chosen. 9is soul shall d1ell in good things: U and his seed shall inherit the land. An Tighearna is a 'irmAmeinnt to them that 'ear 9im: U and 9is co)enant shall +e made mani'est to them. 8y eyes are e)er to1ards an Tighearna: U 'or 9e shall pluc6 my 'eet out o' the snare. ?oo6 Thou upon me* and ha)e mercy on me0 U 'or 3 am alone and poor. The trou+les o' my heart are multiplied: U deli)er me 'rom my necessities. $ee my a+,ection and my la+or0 U and 'orgi)e me all my sins. ;onsider my enemies 'or they are multiplied* U and ha)e hated me 1ith an un,ust hatred. Heep Thou my soul* and deli)er me: U 3 shall not +e ashamed* 'or 3 ha)e hoped in Thee. The innocent and the upright ha)e adhered to me: U +ecause 3 ha)e 1aited on Thee. %eli)er 3srael* O %&a* U 'rom all his tri+ulations. V. An Tighearna ga)e the !read o' 9ea)en to them D Alleluia D 8an ate the !read o' the Angels D Alleluia. OPsalm ..:#=D#"P *sal& 51 Judge me* O %&a* and distinguish my cause 'rom the nation that is not holy0 U %eli)er me 'rom the un,ust and deceit'ul man. For Thou art %&a* my strength: U 1hy hast Thou cast me o''> and 1hy do 3 go sorro1'ul* 1hilst the enemy a''licteth me> $end out Thy light and Thy truth: they ha)e conducted me U and +rought me unto Thy holy hill* and into Thy ta+ernacles. And 3 1ill go in to the Altar o' %&a: U to %&a Who gi)eth ,oy to my youth. To Thee* O %&a* my %&a* U 3 1ill gi)e praise upon the harp: Why art thou sad* O my soul> U and 1hy dost thou dis<uiet me> 9ope in %&a* 'or 3 1ill still gi)e praise to 9im: U the sal)ation o' my countenance* and my %&a.
ST(A8+ The following verses are always said for the nine kinds of Communicants<
V. Cat* O my 'riends D Alleluia D and +e into4icated* O +elo)ed D Alleluia. O$ong o' $ongs ": P V. This sacred !ody and !lood o' an Tighearna and $a)ior D Alleluia D ta6e you unto yoursel)es unto li'e eternal. D Alleluia. O$t. John ::"=P V: 2pon my lips 1ill 3 practice the hymn D Alleluia D 1hich Thou didst teach me \ Alleluia D and 3 shall respond in righteousness D Alleluia. OPsalm 5: . D .#P V: 3 shall +less an Tighearna at all times D Alleluia D 9is praise shall e)er +e in my mouth D Alleluia. OPsalm ((: P V: Taste and see D Alleluia D ho1 s1eet an Tighearna is D Alleluia. OPsalm ((:5P V: Where)er 3 go D Alleluia D there 9e shall +e and minister unto me D Alleluia. OPsalm (5::D 7* Psalm ##:=* $t. 8atthe1 #5:#7P V: $u''er the little ones to come unto me D Alleluia D and do not desire to 'or+id them D Alleluia D o' such is the 6ingdom o' 9ea)en D Alleluia. O$t. 8atthe1 @: =P V: %e)ote yoursel)es to penitence D Alleluia D 'or the 6ingdom o' 9ea)en is at hand D Alleluia. O$t. 8atthe1 (:#P V: The 6ingdom o' 9ea)en tolerates sieges D Alleluia D and the 'orce'ul ta6e it D Alleluia. O$t. 8atthe1 : #* ?atin and Gree6 te4t.P
$lessed $read< (fter the Confraction is com9leted# other loaves of !read# already !roken or cut into 9ieces on a tray and ke9t on the Creden'a# are !rought !y the Su!deacon to the 8eacon or Cele!rant# who !lesses and 9asses them over the Paten+ This !read will !e taken !y the Communicants immediately after they have received ,oly Communion# to !e certain all of the Communion is swallowed+ 7ine may also !e !lessed and used in the same way+ This !lessed !ut unconsecrated !read and wine must never !e set on the (lta=< Still facing the (ltar# the Cele!rant moves the Particle immediately a!ove the center Particle slightly to the right (his left) and downward+ The u99er Particle is moved down to the left side as reminder us that $owing ,is head# ,e gave u9 the ghost+ The Confraction is com9leted+ The Cele!rant then turns to the 9eo9le# and shows the 9eo9le the com9leted Confraction# holding the Paten lowered and at a slight angle# saying< .AEEL (LL P=ESEAT L)). (T T,E C) PLETE8 C)A%=(CT")A+
;: ;ome Forth and ta6e possession o' the 6ingdom o' 8y Father D Alleluia \ 1hich hath +een prepared 'or ye 'rom the +eginning o' the 1orld D Alleluia D O$t. 8atthe1 #":(=P Glory +e to an Athair and to the $on and to an $pioraid /aoimh: ;ome 'orth[ As it 1as in the +eginning is no1 and e)er unto ages o' ages. Ameinn. ;ome 'orth[
( oel Caich wrote this+ Bnote in the Lorrha issalC) B2n ;<3L# 55<M6C
,)LE C)
The ;ele+rant turns +ac6 to the Altar* and ;ommunicates himsel'* saying: 8ay the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd +e to me unto li'e eternal. Ameinn. A large ;ommunion ;loth Eat least three 'eet longF is either held +y t1o ser)ers or
set upon the 'loor 1here ;ommunion is to +e gi)en. This cloth is not to +e stepped or 6neeled upon +y the ;ele+rant or congregation. Those 1ho ha)e not +een !aptiAed and ;on'irmed need these $acrAmeinnts +e'ore participation in 9oly ;ommunion. Adults and older children 1ho intend to ,oin the ;hurch must also ha)e ;atechism EinstructionF. Those 1ho are !aptiAed and ;on'irmed* including in'ants* and prepared to recei)e 9oly ;ommunion no1 line up at the ;ommunion ;loth in the 'ollo1ing order: !ishops* Priests* lo1er 9oly Orders* 8onastics* penitents* clerics* +a+es in arms 1ith their parents or %&aparents* children* unmarried adults* married persons* and ne1 ;ommunicants. T9O$C W9O W3?? RC;C3VC: H/CC? AT T9C ;O882/3O/ ;?OT9. The ;ele+rant turns and goes to the ;ommunion ;loth* holding the Paten. The Distribution <or .on<ractions o< Nine or More *articles#
