FOSFA Membership Pack

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The key takeaways are that FOSFA was founded in 1971 and represents over 960 members in 79 countries involved in the trade of oilseeds, oils, fats and edible groundnuts. It provides standard contracts and arbitration services for this global trade.

FOSFA is a professional international contract issuing and arbitral body concerned exclusively with the world trade in oilseeds, oils, fats and edible groundnuts. It aims to standardize contract terms and language to reduce disputes in this global trade.

FOSFA has an extensive range of standard forms of contracts covering goods shipped CIF, C&F or FOB for oilseeds, oils and fats from different origins worldwide. Internationally, 85% of the global trade in oils and fats is traded under FOSFA contracts.

FOSFA International 20 St Dunstans Hill London, EC3R 8NQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 5511 Fax:+44 (0)20 7623

1310 E-mail:

Professional contractual and arbitral association promoting the trade in oils, seeds and fats globally

The Federation was founded in 1971 on the amalgamation of four predecessor associations, the oldest of which dates back to 1863. Today the Federation represents over 960 members in 79 countries. FOSFA is a professional international contract issuing and arbitral body concerned exclusively with the world trade in oilseeds, oils, fats and edible groundnuts and is the major association of its kind in the field. World trade in oilseeds, oils, fats and edible peanuts involves the physical movement of tens of millions of tons each year. In addition, many parcels change hands more than once. Every country in the world consumes oilseeds, oils and fats and most are involved in the import/export of these commodities as raw materials or products. The inevitable result is hundreds of thousands of individual contracts with a combined annual turnover running into billions of dollars. Much of this trade takes place between people who do not share a common language and who operate under different legal systems; and without some standardisation of contract terms and language, participants could find themselves faced with vast numbers of disputes, possibly with costly, lengthy and unnecessary litigation. Membership of the Federation is open to any individual, company or organisation actively involved in the trade of oilseeds, oils and fats or groundnuts, or in the supply of services related to these trades. The majority of members are drawn from the following sectors: producers and processors, shippers and dealers, traders, brokers and agents, superintendents, analysts, shipowners, tank storage companies, and others providing services to traders.

FOSFA has an extensive range of standard forms of contracts covering goods shipped either CIF, C&F or FOB. The contracts provide the terms of trade for the oilseeds, oils and fats and groundnut commodities. They cover the principal oilseeds (soybeans, sunflowerseeds, rapeseed and others), vegetable and marine oils and fats, refined oils and fats and groundnuts, from different origins worldwide, and for different methods of transportation or for different terms of trade. Internationally, 85% of the global trade in oils and fats is traded under FOSFA contracts. The Federations contracts are drawn up by the members to suit trade practices, through elected specialist committees, involving participation from many countries and ensuring a fair balance between buyers and sellers, from the producers to the receivers. Many are joint contracts, established in agreement with other trade associations worldwide. These contracts are regularly updated and amended as trade terms change or circumstances dictate.

Contract Referred Documents

The movement of bulk liquid cargoes requires that vessels operate to a high standard and that particular attention is paid to the necessity to obviate risks of contamination from previous cargoes. All ships loading oils and fats under the terms of the Federations contracts are required to comply with certain qualifications and to adhere to specific operational procedures as laid down from time to time. Contract referred documents cover Ships Qualifications, Operational Procedures, Combined Masters Certificate, Certificate of Ships Cleanliness and previous cargo lists. The Federation has been involved in considerable research to determine the degree of compatibility or otherwise of a whole range of substances and both publishes and updates international lists for Acceptable and Banned previous cargoes, one of which becomes an essential and mandatory part of all FOSFA CIF bulk liquid contracts and provides a large measure of safety for all concerned. This work is on-going and involves the participation of all sectors of the trade, including shipowners and technical experts, and increasingly IMO.

Services to the Trade - Superintendents and Analysts

As with many international contracts, payment is customarily made for very large sums of money, against a set of documents before the buyer has seen the goods. It follows that heavy reliance has to be placed on the validity and accuracy of a full set of documents provided, in particular on those which confirm both the weight and quality of the goods supplied.

Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd

FOSFA International 20 St Dunstans Hill London, EC3R 8NQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 5511 Fax:+44 (0)20 7623 1310 E-mail:

Professional contractual and arbitral association promoting the trade in oils, seeds and fats globally

Independent superintendents are appointed to assess the weight and to draw representative samples, whilst independent analysts provide the appropriate quality certificates based on these samples. These are vital functions involving considerable responsibility and the Federation has developed detailed codes of practice to ensure that maximum reliance can be placed on such documents. Furthermore, under the standard contract terms, they can only be issued by companies that have been authorised, as is evidenced by their membership, and in the case of analysts, regular competence tests.

Arbitration and Appeals

The Federation offers a well respected Arbitration Service through which when contractual disputes do arise, the delay and expense of taking a case to court is avoided. Contractual disputes are judged by members of the trade, commercial people who are in touch with current market practices and behaviour. An average of 80 arbitration cases are processed each year, a small number overall when seen in the context of the volumes traded on FOSFA contracts annually. FOSFA operates a range of arbitration services. If either party to an arbitration award is dissatisfied with the outcome, they have the right to appeal and to ask for a fresh hearing. The Federation facilitates the appeal process and appoints a Board of Appeal from its Appeal Panel which has jurisdiction over the subsequent proceedings. Arbitrators must be members of the Association who are or have been engaged in the trade. Members are entitled to preferential rates for the purchase of Contract Forms, Rules and Arbitration Services.

Trade Policy
The Federation represents the interests of its members to government departments, authorities and international and national organisations. FOSFA monitor and take relevant procedures concerning international and national legislation which could impact on the oilseeds, oils and fats and groundnut trades and affect the terms of the contracts. A regular newsletter keeps the global membership up to date on key policy and trade developments, the activities of the Association and its members and forthcoming events.

Career Development
The Federation holds training programmes for the trade which are globally recognised. FOSFA runs two types of residential courses which offer unique training courses for all aspects of the oilseeds, oils and fats and groundnut trade. The Basic Introductory Course is the foundation course for junior members of the industry and the five day course covers contracts and contract referred documents, arbitration and appeal, shipping, insurance, commodity banking and technical matters. The Middle Managers course is a globally recognised trade managers programme. Trade Managers with a minimum requirement of three years in the trade qualify for admission on the course. The five day management course covers all aspects of current trade practices and regulations, as well as introducing specialist case studies and group discussions.

Federation's Structure
A professional and committed staff led by the Chief Executive manages FOSFA activities and implements the decisions of the Council, service the needs of its members and supports its many committees. Members have the right to refer any matters to the Council/Chief Executive and to participate in the election of appropriate representatives. FOSFA participates in representation at IMO, ISO and CODEX. The Council, chaired by the President, is elected annually by the membership and taking advice from similarly elected section and specialist committees, representing the different areas of the trade. FOSFA Committees Council Oilseeds Oils and Fats Selected Groundnuts Contracts Technical Arbitrations and Appeals

Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd

FOSFA International 20 St Dunstans Hill London, EC3R 8NQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 5511 Fax:+44 (0)20 7623 1310 E-mail:

Professional contractual and arbitral association promoting the trade in oils, seeds and fats globally

Membership Benefits
The Federation is able to offer many services to members, which includes A voice in the way international trade is conducted Direct involvement in committee work, influencing trade practices FOSFA standard form contracts and contract referred documents Arbitration facilities and electronic access to Awards (publication service) Superintendents and Analysts Schemes FOSFA Handbook containing member contact details Advisory services covering contractual, legal and technical areas Trade training and professional development programmes A wide range of free or discounted publications and services Access to (private members website) A quarterly Newsletter of interest to all members Information on FOSFA and other trade events, providing networking opportunities

Applications for membership require to be proposed and seconded by two existing members, one of which must be a trading member, although the Secretariat will be pleased to assist in any cases where this may create a problem. Whist admission to membership does not imply any guarantee by the Federation of a member's standing or integrity, the Council reserves the right to refuse applications, without giving reasons, if it is felt to be in the interests of the existing members. There are several different categories of membership at varying rates of annual subscription. These are revised periodically by the Council but maintained at the lowest possible level and are assisted by the income generated from the provision of other services, including those supplied to non-members. The details are set out in the Federation's price list.

