Cyberware Alternity

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Cybernetic Sourcebook Update

Aug 09 2004
For preview purposes only - all contents subject to change



The Cybernetic Sourcebook is a fan-created supplement for the Alternity Role- laying !ame" This work is offered free of charge to all interested parties and is not to be sold in any form" #t may be printed if distributed free of charge" This supplement is designed to support the Alternity Role- laying !ame$ specifically the Alternity layer%s &andbook and !amemaster !uide by 'i(ards of the Coast$ #nc" These two publications are re)uired to use this document" Alternity is a registered trademark of 'i(ards of the Coast$ #nc" This work is not authori(ed by$ nor is the author or any of the contributors associated with 'i(ards of the Coast$ #nc" 'i(ards of the Coast$ #nc"* http*++www"wi(ards"com

,ne la(y summer day # wandered into the local game store looking to kill a few hours before work" A fantasy game was being held in the back$ just a few guys killing the same few hours$ and a few goblins" # watched for a while$ politely refusing an invitation to join" # played fantasy for over a decade$ it just wasn%t my cup of tea anymore" # wandered over to the used book bin$ a ritual # performed often$ seeking out the bits and pieces of yesterday%s sci-fi games to fill out my growing collection" That%s when # found it" A book devoted entirely to starships$ in almost mint condition" Across the top$ in black and green$ was the name* Alternity" -ver bought an entire shelf of books at a game store. /ou should have seen the look on the owner%s face$ and mine" # made for home like a thief who just stole the 0ona 1isa" 2eedless to say$ # never made it to work that day" The first thing # did was work through the game mechanic$ it%s an odd thing$ when you first see it" Then # flipped through the pages$ reading a few sections here and there" # remember grinning like an idiot when it finally dawned on me" This wasn%t just another sci-fi game$ it was a game system that could handle anything # wanted to do" # spent the ne3t several months converting my gaming friends to Alternity$ running a few games and saving my pennies" 4y the time # returned to the game store$ # was hopelessly addicted and craving a fi3" 4ut the shelf was still empty and no more books were coming" The store owner suggested # visit a few websites to track down any remaining copies" # tried following a few dead links$ downloaded a few files$ but all in all$ it was a depressing e3perience" # decided to throw the name Alternity at my browser" At first$ not much came up$ just the usual vendors and web rings" # made a note to check them out later" #t was the words 5,fficial Site6 that caught my attention" That looked promising" 'hat # found looked pretty good7 a professional-looking format$ several active online games$ projects$ resources$ a great e-(ine$ and a forum so busy it felt like a chat room" #t wasn%t long before # found myself lurking around every chance # had" A week later # signed on$ only to discover there was another 5,fficial Site6$ every bit as committed to this fantastic game" # joined that site too and #%ve never looked back" A game never dies as long as dedicated people continue to support$ create$ and play" #%m committed to doing just that" This is my first creation$ the Cybernetic Sourcebook" A collection of implants$ e)uipment and weapons$ both of new design and some old favorites" All created according to the guidelines laid out in the Alternity core books" Also included are suggestions for going beyond those limits" 1oad your best enhancer$ grab some ammo$ and crank up the bikes" #t%s time to paint the town C&R,0-" Shawn 58(in6 Trudeau April 9:$ ;<<=




able o! Contents "ntroduction

The -volution of Cybernetics

4 $

Section #ne Cybernetics

Chapter ,ne > Controlware ? 2anocomputers @ Subprocessors Cytronic Circuitry Chapter Two > Senseware 9< ,ptical Audio ,lfactory @ Taste Tactile Chapter Three > Cyberweapons 9A 0ounts @ Stabili(ers 'eapon Systems Ranged 'eapons 0elee 'eapons Chapter Four - rotection @ Reinforcement 9B Filters Skinweaves lating Skeletal -nhancements -nergy Chapter Five > Augmentation 9? Cyberlimbs @ &yperware Fast Chips @ Refle3 'iring 4io-monitors$ 4io-control @ Self-repair ,rgan Replacements @ -nhancements Chapter Si3 > Styleware ;; Cosmetic Alterations 4ioart @ Fiberoptics Chapter Seven > 2etware ;= 2eural #nterfaces Communication !ridware Chapter -ight - Alienware Chapter 2ine - 4eastware

Section wo %oods & Ser'ices

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter ,ne - 0arketplace Two - Surgery Three - Repair Four > Cuality



The -volution of Cybernetics The practice of using pieces of foreign material to heal the human body is as old as the art of healing itself" The creation of prosthetics$ however primitive$ can be dated as far back as the Ath century" This was the earliest story # could find$ about a one-handed blacksmith in Scotland$ who fashioned a contraption about his arm in order to hold a shield or weapon" The golden age of piracy in the 9Bth and 9Dth centuries brought a host of new stories and legends about peg-legged and hook-handed buccaneers" 'here would our favorite books and movies be without them. Regardless of fiction$ some ancient mariners did indeed use these 5devices6" Today$ prosthetics are )uickly evolving into a truly mechanical device" 0otori(ed limbs have been developed in laboratories$ successfully tested$ and are set to begin full-scale production by ;<<A" Eltra-sensitive sensors$ small servomotors and sophisticated computer programs enable these limbs to function very close to the level enjoyed by a biological limb" They are not perfect by any means$ and still appear as a robotic structure$ but the work continues to show promise" So how do we get from peg-legs to cybernetics and beyond. The key lies in the structure of today%s prosthetics" The science and engineering of robotics" Robotics The term robot first appeared in 9?;: in an -nglish translation of C(ech writer 8arel Capek%s play entitled R"E"R" FRossum%s Eniversal RobotsG$ in which a man is destroyed by the robots he creates" The original C(ech word robota literally means 5servitude$ forced labor6" This seems an accurate definition$ since robots are simply mechanical devices that cannot perform any task without first receiving commands" #f we accept this definition$ then the first robot would be the programmable loom invented by Hoseph Hac)uard in 9D<9" This device$ programmed by punch card$ has often been credited with starting the #ndustrial Revolution" #ndustry continued to inspire the creation and evolution of robots until 9?=D$ when 2orbert 'einer$

