Answers To Odd-Numbered Exercises: Chapter One An Overview of Regression Analysis
Answers To Odd-Numbered Exercises: Chapter One An Overview of Regression Analysis
Answers To Odd-Numbered Exercises: Chapter One An Overview of Regression Analysis
(d) If the Federal funds rate increases by 1 percentage point, bond prices will fall by $4.78. Possible criticisms are: (1) The appropriate interest rate to use when explaining the value of a long-term asset is the long-term interest rate, not the short-term interest rate. (2) It seems reasonable that there are more than just one relevant explanatory variable, and (3) Given how responsive capital markets are to interest rate changes, it seems likely that a monthly (or even more frequent) data set would provide more observations (and therefore a better fit) for the same number of years. 11. (a) The error term is the theoretical, unobservable, difference between the true (population) regression line and the observed point. The residual is the measured difference between the observed point and the estimated regression line. (b) Yi Xi ei i 2 1 0.20 0.50 6 4 0.24 0.00 3 2 0.12 0.00 8 5 0.92 0.50 5 3 0.56 0.50 4 4 1.76 2.00
13. (a) Negative, because a high unemployment rate would imply that jobs are scarce; as a result, employers would not need to advertise much, if at all, to attract applicants for a job opening. Yes. (b) While 97% of the variation of HWI around its mean can be explained by UR in this sample, it seems possible that other variables might matter as well, especially over a longer time period. When reviewing suggested additional independent variables, the key at this point is to make sure that every variable (like the cost of help-wanted advertising or the efficiency of networking alternatives to advertising) is time-series, not cross-sectional.
= 364.0404 and = 46.39477. (c) Yes. The EViews estimates are 0 1
(a) The squares are least in the sense that they are being minimized. (b) If R = 0, then RSS = TSS, and ESS = 0. If R is calculated as ESS/TSS, then it cannot be 2 negative. If R is calculated as 1 RSS/TSS, however, then it can be negative if RSS > TSS, is a worse predictor of Y than Y (possible only with a non-OLS which can happen if Y estimator or if the constant term is omitted).
2 2
(c) We prefer Model T because it has estimated signs that meet expectations and also because it includes an important variable (assuming that interest rates are nominal) that Model A omits. A 2 higher R does not automatically mean that an equation is preferred.
(a) Even though the fit in Equation A is better, most researchers would prefer equation B because the signs of the estimated coefficients are as would be expected. In addition, X4 is a theoretically sound variable for a campus track, while X3 seems poorly specified because an especially hot or cold day would discourage fitness runners. (b) The coefficient of an independent variable tells us the impact of a one-unit increase in that variable on the dependent variable holding constant the other explanatory variables in the equation. If we change the other variables in the equation, were holding different variables has a different meaning. constant, and so the
As the students will learn in Chapters 6 and 7, theres a lot more to specifying an equation than maximizing R 2 . The meaning of the coefficient of X changes in that impact of now is held constant.
11. (a) It might seem that the higher the percentage body fat, the higher the weight, holding constant height, but muscle weighs more than fat, so its possible that a lean, highly muscled man could weigh more than a less well-conditioned man of the same height. (b) We prefer Equation 1.24 because we dont think F belongs in the equation on theoretical grounds. (c) The fact that R 2 drops when the percentage body fat is introduced to the equation strengthens our preference for 1.24. (d) This is subtle, but since 0.28 times 12.0 equals 3.36, we have reason to believe that the impact of bodyfat on weight (holding constant height) is very small indeed. That is, moving from average bodyfat to no bodyfat would lower your weight by only 3.36 pounds.
2 13. The results do indeed match. R = 0.744, and R 2 = 0.733.
(a) Positive. (b) Obviously, the best equation includes the actual traffic data (which, it turns out, are available). Since the traffic dummy variable is correlated with the actual traffic variable and since the new equation has expected signs and reasonable coefficients, it seems slightly better than Equation 3.5. (c) No! The theoretical underpinnings of the model are much more important. Of course, the higher R 2 is certainly a plus.
7. 9.
Most students at this stage can exactly duplicate the Woodys results. (a) negative, positive, none (b) Holding all other included explanatory variables constant, a car with an automatic transmission gets 2.76 miles less per gallon than a model with a manual transmission, and a car with a diesel engine gets 3.28 miles more per gallon than one without a diesel engine. (c) Lovell added the EPA variable because he wanted to test the accuracy of EPA estimates. If these estimates were perfectly accurate, then the EPA variable would explain all the variation in miles per gallon.
