Strategies For A High Performance Revenue Cycle
Strategies For A High Performance Revenue Cycle
Strategies For A High Performance Revenue Cycle
Copyright 2009 Healthcare Financial Management Association Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 700 Westchester, IL 60154-5700
Table of Contents
Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
About Patient Friendly Billing
he PATIENT FRIENDLY BILLING project began as a collaborative endeavor spearheaded by HFMA to promote clear, concise, and correct patient-friendly nancial communications. For nearly a decade now, the project has provided the nations hospitals and health systems with information, educational programming, and practical tools to aid eorts in streamlining nancial communications and optimizing billing and payment functions. Notable Patient Friendly Billing reports over the past several years have included Reconstructing Hospital Pricing Systems (Summer 2007), Consumerism in Health CareAchieve a Consumer-Oriented Revenue Cycle (Summer 2006), and Hospitals Share Insights to Improve Financial Policies for Uninsured and Underinsured Patients (February 2005). Most recently, the Patient Friendly Billing project has begun to explore optimal practices for the revenue cycle. Results of these eorts and related research discussed in this latest report, Strategies for a HighPerformance Revenue Cycle, are put forward to help the industry identify common revenue cycle characteristics and processes with the most impact on value to consumers and hospitals. To access more information about high-performance revenue cycles and stay abreast of current project activities, see the Patient Friendly Billing web site at
Researchers analyzed data from more than 5,000 nongovernment, short-term acute hospitals, and rated these organizations nancial and patient satisfaction performance using criteria such as days in accounts receivable, patient willingness to recommend the organization, return on assets, and operating margin. Researchers then conducted site visits with 14 of the high-performing hospitals, with consideration given to diversity in geography, size, ownership status, and other factors. Finally, researchers surveyed hospitals across the industry to identify commonalities and contrasts with practices in place at high performers. (For more information about the survey and selection process, see page 34.) Interestingly, researchers found that strategies to support revenue cycle high performance vary greatly by organization. Some high performers believe strongly in centralized registration while others do not. Some place great priority on address verication and Medicaid eligibility while others focus elsewhere. Dierences can even be seen among the metrics that organizations use to track performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Still, researchers did note several commonalities:
High performers have an organizational culture that elevates the importance of the revenue cycle. High performers master areas important to their particular circumstances. They dont necessarily focus on the same revenue cycle areas as others for improvement, but they target those elements most crucial to their success. Simply put: They are good at what they need to be good at. High performers accelerate improvements. High performers arent just good at setting goals; they are good at how they take action and execute strategies to achieve these goals.
Perhaps most signicant, researchers discovered that its possible to achieve high performance regardless of particular nancial means or patient mix. Although
high performance was seen slightly more often at system-based hospitals, numerous standalone facilities were high performers as well. Excellence was seen in settings urban and rural, large and small. Given such widespread relevance, the Patient Friendly Billing project encourages revenue cycle leaders to use results of its research on high performance as a means for engaging the entire C-suite around their organizations particular revenue cycle needs. Such engagement is necessary to ensure that revenue cycle leadership and sta have the right infrastructure,
At a Glance: Roles in a High-Performance Revenue Cycle
People C-Suite
Set high expectations for revenue cycle positions Devote organizational resources to improved training and compensation
skills, and tools to support patient-centric and valuedriving processes. Whether the objective is to focus priorities, set appropriate hiring criteria, or shape procedural direction, the role of buy-in at the executive level cannot be overlooked. Organizational alignment is critical for ensuring that a high-performance revenue cycle is not only a top priority but also ingrained in daily practice. The reward of these eorts is increased resources available to support and strengthen all areas within the organization.
Develop and participate in intraorganizational teams around revenue cycle Use patient experience as the cornerstone for setting revenue cycle strategy
Appreciate community dynamics and those with the greatest impact to the organization when prioritizing technology needs
Encourage improved monitoring of revenue cycle processes through use of traditional and nontraditional metrics Develop and enforce systems of accountability around monitoring and reporting practices
Support organizational alignment around clear, correct, and patient-friendly messaging Set clear and transparent nancial assistance policies and procedures
Demonstrate value for the revenue cycle through signicant commitment of time and resources Establish systems to reward high revenue cycle performance
Apply high standards to hiring Emphasize education Take a career approach to revenue cycle positions Leverage compensation and work arrangements for employee satisfaction
Use formal structures to obtain stakeholder input Target revenue cycle improvements around the consumers experience Adopt established improvement methodologies including those not traditionally used in health care
Selectively use technology for interactions with customers Manage for investment value Dedicate IT staff to the revenue cycle
Measure and report frequently Look beyond traditional metrics for success Seek the consumers perspective
Drivie a positive scheduling/ registration experience Provide estimates of nancial obligations Promote nancial assistance Support clear and simple billing and collections materials Recognize the importance of external communications
Support revenue cycle at the highest level Garner appreciation for the revenue cycle from nonnance staff Find purpose through the patient Demand high performance Celebrate success Make innovation a priority
Research Findings
o what exactly does high performance at the practical level look like? To best understand how high-performing organizations dier from others in executing core revenue cycle strategies, researchers examined their competencies in six key areas: NN People NN Processes NN Technology NN Metrics NN Communication NN Culture What follows is a discussion of how these high performers compared with other hospitals and health systems in relation to these areas. Readers are encouraged to keep their own organizations practices in mind as they view these ndings.
The cornerstone of any successful healthcare organization is its people. Revenue cycle functions, in particular, are heavily inuenced by the quality of a hospitals talent largely because of the numerous, complex, and sometimes sensitive communications that must take place for appropriate nancial services to be delivered and payment to occur. A common theme among all the high-performing revenue cycle organizations was a concerted focus on their people. This focus took many dierent forms, including hiring the right people, focusing on education, taking a career approach to revenue cycle positions, and leveraging fair compensation and exible scheduling arrangements to promote satisfaction with the work environment.
Establishing high standards for hires. The high-
Some organizations emphasized recruiting those with a minimum level of education or experience, while others underscored the importance of personality attributes such as a customer-focused demeanor. As with most hospitals, each of the organizations visited had detailed job descriptions outlining the qualications and skill requirements needed for various revenue cycle positions. What may have dierentiated these organizations from their peers, however, was their steadfast conviction to hire only the most appropriate and qualied sta despite potentially limited pools of qualied candidates. To take it one step further, these organizations were willing and, in fact, often had incurred signicant sta turnover as they began to implement various revenue cycle process improvements. Yet they did not waiver in their conviction to hire only the most appropriate sta. As just one example of such selectiveness, consider high-performing Henry County Health Center, a 25-bed critical access hospital in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, that requires individuals to already have or immediately obtain selected certication as a condition of hire for many of its revenue cycle positions. Leadership believes that attainment of certication can be a key factor in getting the right people in the door. Such a stance may not sound that signicant at rst glance, but it becomes so when one considers the limited labor pool available in the organizations chiey rural setting.