an 0"#"T" professor$ published 5Cybernetics6$ a look into the creation of artificial intelligence by mimicking the e3isting biological communication and control systems" This publication$ and many more since$ revolutioni(ed robotics" The 9?A<s saw the development of teleoperations$ the 5modern6 industrial robot$ computer-assisted manufacturing$ and even a commercially available robot" !eneral 0otors installed their first robot in 9?I; in their Trenton$ 2ew Hersey plant" The 9?I<%s also saw the 5Rancho Arm6 robotic arm for the handicapped$ the 5Tentacle Arm6 by 0arvin 0insky$ and the founding of four artificial intelligence research labs" ,ne of which FSR#G created Shakey$ the first mobile artificial intelligence" #n the 9?B<s emerged the 5Silver Arm6$ which had a sense of touch and pressure thanks to built-in sensors" Robotic arms were used on Jiking 9 and ;" First the minicomputer$ then the microcomputer entered the field of robotics$ leading to several breakthroughs$ including the uma F rogrammable Eniversal 0achine for AssemblyG Robot7 the Stanford Cart$ which used multiple camera angles to precisely orient itself within its environment and navigate through it without human assistance" The 9?D<s saw the e3pansion of robots into many new fields" Robots descended into active volcanoes$ e3plored the sea floor$ assisted in skyscraper construction$ scanned for flaws in railroad tracks$ drilled for oil$ and even prepared for war" Robots are everywhere now" erforming surgery in the operating room$ mi3ing chemicals in the lab$ testing commercial products$ and gathering reconnaissance over the battlefields" They have even become the new astronauts$ e3ploring places we cannot yet go ourselves" Still$ they can only accomplish these remarkable feats because we commanded them to do so" A robot%s artificial intelligence$ as advanced as it is$ pales in comparison to our own biological command system" 2amely$ the human brain and nervous system" Sometime in the very near future$ we will find a way to combine the advantages of both" Some of that work has been started already" The effort to improve the lives of amputees by providing a fully functional replacement has led



researchers$ doctors and roboticists to the science of 4ionics" 4ionics 4y definition$ bionics is the use of a biological system to control an electronic device" There are many e3amples of this technology already" They are limited only by our understanding of our own biology" As that knowledge increases$ so will our ability to create better bionic devices" The bionic arm and leg are already here" 2erve endings are grafted to e3isting muscle$ the brain%s signal causes the nerve to twitch the muscle" That twitch is detected by the electronics of the prosthetic and it signals the electric motors to carry out a pre-programmed command" Some detection systems do not re)uire surgery$ they are sensitive enough For simple enoughG to sense signals directly from the nervous system itself" As good as these bionic systems are$ they suffer from two major flaws" First$ they are not part of the body$ meaning they have e3tremely limited access to the body%s command and control structure$ the nervous system" This places severe restrictions on what an artificial replacement can do" Second$ they must have their own power supply" -ven the smallest and most efficient motors available today use far more energy than our own biological 5motors6$ the muscles" Recipients of artificial hearts are very aware of this drawback$ as even the most advanced implant can only store enough energy for a single hour of operation" The artificial heart$ while not being bionic in nature$ has nevertheless revealed a possible third complication for future bionic implants" That complication being infection" Studies have shown that implants can sustain colonies of bacteria$ even after repeated treatments of antibiotics" This problem will need to be addressed before bionic implants become a viable option" 4ut enough about the limitations of today" At this point we travel ahead a few decades into the near future$ where the risk of infection has been defeated by powerful new drugs$ where the lithium polymer battery stores power for days at a time$ and the invention of the nanocomputer is just around the corner" Several important important events occurred

before the end of 1 A" These events made it possible for bionics to e3pand from the medical field into the mainstream of commercial products" #n ;<<D$ the first bionic arm was grafted to the skeleton of a test subject in 1ondon" After several months$ a recurring infection forced doctors to remove the implant" The problem was linked to a comple3 chemical reaction between the polyurethane component of the implant$ white blood cells called macrophages$ reactive o3idative metabolites and some other agent that was never identified" All of which eventually caused the polyurethane to break down$ forming cracks in the surface of the material" These cracks caused irritation$ which allowed bacteria to gain access to areas of the body not e)uipped to handle them" The inevitable result being a breakdown of the subject%s immune system$ leading to secondary illness and death" A solution appeared in ;<99 with the creation of a living$ cellular polymer in a lab in Stockholm" -rroneously dubbed 5bioplastic6 by the media$ it could be readily attached to any living tissue without harmful side effects" 1ong-term studies even showed the subject%s body would partially adopt the new tissue as its own$ sending blood vessels and nerve endings into its first few permeable layers" 'ith an increasing number of applications being developed for the polymer every year$ bioplastic companies began to appear everywhere" #t could be used for repairing arteries and blood vessels$ stitching muscles and tendons$ and even as an artificial skin" #t wasn%t long before people began touting bioplastic as the invention of the century$ but there was much more to come" The first stable$ room-temperature superconductor was created in ;<;= in 8yoto" Although capable of transmitting energy at alarming efficiency$ it was also alarmingly e3pensive to produce" The 0itsuyama Corporation$ which held the patent$ was unable to afford the facilities necessary for mass production and sold the patent to 0icrotel$ giving the company a tremendous edge over its competition and propelling it toward the status of a world power" They managed to reduce the cost to a level which governments and the wealthier corporations could afford" The use of this early superconductor led to other critical discoveries$ all helping to bring about the last two key events of the #nformation Age"



The !rid The !rid$ a whole new breed of #nternet$ went online in ;<:;$ connecting the world through virtual reality" A host of wearable bionic devices appeared to take advantage of this new and powerful entity$ as hand signals$ eye movement$ and voice commands replaced the ubi)uitous keyboard and mouse" 1ong-term study of these devices led to many important discoveries about the nature of bioelectric fields and the ability of the brain to adapt to new kinds of stimuli" Traditional network and system security meant nothing in the early years of the !rid" As )uickly as new software could be written$ a new weakness was being e3ploited" #n a world where industrial espionage had almost become an accepted practice$ keeping secrets was a critical matter$ to be ensured at any price" Sometime during these corporate !rid wars$ an e3periment to project the human consciousness into a virtual construct succeeded$ and soon 5gridpilots6 were patrolling the systems of every major player" These early pilots used bionic 5rigs6 that scanned the brain and sent that information to a bank of supercomputers for analysis" #t was slow$ unpredictable and dangerous to the pilots$ who often fell victim to severe an3iety disorders$ if another gridpilot didn%t get them first$ that is" The 4attlefield The battles of the early ;9st century were largely restricted to disputes over oil$ water and fishing rights" These engagements were usually small$ involving no more than a few hundred highly trained and speciali(ed troops" They carried into battle the latest e)uipment$ weapons$ and the first implants" At first$ only a few simple devices were available" 0ostly relating to communication and identification" Two of the most radical implants appeared near the end of the #nformation Age" The first involved custom fitting armor plates to the e3terior of the torso$ then securing them in place by sinking screws deep into bioplasticreinforced bone" Although it made movement awkward$ it saved lives$ and )uickly became a favorite among the more fanatical corporate soldiers"