$isho9s Clerics Children Priests Cele!rant Lower ,oly )rders Hnmarried adults arried adults Aew Communicants onastics Penitents
;: 8ay the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd +e to thee unto li'e eternal. R: Ameinn.F
()r# from the Sacr(meinnt of Hnction<
8ay the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* the $on o' the li)ing and most high %&a* +e to thee unto li'e eternal. R: Ameinn.F
The Chalice is administered with the words<
8ay the !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd +e to thee unto li'e eternal. R: Ameinn.
The caim is made with the chalice a!out the head of each communicant after they have received+) "nfants may !e communicated with a s9oon from the Chalice# !ut all others receive from the $read and 7ine on the Paten# which the Cele!rant administers with the first two fingers of his right hand on their tongue (not touching the tongue with his fingers)+ Ao 9erson receives the ,oly Communion in their hands# including clergy other than the Cele!rant+ )nly the Cele!rant or another $isho9# Priest or 8eacon may administer the ,oly Communion from one Paten# using ,oly Communion consecrated at this ass+ ( server holds the tray of !lessed !read for those who have @ust received ,oly Communion# or a mova!le ta!le may hold the !lessed !read and !lessed wine+ "f ,oly Communion is to !e reserved for a PreJSanctified ass or sick call# a 9iece of the u99er Particle is reserved< see the note on the Confraction into 56 9arts+ The Confraction usually 9roduces fewer Particles than there are 9eo9le? the Particles are su!divided further during the administration of Communion+ This is what 8Ga has declared worthy# that the mind !e u9on the Sym!ols of the ass# and that this !e your mind< that 9ortion of the ,ost which you receive is a 9ortion of (n CrGosd from
,is Cross# and that there may !e a Cross in the la!or of each in his own life since it is that Cross which unites each one of us to the Crucified $ody of (n CrGosd+ "t is not 9ro9er to swallow the Particle without having tasted it# @ust as it is im9ro9er to not !ring savor into 8GaDs ysteries+ "t is im9ro9er for it to !e chewed !y the !ack teeth for such an act sym!oli'es rumination over 8GaDs ysteries# for it is !y such rumination that heresy is increased+ "t is ended+ (meinn+ Thanks !e to 8Ga+ (This is the end of the Lorrha issal commentary# as found in &aelic and Latin+) 8uring the (!lutions# the choir may chant a hymn of the day# such as Sancti Fenite# or the 8eerDs Cry+ "f more hymns are needed< on Sundays at the Si*th ,our# from the $reviary ((nti9honary of $angor)# chant the $eatitudes# ,ymn to Saint ichael and ,ymn ($ 3 in the Cross Figil+ )n other days< $eatitudes and agnificat+ These are written out in the $reviary in the section# $efore eals# and also in some of the Pro9ers of this issal+
;t *atric3Ds 0reastplate or DeerDs .ry 3 +ind unto mysel' today The strong /ame o' the Trinity* !y in)ocation o' the same* The Three in One* and One in Three. 3 +ind this day to me 'or e)er* !y po1er o' 'aith* An ;r&osdKs 3ncarnation0 9is +aptism in Jordan Ri)er0 9is death on cross 'or my sal)ation0 9is +ursting 'rom the spic]d tom+0 9is riding up the hea)enly 1ay0 9is coming at the day o' doom: 3 +ind unto mysel' today. 3 +ind unto mysel' the po1er O' the great lo)e o' cheru+im0 The s1eet ^Well done^ in ,udgment hour0 The ser)ice o' the seraphim0 ;on'essorsK 'aith* apostlesK 1ord* The patriarchsK prayers* the prophetsK scrolls0 All good deeds done unto an Tighearna* And purity o' )irgin souls. 3 +ind unto mysel' today The )irtues o' the starlit hea)en The glorious sunKs li'eDgi)ing ray* The 1hiteness o' the moon at e)en* The 'lashing o' the lightning 'ree* The 1hirling 1indKs tempestuous shoc6s* The sta+le earth* the deep salt sea* Around the old eternal roc6s. 3 +ind unto mysel' today The po1er o' %&a to hold and lead* 9is eye to 1atch* his might to stay* 9is ear to hear6en* to my need0 The 1isdom o' my %&a to teach* 9is hand to guide* his shield to 1ard0 The 1ord o' %&a to gi)e me speech*
9is hea)enly host to +e my guard. An ;r&osd +e 1ith me* An ;r&osd 1ithin me* An ;r&osd +ehind me* An ;r&osd +e'ore me* An ;r&osd +eside me* An ;r&osd to 1in me* An ;r&osd to com'ort And restore me. An ;r&osd +eneath me* An ;r&osd a+o)e me* An ;r&osd in <uiet* An ;r&osd in danger* An ;r&osd in hearts o' All that lo)e me* An ;r&osd in mouth o' Friend and stranger. 3 +ind unto mysel' today The strong /ame o' the Trinity* !y in)ocation o' the same* The Three in One* and One in Three. O' 1hom all nature hath creation* Cternal Father* $pirit* Word: Praise to an Tighearna o' my sal)ation* $al)ation is o' An ;r&osd an Tighearna.
