Isocracking - Hydrocracking For Superior Fuels and Lubes Production
Isocracking - Hydrocracking For Superior Fuels and Lubes Production
Isocracking - Hydrocracking For Superior Fuels and Lubes Production
Hydrocracking technology plays the major role in meeting the need for cleaner-burning fuels, effective feedstocks for petrochemical operations, and more effective lubricating oils. Only through hydrocracking can heavy fuel oil components be converted to transportation fuels and lubricating oils whose quality will meet tightening environmental and market demands. The Chevron Lummus Global Isocracking process, widely licensed for more than 40 years, has technological advantages for gasoline, middle-distillate, and lubricating oil production. Optimizing a refinery is always a matter of balance. Every benefit has a cost; every incremental gain in margin trades off against a loss somewhere else. Isocracking helps with this balance by delivering trade-off advantages with respect to product yield, quality, catalyst choice and run length, capital costs, operating costs, versatility, and flexibility. Through its families of amorphous and zeolitic catalysts, Isocracking provides refiners with essential flexibility in choices of crude to buy, products to sell, specifications to meet, configurations to use, and efficiency and profitability to achieve, all with the trade-off advantage. This chapter explains the process technology that provides these benefits. ISOCRACKING CHEMISTRY Chevrons Lummus Globals hydrocracking process was named Isocracking because of the unusually high ratio of isoparaffins to normal paraffins in its light products. A high percentage of isoparaffins increases light naphtha product octane numbers and produces outstanding middle-distillate cold flow propertieskerosene/jet fuel freeze point and diesel pour point. In 1992, Chevron enhanced its process capabilities in heavy paraffin isomerization by commercializing the Chevron Lummus Global Isodewaxing process. When combined with hydrocracking, Isodewaxing is the most efficient way to produce high-viscosity- index (VI), low-pour-point lube oil base stocks. Isocracking provides a unique combination of aromatic saturation and paraffin isomerization which generates an attractive combination of product qualities (see Table 7.1.1). The process removes heavy aromatic compounds and produces middle distillates with outstanding burning qualitieshigh kerosene/jet fuel smoke points and high diesel cetane numbers. The heavy product is rich in hydrogen, making it a prime candidate for feedstock to lube oil facilities, ethylene crackers, or fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) plants. When combined with other Chevron Lummus Global processes such as Isotreating (for the processing of light distillates), Isodewaxing or LC-Fining (for the processing of vacuum residuum), Isocracking can be used to process everything from residuum to cracked distillate stocks for the production of very high-quality middle distillates, LPG, finished lube base stocks, naphtha and low-sulfur fuel oils in addition to feeds for FCC or petrochemicals units.
THE IMPORTANCE OF HYDROGEN Hydrocracking removes the undesirable aromatic compounds from petroleum stocks by the addition of hydrogen. The amount of hydrogen required depends on the character of the feedstock. Isocracking produces cleaner fuels and more effective lubricants from a wide variety of petroleum stocks, different crude oil sources, and, in some cases, heavy oils generated by different processing routes. These technical challenges can be illustrated by focusing on feed and product hydrogen contents using a Stangeland diagram,1 as shown in Fig. 7.1.1. This relates the hydrogen content of hydrocarbons to their molecular weight and provides a road map for all hydrocarbons present in petroleum stocks. By comparing the characteristics of feedstocks and products, the processing schemes required to go from one to the other can be represented. The upper line of Fig. 7.1.1 represents the hydrogen content of pure paraffins, which have the highest hydrogen content of any hydrocarbon series. Aromatic compounds have much lower hydrogen content and fall considerably below the paraffin line. This diagram shows regions that meet the specifications for the most important refined products motor gasoline, jet/kerosene, diesel, and lubricating oils. The regions for middle distillate and lubes all border the paraffin line. Aromatic compounds hurt the qualities of these products. The motor gasoline region is more complex because both hydrogen-rich isoparaffins and hydrogen-poor aromatics improve octane numbers. The Isocracking process handles variations in feedstocks easily. Table 7.1.2 shows some of the important properties of the straight-run distillates from four popular crude oils: Product Quality from Isocracking Isocracking removes heavy aromatic compounds and creates isoparaffins to produce middle distillates with outstanding burning and cold flow properties. Kerosene with low freeze points and high smoke points Diesel fuels with low pour points and high cetane numbers Heavy naphthas with a high content of single-ring hydrocarbons Light naphthas with a high isoparaffin content Heavy products that are hydrogen-rich for feeding FCC units, ethylene plants, or lube oil dewaxing and finishing facilities. ISOCRACKING CONFIGURATIONS Several popular configurations are used in the Isocracking process: A single-stage, once-through plant (SSOT) (see Fig. 7.1.3) is a low-cost facility for partial conversion to light products. This configuration is used when the heavy unconverted oil has value as a lube oil base stock or as feedstock to an ethylene cracker or FCC unit. Several variants are used to process diesel-range material in the same high-pressure loop as heavy oils, to produce ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD). Parallel Isocracking reactors for lube production are often incorporated in grassroots or revamp situations. - A two-stage Isocracking unit (see Fig. 7.1.4) is used when maximizing transportation fuel yield is the primary goal. In this case the unconverted first-stage product is recyclehydrocracked in a second stage. This configuration can be
designed for maximum yield of middle distillates or naphtha, depending on product values. The ratio of kerosene/jet to diesel or middle distillate to naphtha can be varied over a wide range by either changing product fractionator operation or using alternative second-stage catalysts.2 A suite of processes under the heading optimized partial conversion or OPC enable a refiner to maximize the yield of selected product, vary feedstock quality, vary product quality, and finally change conversion based on market demands.
