REF MLA Referencing

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This fact sheet provides a comprehensive BEGINNERS guide to entries in the MLA referencing system.

For more information on how to access the MLA referencing style please visit: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th edition)

Variations in authors
A. Single author In-text, write only the authors surname. Full name is recorded in the list of Works Cited. Type Works Cited - centre at top of a new page/not italics/not bold/same size as text B. Two or three authors In-text, separate names with comma. Use and preceded by a comma before the last name. In the list of Works Cited, separate names with commas. Use and preceded by a comma before the last name. C. Four or more authors In-text, cite only the first authors surname, followed by et al. Do not italicise. Record all the authors names in the list of Works Cited. Use and preceded by a comma before the last name. D. Citing several sources at once In text, authors names are presented alphabetically and each reference is separated by a semicolon (;). Record all the authors names in the list of Works Cited. E. Multiple works by the same author In-text, include the title of the work (or a shortened version) in parentheses to distinguish one source from others by the same author. In the Works Cited, list the works under the same name in alphabetical order by title. F. Authors with the same surname (a) co-authors of a work (b) separate works by different authors In-text, where it is necessary to distinguish one author from the other, use the authors initials. Place initials before the surname in in-text citations. In-text In-text The idea of progress is much overrated (Addington 3233). Addington states that . . . (32-33). Addington, Henry. Cultural Cringe: A Study of Change. London: Routledge, 1994. Print. King, Hunt, and Lee claim . . . (23). Climate change remains controversial (King, Hunt, and Lee 23). King, Terrence, Edward Hunt, and John L. Lee. Weather Matters. Boston: Harvard UP, 1992. Print. [Reverse only the name of the first author.] In-text Peters et al. base their study on the economic model (47). This study is based on an economic model (Peters et al. 47). Peters, Carl, Tomoko Suzuki, Yves T. Corrigan, Peter Najar, and Edgar Thomas. New Economies for New Times. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995. Print. [Reverse only the name of the first author.] In-text Policy makers argue that the connection between science and business should not be viewed critically (Branscomb; Noble; Stokes). Branscomb, Ivan. Investing in Innovation. New York: Routledge, 1997. Print. Works Cited Noble, Barry. America by Design. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print. Stokes, David. Pasteurs Quadrant. Washington, DC: Brookings Inst., 1997. Print. In-text In her first study, Sheldon (Language) supports the theory, but her two later studies (Morphemic Resonance; Rules) modify this claim. Sheldon, Stephanie. Language Limits. London: Duckworth, 1996. Print. Works Cited ---. Morphemic Resonance: A New Dimension. Discourse Studies 23.4 (1999): 6772. Print. ---. Rules and Tools. Journal of Semantics 43 (1999): 2345. JSTOR. Web. 17 May 2009. [Give the authors name in the first entry only. For subseque nt entries, type three hyphens --- followed by a full stop, a space, and the title.] (a) Scollon and Scollon argue that . . . (b) A recent report (R. W. Jones) indicated . . . , but D. Jones has refuted the findings (183). (a) Scollon, Ron, and Suzie W. Scollon. Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Web. 11 June 2009. (b) Jones, Doreen. Review of Social Needs in the North West Region. Lismore, NSW: FACS, 1993. Print. (b) Jones, Randall W. Report to the CARE Centre. Armidale, NSW: DOCS, 1991. Web. 23 Nov. 2008. The NSW Board of Studies advocates an inclusive approach in syllabus design (35). Mobile phones have changed . . . (Mobile Phones). NSW Board of Studies. Syllabus Development Handbook. Sydney: NSW Board of Studies, 2006. Print. Works Cited Mobile Phones: The Changes to Mobile Phones over the Last 30 Years. People History. 2012. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. <http// mobilephones.html>. Middlemarch represents a microcosm of the social and political changes in the early eighteenth century: The expectations of the characters are the expectations of various sections of society in general (Thornton 154). Lydgate and Rosamonds love becomes a battle of ambition and vanity (162).