Chapter Four
(a) An additional pound of fertilizer per acre will cause corn yield (bushels/acre) to increase by 0.10 bushel/acre, holding rainfall constant. An additional inch of rain will increase corn yield (bushels/acre) by 5.33 bushels/acre holding fertilizer/acre constant. (b) No. (This is a typical student mistake.) First, since its hard to imagine zero inches of rain falling in an entire year, this intercept has no real-world meaning. In addition, recall that the OLS estimate of the intercept includes the non-zero mean of the error term in order to validate Classical Assumption II (as explained in the text), so even if rainfall were zero, it wouldnt make sense to attempt to draw inferences from the estimate of the 0 term unless it was known that the mean of the (unobservable) error term was exactly zero. (c) No; this could be an unbiased estimate. 0.10 is the estimated coefficient for this sample, but the mean of the coefficients obtained for the population could still equal the true F . (d) Not necessarily; 5.33 could still be close to or even equal to the true value. An estimated coefficient produced by an estimator that is not BLUE could still be accurate. If the estimator is biased, its bias could be small and its variance smaller still.
(a) Classical Assumption II. (b) Classical Assumption VI. (c) R: A one-unit increase in yesterdays R will result in a 0.1% increase in todays Dow Jones average, holding constant the other independent variables in the equation. M: The Dow Jones will fall by 0.017% on Mondays, holding constant the other variables in the equation.
(d) Technically, C is not a dummy variable because it can take on three different values. Saunders assumed (at least implicitly) that all levels of cloud cover between 0% and 20% have the same impact on the Dow and also that all levels of cloud cover between 21% and 99% have the same impact on the Dow. In addition, by using the same variable to represent both sunny and cloudy days, he constrained the coefficient of sun and cloud to be equal. (e) In our opinion, this particular equation does little to support Saunders conclusion. The poor fit and the constrained specification combine to outweigh the significant coefficients of Rt1 and M. 7. (a) The estimated coefficient of C shows that (for this sample) a one percent increase in the nonwhite labor force in the ith city adds 0.002 percentage points to the overall labor force participation rate in that city, holding constant all the other independent variables in the equation. The estimated coefficient of the dummy variable, D, shows that if a city is in the South, the labor force participation rate will be 0.80 percentage points lower than in other cities, holding constant the other explanatory variables in the equation. (b) Perfect collinearity is virtually impossible in a cross-section like this one because no variable is a perfect linear function of another; some are closely related, but none is a perfect linear function. (c) This does not imply that one of the estimates is biased. The estimates were taken from two different samples and are quite likely to differ. In addition, the true value may have changed between decades. (d) Disagree. Beginners often confuse the constant term with the mean of the dependent variable. While the estimated constant term shows the value of the dependent variable in the unlikely case that all of the explanatory variables equal zero, it also includes the mean of the observations of the error term as mentioned in question 3. part (b) above. 9. (a) This possibly could violate Assumption III, but its likely that the firm is so small that no simultaneity is involved. Will cover simultaneous equations in Chapter 14. (b) Holding constant the other independent variables, the store will sell 134.4 more frozen yogurts per fortnight if it places an ad. If we ignore long-run effects, this means that the owner should place the ad as long as the cost of the ad is less that the increase in profits brought about by selling 134.4 more frozen yogurts. (c) The result doesnt disprove the owners expectation. School is not in session during the prime yogurt-eating summer months, so the variable might be picking up the summer time increases demand for frozen yogurt from non-students. (d) Answers will vary wildly, so perhaps its best just to make sure that all suggested variables are time-series for two-week periods. For students who have read Chapters 14 only, the best answer would be any variable that measures the existence of, prices of, or advertising of local competition. Students who have read Chapter 6 might reasonably be expected to try to find a variable whose expected omitted-variable bias on the coefficient of C is negative. Examples include the number of rainy days in the period or the number of college students returning home for vacation in the period.