The 8eacon or another Priest may 9erform the (!lutions? if their hands have !een 9urified at the !eginning of the ass+ (The directions given are for a Cele!rant serving alone+) (fter all have !een Communicated who intended to receive# (!lutions are 9erformed+ The Cele!rant consumes all of the remaining $ody and $lood+ The Chalice is set on the (ltar to the E9istle side of the Cor9oral+ The .nife and s9oon are washed with water then wine over the Chalice and dried with the Purificator+ "f the Paten has no raised edge caution must !e now o!served+ The Cele!rant holds the Paten over the Chalice and 9ours wine over the Paten into the Chalice+ ,e then dislodges any adhering Particles of the Sanctissimus with his forefinger or thum!# and then 9ours the wine from the Paten into the Chalice+ This action may !e re9eated if necessary# turning the Paten so that no Particles remain+ Then he 9ours water onto the Paten turning it so that its entire surface is washed# and 9ours the water from the Paten into the Chalice+ The Paten is then dried with the Purificator+ The Cele!rant then drinks the wine and water+ ,e then holds the Chalice with !oth hands so that the fingers which came into contact with the $ody and the $lood are over the to9+ 7ine and then water is 9oured over the fingers of the Cele!rant into the Chalice !y the servers to make certain that no Particles or $lood of (n CrGosd that had !een on his fingers remain+ (ny other clergy who have touched the ,oly Eucharist such as a $isho9 if he dro99ed the Particle into the Chalice after the Peace# or Cele!rant if 8eacon is 9erforming the (!lutions# also have wine and water 9oured over their fingers into the Chalice+ The Cele!rant drinks the water and wine+ 7ine is 9oured into the Chalice+ The wine in the Chalice is then drunk !y the Cele!rant who turns the Chalice# making certain that no Particles or $lood of an Tighearna remain+ ((dditional washings may use water alone+) The inside of the Chalice is dried with the Purificator# The Purificator is 9ut on to9 of the Chalice and !oth are covered with the Pall+ The Paten and the Chalice are returned to the Creden'a !y the Su!deacon and covered with the veil+ The Cor9oral is now carefully folded !y the 8eacon (or the Cele!rant serving alone) and returned to the Creden'a+ The Communion Cloth is folded flag style and returned to the Creden'a !y the servers+
The Pro9er Postcommunion Prayer of the day (using the Pro9ers for this ass !elow# or from another issal in addition) may !e su!stituted for or inserted !efore the following<
;: Grant* O Tighearna* that those 1hom Thou hast satis'ied 1ith the1hom Thou hast satis'ied 1ith the 9ea)enly gi't may +e cleansed o' all that is hidden* and that 1e may +e 'reed 'rom the snares o' our enemies. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass o< $postles/ Martyrs/ and 4oly ?irgins ;: We ha)e consumed* O Tighearna* the 9ea)enly $acri'ice cele+rated at the solemnity o' Thy $aints. We +eseech Thee grant that 1e may earn eternal ,oy +y that 1hich 1e do +ut +rie'ly in li'e* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass <or =i%ing *enitents ;: O %&a* Who puri'ies the hearts 1hich con'ide in Thee and a+sol)es those 1ho reproach their consciences 'rom all their ini<uities: grant 'orgi)eness to the sinners* and +esto1 healing to the in,ured* that ha)ing recei)ed remission in Thy $acrAmeinnts o' all sins* they may remain sincere and de)oted* and sustain nothing detrimental to eternal sal)ation. R: Ameinn. 9n the Mass o< the Dead# ;: ?et us pray* most +elo)ed +rethren* 'or our +elo)ed D//D 1ho ha)e already proceeded into an TighearnaQs peace0 1hose ending 1as destined and course o' crossing concluded0 that %&a* the Almighty Father o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* command their 'lesh and their soul and their spirit to +e recei)ed in a place o' light* in a place o' re'reshment* in the +osom o' A+raham and 3saac and Jaco+. 8ay 9e also dismiss 1hatsoe)er incorrectness +y 1hich they sinned through ignorance* or +ecause o' the hidden enemy and may 9e +e pleased to re'resh them +y the spirit o' 9is mouth* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* the unoriginate Father* and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
(always said)<
All: We gi)e Thee than6s* O Tighearna* 9oly Father* Almighty and eternal %&a* Who has satis'ied us +y the ;ommunion o' the !ody and !lood o' An ;r&osd Thy $on* and 1e hum+ly apply 'or Thy mercy: that this Thy $acrAmeinnt* O Tighearna* may not +e unto our condemnation unto punishment: +ut may it +e unto intercession o' $al)ation unto 'orgi)eness0 may it +e unto the 1ashing a1ay o' 1ic6edness0 may it +e unto strengthening o' the 1ea60 a mainstay against the dangers o' the 1orld0 may this ;ommunion purge us o' all guilt0 and may it +esto1 the 9ea)enly ,oy o' +eing partners* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. Ameinn.