Works Cited


Works Cited

Works Cited

Works Cited

G. Author unknown Cite the name of the organisation that produced the work. If none, then use the title of the work. DO NOT use the terms Anon. or Anonymous if you cannot find an author.


H. Repeated citation from the same source If you borrow from a single source repeatedly in a single paragraph, in subsequent sentences you may omit the authors name after the first mention and only use the page number. You will have to repeat the name of the author if you introduce another source. Be careful to avoid any ambiguity. If in doubt, repeat the full citation.


Works Cited

Thornton, Alice. Eliots Paradoxes: Relationships in Middlemarch. Imperialism and Marriage. Ed. Ian Zuckermann. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2006. 123-71. Print.

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Variations in dates, editions, DOIs and web addresses

I. A work with no publication date n.d. means no date. J. Edition If a source is 2nd or later edition, state the edition (xx ed.) after the title, separated by a full-stop. Do not italicise. K. URLs MLA does not require the use of URLs because the web pages are not stable and readers can find the documents by title or author searches. However, if your lecturer requires a URL, place it at the end of your citation in Works Cited, inside angle brackets brackets with a full stop after the end angle bracket. Break URLs only after slashes. Right click to REMOVE the hyperlink or underlining. Remove all UNE ezproxy details from the URL<>.ezproxy. /view/10.1093/acref/9780192800879.001.0001/acref-9780192800879 EXAMPLE: <>. [Insert a full stop after the angle bracket.] In-text Works Cited In-text Works Cited Shaw found that . . . (34). One study by Shaw suggests . . . (34). Shaw, Owen. Reflective Learning. London: Faber, n.d. Print. Writers need to consider . . . (Heffernan, Lincoln, and Atwill 218). Heffernan, Jonathan A., Edward J. Lincoln, and Jane Atwill. Writing, A College Handbook. 5th ed. New York: Norton, 2001. Print.

Examples of some common references in academic writing

1. Book (a) print (b) online In the Works Cited list, place the medium of publication at the end of the citation, e.g. Print, Web, Kindle file, e-book. PDF file, DVD, CD. In-text (a) Baker, Barrett, and Roberts find that the concept . . . (4). (b) Several levels of consciousness were found . . . (Tart) (b) Sawyer found that the influence of peers was... (a) Baker, Ellen, Michelle Barrett, and Louise Roberts. Working Communication. Milton, Qld: Wiley, 2002. Print. (b) Tart, Charles T. States of Consciousness. U of Pennsylvania P, 1997. Web. 3 Jul. 2009. <>. (b) Sawyer, Andrew. Language Socialization in Multilingual Societies. New York: ACLS, 2010. Kindle file. 2. Novels When a novel has numbered divisions, put the page number first, followed by a semi-colon and add books/chapters. 3. (a) Plays & (b) Poetry Citations of plays and poetry are more precise in terms of acts, scenes, lines, verses, e.g. Act III, scene 2, lines 7-13 and further references may use 3.2.7-13. You can abbreviate the names of the famous literary works, e.g. Ham. (Hamlet), Mac. (Macbeth), FQ (Faerie Queene). Use the word lines the first time you cite in-text (lines 2-5), and thereafter use only numbers (4-6). Direct quotations 4 lines or longer are indented as a block, with no quotation marks. Put the full stop after the last word, not after the parenthetical citation. 4. Sacred texts, e.g. The Bible For sacred texts, name the edition, and give book, chapter, and verse the first time you cite in text. 5. The Classics In-text Specify only the date of the edition used, not the date of the creation of the work. 6. Works or art (photos, paintings, sculptures, etc.) In the Works Cited entry, for original art works, give information about the medium of composition, e.g. painting, sculpture, installation, etc. Give the institution and city in which the art work is located. Works Cited In-text Works Cited In-text Works Cited Eliots fatal marriages are illustrated . . . (217; bk. 3, ch.1) Eliot, George. Middlemarch. Ed. Carol Watts. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998. Print. (a) Romeo and Juliet presents an opposition . . . (Act III, scene 2, lines 7-13). (b) In To His Coy Mistress, Marvell declares, And yonder all before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity (lines 23-4). (short quote) In-text Marvells To His Coy Mistress is rich and evocative in detail: (blocked quote) But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. (lines 21-24) Marvell suggests that the character can be seen in two roles (To His Coy Mistress). [This comment refers to the whole poem, so no line numbers are needed.] (a) Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Ed. Barbara Mowat and Peter Werstine. New York: Washington Square-Pocket, 1992. Print. (b) Marvell, Andrew. To His Coy Mistress. Ed. Xavier J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 9th ed. New York: Longman, 2005. 1208-09. Print. The Old Testament prophets often evoke strong imagery (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10). [Subsequent references require only book, chapter, and verse.] The New Jerusalem Bible. Ed. Howard Wansbrough. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Print. Virgil is expressing the view that . . . (Eclogues 6.19). [The numbering of divisions (stanzas or lines) remains the same in all editions; use division numbers rather than page numbers.] Virgil. Eclogues. Trans. Eugene V. Rieu. New York: Norton, 1967. Print. The pose of Rodins The Thinker has been copied and parodied innumerable times. The romantic aspects of Wyeths painting are represented . . . Reference to Original: Rodin, Auguste. The Thinker. 1902. Bronze and marble sculpture. Muse Rodin, Paris. Reference to a Reproduction: Works Cited Rodin, Auguste. The Thinker. 1902. French Modernist Sculpture. Ed. Richard Collins. Cambridge: MIT P, 2007. 94. Print. Wyeth, Andrew. Christinas World. 1948. MoMA: The Collection. Museum of Modern Art: New York. Web. 22 Oct. 2007.

