PHD Regulations
PHD Regulations
PHD Regulations
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BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY: COIMBATORE 641 046 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Modified Regulations with effect from the academic year 2013-14 onwards 1. Preamble The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is awarded to a candidate who has submitted a thesis on the basis of original work done in any particular discipline/inter-discipline that makes a contribution to the advancement of knowledge, which is approved by suitably appointed examiners and prerequisites as per regulations. Eligibility The candidates should have passed a PG degree course (i.e., SSLC+HSC+UG+PG) or (SSLC+Pre-degree+1+UG+PG) or 10-year SSLC plus 3-year Diploma plus two year UG degree and two year PG (10+3+2+2) or four year UG degree and one year masters degree (10+2+4+1). So a candidate possessing a PG degree with 17 years of total duration of study alone is eligible for admission to Ph.D. programme. Registration for Ph.D. Programme The following categories of candidates shall register for Ph.D. Programme: Full-time / Part-time (with or without stipend/fellowship) a) A candidate having a minimum 55% (for SC/ST candidates the minimum eligibility is 50%) marks in the qualifying examinations from the recognized Universities (UGC). b) The part-time candidates belonging to any one of the following categories working as teacher in Department of the University or an affiliated College of this University / Higher Secondary School / High School / Polytechnic/Teachers working in any colleges affiliated to other universities of Tamilnadu. (Subjects like Engineering, Medicine, Law and Agriculture are not eligible to register under Bharathiar University). c) Scientist/Research fellows / Research assistants / Technical assistants / Project assistants / Project Fellows / Research associates / appointed in the research projects funded by recognized agencies / Government / industries are also eligible to register for Ph.D. at University Departments, Affiliated Colleges, Research Institutions, or R & D Centres / Laboratories. d) Any Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/Company Secretary and other professionals with a minimum period of two years of experience after obtaining their professional qualification are eligible for Part-time Ph.D. registration. The guides may be from the Departments of Commerce, Management Studies, Economics or concerned subjects. e) For candidates other than a teacher, any permanent staff in a Government Office/Private or Public Ltd., Company/a recognized factory/institution/research institution / Educational Institution / business / with a minimum period of two years of experience after obtaining their Masters degree with a minimum of 55% of marks
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(staff includes Board of Directors, Proprietor and Partner) are eligible for par-time Ph.D. registration in the relevant discipline. i. Recognized factory means an industrial establishment and regulated by the factories Act. ii. Recognized institution means any institution registered with the Registrar of Societies and has been duly audited by a recognized auditor for the last three years from the date of application and duly supported by an audit certificate. iii. Recognized business means a business organization duly registered with Commercial Tax Department and three years standing in their business. iv. Private/Public Ltd., Company registered under the Companies Act. f) Candidate working as a Guest Lecturer in a Govt. College or a Govt. Aided College in Tamilnadu or other State is allowed to register subject to the production of NOC from his/her employers. g) A candidate already holding a Ph.D. degree in a discipline / subject specialization is eligible to register for a second Ph.D. degree in another discipline / subject specialization. h) Penalty of `1000/- per year be paid by the approved Research Institution candidates who do not pay the special fees in time. i) Transfer Certificate need not be insisted for admission to part-time M.Phil./Ph.D. programmes. j) The medium of Language for M.Phil./Ph.D. is Tamil for those doing their research in Yoga for Human Excellence, provided if they have studied UG/PG degree courses in Tamil medium and for the rest of the candidates, the medium is English. 4. Candidates Registered for Ph.D. (Part time) outside Tamilnadu Candidates from outside Tamilnadu working in national institutes are allowed to register for Part time Ph.D. subject to production of NOC from HOD/Head of the Employer where the candidate is employed. An additional amount of `5,000/- will be collected as special fee from such candidates other than Tamilnadu. 5. 5.1 Duration of Research Full-time A candidate registered as a full-time scholar for Ph.D. programme must possess the qualifications of 2 supra and shall work continuously in the Department under the
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supervisor for a minimum period of THREE YEARS from the date of registration recognized to submit the thesis. Part-time A candidate registered for Ph.D. programme under part-time category must possess any one of the qualifications of 2 and 3 supra and must work for a minimum period of FOUR YEARS from the date of registration recognized to submit the thesis. Exemption Exemption of ONE YEAR from the minimum duration period is permissible in respect of candidates who already possess an M.Phil. or M.Litt. (in the relevant/related subject) at the time of registration. Candidates who have already appeared for M.Phil. (Part I and Part II examinations) and awaiting results at the time of interview for Ph.D. selection will also be eligible for this exemption, provided the results are published within six months of their admission for Ph.D. programme. This Exemption may be availed by the current Ph.D. students also. However, for candidates who are exempted for Part-I examinations it is mandatorily complete the specified period (i.e. similar to PG Degree holders) for their submission of thesis. Candidates holding double Masters degree and one M.Phil. degree but in different discipline need not be exempted from appearing for Research Methodology (Part-I, Course-1) and be asked to complete the duration specified.