ISOCRACKING CATALYSTS Hydrocracking catalysts for upgrading raw (nonhydrotreated) feedstocks contain a mixture of hydrous oxides for cracking and heavy metal sulfides for hydrogenation. The simplest method for making hydrocracking catalysts is impregnation of the heavy metals into the pores of the hydrous oxide which has already been formed into the final catalyst shape. The support material can contain a number of componentssilica, alumina, magnesia, titania, etc. These are all oxides which can exist in a very high surface area form. The ratio of silica to alumina affects the acidity of the final catalyst and, therefore, its cracking activity. High-silica catalysts have high acidity and high cracking activity; high-alumina catalysts have low acidity and low cracking activity. Zeolites, crystalline aluminosilicates, are sometimes used in hydrocracking catalysts. Zeolites are very active cracking components which greatly increase the cracking function of dual functional catalysts. This can provide significant improvements in catalyst performance at the cost of a lighter product yield structure. Using zeolites in hydrocracking catalysts introduces a yield/activity trade-off into the catalyst design and selection process. Early experience at Chevron Lummus Global with impregnated catalysts showed that the most active hydrocracking catalysts for raw (nonhydrotreated) feedstocks were those with a highly dispersed hydrogenation component, so Chevron Lummus Global developed catalysts designed to optimize dispersion. Instead of impregnating an already formed support, cogel catalysts are made by precipitating all components from solution at the same time into a homogeneous gel. Careful washing, drying, and calcining give the finished catalysts unique and valuable properties and performance. Isocrackings cogel catalysts have proved to be highly effective with the heaviest part of vacuum gas oil (VGO) feeds where the nitrogen compounds are concentrated. Table 7.1.3 shows the pilot-plant conditions used to compare the performance of the first cogel catalysts to that of impregnated catalysts. The three straight-run vacuum gas oils from California crude feedstocks used in the tests varied in boiling range from a light (23.3API gravity) VGO to a heavy (15.8API) VGO. Nitrogen content ranged from 1700 to 5200 ppm. The impregnated catalysts were a highsilica catalyst and a high-alumina catalyst. Table 7.1.4 shows that the cogel and high-silica catalysts exhibited the best performance. The high-silica catalysts showed the highest activities on the light feeds, but the cogel catalyst was superior on the heaviest feedstock. The higher denitrification of the cogels is
the key to their performance on the heavy ends of vacuum gas oils. This ability to handle heavy feeds was dramatically demonstrated in long runs designed to measure deactivation (fouling) rates. The cogel fouling rate was an order of magnitude lower than those measured on a variety of high-silica catalysts. This comparison is shown in Fig. 7.1.5, in which the performance is correlated with the active pore volume of the different amorphous catalysts. The active pore volume consists of the volume of pores within the rather narrow pore size range that is needed for optimum conversion of vacuum gas oil feedstocks. The superior stability of the cogel catalyst is a result of the more uniform dispersion of the hydrogenation component and the unique distribution of the pore sizes. This combination is very important for effective processing of heavier feedstocks. Chevron Lummus Globals Richmond laboratory created a complete family of amorphous cogel Isocracking catalysts. This consists of catalysts whose exceptional stability is augmented by special capabilities for selective denitrification, conversion to high yields of middle distillates (jet fuel and diesel), and lube base stocks of outstanding quality. The addition of small amounts of zeolite components to cogel and other amorphous catalysts enhanced the cracking function of the catalysts. Refiners who need to meet seasonal gasoline (mogas) and jet fuel demands rather than maximize diesel have found that amorphous catalysts with zeolite components will produce lighter product slates more efficiently. Chevron Lummus Global calls these catalysts amorphous/zeolite since both components contribute equally to catalyst performance. A third category of Chevron Lummus Globals hydrocracking catalysts, known as zeolite, are noncogel, high-zeolite-content catalysts which were introduced by Chevron in the 1980s for naphtha-producing applications. Performance characteristics of these materials are included below in Product Yields and Qualities. Chevron Lummus Global has recently introduced a completely new series of zeolitic catalysts (with new zeolites) that mimic or exceed the performance of its own industryleading cogel catalysts