(a) tC = 1.943; reject the null hypothesis for all three coefficients. (b) tC = 1.311; reject H0 for all three coefficients. (c) tC = 6.965; cannot reject the null hypothesis for any of the three coefficients. 7. This is a concern for part (a) but not for parts (b) and (c). In part (a), 160 probably is the coefficient we expect; after all, if our expectation was something else, why did we specify 160 in the null? In parts (b) and (c), however, it seems unlikely that wed expect zero. (a) For all three, H0: 0, HA: > 0, and the critical 5% one-sided t-value for 24 degrees of freedom is 1.711. For LOT, we can reject H0 because +7.0 > 1.711 and +7.0 is positive. For BED, we cannot reject H0 because +1.0 < 1.711 even though +1.0 is positive. For BEACH, we can reject H0 because +10.0 > 1.711 and +10.0 is positive. (b) H0: 0, HA: < 0, and the critical 10% one-sided t-value for 24 degrees of freedom is 1.318, so we reject H0 because 2.0 > 1.318 and 2.0 is negative. (c) H0: = 0, HA: 0, and the critical 5% two-sided t-value for 24 degrees of freedom is 2.064, so we cannot reject H0 because 1.0 < 2.064. Note that we dont check the sign because the test is two-sided and both signs are in the alternative hypothesis. (d) The main problems are that the coefficients of BED and FIRE are insignificantly different from zero. (e) Given that we werent sure what sign to expect for the coefficient of FIRE, the insignificant coefficient for BED is the most worrisome. (f) Unless the students have read Chapter 6, this will be a difficult question for them to answer. Its possible that the dataset is unrepresentative, or that theres an omitted variable causing bias in the estimated coefficient of BED. Having said that, the most likely answer is that BED is an irrelevant variable if LOT also is in the equation. Beach houses on large lots tend to have more bedrooms than beach houses on small lots, so BED might be irrelevant if LOT is included. 11. (a) For the t-tests: Coefficient: P M Hypoth. Sign: + + t-value: 5.8 6.3 reject reject tC = 1.671 (5% one-sided with 60 d.f., as close to 73 as Table B1 goes)
3.3 reject
(b) No. We still agree with the authors original expectations despite the contrary result. (c) Keynes point is well taken; empirical results will indeed allow an econometrician to discover a theoretical mistake now and then. Unfortunately, far too many beginning researchers use this loophole to change expectations to get right signs without enough thinking or analysis. (d) Holding all other included explanatory variables constant, an increase in winning percentage of 150 points will increase revenues by $7,965,000 ($53.1 times 150 times 1000) and thus it would be profitable for this team to hire a $4,000,000 free agent who can raise its winning percentage to 500 from 350. 13. (a) All the expected signs for the coefficients are positive, so: H0: 0, HA: > 0. (Some students will see the Wall Street Journal as a competitor and will hypothesize a negative coefficient for J, but the authors intended the Journals circulation as a measure of what the Posts circulation would have been without Watergate.) (b) Coefficient: Hypoth. Sign: t-value: tC = 1.717 (5% on-sided with 22 d.f.)
J + 14.27 reject
S + 6.07 reject
(c) Assuming that the specification is correct, Watergate had a positive but statistically insignificant effect on the Posts circulation.
C + 4.0 reject
E + 4.0 reject
The problem with the coefficient of M is that it is significant in the unexpected direction, one indicator of a possible omitted variable.
(b) The coefficient of M is negative, so were looking for a variable the omission of which would cause negative bias in the estimate of M . We thus need a variable that is negatively correlated with meat consumption with a positive expected coefficient or a variable that is positively correlated with meat consumption with a negative expected coefficient. So: Possible Omitted Variable B F W R H O
Expected Sign of + + * +
(c) The only one of the above variables that seems likely to have caused any of the observed is H, and that variable is a good proxy for the obvious omission of the negative bias in M general level of quality of cardiac health care, so wed choose to add it. We wouldnt overly penalize a student who chose to add another variable as long as the alternative was an annual aggregate variable. (Students who add disaggregate variables would probably benefit from some extra review sessions.) 7. Some students will come to the conclusion that sequential specification searches are perfectly reasonable in business applications, and they need to be reminded of the biased estimated coefficients generated by such searches. (a) In a supply equation, the coefficient of price will have a positive expected sign because the higher the price, holding all else constant, the more suppliers would be willing to produce. (b) The price of inputs (such as labor, seeds, transporation, machinery, and fertilizer), the price of a production substitute (a crop or product that could be produced instead of the crop or product being modeled), and exogenous factors (like local growing conditions, local strikes that dont have an impact on the price, etc.) are just a few examples of important variables in a supply-side equation. (c) Lag those independent variables that influence the production decision on a delayed basis. In particular, lag them by the length of time it takes for that particular event to have an impact on production. For example, if growers must make production decisions a year before the crop is harvested, then price should be lagged one year, etc. If a product can be stored at a fairly low cost, then such a lag might not be appropriate because producers could choose to wait until prices rose before going to market. 11. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.697 (5% one sided with 30 d.f.)
W + 4.0 reject
T + 3.0 reject
C + 2.0 reject
(b) Almost any equation could potentially have an omitted variable, and this one is no exception. In addition, L might be irrelevant. Finally, the coefficient of C seems far too large, suggesting at least one omitted variable. C appears to be acting as a proxy for other luxury options or the general quality of the car. (Some students will claim that they shouldnt be expected to know that 5.8 is too large. Even students who dont know what cruise control is, however, should be expected to know that $5,800 is too large a portion of a cars price to be a reasonable amount to add to that price if the car has cruise control, whatever it is!) (c) We prefer T. Using the four criteria: Theory: Engine size seems a small component of car price, especially for sedans. t-score: Ls coefficient is insignificant at the 5% level.
