Report Refrigeration Systems
Report Refrigeration Systems
Report Refrigeration Systems
Postgraduate Level
Report !out
Prepared By
Presented To
Dr / Nasser Shelil
Table of Contents
$. (ntroduction ". Reversed )arnot )ycle
nother device that transfers heat fro, a low-te,perature ,ediu, to a high-te,perature one is the -eat p).p. Refrigerators and heat pu,ps are essentially the sa,e devices@ they differ in their o!?ectives only. *he o!?ective of a refrigerator is to ,aintain the refrigerated space at a low te,perature !y re,oving heat fro, it. Discharging this heat to a higher-te,perature ,ediu, is ,erely a necessary part of the operation; not the purpose. *he o!?ective of a heat pu,p; however; is to ,aintain a heated space at a high te,perature. *his is acco,plished !y a!sor!ing heat fro, a low-te,perature source; such as well water or cold outside air in winter; and supplying this heat to a war,er ,ediu, such as a house 1Fig. $$&$!2. *he perfor,ance of refrigerators and heat pu,ps is eApressed in ter,s of the *oeff+*+ent of*e 1)-P2; defined asB
*he cooling capacity of a refrigeration syste,Cthat is; the rate of heat re,oval fro, the refrigerated space is often eApressed in ter,s of tons of refr+,erat+on( *he capacity of a refrigeration syste, that can free=e $ ton 1"### l!,2 of li<uid water at #D) 1%"DF2 into ice at #D) in "' h is said to !e $ ton. -ne ton of refrigeration is e<uivalent to "$$ /EF,in or "## GtuF,in. *he cooling load of a typical "##-," residence is in the %-ton 1$#-/.2 range.
*he coefficients of perfor,ance of )arnot refrigerators and heat pu,ps are eApressed in ter,s of te,peratures asB
this isentropic co,pression process to well a!ove the te,perature of the surrounding ,ediu,. *he refrigerant then enters the condenser as superheated vapor at state " and leaves as saturated li<uid at state % as a result of heat re?ection to the surroundings. *he te,perature of the refrigerant at this state is still a!ove the te,perature of the surroundings. *he saturated li<uid refrigerant at state % is throttled to the evaporator pressure !y passing it through an eApansion valve or capillary tu!e. *he te,perature of the refrigerant drops !elow the te,perature of the refrigerated space during this process. *he refrigerant enters the evaporator at state ' as a low-<uality saturated ,iAture; and it co,pletely evaporates !y a!sor!ing heat fro, the refrigerated space. *he refrigerant leaves the evaporator as saturated vapor and reenters the co,pressor; co,pleting the cycle. (n a household refrigerator; the tu!es in the free=er co,part,ent where heat is a!sor!ed !y the refrigerant serves as the evaporator. *he coils !ehind the refrigerator; where heat is dissipated to the /itchen air; serve as the condenser 1Fig. $$&'2. Re,e,!er that the area under the process curve on a T-s diagra, represents the heat transfer for internally reversi!le processes. *he area under the process curve '-$ represents the heat a!sor!ed !y the refrigerant in the evaporator; and the area under the process curve "-% represents the heat re?ected in the condenser. rule of thu,! is that the COP improves by 2 to 4 percent for each DC the evaporating temperature is raised or the condensing temperature
is lo ered.
