Final Competency Mapping @wipro
Final Competency Mapping @wipro
Final Competency Mapping @wipro
Submitted to: Prof. Anup K Singh Submitted By: Bharath Kumar Jain (15) C Ram (16) Rojin Raju (3 ) Sam!ath S Pi""ai (#1) Shijin R (#$)
%bhina& 'odi(56)
! ACK"#W$%DG%M%"&
(e are )ratefu" to our Com!eten*y +a!!in) and %,,e,,ment Centre, fa*u"ty Pro'! Anup K Singh for )i&in) u, ,u*h an intere,tin) to!i* for our )rou! !roje*t -or.. (e are than.fu" to him for the !re*iou, time and )uidan*e )i&en by him.
(e a",o than. the fo""o-in) !eo!"e -ho he"!ed u, durin) the *our,e of the !roje*t. 1. /ari, (Proje*t 0n)ineer1 (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie,)
Bharath Kumar Jain (15) C Ram (16) Rojin Raju (3 ) Sam!ath S Pi""ai(#1) Shijin R (#$) %bhina& 'odi (56)
'he data !ub"i,hed in the re!ort i, )eneri* and -i"" be u,ed on"y for a*ademi* !ur!o,e at 3nternationa" +ana)ement 3n,titute1 4e"hi. 'he *onfidentia"ity i, maintained throu)h out the !re!aration of the re!ort. 'he obje*tionab"e *ontent, ha&e been edited before !re,entin) .
&a)(e #' Contents ! Intro*uction -! Competency .rame Wor/ 0! Competency Process 1! Wipro Mo*e( 2! Career Groups ,! Mapping o' Ro(es to Career Groups 3! %4a(uation Process 5! 6se o' Competency Dictionary 7! Competency Dictionary at Wipro +, + 0 1 2 , 00 01
Metho*o(ogy 'he rea,on for ,e"e*tin) (3PR5 te*hno"o)ie, i, be*au,e one of the team member, ha, -or.ed -ith (3PR5 for more than 2 year,. 'hi, he"!ed u, in inter&ie-in) many (3PR5 !rofe,,iona", and a",o )ettin) u,efu" ,e*ondary data. (e *ondu*ted many te"e!honi* inter&ie-, to (i!ro !rofe,,iona", in Ban)a"ore. %",o many on"ine 6ue,tionnaire, -here ,ent throu)h mai". 'he data *o""e*ted i, a mi7 of Primary and Se*ondary data.
I& Ser4ices: (i!ro !ro&ide, *om!"ete ran)e of 3' Ser&i*e, to the or)ani:ation. 'he ran)e of ,er&i*e, e7tend, from 0nter!ri,e %!!"i*ation Ser&i*e, (CR+1 0RP1 e8 Pro*urement and SC+) to e8Bu,ine,, ,o"ution,. (i!ro@, enter!ri,e ,o"ution, ,er&e a ho,t of indu,trie, ,u*h a, 0ner)y and <ti"itie,1 Ainan*e1 'e"e*om1 and +edia and 0ntertainment.
Pro*uct %ngineering So(utions: (i!ro i, the "ar)e,t inde!endent !ro&ider of RB4 ,er&i*e, in the -or"d. <,in) C07tended 0n)ineerin)C mode" for "e&era)in) RB4 in&e,tment and a**e,,in) ne- .no-"ed)e and e7!erien*e a*ro,, the )"obe1 !eo!"e and te*hni*a" infra,tru*ture1 (i!ro enab"e, firm, to introdu*e ne- !rodu*t, ra!id"y.
&echno(ogy In'rastructure Ser4ice: (i!ro@, 'e*hno"o)y 3nfra,tru*ture Ser&i*e, ('3S) i, the "ar)e,t 3ndian 3' infra,tru*ture ,er&i*e !ro&ider in term, of re&enue1 !eo!"e and *u,tomer, -ith more than 2>> *u,tomer, in <S1 0uro!e1 Ja!an and o&er 65> *u,tomer, in 3ndia.
;usiness Process #utsourcing: (i!ro !ro&ide, bu,ine,, !ro*e,, out,our*in) ,er&i*e, in area, Ainan*e B %**ountin)1 Pro*urement1 /R Ser&i*e,1 Doya"ty Ser&i*e, and Kno-"ed)e Ser&i*e,. 3n 2>>21 (i!ro a*6uirin) S!e*tramind and be*ame one of the "ar)e,t BP5 ,er&i*e !"ayer,.
Consu(ting Ser4ices: (i!ro offer, ,er&i*e, in Bu,ine,, Con,u"tin)1 Pro*e,, Con,u"tin)1 Eua"ity Con,u"tin)1 and 'e*hno"o)y Con,u"tin).
Wipro In'rastructure %ngineering: 3t ha, emer)ed a, the "eader in the hydrau"i* *y"inder, and tru*. ti!!in) ,y,tem, in 3ndia.
Wipro In'otech: 3t i, one of the "eadin) manufa*turer, of *om!uter hard-are and a !ro&ider of ,y,tem, inte)ration ,er&i*e, in 3ndia.
Wipro $ighting: 3t manufa*ture, and, the (i!ro brand of "uminarie,. (i!ro Di)htin) offer, "i)htin) ,o"ution, a*ro,, &ariou, a!!"i*ation area, ,u*h a, *ommer*ia" "i)htin) for modern -or. ,!a*e,1 manufa*turin) and !harma*euti*a" *om!anie,1 de,i)ner !etro" !um!, and outdoor ar*hite*ture.
Air,t 3ndian 3' Ser&i*e Pro&ider to be a-arded Fo"d8De&e" Statu, in +i*ro,oft@, (indo-, 0mbedded Partner Pro)ram.
(or"d@, "ar)e,t inde!endent RB4 Ser&i*e, Pro&ider. (or"d@, 1,t PC++ De&e" 5 ,oft-are *om!any. (or"d@, 1,t 3' Ser&i*e, Com!any to u,e Si7 Si)ma. 'he fir,t to )et the BS15>>> *ertifi*ation for it, F"oba" Command Centre. %mon) the to! 3 off,hore BP5 ,er&i*e !ro&ider, in the -or"d. 5n"y 3ndian *om!any to be ran.ed amon) the @'o! 1> F"oba" 5ut,our*in) Pro&ider,@ in the 3%5P8Aortune F"oba" 1>> "i,tin),.
Competency mapping 8 &he #)<ecti4e 'or the same Both the boom and the re*e,,ion in the indu,try !ut a "ot of ,tre,, on /R mana)er, to mana)e and retain their ta"ent !oo". 'here need, to be a !ro!er me*hani,m to de&e"o! indi&idua", and bui"d *om!eten*e. 'ai"or8made *om!eten*y frame-or., *u,tomi:ed for an or)ani:ation *ou"d be the an,-er a, it *an be u,ed to train1 define and retain ta"ent.
'hi, i, e7a*t"y ho- (i!ro -ent about the !ro*e,,. 'hey too. a )eneri* *om!eten*y mode" ba,ed on the +*Ber mode" and then tai"ored it by definin) and ,e"e*tin) re"e&ant *om!eten*ie,. 'hen fun*tiona" di*tionarie, re"e&ant for ro"e, "i.e /R1 finan*e1 ,oft-are et*. -ere de&e"o!ed for ,!e*ifi*a""y a,,i,tin) in the frame-or.. 'he ne- *om!eten*y frame-or. -a, !rimari"y de&e"o!ed
to .ee! the *om!eten*y frame-or. abrea,t -ith the *han)e, in *urrent bu,ine,, *onte7t and the ne- initiati&e, "i.e )"oba" bandin)1 the "aun*h of S!irit of (i!ro and
to ,im!"ify the *urrent mode" and "in. it -ith Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie,. Aor ea,e of under,tandin) and u,a)e Better "in.a)e -ith de&e"o!ment !ro)ram,
Competency .rame9or/ An Intro*uction Com!eten*y frame-or. ta.e, u, throu)h the ba,i* under,tandin) of
-hat Com!eten*ie, are ho- the Com!eten*ie, are ,tru*tured and the Com!eten*y di*tionary -hi*h "i,t, do-n the *om!eten*ie, a*ro,, a"" Career Band,GFrou!, and ,tream, in*"udin) Aie"d Aor*e at (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie,
to .ee! the *om!eten*y frame-or. abrea,t -ith the *han)e, in *urrent bu,ine,, *onte7t and the ne- initiati&e, "i.e )"oba" bandin)1 the "aun*h of S!irit of (i!ro
and to ,im!"ify the *urrent mode" and "in. it -ith Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie,.