R 2 : The overall fit adjusted for degrees of freedom does not change when L is dropped.
Bias: The other coefficients do not change significantly when L is dropped. (d) The coefficient of L had a t-score of exactly 1.0, so dropping L will have no impact on R 2 . If the t-score had been less than 1.0, dropping L would have increased R 2 , and if the t-score had been greater than 1.0, dropping L would have decreased R 2 . 13. This question is similar to Exercise 6-8 but since the answers to odd-numbered exercises are not in the back of the text, 13 is more suitable for use on a problem set or exam. (a) X1 = either dummy variable X2 = either dummy variable X3 = Parents educational background X4 = Iowa Test score (b) We have two variables for which we expect positive coefficients (Iowa score and Parents and ), so wed certainly expect X and education) and two positive estimated coefficients ( 3 3 4 X4 to be those two variables. In choosing between them, its fair to expect a larger and more significant coefficient for Iowa than for Parents. Next, we have two variables for which we and ) that are not expect a zero coefficient (the dummies) and two estimated coefficients ( 1 2 significantly different from zero, so wed certainly expect X1 and X2 to be the dummies. There is no evidence to allow us to distinguish which dummy is X1 and which is X2. (Students who justify this answer by expecting negative signs for the two dummies are ignoring the presence of the Iowa test score variable in the equation that hold constant the basic skills of the student.) (c) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 2.093 (5% two-sided with 19 d.f.) tC = 1.729 (5% one-sided with 19 d.f.)
PE + +2.0
IT + +12.0
(d) As you can see, we used a one-sided test for those coefficients for which we had a specific prior expectation but a two-sided test around zero for those coefficients for which we did not.
) of 0.23 and a t-score of 0.86. The R 2 is 15. (a) (i) The coefficient of CV is 0.19 with a SE ( 0.773, and the rest of the equation is extremely similar to Equation 5.14 except that the coefficient of CVN falls to 0.48 with a t-score of 1.86. ) of 0.063 and a t-score of 0.0086. The R 2 is (ii) The coefficient of N is 0.00054 with a SE ( 0.766, and the rest of the equation is identical (for all intents and purposes) to Equation 5.17. (b) Theory: P is a price ratio, and while its possible that a price ratio would be a function of the size of a market or a country, its not at all obvious that either variable would add anything since CVN is already in the equation. t-score: Both t-scores are insignificant.
R 2 : R 2 falls when either variable is added.
bias: None of the coefficients change at all when N is added, so it clearly is irrelevant. The omission of CV does change the coefficient of CVN somewhat, making it likely that CV is redundant since CVN is in the equation. (c) Since CVN = f[CV/N], it would make little theoretical sense to include all three variables in an equation, even though technically you dont violate Classical Assumption VI by doing so. (d) Its good econometric practice to report all estimated equations in a research report, especially those that were undertaken for specification choice or sensitivity analysis.
(a) This question contains a hidden difficulty in that the sample size is purposely not given. D students will give up, while C students will use an infinite sample size. B students will state the lowest sample size at which each of the coefficients would be significantly different from zero (as below), and A students will look up the article in Econometrica and discover that there were 125 cotton producers and 26 sugar producers, leading to the tCs and hypothesis results listed below. Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: Lowest d.f. at which signif. (5%) 5% tC given actual d.f.
1C + 30.667
1 1.645
2C + 3.000
2 1.645
1S + 4.214
2 1.714
2S + 1.914
7 1.714
(So all four coefficients are significantly different from zero in the expected direction.) (b) A double-log function seems quite appropriate. (c) Since the equations are double-log, the elasticities are the coefficients themselves: Industry Cotton Sugar Labor 0.92 0.59 Capital 0.12 0.33
(d) The sum indicates whether or not returns to scale are constant, increasing or decreasing. In this example, Cotton is experiencing increasing returns to scale while Sugar is experiencing decreasing returns to scale. 9. (a) and both have positive hypothesized signs because as either L or K increases holding the other constant, output should increase. (b) H0: 0; HA: > 0; H0: 0; HA: > 0. (c) Reject H0 if t-value > 1.708 and t-value is positive. (d) L: t = 2.02; K: t = 5.86, so reject H0 for both. (e) The relative prices of the two inputs need to be known. 11. (a) polynomial (second-degree, with a negative expected coefficient for age and a positive expected coefficient for age squared) (b) double-log (We would not quibble with those who chose a linear form to avoid the constant elasticity properties of a double-log.) (c) semi log (lnX) (d) linear (All intercept dummies have a linear functional relationship with the dependent variable by definition.) (e) inverse (Most students will remember from the text that a U-shaped polynomial typically is used to model a cost-curve and will want to apply it here. The problem is that the telephone industry appears to be an industry in which costs continually decrease as size increases, making an inverse our choice.)
13. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.725 (5% one-sided with 20 d.f.)
LQ + 4.0 reject
A 2.0 reject
(b) Q constant, A and V non-constant. (c) No. The coefficient of V is quite insignificant, and the equation (simplified from an unpublished article) is flawed to boot. Note, however, that the violence may be causing the absentee rate to rise, so that the significant coefficient for A does indicate some support for the charge. (d) In our opinion, this is a classic case of spurious correlation because actual total output appears on both sides of the equation, causing almost all of the fit by definition. If we could make one change, wed drop LQ from the equation, but we worry that little will be left when we do. 15. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.645 (5% one-sided with infinite d.f.)
S + 4.5 reject
D + 2.9 reject
GD + 2.3 reject
(b) As Primeaux puts it (on page 622 of his article), A duopoly firm of small size spends more than a monopoly firm of the same size. However, as scale increases, eventually, the duopoly firm spends less. (c) Again, from page 622, There is no difference between monopoly and duopoly firms at zero rates of growth in sales. However, as growth takes place, the duopoly firms engage in more sales promotion activity.
Chapter Eight
3. 5.
Perfect multicollinearity; each can be stated as an exact function of the other two. To solve the perfect multicollinearity problem, one of the three explanatory variables must be dropped. (a) Using the mean method: X3i = 16HEIGHTi + WEIGHTi Using the regression method: X3i = 6.4HEIGHTi + WEIGHTi (b) Using the mean method: X3i = 5Ii + Pi Using the regression method: X3i = 2.7Ii + Pi
(c) Using the mean method: X3i = 2.01Yi + YDi Using the regression method: X3 = 3.63Yi + YDi 7. (a) No; no explanatory variable is a perfect function of another. (b) Yes; income in any quarter will be strongly correlated with income in previous quarters. (c) If all the variables were specified in terms of first differences, its likely that much of the multicollinearity would be avoided. 9. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.725
PC + 0.801
PQ 1.199
Y + 0.514
C + 1.491
N + 1.937
is significantly different from zero in the expected direction. at the 5% level, so only N
(b) The obviously low t-scores could be caused by irrelevant variables, by omitted variables biasing the estimated coefficients toward zero, or by severe imperfect multicollinearity. (c) The high simple correlation coefficient between Y and C indicates that the two are virtually identical (redundant), which makes sense theoretically. The r between the two price variables is not as high, but mild multicollinearity can still be shown to exist. (d) Yt and Ct both serve as measures of the aggregate buying power of the economy, so they are redundant, and one should be dropped. It doesnt matter statistically which one is dropped, but Yt seems analytically more valid than Ct, so wed drop C. Dropping one of the price variables would be a mistake, since they have opposite expected signs. While forming a relative price variable is an option, the low level of multicollinearity, the reasonable coefficients, and the possibility that Ct is also multicollinear with prices (so dropping it will improve things) all argue for just making one change. 11. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.645 (5% one-sided with infinite d.f.)
M + 5.0 reject
S + 2.5 reject
(b) The insignificant t-scores of the coefficients of A and B could have been caused by omitted variables, irrelevance, or multicollinearity (a good choice, since thats the topic of this chapter). In particular, since most students graduate at about the same age, the collinearity between A and B must be fairly spectacular (Stanford gave us no clues). (c) Its probably a good idea, since the improvement in GPA caused by extra maturity may eventually be offset by a worsening in GPA due to separation from an academic environment.
(d) We believe in making just one change at a time to best be able to view the impact of the change on the estimated regression. Thus, our first choice would be to drop either A or B (wed prefer to drop A, but on theoretical grounds, not as a result of the unexpected sign). Switching to a polynomial before dropping one of the redundant variables will only make things worse, in our opinion. 13. (a) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.725 (5% one-sided with 20 d.f.)
(b) The functional form is semilog left or semilog (In Y). Semilog left is an appropriate functional form for an equation with salary as the dependent variable because salaries often increase in percentage terms when an independent variable (like experience) increases by one unit. (c) Theres a chance that an omitted variable is pulling down the coefficient of EMP. However, its more likely that EMP and EXP are redundant (since they in essence measure the same thing) and are causing multicollinearity. (d) These results confirm our opinion that EMP and EXP are redundant. (e) If we knew that this particular school district doesnt give credit for teaching experience elsewhere, then it would make sense to drop EXP. Without that specific knowledge, however, wed drop EMP because EXP includes EMP. (f) Theory: The two variables are redundant t-test: The coefficient of EMP is indeed insignificantly different from zero.
R 2 : R 2 does indeed increase when EMP is dropped from the equation.
