Dialogic® DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual

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Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers

SS7G41 Operators Manual


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Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

1 Overview .................................................................................................................12 1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................12 1.1.1 Related Information ................................................................................12 1.1.2 Applicability ...........................................................................................13 1.2 Capacity ...........................................................................................................13 1.2.1 SS7G41 Common Capabilities...................................................................13 1.2.2 SS7G41 Capacities - SIU Mode .................................................................14 1.2.3 SS7G41 Capacities - SWS Mode................................................................14 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration ......................................................15 2.1 Software Licensing .............................................................................................15 2.1.1 Purchasing Software Licenses ...................................................................15 2.1.2 Supported Licenses .................................................................................16 2.1.3 Cumulative Licensing ..............................................................................17 2.1.4 Temporary Licenses.................................................................................17 2.1.5 Evaluation Mode .....................................................................................17 2.2 Installation .......................................................................................................18 2.2.1 Connecting a VT100 Terminal ...................................................................18 2.2.2 Connecting via Telnet ..............................................................................18 2.2.3 Initial IP Configuration.............................................................................19 2.2.4 Software Download .................................................................................20 2.2.5 Updating System Software .......................................................................21 2.2.6 Installing Software Licenses .....................................................................22 2.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................22 Access Control and Security .....................................................................................25 3.1 Concepts ..........................................................................................................25 3.2 System Policy....................................................................................................25 3.3 Access Control...................................................................................................25 3.4 Access Rights ....................................................................................................25 3.4.1 User Account Management .......................................................................26 3.4.2 User Access Profiles ................................................................................26 3.5 Security ...........................................................................................................27 3.5.1 HTTP Access...........................................................................................27 3.5.2 Firewall .................................................................................................27 3.5.3 SSH ......................................................................................................27 3.5.4 Configuring Public-Key Authentication for SSH ............................................28 3.5.5 SSH Tunneling for RSI .............................................................................28 System Management ................................................................................................31 4.1 Web Interface ...................................................................................................31 4.2 Diagnostics, Alarms, and Logs .............................................................................33 4.3 Automatic MMI Logging ......................................................................................34 4.4 Alarm Listing.....................................................................................................34 4.5 SIGTRAN Throughput Licensing ...........................................................................38 4.6 SNMP ...............................................................................................................39 4.6.1 DSMI SNMP ...........................................................................................39 4.7 Lights Out Management ......................................................................................39 4.7.1 Using the Remote Management Interface ...................................................39 4.7.2 Changing the IP Address of the Remote Management Interface .....................40 4.8 Hard Disk Management ......................................................................................41 4.8.1 Hard Disk Drive RAID Management ...........................................................41 4.9 System Backup and Restoration...........................................................................42 Configuration Commands .........................................................................................45 5.1 Overview ..........................................................................................................45


5.2 5.3 5.4








5.1.1 Syntax Conventions ................................................................................46 5.1.2 Dynamic Configuration ............................................................................46 5.1.3 Programming Circuit Group Configuration...................................................47 Command Sequence ..........................................................................................47 Detection of Errors in the Configuration File...........................................................49 Optional Commands ...........................................................................................49 5.4.1 SIU_HOSTS Number of Hosts ...................................................................49 5.4.2 SIU_REM_ADDR Other Signaling Server Ethernet Address ............................50 Physical Interface Commands ..............................................................................51 5.5.1 SS7_BOARD SS7 Board Configuration........................................................51 5.5.2 LIU_CONFIG Line Interface Configuration ...................................................52 5.5.3 STREAM_XCON - Cross Connect Configuration ............................................55 5.5.4 ATM_CELL_STREAM ................................................................................57 MTP Commands.................................................................................................58 5.6.1 MTP_CONFIG Global MTP Configuration......................................................58 5.6.2 MTP_NC_CONFIG Network Context MTP Configuration .................................60 5.6.3 MTP_LINKSET MTP Link Set......................................................................62 5.6.4 MTP_LINK MTP Signaling Link ...................................................................63 5.6.5 MTP2_TIMER - MTP2 Timer Configuration ...................................................67 5.6.6 MTP3_TIMER - MTP3 Timer Configuration ...................................................68 5.6.7 QSAAL_TIMER - QSAAL Timer Configuration ...............................................70 5.6.8 MTP_ROUTE - MTP Route .........................................................................71 5.6.9 MTP_USER_PART - MTP User Part..............................................................73 5.6.10 MONITOR_LINK - Monitor Link ..................................................................74 SIGTRAN Configuration Commands ......................................................................77 5.7.1 STN_NC - SIGTRAN Network Context ........................................................78 5.7.2 STN_LAS - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration..........................79 5.7.3 STN_LINK - SIGTRAN Link Configuration ....................................................80 5.7.4 STN_RAS - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration......................82 5.7.5 STN_RASLIST - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration..........83 5.7.6 STN_ROUTE - SIGTRAN Route Configuration...............................................84 5.7.7 STN_RSGLIST - SIGTRAN Route Signaling Gateway List Configuration............85 5.7.8 STN_LBIND - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration .........................................86 5.7.9 SCTP_TIMER - SCTP Timer Configuration ...................................................87 5.7.10 M2PA_TIMER - M2PA Timer Configuration...................................................88 5.7.11 M3UA_TIMER - M3UA Timer Configuration..................................................89 ISUP Configuration Commands ............................................................................90 5.8.1 ISUP_CONFIG - ISUP Configuration ...........................................................90 5.8.2 ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP - ISUP Circuit Group Configuration ................................92 5.8.3 ISUP_TIMER - ISUP Timer Configuration ....................................................95 SCCP Configuration Commands............................................................................96 5.9.1 SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration..........................................................96 5.9.2 SCCP_NC_CONFIG - SCCP Network Context Configuration............................97 5.9.3 SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE - SCCP Load Share Table ..................................98 5.9.4 SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC - SCCP Load Shared DPCs ...................................99 5.9.5 SCCP_GTT - Global Title Translations ....................................................... 100 5.9.6 SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS - Global Title Translation Address ............................. 101 5.9.7 SCCP_GTT_PATTERN - Global Title Translation Pattern................................ 104 5.9.8 SCCP_SSR - SCCP Sub-System Resources................................................ 106 5.9.9 SCCP_CONC_SSR - SCCP Concerned Sub-Systems Configuration ................ 110 TCAP Configuration Commands .......................................................................... 111 5.10.1 TCAP_CONFIG - TCAP Configuration ........................................................ 111 5.10.2 TCAP_NC_CONFIG - TCAP Network Context Configuration .......................... 113 5.10.3 TCAP_CFG_DGRP - TCAP Dialog Group Configuration ................................. 113 DTS Configuration Commands ........................................................................... 114

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


5.13 5.14

MAP Configuration Commands ........................................................................... 116 5.12.1 MAP_CONFIG - MAP Configuration........................................................... 116 5.12.2 MAP_NC_CONFIG - MAP Configuration ..................................................... 116 IS41 Configuration Commands .......................................................................... 117 INAP Configuration Commands .......................................................................... 117 5.14.1 INAP_CONFIG - INAP Configuration ......................................................... 118 5.14.2 INAP_NC_CONFIG - INAP Network Context Configuration ........................... 118 5.14.3 INAP_FE - INAP Functional Entities.......................................................... 119 5.14.4 INAP_AC - INAP Application Context........................................................ 119

Management Commands ........................................................................................ 121 6.1 Access Control Commands ................................................................................ 121 6.1.1 ACCUP - Access Current User Configuration .............................................. 121 6.1.2 ACCUS - Account Control Current User Set ............................................... 122 6.1.3 ACPOP - Account Control Policy Configuration ........................................... 122 6.1.4 ACPOS - Account Control Policy Set ......................................................... 123 6.1.5 ACUAC - Account Control User Account Change......................................... 123 6.1.6 ACUAE - Account Control User Account End .............................................. 123 6.1.7 ACUAI - Account Control User Account Initiate .......................................... 124 6.1.8 ACUAP - Account Control User Account Configuration................................. 124 6.1.9 ACUPC - Account Control User Profile Change ........................................... 125 6.1.10 ACUPE - Account Control User Profile End ................................................ 125 6.1.11 ACUPI - Account Control User Profile Initiate ............................................ 125 6.1.12 ACUPP - Account Control User Profile Configuration ................................... 126 6.2 Alarm Commands ............................................................................................ 127 6.2.1 ALLIP - Active Alarm List........................................................................ 127 6.2.2 ALTEE - Alarm Test End ......................................................................... 127 6.2.3 ALTEI - Alarm Test Initiate ..................................................................... 128 6.3 Configuration Commands .................................................................................. 128 6.3.1 CNACE - ATM Cell Stream End ................................................................ 131 6.3.2 CNACI - ATM Cell Stream Initiate ............................................................ 131 6.3.3 CNACP - ATM Cell Stream Configuration ................................................... 132 6.3.4 CNBOP - Board Configuration ................................................................. 133 6.3.5 CNBOS - Board Set ............................................................................... 133 6.3.6 CNCGE - Circuit Group End .................................................................... 134 6.3.7 CNCGI - Circuit Group Initiate ................................................................ 134 6.3.8 CNCGP - Circuit Group Configuration ....................................................... 135 6.3.9 CNCRE - SS7 Route End ........................................................................ 136 6.3.10 CNCRI - SS7 Route Initiate .................................................................... 136 6.3.11 CNCRP - SS7 Route Configuration ........................................................... 137 6.3.12 CNCSE - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource End .................................. 137 6.3.13 CNCSI - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Initiate .............................. 138 6.3.14 CNCSP - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Configuration ..................... 138 6.3.15 CNDUP - Dual Operation Configuration..................................................... 139 6.3.16 CNDUS - Dual Operation Set .................................................................. 139 6.3.17 CNGAP - SCCP GTT Address Configuration................................................ 140 6.3.18 CNGLE - SIGTRAN Gateway List End........................................................ 140 6.3.19 CNGLI - SIGTRAN Gateway List Initiate.................................................... 141 6.3.20 CNGLP - SIGTRAN Remote Signaling Gateway List Configuration ................. 142 6.3.21 CNGPP - SCCP GTT Pattern Configuration ................................................. 142 6.3.22 CNGTP - SCCP GTT Translation Configuration ............................................ 143 6.3.23 CNHSP - Host Configuration ................................................................... 143 6.3.24 CNHSS - Configuration Host Set.............................................................. 144 6.3.25 CNLAE - SIGTRAN Local Application Server End ........................................ 144 6.3.26 CNLAI - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Initiate .................................... 145 6.3.27 CNLAP - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration ........................... 145


6.3.28 6.3.29 6.3.30 6.3.31 6.3.32 6.3.33 6.3.34 6.3.35 6.3.36 6.3.37 6.3.38 6.3.39 6.3.40 6.3.41 6.3.42 6.3.43 6.3.44 6.3.45 6.3.46 6.3.47 6.3.48 6.3.49 6.3.50 6.3.51 6.3.52 6.3.53 6.3.54 6.3.55 6.3.56 6.3.57 6.3.58 6.3.59 6.3.60 6.3.61 6.3.62 6.3.63 6.3.64 6.3.65 6.3.66 6.3.67 6.3.68 6.3.69 6.3.70 6.3.71 6.3.72 6.3.73 6.3.74 6.3.75 6.3.76 6.3.77 6.3.78 6.3.79 6.3.80 6.3.81 6.3.82

CNLCP - Software License Capability Configuration .................................... 146 CNLDP - SCCP Loadshare DPC Configuration............................................. 146 CNLSE - SS7 Link Set End...................................................................... 147 CNLSI - SS7 Link Set Initiate.................................................................. 147 CNLSP - SS7 Link Set Configuration ........................................................ 148 CNLTP - SCCP Loadshare Table Configuration ............................................ 148 CNMLE - SS7 Monitor Link End ............................................................... 149 CNMLI - SS7 Monitor Link Initiate ........................................................... 150 CNMLP - SS7 Monitor link Configuration ................................................... 150 CNOBP - SNMP Trap Configuration........................................................... 151 CNOBS - Configuration SNMP Traps Set ................................................... 151 CNPCE - PCM End ................................................................................. 152 CNPCI - PCM Initiate ............................................................................. 153 CNPCP - PCM Configuration .................................................................... 154 CNRAE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server End..................................... 154 CNRAI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Initiate ................................ 155 CNRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration ....................... 155 CNRDI - Configuration Restore Default Initiate.......................................... 156 CNRLE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List End ............................... 156 CNRLI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Initiate ........................... 157 CNRLP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration .................. 157 CNSBE - SIGTRAN Local Bind End ........................................................... 158 CNSBI - SIGTRAN Local Bind Initiate ....................................................... 158 CNSBP - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration .............................................. 159 CNSLE - SS7 Link End ........................................................................... 159 CNSLI - SS7 Link Initiate ....................................................................... 160 CNSLP - SS7 Link Configuration .............................................................. 160 CNSMC - Configuration SNMP Manager Change ......................................... 161 CNSME - Configuration SNMP Manager End .............................................. 162 CNSMI - Configuration SNMP Manager Initiate .......................................... 162 CNSMP - SNMP Manager Configuration..................................................... 163 CNSNP - SNMP Configuration.................................................................. 164 CNSNS - Configuration SNMP Set ............................................................ 164 CNSRE - SIGTRAN Route End ................................................................. 164 CNSRI - SIGTRAN Route Initiate ............................................................. 165 CNSRP - SIGTRAN Route Configuration .................................................... 166 CNSSE - SCCP Subsystem Resource End .................................................. 166 CNSSI - SCCP Subsystem Resource Initiate .............................................. 167 CNSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Configuration..................................... 167 CNSTE - SIGTRAN Link End .................................................................... 168 CNSTI - SIGTRAN Link Initiate................................................................ 168 CNSTP - SIGTRAN Link Configuration....................................................... 169 CNSWP - System Software Configuration ................................................. 169 CNSYP - System Configuration................................................................ 170 CNSYS - Configuration System Set .......................................................... 171 CNTDP - Time and Date Configuration ..................................................... 171 CNTDS - Configuration Time and Day Set................................................. 172 CNTMP - Trace Masks Configuration ......................................................... 172 CNTMS - Configuration Trace Mask Set .................................................... 173 CNTPE - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server End........................... 173 CNTPI - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server Initiate ...................... 174 CNTPP - NTP Server Configuration........................................................... 174 CNURC - Configuration Update Resources Change ..................................... 175 CNURE - Configuration Update Resources End........................................... 175 CNURI - Configuration Update Resources Initiate ...................................... 176

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6



6.6 6.7


6.3.83 CNUSC - Configuration SNMP User Change ............................................... 176 6.3.84 CNUSE - Configuration SNMP User End .................................................... 177 6.3.85 CNUSI - Configuration SNMP User Initiate ................................................ 177 6.3.86 CNUSP - SNMP User Configuration .......................................................... 178 IP Commands ................................................................................................. 178 6.4.1 IPEPP - Ethernet Configuration ............................................................... 179 6.4.2 IPEPS - IP Ethernet Port Set ................................................................... 180 6.4.3 IPFWC - IP Firewall Change .................................................................... 181 6.4.4 IPFWE - IP Firewall End ......................................................................... 181 6.4.5 IPFWI - IP Firewall Initiate ..................................................................... 181 6.4.6 IPFWP - IP Firewall Configuration ............................................................ 182 6.4.7 IPGWE - IP Gateway End ....................................................................... 183 6.4.8 IPGWI - IP Gateway Initiate ................................................................... 183 6.4.9 IPGWP - IP Gateway Configuration .......................................................... 183 6.4.10 IPLGE - IP Log End................................................................................ 184 6.4.11 IPLGI - IP Log Initiate ........................................................................... 184 6.4.12 IPLGP - IP Log Configuration .................................................................. 185 6.4.13 IPWSP - IP Web Server Configuration ...................................................... 185 6.4.14 IPWSS - Configuration Web Service Set ................................................... 186 MAP Services Commands .................................................................................. 186 6.5.1 MALBP - MAP LBS Services Configuration ................................................. 187 6.5.2 MALBS - MAP LBS Service Set ................................................................ 187 6.5.3 MARSP - MAP Ready for SM Configuration ................................................ 188 6.5.4 MARSS - MAP Ready for SM Set .............................................................. 188 6.5.5 MASMP - MAP SMS Services Configuration................................................ 189 6.5.6 MASMS - MAP SMS Service Set............................................................... 189 6.5.7 MAULC - MAP Update Location Change .................................................... 190 6.5.8 MAULE - MAP Update Location End .......................................................... 190 6.5.9 MAULI - MAP Update Location Initiate...................................................... 190 6.5.10 MAULP - MAP Update Location Configuration............................................. 191 6.5.11 MAUSP MAP USSD Services Configuration ................................................ 191 6.5.12 MAUSS - MAP USSD Service Set ............................................................. 192 MMI Commands............................................................................................... 192 6.6.1 MMLOI - MMI Logoff Initiate ................................................................... 192 Maintenance Commands ................................................................................... 193 6.7.1 MNINE - Maintenance Uninhibit Initiate .................................................... 193 6.7.2 MNINI - Maintenance Inhibit Initiate........................................................ 194 6.7.3 MNRSI - Maintenance Restart Initiate ...................................................... 195 6.7.4 MNSSI - Maintenance Snapshot Initiate ................................................... 195 Measurement Commands.................................................................................. 196 6.8.1 MSACP - ATM Cell Stream Traffic Measurements........................................ 196 6.8.2 MSCGP - Circuit Group Measurements ..................................................... 197 6.8.3 MSCRP - SS7 Route Measurements ......................................................... 198 6.8.4 MSEPP - Ethernet Measurements ............................................................ 199 6.8.5 MSHLP - Host Link Measurements ........................................................... 200 6.8.6 MSLBP - MAP LBS Services Measurements................................................ 201 6.8.7 MSLCP - Software License Capability Measurements .................................. 202 6.8.8 MSMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Measurements ................................................ 203 6.8.9 MSPCP - PCM Measurements .................................................................. 204 6.8.10 MSRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Measurements ..................... 204 6.8.11 MSRLP - Remote Server Link Measurements ............................................. 205 6.8.12 MSSLP - SS7 Link Measurements ............................................................ 206 6.8.13 MSSMP - MAP SMS Services Measurements .............................................. 207 6.8.14 MSSRP - SIGTRAN Route Measurements .................................................. 208 6.8.15 MSSTP - SIGTRAN Link Measurements..................................................... 208


6.9 6.10

6.11 7

6.8.16 MSSYP - System Measurements .............................................................. 209 6.8.17 MSUSP - MAP USSD Services Measurements............................................. 210 6.8.18 MSRSP - MAP Ready for SM Measurements............................................... 210 Reset Commands............................................................................................. 211 6.9.1 RSBOI - Restart Board Initiate ................................................................ 211 Status Commands ........................................................................................... 211 6.10.1 STBOP - Board Status ........................................................................... 212 6.10.2 STCGP - Circuit Group Status ................................................................. 213 6.10.3 STCRP - SS7 Route Status ..................................................................... 214 6.10.4 STDDP - Disk Drive Status ..................................................................... 214 6.10.5 STDEP - Circuit Group Device Status ....................................................... 215 6.10.6 STDHP - DTS Host Status....................................................................... 216 6.10.7 STEPP - Ethernet Status ........................................................................ 217 6.10.8 STHLP - Host Link Status ....................................................................... 217 6.10.9 STIPP - IP Node Status .......................................................................... 218 6.10.10STLCP - Software License Capability Status .............................................. 219 6.10.11STMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Status ............................................................ 220 6.10.12STPCP - PCM Status .............................................................................. 221 6.10.13STRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Status ................................. 222 6.10.14STRLP - Remote Server Link Status ......................................................... 223 6.10.15STSLP - SS7 Link Status ........................................................................ 224 6.10.16STSRP - SIGTRAN Route Status .............................................................. 224 6.10.17STSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Status............................................... 225 6.10.18STSTP - SIGTRAN Signaling Link Status ................................................... 226 6.10.19STSWP - System Software Status ........................................................... 227 6.10.20STSYP - System Status.......................................................................... 227 6.10.21STTDP - TCAP Dialogue Status................................................................ 228 6.10.22STTPP - NTP Server Status ..................................................................... 229 6.10.23STTRP - TCAP Resource Status ............................................................... 230 6.10.24STUAP - User Account Status ................................................................. 230 Command Parameters ...................................................................................... 231

Configuration Guidelines ........................................................................................ 265 7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 265 7.2 IP Port Bonding ............................................................................................... 265 7.3 Sharing Licensed Throughput Between Protocols and Networks .............................. 266 7.4 Configuring Multiple Network Contexts................................................................ 266 7.4.1 Multiple Network Support....................................................................... 266 7.4.2 Support for Multiple Local Point Codes ..................................................... 267 7.4.3 Protocol Handling for Multiple Network Contexts........................................ 268 7.4.4 RMM ................................................................................................... 269 7.4.5 MTP .................................................................................................... 269 7.4.6 M3UA .................................................................................................. 270 7.4.7 ISUP ................................................................................................... 270 7.4.8 SCCP .................................................................................................. 271 7.4.9 DTS .................................................................................................... 271 7.4.10 TCAP................................................................................................... 271 7.4.11 MAP .................................................................................................... 272 7.4.12 IS41 ................................................................................................... 273 7.4.13 INAP ................................................................................................... 273 7.5 Dual Resilient Signaling Server Operation............................................................ 273 7.5.1 Configuring a Dual Signaling Server Pair .................................................. 274 7.5.2 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................ 275 7.5.3 System Configuration ............................................................................ 275 7.5.4 Changes to the config.txt Parameter File .................................................. 276 7.5.5 Configuring a Dual Resilient System ........................................................ 281

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10


7.12 7.13

7.14 7.15



Configuring an ANSI System ............................................................................. 282 Specifying Default Routes ................................................................................. 283 Dynamic Host Activation ................................................................................... 283 Dynamic Configuration ..................................................................................... 283 7.9.1 Config.txt-Based Dynamic Configuration .................................................. 284 SIGTRAN M2PA Signaling .................................................................................. 284 7.10.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 284 7.10.2 M2PA License ....................................................................................... 285 7.10.3 SS7 over M2PA..................................................................................... 285 7.10.4 Configuration Examples ......................................................................... 285 SIGTRAN M3UA Signaling ................................................................................. 286 7.11.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 286 7.11.2 Configuration Examples ......................................................................... 287 SIGTRAN M3UA - Dual Operation ....................................................................... 288 ATM Configuration............................................................................................ 288 7.13.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 288 7.13.2 Configuration Example .......................................................................... 288 Simultaneous MAP/INAP/IS41 Operations ........................................................... 289 GTT Configuration ............................................................................................ 290 7.15.1 Global Title Address Information ............................................................. 290 7.15.2 Examples............................................................................................. 291 HSL Signaling.................................................................................................. 294 7.16.1 MTP_LINK <interface_mode>................................................................. 294 7.16.2 MTP_LINK <flags>................................................................................ 294 7.16.3 MTP_LINK <timeslot> ........................................................................... 295 Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 295



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Revision History
June 2013 August 2012 April 2012 February 2012 September 2011 July 2011

Part Number
64-1186-06 64-1186-05 64-1186-04 64-1186-03 64-1186-02

Issue No.
6 5 4 3 2 1

Minor corrections and enhancements. Support for cummulative licensing. Minor corrections and enhancements. MMI Command descriptions now make reference to the location the command can be accessed using the Web browser. Minor corrections and enhancements. Support for additional commands introduced in SWS release 1.1.0. Minor corrections and enhancements. Additional guidelines for Dual Resilient Signaling Server operation. General Availability Initial version for Beta release


Chapter 1 Overview

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction

The Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual provides instruction to install and operate the Dialogic SS7G41 Signaling Server. (The Dialogic SS7G41 Signaling Server is also referred to in this document as the SS7G41 Signaling Server and Signaling Server). The manual offers detailed information on the initial installation, licensing, provisioning and administration while operating in SIU and SWS modes and defines the full set of provisioning and administration commands as well as diagnostic and alarms indications required by operators for maintenance purposes. A Signaling Server with the SIU Mode software license installed and enabled, operates as a Signaling Interface Unit (SIU) providing an interface to SS7 networks for a number of distributed application platforms via TCP/IP LAN. In this mode a an application developed by the user can use the Dialogic DSI message API to interface with the SS7 or SIGTRAN protocols (MTP3, M3UA, ISUP, BICC, SCCP, TCAP, MAP, IS41 and INAP) operating on the Server. In addition, when fitted with Dialogic DSI SS7 Boards, the SIU can be used to build high performance monitoring applications. For a detailed description and use of the system acting as a Signaling Interface Unit, see the Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 SIU Developers Manual. A Signaling Server with SIU Mode software license installed and enabled may also be configured to operate as a Message Router. The Message Router capability provides the ability to flexibly route messages between the Network Domain (MTP or M3UA), User Parts and Sigtran Application Servers using M3UA. The routing is based on the MTP routing label and allows messages from a specific Origin to use individual Routing Keys to selectively match routing label parameters and determine which Destination to be sent towards. The Message Router can be configured to act as a Sigtran Signaling Gateway or simple Signaling transfer Point (STP). The Signaling server can also behave as an SCCP Router by configuring the Message Router to send traffic through the local SCCP for Global Title Translation. For further information on Message Router configuration and operation, see the Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Server Introduction to Message Router Functionality. A Signaling Server with the SWS Mode software license installed and enabled combines a Web Services interface and service-oriented APIs with powerful message processing, providing an interface to SS7 and SIGTRAN networks for one or more client applications In this mode, the unit provides a high level RESTful API to MAP service functionality operating on the server allowing rapid development for mobile applications such as SMS, USSD and Location Based services. For a detailed description and use of the system acting as a Signaling Web Server, see the Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 SWS Developers Manual and Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Server Introduction to SWS Profiles.


Related Information

Refer to the following for related information:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Hardware Manual Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 SIU Developers Manual Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 SWS Developers Manual Dialogic SS7 Protocols Software Environment Programmers Manual (U10SSS) Dialogic DSI SS7G41 SNMP User Manual (U05EPP) Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Server Introduction to SWS Profiles (GA20LGD) Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Server Introduction to Message Router Functionality (GA17LGD)

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Information about the Dialogic DSI Signaling Server products are available from he following: http://www.dialogic.com/support/helpweb/signaling The following manuals should be read depending on the protocol options installed on the unit:

ISUP Programmers Manual (U04SSS) SCCP Programmers Manual (U05SSS) TCAP Programmers Manual (U06SSS) MAP Programmers Manual (U14SSS) IS41 Programmers Manual (U17SSS) TUP Programmers Manual (U09SSS) INAP Programmers Manual (U16SSS) SCTP Programmers Manual (U01STN) M3UA Programmers Manual (U02STN) M2PA Programmers Manual (U03STN)



This manual is applicable to the SS7G41 with SIU release 1.2.10 or later, or SWS release 1.3.3 or later.



This section identifies key capacity of the Signaling Server. The capabilities of a Signaling Server is dependent on the number and type of signaling boards installed as defined by the product variant as well as which software licenses installed. Use of Signaling Servers in dual pairs increases the capacity of the overall system while still acting as a single SS7 point code. The numbers given in this section are for a single Signaling Server.


SS7G41 Common Capabilities

The table below provides the SS7G41 capacities that are in common between the SIU and SWS modes of operation.

Feature or Protocol Dialogic DSI SS7 Network Interface Boards PCM per board Ethernet interface SS7 links per board HSL links per board ATM Cell Streams per board ATM QSAAL Links per board

Capacity Up to 2 x SS7LDH4 board or 2 x SS7MDL4 board 4 per SS7LDH4 or 4 per SS7MDL4 4 16 per SS7LDH4 or 124 per SS7MDL4 4 per SS7MDL4 4 per SS7MDL4 124 per SS7MDL4


Chapter 1 Overview

Feature or Protocol M3UA links M2PA links SS7 linksets SS7 links SS7 routes Remote Application servers M3UA routes Network contexts

Capacity Up to 256 Up to 256 64 256 4096 256 4096 4


SS7G41 Capacities - SIU Mode

The table below provides the SS7G41 capacities in SIU mode.

Feature or Protocol ISUP / BICC SCCP TCAP MAP IS41 INAP Hosts

Capacity Up to 65,535 CICs, 2048 circuit groups. Up to 512 Local sub-systems, remote subsystems, or remote signaling points. Up to 65,535 simultaneous active dialogs Up to 65,535 simultaneous active dialogs Up to 65,535 simultaneous active dialogs Up to 65,535 simultaneous active dialogs Up to 128 hosts


SS7G41 Capacities - SWS Mode

The table below provides the SS7G41 capacities in SWS mode.

Feature or Protocol HTTP Support Web-service API HTTP content MAP Service APIs

Capacity HTTP, HTTPS RESTful API over HTTP XML (XSD provided) SMS (Mobile Originated, Mobile Terminated) USSD Location


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration

2.1 Software Licensing

Functional capabilities and signaling protocols are activated on the Signaling Server through the use of software licenses. The following section provides information on the purchase of software licenses as well as information relating to temporary operation of the Signaling Server without software licenses. Software licenses supported on the Signaling Server are identified in Section 2.1.2, Supported Licenses on page 16.


Purchasing Software Licenses

1. Place an order using your normal sales channel, quoting the product ID for the software option required. At this point in the process, there is no need to know details of the specific Signaling Server on which the option is to be installed (the target Signaling Server). The order ships through the normal supply channels and you will receive a paper License Certificate. The certificate contains the license terms for using the Signaling Server software option and a unique License ID that is needed to activate the license. 2. When the License Certificate is received, you should first read the full terms of the software license: If you do not agree with the software license terms, contact your sales channel for a refund. You must not activate the software license. If you agree the software license terms, you can continue with Step 3. 3. The next stage is to identify the Dialogic DSI Signaling Server product(s) on which the software option is to be activated. To do this, you need to obtain the UNIT ID for the Signaling Server which is done by executing the CNSYP MML command on the target Signaling Server. 4. Once you have the License ID and the UNIT ID, the license can be activated on the Signaling Server. License Activation is the process of submitting the License ID and UNIT ID so that a License File can be generated and sent for installation on the target Signaling Server. The License Activation process is web-based, and the License File is sent by email. To activate the license perform the following steps: a. Visit the following web site: http://membersresource.dialogic.com/ss7/license/license.asp (or an alternative URL if listed on the License Certificate). b. Provide the following information: Name Company Country Email address (this will be used to send the License File) c. Provide the following information about the Signaling Server: Operating System - Enter "Signaling Server". Host ID - Enter the UNIT ID. User machine identification - A string, typically the Signaling Server name, used by you to identify the unit. This may be any value relevant to you, for example, "SIU_TEST_UNIT1".

Chapter 2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration

d. Provide the License ID (taken from the License Certificates) for each protocol that is to be licensed on the target Signaling Server. e. Submit the form. You will receive confirmation that your request has been submitted. Subsequently, you will receive your License File by email.


Supported Licenses

SS7G41 SIU Software License SKUs Part# G06-092 G02-092 G07-092 G03-092 G04-092 G05-092 G01-093 G02-093 G03-093 G04-093 Product ID SS7SBG40SIU8 SS7SBG40SIU16 SS7SBG40SIU32 SS7SBG40SIU64 SS7SBG40SIU128 SS7SBG40SIU256 SS7SBG40TCAP SS7SBG40MAP SS7SBG40IS41 SS7SBG40INAP Description SIU - 8 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU - 16 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU - 32 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU - 64 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU - 128 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU - 256 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) * SIU TCAP SIU MAP SIU - IS-41 SIU INAP

Note: * SIU licenses include the MTP3, M2PA, M3UA, SCCP, BICC and ISUP protocol layers. SS7G41 SWS Software License SKUs Part# G06-094 G02-094 G07-094 Product ID SS7SBG40SWSM8 SS7SBG40SWSM16 SS7SBG40SWSM32 Description SWS: Messaging/Location - 8 link equivalents (TDM or SIGTRAN) SWS:Messaging/Location - 16 link (equivalents*) SWS: Messaging/Location - 32 link equivalents* (TDM or SIGTRAN) SWS:Messaging/Location - 64 link (equivalents*) SWS:Messaging/Location - 128 link (equivalents*) SWS:Messaging/Location - 256 link (equivalents*)

G03-094 G04-094 G05-094


* For SIGTRAN links A link equivalent is the equivalent to the use of a 64kb/s link at a maximum loading of0.6 Erlang. Individual user deployments may exhibit different characteristics from this in which case it may be necessary to provision more or less capacity accordingly.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Note: SWS licenses include the MPT3, M2PA, M3UA, SCCP, TCAP, and MAP protocol layers.


Cumulative Licensing

It is possible to purchase multiple licenses and combine their capabilities so that the licensed capabilities of the Signaling Server can be enhanced. For example, a SS7SBG40SIU16 and a SS7SBG40SIU32 license can be purchased and combined to create a 48 link equivalent SIU license. To combine licenses, enter multiple License IDs when using the License Activation form at: http://membersresource.dialogic.com/ss7/license/license.asp If one or more licenses have already been activated and additional license(s) are being added to extend the capabilities of the Signaling Server, the License IDs for ALL licenses must be entered. Licenses may be activated in any combination, but the Signaling Server cannot licensed beyond its maximum capabilities. Only licenses of the same operating mode may be combined, SS7SBG40SIUnn licenses cannot be combined with SS7SBG40SWSnn licenses.


Temporary Licenses

A temporary software license can be issued for a spare or backup signaling server in the event that an existing server encounters a problem that requires the unit to be repaired or replaced. Alternatively, a new permanent license, based on the licenses from the failed unit, can be issued for a spare signaling server. The process for obtaining a temporary license file is almost identical to that of activating a new license. On the web based activation form, the License IDs should be prefixed with the following 4 characters: BAK-. For example, if the license ID on the certificate is G40-TCAP-785-9187, the license ID specified on the web form for the corresponding temporary license would be BAK-G40TCAP-785-9187. The Host ID entered on the form is that of the replacement system on which the license will be installed. A temporary license file will then be sent to the email address you specify during the license activation. A temporary license will allow operation of a spare/backup unit for a period of 30 days from date of issue, after which the system software cannot be restarted. It is therefore important to seek authorization to re-activate the original license(s), to perform the new activation, and to install the new license file prior to the expiry of the 30 day period.


Evaluation Mode

Signaling Server protocols are available on the unit for 1 hour in an unlicensed evaluation mode. After this period, the system will automatically re-boot and return to normal operation supporting only the capabilities that are licensed on the system. To activate an evaluation mode, the unit should be restarted as follows:


The Trial mode alarm will be active whenever the system is operating in this mode.


Chapter 2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration



Caution:The Signaling Server should only be installed by suitably qualified service personnel. Important safety and technical details required for installation are given in the appropriate system hardware manual. In order to complete the installation of the Signaling Server unit, proceed as follows: 1. Optionally connect a VT100 terminal to the unit (see Section 2.2.1) or connect to the system using telnet and default IP address (see section Section 2.2.2). 2. Set the IP addresses of the unit (see Section 2.2.3). 3. Check whether a software download and upgrade is required (see Section 2.2.4). 4. Install any additional protocol software option licenses that you may have purchased. (see Section 2.2.5). 5. Check that the system is the correct operating mode (SIU or SWS). This is achieved using the MMI command CNSYP. The resulting output shows the operating mode, which is either SIU, SWS or TEST. 6. If the operating mode is not correct and needs to be changed, this can be achieved by restarting the software with the following MNRSI command, for example:

7. Apply the configuration to the unit (see Section 4.2.5, Configuration Procedure on page 43). See also Chapter 7, Configuration Guidelines for some example configurations. 8. In SIU mode the Signaling Server is designed to work in a complete system with one or more host platforms. In SWS mode the Signaling Server can work with one or more Web Service Clients.


Connecting a VT100 Terminal

A VT100 compatible terminal can be connected, using a cable to the DB-9 serial port on the rear of the unit. After pressing the carriage return (Enter) key, the Signaling Gateway interface prompt is displayed. Default serial port settings are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits and no parity bits. The output on the VT100 screen is similar to one of the following:
SS7G41(SIU) logged on at 2011-01-20 14:52:29 <

to indicate SIU operation, OR

SS7G41(SWS) logged on at 2011-01-20 14:52:29 <

to indicate SWS operation. The user should then configure the initial IP address shown in Section 2.2.3, Initial IP Configuration on page 19.


Connecting via Telnet

The Signaling Server should be connected to the Ethernet network using an RJ-45 (10/100/1000 BASE-T) cable. The Signaling Server is configured with a default IP address of If this address is not suitable for access then the user should connect to the server using a vt100 session (see section 2.2.1).

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The Ethernet connection should be verified by attempting to ping the Signaling Server from a computer connected to the same Ethernet network, using the following command:

If the Signaling Server is connected correctly, it responds to the ping and the host machine displays a message confirming communication with the Signaling Server (the exact format and response of this message is operating system dependant). Once ping shows that the Ethernet connection is valid, it should be possible to access the management interface. This is achieved by establishing a telnet session to port 8100, 8101, 8102, or 8103. Note: It is not possible to telnet to the standard telnet port 23. For example, on a typical host console, the following command starts a telnet session to an Signaling Server with an IP address of
telnet 8100

A password is mandatory for access to the MML interface. Initially the system is configured with a single user account siguser and for initial login the password siguser is required. Once logged in new accounts may be created and passwords set. See section Access Control and Security for more information on the management of user accounts. A user opening a telnet session to the MML interface is therefore prompted to enter the siguser password, for example:
SS7G41(SWS) logged on at 2011-07-06 12:32:01 user: siguser password: ******* <

Telnet print commands output a number of lines of text before prompting a user to Press return to continue or Ctrl-X to cancel. The number of lines of output can be specified on the CNSYS command using the LINES parameter. When LINES is set to 0 this paging mechanism is disabled. Telnet sessions timeout and logoff after a period of inactivity, by default 30 minutes. This timeout period can be changes by using the TLO parameter on the CNSYS MMI command.


Initial IP Configuration

Once connected to the Signaling Server via VT100 or telnet a user can then proceed to set the IP configuration of the Signaling Servers The IP address is set by entering the IPEPS system configuration command. For example, to set the IP address to, enter the following command:

It is also possible to configure a sub-net mask if the unit is a member of a sub-net. The default sub-net mask is To set the sub-net mask to a different value, enter a command similar to the following (where in this example, the sub-net mask is set to

The management interface also allows an IP gateway address to be specified using the GATEWAY parameter in the IPGWx command. By default, this is set to, indicating that no gateway is present. To set the gateway address to for example, the following command is used:

The current settings may be displayed by entering the appropriate commands:

ipepp; ipgwp;

Chapter 2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration

The configuration is displayed in the following format:


The new IP address parameters are initialized with immediate effect. If the IP address used to login to the unit for the telnet session is changed, you are automatically logged out of the session. You can however login again without delay using the new IP address. Note: Network infrastructure may introduce a delay while MAC addresses and newly configured IP addresses are reconciled. The Ethernet connection should be verified by attempting to ping the Signaling Server from a computer connected to the same Ethernet network, using the following command:

If the Signaling Server has been configured correctly, it responds to the ping and the host machine displays a message confirming communication with the Signaling Server (the exact format and response of this message is operating system dependant). If ping fails, check that the IP address was entered correctly and that there is no fault with the cabling to the Signaling Server. Note: The Signaling Server uses a static routing method for associating IP networks with Ethernet interfaces. In a network with multiple theoretical routing paths between an IP address on the Signaling Server and IP address on the network, the Signaling Server may transmit packets to an IP address through a different interface to that which receives packets from that same IP address. It is therefore quite possible for the Signaling Server to be unable to route packets back to an IP address if a connection associated with the destination IP address is lost.


Software Download

Current information and Dialogic DSI Signaling Server software downloads can be found at the following URL: http://www.dialogic.com/support/helpweb/signaling Your product left the factory with fully functional software installed. You are however recommended to check the above URL for any recent revisions, and install them before putting the product into service. Since it is possible to source units from multiple supply channels, we recommend that each is checked to verify that all units in a delivery are at the same software revision. Proceed as follows: 1. Check the current software version running in the system (see the CNSWP MML command in Chapter 5, Configuration Commands, for more information). 2. Check the latest distribution file available for the SS7G41 from the Dialogic Signaling and SS7 Products download web site: http://www.dialogic.com/support/helpweb/signaling


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

3. If a download is required, then store the distribution file in an empty directory of your hard drive. 4. Follow steps below to update the system software.


Updating System Software

Unit software for the Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Servers may be updated by FTP transfer or from USB. Current information and file downloads for Signaling Server units can be found at the following URL: http://www.dialogic.com/support/helpweb/signaling Although updating the software is not a requirement and units are expected to function well with the software supplied with them, it is recommended that you use the latest version of the software available. Updating the Software by FTP Transfer The procedure to update the system software by FTP Transfer is as follows: 1. Establish an FTP session. 2. Since this software is a binary file, set the FTP transfer mode to BINARY. 3. Transfer the mode specific software. For example, for an SIU software binary by typing:
put ss7g40-siu.tgz

Note: The Signaling Server uses a case-sensitive file-system. Note: Different operating modes have different binary file names. 4. The FTP session should then be terminated by entering the quit or bye. 5. Establish a MML session and restart the unit by typing MNRSI;. Note: If you need to switch to a different mode after applying licenses, the command to use is: MNRSI:SYSTYPE={SIU/SWS}; specifying one of the appropriate SYSTYPE parameter values; 6. The machine then boots. 7. Once the upgrade is complete, the machine is accessible via MMI and the upgrade version can be checked using the CNSWP command. Updating Software from a USB The procedure for updating the system software from USB is as follows: 1. Copy the software binary distribution file to the USB memory device. 2. Insert the USB memory device into the USB port on the front of the unit. 3. Restart the unit using the front panel reset button, or by entering the MNRSI; MMI command. 4. The system will reboot until you are presented with the MMI command prompt. 5. Check the software version using the CNSWP command. 6. Remove the USB device from the USB port.


Chapter 2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration


Installing Software Licenses

This section describes how additional licenses are installed on a Signaling Server. Each Signaling Server is licensed to run specific components of the protocol stack. The STLCP command provides a printout that shows which components are licensed on a particular unit. Each unit is uniquely identified by a unit identity value, which is displayed as the UNITID parameter in the CNSYP command output. The License File, purchased is a simple text file. The contents of the file are similar to the following:
SERVER localhost 0015B2A25066 VENDOR dialogic USE_SERVER FEATURE SIU_G40 dialogic 1.000 permanent 4 HOSTID=00aabbccddee \ SIGN=" AAAA AAAA AAAA A6B6 17AC 42B4 1783 6300 B6A2 BF86 6AA8 \ 507A 61A7 883E AAAA"

The license file should be installed on the Signaling Server product(s) as follows: 1. Rename the purchased license file to sgw.lic 2. Establish an FTP session. 3. Set the FTP transfer mode to ASCII, since the license file is a text file. 4. Transfer the software license to the Signaling Server by typing the command put sgw.lic sgw.lic. Note: The Signaling Server uses a case-sensitive file system. Therefore, it is necessary to specify sgw.lic in lowercase. 5. Terminate the FTP session by entering quit or bye. 6. Establish an MML session and restart the unit by typing the MNRSI command. The machine then boots and completes the upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, the machine is accessible via the MML interface. 7. Check the licenses using STLCP command. If the licensing upgrade fails, the unit restores the previous licensing level. Further licenses can be added at a later date.



Once the system architecture and protocol configuration is known, it is necessary to set this configuration in the Signaling Server. The Signaling Server is configured in two stages. Selection of protocol modules and assignment as either MODEA or MODEB is achieved using the CNDUS command. SS7 protocol and physical interface parameters are set by editing the config.txt file. See Chapter 7, Configuration Guidelines for details. This can be transferred to the Signaling Server via FTP or sFTP. Note: Secure FTP users will by default land in the parent directory of siguser and will need to change to the ftpuser directory before commencing operation. Most Secure FTP clients


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

provide an option to configure the default initial directory. If available, users may choose to use this instead of manually changing to the ftpuser subdirectory. You should connect to the FTP session as user name siguser with an initial password set to siguser or the password as set by the ACUAI, ACUAC, or ACCUS commands for the siguser account. Once the Signaling Server has been configured, the host software should be installed and configured on each application platform.


Chapter 2 Licensing, Installation, and Initial Configuration


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

3 Access Control and Security

3.1 Concepts

The Dialogic SS7G41 Signaling Server incorporates a number of features relating to secure access and administration of the equipment which are introduced in the following sections.

System Policy Access Control IP Security


System Policy

The system policy defines the level of security enforced for a various aspects of the Signaling server, covering SSH, FTP/SFTP, Browser based management access, Web Services and Passwords.


Access Control

The Signaling Server supports the addition and removal of specific user accounts. All Management Logins require a password to be entered. Individual accounts can be granted specific access rights for Web, Telnet and FTP access allowing, for example, a particular user to be granted only read access while another user is granted full administrative access. Passwords for individual user account can be time limited and after expiry users will be required to specify a new password before being granted access to system management.


Access Rights

A user who has administrative privileges will be able to add or delete user accounts as well as assign access privileges for FTP, MMI and SWS access. Access rights are grouped into three categories, Interface Rights, Management Rights and Characteristics.

Interface Rights
CLI Telnet/Serial support mmi management access. Note: If CLI access is granted for a user they do not need to enter a password for serial access. ossh/ftp - The ability to log on and read diagnostics as well as upload files via ftp/sftp. Support the ability to telnet in over ssh for mmi management access. Note: telnet/ssh operation can only be made mandatory if the Signaling Server is run in secure mode. Management Web Server - The ability to access mmi/sws management using Web Management Server. Note: Password access via the management server can only be made mandatory if the Web Server is run in secure mode. Web Services API Web Server - The ability to use Web Services.


Chapter 3 Access Control and Security

Note: Password access via the Web Services API server can only be made mandatory if the Web Server is run in secure mode.

