Ammunition Explosives Hazard Classification Procedures

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TB 700–2

TO 11A-1-47
DLAR 8220.1

Joint Technical Bulletin


Departments of the Army, the Navy,
the Air Force,
and the Defense Logistics Agency
Washington, DC
5 January 1998

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1

This revision--

o Adds UN Test Series 1 through 7 protocol with flow chart. Selects U.S. tests
from protocol. States policy to accept alternate UN tests (para 5-1).

o Provides more specific test requirements and pass/fail criteria organized by

test, with diagrams (paras 5-2 thru 5-9).

o Adds flash point test for liquid explosives (para 5-9).

o Revises blast measurements procedures and interpretations (para 6-2).

o Revises fragment hazard assessment procedures (para 6-3).

o Incoporates the UN thermal hazards assessment procedures and criteria (para


o Replaces Sample Summary Sheet and NATO Data Card (for ammunition) with sample
DD forms (para 6-5c and figs 6-7 and 6-8).

o Identifies alternate hazard classification test (with restrictions) that

have application for qualification, insensitive munitions, and system
vulnerability (para 6-6).

o Provides new Service and DOE addresses for interim hazard classification
responsibilities and actions (para 7-2).

o Adds DOT/UN Test Series 3 requirements. States policy that 70-card gap test
(or ARDEC solid gun propellant shock sensitivity test) and cap test are
required for interim HD 1.3 classification (para 7-3a).

o Gives procedures for obtaining international shipment of iterim hazard

classified items with competent authority approval (para 7-3d).

o Revises responsibilities and procedures for managing the Joint Hazard

Classification System (JHCS) (para 8-3).

o References the changes in DOT hazard classification procedures (para 8-4).

o Redefines JHCS data input and format (para 8-5).

Headquarters *TB 700–2
Departments of the Army, the Navy,
the Air Force,
and the Defense Logistics Agency TO 11A–1–47
Washington, DC DLAR 8220.1
5 January 1998
Joint Technical Bulletin



History. This is a complete revision of TB 700– Force, the Active Army, the Army National improvements directly to the Chairman, De-
2, NAVSEAINST 8020.8A, TO 11A-1-47, and Guard, the U.S. Army Reserve. partment Of Defense Explosives Safety Board,
DLAR 8220.1. Proponent and exception authority. The Room 856C, Hoffman Building 1, 2461 Eisen-
Summary. This publication sets forth de- proponent of this TB is the Chairman, Depart- hower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331–0600,
tailed procedures for hazard classifying am- ment Of Defense Explosives Safety Board, Phone: DSN 221–8624, Commercial: (703)
munition and explosives in accordance with Room 856C, Hoffman Building 1, 2461 Eisen- 325–8624; FAX: (703) 325–6227.
Department of Transportation regulations, hower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331–0600, Distribution. To be distributed in accordance
North Atlantic Treaty Organization guide Phone: DSN 221–8624, Commercial: (703) with initial distribution number (IDN)
lines, and United Nations recommendations. 325–8624; Fax: (703) 325–6227. 343699 requirements for TB 700-2.
Applicability. This TB applies to the De- Suggested Improvements. Users are invited
fense Logistics Agency, the Navy, the Air to send comments, corrections, and suggested
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) AMMUNITION, PRACTICE !2–5, page 2
Chapter 1 AMMUNITION, PROOF !2–6, page 2
Introduction, page 1 AMMUNITION, SMOKE !2–7, page 2
Purpose !1–1, page 1 AMMUNITION, TEAR-PRODUCING, with burster, expelling
NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) !1–2, page 1 charge or propelling charge !2–8, page 2
Use of the procedures !1–3, page 1 AMMUNITION, TOXIC with burster, expelling charge or
Application !1–4, page 1 propelling charge !2–9, page 2
Hazards not determined by these criteria !1–5, page 1 ARTICLE, EXPLOSIVE !2–10, page 2
Samples for laboratory examination !1–7, page 1 (ARTICLES, EEI) !2–11, page 2
Non-Class 1 and non-regulated articles !1–8, page 1 ARTICLES, PYROPHORIC !2–12, page 2
Transportation of unexploded ordnance (UXO) !1–9, page 1 ARTICLES, PYROTECHNIC, for technical purposes !2–13,
Chapter 2 page 2
Glossary, page 2 BLACK POWDER (GUNPOWDER) !2–14, page 2
AMMONIUM-NITRATE-fuel oil mixture (ANFO) !2–1, page 2 BOMBS !2–15, page 2
AMMUNITION !2–2, page 2 BOOSTERS !2–16, page 2
AMMUNITION, ILLUMINATING, with or without burster, BURNING REACTION !2–17, page 2
expelling charge or propelling charge !2–3, page 2 BURSTERS, EXPLOSIVE !2–18, page 2
*This publication supersedes TB 700–2, NAVSEAINST 8020.B, AF TO 11A–1–47, DLAR 8220.1, 5 December 1989.
TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 ! 5 January 1998

CARTRIDGES, FLASH • 2–20, page 3 FUZES • 2–80, page 5

CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS • 2–21, page 3 GRENADES, hand or rifle • 2–81, page 5
page 3 HAZARDOUS FRAGMENT • 2–83, page 5
CARTRIDGES, SIGNAL • 2–24, page 3 HIGH EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT • 2–85, page 5
CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS • 2–25, page 3 IGNITERS • 2–86, page 5
CASES, CARTRIDGE, EMPTY, WITH PRIMER • 2–26, page 3 IGNITION, means of • 2–87, page 5
page 3 LIGHTERS, FUSE • 2–89, page 6
CHARGES, BURSTING • 2–28, page 3 MASS EXPLOSION • 2–90, page 6
CHARGES, DEMOLITION • 2–29, page 3 MINES • 2–91, page 6
CHARGES, DEPTH • 2–30, page 3 NET EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT (NEW) • 2–92, page 6
CHARGES, EXPLOSIVE, COMMERCIAL, without detonator page 6
• 2–32, page 3 NET PROPELLANT WEIGHT (NPW) • 2–94, page 6
CHARGES, SHAPED, COMMERCIAL, without detonator • 2–35, POWDER, SMOKELESS • 2–97, page 6
page 3 PRIMERS, CAP TYPE • 2–98, page 6
COMPATIBILITY • 2–38, page 3 PROPELLANTS • 2–101, page 6
COMPONENTS, EXPLOSIVE TRAIN, N.O.S. • 2–39, page 3 PROPULSION • 2–102, page 6
COMPOSITE PROPELLANT • 2–40, page 3 QUANTITY DISTANCE (Q–D) • 2–103, page 6
charge or propelling charge • 2–41, page 3 ROCKET MOTORS • 2–105, page 6
CORD, DETONATING, flexible • 2–42, page 3 ROCKETS • 2–106, page 6
CORD (FUSE) DETONATING, metal clad • 2–43, page 3 SIGNALS • 2–107, page 6
CORD, IGNITER • 2–44, page 4 SOUNDING DEVICES, EXPLOSIVE • 2–108, page 6
CUTTER, CABLE, EXPLOSIVE • 2–45, page 4 STERADIAN • 2–109, page 6
DEBRIS • 2–46, page 4 SUBSTANCE, EXPLOSIVE • 2–110, page 7
• 2–49, page 4 TORPEDOES • 2–113, page 7
DETONATORS • 2–50, page 4 TRACERS FOR AMMUNITION • 2–114, page 7
DoD COMPONENT (DODC) • 2–51, page 4 UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE (UXO) • 2–115, page 7
DYNAMITE • 2–52, page 4 WARHEADS • 2–116, page 7
EX NUMBER • 2–55, page 4
EXPLODE • 2–56, page 4 Chapter 3
EXPLOSION REACTION • 2–57, page 4 Administrative Procedures, page 7
EXPLOSION OF THE TOTAL CONTENTS • 2–58, page 4 Introduction • 3–1, page 7
EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING • 2–59, page 4 Procedures • 3–2, page 7
EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE A • 2–60, page 4 Notification of classifications • 3–3, page 9
EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE C • 2–62, page 4 Chapter 4
EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE D • 2–63, page 4 Hazard Classification, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE E • 2–64, page 5 Scope • 4–1, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, DEFLAGRATING • 2–65, page 5 DOT hazard classes • 4–2, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, DETONATING • 2–66, page 5 Hazard Class 1 assignment procedures • 4–3, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, EXTREMELY INSENSITIVE DETONATING Hazard Classes 2 through 9 assignment procedures • 4–4, page 11
SUBSTANCE (EIDS) • 2–67, page 5 Non-Class 1 and non-regulated • 4–5, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, PRIMARY • 2–68, page 5 Compatibility group assignment procedure • 4–6, page 11
EXPLOSIVE, SECONDARY • 2–69, page 5 Compatibility groups • 4–7, page 11
FIREBRAND • 2–70, page 5 Assignment of DOT identification number (United Nations
FIREWORKS • 2–71, page 5 number) • 4–8, page 12
FLARES • 2–72, page 5 Explosive weights for Class 1 items • 4–9, page 12
FLASH POWDER • 2–73, page 5 Storage without interim hazard classification • 4–10, page 12
FRAGMENT • 2–75, page 5 Chapter 5
FUSE/FUZE • 2–76, page 5 Tests, page 12
FUSE, IGNITER, tubular, metal clad • 2–77, page 5 Hazard classification test protocol • 5–1, page 12
FUSE INSTANTANEOUS, NON-DETONATING UN Test Series 1 (optional) • 5–2, page 13
(QUICKMATCH) • 2–78, page 5 UN Test Series 2 (optional) • 5–3, page 15
FUSE, SAFETY • 2–79, page 5 Test Series 3 (mandatory) • 5–4, page 15
UN Test Series 4 (mandatory where appropriate) • 5–5, page 17

ii TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998


UN Test Series 5 (mandatory for Hazard Division 1.5) • 5–6, Figure 5–5: Internal ignition test—UN Tests 1(b) (ii) and 2(b) (ii),
page 18 page 30
UN Test Series 6 (mandatory for Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Figure 5–6: Slow cookoff bomb test device—UN Tests 1(b) (iii)
and 1.4) • 5–7, page 19 and 2(b) (iv), page 31
UN Test Series 7 (mandatory for Hazard Division 1.6) • 5–8, Figure 5–7: Gap test configuration for solid substances—UN Test
page 21 2(a) (iii), page 32
Additional test • 5–9, page 24 Figure 5–8: Cap test configuration for liquid substances—UN Test
2(a) (iii), page 33
Chapter 6 Figure 5–9: Bureau of explosives impact machine—UN Test 3(a)
Instrumentation, interpretation of results and alternate (i), page 34
tests, page 62 Figure 5–10: Bureau of explosives impact machine sample
Introduction • 6–1, page 62 assembly for solid substances—UN Test 3(a) (i), page 35
Blast measurements • 6–2, page 62 Figure 5–11: Bureau of explosives impact machine sample
Fragment hazard assessment • 6–3, page 63 assembly for liquid substances—UN Test 3(a) (i), page 36
Thermal effects assessment • 6–4, page 64 Figure 5–12: ABL friction test configuration—UN Test 3(b) (iii),
Interpretation of results • 6–5, page 64 page 37
Alternate tests • 6–6, page 66 Figure 5–13: Termal stability test configuration—UN Test 3(c),
page 38
Chapter 7 Figure 5–14: Small-scale burning test configuration—UN Test 3
Interim hazard classification, page 81 (d) (i), page 39
General • 7–1, page 81 Figure 5–15: Termal stability test for articles—UN Test 4(a),
Authority • 7–2, page 81 page 40
Limitations • 7–3, page 82 Figure 5–16: Steel tube drop test for liquids—UN Test 4(b) (i),
Documentation • 7–4, page 82 page 41
Figure 5–17: Twelve meter drop test configuration —UN Test 4(b)
Chapter 8 (ii), page 42
Joint hazard classification system, page 83 Figure 5–18: Cap sensitivity test configuration—UN Tests 5(a) and
Introduction • 8–1, page 83 7(a), page 43
Background • 8–2, page 83 Figure 5–19: Alternate cap sensitivity test configuration—UN Tests
Responsibilities and procedures • 8–3, page 83 5(a) and 7(a), page 44
Department of Transportation (DOT) changes • 8–4, page 83 Figure 5–20: Deflagration to detonation test configuration—UN
Completion of control record for JHCS revision • 8–5, page 84 Test 4(b) (ii), page 45
Figure 5–21: Typical wood fuel arrangement for external fire test
Table List for Hazard Division 1.5—UN Test 5(c), page 46
Figure 5–22: Prince incendiary spark test arrangement—UN Test
Table 3–1: Methods for establishing final hazard classification, 5(d), page 47
page 8 Figure 5–23: Single package test arrangement —UN Test 6(a),
Table 4–1: DOT hazard classes designator, page 11 page 48
Table 4–2: DOT hazard class 1 divisions, page 11 Figure 5–24: Typical stack test arrangement—UN Test 6(b),
page 49
Table 4–3: DOT Hazard class 2 thru 9 division, page 11
Figure 5–25: Typical wood fuel arrangement for external fire
Table 6–2: Fragment data requirements, page 64
(bonfire) test—UN Test 6(c), page 50
Table 6–1: Hemispherical TNT surface burst--peak pressure and
Figure 5–26: EIDS gap test configuration—UN Test 7(b), page 51
positive impulse, page 68
Figure 5–27: Susan impact test arrangement—UN Test 7(c) (i),
Table 8–1: Joint Hazard Classification System control record,
page 52
page 83 Figure 5–28: Susan projectile—UN Test 7(c) (i), page 53
Table 8–2: JHCS control record data elements, page 85 Figure 5–29: Friability test configuration—UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and
Table 8–3: Department of Transportation (DOT) label codes, 7(d) (ii), page 54
page 89 Figure 5–30: Steel plate and recovery box setup for friability test—
Table 8–4: Hazard symbol codes, page 89 UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii), page 55
Table 8–5: Department of Transportation (DOT) class codes, Figure 5–31: Closed vessel for friability test–UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and
page 89 7(d) (ii), page 56
Table 8–6: Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping Figure 5–32: Steel pipe used for EIDS bullet impact, EIDS
description codes, page 90 external fire test and EIDS slow cookoff test—UN Tests 7(d) (i),
7(e), and 7(f), page 57
Figure List Figure 5–33: EIDS bullet impact test arrangement—UN Test 7(d)
(i), page 58
Figure 3–1: Method for establishing final hazard classification., Figure 5–34: EIDS slow cookoff test—UN Test 7(f) and 1.6 article
page 10 slow cookoff test —UN Test 7(h), page 59
Figure 5–1: UN hazard classification procedures for articles and Figure 5–35: 1.6 multiple bullet impact test arrangement—UN Test
substances, page 25 7(j), page 60
Figure 5–1A: UN hazard classification procedures for articles. and Figure 5–36: Tag closed vessel, page 61
substances (cont.), page 26 Figure 6–1: Idea overpressure vs. time history, page 69
Figure 5–2: Gap test configuration for solid —UN Test 1(a) (iii), Figure 6–2: Hemispherical TNT surface burst—peak pressure and
page 27 positive impulse, page 70
Figure 5–3: Gap test configuration for liquid substances—UN Test Figure 6–3: Velocity/density arena configuration—method 1,
1(a) (iii), page 28 page 71
Figure 5–4: Number eight (USA) detonator, page 29 Figure 6–4: Fragmentation characterization arena—method 1,
page 72

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 iii


Figure 6–5: Fragment collection coordinate system—method 1,

page 73
Figure 6–6: Fragment recovery areas for tests 6(b) and 6(c)—
method 2, page 74
Figure 6–7: Sample substance data base recording form, page 75
Figure 6–7A: Sample substance data base recording form (cont.),
page 76
Figure 6–8: Sample ammunition data base recording form, page 77
Figure 6–8A: Sample ammunition data base recording form (cont.),
page 78
Figure 6–9: Solid rocket motor card gap test protocol, page 79
Figure 6–10: Super large-scale gap test configuration, page 80
Figure A: Title, page 95