in terms of middle distillate yields. In addition, Chevron Lummus Global has successfully commercialized a noble-metal zeolitic catalyst, ICR-220, with middle-distillate selectivity of ICR-120, a very middle-distillate selective cogel catalyst. Depending on the catalyst selected, a complete slate of desired products can be produced from a variety of available feedstocks. Feedstocks have ranged from light naphthas to deasphalted oils. FCC cycle stocks are commonly upgraded by hydrocracking. The desired products vary from country to country, region to region, and refinery to refinery. In many regions, production of good-quality middle distillates and lube oils gives the best margins, and hydrocracking is the only process that provides the required feed conversion. Given the various performance characteristics available from the wide range of highperformance catalysts, Isocracking can deliver the following advantages.4,5 Outstanding activity and resistance to fouling, minimizing hydrocracker capital investment and hydrogen consumption Higher yields of desired products Product specifications always met or exceeded
Long catalyst cycle lengths combined with successful regenerability Consistent product yields and qualities through run cycle Flexibility to change product mix Flexibility to process more difficult feeds by varying operating conditions between reaction stages PRODUCT YIELDS AND QUALITIES Meeting the target product yield is the most important property of a hydrocracking catalyst system. Figure 7.1.6 illustrates the different yield structures that Isocracking can provide by judicious choice of catalyst and design parameters. Amorphous catalysts such as ICR 106 or ICR 120 or the new generation of zeolitic catalyst systems from Chevron Lummus Global are used for maximum production of middle distillates. Isocrackers using these catalysts can achieve upward of 95 liquid volume percent (LV %) yield of total middle distillate (kerosene plus diesel) while producing less than 15 LV % naphtha. Amorphous Isocracking catalysts give better cold flow properties than other hydrocracking catalysts, but not at the expense of yields (see Fig. 7.1.7). Isocracking catalysts give a 5 to 10 percent higher yield of quality middle distillate with as much as 22C lower heavy diesel pour point. Isocracking also gives better-quality end-of-run products. With some catalysts, an increase in product aromatic levels occurs as the run cycle progresses. These aromatics cause the burning quality of middle distillates to deteriorate significantly. Isocracking catalysts provide consistent product quality throughout the length of the run. (See Fig. 7.1.8 for variation of jet quality.) Polynuclear aromatic (PNA) compounds are undesired by-products formed through a complex sequence of chemical reactions occurring during typical hydrocracking conditions. In processing of heavy straight-run feedstocks using zeolitic catalysts in a recycle configuration, PNAs deposit in the cooler parts of the plant. This disrupts hydrocracker operation. To prevent PNA deposits, most hydrocrackers must operate with a heavy product bleed stream. By using amorphous cogel catalysts, which are much less prone to this phenomenon than zeolitic catalysts, and careful unit design, PNA formation can be controlled and unit downtime can be minimized. Chevrons amorphous-zeolitic catalyst ICR-142 is suitable in both first-stage and second-stage applications for middle-distillates production. This catalyst is particularly well suited for Isocrackers that produce hydrocrackate for downstream lube production. Isocracking for Middle-Distillate Production A two-stage Isocracker using amorphous Isocracking catalysts produces very high yields of kerosene/jet and diesel fuel. The burning qualities of middle distillates produced in the second (recycle) stage are much better than those of the equivalent stocks produced in a once-through unit. Table 7.1.5 shows a typical example for an Arabian VGO feedstock. The aromatic contents of both the jet and diesel products are less than 1 percent. This difference is shown dramatically in Fig. 7.1.9, which compares the product hydrogen contents for the yield structures shown on Tables 7.1.5 and 7.1.6 with the corresponding Arabian and Chinese (Fig. 7.1.9) single-stage operations. For comparison, the very low hydrogen content of FCC products is also shown. In recycle operation, Isocracking
