PHD Production Syllabus 11-12
PHD Production Syllabus 11-12
PHD Production Syllabus 11-12
PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS AND TOP-DOWN DESIGN Chain of delivery of quality, Key characteristics, Variation risk management, Examples, Key characteristics conflict, Assembly in the context of product development, Assembling a product, Present status of assembly MATHEMATICAL AND FEATURE MODELS OF ASSEMBLIES Types of assemblies: Distributive systems, Mechanism and structures, Types of assembly models, Matrix transformations: Nominal location transforms, Variation transforms, Assembly features and feature-based design, Mathematical models of assemblies, Examples of assembly models CONSTRAINT IN ASSEMBLY Kinematic design, Features as carriers of constraints, Use of screw theory to represent and analyze constraints, Design and analysis of assembly features using screw theory, Constraint analysis DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES Dimensional accuracy in manufacturing, KCs and tolerance flowdown from assemblies to parts, Geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing, Statistical and worst-case tolerancing, Modelling and managing variation buildup in assemblies ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE ANALYSIS Assembly sequence design process, Bourjault method of generating feasible sequencies, Cutset method, Checking stability of sub-assemblies DATUM FLOW CHAIN DFC definition, Mates and contacts, KC conflict and its relation to assembly sequence and KC priorities, Assembly precedence constraints, DFCs, tolerances and constraints, Design procedure for assemblies Concurrent Engineering Sequential verus concurrent engineering, understanding interactions between design and manufacturing benefits of concurrent engineering, concurrent engineering techniques, design for assembly, Design for manufacturing BOOK:1. Mechanical assemblies: Their design, manufacture and role in product development by D.E. Whitney, Oxford University PressREFERENCES:1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice by I Zeid, TMH
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INTRODUCTION Basics and need of NC/CNC/DNC, applications and advantages of CNC machines and its role in FMS, classifications of CNC machines. CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS CNC MACHINES Machine structure, slideways, motion transmission elements, swarf removal and safety considerations, automatic tool changer, multiple pallet systems, feed back devices, machine control unit, and interpolators. CNC PART PROGRAMMING Introduction to Part Programming, Axis identification and coordinate systems, structure of CNC part program, programming formats, Radius and Length Compensation Schemes, Advanced Programming Features & Canned Cycles, Computer Aided CNC part programming using APT language. TOOLING FOR CNC MACHINES Tooling requirements of CNC machines, work and tool holding devices in CNC machines. ADAPTIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS Adaptive control with Optimization, Adaptive control with Constraints, ACC System for Turning. CO-ORDINATE MEASURING MACHINES Basic types of measuring machines, Operating modes, Programming soft-wares, Measurement and inspection capabilities, Flexible inspection systems, Inspection probes. TESTING OF MACHINE TOOLS Verification of Technical Specifications, Verification of Functional Aspects, Verification During Idle Running, Verification of Machine Tool Accuracy and Workpiece Accuracy. Metal Removal Capacity Test. BOOK: 1. HMT, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw-Hill. REFERENCES:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Koren Y, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1986. T K Kundra, P N Rao, N K Tewari, Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing, Tata McGraw-Hill Groover, M P, Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice-hall Int. Madison J, CNC Machining Handbook, Industrial Press Inc., 1996 : WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING
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GLOBAL COMPETITION IN MANUFACTURING The globalization of business, New Manufacturing- Environment, World Class Manufacturing Performance Measures, The Value Chain, Generic Competitive Advantages, Manufacturing Strategies for Global Competitiveness MANUFACTURING PLANNING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING Growth of Manufacturing Resource Planning, Fundamentals of Manufacturing Resource Planning, JIT Production System, Integrating MRP with JIT System. DYNAMICS OF MATERIALS FLOW Materials flow patterns, Regulating Materials Flow, Push vs. Pull Systems, V, A, and T Plants, Effect of Process Variability on Materials Flow. OPT AND SYNCHRONOUS MANUFACTURING Objectives of OPT, Maximizing Global Manufacturing Performance, Nine OPT Principles, Development of OPT Schedules, Theory of Constraints, The Drum-Buffer-Rope Strategies LEAN AND AGILE MANUFACTURING CONCEPTS BOOK: 1. Manufacturing Management Principles and Concepts by Gibson, Greenhalgh and Kerr Chapman and Hall Publication REFERENCES: 1. 2. 21st Century Manufacturing by Thomas G Gunn, Harper Business Publication. Toyota Production System by Shgeo Shingo, Productivity Press Cambridge