Devoting signicant resources to education. Also
performing revenue cycle hospitals that were visited were very selective in their hiring decisions. Hiring managers stressed the importance of getting the right people in the right roles. There were dierent approaches, however, in the best way to achieve this t.
common to organizations with high-performing revenue cycles is that they spend signicant time training and educating new and existing employees. Leadership believes that sizeable resources must be devoted to ensuring that sta have the necessary training and education to eectively handle the demands of their positions. For the high performers, this training took many and varied forms. Most of the organizations devoted at least 10 days to training and educating new employees, with some oering signicantly more. In addition,
How many days of initial revenue cycle training are required for the following positions?
High Performers 1 day or less Registrars Billers Collectors Financial Counselors All Others 1 day or less Registrars Billers Collectors Financial Counselors 7% 4% 5% 5% 23 days 11% 10% 9% 7% 35 days 15% 7% 10% 11% 510 days 25% 25% 30% 26% >10 days 42% 54% 47% 52% 0% 0% 0% 0% 23 days 14% 14% 7% 7% 35 days 14% 14% 21% 14% 510 days 14% 14% 21% 14% >10 days 57% 57% 50% 64%
these hospitals frequently oered both formal and informal continuing education, such as lunch and learns to their sta. Some organizations also rely on external education resources. Like Henry County Health Center, hospitals may require attainment of particular certications or completion of particular training programs as a condition of hire or within a certain period after hire for specic positions. Regardless of the particular training origin or approach, an emphasis on educational opportunity appears to be a top priority to high performers and is seen as useful for ensuring revenue cycle sta have the body of knowledge and prociency necessary to meet day-to-day revenue cycle demands. a
Taking a career approach to revenue cycle positions.
Traditionally, one does not think of a front-line revenue cycle position as a career. Rather, employees frequently view these positions as stepping stones to other, higher-paid opportunities. As a result, such positions often are lled by sta with limited experience and can be particularly prone to high levels of turnover. Unless addressed, this high turnover can result in reduced departmental eciency and eectiveness, avoidable recruiting and training costs, lower employee morale among sta that remain, and potential patient dissatisfaction. Some hospitals address this challenge by creating career paths or ladders for revenue cycle personnel. At these organizations, positions are designed in such
a way that sta can eventually be promoted to other positions with increased compensation and responsibility based on meeting requirements such as tenure, experience, expanded training/attainment of professional certication, performance, or successful completion of an exam. As an example, at high-performing Carolinas Medical Center, an 874-bed hospital in Charlotte, N.C., a career ladder was started in 2002. For front-end sta, it includes three position levels for registrars. To move from one level to the next, a registrar must be in good standing (i.e., no disciplinary action) with successful evaluation ratings, take additional educational classes, pursue cross training in at least two areas, and successfully pass an exam. The organization also oers a leadership, education, and development (LEAD) program in patient access. Every six months, two individuals are nominated, interviewed, and selected. The sta selected spend six weeks shadowing and working on projects at several facilities, and two of the six graduates have moved into management roles.
Leveraging compensation and work arrangements for employee satisfaction. Key to combating turnover
is providing competitive compensation, either directly through pay levels or through performance incentives. High performers were more likely than other organizations to use compensation increases as a means for elevating sta competencies or recruiting/retaining sta. Of course, nancial rewards arent the only way to support employee satisfaction. A number of
a For information on HFMA revenue cycle education and certification opportunities, see page 36.
86% 44%
Increase front-line staff salaries (beyond average organizational increase) Increase back-office staff salaries (beyond average organizational increase)
64% 31%
43% 19%
High Performers
All Others
Staff work in support services, pulling data for management and other staff.
Staff progress into billing, credit balance adjudication, or payment and adjustment posting.
high-performing organizations oer exible work arrangements, including options for sta to work from home oces, select part-time work to reduce hours, or work nontraditional hours (for example, beginning early, starting late, or putting in time over the weekend). Such perks typically have little or no cost impact to the department and, in some cases, may actually provide savings. Further, some of the high-performing organizations have been able to attract and retain the best employees in the market through such innovative arrangements. Although the percentage of high performers that oer exible work arrangements is not signicantly dierent from that of other hospitals that do so, it is still interesting to note the high percentage of organizations that are employing this strategy. EX 19 fleXible
revenue cycle processes. Although there is no set formula for making improvements, many hospitals are rening processes in similar ways. High performers generally use formalized structures to obtain stakeholder input, target improvement eorts around those areas of the revenue cycle with greatest eect on the consumers experience, and rely on widely recognized improvement methodologies as a means to examine and redesign processes.
Using formal structures to obtain stakeholder input.
Most executives with high-performing revenue cycles have very specic ways they leverage relationships, focusing at the organization, consumer, physician, and payer levels around process improvement needs. Organization. Typically, hospitals and health systems with high-performing revenue cycles rely on two types of teams to address process improvements. The rst type is a team that performs oversight functions. Members monitor and evaluate key nancial and revenue cycle metrics, with an emphasis on identifying trends and developing overall strategies for improvement. Typically this team is led by the CFO or a senior revenue cycle executive and includes directors or managers from the key revenue cycle departments, such as scheduling, registration, nancial counseling, billing, and customer service. The team typically meets at least once per month. The second type of team is project based. These teams focus on a specic area of the revenue cycle or are specially created to address a particular issue or task, such as managing response to a new software implementation. Regardless of whether the projectbased team meets routinely or on a temporary basis, it generally includes participants from nancial service areas as well as IT, physician relations, regulatory compliance, and/or clinical departments. Most high performers also have periodic mechanisms in place for soliciting employee input or feedback into processes. Research shows high performers tend to have fewer overall revenue cycle meetings, but more meetings targeted on specic issues than other organizations. Consumer. It may not come as much of a surprise that high performers rely on formal processes for soliciting consumer feedback around process improvements. After all, hospitals frequently use focus groups to assist
With seemingly constant changes in the areas of technology, regulations, and reimbursementto name only a fewproviders are constantly required to modify processes to ensure both eciency and eectiveness. Amidst this turmoil, high-performing revenue cycle hospitals attempt to go the extra mile by creating patient-friendly processes aimed at improving the overall patient experience. Enhancing the patient experience requires that hospital revenue cycle leadership and sta be simultaneously inquisitive, responsive, innovative, and exible. High-performing revenue cycle hospitals have and continue to make tangible improvements to their
Percentages Providing Flexible Work Arrangements
What strategy do you employ to elevate staff competencies or to recruit and/or retain high performers?