Management Rights
The ability to view files in the ftpuser account using the Web Management Interface. The ability to read mmi/sws configuration, status and measurements. The ability to change/add/delete mmi/sws configuration. The ability to perform mmi maintenance actions (block/unblock/reset). Account management access to add/remove users and set system time. System policy access. This access right allows the user to define the security policy for the server (e.g. allow weak password, mandate password expiry, mandate password expiry length, ftp server and mmi secure access etc).

Password can be set expire.


User Account Management

The Signaling Server supports the configuration of multiple user accounts. Using the management interface it is possible to initiate, change or remove a user account from the server, or to display the configuration data for the user account.


User Access Profiles

A user with system administration access is able to define a set of User Access Profiles. On creation of a User Account the system administrator can then assign a particular User Access Profile to a User to give them the level of access they require. For convenience a number of predefine profiles are created at system initialization. These may be added to or deleted as required by the Administrator. Within each defined profile, access may be granted or denied for the following: Category CLI FTP MWS WSS MGR Description Telnet/Serial support for mmi management access. The ability to log on and read diagnostics as well as upload files via ftp/ sftp. Support the ability to telnet in over ssh for mmi management access. Management Web Server - The ability to access mmi/sws management using Web Management Server Web Services API Web Server - The ability to use the Web Services API. The ability to read mmi/sws configuration, status and measurements. The ability to view files in the ftpuser account using the Web Management Interface. The ability to change/add/delete mmi/sws configuration. The ability to perform mmi maintenance actions (block/unblock/reset). Administrative access to add/remove users and set system time.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


System policy access. This access right allows the user to define the security policy for the server (e.g. allow weak password, mandate password expiry, mandate password expiry length, ftp server and mmi secure access etc). Whether the password in the account should expire


For each profile it is possible to control management privileges for specific categories of system administration and configuration. Category Configuration Read Configuration Update System Maintenance System Security System Administration Policy Management


HTTP Access

HTTP access can be restricted to secure HTTPS access only for both the browser based management interface and for web services access in SWS mode. For HTTPS access, an SSL certificate is required. Supported SSL certificates for HTTPS are OpenSSL .PEM files, without a passphrase. To load a certificate, the certificate file should be named either "MGMT.PEM" or "WSAPI.PEM" and uploaded to the ftp account. This certificate will be installed and used when the system is restarted. The file will be removed from ftp account once installed. Certificates may also be loaded via portable media (USB).



The Signaling Server incorporates an IP Firewall that may be configured to only allow access via specific IP address or networks. Detail related to IP firewall configuration and operation is provided in the IP Firewall commands (IPFWP, IPFWO, IPFWC, IPFWE).



For additional security, the Signaling Server supports the use of Secure Shell (SSH) tunneling for telnet and secure FTP operation.


Chapter 3 Access Control and Security

Note: The unit does not provide a Secure Shell session connection. Your SSH client may need additional configuration to allow SSH tunneling without a session connection.

Once activated, a future user is required to set up an SSH tunnel prior to telnet access. For a client on a Linux- or Solaris-like operating system, log in for telnet using the ssh application. The ssh application should be invoked using a shell script of the following form: #!/bin/sh ssh -l siguser -C -f $1 -L 2323:$1:8101 sleep 5 telnet localhost 2323 For a client on a UNIX operating system, the command sequence to log in for FTP access using the sftp application is: sftp -l siguser@<Signaling Server IP Address> You are also prompted to enter the password for the siguser login account. The secure connection to a unit can also be established from other operating systems, using the appropriate SSH software.


Configuring Public-Key Authentication for SSH

Configuring for Public-Key Authentication allows the operator to use SSH to connect to the Signaling Server without using a password. For security reasons this is recommended where the connection is made using a script. This process requires an RSA or DSA key-pair generated for each Host. Refer to the documentation for the SSH package for more information.

Using Secure FTP to connect to the Signaling Server. If the ".ssh" directory does not exist in the user directory, create one. Create a text file and add the Public Key for each Host on a new line. Upload the file to ".ssh/authorized_keys". Ensure the permissions on the ".ssh" directory and its parent directory "ftpuser" are set to "750".

Ensure the permissions on ".ssh/authorized_keys" are set to "640". It is recommended that the first connection using the Public-Key Authentication method be made manually. When using SSH or Secure FTP to connect to the Signaling Server, specifying the Private-Key will allow you to log in as without using the password.


SSH Tunneling for RSI

When operating in SIU mode, to protect RSI traffic between the SIU and SIU-Host the SIU-Host may be configured to use an SSH tunnel to transport the RSI traffic to the SIU. The configuration of the SSH Client on each SIU-Host depends on the SSH package used. The following instructions show a suggested configuration method for both Linux and Windows operating systems. For both systems, it is recommended that the first connection is made manually, to allow the Client accept the SWS Host Key.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Using Linux and OpenSSH

The following script initiates a single SSH tunnel. The SSH Client exits, rather than attempting to re-establish the tunnel, should the IP link be interrupted or the SIU restarted, so the loop ensures that the SSH client is restarted. This configuration may also be used with Solaris and Sun SSH.
tunnel.sh contains: #!/bin/sh #tunnel.sh - configures a SSH tunnel to the SWS ($1). while true do ssh -l ftpuser -i ~/.ssh/priv_key -N -C -L 9000:$1:9000 $1 done

The tunnel script is started, prior to starting the GCT environment, with the command:
./tunnel.sh <SWS IP Address>


Chapter 3 Access Control and Security


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

4 System Management
The Signaling Server supports the MMI Console A console based interface over telnet or serial port to configure and manage the system. Also provides easy access to diagnostic and statistics from the system. This manual provides a complete definition of the MMI commands and parameters as well as providing examples of their use.


The Web management interface provides an alternative management interface the MMI console. This interface architecturally sits on top of the MMI interface and is intended to provide the user with a graphical alternative to that interface. The Web management interface is intended to be essentially self documenting.

FTP and SFTP access is supported allowing users to upload system configuration files and software updates as well to retrieve diagnostic information from the Signaling Server.

A SNMP interface supporting v1, v2 and V3 SNMP allowing a user to query system status as well as supporting the ability to report SNMP traps.

Lights Out Management

The Lights Out Management Interface enables a user to check the status of the equipment without the system software running.


Web Interface

The web management interface of the Signaling Server can be reached using a Web browser with IP of Ethernet port 0 as the URL, for example the following: For compatibility and security reasons it is recommended that an up to date Web browser client should be used to access the Server. Access to the Web Interface may be restricted several ways including the following:

Access can be restricted to the use of https Access to the Web Server on the system handling the web management interface may be
access to a management session.

configured so that a user must enter a user name and password before they can gain entry.

Once access has been gained a user is then required to enter a user name and password for Functional areas of such as configuration update and control may be restricted to particular
users limiting other user to read only access. See Chapter 3, Access Control and Security for more detail of Management of Access to the Web interface. Once a user has entered the URL of the Signaling Server on a Web browser they will either optionally be requested to enter their user name and password or they will presented with the default landing page of the Signaling Server. This landing page requests a that a user login for a


Chapter 4 System Management

management session. Up to eight users may log into the Web interface at a time. A user will automatically be logged out after a period of time if the system detects there has been no activity in the browser session. The screenshot below shows the session landing page:

Once a user has logged into a session the follow appears:

A page on Web management interface consists of a Navigation and Control bar and a data table. The data tables report the same configuration, status and measurements that are provided over the MMI interface. On the Navigation and Control bar there are (initially) 3 entries which provide the following functionality.

System Administration The System Administration field allows a user to navigate to a Session Options The session options allow the user activate/deactivate the following
particular capabilities for the lifetime of a session.

particular object such as PCMs, SIGTRAN links etc. which when selected will change the page to a table presenting configuration, status and measurements (where available).

Help When activated hovering the mouse above any command/parameter will result in a popup help window offering further information. Compressed Format. By default parameter names are longer and more easily understandable than the MMI equivalents. Setting compressed format changes the names to the MMI version. Files When activated a new element on the Navigates and control bar is created files. Once active, if a user has permission to read the ftp user directory they can then use the files menu to navigate to a particular file such as the config.txt or a copy of this manual in the main ftp login directory or any of the syslog subdirectories in the FTP account that


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

contains diagnostic information such as logs of MMI commands, traces, PCAP logs system logs etc. No Confirm. Some actions such as add/removing blocking on a object table generate a pop-up are you sure box. Setting the No confirm option disables this. Auto-Refresh. When set the web page will automatically refresh every 10s when viewing status and measurements.

Operations Operations are a set of links to some of the more frequent actions that a user

may perform on the system such as log-off, restart, Diagnostic snapshot as well as shortcuts to the alarm and initial landing pages. A user may also use the 'New Session' operation to open a new browser tab or window accessing the management interface.

The object tables themselves report all the data such as configuration, measurements and status that are associated with an object. Particular objects also allow actions such as add/delete, change, block and reset.


Diagnostics, Alarms, and Logs

The Signaling Server supports built-in real-time logging to disk of activity on the MMI interface events and errors and the selective logging to disk of diagnostic traces. Logging to disk of MMI activity events and errors by default allows a user to capture any management information at the point a failure occurs. Selective logging to disk of traces completes the capture of all the information that may be required to investigate particular issues. Although activation of trace logging has a performance impact on a system, customers who do not require the full performance capabilities of the Signaling Server may choose to activate selective tracing thus ensuring the full capture of any significant information required for problem analysis. To activate selective tracing, the user should first configure where they wish the trace messages to be logged using the CNSYx command TRACELOG parameter and then configure and activate the relevant trace mask using CNTMx commands. TRACELOG, by default, will be set to log trace messages to local FILE. The user can, however, modify the TRACELOG configuration to either transmit the messages to the management module on the management HOST or to DUAL to log locally as well as transmit to the management host. Events and errors will be logged to files of the name maint.log in the ftpuser/syslog/ maintenance sub-directory of the user account. These files will be limited to be a maximum of 5 MB with support being provided for up to 10 files. When the maint.log file reaches the 5 MB limit, or the system is restarted, it will be renamed maint.log.1 and a new maint.log file will be created. If there is an existing maint.log.1 file that will be renamed maint.log.2, other log files will consequently be renamed in a similar manner with the oldest file maint.log.9 being removed. MMI inputs and outputs will be logged to files of the name "mmi.log" in the syslog sub-directory of the user account. In the same manner as the maintenance logs, these files will be limited to be a maximum of 5MB with support being provided for up to 10 files. When configured, trace messages will be logged to files of the name trace.log in the syslog subdirectory of the siguser account. Just as event and MMI logs, logs of these files will be limited to be a maximum of 5MB with support being provided for up to 10 files. Finally, trace messages for M3UA and MTP3 may also be logged in PCAP file format producing files of the name "trace.pcap'in the same manner as above. PCAP logging is selected using the TRACEFMT parameter in the CNSYx MMI command.


Chapter 4 System Management

Upon restart, the Signaling Server also backs up the existing system configuration and generates additional diagnostic files. These files, together with the maintenance and optionally trace log files may aid the support channel in the analysis of events and errors occurring on the Signaling Server. The configuration files, maintenance and trace files as well as the additional text files, startup.logs and shutdown_logs can be recovered from the syslog directory using FTP protocol as described below.
ftp user siguser password siguser (or as set by the ACUAI, ACUAC, or ACCUS command) cd syslog ascii get config.txt * mget startup.log* mget shutdown.log mget maint.log* mget trace.log* mget trace.pcap* mget mmi.log* bin get config.CF1 bye


Automatic MMI Logging

To allow for audit of user MMI sessions, all user dialogues are logged to a rolling log file to permit subsequent review of the command history. The text format log files include all MMI commands, responses and events. Log files are created in the 'syslog' sub-directory of the siuftp account. The most recent file is called mmi.log and older files are called mmi.log.1, mmi.log.2 and so on up until mmi.log.9. The capacity of each file is limited to prevent disk overflow. Each entry in the file includes the date and time of the event. For security the text value of the PASSWORD and CONFIRM parameters are replaced by the string "******".


Alarm Listing

A system operator can obtain a listing of the current alarm status (CLA, CATEGORY, ID and TITLE) of a Signaling Server using the ALLIP management terminal command. The table below details the possible alarm types accessed by the ALLIP command. Alarm status/events may also be accessed/reported by front panel LEDs, relay connections, API and SNMP.

Severity (LED) Critical (CRT)

TITLE Board failed

Description A signaling board has failed.


ID Indicates board position. 0


Critical (CRT)

Configuration failed

The protocol configuration could not be completed due to errors in the configuration file



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Severity (LED) Critical (CRT) Critical (CRT) Critical (CRT) Critical (CRT)

TITLE Fan failure Fan warning Host link failed Memory failure

Description CPU fan failure System fan failure Host (Ethernet) link has failed The system has detected that one or more of its memory modules has failed. No SIU hosts are available. All Signaling have been taken out of service until a host becomes available. Power supply has failed An error was encountered processing the configuration file



CLA 3 3 3 3

Critical (CRT)

No active host


Critical (CRT) Critical (CRT)

PSU failure Restart error


PSU ID Line number in configuration file where error was found 0

3 3

Critical (CRT)

Restart required

A system restart is required before system changes can take place Inter Signaling Server link over Ethernet to the partner Signaling Server has failed. System Overload due to excessive network traffic


Critical (CRT)

Partner link failed


Critical (CRT)

System Overloaded



Chapter 4 System Management

Severity (LED) Critical (CRT)

TITLE Temperature

Description The internal temperature is outside a preset threshold indicating that either an internal fault or failure of the cooling arrangements. Inspection should take place immediately. The system is operating in trial evaluation and will reset after 1 hour Received data in SS7 timeslot all 1s on PCM trunk interface The underlying file system has encountered an error that could not be corrected during startup of the system. At a convenient point the system should be restarted to force the system to again attempt to repair the file system. If the problem does not clear then users should seek to replace the Hard Disk Drive as soon as practical. The CMOS back-up battery back-up has become discharged.


ID 0


Critical (CRT)

Evaluation mode


Major (MAJ)




Major (MAJ)

File sys err


Internal diagnostic

Major (MAJ)

CMOS Bat Low



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Severity (LED) Major (MAJ)

TITLE CPU warning

Description The system has detected that one or more of the CPUs is likely to fail. A disk drive in the RAID array is unavailable for use One or more syntax errors were found in the protocol configuration file No signal detected on PCM network trunk Remote Alarm Indication received on PCM trunk interface SS7 signaling link has failed


ID 0


Major (MAJ)

Drive unavail



Major (MAJ)

Parse errors


Major (MAJ)

PCM loss



Major (MAJ)




Major (MAJ)

SS7 link failure



Major (MAJ)

Sync loss

Unable to achieve frame synchronization on PCM trunk interface The system has detected that the voltage on one or more power rails is out of range. This is usually due to either a faulty power supply module or a faulty board causing excessive current consumption. A SIGTRAN link has failed



Major (MAJ)

Voltage warning


Major (MAJ)

SIGTRAN link failure




Chapter 4 System Management

Severity (LED) Minor (MNR)

TITLE Default alarm

Description The system has detected a low priority low level alarm condition. You should contact your support contact for further information. Traffic being processed by a throughput licensed protocol exceeds the license limits The system is acting to reduce traffic levels that exceed the throughput license limits


ID 0


Minor (MNR)

Traffic congest



Minor (MNR)

Traffic enforce




SIGTRAN Throughput Licensing

The SIGTRAN license installed on the unit determines the number of SIGTRAN links that can be configured on the system. For license descriptions, see Section 2.1.2, Supported Licenses on page 16. Throughput is restricted through a congestion mechanism which allows a system to briefly exceed the licensed throughput - provided that the average throughput does not exceed the licensed limit. If a system exceeds the limit for a sustained period of time then the licensed limit will be enforced and traffic throttling will reduce throughput until sufficient credit is gained to return to normal operation. Two alarms provide indications of throughput congestion and throughput enforcement. Traffic congest indicates that enforcement will be reached unless traffic is reduced, Traffic Enforce indicates that the system is actively throttling the traffic to the licensed rate. In addition, the API command API_MSG_SIU_STATUS, will provide the following indications of congestion and enforcement to the management module.

Value 0x2b 0x2c 0x2d

Event Traffic congestion Traffic enforcement Clearing traffic congestion and enforcement if active.

ID 0 0 0


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The MMI command, STLCP - Software License Capability Status, will report the status of the licensable capabilities of the system such as protocols or different modes of operation. The command will report whether a license is present, whether it is inactive or active, whether it is dependant on another license or requires a restart before it can become active. The STLCP command also reports the permitted throughput and remaining throughput credit. The MMI command, MSLCP - Software License Capability Measurements provides measurements showing peak and total throughput within a particular time period.



The Signaling Server SNMP offerings provides comprehensive support for status and traps using Distributed Structure Management Information (DSMI) SNMP. SNMP operation is disabled by default. Activating SNMP SNMP support can be activated for the following:

SNMP operation (if licensed) by setting the CNSNS MMI command's SNMP parameter to DSMI.
The server should be restarted using the MNRSI command to activate the SNMP agent.



DSMI SNMP functionality allows the configuration of V1 (RFC 1157), V2c (RFC 1901), or V3 (RFC 2571) SNMP traps notifying external SNMP managers of alarm conditions and configuration state changes for the objects supported on the MIB. For all objects represented within the DSMI MIB and these include platform hardware components as well as configuration aspects the MIB will maintain current object state and alarm conditions affecting the object. SNMP traps can be configured on a per-object basis such that the remote SNMP manager is notified whenever the object is created, destroyed or the object state changed. Traps can also be configured to notify the manager of events affecting the object. SNMP traps identify the event affecting the object be it an alarm indication or configuration state change and an event severity level. For details of the DSMI SNMP MIB, supported alarms, SNMP traps and configuration refer to the Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SNMP User Manual (U05EPP01).


Lights Out Management

Lights Out Management allows you to monitor and manage the Signaling Server remotely using a dedicated management channel, regardless of whether the server is powered on. A remote management interface is included with the Dialogic DSI Signaling Server model.


Using the Remote Management Interface

The remote management interface uses the eth3 interface on the Signaling Server and has the following default IP network configuration:

IP address: Subnet mask:


Chapter 4 System Management

Gateway: none
The eth3 interface is shared between the operating system and the management module. The interface has two MAC addresses and two IP addresses, but only one cable is connected to it. See the Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Hardware Manual for details on the Ethernet interfaces. To access the remote management interface, follow these steps: 1. Assign IP address to the computer that will access the remote management interface. 2. Connect this computer to eth3 on the Signaling Server either directly using a crossover cable, or connect through a standalone Ethernet hub or switch. 3. Enter the following URL from a Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox browser on the computer: You are redirected to secure HTTP (HTTPS) connection. A message related to the web site's security is displayed. You can click to continue to the web site, or you can install a security certificate on the system. 1. Log into the remote management interface using the following information:

User: siguser Password: siguser

The System Information page is displayed. 2. Click Remote Control in the top menu bar. 3. To launch the redirection console viewer, click Console Redirection. Note: You will need to install the Java Runtime Environment to use this option. 4. To see the server power status and perform power control functions, click Power Control. 5. The following power control functions are available:

Reset Server Power Off Server - Immediate Power Off Server - Orderly Shutdown Power On Server Power Cycle Server


Changing the IP Address of the Remote Management Interface

The remote management interface (Lights Out Management) IP address can be configured from within that interface itself. Once logged into the default you can change the IP address on the configuration>network menu. Note: Management and configuration of the Lights Out Interface is purely within the interface itself and wholly separate from Signaling Server Management Tools.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Hard Disk Management

Hard Disk Drive RAID Management

The SS7G41 systems are equipped with 2 mirrored hard disk drives configured in RAID 1 array (Redundant Array of Independent Disks). These disks will remain synchronized, ensuring that an up-to-date copy of all data on the disk drives (such as the operating system software, Dialogic DSI signaling software, system licenses and configuration files) will be maintained on both disks. In the event of failure of a single drive, the Signaling Server will continue to support the capabilities of the Signaling Server. When the failed disk drive is replaced with a unformatted disk drive, following the procedure below, the Signaling Server will mirror the operating software and data onto the new drive. In the event of hard disk failure, the system will alarm, identifying the disk as unavailable. The disk drive must be deactivated using the MNINI - Maintenance Inhibit Initiate command before removing and replacing the disk with a blank (unformatted) disk. Refer to hard disk drive removal instructions in the Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Hardware Manual. Once the disk has been replaced it should be activated using the MNINE Maintenance Uninhibit Initiate command at which time the system will attempt to perform a synchronization function, copying all software to the newly installed disk drive. The disk unavailable alarm will persist until both disk drives are synchronized. The disk unavailable alarm will persist even if a failed disk drive is removed and not replaced. Spare hard disk drives for the SS7G41 system are available as on orderable part. Refer to the Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Servers Product Data Sheet (navigate from the following for part number information): http://www.dialogic.com/products/signalingip_ss7components/ signaling_servers_and_gateways.htm Important: Although the RAID management software has been designed to be robust, it is important to follow the removal and replacement procedures described above, in order for RAID array hard disk drive integrity. Warning: USB storage devices should not be connected to the Signaling Server during hard disk drive removal and replacement. Verify that all attached USB storage devices are removed before performing HDD removal, replacement and re-activation. Disk drive replacement should be performed during a scheduled maintenance period preferably with the system shutdown, or for hot swap, during a period of light traffic. Re-synchronization of disk drives subsequent to replacement can take between 5-10 minutes, depending on the conditions and the load under which the Signaling Server is operating. The Signaling Server should not be restarted during this period and MMI activity should be limited to checking the status of the re-synchronization. The status of the disk drives can be identified using the STDDP - Disk Drive Status command. If the disk is replaced while the system is shutdown, when the system is restarted the status of the disk will remain DOWN until synchronization is started by deactivating and reactivating the disk using MNINI and MNINE. A status of INACTIVE indicates the disk has been deactivated by the user, a status of RESTARTING indicates that it is attempting to synchronize but the operation is not yet complete. A status of UP indicates that a disk is fully operational


Chapter 4 System Management

Following the RESTARTING state, if the status changes to DOWN either the replacement disk is faulty or RAID mirroring has failed due to the action of the hot swap. If this occurs, the Server should be restarted without the disk in place and the disk re-inserted once the system is operational. Synchronization is re-activated using MNINI and MNINE. If the server is restarted through power loss or user action while synchronization is in progress, the synchronizing disk will be in an indeterminate state and on restart may cause the server to fail to boot. In such an event the disk should be removed from the server and any formatting on the disk manually removed. The disk should be re-inserted in the server and the system booted. To restart synchronization use MNINI and MNINE. Alternatively, the system may be booted without the disk in place and the disk re-inserted once the system is operational. Synchronization is re-activated using MNINI and MNINE. Warning: Attempts to reactivate disks that have failed due to hardware reasons potentially can lead to a restart of the server. The server operates a watchdog to protect the operation of the server. If the server becomes unstable due to a failed hardware or software component, the watchdog will force a system restart to attempt to resolve the problem.


System Backup and Restoration

You can back up the system configuration, software licenses, and operating software to an archive which can be restored to the system at a later date. At startup the system will take a copy of the following system files storing them in the syslog subdirectory of the siguser account:

File SS7g40-siu.tgz Ss7g40-sws.tgz sgw.lic modcap config.CF3

Description A binary file contain SWS mode operating software, if present A binary file contain SIU mode operating software, if present. A text file containing the current software licenses active on the system, if present. A binary file containing a software license allowing Signaling Server operating software to function on this particular system. A binary configuration file containing dynamically configurable data that is common to all modes of operation. Parameters set by the CNSYS command would for example be stored in this file. The text configuration file for an SWS or SIU, if present.


The files can be recovered from the syslog directory using FTP as detailed below:
ftp user siguser password ******** cd syslog/dist ascii get config.txt get sgw.lic bin get sgw.lic get modcap get config.CF3 get SDC.CF4

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

cd dist get SS7G40-SIU.tgz get SS7G40-sgw.tgz bye

A Signaling Server may be restored to the configuration and licensing stored on the portable media by inserting the portable media (USB) into the Signaling Server and re-booting. On reboot, the system will install the files stored on USB onto the system. Configuration files present on the portable media will overwrite any in the FTPUSER directory. Note: Once the system has been restored, you must ensure that the USB is removed from the Signaling Server, otherwise on subsequent re-boot the system will again install the files stored on portable media. Note: You also have the ability to re-install any of the previously backed up system files (identified above) or to install a new text configuration file using FTP rather than from portable media. In this case, they should ftp the files onto the unit using the procedures defined in this manual.


Chapter 4 System Management


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

5 Configuration Commands
5.1 Overview

Initial SIU protocol and physical interface configuration is determined by a text file containing the parameters that are specific to a particular installation. It is necessary for you to modify this file to configure the unit for the desired operation. After this initial configuration, the unit must be restarted before the configuration is applied. Modifications to the configuration require that the text file be updated. If the modifications are to configuration elements capable of dynamic configuration (see Section 5.1.2, Dynamic Configuration on page 46), an update can take place without impact to other configuration elements in the system. If the configuration command cannot be dynamically configured, the Signaling Server requires a restart before the configuration updates can take effect. Signaling boards are configured using SS7_BOARD SS7 Board Configuration commands with the associated PCMs configured using the LIU_CONFIG Line Interface Configuration command. M2PA SIGTRAN Links are configured using the STN_LINK - SIGTRAN Link Configuration command. The MTP parameters are assigned using the MTP_CONFIG Global MTP Configuration, MTP_NC_CONFIG Network Context MTP Configuration, MTP_LINKSET MTP Link Set, MTP_LINK MTP Signaling Link and MTP_ROUTE - MTP Route commands. MTP link timers can be changed from their default values using the MTP2_TIMER, MTP3_TIMER and QSAAL_TIMER commands. The M3UA parameters are assigned using the STN_NC - SIGTRAN Network Context, STN_LAS SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration, STN_LINK - SIGTRAN Link Configuration, STN_RAS - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration, STN_RASLIST - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration, STN_ROUTE - SIGTRAN Route Configuration, STN_RSGLIST - SIGTRAN Route Signaling Gateway List Configuration and STN_LBIND - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration commands. SIGTRAN link timers can be changed from their default values using the SCTP_TIMER, M2PA_TIMER and M3UA_TIMER commands. The configuration parameters for the telephony user part are entered using the ISUP_CONFIG ISUP Configuration or CONFIG command, as appropriate. Circuit groups are configured using the xxx_CFG_CCTGRP commands. This allows a number of circuits to be configured with common attributes. Circuit groups are assigned unique logical identifiers, or group IDs (GID). A single gid must not be used by more than one telephony user part. The Circuit Identification Code (CIC) of the first circuit in the group is defined for each circuit group. Further circuits may be included in the group providing that the CIC of the last circuit is no more than 31 greater than the first CIC. The SCCP protocol is configured using the SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration and SCCP_SSR SCCP Sub-System Resources commands. Subsystems are assigned using SCCP_SSR. Concerned subsystems are configured using SCCP_CONC_SSR - SCCP Concerned Sub-Systems Configuration. The SCCP protocol is configured using the SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration, SCCP_NC_CONFIG SCCP Network Context Configuration and SCCP_SSR - SCCP Sub-System Resources commands. Subsystems are assigned using SCCP_SSR. Concerned subsystems are configured using SCCP_CONC_SSR - SCCP Concerned Sub-Systems Configuration. SCCP Global Title Translations are configured using the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN - Global Title Translation Pattern, SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS - Global Title Translation Address and SCCP_GTT Global Title Translations commands.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

TCAP on the Signaling Server is activated using the TCAP_CONFIG - TCAP Configuration and TCAP_NC_CONFIG - TCAP Network Context Configuration commands and may be configured with Dialog groups using the TCAP_CFG_DGRP - TCAP Dialog Group Configuration command. Configuration for INAP and MAP users of TCAP on the Signaling Server may be entered using the INAP_CONFIG - INAP Configuration, INAP_NC_CONFIG - INAP Network Context Configuration, INAP_FE - INAP Functional Entities, INAP_AC - INAP Application Context, MAP_CONFIG - MAP Configuration and MAP_NC_CONFIG - MAP Configuration commands. DTS users requiring more than 16 hosts should configure the number of host using the DTS_CONFIG command. Note: The definitions of the configuration commands used within this manual are applicable to the versions of software defined in the applicability statement provided in Section 1.1.2, Applicability on page 13. The Signaling Server software continues to support older versions of the commands identified in earlier revisions of this manual unless explicitly stated in the Release Notes for the product. It is recommended; however, that the format of commands used is that which is defined in this revision of the manual. Note: Attempting to mix, in the same configuration file, lines that use current command formats with lines that use older command formats may give rise to restart errors indicating inconsistent command format. The configuration commands and their parameters are defined in the following sections.


Syntax Conventions

In the command description sections of this chapter, the text under the subheading Syntax shows a line in the configuration file. The following conventions apply:

Each line starts with a keyword and is followed by a number of <parameters>. Items in square brackets [ ] are optional. The first * in a line indicates that the remainder of the line is a comment with no syntactical
significance to the operation of the Signaling Server. Each <parameter> may be:

A numeric value, specified in decimal format (for example, 1234) or in hexadecimal format by
prefixing the value with 0x (for example, 0x4d2). The least significant bit is designated bit 0.

Specified as bit field values, where each bit set to 1 specifies a particular configuration option. A token, where the possible values are defined in the relevant section.
5.1.2 Dynamic Configuration

Dynamic configuration is a feature supported by the Signaling Server providing a user with the ability to add or remove configuration elements on the unit without affecting the status of other elements and without the need for a system restart. The update to the configuration is achieved by allowing a user to: 1. Modify the configuration file and transfer it into the unit via FTP. 2. Apply an MML command to update the configuration of a circuit group.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

This allows the Signaling Server users to escalate their systems by adding or removing resources at runtime without the need to apply a system restart to the unit. In the case that a unit restart is required, the last transferred configuration is the one that is adopted.
See Section 7.9.1, Config.txt-Based Dynamic Configuration on page 284 for more information.


Programming Circuit Group Configuration

This feature provides an alternative method for dynamic configuration by allowing a host application program to add, delete, or modify ISUP circuit groups by transmitting configuration messages directly to the ISUP protocol module running on the Signaling Server. Programmatic circuit group configuration does not affect the state of existing circuits and does not require a system restart.


Command Sequence

The configuration commands must be entered in the order specified below. The command at the top of the table should be at the start of the configuration file, with the remaining commands following in the order that they appear in the table.
Table 1. Command Summary


Summary Set IP address of partner unit in a dual resilient configuration Specify the number of host computers attached to the SIU Configure signaling boards Configure T1/E1 PCM network interface trunks Configure ATM Cell Streams Define network context and point code type to be used by M3UA Define SIGTRAN links Define a local application server Define a remote application server Attach a list of M3UA links to a remote application server Define SIGTRAN routes Attach a list of signaling gateways to a SIGTRAN route Associate the local application server with a remote application server or remote signaling gateway - identifying the route to reach the destination. Configure SCTP Timers Configure M2PA Timers Configure M3UA Set global MTP operating parameters



Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Table 1. Command Summary (Continued)


Summary Set global MTP parameters for an SS7 Network Context Define link sets Define signaling links Configure MTP2 (link) timers Configure MTP3 timers Configure QSAAL timers Configure MTP3 routing Specify a user supplied user part Set global ISUP operating parameters Configure ISUP timers Configure ISUP circuit groups Set SCCP operating parameters Set SCCP operating parameters for Network Context Add a translation to the SCCP global title translation table. Define the global title to be used as the primary or backup destination of a translation. Define the received global title pattern to be matched for a global title translation. Configure SCCP sub-system resource Configure SCCP concerned sub-system resource Set MAP operating parameters Set MAP Network Context operating parameters Set DTS operating parameters Set TCAP operating parameters Set TCAP Network Context operating parameters Define a range of dialogs for a TCAP host Set INAP operating parameters Set INAP Network Context operating parameters Define INAP Application Context Define INAP Functional Entity




Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

TCAP, MAP and INAP commands, as well as SCCP commands that relate to these protocol require a specific protocol license before they can be used.


Detection of Errors in the Configuration File

The Signaling Server reports errors in the protocol configuration file using the alarm listing available on the management interface. The failure of one or more commands from the file is indicated by a Configuration failed alarm report. If possible, the report also includes a detailed description of the error, as a Restart error report, indicating the line number and optionally command type and parameter that are in error. Some examples are provided below:
Alarm List (active alarms) CLA CATEGORY ID TITLE 5 SYS 0 Parse errors 5 SYS 0 Configuration failed 5 SYS 30 Restart error: SS7_BOARD parameter 2 bad value 5 SYS 42 Restart error: MTP_LINKSET number of parameters 5 SYS 47 Restart error: MTP_LINK unacceptable command 5 SYS 72 Restart error: ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP unacceptable command

The presence of such alarm events in the system indicates that the protocol will not function correctly, hence the operator should consult the section detailing the configuration command in error in order to diagnose and correct the fault before proceeding. Note: If the Restart error alarm Inconsistent command format appears in the alarm list, this indicates that a configuration contains a mix of obsolescent format and current format of statements. To avoid this and to be able to make use of newer features and capabilities introduced since the initial release of the Dialogic DSI Signaling Server products, you should ensure that:

MTP_ROUTE statements in your configuration have all documented parameters present (NC is
optional however)

SCCP_LSS is not used - use SCCP_SSR for LSS configuration SCCP_RSS is not used - use SCCP_SSR for RSS configuration
SCCP_RSP is not used - use SCCP_SSR for RSP configuration


Optional Commands
SIU_HOSTS Number of Hosts

When this command is present, it specifies the number of host computers that the Signaling Server will configure and activate. The command also identifies the host backup mode. This command may not be specified when HOSTS is set to N by the CNHSS MMI command. Applicability SIU Syntax
SIU_HOSTS <num_hosts> <backup_mode> <options>


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


Parameters The SIU_HOSTS command includes the following parameters:


The number of hosts attached to the Signaling Server, in the range 1 to 128. The specified number of hosts must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of host configured on the associated MMI CNHSS command. When the SIU_HOSTS command is not present, the Signaling Server configures the maximum number of hosts available in the system. The system will then activate the minimum number of hosts required for operation as specified by the CNHSS MMI command. The rest are deactivated, allowing you to dynamically activate or deactivate them using the MNINI and MNINE MML commands. The default value for the minimum number of hosts is 1.


The backup host algorithm, with of value of 0, 1 or 2 as follows:

When this parameter is set to 0 or the SIU_HOSTS command is not present, the Signaling
Serverdoes not employ the backup host mechanism.

When set to a value of 1, primary and backup hosts are paired 0-1, 2-3, 4-5 etc. If the link to
host 0 fails, messages are sent instead to host 1 and vice versa. When the link recovers, normal routing resumes.

When set to a value of 2, primary and backup hosts are paired 0-32, 1-33, 2-34 etc. If the link
to host 0 fails, messages are sent instead to host 32 and vice versa. When the link recovers, normal routing resumes.

The ability to configure backup hosts allows management and/or signaling messages to be redirected to a backup host application in the event of primary host failure. When using ISUP, for example, this mechanism allows continued use of circuits if the primary host for a circuit group were to fail. Once the primary host link has been recovered, messages are again sent to it from the Signaling Server. Backup hosts can be employed when configured for ISUP. Backup hosts may also be used for SCCP operation however, they may not be used in configurations that utilize DTS/DTC. You should ensure that both primary and backup hosts are configured and active.

Options BIT 0 - When set received MTP-Transfer-Indications will be evenly distributed across all available hosts. The distribution will be in a 'Round-Robin' manner such that the subsequent message gets routed to the next available host All other bits are reserved and should be set to zero.

A 32-bit value, each bit of which enables or disables additional configuration options:

SIU host configuration is viewed using the CNHSP MMI command and status and measurement for SIU host links read using the STHLP and MSHLP commands.


SIU_REM_ADDR Other Signaling Server Ethernet Address


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The SIU_REM_ADDR command defines the network IP address of the other unit when configured in a dual resilient configuration. This command should be omitted if the Signaling Server is not in a dual resilient configuration. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SIU_REM_ADDR <remote_address>


Parameters The SIU_REM_ADDR command includes the following parameters:


The IP address of the other Signaling Server in a dual resilient configuration. Signaling Server dual configuration is viewed using the CNDUP MMI command and status and measurement for the link to the partner Signaling Server read using the STRLP and MSRLP commands.


Physical Interface Commands

SS7_BOARD - SS7 Board Configuration LIU_CONFIG - Line Interface Configuration STREAM_XCON - Cross Connect Configuration ATM_CELL_STREAM

The physical interface commands include:


SS7_BOARD SS7 Board Configuration

The SS7_BOARD command configures a Dialogic DSI SS7 Network Interface Board and its PCM ports. Note: Prior to the use of this command the board must first be configured using the CNBOS MMI where the correct board type should be associated with the board and the system restarted. This configuration is required so that a physical board can be associated with a logical board position. This operation is part of the initial system configuration and therefore normally no action is required of the user. If a board is subsequently replaced however the CNBOS must be used to initially set the board type to NONE and then back to the correct board type and the system restarted so that the operating software is updated with the new hardware configuration. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SS7_BOARD <bpos> <board_type> <flags>


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

SS7_BOARD 0 SS7LD SS7_BOARD 1 SS7LD 0x0001 0x001

Parameters The SS7_BOARD command includes the following parameters:


The board position of the of the signaling board. The valid range is 0 to 1, with board 0 at the bottom of the chassis.


The board type. Valid values are: SS7LD and SS7MD.


Bit 0 indicates the clocking mode.

A 16-bit value used to configure run-time configuration options as follows: When not set T1/E1 clocks are generated from the local oscillator on this board. When set T1/E1 clocks are recovered from the highest priority T1/E1 port on this board and used as the output clock for all other ports on this board. The highest priority clock source is taken from the first configured PCM and then the next highest priority from subsequent configured ports Bit 16 When set on a SS7MD board with LIUs in use for ATM operation the ATM Forum Idle cell format will be used rather than ITU. Bit 19 - When set the system will ensure that timestamps are always later than the previous reported timestamp. In situations where for whatever reason time is adjusted backwards the timestamps will increase at the minimal amount until the current time is again greater than the previous reported timestamp. All other bits in the <flags> parameter are reserved and should be set to zero. Board configuration is viewed using the CNBOP MMI command its status read using the STBOP MMI command.


LIU_CONFIG Line Interface Configuration

The LIU_CONFIG command is used to configure the PCM format used by the signaling boards. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
LIU_CONFIG <port_id> <pcm> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> <reserved1> <build_out> <reserved2> <flags>

LIU_CONFIG 0 1-3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0x0000

Parameters The LIU_CONFIG command includes the following parameters:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Logically identifies the PCM port in the Signaling Server range. The port_id should be unique within the system and in the range 0 to 7.


Identifies the physical interface to the system for LIU. It is a compound parameter, made up of board position and LIU interface number. The boards on the Signaling Server are numbered from 0 to 1, with board 0 at the bottom of the chassis. Valid values for the interface on the board are 1 to 4 for the SS7LD and SS7MD boards.


Specifies the physical type of interface required according to the following table. Note that this must be selected by you to be appropriate for the actual hardware fitted otherwise, an error status is returned. This parameter must be set to one of the following values:

Value 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning T1 E1 balanced E1 high-impedance (for monitoring applications) T1 high-impedance (for monitoring applications) E1 protective monitoring point (for monitoring applications) T1 protective monitoring point (for monitoring applications)

Note: Use of the Buildout parameter is not relevant when monitoring. Users are required to set it to a value of 0 when the liu type is configured for high-impedance or as a protective monitoring point.


The line coding technique. The following table shows the permitted values and their meaning.

Value 1 2 4

Description HDB3 (E1 only) AMI B8ZS (T1 only)


The frame format. The following table shows the permitted values and their meaning.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Value 1 2 3 4 7 8 9

Description E1 double frame (E1). E1 CRC4 multiframe (E1). F4 4-frame multiframe (T1) SS7MD only. D3/D4 - Yellow alarm = bit 2 in each channel (T1). ESF - Yellow alarm in data link channel (T1). F72/SLC96 -72-frame multiframe) (T1) SS7MD only J1 frame format (T1] SS7MD only


The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) mode of operation. The following table shows the permitted values and their meaning.

Value 1 2 4

Description CRC generation disabled CRC4 enabled (frame_format must be set to 2) CRC6 enabled (frame_format must be set to 7)


This parameter is unused (reserved) and should be set to 0.


Specifies the range of build out settings for a T1 interface. The parameter is required for SS7MD boards. The following table shows the permitted values and their meaning.

Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Description (when used on a SS7LD) Setting for E1 devices T1 Default (short haul) T1 short haul 0 - 133 ft T1 short haul 133 - 266 ft T1 short haul 266 - 399 ft T1 short haul 399 - 533 ft T1 short haul 533 - 655 ft


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Value 8 9 10 12

Description (when used on a SS7LD) T1 long haul LBO (-0dB) T1 long haul LBO (-7.5dB) T1 long haul LBO (-15dB) T1 long haul LBO (-22.5dB)

Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Description (when used on a SS7LD) Setting for E1 devices T1 Default (short haul) T1 short haul 0 - 110 ft T1 short haul 110 - 220 ft T1 short haul 220 - 330 ft T1 short haul 330 - 440 ft T1 short haul 440 - 550 ft T1 short haul 550 - 600 ft T1 long haul LBO (-0dB)


This parameter is unused (reserved) and should be set to 0.


A 16-bit value used to configure run-time configuration. This field is reserved for future used and should be set to 0. PCM configuration is viewed using the CNPCP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STPCP an MSPCP MMI commands. After startup additional PCMs can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNPCI command. PCMs are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNPCE MMI command.


STREAM_XCON - Cross Connect Configuration

The STREAM_XCON command controls the cross connect switch on the signaling boards, enabling the cross- connection of timeslots between the two PCM ports on each signaling board or a fixed pattern to be generated on specified timeslots. The PCM ports on a board are referenced by a fixed logical stream number. Syntax
STREAM_XCON <bpos> <stream_a> <stream_b> <mode> <ts_mask> <pattern>

Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

STREAM_XCON 3 2 3 3 0xfffefffe 0

Parameters The STREAM_XCON command includes the following parameters:


The board position of the cross connect switch to be controlled. There must be a valid board at this position (previously defined by an SS7_BOARD command).


A reference to the 2 Mbps stream for the output of the connection or the fixed data pattern. There must be a valid PCM port at this position (previously defined by a LIU_CONFIG command). Valid values are 0 to 3.


A reference to the 2 Mbps stream for the input of a simplex connection (mode 2) or one half of a duplex cross connection (mode 3). In other modes, this field should be set to zero. There must be a valid PCM port at this position (previously defined by a LIU_CONFIG command). Valid values are 0 to 3


Indicates the requested cross connect switch function according to the following table.

Mode 1 2 3

Function Set a fixed pattern specified by <pattern> on the output timeslot(s). Connect the input timeslot to the output timeslot. Duplex cross-connect the input and output timeslot.

A 32-bit mask specifying the timeslots to apply the cross connect or pattern to. Each bit corresponds to a timeslot in the input/output stream. Bit 0 (the least significant bit) corresponds to timeslot number 0. To apply this command to a timeslot, the corresponding bit must be set to one.

E1 interfaces have 32 timeslots numbered 0 to 31. Timeslot 0 is used for frame alignment and
timeslot 16 is generally used for signaling or is empty. Hence the normal SIU configuration is to cross connect timeslots 1 to 15 and 17 to 31 between the two ports on each signaling board by setting the ts_mask value to 0xfffefffe. interface between the two PCM ports on a signaling board, the ts_mask value 0x1fffffe should be used.

T1 interfaces have 24 timeslots, numbered 1 to 24. To cross connect all the timeslots on a T1

In duplex mode both PCM ports should have been previously configured under the same type of PCM connector E1 or T1.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

One byte of fixed data to output in pattern mode (mode 1) on the output stream/timeslot. In other modes, this parameter should be set to zero.



The ATM_CELL_STREAM command allows the configuration of ATM Cell Streams. In terms of configuration ATM Cell Streams sit above LIUs and are referred to by MTP or Monitor ATM links. Syntax
ATM_CELL_STREAM <cell_str_id> <board_id> <l2_str_id> <port_id> <flags> <reserved> <def_vpi> <def_vci>

ATM_CELL_STREAM 0 1 0 0 0x06 0 1 6

Parameters The ATM_CELL_STREAM command includes the following parameters:

< cell_str_id > <pos>

The logical Cell Stream ID from the ATM modules perspective The board position of the signaling processor allocated for this ATM link.

Only boards of type SS7MD may be associated with ATM Cell Streams. <l2_str_id> <port_id>

The Layer 2 ID of the Cell Stream within the board. In the range of 0 to one less than the maximum number of Cell Streams supported per board. LIU ports logical identifier(s) to be used by the cell stream. The parameter is subject to the following pre-requisites:

LIU port specified may not be associated with any other cell stream. LIU port or ports must be associated with the board.
Note: The associated timeslot bitmap of active timeslots within TDM streams for E1 is 0xfffefffe and for T1/J1 is 0x01fffffe as per G.804.


A 16-bit value containing additional flags for the ATM link. The bit significance is as follows: Bit 0 - Enable payload scrambling Bit 1 - Use ATM coset in HEC calculation Bit 2 - Autocorrect invalid cells if possible Note: Either Payload Scrambling or ATM Coset mode, or both, must be enabled. Payload Scrambling is a requirement G.804 operation on an E1.

<reserved> This parameter is unused (reserved) and should be set to 0.

<def_vpi> <def_vci>

A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active connections. This is the VPI that will be used for this connection. A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active connections. This is the VCI that will be used for this connection. Values 0, 3 and 4 are reserved and should not be used.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

ATM Cell Stream configuration is viewed using the CNACP MMI command. Cell Stream measurements read using the MSACP MMI commands. After startup additional Cell Streams can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNACI command. Cell Streams are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNACE MMI command.