'he ne- Com!eten*y frame-or. "in., (DE ((i!ro Deader, Eua"ity Sur&ey836> de)ree feedba*.) *om!eten*ie, and the *om!eten*y frame-or.(+ana)eria") *om!eten*ie,. '/0 9004 A5R % 90( AR%+0(5RK H (/0'/0R '/0I S0RJ0 '/0 P<RP5S0 5R 95' 'he ,a"ient *han)e, made to the +ana)eria" Com!eten*y frame-or. are mentioned be"o-:
Com!eten*ie, -ere defined for ea*h Com!eten*ie, are defined for ea*h ro"e "i.e +odu"e "ead1 Proje*t +ana)er1 *areer )rou! -ithin a ,tream e.). %"" Sr. 07e*uti&e '04 et*. 'he ro"e, in Career Frou! B21 Proje*t Stream -i"" ha&e ,ame *om!eten*ie,. 'he *om!eten*ie, -i"" &ary by Band and by Stream. Com!eten*ie, &aried by ro"e.
'he *om!eten*ie, -ere defined by 5 'he *om!eten*ie, are defined by # "e&e", of !rofi*ien*y. 'he Deader,hi! -ith "e&e", of Profi*ien*y Com!eten*ie, C"ear di,tin*tion bet-een +ana)eria" +ana)eria" Com!eten*ie, Com!eten*ie,. throu)h (DE Sur&ey. and Deader,hi! Deader,hi!
o&er"a!!ed *om!eten*ie,.
1. 0a,e of <nder,tandin) and <,a)e 2. Better Din.a)e -ith 4e&e"o!ment Pro)ram, 'he *om!eten*ie, are "in.ed -ith Band, in ea*h ,tream1 the de&e"o!ment !ro)ram, *an be better de,i)ned for ea*h band or *areer )rou! in a ,tream
Creati&e Prob"em So"&in) P"annin) and 4e"i&ery S!e*ia"i,tG4omain Kno-"ed)e 4e*i,ion 0ffe*ti&e Communi*ation Bu,ine,, %*umen %na"yti*a" S.i"",
'he Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie, *a""ed (i!ro Deader, Eua"ity ((DE) defined a, !art of the o&era"" Com!eten*y frame-or. and u,ed in (DE Sur&ey ( 36> de)ree
Strate)i* ' %*hie&ement 5rientation Commitment to 07*e""en*e Se"f Confiden*e 4ri&in) Chan)e Cu,tomer 5rientation ( in team, Bui"din) Deader, 3nter Cu"tura" Sen,iti&ity
'he o&era"" Com!eten*y di*tionary *on,i,t, of 1> mana)eria" and # "eader,hi! *om!eten*ie, hi)h"i)hted abo&e ( %*hie&ement 5rientation1 Se"f Confiden*e1 Cu,tomer 5rientation and ( in 'eam, )
Career bandin) he"!, to define ro"e, ba,ed on *om!eten*ie,1 !ro&ide *"ear *areer !ath,1 and *ommuni*ate ea,i"y both e7terna""y a, -e"" a, interna""y. 'he !ro*e,, a",o enab"e, *om!etent em!"oyee, to !ro)re,, fa,ter ba,ed on !erforman*e and *om!eten*ie, rather than bein) time8bound or hierar*hi*a". %"" re!re,entati&e ro"e, in (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie, ha&e been *"a,,ified under 3 di,tin*t Career Stream,: Proje*t S!e*ia"i,t and Aun*tiona"
%"" !o,ition, (job,Gro"e,) in ea*h of the,e Career Stream, ha&e been e&a"uated ba,ed on the fo""o-in) *riteria: Ro(e Dimension Bu,ine,, a**ountabi"ity Peo!"e mana)ement re6uirement Com!"e7ity and im!a*t of de*i,
Competency De&e", of Deader,hi! and 'e*hni*a" *om!eten*y Ba,ed on the e&a"uation *riteria of *urrent ro"e,1 a"" !o,ition, ha&e been ma!!ed to the fo""o-in) dimen,ion, mentioned be"o-: 'he ro"e dimen,ion for ea*h Career Frou! *an be broad"y defined a, fo""o-,:
Ro(e Dimension Su!!ort Ro"e, 0n)ineerin) Cam!u, Are,her, 2nd De&e" +ana)erG 07!ert Strate)i* Deader
%"" )eneri* !o,ition, -ithin (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie, ha&e been e&a"uated ba,ed on the ro"e dimen,ion,1 a**ountabi"ity1 and te*hni*a" and "eader,hi! *om!eten*ie,1 ba,ed on the *om!eten*y frame-or. of (i!ro. 0a*h *areer )rou! i, *ate)ori:ed by a ,i)nifi*ant *han)e in *ontribution1 de*i, *a!abi"ity and re,!on,ibi"ity from tho,e of the !re&iou, )rou!. Aor a"" the ro"e, in ea*h Career )rou!1 a thre,ho"d 6ua"ifyin) *riteria ha, been arri&ed at. 0a*h ro"e i, thu, e&a"uated a)ain,t the,e *riteria to determine hi,Gher Career Frou!. 'he !o,itionGro"e ho"der i, e&a"uated in term, of meetin) the de,ired *om!eten*ie, for that Career Frou! in -hi*h hi,Gher ro"e i, !o,itioned.
Competency .rame9or/ An Intro*uction Com!eten*y frame-or. ta.e, u, throu)h the ba,i* under,tandin) of
-hat Com!eten*ie, are ho- the Com!eten*ie, are ,tru*tured and the Com!eten*y di*tionary -hi*h "i,t, do-n the *om!eten*ie, a*ro,, a"" Career Band,GFrou!, and ,tream, in*"udin) Aie"d Aor*e at (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie,
to .ee! the *om!eten*y frame-or. abrea,t -ith the *han)e, in *urrent bu,ine,, *onte7t and the ne- initiati&e, "i.e )"oba" bandin)1 the "aun*h of S!irit of (i!ro and to ,im!"ify the *urrent mode" and "in. it -ith Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie,.
'he ne- Com!eten*y frame-or. "in., (DE ((i!ro Deader, Eua"ity Sur&ey836> de)ree feedba*.) *om!eten*ie, and the *om!eten*y frame-or. (+ana)eria") *om!eten*ie,. 'he ,a"ient *han)e, made to the +ana)eria" Com!eten*y frame-or. are mentioned be"o-: 5"d +ode" Ro"e Din.ed Com!eten*y +ode" Com!eten*ie, -ere defined for ea*h ro"e "i.e +odu"e "ead1 Proje*t +ana)er1 Sr. 07e*uti&e '04 et*. 'he Com!eten*ie, &aried by ro"e. 9e- +ode" Band and Stream Din.ed Arame-or. Com!eten*ie, are defined for ea*h *areer )rou! -ithin a ,tream e.). %"" ro"e, in Career Frou! B21 Proje*t Stream -i"" ha&e ,ame *om!eten*ie,. 'he *om!eten*ie, -i"" &ary by
'he *om!eten*ie, -ere defined by 5 "e&e", of !rofi*ien*y. 'he Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie, o&er"a!!ed -ith +ana)eria" *om!eten*ie,.
'he *om!eten*ie, are defined by # "e&e", of Profi*ien*y C"ear di,tin*tion bet-een +ana)eria" Com!eten*ie, and Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie,. Deader,hi! Com!eten*ie, tra*.ed and de&e"o!ed throu)h (DE Sur&ey.
Rationa(e = ;ene'its going 'or9ar*: 1. 0a,e of <nder,tandin) and <,a)e 2. Better Din.a)e -ith 4e&e"o!ment Pro)ram, 'he *om!eten*ie, are "in.ed -ith Band, in ea*h ,tream1 the de&e"o!ment !ro)ram, *an be better de,i)ned for ea*h band or *areer )rou! in a ,tream Com!eten*ie, are defined in t-o broad *ate)orie,: Managing Se(' an* #thers
Creati&e Prob"em So"&in) P"annin) and 4e"i&ery S!e*ia"i,tG4omain Kno-"ed)e 4e*i,ion 0ffe*ti&e Communi*ation Bu,ine,, %*umen %na"yti*a" S.i"",
&he $ea*ership Competencies *a""ed Wipro $ea*ers >ua(ity ((DE) defined a, !art of the o&era"" Com!eten*y frame-or. and u,ed in (DE Sur&ey ( 36> de)ree feedba*. Sur&ey) are "i,ted be"o-:
Strate)i* ' %*hie&ement 5rientation Commitment to 07*e""en*e Se"f Confiden*e 4ri&in) Chan)e Cu,tomer 5rientation ( in team, Bui"din) Deader, 3nter Cu"tura" Sen,iti&ity
'he o&era"" Com!eten*y di*tionary *on,i,t, of 1> mana)eria" and # "eader,hi! *om!eten*ie, hi)h"i)hted abo&e (%*hie&ement 5rientation1 Se"f Confiden*e1 Cu,tomer 5rientation and ( in 'eam,) Competency .rame9or/ - &he Process Career Grouping Career Frou!in) i, a !ro*e,, by -hi*h ,!e*trum of job, in an or)ani:ation are *"u,tered on the ba,i, of job e&a"uation into a fe- re!re,entati&e job )rou!,. 'he differentiation bet-een *areer )rou!, i, ,i)nifi*ant in term, of re,!on,ibi"ity and a**ountabi"ity. /en*e the re6uirement, from the ro"e ho"der, in term, of *om!eten*ie,1 to "i&e u! to the ro"e e7!e*tation are a",o ,i)nifi*ant"y differentiated a*ro,, *areer )rou!,. %t (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie,1 the !ro*e,, of Career Frou!in) i, to en,ure that )ro-th of indi&idua", i, meanin)fu" rather than time bound and hierar*hi*a". 'hi, i, a",o e7!e*ted to addre,, *on*ern, of em!"oyee, re)ardin) *areer !"annin) by !ro&idin) more &i,ibi"ity to o!!ortunitie, that e7i,t a*ro,, the or)ani:ation.