64% 56%
High Performers
Coding Workgroup
High Performers
All Others
in setting strategic direction, enhancing services, and gauging community perceptions of the organization and its programs. What is notable is the frequency and depth to which individual organizations involve patients in their revenue cycle activities. High performers often use focus groups when attempting to create more consumer-friendly bills. Typically, patient focus groups will be convened to provide input at the time that the initial bill redesign begins as well as throughout various stages of the improvement process. Ultimately, approval of focus groups is often sought regarding nal design edits. Although many focus groups, such as those involved in bill redesign, tend to be temporary and project-specic, some high-performing revenue cycle hospitals have established patient advisory groups on an ongoing basis to assist in a variety of areas, including revenue cycle. Physician. To make the most of revenue cycle relationships with physicians, high performers make communication a high priority. They typically collaborate on the content of patient scheduling forms and surrounding processes to support consistent expectations around the gathering of patient insurance and clinical
43% 20%
High Performers
All Others
information. They also routinely solicit feedback from physicians and their oce sta to ensure that their needs are being met. As one example, when high-performing Iowa-based Henry County Health Center redesigned its business processes, it worked closely with its community physicians. The organization sought input from physicians regarding changes to the hospital admitting and registration processes, and it worked with them to develop similar policies around discounting services and charity care. Most important, Henry County Health Center kept physicians informed of how process changes would aect their patients. This collaboration has been integral to the revenue cycle enhancements. Some organizations view revenue cycle and physician relations as so important to success that they have even developed systems to support integration within their organizational structure. At HCAs Redmond Regional Medical Center, a high-performing 230-bed acute care facility located in Rome, Ga., relations are supported through employment of a physician development representative. As a liaison between the hospital and its physicians, the physician development representative carries responsibility for routinely visiting physicians and their stas to assist with any revenue-cycle-related problems that may be occurring. Issues may include diculties associated with scheduling patient appointments or the timeliness or accuracy of either party when sharing patient nancial or clinical information. At least quarterly, the physician development representative, accompanied by representatives from
Redmond Regional Medical Centers scheduling/ registration department and HCAs regional customer service center, holds physician luncheons. At these get-togethers, physician oce sta and hospital personnel discuss issues and concerns and brainstorm potential solutions. If not solved immediately, problems identied are addressed on an ongoing basis. Payer. High performers are more likely to routinely communicate with payers about payment issues or technology processes than others. During site visits, all of the high performers told interviewers that they routinely engage in scheduled and impromptu communications with their largest payers, whether by phone or in person. The focus of these conversations typically is on ways to reduce the number and causes of payment denials. Frequently these exchanges are either led by or include the executive in charge of managed care contracting, and are supported by revenue cycle personnel who can provide the necessary data and, in some cases, clinical sta. Some of the high-performing hospitals also work collaboratively with insurers to electronically exchange data, thereby enhancing both the timeliness and quality of shared information and reducing impediments for
payment. Clearly, much is being done to improve interfaces between hospitals and insurers. That said, many of those interviewed at the highperforming revenue cycle hospitals indicated that insurers generally are more interested in transaction ow issues than consumer-focused practices. Several high performers reported success in getting payer attention to these areas only after locating the right party willing to engage in these discussions. Regardless of the type of issue being discussed, high performers generally attributed their successful relationships with payers to such factors as frequent communication, a collegial mind-set, and sta willingness to view issues from the insurers perspective.
Targeting improvements around those revenue cycle areas most affecting the consumers experience. High
performers generally have focused their improvement eorts on such areas as front-end processes, point-ofservice collections, and charity care. Front-end processes. First impressions matter. As such, many providers, including the high-performing revenue cycle hospitals, are recognizing that patient satisfaction and understanding of payment obligations
High Performers
All Others
On-line capabilities Back-end technology/software Ability to provide patient estimates Revenue cycle facility redesign Patient bill redesign No investments have provided a positive financial return
is enhanced when increased emphasis is placed on improving front-end processes. This front-end focus includes: NN Emphasizing scripting for patient interactions to support clarity, consistency, and completeness of communication NN Increasing training and continuing education of front-end sta NN Upgrading front-end personnel requirements NN Enhancing pay scales and/or implementing incentive programs for schedulers, registrars, and nancial counselors NN Developing integrated revenue cycle processes and teams that include both front-end and back-end personnel to enhance communication and continuity NN Streamlining scheduling processes to reduce the number of persons with whom a patient, patients family, or physician oce sta must communicate NN Introducing or upgrading technology to better serve front-end processes, including software related to address and/or insurance verication Research shows high performers are much more likely than other hospitals to have made
signicant changes in registration, admitting, and nancial counseling. Its also interesting to note that a high percentage believes investments in frontend technology and software have provided greatest nancial return. Point-of-service communications and collections. Along with this front-end focus, most high performers are educating their patients about what their insurance covers as well as the meaning and amount of copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. High performers accomplish this by conducting insurance verication on most procedures prior to services being rendered. Such eorts aid collection at the point of service. Focus is on providing patients with cost estimates at the time of scheduling or preregistration and improving clarity of communications regarding payment expectations and processes. In addition, front-end personnel are being provided with signicant training and scripting to alleviate any potential discomfort associated with seeking payments from patients. Although most hospitals seek to collect patient copayments (and, in a few cases, deductibles) up front, the rigor associated with these eorts does vary by organization. Some hospitals will seek to postpone
High Performers
All Others
High Performers
All Others
elective procedures in instances where patients do not provide payment, but most remain relatively exible. Regardless of methodology or process, almost all of the high-performing hospitals have indicated that they have experienced improved point-of-service collections and that, in almost all cases, patients are surprisingly amiable to such eorts. Charity care and financial counseling. Another key focus for many high performers has been updating charity care practices. Over the past few years, virtually all of the organizations visited have modied their charity care policies and nancial counseling processes. Most high performers are attempting to more openly communicate the availability of charity care through actions such as providing brochures at registration, posting policies on their web sites, and including language referencing availability of charity care on patient bills. Also, some organizations are empowering patient access sta to identify potential recipients and administer the charity care policies. In addition, high-performing revenue cycle hospitals generally have sought to enhance nancial counseling capabilities within their organizations. Many hospitals are improving the pay, training, and scripting that they provide to nancial counselors. Further, many organizations with high levels of self-pay activity or a high Medicaid population are supporting onsite availability of state and/or other third-party personnel to assist patients with applying for Medicaid, payment arrangements, or other types of funding. b
Adopting formal process improvement methodologies.