The second was a primitive form of cytronic circuitry" Keveloped in ;<=A in an attempt to heal spinal cord injuries$ it was adapted to deal with the increasingly common use of neuroto3ins on the battlefield" The circuitry was immune to the paraly(ing effects of the to3in$ allowing the soldier to continue functioning$ in a limited capacity$ until treatment could be administered" 0ainstream The creation of the fusion reactor in ;<=B ushered in not only a whole new age$ but a wide range of ama(ing new technologies and the means to mass-produce them in )uantities only dreamed of a decade earlier" The cost of producing superconductor fell sharply$ allowing the creation of highly advanced computers and nano-electronics" 'ith these new tools$ cyberneticists were finally able to unlock the secrets of the brain%s command and control signals" Superconductor was also used to improve cytronic circuitry$ solving the problem of signal degradation e3perienced by the earlier design" This improved cytronic circuitry provided the perfect platform on which to install the new nanoelectronics$ it wasn%t long before the first nanocomputer followed up those e3periments" All the pieces were in place$ the theory of cybernetics had become the fact of cybertechnology$ and an industry began to grow up around it" The medical field was the first to capitali(e on the technology$ producing cybernetic limbs$ eyes and ears" Several corporations simultaneously developed the 2#Hack" 0ilitary forces led the way in e3oskeletons$ body plating and covert communications" The general public$ however$ was still unconvinced about the benefits of surrendering perfectly good flesh in favor of mechanical or electronic 5enhancement6" Entil a small company in California invented the gridcaster" And the rest is history"



Section #ne Cybernetics



#n the Alternity game$ the nanocomputer represents the only way to control a cybernetic implant" The brain issues a command by neural pathway$ the nanocomputer intercepts and translates that command into data$ sends the data down the cytronic circuitry to the appropriate implant and the implant carries out that command" The reverse of this process is a little different" 'hen an implant generates data and sends it up the cytronic circuitry to the nanocomputer$ the nanocomputer has two choices" #t can intercept$ translate and send the information directly to the brain or it can let the brain know it has relevent information and wait for instructions on where to send that information" The brain itself never interfaces with cybernetic implants directly$ it wouldn%t understand the signals sent to it by the implants" The same could be said of the implants$ which wouldn%t understand the signals sent by the brain" So the main function of the nanocomputer is to intercept all signals and translate them into the appropriate language" 'ithout it$ the cybernetic hero would be limited to using implants that precisely duplicate an e3isting body part or function$ utili(ing only the e3isting neural pathways" Also$ each implant would need to be taught how to translate signals between itself and the brain" -ssentially$ each implant would re)uire its own nanocomputer" An e3pensive proposition$ in more ways than one" 4y now you may be wondering how implants that don%t use data transfer can still be called cybernetic" 4ioArt$ the 4attle8law F,rdinaryG and 4ody lating from the layer%s &andbook are e3amples of this" Are they still considered cybernetic by the definition outlined above. 'ell$ yes and no" This isn%t a contradiction$ it%s an advantage" #n fact$ it%s the primary advantage of Alternity%s vision of cybernetics" They could be cybernetic" 'ith a little imagination$ those implants could be wired to the cytronic circuitry and thus$ the nanocomputer$ to gain additional benefits" 4ioArt could be altered at will$ the 4attle8law could be Fand isG made into a retractable version and 4ody lating Fin higher 1sG could make use of self-repairing$ nanofluidic technology" Esing this system$ just about anything can be implanted in the body" The possibilities are limited only by your imagination" This section of the sourcebook offers a few ideas"

The following is a breakdown of the terminology used throughout the cybernetic implant descriptions" lease make yourself familiar with the use of these terms" #mplant This is the standard cybernetic device as described in the Alternity layer%s &andbook" Specifically$ you should be familiar with Chapter 15: Cybertech of the layer%s &andbook Fand the Alternity system in generalG before reading this document further" Epgrade An upgrade is a feature or function that can be added to an e3isting implant at no further cost in cyber tolerance" An implant can only accept a number of upgrades e)ual to its cost in cyber tolerance Fsi(eG and only one of each type of upgrade can be purchased for each implant Fyou can%t have both !ood and Ama(ing Sound Filter in one Cyberear$ for e3ampleG" 8eep in mind that a connection to the nanocomputer may or may not be re)uired for each upgrade" An upgrade can be purchased alone Fas an implantG by giving it a cyber tolerance of 9 and doubling the price" System Also called a 5smart6 system$ this is the interconnection of cybernetic implants$ non-cyber e)uipment or electronics and a sophisticated nanocomputer program that ties it all together" #mplants that are installed as part of a system generally do not function the same as their standard counterparts$ careful attention should be paid to the description of their uni)ue features and restrictions" -lectronics and e)uipment designed to function in this manner are referred to as 5smartronics6$ they too may have unusual properties" The smart program need not be installed in the nanocomputer$ it may be stored in a :K$ L:K or other storage medium" &owever$ the program must be running in the nanocomputer before the system will perform any of its uni)ue functions"



C,apter #ne Controlware

2anocomputers @ Subprocessors -ngram -ncoder Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* ; Cost* M;A<< Avail* Restricted Skill* /es 2ano* /es -ngrams are physical changes in the neural pathways of the brain" They are responsible for recording sensory input into memory" The encoder subprocessor monitors the activity of engrams and is able to add a chemical signature during the process" ,nce encoded by the chemical$ the engrams can be destroyed at the command of the user or by injection of the proper NdecodingN chemical into the bloodstream" The procedure is ?<O effective$ leaving only fragmented and meaningless flashes of memory behind" The encoder holds enough chemical to encode up to 9I weeks of memory before re)uiring a refill" Refills cost MA<< each" 2eural Transceiver Type* Epgrade > Special Fsee descriptionG 1* D 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;<<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o A large portion of the functions performed by the nanocomputer is the translation of signals$ from electronic to biological$ and vice versa" The neural transceiver Falso called an 2TE - E for unitG replaces this function$ much like the way a dedicated computer supports the main computer by sharing the workload" Enlike the dedicated computer$ however$ the neural transceiver does not provide a bonus for the person using it$ but simply frees up active memory in the nanocomputer for

other functions to make use of" Also$ the neural transceiver does not improve a hero%s cyber tolerance score$ nor does it reduce the tolerance cost of the cybernetic component it is installed in" The cost listed above is for the purchase of each 2TE" Cytronic Circuitry Cytronic Signal 4ooster Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* MDA< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es Cytronic inhibitors are used by law enforcement to temporarily shut down cybernetic implants" The signal booster$ once activated$ allows the user to cut through that interference" The booster is usually installed in the cytronic circuitry close to the nanocomputer$ where it is difficult Fand even dangerousG for the inhibitor to be used" Esing a booster causes 9d= points of Fatigue damage for every round or portion thereof it is activated"



