Abhijit Pal
Abhijit Pal
Abhijit Pal
Mobile: +91~ E-Mail: abhijitpal8@gmail.com Seeking assignments as an SAP asis!"et#ea$e% A&minist%ato% #ith a technolog' &%i$en o%gani(ation. P%o)essional S'nopsis Around 6 years of professional Information Technology experience, out of which around 3 years+ working in as a system Engineer & A! "asis Engineer# !resently working with Transafe er$ices %imited&'olkata(# Exposure in interacting with IT team to manage A! "asis)*et wea$er en$ironments# +urrently handling $arious clients in different geographical locations# !ossess strong oral, written and organi,ation skills, excellent time and pro-ect management skills and a strong a.ility to prioriti,e tasks# E&*cation +, -iploma complete& from +/+ Institute in 0112# .%a&*ate complete& from * 34&*eta-i u.has 3pen 4ni$ersity( in 0151# M/A0Sikim Monipal 1ni$e%sit'2 3 +t4s going on. # ,echnical Skills 0+n SAP2
Sap operation:
Carried o t !nsta""ation ECC 6.0. #nderstanding c"ient re$ ire%ent and interaction wit& 'ardware vendor (or si)ing. #p graded Sap *erne" in +indows p"at(or%. ,Creation o( C"ients - .ogica" S/ste%, C"ient cop/, C"ient 0e"etion1 C"ient cop/ sing C"ient E2port/ !%port %et&od. Ro"e creation (or new sers - Pro(i"e 3aintenance (or reg "ar ser needs Sc&ed "ing 4ackgro nd 5o6s (or vario s re$ ire%ents, Reg "ar 6ack p sc&ed "ing , Con(ig ration o( 7ransport 3anage%ent S/ste% in a recon(ig red SAP .andscape, Creation o( C&ange Re$ est - transporting t&e re$ ests t&ro g&8o t t&e "andscape, 3onitoring Active #sers - +ork Processes, C&ecking and reso"ving 9ai"ed #pdates, S&ort 0 %ps - S/ste% .ogs, #sed A4AP trace and ot&er too"s to so"ve app"ication pro6"e%s 0ai"/ s/ste% %onitoring and tro 6"es&ooting. Provided s pport (or genera" ser iss es "ike sap printer set p, access
iss es etc. :perating S/ste%: +indows ;003 Server Edition, +indows ;00< Server Edition. 'ardware S/ste%: 'P server ,P&/sica""/ 6=6it s pported s/ste% wit& arra/ (aci"ities1
SAP prere$ isite operation o( +indows ;003 Server Edition : 9or +indows : 0e(ining Swap si)e - setting t&e environ%enta" varia6"es (or 5RE as pre insta""ation steps (or an/ SAP !nsta""ation, 3aintaining Password o( sid>A03? - SAPSERV!CE>S!0? in Co%p ter 3anage%ent.
0ata6ase ,Speci(ic to SAP1: !nsta""ation o( :rac"e @0g 0ata6ase. !nsta""ation o( 04;. 0ata6ase :peration: Reg "ar %onitoring, 4ack p operation, data6ase connectivit/ wit& sap, #ser ta6"e %aintains - tro 6"es&ooting. 4ack p 'ea"t& - 06acockpit.
7oo"s: 3s :((ice +ord, E2ce", Power Point, Re%ote 0esktop, 7ea% Viewer, VNC.
3A Activities o( c rrent co%pan/: As s a", 'ea"t& c&eck (or a"" servers, .ogs %onitoring, Network connectivit/ c&eck, +indows event viewer "ogs trace o t, Sap reg "ar activities w&ic& &as 6een %entioned 6e"ow. SAP activities: @1 0ai"/ 4asis Prod ction - 0eve"op%ent sever c&eck ,.ogs - &ea"t&1 ;1 :(("ine or on"ine 0ata 6ase 6ack p - restore. 31 SAP "ogs - 0 %ps t ning =1 #ser ta6"e c&eck - %aintained B1 SAP reg "ar Co6 stat s c&eck 61 SAP note %aintained D1 SAP 7ro 6"es&oot - so" tion <1 c&eck o( 4 ((er si)e - &ea"t& o( p&/sica" sever
E1 Post !nsta""ation @01 7ransport activities wit& c"ient to c"ient @@1 SAP "icense %aintained @;104; 0ata6ase 3igration - New !nsta""ation
Ro"e - Responsi6i"it/: ! wo "d "ike to work wit& tea% work - a"wa/s tr/ to give %/ 6est (or t&e :rgani)ation. ! &ave con(idence a6o t %/se"( - (ait&( ""/ "ike to work wit&.
/a%ee% /onto*% Ma%ch415 to till &ate Ma%ch-8559 to 8515 :eb ,%ansa)e Se%$ices 6imite&3 Acc +n)otech3 7olkata S'stem Enginee%. 7olkata "et#o%k Enginee%.
Pe%sonal -etails
+ontact Address
9ate of "irth
76)5, #*#/ullick 8oad, "aidya.ati +howmatha, 9ist: ;ooghly, !36 "aidya.ati, !in: 750000# tate: <est.engal, 02st oct= 52>6