(LL ST(A8+
V: The 8ass has +een gi)en in Peace. E%uring Paschaltide: Alleluia.F R: Than6s +e unto %&a. E%uring Paschaltide: Alleluia.F
V: For 9e hath satis'ied the empty soul and hath 'illed the hungry soul 1ith good things D Alleluia* Alleluia. OPs 7=:@P V: Visit us* O %&a* in Thy $al)ation D Alleluia. OPs 7":=P V: An Tighearna is my strength and my praise* and 9e is +ecome my $al)ation D Alleluia. OPs .: =P V: 3 1ill ta6e the ;halice o' $al)ation* and 3 1ill call upon the /ame o' an Tighearna D Alleluia. OPs ": (P V: Re'reshed +y the !ody and !lood o' An ;r&osd* may 1e e)er say unto Thee* O Tighearna D Alleluia. O Praise an Tighearna* all ye nations* praise him all ye people. For 9is mercy is con'irmed upon us and the truth o' an Tighearna remaineth 'or e)eR: OPs :P O''er up the $acri'ice o' ,ustice and trust in an Tighearna. OPs =::P V: O %&a* 1e gi)e Thee than6s* O Thou through Whom 1e ha)e cele+rated the 9oly 8ysteries* and 1e claim the gi't o' 9oliness 'rom Thee Who reigneth unto ages o' ages. R: Ameinn.
8ay an Tighearna +less thee and protect thee. 8ay an Tighearna re)eal 9is 'ace unto thee and ha)e mercy. 8ay an Tighearna turn 9is Face to thee and gi)e thee peace. R: Ameinn.
Then signing the Congregation with his right hand# says<
;: Mou are mar6ed 1ith the $ign unto li'e eternal. R: Ameinn.
(LL ST(A8 The %inal &os9el may !e re9laced !y a dis9laced &os9el of the day
;: 3n the +eginning 1as the Word* and the Word 1as 1ith %&a* and the Word 1as %&a. The same 1as in the +eginning 1ith %&a. All things 1ere made +y 9im: and 1ithout 9im 1as not any thing made that 1as made: in 9im 1as li'e* and the li'e 1as the light o' men: and the light shineth in dar6ness* and the dar6ness comprehended it not. There 1as a man sent 'rom %&a* 1hose name 1as John. The same came 'or a 1itness* to +ear 1itness o' the light* that all men through him might +elie)e. 9e 1as not that light* he 1as sent to +ear 1itness o' that light. That 1as the true ?ight* 1hich lighteth e)ery man that cometh into the 1orld. 9e 1as in the 1orld* and the 1orld 1as made +y 9im* and the 1orld 6ne1 9im not. 9e came unto 9is o1n* and 9is o1n recei)ed 9im not. !ut as many as recei)ed 9im* to them ga)e 9e po1er to +ecome the sons o' %&a* e)en to them that +elie)e on 9is /ame: 1hich 1ere +orn* not o' +lood* nor o' the 1ill o' the 'lesh* nor o' the 1ill o' man*
+ut o' %&a. Eall genu'lectF And the Word 1as made 'lesh* Eall riseF and d1elt among us: and 1e +eheld 9is glory* the glory as o' the Only+egotten o' an Athair* 'ull o' grace and truth. R: Than6s +e to %&a.
%ollowing the &os9el according to Saint 2ohn<
V. All that an Athair gi)eth to me shall come to me0 and him that cometh to me* 3 1ill not cast out. !ecause 3 came do1n 'rom hea)en* not to do my o1n 1ill* +ut the 1ill o' him that sent me. /o1 this is the 1ill o' an Athair 1ho sent me: that o' all that he hath gi)en me* 3 should lose nothing0 +ut should raise it up again in the last day. And this is the 1ill o' my Father that sent me: that e)ery one 1ho seeth the $on* and +elie)eth in him* may ha)e li'e e)erlasting* and 3 1ill raise him up in the last day. 3nto Thy hand O Tighearna* 3 commend my spirit. R. 3n Thee ha)e 3 hoped* O Tighearna. V. 8ay an Tighearna grant thee 'orgi)eness o' all thy sins* and grant thee speedy entrance into Paradise. 8ay an Tighearna grant thee a place 1ith 9is $aints and Angels* that thou mightest sing 9is praises 1ithout ceasing unto the ages o' ages. 8ay an Tighearna +less thee and protect thee. 8ay an Tighearna re)eal 9is 'ace unto thee and ha)e mercy. 8ay an Tighearna turn 9is Face to thee and gi)e thee peace. R. Ameinn. V. Cternal rest grant himBher* O Tighearna R. And may perpetual light shine upon himBher. V. And may hisBher soul rest in peace. R. Ameinn.