C,apter wo Senseware
,ptical Cyclops Cybernetic -ye Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* , ;$ ! 9$ A 9 Fsee descriptionG Cost* , M;A<$ ! MA<<$ A M9<<< Avail* , @ ! Common$ A Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es The Cyclops brand of cybernetic eye represents the cutting edge of cyberoptic technology" 4uilt with versatility in mind$ each )uality of eye comes ready to accept cyberoptic upgrades with ease" The ,rdinary eye can accept 9 upgrade" The !ood and Ama(ing eyes can each accept ; upgrades" The costs listed for the ,rdinary and !ood eyes are for the purchase and installation of one eye" The costs listed for the Ama(ing version is for the purchase and installation of two eyes" 0icroscopic 1ens Type* Epgrade - ,ptical 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M:<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es This cyberoptics upgrade gives the user the ability to (oom in up to 9<<<3 magnification on objects within :<cm of the eye" #t grants a bonus of -9 step on skill checks where the user is manipulating very small objects or performing tasks on a tiny scale$ such as repairing micro-electronics or searching for fingerprints" The microscopic lens cannot be installed in an eye that already has a (oom lens" si Ketector Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* =

Si(e* ; Cost* M;<<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es -ssentially just a cybernetic version of the handheld psi-detector Fpages 9:I @ 9=9$ &4G$ this bulky and e3pensive implant works in e3actly the same fashion" -3cept$ of course$ it is entirely concealed at all times$ even when being operated" The information gathered by this device is usually sent to the user%s cyberoptics For similar optical implantG and appears as a glowing halo of light around sources of psionic energy" 8eep in mind that recent targets of psionic energy will also produce a halo$ but this will fade over time Fusually a day or twoG" This implant is only available in campaigns using the optional rules for psionics. Thermal #maging Type* Epgrade - ,ptical 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es Allows the user to see heat as color" Temperatures at or below -9<9 Celcius show as black" Shades of blue cover temperature ranges between -9<< and < degrees" A light red begins to appear at 9 degree$ brightening into orange at ;A degrees$ then yellow at A< degrees" As the image approaches 9<< Celcius$ it begins to bla(e with a blinding white light" #f it e3ceeds 9<< degrees for more than a round$ the upgrade will temporarily shut down to prevent burnout of its more delicate components" #t takes one full round to reset" The costs listed above are for the purchase and installation of thermal imaging in one eye" Eltrasound #maging Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* M9<<<




Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es ES# is basically a sonar for humans" ,ne eye projects a NtoneN of sound Fwell above the hearing range of most organismsG and the other receives it as it bounces back to the user" 4y analy(ing the returning signal$ the nanocomputer can then draw a :-dimensional map of the current field of view" This map is sent to the subject%s cyberoptics For similar visual deviceG$ appearing as a grayscale representation of the world around her" Although the bi(arre image takes some getting used to$ it nevertheless provides an accurate$ detailed view in a wide range of adverse conditions" Fog$ smoke and light precipitation have virtually no effect on the implant" #t works e)ually well in total darkness or blinding light$ even if the subject cannot open her eyes" #t functions well under water and can even detect the solidity of objects to a small degree Fhard$ dense objects have sharply defined lines while soft$ less dense objects appear fu((yG" Sound-based NvisionN does have it limitations$ however$ as it cannot function in a vacuum or even see through clear glass or plastic Feyeglasses$ windows$ spacesuit helmetG" Sound is also a slow medium compared to light$ so there is a considerable delay and degradation of signal when viewing distant objects" The ultrasound signal can also be disrupted by very loud noises FD<P decibelsG$ high fre)uency sounds and certain types of gravitic technology Fsuch as the ablative harnessG" Audio Cyberear Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* MA<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* /es This procedure completely replaces the internal biological systems that provide hearing in favor of a sensitive electronic microphone"

The cyberear re)uires a nanocomputer only for translation of signals$ the ear cannot be controlled by the user Falthough some upgrades allow thisG" &owever$ the nanocomputer can be commanded to ignore the signals received from the ear$ essentially making himself deaf until the signals are attended to once again" 4e aware that this will not protect the microphone from damage caused by e3cessive noise$ it continues to function even when it is being ignored by the nanocomputer" The mass$ si(e$ and cost listed above is for the purchase and installation of one cyberear" #t should be noted that a cyberear does not need to be implanted in the side of the user%s head$ a tiny microphone could be placed almost anywhere" Audio Amplifier Type* Epgrade - Audio 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es This upgrade allows the user of a cyberear to control the sensitivity of the microphone" Sounds picked up by the microphone can be amplified by as much as A<3" #t provides a -9 step bonus to detecting faint sounds" The cost listed above is for the purchase and installation of one amplifier" Audio Kamper Type* Epgrade - Audio 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M9A< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o This popular upgrade protects the user of a cyberear Fand the cyberear itselfG against harmful levels of noise" #t functions automatically" The cost listed above includes the purchase and installation of 9 damper. Aural Targetting




Type* Epgrade - Audio 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;A< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es Aural targetting is something the natural ear does already" Finding the source of a sound by analy(ing the time difference as the sound is received by both ears" A tiny fraction of a second difference is enough to steer the head in the correct general direction" ,nce in the general direction$ however$ the ears lose much of their accuracy" The cybernetic version improves this analysis by calculating the time difference in nanoseconds" This grants the user a -9 step bonus on all tasks that depend on sound for determining the location of a target" This is especially useful when the hero%s vision is impaired$ such as in total darkness$ thick fog or smoke$ or in an area of dense plant growth" A minimum of two cyberears are re)uired to use this upgrade" Fre)uency Adjustment Type* Epgrade - Audio 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;A< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es This handy upgrade allows the user to adjust the fre)uency range of the microphone" Sounds normally outside the range of human hearing can be easily heard by the user" The cost listed above is for the purchase and installation of one fre)uency adjustment upgrade" Sound Filter Type* Epgrade - Audio 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* , M9A<$ ! M;A<$ A MA<< Avail* Common Skill* /es

