The Obligation of Veiling

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The Obligation of Veiling

the Face and Hands

By Shaikh Zayd bin Muhammad
Haadee Al-Madkhalee

Translated by
abu maryam ismaeel alarcon
The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
Al-Ibaanah E-Books Al-Ibaanah.Com 2

Al-Ibaanah E-Books

Copyright Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing, USA
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First Edition: December 2003

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About the Book: This is a complete translation of a small treatise titled Wujoob Sitr-
ul-Wajhi wal-Kafayn of Shaikh Zayd bin Muhammad Al-Madkhalee.

In this small treatise, Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee briefly outlines the textual proofs for the
obligation of veiling from the Quraan and the Sunnah, accompanying that with logical
and customary proofs that strengthen his argument, which was written as a reply to an
article allowing the unveiling of a womans face.

The issue of a woman being obligated to veil her face or not is something that the
scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah have differed on from the past up until this
present day. So it is from the matters in which differing is permitted and which does not
lead to division or splitting.

By presenting this treatise, we hope to provide clarity on the proofs and evidences of
those who hold the opinion that a woman is obligated to veil.

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The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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The Treatise

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

All praise is for Allaah who sent His messengers with the guidance in order to bring the
people out from the darkness of polytheism and ignorance and from the causes of
destruction. And I bear witness that there is no deity that has the right to be
worshipped except Allaah alone and with no partner the possessor of blessings,
mercy and kindness. He knows best those who have gone astray and those who are
guided. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the last of the messengers and the chief
of the prophets. O Allaah, send Your peace and blessings on him, his family and his
Companions, who upheld beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds, and called to
Allaah with wisdom and fair admonition. These are the best of those who are guided
and guide others. To Proceed:

Noble readers, what caused me to write this brief treatise on this subject, which
circumstances require that a shared effort be made to clarify and explain this issue,
was what I observed from the writings of one of the brothers in recent times. The
writing related to the subjects of veiling and unveiling and in it the author, may Allaah
guide him, clearly and definitively stated that the Islamic Legislation, with all of its
guidelines, doesnt command a woman to cover her face and hands in front of male

So I felt that in this statement there was obvious fitnah (mischief) and great danger for
the Muslim communities. And therefore, an explanation and clarification was needed in
order to make clear the true opinion with regard to this issue, accompanying it with
proofs, freeing it from censure, counseling the ummah, aiding the truth and sincerely
advising the people. So I say:

A woman uncovering her face and hands in front of male strangers is forbidden and
not permissible based on clear-cut and authentic textual, logical and customary

As for the textual proofs from the Book and the Sunnah, then they are many, and
books both old and recent have been dedicated to them, both specific and non-
specific. We will mention from these proofs the following:

1. Allaah says:

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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And (tell the believing women) not to display their zeenah (adornment) except
for that which is apparent from it. [Surah An-Noor: 31]

This refers to that which is unable to be concealed, such as the outer garment like the
jilbaab, the veil and so on. Or it may refer to that which becomes exposed from a
woman unintentionally, due to some unintended cause, such as a strong wind or due
to carrying an object, as well as whatever else a woman is pardoned for, if her face
and hands become exposed due to it.

Furthermore, it has been authentically reported on Ibn Masood with a chain of
narration that bears the highest level of authenticity that what is meant by Allaahs
statement: except for that which is apparent from it is the (outer) garment.

2. Allaah says:

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women to cast
their jalaabeeb (pl. of jilbaab) over themselves. That will be better, that they
should be known, so as not to be bothered. [Surah Al-Ahzaab: 59]

Ibn Katheer said: Muhammad bin Sireen said: I asked Ubaydah As-Salmaanee
about Allaahs statement: to cast their jalaabeeb over themselves so he covered his
face and (only) exposed his left eye.

Ibn Al-Jawzee (rahimahullaah) said concerning this ayah: It means that they must
cover their heads and faces so that they may be known as free women. The definition
of a jilbaab is a loose outer garment, as has been stated by Ibn Qutaybah.

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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And Abu Hayaan Al-Andalusee (rahimahullaah) said in Al-Bahr-ul-Muheet: It consists
of their entire bodies. Or the word 'alayhinna (over themselves) could mean: (just) their
faces, since in the Days of Ignorance, the thing that the women used to expose from
themselves was the face.

Abu Suood said: The jilbaab is a garment that is wider than a khimaar but less than a
ridaa (outer-cloak). A woman wraps it upon her head and leaves hanging what falls to
her breast. What is meant by the ayah is that they should cover their faces and bodies
with it, if they become uncovered due to some reason.