Works Cited

In-text Works Cited

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7. Website (a) entire website (b) page on a website No author: Use sponsor/organisation or title of the article if possible; otherwise, start with the title of the article in double quotation marks. Italicise the title of the entire website. Publisher: List the publisher/sponsor name followed by a comma. If no listed publisher, use N.p. instead. One-page source: MLA does NOT require a page or paragraph reference. No date of publication: use: n.d. 8. Journal articles (a) article in a journal (print) (b) article in an electronic journal (c) article in a database The volume number follows the title of the journal. Add a full-stop and the issue number directly after the volume number. Do not use the words volume, number or their abbreviations. The year is in parentheses, followed by a colon and pages. Add the medium at the end of the citation, e.g. Print, Web. When no page is indicated, use n.pag.. Put the name of the database (e.g. ProQuest) in italics in your citation. 9. Chapter in an edited book Write an entry for the author of the chapter. Use the date of publication of the edited book. Use Ed.(note the full-stop!) for one or many editors. If you use information from the introduction, foreword, preface, or afterword, show it in the works cited entry after the authors name and before the book title. 10. Reading on eReserve (Dixson Library) Treat the reference as you would any other reference of its type. 11. Secondary reference Acknowledge the work of one author that you have found in the work of another. Use abbreviations qtd. in (quoted in) or ctd. in (cited in) in the parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence. In the Works Cited list, include only the work that you have actually seen. In-text Works Cited In-text Works Cited In-text In-text

(a) The 66th Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) conference discussed pandemic influenza preparedness as an agenda topic. (b) A recent report indicates that urgent changes in nutrition and agriculture policies are needed to prevent chronic non-communicable diseases (Pan American Health Organisation). (a) Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO). Coverage of the 66th World Health Assembly. Web. 23 May 2013. (b) Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO).Health - not Market Interests. Pan American Health Organisation. 1 May 2013. Web. 5 May 2013.