Sin*e the fo*u, of the )rou!in) e7er*i,e i, on ,tream and band dimen,ion and *om!eten*ie,1 e&eryone ,ee, a more tran,!arent )ro-th !ath. 'he !ro*e,, a",o enab"e, *om!etent em!"oyee, to !ro)re,, fa,ter ba,ed on !erforman*e and *om!eten*ie,. Aurther1 the *areer )rou!in) a",o identifie, a ,e!arate *areer !ath for tho,e -ho -i,h to ,!e*ia"i:e on the te*hno"o)y or domain ,ide a, a S!e*ia"i,t. Su*h indi&idua", ba,ed on bu,ine,, re6uirement, and their te*hni*a" e7!erti,e *an )ro- and *ontribute a, a te*hni*a" e7!ert. 'he em!ha,i, i, on *ontinuou, "earnin) and de&e"o!ment of *om!eten*ie, -ith a -ider &ariety of a,,i)nment, that -i"" be made a&ai"ab"e. 3t enab"e, ,u**e,,fu" em!"oyee, to )o throu)h the "earnin) *y*"e fa,ter to ta.e on or)ani:ationa" and bu,ine,, "eader,hi! !o,ition,. &he Wipro Mo*e( %"" re!re,entati&e ro"e, in (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie, ha&e been *"a,,ified under 3 di,tin*t Career Stream,: 1. Pro<ects stream 'he Proje*t, ,tream a""o-, for "eader,hi! !o,ition for em!"oyee,1 in the Proje*t and Peo!"e mana)ement tra*.. 'hi, -i"" in*"ude re,!on,ibi"itie, for one or more *om!"ete !roje*t "ife*y*"e(,)1 a defined mana)ed re&enue )oa"1 and !eo!"e re,!on,ibi"itie, in*"udin) !erforman*e a!!rai,a",1 attrition1 *areer !"annin)1 de&e"o!ment and e7ten,i&e C"ient intera*tion. Fro-th o!!ortunitie, -ou"d be into "ar)er ro"e, "i.e Pro)ram mana)ement1 4e"i&ery head1 C"ient en)a)ement1 Strate)i* a**ount mana)ement et*. 2. Specia(ist stream 'he S!e*ia"i,t ,tream *om!ri,e, of indi&idua", -ho ha&e bui"t e7!erti,e in a ,!e*ifi* area1 ha&in) -or.ed in that area for at "ea,t one year. 'he area, of e7!erti,e *ou"d be in ni*he te*hno"o)y area, (0%31 C3S )1 Bu,ine,, *on,u"tin) (BPR1 Strate)y)1 4omain e7!erti,e1 ("i.e or Se*uritie,) . Aor a S!e*ia"i,t1 the !rimary re,!on,ibi"itie, in*"ude one or a"" of the fo""o-in): KProje*t *on,u"tan*y: Brin) domain B te*hno"o)y .no-"ed)e to !roje*t. Parti*i!ate in re6uirement, ana"y,i,1 ar*hite*ture1 hi)h "e&e" de,i)n1 de,i)n re&ie-,.
K Bu,ine,, *on,u"tan*y8 Brin) domain1 ,trate)y and or te*hno"o)y .no-"ed)e to !ro,!e*t, a, -e"" a, e7i,tin) *"ient,1 to !ro&ide bu,ine,, *on,u"tin). 'hi, -i"" in*"ude re6uirement, definition1 a!!roa*h !a!er1 te*hni*a" !ro!o,a",1 identifyin) !ro,!e*t,1 !re ,a"e,. K3dentify and "ead te*hno"o)y initiati&e, H reu,ab"e *om!onent,1 3P (inte""e*tua" !ro!erty)1 "eadin) a Center of 07*e""ent (C50) !ra*ti*e 'he S!e*ia"i,t ,tream *an on"y in*"ude tho,e indi&idua", -ho are re*o)ni:ed e7!ert, in the )i&en area,.
3. Functional stream 'he Aun*tiona" ,tream !ro&ide, o!!ortunitie, for )ro-th in fun*tiona" area, "i.e Bu,ine,, de&e"o!ment B Sa"e,1 +ar.etin)1 Ainan*e1 3' infra,tru*ture1 Bu,ine,, 5!eration,1 /uman Re,our*e, et*. 0m!"oyee *an tran,ition from the Proje*t, ,tream (Proje*t +ana)er) to the Aun*tiona" ,tream (C"ient 0n)a)ement +ana)er or Strate)i* %**ount +ana)er). 'he Aie"d for*e (,a"e,) *areer frame-or. ha, been dra-n to addre,, the fun*tiona" need, of the fie"d for*e or)ani:ation. Sa"e,G*u,tomer fa*in) ro"e, are in*rea,in)"y )ettin) more *om!"e7 and mu"ti dimen,iona" *om!eten*ie, B re,!on,ibi"itie, are re6uired to !erform the,e ro"e,. 'here i, a",o a need to !ro&ide *om!etiti&e de,i)nation, to enab"e better re!re,entation of ro"e,1 more effe*ti&e interfa*e -ith *"ient or)ani:ation and hi)her ,ati,fa*tion of em!"oyee,. (i!ro ha, ma!!ed a"" !o,ition, to 1> di,tin*t Career Frou!, -ithin the 3 Career Stream,. 0a*h )rou! ha, ,imi"ar ro"e, -ith *ommon "eader,hi! and mana)eria" *om!eten*y "e&e",. Cam!u, Are,her@, (0n)ineerin) Fraduate,) join a, 'eam Rainbo-, and mo&e into Career Frou! B1 after a !robation !eriod of 12 month, ba,ed on their !erforman*e. 'he ne- Career bandin) -i"" !ro&ide )reater definition around the *areer !ath, and !ro)re,,ion, a&ai"ab"e to ea*h em!"oyee. Some of the e7!e*ted benefit, are:
3t -i"" en,ure that hi)h !erformin) and *om!etent em!"oyee, mo&e into more re,!on,ib"e ro"e, ahead of other,
Pro)re,,ion *riteria from one *areer band to another -i"" be .no-n to a"" em!"oyee, % !ro)re,,ion from one *areer band to another -i"" mean a &i,ib"e *han)e in re,!on,ibi"itie,
0m!"oyee, -ho -i,h to ,!e*ia"i:e in a ni*he te*hno"o)y or domain area *an *hoo,e the S!e*ia"i,t, *areer !ath and *an )ro- in thi, ,tream.
0m!"oyee, -i"" )et to .no- ,!e*ifi* *om!eten*ie, that they need to de&e"o! to mo&e into hi)her *areer band ro"e,.
'here -i"" be )reater fo*u, on *areer di,*u,,ion, and ma!!in) future ro"e *han)e,
5&era""1 it -i"" !ro&ide for a )reater fo*u, on *areer,1 and *"arify the *areer !ath a&ai"ab"e to *o""ea)ue,. 3t a",o inte)rate, a"" the /R !ro*e,,e,1 ,u*h a, ,e"e*tion1 !erforman*e mana)ement1 trainin) B de&e"o!ment1 *areer !"annin)1 B ,u**e,,ion !"annin)1 *om!en,ation by " them to *om!eten*ie,.
Career progression an* promotions (i!ro ha, a defined Promotion !ro*e,,1 -here em!"oyee, are re&ie-ed for !romotion, t-i*e a year1 in %!ri" and 5*tober. 'hi, time1 ,in*e the re8bandin) i, ha!!enin) in !ara""e"1 the !romotion, are )oin) to be effe*ti&e +ay 1 ,t. 0m!"oyee -i"" be !romoted ba,ed on the fo""o-in) *riteria: K 0m!"oyee ha, to meet the job dimen,ion *riteria of the ne7t *areer band K 0m!"oyee demon,trate, the de,ired "e&e" of *om!eten*ie, for at "ea,t $5L of the "i,ted *om!eten*ie, for the ne7t "e&e" job1 and K 0m!"oyee ha, *on,i,tent"y met !erforman*e e7!e*tation, %"" re*ommendation, are )ot from the ,u!er&i,or ba,ed on a tem!"ate -ith ju,tifi*ation and *riti*a" in*ident,. 'he,e re*ommendation, are re&ie-ed by the e&a"uation !ane" a"on) -ith in!ut, from (DE and a!!rai,a",. 'he e&a"uation !ane" *om!ri,e, of the 4e!artment G Frou! head,1 '04 +ana)er1 and Jerti*a"8 B< head.
