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Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18 (2011) 302e305

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Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

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Original communication

A preliminary study of pores on epidermal ridges: Are there any sex differences and age related changes?
K.R. Nagesh MD, Associate Professor a, *, Shikha Bathwal MBBS, Medical Graduate b, B. Ashoka MA, LLB, MPhil, PhD, Professor and Head c
a b c

Department of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore 575002, Karnataka, India Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka, India Department of Criminology, School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore 575002, Karnataka, India

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 9 March 2010 Received in revised form 16 May 2011 Accepted 15 June 2011 Available online 13 July 2011 Keywords: Forensic science Forensic identication Dactylography Poroscopy Friction ridge Epidermal pore Fingerprint

a b s t r a c t
The pore characteristics on the epidermal friction ridges are individualistic and thereby useful in the process of identication when used along with other minutiae details. The present work was undertaken with the objective of studying the sex difference and inuence of age on the pore morphology. The study included 230 Indians belonging to various age groups. There was no signicant difference in the pore characteristics between both the sexes. The average number of pores per centimeter of friction ridge was 8.40 in males and 8.83 in females. The closed type was the commonest type of pores seen. The size of pores varied from 69 mm to 284 mm in males and 66 mme287 mm in females. The medium-sized pores were more common than the small and large-sized pores. The majority of the pores were situated in the periphery of the ridge. The commonest shape of pores seen was circular and oval shaped pores. As the age advances, the number of pores does not signicantly vary. But, the size gradually increases, and the position and shape of pores changes with the age. 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Identication is an essential requirement of any medicolegal investigation as the mistaken identity may pose a problem in delivering justice. The application of ngerprints showed a great improvement in the eld of identication. The friction ridges on the hands arrange themselves in a peculiar pattern with ridge characteristics that are unique and used in establishing the identity.1 In a scene of crime, there is a possibility of not having the complete ngerprints and thereby, enough ridge characteristics may not be available for comparison. In such cases, the epidermal pores that are claimed to be unique, helps in the identication if it is used along with other minutiae details.2 The science of poroscopy was rst practiced by Dr. Edmond Locard in 1912, for establishing the identity of culprits in a theft case.3,4 He mentioned that the size, shape, position, and the number of pores on the ridges are individualistic and are useful in the process of identication.3,5 In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the inuence of sex and age on the pore morphology.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 91 9845775907 (mobile); fax: 91 824 2436352. E-mail address: drnag2002@rediffmail.com (K.R. Nagesh).

2. Material and methods The study sample consists of 230 Indians belonging to various age groups. Only the plain impressions of the left thumb were considered for the study. The printers ink was spread uniformly on a glass slab with the help of a hand roller. The ink was spread so thin that the light can pass through it. After obtaining the informed consent (proxy informed consent wherever is applicable), the hands of the subjects were washed thoroughly and dried completely. Then, the subjects were made to touch the ink surface gently so that the ink smears only the supercial ridges and do not enter the pores or furrows. Later, the impressions from the medial, central and lateral surfaces of the left thumb were taken separately on a clean glass slide with minimal pressure applied to avoid smudging and marked appropriately. A simple microscope was used to study the impressions for the pore characteristics under 50 magnication. As far as possible, a vertical ridge was selected randomly and pores were studied for a length of 1 cm of ridge. The appearance of pores under 50 magnication is shown in Fig. 1. The pore characteristics were recorded separately for medial, central and lateral impressions of each individual.

1752-928X/$ e see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jm.2011.06.005

K.R. Nagesh et al. / Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18 (2011) 302e305 Table 1 Comparison of pore characteristics between both sexes. Pore characteristics Number of pores/cm of ridge Types: Closed Open on one side Open on both sides Position: Periphery Middle Whole width Size: Minimum (mm) Maximum (mm) Size distribution: Small-size (<100 mm) Medium-size (101e200 mm) Large-size (>200 mm) Fig. 1. Appearance of epidermal pores under 50 magnication. Male 8.40 2.01 67% 26% 7% 50% 43% 7% 69 284 39% 44% 17% Female 8.83 2.09 65% 28% 7% 49% 45% 6% 66 287 37% 46% 17% P