iv TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Chapter 1 (4) Mechanical defects.
Introduction (5) Solar radiation.
(6) Temperature shock.
1–1. Purpose (7) Abnormal functioning.
This publication sets forth procedures for determining the reaction (8) Or combat exposure.
of ammunition and explosives (as defined in DoD 6055.9–Standard
(STD) (see App A, Ref 1) to specified initiating influences from 1–6. Predominant hazard
tests. Based on reactions obtained, it further provides for assignment In the event the ammunition item to be classified contains a hazard-
of appropriate hazard classifications for transportation and storage ous material such as: fuel, oxidizer or compressed gas which pres-
as specified in Chapter 4. It seeks to assure that under identical ents a greater hazard in transportation than the Class 1 material, then
conditions, all DoD Components (DODCs) will use identical hazard the protocol for the predominant hazard should be used rather than
classifications for ammunition and explosives items. that for Class 1 materials. For instance, if a rocket contains gallons
of flammable liquid and a small igniter, then the proper hazard
1–2. NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) classification may be Class 3, rather than Class 1. See Note in
In the interest of safety and uniformity of hazard classification of
paragraph 3–1a.
ammunition and explosives, NATO STANAG No. 4123 (see App
A, Ref 2) has been developed. The title of this STANAG is 1–7. Samples for laboratory examination
“Methods to Determine and Classify the Hazards of Ammunition Transportation of explosives samples authorized in accordance with
and Explosives.” The United States has ratified this STANAG and paragraph 173.56(d), of 49 CFR (see App A, Ref 3) which have not
is implementing it in this document. Those portions of this docu- been subjected to tests required for interim hazard classification
ment which are indicated as being required by the STANAG must (para 7–3) are limited to 2.3 kg (5.0 lb) per shipment. The samples
be followed until changed or deleted by formal notification action are shipped as Hazard Division 1.1 with an appropriate compatibil-
by the United States to NATO authorities. ity group specified.
1–3. Use of the procedures 1–8. Non-Class 1 and non-regulated articles
a. Procedures herein will be included in any test plan that is
a. Class 1 comprises explosive articles, except devices considered
developed by the responsible DODC for a specific new item to be
to be “hand-held safe” (see chap 2) which contain explosive sub-
tested. They are to be considered as a minimum with regard to the
stances in such quantity or of such a character that their inadvertent
type and number of tests. Additional tests, both in number and type,
or accidental ignition or initiation during transport shall not cause
may be conducted as desired by the responsible DODC or as re-
any effect external to the device either by projection, fire, smoke,
quired to achieve mutual agreement among DODCs.
heat or loud noise (taken from para 1.11, Chapter 1, of App A, Ref
b. In order to best utilize limited resources and avoid test redun-
4). Hand-held safe articles are identified as non-Class 1.
dancy, hazard classification test plans should be tailored, to the
b. Non-Class 1 articles that do not contain any other classes of
maximum extent possible within the guidelines contained in this
dangerous goods (Classes 2 through 9) as defined in 49 CFR Part
publication, so that tests for hazard classification, qualification, in-
173, Subpart D (see App A, Ref 3) are identified as non-regulated.
sensitive munitions, and system vulnerability can be organized into
Non-Class 1 articles that do contain other classes of dangerous
one coordinated test program with the minimum number of required
goods may be identified as non-regulated based on further evalua-
assets and tests.
tion (see App A, Ref 3).
1–4. Application
This publication applies to ammunition and explosives in the condi- 1–9. Transportation of unexploded ordnance (UXO)
tion and form that they are stored and offered for transportation. a. Ammunition and explosives are often discovered on current
Usually, this means the packaged item. It will apply for the determi- DoD installations, formerly used defense sites (FUDS) and other
nation of hazard classifications that arise either from a modification areas affected by DoD activities. DoD UXO found in such circum-
to existing ammunition or its packaging or from the introduction of stances may be unknown or in a state of deterioration that identifi-
new ammunition or packaging. It is not intended that this publica- cation by markings, nomenclature or other characteristics may be
tion will necessarily apply retroactively. However, the responsible impossible. Even when identification is made, the original hazard
DODC will indicate upon request whether or not the classification classification no longer applies. There is a critical need in many
of a particular item has been determined according to this publica- cases to transport UXO over public transportation routes. Where
tion. Where it has not and there are doubts as to the validity of the possible, transport UXO by military vehicle using military
classification, the responsible DODC will verify its original classifi- personnel.
cation by means prescribed in this publication. Hazard classifica- b. The following procedure is required:
tions of record for which documentation of test results is not (1) UXO must be examined by personnel qualified for Explosive
available, and when there is no reason to doubt the validity of the Ordnance Disposal (EOD) before transporting it from the installa-
classification, may be submitted for approval according to paragraph tion or FUDS. The EOD unit will attempt to identify the ordnance
3–2. and affirm in writing that the material is safe for transport.
(2) All unidentified UXO shall be handled, transported and stored
1–5. Hazards not determined by these criteria as Hazard Division 1.1 and appropriate compatibility group. UXO
During the development of these procedures, all types of hazards will be stored as unserviceable ammunition (DoD 6055.9– STD (see
were considered; however, tests are not included to specifically App A, Ref 1)).
determine the following: (3) The cognizant DODC, with local EOD assistance, will deter-
a. Hazards— mine the appropriate packaging, blocking and bracing, marking and
(1) During various stages of manufacture and assembly. labeling, and any special handling requirements for transporting
(2) From flight range of guided missiles or rockets. UXO over public transportation routes. These procedures will in-
(3) Associated with launching of a vehicle or tactical missile. clude the amount of material to be shipped per vehicle and the
(4) Or associated with any other operations that are not transpor- assigned compatibility group. Documentation to this effect will ac-
tation and storage. company each shipment. DD Form 836 is also to accompany each
b. Susceptibility to accidental initiation by— shipment.
(1) Electrostatic and electromagnetic influence. (4) When EOD personnel are not available throughout a clean-up
(2) Rough handling and vibration. operation, the delegation of authority by the DODC, or the assigned
(3) Effects of exposure to hot and cold environments. EOD unit, shall be documented.

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 1

(5) If the UXO must be transported by contract vehicle, in addi- a. AMMUNITION, SMOKE, with or without burster, expelling
tion to the procedures above, the EOD personnel must affirm in charge or propelling charge.
writing that the UXO is not a forbidden explosive under paragraph b. AMMUNITION, SMOKE, WHITE PHOSPHORUS, with
173.54 of 49 CFR (see App, Ref 3) A, based on standardized EOD burster, expelling charge or propelling charge.
evaluation procedures.
(6) Transportation of UXO described in paragraph 1–9 will be 2–8. AMMUNITION, TEAR-PRODUCING, with burster,
accompanied by EPA Form 8700–22 (8700–22A when necessary) expelling charge or propelling charge
prepared in accordance with 40 CFR paragraph 262.20 (App A, Ref Ammunition containing tear-producing substance. It also contains
5). Also, see 49 CFR, paragraph 172.205 (App A, Ref 3). one or more of the following: a pyrotechnic substance; a propelling
(7) These requirements do not pertain to the emergency response charge with primer and igniter charge; a fuze with burster or expel-
mission of EOD units, nor to the handling of nuclear, biological or ling charge.
toxic chemical agents. These must be considered on a case-by-case
basis. 2–9. AMMUNITION, TOXIC with burster, expelling charge
or propelling charge
Ammunition containing toxic agent. It also contains one or more of
the following: a pyrotechnic substance; a propelling charge with
Chapter 2 primer and igniter charge; a fuze with burster or expelling charge.
2–1. AMMONIUM-NITRATE-fuel oil mixture (ANFO) An article containing one or more explosive substances.
A blasting explosive containing no essential ingredients other than
prilled ammonium nitrate and fuel oil.
2–2. AMMUNITION Articles that contain only extremely insensitive detonating sub-
Generic term related mainly to articles of military application con- stances and which demonstrate a negligible probability of accidental
sisting of all kinds of bombs, grenades, rockets, mines, projectiles initiation or propagation (under normal conditions of transport) and
and other similar devices or contrivances. which have passed Test Series 7.


burster, expelling charge or propelling charge Articles which contain a pyrophoric substance (capable of spontane-
Ammunition designed to produce a single source of intense light for ous ignition when exposed to air) and an explosive substance or
lighting up an area. The term includes illuminating cartridges, gre- component. The term excludes articles containing white phosphorus.
nades and projectiles; and illuminating and target identification
2–13. ARTICLES, PYROTECHNIC, for technical purposes
bombs. The term excludes the following articles which are listed Articles which contain pyrotechnic substances and are used for
separately: CARTRIDGES; SIGNAL; SIGNAL DEVICES; HAND technical purposes such as heat generation, gas generation, theatrical
SIGNALS; DISTRESS FLARES; AERIAL AND FLARES; effects, etc. The term excludes the following articles which are
SURFACE. listed separately: all ammunition; CARTRIDGES, SIGNAL, CUT-
Ammunition containing incendiary substance which may be a solid, FLARES, SURFACE, RELEASE DEVICES, EXPLOSIVE, RIV-
liquid or gel including white phosphorus. Except when the composi- ETS EXPLOSIVE, SIGNAL DEVICES, HAND, SIGNALS, DIS-
tion is an explosive per se, it also contains one or more of the TRESS, SIGNALS, RAILWAY TRACK, EXPLOSIVE SIGNALS,
following: a propelling charge with primer and igniter charge; a fuze SMOKE.
with burster or expelling charge. The term includes—
a. AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY, liquid or gel, with burster, Substance consisting of an intimate mixture of charcoal or other
expelling charge or propelling charge. carbon and either potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate, with or with-
b. AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY, with or without burster, ex- out sulphur. It may be meal, granular, compressed or pelletized.
pelling charge or propelling charge.
with burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Explosive articles which are dropped from aircraft. They may con-
tain a flammable liquid with bursting charge, a photo-flash composi-
2–5. AMMUNITION, PRACTICE tion or a bursting charge. The term excludes torpedoes (aerial) and
Ammunition without a main bursting charge, containing a burster or includes BOMBS, PHOTO-FLASH; BOMBS with bursting charge;
expelling charge. Normally it also contains a fuze and a propelling BOMBS WITH FLAMMABLE LIQUID, with bursting charge.
charge. The term excludes the following article which is listed
Articles consisting of a charge of detonating explosive without
2–6. AMMUNITION, PROOF means of initiation. They are used to increase the initiating power of
Ammunition containing pyrotechnic substances, used to test the detonators or detonating cord.
performance or strength of new ammunition, weapon component or
assemblies. 2–17. BURNING REACTION
The energetic material ignites and burns, non-propulsively. The case
2–7. AMMUNITION, SMOKE may rupture nonviolently, allowing mild release of combustion
Ammunition containing smoke-producing substance such as chloro- gases. Debris stays mainly within the area of the fire. The debris is
sulphonic acid mixture (CSAM), titanium tetrachloride (FM), white not expected to cause fatal wounds to personnel or be a hazardous
phosphorus or smoke-producing pyrotechnic composition based on fragment beyond 15 m (49 ft).
hexachloroethane (HC) or red phosphorus. Except when the sub-
stance is an explosive per se, the ammunition also contains one or 2–18. BURSTERS, EXPLOSIVE
more of the following: a propelling charge with primer and igniter Articles consisting of a small charge of explosive used to open
charge, or a fuze with burster or expelling charge. The term projectiles, or other ammunition in order to disperse their contents.

2 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Articles which consist of a cartridge case with a center or rim fire Articles consisting of a charge of detonating explosive contained in
primer and a confined charge of smokeless or black powder, but no a drum or projectile. They are designed to detonate under water.
projectile. Used for training, saluting or in starter pistols, etc.
2–20. CARTRIDGES, FLASH A charge of deflagrating explosive designed to eject the payload
Articles consisting of a casing, a primer and flash powder, all from the parent articles without damage.
assembled in one piece ready for firing.
a. Fixed (assembled) or semi-fixed (partially assembled) ammu- Articles consisting of a charge of detonating explosive without
nition designed to be fired from weapons. Each cartridge includes means of initiation, used for explosive welding, jointing, forming
all the components necessary to function the weapon once. The and other metallurgical processes.
name and description should be used for military small arms car-
tridges that cannot be described as “cartridges, small arms.” Sepa- 2–33. CHARGES, PROPELLING
Articles consisting of a propellant charge in any physical form, with
rate loading ammunition is included under this name and description
or without a casing, for use in cannon or as a component of rocket
when the propelling charge and projectiles are packed together (see
b. Incendiary, smoke, toxic and tear-producing cartridges are de- 2–34. CHARGES, PROPELLING FOR CANNON
scribed in this glossary under AMMUNITION, INCENDIARY, etc. Articles consisting of a propellant charge in any physical form, with
or without casing, for use in a cannon.
Ammunition consisting of a projectile without bursting charge but 2–35. CHARGES, SHAPED, COMMERCIAL, without
with a propelling charge. The presence of a tracer can be disre- detonator
garded for classification purposes provided that the predominant Articles consisting of a casing containing a charge of detonating
hazard is that of the propelling charge. explosive with a cavity lined with rigid material, without means of
initiation. They are designed to produce a powerful, penetrating jet
Articles designed to accomplish mechanical actions. They consist of
a casing with a charge of deflagrating explosive and a means of 2–36. CHARGES, SHAPED, FLEXIBLE, LINEAR
ignition. The gaseous products of the deflagration produce inflation, Articles consisting of a V-shaped core of a detonating explosive
linear or rotary motion or activate diaphragms, valves or switches or clad by a flexible metal sheath.
project fastening devices or extinguishing agents.
2–24. CARTRIDGES, SIGNAL Articles consisting of a small removable booster in the cavity of a
Articles designed to fire colored flares or other signals from signal projectile between the fuze and the bursting charge.
pistols, etc.
2–25. CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS Ammunition or explosives are considered compatible if they may be
Ammunition consisting of a cartridge case fitted with a center or stored or transported together without significantly increasing either
rim fire primer and containing both a propelling charge and solid the probability of an accident or, for a given quantity, the magnitude
projectile(s). They are designed to be fired in weapons of caliber not of the effects of such an accident.
larger than 19.1 mm (0.750 in). Shotgun cartridges of any caliber
are included in this description. The term excludes: CARTRIDGES, 2–39. COMPONENTS, EXPLOSIVE TRAIN, N.O.S.
SMALL ARMS, BLANK; and some military small arms cartridges Articles containing an explosive designed to transmit the detonation
termed CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS, INERT PROJECTILE. or deflagration within an explosive train.
Note: CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS which satisfy the provisions 2–40. COMPOSITE PROPELLANT
of 49 CFR 173.56(h) (see App A, Ref 3) may be assigned Hazard A composite propellant, also known as a “fuel-oxidizer type propel-
Classification 1.4S by the DODC Hazard Classifier. See NOTE to lant,” consists of a finely ground oxidizer (such as an inorganic
paragraph 3–2b(4). perchlorate or nitrate) in a matrix of plastic, resinous, or elastomeric
material that serves as a fuel. Often other additives are included to
2–26. CASES, CARTRIDGE, EMPTY, WITH PRIMER assist in grain fabrication or curing, or as burning rate modifiers.
Articles consisting of a cartridge case made from metal, plastics or
other non-flammable material, in which the only explosive compo- 2–41. CONTRIVANCES, WATER-ACTIVATED, with burster,
nent is the primer. expelling charge or propelling charge
Articles whose functioning depends upon physico-chemical reaction
2–27. CASES, COMBUSTIBLE, EMPTY, WITHOUT PRIMER of their contents with water.
Articles consisting of cartridge cases made partly or entirely from
nitrocellulose. 2–42. CORD, DETONATING, flexible
Articles consisting of a core of detonating explosive enclosed in
2–28. CHARGES, BURSTING spun fabric, with plastics or other covering unless the spun fabric is
Articles consisting of a charge of detonating explosive such as sift-proof; that is, the spun fabric does not allow the explosive to sift
RDX, Comp B, hexolite, octolite or plastic-bonded explosive de- out of the sheath.
signed to produce effect by blast or fragmentation.
2–43. CORD (FUSE) DETONATING, metal clad
2–29. CHARGES, DEMOLITION Article consisting of a core of detonating explosive clad by a soft
Articles containing a charge of a detonating explosive in a casing of metal tube with or without protective covering. When the core
fiberboard, plastics, metal or other material. The term excludes the contains a sufficiently small quantity of explosive, the words
following articles which are listed separately: bombs, mines, etc. “MILD EFFECT” are added.

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 3

An article consisting of textile yarns covered with black powder or See paragraph 6–2f.
another fast-burning pyrotechnic composition and a flexible protec-
tive covering; or it consists of a core of black powder surrounded by 2–54. ENTIRE LOAD AND TOTAL CONTENTS
a flexible woven fabric. It burns progressively along its length with The phrases “entire load” and “total contents” mean such a substan-
an external flame and is used to transmit ignition from a device to a tial proportion that the practical hazard should be assessed by as-
charge or primer. suming simultaneous explosion of the whole of the explosive
content of the load or package.
Articles consisting of a knife-edged device which is driven by a A number, preceded by the prefix EX-, which is assigned by the
small charge of deflagrating explosive into an anvil. Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety to identify
an explosive which has been approved. See 49 CFR 173.56 (App A,
2–46. DEBRIS Ref 3).
Any portion of the natural ground or of a structure (rocks, structural
materials, fittings, equipment, barricade materials, etc.) which is 2–56. EXPLODE
propelled from the site of an explosion. The verb used to indicate those explosive effects capable of en-
dangering life and property through blast, heat and projection of
2–47. DEFLAGRATION REACTION missiles. It encompasses both deflagration and detonation.
a. A chemical reaction proceeding at subsonic velocity along the
surface of and/or through an explosive, producing hot gases at high 2–57. EXPLOSION REACTION
pressures. Ignition and rapid burning of the confined energetic material builds
b. Ignition and burning of the confined energetic materials leads up high local pressures leading to violent pressure rupturing of the
to nonviolent pressure release as a result of a low strength case of confining structure. Metal cases are fragmented (brittle fracture) into
venting through case closures (leading post, fuze wells, etc.). The large pieces that are often thrown long distances. Unreacted and/or
case might rupture but does not fragment; closure covers might be burning energetic material is also thrown about. Fire and smoke
expelled, and unburned or burning energetic material might be hazards will exist. Air shocks are produced that can cause damage
thrown about and spread the fire. Propulsion might launch an un- to nearby structures. The blast and high velocity fragments can
secured test item, causing an additional hazard. No blast or signifi- cause minor ground craters and damage (breakup, tearing, gouging)
cant fragmentation damage to the surroundings; only heat and to adjacent metal plates. Blast pressures are lower than for a detona-
smoke damage from the burning energetic material. tion reaction.


