1029/2005GL022601, 2005
[1] We report what we believe to be the first three- work described here is to provide a more rigorous analysis
dimensional computational solution of the full-vector of this issue than previously published, thereby placing
Maxwell’s equations for hypothesized pre-seismic hypothetical pre-seismic EM phenomena on a firmer
electromagnetic phenomena propagated within the entire physical basis.
Earth-ionosphere cavity. Periodic boundary conditions are [3] This letter reports what we believe to be the first
used in conjunction with a variable-cell finite-difference three-dimensional (3-D) computational solution of the
time-domain (FDTD) space lattice wrapping around the full-vector Maxwell’s equations for hypothesized pre-
complete Earth-sphere and extending ±100 km radially seismic EM phenomena within the entirety of the
from sea level. This technique permits a direct time- Earth-ionosphere. Applying the finite-difference time-do-
domain calculation of round-the-world ULF/ELF main (FDTD) method [Taflove and Hagness, 2000], we
propagation accounting for arbitrary horizontal as well obtain a direct time-domain calculation of round-the-
as vertical geometrical and electrical inhomogeneities/ world ULF/ELF propagation accounting for arbitrary
anisotropies of the excitation, ionosphere, lithosphere, and horizontal as well as vertical geometrical and electrical
oceans. In this study, we model electrokinetic currents at inhomogeneities/anisotropies of the excitation, ionosphere,
depths of 2.5 km and 17 km near the hypocenter of the lithosphere, and oceans. Using this rigorous numerical
Loma Prieta earthquake and compare the FDTD- model, we accommodate the complete physics introduced
calculated surface magnetic field to analytical results by impulsive electromagnetic wave propagation through
and measurements previously reported in the literature. the conductive Earth and subsequent reverberation
We accommodate the complete physics introduced by through the entire Earth-ionosphere waveguide, and hence
impulsive electromagnetic wave propagation through the illustrate the importance of solving the full Maxwell’s
conductive Earth, and hence illustrate the importance of equations when modeling current sources within the
solving the full Maxwell’s equations when modeling Earth’s crust.
current sources within the Earth’s crust. Our calculated [4] Previously, we reported applying FDTD to efficiently
spectra agree qualitatively with those reported by Fraser- model the complete Earth-sphere at ELF using a 3-D,
Smith et al. (1990). Citation: Simpson, J. J., and A. Taflove spherical-coordinate, latitude-longitude space lattice with
(2005), Electrokinetic effect of the Loma Prieta earthquake periodic boundary conditions [Simpson and Taflove, 2002a,
calculated by an entire-Earth FDTD solution of Maxwell’s 2002b, 2003, 2004a]; see
equations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09302, doi:10.1029/ ecefaculty/taflove/3Dmovietext@gif.avi. To minimize the
2005GL022601. effects of increasing space-cell eccentricity upon approach-
ing a pole, we employed an adaptive cell-combination
technique applied to adjacent grid cells in the east-west
1. Introduction direction, thereby allowing maintenance of the time-step
[2] Anomalous ultra low frequency (ULF: 0– 3 Hz) and at nearly the level permitted by the Courant stability
extremely low-frequency (ELF: 3 Hz– 300 Hz) electro- condition for the square equatorial cells. This technique
magnetic (EM) wave phenomena occurring prior to major permits a standard laboratory computer with 2 GB
earthquakes have been of particular interest for many years of random access memory to generate high-resolution
[Park et al., 1993; Johnston, 1997]. A number of physical (40 40 5 km) modeling results for global, fully
mechanisms related to hypothetical earthquake precursors 3-D, impulsive ULF/ELF propagation within the
have been proposed to explain the origin of such obser- entire Earth-ionosphere cavity to within ±100 km of sea
vations [Park et al., 1993]. The existence and nature of level.
any EM signatures associated with these mechanisms [5] In this study, we apply our entire-Earth FDTD
currently remains unproven and unclear, however. For numerical model to calculate EM emissions generated
example, analysis of potential signatures were presented by electrokinetic currents located near the hypocenter of
by Molchanov et al. [1995] and Kulchitsky et al. the Loma Prieta earthquake. Such currents have been
[2004]; however, Molchanov et al. [1995] neglected wave proposed to explain one of the primary examples of
propagation, and Kulchitsky et al. [2004] provided a scalar hypothetical precursory EM phenomena to date: the
two-dimensional analysis which neglected the Earth’s anomalous magnetic fields reported by Fraser-Smith et
curvature. Our overall goal for the novel EM modeling al. [1990] prior to the Loma Prieta earthquake. We
compare the FDTD surface magnetic field calculations
Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. to analytical results and measurements previously
0094-8276/05/2005GL022601$05.00 reported in the literature, and find that our calculated
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4. Discussion of Results
[14] We now report the results of our full-vector, 3-D
FDTD Maxwell’s equations model. Figure 2 shows the
time-waveforms of the horizontal surface H-field compo-
nent generated by a single electrokinetic pulse at a depth of
2.5 km and 17 km. Using the Lemieux parallel processing
supercomputer at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
we calculated the initial 25 seconds using our FDTD
model, and thereafter applied Prony’s method [Academic
Technologies, 2002] to extend the tail of the response to
its ultimate decay. The time waveform generated by the Figure 4. Comparison of the spectra for the horizontal
17-km-deep source is subsequently used as an equivalent surface H-field component: (1) measured by Fraser-Smith
Green’s function in the discussion below. Interestingly, we et al. [1990] and A. C. Fraser-Smith (personal commu-
see that the late-time response of the deeper source is nication, 2004); (2) FDTD result for eight electrokinetic
higher due to the longer diffusion time within the lossy currents associated with successive 25-m fractures occur-
crustal medium. ring 1.65 seconds apart (corresponding to the comparatively
[15] Figure 3 compares the normalized time waveform of large spectral peak at 0.61 Hz) along a 200 m-long
the response of the horizontal surface H-field component compartment and at a depth of 17-km-deep; and (3) FDTD
due to eight successive 17-km-deep electrokinetic current result for one electrokinetic current at 17-km depth. See
pulses as reported by Fenoglio et al. [1995] (calculated color version of this figure in the HTML.
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