Career Grouping %"" !o,ition, (job,Gro"e,) in ea*h of the,e Career Stream, ha&e been e&a"uated ba,ed on the fo""o-in) *riteria: Ro"e 4imen,ion Bu,ine,, a**ountabi"ity Peo!"e mana)ement re6uirement Com!"e7ity and im!a*t of de*i, Competency De&e", of Deader,hi! and 'e*hni*a" *om!eten*y
Ba,ed on the e&a"uation *riteria of *urrent ro"e,1 -i!ro ha, ma!!ed a"" !o,ition, to the fo""o-in) dimen,ion, mentioned be"o-: 'he ro"e dimen,ion for ea*h Career Frou! *an be broad"y defined a, fo""o-,: Career Group %1 'eam RainboC21 411 42 0 Su!!ort Ro"e, 0n)ineerin) Cam!u, Are,her, 2nd De&e" +ana)erG 07!ert Strate)i* Deader Ro(e Dimension
Mapping o' Ro(es to Career Groups %"" )eneri* !o,ition, -ithin (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie, ha&e been e&a"uated ba,ed on the ro"e dimen,ion,1 a**ountabi"ity1 and te*hni*a" and "eader,hi! *om!eten*ie,1 ba,ed on the *om!eten*y frame-or. of (i!ro. 0a*h *areer )rou! i, *ate)ori:ed by a ,i)nifi*ant *han)e in *ontribution1 de*i, *a!abi"ity and re,!on,ibi"ity from tho,e of the !re&iou, )rou!. 'he fo""o-in) tab"e !ro&ide, a ,na!,hot &ie- on the ma!!in) of !o,ition, a*ro,, Career Frou!,
Sp(it ;an*s
Designations (In*icati4e $ist) %,,o*iate Soft-are traineeGProje*t 0n)ineerG Soft-are 0n)ineer1 'e,t 0n)ineer Sr. %,,o*iateGProje*t 0n)ineerG Soft-are 0n)ineerG 'e,t 0n)ineer Proje*t 0n)ineer GSoft-are 0n)ineerG'e,t 0n)ineerG 07e*uti&e Sr. Proje*t 0n)ineerGSr. Soft-are 0n)ineerG Sr. 'e,t 0n)ineerG4e,i)n ana"y,tG07e*uti&eGSr. 07e*uti&e +odu"e DeaderG 'e*h DeaderG Proje*t "eaderG4omain Dead +odu"e DeaderG 'e*h DeaderG Proje*t "eaderG4omain Dead Sr. Proje*t DeaderGProje*t +ana)erG%r*hite*tG 4omain Con,u"tantG'e*h Con,u"tantG +ana)er Sr. Proje*t +ana)erG 4e"i&ery +ana)er1 %**ount +ana)er 'e*hni*a" +ana)erGSo"ution %r*hite*tG GCon,u"tantG+ana)er Sr. Proje*t +ana)erG 4e"i&ery +ana)er1 %**ount +ana)er 'e*hni*a" +ana)erGSo"ution %r*hite*tG GCon,u"tantG+ana)er Sr. 'e*hni*a" +ana)erG Pro)ram +ana)erGSr. 4e"i&ery +ana)erGFrou! /ead,G Dead %r*hite*tG/ead Con,u"tant GPrin*i!a" Con,u"tantGPra*ti*e /eadG+ana)erG/ead 8fun*tion
'eam Rainbo-
%2 Su!!ort %3
B2 B2 C1 +ana)er, C2
Senior +ana)er, 41
42 0
Aor a"" the ro"e, in ea*h Career )rou!1 a thre,ho"d 6ua"ifyin) *riteria ha, been arri&ed at. 0a*h ro"e i, thu, e&a"uated a)ain,t the,e *riteria to determine hi,Gher Career Frou!. 'he !o,itionGro"e ho"der i, e&a"uated in term, of meetin) the de,ired *om!eten*ie, for that Career Frou! in -hi*h hi,Gher ro"e i, !o,itioned. %4a(uation Pane( 'he e&a"uation !ane" i, Career Frou! ,!e*ifi* 8 *urrent"y the e&a"uation !ane" i, a, fo""o-,:
Category B1 to B2
.ina( Appro4a( B<GJerti*a"GPra*ti*e /eadG and *orre,!ondin) '04 B<GGJerti*a"GPra*ti*e /ead G and *orre,!ondin) '04
B2 to C1 '+GP+
indi&idua" by !ane" of '+G B< '04G F/ or Pra*ti*e /ead or S4/ %,,e,,ment of re*ommendation by !ane" of '+G B< '04GF/ or Pra*ti*e /ead or S4/
C1 to C2 '+GPra*ti*e /ead
Re*o %,,e,,ment by B< '04G SB< '04 a,,e,,ment and B< /ead throu)h a !ane" SB< '04 head /ayM, J4 0&a"uation SB< /eadGSB< '04 /ead SB< '04 /ead G'04 and SB< /ead /R /ead B Chairman
"ote: PM is Pro<ect Manager? &M is &echnica( Manager (#ne o4er one manager) Process o' %4a(uation 'he *on*erned em!"oyee i, e&a"uated ba,ed on in!ut, from the immediate ,u!er&i,or and the ne7t "e&e" ,u!er&i,or a"on) -ith the *om!eten*y ba,ed *areer di,*u,,ion -ith the !ane" 'he em!"oyee tran,ition, to the ne7t hi)her *areer )rou! if heG,he demon,trate, the de,ired "e&e" of *om!eten*ie, for at "ea,t $5L of the "i,ted *om!eten*ie,. 'hi, -ou"d need to be a,,e,,ed by the ,u!er&i,or a, !er the tem!"ate -ith ju,tifi*ation and *riti*a" in*ident,.
'he e&a"uation !ane" &et, the re*ommendation tem!"ate -ith Performan*e Re&ie- data. %"" mo&ement, from Career Frou! B2 on-ard, -i"" in*"ude a *areer di,*u,,ion -ith the e&a"uation !ane". Progression Ba,ed on the fina" re*ommendation of the e&a"uation !ane", a*ro,, (i!ro 'e*hno"o)ie,1 a"" the *on,idered em!"oyee, -i"" be mo&ed to the hi)her Career Frou!, -.e.f. 1,t %!ri"G5*tober e&ery year (our !ro)re,,ion *y*"e,). 'he *han)e, in the *urrent Sa"ary ,tru*ture are effe*ti&e from the abo&e mentioned date,. Progression Re4ie9 .re@uency 'he re&ie- !ro*e,, i, he"d t-i*e a year 8 on*e in %!ri" and another 5*tober. /en*e a"" em!"oyee, -ho are mo&ed into !o,ition, of hi)her re,!on,ibi"ity -i"" be e&a"uated on the *om!eten*ie, by the re"e&ant !ane" in the ne7t re&ie- *y*"e. "e9 Ro(es %"" ne-Gunma!!ed ro"e, need to be e&a"uated by the e&a"uation !ane". /en*e a"" mo&ement, to Career Frou!, ba,ed on ne- ro"e, -i"" be made after the ne- !o,ition i, e&a"uated. Ao) &it(es 'he job tit"e, are ro"e ba,ed. 3t, main !ur!o,e i, to indi*ate the ro"e and re,!on,ibi"ity of the em!"oyee to the *"ient or bu,ine,, a,,o*iate. % ba,.et of job tit"e,1 i, !ro&ided in the job tit"e, "in. in Com!eten*y frame-or. . 'he em!"oyee, ha&e the f"e7ibi"ity to *hoo,e the job tit"e from thi, ba,.et a, !er hi, band and ,tream. !&he Pro<ect Stream 'hi, ,tream *o&er, a"" ro"e, -hi*h are "in.ed to !roje*t de"i&ery. Ro"e, ,u*h a, !roje*t team member,1 +odu"e "eader,1 Proje*t +ana)er,1 'e*hni*a" +ana)er,1 Frou! /ead,1 and So"ution 4e"i&ery /ead, be"on) to thi, ,tream. (hi"e te*hno"o)y *ontent *ontinue, to be an im!ortant e"ement of the ro"e1 the ro"e ho"der, "e&era)e !rimari"y on their !roje*t and !eo!"e mana)ement ,.i"",.
%"" ro"e, in the Proje*t Stream ha&e been *"a,,ified into nine *areer )rou!,. Aor a ro"e ho"der to be *"a,,ified into a !arti*u"ar *areer )rou!G, H the ro"e mu,t meet the thre,ho"d *riteria of the *areer )rou!G, and im!ortant"y the ro"e ho"der mu,t ha&e *om!eten*ie, at "e&e", ,!e*ified for the *areer )rou!. C%R00R FR5<P %2 %"" en)ineer, -ho are *ontributin) indi&idua""y are member, of thi, )rou!. %, team member, of !roje*t,1 their aim durin) thi, !eriod of their *areer -ou"d be to e7!erien*e different *om!"e7itie, of !roje*t,1 te*hno"o)ie,1 domain, and !roje*t "ife*y*"e,.
