Ufo Journal

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The document discusses a publication called the MUFON UFO Journal and some of its contents from 1979.

The MUFON UFO Journal is discussed throughout the document text. It is mentioned on pages 2, 3 and 21.

The document mentions that ufology work is criticized for being careless, incompetent, incomplete and uncritical. It says investigators must upgrade their work and set high standards of truth and accuracy.



Founded 1967 $1.00



UFO sighted by Cathy Wilfong and Cindy Bridges,

Greenfield, Indiana (See story, p. 3)
(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
An appropriate New Year's resolution for all of us would be to
Seguin, Texas 78155 "clean up our act" — to be more thorough, and critical in our
investigations of and reporting on "high strangeness" UFO cases in
particular, and UFO reports in general. To some degree, both Allan
ANN DRUFFEL Hendry and James Oberg are correct in their criticisms of rank-and-
Associate Editor file "ufology." Both, however, paint with a broad brush and seem
LEN STRINGFIELD unable — or unwilling — to recognize competent work by others.
Associate Editor Oberg, especially, uses the excesses of irresponsible or
incompetent investigators to brand us all. Without considering
Contributing Editor
motives, it must be stated that what they say is grounded in fact.
Careless, incompetent, incomplete, uncritical investigation and
reporting abound in the field. If we hope to be taken seriously, we
must upgrade the quality of our work and set exacting standards of
Director of MUFON truth and accuracy.

Humanoid Study Group


REV. BARRY DOWNING In this issue

Religion and UFOs


Books/Periodicals/History By Charles L. Tucker
MARK HERBSTRITT By Keith Basterfield
By Wayne LaPorte
By Ted Phillips
By Centrede Recherches Ufologiques Nicois
Landing Trace Cases
BOOK REVIEW ("The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries") 11
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER By Ann Druffel (Guest columnist Willard D. Nelson)
By George D. Fawcett
Editor/Publishers Emeritus IN OTHERS' WORDS 19
By Lucius Parish
The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is By Walt Andrus
published by the Mutual UFO
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas.
Subscription rates: $8.00 per year
in the U.S.A.; $9.00 per year
foreign. Copyright 1979 by the
Mutual UFO Network. Second
class postage paid at Seguin,
Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNAL ate Permission is herby granted to quote from this issue
determined by the editor, and do not necessarily provided not more than 200 words are quoted from any
3579 to advise change of address to represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of one article, the author of the article is given credit, and
The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, contributors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the statement "Copyright 1979 by the MUFON UFO
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON. Articles may be JOURNAL, 103 Oldtowne Rd, Sequin, Texas" is
L forwarded directly to MUFON. included.
by Charles L. Tucker1
(MUFON State Director)

On January 8, 1979, Mr. Marion was, she became frightened and started frontways.
Ritchie and his wife viewed a UFO on screaming for Cathy to come out and Cathy stated, "the thing moved
county road 138 right in back of look at this thing that was coming down like it was in slow motion. It was very
Fairfield High School, Indiana, for a towards the field. Cathy knew huge with three lights. There was some
continuous 5 minutes. Mr. Ritchie is a something was wrong when she heard kind of circle in the middle of the
resident of Rome City, Indiana, and an the screaming and her dog, Babe, bottom or underneath side. The whole
employee of Starcraft Industries in barking wildly. When she saw the time we watched this object, we could
Topeka, Indiana. He knows he viewed object coming down she couldn't only see the bottom side." The
something he had never seen in his life believe it. estimated time they viewed the object
— an unidentified flying object. Although frightened, Cathy ran to was 40 minutes.
Mr. Ritchie, a credible man in his the garage to get her camera. When she This UFO incident attracted the
community, viewed a cylinder-shaped couldn't find her camera she ran into attention of the Center for UFO
object over an open held about 50 feet the house petrified. At this time Cindy Studies in Evanston, Illinois. They sent
from the road with lights of white, red was in the camper watching the object out one of their investigators, Allan
and green. At first he thought it was a from the inside. She stayed in the Hendry, who is the top field investigator
water tower, but as he drove under the camper for an estimated time of 4 for the Center. Hendry stated, "This
object he knew it couldn't be. The time minutes. When she noticed Cathy sighting was one of the two most
was around 8:00 PM. running into the house she decided she significant sightings the Center has
When I interviewed him on had better go into the house too. examined in 1978. Due to the fact that
February 1,1979, Mr. Rite hie described After calling the Sheriff's this sighting was at such a close range
the cylinder as being 15 feet long and Department, Cathy then called her by two credible witnesses and also due
hovering about 75-100 feet from the mother who lives 6 miles away from the to the physical evidence the UFO left,
ground. The lights suddenly became so Wilfong residence; she came which was the impression in their
intense that it was hard for Mr. Ritchie immediately and saw the lights of the soybean field." Hendry went on to
to tell what the object really was. As the UFO as it departed. (She watched state, "The impression left in the field is
lights grew brighter and brighter, the these lights as she drove towards their similar to 'Saucer Nests' found and
object zipped off into the cold clear house, and first saw them from 4 to 5 reported in Australia and elsewhere in
night. As Mr. Ritchie and his wife drove miles away as she approached on state the World, also indicated the UFO
off, they were silent at first, then broke road 209.) never did touch the ground." The stems
into laughter and exclaimed that no one The Wilfong's live 8 miles from the in the bean field were not uprooted at
would ever believe what they had just Sheriffs office, but it took them at least all, and the stems were intertwined and
viewed. 30 minutes to get to the house from the matted together.
During the interview Mr. Ritchie time Cathy called. The case also was investigated by
stated, "No way am I trying to hoax this. Upon the Deputy's arrival they MUFON Field Investigator, Arthur
I know what I seen and I feel it was informed Cathy that what they had Morros of Zionsville, Indiana.
definitely a UFO." seen was a "helicopter." This so-called On September 25, 1978, a very
On November 8,1978, Mrs. Cathy "helicopter" made no sound unusual thing happened to Jim Altees.
Wilfong and her sister Mrs. Cindy whatsoever, had no propeller so it just Jim was walking out in an alley near his
Bridges viewed a UFO near Greenfield, naturally threw no propwash, did not home in Indianapolis about 10 PM when
Indiana. You could say they had very have any night flying navigational he heard a loud noise. The noise grew
good proof that they did see something beacon as required by FAA regulations, louder and louder, then the ground
unidentified by the large imprint, about and was 120 to 140 feet long! seemed like it began to shake. He
140 feet long, that was left in their As described by the witnesses, the looked up into the sky and saw a bright
soybean field in the back of their home. UFO was oblong, very, very huge with a object coming nearer and nearer to the
It was around 9:00 PM when Cindy kind of greenish-dray color. (See ground about 100 feet away.
went out to get some firewood, when sketch.) It had three lights, one red and (continued on next page)
she noticed a big fiery light coming two white. The UFO did not have any
•down towards the soybean field. When sound, and it moved flying sideways 1. Director of International UFO Investigative
she went to investigate what the object behind the barn and then took off flying Bureau. P.O. Box 228, Nappanec, IN 46550
(Indiana, Continued)
Jim's brother Paul was walking
with him, and he said he thought that it
was just a jet because of the loud noise.
But as the two kept watching this
object, they knew they were witnessing
something very unusual. What was the
object that they were viewing? Why did
it have so many lights?
Jim ran into the house and called
the STAR, the local newspaper for the
Indianapolis area, to come out and take
pictures of this UFO. But the STAR
told him to call the police. When Jim
called the police they gave him a Drawing from chart of UFO shapes resembling Altees UFO, except
number to call to report his sighting. He object was "more square"
called the number, which was a number
in Washington, D.C., and they took the
The object was described by Jim
as being as large as two houses or two SCHEDULED FOR 1980 SYMPOSIUM
747 jets. George described the object as
reminding him of a World War n
bomber. He stated, "I never seen an 1980 Mutual UFO Network Symposium
object in the sky with that many lights!" June 6-8, 1980
There were 18 lights that flashed Clear Lake City (Houston), Texas
(Adjacent to NASA JSC)
on, 18 floodlights that beamed very
brightly upon them. The shape of the
Advanced Propulsion Workshop
UFO appeared to be octagon. The
Workshop Coordinator: Alan C. Holt
Altees' only view of the object appeared
to be the bottom of the craft. The
bottom was described by Jim as being OBJECTIVES
• Provide a forum for imaginative, creative, and/or speculative propulsion
of a shiny silver material with the lights
concepts and research (UFO related or resulting from other research)
all around the outer part of the craft.
• Formulate propulsion research requirements and priorities
Right in the dead center of the craft was
• Discuss plans for a special Advanced Propulsion System Symposium
a green blinking light. The object
remained visible for 4-5 minutes. FORMAT
The Altees were shown a UFO • Two hours of presentations: June 7, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Identification sheet that the Internation- • One hour of discussion: 4:00 - 5:00 PM (June 8, 9:00 - 11:00 AM optional)
al UFO Investigative Bureau provided
them to see if the UFO they had viewed ABSTRACTS REQUESTED - Due March 1, 1980
was the same as any pictured on the • A maximum of 8 abstracts will be selected for the presentations
sheet. They noted that the object was • All abstracts submitted will be included in a special publication which will be
similar to one seen in 1965 only more available at the symposium
"square." (See sketch.) • Abstract requirements: 1-3 typed pages (single spaced)
When I asked them what they . • If you plan to attend the symposium and wish to participate in the Advanced
thought of what they had seen, George Propulsion Workshop (travel funds currently not available), send abstracts to:
Altees, the father, stated, "it could be Alan C. Holt Alan C. Holt
one of three things. A secret weapon 15803 Echo Hill X NASA Johnson Space Center
that the United States has got, Houston, Texas 77059 or Code CG 6
something from Russia that doesn't 713-488-5117 Houston, Texas 77058
show up on our known 'radar,' or it 713-483-4794
could be from some place else outside
the earth." Jim stated that "it was a SPONSORSHIP
strange experience...! wanted it to land • Currently (11/9/79) limited to the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. and the Vehicle
so I could get a better observation of the Internal Systems Investigative Team, Inc.
craft." But they both were convinced
that what they had seen was not
something they had ever seen before.
By Keith Basterfield