Course Name : WELDING ENGINEERING Course Code : PR 505 Credits : 4 LTP : 400 Lecture wise breakup No. of Lectures INTRODUCTION Classification of welding processes, physics of welding arc, arc stability, arc blow, polarity, welding symbols, safety and hazards in welding METAL TRANSFER Various forces acting on a molten droplet, different modes of metal transfer & their importance in arc welding POWER SOURCES Types of V-I characteristics, different types of power sources, selection of the power sources WELDING CONSUMABLES Classification and selection of welding electrodes and filler rods, welding fluxes, characteristics and manufacturing of the welding fluxes, characteristics of different shielding gases. EFFECT OF WELDING PARAMETERS ON BEAD GEOMETRY Effects of voltage current, polarity, welding speed etc. on the bead geometry and mechanical properties of the weld. WELDING PROCESSES Principle, advantages, disadvantages, application and limitations of SMAW MIG I MAG, TIG, electroslag, electro-gas thermit welding, EBW, LBW, USW, explosive, friction and spot, seam, projection, butt, flash butt resistance welding processes, selection of welding processes WELDABILITY Definition, different tests of weldability, weldabitity of steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum and titanium JOINING OF CERAMICS AND PLASTICS Processes used in joining of ceramics & plastics, adhesive bonding ALLIED WELDING PROCESSES Brazing, soldering, metal spraying, and gas & arc cutting of steels, stainless steel and cast iron WELDING DEFECTS
Different types of welding defects, causes and remedies WELDING DISTORTION Types, factors affecting the distortion, methods of reducing the distortion. BOOKS: 1. 2. TIG and MIG welding process- Jean Cornu Advanced welding systems- Jean Cornu
REFERENCES: 1. 2. American Welding Society Hand book Volume 1 to 5 Welding and Welding Technology-Richard L Little : NEW TECHNOLOGY
Course Name
Need for new technology, classification of new technology, historical background of new technology process Definition and application of various processes, comparative analysis of various new technological processes Mechanical processes ABRASIVE JET MACHINING AND ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING Fundamental Principles, application possibilities, process parameters, schematic lay out of machine and operational characteristics, conclusion ULTRASONIC MACHINING Introduction, range and application of possibilities of ultrasonic machining, fundamental principles, processes parameter, purpose of slurry and selection of abrasive, tool design, tool feeding mechanism, transducer megnetostriction, megnetostrictive material, analysis for metal removal rate, design of horn (velocity transformer), analysis of process parameters, conclusion, exercises CHEMICAL MACHINING Introduction, fundamental principle, process parameter, classification and selection of etch ant resistant material, selection of etchant, conclusion. ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING (ECM) Background of ECM process ,classification of ECM processes, fundamental principles of ECM, determination of metal removal rate, evaluation of metal removal rate of an alloy, electrochemisty of ECM, dynamics of ECM process, hydrodynamics of ECM process, optimisation analysis of ECM parameters, choice of electrolytes, conclusion, problems.Such as explosive forming, electro hydraulic forming, ElectroMagnetic forming, high speed hot forging ELECTROCHEMICAL GRINDING (ECG) Introduction, fundamental principle, electrochemistry of ECG, basic scheme of the process, classification of ECG, process of parameter ECG, conclusion. ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING Introduction, mechanism of metal removal, basic EDM circuitry and their principle of operation, analysis of relaxation and RLC type of circuits, evaluation of metal removal rate, evaluation machining accuracy, optimisation analysis of metal removal rate in EDM process, selection of tool materials, choice of dielectric fluid, conclusion, problems. LASER BEAM MACHINING Introduction, background of laser action, production of photon cascade in a solid optical laser, machining application of laser, other application of laser in workshop technology, conclusion. ELECTRON BEAM MACHINING Introduction, background of electron beam action, a dimensionless analysis to establish correlation between EBM parameters generation of electron beam, advantage and limitation of EBM PLASMA ARC MACHINING Introduction, plasma, non thermal generation of plasma, metal removal, process parameter, operation data, quality of cut, metallurgical effects, work environment, equipment, other application of plasma jet reference. FORMING OF METALS (HVFM) High Velocity Explosive forming:, Introduction, scheme of explosion forming process, Development of velocity forming processes, comparison of conventional and high velocity forming methods, stress waves and deformation 9in solids, explosive fabrication, electro hydraulic forming, magnetic pulse forming, pneumatic mechanical high velocity forming, criteria of formability, applications and energy requirements for high velocity forming process. STUDY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AJM, AFM, USM, CM, ECM, ECG, EDM, LBM, PAM, EBM, HVFM, E-HF, E-MF, HSH Forgings, & HS Extrusions through journals & e-journals.BOOK:1. P.C.Pandey & H.S.Shah Modern Machining