MTP Commands
MTP_CONFIG - Global MTP Configuration MTP_NC_CONFIG - Network Context MTP Configuration MTP_LINKSET - MTP Link Set MTP_LINK - MTP Signaling Link MTP2_TIMER - MTP2 Timer Configuration MTP3_TIMER - MTP3 Timer Configuration QSAAL_TIMER - QSAAL Timer Configuration MTP_ROUTE - MTP Route MTP_USER_PART - MTP User Part MONITOR_LINK - Monitor Link

The MTP commands include:


MTP_CONFIG Global MTP Configuration

The MTP_ CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for MTP when existing in a single network or for Network Context 0 (NC0) when existing in multiple Network Contexts. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MTP_CONFIG <reserved1> <reserved2> <options>

Example MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000 Parameters The MTP_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <reserved1>

Reserved for future use. This parameter should be set to zero. <reserved2>

Reserved for future use. This parameter should be set to zero. <options>

A 32-bit value, each bit of which enables or disables additional configuration options:

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Bit 0 defines the operation of MTP3 when a message is received from the SS7 network with a Destination Point Code (DPC) different from the local point code configured for the link set. When set to zero, these messages are discarded. When set to 1, all received messages are processed regardless of dpc value. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 1 defines the operation of MTP3 when a message is received from the SS7 network with a sub-service field (ssf) value different from the ssf value configured for the link set. When set to zero, these messages are discarded. When set to 1, all received messages are processed regardless of ssf value. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 3 determines the behavior when a message is received from the SS7 network for a User Part that has not been configured. If set to 1, a User Part Unavailable (UPU) message is issued to the network, zero prevents the UPU from being issued. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 6 controls the operation of the Signaling Route Set Test mechanism. Normally, when a remote signaling point becomes unavailable, a periodic Signaling Route Set Test message is issued in order to ensure that subsequent availability of the signaling point is detected. Setting this bit to 1 disables the sending of this message. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 8 selects between ITU-T (CCITT) and ANSI operation. If set to 1, the MTP operates in accordance with ANSI T1.111, if set to 0, the MTP operates in accordance with the ITU-T (CCITT) Q.700 series recommendations. Bit 9 selects between 14/16-bit point codes and 24-bit point codes: - When set to 0, 14-bit or 16-bit point codes are selected (see also Bit 20). - When set to 1, 24-bit point codes are selected. Note: Bit 9 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation.
Bit 10 is used to enable multiple congestion states.

Note: Bit 10 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation.

Bit 11 is used to enable Multiple Message Priority operation.

Note: Bit 11 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation. Bit 16 is used to control the usage of the hdr->id field of MTP Transfer Indication messages: - When set to 0, the id field contains the User Part Reference (or Service Indicator), this is primarily useful for backward compatibility. - When set to 1, the id field provides an indication of the MTP Label Format used in the parameter area. This is the recommended setting for all new designs.

Note: Bit 16 must to be set to 1 for the mixed network ISUP configuration.
Bit 17 controls how received Transfer Controlled and Signaling Route Set Congestion Messages that are not destined for the local point code are processed: - When set to 0, messages are discarded. - When set to 1, messages are sent to fixed module_id 0x0a on the host. Bit 18 controls MTP3 operation on detection of Remote Processor Outage (RPO): - When set to 0, on detection of RPO, the signaling link is taken out of service and restoration commences. This setting is useful for backward compatibility. - When set to 1, normal setting, RPO is handled in accordance with the ITU-T 1992 (and later) recommendations. Bit 19 is used when MTP3 is operating in dual mode to control which bit of the Sub-Service Field is used to flag messages that have been received by one MTP3 and are being conveyed to the dual module over the inter-MTP3 link set. o 0 - Normal setting; sub-Service Field bit 2 is modified. o 1 - Alternative setting; sub-Service Field bit 0 is modified. Bit 20 is used to select between 14-bit point codes and 16-bit point codes. It is only significant when 24-bit point codes are not selected (that is, when bit 9 is set to 0):


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

- When set to 0, 14-bit point codes are selected. - When set to 1, 16-bit point codes are selected. Bit 21 is used to activate Japan-specific MTP3 operation: - When set to 0, normal setting, Japan-specific functionality is disabled. - When set to 1, Japan-specific functionality is enabled. Bit 22 the handling of received Route Set Test Messages. It should only be set if bit 17 is also set: - Normal operation; Route Set Test messages processed by MTP3. - When set to 1, messages are sent to fixed module_id 0x0a on the host.

Note: For correct Japan-specific operation, you should also select 16-bit point codes by setting bit 20 as well as bit 21. All other bits are reserved and should be set to zero. Note: For correct ANSI operation, bits 8, 9, 10, 11 and 18 must be set to 1. This gives a typical <options> field value of 0x00040f00 for ANSI configurations.


MTP_NC_CONFIG Network Context MTP Configuration

The MTP_NC_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for MTP existing in an additional SS7 Network Context to that identified by the MTP_CONFIG command. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. Applicability SIU Syntax
MTP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <options>


Parameters The MTP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that MTP is being configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 and NC3.

Bit 0 defines the operation of MTP3 when a message is received from the SS7 network with a Destination Point Code (DPC) different from the local point code configured for the link set. When set to zero, these messages are discarded. When set to 1, all received messages are processed regardless of DPC value. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 1 defines the operation of MTP3 when a message is received from the SS7 network with a sub-service field (ssf) value different from the ssf value configured for the link set. When set to zero, these messages are discarded. When set to 1, all received messages are processed regardless of ssf value. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 3 determines the behavior when a message is received from the SS7 network for a User Part that has not been configured. If set to 1, a User Part Unavailable (UPU) message

A 32-bit value, each bit of which enables or disables additional configuration options:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

is issued to the network. If set to zero, UPU messages are not issued. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 6 controls the operation of the Signaling Route Set Test mechanism. Normally, when a remote signaling point becomes unavailable, a periodic Signaling Route Set Test message is issued to ensure that subsequent availability of the signaling point is detected. Setting this bit to 1 disables the sending of this message. This bit is normally set to zero. Bit 8 selects between ITU-T (CCITT) and ANSI operation. If set to 1, the MTP operates in accordance with ANSI T1.111. If set to 0, the MTP operates in accordance with the ITU-T (CCITT) Q.700 series recommendations. Bit 9 selects between 14/16-bit point codes and 24-bit point codes: - When set to 0, 14-bit or 16-bit point codes are selected (see also Bit 20). - When set to 1, 24-bit point codes are selected. Note: Note: Note: Bit 9 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation. Bit 10 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation. Bit 11 must always be set to 1 for ANSI operation.

Bit 10 is used to enable multiple congestion states. Bit 11 is used to enable Multiple Message Priority operation. Bit 16 is used to control the usage of the hdr->id field of MTP Transfer Indication messages: - When set to 0, the id field contains the User Part Reference (or Service Indicator), this is primarily useful for backward compatibility. - When set to 1, the id field provides an indication of the MTP Label Format used in the parameter area. This is the recommended setting for all new designs. Note: Bit 16 must to be set to 1 for the mixed network ISUP configuration.

Bit 17 controls how received Transfer Controlled and Signaling Route Set Congestion Messages that are not destined for the local point code are processed: - When set to 0, messages are discarded. - When set to 1, messages are sent to fixed module_id 0x0a on the host. Bit 18 controls MTP3 operation on detection of Remote Processor Outage (RPO):
- When set to 0, on detection of RPO, the signaling link is taken out of service and restoration commences. This setting is useful for backward compatibility. - When set to 1, which is the normal setting, RPO is handled in accordance with the ITU-T 1992 (and later) recommendations.

Bit 20 is used to select between 14-bit point codes and 16-bit point codes. It is only significant when 24-bit point codes are not selected (that is, when bit 9 is set to 0): - When set to 0, 14-bit point codes are selected. - When set to 1, 16-bit point codes are selected.
Bit 21 is used to activate Japan-specific MTP3 operation:

- When set to 0, normal setting, Japan-specific functionality is disabled. - When set to 1, Japan-specific functionality is enabled. Bit 22 the handling of received Route Set Test Messages. It should only be set if bit 17 is also set: - Normal operation; Route Set Test messages processed by MTP3. - When set to 1, messages are sent to fixed module_id 0x0a on the host. Note: For correct Japan-specific operation, you should also select 16-bit point codes by setting bit 20 as well as bit 21.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

All other bits are reserved and should be set to zero.



The MTP_LINKSET command defines link sets. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MTP_LINKSET [<nc_id>] <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>

MTP_LINKSET 0 321 2 0x0000 320 0x8 MTP_LINKSET NC0 0 321 2 0x0000 320 0x8

Parameters The MTP_LINKSET command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Signaling Point Code (SPC) uniquely identify an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3.


The logical identity of the link set, in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of link sets supported. This ID is used in other commands for reference.


The point code of the adjacent signaling point.


The (maximum) number of links that are allocated to the link set. The valid range is 1 to 16.


A 16-bit value used to specify run time options:

Bit 3 when set enables restart procedures for this link set.

Bit 15 assigns special functionality to a link set for use in inter- Signaling Server communication. For a normal link set conforming to the SS7 specifications, this bit must be set to 0. Note: Bit 15 must be set for the inter- Signaling Server link set between a Mode A Signaling Server and a Mode B Signaling server in a dual resilient configuration.
All other bits are reserved and should be set to zero.


The local signaling point code for this link set.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The value to be used in the sub-service field of level 3 messages for this link set. The valid range is 0 to 15. For ANSI operation, the two least significant bits (B and A) must be set to 1 to assign a message priority of 3 to all MTP3 generated messages. The remaining two bits are the network indicators (bits C and D).
Note: For correct Signaling Server operation, the adjacent point code must also appear in an

MTP_ROUTE declaration. MTP Link set configuration is viewed using the CNLSP MMI command. After startup additional Link Sets can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNLSI command. Link Sets are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNLSE MMI command.


MTP_LINK MTP Signaling Link

The MTP_LINK command allows the user to configure terminated links for HSL, LSL, M2PA and ATM signaling. The parameters required and their usage is different for each mode of operation. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
HSL/LSL Links: MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id>> <link_ref> <slc> <bpos> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <flags> <if_mode> M2PA Links: MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> 0 <snlink_id> 0 0 0 <flags> M2PA ATM Links: MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <bpos> <l2_link_id> <cell_str_id> <vpi> <vci> <flags> ATM

MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0x00000006 TDM MTP_LINK 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0x00000006 M2PA MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 0x00000002 ATM

Parameters The MTP_LINK command includes the following parameters: <interface mode>

<interface_mode> identifies the interface type for signaling links. The interface mode should be set to one of the following values:

Interface_mode TDM

Description Single timeslot signaling link


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


Description SIGTRAN M2PA Signaling Link ATM Signaling Link Framed 31 timeslot E1 operation Framed 24 timeslot T1 operation Structured 30 timeslot E1 operation (timeslots 0 and 16 are used for signaling)

The interface_mode value must be consistent with the liu_type and frame_format values of the LIU_CONFIG command. <link_id>

The links unique logical link identity within the Signaling Server. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of signaling links supported. <linkset_id>

The logical identity of the link set to which the link belongs. The link set must already have been

configured using the MTP_LINKSET command. <link_ref>

The logical identity of the signaling link within the link set. It should be in the range 0 to 15. This is usually be the same value set for the <slc> parameter below. <slc>

The signaling link code for the signaling link. This must be unique within the link. The valid range is 0 to 15. <bpos>

The board position of the signaling processor allocated for this signaling link. The board must already have been configured using the SS7_BOARD command. Set to 0 if the MTP link is associated with an M2PA link. <blink>

The index of the logical signaling processor (SP) channel (on the board) allocated for this signaling link. For Dialogic DSI SS7LD Network Interface Boards or supporting 16 low speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 15.
For Dialogic DSI SS7MD Network Interface supporting 124 low speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 124. For Dialogic DSI SS7MD Network Interface supporting 4 high speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 3.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

When the SS7 link is to be conveyed over M2PA, the blink parameter identifies the SNLINK (link_id).


The board position of the stream from which the signaling is to be inserted. This parameter must have the same value as <bpos>. <stream>

A reference to the logical PCM highway from which the signaling processor is to insert the signaling. This must be in the range 0 to 3. Set to 0 if the MTP link is associated with an M2PA link. Valid values are shown in the following table:

Stream 0 1 2 3

Port 1 2 3 4


The timeslot on the <stream> that should be used for signaling. For a T1 port, the range is 1 to 24. For an E1 port, the valid range is 1 to 31. The timeslot must not have been previously assigned another MTP or Monitor link. Set to zero if the MTP link is associated with an M2PA link. For HSL links, the timeslot parameter should be set to 0xff to indicate that the link is attached to an LIU configured with the LIU_CONFIG command. HSL signaling may not use timeslots already configured for signaling or data. <flags>

A 32-bit value, each bit enabling or disabling additional run-time options: Bit 0 is used to signify override automatic selection of proving period. When set to 1, bit 3 is used to determine whether to use the EMERGENCY or NORMAL proving procedures. If set to 0, the appropriate proving period in accordance with the SS7 protocol is used. Bit 1 when set to 1 causes a signaling link test to be performed on link activation/restoration. If set to 0, a signaling link test is not performed. This bit should normally be set to 1. Bit 2 when set to 1 enables a periodic signaling link test. When set to 0, periodic signaling link tests are not automatically performed. This bit should normally be set to 1. Bit 3 when set to 1 forces NORMAL proving, otherwise EMERGENCY proving is used. If Bit 0 is set to 0, then the appropriate proving period in accordance with the SS7 protocol is used and Bit 3 has no influence. Bit 7 selects the LSSU length indicator. If set to 1, the unit sends two octet LSSU messages. If set to 0, the unit sends one octet LSSU messages.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Bit 8 selects the error correction method used by this link. If set to 1, Preventative Cyclic Retransmission (PCR) is used. If set to 0, the basic error correction method is used. PCR is typically only used over transmission links where the transmission delay is large (such as satellite links). Bits 10 and 11 select either 64, 56, or 48 Kbps operation, and are used when a link operates over a T1 or E1 timeslot. Use of these bits is as follows:

Bit 11 0

Bit 10 0

Rate 64 Kbps

Timeslot Usage Set both to zero for E1_HSL and T1_HSL operation. HSL framed operation uses these bits in a similar manner to single timeslot signaling to select 64 Kbps, 56 Kbps or 48 Kbps operation that applies to all timeslots within the HSL link.

0 1

1 1

48 Kbps 56 Kbps

bits 7&8 not used bit 8 not used

Bit 12 sequence number length. Set to 1 the HSL signaling link will use a 12-bit sequence number. Set to 0, the HSL signaling link will use a 7-bit sequence number. 12 bit sequence numbers may not be used for LSL links.
All other bits are reserved and should be set to zero. For ATM -only bits 0 to 2 are used.

<l2_link_id> The layer 2 ID of the ATM link, within the board. <cell_str_id> This parameter indicates the ATM_CELL_STREAM to be used. <vpi> The VPI associated with the ATM link on the cell stream. <vci> The VCI associated with the ATM link on the cell stream.

Additional Prerequisites for ATM Operation The VPI and VCI ranges are statically defined in the initial configuration. The VPI/VCI range must be unique for all the virtual ports, but constraints exist on the VPI and VCI value distribution as the total number of VPI/VCI and cell stream combinations must be less than 65535 i.e. a 16bit range. By default, 3 bits are allocated for cell streams, thus 13 bits are available for the VPI/VCI address masks. The default number of bits in the VPI address mask is 4, allocated to the lowest four bits, 0x00F, thus providing 16 valid VPIs from 0 to 15. The default for the VCI is to set the lowest nine bits of the VCI address mask, 0x01FF, thus providing 512 valid VCIs from 0 to 511 (note that VCI addresses 0, 3 and 4 are reserved). If it is necessary to match VPI/VCI address combinations outside these ranges, then the address bit masks can be rearranged, provided that the maximum number of mask bits used is not exceeded. This can result in matching non-contiguous VCI or VPI address ranges. For example, VPI mask 0x09C will allow handling the following VPIs: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, and 156.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

In addition to the VPI/VCI address mask requirements, the following prerequisites should also be observed: Non ATM signaling links cannot be associated with LIUs timeslots used by an ATM cell stream. Up to 128 ATM signaling links can be associated with a SS7MD card. MTP Signaling Link configuration is viewed using the CNSLP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STSLP an MSSLP MMI commands. After startup additional Signaling Links can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNSLI command. Signaling Links are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNSLE MMI command.


MTP2_TIMER - MTP2 Timer Configuration

The MTP2_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the MTP2 protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MTP2_TIMER [<nc_id>] <table_id> <timer_id > <value>

MTP2_TIMER 0 T4N 550 MTP2_TIMER NC1 0 T4N 550

Parameters The MTP2_TIMER command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the MTP2 timer is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed.


Reserved for future use and must always be set to zero. Timer table identifier. Configuration of MTP3 supports up to four tables of timers, one per Network Context. Values are in the range 0 to 3, where table 0 provides timer values for Network Context 0, table 1 provides values for Network Context 1, etc.


A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: T1, T2, T3, T4N, T4E, T5, T6, or T7


The timer value in multiples of tenths of a second (100 ms).

Any timers not configured continue to be set to the values shown in the following table. ITU-T or ANSI selection is made by setting the value of the MTP_CONFIG options parameter.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

MTP2 Timer T1 T2 T3 T4N T4E T5 T6 T7

ITU-T 64k mode 45 s 30 s 1.2 s 8.2 s 500 ms 100 ms 5.5 s 1.7 s

ITU-T 48k mode 45 s 30 s 1.2 s 2.3 s 600 ms 100 ms 5.5 s 1.7 s

ANSI 64k mode 13 s 23 s 11.5 s 2s 500 ms 100 ms 5.5 s 1.5 s

ANSI 56k mode 13 s 23 s 11.5 s 2.3 s 600 ms 100 ms 5.5 s 1.5 s

HSL 300 s 30 s 1.2 s 30 s 500 ms 100 ms 5.5 s 1.5 s

Note: The Signaling Server does not perform checks on MTP2 timer values.


MTP3_TIMER - MTP3 Timer Configuration

The MTP3_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the MTP3 protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MTP3_TIMER [<nc_id>] <table_id> <timer_id > <value>

MTP3_TIMER 0 T4 12 MTP3_TIMER NC1 0 T4 12

Parameters The MTP3_TIMER command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the MTP3 Timer is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed.


Reserved for future use and must always be set to zero. Timer table identifier. Configuration of MTP3 supports up to four tables of timers, one per Network Context. Values are in the range 0 to 3, where table 0 provides timer values for Network Context 0, table 1 provides values for Network Context 1, etc.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T10, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T22, T23 T24, SLTC1 or SLTC2.


The timer value in multiples of tenths of a second (100ms). Any timers not configured continue to be set to the values shown in the following table. ITU-T or ANSI selection is made by setting the value of the MTP_CONFIG options parameter.

MTP3 Timer T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T10 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T22 T23 T24 SLTC T1 SLTC T2

ITU-T mode 1s 1.5 s 1s 1s 1s 1s 45 s 1.2 s 1.2 s 3s 3s 1.8 s 1s 270 s 270 s 500 ms 7s 30 s

ANSI mode 1s 1.5 s 1s 1s 1s 1s 45 s 1.2 s 1.2 s 2.5 s 2.5 s 1.8 s 1s 270 s 270 s 500 ms 7s 30 s

The following timers are set to their default values and are not configurable: LB>>Removed as per Stephen G, 08/24/05; timers T7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 20 & 21 are not implemented on the SIU and T101 is an internal implementation dependant timer

MTP3 Timer T7 T8 T11

ITU-T mode 2s 1s 6s

ANSI mode 2s 1s 6s


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

MTP3 Timer T18 T19 T20 T21 T101

ITU-T mode 2s 4s 4s 30 s 2s

ANSI mode 2s 600 s 105 s 105 s 2s

Note: T9 is not used on the Signaling Server. Note: The Signaling Server does not perform checks on MTP3 timer values. Note: MTP timers not specified in this table are not configurable; they well be set to their specific ITU or ANSI default value.


QSAAL_TIMER - QSAAL Timer Configuration

The QSAAL_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the QSAAL protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
QSAAL_TIMER [<nc_id>] <table_id> <timer_id > <value>


Parameters The QSAAL_TIMER command includes the following parameters: <nc_id> SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network for which the QSAAL timer is being configured. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <table_id> Reserved for future use and must always be set to zero. <timer_id> A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: CC, KEEP_ALIVE, NO_RESP, POLL, IDLE, T1, T2, T3. <value> The timer value in milliseconds. Any timers not configured continue to be set to the values shown in the following table.


Default Value (ms) 1,500 300

Range (min max) 15 - 2,500 15 - 2,500

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Default Value (ms) 1,500 100 100 5,000 120,000 10

Range (min max) 100 - 10,000 20 - 600 20 - 600 1,000 - 20,000 10,000 - 300,000 1-30



The MTP_ROUTE command configures a route for use with one of more user parts. Each remote signaling point must have a corresponding MTP_ROUTE entry in the configuration file, which must be entered after the MTP_LINKSET command. Using the <flags> and <second_ls> parameters, this command can configure a combined link set to a remote Destination Point Code (DPC). An MTP route exists within a particular Network Context and may not use link sets operating within differing Network Contexts. MTP routes can be designated as default routes and can be used to convey traffic for multiple destinations without the need to configure each DPC as an explicit MTP route. Typically, this is useful when a signaling point connects simply to a single STP or a mated pair of STPs and all traffic can be sent to the STP irrespective of the current network status. Two types of default route are supported, one associated with a real DPC. In this case, the (default) route is deemed to be accessible whenever the specified DPC is accessible. The other associated with a pseudo DPC which is a point code that does not exist within the network (for example, zero). In this case the (default) route is deemed to be accessible as soon as the link sets within the route are available. A maximum of one default route for each supported Service Indicator (or user part) is permitted. Note: The MTP_ROUTE command must be used for each destination point code to be accessed including the adjacent point code. There may be only one MTP_ROUTE command for each destination. Note: Attempting to mix, in the same configuration file, lines that use current command formats with lines that use older command formats may give rise to restart errors indicating inconsistent command format. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MTP_ROUTE [<nc_id>] <route_id> <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask> <flags> <second_ls> <reserved>

MTP_ROUTE 1 567 1 0x0008 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE NC0 1 567 1 0x0008 0x0000 0 0


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Parameters The MTP_ROUTE command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter identifies the SS7 network in which the route exists. The Network Context must match that of the link set(s) in the route. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <route_id>

A unique value in the range 0 to 128 used to identify the MTP route.


The remote destination signaling point code for the route.


The logical identity of the link set, in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of link sets supported. This value is set for each configured link set in the MTP_LINKSET command.


A 16-bit value with bit n (in the range 3 to 15) set to allow the route to be used for messages with Service Indicator (SI) n. For each user part supported, the bit corresponding to the Service Indicator for that user part should be set. For example, to enable SCCP routing (which uses an SI of 3) a value of 0x0008 should be used. To enable both SCCP (3) and ISUP (5) a value of 0x0028 should be used.


A 16-bit value that provides additional options:

Bit 0 is set to 1 to enable the use of the <second_ls> parameter.

Bit 1 is set to 1 to cause traffic sent towards the remote signaling point to be shared between the two link sets <linkset_id> and <second_ls>. If set to 0, all traffic sent towards the remote signaling point is normally sent using the link set specified by <linkset_id>, unless this link set fails, in which case the traffic uses the alternative link set <second_ls>. Loadsharing should not be configured if one of the link sets is used between a pair of Signaling Servers in a dual Signaling Server configuration. Bit 2 is set to 1 to indicate a default route. Messages for any DPC that is not explicitly configured use this route. Bit 3 is set to 1 to indicate that the DPC associated with this route is not a real DPC within the network. The route is considered available as soon as the link sets within the route are available. Note: When bit 3 is set, bit 2 should also be set.

Bit 5 is set to 1 to disable the Route Test procedure for this route. Typically, this bit should be set to zero. However, in the case of a pseudo DPC route, it is essential to set this bit to 1 to prevent RST messages being issued.
All other bits must be set to zero.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The logical identity of the second link set in the combined link set. <reserved>

Reserved for future use. This parameter should be set to zero. MTP Route configuration is viewed using the CNCRP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STCRP an MSCRP MMI commands. After startup additional routes can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNCRI command. Routes are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNCRE MMI command.



The MTP_USER_PART command is used to inform the MTP that a user supplied user part exists on the host. In dual redundant operation when a user application sends a MTP-TRANSFER-REQ intended for a MTP or M3UA network the message should be sent to a network specific Resilient MTP Manager(RMM) module rather than directly to MTP3 or M3UA. The RMM module in turn will ensure that the message is routed to the network via local MTP3/M3UA when available or the MTP3/M3UA on the partner Signaling Server if no local route is available. The per Network Context RMM modules are: NC0 0x32 NC1 OxC2 NC2 0xE2 NC3 OxF2 Applicability SIU Syntax
MTP_USER_PART [<nc_id>] <si> <module_id>

MTP_USER_PART 0x0a 0x2d MTP_USER_PART NC0 0x0a 0x2d

Parameters The MTP_USER_PART command includes the following parameters: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context within which this service indicator to user part association is to apply. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <si>

The service indicator for the user supplied user part in the range 3 to 15.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


The module ID of the user process that receives MTP transfer indications with the specified service indicator value.


MONITOR_LINK - Monitor Link

The MONITOR_LINK command allows the user to configure a signaling resource (e.g., blink) to monitor signaling operating between two external Switches. The type of interface being listened to is identified by the monitoring type. Received signaling messages are passed directly to a user application without further processing. The parameters required and their usage is different for each mode of operation. Note: Often, applications that use MONITOR_LINK also require the line interfaces to operate in high impedance pr protective monitoring point mode. High impedance or protective monitoring point mode can be selected for a particular LIU using the <liu_type> parameter in the LIU_CONFIG command. Applicability SIU Syntax
ATM Links: MONITOR_LINK <link_id> ATM <bpos> <l2_link_id> <cell_str_id> <vpi> <vci> <user_module> <host id> <flags> HSL/LSL Links: MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <if_type> <board_id> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <user_module> <host id> <flags>

MONITOR_LINK 1 TDM 0 1 0 1 1 0x1d 1 0x00000001 MONITOR_LINK 0 ATM 1 1 1 1 10 0x0d 0 0x00000001

Parameters The MONITOR_LINK command includes the following parameters:


The monitor links unique logical identity within the Signaling Server. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of monitor links supported. The value must not already be allocated to another MONITOR_LINK or MTP_LINK.


The interface type identifies the type of object being monitored. The monitoring type should be set to one of the following values:

Interface_ mode TDM ATM E1_FRAMED

Description Single timeslot signaling link ATM Signaling Link Framed 31 timeslot E1 operation


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Interface_ mode T1_FRAMED PCM

Description Framed 24 timeslot T1 operation Structured 30 timeslot E1 operation (timeslots 0 and 16 are used for signaling)

The monitoring type value must be consistent with the liu_type and frame_format values of the LIU_CONFIG command.


The board position of the signaling processor allocated to process the incoming signaling. The board must already have been configured using the SS7_BOARD command.


The index of the logical signaling processor (SP) channel (on the board) allocated for signaling link monitoring. For Dialogic DSI SS7LD Network Interface monitoring up to 16 low speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 15.
For Dialogic DSI SS7MD Network Interface monitoring up to 124 low speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 123. For Dialogic DSI SS7MD Network Interface monitoring up to 4 high speed signaling links, the blink parameter may be written as a single value in the range 0 to 3.


The board position of the stream from which the signaling is to be inserted. This parameter must have the same value as <bpos>.


A reference to the logical PCM highway from which the signaling processor is to insert the signaling. This must be in the range 0 to 3. Valid values are shown in the following table:

Stream 0 1 2 3

Port 1 2 3 4


The timeslot on the <stream> that should be used for signaling. For a T1 port, the range is 1 to 24. For an E1 port, the valid range is 1 to 31. The timeslot must not have been previously assigned another MTP or Monitor link. Set to zero if the MTP link is associated with an M2PA link.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

For HSL links, the timeslot parameter should be set to 0xff to indicate that the link is attached to an LIU configured with the LIU_CONFIG command. HSL signaling may not use timeslots already configured for signaling or data. <l2_link_id> The Layer 2 ID of the link, within the board. <cell_str_id> This parameter indicates the ATM_CELL_STREAM to be used. <vpi> The VPI associated with the link on the cell stream. <vci> The VCI associated with the link on the cell stream.


The module ID of the process that will receive the incoming signaling messages, passed as SS7_MSG_RX_IND messages. This should be in the range 0x0d, 0x1d to 0xfd.


The logical identifier of the host to which receives SS7_MSG_RX_IND messages.


Per-link flags for monitoring operation. (32 bits) Bit 0 - Set to 1 to enable timestamping of messages monitored by the board for this link. The monitored messages are received in the API_MSG_RX_INDT message type to accommodate the timestamp as well as the received message. Bits 10 and 11 select either 64, 56, or 48 Kbps operation is being monitored, and are used when a link operates over a T1 or E1 timeslot. Use of these bits is as follows:

Bit 11 0

Bit 10 0

Rate 64 Kbps

Timeslot Usage Set both to zero for E1_HSL and T1_HSL operation. HSL framed operation uses these bits in a similar manner to single timeslot signaling to select 64 Kbps, 56 Kbps or 48 Kbps operation that applies to all timeslots within the HSL link. bits 7&8 not used bit 8 not used

0 1

1 1

48 Kbps 56 Kbps

Bit 12 - sequence number length. Set to 1 the HSL signaling link will use a 12-bit sequence number. Set to 0, the HSL signaling link will use a 7-bit sequence number. All other bits should be set to 0. For ATM -only bits 0 is used.

Additional Prerequisites for ATM Monitoring


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The VPI and VCI ranges are statically defined in the initial configuration. The VPI/VCI range must be unique for all the virtual ports, but constraints exist on the VPI and VCI value distribution as the total number of VPI/VCI and cell stream combinations must be less than 65535 i.e. a 16bit range. By default, 3 bits are allocated for cell streams, thus 13 bits are available for the VPI/VCI address masks. The default number of bits in the VPI address mask is 4, allocated to the lowest four bits, 0x00F, thus providing 16 valid VPIs from 0 to 15. The default for the VCI is to set the lowest nine bits of the VCI address mask, 0x01FF, thus providing 512 valid VCIs from 0 to 511 (note that VCI addresses 0, 3 and 4 are reserved). If it is necessary to match VPI/VCI address combinations outside these ranges, then the address bit masks can be rearranged, provided that the maximum number of mask bits used is not exceeded. This can result in matching non-contiguous VCI or VPI address ranges. For example, VPI mask 0x09C will allow handling the following VPIs: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, and 156. In addition to the VPI/VCI address mask requirements, the following prerequisites should also be observed:

The cell stream must be on the same board as the signaling link. Non ATM links cannot be associated with LIUs timeslots used by an ATM cell stream. Up to 128 links can be associated with a SS7MD card.
MTP Monitor Link configuration is viewed using the CNMLP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STMLP an MSMLP MMI commands. After startup additional Signaling Links can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNMLI command. Signaling Links are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNMLE MMI command.


SIGTRAN Configuration Commands

STN_NC - SIGTRAN Network Context STN_LAS - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration STN_LINK - SIGTRAN Link Configuration STN_RAS - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration STN_RASLIST - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration STN_ROUTE - SIGTRAN Route Configuration STN_RSGLIST - SIGTRAN Route Signaling Gateway List Configuration STN_LBIND - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration SCTP_TIMER - SIGTRAN SCTP Timers M2PA_TIMER - SIGTRAN M2PA Timers M3UA_TIMER - SIGTRAN M3UA Timers

The SIGTRAN commands include:


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


STN_NC - SIGTRAN Network Context

This command identifies the Network Context and point code size to be used by M3UA. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_NC <nc> <ss7mode> <flags> <share>

STN_NC NC3 ITU14 0x0000 100

Parameters The STN_NC command has the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. The Network Context uniquely identifies a SS7 network. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2, or NC3. SWS operation can only use NC0.


The SS7 mode of the network context. Possible values are:


ITU 14 bit operation. ITU 16 bit operation. ITU 24 bit operation. ANSI 24 bit operation.


This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options: Bit 0 - Enables SLS bit rotation. When set, the SLS field is bit rotated after Signaling Gateway selection and prior to MSU transmission. Bit 1 - Enables 8-bit SLS bit rotation. When set 8 bit SLS rotation will be used, when not set default SLS rotation based on MTP label format will be used. The setting of this bit is only applicable if Bit 0 is also set to enable SLS bit rotation. All other bits are reserved for future use.


The Siganling Server support M3UA operation in multiple Network Contexts. The <share> parameter allows the user to specify the percentage (in the range 1 .. 100) of the SIU or SWS license capability that should be allocated to the specific Network Context identified by this command. The total value of <share> for all Network contexts should not exceed 100.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


STN_LAS - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration

This command initiates a local application server. An application server is a logical entity representing a SS7 end point. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_LAS [<nc_id>] <las> <opc> <rc> <trmd> <flags>

STN_LAS NC2 1 1200 1 LS 0x0000 STN_LAS 2 1300 2 OR 0x0000

Parameters The STN_LAS command has the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with the Originating Point Code (OPC) uniquely identify an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. The parameter is only applicable for M3UA operation.

<las >

Logical reference for a Local Application Server. The valid range is 0-199.


Specifies an Originating Point Code (OPC) value for the local Application Server.


The logical routing context of the local application server. An RC may not be associated with any other LAS. The valid range is 0: 2147483647.


The traffic mode for the local application Server. Acceptable values are LS (Loadshare), OR (Override) or BC (Broadcast). Only Loadshare should be used when the Signaling Server is acting as part of a dual redundant Signaling Server pair.

<flags >

This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options:

Bit 0 1-15

Description When set, the configured routing context will be ignored and no routing context will be transmitted. Reserved and should be set to zero.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Prerequisites SIGTRAN Local Application Server configuration is viewed using the CNLAP MMI command. After startup additional Local Application Servers can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNLAI command. Local Application Servers are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNLAE MMI command.


STN_LINK - SIGTRAN Link Configuration

The SIGTRAN link configuration command supports both M2PA and M3UA SIGTRAN links. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_LINK M2PA <snlink> <m2pa_id > <rip1> <rip2> <end> <lport> <rport> <flags> <lip1> <lip2> STN_LINK [<nc_id>] M3UA <snlink> <rip1> <rip2> <end> <lport> <rport> <flags> <rsg> <na> <lip1> <lip2>

STN_LINK M2PA 4 3 S 2805 2805 0x0001 STN_LINK NC1 M3UA 120 C 3805 3805 0x000e 1 4

The STN_LINK command has the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. The Network Context the specific SS7 network the SIGTRAN Link is operating with. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. The parameter is only applicable for M3UA operation.


Identifies the SIGTRAN protocol and should be set to either M2PA or M3UA.


Logical reference for a SIGTRAN link, acceptable values are 0-255. A snlink is unique to one link and cannot be re-used by another type.


A M2PA identifier, in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of M2PA links supported. Used for M2PA configuration only.


The primary IP address on which the Signaling Server will attempt to communicate with the remote unit. An rip1 value of cannot be specified.


The secondary IP address on which the Signaling Server will attempt to communicate with the remote unit. Should be set to if not configured.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Identifies whether the Signaling Server end of the SIGTRAN link acts as a CLIENT or a SERVER.


Local (Signaling Server) SCTP port in the range 1 to 65535.


Remote SCTP port in the range 1 to 65535.


This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options

Bit 0

Description Secure Mode. When set to 1, the SIGTRAN link will not come into service if it receives a message from an IP address not associated with the SIGTRAN link. For a M3UA SIGTRAN link communicating with a Remote Signaling Gateway, when set to 1, a DAUD message will be sent when the link comes into service and periodically thereafter. When not set DAUD message will not be generated. Not applicable for M2PA. For M3UA, set to 1 when the RSG parameter value will be used. Not applicable for M2PA. For M3UA, set to 1 when the NA parameter value will be used. Not applicable for M2PA. Reserved and should be set to zero. When set a M3UA link is nominated M3UA as a host link. If any SIGTRAN links have been configured as host M3UA links and all these links are down then all MTP and any non host M3UA links will be deactivated until at least one host M3UA link returns to service.

2 3 4-14 15


Remote Signaling Gateway (RSG). Identifies a remote server to act as a Remote Signaling Gateway. The RSG may not have the same id value as an existing Remote Application Server. No more than 32 SNLINKs can identify the same RSG. All SIGTRAN links between the Signaling Server and a Remote Signaling Gateway must be of the same protocol type.The valid range is 0199. Used for M3UA configuration only and may only be set to a non zero value if bit 2 of the flags parameter is set.


The logical network appearance used in communicating with a remote server. The valid range is 0:16777215. Used for M3UA configuration only and may only be set to a non zero value if bit 3 of the flags parameter is set.


The first local IP address to be used in the association. lip1 cannot be set to 0 and cannot be the same as lip2 . If a local IP address is configured on one STN_LINK then each subsequent STN_LINK must have at least one local IP address configured.

Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


The second local IP address to be used in the association. Should be set to 0 if not configured. It cannot be the same as lip1. SIGTRAN Link configuration is viewed using the CNSTP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STSTP an MSSTP MMI commands. After startup additional links can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNSTI command. Links are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNSTE MMI command.


STN_RAS - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration

This command initiates a Remote Application Server. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_RAS [<nc_id>] <ras> <dpc> <rc> <nasp> <flags>

STN_RAS NC2 16 14065 1 2 0x0000

Parameters The STN_RAS command has the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Destination Point Code (DPC) uniquely identify an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. The parameter is only applicable for M3UA operation.


Remote Application Server, The Remote Application Server may not have the same ID value as an existing Remote Signaling Gateway. The valid range is O-255.


Specifies an Destination Point Code (DPC) value for the Remote Application Server. Only one RAS, SNRT or C7RT can be configured with a particular DPC within a network context.


The logical routing context used in communicating with a remote server. An RC may not be associated with any other remote server. The valid range is 0: 2147483647.


The number of ASP (SIGTRAN Links) required in load sharing mode.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options:

Bit 0

Description When set, the configured routing context will be ignored and a routing context will not be required from a received remote application server in an activate message Reserved and should be set to zero.


SIGTRAN Remote Application Server configuration is viewed using the CNRAP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STRAP an MSRAP MMI commands. After startup additional Remote Application Servers can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNRAI command. Remote Application Servers are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNRAE MMI command.


STN_RASLIST - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration

This command attaches a list of SIGTRAN links to a Remote Application Server. The SIGTRAN links provide the SCTP associations to reach the Remote Application Server. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_RASLIST <ras_list> <rserver> <snlink>


Parameters The STN_RASLIST command has the following parameters: <ras_list>

Logical identifier for a RAS to SNLINK relationship. The valid range is 0-6399. <ras>

Remote Application Server. The valid range is 0-255. <snlink>

Logical reference for a SIGTRAN Link. The SIGTRAN link cannot be M2PA, cannot be configured for communication to a RSG, and cannot be already attached to this server. A RAS cannot have more than 32 snlinks (4 when loadsharing). A snlink may only be associated with a single Remote Application Server. The valid range is 0-255.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List configuration is viewed using the CNRLP MMI command. After startup additional Remote Application Server Lists can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNRAI command. Remote Application Servers Lists are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNRAE MMI command.


STN_ROUTE - SIGTRAN Route Configuration

This command is used to configure a SIGTRAN route to a remote SS7 destination. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_ROUTE [<nc_id>] <route> <dpc> <flags>

STN_ROUTE NC0 STN_ROUTE 1 2 100 200 0x0000 0x0000

Parameters The STN_ROUTE command has the following parameters: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with the Destination Point Code (DPC) uniquely identify an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. The parameter is only applicable for M3UA operation. <route>

Logical reference for a SIGTRAN Route. The valid range is 0-4095. <dpc>

Specifies an Destination Point Code (DPC) value for the Remote Application Server. Only one Remote Application Server, SIGTRAN Route or C7 Route can be configured with a particular DPC within a network context. <flags>

This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options:

Bit 0 1

Description Route is assumed to be available. Route will loadshare between all Signaling Gateways in the route.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Bit 2

Description The route will be designated to be the a default Route for the Network Context. The default route will be selected if no match is found in the M3UA routing tables for the DPC of a message destined for the network. If bit 0 of the STN_ROUTE flags is also set then the Default Route will become available as soon as the network connections become available. In this case the DPC in the Route serves little purpose (though must still be unique in the Routing Table). A DPC of Zero could be used. If bit 0 of the STN_ROUTE flags is not set then the Default Route will only become available when the DPC used in the configuration message becomes available. The Point Code of the Signaling Gateway through which the Route connects to the network may be used.


Reserved and should be set to zero.

SIGTRAN Route configuration is viewed using the CNSRP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STSRP an MSRAP MMI commands. After startup additional Remote Application Routes can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNSRI command. Routes are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNSRE MMI command.


STN_RSGLIST - SIGTRAN Route Signaling Gateway List Configuration

This command attaches Signaling Gateways to a SIGTRAN Route. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_RSGLIST <list> <route> <rsg> <flags>

STN_RSGLIST STN_RSGLIST STN_RSGLIST 0 1 2 1 2 3 1 0x0001 1 0x0001 1 0x0001

Parameters The STN_RSGLIST command has the following parameters: <list>

Logical identifier for a SIGTRAN Route to Signaling Gateway relationship. The valid range is 06399. <route>

Logical reference for a SIGTRAN Route. The valid range is 0-255.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


Remote Signaling Gateway. A Signaling Gateway can be associated with a route only once. The Signaling Gateway must have at least 1 snlink associated with it. The Signaling Gateway cannot be attached to more than 255 SIGTRAN routes (4 when loadsharing). A SIGTRAN route cannot have more than two Signaling Gateways associated with it. The valid range is 0-255. <flags>

This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options: Bit 0 - When set, the Signaling Server will consider the route via the specified server to be available without waiting for a destination available (DAVA) message. All other bits are reserved for future use. SIGTRAN Route Gateway List configuration is viewed using the CNGLP MMI command. After startup additional Route Gateway Lists can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNGLI command. Route Gateway Lists are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNGLE MMI command.


STN_LBIND - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration

This command associates the local application server with the Remote Application Server or Remote Signaling Gateway, identifying the route to reach the destination. The software supports M3UA IPSP Single Ended (SE) communication; therefore, the Remote Application Server must have the same routing context as the Local Application Server. When communicating with multiple Remote Application Servers there must be additional Local Application Servers, each having a different routing context. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
STN_LBIND <bind> <las> <ras> <flags> STN_LBIND <bind> <las> <rsg> <flags>

STN_LBIND 1 16 2 0x0000

Parameters The STN_LBIND command has the following parameters: <bind >

Logical identifier for a binding between a Local Application Server and either a Remote Application Server or Remote Signaling Gateway. The valid range is 0-199. <las >

Logical reference for a Local Application Server. An underlying snlink may only be associated with a single LAS. The valid range is 0-199. <ras >


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Remote Application Server. The Remote Application Server must be associated with at least one SIGTRAN Link and cannot be bound to more than one Local Application Server. In IPSP operation the Local Application Server and Remote Application Server must be associated with same network context. The valid range is 0-255. <rsg >

Remote Signaling Gateway. The Remote Signaling Gateway must be associated with at least one SIGTRAN Link. The valid range is 0-255. <flags >

This is a 16 bit value used to specify run time options. This field is reserved for future use and should be set to 0. SIGTRAN Binds configuration is viewed using the CNSBP MMI command. After startup additional Binds can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNGLI command Binds are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNGLE MMI command.


SCTP_TIMER - SCTP Timer Configuration

The SCTP_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the SCTP protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCTP_TIMER [<nc_id>] <reserved> <timer_id > <value>



SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the SCTP timer is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <reserved> Reserved for future use and must be set to zero. <timer_id> A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: RMIN, RMAX, RINIT, CK, HBT, T1I, T2I, SACKD <value> The timer value in milliseconds.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Any timers not explicitly configured continue will be set to the default values shown in the following table:

Mnemonic Rmin Rmax Rinit Ck Hbt T1i T2i Sackd

Default 200ms 1400ms 1000ms 30000ms 1000ms 3000ms 3000ms 10ms

Granularity 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms 1ms

SCTP Timeout Minimum RTO Maximum RTO Initial RTO Cookie lifetime Time between heartbeats Starting timeout of an INIT chunk Starting timeout of a SHUTDOWN chunk SACK delayed Ack

The SCTP_TIMER command may also be used to modify the number times a heartbeat or data packet may be retransmitted before an association is determined to have failed. The following table provides a description of these parameter as well as indicating their default value. N.B. Increasing the number of retransmissions before failure is determined will obviously delay any corrective action that may be taken.

Mnemonic RtxHb

Default 2

Description The number of times a heartbeat packet may be transmitted before determining that an association has failed. The number of times a data packet may be transmitted before determining that an association has failed.