64% 53%
High Performers
noted, The simple fact of creating a framework and a high level of rigor around process measurement and redesign is what is important.
Technology often supports improved communication, provides decision support, and creates eciencies throughout the revenue cycle. Yet ability to realize these benets requires more than simple investment. Ways organizations leverage technology use to support revenue cycle high performance include being selective in application, managing the technology to ensure its potential is realized, and ensuring adequate IT support for their investments.
Selectively using technology for interactions with customers. Many of the high performers talk about
Regardless of the particular process areas they select for improvement, high performers generally rely on proven redesign methodologies to support these eorts. Typically, these methodologies consist of bringing together temporary, high-performing teams to examine, measure, and improve on current processes. Team composition may include revenue cycle sta, nonrevenue cycle business sta, clinicians, and process engineers. Some of the common methodologies used by high performers are Lean, Six Sigma, and Kaizen. No common methodology is used among all high performers. In fact, in several instances, high performers even looked toward improvement approaches common to other industries but not traditionally employed in health care. Perhaps, as one revenue cycle leader
walking a line between automating processes and providing human interactions. Most of these organizations view high-volume, transactional processes as being the most appropriate for automation. By contrast, those functions that require customized or customerspecic information generally are viewed as requiring a human touch. High-performing revenue cycle organizations tend to have employees respond to most patients inquiries, as opposed to using voice-activated systems. With the exception of some basic functions (such as balance inquiry response or generation of appointment reminders), these organizations rarely use automation for customer service issues.
b HFMA views charity care as a community benefit commitment. In May 2009, it created Principles and Practices Board Sample
Hospital Charity Care Policy and Procedures, which provides a sample charity care policy to assist hospitals to manage their resources responsibly and to provide the appropriate level of assistance to the greatest number of persons in need. The document, which is available at, serves to help hospitals establish their own policies and procedures for offering charity care to their patients.
Gaining insight through signicant observation of as is processes. At the projects outset, a group
productivity, including arrangement of equipment, tools, and information.) Physical layout changes were made in some instances to improve information and claims ow. Most notably, organizational structure changed so that aggregated associates from preadmitting, HIM, and patient nancial services were moved into a single, cohesive structure with centralized regional ownership. Enhanced focus on system status. (Information on how the process is performing should be visible at all times using simple visual queues.) A balance scorecard was created with new metrics to include cash realization, collections quality, billing quality, and transaction cost per encounter alongside more traditional metrics. Tracking is automated and users can drill down for root cause. In addition, team-level metrics were deployed that are discussed daily during shift briengs. Revenue cycle leaders also make use of a tracking board that includes the metrics as well as issues, problems, and opportunities.
of revenue cycle leaders and associates from a hospital in the systems Gulf Coast region, many of whom were trained in the Toyota approach, conducted a baseline of the entire revenue cycle process. This process involved analyzing all encounter records for an 18-month period to understand where the biggest impacts could be made. This intense understanding of functions in place set the foundation for a detailed plan to implement organizational change, a performance management system, and standardized processes. Greater focus on visual workspace. (All elements associated with improved operational eciency and quality are arranged carefully to optimize
CHRISTUS Health views this fresh perspective as a success and continues to seek opportunities for improvement. At CHRISTUS St. John Hospital, in particular, performance on nancial measures has improved signicantly: Bill hold has dropped by more than 70 percent, denials have decreased signicantly to 0.51 percent of net patient revenue, days in accounts receivable are the lowest they have ever been, and net to cash 120 days is hitting 93 percent. Patients have also beneted, especially from eorts to streamline registration and billing and improve customer service. Press Ganey patient satisfaction scores for admissions continually rank in the high 90th percentile.
not dier from other organizations so much in the types of technologies that they employ as they do in the level at which they manage these investments Simply put: Theyre good at realizing the potential and obtaining the greatest value from their investments. As one interviewee noted: The specic piece of technology you choose to buy is far less important than if you know how to use it well. The usefulness of the technology comes into play when you can leverage its capabilities. Far too many people have the most expensive pieces of technology, but they dont really know how to use them. High performers generally believe that it is better to adopt a modest solution very well than to adopt a superior (i.e., think all the bells and whistles) solution only moderately well. Organizations typically make the most of their revenue cycle technology investments by focusing on improving processes prior to applying automation and prioritizing their purchases by their particular market needs. Process before purchase. At high-performing revenue cycle hospitals, investments generally are seen as a means to address a problem, but not a quick x. Those interviewed say too many organizations implement technology as a bandage to an underlying broken process, rather than simply trying to x the process. High performers, prior to technology adoption, typically examine the revenue cycle processes that the technology will complement to ensure they arent simply taking a short-term approach to a larger issue. Market-based priority. Technology is a great asset, but it is also an expensive asset. Whats more, capital expenditures for the revenue cycle are competing for the same dollars as revenue-generating clinical technologies, such as operating room equipment or a new MRI machine. As such, high performers focus on making the most of limited funds by investing in technologies that will have greatest eect on their business. For example, organizations with high levels of indigent and Medicaid patients might use address and insurance verication tools.
