Proposal For BULK SMS, Bulk Email, Web Development

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Company Profile, Services, Pricing NIMBUS ADCOM PVT LTD 3/6/2014

Proposal for BULK SMS, BULK MAIL, ! B "OSTIN#, ! B D SI#NIN# Dear Sir,
As per t e conversations over p one, ere are t e services !e provi"e !it company profile#

N$&'(s IT Sol()$o*s is a val$e "riven company in t e fiel" of +%'s$)% ,%s$-*$*D%l.$, sof)+ar% ,%/%lop&%*), a*, o*l$*% '(s$*%ss ,%/%lop&%*) 0 s%ar1. %*-$*% op)$&$2a)$o*3 One of t e lea"ing !e% service provi"ers since &''(, !it Over )',''' S$ccessf$l Presentations * over &',''' c$stomers across "iverse in"$stries, !e are a positive company strongly loo+ing for!ar"# Strong Domain ,-pertise, ,-tensive .ec nology S+ills, Process /oc$s, Spee" an" Innovation ena%le $s to provi"e val$e0a""e", ig 1$ality I. sol$tions to c$stomers# At Nim%$s, !e aim f$rt er t an provi"ing sol$tions t at impact %$siness2 !e aim to c ange t e !ay yo$ "o %$siness# .oget er t e opport$nities are infinite 0 4DISCOV 5 +.a) +% 1a* ,o for 6o(74 3e4re speciali5e" in "esign !e%site4s t at !or+# 3e4ve t e proven e-perience an" e-pertise in !e%site "evelopment t at s$ccee"s %y %ringing in en1$iries, ! ic generate sales an" are an asset to yo$r %$siness# Most of o$r time goes in $n"erstan"ing yo$r %$siness o%6ectives, "efining t e pro%lem an" finally "esigning t e %est possi%le sol$tion# N$&'(s IT Sol()$o*s is a professional +%'s$)% ,%s$-*$*-, sof)+ar% ,%/%lop&%*) * $*)%r*%) &ar8%)$*- 1o&pa*6 provi"ing f$ll feat$re" +%' s%r/$1%s incl$"ing B2B 0 B2C %91o&&%r1% sol()$o*s # 3e are a client0centric an" innovative organi5ation, %ase" in In"ia, provi"es a !i"e range of 3e%0%ase" soft!are applications t at ave elpe" c$stomers to manage s$ccessf$l online initiatives# 3e provi"e all t e services to get companies online, from !e% "esigning to !e% osting an" a%ove all !e%site promotion in #oo-l%/:a.oo/MSN/AOL an" ot er searc engines#

O(r M$ss$o*
To make technology work for the benefits.

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

Our Vision
,mpo!ering people * generating tr$st for Internet me"ia#

O(r S%r/$1%s
13 ! BSIT D SI#NIN# . e !e% e-istence of Nim%$s I. Sol$tions is "efine" %y profit yiel"ing $nconventional mo"es of operations t at rope in ric val$e to t e clients# 3e%site "esigning In"ia is a salient part of Nim%$s an" it is entirely foc$se" on 1$ality !e% "esigning services# Nim%$s I. Sol$tions, as a !e% entity, al!ays ma+es it a point to t in+ one step a ea" of its competitors# . erefore !e priorities in offering an i"eal mi- of 1$intessential strategies s$c as optimi5ing targete" content, soa+ing $p asto$n"ing "esign str$ct$re an" tactical positioning# 3e offer a%ri"ge", co erent an" organic !e% "esigning services for corporate !e%sites, service pages, pro"$ct sites, e commerce portals as !ell as personal sites# Nim%$s I. Sol$tions appen to %e a val$e "riven !e% entity %ase" in Del i# 3it o$r ig en" e-pertise an" e-perience !e can offer yo$ perfect sol$tions t at s$ffice all yo$r online re1$irements# At Nim%$s I. Sol$tions, !e consi"er eac !e%site pro6ect as a step to!ar"s reac ing o$t to t e c$stomer# 3e employ an i"eal mi- of tactical positioning, targete" content, an" a%sor%ing "esign str$ct$re an" foc$se" mar+eting to come $p !it t e most compre ensive an" engaging online e-perience# /rom corporate !e%site "esigning services to pro"$ct sites, service sites, personal sites, portals an" e0commerce sites, Nim%$s I. Sol$tions7 a professional 3e%site Designing Company from Del i, In"ia, ave t e e-pertise to come $p !it t e perfect sol$tion for yo$r online nee"s# 23 BULK SMS B$l+ SMS sol$tions catere" %y Nim%$s I. Sol$tions %ear t e $n!avering signat$re statement of e-cellence t at c $rns o$t meas$ra%le res$lts# At Nim%$s yo$ are going to come across personali5e" as !ell as c$stomi5e" %$l+ SMS services# 3e form$late t e content of t e SMS materials e-actly in t e same !ay ! ic is follo!e" %y reno!ne" cell p one companies# 3e val$e yo$r onor an" tr$st t at yo$ ave %esto!e" on $s# So !e offer yo$ t e li%erty to transmit 8''' SMS to yo$r target a$"ience in every secon"# 3it o$r
ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B< P.; A@19