M2PA_TIMER - M2PA Timer Configuration

The M2PA_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the M2PA protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
M2PA_TIMER [<nc_id>] <reserved> <timer_id > <value>

M2PA_TIMER 0 T1 200 M2PA_TIMER NC1 0 T7 15


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

<nc_id> SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the M2PA timer is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <reserved> Reserved for future use and must be set to zero. <timer_id> A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: T1, T2, T3, T4N, T4E, T6, or T7 <value> The timer value in multiples of tenths of a second (100 ms). Any timers not explicitly configured continue will be set to the default values shown in the following table:

Mnemonic T1 T2 T3 T4N T4E T6 T7

Default 40s 10s 2s 7s 500ms 3s 1s

Granularity 1s 1s 1s 1s 100ms 1s 100ms

M3UA Timeout 'Alignment Ready' timer value 'Not Aligned' timer value 'Aligned' timer value 'Normal Proving' timer value 'Emergency Proving' timer value 'Remote Congestion' timer value 'Excessive Delay Of Acknowledgement' timer value


M3UA_TIMER - M3UA Timer Configuration

The M3UA_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the M3UA protocol timers from the configuration file. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
M3UA_TIMER [<nc_id>] <reserved> <timer_id > <value>

M3UA_TIMER NC1 0 TACK 30 M3UA_TIMER NC1 0 Tbeat 310


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Parameters <nc_id> SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the M3UA timer is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 and NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed. <reserved> Reserved for future use and must be set to zero. <timer_id> A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following: Tack, Tr, Tdaud, Tbeat. <value> The timer value in multiples of tenths of a second (100 ms). Any timers not explicitly configured continue will be set to the values shown in the following table:

Mnemonic Tack Tr Tdaud Tbeat

Default 2s 1s 30s 30s

Granularity 100ms 100ms 1s 1s

M2PA Timeout Peer response timeout Recovery timer for inactive ASPs DAUD generation timer M3UA heartbeat timer


ISUP Configuration Commands

ISUP_CONFIG - ISUP Configuration ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP - ISUP Circuit Group Configuration ISUP_TIMER - ISUP Timer Configuration

The ISUP commands include:


ISUP_CONFIG - ISUP Configuration

The ISUP_CONFIG command supplies the configuration parameters that specify the operating environment of the ISUP protocol. This command should only be used if the ISUP software has been licensed and configured on the Signaling Server. Applicability SIU


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

ISUP_CONFIG <local_spc> <ssf> <user_id> <options> <num_grps> <num_ccts> <max_sif>

ISUP_CONFIG 2 0x8 0x1d 0x0434 128 4096

Parameters The ISUP_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <local_spc>

The default local point code of the Signaling Server for ISUP. <ssf>

The sub-service field value that ISUP uses when exchanging messages with the MTP. This must always be set so that the Network Indicator bits (the two most significant bits of the 4-bit ssf value) match those set in the MTP_LINKSET command.


The unique module identifier (module_id) of the application running on the host that uses the ISUP module. The ISUP module sends all receive indications to this module ID. This must be in the range 0x0d, 0x1d, 0x2d to 0xfd, where 0xnd is defined as APPn_TASK_ID. <options>

A 16-bit value that contains run time options for the operation of the ISUP protocol:
Bit 0 should always be set to 0.

Bit 15: For the purposes of the measurement MMI command MSCGP when not set the point of a call being answered is determined by generation or reception of either an Answer message or a Connect message. When set the answer point is considered to occur when an address complete is generated or received. Setting the bit is more useful for certain types of application which use the time between Address Complete and Answer to play tones or announcements. The remaining bits are as defined for the options parameter defined in the Configure Request section of the ISUP Programmers Manual. <num_grps>

Specifies the number of circuit groups to be used by ISUP. This parameter may be in the range 1 to 2,048. If this parameter is not specified, the Signaling Server allows 8 circuit groups. <num_ccts>

Specifies the number of circuits to be used by ISUP. This parameter may be in the range 1 to 65,535. Note: ISUP allows the configuration of cid values in the range 0 to <num_ccts> 1.



Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Specifies the maximum size of a message transmitted by the ISUP module on the Signaling Server. For ISUP operation, this should be 272 octets. For BICC operating above M3UA, a user may specify up to 544 octets to allow larger messages to be transmitted without the need for segmentation. Support for sif values above 272 is application dependant and depends on the maximum size a receiving switch can process.


ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP - ISUP Circuit Group Configuration

The ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP command configures an ISUP circuit group. Normally, all circuits on a single T1 or E1 interface would be assigned to the same circuit group. A single command enables the operating parameters for all the circuits in the group to be specified. Circuit groups are described fully in the ISUP Programmers Manual. Applicability SIU Syntax
ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP [<nc_id>] <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask> <options> <host_id> <user_id> <opc> <ssf> <variant> <options2>

ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP 0 3 1 1 0x7fff7fff 0x0003 0 0x1d 1 0x8 4 0 ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP NC0 0 3 1 1 0x7fff7fff 0x0003 0 0x1d 1 0x8 4 0

Parameters The ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP command includes the following parameters: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Signaling Point Code (SPC) uniquely identify an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. <gid>

The unique logical identifier of the circuit group within the Signaling Server. This parameter should be in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of circuit groups that ISUP processes, set by the ISUP_CONFIG <num_grps> parameter.


The Destination Point Code (DPC) at which the voice circuits in this group terminate.


The Circuit Identification Code (CIC) that is allocated to the first circuit in the circuit group.


The logical ID for the first circuit in the circuit group. It must lie in the range 0 to one less than the number of circuits supported.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Each circuit group may contain up to 32 circuits. Setting bits in <cic_mask> identifies the circuits allocated to the circuit group. The least significant bit (bit 0) corresponds to the first CIC and must always be set. Bit n in the <cic_mask> corresponds to circuit identification code = (<base_cic> + n) and circuit identifier = (<base_cid> + n). If the bit is not set, then this CIC and CID can instead be allocated to a different circuit group. Note: A single circuit group may not span more than 32 CICs.


A 32-bit value where each bit represents a run-time option for the circuit group. The meaning of the lower 16 bits are as defined in the options parameter described in the Configure Circuit Group Request section of the ISUP Programmers Manual. The meaning of the upper 16 bits are as defined in the ext_options parameter described in the Configure Circuit Group Request section of the ISUP Programmers Manual. <host_id>

The logical identifier of the host to which receive indications and circuit group supervision indications for this group are to be sent. <user_id>

Specifies a user application module ID for this circuit group. This overwrites the user_id specified in the

ISUP_CONFIG command. <opc>

Specifies an Originating Point Code (OPC) value for this group and overwrites the default local signaling point code specified with the ISUP_CONFIG command. This parameter enables the Signaling Server to behave as a different local point code for each circuit group; such a configuration is used when connecting to multiple networks. This also facilitates the loop-back of ISUP routes locally for local loop-back testing. <ssf>

Specifies a sub-service field value for this circuit group. This overwrites the ssf specified using the ISUP_CONFIG command. <variant>

An 8-bit field that is mapped directly to the variant field in the ISUP Circuit Group Configuration message. The following table details the current variants:

Variant Value 0 1 2 3 4

Variant Description Blue Book ISUP 1992 ISUP ANSI ISUP German ISUP UK ISUP


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Variant Value 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <options2>

Variant Description Japanese TTC ISUP ANSI RLT ISUP ITU RLT ISUP ANSI 95 ISUP Italian ISUP SSURF - French ISUP China ISUP ISUP 2000/ETSI V4 BICC

A 32-bit field that is mapped directly to the ext_1_options field in the ISUP Circuit Group Configuration message described in the ISUP Programmer's Manual. Currently the following bits are significant:

Bit 0 1 2 3 8 9

Description Add ST digits to Called party number Select 16-bit Point Code format (for Japanese operation) Do not send REL on T33 expiry (waiting for INF) Usr-to-usr srvc does not have to be requested to use uuinf param Any Calling Party Clearing Indication received is passed transparently to the user application Generate periodic heartbeat messages towards the user_id configured for the circuit group. If no acknowledgement is received for the heartbeat, then blocking of circuits is performed. When ISUP must release the call to the user, a Location value of LPN, private network serving the local user (1) will be indicated in the Cause parameter. Otherwise, a Location value of RPN, private network serving the remote user (5) will be indicated. If set and ISUP has been configured for 24 bit point codes ISUP will set the SLS to the 8 least significant bits of the CIC otherwise it will set the SLS to 5 bits.




Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Circuit Group configuration is viewed using the CNCGP MMI command and its status and measurements read using the STCGP an MSCGP MMI commands. After startup additional Groups can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNCGI command. Groups are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNCGE MMI command.


ISUP_TIMER - ISUP Timer Configuration

The ISUP_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the ISUP protocol timers from the config.txt file. Applicability SIU Syntax
ISUP_TIMER <table_id> <timer_id> <value>

ISUP_TIMER 0 t4 550

Parameters The ISUP_TIMER command includes the following parameters:


Set to 0 to configure ISUP timers. Set to 1 to configure BICC timers. All other values are reserved for future use.


The text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to one of the following values: T1,T2, T3, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26, T27, T28, T29, T30, T33, T34, T35, T36, T38, T103 or T104.


The timer value in seconds, except T29 and T30 that are in multiples of tenths of a second (100ms). Any timers not configured continue to be set to the values shown in the following table.

ISUP Timer T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 T7

Default Value (seconds) 10 180 180 60 180 25

ISUP Timer T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20

Default Value (seconds) 60 10 60 10 60 10

ISUP Timer T27 T28 T29 T30 T33 T34

Default Value (seconds) 240 10 5 tenths 80 tenths 14 3


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

T8 T9 T10 T12 T13 T14

13 45 5 10 60 10

T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26

60 10 60 2 5 120

T35 T36 T38 T39 T103 T104

20 13 150 10 20 3

Note: The SIU does not perform checks on ISUP timer values.


SCCP Configuration Commands

SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration SCCP_NC_CONFIG - SCCP Network Context Configuration SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE - SCCP Load Share Table SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC - SCCP Load Shared DPCs SCCP_GTT - Global Title Translation SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS - Global Title Translation Address SCCP_GTT_PATTERN - Global Title Translation Pattern SCCP_SSR - SCCP Network Context Configuration SCCP_SSR - SCCP Sub-System Resources SCCP_CONC_SSR - SCCP Concerned Sub-Systems Configuration

The SCCP configuration commands include:


SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration

The SCCP_ CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for SCCP when existing in a single network or for Network Context 0 (NC0) when existing in multiple Network Contexts. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. The SCCP_CONFIG command is used to configure and activate the SCCP and TCAP protocols on the Signaling Server. This command should only be used if the SCCP and TCAP software has been licensed and configured on the Signaling Server. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_CONFIG <local_spc> <ssf> <options> <options2>

SCCP_CONFIG 123 8 0 1


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Parameters The SCCP_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <local_spc>

The local point code of the Signaling Server. <ssf>

The sub-service field value that SCCP uses when exchanging messages with the MTP. This must always be set so that the Network Indicator bits (the two most significant bits of the 4-bit ssf value) match those set in the MTP_LINKSET command.


A 32-bit value containing run-time options for the operation of the SCCP module. The 16 most significant bits provide ext_options, as defined in the SCCP Programmer's Manual.
Bit 0 should always be set to 0.

Bit 1 should always be set to 1. Bit 20 should be set to 1 when using SCCP in conjunction with DTS and dual resilient configuration.

The meaning of the remaining bits are as defined for the options parameter described in the Configuration Request section of the SCCP Programmers Manual. <options2>

A 32-bit field that is mapped directly to the ext_1_options field in the SCCP module Configuration message described in the SCCP Programmer's Manual. Currently the following bits are significant. Bit 0: Allows the selection of automatic or local subsystem generated "user in service" indications. When set it a "user in service" SCP_MSG_SCMG_REQ message is automatically send to SCCP for all configured local subsystems. When not set local subsystems should send the SCP_MSG_SCMG_REQ message manually when they are available. Bit 1: When set automatic generation of UDTS messages by SCCP is disabled.

Other bits should be set to 0.


SCCP_NC_CONFIG - SCCP Network Context Configuration

The SCCP_NC_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for SCCP existing in an additional SS7 Network Context to that identified by the SCCP_CONFIG command. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. Applicability SIU Syntax
SCCP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <local_spc> <ssf> <options> <auto_uis>

SCCP_NC_CONFIG NC1 123 8 0 1


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Parameters The SCCP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network for which SCCP is being configured. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 and NC3.


The local point code of the Signaling Server.


The sub-service field value that SCCP uses when exchanging messages with the MTP. This must always be set so that the Network Indicator bits (the two most significant bits of the 4-bit ssf value) match those set in the MTP_LINKSET command.


A 32-bit value containing run-time options for the operation of the SCCP module. The 16 most significant bits provide ext_options, as defined in the SCCP Programmer's Manual.
Bit 0 should always be set to 0.

Bit 1 should always be set to 1. Bit 20 should be set to 1 when using SCCP in conjunction with DTS and dual resilient configuration.

The meanings of the remaining bits are as defined for the options parameter described in the Configuration Request section of the SCCP Programmers Manual.


Allows the user to disable automatic generation of "user in service" thus allowing applications to indicate when they are in service using a SCP_MSG_SCMG_REQ message. Possible values are:
0: 1: Does not automatically send "user in service" messages; local subsystems must send them. Automatically sends a "user in service" message to SCCP for all configured local subsystems.



The SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE command is a new configuration command and is defined as follows: Synopsis The SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE statement initiates a Global Title Load Share table (GLST). Once defined the SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC command can be used to associate Destination Point Codes with this Global Title Load Share table (GLST). The GLST can then be assigned to a SCCP address using the DPC parameter on the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command. Syntax
SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE <nc_id> <lst_table_id> <options>



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6







SS7 Network Context. This parameter identifies the SS7 network in which the Destination Point Code exists. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When the parameter is not present, a value of NC0 is assumed.


logical id of the LST instance in the range 0 -255. The value is prefixed with the string 'LST' so that when it is assigned to an SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS it can be distinguished from an individual Point Code. <options>

Bit 0 - If set, the availability test for each GLST entry requires that both the Point Code and
the Sub-system are available. If not set, only the GLST Point Code is tested for availability. (SLS) value for messages received from the network, or Sequence Control (SEQ_CTRL) parameter for messages received from the User Part.Strict.

"Bit 1 - When set to 0 to Point Code selection can be made using the Signaling Link Selection

When set to 1 messages will be distributed across the point codes on a Round Robin basis ignoring SLS values.

Bits 2-31 - Reserved for future used. Should be set to 0.


The SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC command is a new configuration command and is defined as follows: Synopsis The SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC statement associates a Destination Point Code with a Global Title Load Share table defined by the SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE command. The Global Title Load Share table can then be assigned to a SCCP address using the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS DPC parameter on the command. Syntax

Parameters <lstseq> The Loadshare table index sequence number identifies the position of a Destination Point Code entry in a loadshare table. It is made up of a loadshare table ID (LST-x) with the sequence number as a suffix e.g. LST-0-0.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Note: When assigning sequence numbers to a loadshare table they must start at 0 and increment without gaps in the sequence. <dpc> The remote signaling point code associated with the load share table. Note: to achieve % load balancing the same <dpc> can be associated with a GLST table more than once.


SCCP_GTT - Global Title Translations

The SCCP_GTT statement adds a translation to the SCCP global title translation table. This command must be specified after the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN and SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS commands. Guidelines for configuring GTT can be found in section Section 7.15, GTT Configuration on page 290. Note: The pattern, mask, primary and backup addresses referenced by this command must have an identical number of sections. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_GTT [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <mask> <primary_address_id> [<backup_address_id>]


Parameters <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Signaling Point Code (SPC) uniquely identifies an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are NC0, NC1, NC2, or NC3. <patt_id>

Identifies the pattern specified by the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command. This value is also used to index the translation within the SCCP module. <mask>

This is an expression detailing the operation to be applied to each section of the global title pattern. The format is exactly one operation per section and must contain exactly the same number of sections as the <gtai_pattern> parameter of the associated SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command and the <gtai_replacement> parameter of the associated SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command. The mask can contain the following:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Function Padding (ignored). Separator used to split the mask into sections. The digits in the corresponding section of the global title address information undergoing translation will be preserved. The digits in the corresponding section of the global title address information will be deleted and the digits in the corresponding section of the primary or backup address will be inserted in their place.



Identifies the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command the use as the primary translation.


Identifies the SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command the use as the backup translation. Global Title Translation configuration is viewed using the CNGTP MMI command.


SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS - Global Title Translation Address

The SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS command defines the global title to be used as the primary or backup destination of a translation. This command must be specified after the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command. The global title address information of this command is combined with the global title being translated by examining the mask provided in the SCCP_GTT command. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS [<nc_id>] <address_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_replacement>]

SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 9 0x11 0x1234 0 0x001104 0-/-

Parameters <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Signaling Point Code (SPC) uniquely identifies an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are NC0, NC1, NC2, or NC3. <addr_id>

A unique ID identifying the address. Values in the range 0 - 1023 are valid. A maximum of 256 address_id's may be defined within any or each Network Context. <addr_ind>


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

The Address Indicator octet is formatted according to the point-code format specified in the SCCP_CONFIG <options> parameter and indicates which elements of addressing are present in the called party address pattern being defined. Bit usage for this parameter differs between the ITU (Q.713) and ANSI (T1.112) specifications. For ITU, the parameter is defined as:
Bit 8 - Reserved for national use Bit 7 - Routing indicator - 0:Route on GT, 1:Route on SSN

Bits 6-3 - Global title indicator - the value in these bits indicates what data precedes address information in the global title (so in the context of the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN statement, which octets are expected in the <global_title> parameter). Defined values are:


No Global title. In this case, the <global_title> parameter value should be 0 (zero, base10 - without 0x prefix) Global title includes Nature of Address Indicator (NAI) only. The <global_title> parameter (see below) should be a single hexadecimal octet (prefix 0x followed by two hexadecimal digits), the octet value being the NAI. Global title includes Translation Type (TT) only. The <global_title> parameter should be a single hexadecimal octet, the octet value being the TT. Global title includes TT, Numbering Plan (NP) and Encoding Scheme (ES). The <global_title> parameter should be two hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by four hexadecimal digits) the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet.





Global title includes TT, NP, ES and NAI. The <global_title> parameter should be three hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by six hexadecimal digits) the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet and the NAI in the third octet.

Other values are undefined spares or reserved.

Bit 2 - SSN Indicator. A 1 indicates that SubSystem Number is used in addressing. Bit 1 - PC Indicator. A 1 indicates that Point Code is used in addressing.

For ANSI the parameter is defined as: Bit 8 - Designated for national use. 0 indicates that the address is international and 1 indicates that the address is national. Bit 7 - Routing indicator 0: Route on GT 1: Route on DPC and SSN


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Bits 6-3 - Global title indicator - the value in these bits indicates what data precedes address information in the global title (so in the context of the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN statement, which octets are expected in the <global_title> parameter). Defined values are:


No Global title. In this case, the <global_title> parameter value should be 0 (zero, base10 - without 0x prefix) Global title includes TT, Numbering Plan (NP) and Encoding Scheme (ES). The <global_title> parameter should be two hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by four hexadecimal digits) the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet.



Global title includes Translation Type (TT) only. The <global_title> parameter should be a single hexadecimal octet, the octet value being the TT.

Other values are undefined spares or reserved.

Bit 2 - PC Indicator. A 1 indicates that Point Code is used in addressing. Bit 1 - SSN Indicator. A 1 indicates that SubSystem Number is used in addressing.


The point code. This is ignored if bit 0 of <addr_indicator> is not set. <ssn>

The subsystem number. This is ignored if bit 1 of <addr_indicator> is not set. <global_title>

The global title, excluding the global title address information, specified as a string of hexadecimal octets starting with 0x except when the <addr_indicator> indicates that no GT is present, when a value of 0 (zero) should be used. <gtai_replacement>

The global title address information to translate to, specified as a string of hexadecimal digits (digit 0xe is reserved) in left-to-right order (i.e., the pairs of digits are *not* swapped as would be the case for a BCD string). In addition to hexadecimal digits, this string can contain the following characters:

Character /

Function Padding (ignored). Separator used to split the pattern into sections. Each section can be processed differently, as specified by the <mask> parameter in the SCP_GTT command.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

Global Title Address configuration is viewed using the CNGAP MMI command.


SCCP_GTT_PATTERN - Global Title Translation Pattern

The SCCP_GTT_PATTERN command defines the received global title pattern to be matched for a global title translation. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_GTT_PATTERN [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_pattern>]

SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 5 0x10 0x0000 0 0x001104 44/+

Parameters <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. The Network Context together with a Signaling Point Code (SPC) uniquely identifies an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. <pattern_id>

A unique ID identifying the pattern. Values in the range 0 - 1023 are valid. A maximum of 256 pattern_id's may be defined within any or each Network Context. <addr_ind>

The Address Indicator octet is formatted according to the point-code format specified in the SCCP_CONFIG <options> parameter and indicates which elements of addressing are present in the called party address pattern being defined. Bit usage for this parameter differs between the ITU (Q.713) and ANSI (T1.112) specifications. For ITU, the parameter is defined as:
Bit 8 - Reserved for national use Bit 7 - Routing indicator - 0:Route on GT, 1:Route on SSN

Bits 6-3 - Global title indicator - the value in these bits indicates what data precedes address information in the global title (so in the context of the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN statement, which octets are expected in the <global_title> parameter). Defined values are:

0000 0001

No Global title. In this case, the <global_title> parameter value should be 0 (zero, base10 - without 0x prefix) Global title includes Nature of Address Indicator (NAI) only. The <global_title> parameter (see below) should be a single hexadecimal octet (prefix 0x followed by two hexadecimal digits), the octet value being the NAI.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Global title includes Translation Type (TT) only. The <global_title> parameter should be a single hexadecimal octet, the octet value being the TT. Global title includes TT, Numbering Plan (NP) and Encoding Scheme (ES). The <global_title> parameter should be two hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by four hexadecimal digits) - the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet. Global title includes TT, NP, ES and NAI. The <global_title> parameter should be three hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by six hexadecimal digits) - the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet and the NAI in the third octet.



Other values are undefined spares or reserved.

Bit 2 - SSN Indicator. A 1 indicates that SubSystem Number is used in addressing. Bit 1 - PC Indicator. A 1 indicates that Point Code is used in addressing.

For ANSI the parameter is defined as: Bit 8 - Designated for national use. 0 indicates that the address is international and 1 indicates that the address is national. Bit 7 - Routing indicator 0: Route on GT 1: Route on DPC and SSN Bits 6-3 - Global title indicator - the value in these bits indicates what data precedes address information in the global title (so in the context of the SCCP_GTT_PATTERN statement, which octets are expected in the <global_title> parameter). Defined values are:

0000 0001

No Global title. In this case, the <global_title> parameter value should be 0 (zero, base10 - without 0x prefix) Global title includes TT, Numbering Plan (NP) and Encoding Scheme (ES). The <global_title> parameter should be two hexadecimal octets (prefix 0x followed by four hexadecimal digits) - the TT in the first octet, the NP and ES (four bits each) in the second octet. Global title includes Translation Type (TT) only. The <global_title> parameter should be a single hexadecimal octet, the octet value being the TT.


Other values are undefined spares or reserved.

Bit 2 - PC Indicator. A 1 indicates that Point Code is used in addressing. Bit 1 - SSN Indicator. A 1 indicates that SubSystem Number is used in addressing.


The point code. This is ignored if bit 0 of <addr_indicator> is not set. <ssn>


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

The subsystem number. This is ignored if bit 1 of <addr_indicator> is not set. <global_title>

The global title, excluding the global title address information, specified as a string of hexadecimal octets starting with 0x except when the <addr_indicator> (see above) indicates that no GT is present, when a value of 0 (zero) should be used. <gtai_patt>

The pattern of global title address information to match, specified as a string of hexadecimal digits (digit 0xe is reserved) in left-to-right order (i.e., the pairs of digits are not swapped as would be the case for a BCD string). As well as hexadecimal digits, this string can contain the following characters:

Character + ? /

Function Padding (ignored). Wildcard - matches any number of digits Wildcard - matches exactly one digit. Separator used to split the pattern into sections. Each section can be processed differently, as specified by the <mask> parameter in the SCP_GTT command.

NOTE: The "+" wildcard is not "greedy". It matches the shortest possible string of digits, that is, a pattern such as "12+67" matches "1234567", but does not match "1236767". Global Title Pattern configuration is viewed using the CNGPP MMI command.


SCCP_SSR - SCCP Sub-System Resources

The SCCP_SSR configuration command can be used to configure three types of sub-system resources: SCCP remote signaling points SCCP local sub-systems SCCP remote sub-systems

Note: Attempting to mix the current command formats with the formats of older versions of commands within the same configuration file may give rise to restart errors indicating inconsistent command format. Configuring SCCP Remote Signaling Points

Synopsis Each remote signaling point that the SCCP is able to communicate with must be assigned using an SCCP_SSR command. This includes the adjacent signaling point and all remote signaling points. Applicability


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

SIU, SWS Syntax

SCCP_SSR [<nc_id>] <ssr_id> RSP <remote_spc> <rsp_flags> <pc_mask>

SCCP_SSR 1 RSP 1236 0 SCCP_SSR NC1 1 RSP 1236 0

Parameters The SCCP_SSR command includes the following parameters when configuring SCCP remote signaling points:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the SSR is being configured for. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2, or NC3.


A unique value in the range 0 to 2047 that is used to identify the SSR. 512 ssr_ids are allowed per Network Context. The same ssr_id may not be used to configure an SSR of another type.


Identifies the SCCP_SSR command type as a command for a remote signaling point.


The point code of the remote signaling point, which may be either an STP or an SCP.


A 16-bit value, where each bit enables or disables additional features of the remote signaling point. The meaning for each bit is as defined for the options parameter defined in the Configure Sub-System Resource Request section of the SCCP Programmer's Manual.


A 32-bit value that specifies the part of a destination point code that must match the <remote_spc> value in order for an SCCP transmit message to be sent down to this destination sub-system. Bits set to zero indicate that the corresponding bit position in the transmit message destination point code must match the bit position of the remote SPC. Bits set to 1 indicate bit positions in the message destination point code that do not need to match the remote SPC set for this RSP. This allows configuration of a default destination sub-system (for example, a gateway SCP). Configuring SCCP Local Sub-Systems

Synopsis Each local SCCP sub-system is configured using an SCCP_SSR command, specifying the local subsystem number (as used by the SS7 protocol) and the module ID designated by the user to implement this sub-system. Applicability


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

SIU, SWS Syntax

SCCP_SSR [<nc_id>] <ssr_id> LSS <local_ssn> <module_id> <lss_flags> <protocol>

SCCP_SSR 3 LSS 0x07 0x0d 1 MAP SCCP_SSR NC1 3 LSS 0x07 0x0d 1 MAP

Parameters The SCCP_SSR command includes the following parameters when configuring SCCP local subsystems:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the SSR is being configured for. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3.


A unique value in the range 0 to 2047 that is used to identify the SSR. 512 ssr_ids are allowed per Network Context. The same ssr_id may not be used to configure an SSR of another type.


Identifies the SCCP_SSR command type as a command for a local SCCP sub-system.


The local sub-system number as defined by the SCCP protocol.


For SIU mode this is the module identifier of the user application on the host computer that implements the local sub-system. This must be in the range 0x0d, 0x1d, 0x2d to 0xfd, where 0xnd is defined as APPn_TASK_ID. For SWS mode set to 0x45 for correct SWS operation.


A 16-bit value where each bit enables or disables additional features of the local sub-system. The meaning of each bit is as defined for the options parameter described in the Configure SubSystem Resource Request section of the SCCP Programmer's Manual.


For SIU mode set to SCCP, TCAP, MAP, IS41, INAP, DTS, DTS-MAP, DTS-INAP, or DTS-IS41 depending on the layer of the protocol stack that the user application interfaces with. For SWS mode set to MAP. For example, for SIU, to configure a local sub-system (SSN=6) for an application with module_id = 0x3d that implements an HLR by directly interfacing to MAP, the following command would be used: SCCP_SSR 3 LSS 0x06 0x3d 0x0000 MAP

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Additionaly for example for SWS operation, to configure a local sub-system (SSN=8) for use in SWS mode the following command would be used: SCCP_SSR 3 LSS 0x08 0x45 0x0000 MAP Note: The MAP, IS41 and INAP modules currently support only a single user module each, therefore all MAP, IS41 or INAP local-sub-systems must use the same <module_id> value. Note: Different local subsystems may specify different DTS variants; however, the DTS protocol and the non-DTS protocol cannot be specified simultaneously, e.g., MAP and DTS-MAP may not be specified at the same time. Configuring SCCP Remote Sub-Systems

Synopsis This command defines a remote sub-system known to the Signaling Server Signaling Server . Each entry contains the signaling point code and sub-system number. Multiple SCCP_SSR entries may be included in the file. The presence of an RSS command causes the SCCP to generate subsystem test (SST) messages for the sub-system. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_SSR [<nc_id>] <ssr_id> RSS <remote_spc> <remote_ssn> <rss_flags>

SCCP_SSR 4 RSS 1236 0x67 0 SCCP_SSR NC1 4 RSS 1236 0x67 0

Parameters The SCCP_SSR command includes the following parameters when configuring SCCP remote subsystems:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the SSR is being configured for. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2, or NC3.


A unique value in the range 0 to 2047 that is used to identify the SSR. 512 ssr_ids are allowed per Network Context. The same ssr_id may not be used to configure an SSR of another type.


Identifies the SCCP_SSR command type as a command for a remote SCCP sub-system.


The point code where the remote sub-system is implemented. Note: For correct operation, <remote_spc> must always have its own SCCP_RSP entry in addition to any SCCP_RSS entries. There must also be an MTP_ROUTE defined for this signaling point.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


The remote sub-system number as defined by the SCCP protocol.


A 16-bit value where each bit enables or disables additional features of the remote sub-system. The meaning for each bit is as defined for the options parameter described in the Configure SubSystem Resource Request section of the SCCP Programmer's Manual. SCCP Sub System Resource configuration is viewed using the CNSSP MMI. After startup additional Sub System Resources can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNSSI command. Sub System Resources are removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNSSE MMI command. The status of DTS SCCP Local hosts can read using the STDHP MMI command. Note: While SCCP RSS and RSP Subsystem Resources may be added and removed dynamically for LSS subsystem resources on those of protocol type SCCP can be, LSS subsystem resources of other protocol types require a system restart before the change can take effect.


SCCP_CONC_SSR - SCCP Concerned Sub-Systems Configuration

This command defines an SCCP concerned resource that receives SCCP notifications if the state of a resource it is concerned about changes. A concerned sub-system resource, (CSSR), can refer to up to 32 sub-system resources, (SSR). Notification is given in the form of an SCCP management indication. Multiple SCCP_CONC_SSR entries may be included in the file. See the SCCP Programmer's Manual for more information. Note: Attempting to mix the current command formats with the formats of older versions of commands within the same configuration file may give rise to restart errors indicating inconsistent command format. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
SCCP_CONC_SSR [<nc_id>] <id> <cssr_id> <ssr_id>


Parameters The SCCP_CONC_SRR command includes the following parameters:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that the SSR is being configured for. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

A unique value in the range 0 to 8191 that is used to identify the concerned sub-system resource command.


Refers to a concerned resource specified by an SCCP_SSR command. The <cssr_id> may identify SSRs of two types: LSS and RSP. The <cssr_id> identifies the concerned resource that receives SCCP notifications if the state of the controlled resource identified by the <ssr_id> is changed. <ssr_id>

Refers to a controlled resource specified by an SCCP_SSR command: If the <cssr_id> is referring to an LSS, the <ssr_id> used in the same command may refer to either an RSS or an RSP resource. If the <cssr_id> is referring to an RSP, the <ssr_id> used in the same command can only refer to an LSS resource.
Note: The <cssr_id> and <ssr_id> parameters can only refer to SSR's previously configured using the

SCCP_SSR command. SCCP Concerned Sub System Resource configuration is viewed using the CNCSP MMI. After startup additional Concerned Sub System Resource configuration can be added to the config.txt file and then read into the system using the CNCSI command. Concerned Sub System Resources configuration can be removed from the config.txt file and then removed from the system using the CNCSE MMI command.


TCAP Configuration Commands

TCAP_CONFIG - TCAP Configuration TCAP_NC_CONFIG - TCAP Network Context Configuration TCAP_CFG_DGRP - TCAP Dialog Group Configuration

The TCAP configuration commands include:


TCAP_CONFIG - TCAP Configuration

The TCAP_CONFIG command activates the TCAP protocol layer on the Signaling Server and provides the TCAP operating parameters. This command should only be used when an SCCP_CONFIG command is present. Note: Network Context-specific configuration may be done using the TCAP_NC_CONFIG command. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
TCAP_CONFIG <base_ogdlg_id> <nog_dialogues> <base_icdlg_id> <nic_dialogues> <options> <dlg_hunt> <addr format>


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

TCAP_CONFIG 0x0000 8192 0x8000 8192 0x0000 0 0

Parameters The TCAP_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <base_ogdlg_id>

The dialogue_id for the first outgoing dialog. <nog_dialogues>

The number of outgoing dialogs to support. The valid range is 0 to 32767. <base_icdlg_id>

The dialogue_id for the first incoming dialog. The most significant bit (bit 15) of the dialog ID must be set to one for incoming dialogs. <nic_dialogues>

The number of incoming dialogs to support. The valid range is 0 to 32767. Note: If dialogue values are out of the permitted range TCAP will be configured with default values of 32767 nog_dialogues and 32767 nic_dialogues. <options>

Specifies TCAP protocol options as defined for the TCAP Configuration Request message in the TCAP Programmers Manual. <dlg_hunt>

The hunt mode used in the case of multiple TCAP hosts to determine which TCAP group is selected whenever a new incoming dialog arrives. It should be set to 0, 1 or 2 for the following hunt modes:
0: Cyclic Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the next TCAP group.

1: Load Balanced Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the group with the least number of active incoming dialogs. 2: Sequential Selection. Each new incoming dialog is allocated to the group containing the first inactive incoming <dialogue_id>. <addr format>

The format of messages used by TCAP. Possible values are: 0: The address format is determined by the setting of bit 1 of the <options> field. - If bit 1 of the <options> field is set to indicate ANSI TCAP PDU formats, then ANSI format 24-bit point codes are selected. - If bit 1 of the <options> field is not set, ITU-T TCAP PDU formats and 14-bit point codes are selected.
1: ITU-T format, 14-bit point codes 2: ITU-T format, 24-bit point codes 3: ANSI format, 14-bit point codes


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4: ANSI format, 24-bit point codes

16-bit point codes are not supported.


TCAP_NC_CONFIG - TCAP Network Context Configuration

The TCAP_NC_CONFIG command specifies Network Context-specific configuration for TCAP and overrides configuration specified by the TCAP_CONFIG command. This command should only be used when a TCAP_CONFIG command is present. Applicability SIU Syntax
TCAP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <options> <addr format>


Parameters The TCAP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that TCAP is being configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 or NC3. <options>

Specifies TCAP protocol options as defined for the TCAP Configuration Request message in the TCAP Programmer's Manual. <addr format>

The format of messages used by TCAP. Possible values are: 0: The address format is determined by the setting of bit 1 of the <options> field. - If bit 1 of the <options> field is set to indicate ANSI TCAP PDU formats, then ANSI format 24-bit point codes are selected. - If bit 1 of the <options> field is not set, ITU-T TCAP PDU formats and 14-bit point codes are selected. Note:
1: ITU-T format, 14-bit point codes 2: ITU-T format, 24-bit point codes 3: ANSI format, 14-bit point codes 4: ANSI format, 24-bit point codes

16-bit point codes are not supported.


TCAP_CFG_DGRP - TCAP Dialog Group Configuration


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

The TCAP_CFG_DGRP command allows you to configure TCAP dialog groups, each group handling a sub-set of the total available dialogs. This allows each group to reside on a separate host computer that in turn allows the application using TCAP to be distributed over several machines. If the TCAP_CFG_DGRP command is omitted, the complete range of dialog identifiers defined by the TCAP_CONFIG command is assigned to host_id 0. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
TCAP_CFG_DGRP <gid> <base_ogdlg_id> <nog_dialogues> <base_icdlg_id> <nic_dialogues> <options> <host_id>

TCAP_CFG_DGRP 0 0x0000 1024 0x8000 1024 0 0 TCAP_CFG_DGRP 1 0x0400 1024 0x8400 1024 0 1

Parameters The TCAP_CFG_DGRP command includes the following parameters: <gid>

A logical identifier for this group, the valid range being 0 to 31. <base_ogdlg_id>

The first outgoing dialog ID assigned to this dialog group. <nog_dialogues>

The number of outgoing dialogs assigned to this group, hence outgoing dialog IDs base_ogdlg_id to base_ogdlg_id + nog_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group. <base_icdlg_id>

The first incoming dialog ID assigned to this dialog identifier group. <nic_dialogues>

The number of incoming dialogs assigned to this group, hence outgoing dialog IDs base_ogdlg_id to base_icdlg_id + nic_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group. <options>

Should be set to zero. <host_id>

Identifies the host computer to which the defined ranges of dialogs will be sent. The number of dialogs must lie within the limit specified with the TCAP_CONFIG command.


DTS Configuration Commands

DTS CONFIG - Distributed Transaction Server Configuration

The DTS configuration commands include the following:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

TCAP_TIMER - TCAP Timer Configuration

DTS_CONFIG Distributed Transaction Server Configuration

Synopsis The DTS_CONFIG command is an optional command that defines the global configuration parameters for DTS. Its principal function is to allow users to specify more than 16 TCAP hosts. Applications that operate on more than 16 TCAP hosts require a slightly different TCAP configuration from those that operate with 16 or less, as the transaction id (tid) requires more of its bits to be used to identify the TCAP instance. This command allows users to configure DTS on the SIU so that DTS matches TCAP configuration on the host. Applicability SIU Syntax
DTS_CONFIG <max_instance> <reserved>


Parameters The DTS_CONFIG command includes the following parameters: <max_instance> The maximum number of TCAP hosts which will receive traffic from DTS. When the DTS_CONFIG command is not used, this parameter will default to a maximum of 16 hosts. <reserved> Reserved for future use and must be set to zero. TCAP_TIMER - TCAP Timer Configuration

Synopsis The TCAP_TIMER command provides the ability to configure the TCAP protocol timers from the config.txt file. This command is currently only used to configure the TCAP idle dialog timeout. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
TCAP_TIMER <reserved> TDLG_IDLE_TOUT <value>


Parameters The TCAP_TIMER command includes the following parameters: <reserved> Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0.

Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

<timer_id> A text identifier for the timer to be configured. It should be set to TDLG_IDLE_TOUT. <value> The timer value in seconds.


MAP Configuration Commands

MAP_CONFIG - MAP Configuration MAP_NC_CONFIG - MAP Configuration

The MAP configuration commands include:


MAP_CONFIG - MAP Configuration

The MAP_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for MAP when existing in a single network or for Network Context 0 (NC0) when existing in multiple Network Contexts. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. This command should only be used if the MAP software has been licensed and configured on the Signaling Server and must appear on a separate command line in the config.txt file after the SCCP_SSR command that identifies MAP as the protocol module. Applicability SIU, SWS Syntax
MAP_CONFIG <options>


Parameters The MAP_CONFIG command includes the following parameter: <options>

A 32-bit value containing run-time options for passing to the MAP module. Individual bit definitions are as specified for the options field in the MAP_MSG_CONFIG command as defined in the MAP Programmers Manual. Currently, this includes two bits as follows:

Bit 0 1


Description V3 dialogs use the V2 error format Dialogs are closed immediately on reception of CLOSE_REQ


MAP_NC_CONFIG - MAP Configuration

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The MAP_NC_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for MAP existing in an additional SS7 Network Context to that identified by the MAP_CONFIG command. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. Applicability SIU Syntax
MAP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <options>


Parameters The MAP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameter: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that MAP is being configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 or NC3. <options>

A 32-bit value containing run-time options for passing to the MAP module. Individual bit definitions are as specified for the options field in the MAP_MSG_CONFIG command as defined in the MAP Programmers Manual. Currently, this includes two bits as follows:

Bit 0 1


Description V3 dialogs use the V2 error format Dialogs are closed immediately on reception of CLOSE_REQ


IS41 Configuration Commands

There are currently no supported IS41 configuration commands.


INAP Configuration Commands

INAP_CONFIG - INAP Configuration INAP_NC_CONFIG - INAP Network Context Configuration INAP_AC - INAP Application Contexts INAP_FE - INAP Functional Entities

The INAP configuration commands include:


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands


INAP_CONFIG - INAP Configuration

The INAP_ CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for INAP when existing in a single network or for Network Context 0 (NC0) when existing in multiple Network Contexts. See Section 7.4, Configuring Multiple Network Contexts on page 266 for more information. This command should only be used if the INAP software has been licensed and configured on the Signaling Server. Applicability SIU Syntax
INAP_CONFIG <options>


Parameters The INAP_CONFIG command includes the following parameter:


A 32-bit value that contains run time options for the operation of the INAP protocol. The bits are as defined for the options parameter described in the Configuration Request section of the INAP Programmers Manual.


INAP_NC_CONFIG - INAP Network Context Configuration

The INAP_NC_CONFIG command defines the global configuration parameters for INAP existing in an additional SS7 Network Context to that identified by the INAP_CONFIG command. Applicability SIU Syntax
INAP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <options>


Parameters The INAP_NC_CONFIG command includes the following parameter:


SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network that INAP is being configured for. Supported values are: NC1, NC2 or NC3.



Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

A 32-bit value that contains run time options for the operation of the INAP protocol. The bits are as defined for the options parameter described in the Configuration Request section of the INAP Programmer's Manual.


INAP_FE - INAP Functional Entities

This command is used to configure the INAP functional entity records for operation. These allow the user application to refer to Functional Entities (FEs) in the network via a local reference rather than providing the full SCCP. You may subsequently use this reference in the Destination FE or Originating FE parameters of the INAP_OPEN_DLG primitive or IN_dialogue_open API function. This reference is used instead of the destination or origination address parameter. Applicability SIU Syntax
INAP_FE <nc_id> <fe_ref> <options> <sccp_address>

INAP_FE 0x00000007 0x0000000f 0x00000000 INAP_FE NC1 0x00000007 0x0000000f 0x00000000

Parameters The INAP_FE command includes the following parameters: <nc_id>

SS7 Network Context. This parameter uniquely identifies the SS7 network the FE is being configured for. Supported values are: NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. When not specified, a value of NC0 is assumed. <fe_ref>

Logical identifier for this Functional Entity (FE) in the range 0 to 127 (max 128), with a maximum of 32 identifiers per Network Context. <options>

A 16-bit FE options value. Bit 0 set to 1 identifies a local FE. Other bits should be set to 0. <sccp_address>

The SCCP address of the local FE, in Q.713 format commencing with the address indicator, as a string of hex characters, up to 18 characters in length. The Signaling Server supports up to 32 functional entities.


INAP_AC - INAP Application Context

This command is used to configure the INAP Application Context (AC) records for use. These control the application context negotiation that the module conducts during dialog establishment. All supported application contexts must be individually configured using this message.


Chapter 5 Configuration Commands

The module only accepts incoming dialogs with configured Application Contexts. If a dialog request with an unconfigured context is received, a dialog abort message is returned to the requesting Functional Entity. If no supported Application Contexts are configured, the application context negotiation is disabled. The module accepts all incoming dialogs. Applicability SIU Syntax
INAP_AC <ac_ref> <ac>

INAP_AC 0x00 0xa109060704000101010000

Parameters The INAP_AC command includes the following parameters: <ac_ref> A logical identifier for this application context. <ac>

Application context. Specified as hexadecimal characters, prefixed by 0x. An application context may be up to 32 octets (character pairs) in length. The Signaling Server supports up to 32 application contexts.


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6 Management Commands
The following is a summary of the command categories and the commands within those categories. Help for these commands is also available on line using MMI by simply typing a '?' character followed by the return character at the MML command enter prompt.