Attendance Requirements (a) A candidate registered on a full-time basis shall work for the minimum period of research prescribed in 5.1 and 5.3 supra from the date of provisional registration and submit the thesis at the Department / Institution under continuous supervision. (b) A candidate registered on a part-time basis in the discipline not involving laboratory works shall attend at least for 60 days during the course of research (i.e. for 3 years) at the institution where the supervisor is attached. (c) Provided that those who have been permitted to register on a part-time basis in the discipline involving laboratory work in an institution other than where they are employed, shall be required to work for a minimum period of 120 days (i.e. for 3 years) in the institution directly under the supervisor. (d) In any case the supervisor has to issue the attendance certificate to the above said effect endorsed by the Head of the Department and Principal concerned to the Controller of Examinations, Bharathiar University.
Procedure for Admission The University should issue the notification through its website or advertise in the news papers for calling applications towards M.Phil./Ph.D. admissions. Admissions shall be made through a Common Eligibility Test followed by an interview. The PG qualifying examinations marks converted to Common Eligibility Test : 50 Marks : 35 Marks
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Interview Total
The M.Phil. degree holders, who had already undergone entrance test need not appear for common eligibility test, but they have to attend the interview. However the UGC/CSIR-NET/CSIR-JRF/SLET/GATE/Teacher fellowship cleared candidates /Scientists working in DRDO/Faculty of Air Force Administrative College/foreign candidates are exempted from appearing for the entrance test. Further, those candidates are to be awarded 35 marks in lieu of eligibility test and be directly admitted to the doctoral programmes through interview. Common Eligibility Test for M.Phil. & Ph.D. programme shall be conducted by the University during the month of June/July. The awarded marks may be used by the candidates for one academic year, i.e. they can use the same mark sheet for the ensuing September/April registration. The entrance test will be conducted at four centres Coimbatore, Erode, Ooty and Tirupur. Question Paper model: Written Examinations Format (PG Syllabus): Maximum Marks: 35; (50x0.7=35); Objective type (MCQ); Time: 1.30 hours The candidate who has cleared eligibility test shall approach the institute where the research supervisor in the specializations are available in the Department and depending upon vacancy position under each research supervisor he/she shall be enrolled for Ph.D./M.Phil. programme. The selection/interview committee for enrolling a scholar should be formed at the institute with the following members. 1) Principal/Dean of concerned discipline 2) Head of the Department / Head of the Division 3) The recognized guides of the Department / Division 8. Doctoral Committee : This committee will monitor the progress of the candidate during the tenure of the Ph.D. programme. The Doctoral Committee should consist of three members (i.e.) 1. Guide (Convener) 2. HOD of concerned Department (Member) / If HOD is not a Ph.D. degree holder, the next senior most member with Ph.D. / If the HOD is guide, the next senior faculty with Ph.D. degree be the member. If there is no Ph.D. holder in the Department, then the Principal can nominate any one member of the institution related to the Ph.D. subject. 3. The third member is the subject expert within Tamilnadu (with atleast 5 years of teaching/research experience after his award of Ph.D. degree) will be
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identified from the panel of three members (submitted by the guide) by the Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University. The Doctoral Committee will meet to review the progress of the candidate at least twice during the period (atleast 10 months in between) of the research program. The first meeting will be conducted if the candidate has cleared the Part I exams and made some progress in the research work or identification of the research problem. The committee has to recommend for the confirmation of registration. In the case of candidates who have registered for Ph.D. programme with M.Phil. qualification, the First meeting has to be conducted after completion of six months from the date of registration. In case, the progress is not satisfactory, another meeting is to be conducted within six months of the first meeting, with the following members: 1. Doctoral Committee member (Expert) 2. The Dean(Research) 3. P.G. BOS (UD) Chairperson Only on the recommendation of the committee after being satisfied with the research output the candidate is allowed to submit the synopsis and thesis. `8000/- to be collected from each student as a Doctoral Committee fees. `500/- to be paid as honorarium for Doctoral Committee members. 8.1. Independent candidate : For the candidates who have already registered for Ph.D. programme under Independent Registration, the Doctoral Committee should be formed and conducted at the concerned PG BOS Chairperson of the University Department. 9. Ethics and grievance readdressal committee: Any clarification or any dispute faced by the candidate must be addressed to this committee. The Vice-Chancellor will form the above committee comprising the following members 1) The Dean (Research) - Convenor 2) The Dean of the concerned Discipline. 3) PG BOARD of Studies Chairperson of concerned Discipline 4) Two subject experts nominated by VC. (with three years of teaching experience after the award of his/her Ph.D. degree and he/she be a recognized guide in any University recognized by UGC) In addition to this committee will also scrutinize and recommend its decision to the Vice Chancellor on the following issues: 1) Ethical issues related to plagiarism, authorship of the papers etc., 2) Issues related to problems between guide and students. 3) Issues in the interdisciplinary research. 4) Any other issue related to research etc.,