&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

affor"a%le an" cons$mer frien"ly %$l+ SMS services yo$ !ill feel %etter e1$ippe" an" in f$ll control of t e entire affair# Let $s give yo$ a petite an" 1$ic+ snippet of t e commen"a%le feat$res ! ic yo$ are going to en6oy from o$r en"# 8# . e capacity of managing yo$r p one %oo+ or a""ress %oo+ &# Sen"ing essential messages to an in"ivi"$al or a gro$p !it an e1$al ease 9# Sc e"$ling t e messages on t e %asis of time an" "ate )# . e a""e" a"vantage of incorporating yo$r essential "oc$ments s$c as !or" files, note pa" files, e-cel s eets or sprea" s eets etc# :# . e a"vantage of managing gro$ps (# . e facility of API e"ge so t at yo$ can yo$ can p$t toget er yo$r apps !it great ease ;# A !i"e gam$t of corporate professionals, %$siness fraternities, retailers, aca"emic instit$tes, me"ical professionals, %an+ing organi5ation an" even ealt care service provi"ers are going to relis t e enric e" fr$ition of o$r onest an" strategic en"eavors# 3e offer a""itional %enefits for ig net !ort cons$mers !it 8, '',''' or more cre"its if yo$ go !it t is consorti$m of clients yo$ !ill %e en"o!e" !it yo$r o!n !e% oriente" reseller panel for p$tting $p promotional SMS for sale# At t e same time yo$ !ill %e provi"e" !it some a""itional %enefits s$c as

. e capacity of ma+ing o$trig t sell of yo$r o!n SMS cre"its to ot er cons$mers . e facility of availing a !e% %ase" soft!are program ! ic !ill $ltimately en ance yo$r performance Constant an" $nfailing s$pport

.RANSAC.ION SMS <A.,3A=7 NON DND > DND ROU.,7 3e provi"e B$l+ SMS in a personali5e" an" c$stomi5e" form, aving "irect connectivity !it telecom operators# Nim%$s I. Sol$tions is a lea"ing B$l+ SMS gate!ay service provi"er# It !ill s o! ?=o$r Bran"? to receiver @recipientA# Similar to getting a message from yo$r p one company, it s o!s yo$r company name# =o$ can sen" 8'''s of messages per secon"#

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

=o$ !ill get po!er f$ll an" easy to $se control panel on !e% %ase" B$l+ SMS Soft!are to /eat$res7

Manage yo$r A""ress Boo+ > P one Boo+# Manage gro$p of $sers Bli+e frien"s in one gro$p, client in ot er gro$p, staff on ot er gro$p etc# =o$ can sen" message instantly to any in"ivi"$al $ser or to a partic$lar gro$p# =o$ can sc e"$le t e system to sen" messages on a partic$lar "ate an" time to in"ivi"$als or gro$ps# Uploa" e-cel s eet, notepa" files or #csv files B!it n$m%er an" messageC to sen" %$l+ messages !it o$t ma+ing a""ress %oo+# =o$ can sc e"$le once an" can sen" rec$rring @repeatA message @m$ltiple times li+e eac "ay, !ee+, mont or yearA , for e-ample once set, message can go to eac year on %irt "ay of yo$r frien" or to yo$r spo$se# 3e !ill also provi"e API for integration !it yo$r o!n applications# . is SMS System is not only for personal $se, %$t t is is also very effective %$siness tool to sen" instant notification to yo$ clients# . is system is really $sef$l for Sc ools, Retailers, Agents, Doctors an" ospitals, Ban+s .o$r>.ravel companies, osting an" ot er service provi"er companies#