(fterwards the Cele!rant unvests in the midst of the Church# unless there is a s9ecial 9rocession such as a funeral+ ,e does not carry the Chalice out+ The clergy may lead the Congregation in other Thanksgiving Prayers+
=itany o< the Trinity %: 9a)e mercy upon us O %&a an Athair Almighty* R: O %&a o' 9osts*
%: O 9igh %&a* R: O Tighearna o' all the 1orld* %: O ine''a+le %&a* R: O ;reator o' the Clements. %: 9a)e mercy upon us* O %ia 2ilelLidir* R: 3osa An ;r&osd* $on o' the ?i)ing %&a* %: O $on t1iceD+orn* R: O OnlyD+egotten o' %&a an Athair* %: O First +orn o' the Virgin 8ary* R: O +eginning o' all things* %: O completion o' the 1orld* R: O Word o' %&a* %: O Way to the hea)enly Hingdom* R: O li'e o' all things* %: O 3ntelligence o' the mystic 1orld. R: 9a)e mercy upon us* O %&a Almighty* %: O 9oly $pirit0 R: O $pirit that is highest o' all spirits* %: O Finger o' %&a* R: O Protection o' all ;hristians* %: O ;om'orter o' the sorro1'ul* R: O ;lement one* %: O merci'ul 3ntercessor* R: O 3mparter o' true 1isdom* %: O Author o' the 9oly $criptures* R: O Ruler o' speech* %: O $pirit o' 1isdom* R: O $pirit o' understanding* %: O $pirit o' counsel* R: O $pirit o' strength* %: O $pirit o' 6no1ledge* R: O $pirit 'rom 1hom is ordered e)ery lo'ty thing. %: O 9oly $pirit thou rulest all created things* )isi+le and in)isi+le* R: 9a)e mercy upon us. %: O %ia 2ilelLidir* the hea)enly Father* R: and the onlyD+egotten $on* %: 9a)e mercy upon us. R: 9a)e mercy upon us* %: O Father* O $on* O 9oly $pirit.
R: 9a)e mercy upon us* O only %&a* %: O %&a o' 9ea)en* ha)e mercy upon us. R: 9a)e mercy upon us* O %&a* %: 'rom Whom and through Whom is the rule o' all created things 'or Thee* O %&a* To Whom +e glory and honor 'or e)er and e)er. R: Am_inn. $bsolution ;: 8ay %ia 2ilelLidir in 9is great mercy pardon and deli)er thee 'rom all thy sins* and +y the authority )ested in me +y ar Tighearna and the ;hurch* 3 grant thee a+solution o' all thy sins* anns an Ainm dQan Athair* agus an 8hic* agus an $pioraid /aoimh. R: Am_inn.
"f this is a 8eaconDs Liturgy of the Presanctified# the following is used<
%: 8ay %ia 2ilelLidir ha)e mercy upon us* pardon and deli)er us 'rom all our sins* and +ring us to e)erlasting li'e. R: Am_inn. 4oly ;prin3ling EoptionalF The ,<<ertory
(The )ffertory Ferse from the chalice+) issal may !e said+ $lessing the water and 9ouring a little into the
;: 3 pray Thee* O Father* 3 as6 intercession o' Thee* O $on0 3 appeal to Thee* O 9oly $pirit.
(elevating the 9aten# making the Sign of the Cross over the cor9oral with the 9aten and host on it# !efore ti99ing the host on to the cor9oral)
3osa* and ;riosd* Alpha and Omega0 this is the 'irst and the last.
(adding wine to the chalice)
8ay an Athair remit* may the $on pardon* may an $pioraid /aoimh ha)e mercy.
(the chalice is elevated)
O Tighearna* may these gi'ts 1hich are o''ered +e sancti'ied* and cleanse us 'rom the +lots o' our sins* through ar Tighearna 3osa* and ;riosd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* and an $pioraid /aoimh* throughout all ages o' ages. R: Am_inn. ;: We* Thy ser)ants* +eseech Thee* O Tighearna* that Thou +enignly recei)e these o''erings o' our de)otion* through this glorious sacri'ice and our puri'ied hearts* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee* and an $pioraid /aoimh* throughout the ages o' ages. R: Am_inn. The ;econd .ensing
(as he makes the three crosses over the elements)
;: ?et my prayer +e set 'orth in Thy sight as incense and the li'ting up o' my hand as the e)ening sacri'ice.
(as he makes the circles over the elements)
;: ;ome O Tighearna* the Almighty $ancti'ier and +less this sacri'ice prepared unto Thee.
R: Am_inn.
(s the Cele!rant goes to the E9istle side of the altar he says<
;: 3 1ill 1ash my hands in innocence* O Tighearna* and thus shall 3 go up unto Thine Altar.
(s the cele!rant washes his hands<
;: Tighearna 1ash a1ay mine ini<uity and cleanse me 'rom my sins. The ;ecret *rayers ;: 8ay this o+lation o' Thy ser)ants +e pleasing unto Thee* 1hich 1e o''er unto Thee in honor o' ar Tighearna 3osa* an ;riosd* and in commemoration o' Thy +lessed Apostles* and Thy 8artyrs and ;on'essors* o' 1hom 1e especially remem+er $t. O/P....* and those 1hose 'east is cele+rated today* and 'or the souls o' all our !ishops* and our Priests* and our %eacons* and our lo)ed ones* and our children* and our penitents. 8ay all o' this +e pro'ita+le unto sal)ation* through ar Tighearna 3osa* an ;riosd0 Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Am_inn.