Membership Categories
Trading Members which shall be companies, firms, sole traders, organisations or others carrying on business as principals to contracts in the commodities covered by the Federation. Broker Members (Full or Associate) which shall be companies, firms, sole traders, organisations or others which do not act as principals to Federation contracts and only receive remuneration in the form of commission from either or both of the contracting principals concerned. Analyst Members (Full Analyst or Associated Analyst) which shall be laboratories or analysts not associated with any company, firm or organisation engaged in the trade in Federation commodities and restricted to laboratories or analysts recognised by the Federation for the purposes of analyses carried out under the terms of the Federation's contracts. Superintendent Members which shall be restricted to independent superintendents recognised by the Federation for the purposes of superintending under the terms of the Federation's contracts. Non-Trading Members (Full or Associate) which shall be organisations or others not eligible in any or such other specialist categories from time to time in being. Kindred Associations the Federation has 20 member kindred associations on 6 continents representing the trade in oils, seeds and fats globally. Further information on all aspects of our services can be ascertained by contact with the Federation.

Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd
One of the benefits of membership is access to an exclusive members website which is a secure and closed internet site (Intranet). The site contains a number of sections, several of which are highlighted below -

About Us
Introduction to the Federation and details about membership.

Information on the services offered by FOSFA, the Guide/Rules of Arbitration and Appeal and details about the FOSFA Published Awards Service.

Carriage of Oils and Fats

Details about the various Contract Referred Documents, Heating Instructions, ISO Tank Containers, Prescribed Report Forms and other Lists/Reference Documents.

Individual FOSFA Contracts, Optional Clauses, Insurance Clauses/Exclusions and Settlement Prices.

Electronic directory of membership by category, section, country and name.

Details of forthcoming events, trade news/updates, the FOSFA Newsletter and various other published articles of interest to the oilseeds and oils and fats trade.

Details about the Superintendents and Analysts Schemes, Sampling and Analysis Methods, the Code of Practice for Member Superintendents, the Technical Manual, Complaints Procedures, Glossaries and the Technical Bulletin.

Information and registration forms for Conferences, Residential Courses and Seminars.

Website Links
Useful points of contact/website links, including shipping, insurance and trade bodies. access details are provided upon admission to membership and, thereafter, on payment of annual subscriptions.


The FOSFA Published Awards database comprises over 360 awards made up, in the main, by first-tier arbitration cases. However, where such awards have been challenged by one or other party, the FOSFA appeal award has been incorporated into the file, thus presenting both formal decision processes in respect of the dispute. (Amendments made to awards under the Slip Rule, Section 57 (1996 Act) have been incorporated). The same principle applies to court referrals, with a brief executive summary for those few cases where the courts have been involved. Transcriptions of court proceedings are not usually provided to FOSFA, unless of course they become significant case law and are published in the public domain. The Published Awards Service provides a membership benefit and a unique source of information to interested parties, thus aiding trade knowledge and highlighting procedural matters. Periodically, new awards are added to the database (typically 15 a year), but this is always subject to a supply of awards becoming available. The cases relate to disputes arising from contracts entered into from 1994, and currently cover up to 2008, early 2009. All awards are edited to take out the names of parties and service providers in order to maintain the anonymity of those involved. FOSFA has applied its best efforts and knowledge to this editorial function. This is an inclusive service to all members.

Published Awards Search Facility

This search facility draws on the FOSFA Published Awards Database. Three search categories are available Commodity FOSFA Contract Number Dispute Issue

The database facility allows selection under each category, for example: Commodity: FOSFA Contract No: Dispute issue: Palm oil 80 Dumurrage

Submit your query to obtain results of the Award/s available in the database that match these criteria. Please note that many combinations are not relevant, such as Sunflower on FOSFA 80.

FEDERATION OF OILS, SEEDS & FATS ASSOCIATIONS LTD, 20 ST DUNSTANS HILL, LONDON, EC3R 8NQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 5511 Fax: +44 (0)20 7623 1310 E-mail:


TRADING MEMBER (Annual turnover 100,000 Tons or over) Covers 3 Representatives Free copy FOSFA Manual and Amendment Service Free copy FOSFA Technical Manual and Amendment Service Consultancy and Advisory Service Discount on Arbitration and Appeal Fees TRADING MEMBER (Annual turnover 5,000 - 100,000 Tons) Covers 2 Representatives Consultancy and Advisory Service Discount on Arbitration and Appeal Fees TRADING MEMBER (Annual turnover of less than 5,000 Tons) Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service Discount on Arbitration and Appeal Fees TRADING OR NON-TRADING MEMBER (SELECTED GROUNDNUTS SECTION ONLY) Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service Discount on Arbitration and Appeal Fees FULL NON-TRADING MEMBER Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service ASSOCIATE NON-TRADING MEMBER Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service FULL BROKER MEMBER Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service ASSOCIATE BROKER MEMBER Covers 1 Representative Consultancy and Advisory Service FOSFA FULL ANALYSTS Covers 1 Representative FOSFA ASSOCIATE ANALYSTS Covers 1 Representative SUPERINTENDENT MEMBER Covers 1 Representative KINDRED ASSOCIATION Covers 1 Representative ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIVES (i.e. those not covered by the basic subscription) (VAT is charged to UK Companies only)













40 each

May 2013


Members MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE FOSFA MANUAL This publication contains eight sections, four sections of Contracts and Contractual Clauses, the other sections the Rules of Arbitration and Appeal, the Guide to Arbitration and Appeal and Institute/FOSFA Insurance Clauses FOSFA MANUAL AMENDMENT SERVICE Automatic updating service per annum TECHNICAL MANUAL This publication contains analysis and sampling methods relating to FOSFA contracts TECHNICAL MANUAL AMENDMENT SERVICE Automatic updating service per annum BOTH MANUAL BOTH MANUAL AMENDMENT SERVICE Automatic updating service per annum CARRIAGE OF OILS AND FATS DOCUMENTS Loose leafed manual publication containing Ships Qualifications and Operational Procedures, related Certificates and the Banned and Acceptable Previous Cargo Lists Initial Copy (and Amendment Service) Additional Copies (and Amendment Service) RULES OF ARBITRATION AND APPEAL RULES OF ARBITRATION FOR BROKERS COMMISSION AND INTEREST SMALL CLAIM SINGLE TIER RULES OF ARBITRATION GUIDE TO ARBITRATIONS AND APPEALS CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ARBITRATORS FOSFA HANDBOOK Issued in April each year, this publication lists members by category, with a brief description of their activities, the Federation's Rules and Regulations, Officials and Committee details Initial Copy Additional Copies CODE OF PRACTICE FOR FOSFA APPROVED SUPERINTENDENTS This publication covers the procedures for superintending of shore installations, and on board ships in relation to oils and fats, oilseeds and selected groundnuts Member Superintendents Initial Copy Additional Copies/Other categories of Membership CONTRACTS PER COPY* Members rate applicable to AIC, NFU and NEODA Members *For bulk orders, prices on request (VAT is charged to UK Companies only) Free 30 Free 20 Free 30 5 5 5 10








30 100

55 170



30 30 15 15 15

Free on request Free on request

50 35



May 2013


APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATOR OR UMPIRE BY FOSFA Members (including Members of AIC/NFU in disputes on Contract No 26A only, Members of NEODA in disputes on Contract No 90 only, and Members of ANEC in disputes under any ANEC Contract) Non-Members FEES Federation Fees calculated as follows - Basic charge of 750 per award - Discount of 250 where both parties are Members - Additional charge of 750 for each Non-Member - Above total subject to a discount where small tonnages (mt) are involved i.e. - up to 25 mt - 75%; 26-50 mt - 65%; 51-100 mt - 50%; 101-150 mt - 40%; 151-250 mt - 25% - Additional net charge of 10 for each page in excess of four pages - Notwithstanding the net result of the above a minimum charge of 300 to apply Arbitrators/Umpires Fees - Fixed by the Arbitrators/Umpire at their discretion and charged in addition to Federation Fees APPEAL DEPOSITS In all Cases FEES Federation Fee 50% discount when both parties are Members (including Members of AIC/NFU in disputes on Contract No 26A only, Members of NEODA in disputes on Contract No 90 only, and Members of ANEC in disputes under any ANEC Contract) Board Fees - Fixed by the Board at their discretion and charged in addition to Federation Fees 100





FEES Federation Fees (including appointment of Sole Arbitrator) - Additional charge of 250 for each Non-Member Sole Arbitrator Fees - Fixed by the Arbitrator at his/her discretion up to a maximum of 500 and charged in addition to Federation Fees 250


This service is restricted to Broker Members and includes the appointment of a Sole Arbitrator FEES Federation Fee (Members only) Sole Arbitrator Fees - Fixed by the Arbitrator at his/her discretion and charged in addition to Federation Fees