February 1979 brought two similar realized the engine had stopped. Ten determine if there is any missing period
vehicle effect cases only 4 days apart, minutes may have been occupied by a of time which might have allowed for an
although the physical locations in- stop at this point but we aren't sure of "abduction" style event to have
volved were separated by the length of this. If he did stop it must have been in occurred. The main reason for this is
the Australian continent. Investigations such a manner as not to bring attention the uncertainty of the reporter's
have recently been completed and the to himself from any other cars traveling timings, which are only guesswork.
following accounts are courtesy of the along the road during this interval.
Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre, Recollection after this is of driving Liverpool Creek, Queensland
GPO Box 1310 N, Hobart, Tasmania up the rise in the road from Lawitta, Almost exactly 4 days later to the
7001 and UFO Research (Far North then slowing down for the intersection hour, about 9 p.m. on Friday, February
Queensland) PO Box 1585, Cairns, of the Midland Highway at Granton, 21 9, a banana farmer was driving home
Queensland 4870, respectively. kms from Hobart. Shortly after this he alone to Mission Beach from Innisfail,
was pulled up by the police for driving North Queensland. Driving down a hill
Lawitta, Tasmania without lights. He did not know where about one kilometer north of the
On February 5, 1979, a Hobart he was going, where he lived, nor who Liverpool Creek bridge on the Bruce
man (name held on file) was returning he was. The police looked at his Highway he noticed a dull white light
home from Hamilton in the Derwent personal papers and took him home, which appeared to be sitting on the
Valley when problems occurred with leaving the car in town. edge of the bitumen on the left-hand
the car he was driving, and it was He was then taken to the Royal side of the road.
enveloped in a dazzling white light. The Hobart Hospital in an apparent dazed Nearing the light he noted what
next thing the man was aware of was of condition. Reports quote a pulse rate of looked like a dark beehive shape behind
being stopped by the police for driving 100 and a state of shock. A nurse shone it. The light then rose vertically, and
without lights. He couldn't recall who a light into his eye and he backed off as if when it was an estimated 10 meters
he was, nor anything of the past period scared, and then seemed to recover his away from him (one meter off the road)
of time. In fact he didn't recall anything memory, although even at the time of there was a blinding flash. Upon
until a nurse at the Royal Hobart writing, he still couldn't recall regaining his sight he realized that the
Hospital shone a torch in his eyes, after everything which occurred. car's headlights, dashlights, and engine
he was taken there for a medical His vehicle, a Ford Cortina 71 TC had ceased to function. The reporter
checkup. The following account then station wagon, was recovered later. It put the car into neutral (automatic
has been reconstructed by TUFOIC's was found to have a flat battery and the transmission) and coasted to a stop in a
. investigator, Keith Roberts. oil level was low. This is puzzling as nearby truck rest area.
The reporter estimates he left according to the reporter it was He was just lighting a cigarette
Hamilton at about 9:30 p.m. on a fine checked 3-4 days earlier and he hadn't when the headlights and dashlights
clear evening to drive back to Hobart been anywhere since then except for came on of their own accord. He
via the Lyell Highway, a distance of 71 that evening. The battery was fairly new therefore tried the engine which started
kms. The event occurred at Lawitta when the car had been bought 12 successfully the first time and drove
some 42 kms from Hobart at around months prior. The cut-out switch on the home carefully without incident. The
9:50 p.m. (time is only an estimate), alternator needed replacing, as did object was not seen during this trip
there being little traffic at the time. wiring especially in the headlights. It home.
He recalls that his car radio died was bubbled over as if overheated. Once home the car was inspected.
out. Pressing the station buttons had no Radiator water was also low. The battery leads were tight and in
effect and the radio remained dead. The reporter does not want to good condition and the terminals free of
Seconds later an intense white light undergo hypnosis to attempt to recover corrosion. No lasting after-effects were
seemed to envelope the car and he could the missing details, which is noted on the vehicle since the event.
not see beyond the front of the bonnet disappointing for we shall probably Ms. H. Goriss, investigator for
(hood - Editor.) The car's lights and the never know just what did occur on that UFOR (FNQ), interviewed the man and
motor failed in the same instant. night. An inspection of the times of reported that he was very unsettled by
Beyond this things are vague. He thinks departure, arrival, and expected the event and had absolutely no idea as
he tried to start the car when he duration of the trip does not allow us to (continued on next page)
By Wayne LaPortc

In the past year and a half there more, cases being brought to my Mrs. Nelda Bahr said she saw three
clusters of white lights In a triangular
have been many reports of "borderline attention. All encounters occurred on formation with a blinking red light
UFOs," that is, UFOs which seem to be March 9 and a total of 37 people were near the rear.
•At about the same .time, three teen--
true UFOs but may actually be some involved. However, a routine check agers, traveling west on U.S. 74 be-
iween Monroe and Indian Trail, saw an
type of aircraft. Sightings of such a with the local F.A.A. and Thurston object traveling southeast near Ken-
UFO occurred in Scandia, Minn., on Aviation (which has a military refueling drlck Brick and Tile Co. with white
lights In a triangular shape with a red '
March 22, 1978; Orange, Calif., on contract) indicated that all .the . light at the rear..
Between 9 and 9:19 p.m.. Union
September 27 and 29, 1978; and in witnesses may have seen a flight of four County building Inspector Steve Morton
was traveling toward his home In the
Wheeling, W.Va., on November 3, Army helicopters that refueled at White Oaks subdivision with his family
1978. On March 9,1979, a "borderline" .Thurston. So, I queried the Army •nd several neighbors la the car.
Morton and his family reported see-
UFO showed up in the Charlotte, N.C., helicopter field at Ft. Bragg, N.C., for • Ing • blimp-like object, with three row*
of white lights, a red light oa the top
area. It was seen by many, but exactly flight information on any flights in the and another on the front Up.
what everyone saw is difficult to say. Charlotte area on the 9th of March. At about 9 p.m, a woman and sever-
al companions spotted an object they
For on that particular Friday night a The answer came in 2 weeks. thought was the Goodyear blimp Just
flight of military helicopters flew According to. the Army, a flight of four southwest of Monroe.
through the area. Furthermore, the military helicopters flying in diamond In Pageland, S.C, at about 9:15, a
couple watching television heard a
"choppers" appear to have been flying formation did arrive at Thurston sound like helicopters outside and went
to Investigate.
with non-standard - navigation lights Aviation at Douglas Municipal for When they got outside, the sound
stopped and they aaw a rectangular ob-
which created a fantastic UFO illusion. refueling about 8 p.m. They left at 9:15 ject with many red and white lights.
During the first two weeks of p.m. The flight approached from the The object moved slowly away.
March I received several "good" UFO N.E. on a 250° heading and departed on
reports. Most of the witnesses a 090° due East bearing. They were not However, the most intriguing
.requested confidentiality. However, on military maneuvers, but on a cross- aspect of this case is the possibility that
one very credible witness, Steve country training flight flying from Pope the helicopters- were flying without
Morton, elected to "go public" to see if AFB to Greensboro, N.C., to Charlotte conventional helicopter lighting.
any others saw what he and seven and back to Pope AFB, N.C. All flights According to eyewitnesses who had a
others sighted over a field below were direct. There were no other Army "close encounter" with the helicopter
Monroe, N.C. Local newspaper copter flights in the area that night. flight, no green,, lights were visible
coverage of the sighting resulted in 11 By knowing this flight information, despite a head-on approach. In fact, the
I was able to identify 5 out of the 12 lead helicopter appears to have been
(Vehicle, Continued) cases as being misperceptions of the flying with only the red blinking light on
to what he had encountered. After he helicopter flight. However, the other while the following three only had their
stopped the car he said that he had a seven cases appear to be a sighting of a white lights on. The red-lighted
feeling that he'd just had — or just "borderline UFO" which moved helicopter was flying the lead forward
woken up from — a nightmare. The southeasterly out of Charlotte while the
helicopters were still on the ground at
point of the diamond formation. All this r
location was inspected with negative created the illusion of a huge blimp-like
results and a magnetic signature check Douglas. The seven -cases of the object with white lights on the rear and
conducted on the vehicle, compared "mystery object" were abstracted and a red blinking light on the nose.
with another wagon of the same make, published in the May 9,1979 issue of the Military and F.A.A. flight
type, and mileage, showed no large Charlotte News. regulations both require that a
significant differences had occurred. helicopter, have a: blinking red light,
NOTES: For some speculation on this type of visible 360 degrees, and a starboard
event see, "A matter of fact" ACOS Bulletin No. NEWS, Charlotte, *C green light. Of.course, it's possible that
10, June 77, and "UFO repoftsrvehide effects" May 9, 1979 the witnesses may have overlooked the
ACOS Bulletin No. li, Sept. 77, both by this
author. A specialized reported form for vehicle
The first sighting came at about 8:30 green light. However, about 2 years
p.m. when a Charlotte couple heard a
cases is currently being used'by all Australian hellcopter-Uke sound and went outside ago, I personally witnessed a flight of
to see two white lights and a red light helicopters -pass over my .house. I
organizations to gather fine detail on the behavior In a triangular shape traveling toward
of the vehicle in such cases. Copies available from Monroe.
At 8:45 p.m. a Matthews woman said
quickly noticed that none of the copters
UFO Research (SA) 2A Castle Avenue, she beard a noise like a tornado and (confirmed on nexf page)
Prospect, Sth Aust 5082. went outside with her daughter.
white (3)
blinking red
white (3) blinking red