Works Cited

HINT: MLA no longer requires URLs. However, if your lecturer requires URLs for the web sources in your works cited list, follow these instructions: when you paste in the URL, DO NOT START ON A NEW LINE. Paste it next to the comma that comes after the viewing date. Then, you can get part of the address to sit on the same line by using a soft return (hold down shift and tap return). Only do this after a slash. (a) Reid and Sand argue that . . . (26). An earlier study (Reid and Sand) suggests that . . . (26). (b) Hopkins found that . . . A survey of large trans-national corporations found that (Hopkins). (c) Nutrition is an integral part of effective healing (Leninger 14). (a) Reid, Jason, and Rosemary Sand. The Wood and the Grove. Journal of Mythology 9.1 (1987): 2334. Print. (b) Hopkins, Mary. Corporate Social Responsibility Around the World. Online Journal of Ethics 2.2 (1998): n.pag. Web. 15 Oct. 2008. (c) Leninger, Sarah M. The Role of Nutrition in Wound Healing. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 24.1 (2002): 1321. ProQuest. Web. 27 Feb. 2010. [At the end of the works cited entry, add your date of access.] Stories are an essential aspect of therapy (Phillips 14). Corcoran and Evans argue that the available range of childrens and adolescent literature has widened and deepened enormously, so there needs to be some thought given to teaching approaches (1). Phillips, Jeremy. The Psychodynamic Narrative. Healing Stories: Narrative in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Ed. Garry Roberts and Joan Holmes. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. 715. Print. Corcoran, Bill, and Emrys Evans. Introduction. Readers, Texts and Teachers. Ed. Bill Corcoran and Emrys Evans. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1987. 16. Print. Burton argues that . . . (46). Burton, Lawrence J. Critical thinking. An Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology . 2nd ed. Ed. Paul J. Edwards and James D. Bradfield. Milton, Qld: Wiley, 2006. 45-53. PDF file. Gombrich argues that both art and nature are needs of the mind (qtd. in Norrington 22). Nakayama et al. explain that the writing style of structured abstracts began in medical research journals in the 1980s (ctd. in Hartley 31). Norrington, Frederick. New Aesthetics: Life in Art. London: Faber & Faber, 1989. Print. Hartley, James. Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook. London: Routledge, 2008. Print. (a) A primary verb is one of the three verb types . . . (Primary verb). (b) AC/DC, formed in 1973, became one of Australias best known rock groups (AC/DC). (c) Tmesis involves separating syllables of a word with other intervening words, e.g. fan-damn-tastic (Tmesis). [The in-text citation here refers to the consulted term, not the author. The term is placed in quotation marks and parentheses at the end of the sentence.] (a) Primary verb. The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. Print. Works Cited (b) AC/DC. Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop. Ed. Ian McFarlane. St. Leonards: Allen & Unwin, 1999. Print. (c) Tmesis. Oxford Dictionaries Online. 2013. Web. 2 Aug. 2013.

In-text Works Cited

Works Cited

12. Dictionaries / Encyclopedias (a) dictionary (b) encyclopedia (c) online dictionary or encyclopedia No page number required in in-text citations because entries are alphabetised in encyclopedias and dictionaries. In the works cited list, the source will be alphabetised under the term that you consulted. Include the edition number (if any). In-text

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13. Pamphlet/brochure Treat a brochure or a pamphlet as you would a book. However, most pamphlets have no page numbers.