The phrase “explosion of the total contents” is used in testing a
The most violent type of explosive event. A supersonic decomposi- single article or package or small stack of articles or packages. See
tion reaction (detonation) propagates through the energetic material definition of ENTIRE LOAD AND TOTAL CONTENTS.
to produce an intense shock in the surrounding medium (e.g., air or
water) and very rapid plastic deformation of metallic cases followed 2–59. EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING
by extensive fragmentation. All energetic material will be con- Detonating explosive substances used in mining, construction and
sumed. The effects will include large ground craters for items on or similar tasks. Blasting explosives are assigned to one of five types.
close to the ground, holing/plastic flow damage/fragmentation of In addition to the ingredients listed, blasting explosives may also
adjacent metal plates, and blast overpressure damage to nearby contain inert components such as kieselguhr, and minor ingredients
structures. such as coloring agents and stabilizers.


blasting Substance consisting of liquid organic nitrates such as nitroglycerin
Non-electric detonators assembled with and activated by such means or a mixture of such ingredients with one or more of the following:
as safety fuze, shock tube, flash tube or detonating cord. They may nitrocellulose; ammonium nitrate or other inorganic nitrates; aro-
be of instantaneous design or incorporate delay elements. Detonat- matic nitro-derivates, or combustible materials, such as wood-meal
ing relays, incorporating detonating cord are included. Other deto- and aluminum powder. Such explosives must be in powdery, gelati-
nating relays are included in “Detonators, non-electric.” nous or elastic form. The term includes dynamite, gelatine, blasting
and gelatine dynamites.
Articles consisting of a small metal or plastic tube containing explo- 2–61. EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE B
Substances consisting of—
sives such as lead azide, PETN or combinations of explosives. They
a. A mixture of ammonium nitrate or other inorganic nitrates
are designed to start a detonating train. They may be constructed to
with an explosive such as trinitrotuluene, with or without other
detonate instantaneously, or may contain a delay element. The term
substances such as wood-meal and aluminum powder, or
b. A mixture of ammonium nitrate or other inorganic nitrates
with other combustible substances which are not explosive ingredi-
ing relays without flexible detonating cords are included.
ents. Such explosives must not contain nitroglycerin, similar liquid
organic nitrates or chlorates.
A DoD department or agency. 2–62. EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE C
Substances consisting of a mixture of either potassium or sodium
2–52. DYNAMITE chlorate or potassium, sodium or ammonium perchlorate with or-
A detonating explosive containing a liquid explosive ingredient ganic nitro-derivates or combustible materials such as wood-meal or
(generally nitroglycerin, similar organic nitrate esters, or both) that aluminum powder or a hydrocarbon. Such explosives must not con-
is uniformly mixed with an absorbent material, such as wood pulp, tain nitroglycerin or similar liquid organic nitrates.
and usually contains materials such as nitrocellulose, sodium and
ammonium nitrates. 2–63. EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE D
Substances consisting of a mixture of organic nitrated compounds

4 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

and combustible materials such as hydrocarbons and aluminium 2–76. FUSE/FUZE
powder. Such explosives must not contain nitroglycerin, similar Although these two words have a common origin (French fusee,
liquid organic nitrates, chlorates or ammonium nitrate. The term fusil) and are sometimes considered to be different spellings, it is
generally includes plastic explosives. useful to maintain the convention that fuse refers to a cord-like
igniting device whereas fuze refers to a device used in ammunition
2–64. EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE E which incorporates mechanical, electrical, chemical or hydrostatic
Substances consisting of water as an essential ingredient and high components to initiate a train by deflagration or detonations.
proportions of ammonium nitrate or other oxidizers, some or all of
which are in solution. The other constituents may include nitro- 2–77. FUSE, IGNITER, tubular, metal clad
derivates such as trinitrotoluene, hydrocarbons or aluminium pow- Articles consisting of a metal tube with a core of deflagrating
der. The term includes: explosives, emulsion; explosives, slurry and explosive.
explosives, watergel.
A substance, e.g., propellant, which reacts by deflagration rather Article consisting of cotton yarns impregnated with fine black pow-
than detonation when ignited and used in its normal manner. der (quickmatch). It burns with an external flame and is used in
ignition trains for fireworks, etc.
A substance which reacts by detonation rather than deflagration 2–79. FUSE, SAFETY
when initiated and used in its normal manner. Article consisting of a core of fine grained black powder surrounded
by a flexible woven fabric with one or more protective outer cover-
2–67. EXPLOSIVE, EXTREMELY INSENSITIVE ings. When ignited, it burns at a predetermined rate without any
DETONATING SUBSTANCE (EIDS) external explosive effect.
A substance which, although capable of sustaining a detonation, has
demonstrated through tests that it is so insensitive that there is very 2–80. FUZES
little probability of accidental initiation. Articles designed to start a detonation or a deflagration in ammuni-
tion. They incorporate mechanical, electrical, chemical or hydros-
2–68. EXPLOSIVE, PRIMARY tatic components and generally protective features. The term
Explosive substance manufactured with a view to producing a prac- includes: FUZES, DETONATING; FUZES, DETONATING with
tical effect by explosion which is very sensitive to heat, impact or protective features; FUZES, IGNITING.
friction and which, even in very small quantities either detonates or
burns very rapidly. It is able to transmit detonation (in the case of 2–81. GRENADES, hand or rifle
initiating explosive) or deflagration to secondary explosives close to Articles which are designed to be thrown by hand or to be projected
it. Examples of primary explosives are mercury fulminate, lead by a rifle.
azide and lead styphnate. a. The term includes:
(1) GRENADES, hand or rifle, with bursting charge.
(2) GRENADES, PRACTICE, hand or rifle.
Explosive substance which is relatively insensitive (when compared
to primary explosives) which is usually initiated by primary explo- b. The term excludes: grenades, smoke which are listed under
sives with or without the aid of boosters or supplementary charges. AMMUNITION, SMOKE.
Such an explosive may react as a deflagrating or as a detonating
A non-Class 1 article (see para 1–8) which contains explosive sub-
2–70. FIREBRAND stances in such quantity or of such a character that their inadvertent
A projected burning or hot fragment (or debris) whose contained or accidental ignition or initiation during transport shall not cause
heat may be transferred to a receptor. any effect external to the device either by projection, fire, smoke,
heat or loud noise (taken from paragraph 1.11 of Chapter 1 of the
2–71. FIREWORKS UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ST/
Pyrotechnic articles designed for entertainment. SG/AC.10/1 Rev. 7 (App A, Ref 4)).


Articles containing pyrotechnic substances which are designed for A fragment having an impact energy of 58 ft-lb or greater.
use to illuminate, identify, signal or warn. The term includes:
The number of hazardous fragments per 600 ft2.
Pyrotechnic substance which, when ignited, produces an intense 2–85. HIGH EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT
light. See paragraph 4–9a.


Explosives unsuitable for transportation in accordance with 49 CFR Articles containing one or more explosive substances used to start
(App A, Ref 3) “Transportation” because they are not properly deflagration in an explosive train. They may be actuated chemically,
classified by procedures in this manual (reference 173.56, 49 CFR electrically or mechanically. This term excludes the following arti-
(App A, Ref 3)) or present unacceptable hazards as specified in cles which are listed separately: CORD, IGNITER; FUSE, IG-
paragraph 173.21. Many forbidden explosives are listed in the third NITER; FUSE, INSTANTANEOUS, NON-DETONATING;
column of Table 172.101 of 49 CFR (App A, Ref 3). FUZES, IGNITING; LIGHTERS, FUSE; PRIMERS, CAP TYPE;
Any complete ammunition item, subassembly, pieces thereof, or its 2–87. IGNITION, means of
packaging material which is propelled from the site of an explosion. A general term used in connection with the method employed to
ignite a deflagration train of explosive of pyrotechnic substances

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 5

(for example: a primer for a propelling charge; an igniter for a “CHARGES, PROPELLING” or “CHARGES, PROPELLING FOR
rocket motor; an igniting fuze). CANNON.”

2–88. INITIATION, means of 2–98. PRIMERS, CAP TYPE

a. A device intended to cause the detonation of an explosive (for Articles consisting of a metal or plastic cap containing a small
example: detonator; detonator for ammunition; detonating fuze). amount of primary explosive mixture that is readily ignited by
b. The term “with its own means of initiation” means that the impact. They serve as igniting elements in small arms cartridges,
contrivance has its normal initiating device assembled to it and this and in percussion primers for propelling charges.
device is considered to present a significant risk during storage and
transport but not one great enough to be unacceptable. The term 2–99. PRIMERS, TUBULAR
does not apply, however, to a contrivance packed together with its Articles consisting of a primer for ignition and an auxiliary charge
means of initiation provided the device is packaged so as to elimi- of deflagrating explosive such as black powder used to ignite the
nate the risk of causing detonation of the contrivance in the event of propelling charge in a cartridge case for cannon, etc.
accidental functioning of the initiating device. The means of initiat-
ing can even be assembled to the contrivance provided there are Articles such as a shell or bullet which are projected from a cannon
protective features such that the device is very unlikely to cause or other artillery gun, rifle or other small arm. They may be inert,
detonation of the contrivance in conditions which are associated with or without tracer, or may contain a burster or expelling charge
with transport. or a bursting charge. The term includes: PROJECTILES, inert, with
c. For the purposes of classification any means of initiation with- tracer; PROJECTILES, with burster or expelling charge; PROJEC-
out two effective protective features should be regarded as Compati- TILES, with bursting charge.
bility Group B; an article with it own means of initiation, without
two effective features, would be Compatibility Group F. On the 2–101. PROPELLANTS
other hand a means of initiation which itself possesses two effective Deflagrating explosive used for propulsion.
protective features would be Compatibility Group D; and an article
with a means of initiation which possesses two effective protective 2–102. PROPULSION
features would be Compatibility Group D or E. Means of initiation A reaction whereby adequate force is produced to impart flight to
adjudged as having two effective protective features must be ap- the test item.
proved by the responsible DODC. A common and effective way of
achieving the necessary degree of protection is to use a means of 2–103. QUANTITY DISTANCE (Q–D)
initiation which incorporates two or more independent safety The quantity of explosive material and distance separation relation-
features. ships that provide defined types of protection. These relationships
are based on levels of risk considered acceptable for the stipulated
2–89. LIGHTERS, FUSE exposures and are tabulated in the appropriate Q-D tables. See DoD
Articles of various design actuated by friction, percussion or elec- 6055.9–STD (App A, Ref 1).
tricity and used to ignite safety fuse.
2–90. MASS EXPLOSION Articles consisting of a small charge of explosive with means of
Explosion which affects almost the entire load virtually initiation. They sever rods or links to release equipment quickly.
2–91. MINES Articles consisting of a solid, liquid or hypergolic fuel contained in
a cylinder fitted with one or more nozzles. They are designed to
Articles consisting normally of metal or composition receptacles and
propel a rocket or a guided missile. The term includes: ROCKET
a bursting charge. They are designed to be operated by the passage
of ships, vehicles or personnel. The term includes “Bangalore
with or without expelling charge; ROCKET MOTORS, LIQUID
2–92. NET EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT (NEW) Note. This definition also applies to rocket motor shapes other than cylindri-
cal, and to rocket motor sections that do not contain the nozzle(s).
See paragraph 4-9c.
2–106. ROCKETS
Articles consisting of a rocket motor and a payload which may be
See paragraphs 4–9d and 6–2f(8).
an explosive warhead or other device. The term includes: guided
FUELLED, with bursting charge; ROCKETS, with bursting charge;
See paragraph 4–9b.
ROCKETS, with expelling charge; ROCKETS, with inert head.
See paragraph 1–8. Articles containing pyrotechnic substances designed to produce sig-
nals by means of sound, flame or smoke or any combination there-
Substance consisting of nitrocellulose impregnated with not more DISTRESS, SHIP; SIGNALS, RAILWAY TRACK, EXPLOSIVE;
than 60% of nitroclycerin or other liquid organic nitrates or a mix- SIGNALS, SMOKE.
ture of these.
2–97. POWDER, SMOKELESS Articles consisting of a charge of detonating explosive. They are
Substance based on nitrocellulose used as propellant. The term in- dropped from ships and function when they reach a predetermined
cludes propellants with a single base (nitrocellulose (NC) alone)), depth or the sea-bed.
those with a double base (such as NC and nitroglycerin (NG)) and
those with a triple base (such as NC/NG/nitroguanidine). Cast, pres- 2–109. STERADIAN
sed or bag charges of smokeless powder are listed under A unit of measure of solid angles that is expressed as the solid angle

6 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

subtended at the center of the sphere by a portion of the surface possesses two independent effective protective features is not con-
whose area is equal to the square of the radius of the sphere. sidered to present a significant risk of causing the detonation of an
ammunition item or explosive article under conditions associated
2–110. SUBSTANCE, EXPLOSIVE with storage and transport.
A solid or liquid substance (or a mixture of substances) which is in
itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a
temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to
the surrounding. Pyrotechnic substances are included even when Chapter 3
they do not evolve gas. Administrative Procedures
2–111. SUBSTANCE, PYROTECHNIC 3–1. Introduction
A substance or a mixture of substances designed to produce an a. A final hazard classification forwarded through DoD channels
effect by heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or a combination of these for assignment of an EX number by the DOT is the ultimate ap-
as the result of non-detonative self-sustaining exothermic chemical proval for both domestic and international transportation and storage
reactions. within a DODC. This chapter establishes procedures and responsi-
bilities for processing information in support of Hazard Classifica-
2–112. SUBSTANCES, EXPLOSIVE, VERY INSENSITIVE tion. NOTE: DOT EX-numbers are not required for non-Class 1
(SUBSTANCES, EVI) N.O.S. items. Therefore, if an ammunition item is established to be non-
Substances which present a mass explosion hazard but which are so Class 1 based on predominant hazard (See para 1–6) then the Tri-
insensitive that there is very little probability of initiation, or of Service coordinated DoD hazard classification procedure of this
transition from burning to detonation (under normal conditions of chapter are followed except that the hazard classification is not
transport) and which have passed Test Series 5. submitted to DOT. The hazard classification for non-Class 1 items
must be assigned according to the properties of the predominant
2–113. TORPEDOES hazard in accordance with 49 CFR 173 (see App A, Ref 3).
Articles containing an explosive or non-explosive propulsion system b. As a minimum, all DoD ammunition and explosives (except
and designed to be propelled through water. They may contain an for limited quantity laboratory samples specified in paragraph 1–7)
inert head or a warhead. The term includes: TORPEDOES, LIQUID destined for storage on a DoD installation or for transportation in
FUELLED, with inert head; TORPEDOES, LIQUID FUELLED, the public domain must be assigned either a DoD storage hazard
with or without bursting charge; TORPEDOES, with bursting classification (for storage only; see para 4–10) or an interim hazard
charge. classification (for storage and transportation, see Chapter 7). The
use of interim hazard classifications for overseas shipments is lim-
2–114. TRACERS FOR AMMUNITION ited to military carriers. Otherwise, interim hazard classifications are
Sealed articles containing pyrotechnic substances designed to reveal to be used only for domestic transportation. When ammunition and
the trajectory of a projectile. explosives (without final DoD hazard classifications) require inter-
national shipment by commercial carrier, the criteria for obtaining
2–115. UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE (UXO) an interim hazard classification must satisfied, the need for the
Explosive ordnance which has been primed, fuzed, armed, or other- international shipment must be justified, and a DOT Classification
wise prepared for action, and which has been fired, dropped, of Explosives with EX number assignment is required. The request
launched, projected, or placed in such a manner as to constitute a for a DOT Classification of Explosives with EX number assignment
hazard, to operations, installations, personnel or material, and is processed by the DODC, through the DDESB and Military Traf-
remains unexploded by malfunction, design, or for any other cause. fic Management Command (MTMC), to DOT.
c. The Department of Energy (DOE) is authorized by DOT in 49
2–116. WARHEADS CFR paragraph 173.56(b)(3) (see App A, Ref 3) to examine, clas-
Articles consisting of detonating explosives. They are designed to sify and approve explosives in accordance with these hazard classi-
be fitted to a rocket, guided missile or torpedo. They may contain a fication procedures. Interim hazard classification procedures for
burster or expelling charge or bursting charge. The term includes DOE are included in Chapter 7, as applicable. Final hazard classifi-
WARHEADS, ROCKET, with burster or expelling charge; WAR- cations are submitted to DOT in accordance with applicable DOE
HEADS, ROCKET with bursting charge; WARHEADS, TORPE- orders and manuals.
DO, with bursting charge.
3–2. Procedures
2–117. WITH MEANS OF INITIATION a. Prior to release of an ammunition item or assembly for opera-
The term “with (its own) means of initiation” means that an ammu- tional service, the sponsoring organization must obtain a final haz-
nition item or explosive article has its normal initiating device, such ard classification according to the procedures in Chapters 3 through
as a detonator or detonating fuze, assembled to it or packed with it, 6. The organization sponsoring development of, or first adopting for
and this device is considered to present a significant risk during use, an ammunition item or assembly is responsible for developing
storage and transport, but not one great enough to be unacceptable. data to assign an appropriate hazard classification and for forward-
ing that data to the appropriate DODC Hazard Classifier listed in
2–118. WITHOUT MEANS OF INITIATION paragraph 3–3a.
The term “without (its own) means of initiation” means that an b. There are four methods to support the final hazard classifica-
ammunition item or explosive article does not have its normal initi- tion for an item: Hazard classification by test; Hazard classification
ating device assembled to it or packed with it. The term also applies by analogy; Pre-1980 items; and Not new items. The correct method
to ammunition or an article packed with its initiating device, pro- depends upon the specific history and characteristics of the item to
vided the device is packed so as to eliminate the risk of causing be hazard classified. The forwarding correspondence should specify
detonation of the ammunition or article in the event of accidental the method selected for obtaining hazard classification. The essential
functioning of the initiating device. In addition, the term applies to information required to support a hazard classification under each
an ammunition item or explosive article assembled with its initiating method is provided in the following paragraphs. A condensed infor-
device provided there are protective features such that the initiating mation chart in Table 3–1 identifies the essential supporting data for
device is very unlikely to cause detonation of the ammunition or each method.
article under conditions that are associated with storage and trans-
port. For hazard classification purposes, a means of initiation that