)s, but if they do, theyll find Bias: Students will have to work backwards to calculate the SE( that the coefficient of EXP does indeed change by a standard error. This is exactly what wed expect to happen when we drop a redundant variable from an equation; the coefficient of the remaining redundant variable will adjust to pick up the effect of both variables. 15. The ever-innovative Rao and Miller used this example (developed by Professor Maurice G. Kendall) to show that the inspection of simple correlation coefficients is not an adequate test for multicollinearity. (a) Since R and L are obviously correlated but R and (L R) are not, many beginning students will want to drop either R or L from Model A, but this would leave out the difference between leg lengths that is the inherent causal variable. (b) As Rao and Miller point out (on page 48 of their text), the implicit estimates of the coefficients are identical because the conditions imposed on the residuals for estimation in either case are implicitly the same. To calculate the coefficients of one model from the other, multiply out the 2 term of Model B, reconfigure to correspond to Model A, and solve for the coefficients of Model B: 0 = 0 , 1 = (1 2 ), and 2 = 2 .
(c) Since the coefficient estimates are identical for every sample, their distributions must also be identical, meaning that the two models are identically vulnerable to multicollearity. (d) If you drop L from Model A, then the linkage between the Models cited in the answers above is lost.
(b) This is not necessarily a sign of pure serial correlation. Its reasonable to think that residuals from the same country would have more in common than would residuals from other countries (that is, the model could be consistently underestimating for France and overestimating for Canada, producing six positive residuals followed by six negative residuals). As a result, the DW for such pooled datasets will at times give indications of serial correlation when it does not indeed exist. The appropriate measure is the Durbin-Watson d for each country taken individually, since the order of the countries will influence the over DW statistic, and that order is arbitrary. (c) If the serial correlation is impure, then a variable needs to be added to the equation to help distinguish better between the countries. If the serial correlation is judged to be pure, however, then generalized least squares might be applied one country at a time. It is possible to specify different first-order serial correlation coefficients for each country and then estimate one pooled regression equation. 9. (a) An outlier in the residuals can occur even if no outlier exists in the dataset if all the Xs are very In such a situation, Y low (or very high) simultaneously, producing an unusually low or high Y. would be dramatically lower (or higher) than Y. (b) When an extreme outlier exists in the residuals, the Durbin-Watson test will not necessarily produce an accurate measure of the existence of serial correlation because the outlier will give the appearance of severe negative serial correlation. That is, there will be a large (et et1) of one sign followed by a large (et et1) of the opposite sign, so the two large squared terms will move the DW dramatically toward four. In such a circumstance, some researchers will drop the outlier from the DW calculation (but not from the data set). A one-time dummy equal to one in the observation with the outlier residual will solve this problem by in essence setting the residual equal to zero; this is almost (but not quite) the same as dropping the observation. 11 (a) As weve mentioned, we prefer a one-sided Durbin-Watson d test, so with K = 3 and N = 40, the 5% critical values are dL = 1.34 and dU = 1.66. Since DW = 0.85 is less than DL, we can reject the null hypothesis of no positive serial correlation.
W Coefficient: L P Hypoth. sign: + + + t-value: 0.04 2.6 3.0 do not reject reject tC 2.423 (1% one-sided reject with 40 closest to 36 in Table B-1 d.f.)
(c) The estimated coefficient of P looks reasonable in terms of size and significance, but the one for L looks pathetically small. We would never expect such similar variables to have such dramatically different coefficients. Many students will want to drop L, pointing out that the Lakers almost always play well, so fans may not pay much attention to exactly how the Lakers are doing at any given point. Wed guess that a long losing streak would show the true relevance of this variable, however. (d) Pure serial correlation is certainly a possibility, but the fact that some fans are most interested in games played late in the season implies that an omitted variable with a temporal pattern exists. Wed want to include such a variable before concluding that pure serial correlation exists. (e) We prefer dropping the first observation to including zeroes for L and P, but an even better alternative might be to use last seasons winning percentages as proxies for this seasons for opening day (or even a few games thereafter). While opening day might have always sold out in the past, there is no guarantee that it always will be sold out in the future. 13. (a) This is a cross-sectional dataset and we normally wouldnt expect autocorrelation, but well test anyway since thats what the question calls for. DL for a 5% one-sided, K = 3, test is approximately 1.61, substantially higher than the DW of 0.50. (Sample sizes in Table B-4 only go up to 100, but the critical values at those sample sizes turn out to be reasonable estimates of those at 200.) As a result, we can reject the null hypothesis of no positive serial correlation, which in this case seems like evidence of impure serial correlation caused by an omitted variable or an incorrect functional form. (b) Coefficient: Hypoth. sign: t-value: tC = 1.645 (5% one-sided with infinite d.f.)