Process Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi 2002 REFERENCES: Amitabha bhattacharyaNew TechnologyInstitution of Engineers(s) India. 1975. ASTME, High velocity forming of metals Printice Hall of India IH1968 G.R.Nagpal Metal forming Processes Khanna Publ. New Delhi 1998 : WORK SYSTEM DESIGN AND ERGONOMICS
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WORK STUDY FUNDAMENTALS Productivity and Work Study, Definitions, Scope, and History of Work Study, Analysis of Work Content, Introduction to Industrial Engineering and productivity, Measurement of productivity. METHOD STUDY Process Analysis, Process and Activity Charts, Operation Analysis, Basic procedure, Micro Motion Study, Principles of Motion Economy. WORK MEASUREMENT Purposes and uses, Basic procedure, Techniques Work Sampling, Stop-Watch Time Study, Rating and Allowances, Setting Standard Times for Jobs, Standard Data, predetermined motion system, Job evaluation of merit rating. Wage incentive plans, MTM (Methods Time Measurement) ERGONOMICS Fundamental Concepts, Issues in Work system Design, Measuring Work by Physiological means, Work Posture, Fatigue Measurement and Evaluation, Environmental Factors and Work Systems, Industrial Product Design, Development of ergonomics. DESIGN APPROACH A new design, modification, of existing design, assessment of design. Limitation of man and machine with respect to each other, Posture-standing at work, Seated at work, Work station heights and seat geometry, Human anthropometry and its use in work place layout, Analysis. WORK LOAD Static and dynamic muscular work, Human motor activity, Metabolism, Physical work load, Measurement of physical work load, Mental work load, Measurement of mental work load, Repetitive and inspection work, Work duration and rest pauses, Principles of motion economy, Analysis. Climates Heat Humidity: Body heat balance, Effective temperature scales, Zones of discomfort, Effect of heat on body and work performance. Vibration: Terminology, Response of body to low frequency (LF) vibration, Vibrations and discomfort, effect on health of worker, high frequency vibration, effect of H.F. vibrations, methods of reducing vibrations, analysis. Noise Terminology, Physiological effects of noise, Annoyance of noise, Speed interference, Hearing loss, Temporary and permanent thresh hold shift, Effect of noise on performance, Reduction of noise, Personal noise protection. BOOKS: Work Study and Ergonomics -ILO Introduction of Ergonomics Bridger- Tata McGraw Hill-1995. Sound, Noise and Vibration Control- Lyle, F.Yerges-Van Nostrand-1978.
REFERENCES: Methods Engineering Study Krick, EV. Work study and Ergonomics Shah, H.S. Dhanpat Rai & Sons-1992. Work Study Khanna, OP- Dhanpat Rai & Sons-1995. : INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS
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ROBOT FUNDAMENTALS Robot components, robot classification and specification, Work envelopes, Other basic parameters of robots ROBOT MECHANICS Robot kinematics - spatial descriptions and transformations, inverse transformation matrices, conventions of fixing frames to links, inverse robot kinematics solvability, algebraic vs geometric solutions, examples of inverse manipulator kinematics.Differential motion and velocities - Differential motions of a robot and
its hand frame, tool configuration jacobian, resolved motion rate control, manipulator jacobian, static forces and moments Robot dynamics - Lagrangian mechanics, effective moments of inertia, dynamic equations for multi-degree of freedom robots. Trajectory planning - joint space trajectories vs Cartesian space trajectories ROBOT ACTUATORS Characteristics of actuating systems, Drives - electric, hydraulic, pneumatic and their relative merits. Speed reduction ROBOT SENSORS Robot sensors, sensor classification, micro-switches, proximity sensors, photo-electric sensors, rotary position sensors, sensor usage and selection, sensors and control integration ROBOT END-EFFECTORS Types, mechanical grippers, gripper force analysis, gripper selection, process tooling, compliance IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS Image acquisition, histogram of images, thresholding, connectivity, noise reduction, edge detection, segmentation, Image analysis - object recognition, depth measurement with vision systems, stereo imaging ROBOT PROGRAMMING AND APPLICATIONS Programming methods and languages, space position programming, motion interpolation. Robot applications - Material handling, processing, assembly, inspection applications, evaluating the potential of a robot applicationBOOK:1. Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, systems and applications by S.Y. Niku, Pearson Education. REFERENCES: Introduction to Robotics by J.J. Craig, Pearson Education Robotics: Control, sensing, vision and intelligence by KS Fu, P Gonzalez, CSG Lee, McGraw Hill