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 7

Table 3–1 5. Items may be classified 1.4S by analogy in obvious cases
Methods for establishing final hazard classification (such as small arms ammunition of identical caliber and net explo-
By By Pre- Not new
sive weight (NEW)) or when the new item contains less explosives
Supporting data tests analogy 1980 item than the tested item, and there is no valid reason to suspect it will
item violate 1.4S criteria.
(b) The minimum essential supporting data required to be sub-
1. TB 700–2 tests X mitted with a request to hazard classify a new item by analogy
2. Technical data package X X X X
1. A technical data package per paragraph 3–2b(1) (b) above.
a. Chart of hazardous 2. A comparison chart of the parent item to the new item to
materials include the EX number of the parent item.
b. Drawings 3. A summary of the tests conducted and the results obtained for
the parent item.
c. Packaging 4. Substance and/or Ammunition Data Base Recording Form,
(see example data forms in figs 6–7 and 6–8).
d. Functional narrative (3) Pre-1980 Items. These items were properly hazard classified
prior to 1980 but were not included in the initial Joint Hazard
3. Comparison chart X
(old to new)
Classification System (JHCS) database (see chap 8) and were never
assigned an EX number by DOT. These items may be forwarded for
4. Summary of tests of X filing with DOTsupported by the following minimum essential data:
item doing analogy to (a) A technical data package per paragraph 3–2b(1) (b) above.
(b) The date the item was released for field use.
5. Material release date X (c) The hazard classification of record.
(d) Substance and/or Ammunition Data Base Recording Form
6. Parent item in JHCS X (see example data forms in figs 6–7 and 6–8.
or final hazard (4) Not New Items. An item is not always considered new when
it is assigned a new National Stock Number (NSN). A new NSN
7. Explain NSN difference X may be assigned to an item due to a change in electronics, hard-
ware, minor elements of packaging such as latches or ties, or other
8. Substance and/or X X X changes without affecting its explosive characteristics. However,
ammunition data base alterations of explosive components may require the item to be
recording forms (DD hazard classified as a new explosive as defined in 49 CFR 173.56
Forms 2738 and 2739) (see App A, Ref 3). The responsible DODC Hazard Classifier (para
Notes: 3–3a) will determine whether or not a new NSN requires hazard
"X" identifies essential supporting data needed for each method. See paragraph classification as a new item. Tri-Service coordination is not required
3–2b. for submitting a not new item through DDESB to DOT. The mini-
mum supporting data required for a not new item submission
(1) Hazard Classification by Test. This method is generally used (a) A technical data package per paragraph 3–2b(1) (b) above.
when the unique qualities of the developmental item prevent a valid (b) A comparison chart of the existing (parent) item and the item
analogy to a current hazard classified item which has been tested. with a different NSN.
The minimum essential supporting data required includes: (c) Assurance that the existing, or parent, item is in the JHCS
(a) Report of tests conducted in accordance with chapters 5 and 6 database including the EX number.
(see example data forms in figs 6–7 and 6–8), or conducted under (d) An explanation of why the NSN was changed.
an alternate test plan approved by the Department of Defense Explo- NOTE: Not new items include CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS that
sives Safety Board (DDESB) following Tri-Service coordination satisfy the provisions of 49 CFR 173.56(h) (see App A, Ref 3), and
(para 3–2g.) Note that use of an alternate test must be referenced in these not new items may be assigned Hazard Classification 1.4S by
the report of tests. the DODC Hazard Classifier.
(b) A technical data package including: c. For approval purposes, the DODC Hazard Classifiers in para-
1. A chart of the hazardous materials. graph 3–3a, assigning the hazard classification will forward the
2. Item drawings. supporting documentation to the other organizations listed, and the
3. Packaging drawings. DDESB (para 3–3b). The DDESB documentation will include com-
4. Functional narrative of the item. pleted data forms (see example data forms in figs 6–7 and 6–8)
(c) Substance and/or Ammunition Data Base Recording Form except for not new items and a memorandum on DDESB letterhead
(see example data forms in figs 6–7 and 6–8). addressed through Military Traffic Management Command
(2) Hazard Classification by Analogy. Since thousands of ammu- (MTMC) to the DOT (see fig 3–1 for sample format). The memo-
nition items were classified using approved test procedures, many randum must bear the certification that the item has been examined
new items may be classified by close analogy to one of them. Only and approved in conformance with the procedures prescribed in this
items classified by actual tests may be used as the parent for publication for signature by the Chairman, DDESB.
analogy. d. Upon receiving the supporting documentation for a proposed
(a) The following engineering analyses and rationale are manda- hazard classification, each of the DODC Hazard Classifiers will
tory requirements for hazard classification by analogy: advise the DDESB in writing within 30 days of concurrence or
1. Similarities of the chemical and physical properties of all ex- nonconcurrence. Failure to reply within 30 days indicates concur-
plosives and other chemical components of items under analysis rence. The DDESB will resolve nonconcurrence within 30 days of
being compared. notification.
2. Item ignition source and out-of-line safety features (mechani- e. Upon completion of the DDESB review and concurrence, the
cal or electrical). cover memorandum (fig 3–1) and the supporting documentation will
3. Item design concepts, features, properties, etc. be forwarded to MTMC. MTMC will supply the DoD file number
4. Other pertinent hazardous characteristics associated with the and forward the package to DOT within seven days providing a
items involved. copy of the forwarding memorandum (fig 3–1) to the DODC’s listed

8 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

in paragraph 3–3b. MTMC will assure that the responsible DODC
and the DDESB are apprised of the EX number assigned by DOT. Commander
f. The responsible DODC should invite other components to ob- Indian Head Division
serve significant hazard classification tests.
Naval Surface Warfare Center
g. When test requirements of this document cannot be met for a
specific item, the responsible DODC Hazard Classifier (para 3–3a) ATTN: Code 04
will forward a proposed alternate test plan to the DDESB for review 101 Strauss Avenue
and approval, and to the other DODC Hazard Classifiers for coor- Indian Head, MD 20640–5035
dination using the same procedures used for proposed hazard classi-
fications (para 3–2d). Alternate test plans may not be used without Air Force Safety Center
DDESB approval to avoid delays and potential retesting efforts.
3–3. Notification of classifications 9700 Avenue G
a. The DODC offices of primary responsibility for hazard classi- Kirtland AFB, NM 87117–5670
fication are listed below.
(2) For concurrence and transmittal through MTMC to DOT:
U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety Chairman
ATTN: SIOAC–EST Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
Savanna, IL 61074–9639 Hoffman Building I, Room 856C
2461 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22331–0600
Naval Ordnance Center
ATTN: N71 c. Figure 3–1 will be used as the format for DDESB signature.
Farragut Hall, Building D–323 The DDESB letterhead stationary is used for this purpose and filled
23 Strauss Avenue out by the DODC. Request the format be as exact as practicable.
Indian Head, MD 20640–5555 d. For information, following assignment of the EX number,
MTMC will furnish notification of final hazard classification (sup-
Air Force Safety Center porting documentation need not be furnished).
9700 Avenue G Commandant
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117–5670 U.S. Coast Guard
ATTN: Hazardous Cargo Division
b. The DODC responsible for determining the hazard classifica-
2100 Second Street, S.W.
tions will furnish notifications of classifications assigned and sup-
porting documentation to the following: Washington, DC 20593–0001
(1) For concurrence:
Director Defense Logistics Agency
U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety ATTN: AQCOI
ATTN: SIOAC–EST Cameron Station
Savanna, IL 61074–9639 Alexandria, VA 22304–6190

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 9

Figure 3-1. Method for establishing final hazard classification.

10 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Chapter 4 c. Supplementing the above, a numerical designator in parenthe-
Hazard Classification ses will be placed to the left of the hazard division for 1.1 through
1.3, such as (12)1.1, (08)1.2, or (06)1.3 when required to properly
4–1. Scope describe the hazard. This number is used to designate the minimum
a. The purpose of this chapter is to assure that DODCs employ separation distance (in hundreds of feet) to provide specified levels
standard procedures for the assignment of the hazard classifications of protection from hazardous fragments or firebrands produced by
to ammunition and explosives based on the predominant hazard. ammunition and explosive items. A minimum distance number will
Resultant assessments provide a means of readily identifying the be used for all items in Hazard Division 1.2. For items in Hazard
hazard characteristics of ammunition (containing Class 1 material) Division 1.1 and 1.3, a minimum distance number will be used
and explosives through assignment of hazard categories established where minimum separation distances from limited quantities are
for storage and transport as explained in paragraphs 4–2 through greater than that specified by the applicable explosives safety quan-
4–7. tity-distance table in DoD 6055.9–STD (App A, Ref 1).
b. The Department of Energy (DOE) is authorized by DOT 49
CFR paragraph 173.56(b)(3) (App A, Ref 3) to examine, classify 4–4. Hazard Classes 2 through 9 assignment procedures
and approve explosives in accordance with these hazard classifica- a. While classifying an ammunition item, if the predominant haz-
tion procedures as described in applicable DOE orders and manuals. ard is determined to be other than Class 1 (i.e., Classes 2 thru 9),
definition and criteria for these classes can be found in Title 49–
c. If an ammunition item is established to be non-Class 1 based
Transportation, Code of Federation Regulations (see App A, Ref 3).
on predominant hazard (see para 1–6), then the tri-service coordi-
b. The available hazard divisions for Classes 2 through 9 items
nated DoD and DOE hazard classification must be assigned accord-
are given in Table 4–3 below.
ing to the properties of the predominant hazard in accordance with
49 CFR 173 (App A, Ref 3). See NOTE in paragraph 3–1a.
Table 4–3
4–2. DOT hazard classes DOT Hazard class 2 thru 9 division
a. The hazard classes listed in Table 4–1 below are DOT desig- Hazards Divisions Materials
nators (based on United Nations (UN) recommendations, (see App
A, Ref 4)) to denote the type of material. Class 2
2.1 Flammable gas
2.2 Non-flammable, non-poisonous
Table 4–1 compressed gas
DOT hazard classes designator 2.3 Gas poisonous by inhalation
Class 3 Flammable liquids
Hazard class Material Class 4
Class 1 Explosives 4.1 Flammable solid
Class 2 Gases 4.2 Spontaneously combustible material
Class 3 Flammable liquids 4.3 Dangerous when wet material
Class 4 Flammable solids Class 5
Class 5 Oxidizing substances, organic peroxides 5.1 Oxidizer
Class 6 Poisonous (toxic) and infectious 5.2 Organic peroxide
substances Class 6
Class 7 Radioactive material 6.1 Poisonous material
Class 8 Corrosive substances 6.2 Infectious substance
Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances Class 7 Radioactive material
Class 8 Corrosive material
Notes: Class 9 Miscellaneous hazardous materials
1 If a material is not in Class 1, then procedures in 49 CFR 173 (App A, Ref 3)
are to be followed for hazard classification.
2 Within Class 6, only one division is utilized for ammunition, Hazard Division
6.1, which denotes poisonous (toxic) substances. 4–5. Non-Class 1 and non-regulated
When function testing (at least three repetitions) of an unpackaged
article demonstrates that explosive effects are contained within the
b. The hazard division is a designator assigned to denote the item itself (as is frequently the case with certain devices such as
character and predominance of the associated hazards and the poten- thermal batteries, and some aircraft escape system components), that
tial for causing personnel casualties or property damage. item may be assigned as “non-Class 1” or “non-regulated” (or clas-
sified by predominate hazard) for transportation and storage and
4–3. Hazard Class 1 assignment procedures considered to be hand-held safe taking into account thermal and
a. Test procedures and other information prescribed in Chapter 5 mechanical effects (see para 1–8 and footnote to para 5–7c(4)(f)1).
of this publication should be used to determine the appropriate
hazard division for ammunition and explosives (Hazard Class 1). 4–6. Compatibility group assignment procedure
b. Within Class 1 (explosives), there are six divisions (given in Assignment of the appropriate compatibility group is by definition.
Table 4–2 below) which indicate the type of hazards expected. It is usually obvious from the description of the ammunition. Where
there is doubt about the interpretation of the definitions of the
compatibility groups (para 4–7), it may be helpful to consult a list
Table 4–2 of classifications of existing types of ammunition. Compatibility
DOT hazard class 1 divisions Group S is an exception in that testing is a prerequisite for assign-
Hazard division Hazard ment to this group; except for those instances classified by analogy
described in paragraph 3–2b(2) (a)5. Testing is also a prerequisite
1.1 Mass explosion for assignment to Compatibility Group N.
1.2 Non-mass explosion, fragment producing
1.3 Mass fire, minor blast, or fragment 4–7. Compatibility groups
1.4 Moderate fire, no blast, or fragment Ammunition and explosives are assigned to the appropriate one of
1.5 Explosive substance, very insensitive 13 transportation and storage compatibility groups (A through H, J,
(with mass explosion hazard)
1.6 Explosive article, extremely insensitive
K, L, N, and S).

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 11

a. Group A—initiating explosives. Packaged initiating explosives tested to assure non-propagation, then the mixed munitions are con-
that have the necessary sensitivity to heat, friction, or percussion to sidered to be Hazard Division 1.2, compatibility Group D for pur-
make them suitable for use as initiating elements in an explosive poses of transportation and storage.
train. Examples are lead azide, lead styphnate, mercury fulminate, m. Group S—ammunition presenting no significant hazard. See
tetracene, and PETN. paragraphs 3–2b(4), 5–7c(4)(e) and (f), and 6–5b(7). Ammunition
b. Group B—detonators and similar initiating devices. Items con- that is packaged or designed so that any hazardous effects arising
taining initiating explosives that are designed to initiate or continue from accidental functioning are confined within the package. That is
the functioning of an explosive train. Examples are detonators, blas- unless the package has been degraded by fire, in which case all blast
ting caps, small arms primers, and fuzes without two or more safety or projection effects are limited to the extent that they do not
features. significantly hinder firefighting or other emergency response efforts
c. Group C—packaged propellants, propelling charges, and de- in the immediate vicinity (i.e., 5 meters) of the package. Examples
vices containing propellant with or without their means of ignition. are thermal batteries, explosive switches or valves, and other ammu-
Items that upon initiation will deflagrate or explode. Examples are nition items packaged to meet the criteria of Group S items.
single-, double-, triple-base, and composite propellants, rocket
motors (solid propellant), and ammunition with inert projectiles. *Ammunition/explosives presenting same or similar hazards within
this group may be stored together. However, items with dissimilar
d. Group D—black powder, secondary high explosives (HE), and
hazards within this group must be kept separate and apart from all
ammunition containing secondary HE without its own means of
other items.
initiation and without propelling charge, or ammunition containing a
primary explosive and two or more effective features. Ammunition 4–8. Assignment of DOT identification number (United
and explosives that can be expected to explode or detonate when Nations number)
any given item or component thereof is initiated. Examples are: bulk A four-digit Arabic number for transport identification of an item is
TNT, Composition B, black powder, wet RDX, bombs, projectiles, to be assigned. These numbers are listed in 49 CFR 100 TO 177
cluster bomb units (CBUs), depth charges, torpedo warheads, and paragraph 172, (see App A, Ref 3) which is for sale by the Superin-
fuzes with two or more safety features. tendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Mail Stop
e. Group E—ammunition containing HE without its own means SSOP, Washington, DC 20402–9328. These numbers are also given
of initiation and with propelling charge (other than liquid). Ammu- in the UN publication entitled “Recommendations on the Transport
nition or devices containing HE and containing propelling charges. of Dangerous Goods,” (see App A, Ref 4), which is available from
Examples are artillery ammunition, rockets, or guided missiles. the United Nations Sales Section, New York, NY 10017.
f. Group F—ammunition containing HE with its own means of
initiation and with a propelling charge (other than liquid) or without 4–9. Explosive weights for Class 1 items
propelling charge. HE ammunition or devices (fuzed) with or with- a. High Explosive Weight (HEW). The total weight of all Hazard
out propelling charges. Examples are grenades, sounding devices, Division 1.1 material contained in an item.
and similar items having an in-line explosive train in the initiator. b. Net Propellant Weight (NPW). The total weight of Hazard
Division 1.3 material contained in an item.
g. Group G—pyrotechnic substances, fireworks, illuminating, in-
c. Net Explosive Weight (NEW). NEW = HEW + NPW. The
cendiary, smoke including HC, or tear-producing munitions other
total weight of all Class 1 material in an item, stack of items, ship,
than those munitions that are water activated or which contain white
vehicle, aircraft, cubicle or building. For instance, the NEW of an
phosphorus (WP) or flammable liquid or gel. Ammunition that, entire ship’s cargo is required on the manifest for shipment under
upon functioning, results in an incendiary, illumination, lachryma- the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG).
tion, smoke, or sound effect. Examples are flares, signals, incendi- d. Net Explosive Weight for Q-D (NEWQD). NEWQD = NEW
ary or illuminating ammunition, and other smoke- or tear-producing unless testing has been conducted (see paras 6–1a and 6–2). Based
devices and pyrotechnic substances. on testing, the NEWQD may include a contribution (less than or
h. Group H—ammunition containing both explosives and white equal to 100%) from Hazard Division 1.3 material when the Hazard
phosphorus. Ammunition in this group contains white phosphorus Division 1.1 material has been functioned. The test protocol and the
fillers that are spontaneously flammable when exposed to the atmos- determination of NEWQD requires approval by the DDESB. The
phere. Examples are ammunition containing WP and PWP. NEWQD may not be acceptable for transportation over the high-
i. Group J—ammunition containing both explosives and flamma- ways or aboard ships. The value of applying NEWQD occurs in
ble liquids or gels. Ammunition in this group contains flammable storage configurations and when items are deployed.
liquids or gels other than those that are spontaneously flammable NOTE: Quantity distance (Q–D) is defined in Chapter 2.
when exposed to water or the atmosphere. Examples are liquid- or
gel-filled incendiary ammunition, fuel-air explosive (FAE) devices, 4–10. Storage without interim hazard classification
flammable liquid-fueled missiles, and torpedoes. Occasions may arise, particularly in manufacturing and laboratory
j. Group K—ammunition containing both explosives and toxic environments, that dictate storage of explosive samples or items
chemical agents. Ammunition in this group contains chemicals spe- without interim hazard classifications. In such circumstances, the
cifically designated for incapacitating effects more severe than cognizant DODC Hazard Classifier will establish procedures for
lachrymation. Examples are artillery or mortar ammunition, fuzed or assigning hazard classification and compatibility group for storage.
unfuzed, grenades, and rockets or bombs filled with a lethal or This material will not be transported from the installation or devel-
incapacitating chemical agent. opment location until the necessary interim hazard classifications
are received. See paragraph 1–7 for an exception for transporting
k. Group L—ammunition and explosives not included in other
small explosive samples.
compatibility groups. Ammunition or explosives having characteris-
tics that do not permit storage with other types of ammunition or
kinds of explosives or dissimilar ammunition of this group. Exam-
ples are water-activated substances, phosphides, and pyrophoric sub- Chapter 5
stances and devices containing these substances; hypergolics and Tests
hypergolic prepackaged liquid-fueled rocket engines; TPA (thi-
ckened TEA) and damaged or suspect ammunition of any group.* 5–1. Hazard classification test protocol
l. Group N—ammunition containing only extremely insensitive a. Introduction. This chapter prescribes the tests that are required
detonating substance (EIDS). Examples are bombs and warheads. If by 49 CFR (App A, Ref 3) for transport purposes and by STANAG
dissimilar Group N munitions are mixed together and have not been 4123, (App A, Ref 2) and DoD 6055.9–STD (App A, Ref 1) for the