It is reported that Imaam As-Suddee said: She should cover one of her eyes, her
forehead and the other (lower) portion of her face, except one eye. So based on this,
we say:

O brothers in Islaam, look at the statements of the scholars of Tafseer from our pious
predecessors, whose eyes Allaah enlightened to see the truth and whose hearts He
filled with faith and understanding of their Lords Book, which He sent down as a guide
and a cure. Look at how their statements vary from that of those who call to unveiling,
those who have opposed Allaahs precious commandments and merciful guidelines,
which strive to maintain the womans honor, nobility and chastity, by having her veil
herself from the eyes of the wolves amongst mankind those with unfaithful
personalities and vile intentions, who love to bask in the forbidden even if it is for just
one glance. And there is nothing that they would hold back from giving in order to
achieve that, such as beautified speech, lots of money and venturing to spread
mischief and misguidance, repeating the words of their poet:

We said: Allow me to achieve just one glance
And leave off the (Day of) Recompense. After that, establish it.

Furthermore, let us reflect together on the statement of Allaah:

And when you ask them (i.e. Prophets wives) for something, then ask them
from behind a veil (Hijaab). That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. [Surah
Al-Ahzaab: 53]

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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This is since this ayah guides us to remain far away from those things that cause
fitnah. And it sends down the preventive and fortified Hijaab so that none of the evil
desires of those with diseased hearts and vile lusts, which demolish modesty and
bring about bad consequences in this life and the next, can be achieved. Any fair
person with common sense will not doubt that the hands and the face are the chief
areas of temptation, thus it is an obligation to cover them.

The ayah also indicates that the men and women should keep their hearts pure, and
this cannot be achieved except by preventing the means that lead to fornication and
shutting down its avenues, the greatest of which is encountering a woman and
enjoying a look at her uncovered face, (perhaps) with decorated eyes, arched
eyebrows, and dyed fingernails. So fear Allaah O you who call to the unveiling of
women, and fear a Day that Allaah has prepared for Recompense, in which He will
resurrect those in the graves and bring out what is in the hearts so that it can be
judged by the One who is All-Knowing of what is hidden and apparent.

3. It is authentically reported that Aaishah covered her face with the khimaar when
she heard the voice of Safwaan bin Muattal As-Sulamee. And she stated that he used
to know her (i.e. how she looked like) before the Hijaab was obligated. This proves
that after the ayah of Hijaab was revealed, the women could not be recognized
because of the fact that they veiled their faces.

4. It is authentically reported in the Sunan as well as other (hadeeth) collections that
Aaishah (radyAllaahu anhaa) said: Male horsemen would ride past us while we were
in the state of Ihraam with Allaahs Messenger . So when they would come near us,
(each) one of us would let her jilbaab fall down from the top of her head over her face.
When they had passed by, we would uncover (our faces) again. The only reason they
did this was because they knew its religious ruling, which was that the face is awrah
and that it must be covered in front of male strangers.

5. There is also the hadeeth reported in Sunan At-Tirmidhee and other collections from
the narration of Abdullaah bin Masood that the Prophet said: The woman is
awrah. This is a clear-cut proof that every part of the woman is awrah (i.e. must be
covered) in front of male strangers, whether that includes her face or any other part of
her body. In fact her face and hands have the most right to be covered because they
are the areas that are sought after by men and the areas of enticement from women.

So based on this, whoever claims that a woman has the right to uncover her face and
hands in front of male strangers, then he has steered away from the truth and
correctness. If he is from those who are qualified to make investigation and Ijtihaad
(come up with rulings), and he is free from deviations, then he receives the reward for
The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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his Ijtihaad, and his error is pardoned. However, it is not permissible to follow him in
that opinion. But if he is not from this kind of people, then none of his opinions and
arguments should be given any regard, because the truth has more right to be
followed (than individuals).

The great Imaam, Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allaah have mercy on him, understood well
the afore-mentioned hadeeth of Ibn Masood, as he said: A womans fingernail is
awrah (i.e. must be covered). So when she goes out from her home, she must not
reveal any part of herself, not even her khuff, for the khuff describes the foot. What is
preferred in my opinion, is that she put a button on her sleeve where her hand is so
that nothing could be exposed from her.

Many scholars and Imaams throughout the history of time have come up with the
same understanding of the hadeeth of Ibn Masood and other similar texts as that of
Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal, that the entire body of a free woman is awrah, without the
exception of the face and hands.

As for the logical proof, then from the things about which there is no doubt according
to sane and unbiased people is that the fitnah involved in a woman unveiling her face
and hands is greater than that of her exposing her feet, for which the Prophet
ordered the women to lengthen the hems of their dresses by a forearms length so that
their feet would not be exposed.