Army helicopter flight

formation flight UFO illusion

(Borderline, Continued)
was displaying any green or blinking red
gunships from the troopships. If such
tactics are being used stateside during
lights. Their approach .was head-on and military maneuvers, they may also Alain Esterle, Manager of the
they were flying at about 1,000 feet confuse . many witnesses and UFO French National group GEPAN, has
• altitude. After they passed overhead, I investigators alike. Some of the submitted a circular letter to U.S.
noticed a blinking red light on each "borderline UFOs" may be nothing. groups describing his organization's
helicopter. But, I never saw any green more than military helicopters on structure and activities. He asks for
lights. And, a total of seven helicopters maneuvers and flying with some of the collaboration and exchange of data,
were in the formation. lights painted out. and announces that technical and
A friend of mine and Vietnam information notes (in French) are
helicopter gunner veteran related how (Note: Assisting: in the, investigation available from M. Metzle, CNES/RPE,
in 'Nam they would paint out some of were Gayle McBride, Henry Morton, 125 rue de 1'Universite, 75007 Paris,
the lights in order to confuse the Viet and Dave Oldham.) .. • France.
Cong. Such tactics would prevent the
'Cong from successfully identifying the Pedro Redon, General Secretary
of Centre de Estudios Interplanetarios
(CEI) and Director of Stendek, reports
SPANISH AIRLINER CASE a case of UFO sound recorded on
magnetic tape, part of which is
believed to be related to the propulsion
source. He asks for reports on similar
cases and offers details of their
(Note: MUFON is investigating this The 34-year-old pilot of the scientific analysis in exchange.
radar-visual-photographic case Spanish Caravelle jet broke his silence Address: Apartado 282, Barcelona,
reported by United Press International, on the weekend incident Wednesday Spain.
and will publish a follow-up report.) and explained why he dropped 14,000
feet and landed in Valencia-on Spain's ' The 1980 MUFON UFO
Madrid, Spain, November 15 eastern Mediterranean coast-rather Symposium, to be held near the
(UPI)--Whatever a government than in the Canary Islands. Francisco NASA-Houston Johnson Space
investigation decides, a reported.UFO Lerdo-who has 15 years experience as Center, is set for Saturday, June 7, and
sighting over Spain must be one of the a pilot-says he saw two "intense red Sunday, June 8. The host group is
best-documented on record. The case lights" streak across the sky toward his Vehicle Internal Systems Investigative
involves a.Spanish airline pilot carrying jet shortly before midnight Sunday. Team (VISIT), P.O. Box 877,
109 passengers who made an Within minutes, he said, the objects
Friendswood, TX 77546.
emergency landing over the weekend. closed in. That's when he ordered, his
The pilot claims unidentified flying passengers to fasten their safety belts, The Center for UFO Studies
objects buzzed his plane and and he dove toward Valencia. Lerdo has, embarked on a . fund-raising/
threatened a collision. An airport claims radar in Madrid picked up the publicity campaign, and has changed
director-among others-says he saw UFOs, and saw them plunge 12,000 feet the format and content of the
the UFO's, too. And Air Force jets were in 30 seconds in an attempt.to follow International UFO Reporter. Also, the
reportedly sent up to take pictures. him. And the Director of Valencia
second issue of the biannual Journal of
Spain's Transport Minister, ordering an Airport says he saw the mysterious
UFO Studies is due soon. Address:
investigation, said- "It is clear that objects hovering over the airport. '
UFOs exist." s 1609 Sherman Ave., Suite 207,
Evanston, IL 60201.
By Ted Phillips

After a long and critical look at the 1,477 ground trace reports on file, I have found that the vast majority lack information to
such an extent as to preclude rating the cases objectively. Of the total cases, 68 appear to offer a high level of strangeness. More
detailed information on these reports could result in an increase or reduction of the rating.

1950: 1 1964: 3 1972: 4

1954: 8 1965: 10 1973: ' 3
1957: 1 1966: 4 1974: 3
1958: 1 1967: 2 1975: 4
1959: 2 1968: 2 1976: 3
1960: 2 1969: 2 1976: 3
1962: 4 1970: 1 1977: 1
1963: 1 1971: 3 1978: 3
Italy 4 Brazil ....4 Spain... 5
France • 9 Australia 2 England 1
Portugal 1 Uruguay 2 Canada. 4
Argentina 11 Peru i.2 Finland . 2
Sweden 1 S. Africa 2 Mexico . 1
United States 17
0100: 2 0900: 1 1700: 1
0200: 3 1000: 1 1800: 1
0300: 1 1100: 1 1900: 3
0400: 5 1200: 0 2000: 4
0500: 2 1300: 0 2100: 5
0600: -1 1400: 0 2200: 4
0700: 1 1500: 0 2300: 2
0800: 1 1600: 1 0000: 5
One 2 Four+ 1 Thirteen ... 1
One+ 3 Five 2 Seventeen . 1.
Two 16 Six......... 3 Twenty 1
Two+ 2 Seven 2 Twenty-five 1
Three 13 Seven+ 1 Thirty 1
Three* 2 Eight 1 Several .'-..'. 9
Four ; 6


Unknown 50 Fair .. .0 Excellent 5

Poor 0 Good 13

(Investigation by Anne-Marie and giving a play, "Lucrezia Borgia." The appeared normal. He was dressed in a
Philippe Maissa, Theirry Leplat, and weather was clear and warm. light-colored suit (combinaison) and
Eric Zurcher, of the Centre de When they turned into the street, seemed to be "thin and aged." Indeed,
Recherches Ufologiques Nicois. Date: Mme. X and her two companions saw, this individual had a long white beard,
Summer 1951. -Witnesses (3): Mme. X, 60 meters away, a small ovoid object, and it was this that most impressed the
40 at the time, no profession; M.X, 49, entirely transparent, which was witnesses.
electrician; M. Y, 50, policeman.) motionless at a height of 7 or 8 meters at The being's skin color was normal.
Mme. X was going together with the level of the square and behind the He wore nothing on his head. The
her husband and a policeman friend theater. No one in the audience seemed witness (Mme. X) no longer remembers
(both since deceased) to the little to have noticed it. The play had already certain details of nose, eyes, mouth,
square in the rue des Martyrs at begun and everyone's back was turned hair, etc., but nothing apart from the
Beausoleil (Alpes-Maritimes, France). to the eng/n. It was still daylight. long beard particularly shocked her.
They planned to attend a performance Intrigued, the three witnesses The being seemed absorbed in the
given by a traveling theatre which was advanced toward the object and contemplation of the play, and he was
•Translated by Lex Mebane from LDLN #175
distinguished a "pilot". He was seated in even leaning forward to better observe
(May 1978). Edited by Ann Druffel. the front of the vehicle; his height (confirmed on next page)

(Ground Traces, Continued)

Unknown 26 Eight minutes+ 1 Forty minutes 1
One minute 2 Ten minutes 4 Forty-five minutes 3
One minute+ 4 Ten minutes+ 1 Several minutes 10
Three minutes 1 Eleven minutes 1 One hour 1
Three minutes* 1 Twelve minutes 1 One hour+ 3
Four minutes+ 1 Fifteen minutes* . 1 Two hours ;... 1
Five minutes 1 Twenty minutes 1 Three hours 1
Eight minutes 1 Thirty-five minutes 1
0-50 , 19 250-500 8 1,000+ 1
50-100 4 500 - 1,000 5 "nearby" 5
100-250 4


1 8 1 18
2 9 2 26
3 27 3 20
4 .24 4 4
5 0 5 0
(1 represents lowest rating; low number of high rated traces due to lack of analysis)
Partial analysis 17 cases
Complete analysis 0