Users %$ying 8, '',''' or more cre"its !ill get t eir o!n SMS selling !e% %ase" reseller panel !it follo!ing feat$res

=o$ !ill get !e% %ase" soft!are# =o$ can sell t e SMS cre"its to ot er $sers on yo$r o!n c$stom rates# =o$ "o not nee" to !orry a%o$t s$pport as t e ne!ly create site !ill allo! t em to login an" sen" SMS @an" all facilities liste" a%oveA

O$r system allo! any program>soft!are @"evelope" in ASP>#N,.>Dava>EBA to sen" SMS t o$g its special interface, %$t !it proper a$t entication an" sec$rity# . at means yo$ can sen" payment remin"ers, invoices, receipts, "$es ot er notifications

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

"irect from yo$r in $se application %y a""ing fe! lines of co"e @provi"e" %y $sA in yo$r system# Sen"er I" 0 Alp a > N$meric Sen"er I" for ( "igits

33 BULK MAIL B$l+ email mar+eting is consi"ere" to %e a specific e"ge !it ! ic Nim%$s I. Sol$tions empo!er its revere" clientele# In t is ig tec age it is a po!erf$l tool at yo$r "isposal# 3it o$r en ance" B$l+ email mar+eting an" ne!sletter services !e see+ to provi"e yo$ !it c$tting e"ge !e% assistance# So far !e ave catere" o$r client frien"ly services to a %evy of corporate giants, small as !ell as me"i$m scale %$siness entities an" ISO certifie" %$siness gro$ps# 3it t e elp of specific met o"s !e ens$re a g$arantee" ROI or ret$rn of investment for yo$# O$r services !ill %e completely cost effective an" t ey !ill pro"$ce res$lts t at yo$ can meas$re !it great ease# Eariety is t e %$55!or" of o$r B$l+ email mar+eting processes# So yo$ can get ama5ing options s$c as retention programs, c$stomer ac1$isition, "irect mar+eting etc# !e ens$re a ! olesome progress for yo$r site %y en ancing convert rates an" open clic+s# 3it $s yo$ can also en6oy t e facility of saving yo$r emails from getting lost in t e la%yrint of $n!ante" spamming# At t e same time !e see+ tol a"orn yo$ !it an array of val$e a""e" %enefits s$c as

Managing e mail I"s <etting sent reports Ne!sletter services Capacity of a""ing $nlimite" sen"er names Soft!are facilities Reg$lar reports on vie!er stat$s Attac ment facilities . e facility of $ns$%scri%ing t e services Specific %enefits on commercials

,mail mar+eting is t e most cr$cial Internet Mar+eting tool# Any s$ccessf$l online promotional effort is incomplete !it o$t incorporating "ata%ase or %$l+ email mar+eting an" ne!sletter services# /rom ISO certifie" giant corporate to small an" me"i$m scale %$sinesses, companies are no! integrating "irect email mar+eting into
ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B< P.; A@19

&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

t eir c$stomer ac1$isition an" retention programs# . is met o" as an ama5ing ret$rn on investment potential# It is e-tremely cost effective ! en yo$ !is to reac a large c$stomer %ase# It streamlines t e entire mar+eting comm$nication str$ct$re# Fo!ever, it is important to target ig ly specifie" prospects# Simply in"$lging in spamming an" $nsolicite" mailing "oes not solve t e p$rpose# O$r email mar+eting tec ni1$es ens$re ig open clic+ an" convert rates# 3e elp yo$ %$il" an" manage yo$r email lists so t at it "oes not res$lt in $n!ante" spamming# . is is ac ieve" t ro$g efficiently segmenting t e target a$"ience an" creating personali5e" email messages t at are creative an" interactive# Silent /eat$res7