12 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

establishment of storage hazard classifications. The test require- the new article contains a substance that has not been subject to Test
ments described conform to the tests recommended by the United 3(c), or if the chemical compatibility of explosive substances and
Nations (UN) Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous the materials with which they are in contact has not been
Goods which are documented in Recommendations on the Transport established.
of Dangerous Goods, Tests and Criteria (see App A, Ref 6). The 2. Test 4(b)(i)—Steel Tube Drop Test for Liquids (para 5–5b).
tests are divided into seven series which are described below: 3. Test 4(b) (ii)—Twelve Meter Drop Test for Articles and Solid
(1) UN Series 1—Detonability tests for new substances. Substances (para 5–5c).
(2) UN Series 2—Insensitivity tests for new substances. (4) Hazard Division 1.5 explosives tests. A substance may not be
(3) UN Series 3—Hazard tests for handling and transporting new classified as a Hazard Division 1.5 explosive if a positive (+) re-
substances. sponse is obtained with any of the tests in Series 3 (listed above) or
(4) UN Series 4—Hazard tests for handling and transporting new with any of the following tests in Series 5:
articles, packaged articles and packaged substances. (a) Test 5(a)—Cap Sensitivity Test (para 5–6a).
(5) UN Series 5—Hazard Division 1.5 tests (very insensitive (b) Test 5(b) (ii)—DDT Test (para 5–6b).
explosive substance (with a mass explosion hazard)). (c) Test 5(c)—External Fire Test for Hazard Division 1.5 (para
(6) UN Series 6—Hazard Classification tests (Hazard Divisions 5–6c).
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4). (d) Test 5(d)—Princess Incendiary Spark Test (para 5–6d).
(7) UN Series 7—Hazard Division 1.6 tests (extremely insensi- (5) Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 tests. Explosive arti-
tive explosive articles which contain extremely insensitive detonat- cles, packaged or unpackaged or packaged explosive substances are
ing substances (EIDS)). classified among Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 according to
b. Test protocol. The general scheme for hazard classifying ex- their responses in Test Series 6 as described in paragraph 5–7. The
plosive substances and articles is given in Figure 5–1. United States tests in Series 6 are:
test options are selected from the UN recommendations for the DoD (a) Test 6(a)—Single Package Test (para 5–7a).
and DOT test protocol. All hazard classification tests referenced in (b) Test 6(b)—Stack Test (para 5–7b).
this document are referred to by the UN designation (numbering (c) Test 6(c)—External Fire (Bonfire) Test (para 5–7c).
system), such as Test 1(a) (iii). Use of optional tests in the UN (d) Approved alternate test procedures for Hazard Division 1.2
protocol is acceptable. Note that a “negative (-)” response to a test and for classifying solid rocket motors are provided in paragraphs
indicates a “pass”response whereas a “positive (+)” response indi- 6–6band 6–6c, respectively. Also, guidance on airblast data collec-
cates a “fail”response. tion, airblast hazard evaluation and interpretation, fragment collec-
(1) Optional substance tests. UN Series 1 and Series 2 tests listed tion, fragment hazard evaluation and interpretation, and thermal
below are not required for DoD substances manufactured with the effects data collection, evaluation and interpretation is given in
view to producing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect (see Chapter 6.
Box 2 in fig 5–1). (e) For purposes of hazard classification for DoD storage of liq-
(a) Test 1(a) (iii)—Gap Test for Solids and Liquids (para 5–2a). uid explosives, an additional test is required; The Flash Point Test
(b) Test 1(b) (ii)—Internal Ignition Test (para 5–2b). (para 5–9). Liquid explosives with a flash point below 95°C (posi-
(c) Test 1(b) (iii)—Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) Test (para 5–2c). tive (+) response)) are forbidden for storage.
(d) Test 2(a) (iii)—Gap Test for Solids and Liquids (para 5–3a). (6) Hazard Division 1.6 tests.
(e) Test 2(b) (ii)—Internal Ignition Test (para 5–3b). (a) A substance intended for use as an explosive load of a Haz-
(f) Test 2(b) (iv)—Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) (para 5–3c). ard Division 1.6 article may not have a positive (+) response with
(2) Mandatory substance tests. The acceptance procedure for any any of the substance tests in Test Series 3 (listed above) or Test
substance designed to have an explosive effect begins with the Series 7 and is classified as an extremely insensitive detonating
application of UN Test Series 3. Note that Test Series 1 and 2 are substance (EIDS). The UN, DOT, and the DoD consider bulk EIDS
not required for substances designed to have an explosive effect. A as a Hazard Division 1.5 substance.
substance is forbidden for transport if a positive (+) response is Note. If the EIDS is stored or transported separately as Hazard Division 1.5,
obtained with any of the following tests: then the EIDS must be pass Test Series 5. See comments below for storage
(a) Test 3(a) (i)—Bureau of Explosives Impact Machine Test of packaged EIDS “articles.” The Series 7 substance tests are listed below
(para 5–4a). (note that the Friability Test is an approved alternate test for both the Susan
(b) Test 3(b) (iii)—ABL Friction Test (para 5–4b). Impact Test and the EIDS Bullet Impact Test):
(c) Test 3(c)—Thermal Stability Test at 75°C (para 5–4c). 1. Test 7(a)—EIDS Cap Test (para 5–8a).
(d) Test 3(d) (i)—Small-Scale Burning Test (para 5–4d). 2. Test 7(b)—EIDS Gap Test (para 5–8b).
(3) Explosive article, packaged or unpackaged, or a packaged 3. Test 7(c) (i)—Susan Impact Test (para 5–8c); or,
explosive substance tests. 4. Test 7(c) (ii)—Friability Test (para 5–8d).
(a) Substances that fail Test 3(c) (thermal stability) are forbidden. 5. Test 7(d) (i)—EIDS Bullet Impact Test (para 5–8e)) or,
For this reason, it is recommended that test 3 (c) be the first test 6. Test 7(d) (ii)—Friability Test (para 5–8d).
conducted. Substances that fail Test 3(a) (i) (impact), Test 3(b) (iii) 7. Test 7(e)—EIDS External Fire Test (para 5–8f).
(friction), and/or Test 3(d) (i) (small-scale burn) may be encapsu- 8. Test 7(f)—EIDS Slow Cookoff Test (para 5–8g).
lated and/or packaged (Box 13, fig 5–1) and subjected to Test 4(b) (b) An article intended to be a Hazard Division 1.6 article must
(ii) (12 meter drop test) for possible acceptance into Class 1. contain only EIDS and may not have a positive (+) response with
(b) New articles must be subjected to Test Series 4, when appro- any of the Test Series 7 article tests. Note that packaged bulk
priate, for possible acceptance into Class 1. Items are forbidden for EIDS that satisfies these same criteria may be classified as a
transport if the appropriate Series 4 tests (listed below) are not Hazard Division 1.6 article for storage.The Series 7 article tests
conducted, or if a positive (+) test response is obtained. are listed below.
Note. It is appropriate (mandatory) to conduct 4(a) on an article or packaged 1. Test 7(g)—1.6 Article External Fire Test (para 5–8h).
article when a substance used in the article has not passed Test 3(c). It is 2. Test 7(h)—1.6 Article Slow Cookoff Test (para 5–8i).
appropriate (mandatory) to conduct Test 4(b)(i) (for liquids) or 4(b)(ii) (for 3. Test 7(j)—1.6 Article Bullet Impact Test (para 5–8j).
solids) on articles, packaged articles, or packaged substances when sub- 4. Test 7(k)—1.6 Article Propagation Test (para 5–8k).
stances in the items have not passed Tests 3(a)(i), 3(b)(iii), and 3(d)(i), or (7) Lethal and incapacitating chemical munitions. These items
equivalent tests. will be tested under criteria unique to chemical weapons.
1. Test 4(a)—Thermal Stability Test for Articles and Packaged
Articles (para 5–5a)—does not apply to packaged substances. Ther- 5–2. UN Test Series 1 (optional)
mal stability testing of an article or packaged article is appropriate if These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is it an explosive

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 13

substance?” The test series includes shock and combustion or ther- cork detonator holder. Three tests should be performed on each
mal tests. Note that the Internal Ignition Test—1(b) (ii) (para 5–2b) sample.
and the Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) Test—1(b) (iii) (para 5–2c) are (4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
alternate tests. (a) The criteria for propagation are:
Note. Test Series 1 results cannot be used to remove a “substance manufac- 1. A stable propagation velocity greater than the velocity of
tured with the view to producing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic ef- sound in the substance.
fect”from Class 1 (see fig 5–1). 2. A hole is punched through the witness plate.
a. Gap test for solids and liquids—(UN Test 1(a) (iii)). 3. The sample tube is fragmented along its entire length.
(1) Introduction. This test is designed to determine whether a (b) The overall test results are considered positive (+) if any two
liquid or solid substance will maintain a stable detonation and, if it of the three criteria listed above are met.
does, measure its shock sensitivity. The sample is loaded in a steel b. Internal ignition test (UN Test 1(b)(ii)).
tube of specific dimensions and is subjected to the shock wave (1) Introduction. The Internal Ignition Test is designed to deter-
generated by the detonation of a pentolite booster. mine the response of substances to rapidly rising temperatures and
(2) Apparatus and materials.
(2) Apparatus and material.
(a) Solids. The apparatus for the Gap Test for solids is shown in (a) The experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 5–5. The
Figure 5–2. The test sample is contained in a seamless carbon steel sample of the substance to be tested is contained in a steel pipe
cylinder. Spacers are used to separate a mild steel witness plate which is capped on both ends. An igniter consisting of black powder
from the sample tubing at the upper end. The bottom of the cylinder (100% passed through a No. 20 sieve, 0.84 mm (0.033 in) and
is closed with two layers of polyethylene sheets held in place with 100% retained by a No. 50 sieve, 0.297 mm (0.0117 in)) is located
gum rubber bands and polyvinylchloride electrical insulating tape. at the center of the sample vessel.
There is no other gap between the pentolite booster and the test (b) The igniter assembly consists of a cylindrical container made
sample. A continuous velocity of detonation probe (see App A, Ref with 0.54 mm (0.021 in) thick cellulose acetate held together by two
7) made of thin aluminum tube with an axial resistance wire having layers of nylon filament reinforced cellulose acetate tape. The ig-
a resistance of 3.0 ohms/cm (7.6 ohms/in) is mounted on the wall of niter capsule contains a small loop formed from a 25.4 mm (1.0 in)
the sample tubing. The outer tubing of the probe is crimped against length of nickel-chromium alloy wire 0.3 mm (0.012 in) in diameter
the inner wire at the lower end forming a resistor. As a detonation and having a resistance of 0.35 ohms. This loop is attached to two
wave moves up the tubing, the outer wall crushes against the inner insulated tinned copper leading wires. The tinned copper wires are
wire, shortening the effective length and changing the resistance of 0.66 mm (0.026 in) in diameter with a 1.3 mm (0.051 in) outside
the wire. If a constant current (usually 0.06 amperes) is made to diameter (including insulation). These wires are installed through
flow between the outer and inner conductors, the voltage between small holes in the pipe which are sealed with epoxy resin.
them is proportional to the effective length and can be recorded as a (3) Procedure. The sample is loaded into the pipe to a height of
function of time using an oscilloscope. The slope of the oscilloscope 230 mm (9 in). A 20 g (310 grain) igniter is inserted into the center
trace is thus proportional to the velocity of the shock wave. of the pipe, the leads are pulled taut and then sealed with epoxy
(b) Liquids. The apparatus for the Gap Test for liquids is the resin. The remainder of the sample is then loaded and the top cap
same as that for solids except that a better method of sealing the screwed on. The igniter is fired by applying a 20 V, 15 ampere
bottom of the tube must be used. The recommended method is to current. Three tests are performed on each substance.
fuse a 0.05 to 0.08 mm (0.002 to 0.003 inch) thick sheet (thicker (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The criteria for the
sheets may adversely affect results) of fluorocarbon or other com- Internal Ignition Test are:
patible plastic to the tube. Any suitable technique may be used, (a) Positive (+) result if either the pipe or one of the end caps is
however, each tube should be checked for leaks before use. The fragmented into at least two distinct pieces separated from the pipe.
experimental setup is shown in Figure 5–3. For liquids which may (b) Negative (-) result if the reaction is no more violent than the
be sensitive to adiabatic compression of bubbles, the tests should be pipe is either just split (laid open, not fragmented) or the end caps
conducted with air bubbles being injected near the bottom of the are only distorted.
sample at the time of test. Air is supplied at a pressure of 30 to 100 c. Slow cookoff bomb (SCB) test (UN Test 1(b) (iii)).
kPa (4.4 to 14.5 psi) to obtain a flow rate of 1.2 liters/minute (7.1 x (1) Introduction. The Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) Test simulates
10-4cubic feet/second). The bubbles may be created by a small transport and storage situations which could expose substances to
plastic frit or by holes punched in a loop of vinyl plastic tubing. The slow external heating.
tubing supplying the frit or forming the loop should be about 2.0 (2) Apparatus and material. The experimental arrangement is
mm (0.08 in) OD such as for medical catheterization. Holes may be shown in Figure 5–6. The sample of substance to be tested is
made by perforating the tubing forming the loop with a 1.3 mm contained in a steel vessel. Two 400-watt electric heaters are fas-
(0.051 in) diameter needle and allowing the elastic nature of the tened to the steel vessel. The vessel has a steel cover with two feed-
tubing to contract the hole. The number of holes and amount of through fittings for the thermocouple leads and for a pressure take-
bubbling should be consistent for all tests of a sample or for a off. The mounting frame consists of two steel witness plates with
sufficient number of tests to establish repeatability. The submerged four bolts that clamp the SCB vessel between them. The vessel is
end to the bubbler shall be plugged with a suitable cement. The air instrumented with one or two plate-type thermocouples; one is spot
supply tubing may be introduced from the top of the sample tube or welded to the center of the vessel wall, and another, if needed, is
through a hole through the side near the bottom and sealed with a placed in the center of the substance that is tested. The plate-type
suitable cement. Where it is suspected the sample may react with thermocouples consist of a 0.3 mm (0.01 in) thick nichrome ribbon
the metal of the test gap tube, the interior of the tube should be approximately 10 mm (0.4 in) square, with the thermocouple wires
coated with suitable material such as fluorocarbon resin spray. fanned out and individually spot welded to the nichrome. Plate-type
(3) Procedure. The sample is loaded to the top of the steel tube. rather than bead-type thermocouples are used in the SCB since
For liquid samples, adequate ullage should be allowed. Solid sam- plate-type thermocouples give faster response and more representa-
ples are loaded to the density attained by tapping the cylinder until tive measurement of the temperature of the interfaces.
further settling becomes imperceptible. The sample is tested at am- (3) Procedure. Test substance in the form of a solid, liquid, slurry
bient conditions (25 +/- 2°C) and is subjected to the shock wave or powder is loaded to capacity of the steel vessel of the SCB unit.
generated by the detonation of a 165 g (2550 grain) pentolite (50/50 Sufficient ullage should be allowed so that the vessel will not be
liquid full at 400°C. The SCB unit is assembled and placed in a safe
PETN/TNT) pellet. The pentolite pellet is in intimate contact with
testing bay; it is heated by connecting the two 400 watt heaters to
the bottom of the test sample and initiated with a standard No. 8
120 VAC or 120 VDC. Strip-chart recorders can be used to record
detonator shown in Figure 5–4. The detonator is held in place by a
the temperature of the SCB unit and the time to cookoff. The

14 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

heating rate is maintained at 3°C/min. The test is started at 25° +/− (1) Introduction. The Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) Test experi-
3°C and continued until a reaction occurs or a temperature of 400°C mental arrangement is shown in Figure 5–6.
is reached. (2) Apparatus and materials. The test is conducted with the appa-
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. Time and tempera- ratus described in paragraph 5–2c(2).
ture of a substance reaction (cookoff) are taken from the chart (3) Procedure. The test is conducted in accordance with the pro-
records (for information purposes only), and an assessment of the cedures described in paragraph 5–2c(3).
severity of the reaction is made from the number and condition of (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. Time and tempera-
the vessel fragments and the condition of the witness plate. Levels ture of a substance reaction (cookoff) are taken from the chart
of reaction to be identified are: records and an assessment of the severity of the reaction is made
(a) The result of the test is considered negative (-) if the SCB is from the number and condition of the vessel fragments and the
in one piece (not ruptured or fragmented) and the witness plates are condition of the witness plates. Levels of reaction to be identified
not deformed or punctured; are:
(b) The result of the test is considered positive (+) if any of the (a) The result of the test is considered negative (-) if the SCB
following occurs: apparatus is in one piece. The apparatus may be ruptured but the
1. SCB apparatus is ruptured. witness plates cannot be deformed or punctured.
2. SCB apparatus is fragmented. (b) The result of the test is considered positive (+) if any of the
3. Witness plate is deformed. following occurs:
4. Witness plate is punctured. 1. SCB apparatus is fragmented.
2. Witness plate is deformed.
5–3. UN Test Series 2 (optional) 3. Witness plate is punctured.
These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is the substance
too insensitive for acceptance into Class 1?” The test series includes 5–4. Test Series 3 (mandatory)
shock and combustion or thermal tests used in Test Series 1 with These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is the substance
less stringent pass/fail criteria. Note that the Internal Ignition Test— too hazardous for transport (in the form tested)?” The test series
2(b) (ii) (para 5–3b) and the Slow Cookoff Bomb (SCB) Test—2(b) includes substance sensitivity tests for mechanical stimuli (impact
(iv) (para 5–3c) are alternate tests. and friction) and for heat and flame.
Note. Test Series 2 results cannot be used to remove a “substance manufac- a. Bureau of Explosives impact machine (UN Test 3(a) (i)).
tured with the view to producing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect” (1) Introduction. This test is designed to measure the sensitivity
from Class 1 (see fig 5–1). of the substance to mechanical stimuli involving normal impact to
a. Gap test for solids and liquids (UN Test 2(a) (iii)). determine if the substance is too hazardous to transport. It is appli-
(1) Introduction. The test is designed to measure the shock sensi- cable to solid and liquid substances by using two different sample
tivity and detonation propagation of a solid or liquid substance to assemblies.
determine whether the substance may be too insensitive for accept- (2) Apparatus and materials. A drawing of the apparatus for the
ance into Class 1. The sample is loaded in a steel tube of specific impact test is shown in Figure 5–9. The apparatus is designed so
dimensions and is subjected to the shock wave generated by the that a weight is free to fall between two parallel cylindrical guide
detonation of a pentolite booster with a 5.08 cm (2.0 in - 200 cards) rods from variable heights. The weight strikes a plunger-and-plug
cast PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) gap (plexiglass or equiva- assembly which is in contact with the substance sample. The sub-
lent) between the booster and the test sample. stance sample is placed on a die-and-anvil assembly confined in a
(2) Apparatus and materials. The apparatus for solid substances is cylindrical casing whose inside diameter is just sufficient to permit
shown in Figure 5–7 and for liquid substances in Figure 5–8. This free movement of the plunger and plug. The plunger, plug, die,
test is identical to the test of paragraph 5–2a except for the addition casing and anvil are hardened tool steel of hardness 50-55 on the
of a 5.08 cm (2.0 in) diameter by 5.08 cm (2.0 in) thick plexiglass Rockwell C scale and the mating surfaces and the surfaces in con-
buffer between the 165 g (2550 grain) pentolite donor and substance tact with the sample have a finish of 0.8 microns (32 micro-inches).
sample. For more details refer to paragraph 5–2a(2). The sample holder diameter is 5.1 mm (0.20 inches).
(a) Solid substances. The sample assembly for a solid substance
(3) Procedure. The procedure is the same as that described for
is shown in Figure 5–10.
paragraph 5–2a(3).
(b) Liquid substances. The sample assembly for liquid substances
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
is shown in Figure 5–11.
(a) The criteria for propagation are as follows:
(3) Procedure.
1. A stable propagation velocity greater than the velocity of
(a) Solids. Ten milligrams of the solid substance is loaded onto
sound in the substance;
the die. The anvil and die are placed in the sample housing and the
2. A hole is punched through the witness plate;
casing screwed down over them. The plug and plunger are then
3. The sample tube is fragmented along its entire length. inserted on top of the sample. The drop weight is raised to the
(b) The overall test results are considered positive (+) if any two desired height and released. Ten measurements are performed at the
of the three criteria are met. specified drop height for each test sample. Either RDX or HMX is
b. Internal ignition test (UN Test 2(b) (ii)). used as the reference explosive for evaluating the test results for
(1) Introduction. The Internal Ignition Test for Test Series 2 uses each test series. Report the RDX or HMX calibration results along
the same apparatus as Test 1(b) (ii) with the exception that a 10 g with the sample test results.
(154 grain) instead of a 20 g (310 grain) fffg black powder igniter is (b) Liquids. The rebound sleeve, the intermediate pin, and the
used. striker are assembled in the striker housing. A copper cup is placed
(2) Apparatus and materials. The test configuration (fig 5–5 and in a cup positioning block (not shown in fig 5–11) and one drop of
para 5–2b(2) with an igniter capsule of 3.2 cm (1.25 in) long is the liquid substance is placed in the cup. The housing and its
used. components are placed over the top of the cup positioning block.
(3) Procedure. The procedure of paragraph 5–2b(3) is used. The end of the striker slips partway into the cup, but is prevented by
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The criteria for the the cup positioning block from actually touching the liquid in the
Internal Ignition Test are: cup. When the striker housing is lifted from the positioning block,
(a) Positive (+) result if either the pipe or one of the end caps is the cup is held on the end of the striker by friction. The striker
fragmented into at least two distinct pieces separated from the pipe. housing is then screwed down into the anvil housing and the dimen-
(b) Negative (-) result if the pipe is either split (laid open) or the sions of the tools are such that the bottom of the copper cup just
end caps are distorted. touches the anvil when the striker housing is screwed in hand-tight.
c. Slow cookoff bomb (SCB) (UN Test 2(b) (iv)). The whole unit is then placed in the same drop weight mechanism