produces middle distillates which exceed target specifications for smoke point, cetane, and sulfur. This enables a refiner to blend more lower-value diesel stock into the product pool, thereby upgrading it from fuel oil to diesel value. Figure 7.1.10 shows that diesel blends containing up to 40 percent FCC light cycle oil are possible, depending on the diesel cetane and sulfur specifications. Lately, most refiners are processing coker gas oils and light cycle oils through high-pressure hydrotreating unit; Isocracking offers the best possibility of upgrading these cracked stocks along with heavy gas oil conversion in a single high-pressure loop. Isocracking for Naphtha Production Zeolitic catalysts are generally used in this service since they are more active than amorphous catalysts and produce a higher ratio of naphtha to middle distillate. Chevron Lummus Globalfs noble metal/zeolite and base metal/zeolite catalysts have different characteristics. The noble metal/zeolite catalyst provides higher liquid and jet fuel yields, higher smoke point jet fuel, and longer cycle length. The base metal/zeolite catalyst provides a lower liquid yield but a higher yield of C4- gas and isobutane, a higher- octane light naphtha, and more aromatic product naphtha. The selection of a noble metal or a base metal catalyst for a hydrocracker depends on the economics of the particular refinery situation. Chevron Lummus Global has developed and commercialized a number of improved zeolitic Isocracking catalysts (ICR 209, 210, and 211)10 capable of giving high naphtha yields (see Fig. 7.1.6) and long run lengths in many commercial plants. Figure 7.1.11 shows the very low deactivation rate that is typical of operation with ICR 208 in the Chevron U.S.A. Richmond two-stage Isocracker. Refiners may take advantage of the high activity and long cycle length of Chevronfs zeolitic catalysts by - Increasing plant throughput - Processing more difficult, lower-value feeds - Decreasing first-stage severity to balance catalyst life in both stages - Decreasing the hydrogen partial pressure to reduce hydrogen consumption Isocracking for Lube Production The lube oil industry faces constant change resulting from environmental legislation, new engine designs, consumer demands, competitive pressures, and availability of lube-quality crudes. Lube oil manufacturers must manage these changes to stay competitive. Improved fuel economy and environmental requirements are driving the demand for higher- quality, lower-viscosity multigrade oils. Using conventional mineral oil technology, it is very difficult to meet stringent requirements on volatility. Base oils with very high paraffin content have low volatility for their viscosity and much higher viscosity indexes than more aromatic oils. A single-stage once-through Isocracker removes heavy aromatics very effectively, thereby producing highly paraffinic lube base stocks. Isocracking has several advantages over the more traditional solvent extraction approach to lube base oil production:
- Solvent extraction upgrades the VI of feed by physical separation; i.e., low-VI components are removed as extract, and high-VI components remain in the raffinate. Isocracking upgrades VI by removing low-VI components through aromatics saturation and naphthenic ring opening. By creating higher-VI components, Isocracking allows the use of unconventional crudes for lube production. - Feedstock (unconventional crudes) and operating costs are lower with Isocracking than with solvent extraction. - The by-products of Isocracking include valuable high-quality transportation fuels, whereas solvent refining produces a highly aromatic extract which is used in fuel oil or as FCC feed. Typical Isocracking product yields and qualities from a Russian feed-stock are shown in Table 7.1.6. For comparison, typical extract qualities are shown in Table 7.1.7. - Lube Isocrackers are easily adapted to meet other processing objectives. For example, during times of low lube demand, Isocrackers can produce transportation fuels and prepare premium FCC feed. (A corollary of this is that Isocrackers designed for transportation fuels can also be adapted for lube operation.) Depending on the refiners processing objective, Chevron Lummus Globals amorphous and amorphous/zeolite cogel catalysts are used in Isocrackers operating in base oil production mode. Isodewaxing The waxy lube oil produced from hydrocracking must be dewaxed in order to produce lube base stocks that meet quality requirements for finished lubricants. Chevron Lummus Globals Isodewaxing process outperforms traditional solvent or catalytic dewaxing processes in producing high-quality base oils. Traditional dewaxing processes remove wax from lube oils by crystallization (solvent dewaxing) or by cracking the normal paraffin wax molecules to light gas (catalytic dewaxing). In contrast, Chevron Lummus Globals Isodewaxing catalyst isomerizes the normal paraffin wax to desirable isoparaffin lube molecules, resulting in high-VI, low-pour-point base oils, while coproducing small quantities of high-quality middle-distillate transportation fuels. Operating conditions for Isodewaxing are very similar to those for conventional lube oil hydrotreating; thus it is generally possible to combine the Isodewaxer/hydrofinisher operations in the same process unit or