G + 3.5 reject
D + 7.0 reject
F ? 2.5 reject
We certainly have impure serial correlation. In addition, some students will conclude that F has a coefficient that is significant in the unexpected direction. (As it turns out, the negative coefficient could have been anticipated because the dependent variable is in percentage terms but F is in aggregate terms. Wed guess that the more food a pig eats, the bigger it is, meaning that its chances of growing at a high rate are low, thus the negative sign.) (c) The coefficient of D is significant in the expected direction, but given the problems with this equation, wed be hesitant to conclude much of anything just yet. (d) In this case, the accidental ordering was a lucky stroke (not a mistake), because it allowed us to realize that younger pigs will gain weight at a higher rate than their older counterparts. If the data are ordered by age, positive residuals will be clustered at one end of the data set, while negative ones will be clustered at the other end, giving the appearance of serial correlation.
15. (a) For the first equation (standard errors in parentheses): lnSDL t = 3.9 + 0.17lnUSDt + 1.12lnSYt 0.037lnSPt (0.071) (0.062) (0.030) t= 2.47 18.24 1.22 n = 25 (annual 19601984) R 2 = 0.980 DW = 0.70 Coefficient: Hypothesized sign: tC = 1.721, so:
1 + reject
2 + reject
For the second equation: lnSDL t = 3.29 + 0.143lnUSDt + 1.062lnSYt (0.067) t= 2.15 n = 25 (annual 19601984) Coefficient: Hypothesized sign: tC = 1.717, so: (0.035) 30.50 R 2 = 0.980
3 + do not reject
DW = 0.59
1 + reject
2 + reject
(b) The specification criteria now imply that SP is an irrelevant variable: R 2 increases slightly when SP is added, but SPs coefficient is not significantly different from zero, and the other coefficient estimates do not change more than one standard error when SP is added. (c) For both equations, DW is far below the critical value for a 5% one-sided test, so we can reject the null hypothesis of no positive serial correlation. (For the first equation, 0.70 < 1.12, and for the second equation 0.59 < 1.21.) (d) Once again, such a small improvement in the DW statistic is not evidence that the serial correlation is impure. (e) Since the SDL equations imply that SP is irrelevant, it makes sense to run GLS on the second equation: lnSDL t = 2.12 + 0.094lnUSDt + 0.914lnSYt (0.058) t= 1.64 n = 24 (annual 19601984) 5. (a)
COi = 1273.2 + 0.72I i (0.044) t = 16.21 R 2 = 0.97
= 0.61
(b) 1n(e i 2 ) = 29.54 2.34(lnIi ) (0.94) t = 2.49 tC = 3.499 at the 1% level (two-tailed) so we cannot reject the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity. (c) Some students will feel that when there is only one independent variable, weighted least squares (with X as the proportionality factor) will produce the same answer as OLS because you could always multiply through the WLS equation by Z to get the OLS result. Since the dependent variables are different, such a hypothesis can be proven to be incorrect. We can illustrate this with the data from this example by using Ii as the proportionality factor, obtaining: COi /Ii = 0 / Ii + 1 + u i (where ui is a homoskedastic error term) weighted least squares produces:
COi /Ii = 2400.1/ Ii + 0.40 (0.14) t = 2.77 R 2 = 0.94
R2 = 0.39
Thus even with only one independent variable, weighted least squares does indeed make a difference. Note that the relative magnitudes of the estimated coefficients have now switched due to the WLS regression; 2400.1 in the WLS regression is comparable to 1273.2, not 0.72, in the OLS regression. (d) It does not suggest anything should necessarily be done about it. Interestingly, there is another potential cause of heteroskedasticity in this model. That is, the variables are means of ranges of differing widths and different sample sizes. Thus it would seem reasonable to think that each of these means might come from a distribution with a different variance, and some sort of heteroskedasticity would be fairly likely. 7. R = 0.122, N = 33, so NR = 4.026 < 21.7 = the critical 1% Chi-square value with 9 d. f; so we cannot reject the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity. Thus both tests show evidence of heteroskedasticity.
2 2
(a) Multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity (but not positive serial correlation) appear to exist. Wed tackle the multicollinearity first. Since the heteroskedasticity could be impure, you should get the best specification you can before worrying about correcting for heteroskedasticity. (b) For all intents and purposes, the two equations are identical. Given that, and given the reasonably strong t-score of STU, wed stick with Equation 10.29. Note that the ratio of the FAC/STU coefficients is far more than 10/1 in Equation 10.29. This means that Equation 10.29 overemphasizes the importance of faculty, compared to Equation 10.30. (On second thought, whats wrong with overemphasizing the importance of faculty?) (c) Both methods show evidence of heteroskedasticity. For instance, if TOT = Z, the Park test t = 4.85 > 2.67, the critical t-value for a two-sided, 1 percent test with 57 degrees of freedom (interpolating).