Insufficient Information 55 Probable Unknown Unknown 6

(BeausoleU, Continued) < • balanced and poised. Her son has witnesses made an immediate and
it. It was at this moment that, he confirmed to us that, when he was unconscious association between the
uncovered in part a second quite small, he always heard the object observed and the sounds heard
"personage," likewise seated, whom same account, without any on one hand, and the psychological
the witnesses could not clearly make variation. environment of the epoch on the other.
out. B. On the observation. In this view, the exact origin of the
Mme. X did not see the slightest This o b s e r v a t i o n a t t a i n s , sounds has little importance, the
mechanism in the engfn — or, as is undoubtedly, a high level of process described above being much
more probable, she no longer strangeness. This scene where two more interesting to analyze and to note.
remembers very well the details she beings seemed to watch a We could just as well reverse the
may have then observed. theatrical play astonishes us thought and speak of "mimicry" on the
Presently, Mme. X found herself somewhat.. How long had they part of the phenomenon, but in this
very close to the UFO.- After been there? How does it happen case we have discovered no element
reconstruction at the site, we would say that no one, not even the actors, able to come to the support of this
'between 7 and 8 meters; the .object observed the engin? Was it visible hypothesis.
being at an equal height. It measured only for the three witnesses and for C. On the beings observed.
between 4 and 5 meters in length. At no one else? There are so many We will classify the humanoid
this distance, the witnesses began to . questions , which must remain observed as Pereira's Type 1,
call out to the spectators at the theater unanswered, in view of the long variant 1 (i.e., occupants of normal
to have them confirm their incredible time since the event, and above all height who resemble us feature for
vision. The object then immediately the few elements which we have at feature). This type of Ufonaut is
.took off, very rapidly and with a slight our disposal. Nevertheless, we can the most frequent in the French
whistling sound. It disappeared in one say that the general context of the observations of the 20th century,
second to the NNE, behind the roof of a observation excludes, in our both in the number of cases (14,
house. opinion, any error of interpretation thus 11.2% of 126 cases) and in the
The witnesses could not convince on the part of the witnesses. number of beings observed (70,
the spectators who had taken notice of It is to be remarked as rare that thus 19.02% of 123 cases).
them that.•. they . had really, seen such an "entirely transparent" object Between the years 1950 and. 1962,
something, and they passed "for should be observed by day. This type of these beings have been seen
madmen." This was a lesson to Mme. observation is much more frequent at several times on the Mediterr-
X, who did not speak of it again, outside night and seems linked to the anean coast. This type humanoid
her family, for 26 years! • luminosity of the phenomenon. is apparently not aggressive,
The observation in itself was rather After reconstruction at the site, we indeed quite the contrary, their
short, about 20-25 seconds. The arrive at a rather embarrassing attitude frequently betraying a
witnesses felt nothing; they were not interpretation. It seems that the good knowledge of the terrestrial
f r i g h t e n e d . There were no machine must have been inclined human environment.
': consequences for any of the three. toward the witnesses in a way that, On the other hand, it is extremely
They were simply intrigued. While they whether voluntarily or not, favored rare for bearded personages to be.
were descending the street toward the their vision. When we were at the site '. observed in this type. This testimony of
square and the object, Mme. X's we particularly insisted on this point: Mme. X thus constitutes a notable
husband heard voices "like Russian." Mrs. X definitely saw the beings "in exception, which adds a supplementary
As for Mme. X she no longer profile" and not from underneath, as note to the "differences" usually
remembers. Oh the other hand, the logic would have required. It is for every observed under the resemblances
object seemed to her, with respect to reader to draw reflections and classed by types and variants.
the ambient light, lighter in the interior. hypotheses from this observation in
Mme. X was not able to give an answer relation to his own experience of the
to the question: "If you could compare UFO phenomenon. Donations of cancelled foreign
what you saw to a precise memory or to A last word concerning the voices stamps, whose sale to a collector
a common and familiar object, what "like Russian" heard by Mr. X. supports international exchange -of
would you compare it to?" What she Research in the archives has shown us UFO information, are acknowledged
saw is perfectly unknown to her and to what a degree the onset of the 1950's from the following: Lou Parish,
evokes no comparable memory. was marked by the cold war. The press Plumerville, Ark.; Jerry Johnson,
of the period was impregnated with it, Austin, Tex.; and Barbara Mathey, Los
Some Remarks speaking notably of the war in Korea, Angeles, Calif.
A. On the witness. but also of a mysterious machine in
We are all personally as convinced preparation by the Soviets which was to
as it is possible to be that the go around the world at a high altitude in
witness is of good faith. Mme. X is a a very short time (Sputnik). It is
good -woman, perfectly well- therefore perfectly possible that the
Book Review are evidence of this explosion.
Professor Felix Zigel and author
experimenting in this direction. The
cases in his files, which the authors
The New Soviet Psychic Discover- Aleksandr Kazantsev think that studied, are similar to those in the
ies, by Henry Gris and William Dick refugees from disintegrating Phaeton West. Among the cases described is a
(Prentice-Hall, Inc.,) $10.95. were forced to flee to Earth 500,000 fascinating one • investigated by
years ago, thus providing the models Professor Aleksei Zolotov, head of the
The National Enquirer sent these for the Honshu figurines found in Stone Kalinin Geophysical Expedition which
veteran reporters to the Soviet Union Age Japanese graves. At this time Zigel is still being investigated.
on six separate trips to gather the refused to talk about'UFOs,.but the "The Tungusky 'Divo' (magic
material for this most absorbing book. tactful persistence of the reporters miracle) — a Warning Shot from
Henry Gris, Senior Roving Editor, is an resulted in the interview, told word for Space." This chapter gives us
experienced Russia-observer and word in the next chapter. eyewitness accounts of the famous
speaks the language. William Dick, a "Professor Zigel and the Soviet event, and tells of the efforts made to
General Editor, specializes in the latest UFO Controversy." Like us, Zigel find the cause. Zolotov believes
developments in science, particularly deplores the skepticism of the scientists passionately that the nuclear explosion
medicine and parapsychology. They who have not studied the subject, and was caused by an unmanned,
used special contacts inside the Soviet the sensational aspect. To further automatic spaceship, deliberately sent
Union to reach leading scientists and research, he recommends building to blow up in an uninhabited region. He
researchers who had never before models of UFOs, exploring the more fears that another great explosion from
talked to Western journalists. The exotic problems of contemporary out space might be interpreted as
authors obviously know how to get physics to explain the physical aspects having been initiated by somebody on
along in the difficult world of Soviet of UFOs, and active experiments with Earth, and thus start a nuclear war. He
bureaucracy; in fact, the obstacles and UFOs using laser beams. He considers has sworn to let his beard grow until the
their resolving are part of the cooperation between American and mystery of Tungusky is solved, and it is
adventure. Because of their special Soviet scientists in the study of UFOs already very long!
contacts, the approval of their mission to be both possible and desirable. He "On the Trail of the Almasty —the
by the Soviet government, the help of says that the Academy of Sciences of Caucasus' Abominable Snowman." In
the "Novosti Press Agency," the the USSR in its Program of Possible this chapter Gris and Dick interview a
tireless assistance of their two friendly Communications with Extraterrestrial military doctor who examined aBigfoot
guides, and their own perseverance and Civilizations, published in 1975, captured by partisans in the Caucasus
capability, the interviews are recommends a system of continuous during World War II. Besides this
fascinating. The style is thorough, observation of the entire heavens by unusual story there is a lively interview
honest and colorful. Sidelights on the radio and radar to discover probes with Dr. Jeanna Kofman, whose life is
country, citizens, and customs give it "sent out by extraterrestrial devoted to tracking down the Almasty.
extra appeal. There are many good civilizations which may be at present Her aim is to bring together a Bigfoot
photographs. within our Solar System and possibly and the Soviet parapsychologists, "to
The book is in three parts, and even in orbit around Earth." explore the recesses of the human mind
"Part Two: The Search for New Life Zigel expects that UFO sightings as it was when we were coming into
Forms on Earth and Beyond" is of vital will increase, and considers UFOs the being." There is no suggestion that the
import to ufologists. Here are fresh most important area of research Almasty is connected with. UFOs.
cases, different researchers with existing today. He could not permit "Part One: Extraordinary
uninhibited theories, and above all, on Gris and Dick to examine his files, but Individuals," deals with famous
every side, support from the they resourcefully found their way to psychics, mind reading, clairvoyance,
government. "The Club of Fantasts," a meeting of telekinesis, the Kirlian effect and Kirlian
"The Search for Extraterrestrial civilian UFO investigators, where the himself, healing, and psychic ability of
Civilizations" (Chapter 11) covers the authors heard about individual cases. all kinds.
effort to capture light or radio signals Although the press .no longer prints "Part Three: The Scientific
from space, and to study telepathic UFO news, active investigation Investigations" covers dream study,
messages from UFOs to Russian continues. Gris and Dick contacted, a aspects of hypnosis and the possibility
witnesses. senior instructor at the Department of of using it for mind control, sight-by-
"The Missing Planet Phaeton" tells Automatic Devices of the Moscow touch, use of the Kirlian effect against
of the theory that a planet similar to Technological Institute, an engineer disease, the latest breakthrough in PSI
Earth but with a more advanced who is trying to devise an automatic technology, and acupuncture.
civilization used to orbit the sun just probe similar to UFOs. . He has The .final chapter, "Conclusions:
beyond Mars. A tremendous explosion collected many documented case the Aftermath of the Toth Case," is a
blew it to bits; tektites found in histories, spoken to witnesses, lectured thoughtful and perceptive pulling
Australia, the Philippines, Czecho- on UFOs and tried to analyze their together of the whole subject as related
slovakia, and finally in 1975 near the power source. He thinks we are dealing to the policy of Soviet authority. Gris
southern border of the Soviet Union with a fourth and fifth dimension, and is (Continued on page 17)
By Ann Druffel


By Willard D. Nelson
(MUFON State Section Director for Orange County)