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which is used with the Bureau of Explosives’ solid impact tester. result and is too sensitive for transport. PETN has a TIL of 184 N
For liquids, only one drop height is used. This is 25.40 cm (10 (41.4 lb) at 0.9 m/sec (3 ft/sec).
inches). The test is also conducted with the liquid absorbed in a c. Thermal stability test at 75°C (UN Test 3 (c)).
piece of filter paper placed in the copper cup. Ten measurements are (1) Introduction. This test is designed to measure the stability of
performed for each sample. the substance when subjected to elevated thermal conditions to de-
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. termine if the substance is too hazardous to transport in the state in
(a) Solids. The criteria used in the interpretation of this test for which it was tested.
solids is that a measurement is considered positive if either an (2) Apparatus and materials.
audible report or flame is observed. A sample is considered impact (a) Apparatus. An oven is required for this test. If an electric
sensitive at a specific drop height if a flame or report is observed in oven is used, the heating elements shall be isolated from the test
at least 50% of the test trials. A sample which shows impact sensi- volume. The oven should be equipped with dual controls or a high
tiveness at a drop height of 10.16 cm (4.0 inches) or less (a positive temperature cutoff feature to preclude thermal runaway if the pri-
(+) response) is considered too sensitive for transport. mary control fails. The control system should maintain the oven
(b) Liquids. The criterion used in the interpretation of this test for temperature at 75 +/- 2°C. The oven should be vented to allow
liquids is that a measurement is considered positive if either an vapors to escape. If it becomes necessary to run the second part of
audible report or smoke is observed in one of 10 test trials. Any the test, additional apparatus as shown in Figure 5–13 is required.
liquid explosive which fails this test at a drop height of 25.4 cm The additional apparatus is two flat bottomed glass tubes equipped
(10.0 inches) or less (a positive (+) response) is considered too with pressure resisting stoppers, three thermocouples and a recorder.
sensitive for transport. (b) Materials. For the second part of the test, an inert material
b. ABL friction test (UN Test 3(b) (iii)). with physical and thermal properties similar to those of the test
(1) Introduction. This test determines the sensitivity of substances substance will be used for the reference material.
to friction. The test substance is subjected to vertical compression (3) Procedure. The test is divided into two parts. The first part is
force under a non-rotating wheel, while the substance is moved in a used to determine if a sample shows obvious thermal instability by
horizontal direction on a sliding anvil. It is intended for both liquid visual evidence of ignition, explosion, significant color change indi-
and solid substances. cating some reaction or weight loss. The second part is used only in
(2) Apparatus and materials. Figure 5–12 illustrates the appara- those cases where the first part does not provide a definite conclu-
tus. The wheel and anvil are constructed of steel with a finish of sion regarding the stability. In the second part, the thermocouple and
1.52 micron (60 micro-inches). Force is applied hydraulically recorder apparatus described is used to measure any self-heating of
through the non-rotating wheel to the sample which rests on the the sample.
anvil. A pendulum impacting on the edge of the anvil propels the (a) Thermal stability. A substance sample of up to 50 g (770
anvil at a known velocity, perpendicular to the compressive force grains) is transferred to the tared beaker, covered and weighed. The
that is applied to the sample. Normally, the anvil slides 2.54 cm (1.0 beaker with cover is placed in the oven and heated at 75°C for 48
in). The compressive force is measured by a gauge. The initial hours. Unless an ignition or explosion occurs in the sample and
velocity is determined by calibration. terminates the test, the beaker is removed after the heating period,
(3) Procedure. A sample of test substance at 25°C, and in a thin cooled and weighed. The volatility (weight loss as a percentage of
uniform layer (equivalent to one particle thickness for solids based the sample weight) is calculated. Any loss greater than expected
on largest particle size in distribution) is placed on the anvil, under from loss of moisture shall be regarded as possible evidence of
the wheel, 0.64 cm (0.25 in) wide, and extending 2.54 cm (1.0 in) instability requiring testing for severity of instability (para
along the sliding contact surface. The wheel is lowered onto the 5–4c(3)(b)). In dealing with an unknown substance, several screen-
substance and force is applied to the wheel. An initial force of 4450 ing tests with a sample size much less than 50 g (770 grains) are
N (1,000 lb) is typical. In practice the force is changed in incre- performed to understand the behavior of the substance.
ments where the lower value is 75% of the higher value. Maximum (b) Severity of instability. A 100 g (or 100cm3) (1,540 grain (6.1
values of 8000 N (1,800 lb) and minimum of 44 N (10 lb) are used. in3)) sample is placed in one tube and the same quantity of refer-
A velocity of 0.9 m/sec (3 ft/sec) is a typical choice, although ence substance is placed in the other. Thermocouples T1and T2are
increasing or decreasing velocity in increments of 0.3 m/sec (1 ft/ inserted into the tubes at half-height of the materials. If the ther-
sec) or more may be found useful in additional comparisons. The mocouples are not inert with respect to both the substance being
velocity is changed simply by altering the pendulum angle from tested and the reference substance, they must be enclosed in sheaths
vertical from which the pendulum is released. (Thirty degree ap- which are inert. Thermocouple T3and the covered tubes are placed
proximates to 0.9 m/sec (3 ft/sec) slide velocity.)) A new sample is in the oven as shown in Figure 5–13. The temperature difference (if
used on each trial, with cleaning of the anvil done between trials. any) between test sample and reference is measured for 48 hours
An iterative procedure is used to determine the highest compressive after the sample and reference substance reach 75°C. Unless an
force at which no positive (+) results are obtained in 20 trials. This ignition or explosion occurs, the sample tube is removed, cooled in
value is considered the Threshold of Initiation (TIL). Dry pen- the desiccator and weighed. Evidence of decomposition of the sam-
tacrythrite lentranitrate (PETN) is used as a reference explosive for ple is noted.
evaluating the test results. Report the PETN results along with the (4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
sample results. (a) Thermal instability. A test result is considered failing (posi-
tive (+)) if ignition or explosion occurs and passing (negative (-)) if
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
no decomposition has occurred. Any decomposition other than mi-
(a) A trial is considered positive (+) if any one of the following
nor surface discoloration from oxidation requires the second part of
results is obtained:
the test to be conducted.
1. Visible sparks.
(b) Severity of instability. The sample is considered thermally
2. Visible flame.
unstable (positive (+) response - failing) if a temperature difference
3. Audible explosion.
(i.e., self-heating) of +3°C of the sample (for a minimum time of ten
4. Loud crackling noise.
seconds) is recorded. If no ignition or explosion of self heating of
5. Detection of reaction products by a gas analyzer.
3°C or greater is recorded in the test, but self-heating of less than
(b) Discoloration of the sample holder, crepitation (i.e., subdued
3°C is noted, additional tests and/or evaluation may be required to
cracking due to crumbling of the sample), or slight odor in the
determine thermal stability.
absence of indicators given by paragraph 5–4b(4) (a) above, are not
d. Small-scale burning test (UN Test 3(d) (i)).
considered positive (+) results.
(1) Introduction. A Small-Scale Burning Test is used to deter-
(c) A substance with friction sensitivity equal to or greater than mine if small quantities of substances transition from deflagration to
dry PETN, i.e., lower compressive force, is considered a positive (+) detonation when unconfined.

16 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

(2) Apparatus and materials. Figure 5–14 shows the kerosene- of the tube is closed with a cast iron threaded pipe cap sealed with
soaked sawdust bed and plastic beaker to hold the substance. Igni- Teflon (PTFE) tape. A maximum of twenty units will be tested.
tion of the sawdust bed is accomplished with an appropriate electric (3) Procedure. The liquid substance should be agitated for 10
igniter. seconds prior to the drop test. No more than one hour should elapse
(3) Procedure. One hundred and twenty-five grams (1930 grains) between the agitation and the test. The liquid substance is dropped
of the substance under test (liquid or solid) is placed in a 200 in a vertical orientation onto the steel plate. The drop height should
cm3(12.2 in3) plastic beaker which is compatible with the test sub- be varied by steps of 0.25 m (9.8 in) up to a maximum height of 5
stance. The contained sample is placed on the bed of kerosene- m (197 in). The drop height is increased until the liquid substance
soaked sawdust and the sawdust is ignited with the appropriate detonates or the maximum height is reached. The following infor-
electric igniter. Three samples should be tested. mation is recorded:
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A test result is con- (a) Name of liquid sample.
sidered positive (+) if explosion or detonation occurs. The substance (b) Density of liquid sample.
is judged to be too hazardous for transport (in the form in which it (c) Temperature of liquid sample.
is tested) if any results are positive (+). (d) Maximum drop height (m) tested at which there was no
5–5. UN Test Series 4 (mandatory where appropriate) (4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is this article, (a) The phenomena observed should be categorized as follows:
packaged article or packaged substance too hazardous for trans- 1. Detontation with fragmentation;
port?” The test series includes thermal stability and drop tests for 2. A reaction causing the tube to burst;
products. The tests are carried out on the packaged substance, pack- 3. No reaction with little damage to the tube;
aged article(s), and, if intended to be transported unpackaged, on the 4. Bursting of the tube.
article itself. See note for paragraph 5–1b(3)(b) for guidance on (b) A test result is considered positive (+) and the liquid sub-
when Test Series 4 is mandatory. stance is considered unsuitable for transport in any form of packag-
a. Thermal stability test for articles and packaged articles (UN ing if a detonation occurs below 5 m (197 in) drop height.
Test 4(a)). (c) A test result is considered negative (-) and the liquid sub-
(1) Introduction. This test is designed to evaluate the thermal stance is suitable for transport in metal (or other material) containers
stability of articles and packaged articles when subjected to elevated if there is no reaction at the maximum drop height of 5 m (197 in).
thermal conditions to determine whether the unit being tested is too (d) Transport of the liquid substance in metal packaging should
hazardous for transport. Several criteria are used to evaluate the be prohibited if there is a local reaction at 5 m (197 in) without
results of the test. This test does not apply to packaged substances. detonation, unless suitability for transport can be demonstrated to
The minimum size acceptable for this test is the smallest packaged the satisfaction of the DoD Hazard Classifiers and the DOT.
unit. c. Twelve meter drop test for articles and solid substances (UN
(2) Apparatus and materials. This test requires an oven equipped Test 4(b) (ii)).
with ventilation, explosion-proof electrical features and thermostatic (1) Introduction. This test determines whether a test unit (pack-
control to maintain the temperature at 75 +/- 0.5°C. Figure 5–15 aged substance or article) can withstand a free-fall impact without
presents a suggested test configuration. It is desirable that the oven producing any fire or explosion hazard. It is not intended as a test to
should have dual thermostats or similar protection against exces- evaluate whether the package will withstand the impact.
sively high temperatures in the event of a thermostat malfunction. (2) Apparatus and materials.
The oven must also be fitted with a temperature recorder to assess (a) Impact surface. The impact surface is a solid base, with a
any exothermic temperature increase. hard reasonably smooth surface. An example of such a surface is
(3) Procedure. Depending on the unit being tested, a ther- shown in Figure 5–17. The length and width of the surface should
mocouple is placed either on the outside casing of the unpackaged not be less than one and one-half times the dimension of the unit
article or on the outside casing of an article which is located near being tested.
the center of its package. The thermocouple is attached to a temper- (b) Other apparatus. Photographs or other visual recording de-
ature recorder. The unit to be tested (together with the ther- vices should be used to verify impact attitude and results. Where
mocouple) is placed in the oven, heated to 75°C and maintained at impact attitude may be considered to be a significant factor, the test
that temperature for 48 hours. The unit is then removed from the agency may use guidance devices to obtain the desired impact
oven, cooled and inspected. In dealing with an unknown article, attitude. Such a device should not significantly restrain drop veloci-
proper precautions should be taken in carrying out the test. Temper- ty, nor impede rebound after impact. In certain cases, some of the
atures are recorded and the visual examinations noted. explosive articles in a package of articles under test may be replaced
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. with inert articles. These inert articles should be of the same mass
(a) A test result is considered positive (+) if any of the following and volume as the explosive articles they replace.
occurs: (3) Procedure. The test unit is dropped from a height of 12
1. It explodes. meters (40 ft) as measured from the lowest point of the test unit to
2. It ignites. the impact surface. A safe waiting period following impact pre-
scribed by the test agency should be observed, even if no visible
3. It generates colored fumes or odor.
initiation or ignition occurs at impact. The test unit should then be
4. It experiences a temperature rise exceeding 3°C.
further examined to determine if any ignition or initiation occurred.
5. The outside casing of the article or the outside packaging is Data should include package description and observations indicated
damaged. below. Recorded results should include photographs and recorded
(b) An article or packaged article(s) which gives a positive (+) visual and audible evidence of initiation of ignition, time of occur-
test result is judged to be too hazardous for transport. rence (if any), and indication of severity of the results in terms such
b. Steel tube drop test for liquids (UN Test 4(b) (i)). as mass detonation or deflagration. Attitude of test unit at impact
(1) Introduction. This test determines the sensitivity to drop of a should be recorded. Rupture of the package may be noted but does
liquid substance. The test liquid substance is subjected to an impact not affect the conclusion. Three drop tests are made on the packaged
upon a steel plate while encapsulated in a steel tube. The objective substance or article. However, each test unit is dropped only once.
is to determine the maximum drop height at which there is no (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A test is considered
detonation. positive (+) if a fire or explosion resulted from impact. Rupture of
(2) Apparatus and materials. The steel tube, shown in Figure the package is not considered a positive result.
5–16, is filled with the liquid substance to be tested. The upper end