Dedicating IT staff to the revenue cycle. High performers
have revenue cycles that are well supported by IT sta. However, the structures for integrating revenue cycle
Level 2
Tasks affecting patient monitoring, care, treatment, and physician/clinician accessibility to patient information
Level 2
Tasks affecting revenue and reimbursement
Level 2
Tasks critical for aiding clinical or financial decision-making
Level 3
Tasks performed for accreditations and certification
Level 3
Tasks affecting hospital infrastructure
Level 3
Tasks affecting nonclinical users unrelated to revenue and reimbursement
Level 3
Projects and tasks for which a workable process is already in place
Level 3
Projects affecting only one process that can be handled manually or by an existing computerized process
Level 4
Enhancements to existing systems that are not critical to patient care or revenue and reimbursement
Level 4
Usable equipment replacement and preventive maintenance
Level 4
Wish list items not critical to operations
Level 4
End user training unrelated to new systems implementations
Level 5
Identified as a future project
Level 5
Post go-live follow-up
79% 55%
71% 51%
High Performers
All Others
and IT vary. Many of the organizations have IT professionals that are either embedded in the revenue cycle departments and budgets or are specically assigned to revenue cycle activities (though remaining in IT departments). At high-performing organizations where IT support isnt formally structured for the revenue cycle, IT professionals tend to proactively visit revenue cycle departments periodically to determine whether needs are being met. In addition, the highperforming hospitals actively collaborate with IT sta to obtain frequent, actionable, and on-demand reports to improve revenue cycle processes based on sta needs. Regardless of the organizations structure, having IT professionals dedicated to the revenue cycle allows issues to be handled in a timely manner by those sta most familiar with the specic processes and technologies used by the revenue cycle departments.
Leaders at these organizations report that a fundamental contributor to such dramatic turnaround has been their improved monitoring of revenue cycle metrics. Organizational commitment to measuring and monitoring performance is key for setting appropriate goals and making process adjustments necessary for achieving these goals. Some high performers noted that meaningful progress reports help sta best identify those actions that are most likely to improve performance. Also, frequent measurement allows organizations to identify concerns before they become signicant problems. Even though high performers generally agree on the importance of metric use, they vary considerably in both the number and types of metrics they use. Even some traditional revenue cycle measures, such as days in accounts receivable and discharged but not nal billed, are not calculated or measured consistently among organizations; ranges for acceptable performance around these traditional measures also are diverse. (Note: Researchers suspect these ndings simply reect an industry need for generally accepted key performance indicators that can be used for benchmarking.) Although high performers approaches dier more with use of metrics than they do with other strategic areas of the revenue cycle, organizations do share some commonalities. Notably, high performers tend to examine performance frequently, possess a willingness to look beyond traditional metrics as needed, and place great importance on the consumers perspective.
Monitoring and reporting frequently. A compulsion for measuring and monitoring performance is universal among high-performing revenue cycle organizations. High performers frequently review their chosen metrics, at least monthly and sometimes even weekly or daily. Although the particular metrics selected may be inconsistent among high performers, these organizations are able to measure their own performance and improvements (or declines) over time. At many of these organizations, focus is on closing the loop between monitoring and reporting performance to users. Real-time is more frequently nding its way into strategies, whether it be error tracking systems for registrars or call length and abandonment reporting for appointment schedulers.
Despite how complex and far-reaching revenue functions are, its interesting to note that improvement can be dramatic in a relatively short time. Leaders at some of the high-performing hospitals stated that they felt they had poorly performing revenue cycles just a few years ago.
A number of the high performers look at not only traditional revenue cycle metrics (such as net days in accounts receivable, discharge not nal billed, or aging accounts receivable categories), but also nontraditional revenue cycle metrics (such as net-to-cash percentage after 120 days and actual collection at point of service by amount owed). Many high performers said such nontraditional measures are useful to better understand the origin of larger trends and identify opportunities for improvement specic to their organization. Also, many high performers expressed willingness to go beyond traditional measures of return as a means for measuring eectiveness of large-scale revenue cycle initiatives. Rather than making solely a nancial case for change, many organizations examine such factors as patient satisfaction or reduced turnover when making their business case. In many instances, those interviewed expressed achievement in these areas as being even more signicant to their strategy than results of nancial analysis.
performing organizations are measuring some form of patient satisfactionfor example, relying on Press Ganey scores or feedback from patient focus groups or patient councils. However, many of these organizations are working to improve the specic satisfaction measures they are using and timing of these eorts. Traditionally, patient satisfaction feedback has been collected prior to the patients receipt of the bill. High performers, therefore, are looking into ways to assess satisfaction later in the process, so they receive enhanced perspective on billing and collections performance. Also, although most hospitals eorts at measuring patient satisfaction are designed around the clinical care experience, organizations are beginning to recognize the importance of better understanding revenue cycle impressions. High performers appreciate that issues such as ease of completing paperwork and understanding billing processes, quality of interactions with admitting and registration sta, and expectations and sensitivities regarding collections can be signicant for patients.
Quality/length of time to liquidate (without self pay). This metric looks at eciency in receiving payment. For example, of the 91 percent collected in the aforementioned metric, it considers the percentage collected during the rst 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, and 91 to 120 days. Sta bonus plans are built around this metric. Time of service collection potential. This one measures the actual collection at point of service and compares it with the amount owed, 30 days out, after payment from insurance. CHRISTUS St. John had been collecting 45 percent in May 2008, but was collecting 52 percent as of July 2009.
Financial Counseling
High Performers
All Others
Communication between hospitals and their patients is extraordinarily complex. The healthcare landscape is littered with medical and business terminology and acronyms that are unfamiliar and may even be daunting to the vast majority of the population. These barriers, coupled with complex regulatory and payer requirements that often focus on how and when information is conveyed, often create signicant communication challenges. As such, high-performing revenue cycle hospitals place great emphasis on the eectiveness with which they communicate with patients and their families. Actions typically focus on supporting a positive scheduling/registration experience, providing estimates of nancial obligation, publicizing nancial assistance, developing clear and simple formats for billing materials, and establishing consistent external communications.
Supporting a positive scheduling/registration experience. One of the best ways to support successful
web sites, currently they provide these estimates to patients through a variety of communication mechanisms, including phone or mail. Although hospitals and health systems increasingly are using average cost information for procedures or services to develop preservice estimates for those without insurance, most organizations still struggle with out-of-pocket cost estimation for the insured. Technology is aiding these eorts considerably, with some hospitals now able to apply (to a limited extent) a payers negotiated contract rate, deductible, copayment, and co-insurance percentage through automated means.
Publicizing nancial assistance. Also an important communications priority for high performers is educating patients and their families about charity care, early pay discounts, and other potential nancial arrangements or resources prior to or at the time of service delivery. Ways some high performers publicize their charity care policies include posting charity care information on their web site, inside billing communications, and in brochures at registration desks. Further, a number of individuals throughout the organization have the ability to grant charity care to patients meeting predetermined criteria. It should be noted that while all of the high-performing hospitals oer charity care, there is variation in how charity care policies are made available to potential recipients. Supporting clear and simple billing and collections materials. High performers place great attention
communications with patients is to minimize redundant interactions. Many of the high-performing hospitals have streamlined processes by converting to centralized scheduling and/or registration for hospital departments where doing so oers eciencies or potential for service improvement. Even in instances where scheduling and/or registration remain decentralized, eort is expended to ensure that patient information is shared by departments. Also key is ensuring consistent messaging during these interactions. High performers frequently provide sta with scripting and monitor their conversations with patients for accuracy, friendliness, and overall appropriateness. Making scheduling and registration resources available in multiple languages also helps support standard communications.