In recent UFO sightings that I have apartment complex also saw the 4. In the Lumberton Report
investigated in Orange County, Calif., flashes.4 Mrs. Maureen La Lave noted it (CUFOS 1976) a cluster of North
there have been noted similarities in "looked like a big flashbulb going off Carolina UFO events between April 3-
light effects and UFO shapes with behind the neighboring apartment 9, 1975 were described by Zeidman,
nationally reported UFO events in far- building," but she didn't know it was Speigel, and Phillips. One report
spread geographic locations. For UFO-related until later after she mentions that Patrolman Hagens and
instance, in the MUFON UFO learned what the neighborhood yelling John McPherson saw a triangular-
JOURNAL of Jan-Feb 1979, the and excitement was all about. Shelly shaped object give a "blinding flash of
"California Report" column Murphy, a high-school senior, saw a light which lit up the woods like a giant
contributed by Morrey Allen1 described "blue white flash — not white, not flashbulb" before it rose slowly above
a definite UFO shape accompanied by yellowish — which lit up everything" in the trees.
angled light beams, seen by three young their patio area outside. This turned out In the final comparison, please
witnesses in Northridge, Calif., on to have been when the UFO was refer to the sketch of the West Virginia
December 14, 1976, at approximately directly overhead. She went outside UFO of October, 1978, in the MUFON
4:30 p.m. (See Figure A) Comparing later to see what the commotion was all UFO Journal8 in which there is an
these boys' sketch with a sighting I about and watched the UFO depart elongated projection to the UFO shape.
investigated in Orange, Calif., about 45 southward. This is a decidedly asymmetric and non-
air miles southeast of Northridge, Now let us compare bright flashes standard shape. (See Figure D) Yet a
definite similarities are evident. from some other reports: young man in Orange, Calif., on
On February 4, 1978, at 5:30 a.m., 1. The report of Officer Amparano November 2,1978, saw a similar shape
the Semaza family, living in Orange, in Kerman, Calif., on May 13,1978, as only nine days after the West Virginia
viewed a similarly-shaped object with printed in the International UFO report. Mike Kinnard's sketches (two
two light beams angling sideward. In the Reporter, had a detail that was missing days apart) both show a noticeable
Semaza sighting, both light beams were from earlier newspaper accounts. IUR projection pointing to the left and away
red (See Figure B) rather than one red reported, "Suddenly the light source from the witness, the arrangement
and one green, as in the 1976 (from the hovering UFO from which he looking strikingly like the West Virginia
Northridge sighting. The Semaza (Amparano) received a 'sunburn') shot UFO except for lighting and colors.
object, fully described in the Jan. 1978 out a beam of blue light like a camera (See Figure E.)
MUFON UFO Journal,2 also flashed flash," just before it departed.5 On Thursday, November 2, 1978,
bright white before departing. (See 2. In the same issue of IUR Mike and his friend Al Rogers, a fellow
Figure C) referenced, the following description sixth grader, were viewing the sky
In this interesting category of appears in a discussion of the Belton, through a hand-held telescope of 15-20
intense white light flashes, let us look at Mo., radar-visual case:6 "Prior to this, a power. They were taking turns
further information regarding the white flash or light was seen . . . steadying the scope on each other's
Orange, Calif., sightings of September witnesses actually heard a loud 'pop' or shoulders as they viewed the stars.
27 and 29,1978, which were reported in 'crack' of sound accompanying the The night was especially clear with a
the MUFON UFO Journal of March- flash." new moon in the west. The scope was
April 1979.3 Both of these sightings 3. APRO7 reported that a Mrs. facing east. At 7:00 p.m. a red light
began with an intense flash of light in the Kiteveles and a neighbor in Orandaga moving up from the south attracted
sky and then, according to the County, New York, said a bright beam them. Traveling east, the light covered
witnesses, "there was the UFO." Since of white light "lit up everything" just 30-45 degrees azimuth over the trees to
the publication of that article, I have before the UFO departed. "Like a their right in approximately 2 or 3
prepared an addendum which notes flashbulb going off." Where have we seconds. It then stopped in a clear sky
that two additional persons in the same heard that before? (continued on next page)

I I I • I I I I I
Wist Virginil UFO; Octobtr 24. 1970

Figure D

Figure A


Figure C

Figure E
Figure B

(California Report, Continued) estimate, but it filled about half of the Interestingly, both Joyce Dehner
space directly in front of them at about telescope's field of view. I looked at a (West Virginia) and Mike Kinnard
45 degrees elevation. Mike immediately car about a block away through his (Orange, Calif.) described the feature
aimed his telescope and saw that it had telescope, and the car was of similar on top of the UFO as a "hump" rather
two red lights on the aft trailing portion, size. than as a "dome," which is more usual.
and the body shape glowed reddish. The boys hurried to tell Mrs. With the great variety of shapes
There were no white or flashing lights, Kinnard what they'd seen. Mrs. and phenomena in ufology, it is
only red. Later the boys drew identical Maureen LaFave, with whom Mike and somewhat comforting that there are
pictures of the object. his mother were temporarily living, also similarities of detail and repeat
What impressed Louise Kinnard, verified what followed. Both Mike and phenomena among geographically
Mike's mother, was that both boys Al Rogers looked frightened. Mike's separated events, even if the
drew a hump or lump oh top of the face was pale and "he had goose technological meaning of such
generally ovoid shape, and also pimples on his arms." When asked why similarities eludes our present
indicated a projection in the direction of he was scared, Mike responded, understanding.
motion. "It was like some jet planes "Because I don't know what it was."
have," said Mike, wondering if it were They next sat down and drew pictures
some sort of radar dome. During the of the object for the adults. Mike was REFERENCES
sighting he noticed "a beep sound" still fearful and went outside again 1. "Are Child Witnesses Reliable?," by Morrey
which he thought was coming from the cautiously, but watched the sky for a Allen, pp. 14-15
craft "about once every 2 seconds." long time afterward. 2. "Canine Mother Hides Puppies from UFO." by
Idabel Epperson, p. 7
The thing stopped, or was moving very Mrs. LaFave stated that all during 3. "UFO or Aircraft?: A case Study," by Willard
slowly, for about 3 seconds, as though the day and particularly into the D. Nelson, p. 10
hestitating in its path. As it stopped, the evening of the sighting, her pets — a cat 4. "Addendum: Orange, Calif., Sighting of Sept.
two red lights blinked out, but they and dog — had acted strangely, slinking 27,1978," by Willard D. Nelson, in MUFON files.
came back on as the craft began around with ears laid back, avoiding 5. International UFO Reporter, CUFOS, Sept.,
1978, p. 10)
moving again, accelerating north and people, which was very unlike their 6. ibid., Sept. 1978, p. 4
moving rapidly out of sight along its usual behavior. However, this might- 7. APRO Bulletin, Oct. 1978, p.4
original trajectory. The beeping sound have been due to the fact of new people 8. "West Virginia Flap -- Part 2," by Ted Spickler,
stopped after the object went away. Its (Mrs. Kinnard and Mike) in the Jan-Feb 1979, p. 9
distance was difficult for Mike to apartment.
By George D. Fawcett

MUFON of North Carolina held its gravitational, electrostatic, and and spoke of the difficulty encountered
third annual training conference in r a d i a t i o n e f f e c t s have been in trying to crack the code of the
Winston Salem on Saturday, July 14 documented worldwide during UFO dolphin's language. Dr. McCormick
and Sunday, July 15, 1979. This year's appearances over the past three mentioned NASA studies, which
conference, hosted again by officers decades and such incidents are showed that the dolphins had brains
and members of the Tar Heel UFO continuing and need to be investigated like humans and communicated easily
Study Group of Winston Salem, was by the scientific community," Morton among themselves. Government
chaired by Mrs. Jayne J. Ware. said. A study of these effects could lead studies were undertaken by the pioneer
Representatives, from the four major to an understanding;of the means of John C. Lilly in 1964 in hopes that once
UFO groups in the United States, propulsion utilized by UFOs, which we we were able to communicate with
APRO in Arizona, CUFOS in Illinois, may be able to duplicate someday, he dolphins, we would open the door to
MUFON in Texas, and NICAP in added. communication with extraterrestrial
Washington, D.G., were in attendance. Nolie L. Bell of Rural Hall, intelligences in the Universe someday.
The pioneer leaders of each group were president of the Tar Heel UFO Study "The dolphins have the smarts, but not
praised at the conference. Group and an engineer, who serves as a the machinery to speak English," Dr.
Almost .50 i n v e s t i g a t o r s , MUFON State Section Director, next McCormick stated. He also told of
researchers, members, and guests of outlined the organizational structure some of his experiences with dolphins
MUFON-NC were present from 17 and activities of this group. Bell also told at the Quinlan Marine Attractions in
towns and cities in North Carolina. the audience about the types of Lincolnton.
Henry H. Morton of Wadesboro served exhibits on display at the conference Opening the evening program, I
as Master-of:Ceremonies for the 2-day and handed out a Field Investigator's presented a talk entitled "Where Do
conference. Newspaper coverage prior Kit listing of items needed by UFO We Go From Here?" I noted that we
to the conference arid a ; follow-up investigators. have learned two things: the people
interview over WFMY-TV in Sgt. E.G. Baker of the Winston who have seen UFOs have not lied
Greensboro at the close of the Salem Police Department and a about their UFO experiences, but the
conference reached an even larger certified polygraph operator spoke on various governments who have
audience. "The Polygraph: Its Uses and investigated their experiences have lied
The conference opened" with a Limitations." Sgt. Baker outlined the and are continuing to lie about their
b r i e f c a s s e t t e tape e n t i t l e d history of the development of the investigations. According to new
"Encounters: Past, Present and polygraph and the training required for revelations, some uncovered by the
Future" and also a taped message from certification. Persons using drugs recent Freedom of Information Act
Walter H. Andrus, the international and/or alcohol can fool the polygraph, lawsuits against the CIA and others yet
director of MUFON, who congratulat- as can ones own strong personal to come against the USAF, our
ed the Tar Heels for t h e i r beliefs. Despite this, Sgt. Baker said government agencies have made the
accomplishments and achievements that the percentage of accuracy in using UFO enigma the biggest public
over the years in the UFO field and who polygraphs today borders around 99.1 deception in American History
urged continued cooperation of all percent. The United States and regardless of motives.
present with the combined efforts of the Canada are the only two nations in the Sam Jacobson of Winston Salem
four major UFO groups, already world who use polygraphs at the was the next speaker and his topic was
mentioned. Henry Morton, an present time, Baker said. "Polygraph "Sound Encounters." Jacobson, a
e l e c t r o n i c r e s e a r c h e.r f r o m tests by qualified personnel can be used psychic who teaches self actualization
Wadesboro, who serves.as a MUFON effectively with UFO experiences to meditation for relaxation, commented
Field Investigator, was the opening serparate truth from deception on the importance of recognizing the
conference speaker. Morton's topic successfully," Sgt. Baker stated. spiritual implications of the UFO
was "Scientific Phenomena Associated Dr. Jim McGormick of Winston phenomenon. "Through a relaxed
with UFOs." Morton: outlined the Salem and an employee of the Bowman state, we are able to more fully
instrumentational approach to, UFO Gray School of Medicine next gave an understand ourselves, as well,as the
sightings by "Project Starlight" in illustrated slide presentation on import of UFO activity," Jacobson said.
Austin, Texas. "Magnetic, electric, "Dolphins, Most Unusual Creatures" (continued on next page)
George Fawcett, MUFON-NC
State Director Cphoto: Dennis Ray Rhein, retired engineer
Beck) (photo: Dennis Beck)