nother diagra, fre<uently used in the analysis of vapor-co,pression refrigeration cycles is the P-h diagra,; as shown in Fig. $$&3. -n this diagra,; three of the four processes appear as straight lines; and the heat transfer in the condenser and the evaporator is proportional to the lengths of the corresponding process curves. 9otice that unli/e the ideal cycles discussed !efore; the ideal vaporco,pression refrigeration cycle is not an internally reversi!le cycle since it involves an irreversi!le 1throttling2 process. *his process is ,aintained in the cycle to ,a/e it a ,ore realistic ,odel for the actual vapor-co,pression refrigeration cycle. (f the throttling device were replaced !y an isentropic tur!ine; the refrigerant would enter the evaporator at state 'H instead of state '. s a result; the refrigeration capacity would increase 1!y the area under process curve 'H-' in Fig. $$&%2 and the net wor/ input would decrease 1!y the a,ount of wor/ output of the tur!ine2. Replacing the eApansion valve !y a tur!ine is not practical; however; since the added !enefits cannot ?ustify the added cost and co,pleAity. ll four co,ponents associated with the vapor-co,pression refrigeration cycle are steady-flow devices; and thus all four processes that ,a/e up the cycle can !e analy=ed as steady-flow processes. *he /inetic and potential energy changes of the refrigerant are usually s,all relative to the wor/ and heat transfer ter,s; and therefore they can !e neglected. *hen the steady-flow energy e<uation on a unit&,ass !asis reduces to *he condenser and the evaporator do not involve any wor/; and the co,pressor can !e approAi,ated as adia!atic. *hen the )-Ps of refrigerators and heat pu,ps operating on the vapor-co,pression refrigeration cycle can !e eApressed as
the evaporator to the co,pressor is usually very long@ thus the pressure drop caused !y fluid friction and heat transfer fro, the surroundings to the refrigerant can !e very significant. *he result of superheating; heat gain in the connecting line; and pressure drops in the evaporator and the connecting line is an increase in the specific volu,e; thus an increase in the power input re<uire,ents to the co,pressor since steady-flow wor/ is proportional to the specific volu,e. *he compression process in the ideal cycle is internally reversi!le and adia!atic; and thus isentropic. *he actual co,pression process; however; involves frictional effects; which increase the entropy; and heat transfer; which ,ay increase or decrease the entropy; depending on the direction. *herefore; the entropy of the refrigerant ,ay increase 1process $-"2 or decrease 1process $-"H2 during an actual co,pression process; depending on which effects do,inate. *he co,pression process $-"H ,ay !e even ,ore desira!le than the isentropic co,pression process since the specific volu,e of the refrigerant and thus the wor/ input re<uire,ent are s,aller in this case. *herefore; the refrigerant should !e cooled during the co,pression process whenever it is practical and econo,ical to do so. (n the ideal case; the refrigerant is assu,ed to leave the condenser as saturated li!uid at the co,pressor eAit pressure. (n reality; however; it is unavoida!le to have so,e pressure drop in the condenser as well as in the lines connecting the condenser to the co,pressor and to the throttling valve. lso; it is not easy to eAecute the condensation process with such precision that the refrigerant is a saturated li<uid at the end; and it is undesira!le to route the refrigerant to the throttling valve !efore the refrigerant is co,pletely condensed. *herefore; the refrigerant is su!cooled so,ewhat !efore it enters the throttling valve. .e do not ,ind this at all; however; since the refrigerant in this case enters the evaporator with a lower enthalpy and thus can a!sor! ,ore heat fro, the refrigerated space. *he throttling valve and the evaporator are usually located very close to each other; so the pressure drop in the connecting line is s,all.
3.2 Effect of Condensing Temperature Figure shown represents the 1P-i2 diagra, for the si,ple refrigeration syste, when the condensing unit is changing. *he effect of increasing the su,,ari=ed in the followingB $- *he refrigeration effect decreases. "- *he ,ass flow rate per unit *.R increases. %- *he R.) of the unit decreases. '- *he specific power re<uired to drive the co,pressor increases.