May 2013


Members Published Awards Service The Published Awards Service which is a Members only service consists of a secure password searchable database on of over 360 awards which mostly consist of first tier Arbitration Awards, but where such Awards have been challenged, the FOSFA Appeal Award has been incorporated into the file, thus presenting both formal decision processes in respect of the dispute. Periodically, new awards will be added to the database, up to 15 per year Free

Members Price per 100 (VAT is charged to UK Companies only) 75

Members NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING One Page Half Page Back Page (VAT is charged on all advertising) 250 125 300 Non-Members 600 300 650

May 2013


REVISED AND/ OR EFFECTIVE 2 3 4 4A 5 9 9A 11 11A 13 16 23 24 25 26 26A 27 28 29 32 34 35 36 37 39 49 51 52 Copra - CIF Terms Sheanuts - CIF Terms Oilseeds - FOB Terms European Oilseeds - FOB Terms Argentine/Uruguay Linseed - CIF Terms USA/Canadian Flaxseed - CIF Terms UK Linseed in Bulk - Ex Farm/Delivered Terms Oilseeds - CIF Terms USA/Canadian Sunflowerseed - CIF Terms Sesameseed - CIF Terms Cottonseed - CIF Terms South American Soyabeans - CIFFO Terms Canadian/USA Soyabeans - CIF Terms Soyabeans - CIF Terms European Oilseeds - CIF Terms UK Rapeseed - Ex Farm/Delivered Terms (Issued in conjunction with AIC) Oilseeds - Collection/Ex-Silo Terms Oilseeds - Free Delivered Terms Palm Kernels - CIF Terms Full Container Loads - FCL Terms Selected Groundnuts in Shell/Groundnut Kernels - C&F Terms Full Container Loads Selected Groundnuts in Shell/Groundnut Kernels - CIF/C&F Terms Canadian Rapeseed - CIF/C&F Terms Selected Groundnuts in Shell/Groundnut Kernels - Spot Conditions Full Container Loads Argentine Selected Groundnuts in Shell/Groundnut Kernels - CIF/C&F Terms Gum/Wood/Tall Oil Rosin - CIF Terms Argentine Soft Oils - FOB Terms (Issued in conjunction with CIARA) Sunflowerseed Oil in Bulk European Ports - FOB Terms January 2013 January 2013 September 2010 September 2010 January 2013 January 2013 September 2010 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 September 2010 September 2010 January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 September 2008 January 2013 September 2008 January 2013 September 2008 January 2013 January 2013

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 69 70 76 79 80 81 82 90 91 92 93 95 201 202

Vegetable and Marine Oil - FOB Terms Vegetable and Marine Oil - CIF Terms Linseed Oil - CIF Terms Vegetable and Marine Oil - Collection/Ex Works Terms Vegetable and Marine Oil - Free Delivered Terms Olive Oils and Olive-Pomace Oils - Collection/Ex Works Terms Olive Oils and Olive-Pomace Oils - Free Delivered Terms Fatty Acid Methyl Esters - FOB Terms Fatty Acid Methyl Esters - CIF Terms Oils and Fats - Ex Tank UK Terms Technical Tallows and Greases - CIF Terms Inedible Dripping/Tallow/Animal Fat - Delivered/Ex Works Terms General Business Oilseeds etc - CIF Terms General Business - Delivered/Ex Works Terms Crude Unbleached Palm Oil - CIF Terms (Issued in conjunction with MPOA) Palm and Palm Kernel Oil Products (Issued jointly with PORAM, MEOMA) Crude Unbleached Palm Oil - FOB Terms (Issued in conjunction with GAPKI) Refined Edible Oils and Fats - Delivered Terms (issued jointly with NEODA) UK Produced Acid Oil - Delivered/Ex Works Terms Refined Oils and Fats - Delivered Ex Works UK Terms (Issued jointly with SCOPA) UK Delivered Feed Fat - Delivered Terms (Issued jointly with Feed Fat Association) Brokerage African Crude Groundnut Oil - CIF Terms African Crude Groundnut Oil - FOB Terms

January 2013 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 January 2012 January 2012 January 2013 September 2010 September 2008 September 2008 January 2012 January 2013 September 2008 September 2008 September 2011 January 2013 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 January 2013