use an existing hydrotreater for a revamp project. Generally speaking, the higher the VI, the better the cold flow and thermal stability properties of the lubricant. Isodewaxing economically produces conventional base oils (CBOs) with VIs of 95 to 110 or unconventional base oils (UCBOs) with VIs over 110 from either hydrocracked feedstocks or hydrotreated feedstocks from a solvent extraction process. In fact, with Isocracking, the higher the wax content in the feedstock, the higher the product VI. UCBOs up to about 130 VI are today typically prepared by severe hydrocracking of vacuum gas oils derived from lube crudes followed by solvent extraction and solvent dewaxing. Isodewaxing can also produce this type of UCBO lubes from hydrocrackate, or from waxy vacuum gas oil, but at a lower cost because solvent dewaxing is not required. Table 7.1.8 shows the capabilities for UCBO manufacture by
Isodewaxing on a Sumatran light vacuum gas oil. Isodewaxing produces 21/2 times the UCBO yield of conventional dewaxing. Chevron Lummus Globals Isodewaxing catalyst ICR 404 produces mineral-oil-based lubricants that approach the performance of synthetic lubricants, but at a much lower manufacturing cost. Isodewaxed base oils have Better cold flow properties to ensure adequate lubrication during cold engine start-ups Low viscosity (for fuel efficiency) combined with low volatility (to reduce oil consumption and emissions) Higher VI for improved lubrication in high-temperature, high-shear conditions Greater oxidation stability for longer lubricant life and fewer engine deposits Chevron Lummus Global has commercialized improved Isodewaxing catalysts such as the ICR-408 series which give higher yields and viscosities while being more tolerant of sulfur. Isodewaxing is the most cost-effective method to produce a mineral-oil-based lubricant which will meet strict engine performance requirements. Isocracking for Petrochemical Feedstock Production Both aromatics and olefin users within the petrochemical industry benefit from hydrocracking processes. The aromatics industry takes advantage of the conservation of singlering compounds in hydrocracked naphthas. These compounds are precursors for the benzene, toluene, and xylenes produced when the naphtha is catalytically reformed. The Isocracking catalysts and configurations used in this application are the same as those used for gasoline production. The olefin industry requires hydrogen-rich feedstocks, since increasing the hydrogen content invariably improves the yield of olefins and decreases the production of heavy, undesirable products. Figure 7.1.12 shows the correlation11 between the ethylene yield and the Bureau of Mines correlation index. This index is closely related to feedstock hydrogen content. Sinopec is operating a Chevron Lummus Global SSOT Isocracker at the Qilu refinery. The heavy product from that unit is fed to an ethylene cracker. Typical product yields and qualities are shown in Table 7.1.9. Note the excellent quality middle distillates produced in the same operation. INVESTMENT AND OPERATING EXPENSES The capital investment required for an Isocracking unit depends on the type of feedstock to be processed and the quality of the products which are desired. For middle-distillate and lube oil base stock production, the greater the difference in hydrogen content between the feedstock and the desired products, the greater the capital requirement. Feedstock impurities, such as metals, asphaltenes, nitrogen, and sulfur, increase refining difficulty. Care must be taken in the feedstock preparation facilities to minimize their effect. Table 7.1.10 gives a rough idea of typical on-plot investment ranges for installing Isocracking units on the U.S. Gulf Coast. Table 7.1.11 shows typical utility requirements for the same plants.
SUMMARY Chevron Lummus Globals Isocracking configurations and catalyst systems have produced outstanding quality products, from a variety of feedstocks, all around the world. The Isodewaxing technology has heralded in a new era of cost-effective, superior-quality lube oil production. Chevron is the only major operator of high-pressure hydroprocessing units that also develops refining technology. Chevrons Richmond refinery contains the largest hydrocracking complex in the world (see Fig. 7.1.13). Within the same plot space, there are 15 high-pressure reactors representing a 45,000 barrels per operating day (BPOD) two-stage Isocracker, two SSOT Isocrackers (with a total feed rate of 30,000 BPOD) producing lube stocks which are then Isodewaxed, and a 65,000-BPOD deasphalted oil hydrotreater. This experience guides Chevrons development of new hydrocracking catalysts and processes. The Isocracking process is offered for license by Chevron Lummus Global, Inc., 100 Chevron Way, Richmond, CA 94802 and 1515 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003