Al Buni
Al Buni
Al Buni
"in Ahma# ibn Ali ibn $%s% al!&%ni al!'ali(i al!Ama)i*hi (born in &+ne (Annaba), Al*eria #ie# ,--.) /as a /ell (no/n S% i an# /riter on the esoteric 0al%e o letters an# topics relatin* to mathematics, sihr (sorcer1) an# spirit%alit1, b%t 0er1 little is (no/n abo%t him2 Al!&%ni li0e# in 3*1pt an# learne# rom man1 eminent S% i masters o his time24,5 A contemporar1 o 6bn Arabi,4-5 he is best (no/n or /ritin* one o the most important boo(s o his era7 the Shams al-Ma'arif, a boo( that is still re*ar#e# as the oremost occ%lt te8t on talismans an# #i0ination2 6t /as to be banne# soon a ter as heretical b1 ollo/ers o the 6slamic ortho#o812
, 9is :ontrib%tion o ,2, 6n ;he%r*1 o ,2- 6n 'athematics an# Science - So%rces o his (no/le#*e o -2, So%rce o the 3ssentials o <is#om o -2- 'a*ical S=%are o -2> Art o ?etters o -2@ Acc%lt Bno/le#*e o -2. 3meral# ;ablet > 9is 6n l%ence @ <ritin*s . Ce erences D Eotes F 38ternal lin(s
His Contribution[edit]
In Theurgy[edit]
;able o associations bet/een letters, the mansions o the moon, the constellations o the stan#ar# )o#iac, an# the seasons b1 Al!%ni
6nstea# o sihr (Sorcer1), this (in# o ma*ic /as calle# Ilm al-Hikmah (Bno/le#*e o the <is#om), Ilm al-simiyah (St%#1 o the "i0ine Eames) an# Ruhaniyat (Spirit%alit1)2 'ost o the so!calle# mujarrabt (Gtime!teste# metho#sG) boo(s on sorcer1 in the '%slim /orl# are simpli ie# e8cerpts rom the Shams al-ma`rif24>5 ;he boo( remains the seminal /or( on ;he%r*1 an# esoteric arts to this #a12
Magical S$uare[edit]
Al!&%ni states in the same /or( that he ac=%ire# his (no/le#*e o ma*ical s=%ares rom SirKM al!"On al!9ana i, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Shihab al!"On al!'%=a##asi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Shams al!"On al!Sarisi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Shihab al!"On al! 9ama#ani, /ho ac=%ire# it rom N%tb al!"On al!"i1KQi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom '%h1i##On 6bn Arabi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Ab% al!TAbbas Ahma# ibn al!;%rO)i, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Ab% Ab#illah al!N%rashi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Ab% 'a#On al! An#al%si2
Art of %etters[edit]
9e also states that he ac=%ire# a##itional (no/le#*e abo%t the esoteric art o letters an# the ma*ical s=%ares rom 'ohamma# T6)) al!"On ibn LamQa, /ho ac=%ire# it rom
'ohamma# al!Sirani, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Shihab al!"On al!9ama#ani, /ho ac=%ire# it rom N%tb al!"On al!"hi1aQi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom '%h1i##On 6bn Arabi2
&ccult 'no!ledge[edit]
Al!&%ni also states that he ac=%ire# his occ%lt (no/le#*e rom Ab% al!TAbbas Ahma# ibn 'a1mRn al!NastalKni, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Ab% Ab#illah 'ohamme# al! N%rashi, /ho ac=%ire# it rom Ab% 'a#On Sh%Ta1b ibn 9asan al!Ansari al!An#al%si, /ho recei0e# it rom Ab% A11%b ibn Abi SaTi# al!SanhaMi al!Arm%)i, /ho recei0e# it rom Abi '%hamma# ibn E%r, /ho recei0e# it rom Ab% al!Sa#hl Ab#%llah ibn &ashr, /ho recei0e# it rom Ab% &ashr al!9asan al!L%Mari, /ho recei0e# it rom al! Sa=ati, /ho recei0e# it rom "a/R# al!;KQi, /ho recei0e# it rom 9abOb al!ATMami, /ho recei0e# it rom Ab% &a(r '%hamma# ibn SOrOn, /ho recei0e# it rom 'ali( ibn Anas2
"merald Tablet[edit]
Al!&%ni also ma#e re*%lar mention in his /or( o Ulato, Aristotle, 9ermes, Ale8an#er the Preat, an# obsc%re :hal#ean ma*icians2 6n one o his /or(s, he reco%nte# a stor1 o his #isco0er1 o a cache o man%scripts b%rie# %n#er the p1rami#s, that incl%#e# a /or( o 9ermetic thin(ers2
His Influence[edit]
9is /or( is sai# to ha0e in l%ence# the 9%r% is an# the Ee/ ?ettrist 6nternational24.5 9e ma1 also ha0e in#irectl1 in l%ence# the late ShiTi mo0ement o &abism, /hich ma#e /i#esprea# %se o talismans an# ma*ical letters24D5
Ahma# al!&%ni Shams al-Ma'airf al-"ubra (the Preat S%n o Pnoses), :airo, ,I-V2 Ahma# al!&%ni, Sharh Ism #llah al-a`$am fi al-Ruhani, printe# in ,>.F A9 or in 3*1pt al!'atbaWat al!'ahm%#i11at al!;%MMari11at biTl!A)har2 Ahma# al!&%ni, "abs al-ikti!a, Ariental 'an%scripts in "%rham Jni0ersit1 ?ibrar1
,2 -2 >2 @2 .2 )um* u* + &1 :2 L2 &lee(er, P2 <i#en*ren, Historia Reli%ionum& 'olume ( Reli%ions of the )resent, p2,.D, )um* u* + Xincent L2 :ornell, Realm of the Saint* )o+er an! #uthority in Moroccan Sufism, Jni0ersit1 o ;e8as Uress, ,IIV, p2 --, )um* u* + 'artin 0an &r%inessen, GPlobal an# local in 6n#onesian 6slamG, So%theast Asian St%#ies (B1oto) 0ol2 >F, no2- (,III), @D!D> )um* u* + "ia*nosis thro%*h rosar1 an# san#: 6slamic elements in the healin* c%stom o the $or%ba (Ei*eria)2 Sanni A2 ?a*os State Jni0ersit1, Ei*eria )um* u* + Shams al!'aTari al!B%bra ;he S%n o Preat Bno/le#*e2
)um* u* + 4"enis 'ac3oin, YEineteenth!:ent%r1 &abi ;alismansQ, St%#ia 6ranica ,@:, (,IV.), pp2FF!IV25
3#*ar <2 Srancis, Ma,,in% the -oun!aries bet+een Ma%ic. /he 0ames of 1o! in the ritin%s of #hma! ibn #li al--uni