.henever the solution cannot continue with the a!sorption process !ecause of saturation of the refrigerant; the refrigerant ,ust !e separated out fro, the diluted solution. 6eat is nor,ally the /ey for this separation process. (t is applied to the right vessel in order to dry the refrigerant fro, the solution as shown in Fig. $1!2. *he refrigerant vapor will !e condensed !y transferring heat to the surroundings. .ith these processes; the refrigeration effect can !e produced !y using heat energy. 6owever; the cooling effect cannot !e produced continuously as the process cannot !e done si,ultaneously. *herefore; an a!sorption refrigeration cycle is a co,!ination of these two processes as shown in Fig. ". s the separation process occurs at a higher pressure than the a!sorption process; a circulation pu,p is re<uired to circulate the solution. )oefficient of Perfor,ance of an a!sorption refrigeration syste, is o!tained fro,@
*he wor/ input for the pu,p is negligi!le relative to the heat input at the generator; therefore; the pu,p wor/ is often neglected for the purposes of analysis.
4. Effects of Generator Temperature (TG! and Environment Temperature (TE! on Coefficient of Performance (COP! for Absorption Refrigeration Cyc e!
6igh te,perature heat supplied to the generator is used to evaporate refrigerant out fro, the solution 1re?ected out to the surroundings at the condenser2 and is used to heat the solution fro, the a!sor!er te,perature 1re?ected out to the surroundings at the a!sor!er2. *hus; an irreversi!ility is caused as high te,perature heat at the generator is wasted out at the a!sor!er and the condenser. (n order to reduce this irreversi!ility; a solution heat eAchange is introduced as show in Fig. %. *he heat eAchanger allows the solution fro, the a!sor!er to !e preheated !efore entering the generator !y using the heat fro, the hot solution leaving the generator. *herefore; the )-P is i,proved as the heat input at the generator is reduced. Moreover; the si=e of the a!sor!er can !e reduced as less heat is re?ected. EAperi,ental studies shows that )-P can !e increased up to 5#Q when a solution heat eAchanger is used L%7M. .hen volatility a!sor!ent such as waterF96% is used; the syste, re<uires an eAtra co,ponent called Oa rectifierP; which will purify the refrigerant !efore entering the condenser. s the a!sor!ent used 1water2 is highly volatile; it will !e evaporated together with a,,onia 1refrigerant2. .ithout the rectifier; this water will !e condensed and accu,ulate inside the evaporator; causing the perfor,ance to drop. Even if the ,ost co,,on wor/ing fluids used are LiGrFwater and waterF96%; various researchers have studied perfor,ance of a single-effect a!sorption syste, using other /inds of wor/ing fluids such as Li9-%F96% L3"M; LiGrRSnGr"F)6%-6 L3%M; Li9-%RT9-%R9a9-%Fwater L3'M; Li)lFwater L33M; 0lycerolFwater L35M. ".2. Absorption %eat transformer ny a!sorption refrigeration cycle eAchanges heat with three eAternal reservoirs@ low; inter,ediate; and high te,perature levels. .hen an a!sorption syste, is operated as a refrigerator or a heat pu,p; the driving heat is supplied fro, the high te,perature reservoir. Refrigeration effect is produced at a low te,perature level and re?ects heat out at an inter,ediate te,perature level. *he difference !etween the, is the duty. For a refrigerator; the useful heat transfer is at a low te,perature. For the heat pu,p; the useful heat transfer is at an inter,ediate te,perature. 9or,ally; the surrounding is used as a low te,perature reservoir for a heat pu,p or as an inter,ediate te,perature reservoir for the refrigerator. nother type of a!sorption cycle is /nown as Oan a!sorption heat transfor,erP or Oa reverse a!sorption heat pu,pP. *his syste, uses heat fro, an inter,ediate te,perature reservoir as the driving heat 1nor,ally fro, industrial waste heat2. *he syste, re?ects heat out at a low te,perature level 1nor,ally to the surroundings2. *he useful output is o!tained at the highest te,perature level. *he use of an a!sorption heat transfor,er allows any waste heat to !e upgraded to a higher te,perature level without any other heat input eAcept so,e wor/ re<uired to circulate the wor/ing fluid.