Providing estimates of nancial obligations. Eorts
to enhance communications and service to consumers often focus on providing patients with estimates of their anticipated out-of-pocket expense prior to delivery of services. Although high-performing revenue cycle hospitals generally aspire to make this information available to patients through patient portals on their
on messaging and communication practices around billing and collections. Such communications can signicantly aect a patients impression of the organization and overall service experience, and the patients willingness to promptly pay. To improve consumer understanding of billing communications, high performers simplify their bills by removing acronyms, low-cost items, and nonessential details. Included with bills are letters of explanation that, among other things, discuss what the patient can expect during the billing process. Sta use carefully crafted scripts and make resources available in the most prevalent languages to support consistency of interactions. Many high performers will also provide patient advocates, when necessary, to work
with or on behalf of patients regarding payer issues. The objective is to resolve denials or other payment barriers that may aect patient nancial obligations.
Recognizing the importance of external communications. Messaging that occurs on-line and in print is
particularly important to high performers. These messages often shape the communitys rst impressions of the organization. Also, educational materials supporting business processes will stay with patients long after they visit. At high-performing organizations, marketing and revenue cycle sta often collaborate to ensure brochures, billing communications, and on-line content are consistent in messaging and are appropriate and easy for readers to comprehend. Web site content tends to be comprehensive. High performers often include charge and/or cost information for selected procedures (sometimes by payer), bill status, on-line bill pay options, and, in a limited number of cases, patient test results.
Financial counselors No approval needed if patient meets organizational charity care policy Registrars
High Performers
All Others
High Performers
All Others
A personal health management tool that tracks medical expenses, keeps family health history, stores medication history, logs immunizations, lists patient allergies, and sets diet and tness goals
As a result of these and numerous other enhancements over the years, in 2007, 2008, and again in 2009, HCHC was recognized as one of healthcares most wired organizations. More important, the web site is increasingly being used by patients. For the ve-month period between August 2008 through January 2009, HCHCs web site had 38,321 site visits and 73,057 page views from 2,199 dierent cities (in all of 2007, there were 6,970 visits resulting in 12,884 page views). Clearly, HCHCs web site has proven to be a great communication vehicle for its patients and the vast community it serves. And all this from a 25-bed, critical access hospital!
An organizations culture is made up of the shared attitudes, values, and goals that it puts into practice. It can be tempting sometimes to dismiss these intangible aspects. Yet how well an organization develops a sense of mission and vision surrounding the revenue cycle can dramatically aect performance. Without the right culture in place, the organizations eorts around people, processes, technology, metrics, and communication will be less than eective. As one executive noted, When you dont have the right culture, you can only tinker around the edges. In many ways, addressing issues relating to culture presents the greatest challenge for healthcare executives. It isnt just about creating and sharing a sense of values; it also requires obtaining buy-in toward applying these values to improve the current state. Organizations with high-performance revenue cycles generally employ several strategies as part of their eorts to address culture. Actions include recognizing importance of the revenue cycle at the executive level, garnering appreciation from nonnance sta, using patient service as a means for connecting employees with a sense of purpose, setting high expectations, celebrating successes, and encouraging innovation.
Supporting revenue cycle at the highest level.
with high-performing revenue cycles typically possess leadership that understands and appreciates the critical role that nancial performance plays in supporting care delivery. Value of the revenue cycle is elevated through executives willingness to devote time and resources to issues that aect nancial services. Revenue cycle strategy is a key organizational priority.
Garnering appreciation from nonnance staff.
Several high performers have encouraged a culture of organizational support for the revenue cycle by providing specic and high-level revenue cycle training to nonrevenue cycle departments. Whether providing education to nonnance and clinical professionals through classes, training manuals, or rotations within the revenue cycle, these organizations seek to foster better understanding of revenue cycle workings and help participants understand how they can positively impact the revenue cycle through actions within their own departments. Such eorts also help to cement revenue cycle contacts and networks throughout the organization and garner a culture of deeper appreciation for revenue cycle functions.
Finding purpose through the patient. High performers
Among high performers, support for the revenue cycle comes from the top of the organizationnot just the top of the nance department. Organizations
recognize that successful nancial services are a key contributor to patient satisfaction. Consumer-focused processes and communications are just a start. At these organizations, employees understand how their inter actions with patients directly contribute to the quality of the patients care.
holiday-themed parties. Members of management participate and attend these meetings on a rotating basis. Josette A. Melillo, Valley Healths patient accounts director, nancial administration, notes that Valleys CEO was in attendance at a recent event and made a point to say thank you to sta and recognize the positive eect that high-quality nancial service has on customers. You need support from the top, and we denitely have it, Melillo said. stage celebrating the patients favorable clinical outcome and experiencea true connection to purpose.
Demanding high performance. High performers
are rarely satised. Leadership demonstrates a passion to do better and drives excitement around improvement initiatives. Interestingly, not one of the managers, directors, or executives interviewed thought their organization had approached the pinnacle of patient-friendly revenue cycle performance despite ranking among the best in the nation. Whats more, despite their many accomplishments, virtually all of those visited identied a number of areas in which they are enthusiastically pursuing further enhancements to revenue cycle processes or technology.
Celebrating success. Although high performers understand that there is always room for improvement, they also are not hesitant to celebrate their victories through employee recognition and incentives. Whether through letters of recognition, monetary incentives tied to performance, or simple verbal acknowledgement of jobs well done, leadership focuses on identifying and celebrating excellence. As just one example of integration of this approach with culture, consider the experience of high-performing Sharp Grossmont Hospital. Part of its ve must have practices to support behavior standards include one that notes: Foster an attitude of gratitude. Send thank-you notes to deserving employees.