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Application for Provisional Registration a) A candidate applying for provisional registration shall furnish all the information inter alia in the form prescribed together with the fee prescribed. b) Every applicant who satisfies all the conditions and norms prescribed shall, after approval by the University, be provisionally registered for Ph.D. programme. c) Candidates shall be permitted to register for Ph.D. programme under interdisciplinary area. For details, the candidate can refer to Part 22, Interdisciplinary Research.
Institutions Where Research Can Be Done a) A candidate may be permitted to pursue research leading to the award of Ph.D. degree in any one of the following institutions subject to satisfying conditions of eligibility, availability of supervisor and necessary facilities. b) Departments of colleges affiliated to the University and having necessary facilities for carrying out research programme, the Departments should have been offering the undergraduate / postgraduate course concerned for a minimum period of THREE YEARS. (Full-time & Part-time for laboratory and non-laboratory subjects) c) All India Research Institutions and Regional Research Institutions duly recognized by the University d) R & D Centres/Laboratories of public and private sector undertakings located in the territorial jurisdiction of the University and recognized by the University as having necessary facilities for carrying out research at an advanced level. e) Research Department shall have at least one recognized Ph.D. guide to consider grant of recognition to conduct Ph.D. programme. f) The maximum intake of candidates for full-time and part-time Ph.D. programme (for laboratory and non-laboratory subjects) in each Department of the Institution will be fixed by the inspection commission constituted by the University based on the facilities and paper publications in the research journals.
Guide or Supervisor for Research a) Every scholar registered for Ph.D. programme shall work under the continuous supervision of a recognized guide or supervisor. b) Depending on the situations, such as, long absence of the guide from station for more than six months, research problem involving specializations other than that of the guide and interdisciplinary nature of research problem, the guide can nominate a co-guide with the approval of the University duly recommended by the Doctoral Committee. Further, at the time of admission, co-guide can be appointed if required. c) For Ph.D. programme in Yoga for human excellence alone the guide recognition shall be granted to a person not in service and they shall be permitted to guide the students.
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Then the degree shall be awarded under the faculty of Education (yoga) / Physical Education (yoga).
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Qualification for Guide Recognition 1. A Teacher/Scientist who is in employment is recognized as a supervisor for guiding students leading to the award of Ph.D. degree, provided he/she possesses a Ph.D. degree of this University or any other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto. 2. To guide Ph.D. candidates, guide recognition will be given to a person only after he/she completes one year of teaching experience after the award of his/her Ph.D. degree along with evidence of producing one M.Phil. candidate (or) after completing Ph.D. degree a person has one year of Post Doctoral experience abroad with evidence of research publications during that period. 3. One published research paper in a referred journal for arts subjects and one published research paper in the SCI journals for science subjects after the award of Ph.D. degree. 4. An approved Research Supervisor working in an unapproved department in recognized Research Institution/Affiliated College cannot guide candidates for Ph.D. degree (exempted for Librarians and Directors of Physical Education). 5. The new regulations are applicable only to those who apply for M.Phil./Ph.D. guide recognition on or after 01.08.2013.
Age Limit for guides a) Upper age limit for registering fresh candidates for Ph.D. is 57 years of age in the case of teacher of affiliated colleges and 59 years of age in the case of University teachers (i.e. one calendar year prior to their retirement). The reappointed guides in any recognized research department/institute/organization or a recipient of Major Research Projects from govt. funding will be permitted to register Ph.D. candidates till they attain 62 years of age. b) When a guide retires before the student completes his/her Ph.D., the guide shall continue to supervise the candidate till the candidate completes the degree.