Short Form - This contract can be used in conjunction with a relevant form in cases where special conditions or modifications to that form are required (revised and effective 1 October 2004)

Membership Application Form: Trading, Non-Trading and Broker Categories

FOSFA International, 20 St Dunstan's Hill London EC3R 8NQ, UK Tel: +44 20 7283 5511 Fax: +44 20 7623 1310 E-mail: Web:

We hereby apply for membership of the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Limited and, in the event of our being accepted, authorise entry of our name into the Register of Members of the Federation. Furthermore, we agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations governing membership (which can be found on the FOSFA web site and in the Federation's Handbook).

Name of Applicant Address

Tel E-mail Web Date of Formation Nature of Business Name/s of Director/s or Partners
Details of your capital and other financial details that you consider appropriate:

Fax Telex Place of Registration VAT No (if applicable)

Description of business activities and particular commodities involved:

Are you or have you been in any way associated financially or otherwise with any past or present member of FOSFA? Yes No If yes, please give details:

We hereby apply for membership and shall comply with the FOSFA terms and conditions (tick relevant box):

Trading Member
*Delete as appropriate.

Full / Associate* Broker Member

Full / Associate* Non-Trading Member

If accepted into membership, we wish to be represented in the Section/s indicated below and nominate the person/s named against each Section as our representative/s.
Oilseeds Section Oils and Fats Section Selected Groundnuts Section

Name/s Name/s Name/s

TRADERS DECLARATION: If you are principals to trading contracts, then please tick the appropriate box to indicate your total annual turnover of commodities negotiated under FOSFA contracts: Up to 5000 tons Signature Name 5000 to 100,000 tons Over 100,000 tons Date

BROKERS DECLARATION: I delcare that, so far as commodities traded under FOSFA terms are concerned, on entering into membership and thereafter as a member, I will act only as a broker and not as a principal. Signature Name Date

This application is proposed and seconded by the following members of the Federation. One of these must be a trading member and neither can be affiliated to the applicant.

Company Company

Signature Signature

Print Print

On admission to membership a member becomes liable to pay an Annual Subscription which, thereafter, becomes payable on 1 April each year.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE FEDERATION SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES Trading Members which shall be companies, firms, sole traders, organisations or others carrying on business as principals to contracts in the commodities covered by the Federation. Broker Members (Full or Associate) which shall be companies, firms, organisations or others which do not act as principals to Federation contracts and only receive remuneration in the form of commission from either or both of the contracting principals concerned. Brokers in this category cannot be admitted under any other category of membership. Non-Trading Members (Full or Associate) which shall be organisations or others not eligible in any or such other specialist categories from time to time in being. Individual Members which shall be restricted to retired members and nominees. Past Presidents on their retirement and such other retired persons as the Federation sees fit to nominate as a recognition of their services to the trade, shall become Individual Members. This category of membership is not open to applicants. EACH MEMBER SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP AS LAID DOWN BY THE COUNCIL FROM TIME TO TIME AND, IN PARTICULAR Trading Members or their representative/s shall have the right to attend Section Annual Meetings and General Meetings of the Federation. Each Trading Member has the right to one vote at such meetings. They have the right, if elected, to serve on the Council, Section or other Committees. They shall have the right to nominate as many representatives as they wish in accordance with the Rules. (The Council shall decide from time to time the number of representatives to be covered by the Basic Subscription). They are entitled to such discount on arbitration and appeal fees and on other services provided by the Federation as the Council shall from time to time determine. They are also entitled to free use of the consultancy and advisory service and the legal and technical information service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation). Full Broker Members or their representative/s shall have the right to attend Section Annual Meetings and General Meetings of the Federation. Each Full Broker Member has the right to one vote at such meetings. They have the right, if elected, to serve on the Council, Section or other Committees. In addition, they are entitled to elect annually by postal ballot a Full Broker Member or one of the representatives to serve on each of the Federation's Section Committees. They shall have the right to nominate as many representatives as they wish but only one shall be included in the Basic Subscription. They are entitled to such discount as the Council shall from time to time determine on services provided by the Federation. They are also entitled to free use of the consultancy and advisory service and the legal and technical information service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation). Associate Broker Members or their representative/s shall have the right to attend Section Annual Meetings and General Meetings of the Federation but not to vote at them. They have the right to nominate as many representatives as they wish but only one shall be included in the Basic Subscription. They or their representatives do not have the right to be elected to membership of the Council, Section or other Committees. They are entitled to such discount as the Council shall from time to time determine, on services provided by the Federation (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation). Full Non-Trading Members or their representative/s shall have the right to attend Section Annual Meetings and General Meetings of the Federation. Each Full Non-Trading Member has the right to one vote at such meetings. They have the right, if elected, to serve on the Council, Section or other Committees and may be co-opted or appointed to them. They shall have the right to nominate as many representatives as they wish but only one shall be included in the Basic Subscription. They are entitled to such discount as the Council shall from time to time determine on other services provided by the Federation. They are also entitled to free use of the consultancy and advisory service and the legal and technical information service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation). Associate Non-Trading Members or their representative/s shall have the right to attend Section Annual Meetings and General Meetings of the Federation but not to vote at them. They have the right to nominate as many representatives as they wish but only one shall be included in the Basic Subscription. They or their representatives do not have the right to be elected to membership of the Council, Section or other Committees. They are entitled to such discount as the Council shall from time to time determine, on services provided by the Federation (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation). Only Trading Members, Full Broker Members and Full Non-Trading Members or their nominated representative/s to the Federation, with the exception of persons of the legal profession wholly or principally engaged in legal practice, shall have the right to act as arbitrators or umpires subject to retirement at age 75, if still active in the trade, or two years after retirement, whichever comes first and subject to the provision that an individual shall be allowed to continue with arbitrations in being at the date of his retirement as an arbitrator (except as otherwise provided in the Rules of Arbitration and Appeal). Only Trading Members, Full Broker Members and Full Non-Trading Members or their nominated representative/s to the Federation who have not reached age 75, if still active in the trade, or have not been retired for two years, whichever comes first, and subject to their election to the Appeals Panel, shall have the right to serve on Appeal Boards subject to the provision that an individual shall be allowed to continue with an appeal in being at the date of his retirement from the Panel (except as otherwise provided in the Rules of Arbitration and Appeal).