Access Control Commands

ACCUP - Access Current User Configuration ACCUS - Account Control Current User Set ACPOP - Account Control Policy Configuration ACPOS - Account Control Policy Set ACUAE - Account Control User Account End ACUAI - Account Control User Account Initiate ACUAP - Account Control User Account Configuration ACUPC - Account Control User Profile Change ACUPE - Account Control User Profile End ACUPI - Account Control User Profile Initiate ACUPP - Account Control User Profile Configuration ALLIP - Active Alarm List


ACCUP - Access Current User Configuration

This command displays information related to a specific user account. In the output, a PASSWORD (and the associated CONFIRM) value will be displayed "********". Syntax ACCUP; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Current User > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Example ACCUP; Output format
User Password Configuration USER john

Chapter 6 Management Commands


******** ********


ACCUS - Account Control Current User Set

This command changes configuration data for the current user. Syntax ACCUS:PASSWORD=,CONFIRM=; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Current User > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Prerequisites The character strings for the password and confirm parameters must be identical. Example ACCUS:PASSWORD=Di@l0gic,CONFIRM=Di@l0gic;


ACPOP - Account Control Policy Configuration

This command displays the access policy for a server. Syntax ACPOP; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > System Policy > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example ACPOP; Output format


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


ACPOS - Account Control Policy Set

This command changes the access policy for a server. Syntax ACPOS:[TELSER=,][SSHSER=,][FTPSER=,][WMSER=,][WSSER=,][SESSIONS=,][MAXLIFE=,] [STRONG=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > System Policy > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Policy Management Access Example ACPOS:MAXLIFE=30;


ACUAC - Account Control User Account Change

This command changes the configuration of a user account. Syntax ACUAC:USER=,[PASSWORD=, CONFIRM=,][ACCESS=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Accounts > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Administration Access Prerequisites When entered, the character strings for the password and confirm parameters must be identical. Example ACUAC:USER=admin,PASSWORD=Di@l0gic,CONFIRM=Di@l0gic;


ACUAE - Account Control User Account End

This command deletes a user account. Syntax ACUAE:USER=; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Accounts > Configuration

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Administration Access Example ACUAE:USER=operator1;


ACUAI - Account Control User Account Initiate

This command adds a user account. Syntax ACUAI:USER=,PASSWORD=,CONFIRM=,ACCESS=,; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Accounts > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Administration Access Prerequisites The character strings for the password and confirm parameters must be identical. Example ACUAI:USER=operator1,PASSWORD=Di@l0gic,CONFIRM=Di@l0gic,ACCESS=operator;


ACUAP - Account Control User Account Configuration

This command displays information related to user accounts. In the output a PASSWORD (and the associated CONFIRM) value will be displayed as "********" Syntax ACUAP; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Accounts > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example ACUAP;


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Output format
User Account Configuration USER PASSWORD admin ******** ftpuser ******** john ******** CONFIRM ******** ******** ******** ACCESS policy ftponly operator


ACUPC - Account Control User Profile Change

This command changes the configuration of a user profile. Syntax ACUPC:ACCESS=,[CLI=,][FTP=,][MWS=,][WSS=,][MGR=,][MGW=,][MGX=,][MGA=,] [MGS=,][MGP=,][EXP=,]; Applicability Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Profile > ConfigurationOperating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Policy Management Access Example ACUPC:ACCESS=admin,MGW=Y;


ACUPE - Account Control User Profile End

This command deletes a user profile. Syntax ACUPE:ACCESS=; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Profile > ConfigurationApplicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Policy Management Access Example ACUPE:ACCESS=admin;


ACUPI - Account Control User Profile Initiate

This command adds a user profile. Syntax ACUPI:ACCESS=,[CLI=,][FTP=,][MWS=,][WSS=,][MGR=,][MGW=,][MGX=,][MGA=,] [[MGS=,][[MGP=,][EXP=,]; Web Management Location


Chapter 6 Management Commands

System Administration > Access Control > User Profile > ConfigurationApplicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Policy Management Access Example ACUPI:ACCESS=admin,CLI=Y,FTP=Y,MWS=Y,WSS=Y,MGR=Y,MGW=Y,MGX=Y,MGA=Y,MEXP=Y;


ACUPP - Account Control User Profile Configuration

This command displays information related to user profiles. When specified without a parameter or the page parameter the output provided is a table of privileges for all access policies. When specified with the ACCESS parameter (command line only) the output provides a textual description of each privilege associated with the access policy. Syntax ACUPP; ACUPP:[ACCESS=]; ACUPP:[PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Profile > ConfigurationApplicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example ACUPP; ACUPP:PAGE=2; ACUPP:ACCESS=policy; Output format
Access User Profile Configuration (Page 1 of 2) ACCESS CLI FTP MWS WSS EXP policy Y Y Y N Y admin Y Y Y N Y operator Y Y Y N Y user Y N Y N Y ftponly N Y N N N wssonly N N N Y N Access User Profile Configuration (Page 2 of 2) ACCESS MGR MGW MGX MGS MGA MGP policy Y Y Y Y Y Y admin Y Y Y Y Y N operator Y Y Y N N N user Y N N N N N ftponly N N N N N N wssonly N N N N N N Access User Profile Configuration ACCESS policy CLI Y MML command line interface enabled FTP Y FTP login read/write enabled WMS Y Management web server enabled WSS N Web Services API disabled EXP N Password expiry disabled MGR Y Read configuration status and measurements MGW Y Change/Add/Delete configuration MGX Y Maintenance actions (block/unblock/reset) MGS Y Security management enabled MGA Y Administrative access to add/remove users


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Policy access to set system policy


Alarm Commands

ALLIP - Active Alarm List ALTEE - Alarm Test End ALTEI - Alarm Test Initiate


ALLIP - Active Alarm List

This command displays the active system alarms. Syntax ALLIP; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > Alarms > Status Operations > Alarms Footer > Alarms Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example ALLIP; Output format
Active Alarm List CLA CATEGORY ID MAJ PCM 0 MAJ PCM 1 CRT SIG 0 CRT SIG 1 CRT SYS 0 TITLE PCM Loss PCM Loss SS7 link failure SS7 link failure Host link failed

The interpretation of the ID field in the listing is dependent on the alarm type. See the table of possible alarm events for details of individual alarm events.


ALTEE - Alarm Test End

Clears a test alarm Syntax ALTEE:{[CLA=5]|[CLA=4]|[CLA=3]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > Alarm Test > StatusApplicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Example ALTEE:CLA=3;


ALTEI - Alarm Test Initiate

The command generates an active test alarm of the specified class, which is entered in the alarm log. Alarm tests can be used to validate the operation of hardware such as LEDS on the front panel of the server. Syntax ALTEI:{[CLA=5]|[CLA=4]|[CLA=3]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > Alarm Test > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Example ALTEI:CLA=3;


Configuration Commands

CNACE - ATM Cell Stream End CNACI - ATM Cell Stream Initiate CNACP - ATM Cell Stream Configuration CNBOP - Board Configuration CNBOS - Board Set CNCGE - Circuit Group End CNCGI - Circuit Group Initiate CNCGP - Circuit Group Configuration CNCRE - SS7 Route End CNCRI - SS7 Route Initiate CNCRP - SS7 Route Configuration CNCSE - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource End CNCSI - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Initiate CNCSP - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Configuration CNDUP - Dual Operation Configuration

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

CNDUS - Dual Operation Set CNGAP - SCCP GTT Address Configuration CNGLE - SIGTRAN Gateway List End CNGLI - SIGTRAN Gateway List Initiate CNGLP - SIGTRAN Remote Signaling Gateway List Configuration CNGPP - SCCP GTT Pattern Configuration CNGTP - SCCP GTT Translation Configuration CNHSP - Host Configuration CNHSS - Configuration Host Set CNLAE - SIGTRAN Local Application Server End CNLAI - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Initiate CNLAP - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration CNLCP - Software License Capability Configuration CNLDP - SCCP Loadshare DPC Configuration CNLSE - SS7 Link Set End CNLSI - SS7 Link Set Initiate CNLSP - SS7 Link Set Configuration CNLTP - SCCP Loadshare Table Configuration CNMLE - SS7 Monitor Link End CNMLI - SS7 Monitor Link Initiate CNMLP - SS7 Monitor link Configuration CNOBP - SNMP Trap Configuration CNOBS - Configuration SNMP Traps Set CNPCE - PCM End CNPCI - PCM Initiate CNPCP - PCM Configuration CNRAE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server End CNRAI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Initiate CNRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration CNRDI - Configuration Restore Default Initiate


Chapter 6 Management Commands

CNRLE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List End CNRLI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Initiate CNRLP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration CNSBE - SIGTRAN Local Bind End CNSBI - SIGTRAN Local Bind Initiate CNSBP - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration CNSLE - SS7 Link End CNSLI - SS7 Link Initiate CNSLP - SS7 Link Configuration CNSMC - Configuration SNMP Manager Change CNSME - Configuration SNMP Manager End CNSMI - Configuration SNMP Manager Initiate CNSMP - SNMP Manager Configuration CNSNP - SNMP Configuration CNSNS - Configuration SNMP Set CNSRE - SIGTRAN Route End CNSRI - SIGTRAN Route Initiate CNSRP - SIGTRAN Route Configuration CNSSE - SCCP Subsystem Resource End CNSSI - SCCP Subsystem Resource Initiate CNSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Configuration CNSTE - SIGTRAN Link End CNSTI - SIGTRAN Link Initiate CNSTP - SIGTRAN Link Configuration CNSWP - System Software Configuration CNSYP - System Configuration CNSYS - Configuration System Set CNTDP - Time and Date Configuration CNTDS - Configuration Time and Day Set CNTMP - Trace Masks Configuration


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

CNTMS - Configuration Trace Mask Set CNTPE - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server End CNTPI - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server Initiate CNTPP - NTP Server Configuration CNURC - Configuration Update Resources Change CNURE - Configuration Update Resources End CNURI - Configuration Update Resources Initiate CNUSC - Configuration SNMP User Change CNUSE - Configuration SNMP User End CNUSI - Configuration SNMP User Initiate CNUSP - SNMP User Configuration


CNACE - ATM Cell Stream End

This command removes an ATM Cell Stream. Note: To add a Cell Stream the user should first add the configuration to the config.txt file, then execute this command to load the configuration onto the system Syntax CNACE:CELLSTR=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Cell Streams > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The ATM Cell Stream has been initiated. The ATM Cell Stream is not present in the config.txt file. The ATM Cell Stream is not used in any other configuration. Example CNACE:CELLSTR=1;


CNACI - ATM Cell Stream Initiate

This command adds a new ATM Cell Stream.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Note: ATM Cell Streams are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNACI:CELLSTR=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Cell Streams > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The ATM Cell Stream ID has not been initiated. The ATM Cell Stream is present in the config.txt file. Example CNACI:CELLSTR=1;


CNACP - ATM Cell Stream Configuration

This command displays the all configured ATM Cell Streams. Syntax CNACP; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Cell Streams > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNACP; Output format
ATM Cell Stream Configuration CELLSTR BPOS L2ID PORTID OPTIONS IMALEN DEFVPI DEFVCI 1 0 1 1 0x0000 0 12 10


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Note: See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "ATM_CELL_STREAM" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNBOP - Board Configuration

This command displays the configuration of all Signaling boards Note: The board serial number does not need to be set or changed as it is determined automatically. If a board is added or replaced then the board type should be set (or unset and reset when replacing) and the system restarted after which it will extract the new serial number of the board. Parameters associated the SS7_BOARD command in config.txt will only be displayed if a SS7_BOARD command is present for the board in config.txt. Syntax CNBOP; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Boards > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNBOP; Output format
Board Configuration BPOS BRDTYPE 0 SS7MD 1 SS7MD OPTIONS Ox00000001 Ox00000001

Note: See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SS7_BOARD" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNBOS - Board Set

This command specifies the boards a user requires in a system. Note: The board serial number does not need to be set or changed as it is determined automatically. If a board is added or replaced then the board type should be set (or unset and reset when replacing) and the system restarted after which it will extract the new serial number of the board. Syntax CNBOS:BPOS=,BRDTYPE=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Boards > Configuration

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The board type must match that of the fitted board in the specified position. Example CNBOS:BPOS=1,BRDTYPE=SS7MD;


CNCGE - Circuit Group End

This command removes a Circuit Group. Note: Circuit Groups are dynamically removed by first deleting the group from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the group from the system. Syntax CNCGE:GID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Circuit Group ID has been initiated. The Circuit Group has been deactivated. The Circuit Group is not used in any other configuration. The Circuit Group is not present in the config.txt file. Example CNCGE:GID=1;


CNCGI - Circuit Group Initiate

This command adds a new Circuit Group. Note: Circuit Groups are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNCGI:GID=;

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Circuit Group ID has not been initiated. The Circuit Group is present in the config.txt file. Example CNCGI:GID=1;


CNCGP - Circuit Group Configuration

This command displays circuit group configuration data. Syntax CNCGP:[GID=][,PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNCGP; CNCGP:PAGE=2; CNCGP:GID=0; CNCGP:GID=0,PAGE=2; Output format
Circuit GGID NC 0 NC0 1 NC0 2 NC0 3 NC0 Group Configuration (Page 1 of 2) OPC DPC BCIC BCID 1 2 0 1 1 2 32 33 1 3 64 65 1 3 96 97 (Page 2 of 2) MNGT_HOST MNGT_ID 0 0x1d 0 0x1d 0 0x1d 0 0x1d

CIC_MASK 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff

VARIANT ITU_2000 ITU_2000 ITU_2000 ITU_2000

OPTIONS 0x0000001c 0x0000001c 0x0000001c 0x0000001c

OPTIONS2 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Circuit Group Configuration GID SSF USER_HOST USER_ID 0 0x8 0 0x1d 1 0x8 0 0x1d 2 0x8 0 0x1d 3 0x8 0 0x1d

MAINT_HOST 0 0 0 0

MAINT_ID 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d 0x1d

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


CNCRE - SS7 Route End

This command removes an MTP route. Note: MTP routes are dynamically removed by first deleting the route from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the route from the system. Syntax CNCRE:C7RT=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The MTP Route ID has been initiated. The MTP Route is not present in the config.txt file. The MTP Route is not used in any other configuration. Example CNCRE:C7RT=1;


CNCRI - SS7 Route Initiate

This command adds a new MTP route. Note: MTP routes are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Configuring a MTP route to an adjacent Signaling End Point(SEP) requires any/all previously configured MTP links that will be associated with the route to be taken out of service (deactivated) and then brought back into service (activated) to allow the route to come fully into service. New MTP routes that reach a destination via an STP do not require this additional step as they will come into service on the completion of the Signaling Route Set Test mechanism. Syntax CNCRI:C7RT=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Prerequisites The MTP Route ID has not been initiated. The MTP Route is present in the config.txt file. Example CNCRI:C7RT=1;


CNCRP - SS7 Route Configuration

This command displays MTP route configuration data, Syntax CNCRP:[C7RT=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNCRP; CNCRP:C7RT=0; Output format
SS7 Route Configuration C7RT NC DPC LS1 0 NC0 1 0 1 NC0 2 0 2 NC1 3 0 LS2 0 0 0 UPMASK OPTIONS 0x00008 0x00000 0x00008 0x00000 0x00008 0x00000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "MTP_ROUTE" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNCSE - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource End

This command removes a Concerned Sub-System Resource. Note: Concerned Sub-System Resources are dynamically removed by first deleting the Resource from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the Resource from the system. Syntax CNCSE:CSSRLID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP CSSRs > Configuration Applicability


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Concerned Sub-System List ID has been initiated. The Concerned Sub-System List ID is not present in the config.txt file. The Concerned Sub-System is not used in any other configuration. Example CNCSE:CSSRLID=1;


CNCSI - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Initiate

This command adds a new Concerned Sub-System Resource. Note: Concerned Sub-System Resources are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNCSI:CSSRLID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP CSSRs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Concerned Sub-System List ID has not been initiated. The Concerned Sub-System List ID is present in the config.txt file. Example CNCSI:CSSRLID=1;


CNCSP - SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Configuration

This command displays Concerned Sub-system configuration data. Syntax CNCSP:[CSSRLID=],[CSSR=],[NC=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP CSSRs > Configuration

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNCSP; CNCSP:CSSR=LSS; CNCSP:NC=0; Output format
SCCP Concerned Subsystem Resource Configuration CSSRLID NC CSSRID SSRID CSSR CSPC CSSN SSR SPC 0 NC1 1 11 LSS 13 RSP 3 1 NC1 2 23 LSS 13 RSS 3 2 NC2 4 34 LSS 253 RSP 4 3 NC2 8 35 LSS 253 RSS 4 4 NC0 9 36 LSS 253 RSP 2 5 NC0 10 37 LSS 253 RSS 2 SSN 8 8 8

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_CONC_SSR" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNDUP - Dual Operation Configuration

This command displays Dual Operation Configuration. Note: Configuration of the Remote IP Address of the partner system is configured using the SIU_REM_ADDR command in the config.txt file. Syntax CNDUP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Dual Operation > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNDUP; Output format
Dual Operation Configuration MODE MODEA REMOTE_IPADDR

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SIU_REM_ADDR" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNDUS - Dual Operation Set

This command is configure the server for DUAL operation.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Note: Configuration of the Remote IP Address of the partner system is configured using the SIU_REM_ADDR command in the config.txt file. Syntax CNDUS: MODE=, Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Dual Operation > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNDUS:MODE=MODEB;


CNGAP - SCCP GTT Address Configuration

This command shows GTT Addresses defined on the system. Syntax CNGAP:[NC=,][GTAID=,]; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNGAP; Output format
SCCP GTAID 4 5 1023 GTT Address Configuration NC AI SPC NC0 0x11 4369 NC0 0x11 17476 NC1 0x11 21845

SSN 0 0 0

GT 0x001104 0x001104 0x001104

GTAI_REPLACEMENT 333/---/4 55/ 00/

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNGLE - SIGTRAN Gateway List End

This command removes an SIGTRAN Gateway List.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Note: SIGTRAN Gateway Lists are dynamically removed by first deleting the Gateway List from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the Gateway List from the system. Syntax CNGLE:GLID=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN Gateway List ID has been initiated. The SIGTRAN Gateway List is not present in the config.txt file. Example CNGLE:GLID=1;


CNGLI - SIGTRAN Gateway List Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN Gateway List. Note: SIGTRAN Gateway Lists are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNGLI:SNRT=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN Gateway List ID has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN Gateway List is present in the config.txt file. Example CNGLI:SNRT=1;


Chapter 6 Management Commands


CNGLP - SIGTRAN Remote Signaling Gateway List Configuration

This command displays the configuration of relationships between Signaling Gateways and SIGTRAN Routes on the system. Syntax CNGLP:[RSG=],; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNGLP; CNGLP:RSG=3; Output format
SIGTRAN Remote Signaling Gateway List Configuration GLID SNRT RSG OPTIONS 1 1 1 0x0001 2 1 2 0x0001 3 2 2 0x0001 4 3 1 0x0001

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_RSGLIST" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNGPP - SCCP GTT Pattern Configuration

This command shows GTT Patterns defined on the system. Syntax CNGPP:[NC=,][GTPID=,]; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNGPP; Output format
SCCP GTT Pattern Configuration GTPID NC AI SPC 5 NC0 0x10 0 SSN 0 GT 0x001104 GTAI_PATTERN 22/?6+


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6






See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_GTT_PATTERN" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNGTP - SCCP GTT Translation Configuration

This command shows GTT Translations defined on the system. Syntax CNGTP:[NC=,][GTTID=,]; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNGTP; Output format
SCCP GTT GTTID 4 5 1023 Translation NC NC0 NC0 NC1 Configuration MASK R--/K--/R R-/K R-/K

PRI_ADDR_ID 4 5 1023


See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_GTT" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNHSP - Host Configuration

This command displays Host Configuration. Note: Configuration of the number of hosts, host options and host select mode is configured using the SIU_HOSTS command in the config.txt file. Syntax CNHSP; Web Management Location System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Example CNHSP; Output format


See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SIU_HOSTS" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNHSS - Configuration Host Set

This command changes host configuration parameters, for example the default management host or whether hosts are required for operation (they are not required when the server is acting as a SCCP router)." Syntax CNHSS:[DMHOST=,][HOST=,] Web Management Location System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNHSS:DMHOST=1


CNLAE - SIGTRAN Local Application Server End

This command removes an SIGTRAN Local Application Server (LAS). Note: SIGTRAN LASs are dynamically removed by first deleting the SIGTRAN LAS from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SIGTRAN LAS from the system. Syntax CNLAE:LAS=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Example CNLAE:LAS=1; Prerequisites The SIGTRAN LAS has been initiated. The SIGTRAN LAS is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN LAS is not used in any other configuration.


CNLAI - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN Local Application Server (LAS). SIGTRAN LASs are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNLAI:LAS=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN LAS has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN LAS is present in the config.txt file. Example CNLAI:LAS=1;


CNLAP - SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration

This command displays the configuration of SIGTRAN Local Application Servers on the system. Syntax CNLAP; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNLAP; Output format

SIGTRAN Local Application Server Configuration LAS NC OPC RC TRMD OPTIONS 1 NC0 1200 1 LS 0x0000 2 NC1 1300 2 OR 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_LAS" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNLCP - Software License Capability Configuration

This command shows which software licenses are available on the system. Syntax CNLCP; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > Software Licenses > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNLCP; Output format
Software License Capability Status CAPABILITY EVALUATION LINKS RATE SIU SCTP M2PA M3UA 16 154 TDM 16


CNLDP - SCCP Loadshare DPC Configuration

This command shows the SCCP Loadshare tables defined on the system. Syntax CNLDP; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNLDP; Output format

SCCP Loadshare DPC Configuration LSTSEQ DPC LST-5-0 2222 LST-5-1 2223 LST-6-0 1011 LST-6-1 1014 LST-6-2 1015 LST-7-0 1011 LST-7-1 1013

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_DPC" defined in the user manual for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNLSE - SS7 Link Set End

This command removes an SS7 Link Set. Note: SS7 Link Sets are dynamically removed by first deleting the SS7 Link Set from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SS7 Link Set from the system. Syntax CNLSE:LINKSET=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Link Sets > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Link Set has been initiated. The SS7 Link Set is not present in the config.txt file. An MTP linkset cannot be removed if it contains MTP links or is used on any MTP route. Example CNLSE:LINKSET=1;


CNLSI - SS7 Link Set Initiate

This command adds a new SS7 Link Set. Note: SS7 Link Sets are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Syntax CNLSI:LINKSET=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Link Sets > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Link Set has not been initiated. The SS7 Link Set is present in the config.txt file. Example CNLSI:LINKSET=1;


CNLSP - SS7 Link Set Configuration

This command displays all configured SS7 Link Sets. Syntax CNLSP:[LINKSET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Link Sets > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNLSP; Output format
SS7 Link LINKSET 0 1 Set Configuration NC OPC APC NC0 1234 5678 NC0 1234 9876 NLINKS SSF OPTIONS 16 0x8 0x0000 16 0x8 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "MTP_LINKSET" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNLTP - SCCP Loadshare Table Configuration

This command shows the SCCP Loadshare tables defined on the system.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Selecting a particular 'ID' field on the command will result in the following associated command being executed:
SCCP Loadshare DPC Configuration (CNLDP)

Syntax CNLTP; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNLTP; Output format
SCCP Loadshare LST NC LST-5 NC0 LST-7 NC1 Table Configuration OPTIONS 0x00000001 0x00000003

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_LOAD_SHARE_TABLE" defined in the user manual for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNMLE - SS7 Monitor Link End

This command removes an SS7 Monitor Link. Note: SS7 Monitor Links are dynamically removed by first deleting the SS7 Monitor Link from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SS7 Monitor Link from the system. Syntax CNMLE:MLINK=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Monitor Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Monitor Link has been initiated. The SS7 Monitor Link is not present in the config.txt file. Example


Chapter 6 Management Commands



CNMLI - SS7 Monitor Link Initiate

This command adds a new SS7 Monitor Link. Note: SS7 Monitor Links are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNMLI:MLINK=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Monitor Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Monitor Link has not been initiated. The SS7 Monitor Link is present in the config.txt file. The SS7 Monitor Link is not used in any other configuration. Example CNMLI:MLINK=1;


CNMLP - SS7 Monitor link Configuration

This command displays the configuration data for Monitor links Syntax CNMLP:[MLINK=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Monitor Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNMLP; Output format

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

SS7 Monitor link Configuration MLINK IFTYPE BPOS BLINK BPOS2 STREAM TS 0 TDM 1 1 1 0 16 1 TDM 1 2 1 1 16 2 ATM 0 1 1

USER_ID 0x0d 0x0d 0x0d


OPTIONS VPI VCI 0x00000003 0x00000003 0x00000003 0 1

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "MONITOR_LINK" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNOBP - SNMP Trap Configuration

This command displays the configuration of SNMP Traps for all SNMP objects. Syntax CNOBP:[OBJGRP=;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Traps > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites The DSMI agent must be enabled. All object states are set to CHANGE by default - meaning that if the state changes then a trap will be generated to all configured SNMP managers Example CNOBP; Output format


CNOBS - Configuration SNMP Traps Set

This command allows a user to determine the conditions under which an SNMP TRAP will be generated for a particular DSMI object. Essentially, a TRAP can be generated:

When any row within an object changes state (CHANGE) When a new row (with a particular state) is created within an object (CREATE) When a row (with a particular state) is destroyed within an object (DESTROY) When any combination of the above occur (ALL), or when an event occurs that affects the alarm condition of the object, but does not necessarily change the state.

TRAPs can also be completely disabled (NONE).


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Possible states that a DSMI object can transition into are: UP - Operational and available DOWN - Not available INACTIVE - Operational but not available IMPAIR - Operational and available but encountering service-affecting condition (e.g., congestion). RESTART - Unavailable but will soon be available QUIESCE - Operational but in the process of shutting down/being removed WARNING - Operational and available but encountering a non service-affecting condition Only one states TRAP configuration can be configured per single invocation of this command. The CNOBP command displays the current TRAP configuration for each object. These TRAP messages are sent to SNMP managers, which are defined with the CNSMI command. The default setting for object states is CHANGE. Syntax

Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Traps > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI agent must be enabled. Only one state/trap can be specifed per command. States can be set to CREATE, DESTROY, ALL, NONE or CHANGE Example CNOBS:OBJGRP=7,OBJECT=2,TDOWN=all; This will cause a TRAP to be generated whenever an SS7 link is created in the Down state, or destroyed while in the Down state or when the link enters the Down state.



This command removes an PCM. Note: PCMs are dynamically removed by first deleting the PCM from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the PCM from the system.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Syntax CNPCE:PORTID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > PCMs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The PCM Port has been initiated. The PCM Port is not present in the config.txt file. The PCM is not used in any other configuration. Example CNPCE:PORTID=1;


CNPCI - PCM Initiate

This command adds a new PCM. Note: PCMs are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNPCI:PORTID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > PCMs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The PCM Port has not been initiated. The PCM Port is present in the config.txt file. Example CNPCI:PORTID=1;


Chapter 6 Management Commands


CNPCP - PCM Configuration

This command displays all configured PCM ports. Syntax CNPCP; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > PCMs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNPCP; Output format
PCM Configuration PORTID PCM LIUTYPE LC 0 1-3 E1 HDB3 1 1-4 E1 HDB3


SYNCPRI BUILDOUT SLAVE OPTIONS 0 0 0 0x0000 0 0 0 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "LIU_CONFIG" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNRAE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server End

This command removes an SIGTRAN Remote Application Server (RAS). Note: SIGTRAN RASs are dynamically removed by first deleting the SIGTRAN RAS from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SIGTRAN RAS from the system. Syntax CNRAE:RAS=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN RAS has been initiated. The SIGTRAN RAS is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN RAS is not used in any other configuration.

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Example CNRAE:RAS=1;


CNRAI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN Remote Application Server (RAS). Note: SIGTRAN RASs are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNRAI:RAS=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN RAS has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN RAS is present in the config.txt file. Example CNRAI:RAS=1;


CNRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration

This command displays the configuration of SIGTRAN Remote Application Servers on the system. Syntax CNRAP; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNRAP; Output format
SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Configuration


Chapter 6 Management Commands

RAS 1 2


DPC 2200 2300

RC 1 2

NASP OPTIONS 1 0x0000 1 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_RAS" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNRDI - Configuration Restore Default Initiate

This command restores the protocol configuration (config.txt) file to the original default. The file does not include any commands, but provides guidelines on how to edit the file for a real configuration. Syntax CNRDI; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Example CNRDI;


CNRLE - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List End

This command removes an SIGTRAN Remote Application Server list entry (RLID). Note: SIGTRAN RLIDs are dynamically removed by first deleting the SIGTRAN RLID from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SIGTRAN RLID from the system. Syntax CNRLE:RLID=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Server Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN RLID has been initiated. The SIGTRAN RLID is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN RLID is not used in any other configuration.

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Example CNRLE:RLID=1;


CNRLI - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List entry(RLID). Note: SIGTRAN RLIDs are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNRLI:RLID=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Server Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN RLID has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN RLID is present in the config.txt file. Example CNRLI:RLID=1;


CNRLP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List Configuration

This command displays the assignment of SIGTRAN links to Remote Application Servers on the system. Syntax CNRLP:[RAS=],; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Server Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNRLP; CNRLP:RAS=3; Output format

Chapter 6 Management Commands

SIGTRAN Remote Application Server List RLID RAS SNLINK 1 16 1 2 16 2 3 16 32

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_RASLIST" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNSBE - SIGTRAN Local Bind End

This command removes a SIGTRAN Bind. Note: SIGTRAN binds are dynamically removed by first deleting the SIGTRAN bind from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SIGTRAN bind from the system. Syntax CNSBE:BIND=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Binds > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN bind has been initiated. The SIGTRAN bind is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN bind is not used in any other configuration. Example CNSBE:BIND=1;


CNSBI - SIGTRAN Local Bind Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN Bind. Note: SIGTRAN binds are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNSBI:BIND=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Binds > Configuration Applicability


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN bind has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN bind is present in the config.txt file. Example CNSBI:BIND=1;


CNSBP - SIGTRAN Local Bind Configuration

This command displays the association between the Local Application Server with the Remote Application Server or Remote Signaling Gateway, identifying the route to reach the destination. Syntax CNSBP; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Local Binds > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSBP; Output format
Configuration SIGTRAN Bind BIND LAS RAS RSG OPTIONS 1 1 1 0x0000 2 2 2 0x0000 3 3 23 0x0000 4 3 21 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_LBIND" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNSLE - SS7 Link End

This command removes an SS7 Link. Note: SS7 Links are dynamically removed by first deleting the SS7 Link from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SS7 Link from the system. Syntax CNSLE:LINK=;


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Link has been initiated. The SS7 Link is not present in the config.txt file. The SS7 Link has been deactivated. The SS7 Link is not used in any other configuration. Example CNSLE:LINK=1;


CNSLI - SS7 Link Initiate

This command adds a new SS7 Link. Note: SS7 Links are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNSLI:LINK=; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SS7 Link has not been initiated. The SS7 Link is present in the config.txt file. Example CNSLI:LINK=1;


CNSLP - SS7 Link Configuration

This command displays the configuration data for SS7 signaling links.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Syntax CNSLP:[LINK=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSLP; Output format
SS7 Link Configuration LINK LINKSET REF SLC 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 4 1 3 3 BPOS 1 1 1 1 1 BLINK 0 1 2 3 1 BPOS2 1 1 1 1 STREAM 0 0 0 0 1 TS 1 2 3 4 OPTIONS 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 IFTYPE TDM TDM TDM TDM ATM VPI VCI

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "MTP_LINK" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNSMC - Configuration SNMP Manager Change

This command allows changes to the configured SNMP Manager. Syntax CNSMC:MNGR=,[IPADDR=,][TPORT=,][TFORMAT=,][TCOM=,][SNMPUSER=,][ENGINE=,][LABEL =;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Managers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI agent must be enabled. The manager must be configured. If an SNMP v3 user is specified, the user must already be defined. Engine can only be specified is user is set - or has been previously set.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

TFORMAT can only be set to a value other than NONE if user and engine are not set TFORMAT must be set to NONE if the user and engine are set. A manager cannot be changed to or from SNMP V3. Example


CNSME - Configuration SNMP Manager End

This command removes SNMP manager configuration. Syntax CNSME:MNGR=; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Managers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI agent must be enabled. The manager must be configured.


CNSMI - Configuration SNMP Manager Initiate

This command allows the administrator to define up to 32 TRAP destinations (i.e. remote SNMP manager stations). Each manager is defined by its IP address Additionally, the type of TRAP to be dispatched to the SNMP manager is specified with the Trap Format parameter. The port parameter allows configuration of a destination port which is different from the default standard SNMP TRAP port (162). If the remote SNMP (v1 or v2c) manager has been configured to only recognize TRAPs received with a community string, the TCOM parameter accommodates that value. If an SNMP v3 TRAP is to be issued, then the USER parameter value is used. The USER parameter is used to specify a user, which has been defined with the CNUSI command. Furthermore, it will also be necessary to configure an engine identifier, which has been configured on the remote SNMP manager. The engine identifier is, configured with the ENGINE parameter. Finally, the LABEL parameter is used to specify an optional string identifier for the manager. Syntax CNSMI:MNGR=,IPADDR=,[TPORT=,][TFORMAT=,][TCOM=,][SNMPUSER=,][ENGINE=,][LABEL=, ]; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Managers > Configuration

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Managers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI agent must be enabled. If a USER is specified the USER must be configured and an ENGINE identifier string must be specified. If an ENGINE is specified the USER must also be specified. If USER is specified then TFORMAT should be set to NONE. If USER is not specified then TFORMAT cannot be set to NONE. Example This is an example for setting up a simple SNMP v2 TRAP receiver/manager: CNSMI:MNGR=1,IPADDR=,TFORMAT=V2TRAP; This next example shows the creation of a SNMP v3 TRAP receiver/manager. The first step is to define the user with the CNUSI command: CNUSI:USER=1,AUTH=MD5,AUTHPASS=abcdefgh,LABEL=user1; The next step is to define the manager which references the user which has just been defined: CNSMI:MNGR=2,IPADDR=,TFORMAT=NONE,USER=1,ENGINE=112AC344E5;


CNSMP - SNMP Manager Configuration

This commands displays configuration of SNMP Managers Syntax CNSMP:[MNGR=;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites Prerequisites: If specified the manager must be configured.

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Example CNSMP; CNSMP:MNGR=4; Output format

SNMP MNGR 1 2 Manager Configuration IPADDR TPORT TFORMAT TCOM 162 V2TRAP public 162 V3SNMP public SNMPUSER ENGINE 0 2 0a0b0c0d0e0f1234 LABEL mngr1 mngr2


CNSNP - SNMP Configuration

This command displays the configuration of the SNMP agent. Syntax CNSNP; Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSNP; Output format
SNMP Configuration SNMP Y RCOM public


CNSNS - Configuration SNMP Set

This command allows the configuration of the SNMP agent. For the SNMP parameter to take effect a system restart is required. Syntax CNSNS:SNMP=; CNSNS:RCOM=; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNSNS:SNMP={Y|N}; CNSNS:RCOM=public



This command removes an SIGTRAN route.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Note: SIGTRAN routes are dynamically removed by first deleting the route from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the route from the system. Syntax CNSRE:SNRT=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN Route ID has been initiated. The SIGTRAN Route is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN Route is not used in any other configuration. Example CNSRE:SNRT=1;


CNSRI - SIGTRAN Route Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN route. Note: SIGTRAN routes are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNSRI:SNRT=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN Route ID has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN Route is present in the config.txt file. Example CNSRI:SNRT=1;


Chapter 6 Management Commands


CNSRP - SIGTRAN Route Configuration

This command displays the configuration of SIGTRAN routes. Syntax CNSRP; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Routes > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSRP; Output format
SIGTRAN Route Configuration SNRT NC DPC OPTIONS 1 NC3 401 0x0000 41 NC3 1019 0x0000

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_ROUTE" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNSSE - SCCP Subsystem Resource End

This command removes an Sub-System Resource. Note: Sub-System Resources are dynamically removed by first deleting the Resource from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the Resource from the system. Syntax CNSSE:SSRID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP SSRs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Sub-System Resource has been initiated. The Sub-System Resource is not present in the config.txt file. The Sub-System Resource is not used in any other configuration.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Local Sub-System Resources other than SCCP cannot be dynamically removed. Example CNSSE:SSRID=1;


CNSSI - SCCP Subsystem Resource Initiate

This command adds a new Sub-System Resource. Note: Sub-System Resources are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNSSI:SSRID=; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP SSRs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The Sub-System Resource ID has not been initiated. The Sub-System Resource is present in the config.txt file. Example CNSSI:SSRID=1;


CNSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Configuration

This command displays SSR configuration data. Syntax CNSSP:[SSRID=],[SSR=],[NC=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP SSRs > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSSP; CNSSP:SSRID=0; CNSSP:SSR=RSP; CNSSP:NC=0;


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Output format
SCCP Subsystem Resource Configuration SSRID NC SSR SPC SSN MODULE 0 NC0 LSS 253 0x005d 1 NC0 RSP 2 2 NC0 RSS 2 8 3 NC1 LSS 13 0x005d 4 NC1 RSP 3 5 NC1 RSS 3 8 OPTIONS 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 PCMASK 0x00000000 DTS 0x00000000 LSSPROT DTS

See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "SCCP_SSR" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.



This command removes an SIGTRAN link. Note: SIGTRAN links are dynamically removed by first deleting the SIGTRAN link from the config.txt file and then executing this command to unload the SIGTRAN link from the system. Syntax CNSTE:SNLINK=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN link has been initiated. The SIGTRAN link is not present in the config.txt file. The SIGTRAN link is not used in any other configuration. Example CNSTE:SNLINK=1;


CNSTI - SIGTRAN Link Initiate

This command adds a new SIGTRAN link. Note: SIGTRAN links are dynamically added by first adding the configuration to the config.txt file and then executing this command to load that configuration onto the system. Syntax CNSTI:SNLINK=; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Configuration

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The SIGTRAN link has not been initiated. The SIGTRAN link is present in the config.txt file. Example CNSTI:SNLINK=1;


CNSTP - SIGTRAN Link Configuration

This command displays the configuration of SIGTRAN links. Syntax CNSTP:[SNLINK=,][SNTYPE=][PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > System Software > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSTP; Output format
SIGTRAN Link Configuration (Page 1 of 2) SNLINK SNTYPE RIP1 RIP2 1 M3UA LIP1 LIP2

SIGTRAN Link Configuration (Page 2 of 2) SNLINK SNTYPE END LPORT RPORT OPTIONS M2PA ID RSG NC 1 M3UA C 3565 3565 0x0000 0


See either the individual parameter definitions or the config.txt command "STN_LINK" for a full description of the parameters used in the output format.


CNSWP - System Software Configuration

This command displays the version of active software, and if applicable the previous software version. It also lists and software available for other operating modes. Syntax CNSWP;


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Web Management Location System Administration > Software > System Software > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSWP; Output format
System Software Configuration SYSTYPE SIU RESTART SOFT RESET N OPERATING SS7G40-SIU Release 1.0.0 (Build 1001)


CNSYP - System Configuration

This command displays the system configuration including the system identity, contact and system location details as well as proving information on diagnostic trace management. Syntax CNSYP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNSYP; New row between UNITID and SYSID with the text UNIT_SERIAL LG401002

The spacing should be the same as that for other rows. Output format

System Configuration 0014b2a2ee2c normal system_id 0 acontact@address.com normal location N DUAL DUAL 50

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


0 30 N


CNSYS - Configuration System Set

This command changes the system level parameters. Syntax CNSYS:{[SYSID=,][SYSREF=,][CONTACT=,][LOCATION=,] [LEDID=,][TRACELOG=,][TRACEFMT=,][TDMSHARE=,][M3UASHARE=,][LINES=][TLO=,]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNSYS:SYSID=Wilma;


CNTDP - Time and Date Configuration

This command displays out the system date and time, whether NTP is active and to display the OFFSET from UTC configured changes. Syntax CNTDP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System Time > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNTDP; Output format
Time and Date Configuration DATE 2001-10-03 TIME 09:04:02 NTP Y OFFSET +5:30


Chapter 6 Management Commands


CNTDS - Configuration Time and Day Set

This command specifies the date and time as used by the system. This command can also activate or deactivate Network Time Protocol (NTP) on the system. System time is used to indicate the time an alarm occurred or cleared and to provide timestamps for such things as measurements and data records. The command also allows an OFFSET from UTC to be specified to allow the system to report the correct local time, when synchronized with a NTP time server. Note: The system will not automatically adjust for daylight savings time changes. The system must be restarted in order for the new OFFSET value to take effect. If the OFFSET parameter is not changed there is no need to restart the system after performing a change to the configuration of Day or Time. Any subsequent requests for system restart after changing the Day or Time will, however, always result in the system performing a 'Hard' restart even if a 'Soft' one was requested. A 'Hard' restart is required to allow the systems license manager to re-sync with the new date/time. Syntax CNTDS:[DATE=,][TIME=][NTP=,][OFFSET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System Time > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Administration Access Example CNTDS:DATE=2001-10-03,TIME=18:32:21,NTP=Y,OFFSET=+5:30;


CNTMP - Trace Masks Configuration

This command displays the current trace masks and whether or not the tracing is enabled. Syntax CNTMP; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > Trace > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNTMP; Output format
MODULE IMASK OMASK MMASK ACTIVE MTP 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x0001fffe N


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000038 Y


CNTMS - Configuration Trace Mask Set

This command activates or deactivates tracing of different protocols and sets the associated trace masks. Configured values are maintained after system reset. The IMASK, OMASK, and MMASK parameters determine which Input, Output or Management messages are traced by the module. Default IMASK, OMASK, or MMASK values are restored using the "DEFAULT" token. Note: Definitions of the IMASK, OMASK and MMASK trace mask parameters for a specific protocol are documented in the associated protocol Programmers Manual. By default, when tracing is activated on the SIU messages are logged to file in the "syslog" subdirectory of the siuftp account. This log is maintained as a rolling log of up to tem 5MB files containing trace messages. The most recent trace log file will have the name trace.log the next most recent trace.log.1 and then trace.log.2 and so on. A user may change the destination of trace messages through use of the TRACELOG parameter on the system configuration command. A user also can select either that messages are logged to FILE (default), HOST, where they are transmitted to the management module id on the configured management host, or DUAL where they are both logged to file and sent to host. MTP3 and M3UA traces may also be logged in PCAP file format. In a similar manner to the above text log files the system supports up to ten, 5MB PCAP log file named trace.pcap, trace.pcap.1, trace.pcap.2 etc. storing them in the syslog subdirectory of the siuftp account. Logging in TEXT or PCAP format is selected by using the TRACEFMT parameter in the CNSYx MMI command. Activation of tracing under high load conditions may reduce overall throughput of the SIU. Syntax CNTMS:MODULE={[IMASK=,][OMASK=,][MMASK=,][ACTIVE=]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > Trace > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNTMS:MODULE=ISUP,IMASK=1,OMASK=2,MMASK=3; CNTMS:MODULE=ISUP,ACTIVE=Y; CNTMS:MODULE=ISUP,ACTIVE=N; CNTMS:MODULE=ISUP,IMASK=DEFAULT; Prerequisites The protocol should be licensed and active before attempting to configure a trace mask for it.


CNTPE - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server End

This command removes a specified Network Time Protocol Server from the configuration. Syntax CNTPE:NTPSER=;

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > NTP Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNTPE:NTPSER=1;


CNTPI - Configuration Network Time Protocol Server Initiate

This command adds a specified Network Time Protocol Server to the configuration of the system. The NTP service should be activated using the Configuration Time and Date Set command. Syntax CNTPI:NTPSER=,IPADDR=,[LABEL=]; Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example CNTPI:NTPSER=1,IPADDR=,LABEL=Primary NTP Server;


CNTPP - NTP Server Configuration

This command displays the configuration of the Network Time Protocol software. Syntax CNTPP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > NTP Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example CNTPP; Output format
NTP Server Configuration NTPSER IPADDR LABEL 1 Primary NTP server 2 NTP server 2


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


CNURC - Configuration Update Resources Change

This command changes the configuration data or a resource on the server. The operation involves reading the config.txt file containing configuration data, validating it and applying it to the unit. Note: Use of the CNURE command has been deprecated. Individual objects such as circuit groups and routes have their own specific commands to remove and then add modified resources to the system. Syntax CNURC:UPMODE=CGRP,ID=; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites The command will succeed only if the resource data is present in the updated configuration FILE and a valid configuration has been entered. Example CNURC:UPMODE=CGRP,ID=2;


CNURE - Configuration Update Resources End

This command removes the configuration of a specific resource. The operation involves reading the config.txt file containing configuration data, validating that the resource is no longer present and removing the resource from the configuration on the unit. Note: Use of the CNURE command has been deprecated. Individual objects such as circuit groups and routes have their own specific commands to remove resources from the system. Syntax CNURE:UPMODE=CGRP,ID=; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites


Chapter 6 Management Commands

The command succeeds only if the resource data is not present in the updated configuration file, the specified circuit group was previously configured and in an INACTIVE state. Example CNURE:MODE=CGRP,ID=8;


CNURI - Configuration Update Resources Initiate

This command updates the configuration data of a resource on the server. The operation involves reading the config.txt file containing configuration data, validating it and applying it to the unit. Note: Use of the CNURI command has been deprecated. Individual objects such as circuit groups and routes have their own specific commands to add resources to the system. Syntax CNURI:MODE=CGRP,ID=; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites Ensure that the appropriate resource data is present in the updated Valid configuration has been entered. The specified resource was not previously configured in the unit. Example CNURI:MODE=CGRP,ID=5;


CNUSC - Configuration SNMP User Change

This command allows changes to configured SNMP user accounts Syntax CNUSC:[SNMPUSER=,]{[AUTH=,][AUTHPASS=,][PRIV=,][PRIVPASS=][LABEL=,]} Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Users > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Prerequisites This DSMI Agent must be enabled. The user must be configured. If AUTH is specifed the AUTHPASS must be provided. If PRIV is specified then PRIVPASS must be provided. PRIV and PRIVPASS cannot be specified if AUTH and AUTHPASS are not already specified. Example CNUSC:SNMPUSER=1,PRIV=DES,PRIVPASS=aBcDeFgHiJkL; The following example will remove AUTH and AUTHPASS: CNUSC:SNMPUSER=1,AUTH=;


CNUSE - Configuration SNMP User End

This command removes a user account configuration. Syntax CNUSE:[SNMPUSER=;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Users > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI Agent must be enabled. The user must be configured. Example CNUSI:SNMPUSER=1;


CNUSI - Configuration SNMP User Initiate

This command allows configuration of up to 32 SNMP V3 user accounts. This command also allows the administrator to define SNMP v3 user accounts for use in conjunction with SNMP v3 TRAP destinations/managers. A user is defined with an integer user identifier, optional authentication and a label, which serves as the username. The user and label parameters are mandatory. Supported AUTH values are SHA and MD5. The password must have a minimum length of 8 characters, and a maximum length of 24 is enforced. The AUTH and AUTHPASS parameters must be specified together. It is not possible to configure an AUTHPASS value without having also specified the AUTH value. Note that only the authentication attributes can be defined with the add/initiate command. If a user requires privacy (encryption) parameters to be applied, the CNUSC command is used to configure them.