Number of candidates under a supervisor a) The total number of candidates registered for Ph.D. programme including part-time scholars at any point of time shall not exceed EIGHT (including re-registered candidates) for a research supervisor in addition to the permissible FIVE M.Phil. candidates. b) For assessing the number of vacancies under a supervisor the actual date of submission of the thesis by the candidates registered shall be taken into account. c) The maximum intake of candidates for (full-time and part-time) laboratory programme in each college department/Division of R & D Institution will be fixed by the inspection commission constituted by the University.
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d) Maximum M.Phil./Ph.D. strength for Full Time/Part Time course for any college Department/Division of R & D Institution at any given time for non-laboratory courses shall be fixed by the inspection commission. e) Self declaration is to be given by the guide, that the total number of registered Ph.D. research scholars in all universities with all schemes should not be more than eight. In case of students registered under him/her with all universities put together exceeds the maximum (i.e. 8 candidates), those candidates registered under Bharathiar University will automatically get cancelled. d) Librarians and Directors of Physical Education who are working in the University or in the affiliated colleges of the University may be permitted to guide a maximum of TWO Ph.D. candidates (both full-time and part-time put together) in addition to TWO M.Phil. candidates at any given time in their respective field of specialization in addition to their normal duties. DECLARATION BY THE SUPERVISOR To the best of my knowledge, I have the following Ph.D. research scholars who are pursuing research programmes under my guidance (in all universities) and they have not yet submitted their dissertations for the award of Ph.D. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Date: Name of Candidate Full-time/ Part-time University
Research Supervisor
16. Change of Supervisors and Transfer of Scholars a) Transfer of Ph.D. scholars from one supervisor to another supervisor can be effected if mutual willingness was given by both the original and new supervisors by issuing NOC. An amount of `1,000/- be collected from the candidate for processing. In the case of guides who have shifted from the Bharathiar University jurisdiction, NOC need not be insisted. b) In the case of change of supervisor or transfer of candidates, if proposed, without the consent of any one of the parties concerned, the case shall be referred to a Committee constituted with the Chairperson, BOS (PG) in the concerned subject, Chairperson, BOS in Research and a subject expert nominated by the Vice Chancellor, whos decision shall be final. An amount of `1,000/- wii be collected from the candidates for processing.
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c) The supervisors who wish to avail leave/lien/deputation beyond a period of SIX MONTHS shall nominate co-guides if the student wishes in the concerned subject for the candidates registered under him/her and the same shall be intimated to the University in advance. 17. Change of Topic / Specialization Change of topic of research by the candidate is permitted in exceptional cases. An amount of `1000/- be collected from the candidate for a change in topic. The time limit fixed for change of topic of research in Ph.D. programme is as follows: FULL-TIME: Within eighteen months from the date of registration, in case of candidates registered with Masters degree qualification and within twelve months from the date of registration, in case of candidates registered with M.Phil. qualification. PART-TIME: Within twenty-four months from the date of registration, in case of candidates registered with Masters Degree qualification and within eighteen months from the date of registration, in case of candidates registered with M.Phil. qualification. 18. Cancellation of Ph.D. Registration a) In case of candidates (Full Time/Part Time) who do not possess an M.Phil. degree and have not passed Part I course work of M Phil in the relevant subject within the minimum period, or not cleared the exam within three appearances, their registration shall be cancelled. b) For cancellation of Ph.D. registration in the absence of candidates letter, the supervisor may write a letter to the Registrar who in turn informs the same to the candidate. If no reply is received for more than three months, the candidates Ph.D. registration will be cancelled. 19. 19.1 Examination and Evaluation PART-I : Course Work Examination and Evaluation Every candidate provisionally registered for Ph.D. Programme shall undertake course work in the first year. The course work (Part I) consists of the following written papers (same as Part I of M.Phil.): Course I : Course II : Course III: Research Methodology (Research Methods of the concerned discipline) Advanced course in the concerned discipline Special Paper (Pertaining to the area of specialization chosen by the candidate / guides specialization)
Notes: a) The syllabi for courses I, II & III will be framed by the guides committee and approved by the Board of Studies in Research and the Standing Committee on Academic Affairs. b) Candidates who have completed M.Phil. degree in a specified area of research shall be exempted from Part I of Ph.D. programme, provided the candidate has registered for