2ano* /es A sound filter upgrade allows the user to choose which sounds are received by the cyberear%s microphone" The ,rdinary version allows the user to select a range of decibels so that only those sounds that fall within a specific volume will be picked up by the microphone" This upgrade works well with the Audio Amplifier$ filtering out loud noises before they are amplified to damaging levelsG" The !ood version includes the ability to select a specific fre)uency range as well Fproviding the user already has the Fre)uency Adjustment upgradeG" The Ama(ing version can NrememberN sound patterns and Fwith the help of the nanocomputerG single them out for filtration or focus" #t also works with all audio upgrades" ,lfactory @ Taste Cybernose Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* M9A<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es The 1I cybernose enhances the olfactory sense and provides a measure of protection to the user" Since all the components of this implant are entirely internal$ a cybernose is indistinguishable from a flesh nose" A cybernose gives the user a -9 step bonus on all actions re)uiring a sense of smell" ut another way$ it gives the user a sense of smell about e)ual to someone who has spent a lifetime learning to develop their sense of smell" #n essence$ an olfactory athelete" Filters are installed within the nasal cavities to prevent the passage of the most common forms of powder and aerosal-vectored irritants and poisons" #t cannot protect against gases of any kind" To gain this protection$ however$ the subject must remember to breathe only through the nose" These filters are electrostatic in nature and can be turned off to allow the passage of harmless substances and aerosals Fsuch as perfumeG"




All cybernoses come with nanocomputer-controlled cutoffs to prevent the user from being overwhelmed by intense odors" Chemical Analysis Type* Epgrade - Taste 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* , MA<<$ ! MBA<$ A M9<<< Avail* Common Skill* All versions 2ano* All versions A chem-sis implant can identify most solid and li)uid compounds simply by coming in contact with them" -ach )uality of implant represents the implant%s skill at identifying different compounds using hysical Science-chemistry" An ,rdinary implant uses a score of 9;+I+: with just the control die$ a !ood implant has a score of 9A+B+: with a -d=$ and the Ama(ing implant can identify compounds with a score of 9D+?+= with a -dI modifier" A success Fof any kindG will reveal the elements present in the compound" A !ood success will identify the important characteristics of the compound and offer suggestions as to its purpose" An Ama(ing success will clearly identify everything about the substance Funless the substance is currently unknown to scienceG" Access to a chemistry database will provide a -9 step bonus to this roll$ which could be carried in the nanocomputer or an e3ternal storage medium" lease note that this device does 2,T provide protection from any harmful effects produced by the substance being analy(ed" !as Spectrometer Type* Epgrade - ,lfactory 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* MI<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es The replacement of one of the sinus cavities with a tiny gas spectrometer allows the user to analy(e the gases present in the air" This 1I implant is new

and somewhat crude$ having a skill score in hysical Science-chemistry of only D+=+; with no modifier" A success of any kind will simply determine whether or not the air is breathable" A !ood result will reveal the presence of all gases in their present ratios" An Ama(ing result will reveal the presence of harmful gaseous compounds" Access to a chemistry database will provide a -9 step bonus to this roll$ which could be carried in the nanocomputer or an e3ternal storage medium" Tactile Chemical Analysis Type* Epgrade - Tactile 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* , MA<<$ ! MBA<$ A M9<<< Avail* Common Skill* All versions 2ano* All versions -ssentially the same as the Taste Epgrade version$ this item is designed to fit into a fingertip" -ach )uality of implant represents the implant%s skill at identifying different compounds using hysical Science-chemistry" An ,rdinary implant uses a score of 9;+I+: with just the control die$ a !ood implant has a score of 9A+B+: with a -d=$ and the Ama(ing implant can identify compounds with a score of 9D+?+= with a -dI modifier" A success Fof any kindG will reveal the elements present in the compound" A !ood success will identify the important characteristics of the compound and offer suggestions as to its purpose" An Ama(ing success will clearly identify everything about the substance Funless the substance is currently unknown to scienceG" Access to a chemistry database will provide a -9 step bonus to this roll$ which could be carried in the nanocomputer or an e3ternal storage medium" lease note that this device does 2,T provide protection from any harmful effects produced by the substance being analy(ed" Tactile 4oost Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9




Cost* M9<<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es 4asically a superconducting web of circuitry embedded just below the skin$ a tactile boost gathers information for the nanocomputer$ which then interprets that data and feeds it to the subject%s brain as a direct neural signal" 'hile active$ the boost gives the subject a -; step bonus on all tasks that rely on the sense of touch" The tactile boost is )uite dangerous" The brain simply isn%t designed to handle this level of neural input and can only endure the overload for short periods F;d= minutesG" -3ceeding this time will 5short out6 that region of the brain$ causing the user to lose all sense of touch for a number of hours e)ual to the number of minutes the boost was activated" 1ong term abuse of this implant may lead to permanent damage Fthe details of which should be worked out with the !0 prior to purchasing this implantG"




C,apter ,ree Cyberweapons

0ounts @ Stabili(ers 'eapon Systems Sidearm ## Type* System 1* B 0ass* 9 Si(e* : Cost* MA<<< Avail* 0ilitary Skill* /es 2ano* /es The sole purpose of the Sidearm ## system is to make the user a more efficient killer with almost any firearm" The system%s cybernetic component begins with the installation of a dedicated ,2# ort in the palm of the hand" This port is uni)uely coded for this system$ it cannot be used for standard data transfer or to interface with any other kind of smartronics e)uipment" Also$ each Sidearm ## ,2# ort is designed with its own uni)ue signature weapon lock" 'hile this prevents the user from operating the smart weapons of others$ it also makes his own e)uipment useless to his enemies" Further enhancing the user is the replacement of both eyes with uni)uely designed Cyclops Cybernetic -yes" These eyes work in concert as a thermographic holocamera$ providing detailed images of the surrounding terrain and the potential targets within it for storage in the nanocomputer%s memory" To make use of this system$ the weapon of choice must be substantially modified with smartronics" This includes fitting the weapon with its own holocamera$ also enhanced with thermal imaging" The trigger mechanism is replaced$ allowing the user to control the trigger through the nanocomputer and thus$ the Sidearm ## program" The Sidearm ## program is the key to the whole system" #t allows the subject to instantly select targets as NfriendlyN or NfoeN and store them in memory" 'hen the trigger signal is sent by the user$ the program analy(es the target currently in the gunsight and decides whether or not to allow the weapon to fire" This means the subject can

literally spray a room with automatic fire and only hit the targets he had previously selected" 'hen used in this mode$ the system provides no benefits to the user%s skill" 'hen used only as an aid to aiming$ the precise holographic imaging and targetting program provides a -: step bonus to the user%s skill with any properly e)uipped firearm" Ranged 'eapons Starburst Type* Epgrade - ,ptical 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;A< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es This upgrade is designed to temporarily blind opponents with a very bright flash" 2o skill check is re)uired to use this device to attack" All targets facing the user$ however$ do get a chance to avoid or reduce the effects of the attack" The result of an Athletics-dodge skill check or Ke3terity feat check determine the e3tent of e3posure to the flash" A Critical Failure result means the target was looking directly at the eye when the flash went off and is completely blinded for the remainder of the round and all of the ne3t round" A Failure result means the target was facing in that direction and will be blinded for the remainder of the round" Any success means the target avoided the flash" Targets using flare-compensating e)uipment are automatically protected" The starburst uses a capacitor to generate the flash and re)uires a minimum of : hours to recharge using the body%s bio-electric field" The user should be careful when using this attack$ as the flash can be reflected back" 0elee 'eapons Ra(or2ail( Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* , M;<<$ ! M=<<$ A MI<<