0.107 0.668 0.065 0.888 0.665 0.055 0.640 0.270 0.710 0.989 0.080 0.330

An ocular micrometer scale was inserted into eyepiece of the microscope for taking measurement. The scale was 2 mm long and marked with 100 divisions. Each division is equal to 0.01 i.e., 10 mm (mm). One ocular division is equal to 10 mm at 100 magnication, and 20 mm at 50 magnication. Hence, to calculate the size of pores, the numbers of ocular divisions were multiplied by 20 mm. The results were analyzed statistically by using SPSS version 11. An average of the medial, central and lateral pore characteristics was calculated, and compared between both sexes and the different age groups. The signicance between the sexes was tested with Independent-Samples T-test. The signicance between the age groups was tested with ANOVA test. P value less than 0.05 was considered to be signicant. 3. Results The present study comprised of 115 males and 115 females belonging to Indian population. The age of the study sample varied from 3 to 73 years (30.96 18.27 years) in males and from 1 to 73 years (32.54 20.06 years) in females. To study the inuence of age on pore characteristics, the study population was arbitrarily divided into three age groups, viz., 1e20 years, 21e40 years and 41e75 years, which is shown in Fig. 2. The number, types, position, size and size distribution of pores in both sexes is presented in Table 1, which showed statistically no signicant difference between both the sexes. The number of pores per centimeter of friction ridge ranged from 5 to 16.3 (8.40 2.01) in males and 5.3 to 16 (8.83 2.09) in females. The closed type of pores out numbered the pores that were open on one side of the ridge and the pores that were open on both sides of the ridge. The majority of the pores were situated in the periphery and middle of

the ridge. The size of pores varied from 69 mm to 284 mm in males and 66 mme287 mm in females. The size of pores was divided into three groups, viz., small (less than 100 mm), medium (101 mme200 mm) and large (more than 200 mm) sized pores. In both sexes, the majority of the pores was medium-sized, followed by small-sized, and the least was the large-sized pores. The shapes of the pores are presented in Table 2, which showed no signicant difference between the sexes. In both sexes, highest numbers of pores were circular and oval shaped, and the least was the rectangular and rhomboid shaped pores. The age-wise distribution of number, types and position of pores in both sexes is shown in Table 3. As the age advances in males, the closed type of pores decreases, with an increase in pores that is open on one side and open on both sides of the ridge. However, no signicant changes were observed in females. As the age advances in males, pores occupying the middle of the ridge decrease with an increase in pores occupying the whole width. However, no significant changes were observed in females. The size of the pores and its distribution are shown in Table 3. The size of the pores increases with an advancement in age in both sexes. In males, the small-sized pores decrease with an increase in large-sized pores as the age increases. Whereas in females, the medium-sized pores decrease with an increase in large-sized pores as the age advances. Table 4 presents the shape of pores in different age groups. As the age advances, circular shaped pores decrease with an increase in oval shaped pores in males. Whereas in females, no signicant changes were observed between the age groups. 4. Discussion In the present study, the number pores per centimeter of the epidermal ridge from the left thumb impression ranged from 5 to 16.3 (mean 8.40) in males and from 5.3 to 16 (mean 8.83) in females; the difference between both sexes was statistically not signicant (Table 1). Ashbaugh quoted that Edmond Locard has studied the nger and palm prints of two accused persons in a theft
Table 2 Comparison of shapes of pores between both sexes. Shapes Circular Oval Rectangle Rhomboid Triangle Elongate Miscellaneous No shape Male 48% 21% 2% 3% 4% 9% 7% 6% Female 45% 22% 2% 2% 6% 11% 7% 5% P 0.834 0.193 0.107 0.754 0.055 0.057 0.890 0.511

Fig. 2. Age distribution of study sample.


K.R. Nagesh et al. / Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18 (2011) 302e305

Table 3 Age-wise distribution of number, types, position, size and size distribution of pores. Pore characteristics Male 1e20yrs Number of pores/cm of ridge Types: Closed Open on one side Open on both sides Position: Periphery Middle Whole width Size: Minimum (mm) Maximum (mm) Size distribution: Small-size (<100 mm) Medium-size (101e200 mm) Large-size (>200 mm) 8.73 72% 23% 5% 49% 46% 5% 63 256 43% 43% 14% 21e40yrs 8.44 69% 24% 7% 51% 42% 7% 65 277 42% 44% 14% 41e75yrs 7.96 57% 34% 9% 52% 39% 9% 80 324 31% 47% 23% P 0.251 0.004 0.042 0.038 0.934 0.020 0.045 0.007 0.000 0.001 0.956 0.003 Female 1e20yrs 9.22 66% 26% 8% 50% 42% 8% 66 259 37% 48% 15% 21e40yrs 8.37 64% 30% 6% 46% 48% 6% 67 273 37% 46% 17% 41e75yrs 0.83 65% 30% 5% 48% 45% 7% 64 335 37% 43% 20% P 0.196 0.380 0.850 0.055 0.262 0.852 0.098 0.698 0.000 0.749 0.017 0.015