Re,!on,ib"e for de&e"o!ment of *ode1 te,tin)1 *ode !romotion,1 *onfi)uration. Prob"em ,o"&in). (or. for *ode de&e"o!ment1 *ode !romotion, and he"!, in any *ode fi7e,. 3ntera*t -ith !eer "e&e" from *u,tomer or)ani:ation. 3ntera*tion i, mo,t"y a*ti&ity ba,ed1 not a)enda ,ettin) or re"ation,hi! de&e"o!ment.
C%R00R FR5<P %3 Po,,e,,e, theoreti*a" .no-"ed)e of *on*e!t, and te*hno"o)y and a!!"ie, te*hno"o)y -ith detai"ed )uidan*e. Contribute, indi&idua""y to !roje*t de"i&ery.
'eam member in a Sma"" Proje*t or !ha,e@, of "ar)e !roje*t@,. (or. out a detai"ed !"an on the ta,. a,,i)ned. Re&ie- detai"ed de,i)n, and te,t re!ort,. 'e,t !"anGde,i)n1 'e,t de&e"o!ment1 'e,t e7e*ution1 'oo" e&a"uation.
Parti*i!ate in de,i)n1 im!"ementation and te,tin) in*"udin) a*ti&itie, "i.e: 'a,. unit and !ro)ram de,i)n1 data ,tru*ture, de,i)n1 modu"e interfa*e de,i)n1 *ode and unit te,t.
Bui"d ,oft-are a, a,,i)ned8 Ai7 !rob"em, in *ode durin) de&e"o!ment and maintenan*e !ha,e, and modify *orre,!ondin) do*umentation.
Ao""o-, the *odin) ,tandard, and any other ,tandard, intended for the !roje*t. Parti*i!ate, in -or.G!rodu*t (do*umentG*ode) re&ie-,1 in !roje*t monitorin) re&ie-, and !roje*t !erforman*e ana"y,i, re&ie-,.
Do), effort1 ,i:e and defe*t data. Com!"ie, to the ,e"e*ted !ro*e,, f"o- for the !arti*u"ar a*ti&ity:8 (i!ro Eua"ity norm, and methodo"o)ie, ( Je"o*i86).
C%R00R FR5<P B1 %!!"ie, .no-8/o- -ith minima" or broad ,u!er&i,ion and )uide, other team member,.
/a, a )ood !ra*ti*a" under,tandin) of im!"ementation and )ood under,tandin) of te*hno"o)y and it, a!!"i*ation. (or. out a detai"ed !"an on the ta,. a,,i)ned1 re&ie- detai"ed de,i)n, and te,t re!ort,.
3n&o"&ed in hi)her8"e&e" Codin)1 im!"ementation1 inte)rated te,tin)1 debu))in) and in ta,. unit and !ro)ram de,i)n1 data ,tru*ture, de,i)n1 modu"e interfa*e de,i)n1 *ode and unit te,t.
Code re&ie-1 fi7 !rob"em, in *ode durin) de&e"o!ment and maintenan*e !ha,e, and modify *orre,!ondin) do*umentation.
3ntera*tion, -ithin o-n team or de!artment to !ro&ide te*hni*a" )uidan*e. C"ient 3nterfa*e: 3ntera*t, for any 3'D1 <%' and 4e!"oyment !ha,e,1 at !roje*t "e&e" *u,tomer,1 Re!ort, to the *u,tomer *onta*tN 3ntera*t -ith !eer "e&e" from *u,tomer or)ani:ation.
Com!"etin) Proje*t 0ffort 0,timation Re"ated %*ti&itie,. Com!"ian*e to the ,e"e*ted !ro*e,, f"o- for the !arti*u"ar a*ti&ity: 8 Je"o*iE.
'e*hni*a" !re,entation, to the team. 'e*hni*a" !a!er !re,entation, in interna"Ge7terna" forum,1 -ritin) te*hni*a" arti*"e, (at "ea,t one) Contribution to Kno-"ed)e +ana)ement.
C%R00R FR5<P B2 (hen the em!"oyee mo&e, into a "eader,hi! ro"e a, a +odu"e "eader or Proje*t +ana)er of a team ,i:e a, defined be"o- 8 heG,he -ou"d be in thi, )rou!.
/and"e, the ro"e of a +DGPD for at "ea,t a 3 member team 5R ha&in) 'e*hni*a" !rofi*ien*y to hand"e a *om!"e7 a,,i)nment1 -hi"e attra*tin) hi)her bi""in) rate
0n,ure, adheren*e to !roje*t B !ro*e,, norm, /a, hand"ed the ro"e for a tota" duration of 12 month, %""o*ate, -or. to team member, and monitor, !ro)re,, /a, -or.ed in E'GE%GEC ro"e1 for at "ea,t 1 !roje*t or for 386 month, +inimum 1 'e*hni*a"GAun*tiona" Certifi*ation (e.). Retai"GJa&aG5ra*"e)8mandatory 'rainin): o o Je"o*i8E for P+1PD1 'D B EC
'he thre,ho"d re,!on,ibi"itie, for an #nsite co-coor*inator are: (+ana)in) a !roje*t of ,i:e at "ea,t annua" >.5 +n = or "eadin) a team of at "ea,t 6 !eo!"e8 team *ou"d be on,ite and off,hore *ombined) 5n,ite Dead8 ha&in) a ,ma"" team on,ite or a *ombined off,horeGon,ite team(team of minimum 6 !eo!"e) Fatherin) and mana)in) re6uirement, Chan)e mana)ement in maintenan*e !roje*t, Re!re,ent, (i!ro to *u,tomer1 ,hare, *on*ern, 1 idea, -ith the *u,tomer1 ,o"utionin) a"ternati&e,1 ta"., about benefit, or "imitation, of any ,o"ution, to *u,tomer 3, the interfa*e bet-een Cu,tomer and off,hore team Peo!"e +)t re,!on,ibi"ity1 from a *oordination !oint of &ie5ff,hore *oordination re,!on,ibi"ity 0,timation of !roje*t ,i:e B O of re,our*e, re6uired
(or. a""o*ation a, a!!"i*ab"e Ja"idate 3n&oi*e, are *orre*t before ,ubmittin) to *u,tomer C"ient interfa*e: Cu,tomer intera*tion -ith Bu,ine,, +ana)er,1 3' !roje*t mana)er,1 Bu,ine,, u,er,
C%R00R FR5<P C1 (+ana)in) a !roje*t of ,i:e at "ea,t annua" 1 +n = or "eadin) a team of at "ea,t 15 !eo!"e8 team *ou"d be on,ite and off,hore *ombined) 'he thre,ho"d *riteria for thi, )rou! are: 3, a A+P(Auture +ana)er Pro)ram) Certified /a, )one throu)h the P+ %*ademy *our,e -ith $5L ,*ore in (i!ro(/ead 8 P+ %*ademy in '' -i"" ha&e detai", of the,e mar., and *our,e,) Re,!on,ib"e B "ead for one ,ma"" !roje*t 5R a fe- modu"e, 3nde!endent"y hand"e, !roje*t !ro!o,a"1 e,timation1 !"annin)1 e7e*ution B *u,tomer intera*tion /a, !eo!"e re,!on,ibi"itie, H (!erforman*e a!!rai,a",1 !rodu*ti&ity im!ro&ement1 !un*tua"ity and di,*i!"ine1 ta"ent retention1 *areer !"annin) B de&e"o!ment) 5n,ite Dead8 ha&in) a ,ma"" team on,ite or a *ombined off,horeGon,ite team Re,!on,ib"e for !roje*t mana)ement1 de"i&erab"e, %**ountabi"ity for re&ie- -ith the *u,tomer1 -ith off,hore for !roje*t !"an1 re,our*e ram! u! and !ro&idin) -or. !"an. +ana)in) re"ation,hi! -ith other &endorM, !art of the !roje*t. Peo!"e mana)ement in*"ude, Performan*e mana)ement B a!!rai,a" -ritin) Pro&ide ,tatu, re!ort,1 i,,ue e,*a"ation,1 ri,. miti)ation. Re,!on,ib"e for on,ite G off,hore ratio. +ana)e, Proje*t S*hedu"e1 3,,ue,1 Ri,.,1 'ra*., the 0ffort G Co,t G S*hedu"e
4oe, the Re,our*e +ana)ement and -or. de"e)ation for on,ite 'eam1 (or., -ith *"ient on Bud)et and *o,t mana)ement of Proje*t.
Ro"e *an a",o be that of a Proje*t mana)er -ho i, for the *u,tomer1 mana)e, the *u,tomer !roje*t but i, from (i!ro.