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Syntax CNUSI:[SNMPUSER=,]{[AUTH=,][AUTHPASS=,]}[LABEL=;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Users > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The DSMI Agent must be enabled. PRIV and PRIVPASS can only be used with the change command. Example CNUSI:SNMPUSER=1,AUTH=MD5,AUTHPASS=aBcDeFgHiJkL,LABEL=user1


CNUSP - SNMP User Configuration

This commands displays configuration of SNMP V3 User Accounts. Syntax CNUSP:[SNMPUSER=;] Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > SNMP Users > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites If specified the user must be configured. Example CNUSP:SNMPUSER=3; CNUSP; Output format
CNUSP; SNMP User SNMPUSER 1 2 Configuration AUTH AUTHPASS MD5 ******** NONE PRIV DES NONE PRIVPASS ******** LABEL user1 user2


IP Commands

IPEPP - Ethernet Configuration


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

IPEPS - IP Ethernet Port Set IPFWC - IP Firewall Change IPFWE - IP Firewall End IPFWI - IP Firewall Initiate IPFWP - IP Firewall Configuration IPGWE - IP Gateway End IPGWI - IP Gateway Initiate IPGWP - IP Gateway Configuration IPLGE - IP Log End IPLGI - IP Log Initiate IPLGP - IP Log Configuration IPWSP - IP Web Server Configuration IPWSS - Configuration Web Service Set


IPEPP - Ethernet Configuration

This command shows the speed, ipaddress, subnet and team of each Ethernet port in the system. Syntax IPEPP:[ETH=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Ethernet Ports > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example IPEPP; Output format


Chapter 6 Management Commands


IPEPS - IP Ethernet Port Set

The Signaling Server supports resilient IP connectivity when a team of two ports may be configured. A bonding team is assigned a single IP address where the first port is configured with the IP address of the team and the secondary port IP address is set to one of the following values: - STANDBY0 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH0. - STANDBY1 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH1 - STANDBY2 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH2. - STANDBY3 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH3. - STANDBY4 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH4 - STANDBY5 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH5. - STANDBY6 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH6 - STANDBY7 The configured IP address acts as the standby port in a team with ETH7. If the first port fails then the secondary port will take over. If the first port returns to service the secondary port will remain the active port unless it in turn fails at which point the first port will resume active control of the IP address. Note: The use of the SCTP parameter has been deprecated. The system will ignore the setting of this parameter if per association hosts are specified. The parameter itself will continue to be supported to ensure backwards compatibility with configurations that did not specify per association local IP addresses. Note: Ethernet ports 4-7 can only be used when additional Network Interface Boards have been fitted Syntax IPEPS:ETH=,{[IPADDR=,][SUBNET=,][SCTP=][MGMT=,][WSAPI=,]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Ethernet Ports > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites ETH0 cannot be made standby to any other port. Example IPEPS:ETH=2,IPADDR=,SCTP=Y; IPEPS:ETH=3,IPADDR=,SUBNET=; IPEPS:ETH=2,MGMT=Y,WSAPI=Y; IPEPS:ETH=4,IPADDR=STANDBY2;


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


IPFWC - IP Firewall Change

This command changes the action taken for an IP address or network accessing the Signaling Server Syntax IPFWC:IPFW=,IPACT=; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Firewall > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Security Access Prerequisites The IP Firewall ID has been initiated. Example IPFWC:IPFW=DEFAULT,IPACT=DROP;


IPFWE - IP Firewall End

This command disables an IP address or network from accessing the Signaling Server Syntax IPFWE:IPFW=; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Firewall > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Security Access Prerequisites The IP Firewall ID has been initiated. The default rule cannot be deleted. Example IPFWE:IPFW=1;


IPFWI - IP Firewall Initiate

This command defines a rule for an IP address or network accessing the Signaling Server. Syntax

Chapter 6 Management Commands

IPFWI:IPFW=,IPACT=,MASK=,IPNW=,[IPSVC=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Firewall > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Security Access Prerequisites The IP Firewall ID has not been initiated. The IP mask must have contiguous bit patterns. The IP Mask and IP Network must be non 0. Example IPFWI:IPFW=1,IPACT=ACCEPT,MASK=,IPNW=;


IPFWP - IP Firewall Configuration

This command displays IP addresses and networks that may access the. Signaling Server. If no value is shown then the server may be accessed from any network that can route to it. Note the default IP Firewall ID cannot be deleted. This rule is the default action to be performed when no match is made by any of the other rules. Syntax IPFWP:[IPFW=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > Firewall > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites If specified, the IP Firewall ID must have been initiated. Example IPFWP; Output format


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


IPGWE - IP Gateway End

This command removes an IP route via an IP gateway. Syntax IPGWE:IPGW=; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > IP Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The IP gateway id has been initiated. Example IPGWE:IPGW=1;


IPGWI - IP Gateway Initiate

This command allows the user to specify a route via an IP gateway. Syntax IPGWI:IPGW=,GATEWAY=,[MASK=,][IPNW=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > IP Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Prerequisites The IP gateway ID has not been initiated. The IP Mask and and IP Network are mandatory for non default gateways. Two gateways cannot have overlapping IP addresses. Example IPGWI:IPGW=1,MASK=,GATEWAY=,IPNW=; IPGWI:IPGW=DEFAULT,GATEWAY=;


IPGWP - IP Gateway Configuration

This command displays routes vian IP gateways.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Syntax IPGWP:[IPGW=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > IP Gateways > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites If the IP gateway ID is specified it must already have been initiated. Example IPGWP; Output format


IPLGE - IP Log End

This command removes a rule to log specific IP data. Syntax IPLGE:IPLG=; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > IP Log > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Security Access Prerequisites The IP Log ID has been initiated. Example IPLGE:IPLG=1;


IPLGI - IP Log Initiate

This command defines a rule to log specific IP data. Syntax IPLGI:IPLG=,LGTYPE=,[LGDATA=,];


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > IP Log > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Security Access Prerequisites The IP Log ID has not been initiated. Example IPLGI:IPLG=1,LGTYPE=SCTP


IPLGP - IP Log Configuration

This command displays display the type of data being output to the IP log. Syntax IPLGP; Web Management Location System Administration > Diagnostics > IP Log > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example IPLGP; Output format

The following is the meaning of each field: IPLG - IP Log Identifier. LGTYPE - The type of IP logging to be done. LGDATA - data associated with the type.


IPWSP - IP Web Server Configuration

This command displays the configuration for web services. Syntax


Chapter 6 Management Commands

IPWSP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Web Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Output format


IPWSS - Configuration Web Service Set

This command configures parameters for web services. It allows HTTP and HTTPS Port numbers and the type of Certificate for HTTPS to be specified. Syntax IPWSS:WEBSERV=[MGMT|WSAPI],{[HTTPPORT=,][HTTPSPORT=,][HTTPSCERT=,]}; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Web Servers > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example IPWSS:WEBSERV=MGMT,HTTPPORT=0,HTTPSPORT=443;


MAP Services Commands

MALBP - MAP LBS Services Configuration MALBS - MAP LBS Service Set MARSP - MAP Ready for SM Configuration MARSS - MAP Ready for SM Set MASMP - MAP SMS Services Configuration MASMS - MAP SMS Service Set MAULC - MAP Update Location Change MAULE - MAP Update Location End


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

MAULI - MAP Update Location Initiate MAULP - MAP Update Location Configuration MAUSP MAP USSD Services Configuration MAUSS - MAP USSD Service Set


MALBP - MAP LBS Services Configuration

This command displays the system configuration associated with MAP Location Based Services. Syntax MALBP; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > LBS > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MALBP; Output format
MAP LBS Web Services GWTON GWNP GWADDR DSTTON DSTNP RCOPT OPTIONS International ISDN 666666666666 International ISDN N 0X00000000


MALBS - MAP LBS Service Set

This command changes configuration associated with MAP LBS Web Services. Syntax MALBS:{[GWNP=,][GWTON=,][GWADDR=,][DSTTON=,][DSTNP=,][RCOPT=,] [OPTIONS=,] Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > LBS > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example


Chapter 6 Management Commands

MALBS:GWTON=International; MALBS:GWADDR=666666666666;


MARSP - MAP Ready for SM Configuration

This command displays the system configuration associated with MAP Ready for SM Services. Syntax MARSP; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Ready for SM > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MARSP; Output format
MAP Ready for SM Configuration SCTON International SCNP ISDN SCADDR 666666666666 HLRTON International HLRNP ISDN HLRADDR 666666666666 RCOPT N NSUBP N


MARSS - MAP Ready for SM Set

This command changes configuration associated with MAP Ready for SM Web Services. Syntax MARSS: {[HLRTON=,][HLRNP=,][HLRADDR=,][SCTON=,][SCNP=,][SCADDR=,][NSUBP={Y|N}][RCOPT= ,] Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Ready for SM > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example


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MASMP - MAP SMS Services Configuration

This command displays the system configuration associated with MAP SMS Web Services. Syntax MASMP; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > SMS > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MASMP; Output format
MAP SMS SCTON SCNP SCADDR ORGTON ORGNP ORGADDR DSTTON DSTNP RCOPT TXTPREF OPTIONS ASC RDEL Services Configuration International ISDN 666666666666 International ISDN 666666666666 International ISDN N N 0x00000000 MAN N


MASMS - MAP SMS Service Set

This command changes configuration associated with MAP SMS Web Services. Syntax MASMS: {[SCTON=,][SCNP=,][SCADDR=,][ORGTON=,][ORGNP=,][ORGADDR=,] [DSTTON=,][DSTNP=,][RCOPT=,][TXTPREF=,] [ASC=,] [RDEL=] Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > SMS > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example


Chapter 6 Management Commands


MAULC - MAP Update Location Change

This command changes configuration associated with the MAP Update Location Web Services. Syntax MAULC:IMSI=,{[HLRTON=,][HLRNP=,][HLRADDR=] Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Update Location > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example MAULC:IMSI=1212122,HLRTON=International;


MAULE - MAP Update Location End

This command removes configuration associated with the MAP Update Location Web Services. Syntax MAULE:IMSI= Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Update Location > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example MAULE:IMSI=1212122;


MAULI - MAP Update Location Initiate

This command adds configuration associated with MAP Update Location Web Services. Syntax MAULI:IMSI=,HLRTON=,HLRNP=,HLRADDR= Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Update Location > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example MAULI:IMSI=1212122,HLRTON=International,HLRNP=ISDN,HLRADDR=332334423;


MAULP - MAP Update Location Configuration

This command displays the system configuration associated with MAP Update Location Web Services. Syntax MAULP; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > Update Location > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MAULP; Output format
MAP Update Location Services IMSI 1212122 HLRTON International HLRNP ISDN HLRADDR 332334423


MAUSP MAP USSD Services Configuration

This command displays the system configuration associated with MAP USSD Web Services. Syntax MAUSP; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > USSD > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MAUSP; Output format

Chapter 6 Management Commands



MAUSS - MAP USSD Service Set

This command changes configuration associated with MAP USSD Web Services. Bit 0 of the options parameter defines the tag value of the MSISDN for USSD messages to and from the HLR. Some HLRs do not confirm to the MAP specification. If Bit 0 is set then SWS will set a TAG of 0x82 for the MSISDN, instead of using the destination reference TAG of 0x80. All other bits of the options parameter are reserved and should be set to 0. Syntax MAUSS: {[GWNP=,][GWTON=,][GWADDR=,][DSTTON=,][DSTNP=,][DFDCS=,][LANG=,] [RCOPT=,] [OPTIONS=,] Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > USSD > Configuration Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Update Access Example
MAUSS:GWNP= ISDN; MAUSS:GWTON=International; MAUSS:GWADDR=666666666666;


MMI Commands

MMLOI - MMI Logoff Initiate Maintenance Commands Maintenance Commands


MMLOI - MMI Logoff Initiate

This command ends the current log-on session. Syntax MMLOI; Web Management Location Command line only Applicability


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Example MMLOI;


Maintenance Commands

MNINE - Maintenance Uninhibit Initiate MNINI - Maintenance Inhibit Initiate MNRSI - Maintenance Restart Initiate MNSSI - Maintenance Snapshot Initiate


MNINE - Maintenance Uninhibit Initiate

This command activates an SS7 signaling link, SIGTRAN M3UA link, host RSI link or circuit group. The command is also used to uninhibit an SS7 signaling link and to unblock a newly installed hard disk drive following hard disk drive failure. Important: In order to maintain RAID array hard disk drive integrity, it is important follow the correct procedure as detailed is the operators manual when unblocking hard disk drives. Syntax MNINE:[LINK=[,INHIBIT=N]]|[HOSTID=]|[GID=]|[SNLINK=]|[DRIVE=]; Web Management Location LINK - System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Status HOSTID - System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Status GID - System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Status SNLINK - System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Status DRIVE - System Administration > Server Management > Disk Drives > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites If activating a link the SS7 signaling link set has not already been activated If uninhibiting a link the link has been activated. The circuit group must be already configured and deactivated. Only M3UA SIGTRAN links may be activated. The disk drive must be in the INACTIVE state.


Chapter 6 Management Commands



MNINI - Maintenance Inhibit Initiate

This command is deactivates an SS7 signaling link, SIGTRAN M3UA link, host RSI link or circuit group. The command is also used to inhibit an SS7 signaling link and to block a failed hard disk drive before removal and replacing. Important: In order to maintain RAID array hard disk drive integrity it is important to follow the correct procedure as detailed is the operators manual when blocking hard disk drives. Note: To inhibit a signaling link, the command should be entered with the INHIBIT=Y parameter set. The SS7 Link status MMI command should then be used to determine the (new) status of the link. If the inhibit request was accepted the L3 STATE is shown as UNAVAILABLE. However, if the inhibit request was denied (for example because it relates to the only active link), the L3 STATE is shown as AVAILABLE. Syntax MNINI: [LINK=[,INHIBIT=Y]]|[HOSTID=]|[GID=]|[SNLINK=]|[DRIVE=]; Web Management Location LINK - System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Status HOSTID - System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Status GID - System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Status SNLINK - System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Status DRIVE - System Administration > Server Management > Disk Drives > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites If the link is to be inhibited it must be active. The last link in a SS7 signaling linkset cannot be inhibited. The circuit group must be already configured and activated. Only M3UA SIGTRAN links may be deactivated. The Disk drive must be active and not in the \'RESTARTING\' state. Example MNINI:LINK=4; MNINI:LINK=4,INHIBIT=Y; MNINI:HOSTID=1; MNINI:GID=4; MNINI:DRIVE=1;


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


MNRSI - Maintenance Restart Initiate

This command will restart the entire system. The current log-on session will be terminated. If system type is set, the Signaling Server will change its system type after restart. Note: To install a new mode software license or software distribution for the first time the software or license must be loaded onto the system and system re-booted before the new mode can be entered. If RESET=Y, all configuration and log files in the syslog directory will be removed during restart. If not resetting after restart no change to the system configuration will occur and the state of all links will automatically be restored. If DEFBMC=Y, Configuration related to Lights Out Management will be reset to its default values. This include the IP Address and login password for Lights Out Management. Only users with System Administration Access can set this parameter. Syntax MNRSI:[SYSTYPE=,RESTART=][RESET=Y,][DEFBMC=Y,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > System Software > Configuration Operations > Restart Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites Only system types that have been licensed can be specified. Only system types where the supporting software is present on the unit. Can be selected. Example MNRSI;


MNSSI - Maintenance Snapshot Initiate

This command will take a new snapshot of the system diagnostic logs. This command takes a snapshot of key system data, storing it in the syslog/snapshot subdirectory of ftpuser account. Once executed, if TRACE is not sent all snapshot data (excluding trace and binary files will be written to a single file (syslog.tgz) in the root directory of the ftpuser account. If TRACE is set then the syslog.tgz will also include trace files. Syntax MNSSI:[TRACE=Y]; Web Management Location Operations > Snapshot


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Example MNSSI;


Measurement Commands

MSACP - ATM Cell Stream Traffic Measurements MSCGP - Circuit Group Measurements MSCRP - SS7 Route Measurements MSEPP - Ethernet Measurements MSHLP - Host Link Measurements MSLBP - MAP LBS Services Measurements MSLCP - Software License Capability Measurements MSMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Measurements MSPCP - PCM Measurements MSRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Measurements MSRLP - Remote Server Link Measurements MSSLP - SS7 Link Measurements MSSMP - MAP SMS Services Measurements MSSRP - SIGTRAN Route Measurements MSSTP - SIGTRAN Link Measurements MSSYP - System Measurements MSUSP - MAP USSD Services Measurements MSRSP - MAP Ready for SM Measurements


MSACP - ATM Cell Stream Traffic Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for ATM Cell Streams. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSACP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

System Administration > Boards > Cell Streams > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSACP; MSACP:RESET=Y; Output format
ATM Cell Stream Traffic Measurements CELLSTR RXFRAME RXOCT RXDISC RXERR TXFRAME TXOCT 1 700 15430 0 0 721 14322 2 10 80 0 0 11 90 3 356 8220 0 0 321 7211 TXDISC TXERR 1 0 0 0 0 0 PERIOD 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows: CELLSTR - ATM Cell Stream ID as configured in config.txt file RXFRAME Number of valid AAL5 frames received. RXOCT Number of data octets received. RXDISC Number of received AAL5 frames discarded. RXERR - Number of frames with errors received. TXFRAME Number of valid AAL5 frames. TXOCT Number of data octets transmitted. TXDISC Number of transmitted AAL5 frames discarded. TXERR - Number of frames with errors transmitted. PERIOD - Time since measurements on the port were last reset.


MSCGP - Circuit Group Measurements

This command displays measurements for the configured circuit groups. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSCGP:[RESET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access

Chapter 6 Management Commands

Example MSCGP; MSCGP:RESET=Y; Output format

Circuit group status CGRP IOFF IANS OGOFF 0 5 5 0 1 332 5 65665 OGANS 0 0 MAXDEV ACCUM 30 0 30 0 PERIOD 00:00:30 00:00:30

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows: GID - Circuit Group ID. IOFF - The number of incoming calls attempted. IANS - The number of incoming calls answered. OGOFF - The number of outgoing calls attempted. OGANS - The number of outgoing calls answered. MAXDEV - Maximum number of devices active in the group at any time. ACCUM - The accumulated call duration. PERIOD - The measurement period.


MSCRP - SS7 Route Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for SS7 routes. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSCRP:[RESET =,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Routes > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSCRP; MSCRP:RESET=Y; Output format
SS7 Route Measurements C7RT OOSDUR NOOS RXMSU RXOCT TXMSU TXOCT PERIOD 0 0 0 375 8220 16320 124306 00:12:00 1 0 0 392 8624 17036 141860 00:12:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

C7RT - SS7 route OOSDUR - Duration that the route was not in service. This field is not currently supported. NOOS - Number of times the route went out of service. RXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets received RXOCT - Number of signaling Information Field (SIF) and Service Information Octet (SIO) octets received TXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets transmitted TXOCT - Number of SIF and SIO octets transmitted PERIOD - The measurement period


MSEPP - Ethernet Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for each Ethernet port on the system taken over a period of time. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSEPP:[ETH=,][RESET=,][PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Ethernet Ports > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSEPP; MSEPP:RESET=Y,PAGE=2; Output format
Ethernet Port ETH RXKBYTE 0 0 1 96324 2 0 3 3760 Measurements (Page 1 RXPKT RXERR RXDROP 0 0 0 135705 0 4204E5 0 0 0 3273 0 33615 of 2) TXKBYTE 0 28169 0 12503 TXPKT 0 4444 0 3455 TXERR 0 0 0 0 TXDROP 0 0 0 0 PERIOD 16:34:41 16:34:41 16:34:41 16:34:41

Ethernet Port Measurements ETH RXFIFO RXFRAME RXCOMP 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0

(Page 2 of 2) RXMULT TXFIFO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TXCOLLS 0 0 0 0


TXCOMP 0 0 0 0

PERIOD 16:34:41 16:34:41 16:34:41 16:34:41

Displayed values are as follows: ETH - Ethernet port number in the range 0 to 7

Chapter 6 Management Commands

RXKBTYE - Number of kilobytes of data received (in kilobytes). RXPKT - Number of packets of data received. RXERR - Number of receive errors detected. RXDROP - Number of received packets dropped by the device driver. TXKBTYE - Number of kilobytes of data transmitted (in kilobytes). TXPKT - Number of packets of data transmitted. TXERR - Number of transmit errors detected. TXDROP - Number of transmit packets. PERIOD - The measurement period the measurement was taken over. RXFIFO - The number of FIFO buffer errors received. RXFRAME - The number of packet framing errors received. RXCOMP - The number of compressed packets received. RXMULT - The number of multicast frames received. TXFIFO - The number of FIFO buffer error transmitted. TXCOLLS - The number of collisions detected on the transmit side. TXCARRIER - The number of carrier losses detected on the transmit side. TXCOMP - The number of compressed packets transmitted.


MSHLP - Host Link Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for links to Application Hosts. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSHLP:[RESET =,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSHLP; MSHLP:RESET=Y; Output format
Host SIU Link Measurements

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

HOSTID RXMSG TXMSG RXOCT TXOCT 1 1.43E6 1.45E6 5.48E6 5.35E6 2 1.64E6 1.65E6 8.21E6 8.12E6

OOSDUR NOOS 62 1 99 1

NDISCARD PERIOD 0 00:14:55 0 00:14:55

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows: RXMSG- Number of messages received. TXMSG - Number of messages transmitted. RXOCT - Number of octets received in messages excluding message header octets. TXOCT - Number of octets transmitted in messages excluding message header octets. OOSDUR - The total amount time the link was out of service (in multiples of 100ms). NOOS - The number of times the link went out of service. NDISCARD - The number of messages due to be transmitted that were discarded. PERIOD - The time period over which these statistics have been gathered (in hours, minutes and seconds).


MSLBP - MAP LBS Services Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for MAP Location Based Services. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSLBP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSLBP; MSLBP:RESET=Y; Output format
MAP Web Service Measurements MAP_SERVICE SUCCESS FAIL Location_Request 3434 0 PERIOD 01:00:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows: MAP_SERVICE - The MAP service. SUCCESS - Count of successes. FAIL - Count of failures.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

PERIOD - Time since measurements for the service were last reset.


MSLCP - Software License Capability Measurements

This command shows measurements related to software licenses on the system. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSLCP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > Software Licenses > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSLCP; Output format
Software License Capability Measurements CAPABILITY NC RXDATA TXDATA RXPEAK TXPEAK PEAK M3UA NC0 4204E5 3212E4 154 456 923 CONG 1 ENFORCE PERIOD 1 01:33:33

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows: CAPABILITY A Licensable capability of the system. This is a protocol or operating mode capability which has been purchased or is under evaluation. NC - A Network Context the capability is associated. Blank if not applicable. RXDATA - The amount of data received in Kbytes. TXDATA - The amount of data transmitted in Kbytes. RXPEAK - The peak received data rate in Kbytes/s averaged over a rolling thirty second time window. TXPEAK - The peak transmitted data rate in Kbytes/s averaged over a rolling thirty second time window. PEAK - The peak data rate for both transmitted and received data in Kbytes/s averaged over a rolling thirty second time window. CONGESTION - The number of times the license has exceeded its throughput threshold. ENFORCE - The number of times the unit has enforced the license throughput limit. PERIOD - Time since measurements on the route were last reset. Specified in hours, minutes and seconds.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


MSMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for Monitor links. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSMLP:[RESET =,][PAGE=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Monitor Links > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSMLP; MSMLP:RESET=Y; MSMLP:PAGE=2; Output format
SS7 Monitor Link Measurements (Page 1 of MLINK RXOCT RXMSU PERIOD 0 3333 822 00:12:00 1 0 0 00:12:00 Monitor Link Measurements (Page 2 of 2) MLINK FFRAME FRAME MFRAME LFRAME ABORT 0 22 375 8220 16320 124306 1 0 0 333 4343 1233 2)

CRC DISC 0 0 434126 0


PERIOD 00:12:00 00:12:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

MLINK - Monitor link RXOCT - Number of Signaling Information Field (SIF) and Service Information Octets received RXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets received PERIOD - Time since measurements on the port were last reset. FFRAME - The number of (error-free) frames received, excluding any duplicate frames discarded as a result of the internal filtering mechanism. discarded as a result of the internal filtering mechanism.

FRAME - The total number of (error-free) frames received including any duplicate frames MFRAME - The number of misaligned frames received. LFRAME - The number of received frames that were designated as either too long or too short
for a configured protocol.

ABORT - The number of aborts received. CRC - Number of CRC errors received. DISC - The number of times that the receiver discarded incoming frames as a result of no RBUSY - The number of times the receiver has entered the busy state as a result of the
number of internal buffers falling below a set threshold.

internal buffers being available. This is a count of the number of events rather than a count of the number of frames discarded.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


MSPCP - PCM Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for PCMs. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSPCP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > PCMs > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSPCP; MSPCP:RESET=Y; Output format
PCM Measurements PORTID PCM FMSLIP 1 1-3 57 2 1-4 12 3 2-3 53 OUTSYN 60 35 55 ERRSEC 23 33 4 SEVSEC 1 4 0 BITERR 0 0 0 CV 0 0 0 PERIOD 23:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

PORTID - Port ID as configured in config.txt file PCM - PCM on a board FMSLIP - Frame Slip count OUTSYN - Out-sync transitions ERRSEC - Errored Seconds count SEVSEC - Severely Errored Seconds count BITERR - A count of the actual number of bit errors detected by the framer device for the LIU. The precise meaning of this parameter varies depending on the operating mode of the framer:
For E1 operating modes, it is the number of errors detected in the frame alignment word. For T1 interfaces operating in D3/D4 frame format, it is the number of framing bit errors. For T1 interfaces operating in ESF format, it is the number of CRC6 errors.

Note: In general, the user should use the errored_seconds and severely_errored_seconds parameters instead since these parameters provide normalized values that have the same meaning for all modes of operation.


- A count of all the line code violations detected on the interface.

PERIOD - Time since measurements on the port were last reset.


MSRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for Remote Application Servers.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSRAP:[RAS=,][[RESET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Servers > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSRAP:RAS=4; Output format
Remote Application Server Measurements RAS TXPKT NOOS PERIOD 4 4343 0 01:17:45

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

RAS - The Remote Application Server identifier. TXPKT - M3UA Packets transmitted. NOOS - Number of times the RAS was Inactive or there were insufficient ASPs. PERIOD - Measurement collection period.


MSRLP - Remote Server Link Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for links to a remote Signaling. Server. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSRLP:[RESET =,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Dual Operation > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSRLP; MSRLP:RESET=Y; Output format


Chapter 6 Management Commands

1 1.43E6 1.45E6 5.48E6 5.35E6


0 00:14:55

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

RXMSG - Number of messages received. TXMSG - Number of messages transmitted. RXOCT - Number of octets in messages received excluding message header octets. TXOCT - Number of octets in messages transmitted excluding message header octets. OOSDUR - The total amount time the link was out of service (in multiples of 100ms). NOOS - The number of times the link went out of service. NDISCARD - The number of messages due to be transmitted that were discarded. PERIOD - The time period over which these statistics have been gathered (in hours, minutes and seconds).


MSSLP - SS7 Link Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for SS7 links. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSSLP:[RESET =,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > StatsApplicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSSLP; MSSLP:RESET=Y; Output format
SS7 Link Measurements (Page 1 of 2) LINK OOSDUR RXNACK RXMSU RXOCT TXMSU TXOCT RTXOCT NCONG PERIOD 0 0 0 375 8220 16320 124306 0 0 00:12:00 1 0 0 392 8624 17036 141860 0 0 00:12:00 SS7 link measurements (page 2 of 2) LINK ALIGN SUERR TBUSY TCONG 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


PERIOD 00:12:00 00:12:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

LINK - SS7 signaling link OOSDUR - Duration that the link was not in service. RXNACK - Number of negative acknowledgements received. Not applicable for IP-based SS7

RXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets received RXOCT - Number of signaling Information Field (SIF) and Service Information Octet (SIO)
octets received


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

TXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets transmitted TXOCT - Number of SIF and SIO octets transmitted RTXOCT - Octets retransmitted NCONG - Congestion counter PERIOD - Time since measurements on the link were last reset. ALIGN - Number of failed signaling link alignment attempts SUERR - Number of signal units in error. TBUSY - Duration of local busy condition. TCONG - Duration of Link congestion NDISCARD - Number of MSUs discarded due to congestion. NEVEN - Number of congestion events leading to MSU discard


MSSMP - MAP SMS Services Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for MAP SMS Web Services. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSSMP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > SMS > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSSMP; MSSMP:RESET=Y; Output format
MAP SMS Services Measurements MAP_SERVICE SUCCESS Mobile_Term_TX_Req 23 Mobile_Term_RX_Req 12 Mobile_Orig_TX_Req 0 Mobile_Orig_TX_Req 0 Alert_SC 0 Send_Routing_Info_for_SM 0 Report_Delivery_SM 0 Atomic_Mobile_Term_TX_Req 0 FAIL 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 PERIOD 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16 01:29:16

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

MAP_SERVICE - The MAP service. SUCCESS - Count of successes. FAIL - Count of failures. PERIOD - Time since measurements for the service were last reset.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


MSSRP - SIGTRAN Route Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for SIGTRAN Routes. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSSRP:[SNRT=,][[RESET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Routes > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSSRP:SNRT=4; Output format
SIGTRAN Route Measurements SNRT TXPKT NOOS PERIOD 4 4343 0 01:17:45

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

SNRT - The SIGTRAN Route identifier. TXPKT - M3UA Packets transmitted. NOOS - Number of times the Route was down. PERIOD - Measurement collection period.


MSSTP - SIGTRAN Link Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for SIGTRAN links. The first page displays traffic measurements at the SCTP level and the second page display measurements for M3UA links. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSSTP:[SNLINK=,][PAGE=][SNTYPE=][RESET=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

MSSTP:SNLINK=4; Output format

SIGTRAN Link Measurements (Page 1 of 2) SNLINK SNTYPE RXCK TXCK RTXCK NOOS 4 SCTP 4117 4875 0 0 OOSDUR PERIOD 0 01:17:45

SIGTRAN Link Measurements (Page 2 of 2) SNLINK SNTYPE RXPKT TXPKT NOOS PERIOD 4 M3UA 4343 4444 0 01:17:45

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

SNLINK - The SIGTRAN link identifier. SNTYPE- The type of link measurements (SCTP M3UA). RXCK - SCTP Data chunks received. TXCK - SCTP Data chunks transmitted. RTXCK - SCTP Data chunks retransmitted. NOOS - Number of times the SCTP/M3UA link is out of service/down. OOSDUR - Total seconds the SCTP links was out of service. RXPKT - M3UA Packets received. TXPKT - M3UA Packets transmitted. PERIOD - Measurement collection period.


MSSYP - System Measurements

This command displays system related measurements for load and congestion taken over a period of time. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSSYP:[RESET=Y]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSSYP; Output format
System Measurements NOVLD 0 MAX_LOAD 28.81% LOADAVG 2.28% PERIOD 18:36:55

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:


Chapter 6 Management Commands

NOVLD - The number of periods of overload. MAX_LOAD - Maximum load average measurement taken over 1 minute. LOADAVG - The average load on the system. PERIOD - The period the measurement was taken over.


MSUSP - MAP USSD Services Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for MAP USSD Web Services. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSUSP:[RESET=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > MAP Services > USSD > Stats Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example MSUSP; MSUSP:RESET=Y; Output format
MAP Web Service Measurements MAP_SERVICE SUCCESS USSD_Mobile_Init_Sessions 55 USSD_App_Init_Sessions 44 USSD_Notify_Request 54345 FAIL 4 1 0 PERIOD 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

MAP_SERVICE - The MAP service. SUCCESS - Count of successes. FAIL - Count of failures. PERIOD - Time since measurements for the service were last reset.


MSRSP - MAP Ready for SM Measurements

This command displays traffic measurements for MAP Ready for SM. When measurements are reset values and the measurement period are set to zero. Syntax MSRSP:[RESET=,]; Applicability Operating Modes: SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Example MSRSP; MSRSP:RESET=Y; Output format

MAP Ready for SM Measurements MAP_SERVICE SUCCESS FAIL Ready_for_SM 0 0 PERIOD 01:11:32

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

MAP_SERVICE - The MAP service. SUCCESS - Count of successes. FAIL - Count of failures. PERIOD - Time since measurements for the service were last reset.


Reset Commands

RSBOI - Restart Board Initiate


RSBOI - Restart Board Initiate

This command will restart a board. The board will be re-configured from the system configuration data. Syntax RSBOI:BPOS=; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Boards > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: System Maintenance Access Prerequisites The board must have already been initialized. Example RSBOI:BPOS=1;


Status Commands

STBOP - Board Status STCGP - Circuit Group Status STCRP - SS7 Route Status STDDP - Disk Drive Status


Chapter 6 Management Commands

STDEP - Circuit Group Device Status STDHP - DTS Host Status STEPP - Ethernet Status STHLP - Host Link Status STIPP - IP Node Status STLCP - Software License Capability Status STMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Status STPCP - PCM Status STRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Status STRLP - Remote Server Link Status STSLP - SS7 Link Status STSRP - SIGTRAN Route Status STSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Status STSTP - SIGTRAN Signaling Link Status STSWP - System Software Status STSYP - System Status STTDP - TCAP Dialogue Status STTPP - NTP Server Status STTRP - TCAP Resource Status STUAP - User Account Status


STBOP - Board Status

This command displays the status of all configured signaling boards. Syntax STBOP; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > Boards > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

STBOP; Output format


The parameters have the following meanings:

BPOS - Board position BRDTYPE - Board type. Possible board types are : SS7LD or SS7MD SERIAL_NUMBER - The serial number of the board. If a board is replaced or a new board

added then the board type should be set/changed on the board configuration command and the system restarted after which it will extract the new serial number of the board. ACTIVE, FAILED

BRD_STATUS - The state the board is in. Possible state values are INACTIVE, RESETTING,
6.10.2 STCGP - Circuit Group Status

This command displays the status of the configured circuit groups. Syntax STCGP:[GID=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STCGP; STCGP:GID=2; Output format
Circuit group status GID GTYPE CICS MAINT CCTACT IDLE 0 S 30 0 0 30 1 S INACTIVE 2 S 15 3 5 7 3 S INACTIVE

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

GTYPE - Reserved for future use; displays "S" by default. CICS - The number of Circuits assigned to the circuit group. If the group was configured but MAINT - The number of circuits that do not have calls in progress and have an active
maintenance state (and therefore are not available for selection).

not activated an INACTIVE indication is shown and all other parameters on the row are blank.

CCTACT - The number of circuits that have calls in progress. IDLE - The number of circuits that do not have calls in progress, but are available for selection.

Chapter 6 Management Commands


STCRP - SS7 Route Status

This command shows the status of all configured SS7 routes. Syntax STCRP:[C7RT=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Routes > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STCRP; Output format
C7RT NC 1 NC0 2 NC0 3 NC1 DPC 1021 2171 51 C7RT_STATUS CONG_LEVEL Available 0 Available 0 Unavailable 0 LS1_STATUS LS2_STATUS Available Available Available Unavailable

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

ROUTE - Logical reference for an SS7 route NC - SS7 Network Context ROUTE STATUS - Possible values are: Available - The route is available for traffic to the remote point code of the route. Unavailable - The route is unavailable for traffic to the remote point code of the route. CONG LEVEL - Possible values are: 0, no congestion 1, 2, or 3 indicates the ITU/ANSI congestion level LS1 STATUS and LS2 STATUS - Possible values are: Available - The link set on the route is available for traffic to the adjacent point code. Unavailable - The link set on the route is unavailable for traffic to the adjacent point code.


STDDP - Disk Drive Status

This command displays the status of all hard disk drives within the RAID array. Syntax STDDP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Disk Drives > Status Applicability


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STDDP; Output format
Disk Drive status DRIVE STATE 1 UP 2 UP

The STATUS field will display one of the following values:

UP The disk drive is operational and all the RAID devices on this drive are in an active sync

DOWN The disk drive is non operational as one or more of the Raid devices on this drive is

RESTARTING One or more of the raid devices on this drive is synchronizing with another
Raid device. The disk is considered non operational until synchronization is complete.

INACTIVE The drive is not configured as part of the RAID array and therefore is not in use.

This may be due to user action through MMI, the drive not being physically present at startup or a failed drive being removed by the operating software at start up from the RAID array.

Caution: Before replacing a failed drive, the drive must first be taken out of service using the MNINI command. Once the replacement drive is in place, the disk can be restored to service using the MNINE command.


STDEP - Circuit Group Device Status

This command displays the status of all circuits within the circuit group. Refer to the appropriate user part Programmer\'s Manual for a complete list of returned status values Syntax STDEP:GID=,; Web Management Location System Administration > Call > Circuit Groups > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STDEP:GID=3; Output format
Circuit Group GID CID 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 Device Status CIC HEX PROTOCOL_STATUS 32 0x04 IC_CONNECT 33 0x02 IC_W_ACM 34 0x00 IDLE 35 0x00 IDLE BLOCKING_STATUS ------------------LM--------215

Chapter 6 Management Commands

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

GID - Circuit group identifier. CID - Circuit identifier. CIC - Circuit identification code. HEX - Hexadecimal status value. PROTOCOL STATUS - Abbreviated status text. BLOCKING STATUS LH - Circuit is locally hardware blocked. RH - Circuit is remotely hardware blocked. LM - Circuit is locally maintenance blocked. RM - Circuit is remotely maintenance blocked.


STDHP - DTS Host Status

This command displays the status of available DTS hosts. If NC and SSN are not displayed then the output is for default route of the system. If NC only is displayed then the output is for routing keys associated with the NC only. If NC and SSN are displayed then the output is for routing keys associated with the SSN. If the subsystem number is not found in the DTS routing table the status of hosts associated with the default route for that Network Context is displayed. The Routing Method is shown as "Default", rather than "Explicit". If no default route exists then status of all DTS hosts are displayed. Syntax STDHP:[PAGE=]; STDHP:NC=,[PAGE=]; STDHP:NC=,SSN=,[PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > DTS Hosts > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STDHP; STDHP:PAGE=2;


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Output format
DTS Host Status (Page 1 of 2) NC SSN CLIENT_SELECTION Strict NC0 Strict NC0 11 Strict NC0 27 Strict NC2 Strict NC2 14 Strict ROUTING_METHOD Explicit Default Default Default Default Default HOSTS_AVAILABLE 1 1 1 1 1 1



STEPP - Ethernet Status

Reports the status of the Ethernet interfaces. Syntax STEPP:[ETH=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Ethernet Ports > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STEPP; Output format

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

ETH - The Ethernet port identity. PARTNER- The partner port identity in a bonded IP pair. SPEED - The speed of the Ethernet port in MHz (10, 100 or 1000). DUPLEX - Whether the port is FULL or HALF duplex. STATUS - Whether the port UP or DOWN.


STHLP - Host Link Status

This command displays the status of all configured Host Links. Syntax

Chapter 6 Management Commands

STHLP; Web Management Location System Administration > Hosts > Hosts > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STHLP; Output format

A * indicates that a host is acting as a management host. Possible RSI_STATUS values are : ACTIVE, FAILED, DEACTIVATED Possible TCP_STATUS values are : CLOSED, LISTEN, SYNC SENT, SYNC RECEIVED,ESTABLISHED, CLOSE WAIT, FIN WAIT 1, CLOSING, LAST ACK, FIN WAIT 2, TIME WAIT or UNKNOWN if this information is not available.


STIPP - IP Node Status

This command sends five ICPM (Internet Control and Management Protocol) Echo Request frames to the specified remote IP address and measures the maximum round trip time, similar to the standard ping command. Syntax STIPP:[ETH=,]IPADDR=; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > IP Address > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STIPP:IPADDR=; STIPP:ETH=4,IPADDR=; Output format


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

ETH - The source Ethernet port identity if specified. IPADDR - The IP address to which the five ICPM Echo Request frames are to be sent. SEND - Shows the number of frames transmitted. RECV - Shows the number of replies received MAXRTD - Shows the maximum delay between sending a frame and receiving a reply, in milliseconds. The measurement is accurate to 10ms, hence any value less than 10ms is displayed as "


STLCP - Software License Capability Status

This command shows the status of software licenses on the system. Note: The maximum account credit is the licensed throughput rate * 30. The throughput account credit is decremented each time traffic passes through the system. The throughput account credit is incremented every second by the value of the licensed throughput rate. If the licensed throughput is exceeded for a sustained period of time the credit available will drop. When the credit drops to 50% of the maximum throughput credit a congestion alarm will activate When the credit drops to 0% i.e. there is no credit left a throughput enforcement alarm willbe activated and throughput will be limited to the licensed rate. Throughput enforcement will be maintained until the account credit returns to 75% or above of the maximum throughput credit. Syntax STLCP; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > Software Licenses > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STLCP; Output format




The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:


Chapter 6 Management Commands

CAPABILITY A Licensable capability of the system. This is a protocol or operating mode

capability which has been purchased or is under evaluation.

EVALUATION - A * indicates that the license capability is undergoing evaluation. NC - A Network Context the capability is associated. Blank if not applicable. STATUS - State of the license capability on the system where: NONE - This capability is not present. It requires a software license. INACTIVE - The license is present but not running for software reasons e.g. The license is for a different mode of operation or the capability is dependent on another capability that is not active

DEACTIVATED - The license is present but not running due to configuration reasons. ACTIVE - The license is active. ERROR - This license cannot be activated as it depends on another license which is not present
(e.g. TCAP is present but SCCP is not).

CONGESTED - The throughput congestion level has been reached for the capability. ENFORCE - The licensed traffic rate has been exceeded for a extended period and the system
is now limiting traffic to the licensed rate for the capability. Note: If the status is preceded with a "*" the license is not present but as the system is currently operating without a license the functionality is available to the user. After one hour the system will restart and this functionality will again be deactivated as it is not licensed.

LINKS - The available number of links for the capability. Blank means not applicable. For TDM The share is controlled using the TDM share parameter on the system configuration command. RATE - The available throughput rate in Kilobyte/s for the capability. Blank means not

the available links may be less than the licensed number of links if the share is being split with SIGTRAN.

applicable. The available throughput may be less than the licensed number if its share is being split with TDM or between M2PA and M3UA. This share is controlled using the TDM and M3UA share parameters. expressed as a percentage of the maximum account credit.

CREDIT - The current throughput account credit if applicable. The throughput account credit is
6.10.11 STMLP - SS7 Monitor Link Status

This command displays the status of configured SS7 Monitor links. If the LINK parameter is specified, the status of the corresponding link is displayed. If the LINK parameter is not specified, the status of all configured Monitor links is displayed. Syntax STMLP:[MLINK=,]; Applicability Operating Modes: SIU Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STMLP; Output format

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

MLINK - Shows the value of the link_id parameter for that link as configured using the
MONITOR_LINK command in the config.txt file.

LINK_STATUS - Layer 2 status; possible values are: NOT APPLICABLE - Status is not applicable for this type of monitor link. UNKNOWN - No traffic is being observed by the monitor link. OUT OF SERVICE - The monitored link appears out of service. IN SERVICE - The monitored link appears in service.


STPCP - PCM Status

This command displays the status of all configured PCM ports. Syntax STPCP; Web Management Location System Administration > Boards > PCMs > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STPCP; Output format

Possible STATUS values are: PCM LOSS, AIS, SYNC LOSS, REMOTE ALARM, BER > 1:10^3, BER > 1:10^5, OK Possible CLOCK STATUS values are: FAULT, NOT OK, ACTIVE, OK, STAND ALONE (telephony bus disabled) Note: When the internal telephony bus is disabled in the board, the asterisk symbol (*) is displayed in the SYNCPRI field and the CLOCK STATUS is set to STAND ALONE. Possible PCM STATUS values are:

PCM LOSS - No signal sensed on the PCM input.


Chapter 6 Management Commands

AIS - The remote side sends all ones indicating that there is an error condition, or it is not

SYNC LOSS - Loss of frame alignment since no frame synchronization has been received. REMOTE ALARM - The remote end indicates that is it is OK, but also indicates that it is
detecting an error condition.

BER > 1:10^3 - The PCM is encountering a Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10^3. BER > 1:10^5 - The PCM is encountering a BER of 10^5. OK - The PCM is operational. Possible CLOCK STATUS values are: FAULT - The PCM is unable to provide clock for the SIU due to a fault on the board. NOT OK - The PCM is not a valid clock source. ACTIVE - The PCM is a valid clock source and is currently providing clock for the server. OK - The PCM is a valid clock source but is currently not providing clock for the SIU. STANDBY - The PCM is a valid clock source and will provide clock for the server in the event of failure of the ACTIVE clock source.

STAND ALONE - Telephony bus disabled.

6.10.13 STRAP - SIGTRAN Remote Application Server Status

This command displays the status of all links associated with the remote application server. Syntax STRAP:RAS=,; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Remote Servers > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STRAP:RAS=1; Output format

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:


RAS - The remote application server identifier. NC - Network context. DPC - Destination point code. RC - Routing context. SNLINK - SIGTRAN link identifier. RAS_STATUS - Status of the remote application server. Definitions are:

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

AVAILABLE - The RAS is available. UNAVAILABLE - The RAS is unavailable. INSUFF_ASP - The RAS is available but it has insufficient ASPs active as configured by the
STN_RAS command (only valid for load sharing). DOWN - The link attached to the server is down. ACTIVE - The link attached to the server is active. INACTIVE - The link attached to the server is inactive. TRMD - Traffic mode. Definitions are: LS - Load sharing mode. OR - Override mode. BC - Broadcast mode.

ASP_STATUS - Status of the remote application server process. Definitions are:


STRLP - Remote Server Link Status

This command displays the status of the configured Inter-SIU Ethernet links. Syntax STRLP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > Dual Operation > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Prerequisites The SIU must be a member of a dual pair. Example STRLP; Output format



Chapter 6 Management Commands


STSLP - SS7 Link Status

This command displays the status of configured SS7 signaling links. If the LINK parameter is specified, the status of the corresponding link is displayed. If the LINK parameter is not specified, the status of all configured SS7 signaling links is displayed. Syntax STSLP:[LINK=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SS7 > SS7 Links > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STSLP; Output format
SS7 Link Status LINK L3_STATUS 0 OUT OF SERVICE 1 OUT OF SERVICE 2 OUT OF SERVICE 3 OUT OF SERVICE 4 IN SERVICE 5 IN SERVICE L3_STATUS UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE L3_BLOCKING_STATUS ---- ---- ---- ---INHL INHR ---- ---INHL ---- ---- ---INHL ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---------------CBIP ------------------------------------LIIP

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

LINK - Shows the value of the link_id parameter for that link as configured using the
MTP_LINK command in the config.txt file.


L3_STATUS - Layer 3 status; possible values are

AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, CONGESTED, DEACTIVATED (the link has been deactivated by the user) or DOWN_NOHOST(the link has be taken down as there are no available hosts).