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5–6. UN Test Series 5 (mandatory for Hazard Division 1.5) cellulose acetate and is held together by two layers of nylon fila-
These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is it a very ment reinforced cellulose acetate tape. The igniter capsule contains a
insensitive explosive substance (with a mass explosion hazard); that small loop formed from a 25.4 mm (1.0 in) length of nickel-chro-
is, does the behavior of the substance correspond closely to the mium alloy resistance wire, 0.30 mm (0.012 in) in diameter having
criteria for Hazard Division 1.5?” The test series includes shock, a resistance of 0.343 ohms. This loop is attached to two insulated
thermal, fire and flame tests for substances. To be classified as tinned copper leading wires 0.66 mm (0.026 in) in diameter.The
Hazard Division 1.5 a substance must pass all Test Series 5 tests overall wire diameter including insulation is 1.27 mm (0.5 in).
(5(a) Cap Sensitivity Test, 5(b) (ii) DDT Test, 5(c) External Fire These lead wires are fed through small holes in the wall of the pipe
Test for Hazard Division 1.5 and 5(d) Princess Incendiary Spark and are sealed with epoxy resin.
Test). (3) Procedure. After the sample, at 25°C, is loaded into the pipe
a. Cap sensitivity test (UN Test 5(a)). to a height of 230 mm (9 in), the igniter (with its leads inserted
(1) Introduction. The test is designed to determine the sensitivity through small holes in the pipe wall) is inserted into the center of
of a substance to the shock from a standard detonator or blasting the pipe and the leads pulled taut and sealed with epoxy resin. The
cap. The test yields quantitative and unambiguous results and can be remainder of the sample is then loaded, and the top cap screwed on.
used as one of the criteria in Test Series 5 to classify a very For gelatinous samples, the substance is packed as nearly as possi-
insensitive explosive substance in Hazard Division 1.5. ble to its normal shipping density. For granular samples, the sub-
(2) Apparatus and materials. The experimental set up for the Cap stance is loaded to the density obtained by repeated tapping of the
Sensitivity Test consists of a cardboard tube filled with the sub- pipe against a hard surface. The igniter is fired by a current of 15
stance. The substance is initiated with a standard detonator (fig 5–4) amperes obtained from a 20-volt transformer. Three tests shall be
performed on each sample. Three samples shall be tested.
inserted coaxially in the top of the explosive in the tube to a depth
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The criteria used in
equal to its length. Below the tube is the witness, which consists of
the interpretation of this test is that for a positive (+) result a hole
either a steel witness plate (illustrated in fig 5–18) or, alternatively,
should be blown through the witness plate.
a lead cylinder (illustrated in fig 5–19). The above apparatus is
c. External fire test for Hazard Division 1.5 (UN Test 5(c)).
placed onto a square shaped steel plate.
(1) Introduction. This test is conducted to determine whether a
(3) Procedure. The substance under test is filled into the tube in substance can be classified as a Division 1.5 substance by subjecting
three equal increments. For free-flowing granular substances the it to an external fire test in its packaging.
tube is dropped from a height of 50 mm (2 in) after filling each (2) Apparatus and materials. Firewood or liquid fuel and a suita-
increment. Gel-type substances are carefully hand-packed to elimi- ble support (such as a metal grid) to hold the package are required.
nate voids. In all cases the final density of the explosive in the tube (3) Procedure.
must be equal to or less than its shipping density. For special high- (a) The test shall apply to a package (or packages) of explosive
density cartridged explosives, the original cartridge is used instead substance in the condition and form in which it is offered for
of the hand-filled tube. Where such original cartridges are incon- transport. The total volume of the package (or packages) to be tested
veniently large for testing, a portion of the cartridge not less than shall not be less than 0.15 m3(5.3 ft3), but the mass need not exceed
160 mm (6.3 in) long may be cut off and used for testing. In such 200 kg (440 lb) of explosive substance. The package (or packages)
cases the detonator is inserted into the end in which the substance must be placed on an incombustible support (such as a metal grid)
has not been disturbed by the action of cutting the cartridge. Those and exposed to an external fire large enough to engulf the bottom of
explosives whose cap sensitivity could be temperature dependent the package. The flames must reach at least halfway up all sides of
must be stored for at least 30 hours at a temperature of 28 - 30°C the package (or packages). If necessary, the packages may be encir-
prior to testing. Explosives containing prilled ammonium nitrate, cled with a steel strip to support them during the test. The rate of
which have to be shipped in regions of high ambient temperatures heating must be credible in relation to what might occur in an
must be temperature cycled as follows: 25°C — 40°C — 25°C— accident during transportation, but it is not necessary to reproduce
40°C— 25°C prior to testing. The tube is placed onto the witness precisely all the conditions of a realistic fire. Suitable methods
and steel base plate and the standard detonator inserted coaxially include a bonfire using brushwood, a crib fire using a lattice of
into the top of the explosive. The detonator is then fired from a safe wooden laths, a liquid fuel fire, a propane burner and a brazier. An
position and the witness examined. The test is conducted three times acceptable method to produce a wood fire which has a balanced air/
on each sample or until detonation occurs, whichever occurs first. fuel ratio, thereby avoiding too much smoke which would obscure
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The substance is the events, and which burns with sufficient intensity and duration to
deemed to be “cap sensitive”(a positive (+) response) if in at least bring many kinds of packaged explosives to reaction in 10 to 30
one trial— minutes is illustrated in Figure 5–21 and described below:
(a) The lead cylinder is compressed from its initial length by an 1. Pile air dried wood in the form of a lattice beneath the support
amount of 3.18 mm (1/8 in) or greater, or grid.
(b) The witness plate shows a total penetration (dents, cracks or 2. Surround the package (or packages) with wood. Figure 5–21
lappings in the witness plate do not show “cap sensitivity”). shows a lattace arrangement. Other configurations are acceptable.
b. DDT test (UN Test 5(b) (ii)). 3. Saturate the wood with a suitable liquid fuel.
(1) Introduction. The Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition 4. Ignite the pile simultaneously on two sides.
(DDT) Test is conducted to determine if the substance will easily (b) A receptacle filled with liquid fuel or a combination of wood
transition from deflagration to detonation when confined. The test is and liquid fuel may be used as alternatives to the stack of wood
similar to the Internal Ignition Tests (Test 1(b) (ii) and Test 2(b) beneath and around the support grid. The surface area of the fuel
(ii)) except that a 5 g (77 grain) igniter is used and a witness plate is receptable should be greater than that of the stack of wood on the
used to record the occurrence of detonation. support grid. The distance between the grid platform and the recep-
(2) Apparatus and materials. The experimental arrangement is tacle should be approximately 0.5 m (1.5 ft). Before using this
shown in Figure 5–20. The sample substance to be tested is con- method, consideration should be given to whether any quenching
action or adverse interaction between explosives and fuel can occur
tained in a steel pipe capped at one end with a forged steel pipe cap,
such as might bring the results into question.
and at the other with a “3000 lb” (13,000 N) mild steel witness plate
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A material which
which is welded to the pipe. An igniter consisting of black powder
explodes (positive (+) result) in this test may not be classed as
(100% passed through No. 20 sieve, 0.84 mm (0.033 in), and 100%
Hazard Division 1.5. An explosion is indicated by observations of
retained by No. 50 sieve, 0.297 mm (0.0177 in)) is located at the
events such as a loud noise and/or projections of fragments from the
center of the sample vessel. The igniter assembly consists of a
fire area.
cylindrical container which is made from 0.54 mm (0.021 in) thick d. Princess incendiary spark test (UN Test 5(d)).

18 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

(1) Introduction. This test is used to determine the ease of igni- 3. Substances not intended for use as explosives, but provision-
tion of an explosive substance by incendiary sparks produced by a ally accepted into Class 1, are tested first with a standard detonator
length of safety fuse. If a substance ignites in the test it must be as in 1. above (three tests) and, if no explosion occurs, with an
assumed that it is not a very insensitive explosive substance. igniter as in 2. above (three tests).
(2) Apparatus and materials. The apparatus consists of a borosili- (b) For packaged articles:*
cate test tube suitably clamped in a vertical position open end 1. Articles provided with their own means of initiation or igni-
upwards. The fuse is a gunpowder filled time delay fuse, burning tion: The functioning of an article near the center of the package is
velocity 10 +/- 1 mm/sec (0.4. +/- 0.04 in/sec). (See fig 5–22.) stimulated by the article’s own means of initiation or ignition.
3. Procedure. The substance is normally tested in powder form. If Where this is impractical, the article’s own means of initiation or
necessary, it may be crushed and passed through an 850 µm (0.0335 ignition is replaced by another form of device which provides simi-
in) sieve. Propellants are either ground and passed through a 1 mm lar input stimulus.
(0.04 in) perforated plate sieve or discs 4 mm (0.16 in) diameter by 2. Articles not provided with their own means of initiation or
2 mm (0.08 in) thick are cut from the solid. Three grams (46 grains) ignition:
of the substance under test are weighed into the test tube which is • An article near the center of the package is caused to func-
then gently tapped to flatten the surface of its contents. The fuse tion in the designed mode, or
with one square cut end is placed with that end resting centrally on • An article near the center of the package is replaced by
the surface of the sample. The other end is lit by suitable means. another article which can be caused to function with the same effect.
The event is observed visually and the response is recorded. Note. *Subject to the proviso that in the case of articles containing a very
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A negative (-) result small quantity of substance(s) Compatibility Group A only, a sufficient
occurs if the substance fails to ignite on five consecutive trials with number of these or equivalent items are initiated simultaneously to cause not
different samples for each trial. A positive (+) result occurs if the less than 0.2 g (3 grains) of primary explosive to explode.
substance either ignites and burns (mildly or vigorously) or explodes (c) The package is placed on a steel witness plate on the ground.
at any time. The preferred method of confinement consists of containers, similar
in shape and size to the test package, completely filled with earth or
5–7. UN Test Series 6 (mandatory for Hazard Divisions sand and placed as closely as possible around the test package to a
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4) minimum thickness of confinement in every direction of 0.5 m (1.5
These tests are conducted to answer the question “Which Hazard ft) for a package not exceeding 0.15 m3(5.3 ft3) or 1 m (3 ft) for a
Division (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4) corresponds most closely to the package greater than 0.15 m3(5.3 ft3). Alternative methods of con-
behavior of the product?” The test series includes internal ignition finement are to use boxes or bags filled with earth or sand placed
or initiation, propagation of burning or explosion, and fire tests of around and on top of the package or to use loose sand.
products. The geometrical arrangement of the products should be (d) Observations are made on the following: Evidence of thermal
realistic in regard to the packing method and the conditions of effects, detonation, deflagration or explosion of the total contents of
transport and storage should be such as to produce the most disad- the package.
vantageous test results. Note that airblast data collection, evaluation (4) Criteria and method of assessing results.
and interpretation; fragment collection, fragment hazard evaluation (a) Explosion of the total contents indicates a candidate for Haz-
and interpretation; and thermal effects data collection, evaluation ard Division 1.1. Evidence of such an indication includes:
and interpretation guidelines are provided in Chapter 6. Note that 1. A crater at the test site.
testing can be curtailed if the product is expected to be Hazard 2. Damage to the witness plate beneath the package.
Division 1.1 and the fragment hazard range does not exceed the 3. Measurement of a blast.
default value (para 6–5a(3)(a)). 4. Disruption and scattering of most of the confining material.
a. Single package test (UN Test 6(a)). (b) If the product is accepted as Hazard Division 1.1 and the
(1) Introduction. This test is conducted three times with single fragment hazard range does not exceed the default value of 381 m
packages for the purpose of determining: (1250 ft) (para 6–5a(3)(a)), for example, fragments from Test 6(a)
(a) Whether initiation or ignition in the package causes burning do not travel beyond 381 m, or they are asessed to be non-hazard-
or explosion and whether burning or explosion is propagated within ous, further testing is not necessary, otherwise proceed to Test 6(b).
the package, and (c) If reaction effects are contained within the packaging then the
(b) In what way the surroundings could be endangered by these Stack Tests (Test 6(b)) are not required. In this case, proceed to the
effects. External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c).
Note. If reaction effects are expected to propagate outside the packaging, b. Stack test (UN Test 6 (b)).
then the Single Package Tests (Test 6(a)) are not required. In this case, (1) Introduction.
proceed directly to the Stack Tests (Test 6(b)).
(a) This test is conducted three times with stacks of packages of
(2) Apparatus and materials. A detonator or an igniter sufficient an explosive product or stacks of non-packaged articles (if that is
to ensure ignition of the substance or article to be tested is required, how they are transported/stored) for the purpose of determining:
together with suitable confining materials. Figure 5–23 illustrates 1. Whether burning or explosion in the stack is propagated from
the use of a steel plate beneath the package which can be used to one package to another or from one non-packaged article to another;
witness the event. Blast measuring equipment may be used. No and
other specific apparatus or materials are needed. 2. In what way the surroundings could be endangered by this
(3) Procedure. event.
(a) For packaged substances: (b) A variant of the stack test may be substituted for one of the
1. If the substance is intended to function by detonation, it is three tests to characterize the fragment hazard for Hazard Division
tested with a standard detonator (see fig 5–4). 1.1 ammunition. Method 1 (para 6–3d(1)) is the preferred replace-
2. If the substance is intended to function by deflagration, it is ment test series. Note that Method 1 consists of two tests with the
tested first with a standard detonator (see fig 5–4). If it doesn’t stack raised off the ground, which employs ricochet barricades and
detonate, then the subsequent two tests are conducted with an igniter the use of steel witness panels (fragment velocity/density) and col-
sufficient (but not more than 30 g (460 grains) of fffg black powder lection bundles (fragment collection).
or the same type and weight of igniter material designed to ignite (2) Apparatus and materials. A detonator or an igniter just suffi-
the substance in the propulsion charges to achieve the deflagration cient to ensure ignition of the substance or article to be tested is
function, whichever is the more energetic one) to ensure ignition of required, together with two or more samples of the product and
the substance within the package. suitable confining materials. A sheet, such as 3 mm (1/8 in) mild

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 19

steel, is required as a witness plate beneath the stack. Blast measur- (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. If in Test 6(b) explo-
ing and video equipment may be used. No other specific apparatus sion of virtually the entire contents occurs practically instantaneous-
or materials are needed. ly, then the product is assigned to Hazard Division 1.1. Evidence of
(3) Procedure. such an occurrence include:
(a) The test is applied to a stack of packages of an explosive (a) A crater at the test site appreciably larger than that given by a
product or a stack of non-packaged articles in the condition and single package;
form in which they are offered for transport. Sufficient packages or (b) Damage to the witness plate beneath the stack which is ap-
articles to give a total volume of 0.15 m3(5.3 ft3) are stacked on a preciably greater than that from a single package;
steel witness plate on the ground. If the volume of an individual (c) Measurement of blast which significantly exceeds that from a
package (or non-packaged article) exceeds 0.15 m3(5.3 ft3) then the single package;
test is performed with at least one package or article (acceptor) (d) Violent disruption and scattering of most of the confining
placed in the position most likely to result in communication be- material.If the product is accepted as Hazard Division 1.1 and the
tween the individual products (see para 5–7). If this position is not fragment hazard range does not exceed the default value of 381 m
known, several acceptors are used. The preferred method of confine- (1250 ft) (para 6–5a(3)(a)), further testing is not required; otherwise
ment consists of containers, similar in shape and size to the test proceed to Test 6(c).
packages completely filled with earth or sand and placed as closely Note. If two or less acceptor packages detonate in a confined stack test with
as possible around the test package to create a minimum thickness four acceptor packages, then the packaged article can be hazard classified as
of confinement in every direction of 1 m (3 ft). Alternative methods Hazard Division 1.2; otherwise, it is hazard classified as Hazard Division
of confinement are to use boxes or bags filled with earth or sand 1.1.
placed around and on top of the stack or to use loose sand. If loose c. External fire (bonfire) test (UN Test 6(c)).
sand is used for confinement, the stack should be covered or pro- (1) Introduction. This is a test on a stack of packages of an
tected to ensure that no sand falls into the interstices between adja- explosive product or a stack of articles (as configured for transport
cent packages or non-packaged articles. Articles carried without and storage) for the purpose of determining:
packaging are confined in a manner analogous to that used for (a) How the packages or non-packaged articles in the stack be-
packaged articles. Figure 5–24 presents a typical test arrangement. have when involved in an external fire; and
(b) The decision to use either an initiating stimulus or an igniting (b) Whether and in what way the surroundings are endangered by
stimulus is based on the following considerations: blast waves, thermal effects and/or fragment projection.
1. For packaged substances: (2) Apparatus and materials. Firewood or liquid fuel is required
• If the substance is intended to function by detonation, it is and a suitable support (such as a metal grid) to hold the product
tested with a detonator (see fig 5–4). together with three or more samples of the product and suitable
• If the substance is intended to function by deflagration and means of ignition (for example sufficient liquid fuel to ensure igni-
the Test 6(a) series have not been conducted with the packaged tion of a wood fire, 2 kg (4.5 lb) waste propellant, an electric igniter
substance, it is tested first with a standard detonator (see fig 5–4). If and a few grams of black powder). Three sheets, such as aluminum
it doesn’t detonate, then the subsequent two tests are conducted with 200 x 200 x 0.2 cm (80 x 80 x 5/64 in), are required as witness
an igniter as described below. If the substance is intended to func- screens together with suitable supports to hold them vertically. Reg-
tion by deflagration and the Test 6(a) series have been conducted ular video cameras are required to record events. Blast gauges,
with the packaged substance, it is tested with an igniter just suffi- radiometers and associated recording equipment are also required.
cient (but no more than 30 grams (460 grains) of fffg black power (3) Procedure.
or of the same type and weight of igniter material designed to ignite (a) The test is applied to a stack of packages of an explosive
the substance in the propulsion charges to achieve the deflagration product or a stack of articles in the condition and form in which
function, (whichever is the more energetic one) to ensure ignition of they are offered for transport. Where explosive articles are to be
the substance within one individual package. carried without packaging, the test is applied to the non-packaged
• Substances not intended for use as explosives, but provision- articles. See paragraph 6–6 for alternate test procedures.
ally accepted into Class 1, are tested first with a detonator as above (b) Sufficient packages or articles to give a total volume, as
(three tests) and, if no explosion occurs, with an igniter as above packed, of not less than 0.15 m3(5.3ft3) or a minimum of three
(three tests). packages, whichever is the greater, are stacked together on a grid
2. For packaged articles and non-packaged articles:* and exposed to external heating of sufficient intensity and duration
• Articles provided with their own means of initiation or igni- as to bring the explosive substance contained in the packages or
tion: The functioning of an article near the center of the package articles to reaction.
near the center of the stack is stimulated by the article’s own means (c) The rate of heating should be credible in relation to what
of initiation or ignition. Where this is impracticable, the article’s might occur in an accident during transportation, but it is not neces-
own means of initiation or ignition is replaced by another form of sary to reproduce precisely all the conditions of a realistic fire.
stimulus having the required effect. Suitable methods include a bonfire using brushwood, a wood fire
• Articles not provided with their own means of initiation or using a lattice of wooden laths, a liquid fuel fire, a propane burner
ignition: and a brazier.
•• An article near the center of the package near the center of (d) A proven method to produce a wood fire which has a bal-
the stack is caused to function in the designed mode, or anced air/fuel ratio, thereby avoiding too much smoke which would
•• An article near the center of the package near the center of obscure the events, and which burns with sufficient intensity and
the stack is replaced by another article which can be caused to duration to bring many kinds of packaged explosives to reaction in
function with the same effect. 10 to 30 minutes is as follows: Air-dried pieces of wood (not more
• The point of ignition or initiation is situated in a package near than 25-50 mm (1 in to 2 in) thick) are piled to form a lattice
the center of the stack. Articles carried without packaging are tested beneath the grid and around the stack of packages over a width of at
in a manner analogous to that used for packaged articles least 50 cm (20 in) in every direction. The lateral distance between
. • Observations are made on the following: Evidence of thermal the laths should be about 10 cm (4 in). The whole should be
effects, detonation and deflagration or explosion of the total con- drenched with suitable liquid fuel and the pile should be ignited on
tents of the packages. two sides simultaneously. Figure 5–25 shows the lattace arrange-
Note. *Subject to the proviso that in the case of articles containing a very ment. Other configurations are acceptable. It is recommended that
small quantity of substance(s) of Compatibility Group A only, a sufficient enough fuel should be used to keep the fire burning for at least 30
number of these or equivalent items are initiated simultaneously to cause not minutes or for the time considered necessary.
less than 0.2 g (3 grains) of primary explosive to explode. (e) Test 6(c) is normally performed once; but, if the wood or