C"ient interfa*e: /i)h *u,tomer intera*tion on day to day ba,i,. +eet the *u,tomer and )et the initia" re6uirement,. +ana)e, the entire midd"e "e&e" *u,tomer ba,e. 9eed to .ee! )ood re"ation,hi! -ith thi, ba,e to brin) in more bu,ine,,1 Sin)"e !oint *onta*t for the *"ient for the entire !roje*t
#nsite Coor*inator thresho(* responsi)i(ities in this group are: (Proje*t ,i:e of at "ea,t 1 +n annua" re&enue or team ,i:e of at "ea,t 15) Fatherin) and mana)in) re6uirement, Chan)e mana)ement in maintenan*e !roje*t, Re!re,ent, (i!ro to *u,tomer1 ,hare, *on*ern, 1 idea, -ith the *u,tomer1 ,o"utionin) a"ternati&e,1 ta"., about benefit, or "imitation, of any ,o"ution, to *u,tomer 3, the interfa*e bet-een Cu,tomer and off,hore team Peo!"e +)t re,!on,ibi"ity1 from a *oordination !oint of &ie5ff,hore *oordination re,!on,ibi"ity 0,timation of !roje*t ,i:e B O of re,our*e, re6uired (or. a""o*ation a, a!!"i*ab"e Ja"idate 3n&oi*e, are *orre*t before ,ubmittin) to *u,tomer C"ient interfa*e: Cu,tomer intera*tion -ith Bu,ine,, +ana)er,1 3' !roje*t mana)er,1 Bu,ine,, u,er, C%R00R FR5<P C2
'he thre,ho"d *riteria for thi, )rou! are: /and"e, ro"e, ,u*h a, "ar)e !roje*t mana)erG4e"i&ery mana)erG'+ for a ,ma"" or medium ,i:ed a**ount P"an and a""o*ate human re,our*e, and monitor uti"i:ation for hi, G her )rou! of !roje*t, %nnua" re&enue run rate PQ =2m 5R hand"e, a "ar)e !roje*t teamGmu"ti!"e !roje*t, -ith a team ,i:e of at "ea,t 3> member,. P+3 *ertified. /a, hand"ed 'B+ a, -e"" a, APP !roje*t,. /a&e !eo!"e re,!on,ibi"itie, ((!erforman*e a!!rai,a",1 !rodu*ti&ity im!ro&ement1 !un*tua"ity and di,*i!"ine1 ta"ent retention1 *areer !"annin) B de&e"o!ment). &he thresho(* criteria 'or a Program Manager in this group are:
+ana)in) the entire !ro)ram G bu,ine,, di&i,ion, *ombined under the !ro)ram. Re,!on,ib"e to -or. -ith en)a)ement mana)er on a"" en)a)ement,. Re,!on,ib"e for de&e"o!in) ,o"ution1 S5( and e,timation for bi))er RAP,. +ana)in) the on,ite G off,hore ratio. ( -ith off,hore for a"" re,our*e ram! u!,1 de"i&erab"e,. +ana)in) the i,,ue, G e,*a"ation, at midd"e "e&e" *u,tomer ba,e. Re,!on,ib"e for ,ubmi,,ion of in&oi*e, and fo""o- u! on P5,. +ana)e the re"ation,hi! -ith other &endor, and need to ha&e )ood mu"ti &endor *a!abi"ity
C"ient 3nterfa*e: Jery hi)h *u,tomer intera*tion1 b"end of ,trate)i* B o!erationa". +ana)e, the entire midd"e "e&e" *u,tomer ba,e. 9eed to .ee! )ood re"ation,hi! -ith thi, ba,e to brin) in more bu,ine,,1 *an arti*u"ate benefit, of the ,o"ution and ,uit it to the *u,tomer need,
'he thre,ho"d *riteria for an 5n,ite8 Coordinator (ty!i*a""y for en)a)ement, o&er 2 +n = in ,i:e) in thi, )rou! are:
Re,!on,ib"e for a ,!e*ifi* !art of a "ar)e *u,tomer en)a)ement83 e7am!"e 8 Frou! "ead for 4(/N FD for +aintenan*e et*
Air,t e,*a"ation !oint from the *"ient ,ide. C"ient 3nterfa*e: Jery hi)h *u,tomer intera*tion1 b"end of ,trate)i* B o!erationa". +ana)e, the entire midd"e "e&e" *u,tomer ba,e. 9eed to .ee! )ood re"ation,hi! -ith thi, ba,e to brin) in more bu,ine,,1 *an arti*u"ate benefit, of the ,o"ution and ,uit it to the *u,tomer need,
+ana)e e,*a"ation,1 net-or. -ith *u,tomer,N he"! in demand )eneration for ne!roje*t,
C%R00R FR5<P 41 'he thre,ho"d *riteria for a Senior Pro)ram +ana)er in thi, Career )rou! are: (Si:e of the a**ount bein) hand"ed i, at "ea,t # +n <S = annua")
%**ountabi"ity for the )i&en a**ount1 in *a,e the a**ount i, ,!read a*ro,, different re)ion,1 a**ountabi"ity for the !arti*u"ar re)ion. Re,!on,ib"e for *on&ertin) en)a)ement,GRAP into -in -ithin the a**ount. Parti*i!ate, in B4+ di,*u,,ion, %rti*u"atin) and ,harin) feedba*. for be,t !ra*ti*e,. Re,!on,ib"e for de&e"o!ment and e7tendin) ,u!!ort for o!eration,. ( -ith off,hore for en)a)ement fore*a,t1 re,our*e fore*a,t. Re,!on,ib"e for de&e"o!in) the S5(,1 0,timation and re&ie-in) -ith *u,tomer. +ana)in) the C/+ !arameter,. +ana)e a"" the i,,ue,Ge,*a"ation, at the midd"e "e&e". +ana)e the on,ite G off,hore ratio. (or. -ith hori:onta", to *ondu*t P5C,1 re,our*e fore*a,t Re,!on,ib"e for *ontro""in) the defe*t,1 SD%, and *o""e*tion of metri*,. Pro&ide the *ontinuou, ,tatu, re!ort,
3n ,ome *a,e, may ha&e the re,!on,ibi"ity of *arryin) a ,a"e, tar)et a"on) -ith o!eration, and de"i&ery
C"ient 3nterfa*e: 3ntera*t, -ith the ,enior mana)ement of Cu,tomer 1 ,trate)i* "e&e" of intera*tion 1 ta"., of ,tru*turin) the re"ation,hi! it more ,ymbioti*1 ,!ea., to the *u,tomer )i&in) a "oo. ahead
Re,!on,ib"e for re,our*e !"annin)1 *om!eten*y de&e"o!ment1 !erforman*e mana)ement1 !rodu*ti&ity im!ro&ement1 !un*tua"ity and di,*i!"ine1 ta"ent retention1 *areer !"annin) B de&e"o!ment
0n,ure time"y de"i&ery and a**e!tab"e 6ua"ity of the !rodu*tG,er&i*e P"annin) %rea,: uti"i:ation1 !i!e"ine !"annin)1 en,urin) *u,tomer ,ati,fa*tion at hi)he,t "e&e"1 *a!ita" item,1 too", et*
-! &he Specia(ist Stream 'hi, ,tream *o&er, ,!e*ified ro"e, in defined e7!erti,e area,: ni*he te*hno"o)y area,Gdomain, (,u*h a, 'e"e*om *on,u"tant,G 08 ar*hite*t, et*). 'hi, ,tream *o&er, tho,e em!"oyee, and ro"e, -here the or)ani:ation "e&era)e, on !rimari"y the te*hni*a" e7!erti,e of the indi&idua". 0a*h &erti*a" ha, defined it, o-n *riteria for e&a"uation of the ,!e*ia"i,t ,tream. 'he *riteria i, broad"y ba,ed on the )uide"ine, be"o-: %"" ro"e, in the ,!e*ia"i,t ,tream ha&e one or more of the fo""o-in) re,!on,ibi"itie, a, the !rimary one, (+ajority of the indi&idua"M, effort ,hou"d be dire*ted to-ard, the,e a*ti&itie,):
Proje*t Con,u"tan*y in area, of : Re6uirement, ana"y,i,1 %r*hite*ture1 /i)h De&e" 4e,i)n1 4e,i)n Re&ie-,
Bu,ine,, *on,u"tan*y8 re6uirement, definition1 a!!roa*h !a!er1 te*hni*a" !ro!o,a",1 identifyin) !ro,!e*t,1 !re ,a"e, te*hni*a"
3dentify and "ead te*hno"o)y initiati&e, H reu,ab"e *om!onent,1 3P1 "eadin) C50 !ra*ti*e,
C%R00R FR5<P B1 ha, no ro"e, in the S!e*ia"i,t Stream. 3t i, e7!e*ted that there be a minimum !eriod before an indi&idua" bui"d, u! the e7!erti,e to mo&e into the S!e*ia"i,t ,tream. C%R00R FR5<P B2 : 'e*hni*a" DeadG4omain Dead
Contribute, to de&e"o!ment B u,e of ,tandard, B frame-or., 5R Profi*ient in de,i)n and ana"y,i, methodo"o)ie, 07!erien*e in *on*e!tua" and "o)i*a" de,i)n mode"in) u,in) 4e,i)n and %na"y,i,GC%S0 too", 5R
3n&o"&e in !roof of *on*e!t G !rototy!e, durin) %r*hite*ture in&e,ti)ation, /e"! in !ro!o,a" )eneration B !roje*t in*ubation 5R