As for the customary proof, then every fair and balanced person knows that in most
cases, the area of desire from a woman according to men is the face. This is not
negated by the fact that he can be enticed by other parts of her, such as even her
voice. In fact, a womans voice is considered as part of her adornment, as is stated in
Surah An-Noor, where Allaah says:

And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide from their
adornment. [Surah An-Noor: 31]

So when this point becomes clear and understood, it is obligatory for the one who
professes that it is permissible for a woman to uncover her face and hands in front of
male strangers to fear his Lord and to recant from this verdict. And he should seek
guidance from the experts in the religious sciences, i.e. those who tread upon the way
of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah and who have the correct understanding of the
objectives and goals of this noble Religion in declaring things lawful and forbidden, as
The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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well as who have knowledge of the means for rectification and corruption and the
aspect of preventing the means.

May Allaah have mercy on Ibn Al-Qayyim when he said: From the characteristics of a
skilled doctor is that he is experienced with and aware of the sicknesses and remedies
of the hearts and souls. This is a tremendous foundation in curing the bodies, for
indeed, the influence that the heart and the soul has on the body and its natural state
is something that has been witnessed. So if a doctor is aware of the diseases and
cures of the heart and soul, he becomes a complete doctor. And if he is not aware of
these things, even though he may be highly proficient in curing the physical aspects
and conditions of the body, he is only half a doctor. Furthermore, every doctor that
does not cure his sick patient by examining his heart and soul and strengthening him
by (ordering him towards) doing good deeds and having righteousness and accepting
Allaah and the final abode, then he is not a doctor at all, rather he is just a deficient

In summary: A free woman has no choice but to abide by the legislated garments, of
which from its foundations is wearing the niqaab (veil) over the face and the qafaazaan
(gloves) over the hands, or whatever else takes their place and fulfils their duties. This
is to be done whenever she mixes with male strangers, especially in these times in
which good people are few and evil people are many. Furthermore, everyone that calls
to the unveiling of a womans face and hands uses as an excuse that which has not
been permitted in the Religion. So therefore he has instituted a bad way (sunnah), and
he will carry its sins and the sins of all those who act on it, and it will not increase their
sins in the least. And whomever Allaah forgives, He replaces his evil deeds with good

I feel that it is good to attach two important things to this advice, as well as an
authentic story, which contains an admonition we all should reflect on.

First: A clarification of the rulings that can be derived from the evidences on Hijaab,
and they are as follows:

1. The obligation of the legislated Hijaab is definite and binding on all of the believing
women, there being no room for lenience or negotiation with regard to abolishing it or
belittling its status and its significance.

2. A clarification that the Prophets chaste wives and noble daughters serve as the
best examples and most outstanding role models for all Muslim women when it comes
to implementing the issue of Hijaab.

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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3. The prescribed Hijaab is that which covers a womans adornment, garments and all
of her body, which includes the face and the hands.

4. The obligation of wearing the Hijaab on the Muslim woman consists of honoring her
status, raising her rank, and protecting her dignity and personality. In fact it protects
the whole society from the avenues of mischief and corruption appearing in it and the
spreading of vile acts amongst its people and inhabitants.

5. A severe warning to the Muslim woman against her wearing that which will make
the eyes of men look towards her or which will make their hearts incline to her or which
will incite the causes of mischief. Such enticements include wearing perfumes and
cosmetics. However she is permitted to wear these when she is in the presence of her
husband or her male guardians according to the limits of the noble Religion.

6. There is nothing wrong with children, young boys and whoever else falls under their
ruling, to enter into a womans presence due to the lack of there occurring any fitnah or
danger from them, as is apparent from the Quraan.

7. The obligation of repenting to Allaah in general and to seek forgiveness for falling
short of abiding by the Hijaab in particular, hoping for Allaahs Contentment and
Mercy, and desiring to attain success in both this world and the next life, acting on
Allaahs statement:

And turn in repentance to Allaah, all of you, O believers, in order that you may
be successful. [Surah An-Noor: 31]

Second: An explanation of the conditions required for the Hijaab to fulfill its religious
objective. Below is a list of the Hijaabs necessary conditions:

1. The Hijaab must cover a womans entire body, based on Allaahs statement: O
Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women to cast
their jalaabeeb over themselves (i.e. their bodies). [33:59] You have already come
to know from what we have written previously that the jilbaab is a long garment that is
ample enough to cover the entire body and that the meaning of the word idnaa (to
cast) is to lower and to let down as was stated previously.

