Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills 1
Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills 1
Supe Up Your Supervisor Skills 1
Team Development Cycle A. Forming Stage a' $hat (ou see is) Politeness Low Risk Guarded An iety ! citement Con"usion Cautious
Seek to uncover attitudes+ values and styles An iety+ concerns a)out w$y toget$er and purpose o" group.
,. Storming Stage a' $hat (ou see is) Listening to re"ute Feeling stuck Coalitions Con"rontations -idden agendas Competitiveness (em)er &solation
*' Your role! +isten ,nvolve others Help set -lear Fa-ilitate setting ground rules
*' Your role! Listening Clari"ying -elp sort out skills and gaps
Determine mission+ goals and measures -' The issues are! #$o $as t$e power in t$e group% #$at alliances are t$ere% Compromise pre.maturely
-' The issues are! #$at is our purpose% Am & accepted% #$o's in c$arge% #$at is my role%
(em)ers are concerned a)out inclusion*$ow t$ey "it in+. &ndividuals cautiously e plore )oundaries o" accepta)le )e$avior.
Group mem)ers "eel pressure to compete/ some mem)ers will "eel isolated/ many will "eel $ostility or anger as con"licts and disagreements areise/ some may "eel e cited or c$allenged/ sarcasm+ compromise and smoot$ over
! press your ideas and t$oug$ts S$are power -elp clari"y statements 4se decision making tools
-ow will t$e group respond to "ormal or in"ormal leaders% #$o $as t$e power and $ow will it )e used% #$at $idden agendas e ist
-' The issues are! #$at do we stand "or or )elieve in% #$at di""erent com)inations o" people work well toget$er% -ow e""ectively do we work toget$er% d. Fis$ Diagram "or Root Cause0 Pro)lem is identi"ied
Can t$is group work e""ectively toget$er% d. Storming0 (eeting Skills Continue to play 1tra""ic cop2 as needed ! press your ideas and opinions !ncourage ot$ers to e press ideas and opinions Return to Ground Rules i" needed
!ac$ 1)one2 represents one possi)le cause Continue creating connecting )ones related to t$at cause Ask 1#$y2 at least t$ree times "or eac$ )one
C. 3orming Stage a' $hat (ou see is) Listening to $ear Giving "eed)ack Respect ot$er's a)ility
D. Per"orming Stage a' $hat (ou see is) Communication is direct Attain goals5 Group synergy -ig$.per"orming
Con"lict $andled constructively Pride in team and mission Supportive and $elp"ul Some am)ivalence Trust is increasing
Acceptance o" strengt$s and weaknesses Commitment to new c$allenges *' Your role!
,uild trust
!ncourage e pression o" ideas and t$oug$ts Follow t$roug$ on actions and promises c. T$e issues are0 -ig$ motivation and ent$usiasm Satis"ied and "ul"illed Pride e pressed Consensus decision making
Foster critical evaluation o" actions and decisions Focus on per"ormance not on team.)uilding Discuss priorities openly
Pay attention to measurements Provide development Provide career pat$ Pay attention to turnover Succession planning
Risk taking+ spontaneity+ "le i)ility ,uild trust*reward and recogni6e Continued way to communicate ideas Come )ack to say 1we did it2 Tie )ack to measures
!. &denti"y 7our Team Cycle a. Group is newly "ormed ). c. d. e. ". g. $. Group is dramatically c$anged Group is esta)lis$ed (em)ers learning a)out eac$ ot$er (em)ers struggle to esta)lis$ roles (em)ers rely on eac$ ot$er (em)ers trust assignments (em)ers meet 9 e ceed per"ormance goals
PA78FF.t$e pot o" gold at t$e end o" t$e rain)ow Anticipate di""erent outcomes
&denti"y risks associated wit$ t$e outcomes Create contingency plans Gat$er support
Admit w$en you need to c$ange course5 d. 1Trans"orming2 -ig$ Per"ormance Create an open climate t$at values di""erence