<,e, the breadth B de!th of te*hni*a" .no-"ed)e to ,o"&e *om!"e7 !rob"em, Po,,e,,e, fo*u,ed e7!erti,e in fun*tiona"Gdomain area Condu*t, bu,ine,, re6uirement, ,tudy
/a, *ontributed a, a ,!e*ia"i,t for a !eriod of 1 year Be the 'e*hni*a" *onta*t !oint for Com!"ete %!!"i*ation RDar)er in ,i:eS Coordinate in Root Cau,e %na"y,i, for a"" day8to8day 'e*hni*a" 3,,ue Pro!o,e So"ution %"ternati&e,1 Pro&ide 3m!a*t %na"y,i, for any 'e*hni*a" *han)e, in the ,y,tem
Coordinate, -ith off,hore and *o&ey, -or. to 1 to 3 member, 3nterfa*e -ith 5ther Jendor, for 3,,ue Re,o"ution C"ient 3nterfa*e: 3ntera*t, -ith Cu,tomer 3' Proje*t mana)er,1 re"ate, bu,ine,, !rob"em -ith mana)er1 /i)h *u,tomer in&o"&ement durin) re6uirement,1 de,i)n1 te,tin) and de!"oyment
Re6uirement, )atherin) and de,i)n. %bi"ity to de&e"o! a 6ui*. !rototy!e before the *"ient. %bi"ity under,tand and do )enera"i:ation, from a ,!e*ifi* *"ient re6uirement C"ient 3nterfa*e: 3ntera*t, -ith Cu,tomer 3' Proje*t mana)er,1 re"ate, bu,ine,, !rob"em -ith mana)er
'he thre,ho"d *riteria for a Bu,ine,, ana"y,t ro"e in thi, Career Frou! are:
Fatherin) re6uirement, %rti*u"ate, !rob"em from the bu,ine,, !er,!e*ti&e %na"y,i,1 4e,i)n of the !roje*t. 4e&e"o! te,t ,trate)y1 te,t !"an1 te,t *a,e, and *ondu*t 3'D1 S3'1 <%' te,tin)1 Re&ie- and )et a!!ro&a" for de,i)n1 te,t ,trate)y1 te,t !"an1 te,t *a,e, -ith *u,tomer.
( -ith off,hore for de"i&erab"e,1 Bu,ine,, %na"y,i, 8 Studyin) %S83S bu,ine,, mode", to !ro!o,e '58B01 de&e"o!in) P5CGPrototy!e1 *ondu*tin) re6uirement, -or.,ho!
C"ient 3nterfa*e: 3ntera*t, -ith Cu,tomer 3' Proje*t mana)er,1 re"ate, bu,ine,, !rob"em -ith mana)er1 /i)h *u,tomer in&o"&ement durin) re6uirement,1 de,i)n1 te,tin) and de!"oyment. 3ntera*tion i, mo,t"y a*ti&ity ba,ed1 not a)enda ,ettin) or re"ation,hi! de&e"o!ment
%t "ea,t 2 year, in +odu"eGdataG<3 de,i)n Certifi*ation,Gforma" trainin), in the *ho,en area 'ran,"ate hi)h "e&e" de,i)n into "o- "e&e" de,i)n and *om!onent intera*tion, 4efine ,tandard, for !roje*t, ,u*h a, e7*e!tion hand"in)1 "o))in) and enfor*e them throu)h e7am!"e, and re&ie-,
3ntera*tion -ith *"ient infra,tru*ture team, on )o "i&e a*ti&itie, Standardi:e bui"d !ro*e,,e, and re"ea,e me*hani,m, /and"e and *oordinate Proof of *on*e!t a*ti&itie, durin) the be)innin) of the !roje*t on ne- te*hno"o)ie,
'ra*. and fo""o- !endin) "ine item, to *om!"etion from a te*h !er,!e*ti&e1 ,u*h a, ,e*urity1 "o))in) error hand"in) im!"ementation,
4ata Ba,e mode"in) and admini,tration Produ*t e&a"uation, Performan*e im!ro&ement,1 troub"e ,hootin) and fi7e, Pro!o,a" !arti*i!ation1 Si:in) and Pre8,a"e, -or.
%t "ea,t 2 year, in +odu"eGdataG<3 de,i)n Certifi*ation,Gforma" trainin), in the *ho,en area 'ran,"ate hi)h "e&e" de,i)n into "o- "e&e" de,i)n and *om!onent intera*tion, 4efine ,tandard, for !roje*t, ,u*h a, e7*e!tion hand"in)1 "o))in) and enfor*e them throu)h e7am!"e, and re&ie-,
3ntera*tion -ith *"ient infra,tru*ture team, on )o "i&e a*ti&itie, Standardi:e bui"d !ro*e,,e, and re"ea,e me*hani,m, /and"e and *oordinate Proof of *on*e!t a*ti&itie, durin) the be)innin) of the !roje*t on ne- te*hno"o)ie,
'ra*. and fo""o- !endin) "ine item, to *om!"etion from a te*h !er,!e*ti&e1 ,u*h a, ,e*urity1 "o))in) error hand"in) im!"ementation,
4ata Ba,e mode"in) and admini,tration Produ*t e&a"uation, Performan*e im!ro&ement,1 troub"e ,hootin) and fi7e, Pro!o,a" !arti*i!ation1 Si:in) and Pre8,a"e, -or. /i)h Bu,ine,,GCommer*ia" orientation
C%R00R FR5<P C2 Senior %r*hite*t %t "ea,t 2 year, a, an %r*hite*t in inter8 re"ated te*hno"o)y 'he thre,ho"d *riteria or !re8re6ui,ite, are:
Performed Re6uirement 4efinition, /a, !erformed /D41 4ata Ba,e mode"in) and %dmini,tration Produ*t e&a"uation, Performan*e im!ro&ement,1 troub"e ,hootin) and fi7e, Pro!o,a" !arti*i!ation1 Si:in) and Pre8,a"e, -or.
4efinin) ar*hite*ture, Produ*t, ,e"e*tion, Sy,tem de,i)n, and *om!onent interfa*e, Deadin) de,i)n team, in "ar)e !roje*t, 'roub"e ,hootin) and fi7in) ar*hite*tura" i,,ue, Produ*ti&ity im!ro&ement, in the te*hno"o)y ,!a*e Re,!on,ib"e and a**ountab"e for te*hni*a" de,i)n, 'e*hno"o)y o!tion e&a"uation1 trade8off,1 ,e"e*tion 0n,urin) Corre*tne,, B Com!"etene,, of Aun*tiona" B 9on8Aun*tiona" re6uirement, Communi*ation -ith Sta.eho"der,GCu,tomer 3' 'eam,G%r*hite*t,G'e*hni*a" "ead, Ri,. 3dentifi*ation and ,u))e,tion, on miti)ation
Senior Con,u"tant %t "ea,t 2 year, a, a Con,u"tant in inter8 re"ated te*hno"o)yGdomain, 'he thre,ho"d *riteria or !re8re6ui,ite, are:
Performed Re6uirement 4efinition, /a, !erformed /D41 4ata Ba,e mode"in) and %dmini,tration Produ*t e&a"uation, Performan*e im!ro&ement,1 troub"e ,hootin) and fi7e,
Bu,ine,, !ro*e,, ana"y,i, Con,u"tin) for "ar)e and medium !roje*t, Bui"d !oint ,o"ution, for the !ra*ti*e Pre8,a"e, and *u,tomer !re,entation, Pro*e,, +ode"in) 'e*h Con,u"tin) 0n)a)ement, So"ution Pre,entation, Chan)e +ana)ement Reu,e P"annin)
C%R00R FR5<P 41 Dead %r*hite*t %t "ea,t 2 year, a, Senior %r*hite*t 07!o,ure a*ro,, te*hno"o)ie, 'he thre,ho"d *riteria or !re8re6ui,ite, are:
4efinin) ar*hite*ture, Produ*t, ,e"e*tion, Sy,tem de,i)n, and *om!onent interfa*e, Deadin) de,i)n team, in "ar)e !roje*t, 'roub"e ,hootin) and fi7in) ar*hite*tura" i,,ue, Produ*ti&ity im!ro&ement, in the te*hno"o)y ,!a*e Re,!on,ib"e and a**ountab"e for te*hni*a" de,i)n,
So"ution %r*hite*ture for "ar)e *om!"e7 !roje*t, %r*hite*ture *on,u"tin) for "ar)e !roje*t, Bui"din) and "eadin) %r*hite*t team, Bui"din) frame-or., %**ount "e&e" ar*hite*t Bui"din) ne- *om!eten*ie,
Dead Con,u"tant %t "ea,t 2 year, a, *on,u"tant -ith e7!o,ure a*ro,, te*hno"o)ie,Gdomain, 'he thre,ho"d *riteria or !re8re6ui,ite, are:
Bu,ine,, !ro*e,, ana"y,i, Con,u"tin) for "ar)e and medium !roje*t, Bui"d !oint ,o"ution, for the !ra*ti*e Pre8,a"e, and *u,tomer !re,entation,
Bu,ine,, !ro*e,, *on,u"tin) So"ution and 0nter!ri,e %r*hite*ture *on,u"tin) %na"y,t intera*tion, 3P B Patent, 4emand Creation Point So"ution, B Arame-or., Dead "ar)e !ro!o,a",
'hi, ,tream *o&er, a"" the other ,u!!ort fun*tion, -ithin the or)ani:ation "i.e Eua"ity1 '041 Re*ruitment1 +ar.etin)1 Sa"e,1 Sa"e, Su!!ort et*. S%D0S A<9C'359 C%R00R FR5<P39F %"" ro"e, in the Sa"e, Aun*tion ha&e been *"a,,ified into three *areer )rou!, /unter1 B"ended and Aarmer 'ra*..