The Secret 9rayer of the day from the issal may !e said+
;ursu& .orda ;: R: ;: R: ;: R: An Tighearna +e 1ith thee* And 1ith thy spirit. ?i't up thy hearts. We li't them up unto an Tighearna. ?et us gi)e than6s to an Tighearna our %&a. 3t is meet and right so to do. The ;towe *re<ace
;: Truly it is 1orthy* ,ust* right and unto sal)ation 'or us no1 and here* al1ays and e)ery1here to gi)e than6s* through 3osa* an ;riosd ar Tighearna* unto Thee* 9oly Tighearna Almighty and Cternal %&a. Thou 1ho 1ith Thine only +egotten $on and an $pioraid /aoimh* O %&a* art One and 3mmortal %&a* 3ncorrupti+le and 3mmuta+le %&a* 2nseen and Faith'ul %&a* 8ar)elous and PraiseD1orthy %&a* 9onora+le and 8ighty %&a* the 9ighest and 8ost 8agni'icent %&a* ?i)ing and True %&a* Wise and Po1er'ul %&a* 9oly and C4emplary %&a* Great and Good %&a* Terri+le and Peace'ul %&a* !eauti'ul and ;orrect %&a* Pure and !enign %&a* !lessed and Just %&a* Pious and 9oly* not in one singularity o' person +ut in One Trinity o' $u+stance. Thee 1e +elie)e* Thee 1e +less0 Thee 1e adore* and 1e praise Thy /ame unto theages o' ages: Thou through Whom is the $al)ation o' the 1orld* through Whom is the ?i'e o' men* through Whom is the resurrection o' the dead. A Proper Pre'ace may here +e said. ;: Through Whom* unto Thy 8a,esty* the Angels and Archangels gi)e praise* the %ominations Worship* the Po1ers* Principalities* and Virtues o' the 9ea)ens trem+le* and the 9ea)enly Thrones* 1ith the 8ighty ;heru+im and the !lessed $eraphim together 1ith e4altation cele+rate. With Whom* 1e +eseech Thee +id our )oices also +e admitted* 1ith suppliant con'ession saying:
;anctus All: 9oly* 9oly* 9oly Tighearna* %&a o' 9osts. 9ea)en and earth are 'ull o' Thy glory. Glory +e to Thee O Tighearna most 9igh. !lessed is 9e that cometh in the /ame o' an Tighearna. 9osanna in the 9ighest.
Canon of the
;: 8ost merci'ul Father* 1e hum+ly pray Thee through 3osa* and ;riosd* an 8hic ThZ ar Tighearna* and 1e as6
,e kisses the (ltar and# with !oth hands @oined !efore his !reast# says<
These gi'ts* these presents* these holy and unspoiled sacri'ices. With e4tended hands he proceeds: We o''er them unto Thee* 'irst* 'or Thy holy ;atholic ;hurch: that Thou )ouchsa'e to 6eep it in peace* to guard* unite* and go)ern it throughout the 1hole 1orld: together 1ith thy ser)ant our Patriarch O/P* Our C4arch O/P* our o1n O!ishopP O/P - and our $ynod o' !ishops and all the 'aith'ul guardians o' the Orthodo4* ;atholic* and Apostolic 'aith. .o&&e&oration o< the =i%ing ;: Remem+er* O Tighearna* Thy ser)ants and handmaids O/P and O/P* and all those 'or 1hom thy prayers are no1 desired0 9e ,oins his hands and prays a1hile 'or those 'or 1hom he intends to pray: then 1ith e4tended hands proceeds: and all 1ho here around us stand* 1hose 'aith is 6no1n unto Thee and their stead'astness mani'est* on 1hose +ehal' 1e o''er unto Thee: or 1ho themsel)es o''er unto Thee this sacri'ice o' praise* 'or themsel)es* and 'or all 1ho are theirs0 'or the redemption o' their souls* 'or hope o' their sal)ation and sa'ety0 and 1ho o''er their prayers unto thee* the eternal %&a* the li)ing and the true. 2nited in one communion* 1e )enerate the memory* 'irst* o' the 8ost 9oly and Glorious Theoto6os and e)er Virgin 8ary* 8other o' our %&a and Tighearna 3osa* an ;riosd: and Thy +lessed Apostles and 8artyrs* Peter and Paul* Andre1* James* John* Thomas* James* Philip* !artholome1* 8atthe1* $imon and Jude* Joseph o' Arimathea* 8ary 8agdalene* Patric6* !righid* ;olumcille* %ai+hidh* Tughdhual*
(O+ (ny favorite# 9atronal or local saints OO+)
and o' all Thy $aints0 grant that +y their merits and prayers 1e may in all things +e de'ended 1ith the help o' Thy protection.
,e @oins his hands+
;: We +eseech Thee then* O Tighearna* graciously to accept this o+lation 'rom us Thy ser)ants* and 'rom Thy 1hole 'amily: order our days in Thy peace* and +id us to +e deli)ered 'rom eternal damnation* and to +e num+ered in the 'old o' Thine elect.