86% 76%
High Performers
All Others
generally possess a willingness to be innovators or early adopters of new processes or technologies. If following tradition is not working for them, they are quick to search out new ways that would be better suited. Being an innovator means they occasionally risk results that may not deliver as planned. That said, they often reap benets associated with being quick adapters to change. As an example of innovation in action, Carolinas Healthcare Systemwhich owns, leases, and manages 25 hospitals, including high-performing Carolinas Medical Centerwas the rst healthcare provider in the country to integrate palm scanning technology into
its revenue cycle processes. The technology supports patient identication through recognition of the distinct pattern of veins in a persons hand (said to be even more singular than a ngerprint). Each patients palm is scanned, recorded in a registry, and assigned a number that can be instantly matched with the patients medical record. Although such a signicant investment presents multiple risks, the organizational culture is one that is willing to tread in new territory if it means minimizing patient need to supply identication and medical history information multiple times. The results to date? Carolinas has provided a more satisfying and safer customer experience by minimizing the potential for patient misidentication, data theft, and data entry errors.
lthough organizations pursue a variety of strategies to attain revenue cycle excellence, results of the research are clear: High performance doesnt just happen. Those hospitals and health systems that are making good on eorts to realize patient-focused and value-driving revenue cycle processes have done so by instilling organizational commitment to their goals. Eorts must reach beyond the business oce. Revenue cycle performance is aected by those across the organization, with success dependent on support from health information management, physicians, nurses, and IT, to name only a few. As such, key actions will be needed from both the C-suite and revenue cycle leadership to attain the widespread support vital for achieving high performance.
Encourage improved monitoring of revenue cycle processes through use of nontraditional metrics. Develop and enforce systems of accountability around monitoring and reporting practices. Support organizational alignment around clear, correct, and patient-friendly messaging. Establish clear and transparent nancial assistance policies and procedures. Demonstrate value for the revenue cycle through signicant commitment of time and resources. Establish systems to reward high revenue cycle performance.
The importance of executive buy-in to revenue cycle improvement cant be emphasized enough. The role senior leadership plays in pursuing the above actions is fundamental for organizations to truly be eective in executing any operational change. Revenue cycle leadership. At the revenue cycle leadership level, focus should be on ways to extend these concepts into everyday practice. As such, revenue cycle leaders will play key roles in not only developing and implementing tactics to support high performance but energizing the organization around these tactics as well. To set high expectations for revenue cycle positions: NN Hire only the most appropriate sta NN Create detailed job descriptions that outline optimal sta qualications and skill requirements for revenue cycle positions, and work with executive leadership and human resources so these descriptions align for a natural career path progression from one position to the next NN Develop and provide formal and informal continuing education, with ongoing training targeted for revenue cycle problem areas NN Seek improved compensation structures as well as other eorts that drive employee satisfaction, such as bonuses for achieving performance goals or work arrangement exibility
To encourage patient-focused revenue cycle process improvement throughout the organization: NN Apply teams of both revenue cycle sta and nonrevenue cycle sta around key process challenges NN Support inclusion of patient focus groups or advisory councils, ongoing and at the outset of any signicant revenue cycle improvement initiative NN Prioritize process improvements based on what will have greatest impact on patients (Chances are, your top to-do list will include education surrounding out-of-pocket nancial obligation and access to nancial assistance.) NN Consider use of established improvement methodologies to assist in dening and streamlining processes To support value-driving technology investment: NN Ensure solid processes are in place prior to seeking xes through automation NN In addition to nancial factors, weigh impact on patient base when making a business case for technology investments To encourage improved supervision of revenue cycle processes: NN Strive for performance monitoring and reporting that is frequent and actionable NN Seek opportunities to provide feedback as close to performance occurrence as possible NN Explore metrics that others are using and how they are using them to discover new ways to learn more about your organizations revenue cycle performance To establish communications that are clear, correct, concise, and patient friendly: NN Streamline the number and repetitive nature of interactions required of patients NN Ensure written billing statements, applications for nancial assistance/charity care, and other nancial communications explain what the patient can expect and where to obtain additional help (Use easily understood language, make it available in multiple formats, and provide the communication in other languages if needed.)
Supply scripting to sta and similar language on web sites and printed materials so patients receive consistent, appropriate messaging from the time of appointment scheduling through payment processes
To instill a culture of value for the revenue cycle: NN Create a shared understanding of the importance of the revenue cycle by nding opportunities to demonstrate the impact of revenue cycle functions on patient satisfaction (Educate sta about the many ways their actions can inuence the patients experience.) NN Demand revenue cycle performance excellence and celebrate when high achievers are able to obtain it (Whether expressed through formal incentive programs or simple notes of gratitude, recognition of success fosters a sense of enthusiasm and motivation for performance improvement.)
Geisinger Practice Geisinger offers on-line appointment scheduling capability, patients can request and/ or make their appointment online via Patients can view their medical history on-line, and submit concerns to their physicians online. Symptoms cannot be added at this time. Patients can update demographic information (address, phone, e-mail) and submit insurance updates via e-mail. Patient self-service to update insurance coverage is not yet available. does not provide the patient with a display of copay due when scheduling the appointment via Patients are presented with estimated copayment amounts when they view their upcoming appointments. Patients are able to price their services on-line using Geisingers Cost Care Estimator. Geisingers integrated EHR is available throughout the health system and allows all providers involved in Jacks care to see his medical history.
Jack makes this appointment using his physicians secure web site. Jack updates his medical le with a description of the symptoms from his persistent sinus problems. Jack also updates his insurance and address information on le. When scheduling the appointment, Jack receives an electronic message that he will be responsible for a $40 copay for the visit. After Jacks exam, his physician determines that he does have a sinus infection and needs an antibiotic. She checks Jacks medication history through the electronic health record (EHR). The EHR alerts the physician to a potential adverse medication interaction. The EHR recommends generic alternatives. The EHR details pharmacy costs for the drug. The physician sends an e-prescription to the pharmacy. The physician documents Jacks medical exam in the EHR, and orders a sinus CT scan and a follow-up visit. Before leaving the physicians ofce, Jack uses a kiosk to schedule the sinus CT scan that evening at the hospital. When scheduling the appointment, Jack receives driving and parking instructions.
EHR has alerts built into the system for adverse medication interactions. EHR has formularies built into the system that alert the physician to generic alternatives. Pharmacy costs are not available in the EHR. All prescriptions are sent via e-prescription to the patients pharmacy of choice. Patient self-scheduling is not available on kiosks at the present time. However, staff can schedule follow-up, ancillary, and specialty appointments on-line at any time.