According to the High Country Urban Biodiversity Project, a large diversity of native wildflowers grows on the New England Tableland. High Country Urban Biodiversity Project. Native Plants of Southern New England, New South Wales. NSW Environmental Trust, 2012. Print. According to Fisher, there are two types of ethical concerns facing multinational corporations (32). Bradfield argues that the kangaroo . . . Fisher, Josie. GSB 751: Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Study Guide. Armidale, NSW: University of New England, Graduate School of Business, 2011. Print. Bradfield, James D. Kangaroo: An Extraordinary Marsupial. Armidale, NSW: University of New England, School of Environmental and Rural Sciences. 17 Apr. 2010. Lecture. (a) Target funding is not being met (Leech 13). Leech suggests that . . . (13) (a i.) Leech, Garry. Call for Research Shake-up. The Australian 19 Sept. 2002: 13. Print. (a ii.) Leech, Garry. Call for Research Shake-up. The Australian. News Corp Australia, 19 Sept. 2002. Web. 18 Aug. 2008. (b) Debt levels have fallen (Editorial) . . . (b) Editorial. The Economist. The Economist, 17 Apr. 1997. Web. 2 May 2001. (a) In The Third Man the music plays a key role in creating the sense of . . . (b) Australias Geological History explored . . . (c) Fine-tuning the vocal folds creates different voice qualities . . . (Reid). (d) The Future of Work examines the modern notion of productivity . . . (e) The dialogue demonstrates the tension in the citys projects (The Outback Tragedy). (a) The Third Man. Dir. Carol Reed. Perf. Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, and Trevor Howard. RKO, 1949. Film. [Give the director (Dir.) and lead actors (Perf.) or narrator (Narr.)] (b) Australias Geological History. Nat. Geographic Educ., 1986. DVD.

Works Cited

14. UNE teaching materials unit Information / topic notes / assessment / presentation slides / lectures Cite in-text and in Works Cited. Give the instructors name, and include the type and medium of information source (e.g. print, CD, lecture, Powerpoint). In-text

Works Cited

15. Newspaper or magazine article (a) specified author i. print newspaper ii. online newspaper (b) unspecified author If no page number, use an article or section title. Online, the newspaper title is italicised followed by the publisher, not in italics. 16. Audio-visual (a) film (b) DVD (c) CD-ROM (d) television & Radio programs (e) TV & radio episodes

In-text Works Cited (print & online examples) In-text Works Cited


Works Cited

(c) Reid, Nicholas. Phonetics: An Interactive Introduction. Armidale, NSW: University of New England, 2004. CD-ROM. (d) The Future of Work. Sydney: ABC Radio National, 26 Nov. 2010. Radio. (e) The Outback Tragedy. Australian Story. SBS Television, 12 Feb. 2009. Television.

17. Music Indicate the medium in the Works Cited list. In-text

The Sydney Symphony Orchestra performed Beethovens Symphony No. 9 in D Minor . . . The bassoon solo in Stravinskys Rite of Spring . . . Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony No. 9 in D Minor. Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Cond. Herbert von Karajan. DECCA, 1983. LP. Stravinsky, Igor. Rite of Spring. 1910. London: Hansen House, 1975. Print. In the recent performance of Shepards play, Fool for Love, the role of May is played by Juliette Lewis . . . Fool for Love. By Sam Shepard. Dir. Lindsay Posner. Perf. Juliette Lewis and Martin Henderson. Apollo Theatre, London. 1 Jul. 2006. Performance. Lewis, Juliette, Perf. Fool for Love. By Sam Shepard. Dir. Lindsay Posner. Apollo Theatre, London. 1 Jul. 2006. Performance. The use of children in advertising has been recently debated. For example, a recent Qantas television commercial depicts . . . Example 1 from a TV commercial Qantas. Advertisement. NBN. 4 Apr. 2010. Television. Example 2 from a newspaper Vodaphone. Advertisement. Sydney Morning Herald 7 Jan. 2011: 9. Print. Darnell cast doubts on the statistical methods used. In an email communication on 3 May 2008, Edward Hall explained . . . Darnell, Peter. Personal interview. 22 Nov. 2003. Hall, Edward. Message to the author. 3 May 2008. E-mail.

Works Cited 18. Performance If you are citing the play, put the title of the play first in the Work Cited entry. If you are citing a contribution of a particular individual, begin with that persons name and role e.g. Perf. (performer), Dir. (director), Chor. (Choreographer), Cond. (Conductor). 19. Advertisements To cite an advertisement, name the product or company followed by the word, Advertisement. Name the medium at the end of the Works Cited entry. 20. Personal communication Information privately obtained e.g. personal conversation, interview, letter, email. Works Cited Works Cited

In text

In text

In-text Works Cited

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