,e @oins his hands+
to ma6e this o+lation +les sed* appro )ed and ac cepted* a per'ect and 1orthy o''ering:
,e signs once over the ,ost+
and !lo od o' Thy dearly +elo)ed $on* Ar Tighearna 3osa* an ;riosd. Epiclesis ( +ords o< 9nstitution /aoimha nQAthair* %ia 2ilelLidir agus +Ls a: send 'orth your 9oly $pirit li6e the holy de1 upon these gi'ts that they may +ecome the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa* and ;riosd0 Who the day +e'ore 9e su''ered*
,e takes the ,ost#
and 1ith eyes li'ted up to hea)en unto thee* %&a* his almighty Father*
,e !ows his head#
9e +les sed* +ra6e and ga)e it to 9is disciples* saying: Ta6e* and eat ye all o' this.
?i6e1ise a'ter supper* ta6ing also this goodly chalice into 9is holy and )enera+le hands*
again ,e !ows his head
9e +les sed and ga)e it to 9is disciples* saying: Ta6e and drin6 ye all o' it.
Vouchsa'e to loo6 upon them 1ith a merci'ul and pleasant countenance: and to accept them* e)en as Thou didst )ouchsa'e to accept the gi'ts o' thy ser)ant A+el the Righteous* and the sacri'ice o' our Patriarch A+raham: and the holy sacri'ice* the immaculate )ictim* 1hich Thy high priest 8elchisedech o''ered unto Thee. We hum+ly +eseech Thee* %ia 2ilelLidir: command these o''erings to +e +rought +y the hands o' Thy holy Angel to Thine Altar on high* in sight o' Thy %i)ine 8a,esty: that all 1e*
1ho at this parta6ing o' the Altar shall recei)e the 8ost $acred
,e @oins his hands and signs once over the ,ost# and once over the Chalice
may +e 'illed 1ith all hea)enly +enediction and grace. Through the same an ;riosd ar Tighearna. R: Am_inn. .o&&e&oration <or the Departed ;: Remem+er also* O Tighearna* Thy ser)ants O//P* and all those 'or 1hom thy prayers are no1 desired*
1ho ha)e gone +e'ore us sealed 1ith the seal o' 'aith* and 1ho rest in the sleep o' peace.
,e @oins his hands and 9rays awhile for those de9arted for whom he intends to 9ray# then with e*tended hands 9roceeds<
To them* O Tighearna* and to all that rest in An ;r&osd* 1e +eseech Thee to grant the a+ode o' re'reshing* o' light* and o' peace.
,e @oins his hands# and !ows his head# saying<
To us sinners also*
Thy ser)ants* 1ho hope in the multitude o' Thy mercies* )ouchsa'e to grant some part and 'ello1ship 1ith the 8ost 9oly Theoto6os* Our !lessed ?ady 8ary* Thy holy Apostles and 8artyrs and 1ith all Thy $aints: 1ithin 1hose 'ello1ship* 1e +eseech Thee* admit us* not 1eighing our merit* +ut granting us 'orgi)eness.
,e @oins his hands+
Tr& an ;riosd ar Tighearna0 Through 1hom* O ar nQAthair* Thou dost e)er create all these good things*
,e signs thrice over the ,ost and Chalice together# saying<
dost sanc ti'y* <uic6 en* +le ss* and +esto1 them upon us. Tr& Cisean* agus le Cisean* agus i Cisean*
,e signs twice with the ,ost itself !etween himself and the Chalice# saying<
Gach On`ir agus Ghl`ir is iad mise 'ud gach aoiseann* domhanda gan deireadh. R: Am_inn.
The 9riest turns to the 9eo9le with the chalice and host forming a cross with his arms and 9rays<
;: 9oly things 'or holy people* One is holy* One is an Tighearna* 3osa* and ;riosd to the glory o' %ia an Athair* no1 and unto the ages o' ages. R: Am_inn. ;: Taught +y %i)ine instruction* and shaped +y %i)ine institution* 1e dare to say: All: Our Father Who art in 9ea)en* hallo1ed +e Thy name* Thy Hingdom come* thy
1ill +e done* on earth as it is in hea)en. Gi)e us this day our daily +read. And 'orgi)e us our trespasses* as 1e 'orgi)e those 1ho trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation +ut deli)er us 'rom the C)il one. Am_inn. %eli)er us* O Tighearna* 1e +eseech thee* 'rom all e)ils* past* present* and to come: and at the intercession o' the +lessed and glorious e)er Virgin 8ary* 8other o' %&a* 1ith thy +lessed Apostles Peter and Paul* and 1ith Patric6* and all the $aints*
,e signs himself with the Paten from forehead to !reast#
that +y the help o' thine a)ailing mercy 1e may e)er +oth +e 'ree 'rom sin and sa'e 'rom all distress. R: Am_inn. The raction o< the 4ost They ha)e 6no1n an TighearnaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia D 3n the 'raction o' the +readDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia. The !read 1hich 1e +rea6 is the !ody o' Ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd D Alleluia D The ;halice 1hich 1e +lessDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia D is the !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osdDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia D in remission o' our sinsDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia. ?et Thy mercy +e upon usDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia D e)en as 1e ha)e hoped in TheeDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia. They ha)e 6no1n an Tighearna.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Alleluia. We +elie)e* O Tighearna. We +elie)e 1e ha)e +een redeemed in this 9e +rea6s the host in the customary manner Fraction o' the !ody* and the pouring 'orth o' the !lood* and 1e shall rely on the consumption o' this sacri'ice 'or 'orti'ication: that 1hich 1e no1 hold in hope* may 1e en,oy in truth +y hea)enly 'ruition* through Ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd Who reigneth 1ith thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' ages. R: Am_inn.