Sgt. E.G. Baker, Winston-Salem

Police Department (photo:
Dennis Beck)
(N.C, Continued) speech given by P. Wayne LaPorte of told the audience about the different
We can obtain more guidance for all we Matthews, a facilities industrial things to look for, such as grain
do than we'll ever have time to use, as engineer who serves as a MUFON structure, photos out of scale, light
we learn to master alpha, theta, and State Section Director. LaPorte's topic shadows, the placement of the subject
delta brain waves and learn from our was "UFOnauts: Major Types & matter, perspective, second or third
own personal experiences, the speaker Characteristics." LaPorte described generation UFO photographs, film
stated. many of the different types of UFO defects, different camera and lens
Ray Rhein, a MUFON Field occupants encountered in Poland, characteristics, etc.
Investigator and a retired engineer from California, West Virginia, New Ruchte said, "If the time c&;nes
Pfafftown, was the final speaker for the England, Mississippi, Kentucky, New when you see a UFO, try to remain
evening. ' He gave an extremely Hampshire, New Mexico, etc. He calm and get as many shots from as
interesting illustrated talk on the topic described the use of hypnosis, many locations as possible and other
"The Spaceships of Ezekiel," where he psychological stress evaluators (PSE), witnesses as well. As soon as possible
correlated the Old Testament prophet lie detectors, truth serum, and voice after the incident, you should sit down
Ezekiel's vision 2,500 years ago with tape a n a l y z e r s b y s c i e n t i s t s and write every bit of narrative data
our recent technological advances investigating these encounters, which possible and then take them (the films)
towards space travel. In essence, Rhein involve many different type entities to the best processing place and keep
feels that the Bible tells of space ships, being seen. "Some of the UFO entities the films inside the camera at all times
and the ones that Ezekiel encounters seem to be able to take on the on the way to the processor."
and his experiences sound identical to appearance of humans and perhaps live Ruchte admitted not knowing
some of our own space programs and among us, while others appear to be about the computer enchancement
UFO visitations today. "Scientists who sinister and frightening and more photography studies being utilized by
examined Ezekiel's claims found out animal-like rather tha i human," scientists of Ground Saucer Watch in
that they could duplicate the devices LaPorte said. Cases number in the Phoenix, Arizona. The speaker
seen, that they would fly, and they also thousands. concluded that he would assist local
got a patent on their work and it will be The final conference speaker was i n v e s t i g a t o r s in t h e i r f u t u r e
incorporated during our own future Carl R u c h t e of Lewisville, a investigations that involve UFO
space missions," Rhein concluded. The professional photographer by trade, photogrpahs.
conference closed for the evening and whose topic was "Fake Photographs." The 1979 MUFON.NC 3rd Annual
all present enjoyed a reception hosted Ruchte said that people will see on Leadership Training Conference then
by Dr. and Mrs. Jayne Ware at their photographs pretty much what they adjourned for a picnic hosted by Mr.
home. want to see and mentioned that he was and Mrs. Nolie L. Bell at their home.
The Sunday sessions opened with extremely suspicious and skeptical if-
an illustrated and well researched UFO films he had seen to date. Ruchte
By William E. Jones
(MUFON Field Investigator)

Over the past 30 years or so the microfilming and making available a. Attn: Mr. Donald H. Dyal, Head,
UFO phenomenon has become a part greater array of UFO material than they Special Collections
of our 20th century history, if not a part presently handle. At present, they have
of our science. No matter what one's available the UFO Investigator, the The Ohio Historical Society2
view is concerning the reality of the Canadian UFO Report, and Ray 1-71 and 17th Avenue
UFO, the phenomenon is undeniably a Palmer's Flying Saucers for 1973-76. It Columbus, Ohio 43211
real part of that history. is hoped that, at the very least, they will Attn: Reference Library
During these past years many add a c o m p l e t e set of the
books, bulletins, journals, and other Skylook/MUFON UFO Journal to Eastern New Mexico University
publications have appeared on the their collection. Golden Library
subject. Some of this material has been The Ohio State University Library, Portales.NM 88130
published by the major publishing Special Collections Division, in Attn: Mrs. Mary Jo Walker, Special
houses and has been readily available. Columbus, Ohio, has already started a Collections Librarian
Unfortunately, however, most of it has special collection on ufology, using
been printed by small companies or primarily my own material which was The University of the South
private individuals and this material has donated to them in April 1979. Mr. Sewanee, TN 37375
not been so available. As a matter of Robert Tibbets, who is the director of Attn: Tom Watson, University
fact, much of this material is now the division, is very interested in Librarian
extremely hard to obtain and will obtaining as much quality material as
become lost for all time if steps are not possible in this area. The Ohio State University
taken now to preserve it. An interesting Columbia University in New York Special Collections Division
part of our history is in danger of being City has had an established collection 1858 Neil Avenue
lost. for several years. This collection was Columbus, Ohio 43210
Over a year ago MUFON the gift of Dr. Leon Davidson and Attn: Mr. Robert A. Tibbetts
undertook a small project to identify covers the period between 1950 and
libraries, universities, historical 1970. Approximately 1,955 items are in Now that these institutions have
societies, and other similar institutions this collection. been identified, further help is needed
that would be willing to assist in the A number of other libraries have from the MUFON membership and
preservation of this material. It was expressed an interest in helping with other ufologists. In order to keep these
decided early on that, in order to this project. Their only problem is institutions interested, we need to start
provide for adequate preservation and locating established collections in the donating material. As a rule, most
access, the material should be treated hands of private collectors that can be ufologists will be hesitant to give up
as "rare." In other words, the collection used to start the effort. A current list of their collections. However, there are
should be stored in an area of limited interested libraries follows: still ways to help. If you are in a group
access and used on a non-circulating that publishes a bulletin, one or more of
basis, in the library itself as other such Columbia University these libraries can be added to the
rare books and materials are used. c/o Butler Library distribution list. If you have extra copies
Proper indexing is essential. MUFON New York, NY 10027 of bopks, journals, bulletins, and other
has identified several institutions that Attn: Mr. Kenneth A. Lohf, Librarian items, these could be donated without
are interested in this problem and are for Rare Books & Manuscripts reducing the quality of your research
willing to take the necessary steps to library. Keep in mind that a donation to
.adequately preserve and make University of Florida a tax exempt organization, if properly
accessible this material. 145 Library West (continued on next page)
Mr. George M. Eberhart 1 , Gainesville, FL 32611
MUFON's librarian who is with the Attn: Mr. Charles Willett 1. Sec: Eberhart, G.M., UFO's, Ufoloysts and
the Library, Wilson Library Bulletin,. February,
University of Kansas, School of Law
1978, pp. 489-493.
Library, has been working with Texas A&M University 2. The Ohio Historical Society is only interested in
University Microfilms of Ann Arbor, Sterling C. Evans Library material that covers UFO events or groups in
Michigan, to try and interest them in College Station, TX 77843 Ohio.