Avail* Controlled Skill* ! @ A versions only 2ano* ! @ A versions only Ra(or2ail( are small F;cm longG$ ra(or sharp blades that either protrude from beneath e3isting fingernails or replace them altogether" The ,rdinary version provides five fi3ed blades" The !ood version adds the benefit of retractability" Ama(ing 2ail( are also retractable and can be fitted with a poison delivery system at no further cost" Ra(or2ail($ in addition to providing an unmistakable fashion statement$ also add ; points of damage to a hero%s Enarmed Attack damage rating" The cost$ mass and si(e listed above refers to the purchase and installation of a single set of five blades" Shock Fist Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* 9 Si(e* 9 Cost* MI<< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es The shock fist is a favorite of police and security forces" #t involves imbedding wires into the knuckles and+or fingertips of the hand" Those wires first lead into a nanocomputer-controlled switch$ then to a capacitor which is fed by a replaceable power cell hidden in the forearm" 4y itself$ the capacitor will deal out d=s+dIs+dIP;s -nF,G damage Fthis may re)uire a Enarmed Attack skill checkG" 'hen used in conjunction with an Enarmed Attack the capacitor will add stun points to any successful attack based on the degree of success" The shock fist will add ; points of stun damage to an ,rdinary success$ = points to a !ood success and I points to an Ama(ing success" These points are added before any reductions for armor" Replacement power cells cost MA< and are good for up to A uses of the shock fist"




C,apter Four .rotection & /ein!orcement

Filters -lectronic Flare Compensator Type* Epgrade - ,ptical 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* MIA< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* /es The electronic version of the flare compensator F-FCG uses a polychromatic lens to block the specific wavelength of dangerously bright light$ allowing the passage of the rest of the spectrum for use in vision" The -FC will work with all ,ptical implants$ upgrades and systems$ unless stated otherwise in the description" The cost listed above is for the purchase and installation of -FC in both eyes" Flare Compensator Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o This procedure simply adds a thin film of photoreactive plastic over the pupil and iris of the eye" #t does not re)uire a nanocomputer$ adds nothing to cyber tolerance and does not re)uire the purchase of cyberoptics" 'henever a potentially harmful level of light strikes the film$ it instantly darkens to compensate" This effectively makes the subject immune to the blinding effects of bright light" &owever$ the brighter the light$ the darker the film becomes$ possibly to the point where the subject is blinded anyway" The flare compensator is completely undetectable by casual observation"

Skinweaves lating Skeletal -nhancements -nergy -0 Shielding Type* Epgrade > Special Fsee belowG 1* D 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* P;<O Avail* CommonQ Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o A more precise understanding of the physics of energy allows cyberneticists to build cybernetic implants that are completely immune to the damaging effects of electromagnetic pulses and electric shock Fproviding the shock isn%t so powerful that it vaporises the implantG" This process cannot be retrofitted to e3isting cyberware" #mplants must be constructed in this manner for it to be effective" Shielded and unshielded implants can work together$ but this will not provide any bonuses to the unshielded implants" The process has no effect on mass or cyber tolerance and only adds an affordable ;<O to the cost of the item" QThis upgrade has proven to be able to protect against most cyber-disabling devices used by law enforcement" As such$ it has recently been raised to Controlled status in some areas" &olographic Cloaking Array Type* #mplant 1* D 0ass* ; Si(e* : Cost* M:<<< Avail* 0ilitary Skill* /es 2ano* /es Representing the state of the art in personal camoflage technology$ the &CA utili(es a network of holographic emitters implanted throughout the subject%s body to cloak that person inside a




holographic image" Fthis needs re-workingG Cuantum Cybercell Type* #mplant 1* D 0ass* 9 Si(e* ; Cost* M=A<< Avail* Controlled Skill* 2o 2ano* /es The ability to power cyberware using nothing but the body%s own bioelectric field was a great achievement" #n the -nergy Age$ however$ simply NfunctioningN is not enough" 'ith internal gravitic inductors$ ablative skinweave and hyperware$ the body can find it difficult Fif not impossibleG to provide the necessary energy" The )uantum cybercell is a scaled down version of the )uantum cell used to power starships" #t can provide enough power for any number of components and never needs recharging"




C,apter Fi'e Augmentation

Cyberlimbs @ &yperware -lectro 0agnapads Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* ; Si(e* ; Cost* M9;<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es -lectro magnapads are a more powerful version of the 1I 0agnapads" #nstead of having shields that slip over the magnets$ they are switched on and off through the nanocomputer" -lectro magnapads re)uire an e3ternal power source which is provided in the form of a belt" This power source has a charge of 9<<<kg-hours" #n other words$ it can hold up a 9<<<kg load for one hour$ or a 9<<kg load for 9< hours" Recharging takes one hour" -lectro magnapads can support up to A<kg each Fin 9 -arth-gravityG$ this is enough force to re)uire a Strength feat check to pull free while the pad is activated" Ender (ero gravity conditions$ the pads allow the user to stay in place Fprovided there is a suitable material to adhere toG$ reducing penalties for (ero-! combat by -9 step" Additionally$ whenever the user holds a magnetically attractive object while the pads are switched on$ he gains a -; step bonus on any rolls made to maintain that grip" 0agnapads Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* : Si(e* ; Cost* MD<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es 0agnapads are powerful magnets implanted into the hands and feet" They allow the user to adhere to surfaces that would normally attract a magnet" 'hen not in use$ covers which block the attractive