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Ph.D. programme in the same area of research. Otherwise, the Doctoral Committee should recommend for the relevant paper in the area of research c) In the case of Ph.D. programme in a related discipline, the exemption from writing part I examinations will be decided by the Chairperson, BOS in Interdisciplinary Subjects in consultation with the Chairperson of the concerned disciplines. d) Candidates registered to Ph.D. programme in Computer Science with MCA qualification, must qualify with Part-I, irrespective of the faculty/discipline to which they belong to. e) The candidates who are required to complete Part-I shall appear for the written examinations under Part-I of the programme at the end of six months after registration in the case of Full-time candidates and at the end on one year after registration in the case of Part-time candidates. f) The duration and the maximum marks for each course are 3 hours and 100 marks respectively. Passing minimum in each paper is 50% Any candidate who does not satisfy the above condition shall be declared as `failed in the Part-I of the examination and be required to reappear for the examination for the purpose of completing Part-I of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree Course. During reappearance, candidates shall be exempted from appearing for paper(s) in which he/she has scored 50% or more marks. Any candidate who is declared as `failed in Part-I of the examination must reappear in all the failed papers in which he/she has not been exempted and the marks obtained at the reappearance shall only be taken into account for declaring the result. No candidate will normally be permitted to reappear for the written examinations on more than three occasions. g) Candidates appearing for M.Phil. Part-I examination in different subjects should answer only in English, except while appearing for language-oriented subjects like Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Medium of Language is Tamil for the candidates doing their research in Yoga for Human Excellence, who have studied their UG/PG degree courses in Tamil medium and for the rest of the candidates, the medium is English. The question paper pattern for M.Phil. Part I written Examinations: PART A PART B : Answer any Five out of Eight 5 x 8 = 40 Marks : Answer Any Five out of Eight 5 x 12 =60 Marks
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j) The University will conduct the central double valuation system by inviting experts from outside Bharathiar University area for first valuation followed by experts from the Bharathiar University area for another valuation. k) The Chairperson of the Board of Studies, University Department/Convenor of the guides meeting shall be given the experts list in consultation with the other guides. 19.2 PART II - Thesis Each candidate shall be required to choose a research problem in his/her chosen area of research specialization (related to Paper III of Part I) and submit a thesis incorporating the results of his/her original investigation, carried out under the supervision of a recognized supervisor.
19.3 Submission of Synopsis (Under Part II) a) The candidates shall submit six copies of the synopsis of the thesis to the University, through his / her research supervisor along with the final Doctoral Committee report (the evidence for the paper publication should be enclosed), the prescribed fees and certificates at the time of submission of Ph.D. thesis. However, the candidates are to submit synopsis three months before submission of the thesis enabling the University to get the consent of examiners for the evaluation of the thesis. The synopsis shall not exceeded 6 type written or printed pages (one side of A4 size papers in Times New Roman, font size 12). b) While forwarding the synopsis, the guide shall submit to the University, in a sealed cover, the prescribed panel of examiners with brief Curriculum-Vitae that must contain e-mail id, for evaluating the thesis and for the conduct of the viva-voce examination. c) The synopsis shall not be accepted by the Controller of Examinations without the panel of examiners for the adjudication of the thesis as prescribed supra and submitted by the supervisor in a sealed cover. d) In the case of candidates who have independently registered for Ph.D., the Chairperson of the PG Board of Studies, University department shall submit a panel of three competent persons in the relevant Research area within 30 days of receipt of communication from University and one of them may be appointed as convener by the Vice-Chancellor. 19.4. Submission of Thesis (Under Part II) a) Not later than SIX MONTHS after the submission of the Synopsis and after the expiry of the minimum period of research prescribed, every candidate shall submit FIVE COPIES of the thesis embodying the results of the original research carried out by him/ her along with the prescribed application and fee. The hard copy must accompany a soft copy of the thesis. b) In order to promote Tamil in higher education and research, the candidates are generally permitted to submit an additional copy of the thesis in Tamil which will be kept in Library for reference.