SPAM /R,, ,mails, G'H In%o- Delivery ,asily create Ne!sletters Manage <ro$p>Lists Manage ,mail IDs Sen"er Name I Unlimite" @/R,,A Reply email7 ,n" User set reply email at t eir en"# Uns$%scri%e /acility Availa%le7 If someone "oes not !ant to receive email from any partic$lar $ser t en t ey can $ns$%scri%e t is email, after $ns$%scri%e t em !ill never receive promotional emails# Eie! Sent Report %y Date Searc Eie!er Report7 In t is section, !e can trac+, o! many $sers vie! promotional emails# 3it incoming IP a""ress "etails# Attac ment /acility ,mail I" Data%ase also availa%le @All over INDIAA I Complimentary Availa%le Eali"ity I Unlimite" B$l+ ,mail Soft!are 7 /R,, @=o$ ave to only p$rc ase cre"its of emailA

/or Commercials7

/or 8 Lac ,mail Cre"its J ) Paisa>,mail /or : Lac ,mail Cre"its J 9 Paisa>,mail

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

/or 8' Lac ,mail Cre"its J &#: Paisa>,mail

43 S"O5T COD S ort Co"es ave proven to %e a $ge mar+eting s$ccess over t e past fe! years t an+s to t eir 1$ality, comforta%leness an" a%ility to attract a "irect response# SMS S ort Co"e n$m%ers, also +no!n as S ort Co"es are special n$m%ers, s orter t an a f$ll telep one n$m%er SMS S ort Co"e n$m%ers are more common t en yo$ may t in+, s ort co"es are !i"ely $se" on print a"vertising, .elevision an" ra"io a"vertising, on mar+eting promotional literat$re, on0pac+ mar+eting an" on o$t"oor a"vertising# . ey are simply $nforgetta%le : "igit SMS .e-t n$m%ers, Nim%$s I. Sol$tionKs s ort co"e n$m%ers are common to all ma6or In"ian mo%ile p one operators# 3e provi"e o$r services all ma6or In"ian cities li+e Ne! Del i, M$m%ai, Fy"era%a", C ennai, Lol+ata, <$rgoan, Noi"a, /ari"a%a", < a5ia%a" etc# . ey ena%le o$r clients to offer e-tra services to t eir c$stomers or promote t eir %$sinesses in a "ifferent proportion# S ort co"es an" service i"entifiers @prefi-A S ort co"es are often associate" !it a$tomate" services# An a$tomate" program can an"le t e response an" typically re1$ires t e sen"er to start t e message !it a comman" !or" or prefi-# . e service t en respon"s to t e comman" appropriately# In a"s or in ot er printe" material ! ere a provi"er as to inform a%o$t %ot t e prefi- an" t e s ort co"e n$m%er, t e a"vertisement !ill typically follo! t is format7 .e-t Cric+et to ;&)') for latest Cric+et ne!s# <3 DOMAIN 5 #IST5ATION Domain registration is a cr$cial part in t e arena of !e% %$siness an" Nim%$s I. Sol$tions ens$res !e% %$sinesses of service ! ic is !ort million "ollars# 3e provi"e yo$ !it instant an" effortless Domain name registration services# Opting for o$r e-pertise an" e-perience yo$ can en6oy !orl"!i"e loc+ in lig tening fast time span ! ic !ill not go %eyon" : min$tes# At t e same time !e offer yo$ a galore of facilities for free# If yo$ are see+ing in "ept information simply fee" in yo$r "omain name in t e "omain searc %o-# In case yo$ are loo+ing for specific an" professional assistance t en feel free to contact o$r sales "epartment# Spen" some moments consi"ering o$r "omain %oo+ing prices Nim%$s I. Sol$tions provi"es Instant Domain Name Registration# . e %est part is t at ! en yo$ register yo$r "omain !it $s yo$ !ill get !orl"!i"e loc+ imme"iately !it in less t an : min$te# . ere is lots of free st$ff yo$ !ill get !it t e "omain name registration# /or more information 6$st try to p$t yo$r "esire" "omain name in t e