L3_BLOCKING_STATUS - L3 Blocking Status; possible values are INHR - The Link is remotely inhibited INHL - The Link is locally inhibited. BLKR - The Link is Remotely Blocked COIP - Changeover is in progress CBIP - Changeback is in progress LIIP - Local Link inhibiting is in progress LUIP - Local Link unhibiting is in progress


STSRP - SIGTRAN Route Status

This command displays the status of SIGTRAN routes.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Syntax STSRP:[SNRT=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Routes > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STSRP; STSRP:SNRT=3; Output format

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

SNRT - The SIGTRAN route identifier. NC - Network context. DPC - Destination point code. SG - Signaling gateway identifier. RT_STATUS - Status of the signaling route. Definitions are AVAILABLE - The Point Code is available over this route. UNAVAILABLE - The Point Code is unavailable over this route. GW_STATUS - Status of the signaling gateway. Definitions are: AVAILABLE - The gateway is available. UNAVAILABLE - The gateway is unavailable.


STSSP - SCCP Subsystem Resource Status

This command displays the status of configured subsystems. If the ID parameter is specified, the status of the corresponding sub-system is displayed. If the ID parameter is not specified, the status of all configured subsystems is displayed. Syntax STSSP:[SSRID=,]; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > SCCP SSRs > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access


Chapter 6 Management Commands

Example STSSP; Output format


The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

ID - Shows the SSR ID parameter of the subsystem as configured using the SCCP_SSR
statement in the config.txt file.

NC - Network context to which subsystem belongs. SSR - Type of SSR. Types are: LSS, RSS, RSP SSN - The SubSystem Number of the subsystem. SSR_STATUS - The current state of the subsystem as returned by SCCP. Possible values are: ALLOWED - The subsystem is available PROHIBITED - The subsystem is not available


STSTP - SIGTRAN Signaling Link Status

This command requests the status of SIGTRAN links. Syntax STSTP:[SNLINK=,][SNTYPE=][PAGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > SIGTRAN > Links > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STSTP; Output format


The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

SNLINK - The SIGTRAN link identifier. SNTYPE - The type of link (M2PA M3UA). RSP_STATUS - Status of the remote signaling process (blank for M2PA).

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

SCTP_STATUS - SCTP association status. RIP1_STATUS - Active, Inactive or Not Configured. RIP1_RTO - The SCTP retransmission timeout. RIP2_STATUS - Active, Inactive or Not Configured. RIP2_RTO - The SCTP retransmission timeout.


STSWP - System Software Status

This command provides an overall summary of the software operating on the system. Syntax STSWP; Web Management Location System Administration > Software > System Software > Status Operations > Home Footer > Home Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STSWP; Output format
System Summary SYSTYPE SIU SOFTWARE SS7G40-SIU Release 1.0.0 (Build 1001) UNITID 000423a683bd SYSID SYSREF 0 UPTIME 00:00:15 MINOR 2 MAJOR 0 CRITICAL 0


STSYP - System Status

This command provides a summary of the load, uptime and alarms on the system. Syntax STSYP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > System > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example

Chapter 6 Management Commands

STSYP; Output format

System Status CPU_MODEL 1 X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5504 MEMORY 3072MB UPTIME 09:04:02 NRESTART 5 LOADAVG1 28.81% LOADAVG5 2.28% LOADAVG15 1.35% ALMSYS 1 ALMPCM 0 ALMSIG 1 ALMCLA1 2 ALMCLA2 0 ALMCLA3 0 @ 2.00GHz

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

CPU - A string identifying the CPU type and speed. MEMORY - The amount of RAM in the system. UPTIME - The length of time the application software has been running. NRESTART - The number of times the system has restarted since factory installation. LOADAVG1 - The load average measurement taken over 1 minute. LOADAVG5 - The load average measurement taken over 5 minutes. LOADAVG15 - The load average measurement taken over 15 minutes. ALMSYS - The number of system alarms. ALMPCM - The number of PCM alarms. SIG - The number of signaling alarms. ALMCLA1 - The number of minor alarms. ALMCLA2 - The number of major alarms. ALMCLA3 - The number of critical alarms


STTDP - TCAP Dialogue Status

This command allows the user to read the status of TCAP. Syntax STTDP:[DLGID=,RANGE=]; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > TCAP Dialogs > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STTDP:DLGID=122,RANGE=2; Output format

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The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

DHA - TCAP dialog handler state. Possible values are: IDLE, RCVD, SENT, ACTIVE TSM - TCAP dialog transaction state. Possible values are: IDLE, RCVD, SENT, ACTIVE DCS - TCAP dialog control structure state. Possible values are: FREE, PENDING, ACTIVE, ISM INVK - Number of active invokes in dialog LTRID - Local transaction identity RTRID - Remote transaction identity


STTPP - NTP Server Status

This command displays the status of the Network Time Protocol servers configured. Syntax STTPP; Web Management Location System Administration > Server Management > NTP Servers > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STTPP; Output format
NTP Server Status NTPSER IPADDR 1 2 STATUS SYSPEER ACTIVE STRATUM NTP_OFFSET LABEL 3 0.000321 Primary NTP server 4 0.000232 NTP server 2

The STATUS reported in the output is as follows:

INACTIVE - The NTP service is disabled. UNREACHABLE - The NTP server is unreachable. REJECT - The NTP server has been rejected by the server selection algorithm. ACTIVE - NTP time information is being received from this server. SYSPEER - NTP has selected this server to synchronize to. The STRATUM indicates the number of servers between the Signaling Server NTP client and a reference clock. Signaling Server NTP Client and NTP Server.

The NTP_OFFSET reported in the output is the Estimated difference in seconds between the


Chapter 6 Management Commands


STTRP - TCAP Resource Status

This command shows the status of TCAP resources. Syntax STTRP; Web Management Location System Administration > Transaction > TCAP Resources > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STTRP; Output format
TCAP Resource Status ICD OGD INVK CPT 122 12233 2222 222 DBUF 22

The meaning of each field in the output is as follows:

ICD - Number of active incoming dialogs OGD - Number of active outgoing dialogs INVK - Number of active invokes CPT - Number of allocated component structures. These are used temporarily for pending component requests until an appropriate dialog request is received. request messages from pending components.

DBUF - Number of allocated dialog buffers. These are used temporarily for building dialog
6.10.24 STUAP - User Account Status

This command displays which users are logged on and where. Syntax STUAP; Web Management Location System Administration > Access Control > User Accounts > Status Applicability Operating Modes: SIU, SWS Permissions: Configuration Read Access Example STUAP;


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Output format STUAP;

MMI Interface Port Configuration USER LOGGED_ON LABEL user2 2012-03-23 10:23:12 Telnet port 8100 siguser 2012-03-23 14:49:54 Telnet port 8101 user2 2012-03-23 12:23:21 Web MMI


Command Parameters
The name of an access profile that can be applied to a user giving them particular access privileges. Parameter Range: String of length 1 to 15. Must not contain any spaces.


Determines whether something is active Y or inactive N. An example of its use is the activation or deactivation of trace masks (see the CNTMS command). Adjacent Point Code Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 16777215



AUTO - Automatically acknowledge AlertSC indications. This is the default value. OFF - Always reject MAN - Enable user access of AlertSC via web-service API. If this option is set user is required to retrieve AlertSC indications, if not retrieved before timeout they will be rejected


V3 SNMP Authentication encryption protocol - used to ensure that V3 SNMP requests have not been modified during transit. Parameter Range: NONE SHA MD5


Identifies the authentication password for an SNMP User Account: The authentication protocol parameter must be present. Parameter Range: Null or Password string of length 1 to 19


Chapter 6 Management Commands


The backup host algorithm. The ability to configure backup hosts allows management and/or signaling messages to be redirected to a backup host application in the event of primary host failure. When using ISUP, for example, this mechanism allows continued use of circuits if the primary host for a circuit group were to fail. Once the primary host link has been recovered, messages are again sent to it from the SIU. Backup hosts can be employed when configured for ISUP. Backup hosts may also be used for SCCP operation, they may not be used in configurations that utilize DTS/DTC. Both primary and backup hosts are configured and active. Parameter Range: BACKUP_NONE (0) - When this parameter is set to BACKUP_NONE(0) or the SIU_HOSTS command is not present, the system does not employ the backup host mechanism. BACKUP_1 (1) - When set to a BACKUP_1 (1), primary and backup hosts are paired 0-1, 2-3, 4-5 etc. If the link to host 0 fails messages are sent instead to host 1 and vice versa. When the link recovers, normal routing resumes. BACKUP_32 (2) - When set to a BACKUP_32(2), primary and backup hosts are paired 0-32, 1-33, 2-34 etc. If the link to host 0 fails messages are sent instead to host 32 and vice versa. When the link recovers, normal routing resumes.


The Circuit Identification Code (CIC) that is allocated to the first circuit in the circuit group. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The logical ID for the first circuit in the circuit group. It must lie in the range 0 to one less than the number of circuits supported. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Identifier to Bind a Local Application Server to either Remote. Signaling Gateway or Remote Application Server. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


The index of the logical signaling processor (SP) channel (on the board) allocated for this signaling link. When the SS7 link is to be conveyed over M2PA, the blink parameter identifies the SIGTRAN link. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Board position. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The board the PCM is on. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1


Board Type. Parameter Range: NONE SS7LD SS7MD


Specifies the range of build out settings for a T1 interface. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 12


SS7 Route ID. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 4095


An ATM Cell Stream identifier Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 7


Configuration type. Parameter Range: DEFAULT LOOPBACK


Each circuit group may contain up to 32 circuits. The CIC Mask identifies the circuits allocated to the circuit group. The least significant bit (bit 0) corresponds to the first CIC and must always be set. Bit n in the corresponds to circuit identification code = ( + n) and circuit identifier = ( + n). If the bit is not set, then this CIC and CID can instead be allocated to a different circuit group. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


Alarm class. When present the value in brackets represents the equivalent ITU-T severity level state. Parameter Range: MNR (5) - Minor alarm. MAJ (4) - Major alarm. CRT (3) - Critical alarm.


Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has MML command line interface access.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


MMI command name. Parameter Range: Case sensitive string of length 5 to 5. Must not contain any spaces.


Confirmation of the PASSWORD typed for remote access to MMI sessions. Parameter Range: Password string of length 1 to 79


Designated contact for the System. Parameter Range: Null or Text of length 0 to 31. May contain spaces. '+' chars will be converted to spaces.


The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) mode of operation. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the CRC mode during configuration of the PCM. Parameter Range: NONE (1) - CRC generation disabled. CRC4 (2) - CRC4 enabled - The frame format must be set to CRC4. CRC6 (4) - CRC6 enabled - The frame format must be set to ESF.


The Concerned Signaling Point Code Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 16777215


A Remote Concerned Sub-system Number Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 254


SCCP concerned subsystem resource type. Parameter Range: RSP - Remote signaling point. LSS - Local subsystem.


Concerned Subsystem Resource Identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 2047


Concerned Subsystem List Identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 32767


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Calendar date. Parameter Range: Date in the form xxxx-yy-zz where xxxx is years (1990-2037), yy is months (1-12) and zz is days (1-31)


A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active connections. This is the VCI that will be used for this connection. Values 0, 3 and 4 are reserved and should not be used. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


A default AAL5 link will be configured for the cell stream to signal incoming active connections. This is the VPI that will be used for this connection. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Default Data Coding Scheme. Parameter Range: German English Italian French Spanish Dutch Swedish Danish Portuguese Finnish Norwegian Greek Turkish Hungarian Polish Undefined GSM_7bit - GSM 7 bit alphabet; preceded by language indication. UCS2 - UCS2; message preceded by language indication. Czech Hebrew Arabic Russian Icelandic


A logical identifier for a TCAP dialog, The valid range is 0 to 65535. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Chapter 6 Management Commands


The default management host. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 127


Destination Point Code. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 16777215


A Drive bay identifier for a disk drive. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1


Destination Numbering Plan Parameter Range: Unknown ISDN Reserved2 Data Telex ServiceCentreSpecific5 ServiceCentreSpecific6 Reserved7 National Private ERMES Reserved11 Reserved12 Reserved13 Reserved14 Reserved


Destination Type Of Number Parameter Range: Unknown International National NetworkSpecific Subscriber Alphanumeric AbbreviatedNumber Reserved


Data type. Parameter Range: SYSKEY SYSCFG CONFIG


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Identifies whether the SIU end is acting as a client or a server. Parameter Range: C - Client Side. S - Server Side.


A hexadecimal string value used for SNMP V3 traps. Parameter Range: Null or String of length 1 to 31. Must not contain any spaces.


Ethernet port number. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 31


Whether the password in the account should expire (Y) or Not (N). The Frame Format. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the Frame Format during configuration of the PCM. Parameter Range: G704 (1) - E1 double frame (E1 only). CRC4 (2) - E1 CRC4 multiframe (E1 only). F4 (3) - F4 4-frame multiframe (T1 only). D3D4 (4) - D3/D4 (Yellow alarm = bit 2 in each channel (T1 only). ESF (7) - ESF (Yellow alarm in data link channel) (T1 only). SLC96 (8) - F72/SLC96 (72-frame multiframe) (T1 only). J1 (9) - J1 frame format (The LIU type must be T1).


Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has FTP and Telnet over SSH access. FTP Server access. Set to Y to allow access or N to disable access. Address of IP gateway. Set to to indicate that no gateway is present. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


The unique logical identifier of the circuit group within the SIU. This parameter is in the range 0 to one less than the maximum number of circuit groups that ISUP processes as set by the parameter in the ISUP configuration command. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 2047


Identifier that associates a Remote Signaling Gateway with a SIGTRAN Route. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65279


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Identifier for a Global Title Address. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1023


Identifier for a Global Title Pattern. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1023


Identifier for a Global Title Translation. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 1023


Gateway Address Digits Parameter Range: Case sensitive string containing 0-9, *, #, a, b or c characters of length 1 to 30.


Gateway Numbering Plan Parameter Range: Unknown ISDN Reserved2 Data Telex ServiceCentreSpecific5 ServiceCentreSpecific6 Reserved7 National Private ERMES Reserved11 Reserved12 Reserved13 Reserved14 Reserved


Gateway Type Of Number Parameter Range: Unknown International National NetworkSpecific Subscriber Alphanumeric AbbreviatedNumber Reserved


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


HLR Address Digits Parameter Range: Case sensitive string containing 0-9, *, #, a, b or c characters of length 1 to 30.


HLR Numbering Plan Parameter Range: Unknown ISDN Reserved2 Data Telex ServiceCentreSpecific5 ServiceCentreSpecific6 Reserved7 National Private ERMES Reserved11 Reserved12 Reserved13 Reserved14 Reserved


HLR Type Of Number Parameter Range: Unknown International National NetworkSpecific Subscriber Alphanumeric AbbreviatedNumber Reserved


Logical ID of an SIU host. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 127


When Hosts is set the SIU does requires SIU hosts to operate. Hosts may be disabled when the SIU is acting as a router than does not require management or application hosts. The TCP Port used for HTTP. Set to 0 to disable access via HTTP. Valid Range 0:65,535 excluding 21, 22, 8100-8103, 9000-9128, the value identified by HTTPSPORT or the HTTPPORT value of another Web Server. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 0 to 65535



Chapter 6 Management Commands


Identify the certificate to use for the SERVICE. Parameter Range: NONE - The certificate for the service will be removed. SELF - A new self-signed certificate will be generated and installed. FILE - The corresponding certificate will be used.


The TCP Port used for HTTPS. Set to 0 to disable access via HTTPS. Valid Range 0:65,535 excluding 21, 22, 8100-8103, 9000-9128, the value identified by HTTPSPORT or the HTTPSPORT value of another Web Server. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Identifier associated with an alarm event. The meaning of the id field depends on the alarm type. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The interface type for the link. Parameter Range: TDM - Single timeslot signaling link. M2PA - SIGTRAN M2PA Signaling Link. ATM - ATM Signaling Link. E1_FRAMED - Framed 31 timeslot E1 operation. T1_FRAMED - Framed 24 timeslot T1 operation. PCM - Structured 30 timeslot E1 operation (timeslots 0 and 16 are used for signaling)


The length of the IMA frame (for IMA use only). 0 1 2 3 4 Default for non IMA operation. 32 cells per IMA frame 64 cells per IMA frame 128 cells per IMA frame 256 cells per IMA frame


Input Mask - Trace Mask for signaling messages entering a protocol module. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Parameter Range: Case sensitive string containing 0-9, *, #, a, b or c characters of length 1 to 15.


Inhibit action. Set to Y to inhibit an SS7 link, set to N to uninhibit the link.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The action to be performed when the data matches the rule. Parameter Range: ACCEPT - Data will be accepted. DROP - Data will be discarded.


Either an IP address on the SIU or a remote server e.g. a NTP server. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


A logical reference for and entry in the IP Firewall list. DEFAULT is the default rule applied when other criteria are not met. Parameter Range: DEFAULT or Number between 1 to 31


A logical reference for an Internet Protocol Gateway. DEFAULT is the default IP Gateway. Parameter Range: DEFAULT or Number between 1 to 31


A logical reference for and entry in the IP Log filter list. DEFAULT is the default rule and the other rules are applied on top of the default rule. Note: The default rule cannot be deleted, only its action modified Parameter Range: Number between 1 to 4


An IP network identifier. Parameter Range: Null or IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Signaling Server IP Server Ports Parameter Range: Null or ALL TELNET - Telnet MML Server ports. SSH - SSH Server port. FTP - FTP Server port. WMGMT - Web Management Server ports. WSAPI - Web Server API ports. REMOTE - Port communicating with the Remote Signaling Server. HOST - Ports communicating with hosts applications. SCTP - SCTP Ports. SNMP - Ports used by SNMP.


The Layer 2 ID of the Cell Stream within the board. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 7


Text label used to identify the related item. Parameter Range: Null or Text of length 0 to 31. May contain spaces. '+' chars will be converted to spaces.


Language indication string. Parameter Range: Case sensitive string of length 0 to 2. Must not contain any spaces.


The SIGTRAN Local Application Server identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Line Coding Technique. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the Line Code during configuration of the PCM. Parameter Range: HDB3 (1) - HDB3 (E1 only). AMI (2) - AMI with no Zero Code Suppression. B8ZS (4) - B8ZS (T1 only).


Front panel LED ID. Set to Y to activate LED, or N to deactivate LED. Data associated with a logging filter. The data entered is specific to the filter. Parameter Range: Null or Case sensitive string of length 0 to 31. Must not contain any spaces.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Logging Filter. Parameter Range: IPADDR - Outputs IP traffic associated with a configured IP Addreses. Note: Data associated with the management interfaces will not be logged. SCTP - Outputs SCTP traffic. If specified, the associated data can be used to limit the output to the particular local SCTP port which would normally be a local port associated with a SIGTRAN link. HOST - Outputs traffic send and received from RSI Hosts. If specified, the associated data can be used to limit the output to RSI host id. REMOTE - Outputs traffic send and received from a Partner Server. The associated data field must be blank. WSAPI - Outputs traffic send and received from Web Service Hosts. The associated data field must be blank.


For Telnet and Serial MMI the number of lines that may be displayed before being prompted to continue. A value of 0 indicates that commands will output to completion without further prompting. The parameter is not applicable for Web management MMI. Parameter Range: Number from 0 to 100


SS7 link identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Link Set ID. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 63


The first Local IP Address. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


The second Local IP Address. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Specifies the physical type of interface required. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the LIU type during configuration of the PCM. Note: Use of the Buildout parameter is not relevant when high impedance is configured on a PCM. Users are required to set it to a value of 0 for when either E1 high-impedance or T1 high impedance is configured on the PCM. Parameter Range: T1 (4) - T1. E1 (5) - E1 balanced. E1HIGHZ (6) - E1 high-impedance (for monitoring applications). T1HIGHZ (7) - T1 high-impedance (for monitoring applications). E1PMP (8) - E1 protective monitoring point (for monitoring applications). T1PMP (9) - T1 protective monitoring point (for monitoring applications).


The location of this System. Parameter Range: Null or Text of length 0 to 31. May contain spaces. '+' chars will be converted to spaces.


Local IP port for an association. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The first Link Set on a Route. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 63


The second Link Set on a Route Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 63


Local Subsystem Protocol. Parameter Range: SCCP - The SCCP protocol. TCAP - The TCAP protocol. MAP - The MAP protocol. INAP - The INAP protocol. IS41 - The IS41 protocol. DTS - DTS running over the SCCP protocol. DTS_MAP - DTS running over the MAP protocol. DTS_INAP - DTS running over the INAP protocol. DTS_IS41 - DTS running over the IS41 protocol.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


M2PA Identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Only required to be set to a non blank value when both M3UA and network facing M2PA links are configured at the same time. This parameter is percentage share of the SIGTRAN portion of server license allocated to M3UA links with the remaining percentage being available for network facing M2PA links. The SIGTRAN portion of the server license is determined by the value of the TDM Share parameter. Values are blank or 1-99. When set to blank the full allocation of the server license is available to either M3UA or Network facing M2PA links however in this case both may not be configured at the same time. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 1 to 99


The MAP Web Service. Parameter Range: Mobile_Term_Transmit_Reqs - SMS Mobile Terminated Transmit Requests. Mobile_Term_Receive_Reqs - SMS Mobile Terminated Receive Requests. USSD_Mobile_Init_Sessions - USSD Mobile Init Sessions. USSD_App_Init_Sessions - USSD App Init Sessions. USSD_Notify_Reqs - LBS Location Requests. Location_Service_Reqs - USSD Notify Requests. Mobile_Orig_Transmit_Reqs - SMS Mobile Originated Transmit Requests. Mobile_Orig_Receive_Reqs - SMS Mobile Originated Receive Requests.


An IP network mask. Parameter Range: Null or IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


The maximum number of days allowed before a new password must be entered. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 1 to 600


Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has administrative management access to add/remove users. Management web interface availability. Set to Y to enable Management web interface on a particular IP address. Set to N to disable Management web interface on a particular IP address.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has policy access to set system policy. Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has access to read configuration, status and measurements. Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has access permission to modify security settings such as the system firewall. Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has access permission to Change/ Add/Delete configuration. Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has access permission to perform maintenance actions (activate/deactivate/restart) SS7 Monitor link identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Management Mask - Trace Mask for management messages generated by a protocol module. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


MMI Port Identifier Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 4


A logical reference for an External SNMP Manager Parameter Range: Number between 1 to 31


This parameter is used to select the operating mode of the unit. A unit that is operating as a standalone unit should be operated in A mode. When two units are used in a dual resilient configuration, one unit should operate in A mode and the other should operate in B mode. Changes to the parameter value require a system restart in order to take effect. Parameter Range: MODEA - Signaling Server operating in A Mode. MODEB - Signaling Server operating in B Mode.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Protocol module name. Parameter Range: MTP M3UA ISUP SCCP DTS TCAP IS41 INAP MAP MSL WSI


MTP2 Timer table. Parameter Range: ALL (8) - Setting applies to all MTP2 timer tables. ITU (0) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ITU-T 64k link timer table. ANSI64K (1) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ANSI 64k link timer table. ANSI56K (2) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ANSI 56k link timer table. ITU48K (3) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ITU-T 48k link timer table. ANSIT1 (4) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ANSI T1 link timer table. ANSIE1 (5) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ANSI E1 link timer table. ITUT1 (6) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ITU-T T1 link timer table. ITUE1 (7) - Setting only applies to the MTP2 ITU-T E1 link timer table.


Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has Management web server access. Network Appearance. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 4294967295


The number of ASP (SIGTRAN Links) required in load sharing mode. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 256


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Network context NC0 to NC3. If not specified default NC is considered which is NC0. Parameter Range: NC0 NC1 NC2 NC3 Network Network Network Network Context Context Context Context 0. 1. 2. 3.


The (maximum) number of links allocated to the link set. Parameter Range: Number between 1 to 16


Y - Use Version 1 Map operation Note Subscriber Present, if set. N - Use Version 2 Map operation MAP Ready For SM, if set (default).


NTP activation parameter. Set to Y to enable use of Network Time Protocol or N to disable use of Network Time Protocol. Identifier for the NTP server Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 15


Number of hosts allowed. Parameter Range: Number between 1 to 128


A logical reference for an SNMP object within an object group: Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


A logical reference for an SNMP object group: Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


An index used as a unique reference to a SNMP object which is constructed by multiplying the object group by 100 an then adding the object within the group.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The local offset from UTC in Hours and Minutes. Hours may be specified in the range -14 to +12, and minutes in either 0 or 30 minute intervals. The offset is specified in POSIX-style, which has positive signs west of Greenwich. e.g. Montreal, CANADA +5:00 USA +5:00 UNITED KINGDOM 0:00 GERMANY -1:00 New Delhi, INDIA -5:30 Beijing, CHINA -8:00 Sydney, AUSTRALIA -10:00 Parameter Range: Case sensitive string of length 0 to 9. Must not contain any spaces.


Output Mask - Trace Mask for signaling messages leaving a protocol module. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


The originating point code. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 16777215


Configuration Options. Parameter Range: Null or Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


Additional Configuration Options. Parameter Range: Null or Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


Originating Address digits Parameter Range: Case sensitive string containing 7 BIT ASCII characters of length 1 to 30. Must not contain any spaces.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Originating Numbering Plan Parameter Range: Unknown ISDN Reserved2 Data Telex ServiceCentreSpecific5 ServiceCentreSpecific6 Reserved7 National Private ERMES Reserved11 Reserved12 Reserved13 Reserved14 Reserved


Originating Type Of Number Parameter Range: Unknown International National NetworkSpecific Subscriber Alphanumeric AbbreviatedNumber Reserved


Selects the specific page to display for the command. Parameter Range: Number between 1 to 10


Password to access to a particular account Parameter Range: Password string of length 1 to 79


A 32-bit value that specifies the part of a destination point code that must match the remote SPC value in order for an SCCP transmit message to be sent down to this destination sub-system. Bits set to zero indicate that the corresponding bit position in the transmit message destination point code must match the bit position of the remote SPC. Bits set to 1 indicate bit positions in the message destination point code that do not need to match the remote SPC set for this RSP. This allows configuration of a default destination subsystem (for example, a gateway SCP). Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffffffff


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


PCM Port ID. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 7


Identifies the privacy protocol for an SNMP User Account: Parameter Range: Null or NONE DES AES


Identifies the privacy password for an SNMP User Account: The privacy protocol parameter must be present. Parameter Range: Null or Password string of length 1 to 19


Type of MMI Port Parameter Range: NONE - Serial port without DTR/DSR active. DTRDSR - Serial port with DTR/DSR active. TELNET - Telnet port. WEB - Web management interface.


The range parameter. An example of its use is specifying a range of TCAP dialogs to be displayed by the STTDP command. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The SIGTRAN Remote Application Server identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Routing Context Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 4294967295


SNMP read-only community string Parameter Range: Null or String of length 0 to 12. Must not contain any spaces.


Request reception of optional parameters.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Y - Automatically send ReportSMDelivery update indication to HLR. These updates are only generated for Web-Service API request via the combined SMS delivery requests addressed using the MSISDN. Users of the separate SendRoutingInfo and ForwardSM request API calls can generate the ReportSMDelivery indications manually using an API call. N - No not automatically send ReportSMDelivery. This is the default value.


The logical identity of the signaling link within the link set. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 15


This field is reserved and should be set to 0. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 0


This field is reserved and should be set to 0. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 0


This field is reserved and should be set to 0. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 0


Performs a reset operation when set to Y. Restart mode. Parameter Range: SOFT - The system will restart the Signaling Server application software. SOFT resets may be used for a more rapid system restart after updating system configuration. PREVIOUS - The system will restart the Signaling Server software reverting to the previous version of software if available. HARD - The system will undergo a full system restart resetting the hardware, operating system and Signaling Server application software. EVALUATION - The system will be restarted in 1 hour evaluation mode with all licensable capabilities available for use. HALT - The system will shut down without a subsequent restart.


The first SCTP Remote IP Address in the association. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


The second SCTP Remote IP Address in the association. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Identifier that associates a RAS with a SIGTRAN Link. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 8191


Remote IP port for an association. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The SIGTRAN Remote Signaling Gateway identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Service Center Address Digits Parameter Range: Case sensitive string containing 0-9, *, #, a, b or c characters of length 1 to 30.


Service Center Numbering Plan Parameter Range: Unknown ISDN Reserved2 Data Telex ServiceCentreSpecific5 ServiceCentreSpecific6 Reserved7 National Private ERMES Reserved11 Reserved12 Reserved13 Reserved14 Reserved


Service Center Type Of Number Parameter Range: Unknown International National NetworkSpecific Subscriber Alphanumeric AbbreviatedNumber Reserved


Chapter 6 Management Commands


SCTP availability. Set to Y to enable SCTP operation on a particular IP port. Set to N to disable SCTP operation on a particular IP port. Access Management of user logon sessions. Parameter Range: STATIC_TAGS When selected this option disables rotating sessions tags which provide additional security by requiring transmitted URLs to use a unique key provided by the server i.e. data and actions can only be accessed/performed by selecting operations on the web page and copying URLs, using browser refresh or forward/back buttons will not work. When using this option to ensure a secure environment is recommended that HTTPS only management access be employed requiring users to enter a password before being granted access to the server. ROTATING_TAGS - When selected this option enables rotating sessions tags which provide additional security by requiring transmitted URLs to use a unique key provided by the server i.e. data and actions can only be accessed/performed by selecting operations on the web page and copying URLs, using browser refresh or forward/back buttons will not work. Only one user may access the server when this option is selected.


The percentage share of a license that is available to a capability. For SIGTRAN capabilities this is a percentage of the throughput. For the TDM capability this is the percentage of links available. The share is controlled using the TDM share and M3UA share parameters on the system configuration command. If the share is less than the configured values of the appropriate TDM or M3UA share then another license, e.g. a system license or the specific configuration of a resource e.g. a TDM link, has resulted in a reduction the of share available to the license. Blank means not applicable. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 0 to 100


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The Service Indicator. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the Service Indicator during configuration. Parameter Range: SCCP (3) ISUP (5) BICC (13) RESERVED4 (4) RESERVED6 (6) RESERVED7 (7) RESERVED8 (8) RESERVED9 (9) RESERVED10 (10) RESERVED11 (11) RESERVED12 (12) RESERVED14 (14) RESERVED15 (15)


Identifies an optional slave port where alarm conditions occurring on the LIU will be mapped to AIS on the slave port. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 7


The signaling link code for a signaling link. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 15


SIGTRAN link identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


SNMP active parameter. Set to Y to enable operation of SNMP or N to disable operation of SNMP. An integer identifier for a SNMP User. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 1 to 31


The SIGTRAN route identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 255


Type of SIGTRAN link Parameter Range: M3UA M2PA


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Signaling Point Code Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 16777215


The speed of the Ethernet port in MHz. H indicates Half-Duplex otherwise it is Full-Duplex) Parameter Range: AUTO 10 100 1000 10H 100H


SS7 Mode. Parameter Range: ITU14 - ITU 14-bit operation. ANSI - ANSI 24-bit operation. ITU24 - ITU 24-bit operation. ITU16 - ITU 16-bit operation.


The value to be used in the sub-service field of level 3 messages for this link set. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to f


SSH/SFTP Server access. Set to Y to allow access or N to disable access. SSN Subsystem number. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 254


SCCP subsystem resource type. Parameter Range: RSP - Remote signaling point. RSS - Remote subsystem. LSS - Local subsystem.


Subsystem Resource Identifier. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 2047


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


The logical PCM highway from which the signaling processor is to insert the signaling. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 3


When set strong passwords are required. A strong password must: - Be between 8 and 15 characters in length. - Passwords must contain at least one upper case character, one lower case character, one digit and one special character (~ $ % ^ @ #) - Must not be the same as any of the previous 8 passwords.


IP sub-net mask. Parameter Range: IP Address of the form w.x.y.z where w,x,y and z are between 0-255


PCM Synchronisation priority. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 32


System Identity. Parameter Range: Null or Text of length 0 to 31. May contain spaces. '+' chars will be converted to spaces.


The system reference number. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 999


The operating mode of the system. Parameter Range: TEST - Server Test Mode. SIU - Signaling Interface Unit. SWS - Signaling Web Server.


SNMP Trap community string. Is passed in each trap to an external SNMP Manager. Parameter Range: Null or String of length 0 to 12. Must not contain any spaces.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Only required to be set to a non blank value when both TDM and SIGTRAN links are configured at the same time. This parameter is percentage share of the server license allocated to MTP2 links with the remaining percentage being available for SIGTRAN links. Values are blank or 1-99. When set to blank the full allocation of the server license is available to either MTP2 or SIGTRAN links however in this case both may not be configured at the same time. Parameter Range: Null or Number between 1 to 99


SNMP Trap actions in the DOWN state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


Telnet Server access. When set to SECURE the Command Line Interface can only be achieved by running Telnet/SSH. The format of SNMP Traps sent to the external SNMP Manager. Parameter Range: NONE - Set when using SNMP V3. V1TRAP - SNMP Version 1 format. V2TRAP - SNMP Version 2 Notification Trap. V2INFO - SNMP Version 2 Information.


Time of day. Parameter Range: Time in the form xx:yy:zz where xx is hours (0-23), yy is minutes (059) and zz is seconds (0-59)


SNMP Trap actions in the IMPAIRED state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


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SNMP Trap actions in the INACTIVE state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


The time inactivity before a MMI port automatically logs off. Parameter Range: Number between 6 to 50


The time inactivity before a MMI port provides a logoff warning. Parameter Range: Number from 0 to 50


SNMP Trap actions in the QUIESCED state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


SNMP destination port for SNMP Traps. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Identifies the format used for trace messages sent to file Parameter Range: TEXT - Trace messages will be logged to file in TEXT format. PCAP - Trace messages will be logged to file in PCAP format. DUAL - Trace messages will be logged to file in both PCAP and TEXT format.


Chapter 6 Management Commands


Identifies where trace messages should be logged Parameter Range: FILE - Trace messages will be locally logged to file but not transmitted to a management host. HOST - Trace messages will be transmitted to a management host but not locally logged to file. DUAL - Trace messages will be locally logged to file and transmitted to a management host.


SNMP Trap actions. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


SNMP Trap actions in the RESTART state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


The traffic mode for the Local Application Server. Parameter Range: LS - Loadshare. BC - Broadcast. OR - Override.


Timeslot on a PCM. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 31


Whether the receipt of text is preferred (Y) over SMS network headers (N).


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


SNMP Trap actions in the UP state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


SNMP Trap actions in the WARNING state. Parameter Range: ALL - Any event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. NONE - No event when the object is in this state will result in a trap. CREATE - Configuration events resulting in a transition to this state will result in a trap. CHANGE - Change events in this state will result in a trap. DESTROY - Configuration change events in this state will result in a trap.


A 16-bit value with bit n (in the range 3 to 15) set to allow the route to be used for messages with Service Indicator (SI) n. For each user part supported, the bit corresponding to the Service Indicator for that user part should be set. For example, to enable SCCP routing (which uses an SI of 3) a value of 0x0008 should be used. To enable both SCCP (3) and ISUP (5) a value of 0x0028 should be used or to enable SCCP (3) and BICC (13) a value of 0x2008 should be used. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ffff




Chapter 6 Management Commands


A User Account identifier Parameter Range: String of length 2 to 19. Must not contain any spaces.


The host ID of the user application. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 127


The user application module ID for this circuit group. Parameter Range: Hex number between 0 to ff


ISUP variant. If displayed, the value in brackets represents the alternative integer value that can be used when entering the ISUP variant during configuration of the circuit group. Parameter Range: BB (0) - Blue Book ISUP. ITU92 (1) - 1992 (White Book) ISUP. ANSI (2) - ANSI ISUP. GERMAN (3) - German ISUP. UK (4) - UK ISUP. TTC (5) - Japanese TTC ISUP. ANSI_RLT (6) - ANSI Release Link Trunk ISUP. ITU_RLT (7) - ITU Release Link Trunk ISUP. ANSI_95 (8) - ANSI 95 ISUP. ITALIAN (9) - Italian ISUP. SSURF (10) - French SSURF ISUP. CHINA (11) - Chinese ISUP. ITU_2000 (12) - ISUP 2000/ETSI V4 ISUP. BICC (13) - The BICC protocol. CUSTOM1 (254) - Custom ISUP Variant 1. CUSTOM2 (253) - Custom ISUP Variant 2.


The VCI associated with the link on the cell stream. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


The VPI associated with the link on the cell stream. Parameter Range: Number between 0 to 65535


Specifies the type of Web Server to configure. Parameter Range: MGMT - Web Server used for System Management. WSAPI - Web Server used for the Web Services API.


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Web Management access. Parameter Range: INACTIVE - Deactivate the web server. ACTIVE - Activate the web server. SECURE - Activate the web server requiring that access is granted only after the entry the entry of a user name and password. HTTPS - Activate the web server requiring that access is granted only after the entry of a user name and password. Also only allow operation over HTTPS.


Web Services API availability. Set to Y to enable Restful web interface on a particular IP address. Set to N to disable Restful web interface on a particular IP address. Whether (Y)) or not (N) the user has Web Services API access. Web Services access. Parameter Range: INACTIVE - Deactivate the web server. ACTIVE - Activate the web server. SECURE - Activate the web server requiring that access is granted only after the entry the entry of a user name and password. HTTPS - Activate the web server requiring that access is granted only after the entry of a user name and password. Also only allow operation over HTTPS.



Chapter 6 Management Commands


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

7 Configuration Guidelines

IP Port Bonding Sharing Licensed Throughput Between Protocols and Networks Configuring Multiple Network Contexts Configuring an ANSI System Specifying Default Routes Dynamic Host Activation Dynamic Configuration SIGTRAN M2PA Signaling Simultaneous MAP/INAP/IS41 Operations GTT Configuration HSL Signaling Monitoring

Configuration guidelines are provided for the following:


IP Port Bonding

The SIU allows you to configure a resilient IP connection across an IP port bonding team of two ports in an active/standby configuration. On the Dialogic DSI SS7G41 Signaling Servers, up to two port bonding teams may be created using the four Ethernet ports on the SIU, described in Section 6.4.2, IPEPS - IP Ethernet Port Set on page 180. If the system detects that the Primary port has failed, it passes the primarys MAC and Layer 3 address to the failover (secondary) adapter, enabling it to act as the active port in the team. On the restoration of the primary port, the secondary port is removed from service and the primary port resumes control of its MAC and IP addresses. The subnet mask of a secondary IP address in a team is ignored. Data loss may occur between the actual failure of an IP connect and the detection of that failure and subsequent switching to the standby port. All adapters in a team should be connected to the same hub or switch with Spanning Tree (STP) set to off. Whenever bonding is activated, or deactivated, MMI sessions using those ports are reset. An IP address may not be bonded with the following:

itself an IP address of another IP address already acting as a primary or standby in an IP team

Once configured, the status of Ethernet ports in a bonded team may be checked using the STEPP - Ethernet Status command.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines


Sharing Licensed Throughput Between Protocols and Networks

The SIU and SWS license SKUs identified in Section 2.1.2, Supported Licenses on page 16 identify a throughput element in terms of link equivalents. If the system is configured to use both TDM and SIGTRAN or configured to use more than one Network Context then a portion of the license must be allocated to TDM, M3UA and M2PA as applicable. If M3UA is split across multiple Network Context, the M3UA portion of the license must further be split with a portion allocated to each Network Context. When both TDM and SIGTRAN signaling are required on the server then the TDMSHARE parameter on the CNSYS MMI command should be specified to indicate the percentage share of the throughput aspect of the license that should be allocated to TDM signaling with the remainder being available to SIGTRAN (M3UA or network facing M2PA). If TDMSHARE is set to blank then either TDM or SIGTRAN (but not both) may be configured and the configured signaling will be allocated the full share of the license. When both M3UA and network facing M2PA are required on the server the percentage share available to SIGTRAN can be further sub-divided between M3UA and M2PA using the M3UASHARE parameter on the CNSYS MMI command in a similar manner to TDMSHARE. If TDMSHARE is set to blank then the M3UASHARE parameter determines what portion of the full license is available to M3UA and what is available to M2PA. Finally, if M3UA is required to operate in multiple networks, the portion of the license allocated to M3UA may further be split across those networks by using the <share> value in each STN_NC command associated with each Network Context. Cumulatively, the values of these shares must add up to 100 representing 100 percent of the licensed throughput that has been allocated to M3UA.


Configuring Multiple Network Contexts

Multiple Network Support

The SS7 Network Context together with a signaling point code uniquely identifies an SS7 node by indicating the specific SS7 network it belongs to. The Network Context may be a unique identifier for a physical SS7 network, for example, to identify an ANSI, ITU, International or National network, or it may be used to subdivide a physical SS7 network into logical sub-networks. An example of the use of logical networks is in provisioning, where the user requires 64 SS7 links between two point codes in a network. As the SIU supports 16 links in a link set, and one link set between two points in a network, only 16 links between two points would normally be achievable. However, if the network is divided into four logical Network Contexts, then up to four link sets may be created between the two point codes, one in each Network Context, thus allowing up to 64 SS7 links to be configured between the two points. Note: The Network Context has significance only to the configuration of the local node (including the hosts). No external messages include any indication of the Network Context and the configuration of remote systems is unaffected. The SIU mode is able to support architectures in which a single SIU or dual resilient SIU pair are connected into one or more different SS7 networks. The SIU or SIU pair can also independently terminate multiple local point codes within the same network. The following sections describe these different architectures.


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The SIU can support up to four Network Contexts where each Network Context is a different network or different independent local point code within the same network. In the configuration commands or MMI commands, Network Contexts are designated NC0, NC1, NC2 or NC3. Network Context NC0 is also referred to as the default Network Context since this is the Network Context that is assumed if no other explicit value is specified within the command.


Support for Multiple Local Point Codes

In some situations, it is desirable to have an SIU terminate more than one local point code within the same SS7 network. Each local point code can have separate routes and associated pairs of link sets to a destination point code. This means that adding additional local point codes allows additional link sets to be used to send traffic to a destination point code. As link sets are limited to 16 links adding more link sets using multiple local point codes effectively allows a larger total number of links to carry traffic to any single destination point code. The figure below shows a simple configuration that uses two Network Contexts to allow a single SIU to connect to the remote node using two link sets from two independent local point codes. Link set 0 and 1 are configured in Network Contexts NC0 and NC1 respectively.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

Figure 1. Multiple Network Context to Support Multiple Local Point Codes

The figure below extends the previous example to show a configuration with an STP pair. This configuration uses two Network Contexts to allow a single SIU to connect to the Remote Node using four link sets from two independent local point codes. An equivalent configuration using a dual resilient pair is also possible.
Figure 2. Multiple Network Contexts with an STP Pair


Protocol Handling for Multiple Network Contexts

The figure below shows the use of multiple Network Contexts from an application perspective and provides examples of the module IDs for the various application layers.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Figure 3. Module IDs for Use with Multiple Network Contexts



MTP3 and M3UA can be active in the same Network Context at the same time. A Destination Point Code must however be unique across all MTP Routes, SIGTRAN Routes and SIGTRAN Remote Application Servers. On the Signaling Server ISUP and SCCP do not communicate directly with MTP3 and M3UA. Instead they route through a Resilient Management Module (RMM). As well as selecting the correct protocol (MTP3 or M3UA based on DPC) RMM will attempt to route traffic over the inter unit RSI link to the partner Signaling Server if the Destination Point Code cannot be reach via local MTP3/M3UA. Since there is one instance of RMM for each Network Context, messages that are destined for a specific network must be sent to the correct RMM module ID as shown in the figure above. In most SIU configurations, RMM is not the highest protocol layer and the sending of messages to the correct module is handled by the higher layer modules without further user interaction.



Since there is one instance of MTP3 for each Network Context, messages that are destined for a specific network must be sent to the correct MTP module ID as shown in the figure above. In most SIU configurations, MTP is not the highest protocol layer and the sending of messages to the correct module is handled by the higher layer modules without further user interaction. If an application requires routing at MTP level it is recommended that the application route via the RMM module rather than directly to MTP3.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines


The MTP_CONFIG config.txt command, described in MTP_CONFIG Global MTP Configuration on page 58, can be used to configure the default Network Context for the first network and local point code to be configured. For each subsequent Network Context, the MTP_NC_CONFIG command must be used. The options field in the MTP_NC_CONFIG command takes the same values as that used in the MTP_CONFIG command. When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network the options settings should typically be the same in both commands. An MTP_NC_CONFIG command is not required for NC0 since the MTP_CONFIG command configures the necessary options for the default Network Context. The MTP_ROUTE, MTP_LINKSET and MTP_USER_PART commands support the Network Contextspecific <nc_id> parameter. This parameter must be specified for all MTP_ROUTE, MTP_LINKSET and MTP_USER_PART commands that are not in the default Network Context (NC0).



Since there is one instance of MTP3 for each Network Context, messages that are destined for a specific network must be sent to the correct MTP module ID as shown in the figure above. In most SIU configurations, M3UA is not the highest protocol layer and the sending of messages to the correct module is handled by the higher layer modules without further user interaction. If an application requires routing at MTP level it is recommended that the application route via the RMM module rather than directly to M3UA. Configuration

The STN_NC config.txt command, described in Section 5.7.1, STN_NC - SIGTRAN Network Context on page 78 can be used to configure M3UA in each applicable Network Context. The STN_NC command is required for M3UA in all Network Contexts. The STN_LINK, STN_LAS, STN_RAS, STN_ROUTE and MTP_USER_PART commands support the Network Context Specific <nc_id> parameter. This parameter must be specified for all _LINK, STN_LAS, STN_RAS, STN_ROUTE and MTP_USER_PART commands that are not in the default Network Context (NC0).



ISUP applications do not need modification, the config.txt parameters are sufficient to identify the Network Context. Configuration

The ISUP Circuit Group Configuration command, ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP, supports a Network Context-specific <nc_id> parameter. This parameter must be used for circuit groups logically assigned to all Network Contexts with the exception of the default Network Context (NC0). There is no other ISUP-specific Network Context configuration command.