force of the magnets slip into place$ allowing the user to handle objects normally" Esers of magnapads should e3ercise caution when using the implants under the influence of gravity$ since each pad can only support about ;<kg of mass Fin 9 -arth-gravityG" Ender (ero gravity conditions$ the pads allow the user to stay in place Fprovided there is a suitable material to adhere toG$ reducing penalties for (ero-! combat by -9 step" Additionally$ whenever the user holds a magnetically attractive object while the magnapads are switched on$ he gains a -9 step bonus on any rolls made to maintain that grip" &yperware Type* #mplant 1* D 0ass* , 9$ ! ;$ A : Si(e* , 9$ ! ;$ A : Cost* , M9A<<$ ! M:<<<$ A M=A<< Avail* Controlled Skill* All versions 2ano* All versions &yperware is a term covering any part of the body that has been removed in favor of using advanced holographic technology" Computer controlled holographic and ablative field emitters make the appendage look and feel like flesh$ but they are capable of performing tasks far beyond the biological" Although the emitters are normally used to simulate fingers$ toes$ feet$ limbs$ etc"$ they are limited only by the programs the user has installed in his nanocomputer" This can be anything from a bladed weapon to a octopus tentacle" Any shape can be duplicated$ provided the user has the appropriate program" #f the user so chooses$ either the holographic or ablative field emitter can be turned off$ making the appendage invisible Fbut solidG or intangible Fbut still visibleG" &yperware has the same senses as a flesh appendage" #t can sense temperature$ has a sense of touch and can even simulate pain or pleasure Falthough this re)uires a modified 1SK encoder$ add MA<<G" The sensitivity can be increased at will$ granting the user a more detailed sense of touch" #n game terms$ this grants the user a -9 step bonus to rolls involving touch or manual de3terity" The density of the virtual particles in the field can be adjusted as well$ in order to simulate everything




from fog to neutronium" And finally$ the strength of the field in !ood and Ama(ing versions can also be adjusted$ providing a Strength score up to 9I at its highest setting Fthis re)uires skeletal reinforcementG" ,rdinary hyperware can create a field the si(e of a finger or toe" !ood generates a field the si(e of a hand or foot" Ama(ing implants can simulate entire limbs" Fast Chips @ Refle3 'iring 4io-monitors$ 4io-control @ Self-repair Adrenal 4ooster Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* M9;A< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es A bit of a misnomer$ the adrenal booster actually has nothing to do with the adrenal glands" An implant that simply pumped adrenaline into your body would do little more than make you a shaking$ nervous wreck" The adrenal booster is a comple3 auto-injector that includes a uni)uely-configured bio-monitor and two drugs$ pseudo-adrenaline and a neutrali(er" seudo-adrenaline is a powerful drug that heightens Awareness-perception and improves all physical tasks by -9 step" Enless overridden$ the device will automatically inject the neutrali(er after I< seconds" -ach use of the booster will cause 9 point of Fatigue damage" -very 9< seconds of use beyond the I< second timer will cause an additional point of Fatigue damage" A loss of consciousness will automatically trigger the release of the neutrali(ing agent" 1SK Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* , M9A<$ ! M:<< Avail* Controlled

Skill* !ood version only 2ano* !ood version only 1SK stands for 1ow-voltage Stimulation Kevice" The 1SK implant was originally created as a means to control the emotional state of violent criminals" #t is a device that feeds an adjustable current of electricity directly into the pleasure center of the brain" #t is e3tremely distracting$ causing the subject to suffer a P9$ P;$ or P: step penalty on all actions for each of its three settings" The ,rdinary 1SK is connected to its own speciali(ed jack$ where the hand-held controller can be plugged in" A !ood 1SK has no e3ternal jack$ instead it is controlled directly by the user%s nanocomputer" The Ama(ing version of the 1SK is a wireless device$ it does not re)uire an implant" The 1SK is an overwhelmingly addictive device" -ach use of the implant forces the user to make a 'ill feat check at a P9 step penalty$ with a cumulative P9 step penalty Fup to a ma3imum of PAG added for each Failure" A Critical Failure signals the end of all resistance$ the subject is hopelessly addicted Fsee belowG" The lowest setting re)uires a check after every hour7 medium$ every :< minutes7 and high$ every :< seconds" 'hen not under the influence of the 1SK$ an addicted user Fcalled a NwireheadNG suffers a P9 step penalty on all actions and will appear nervous or agitated" The highest setting of the 1SK can completely interrupt the brain%s ability to sense pain" 'ireheads have been known to starve to death while under the influence" ,rgan Replacements @ -nhancements Circulatory #mpellers Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* 9 Si(e* 9 Cost* M;A<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* /es A device with a long history$ the original impeller Fcalled a Jentricular Assist Kevice or JAKG was designed and implanted prior to the year ;<<<" 4oth the original and cybernetic versions serve the




same purpose$ to keep the blood moving" The circulatory impeller is tiny cylindrical pump that actually fits inside the blood vessel" 'hen enough of them are implanted in the necessary locations$ the heart itself becomes unnecessary" A subprocessor Fadded to the nanocomputerG controls the network of impellers$ increasing and decreasing flow to match activity" #t can also close an impeller completely$ cutting off blood flow to damaged areas and preventing death from loss of blood" The procedure includes heart bypass tubing that can also be controlled by nanocomputer" #n the unfortunate event that the heart is damaged or destroyed$ the bypass will route bloodflow around it and keep the subject alive" #n game terms$ this has no effect on penalties incurred by damage$ it simply means the subject will not die by Nbleeding outN from mortal damage" &owever$ keep in mind that a failure to provide o3ygenated blood to body parts will lead to organ failure and tissue necrosis$ particularly )uickly where the brain is concerned" -lectronic -)uilibrium Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* MA<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* 2o The ability to walk upright$ balance on a wire$ or even just stand still is controlled by the effects of fluid flowing through tubes in the inner ear" #t is a marvelous construction of evolution$ but it is also easily fooled" An electronic inner ear can sense and react to the effects of movement much more )uickly and efficiently than the body%s own mechanism" #t cannot be fooled by micro-gravity$ violent or repetitive movements$ or suffer the after-effects of a loss of consciousness" The subject will always be fully aware of which way is NupN and have an uncanny ability to stay on their feet" -lectronic e)uilibrium provide a -9 step bonus to all actions that depend heavily on balance" Also$ the subject gains a P9 resistance modifier against being thrown Noff balanceN"