Fig. ' shows a sche,atic diagra, of an a!sorption heat transfor,er. *his cycle has si,ilar co,ponents as a single-effect a!sorption cycle. *he difference is that an eApansion device installed !etween the condenser and the evaporator is su!stituted !y a pu,p. .aste heat at a relatively low te,perature is supplied to the generator
for refrigerant separation in the usual ,anner. Li<uid refrigerant fro, the condenser is then pu,ped to the evaporator with elevated pressure. (n the evaporator; it is vapori=ed !y using the sa,e low te,perature waste heat used to drive the generator 1a!sorption heat transfor,ers are usually operated so that the generator and evaporator te,peratures are e<ual2. *he vapor refrigerant is then a!sor!ed into solution in the a!sor!er which re?ect the useful heat out at a high te,perature level. Low-grade heat can !e upgraded !y using a heat transfor,er e.g. solar energy L37M; industrial waste heat L38;3NM. Perfor,ance of an a!sorption heat transfor,er with various wor/ing fluids has !een studied@ LiGrFwater L5#M; LiGrRSnGr"F)6%-6 L5$M; DME*E0FR"$; DMFFR"$ L5"&5'M. ".3. &u ti$effect absorption refrigeration cyc e *he ,ain o!?ective of a higher effect cycle is to increase syste, perfor,ance when high te,perature heat source is availa!le. Gy the ter, O,ulti-effectP; the cycle has to !e configured in a way that heat re?ected fro, a high-te,perature stage is used as heat input in a low-te,perature stage for generation of additional cooling effect in the low-te,perature stage. Dou!le-effect a!sorption refrigeration cycle was introduced during $N35 and $N38 L53M. Fig. 3 shows a syste, using LiGrFwater. 6igh te,perature heat fro, an eAternal source supplies to the first-effect generator. *he vapor refrigerant generated is condensed at high pressure in the second-effect generator. *he heat re?ected is used to produce addition refrigerant vapor fro, the solution co,ing fro, the first-effect generator. *his syste, configuration is considered as a series-flow-dou!le-effect a!sorption syste,. dou!le-effect a!sorption syste, is considered as a co,!ination of two singleeffect a!sorption syste,s whose )-P value is )-Psingle. For one unit of heat input fro, the eAternal source; cooling effect produced fro, the refrigerant generated fro,
the first-effect generator is $U)-Psingle. For any single-effect a!sorption syste,; it ,ay !e assu,ed that the heat re?ected fro, the condenser is approAi,ately e<ual to the cooling capacity o!tained. *hus the heat supply to the second generator is $U)-Psingle. *he cooling effect produced fro, the second-effect generator is 1$U)-Psingle2U)-Psingle.. *herefore; the )-P of this dou!le-effect a!sorption syste, is )-Pdou!leI)-PsingleR1)-Psingle2". ccording to this analysis; a dou!le effect a!sorption syste, has a )-P of #.N5 when the corresponding single-effect syste, has a )-P of #.5. (f LiGrFwater is replaced with waterF96%; ,aAi,u, pressure in the first-effect generator will !e eAtre,ely high. Fig. 5 shows a dou!le-effect a!sorption syste,
using waterF96%. (n contrast to the syste, for LiGrFwater; this syste, can !e considered as a co,!ination of two separated single-effect cycles. *he evaporator and the condensers of !oth cycles are integrated together as a single unit as shown. *hus; there are only two pressures level in this syste, and the ,aAi,u, pressure can !e li,ited to an accepta!le level. 6eat fro, eAternal source supplies to generator (( only. s water is an a!sor!ent; there is no pro!le, of crystalli=ation in the a!sor!er. 6ence; a!sor!er (( can !e operated at high te,perature and re?ects heat to the generator (. *his syste, configuration is considered as a parallel-flow-
dou!le-effect a!sorption syste,. Several types of ,ulti-effect a!sorption cycle has !een analy=ed such as the tripleeffect a!sorption cycle 1Fig. 72 L58M and the <uadruple-effect a!sorption cycle L5NM. 6owever; an i,prove,ent of )-P is not directly lin/ed to the incre,ent of nu,!er of effect. (t ,ust !e noted that; when the nu,!er of effects increase; )-P of each effect will not !e as high as that for a single-effect syste,. Moreover; the higher nu,!er of effect leads to ,ore syste, co,pleAity. *herefore; the dou!le-effect cycle is the one that is availa!le co,,ercially L7#M. ".4. Absorption refrigeration cyc e 'it% GA( 0 4 stands for generatorFa!sor!er heat eAchanger or so,eti,es is called D 64 which stands for desor!erFa!sor!er heat eAchanger. 6igher perfor,ance can !e achieved with a single-effect a!sorption syste,. Referring to the parallel-flow-dou!le effect a!sorption syste, ,entioned earlier; the syste, consists of two single-effect cycles wor/ing in a parallel ,anner. *he concept of 0 4 is to si,plify this two stagedou!le-effect a!sorption cycle !ut still produce the sa,e perfor,ance.