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In the same manner as MTP3, there is one instance of SCCP for each Network Context; therefore, messages that are destined for a specific network must be sent to the correct SCCP module ID When TCAP or DTS is used above SCCP, those modules handle the sending of messages to the correct module without further user interaction. Configuration

The SCCP_CONFIG config.txt command, described in Section 5.9.1, SCCP_CONFIG - SCCP Configuration on page 96, can be used to configure the default Network Context for the first network and local point code to be configured. For each subsequent Network Context, the SCCP_NC_CONFIG command must be used. This command contains parameters to define the local point code, ssf and SCCP specific options. The <options> field in the SCCP_NC_CONFIG command takes the same values as that used in the SCCP_CONFIG command. When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network, the <options> settings should typically be the same in both commands. An SCCP_NC_CONFIG command is not required for NC0 since the SCCP_CONFIG command configures the necessary options for the default Network Context. The existing commands SCCP_SSR and SCCP_CONC_SSR now include an additional <nc_id> parameter. This parameter must be used for sub-system resources logically assigned to all Network Contexts with the exception of the default Network Context (NC0). For the default Network Context, the value NC0 is optional.



DTS users should follow the instructions above, which also apply when using DTS. The DTS_ROUTING_REQ message includes a DTSPN_network_context parameter that should be used to indicate the network and hence the local point code that a specified sub-system is part of. If this parameter is not specified, the default Network Context, NC0 is assumed. To route messages to the correct SCCP instance, you must specify the DTC option, DTC_ROUTE_MSG_VIA_DTS. This option is set via bit 0 in the options field of the DTC_MSG_CONFIG (0x776c) configuration message. Configuration

There are no DTS-specific Network Context configuration commands.



Where a dialog is initiated remotely, no change is required since TCAP automatically determines which Network Context is appropriate. Where the dialog is initiated locally, the application must specify the Network Context to which the message is destined. This effectively indicates the point code to be used as the originating point code.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

The Network Context should be indicated in the first message for the dialog being used. In the case of TCAP, this is in the first TCAP service request, typically an Invoke Req, using the TCPPN_NC parameter. If a Network Context is not specified, the default Network Context, NC0 is assumed. Configuration

The TCAP_CONFIG config.txt command, described in Section 5.10.1, TCAP_CONFIG - TCAP Configuration on page 111, can be used to configure the default Network Context for the first network. The TCAP_CONFIG command is only required to alter the TCAP-specific options of the signaling server from the default values, which are determined from the SCCP configuration, and therefore is often not required. Similarly, for each subsequent Network Context, the TCAP_NC_CONFIG command is only required if the TCAP options within that Network Context differ from those determined from the SCCP options within that same Network Context. The TCAP_NC_CONFIG command contains parameters to define address format and TCAP specific options. The <options> field in the TCAP_NC_CONFIG command takes the same values as that used in the TCAP_CONFIG command. When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network, the <options> settings should typically be the same in both commands. A TCAP_NC_CONFIG command is not required for NC0 since the TCAP_CONFIG command configures the necessary options for the default Network Context.



Where a dialog is initiated remotely, no change is required since MAP automatically determines which Network Context is appropriate. Where the dialog is initiated locally, the application must specify the Network Context to which the message is destined. This effectively indicates the point code to be used as the originating point code. The Network Context should be indicated in the first message for the dialog being used. For IS41 the Network Context should be indicated in the Open Request message, instead of using the MAPPN_NC parameter. If a Network Context is not specified, the default Network Context, NC0 is assumed. Configuration

The MAP_CONFIG config.txt command, described in Section 5.12.1, MAP_CONFIG - MAP Configuration on page 116 may be used to configure the default Network Context for the first network. The MAP_CONFIG command is only required to alter the MAP-specific options of the signaling server from the default values and therefore is often not required. Similarly, for each subsequent Network Context the MAP_NC_CONFIG command is only required if the MAP options within that Network Context differ from default values. The <options> field in the MAP_NC_CONFIG command takes the same values as that used in the MAP_CONFIG command. When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network, the <options> settings should typically be the same in both commands. An MAP_NC_CONFIG command is not required for NC0, since the MAP_CONFIG command configures the necessary options for the default Network Context.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6



Where a dialog is initiated remotely, no change is required since IS41 automatically determines which Network Context is appropriate. Where the dialog is initiated locally, the application must specify the Network Context to which the message is destined. This effectively indicates the point code to be used as the originating point code. The Network Context should be indicated in the first message for the dialog being used. For IS41 the Network Context should be indicated in the Open Request message, instead of using the IS41PN_NC parameter. If a Network Context is not specified, the default Network Context, NC0 is assumed. Configuration

There are no IS41-specific options, therefore there is no need for an IS41-specific Network Context configuration command.



Where a dialog is initiated remotely, no change is required since INAP automatically determines which Network Context is appropriate. Where the dialog is initiated locally, the application must specify the Network Context to which the message is destined. This effectively indicates the point code to be used as the originating point code. The Network Context should be indicated in the first message for the dialog being used. For IS41 the Network Context should be indicated in the Open Request message, instead of using the INAPPN_NC parameter. If a Network Context is not specified, the default Network Context, NC0 is assumed. Configuration

The existing INAP_CONFIG config.txt command, described in Section 5.14.1, INAP_CONFIG INAP Configuration on page 118 may be used to configure the default Network Context for the first network. The INAP_CONFIG command is only required to alter the INAP specific options of the signaling server from the default values and therefore is often not required. Similarly, for each subsequent Network Context the INAP_NC_CONFIG command is only required if the INAP options within that Network Context differ from default values. The <options> field in the INAP_NC_CONFIG command takes the same values as that used in the INAP_CONFIG command. When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network, the <options> settings should typically be the same in both commands. An INAP_NC_CONFIG command is not required for NC0 since the INAP_CONFIG command configures the necessary options for the default Network Context.


Dual Resilient Signaling Server Operation

In order to achieve high availability and a high degree of fault tolerance in an SS7 environment using Dialogic DSI Signaling Gateways signaling servers, when operating in signaling server mode, an SS7 end point spread over two signaling servers and multiple application servers can be configured and deployed.

Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

Distributing application processing of a signaling point on multiple application servers not only increases the total capacity of a system, but also offers a higher level of fault tolerance in the user application space. Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers are designed to support dual-chassis architectures for splitting a point code over two active SS7 nodes. Using this technique, the links in an SS7 link set can be spread between two separate chassis. This chapter describes the features of the signaling server that are available to build SS7 solutions and reach the five-nines requirements of telco-grade service platforms. It describes the architecture of the Signaling server, reviews potential points of failure of an SS7 system based on the Signaling server, and explains methods to mitigate each of them. This chapter explains the configuration and run-time operation considerations of a dual resilient Signaling server-based system. There are several well-known methods of achieving this type of reaction to partial failure in the signaling component of communications networks, including:

Multiple signaling paths (SS7 links and link sets) to each end point Distribution of these paths through independent interfaces and cabling Distribution of the processing of SS7 terminations at a single signaling point between multiple
signaling boards in a single Signaling server

Physical isolation and duplication of the SS7 interface for a single signaling point on
independent protocol engines sharing a single point code

Splitting the functionality of the application layer between multiple application servers
The first method can be achieved by implementing multiple links (64 Kbps or 56 Kbps channels) between two adjacent inter-communicating points. By definition, these links will be in the same link set. The last two can be accomplished by using two independent, but co-operating signaling servers relaying the SS7 signaling to a distributed application layer split over multiple application hosts.


Configuring a Dual Signaling Server Pair

To create a dual resilient configuration for the signaling server, modifications are required to both the system configuration (done using the Man Machine Language [MML] interface) and the protocol configuration (in the config.txt parameter file). This may be done remotely and transferred to the signaling server using FTP.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Hardware Requirements

Configuring a signaling server as one-half of a dual resilient system requires additional hardware ports to carry the inter-signaling server link set between Signaling Server A and Signaling Server B. This may be achieved using T1/E1 interfaces, as shown in Figure 4, or over M2PA between the two units.
Figure 4. Inter-Signaling-Server Link over Crossed T1/E1 Cable

When carried over is carried over a T1/E1 interface, the inter-signaling server signaling link set can be configured to use any signaling processor on any signaling board and may be carried on any of the available interfaces on the signaling board.


System Configuration

The system assignment of Signaling server A or Signaling Server B is made by typing one of these commands:


The current assignment may be displayed by typing:



Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines


Changes to the config.txt Parameter File

Each signaling server is configured individually. The config.txt parameter file held on each unit reflects the configuration view of the local unit only; hence, assignments of link set and link identities are only unique within a single unit. For the dual resilient configuration the IP address of the other signaling server must be declared using the SIU_REM_ADDR command. Configuring the Inter-Signaling Server Link

The inter-signaling server link set should be defined on both units using the MTP_LINKSET command with bit 15 of the <flags> parameter set to 1. This link set must have the same value defined for the <local_spc> and <adjacent_spc> values; this will be the local point code of the signaling server pair. Links are added to the inter-signaling server link set using the MTP_LINK command, assigning incrementing <link_ref> and <slc> values as normal. The <bpos> and <blink> parameters define which SS7 processor or signaling processor (SP) channel manages each link. For a link using a PCM port, the physical location of the link is specified by setting board <bpos2>, stream <stream> and timeslot <timeslot>. Routing Configuration

A route should be defined on both Signaling Server A and Signaling Server B for the intersignaling server link set using the MTP_ROUTE command referencing the appropriate <linkset_id> with a <dpc> value set to the point code of the signaling server pair. This route may only be specified to operate over a single link set. Each DPC that may be accessed from the application must have an accompanying MTP_ROUTE declaration. For dual resilient operation, each route includes a preferred link set, the <linkset_id> parameter, and a secondary link set specified by <second_ls>. <linkset_id> should reference the link set connecting the signaling server to the appropriate adjacent signaling point, <second_ls> must be set to the linkset_id assigned to the inter-signaling server link set. Circuit Group Configuration

For dual resilient operation, each signaling server should contain identical circuit group declarations using the appropriate ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP command. These circuit group configurations do not become active on either unit until an Activate Circuit Group API command (API_MSG_COMMAND with cmd_type = 8) has been issued to a particular signaling server. Example Configuration

To define routing to the DPC 200 in the example following (which is also the adjacent point code), using the first E1 port on the first signaling board in a signaling server, the configuration (Figure 5) would be as follows: For Signaling Server A:
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000 MTP_LINKSET 0 100 1 0x8000 100 0x8 MTP_LINKSET 1 200 1 0x0000 100 0x8 MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0x4006 MTP_LINK 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 16 0x0006 MTP_ROUTE 0 100 0 0x0020 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 1 200 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

For Signaling Server B:

MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000 MTP_LINKSET 0 100 1 0x8000 100 0x8 MTP_LINKSET 1 200 1 0x0000 100 0x8 MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0x6006 MTP_LINK 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 16 0x0006 MTP_ROUTE 0 100 0 0x0020 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 1 200 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0

Note: The up_enable parameter was set for ISUP, user part SI = 5 for the example above.
Figure 5. Example Configuration to an Adjacent SSP/SCP
Single Point Code Inter-SIU Link Set SIUA Link Set id 0 SIUB Link_id 0, slc 0 Point Code 100 Link Set id 1 Link id 1, slc 1 Point Code 200 Link id 1, slc 0 SSP/SPC

For a signaling server pair connected to a mated STP pair, carrying the inter-signaling server link over the second E1 port of the first signaling board the configuration (Figure 6) would be: For Signaling Server A:
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000 MTP_LINKSET 0 300 1 0x8000 300 0x8 MTP_LINKSET 1 400 1 0x0000 300 0x8 MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0x4006 MTP_LINK 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 16 0x0006 MTP_ROUTE 0 300 0 0x0020 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 1 400 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 2 500 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 3 600 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0

For Signaling Server B:

MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000 MTP_LINKSET 0 300 1 0x8000 300 0x8 MTP_LINKSET 1 500 1 0x0000 300 0x8 MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0x6006 MTP_LINK 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 16 0x0006 MTP_ROUTE 0 300 0 0x0020 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 1 400 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 2 500 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0 MTP_ROUTE 3 600 1 0x0020 0x0001 0 0


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

Figure 6. Example Configuration to an Adjacent STP Pair

Single Point Code Link Set id 1 Inter-SIU Link Set SIUA Link Set id 0 SIUB Point Code 600 Point Code 300
link _id 1, s

Point Code 400 STPA

link_id 1, slc 0


lc 0

Link Set id 1

STPB Point Code 500

Figure 7. Multiple Local Point Code Configuration Example

The example config.txt file below shows the configuration of a system based on the figure above.
* * SS7G41 Configuration File (config.txt) * SIU_HOSTS 1 * SS7_BOARD 1 SS7MD 0x0001 SS7_BOARD 2 SS7MD 0x0001 * * Set physical Interface Parameters : * LIU_CONFIG <port_id> <pcm> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> <syncpri> LIU_CONFIG 0 2-3 5 1 1 1 * * * SS7G41 Configuration File (config.txt) * SIU_HOSTS 1


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

* SS7_BOARD <bpos> <board_type> <flags> SS7_BOARD 0 SS7MD 0x0001 SS7_BOARD 1 SS7MD 0x0001 * * Set physical Interface Parameters : * LIU_CONFIG <port_id> <pcm> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> <reserved1> <build_out> <reserved2> <flags> LIU_CONFIG 0 0-1 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0x0000 LIU_CONFIG 1 1-1 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0x0000

* MTP Parameters : * MTP_CONFIG 0 0 <options> * MTP_NC_CONFIG <NC id> <options> * MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0002 MTP_NC_CONFIG NC1 0x0002 * * Define linksets : * MTP_LINKSET <NC id> <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf> * MTP_LINKSET NC0 0 3 2 0x0000 1 0x08 MTP_LINKSET NC1 1 3 2 0x0000 2 0x08 * * Define signaling links : * MTP MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id>> <link_ref> <slc> <bpos> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <flags> <if_mode> MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0x00000006 TDM MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 16 0x00000006 TDM * MTP_LINK 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 17 0x00000006 TDM MTP_LINK 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 17 0x00000006 TDM ** * Define a route for each remote signaling point : * MTP_ROUTE <NC id> <Route id> <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask> <flags> <second_ls> <reserved> * MTP_ROUTE NC0 0 3 0 0x0008 0x00 0 0 MTP_ROUTE NC1 1 3 1 0x0008 0x00 0 0 * * SCCP_CONFIG <local_spc> <ssf> <options> <auto_uis> * SCCP_NC_CONFIG <NC id> <local_spc> <ssf> <options> <auto_uis> * SCCP_CONFIG 1 0x08 0x0126 1 SCCP_NC_CONFIG NC1 2 0x08 0x0126 1 * SCCP_SSR <NC id> <ssr_id> LSS <local_ssn> <module_id> <lss_flags> <protocol> * SCCP_SSR <NC id> <ssr_id> RSP <remote_spc> <rsp_flags> [<pc_mask>] * SCCP_SSR <NC id> <ssr_id> RSS <remote_spc> <remote_ssn> <rss_flags> * SCCP_SSR NC0 0 LSS 8 0x1d 0x0000 INAP SCCP_SSR NC0 1 RSP 3 0x0000 SCCP_SSR NC0 2 RSS 3 8 0x0000 * SCCP_SSR NC1 3 LSS 8 0x1d 0x0000 INAP SCCP_SSR NC1 4 RSP 3 0x0000 SCCP_SSR NC1 5 RSS 3 8 0x0000 * * INAP_CONFIG <options> * INAP_NC_CONFIG <NC id> <options> * [Optional, not required here] INAP_CONFIG 0 INAP_NC_CONFIG NC1 0 * End of file

Multiple Network Configuration Example The Network Context-based configuration of the SIU mode allows the settings and behavior to be configured independently for each Network Context. This allows a system to be configured with mixed ITU and ANSI network types or allows multiple networks of the same type to configured with


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

different settings.
Figure 8. Multiple Network Configuration Example

The example config.txt file below shows the configuration of a system based on the figure above.
* * SS7G41 Configuration File (config.txt) * SIU_HOSTS 1 * * * Set physical Interface Parameters : * SS7_BOARD <bpos> <board_type> <flags> * SS7_BOARD 0 SS7LD 0x0001 SS7_BOARD 1 SS7LD 0x0001 * * * LIU_CONFIG <port_id> <pcm> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> <reserved1> <build_out> <reserved2> <flags> * LIU_CONFIG 0 0-3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0x0000 LIU_CONFIG 1 0-4 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0x0000 LIU_CONFIG 2 1-3 4 4 7 1 0 1 0 0x0000 LIU_CONFIG 3 1-4 4 4 7 1 0 1 0 0x0000 * * MODEA to MODEB inter siu link LIU_CONFIG 4 0-1 5 1 1 1 2 0 0 0x0000 LIU_CONFIG 5 1-1 4 4 7 1 2 1 0 0x0000 * * * MTP Parameters : * MTP_CONFIG 0 0 <options> * MTP_NC_CONFIG <nc> <options> * options bits 8,10 and 11 set to 1 it is ANSI operation

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

* *

options bit 9 if set to 1 pc is 24 bit else it is 14/16 bit options bit 20 if set to 1 pc is 16 bit if bit 9 not set

MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00010000 * ITU-14 MTP_NC_CONFIG NC1 0x00110C08 * ITU-16 MTP_NC_CONFIG NC2 0x00010F08 * ANSI-24 MTP_NC_CONFIG NC3 0x00010200 * ITU-24 * * MTP_LINKSET [<nc>] <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf> * MTP_LINKSET NC0 0 1 1 0x0000 5 0x08 MTP_LINKSET NC1 1 2 1 0x0000 6 0x08 MTP_LINKSET NC2 2 3 1 0x0000 7 0x0B MTP_LINKSET NC3 3 4 1 0x0000 8 0x08 * Linksets for the intersiu link MTP_LINKSET NC0 4 5 1 0x8000 5 MTP_LINKSET NC1 5 6 1 0x8000 6 MTP_LINKSET NC2 6 7 1 0x8000 7 MTP_LINKSET NC3 7 8 1 0x8000 8 * * * MTP MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id>> <link_ref> <if_mode> MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 16 MTP_LINK 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 16 MTP_LINK 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 24 MTP_LINK 3 3 0 0 1 1 1 3 24 * LINK 1 = MODEA TO MODEB MTP_LINK 4 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 MTP_LINK 5 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 MTP_LINK 6 5 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 MTP_LINK 7 6 0 0 1 3 1 0 2 * * * MTP_ROUTE [<nc>] <rtid> <dpc> <linkset_id> * MTP_ROUTE NC0 0 1 0 0x07F8 0x0000 0 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC1 1 2 1 0x07F8 0x0000 1 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC2 2 3 2 0x07F8 0x0000 2 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC3 3 4 3 0x07F8 0x0000 3 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC0 4 5 4 0x07F8 0x0000 4 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC1 5 6 5 0x07F8 0x0000 5 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC2 6 7 6 0x07F8 0x0000 6 0x0000 MTP_ROUTE NC3 7 8 7 0x07F8 0x0000 7 0x0000 * * MTP_USER_PART [<nc>] <si> <module_id> MTP_USER_PART NC0 8 0x1d MTP_USER_PART NC1 7 0x2d MTP_USER_PART NC2 6 0x3d MTP_USER_PART NC3 5 0x4d * * End of file 0x08 0x08 0x0B 0x08 <slc> <bpos> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <flags> 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM

0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006 0x00000006

<user_part_mask> <flags> <2nd_ls> <pc_mask>


Configuring a Dual Resilient System

For the dual resilient configuration, it is necessary to modify the configuration to assign one unit as MODEA and the other as MODEB using the management terminal CNDUS command. Each unit is assigned a unique IP address. To assign a unit as MODEB, the following command should be used: CNDUS:MODE=MODEB; To assign a unit as MODEA, the following command should be used: CNDUS:MODE=MODEA;


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

Note: The modified configuration is applied only when the unit is restarted. The inter-SIU link set should be defined on both units using the MTP_LINKSET command with bit 15 of the <flags> parameter set to 1. This link set must have the same value defined for the <local_spc> and <adjacent_spc> values; this is the local point code of the SIU pair. Links are added to the Inter-SIU link set using the MTP_LINK command, assigning incrementing <link_ref> and <slc> values as used normally. The <bpos> and <blink> parameters should be set accordingly. A route should be defined on each unit for the inter-signaling server link set using the MTP_ROUTE command referencing the appropriate <linkset_id> with a <dpc> value set to the point code of the SIU pair. The management entity within each signaling server indicates the availability of the intersignaling server links to the application running on the first host using the message based Application Programming Interface (API). Additional information for the protocol configuration commands and parameters may be found in the previous sections.


Configuring an ANSI System

This section provides additional guidelines for configuring an Signaling Server to operate in accordance with the ANSI T1 specifications. The default protocol configuration for an Signaling Server specifies ITU-T protocol behavior. To operate in accordance with ANSI it is necessary to modify the options settings for MTP3 and the User Part held in the protocol configuration file on the Signaling Server. The MTP_CONFIG <options> parameter must have bits 8 to 11 set to 1 (value 0x0f00) to define ANSI operation. The MTP_LINKSET <ssf> parameter must have the least two significant bits (B and A) both set to 1 so that all MTP3 originated messages are assigned a message priority of 3. The two most significant bits (D and C) are the network indicator. Hence valid ANSI ssf values are 0x3, 0x7, 0xb and 0xf. ANSI operation for the protocol layers above MTP3 is specified using the configuration values specified in the Configuration Section of the appropriate programmers manual. The <cic_mask> parameter in the example User Part circuit group configuration commands (ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP) define groups containing 30 B-channels with timeslot 16 being unavailable for telephony traffic, corresponding to a 30B+D E1 bearer. This would have a CIC pattern mask of 0x7fff7fff. T1 bearers provide 24 channels, hence for a 23B+D T1 span, with timeslot 24 used for the D channel (SS7) operation, the CIC pattern mask should be modified to 0x7fffff. The <ts_mask> parameter in the example cross connect command applies to an E1 (32-timeslot) PCM connection. This should be modified to reference 24 timeslots for a T1 configuration. Hence, to apply a cross connect to timeslots 1 to 23, (leaving timeslot 24 for SS7) the mask should be set to 0x1fffffe. Additional information for the protocol configuration commands and parameters may be found in the previous sections.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Specifying Default Routes

For telephony operation, the Signaling Server requires an MTP_ROUTE definition for each signaling point that the local point code(s) communicate with. In addition, transaction-based systems require a declaration of each remote sub-system with an SCCP_SSR command. It is also possible to configure MTP routes that are designated as default routes. Default routes can be used to convey traffic for multiple destinations without the need to configure each Destination Point Code (DPC) as an explicit MTP route. Typically, this is useful when a signaling point connects simply to a single STP or a mated pair of STPs and all traffic can be sent to the STP, irrespective of current network status. Two types of default route are supported:

One associated with a real DPC. In this case the (default) route is deemed to be accessible
whenever the specified DPC is accessible.

One associated with a pseudo DPC, which is a point code that does not exist within the

network (for example, zero). In this case the (default) route is deemed to be accessible as soon as the link sets within the route are available.

A maximum of one default route for each supported Service Indicator (or user part) is permitted. Configuration of default routes utilizes bits 2, 3, and 5 in the <flags> field of the MTP_ROUTE command. For transaction based applications, it is also necessary to supply a <pc_mask> value with the definition of each SCCP_SSR. The <pc_mask> is used to determine which bits of the target point code (the destination point code in the MTP label of the transmit message) should be ignored when selecting the route. The <pc_mask> makes it possible to configure a route to a specific destination that is also used for other destinations with a similar point code. This allows configuration of default destination sub-systems (for example, to a gateway SCP).


Dynamic Host Activation

The Signaling Server when acting as an SIU has the ability to activate/deactivate host links using the MNINI/MNINE commands. This functionality supports the preservation of the host status over a restart and no alarms are reported for those hosts that have been deactivated. If the SIU_HOSTS configuration command is omitted from the configuration file, all host links are configured, but only one host link is activated (the others remain deactivated initially). If the SIU_HOSTS configuration command is present and <num_hosts> is specified, then that number of hosts are configured and activated; in this case, no additional hosts can be configured. This allows the SIU users to escalate their systems by adding or removing host connections at runtime and without the need to apply a system restart to the unit. In the case that a unit restart is required, the configuration adopted can be preserved.


Dynamic Configuration

Dynamic configuration allows you to add, delete, or modify configuration elements (for example, circuit groups) without affecting the state of any other configuration element in the system. Dynamic configuration does not require a system restart. There are two forms of dynamic configuration:

Config.txt-based dynamic configuration, where the user transmits an updated config.txt file to

the system, then executes an MMI command to load the configuration into system memory for


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

use. Since the new configuration exists within a config.txt file, the updated configuration is preserved over a restart. See below for more information.

Application-based dynamic configuration, where a user application transmits a configuration

message directly to the protocol module. Since the new configuration does not exist in a config.txt file, the updated configuration is not preserved over a restart and it is therefore necessary for the user application to detect any restart of the Signaling Server and reconfigure the unit as needed.


Config.txt-Based Dynamic Configuration

In config.txt-based dynamic configuration, the user transmits an updated config.txt file to the system, then executes an MMI command to load the configuration into system memory for use. Since the new configuration exists within a config.txt file, the updated configuration is preserved over a restart. The process for config.txt-based dynamic configuration is as follows: 1. Add, delete, or modify the configuration element in the config.txt file. 2. Transfer the config.txt file to the unit via FTP. 3. Invoke the specific MMI command (e.g. MTP link add - CNSLI) to update the unit configuration. In every case when the Signaling Server is restarted, the configuration file last transferred will be applied to the unit. The dynamic configuration update commands return the following responses:

RANGE ERROR - the identifier value is invalid UNACCEPTABLE COMMAND - the command does not satisfy all prerequisite conditions GENERAL ERROR - the config.txt command line is incorrectly formatted or the operation failed
to complete successfully the configuration of the system is restored to the state prior to command execution.

Note the following:

When adding configuration elements, the elements may not already be configured within the
Signaling Server.

When changing or deleting configuration elements, the elements must already have been
previously configured within the Signaling Server.

When using dynamic configuration all command line parameters, including the element

identifier value, are mandatory. Dynamic configuration may fail if the format of the command line does not include all the parameters identified in this manual.

The majority of config.txt commands support dynamic configuration, see the specific config.txt command to see whether it is supported and what MMI command is required to perform the update.


SIGTRAN M2PA Signaling


The Signaling Server supports the SIGTRAN M2PA protocol compatible with IETF RFC 4165. M2PA peer- to-peer operation can be employed as the network transport layer, providing services normally provided by MTP2 for SS7 signaling links.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

SS7 signaling traffic can be conveyed over SIGTRAN network-facing links to a signaling gateway or other signaling point employing M2PA. In dual configuration, an M2PA link can be used as the Signaling Server interlink to carry SS7 data between the two units. Using the STN_LINK command, you can configure up to 256 M2PA links. The STN_LINK command should appear before the MTP_CONFIG command in the config.txt file. Having configured an M2PA link, you can associate this with an SS7 link using the MTP_LINK command.


M2PA License

Before M2PA network facing links can be configured, the unit must be equipped with an M2PA license, as listed in Section 2.1.3, Temporary Licenses on page 15. The M2PA license is not required for configuration of M2PA interlinks employed in Signaling Server dual configuration. With the license installed, the CNSYP command will display the M2PA parameter set to Y. Without a license the CNSYP command will not display the M2PA parameter.


SS7 over M2PA

An SS7 link is associated with the M2PA link using the MTP_LINK command. SS7 MSUs will then be carried over SIGTRAN as opposed to MTP2. An SS7 link can only be associated with one M2PA link, and two SS7 links cannot be associated with the same M2PA link. The following commands demonstrate M2PA and SS7 link configuration. STN_LINK M2PA 1 0 C 2905 2905 0x0000 MTP_LINK 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0x80000006 The SS7 link is associated with an M2PA link when bit 31 of the MTP_LINK <flags> parameter is set to 1. The <blink> parameter identifies the M2PA link (link_id). The <bpos> <stream> and <timeslot> parameters should all be set to zero.


Configuration Examples

Example configuration of SS7 links conveyed over M2PA.

SIU_HOSTS 1 * * M2PA_CONFIG * * <type ><link_id> <m2pa_id> <ip1> <ip2> <end> <hport> <pport> <flags> STN_LINK M2PA 0 0 c 2805 2805 0x0000 STN_LINK M2PA 2 1 c 3565 3565 0x0000 STN_LINK M2PA 199 2 c 3566 3566 0x0000 * * MTP_CONFIG 0 0 <options> MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00000000 * * MTP_LINKSET <NC> <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf> * MTP_LINKSET NC0 0 1 16 0x0000 2 0x08 * * MTP MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <bpos> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <flags> <if_mode> MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x00000006 M2PA MTP_LINK 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0x00000006 M2PA MTP_LINK 2 0 2 2 0 199 0 0 0 0x00000006 M2PA * * MTP_ROUTE <NC> <dpc><linkset_id><user_part_mask><flags><2nd_ls><pc_mask> * MTP_ROUTE NC0 1 0 0x0020 0x0000 0 * * End of file


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines


SIGTRAN M3UA Signaling


This Signaling Server supports the SIGTRAN M3UA protocol compatible with IETF RFC 4666. M3UA can be deployed as a direct replacement for MTP3 on the Signaling Server with M3UA over SCTP offering a SS7 over IP solution removing the need to deploy TDM SS7 links. Using M3UA, the Signaling Server can connect either directly to multiple Signaling End Points (SEPs) in a IPSP (peer to peer) configuration, or indirectly via a SIGTRAN Signaling Gateway. M3UA supports load-sharing across a pair of Signaling Server Signaling Servers, configured as a single point code, without the requirement for a TDM Signaling Server interlink between the two units. M3UA must be configured to operate in a particular network context using the STN_NC command. MTP and M3UA may be configured in the same network context but must be configured to route to different Destination point Codes. When a Signaling Server is using M3UA, it is considered be acting as one or more Local Application Servers. Using the STN_LINK command, you can configure up to 256 M3UA links. These links may be connected to either a SIGTRAN Signaling Gateway using the STN_LINK command, or up to 256 Remote Application Servers (Signaling End Points) using the STN_RAS and STN_RASLIST commands. When interworking to a SIGTRAN Signaling Gateway, the Signaling Server can be configured to route to up to 256 Remote Point Codes in the network, using the Signaling Gateway with the STN_ROUTE and STN_RSGLIST commands. Finally, the Local Application Server can be associated with either a Remote Application Server or Signaling Gateway, using the STN_LBIND command.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


Configuration Examples

SIU to Signaling Gateway Example configuration of an SIU acting as Point Code 3 communicating to point code 2 via a Signaling Gateway.
* AS-SG 2 M3UA LINKS. * * <host> SIU_HOSTS 1 * * <nc> <ss7md> <flags> STN_NC NC0 ITU14 0x0000 100 * * * <nc> <type> <link><ip1> <ip2> * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 1 STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 2 * * * <NC> <LAS> <OPC> <RC> <TRMD> <flags> STN_LAS NC0 1 3 1 LS 0x0000 * * <NC> <ROUTE> <DPC> <flags> STN_ROUTE NC0 1 2 0x0000 * * <list> <route> <rserver> <flags> STN_RSGLIST 1 1 1 * * * <BIND> <LAS> <RSERVER> <FLAGS> STN_LBIND 1 1 1 0x0000 *

<end> | <hport> | | <pport> | | | <flags> | | | | <rserver> | | | | | <na> C 2905 2905 0x0006 1 0 C 2906 2906 0x0006 1 0


SIU to Remote Application Server (IPSP Operation) Example configuration of an SIU in IPSP operation using 4 links to connect with 2 Remote Application Servers. * M3UA config to connect SIU to 2 RAS (IPSP)using 4 LINKS * <host> SIU_HOSTS 1 * * <nc> <ss7md> <flags> STN_NC NC0 ITU14 0x0000 100 * * <nc> <type> <link> <ip1> <ip2> <end> * | | | | | | <hport> * | | | | | | | <pport> * | | | | | | | | <flags> * | | | | | | | | | <rserver> * | | | | | | | | | | <na> STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 0 C 2905 2905 0x0000 0 0 STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 1 C 2906 2906 0x0000 0 0 STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 2 C 2907 2907 0x0000 0 0 STN_LINK NC0 M3UA 3 C 2908 2908 0x0000 0 0 * * STN_LAS STN_LAS * * STN_RAS STN_RAS *


<id> 0 1

<opc> 100 100

<rc> 1 2

<trmd> LS LS

<flags> 0x0000 0x0000


<rserver> 0 1

<dpc> 10 11

<rc> 1 2

<nasp> 1 1

<flags> 0x0000 0x0000


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

* * <list> <rserver> <link> STN_RASLIST 0 0 0 STN_RASLIST 1 0 1 STN_RASLIST 2 1 2 STN_RASLIST 3 1 3 * * * <bind> <las> <rserver> STN_LBIND 0 0 0 STN_LBIND 1 1 1

<flags> 0x0000 0x0000

* * User part configuration e.g. ISUP or SCCP.


SIGTRAN M3UA - Dual Operation

M3UA on a pair of Signaling Server s can offer a level of resilience similar to that supported by a pair of Signaling Server s operating MTP3. When configured, the Signaling Servers will each behave as an Application Server Process operating within an Application Server; thus presenting a single point code to the network. In the same manner as MTP3 resilient operation, one Signaling Server should be configured as MODEA and the other as MODEB using the CNDUS command. Also in the same manner as MTP3, the configuration command SIU_REM_ADDR should be configured with the IP address of the partner Signaling Server. Unlike MTP3 there is no need to specify any further configuration for inter Signaling Server communication (i.e., inter unit links or linksets), M3UA within the Signaling Server pair will use the inter Signaling Server Ethernet link to maintain communication with the network even when a single Signaling Server loses direct communication to an adjacent server (Signaling Gateway or IPSP). Dual resilient operation using M3UA does require load-sharing which is based on SLS value. Loadsharing should be configured using the STN_LAS command on both units.


ATM Configuration

The use of an SS7MDL4 board in the Signaling Server means that, in addition to supporting traditional Low Speed Links at 64, 56 or 48kbps and High Speed Links in accordance with Q.703 Annex A, the Signaling Server can also connect over E1 or T1 to ATM networks. The Signaling Server supports termination of ATM (Q.SAAL) links. It also supports the ability to monitor ATM links at the AAL5 layer and allows the resulting monitored traffic to be sent to a specific SIU host for each AAL5 link. The board supports software selectable high impedance or protective monitoring point mode for use in conjunction with monitoring. ATM link termination is implemented in accordance with Q.SAAL (Q.2140/Q.2110/GR-2878).


Configuration Example

The following example configuration shows two ATM signaling links looped back on the Signaling Server (LIU 1-1 to LIU 1-2 and LIU 1-3 to LIU 1-4), where the SIU acts as point codes 1 and 2. Four cell stream and MTP links are configured showing configuration for either side of the two Signaling Links.

Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

* SIU_HOSTS 1 * * * MTP_CONFIG 0 0 <options> MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x00000000 * * * MTP_NC_CONFIG <nc_id> <options> MTP_NC_CONFIG NC1 0x00000000 * * * SS7_BOARD <bpos> <board_type> <flags> SS7_BOARD 1 SS7MD 0x0001 * * * LIU_CONFIG <port_id> <pcm> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode> <reserved1> <build_out> <reserved2> <flags> LIU_CONFIG 0 1-1 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 LIU_CONFIG 1 1-2 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 LIU_CONFIG 2 1-3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 LIU_CONFIG 3 1-4 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 * *ATM_CELL_STREAM <cell_id><bpos><l2_str_id><port_id><flags><ima_len ><def_vpi><def_vci> ATM_CELL_STREAM 0 1 0 0 0x06 0 1 6 ATM_CELL_STREAM 1 1 1 1 0x06 0 1 6 ATM_CELL_STREAM 2 1 2 2 0x06 0 1 6 ATM_CELL_STREAM 3 1 3 3 0x06 0 1 6 * * MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf> * MTP_LINKSET NC0 0 1 6 0x0000 2 0x08 MTP_LINKSET NC1 1 2 6 0x0000 1 0x08 * * * MTP_LINK <link> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <bpos> <l2_link_id> <cell_str_id> <vpi> <vci> <flags> ATM MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 0x0002 ATM MTP_LINK 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 0x0002 ATM MTP_LINK 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 0x0002 ATM MTP_LINK 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 8 0x0002 ATM * * * MTP_ROUTE <route_id><dpc><linkset_id><user_part_mask><flags><2nd_ls><reserved> MTP_ROUTE NC0 1 1 0 0x0008 0x0000 0 0 MTP_ROUTE NC1 2 2 1 0x0008 0x0000 0 0 * * MTP_USER_PART 0x03 0x1d * * * End of file *


Simultaneous MAP/INAP/IS41 Operations

The SIU supports the ability to run MAP, IS41, or INAP on the system at the same time. To achieve this, the outgoing dialog ID ranges are automatically divided equally between the configured protocols. The application should be configured to use matching ranges. The base dialog IDs will be allocated in sequence, starting with MAP, then INAP, and IS41.

The base dialog ID for the first protocol will always be zero. The base dialog ID for the second protocol will be the total number of TCAP dialogs divided by
the number of configured protocols (1 to 3). the number of configured protocols (1 to 3).

The base dialog ID for the third protocol will be 2x the total number of TCAP dialogs divided by
The table below shows the distribution of dialog IDs and base dialog IDs, assuming that the maximum numbers of supported TCAP dialogs (32768) are configured.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

Outgoing Dialogs MAP MAP INAP IS41 MAP & INAP MAP & IS41 INAP & IS41 MAP & INAP & IS41 32768 16384 16384 10922 INAP 32768 16384 16384 10922 IS41 32768 16384 16384 10922

Base Outgoing Dialog ID MAP 0 0 0 0 INAP 0 16384 0 10922 IS41 0 0 16384 21844


GTT Configuration

Global Title Translation (GTT) is a process used to add or modify information in Global Titles to enable messages to be routed onwards. This may take the form of adding a Point Code or Subsystem Number or modifying the Global Title Address Information. Typically, GTT examines the Global Title of a Called Party Address and compares it to the rules configured. If the Global Title and Global Title Address Information match, then the translation is performed. The message is then routed accordingly as it passes down the SS7 Protocol stack. GTT support allows for simple translation of GTAI digits from one number to another. GTT also supports translations using wildcard matching to identify blocks of numbers which require the same translation operation as well as more sophisticated translations which drop or insert blocks of numbers. Global Title Translation is a function performed by SCCP. GTT is performed in two stages. First, the 'match' stage identifies which digits should be matched and which should be ignored, through either single digit or variable length wildcards. The second stage defines the translation operation to be performed. The user can specify to keep the digits in the address being translated, replace them with specified digits, or drop that block of digits. There are three components to a GTT rule when configured using the config.txt file:

The Pattern component, which specifies the GT information which must be matched. The Address component, which specifies the Address information to use when translating. The GTT Rule component, which controls how the Address Global Title is used during the

translation process. The GTT Rule can additionally specify a Backup Address which is used if the first cannot be routed to at that time.


Global Title Address Information

GTAI digits may be split up into logical sections using the "/" separator character. Each section will contain zero or more digits.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Each section in the Pattern defines a set of digits which must be matched. Valid digits are in the ranges "0-9", "a-d" and "f". Wild cards may be used where the value of the digits is not significant. The "?" character represents a single digit wildcard, and the "+" character indicates a variable-length wildcard. If no digits are supplied for a section, then the section has no effect on the matched digits. An empty section is used to mark the position in the GTAI digits where digits are inserted from the Address. Padding characters may be added to aid readability. Each section in the GTT Rule Mask defines how the replacement operation is performed. Sections marked "K" identify that the section of the Called Address being translated should be kept. Sections marked "R" identify that the section of the Called Address being translated should be replaced with digits from the Address component referenced by the GTT Rule. GTT Rule sections should not be empty.



Example 1

Match GTAI digits 09876543210. Remove the GTAI and add a PC (138) and SSN (8).

* * Specific Address to PC + SSN * This example translates a received specific Global Title address (09876543210) into a * combination of Point Code (138) and SSN (8). * * SCCP_GTT_PATTERN <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_pattern>] SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 11 0x10 0 0 0x001104 09876543210 * * *SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS [<nc_id>]<address_id><addr_indicator><pc><ssn><global_title><gtai_replacement>] SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 11 0x03 138 8 0 * * *SCCP_GTT [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <mask><primary_address_id> [<backup_address_id>] SCCP_GTT 11 R 11 *

Example 2

Match a seven digit number starting "123", followed by any three digits, then "7". Change the first digits to "333". Keep the next three digits from the called-party address.
Change the fourth digit to "4". Add a PC (11).


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

* Match a 7 digit number starting "123", followed by any three digits, then "7". * change the first digits to "333" keep the next three digits from the called-party * address and change the fourth digit to "4", and add a PC (11). * * SCCP_GTT_PATTERN <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_pattern>] SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 6 0x10 0x0000 0 0x001104 123/???/7 * * *SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS [<nc_id>]<address_id><addr_indicator><pc><ssn><global_title><gtai_replacement>] SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 2 0x11 11 0 0x001104 333/---/4 ** *SCCP_GTT [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <mask> SCCP_GTT 6 R--/K--/R

<primary_address_id> [<backup_address_id>] 6


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6

Example 3

Match "441425", followed by any digits. Remove the first six digits. Keep any following digits in the Input GTAI. Add a PC(238) & SSN (3).

* A Matching Prefix to PC + SSN * This example translates any global title address matching a pattern consisting of a * prefix (441425) following by a suffix of any digits and any length into * a combination of Point Code (235) and SSN (3). * * SCCP_GTT_PATTERN <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_pattern>] SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 12 0x10 0 0 0x001104 441425/+ * * *SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS [<nc_id>]<address_id><addr_indicator><pc><ssn><global_title><gtai_replacement>] SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 12 0x03 238 3 0 -/* * *SCCP_GTT [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <mask> <primary_address_id> [<backup_address_id] SCCP_GTT 12 R/K 12

Example 4

Match a GT with any GTAI Digits. Keep any digits which are present and add a PC and SSN.


Chapter 7 Configuration Guidelines

* Adding a PC + SSN to any GTAI * This example matches any GTAI Digits and adds a Point Code and SSN, retaining any GTAI digits. * * SCCP_GTT_PATTERN <pattern_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> [<gtai_pattern>] SCCP_GTT_PATTERN 1 0x10 0x0000 0x03 0x001204 +/* * *SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS [<nc_id>] <address_id> <addr_indicator> <pc> <ssn> <global_title> <gtai_replacement>] SCCP_GTT_ADDRESS 1 0x53 0x3FFF 0x08 0x001204 -/e * * *SCCP_GTT [<nc_id>] <pattern_id> <mask> <primary_address_id> [<backup_address_id] SCCP_GTT 1 K/R 1


HSL Signaling

The Signaling Server supports both structured (framed) HSL links in accordance with ITU Q.703, Annex A. HSL links can be configured on systems employing Dialogic DSI SS7MD Network Interface Boards, which support up to 4 HSL links per board or 8 HSL links per unit.


MTP_LINK <interface_mode>

The MTP_LINK command supports a new parameter, <interface_mode>, that identifies the interface type for signaling links. The interface mode should be set to one of the following values: Interface_mode E1_FRAMED T1_FRAMED E1_PCM Description Framed 31 timeslot E1 operation Framed 24 timeslot T1 operation Structured 30 timeslot E1 operation (timeslots 0 and 16 are used for signaling)

The interface_mode value must be consistent with the liu_type and frame_format values of the LIU_CONFIG command.


MTP_LINK <flags>
Bit number 10 & 11 Description Set both to zero for E1_HSL and T1_HSL operation. HSL framed operation uses these bits in a similar manner to single timeslot signaling to select 64 Kbps, 56 Kbps or 48 Kbps operation that applies to all timeslots within the HSL link. 12 Sequence number length. Set to 1 the HSL signaling link will use a 12bit sequence number. If set to 0, the HSL signaling link will use a 7bit sequence number.


Dialogic DSI Signaling Servers SS7G41 Operators Manual Issue 6


MTP_LINK <timeslot>

For HSL links, the <timeslot> parameter should be set to 0xff to indicate that the link is attached to an LIU configured with the LIU_CONFIG command. HSL signaling links may not use timeslots already configured for signaling or data. TDM links may not use timeslots already configured for HSL or data.



The SIU provides the ability to act either as a high-performance protocol monitor or to act in a mixed mode, both terminating as well as monitoring Signaling links. Monitoring may be configure by specifying the board to be used for monitoring using the SS7_BOARD config.txt command, the LIU using the LIU_CONFIG command and the specific monitoring link using the LIU_CONFIG command. A typical monitoring application requires that the monitoring E1/T1 must be configured as highimpedance to avoid corruption of the signal on the line. High-impedance can be configured on the LIU by setting the liu_type parameter to 6 for E1 high impedance or 7 for T1 high impendance. A monitor link can be configured using the MONITOR_LINK command in the config.txt file. The following example demonstrates monitoring of signaling on timeslot 16 on a PCM where both the send and receive are transmitted to an application with module id 0x0d on host 0.
*MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <mon_type> <board_id> <blink> <bpos2> <stream> <timeslot> <user_module> <host id> <flags> * MONITOR_LINK 0 TDM 0 1 0 0 16 0x0d 0 0x0000 MONITOR_LINK 1 TDM 0 2 0 1 16 0x0d 0 0x0000

Once configured, whenever a frame is received, it is reported to the user's application on the host as an API_MSG_RX_IND message or API_MSG_RX_INDT if timestamps are configured by setting bit 0 of the flags field to 1. The following are examples of messages without timestamping enabled:
S7L:I0000 M t8f01 i0000 f00 d0d s00 pffff0103 S7L:I0000 M t8f01 i0000 f00 d0d s00 pffff0103

The following are examples of messages with timestamping enabled:

S7L:I0000 M t8f0f i0000 f00 d0d s00 pffff01037caa8ec4e90f2abf S7L:I0000 M t8f0f i0000 f00 d0d s00 pffff01037caa8ec4c3976bbf

During operation, the user may also read (and optionally reset) various statistics on a per-link basis using the MSMLP MMI command and view status on the links using the STMLP command.


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