Table 4 Age-wise distribution of shapes of pores. Shapes of pores Male 1e20yrs Circular Oval Rectangle Rhomboid Triangle Elongate Miscellaneous No shape 52% 21% 2% 3% 4% 10% 5% 3% 21e40yrs 45% 19% 3% 3% 5% 11% 10% 4% 41e75yrs 43% 25% 2% 2% 5% 9% 7% 7% P 0.014 0.034 0.011 0.154 0.871 0.312 0.000 0.000 Female 1e20yrs 46% 23% 3% 1% 6% 10% 6% 5% 21e40yrs 45% 22% 2% 4% 5% 10% 7% 5% 41e75yrs 42% 20% 3% 2% 8% 14% 7% 4% P 0.442 0.314 0.089 0.003 0.081 0.016 0.982 0.395

case and found 9 to 18 pores per centimeter of ridge.3 Bindra et al. have studied the nger and palm prints, and found 8 to 25 pores per centimeter of ridge, where the minimum and maximum number of pores was observed in the thenar and hypothenar regions, respectively.6 Whereas, ndings of the present study were only from the pulp of the nger. This shows that the number of pores per centimeter of ridge is less in distal parts of the nger compared to the palm. In the present study, majority of the pores were of closed type, followed by open on one side and open on both sides in both sexes (Table 1). Bindra et al. observed similar ndings in their study.6 In the present study, the maximum number of pores was situated in the periphery and middle of the ridge in both sexes; the peripheral pores slightly predominate over the middle pores. However, Bindra et al. found equal distribution in the middle as well as the periphery of the ridge.6 This suggests that the position of pores on the ridge varies in different ngers and palm. In the present study, the pores situated in the periphery of the ridge were either of closed type or open on one side. Whereas, the pores situated in the middle of the ridge were of closed type. In the present study, the size of pores varied from 69 mm to 284 mm in males and 66 mme287 mm in females (Table 1). Whereas in Locards study, it varied from 88 mm to 220 mm.3,4 In the present study, the majority of the pores was medium-sized, followed by small-sized, and the least was the large-sized pores in both sexes (Table 1). This is consistent with the study of Bindra et al.6 The pores on the ridge could form various shapes viz., circular, oval, rectangular, rhomboid, triangle, elongate, miscellaneous (dumble, star, etc). Some times, no shape could be made out. In the present study, there was no signicant difference in the shape of pores between both the sexes (Table 2). The highest number of

pores was circular and oval shaped, and the least was the rectangular and rhomboid shaped pores. Whereas, Bindra et al. found the rhomboid shaped pores as the commonest, followed by the circular, elliptical and rectangular shaped pores.6 In the present study, we studied the inuence of age on pore characteristics. With the advancement in age, no signicant difference was observed in the number of pores in both the sexes (Table 3). As the age advances in males, the closed type of pores decreases with an increase in pores that is open on one side and open on both sides of the ridge. However, no signicant changes were observed in females (Table 3). The pores occupying the middle of the ridge decrease and the pores occupying the whole width increase with advancement of age in males. However, no signicant changes were observed in females (Table 3). The size of the pores increases with an advancement in age in both the sexes (Table 3). In males, the small-sized pores decrease with an increase in largesized pores as the age advances. Whereas in females, the medium-sized pores decrease with an increase in the large-sized pores as the age advances (Table 3). The circular shaped pores decrease and the oval shaped pores increase with advancement of age in males. Whereas in females, no signicant changes were observed between the age groups (Table 4). 5. Conclusion In partial ngerprints, impressions of nger print alone may be difcult to identify the person. In such instances, inclusion of poroscopy details may help the examiner in reducing the chances of error. In the present study, the pore characteristics of the left thumb print were studied in the Indian population to understand the

K.R. Nagesh et al. / Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18 (2011) 302e305


morphology of pores on the friction ridge, which showed encouraging results. The number of pores on the friction ridge does not have sex and age inuence. Whereas, other parameters such as type, size, position and shape of pores do not have sex inuence, but changes as the age advances. Thus, we conclude that the number of pores on the friction ridge is a more reliable parameter for identication when used along with other minute details. Since the other parameters changes with age, one should be careful in applying these for identication, especially when comparing with an old data. There are certain limitations in the present study. The impressions were taken on a glass slide with minimal pressure to avoid smudging of the pores, which may not be similar with impressions recovered at crime scene. Hence, we recommend for further study with rm pressure on different surfaces. Also, impressions of other ngers and latent prints need to be studied. Ethical approval None. Funding None.

Conict of interest The authors have no conict of interest to declare. Acknowledgment We would like to acknowledge the Indian Council of Medical Research for permitting to undertake this work as a part of Short term research studentship programme. References
1. Cowger JF. Introduction. In: Friction ridge skin: comparison and identication of ngerprints. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1992. p. 1e7. 2. Cowger JF. The basis of the comparison. In: Friction ridge skin: comparison and identication of ngerprints. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1992. p. 143. 3. Ashbaugh DR. Poroscopy and edgeoscopy. In: Quantitative-qualitative friction ridge analysis: an introduction to basic and advanced ridgeology. CRC Press; 1999. p. 149e63. 4. Clegg D. Fingerprint identication. In: Horswell J, editor. The practice of crime scene investigation. CRC Press; 2004. p. 161e80. 5. Nickell J, Fischer JF. Fingerprinting. In: Crime science: methods of forensic detection. University Press of Kentucky; 1999. p. 112e47. 6. Bindra B, Jasuja OP, Singla AK. Poroscopy: a method of personal identication revisited. Anil Aggrawals Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 2000;1(1).

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