Patients receive a summary of future services and locations. Patients also receive reminders of future appointments with driving and parking instructions (reminders are available electronically to the patients e-mail address if this is a preferred method of communication); if the patient views the appointment in, there are driving and parking directions provided to the respective service area. When an appointment is scheduled (at point of check out or otherwise), the patient is provided with instructions and information on what to expect. This is also followed up with patient instructions that accompany the appointment reminder notice sent to the patients home (or electronically if that is the communication method of choice). Estimates are provided to patients via the pre-nancial clearance process in advance of the appointment date.
Jack also receives information about what to expect during the CT scan during scheduling.
Jack also receives an estimate of the amount he is expected to pay at the time of the CT scan during scheduling.
Geisinger Practice Geisinger has the technology infrastructure to do this and is evaluating deploying this functionality in light of the Red Flag rules.
When Jack arrives that evening at the hospital to register, the receptionist greets him by name. She recognizes him from her screen, which shows photographs of all patients registered for procedures. The hospitals information system automatically re-veries his eligibility, benets for the procedure ordered, deductible status, and copay. After Jacks CT scan, the radiologist checks his notes, which were entered via automated speech recognition software from his dictation as he reviewed Jacks scan. He steps into Jacks room to give him the preliminary results of the scan. He electronically sends a follow-up note to Jacks physician. He electronically signs the health record. The actions automatically post to the physician and hospital billing systems. The insurance claims are sent in real time to Jacks health plan. Diagnosis and procedure coding is validated consistent with EHR documentation. The insurer adjudicates the claims, and within seconds the physician and hospital receive electronic payments. Jack pays his personal liability with a debit card from his HSA.
This is currently in place via Geisingers EHR, which is integrated with the electronic insurance eligibility application. All scheduled events are checked in advance of visitall others are veried same day. Not available at this time.
This is currently available with EHR. This is currently available with EHR. This is currently available with EHR. This is currently available with ancillary information systems. Electronic insurance claims generate two days post patient visit. Diagnosis and procedure codes are validated consistent with EHR documentation. Real-time adjudication is not currently available.
Point-of-service collection is availablea patients FlexCard is treated as a debit card to process payment. The patients payment posts the same day.
With this vision, physicians are able to focus on providing exceptional patient care, the insurer has everything necessary to electronically process the claim on the rst try, the hospital has zero days in accounts receivable, and, most important, the patient has a seamless clinical and nancial experiencea true win for all.
First Screen
Relying on 2006-07 data from the American Hospital Directory (, researchers used measures of the revenue cycle, nancial performance, and patient satisfaction to identify a group of potentially highperforming hospitals from a national pool of more than 5,000 nongovernment, short-term acute hospitals. Hospitals were rst screened by days in accounts receivable. Those scoring in the 90th percentile or better were then segmented for further consideration. These hospitals were then measured on three additional metrics: patient willingness to recommend the organization, return on assets, and operating margin. Those making it into the next round of screening needed to score above median in all three of these metrics.
approximately 150 hospitals. Beyond basic elements such as the hospitals payer mix and revenue cycle information systems used, the survey requested calculations specic to the following revenue cycle metrics: NN Discharged Not Final Billed (DNFB) dened as (Gross Patient Revenue)/(Total Gross Patient Revenue/365 Days) NN Net Days in Accounts Receivable dened as (Total Net Accounts Receivable[A/R])/(Total Net Patient Revenue/365 Days)
dened as (Total Cash Collected/Net Patient Revenue) The hospitals then received a score based on their percentile ranking within each metric. Adjustments were made to the scores for net days in accounts receivable and bad debt expense as a percentage of net patient service revenue, correlated with Medicare and self-pay volumes, so hospitals were not rewarded or penalized for payer mix. Each hospitals total points were then summed. The 14 hospitals that researchers visited were selected based on their ability to represent a cross-section of the nations hospitals in terms of bed size, geography, system, or independent status, and teaching aliation. Onsite visits included interviews with leadership and sta in relation to such practical concerns as process ow, revenue cycle organizational structure, communication practices, and technology deployment. The results of these interviews not only are being featured in this report, but also will be included in future resources being made available at
Second Screen
The hospitals then received a score based on their percentile ranking within each metric. Each hospitals total points were then summed and the 150 hospitals with the highest total scores were identied as potentially high-performing hospitals. Analysis was completed to ensure that the hospitals identied as high performing included a reasonable crosssection of hospitals in terms of bed-size, geography, tax status, system-aliation versus independence, and teaching status.
Third Screen
With the objective of identifying highest revenue cycle performers within this pool, researchers sent an electronic survey seeking data on performance level to
High-Performing Contributors
Patient Friendly Billing project leaders express their deepest appreciation to the following high-performing hospitals for their willingness to share their expertise through onsite visits and extensive interviews:
Baptist Hospital of Miami Baylor All Saints Medical Center at Fort Worth Bergan Mercy Medical Center Carolinas Medical Center CHRISTUS St. John Hospital Geisinger Medical Center Henry County Health Center
Legacy Meridian Park Hospital Oaklawn Hospital Redmond Regional Medical Center Sharp Grossmont Hospital Spectrum Health Grand Rapids Touchette Regional Hospital The Valley Hospital
variety of resources are available through HFMA for meeting todays revenue cycle challenges. Those of particular interest include the following.
course provides about 25 hours of training. The second course is Mastering Medicare Billing. The course provides nearly 48 hours of training. Organizational instruction. At the organization level, HFMA oers a credentialed revenue cycle representative (CRCR) program. The program consists of an on-line self-study course and an on-line proctored exam to obtain the CRCR credential. Participation is geared toward revenue cycle professionals in such areas as patient access, nance, patient accounts, managed care, health information management, and compliance. The CRCR program provides 12 to 15 hours of training for CRCR certication.
HFMAs Revenue Cycle oers two video-based training modules: Module 1: Excellence in Customer Service, and Module 2: Mastering the Revenue Cycle from Key Concepts to Clean Claims to Denials Management.
On-line Training
HFMA also oers on-line training at the individual and organization level. Individual/organizational instruction. HFMA oers two revenue cycle e-learning courses. The rst, Mastering Patient Access, is geared to patient access sta. The
HFMAs Revenue Cycle Forum provides job-specic content to assist with job function, continuing education, and networking.
HFMA also expresses its appreciation to the following for sharing their technical expertise.
Research Consultants Patient Friendly Billing Project Leader
Claudia Birkenshaw, Research Specialist, Modern Management Muse Aaron DeBoer, Research Specialist, Noblis Francine Machisko, Research Leader, Noblis
Healthcare Financial Management Association Two Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 700 Westchester, IL 60154-5700