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

Domain Searc %o- %elo!# If yo$ nee" any assistance ! ile registering yo$r "omain t en please give $s a call an" o$r sales "epartment !ill elp yo$ in c oosing perfect %$siness oriente" "omain name for yo$r online %$siness e-tension# 63 ! B "OSTIN# Nim%$s I. Sol$tions provi"es ,conomical 3e% Fosting Sol$tions for B$"get, B$siness an" ,nterprise clients from Ne! Del i In"ia# O$r 3in"o!s &''' > &''9 an" Lin$- platform osting pac+ages is c$stomi5e" to meet yo$r re1$irements# 3e also offering !orl" class !e% osting in economical competitive prices !it o$t compromising !it 1$ality an" feat$res of t e !e% osting# 3e ave clients from Del i In"ia, USA, UL, Cana"a, an" A$stralia# If yo$ are loo+ing for Corporate Mailing Sol$tions t en try o$r Fig Performance Mailing Sol$tions, !e are s$re t at yo$4ll %e appy to $se o$r corporate mailing > osting services an" feel t at yo$ ave to come to $s earlier %efore#

Pro&o)$o*al B(l8 SMS #a)%+a6; Mo,%& Bas%,; No* DND S%r/$1% /or Best Offer7 8 Lac B$l+ SMS J 8M Paisa>SMS N 8&#9(H Service .a- ,-tra# /or Best Offer7 & Lac B$l+ SMS J 8( Paisa>SMS N 8&#9(H Service .a- ,-tra# No)%; 8# Sen"er ID 0 8' Digits Mo%ile NoKs &# BULL SMS 3e% Base" Interface Set$p 0 /ree 9# Eali"ity 0 G' "ays )# Payment 8''H a"vance :# Service .a- 8&#9(H e-tra# !%'s$)% D%s$-*$*8# .emplate Pac+age J 9GG: >0 INR only &# Starter Pac+age J :GG: >0 INR only 9# B$siness Pac+age J ;GG: >0 INR only

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

!%' "os)$*1GB LINUX SILVER 10GB Bandwidth/Month 50 Email Account 5 MyS L !ata"a#$ 10 Su" !omain %&% 5 Su''o(t RS) 1*00/+ ,R US- .5)00 /GB LINUX G,L! /0GB Bandwidth/Month 100 Email Account 0 MyS L !ata"a#$ 15 Su" !omain %&% 5 Su''o(t RS) /550/+ ,R US- 1.)00 5GB LINUX !IAM,N! 50GB Bandwidth/Month /50 Email Account 15 MyS L !ata"a#$ /0 Su" !omain %&% 5 Su''o(t RS) 5100/+ ,R US- 120)00

Do&a$* Pr$1% Boo8$*TLD 3Co& 3N%) 3Or3B$2 3Us 3I*fo 3Na&% 3Mo'$ 3As$a 3I* 3Co3$* 3B2 3C1 3C* 3 ( 3M% 3M* 3T%l 3T/ 3U8 3!s M$*3 :%ars 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5%-$s)%r IN53<@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 13@@300 IN53 22@@300 IN53 =@@300 IN53 14@@300 IN53 6@@300 IN53 <@@300 Tra*sf%r IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53<@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 13@@300 IN53 22@@300 IN53 =@@300 IN53 14@@300 IN53 6@@300 IN53 <@@300 5%*%+ IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 B@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 11@@300 IN53 @@@300 IN53 <@@300 IN53 13@@300 IN53 22@@300 IN53 =@@300 IN53 14@@300 IN53 6@@300 IN53 <@@300

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&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

If yo$ ave any 1$ery please feel free to contact $s on I infoJnim%$sitsol$tions#com or yo$ can call $s on I NG80G;889')&98 . an+ =o$, San"eep L$mar Prasa" Director NIMBUS ADCOM PE. L.D

ADD; <=4, II*, >loor, #(r( 5a& Das Na-ar, La?&$ Na-ar, D%l.$ 91100@23 1194@B<B<B<



&a$l; $*foC*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&, !%'s$)%; +++3*$&'(s$)sol()$o*s31o&

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