LETTERS by Reardon and illustrated in his figure 1
are contour plots of flourescence
device for providing UFO spectra is a
diffraction grating which can be
Photomultiplier frequency vs. excitation frequency. His screwed onto the front of a camera.
Editor, figure 2 shows the photomultiplier, Bruce S. Maccabee
In the September issue (No. 139) labelled PMT, in the upper left hand Silver Springs, Md.
Russ Reardon discussed the use of a portion of the diagram.
photomultiplier, which he claimed His statement that the Editor,
"could take us a lot further down the photomultiplier by itself would allow I am writing in response to the
UFO road by identifying the origination one to identify spectra is incorrect. One September 1979 Journal article "How
(sic) of its light." It is clear to one versed needs a frequency (color) selective to 'Hear' and 'Fingerprint' UFO Light"
in optoelectronics, the science of system and optics (a telescope) ahead by Russ Reardon. Some things Mr.
combining optical devices with of the PMT in order to be able to use the Reardon has said in his article are
electronic devices, that Mr. Reardon PMT (and associated recording misleading and I believe they need to be
has confused a part of a complex electronics) to plot color spectra of pointed out. In his first paragraph and in
s p e c t r a l a n a l y s i s device (a distant sources such as UFOs. The the caption of his figure 2 he has made it
spectrofluorometer) with the complete impression that one gains from reading sound as if a photomultiplier we're a
device consisting of many parts. A his article is that the PMT is a simple large complicated device capable of
spectrofluorometer, operates by and inexpensive color analyzer. In doing a host of unique operations. The
illuminating a sample in a small actual fact, the PMT is not expensive photomultiplier itself, the round
container with a particular frequency of (only $100 or so for a useable one), but schematic figure, left center of figure 2,
light and then measuring the intensity the associated parts can run to designated as PMT, is very similar in
and color of light given off by the thousands of dollars. The assembly of a construction to a standard radio tube
sample. The "fingerprints" referred to photomultiplier system to spectrally and can do no more than convert a light
analyze UFOs could be quite signal to an electronic signal in a
(Preserving, Continued) complicated, although if done correctly proportional manner. It is Only through
documented and valued, can be used to it would certainly provide useful data. A sophisticated optics, filters, and state of
an advantage on the next income tax much simpler but nearly as effective the art electronics that the
return. photomultiplier can be utilized to
Many ufologists spend years and a (Book Review, Continued) accomplish all Mr. Reardon has alluded
sizeable amount of money building up and Dick realized that the entrapment to.. The circuit in figure 2 could surely be
their UFO research library. This library of Robert Toth revealed that the used to contour plot a light source and
becomes a real source of pride. By the Soviets took parapsychology very could also be caused to give an audible
proper use of a will, this library can seriously; they rank it with nuclear, signal proportional to the light
remain intact long after the ufologist's rocket, and other strategic secrets. examined; but a photomultiplier cannot
death, continuing to serve the UFO Early in 1977 they began to stop the flow fingerprint or hear.
research community of which the of psychic information to the West. From the second paragraph —
owner was once a part. If you are Parapsychologists were no longer hundreds of other light sources each
interested in using your will to dispose permitted to attend meetings in other have set wavelengths of light emissions
of your UFO library, see your attorney. countries. Also they were reevaluated, (Angstroms) — all sources of light are
It is always a good idea to preview your and some interviewed in this book have measured in Angstroms. An angstrom
estate plan every few years anyway. since come to grief. Briefly mentioned is is a unit of length; like an inch. They are
The story of the UFO, as told in the the revelation in 1977 of the CIA's vast not tangible, as the article makes them
literature that has come out over the program for research on all types of seem. One angstrom equals one-one
last 30 years, is well worth preserving. mind control. The newspapers exposed hundred-millionth of a centimeter.
Contact one of the institutions listed CIA secret files by means of the I am certainly a proponent of new
and let them know of your willingness to Freedom of Information Act. ideas and I hope Mr. Reardon keeps
help. If these don't interest you, contact Gris and Dick can read between thinking, and that the same "disease"
the library of the university you the lines. This timely and well- spreads throughout the UFO research
graduated from or the one nearest you presented book is packed with news, and investigative community.
and see if you can interest them. The descriptions, and impressions that Thpmas P. Deuley
more libraries and other institutions "give one to think." It fills the gap Ft. Meade, Md.
that we can get involved, the better our between Psychic Discoveries Behind
chances will be to preserve the the Iron Curtain and the present. Right Reply to Book Review
literature of one of the most fascinating now there is no possibility of learning Editor,
and challenging aspects of pur history more in the future. The authors say, I have been a student of UFOs for
— the search for the meaning of the "We had gotten our parapsychology 14 years. I have known Jacques Vallee
UFO. probe out just in time, just before the (and other reputable UFO researchers
If you help out with this project, Iron Curtain slammed down, tight..."- who know and respect him) for a
please keep MUFON informed. Barbara Mathey (continued on next page)
(Director's Message,. Continued) making innuendos for lack of a public Since many JUST CAUSE
800 still color and black and white disclaimer. When one has been subscribers are also MUFON members
photographs of UOs, seven different involved in the controversial field of and receive the MUFON UFO Journal,
segments of 8mm movie footage, and UFOlogy for 30 years, all of the we are using this medium to advise
photographed numerous landing .evidence must be scrutinized, them that as of December 10, 1979, a
tracks in the meadows near Canton evaluated, and applied wherever financially satisfactory arrangement for
Zurich in Switzerland. feasible to the resolution of the merging JUST CAUSE with Journal
In the midst of the investigation by phenomena. This requires an open subscribers has not been consum-
Wendelle Stevens and his group, Mr. mind to newly discovered scientific mated. The Executive Committee of
Meier said he had a contact during the evidence that will help solve this MUFON recommended several steps
night (his 105th), wherein he was given enigma. If "UFO...Contact From The and alternatives to Mr. Bryant to
a small package of amber crystals Pleiades" proves to be scientific fact, it alleviate their financial situation. The
delivered by "Quetzal," expressedly for would be the greatest "breakthrough" December 1979 issue of JUST CAUSE
Stevens to have examined. Even in modern UFOlogy. If my personal contains some of these recommend-
though some of the photographs were evaluation of this book is incorrect, I will ations. Since MUFON endorses the
submitted to photogrammetric be the first to apologize to Col Stevens objectives of CAUS, we are seeking a
analysis, each of the objects purported for this statement. workable compromise that will assist
to be a UFO has a clear distinct edge, A new column titled "UFO them in achieving their goals.
whereas the remainder of the Secrecy Update" by Larry W. Bryant
photograph is out of focus whether in was inaugurated in the October issue (Letters, Continued)
the distance or close up. There are four (No. 140) of the Journal. This was slightly shorter period of time.
distinct types of craft (or models) based on the decision to suspend I do not find Messengers of
depicted in these "unusually beautiful publication of the newsletter JUST Deception* to be paranoid. To me it
color photographs." After receiving a CAUSE due to lack of broad public states a possibility: that some humans
complimentary copy of the book from support, limited operating funds, and are simulating the UFO phenomenon
Wendelle Stevens and studying its the inability of such a specialized for their own purpose. As I understand
contents, I advised him in writing that I organization as CAUS to reach a wide the author's reasoning, there is both a
could not under any condition endorse enough audience for its message. "real" and a "fake" UFO phenomenon.
the authenticity of material in the book Correspondence between Larry How can we tell the difference? An
and the bizarre claims made. by Bill Bryant and your Director to negotiate interesting question.
Meier. At "UFO 79," Jim Lorenzen, an arrangement whereby the MUFON To me Vallee's research and
International Director of APRO, UFO Journal would fulfil the investigations are original and
disclaimed any endorsement of the responsibilities of JUST CAUSE to its significant. It won't do a bit of harm to
book which Stevens had previously subscribers has been taking place for ask yourself, after reading yet another
implied in advertising literature. Only nearly 2 months. MUFON heartily tedious, personal and Freudian
the naive attendees at "UFO 79" were endorses the fine work that Peter A. abduction report, "Could this have
impressed with the book, since it Gersten, Larry Bryant, and Brad been engineered (either physically,
a l l e g e d l y o f f e r s evidence or Sparks have been doing regarding the mentally, or a combination of both) by
investigation into the credibility of the lawsuit under the Freedom of humans?" What about UMMO,
claims. If you are overwhelmed with Information Act (FOIA). declared a hoax by Dr. Claude Poher?
Volume I at $24.95, be prepared to In the meantime, Larry Bryant has A lengthy,'expensive and serious hoax.
purchase Volumes II and III, which are been able to publish and distribute Vol. Why? What about the Meier case, not
promised. Need I say more? 1, No. 9 (December 1979) of JUST yet accepted by researchers? Don't
From your Director's viewpoint, CAUSE to present subscribers. In these arouse your suspicions? They do
this book could be one of the most Bronx, N.Y., on October 25, 1979, a mine.
damaging pieces of literature available press conference was held by CAUS A fresh point of view should not be
to the skeptics, since they will have a legal director Peter A. Gersten to attacked emotionally, but kept in mind
"field day" on the lack of authenticity publicize the latest developments in the as one more clue to the murky UFO
for its claims. Wendelle Stevens litigation of Ground Saucer Watch, Inc. mystery.
advised that they have published 10,000 vs. CIA; to highlight the plans of Barbara Mathey
copies. It has been estimated that this Gersten.to file (on behalf of CAUS) Los Angeles, Calif.
could consist of a $60,000 investment, FOIA lawsuits against the National
which is a reasonable cost, considering Security Agency and the Department
the professional caliber of the of the Air Force; and to dramatize the •Reviewed in MUFON UFO Journal, No. 139, p.
processes involved. I am using this concern of CAUS members and others 16, by Vincent R. White
vehicle and occasion to make a that the Federal Government's
personal statement concerning my apparent mishandling of legitimate,
evaluation of the book, before the hard-core UFO data could endanger
skeptics have an opportunity to start the national interest. ,
Lucius Parish