Aor a ro"e ho"der to be *"a,,ified into a !arti*u"ar *areer )rou! H the ro"e mu,t meet the thre,ho"d *riteria of the *areer )rou! and im!ortant"y the ro"e ho"der mu,t ha&e *om!eten*ie, at "e&e", ,!e*ified for the *areer )rou!.
Competency Structure Aor a"" *om!eten*ie, in the di*tionary1 a definition i, !ro&ided. 0a*h *om!eten*y a",o in*"ude, a !rofi*ien*y ,*a"e that indi*ate, the fu"" ran)e of e7!re,,ion of the *om!eten*y. 'here are four !rofi*ien*y De&e",. 0a*h !rofi*ien*y "e&e" i, de,*ribed in term, of beha&ioura" indi*ator,. 'he beha&iour, at ea*h "e&e" of the ,*a"e are i""u,trati&e rather than definiti&eN that i, other e7am!"e, of beha&iour are !o,,ib"e. 'he !rofi*ien*y "e&e", are "in.ed to Career Frou!,. /i)her Career Frou!, G Band re6uire hi)her !rofi*ien*y "e&e",. 0a*h *om!eten*y ,*a"e i, *umu"ati&e -hi*h mean, that1 a"thou)h beha&iour, from "o-er "e&e", are not re!eated at hi)her "e&e"1 they nonethe"e,, a!!"y. &he 6se o' competency Dictionary
'hi, di*tionary de,*ribe, the TFeneri* 'hre,ho"d Beha&ioura" Com!eten*ie,U for a"" ro"e, in a Career Frou! G Band for a re,!e*ti&e Career Stream. 'he di*tionary *an be u,ed for re*ruitment G ,taffin)1 "earnin) and *areer de&e"o!ment and !erforman*e mana)ement.
Din.a)e of Com!eten*ie, to Career Stream, Core Com!eten*ie, and Stream ,!e*ifi* *om!eten*ie, ha&e been identified for ea*h ,tream. Core Com!eten*ie,: 'he Com!eten*ie, -hi*h are Tmu,t8ha&eU (thre,ho"d) for a"" the ro"e, in a *areer )rou! -ithin a ,tream. Stream S!e*ifi* Com!eten*ie, 'he *om!eten*ie, -hi*h are ,!e*ifi* to ro"e, -ithin a ,tream. Din.a)e to Career Frou!,: 'he Arame-or. identifie, the )eneri* *om!eten*ie, a!!"i*ab"e for a"" ro"e, in a band for re,!e*ti&e *areer ,tream. 'he Com!eten*y +ode" i, )eared to Career Frou! or Band, ,tartin) from Band B1 to 0. 5n"y ,e"e*t fe- *om!eten*ie, are a!!"i*ab"e for Band, %1G%2G%3 and 'eam rainbo- and the *om!eten*ie, ha&e been defined ,e!arate"y. 'he !rofi*ien*y "e&e", of the Com!eten*ie, ha&e been "in.ed to the Career Frou!. %, an indi&idua" mo&e, u! the *areer "adder the *om!"e7ity and im!a*t of beha&iour, in&o"&ed in*rea,e,1 ,ame *om!eten*ie, are re6uired at hi)her !rofi*ien*y "e&e". De&e" 1 of the !rofi*ien*y "e&e" i, ma!!ed hi)her than Ba,i* or be)inner "e&e". Sin*e the mode" i, a!!"i*ab"e from Band B11 it i, found that the *om!eten*ie, are not re6uired at Ba,i* or be)inner "e&e" at Band B1 but the di,!"ay of *om!eten*ie, i, more a!!"ied and a*ti&e. De&e" 5&er&ie'he "e&e""in) of the *om!eten*ie, re"ate, to the *om!"e7ity and im!a*t of the beha&iour, in&o"&ed. 'he "e&e", *an broad"y be *ate)ori,ed a, fo""o-,: 3t i, im!"ied that ea*h "e&e" bui"d, u!on the !re&iou, one: i.e. the "e&e" one beha&iour, are a !re8re6ui,ite and one mo&e, u! the mode" by addin) effe*ti&e beha&iour, to one, re!ertoire or ,.i"" ,et. .actor $e4e( + $e4e( $e4e( $e4e( 0 $e4e( 1
Be)inner De&e"
07!ert:4e!th and Breadth: Com!rehen,i &e and ad&an*ed *on*e!tua" under,tandin ) of the ,.i"" or ,ubje*t matter
Cata"yti* GJi,ionary
%3G'RBGB 1G B2
'he o&era"" Com!eten*y di*tionary *on,i,t, of 1> mana)eria" and # "eader,hi! *om!eten*ie, 'hey are : MA"AGI"G S%$. A"D #&H%RS Per,ua,i&ene,, 3nter!er,ona" Sen,iti&ity Bui"din) and +aintainin) Re"ation,hi!,
MA"AGI"G .#R R%S6$&S Creati&e Prob"em So"&in) P"annin) and 4e"i&ery S!e*ia"i,tG4omain Kno-"ed)e 4e*i,ion 0ffe*ti&e Communi*ation Bu,ine,, %*umen %na"yti*a" S.i"",
WIPR# $%AD%RSHIP C#MP%&%"CI%S (W$>) %*hie&ement 5rientation Se"f Confiden*e ( in 'eam,
Cu,tomer 5rientation
Persuasi4eness: 3nf"uen*e, attitude, and o!inion, of other, and )ain a)reement to !ro!o,a",1
!"an, and idea,. De&e" #
Po,iti&e 3ndi*ator, by De&e" 4e,i)n ,trate)ie, that !o,ition and !romote idea, and *on*e!t, to ,ta.eho"der,. <,e, *hain of indire*t inf"uen*e. Fain, ,u!!ort by *a!ita"i:in) on under,tandin) of !o"iti*a" for*e, affe*tin) the or)ani:ation. /i, G her o!inion i, ,ou)ht at a"" "e&e", in the or)ani,ation and by e7terna" a)en*ie, ,u*h a, the media. Bui"d, behind the ,*ene ,u!!ort for initiati&e, +obi"i,e, both to!8do-n and bottom8u! !re,,ure to a*hie&e obje*ti&e,. %rbitrate, bet-een !artie, -ith differin) re6uirement,. 3, ab"e to "iai,e -ith interna" team, (a*ro,, fun*tion,1 bu,ine,, unit, and de!artment,) and -ith Senior +ana)ement team, of e7terna" a)en*ie, )o&ernment1 *"ient1 and &endor,. Bui"d on ,u**e,,fu" initiati&e, and be,t !ra*ti*e, interna" and e7terna" to the or)ani,ation to )ain a**e!tan*e for idea, Pre,ent, *o,t8 benefit ana"y,e, to em!ha,i:e the &a"ue of an idea. +a.e, u,e of informa" o**a,ion, to di,*u,, i,,ue, and !re,ent idea,. 3, ab"e to dri&e and )et, Vbuy8inM and *ommitment from mu"ti!"e !artie, in&o"&ed to arri&e at a *on,en,u, in the time a&ai"ab"e. Pre,ent, *reati&e o!tion, and i, ab"e to inf"uen*e in ,ituation, of *on,iderab"y un*ertain and diffi*u"t ,ituation, %!!ea", to rea,on and u,e, a&ai"ab"e data and e7am!"e, to ma.e a !oint. %nti*i!ate, the effe*t of oneM, a!!roa*h or *ho,en ar)ument, on the emotion, and ,en,iti&itie, of other,.
4emon,trate, benefit of hi,Gher idea, and u,e, no&e" a!!roa*he, to )ain other,M a)reement.