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c) Ph.D. candidates shall publish at least one research paper in a refereed standard journal before submission of the thesis for adjudication for arts subjects. For science subjects one research paper shall be published in SCI journal before submission of the thesis and the same is produced in the form of acceptance letter or as reprint with a certificate from the guide to this effect. Without such certificate the thesis shall not be processed by the Controller of Examinations section for conduct of Viva-voce. CERTIFICATE OF GENUINESS OF THE PUBLICATION This is to certify that Ph.D. candidate Mr. / Ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . working under my supervision has published a research article in the standard refereed/SCI journal named . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with Vol. No. . . . . . . . . . . . Page Nos. . . . . and year of publication . . . . . . . . . published by . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . The contents of the publication incorporates part of the results presented in his / her thesis. Countersigned Principal / Head of the Dept. / Director (College / University / Institute) Research Supervisor
d) Prior to submission of Ph.D. thesis, the student shall make pre-Ph.D. presentation in the Department that may be open to all faculty members and research students, for getting feedback and comments, which may suitably be incorporated into the draft of the thesis under the advice of the supervisor. (Evidence to be produced by the guide with list of members resent) e) Thesis can also be submitted along with the Synopsis and Panel of Examiners after the expiry of the minimum period of research prescribed (Hard and Soft copies to be enclosed). f) The maximum length of the thesis should not exceed 250 (A/4 size typed matter) pages excluding bibliography, tables and diagrams and if the candidate so desires he / she may include published papers or manuscripts along with the thesis. Exemption from the restriction on this page limitation will under no circumstances be granted. g) Every candidate shall submit with his / her application for Ph.D. Degree and the thesis, a declaration by himself / herself and a certificate from supervisor under whom he / she worked, in the prescribed formats, given below. An extra copy of each of the certificate and declaration, have to be submitted along with the thesis. DECLARATION I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the thesis, entitled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . submitted to the Bharathiar University, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is a record of original and independent research work done by me during . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under the supervision and guidance of Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and it has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Associate ship / Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate in any University. Countersigned Signature of the Candidate (Research Supervisor) Note: Candidates who are permitted to work without a guide shall also submit a declaration to the above effect. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . submitted to the Bharathiar University, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is a record of original research work done by Mr./Ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . during the period . . . . . . . . . . . . . of his/her study in the Department of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . . . . . . . (College/Research Institute/Bharathiar University), under my supervision and guidance and the thesis has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Associateship / Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any University.
Research Supervisor
h) The title of the Synopsis and title of the Thesis shall be the same. The title page of the thesis, cover format, etc., should strictly conform to the format of presentation as prescribed. The thesis should NOT be hard bound and it should have a thin and flexible cover. i) Ph.D. Thesis/Synopsis may generally be written in English (for subjects other than languages). However the thesis may be written in Tamil provided a translated copy in English is also appended. j) For non receipt of panel of examiners from the supervisor within a month of submission of Ph.D./M.Phil. thesis by the candidate, the Vice-Chancellor is empowered to appoint a panel of examiners.
19.5. Maximum and Minimum period for Submission of Thesis a) Candidates with only PG qualification shall be permitted to submit their thesis, within a period of 5 years, but not before 3 years from the date of Registration, in case of full-time Research and within a period of six years but only after 4 years from the date of Registration in case of part-time research. b) Candidates with M.Phil. qualification shall be permitted to submit their thesis, within a period of four years, but only after two years from the date of registration, in case
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of full-time research and within a period of five years, but not before three years from the date of registration in the case of part-time research. Early Submission of the thesis will not be permitted in any circumstances. c) When a candidate gets his/her M.Phil. degree after registration to Ph.D. programme, his M.Phil. degree will be considered for his Minimum / Maximum periods of submission of Ph.D. thesis with the payment of a Status change fee. PG Degree holders Minimum Maximum Period Period Full Time 3 years 5 years Part Time 4 years 6 years M.Phil. Degree holders Minimum Maximum Period Period 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years
d) Extension of time for submission of Ph.D. thesis will be granted upto a maximum period of two years on the payment of the fees prescribed as detailed below. Such extension will be granted for a duration of six months in the first instance and additional three six-monthly extensions may be granted, making a total of two years in exceptional cases with the recommendation of supervisor. At a time, two extensions are admissible after paying the necessary fees and penalty. The Vice-Chancellor shall grant Special Extension up to one year in special cases after considering the report of the Ethics and Grievance Committee. First Extension Second Extension Third Extension Fourth Extension Special Extension - ` 500/- ` 1,000/- ` 2,000/- ` 2,500/- ` 3,000/penalty + Fees penalty + Fees penalty + Fees penalty + Fees penalty + Fees
19.6. Adjudication of Ph.D.. thesis a) For all Ph.D. thesis (except Tamil), the panel of examiners consisting of four foreign examiners, preferably scientifically advanced countries, avoiding African countries (exception South Africa) four Indian examiners (from within Tamilnadu but outside Bharathiar University geographical area or from other states within south India Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry) will be submitted by the Guide in a sealed envelop. The Indian examiner who valued the thesis will be the examiner for conducting Viva-Voce examination. There is no separate panel for conducting the viva-voce examination. b) For non receipt of the panel of examiners from the supervisor within a month of submission of Ph.D./M.Phil. thesis by the candidate, the Vice-Chancellor is empowered to appoint a new panel of examiners in consultation with the PG BOS Chairperson of this University departments.