*he ideal of 0 4 was introduced in $N$$ !y lten/irch and *enc/hoff L7$;7"M. *he si,plified configuration is shown sche,atically in Fig. 8. n a!sor!er and a generator ,ay !e considered as a counterflow-heat eAchanger as shown in Fig. 8. t the a!sor!er; wea/-refrigerant solution fro, the generator and vapor refrigerant fro, the evaporator enter at the top section. 6eat produced during the a!sorption process ,ust !e re?ected out in order to ,aintain a!ility to a!sor! the refrigerant vapor. t the top section; heat is re?ected out at a high te,perature. (n the lower section; the solution further a!sor!s the vapor refrigerant while cooling down !y re?ecting heat to the surrounding. t the generator; rich-refrigerant solution fro, the a!sor!er enters at the top section. (n this section; the refrigerant is dried out fro, the solution as it is heated !y using the heat re?ected fro, the top section of the a!sor!er. t the lower section of the generator; the solution is further dried as it is heated !y the eAternal source. Referring to Fig. 8; there is an additional secondary-fluid; which used for transferring heat !etween the a!sor!er and the generator.
".". Absorption refrigeration cyc e 'it% an absorber$%eat$recovery (t is already ,entioned earlier that the use of a solution heat eAchanger i,proves the syste, )-P. Rich-refrigerant solution fro, the a!sor!er can !e preheated !efore entering the generator !y transferring heat fro, hot solution co,ing fro, the generator. Gy introducing an a!sor!er-heat-recovery; te,perature of the rich-refrigerant solution can !e further increased. Si,ilar to the 0 4 syste,; the a!sor!er is divided into two sections. 6eat is re?ected out at a different te,perature. *he lower te,perature section re?ects heat out to the surroundings as usual. 6owever; the higher te,perature section is used
to preheat rich-refrigerant solution as shown in Fig. N. *herefore; the heat input to the generator is reduced causing the )-P to increase. *his syste, was studied theoretically !y using various wor/ing fluids@ waterF96% and Li9-%F96% L7N;8#M. *he cycle with an a!sor!er-heat-recovery was found to have $#Q i,prove,ent in )-P. 6owever; the ,achine !ased on this a!sor!er design has not yet !een !uilt. ".). *a f$effect absorption refrigeration cyc e (t ,ust !e noted that; any a!sorption refrigeration syste, can !e operated only when the solution in the a!sor!er is richer in refrigerant than that in the generator. .hen the te,perature increases or the pressure reduces; the fraction of refrigerant contained in the solution is reduced; and vice versa. .hen the generator te,perature is dropped; the solution circulation rate will !e increased causing the )-P to drop. (f it is too low; the syste, can !e no longer operated. *he half-effect a!sorption syste, was introduced for an application with a relatively low-te,perature heat source L8$M. Fig. $# shows a sche,atic diagra, of a half-effect a!sorption refrigeration cycle. *he syste, configuration is eAactly the sa,e as the dou!le-effect a!sorption syste, using waterF96% 1as shown in Fig. 52 eAcept the heat flow directions are different. Referring to Fig. $#; high te,perature heat fro, an eAternal source transfers to !oth generators. Goth a!sor!ers re?ect heat out to the surroundings. !sor!er (( and generator ( are operated at an inter,ediate pressure level. *herefore; the circulation rate !etween generator ( and a!sor!er ( and !etween generator (( and a!sor!er (( can !e ,aintained at accepta!le levels. (t
,ust !e noted that )-P of the half-effect a!sorption syste, is relatively low as it re?ects ,ore heat than a single-effect a!sorption cycle around 3#Q L8"M. 6owever; it can !e operated with the relatively low te,perature heat source.