7ith the 9article itself he signs thrice over the Chalice saying<
al1ays 1ith
;: 8ay this mingling and hallo1ing o' the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd a)ail us 1ho recei)e it unto e)erlasting li'e. R: Am_inn.
The Pa* is shared
$gnus Dei All. O ?am+ o' %&a* that ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld: 9a)e mercy upon us. O ?am+ o' %&a* that ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld: 9a)e mercy upon us. O ?am+ o' %&a* that ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld: Grant us thy peace.
P. !ehold the ?am+ o' %&a0 +ehold him that ta6est a1ay the sins o' the 1orld0 +less]d are 1e 1ho are called to 9is $upper.
,ere the Peo9le say the following# striking the !reast with the right hand with each statement<
All. Tighearna* 3 am not 1orthy that thou shouldest come under my roo'* +ut spea6 the 1ord only and my soul shall +e healed. Tighearna* 3 am not 1orthy that thou shouldest come under my roo'* +ut spea6 the 1ord only and my soul shall +e healed. Tighearna* 3 am not 1orthy that thou shouldest come under my roo'* +ut spea6 the 1ord only and my soul shall +e healed.
The cele!rant makes his communion after which the Communion (nti9hon from the said+ issal may !e
;ome* ye holy ones* recei)e the !ody o' An ;r&osd* drin6ing the holy +lood +y 1hich you are redeemed.
The Sacr(meinnt is administered with these words<
;: 8ay the !ody and !lood o' ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd +e to thee unto li'e eternal. R: Am_inn.
The caim is made around the head of each communicant with the chalice+
.o&&union 4y&n ?et all mortal 'lesh 6eep silence* And 1ith 'ear and trem+ling stand0 Ponder nothing earthly minded* For 1ith +lessing in 9is hand* An ;r&osd our %&a to earth descendeth* Our 'ull homage to demand. Hing o' 6ings* yet +orn o' 8ary* As o' old on earth 9e stood* Tighearna o' Tighearnas* in human )esture* 3n the +ody and the +lood0 9e 1ill gi)e to all the 'aith'ul 9is o1n sel' 'or hea)enly 'ood. Ran6 on ran6 the host o' hea)en $preads its )anguard on the 1ay* As the ?ight o' light descendeth From the realms o' endless day* That the po1ers o' hell may )anish As the dar6ness clears a1ay. At 9is 'eet the si4 1ing]d seraph* ;heru+im 1ith sleepless eye* Veil their 'aces to the presence* As 1ith ceaseless )oice they cry: Alleluia* Alleluia[ Alleluia* Tighearna 8ost 9igh[
Post communion 9rayer from the also !e said# !y all issal may !e said !y the cele!rant or the following collect may
;: We gi)e Thee than6s* O Tighearna* 9oly Father* Almighty and Cternal %&a* 1ho hast satis'ied us +y the ;ommunion o' the !ody and !lood o' An ;r&osd Thy $on* and 1e hum+ly apply 'or Thy mercy: that this Thy $acrAmeinnt* O Tighearna* may not +e unto our condemnation unto punishment: +ut may it +e unto intercession o' $al)ation unto 'orgi)eness0 may it +e unto the 1ashing a1ay o' 1ic6edness0 may it +e unto strengthening o' the 1ea60 a mainstay against the dangers o' the 1orld* may this communion purge us o' all guilt* and may it +esto1 the hea)enly ,oy o' +eing partners* through ar Tighearna 3osa An ;r&osd* Who reigneth 1ith Thee and an $pioraid /aoimh throughout all ages o' Ages. R: Am_inn. %: An Tighearna +e 1ith you0 R: And 1ith thy spirit.
The Priest may say this or a different !lessing<
;: An Tighearna +less thee and 6eep thee. An Tighearna ma6e 9is 'ace to shine upon thee and +e gracious unto thee. An Tighearna li't up 9his countenance upon thee and gi)e thee peace. Thou are mar6ed 1ith the $ign o' the ;ross o' An ;r&osd. Peace +e 1ith thee unto li'e eternal* anns an Ainm dQan Athair* agus an 8hic* agus an $pioraid /aoimh. R: Am_inn. $ncient 9rish =itany o< ,ur =ady %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: %: Great 8ary* ...................................R: Greatest o' 8arys* ..........................R: Greatest o' Women* ........................R: 8other o' Cternal Glory* ...................R: 8other o' the Golden ?ight* ..............R: 9onor o' the $6y* ...........................R: Temple o' the %i)inity* ....................R: Fountain o' the Gardens* .................R: $erene as the 8oon* .......................R: !right as the $un* ...........................R: Garden enclosed* ............................R: Temple o' the ?i)ing %&a* .................R: ?ight o' /aAareth* ...........................R: !eauty o' the World ........................R: aueen o' ?i'e* ................................R: ?adder o' 9ea)en* ..........................R: 8other o' %&a* ................................R: pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or 'or us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us. us.