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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2. The garment must be thick, not thin and transparent. This is since the objective of
the Hijaab, which is to veil a womans entire body and her hidden and apparent
adornment, cannot be achieved with a thin garment. Therefore, that which a great
amount of covered women wear today, which they call the abaaah (cloak) or the
malaaah (mantle), but which are transparent and describe the skin, such that the
onlooker can see what lies beneath the garment, is not considered a legitimate Hijaab
since it only brings about an increase in her ability to entice (men) with her attractive
and alluring features. And yet they only wear it so that it could be said: They are
wearing Hijaab. So we seek Allaahs refuge from deception, the harm of which only
falls on those who love and are infatuated with it.

3. The Hijaab must not be a source of decoration in itself, such as by it being colorful
and flashy, causing eyes to turn towards it and hearts to be diseased (with temptation).
We explained previously the meaning of Allaahs saying: "And (tell the believing
women) not to display their zeenah (adornment) except for that which is
apparent from it. [24:31] So since it is this way, then every Hijaab that does not
prevent the display of ones adornment in front of male-strangers, is not a valid Hijaab.

4. It must be ample and loose, since a tight garment outlines the body and reveals it in
front of male strangers. So it goes against the objective that is sought after from the
obligation of Hijaab. Furthermore, from the various types of tight clothes is that which
is called pants, since it does not properly cover what it goes over. On top of that, it
describes and outlines the body, as well as resembling the dress of men, and the
Prophet cursed: The man who wears a womans garment and the woman who
wears a mans garment. [Reported by Abu Dawood and An-Nasaaee]

5. It is also required for the Hijaab not to be perfumed, since fragrances cause mens
desires to be incited and for them to be tempted, against their wills. So a woman who
does this carries the sin of her action as well as the sin of those who respond to her
active call to this type of fornication. It is reported in a hadeeth collected by the Sunan
compilers and others that the Prophet said: Indeed, when a woman perfumes
herself and then passes by a gathering, she is such and such meaning a
fornicator. And in another narration, he said: Verily, when a woman perfumes
herself and then passes by a group of people such that they can smell her scent,
she is a fornicator.

These, O Muslim brothers and sisters, are the conditions required for the Hijaab to
achieve its intended objective. So we must fear Allaah and be dutiful to Him by
obeying what He has commanded and abstaining from what He has forbidden, and by
following His Messenger , for indeed this brings success in both this life and the next.

The Obligation of Veiling the Face and Hands Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee
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As for the story that contains admonition and reflection in it, then it is that which is
reported in the biography of Ubayd bin Ameer Al-Makkee in the Thiqaat of Al-Ijlee,
who said: There used to be a beautiful woman in Makkah who was married. One day
she looked at herself in the mirror and said to her husband: Do you think there is
anyone that can look at this face and not be enticed by it? He said: Yes. So she
enquired: Who? He said: Ubayd bin Ameer. So she said: Grant me permission so
that I may go entice him. He said: I give you permission. So she went to see him and
asked him for a fatwa (religious verdict). So he went with her to a part of Al-Masjid Al-
Haraam and sat in privacy with her. Then she uncovered her face, so that it looked like
half of a moon. So he said to her: O slave of Allaah, fear Allaah!

The author of Al-Hilyah mentioned this story from Ath-Thiqaat of Al-Ijlee in his
biography of Ubayd bin Ameer Al-Makkee. Al-Albaanee also mentioned it in his book
on Hijaab using it as a proof for the niqaab (face-veil).

The point of benefit that we can derive from this great noble scholars rebuking of that
woman when she uncovered her face in front of him is that: The Taabieen used to
hold that a woman uncovering herself by unveiling her face in front of male strangers
was a serious crime, which needed to be changed and great efforts needed to be
made to terminate it. In fact, the matter should be this way, for indeed a person that
looks at a womans face and hands, i.e. a woman he is prohibited from looking at, is
enjoying the area of the body with the greatest temptation and the most severe in

Wont those who rule that a woman is permitted to uncover her face and hands in front
of male-strangers bear this in mind, especially since most of the males in our time
have had their hearts and minds overpowered by forbidden temptations, and so they
have been affected by the diseases of doubts and desires? And the blind followers
from among the men and women, who use words and actions to call to the uncovering
of the private parts and to the looking at faces of prostitutes, seeking to cause
temptation that only brings about misfortune and misguidance they must fear Allaah.

This is what I wanted to clarify and explain as a reminder and insight for everyone that
desires the truth, loves virtue, hates falsehood, and despises vice. And my success is
with Allaah alone. May the peace and blessings be on our Prophet Muhammad, his
family and Companions.

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