Please state below the items you would like to order, together with your preferred method of payment NO DETAILS UNIT PRICE () TOTAL AMOUNT ()

FOSFA Member



Method of Payment (please tick the relevant box) Bank Transfer Bank: Cheque The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc 5-10 Great Tower Street London, EC3P 3HX, UK 20849471 15-20-25 RBOSGB2L GB57 RBOS 152025 20849471 Credit Card

Account No: Sort Code: Swift/BIC Code: IBAN No:

Credit Card Payments Payments over the sum of 750 will incur a 10 administation fee. Please provide the issue number of the card for Maestro, Switch, Solo and JCB. The Federation can accept the following credit cards Visa Company: Address: Postcode: E-mail: Tel No: Name on Card: Card No: Issue No: Amount: Valid From: Expiry Date: Account: Security No:
(Last 3 digits on reverse of card)


Visa Electron






April 2010

Please Fax Back to: +44 207 623 1310

Invoice Enquiries
If you have any queries of a financial nature, please contact Mr Albert Myint on Tel: +44 207 283 5511 Fax: +44 207 623 1310 E-mail:

Conditions of Payment
Payments by cheque or bankers order should be in Pounds Sterling and, if from abroad, should be drawn on a London Bank with all transfer charges for payer's account.

Bank Transfers
Please state the account reference and invoice number on the bank transfer. The name and address details of the Federation's bankers are Bank: The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc 5-10 Great Tower Street London, EC3P 3HX, UK 20849471 15-20-25 RBOSGB2L GB57 RBOS 152025 20849471

Account No: Sort Code: Swift/BIC Code: IBAN No:

Cheque Payments
Please state the account reference and invoice number on the back of the cheque. Payable to: FOSFA International

Credit Card Payments

Payments over the sum of 750 will incur a 10 administation fee. Please provide the issue number of the card for Maestro, Switch, Solo and JCB. The Federation can accept the following credit cards Visa Company: Address: Postcode: E-mail: Tel No: Name on Card: Card No: Issue No: Amount: Valid From: Expiry Date: Account: Security No:
(Last 3 digits on reverse of card)


Visa Electron







Please Fax Back to: +44 207 623 1310

April 2010

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