".+. Combined vapor absorption$compression cyc e *his syste, is usually /nown as an a!sorption-co,pression syste,. sche,atic diagra, of a typical a!sorptionFco,pression cycle is shown in Fig. $$1a2. (t can !e seen that; a condenser and an evaporator of a conventional vapor-co,pression syste, are replaced with a resor!er 1vapor a!sor!er2 and a desor!er 1vapor generator2. For given surrounding te,perature and refrigerating te,perature; the pressure differential across the co,pressor is ,uch lower than a conventional vapor-co,pression syste,. *hus; the )-P is eApected to !e !etter than a conventional vapor-co,pression syste,. lten/irch did the first investigation in $N3# and proposed a potential for energy-saving L8"M. *he cycle can !e configured
as a heat pu,p cycle. Machielsen L8%M developed a heat pu,p cycle as shown in Fig. $$1!2. n interesting configuration is a dou!le-effect vapor a!sorptionFco,pression cycle
as shown in Fig. $". *he re?ected first-stage a!sor!er heat is supplied to the generator of the secondstage. *he transfer of heat is done internally which overco,es the large te,perature difference at the ,oderate pressure ratio. *his concept has !een shown successfully in several studies; L8%&83M. nother configuration of the vapor a!sorptionFco,pression cycle; proposed !y )acciola et al. L85M is shown sche,atically in Fig. $% and e,ploys two co,!inations of wor/ing fluids; waterF96% and T6-Fwater. *his is a co,pro,ise of the waterF96% cycle and T6-Fwater cycle. *he highest syste, pressure is reduced and the rectifier of waterF96% syste, is a!stained. *his cycle can !e operated with an a,!ient te,perature lower than #D) without free=ing or crystalli=ation pro!le,s. *he first eAperi,ental results of an a!sorptionFco,pression cycle with direct
".,. -ua $cyc e absorption refrigeration *he concept of a dual-cycle a!sorption syste, is si,ilar to a parallel-dou!le-effect a!sorption syste,. 6owever; this syste, consists of two co,pletely separated cycles using different /inds of wor/ing fluid. 6anna et al. L88M invented a dual-cycle a!sorption refrigeration and heat pu,p as shown in Fig. $3. *his syste, consists of two single-effect a!sorption cycles using waterF96% and LiGrFwater. *he 96% syste, is driven !y heat o!tained fro, an eAternal heat source. *he heat re?ect fro, its a!sor!er and condenser is used as a driving heat for the LiGrFwater syste,. *he LiGrFwater syste, re?ects heat out to the surrounding at the condenser and the a!sor!er as usual. *he cooling effect can !e o!tained fro, !oth evaporators.
$- *her,odyna,ics n Engineering pproach; Fifth edition; :unus .)engel. "- Fro, lectureKs notes fro, the we!. %review of a!sorption refrigeration *echnologies; Pongsid Sri/hirin ; Satha phornratana; Supachart )hungpai!ulpatana; Renewa!le and Sustaina!le Energy Reviews 3 1"##$2 %'%&%7".