In Others' Words

The October 30 issue of OUTER SPACE is helped somewhat by hope that this evidence will be given
NATIONAL ENQUIRER reports on a Bill Retoff s article on the 1979 National careful and serious consideration,
Mexican housewife who claims to be in UFO Conference, held at Norwood, rather than being automatically
contact with alien beings who have Ohio. Most of the remaining material in rejected because of its association with
given her a formula for "cosmic water" this issue is rehash. a contactee claimant.
which she uses to heal various fatal It takes little prophetic insight to
illnesses. A UFO, traveling at 6,000 predict that UFO...CONTACT FROM I Mark R. Herbstritt
miles an hour, exploded over the THE PLEIADES will shortly become a
Persian Gulf on August 24, 1979,
according to an article in the November
very controversial volume. The
disputes and arguments will center
6 issue. Another questionable report in
the November 13 issue contends that
UFO aliens are using Saturn's moon,
around the photographs of alleged alien
spacecraft, plus the fact that said Notes
photographs were taken by a Swiss
Titan, as a base for their visits to Earth. farmer/caretaker who claims to have
Another feature in this same issue tells been in contact with UFO occupants THE SKY FOR DECEMBER 1979
of Dr. Richard Niemtzow's research for many years. The research into this
into the "paralysis effect" often noted in case, spearheaded by Wendelle C.
the vicinity of a UFO. The November 20 Stevens, has unearthed an amazing Mercury — It is well placed for
issue contains a report by an Indian store of data. The present volume — observation all month; it is at greatest
physicist who claims that a tornado-like one of a series of books on the case — elongation west (21 degrees) on the 7th,
phenomenon near New Delhi, India, concentrates on the photographs, at which time it stands about 16 degrees
was actually the exhaust from a while giving a brief summary of the above the southeastern horizon at
nuclear-powered UFO. contactee's claims, plus excerpts from sunrise. It is 6 degrees north of
THE STAR for October 23 alleged conversations with the Antares on the 18th.
features an article telling of mysterious "Pleiadans." Venus — It is rapidly becoming easier
noises and UFO sightings on the island The photographs, genuine or not, to see, as the angle between the ecliptic
of Bermuda. are very impressive; more than a dozen and the horizon increases. It is low in
In a welcome change of pace, are enlarged to 12" X 12", with others the southwest at sunset, and sets about
Harry Lebelson contributes the "UFO being 12" X 24". The book also contains 2 hours later.
Update" column for the November photos of claimed spacecraft metal Mars — In Leo, it rises in late evening,
issue of OMNI. Some very interesting samples which have been supplied by and is high in the southwest at sunrise.
information on UFO physical evidence the aliens. One must admire the It is 1.7 degrees north of Jupiter on the
is presented, including an update on the perseverance of Stevens and the others 13th. Saturn is only 15 degrees further
famous Ubatuba, Brazil, magnesium who have labored hard and long to east, and the moon joins the array on
sample. present this case to the public. the llth to 13th.
The December issue of UFO Whatever one may think of the photos, Jupiter — In Leo, it rises in late evening
REPORT features contributions by the the contact claims or the other and is high in the southwest at sunrise.
late B. Ann Slate, Wayne Laporte, and evidence, these research efforts should Saturn — In Virgo, it rises before
others, including excerpts from Allan not be ignored. midnight and is high in the south at
A special "Collector's Edition" of PLEIADES is a beautiful hardcover
PROBE magazine is now available, volume, selling for $24.95 per copy (plus The Geminid meteor shower occurs
containing several interesting UFO $3.00 postage and handling) from — from the 10th to the 13th.
articles. California UFO researcher Genesis m Prod., Ltd., P.O. Box 32067,
Richard Zimmerman is the editor of this Phoenix, AZ 85064. Credit card orders
edition and PROBE evidently intends to may be called in to (602) 266-3001. If
make a reappearance on newsstands as you are not satisfied with the book,
a regularly-scheduled publication. return it to Genesis ID within 10 days of
The #16 issue of TRUE UFOs & receipt of a complete refund. I would
Walt Andrus

"UFO Technology, A Detailed articles, and to the Universe Publishing Polygraph in Determining the Validity
Examination" has been selected as the Co., Ltd., the publishers of UFOs and of UFO Encounters."
theme for the 1980 MUFON UFO SPACE. The address of the publishing The informal Saturday evening
Symposium in Clear Lake City firm is Yamato Building, 5-1-6, Ueno, banquet was devoted to honoring
(Houston), Texas on June 6, 7, and 8, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan. The price of a pioneers in the UFO organizational
hosted by VISIT (Vehicle Internal single copy is 450 yen. In addition to this field, Donald E. Keyhoe, Major USMC
Systems Investigative Team, Inc..) and fine coverage, another page printed in (Ret.) and Coral E. Lorenzen, with
sponsored by MUFON (Mutual UFO English gave an overview of the complimentary expressions by Hal
Network, Inc.). Speakers already symposium, the Mutual UFO Network, Starr, Chairman; J. Allen Hynek, Ph.D.
confirmed are Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Inc. (MUFON), and the announcement via a prior videotape titled "The
University of Wyoming; Ray Stanford, of our 1980 symposium to be held in Necessity for Cooperation Between
Director of Project Starlight Clear Lake City, Texas, on June 7 and UFO Study Groups"; Coral E.
International; and Stanton T. 8. Lorenzen; and Walt Andrus with a
Friedman, nuclear physicist and A second article of prime interest short tribute to Mrs. Lorenzen and
lecturer, who has titled his paper was a photographic introduction to the Major Keyhoe. Due to the serious
"Flying Saucer Technology" to fit the leaders of UFOlogy in Japan today. A illness of his wife Helen, Major Keyhoe
theme of the symposium. Two brief resume accompanied the was unable to attend to accept the
additional features of the program will photographs of MUFON's three recognition due him as the former
be a tour of the Lyndon B. Johnson officers in Japan; Jun-Ichi Takanashi, director of NICAP. Even though
Space Center on Sunday afternoon, National Director for Japan; Yu several speakers such as Bruce. S.
June 8th, and an Advanced Propulsion "Masaru" Mori, Deputy Director for Maccabee, Ph.D.; Marcel Vogel; J.
Workshop, coordinated by Alan C. the northern Japanese islands; and Allen Hynek, Ph.D.; and Major Keyhoe
Holt. A separate article in the MUFON Takao Ikeda, Deputy Director for the were unable to attend for various
UFO Journal will detail the plans for southern Japanese islands. Several of reasons, the speaking program was a
this workshop and the dates for the J.S.P.S. members who visited success. However, it was a
submitting abstracts to Alan C. Holt. MUFON in August, pictured on the disappointment that none of the
Featured speakers are advised to cover of the October 1979 issue of the demonstrations promised such as a
submit their papers to Walt Andrus by Journal, are also featured in this same new supersensitive magnetometer,
March 1, 1980, for inclusion in the article, including Shinichiro Namiki, photogrammetric analysis of pictures,
p u b l i s h e d 1980 S y m p o s i u m President of Japan Space Phenomena and "metal samples delivered by extra-
Proceedings. Other featured speakers Society. terrestrials" were available for the
will be announced in the January issue The Royal Quality Inn in San attendees to view Mr. Starr and Mr.
of the Journal. Diego, Calif., was the site for "UFO 79" Peck are to be congratulated for being
The September 1979 (No. 50) issue on the weekend of November 16, 17, very gracious hosts for this event.
of the Japanese newsstand magazine and 18, sponsored by Hal Starr and An even greater disappointment
"UFOs and Space" has as it's lead story R.H. Peck. The entire conference was and a prime subject of discussion at
our Tenth Annual 1979 MUFON UFO videotaped for possible use on national "UFO 79" was the public introduction
Symposium in San Francisco, Calif., television. The speakers in order of to the new book "UFO...Contact From
devoting three full pages of color their appearance were Walter H. The Pleiades" Volume I by Col.
photographs, a 5-page story with black Andrus, Jr., "A New Look at the UFO Wendelle C. Stevens and published by
and white photographs, and 9 pages to Entity Evidence"; James A. Harder, Genesis III Productions, Ltd. It is billed
the presentation delivered by Dr. Bruce Ph.D., "Do UFO Aliens Communicate as "The amazing photo-events and
S. Maccabee on the New Zealand with Humans? — An Overview"; photo-experiences from the most
motion picture UFO sequence. It was a Stanton T. Friedman, "UFO startling case of ongoing Alien Contact
pleasant surprise to open the cover and Propulsion Systems"; Alan C. Holt, to appear in modem history." Eduard
find a color photograph of Peter "Hydromagnetics and Close "Billy" Meier claims to have had more
Tomikawa shaking hands with your Encounters"; L.J. "Jim" Lorenzen, than 130 meetings with the Pleiadian
Director. The entire credit for this "UFOs and Cattle Mutilations"; R. Leo cosmonauts (named Ptaah, Quetzel,
outstanding exposure must be given to Sprinkle, Ph.D., "UFO Prophesies"; Semjase, Asket, and Plaja), made 600-
Mr. Tomikawa for his photographs and and Cleve Baxter, "The Efficacy of the (continued on page 18)

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