(d) We dont provide a t-score for the coefficient of (1/TOT) because that coefficient is an estimate of the intercept of the original equation. (Note, however, that we do provide a t-score for the constant of the WLS equation.) This is a good example of coefficient switching. The pathetic fit is mainly due to the fact that the dependent variable in the WLS equation (VOL/VOT) is significantly more difficult to predict than is VOL, where size alone can explain most of the variation. In addition, it turns out that not one of the WLS variables in this equation has any theoretical validity at all, making a bad situation even worse. (e) There are many possible answers to this question. Using EViews, the easiest might be to reformulate the equation, using SAT and STU/FAC (the student/faculty ratio) as proxies for quality:
VOL/TOTi = 0.067 + 0.00011SATi 0.0045STU i /FACi
(0.00007) (0.0013) t = 1.59 3.44 2 R = 0.19 n = 60 DW = 2.11 11. (a) Coefficient: W U Hypoth. sign: + t-value: 10.0 1.0 reject do not tC = 1.66 (5% one-sided reject with 90 d.f.,interpolating)
(b) We disagree, mainly because econometrics cannot prove that discrimination is the cause of any differences in employment. Less importantly, we disagree that the nondiscriminatory expected value of the coefficient of W is 1.00; for starters, a constant term and other variables are in the equation. (c) Heteroskedasticity seems reasonably unlikely, despite the cross-sectional nature of the dataset, because the dependent variable is stated in per capita terms. (d) The two-sided 1% critical t-value is approximately 2.64 (interpolating), so we cannot reject the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity. (e) The theory behind P or lnP seems quite weak (despite its significance). Our preference would be to change P to a non-aggregate measure, for instance the percentage of the population that is black in the ith city, or some measure of the unemployment benefits available in the ith city. 13. (a) Coefficient: P Hypoth. sign: t-value: 0.97 do not tC = 1.684 (5% one-sided with reject 40 d.f., closest to 43)
I + 6.43 reject
Q + 3.62 reject
A + 1.93 reject
The last two variables cause some difficulties for most students when hypothesizing signs. Our opinion is that having more suburban newspapers should hurt metropolitan newspaper circulation but that the number of television stations is a measure more of the size of a city than of the competition a newspaper faces. By the way, we see Q as a proxy for quality and A as an endogenous variable (note that the authors did indeed estimate the equation with 2SLS, a technique beyond the scope of this chapter). (b) Heteroskedasticity seems extremely likely, since larger cities will have larger newspaper circulation, leading to larger error term variances. Using a two-sided 1% test, we can reject the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity since 3.13 > 2.66, the critical t-value with 60 degrees of freedom (closest to 48). (c) Heteroskedasticity, multicollinearity, and omitted variables all seem likely. (d) While its tempting to divide the equation through by population (or reformulate the equation by making the dependent variable per capita circulation), this would dramatically lessen the equations usefulness. Instead, we would attempt to improve the specification. Reasonable answers would include attempting to reduce some of the multicollinearity (redundancy) among the independent variables, trying to find a better measure of quality than number of editorial personnel or substituting the number of major metropolitan newspaper competitors for S and T. 15. (a) To test for serial correlation, first run:
= 0.73 + 0.22I + 0.46 ln(1 + V ) S t t t (0.05) (0.16) t = 4.50 2.85
N = 58 (monthly)
R 2 0.556
DW = 1.54
Since DW = 1.54, the Durbin-Watson test is inconclusive at the 5% one-sided level. Lott and Ray, the source of these data, reach the same inconclusion but with slightly different numbers. This means that there is a chance that we transcribed the dataset incorrectly. If so, comparability with Lott and Ray is reduced, but the quality of the exercise for students is undiminished. (b) As mentioned in the text, we do not recommend running GLS if the DW is in the inconclusive range. Our major reason is that a poor estimate of rho can introduce bias into an equation while pure serial correlation will not. This is especially true when the t-scores are not being used to decide whether to drop a variable, as is the case in this example. (c) A mere doubling in the size of the dependent variable should not, in and of itself, cause you to be concerned about heteroskedasticity in a time series equation. If the dependent variable had gone up ten times, then heteroskedasticity (or nonstationarity, depending on the situation) would be a real concern. (d) A Park test with T as a proportionality factor produces a t-score of 0.45, providing no evidence 2 2 whatsoever of heteroskedasticity. A White test produces an R of 0.20, for an NR of 11.6, which indicates heteroskedasticity at the 5% level but not at the 1% level we typically suggest for heteroskedasticity tests. (e) A Park test with T as a proportionality factor produces a t-score of 0.99, once again providing no evidence of heteroskedasticity. (f) Our preference would be to reformulate the equation (perhaps after testing for nonstationarity). We do not favor blindly using WLS in a time-series equation.