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c) As soon as the reports are received from the Guide, foreign and Indian examiners, the reports shall be sent to the guide/convener to prepare a consolidated report with recommendation to conduct the Vice-voce examination. The Guide shall send his / her consolidated report with recommendation within 30 working days from the date of letter received from the Controller of Examinations. If the above report is not received within three months, the Vice-Chancellor is authorized to constitute an expert panel for consolidating the report and conduct the viva-voce examinations. d) For Ph.D. thesis in Tamil, the panel may consist of four examiners from outside Tamilnadu and four examiners from Tamil Nadu but outside the geographical jurisdiction of Bharathiar University. An examiner within Tamilnadu who valued the thesis will be the examiner for conducting Viva-Voce examinations, as well as thesis written in Tamil in the subjects of Linguistics and other Indian Languages in lieu of a foreign examiner due to paucity of foreign examiners. e) Full-time faculty working in accreted Institutions (with 10 years of teaching/research experience after getting Ph.D. degree) in the cadre of Professor/Associate Professor/equivalent cadre in the Research Institutions/the scientists working in the research Institutions can be considered for appointment as Indian or Foreign Examiner for Ph.D. thesis evaluation. The website details should be given about the foreign and Indian examiner for verification of his position. f) The Indian and Foreign examiner shall adjudicate the thesis and submit a detailed report (in the prescribed format) on the merits and demerits of the thesis and finally indicate whether the thesis is Commended, ` Not Commended or `Recommended for resubmission. g) If the University does not get the evaluation report from any examiner even after the second reminder (90 days from the date of receipt of thesis), another examiner shall be appointed in his / her place. h) In case, both Indian and Foreign examiners have not commended the thesis, it shall be referred to Ethics Committee for further action. i) In case one of the two examiners have not commended the thesis, the thesis shall be referred again to a third examiner, Indian or Foreigner as the case may be (i.e. if the thesis is not commended by a foreigner, the third examiner shall be a foreigner and if it is not commended by an Indian, the third examiner shall be an Indian). However, if the third examiner does not commend the thesis, again it shall be referred to Ethics Committee for further action. j) If the examiners insist upon corrections/ revision/re-submission to be made, the same shall be made before appearing for the Public Viva-voce examination, along with a certificate from the guide that the corrections have been satisfactorily carried out. The detailed report of such corrections, along with mentioning the corrected page numbers, must be made available. k) The candidate whose thesis has been approved shall submit himself / herself to a Public Viva-voce Examination to be conducted by a board of Examiners, consisting of the
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external Indian examiner, the guide as the Convenor in the presence of the members of the Department and persons interested in the subject. l) Viva-Voce examination will be conducted for M.Phil./ Ph.D. students strictly within 30 days of receipt of the consolidated report by the Controller of Examinations. m) The guide / convener shall notify the date and time of the viva-voce examination in consultation with the Indian external examiner and inform the same to the Controller of Examinations by giving minimum of 7 days notification. After conducting the VivaVoce examination, the guide / convener shall convey to the University, the result of such examination. A candidate who is successful in the public Viva-Voce examination shall be declared to have qualified for Ph.D.. degree by the Syndicate. n) The medium of language for public Viva-voce examination will be English. However, the general public will be encouraged to ask questions in Tamil and clarifications shall be given to them in Tamil. In Language Departments, the Viva-voce shall be in the respective languages. o) A candidate who is not successful at the Public Viva-Voce examination may be permitted to undergo the Viva-Voce examination a second time, within a period of three months with different examiner/Indian expert, Research Dean and PG BOS Chairperson of the University department, not before one month after the ill fated first viva-voce. p) The time-limit to resubmit the revised thesis, as per the suggestions for revision and resubmission of thesis by the examiner(s), shall not exceed twelve full months. q) A candidate shall not ordinarily be permitted to resubmit the thesis for the Degree or to take the Public Viva-voce examination on more than two occasions. r) When the guide changes the Institution, the viva voce may be conducted at the place of registration or at the place where the guide is working or at Bharathiar University campus. s) When a guide moves to an Institution outside the jurisdiction of Bharathiar University, he has to apply and get a guide continuation certificate from Bharathiar University to continue his guide recognition. 20. Publication of the Thesis A thesis whether approved or not shall not be published in full without the permission of the Syndicate and the syndicate may grant permission for the publication under such conditions as it may impose. A candidate may during the course of his / her research publish papers in standard research journals as advised by his /her supervisor, but the thesis as a whole shall not be published without obtaining permission of the syndicate mentioned supra. The guide/convener is to furnish a certificate along with the report of the viva-voce examination, in connection with the suitability of the thesis for publication by the candidate, at a later date in the following format:
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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that in the thesis entitled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . submitted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a) all the corrections/modifications suggested by the examiners have been incorporated and b) Thesis does not have any objectionable material. Hence, the thesis is fit for publication, if the candidate so desires. GUIDE / CONVENOR. 21. Conferment of the Degree A candidate shall be eligible for the conferment of Ph.D. degree, if he / she has undergone the prescribed programme for a period of not less than two years, (for those registered with M.Phil. qualification) or three years (for those registered with Masters degree qualification) in the case of Full-time programme, and not less than three years (for those registered with M.Phil. qualification) or four years (for those registered with Masters degree qualification) in the case of Part-time programme in an institution affiliated to / approved by the University and passed all the examinations and fulfils such conditions as have been prescribed therein. After successful completion of the Viva-voce examination, a provisional certificate shall be issued bearing the title of Ph.D. thesis. Candidates who qualify for Ph.D. degree shall be awarded the degree in the discipline in which the candidate was registered. Please refer part 22 Interdisciplinary research, which is given below. 22. Interdisciplinary Research a) Teachers employed in various Departments of the University or any affiliated colleges of the University may be permitted to serve as guides, irrespective of their own discipline/area of research, must be enrolled as guide in the respective departments discipline only. (For example a teacher with Zoology or Botany or Chemistry qualification, but appointed as a teacher in the Department of Environmental Science or Microbiology or Biochemistry or Biotechnology or Bio informatics be recognized as a guide to guide students in the same discipline/departments name in which teacher is appointed).
b) However, students holding post-graduate degree are permitted to register for research programmes (M.Phil./Ph.D. degrees) in interdisciplinary areas in various Departments irrespective of the subjects of the study in their Post-Graduate degree and the degrees be awarded in the field of research and Inter-disciplinary with the relevant core subjects obtained in the PG Degree course. i.e., for a M.Sc. Chemistry candidate who has done his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences the degree be awarded as Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (Inter-disciplinary Chemistry).
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c) The committee consisting of the Dean Research, Chairperson of Board of Studies in PG (UD) of the concerned subjects should decide the eligibility of the candidates subject for admission to M.Phil./ Ph.D. in interdisciplinary programmes, if any disputes arise. d) Co-guide shall be encouraged but not mandatory for interdisciplinary studies. On any account, the subject of co-guide shall not be considered for the award of the degree. Further, the co-guides department need not be a recognized research department for that purpose. However, the co-guide must form part of doctoral committee and should sign in the thesis as well. 23. Conversion from Full-Time to Part-Time & vice-versa of Ph.D. Programme Conversion from full-time to part-time and vice-versa of Ph.D. research will be allowed only under special circumstances, on payment of Status Change fee. Conversion of full-time mode to part-time mode is considered only after completion of 18 months from the date of registration. Before that period they need not be considered and must seek with fresh application. In case if the candidate goes to government job, recognised education institution and recognised standard software companies, the students can apply to special permission with the recommendation of the Chairperson, PG Board of Studies (UD) . The following formula will be adopted for conversion of full-time to part-time and viceversa of Ph.D. programme: The residual period that the candidate has to complete, at the time of his / her application for conversion (from full-time to part-time or from part-time to full-time, as the case may be), for fulfilling the requirement of the minimum duration for submitting the thesis under the existing category be taken note of, and the equivalent of the corresponding period shall be determined and intimated to the candidate, without exceeding the maximum duration. 24. Re-registration For Re-registration, the candidate should prove the progress of the research work before the Ethics / Doctoral Committee for recommendation of re-registration. The re-registered candidate shall be permitted to submit his/her thesis at any time after re-registration, within a maximum period of two years. Revision of Regulations and Curriculum The University may from time to time revise, amend or change the regulations, scheme of examinations, syllabus and also the fee structures, if found necessary and such amendments, changes shall come into effect from the date prescribed. These regulations will come into effect from the academic year 2013-2014 onwards. * * * * *