2ephrotic -nhancer Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* 9 Si(e* 9 Cost* M9A<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o Also known as a renal implant or kidney booster$ the nephrotic enhancer acts as a heavy-duty filter and chemical disassembler" The implant is actually two implants$ one for each renal artery that leads into the kidneys" Together$ they filter out the debris carried in the plasma Fthe li)uid part of bloodG and use a converter to break down or neutrali(e a predetermined list of chemicals Falcohol$ for e3ampleG" The implants function much like the kidneys themselves$ in that they cannot negate the effect of chemicals on the body" Alcohol will still make the subject into3icated and analgesics will still reduce the sensation of pain" The difference lies in durability" 1ong-term drug or alcohol abuse will no longer affect the kidneys$ nor will ac)uired disease Fhereditary kidney disease is not affectedG$ medications or high blood pressure" 0anufactured to3ins designed to attack the kidneys Fsuch as those that cause the kidneys to e3tract water from the blood and cause death by dehydrationG will have no effect whatsoever"




C,apter Si0 Styleware

Cosmetic Alterations A # Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* 9 Si(e* 9 Cost* , M9<<$ ! M;A<$ A M=<< Avail* Common Skill* ! @ A versions only 2ano* ! @ A versions only A # stands for Adaptive igmentation #mplant" ,riginally a medical device designed to regulate skin pigmentation for sufferers of skin pigmentation disorders$ it has since become popular fashion to alter the color of skin to match the latest trends in clothing" The A # functions like an -R Slot Fpage ;=:$ &4G$ automatically injecting darkening agents in response to increased EJR Fultra-violet radiationG e3posure" #t can also be connected to a nanocomputer$ allowing the subject to alter their skin tone at will" The change occurs )uickly$ usually between 9A to :< minutes$ thanks to the accelerated metaboli(ing agents used in the pseudo-melatonin and lasts for hours" seudo-melatonin can also create a wide range of colors beyond the usual red+yellow$ light brown and brown+black commonly found in humans" This allows the user to have blue$ green$ or purple skin color$ to name a few e3amples" The ,rdinary implant includes a EJR sensor and functions automatically$ the !ood implant contains the same components of the ,rdinary version and can be controlled by nanocomputer$ the Ama(ing implant has the functions of both the ,rdinary and !ood versions and comes with a rainbow of color options" seudo-melatonin refills cost M9< for the ,rdinary and !ood versions$ M;A for the Ama(ing implant" -ach refill is good for :<< hours or ;A doses$ depending on usage" Chromati3 Type* Epgrade - ,ptical 1* I 0ass* --

Si(e* -Cost* M:<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o Chromati3 allows the subject to control her eye color at will$ by implanting a special film over the iris in both eyes" The film has a ;= hour 5memory6 that allows it to reproduce any color or image that is beamed onto it by a hand-held device Fincluded in costG" #f the memory is not refreshed after ;= hours the film will return to its natural$ transparent state" The film is highly elastic and will alter its si(e to match any changes made by the pupil$ it should never interfere with normal vision" Chromati3 costs nothing in cyber tolerance and cannot be rejected" The cost listed above is for the purchase and installation of Chromati3 in both eyes" 4ioart @ Fiberoptics Skin Fli3 Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* , MA<<$ ! MBA< Avail* Common Skill* !ood version only 2ano* !ood version only This procedure turns the subject%s skin into a living video display" 4oth versions of this odd fashion fad implant hundreds of highly elastic photo-film sheets into the subject%s skin$ which then act like standard display screens Fthey may be linked together to form one single imageG" Any image or video that can be displayed on a standard display screen can be used by Skin Fli3" An interface jack and e3ternal source are re)uired to use the ,rdinary version of the implant$ since it has no connection to the user%s nanocomputer" The !ood version is wired directly to the cytronic circuitry and therefore can display anything the nanocomputer has access to" Softlite




Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* -Cost* M;<< Avail* Common Skill* 2o 2ano* 2o -ssentially a speciali(ed form of bioart$ the Softlite produces a soft glow through the skin" This white light is brighter than standard bioart$ enough to illuminate a circular area about :<cm across" #t has no cyber tolerance cost and cannot be rejected" The light is activated by a sub-dermal micro switch"




C,apter Se'en 1etware

2eural #nterfaces ,ptical 2eural #nterface ort Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* M9A<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es The ,2# ort is a wireless form of 2#Hack that is virtually immune to outside interference" #t does not have a range$ however$ since both ports involved in data transfer must be in contact with one another" The ,2# ort is usually installed in the palm of the hand Ffor weapons$ vehicles$ handshakes$ etc"G or the forearm Ffor computer gauntletsG$ but could be installed almost anywhere" The ,2# ort is completely invisible to the naked eye until activated$ when it appears as a glowing red triangle similar in appearance to bioart" #n fact$ it could be easily disguised as such and left active all the time" ,2# orts are uncommon interface devices rarely found on standard e)uipment" All ,2# orts are of Ama(ing )uality" Communication ,ptical 1aser Comm ort Type* #mplant 1* B 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* M9<<< Avail* Controlled Skill* /es 2ano* /es An optical laser comm port includes an emitter$ a receiver$ and a 9<<3 (oom lens" All contained within a single eyeball" #t allows the user to communicate covertly with another similarly e)uipped subject or piece of e)uipment" #t has a ma3imum range of A<<< meters under ideal

conditions Fcertain environments$ such as the vacuum of space$ may increase this ma3imumG" This implant is large and must be installed alone in an e3isting cyberoptic eyeball" #t cannot share space with any other implant$ upgrade or system" 'hen in use$ the subject%s eye must remain open and the beam focused on the target%s receiver" The target$ likewise$ must keep it%s beam fi3ed on the subject%s eye$ re)uiring both users to remain as still as possible" The beam is invisible to the human eye$ including the user$ but some guided weapons can be programmed to track the beam emitted by an optical laser" ,ptical 1aser 0icrophone Type* #mplant 1* I 0ass* -Si(e* 9 Cost* MA<< Avail* Common Skill* /es 2ano* /es A laser microphone detects the vibrations in solid matter when it is affected by sound waves" #t then uses this data to recreate the original sound with near-perfect accuracy" The cybernetic version is contained entirely within a single eyeball" #t has a ma3imum range of A<<< meters under ideal conditions Fcertain environments$ such as the vacuum of space$ may increase this ma3imumG" This implant is large and must be installed alone in an e3isting cyberoptic eyeball" #t cannot share space with any other implant$ upgrade or system" 'hen the laser is in use$ the eye must remain open and focused on the target" This action is assisted by a built-in$ 9<<3 (oom lens" The beam is invisible to the human eye$ including the user$ but some guided weapons can be programmed to track the beam emitted by an optical laser" !ridware




C,apter 2ig,t Alienware C,apter 1ine 3eastware

Section wo %oods & Ser'ices

C,apter #ne 4arketplace C,apter wo Surgery C,apter ,ree /epair C,apter Four 5uality




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