20 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

other fuel used for the fire is all consumed leaving a significant over 5 seconds, during the period of maximum output. For sub-
quantity of unconsumed explosive substance in the remains or in the stances, the value is corrected to correspond to a mass of 100 kg
vicinity of the hearth, then this test should be performed again using (220 lb) net explosive contents;
more fuel or a different method to increase the intensity and/or 4. Fiery projections emanating from the product are thrown more
duration of the fire. than 15 m (50 ft) from the edge of the stack;
(f) The stack shall be supported with steel straps to retain this (d) The product, as packaged, is assigned to Hazard Division 1.4
configuration during the test. It is usually necessary to place the and to a compatibility group other than Compatibility Group S if
stack of packages on a metal grid or scaffolding tubes between 0.5 none of the events occurs which would require the product to be
m (1.5 ft) and 1 m (3 ft) above the ground to ensure adequate assigned to Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3, but any one of the
heating from below. Fuel is placed beneath the grid so that the fire following does occur:
engulfs the packages. Precautions against side winds must be ob- 1. Any indentation of any one of the three witness screens;
served to avoid dissipation of the heat. The test should not be 2. A projection, thermal effect or blast effect which would sig-
performed under conditions when the wind speed exceeds 6 m/s (13 nificantly hinder fire-fighting or other emergency response efforts in
mph). the immediate vicinity (i.e., 5 m (15 ft)) of the package;
(g) A receptacle filled with a suitable liquid fuel or a combina- (e) The product, as packaged, is assigned to Hazard Division 1.4
tion of both wood and liquid fuel may be used as alternatives to the and to Compatibility Group S if none of the events occurs which
stack of wood beneath and around the grid. When liquid fuel is would require the product to be assigned to Hazard Divisions 1.1,
used, the surface area of the receptacle should be greater than that 1.2 or 1.3, or to Hazard Division 1.4 and a compatibility group other
of the stack of wood on the grid. The distance between the grid than Compatibility Group S, but a projection, thermal effect or blast
platform and the receptacle is approximately 0.5 m (1.5 ft). Before effect occurs which would not significantly hinder fire-fighting or
using this method, consideration should be given to whether any other emergency response efforts in the immediate vicinity (i.e., 5 m
quenching action or adverse interaction between explosives and fuel (15 ft)) of the package.
can occur such as might bring the results into question. (f) If there are no explosive hazards at all, the product is consid-
(h) A vertical witness screen, comprising an aluminum sheet 200 ered for exclusion from Class 1. (Shown in Boxes 35 and 36 in
x 200 x 0.2 cm (80 x 80 x 5/64 in) or equivalent attached to suitable figure 5–1.); however, evaluations of predominant hazard still ap-
posts in the ground, is erected in each of three quadrants at a plies (para 1–6).
distance of 4m (13 ft) from the edge of the stack. The center of the 1. If the product is an article manufactured with a view to pro-
screens should be raised to be level with the center of the packages ducing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect, then:
if their center is above 1 m (3 ft). The downwind quadrant is not • If there is some effect (projection, fire, smoke, heat or loud
noise) external to the device itself,* the device is not excluded from
used for screens because prolonged exposure to flames may change
Class 1 and the product, as packaged, is assigned to Division 1.4
the resistance of the aluminum sheets to projections.
and to Compatibility Group S;
(i) Observations are made on the following: • If there is no effect (projection, fire, smoke, heat or loud
1. Evidence of detonation, deflagration or explosion of the total noise) external to the device itself,* the unpackaged device is ex-
contents of the packages or non-packaged articles; cluded from Class 1 (see para 1–8).
2. Potentially hazardous projections;
Note. *Paragraph 1.11 of Chapter 1 of the UN Recommendations on the
3. Thermal effects (for example, a fireball). Transport of Dangerous Goods (App A, Ref 4) refers explicitly to the device,
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The methodology rather than the package, so it is usually necessary to make this assessment on
used to determine the assignment of a Hazard Division based upon the basis of a variant of Test 6(a) performed without packaging or confine-
the results of Test Series 6 is illustrated in Figure 5–1 (Boxes 26, ment. Sometimes the stated effects are observed in Test 6(c) in which case
28, 30, 32, 35 and 36). The following sections describe the assign- the product is classified 1.4S without further tests.
ment process. 2. If the product is not manufactured with a view to producing a
(a) The article is classified as Hazard Division 1.1 if explosion of practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect, it is excluded from Class
the total contents appears to occur instantaneously. 1. (Taken from para 1.11(c) of ST/SG/AC.10/1 (App A, Ref 4).
(b) The articles are classified as Hazard Division 1.2 if an explo- (g) See Chapter 6 for guidance on fragment collections, evalua-
sion reaction (see Glossary) results in one or more of the following tions, and interpretations of airblast, thermal and fragment data.
Note. If two or less acceptor packages detonate in a confined stack test with 5–8. UN Test Series 7 (mandatory for Hazard Division 1.6)
four acceptor packages or more, then the packaged article can be hazard These tests are conducted to answer the question “Is the product an
classified as Hazard Division 1.2; otherwise, it is hazard classified as Hazard extremely insensitive explosive article; that is, does the behavior of
Division 1.1. the substance correspond closely to the criteria for Hazard Division
1. Debris from the event perforates any of the three aluminum 1.6?” There is only one compatibility group applicable for this
witness plates; hazard division, Compatibility Group N, which signifies that the
product only contains extremely insensitive detonating substances
2. More than 10 metallic projections, each with mass exceeding
(EIDS). The test series contains seven substance tests and four
25 g (385 grains), are thrown more than 50 m (165 ft) from the
article tests. To be classified as EIDS, a substance must pass (nega-
edge of the stack;
tive (-) response)) all substance tests in Test Series 3 (3(a) (I)—
3. Any metallic projection with mass exceeding 150 g (2300 Bureau of Explosives Impact Machine, 3(b)(iii)—ABL Friction
grains) is thrown more than 15 m (50 ft) from the edge of the stack; Test, 3(c)—Thermal Stability Test at 75° C, and 3(d)(i)—Small-
(c) The product, as packaged, is assigned to Hazard Division 1.3 Scale Burning Test and Test Series 7 (7(a)— EDS Cap Test, 7(b)—
if none of the events occurs which would require the product to be EIDS Gap Test, 7(c) (i) Susan Test, 7(d) (i)— EIDS Bullet Impact
assigned to Hazard Divisions 1.1 or 1.2, but any one of the follow- Test, 7(e)—EIDS External Fire Test, and 7(f)— EIDS Slow
ing events does occur: Cookoff. Note that the Friability Test (7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii)) is an
1. A fireball which extends beyond any of the three witness alternate test for the Susan Test and the EIDS Bullet Impact Test.
screens; To be classified as Hazard Division 1.6, an article must contain only
2. A jet of flame which extends more than 3 m (10 ft) from the EIDS and pass all Test Series 7 article tests (7(g)—1.6 Article
flames of the fire; External Fire Test, 7(h) — 1.6 Article Slow Cookoff Test, 7(j)—1.6
3. The irradiance of the burning product exceeds that of the fire Article Bullet Impact Test, and 7(k)—1.6 Article Propagation Test.
by more than 4 kw/m2(9.55 x 10-2g-cal/cm2-sec) at a distance of 15 a. EIDS cap test (UN Test 7(a)).
m (50 ft) from the edge of the stack. The irradiance is measured (1) Introduction. This test is designed to determine the sensitivity

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 21

of an EIDS candidate to the shock from a detonator or blasting cap. (b) Once an impact velocity of 333 m/sec (1093 ft/sec) is ob-
The test yields quantitative and unambiguous results. tained, the test is repeated until accurate pressure-time records are
(2) Apparatus and materials. The experimental set-up for this test obtained from at least five separate shots. On each of these accurate
is the same as for Test 5(a) (see figs 5–18 and 5–19). shots, the impact velocity must be 333 m/sec (1093 ft/sec) (+10%,
(3) Procedure. The experimental procedure is the same as for −0%).
Test 5(a) (see para 5–6a(3)). (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The maximum
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. An explosive sub- airblast overpressure that is determined from each airblast is re-
stance which detonates is too sensitive to be classified as an EIDS corded. A minimum of 10 records is necessary for a valid average.
and the result is noted as positive (+). The average of the maximum pressures obtained is recorded. If the
b. EIDS gap test (UN Test 7(b)). average pressure obtained by such a procedure is greater than or
(1) Introduction. This test is used to measure the sensitivity of an equal to 27 kPa (3.9 psi) (i.e., the blast overpressure that a like mass
EIDS candidate to a specified shock level, i.e., specified donor of cast TNT would produce at a velocity of 333 m/sec (1093 ft/
charge and gap. sec)), then the substance is not an EIDS explosive and the result is
(2) Apparatus and materials. The test consists of a 1.077 kg noted as positive (+).
(2.376 lb) explosive charge (donor), a plexiglass barrier (gap), a d. Friability test (UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii)).
container holding the potential EIDS (acceptor) and a steel witness (1) Introduction. The Friability Test is used to establish the tend-
plate (target). Figure 5–26 illustrates the test arrangement. ency of a compact EIDS candidate to deteriorate dangerously under
the effect of an impact.
(3) Procedure.
(2) Apparatus and materials.
(a) The standard detonator, donor, gap and acceptor charge are
(a) The following is required to conduct the Friability test:
coaxially aligned above the center of the witness plate. A 1.6 mm
1. A device which can fire a cylindrical test sample at a velocity
(1/16 in) air gap is maintained between the free end of the acceptor
of 150 m/sec (492 ft/sec);
charge and the witness plate with suitable spacers which do not
2. A steel impact plate (target);
overlap the acceptor charge. Care should be taken to assure good
3. A fragment recovery box;
contact between the detonator and donor, donor and gap, and gap
4. A cylindrical test sample (illustrated in fig 5–29);
and acceptor charge. The test sample and a booster are to be at a
5. A closed vessel.
temperature of 25°C +/−5°C at the time of the test.
(b) Diagrams of the test setup are provided in Figures 5–29
(b) To assist in collecting the remains of the witness plate the through 5–31.
whole assembly may be mounted over a container of water with at (3) Procedure. A bare sample (about 9g (140 grains)) of compact
least a 100 mm (4 in) air gap between the surface of the water and substance is projected at 150 m/sec (492 ft/sec) against the steel
the bottom surface of the witness plate which should be supported plate. The substance fragments produced by impacting the steel
along two edges only. plate are collected (minimum 8.9 g (137 grains)). These collected
(c) Alternative collection methods may be used, but it is impor- fragments are loaded into a closed vessel at 20°C and ignited with a
tant to allow sufficient free space below the witness plate so as not capsule containing 0.5 g (7.7 grains) of fffg black powder (average
to impede plate puncture. The test is repeated three times. diameter 0.75 mm (0.03 in)). The pressure as a function of time
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A clean hole produced by the burning substance is recorded using an appropriate
punched through the plate indicates that a detonation was initiated in pressure recording device. The data are analyzed to produce a plot
the sample. A substance which detonates in any trial is not an EIDS of pressure derivative dp/dt as a function of pressure p (dp/dt =
and the result is noted as positive (+). f(p)). Three tests are conducted.
c. Susan impact test (UN Test 7(c) (i)). (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. The substance is not
(1) Introduction. The Susan Impact Test is designed to assess the an EIDS if the average maximum dp/dt is 15 MPa/ms (150 bars/ms)
degree of explosive reaction under conditions of high velocity im- (positive (+) result) or greater.
pact. The test is conducted by loading the explosives into standard- e. EIDS bullet impact test (UN Test 7 (d) (i)).
ized projectiles and firing the projectiles against a target at specified (1) Introduction. The Bullet Impact Test is used to evaluate the
velocity. response of a possible EIDS explosive substance to the kinetic
(2) Apparatus and materials. energy transfer associated with impact and penetration of a given
(a) The Susan test configuration is shown in Figure 5–27. The energy source (a 12.7 mm (0.5 in) projectile traveling at a specified
substance samples are contained in the projectile shown in Figure velocity)).
5–28. The projectile contains a solid substance sample which is (2) Apparatus and materials.
fabricated by normal techniques. The projectile has an assembled (a) Substance test samples fabricated by normal techniques are
weight of 5.4 kg (12 lb), and contains approximately 0.45 kg (1 lb) employed. The samples should have a length of 200 mm (7 7/8 in)
of explosive. and should be configured to fit snugly inside the device shown in
(b) The projectiles are fired from a smoothbore gun at a smooth- Figure 5–32. The pipe is closed with steel or cast iron end caps,
surfaced target plate. Projectile impact velocity is obtained by adjus- torqued to 204 Nm (150 ft-lb).
ting the propellant charges in the gun. The flight path is about 1.2 m (b) The bullet is a standard 12.7 mm (0.50 in) armor-piercing
(4 ft) above ground level. bullet with a projectile mass of 46 g (710 grains), and is fired at the
(c) The test site is equipped with calibrated blast gauges and service velocity of about 820 +/- 60 m/sec (2700 +/- 200 ft/sec)
recording equipment. The airblast recording system should have a from a 12.7 mm (0.5 in) gun. Figure 5–33 presents a typical test
system frequency response of at least 20 KHz. Measurements are arrangement for the test.
made of impact velocities and air shock blast overpressure. Airblast (3) Procedure.
is measured at a distance of 3.05 m (10 ft) from the impact point (a) A minimum of six test articles (explosive substance in capped
(gauges 1, 2 and 3 in fig 5–27). The gauges are positioned to take steel pipe) should be fabricated for the tests.
free-field overpressure measurements. (b) Each test article is positioned on a suitable pedestal at a
(3) Procedure. convenient distance from the muzzle of the gun. Each test article is
(a) The propellant charge in the gun should be adjusted to pro- secured in a holding device upon its pedestal. This device should be
duce a projectile velocity of 333 m/sec (1093 ft/sec) within a range capable of restraining the item against dislodgment by the bullet.
of (+10%, −0%). The projectile is fired and the impact velocity and (c) A test consists of the firing of one projectile into each test
airblast produced as a result of its reaction on impact are recorded. item. There should be at least three tests with the test article ori-
If a velocity of 333 m/sec (1093 ft/sec) (+10%, −0%) is not ob- ented such that its long axis is perpendicular to the line of flight
tained, the amount of propellant is adjusted and the test repeated. (i.e., impact through the side of the pipe). There should also be at
least three tests with the test article oriented such that its long axis

22 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

is parallel to the line of flight (i.e., the impact will be through the Such evidence may include data on the number and size of recov-
end cap). ered fragments of explosive or pipe, as well as the distances to
(d) Remains of the test container are collected. Complete frag- which they were thrown. A substance which detonates or reacts
mentation of the container is indicative of explosion or detonation. violently (fragmentation of one or two end caps and fragmentation
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. A substance which of the tube into more than three pieces) is not considered an EIDS
explodes or detonates in any trial is not an EIDS explosive and the and the result is noted as positive (+).
result is noted as positive (+). h. The 1.6 article external fire test (UN Test 7(g)).
f. EIDS external fire test (UN Test 7 (e)). (1) Introduction. The external fire test is used to determine the
(1) Introduction. The External Fire Test is used to determine the reaction of a possible Hazard Division 1.6 article to external fire as
reaction of an EIDS candidate explosive to external fire when it is presented for transport.
confined. (2) Apparatus and materials. The experimental set-up for this test
(2) Apparatus and materials. Substance test samples fabricated by is the same as for Test 6(c) (see para 5–7c(2) and fig 5–25)).
normal techniques are employed. The samples should have a length (3) Procedure. The experimental procedure for this test is the
of 200 mm (7 7/8 in) and should be configured to fit snugly inside same as for Test 6(c) (see para 5–7c(3)).
the device shown in Figure 5–32. The pipe is closed with steel or (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. For assessing results
cast iron end caps, torqued to 204 Nm (150 ft-lb). The test arrange- use the criteria as for Test 6(c), paragraphs 5–7c(4)(b) - 5–7c(4)(d).
ment is identical to that of Test 6(c) (see para 5–7c(2) and fig If none of the events which would require the article to be confined
5–25). to Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 occur, then the article can be
(3) Procedure. considered as a Division 1.6 article, and the result is noted as
(a) The experimental procedure is the same as for Test 6(c) (see negative (-). See Chapter 6 for collection, evaluations and interpreta-
para 5–7c(3)) except as noted in paragraph 5–8f(3)(b) below. tions of airblast, thermal and fragment data.
(b) For substances, this test requires a minimum of five confined i. 1.6 article slow cookoff test (UN Test 7(h)).
samples stacked horizontally and banded together. The test is con- (1) Introduction. The 1.6 Article Slow Cookoff is a test on a
ducted either on fifteen samples in one fire or on five samples in possible Hazard Division 1.6 article. It is used to determine reaction
each of three fires. Color photographs are taken to document the to a gradually increasing thermal environment and the temperature
condition of the samples after each test. Cratering and the size and at which such reaction occurs.
location of confining pipe fragments are documented as an indica- (2) Apparatus and materials.
tion of the degree of reaction. (a) The test equipment consists of an oven which provides a
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. An explosive sub- controlled thermal environment over a 40°C to 365°C temperature
stance which detonates or reacts violently with a fragment of mass range and can increase the temperature of the surrounding oven
exceeding 1 g (15 grains) and range more than 15 m (50 ft) is not atmosphere at the linear rate of 3.3°C per hour throughout the
an EIDS explosive substance and the result is noted as positive (+). temperature operating range, minimize hot spots, and ensure (by
g. EIDS slow cookoff test (UN Test 7(f)). circulation or other means) a uniform thermal environment to the
(1) Introduction. This is a test on a possible EIDS explosive item under test. Secondary reactions (such as those caused by ex-
substance. It is used to determine reaction to a gradually increasing udate and explosive gases contacting the heating devices) invalidate
thermal environment and the temperature at which such reaction the test, but these can be avoided by providing a sealed inner
occurs. container to surround articles shipped bare. A means of relief should
(2) Apparatus and materials. be provided for the increased air pressure that is generated by the
(a) Substance test samples fabricated by normal techniques are test due to heating. A typical test arrangement is shown schemati-
employed. The samples should have a length of 200 mm (7 7/8 in) cally in Figure 5–34.
and should be configured to fit snugly inside the device shown in (b) Temperature recording devices (permanent record types) are
Figure 5–32. The pipe is closed with steel or cast iron end caps, used to monitor temperature continuously or at least every 10 min-
torqued to 204 Nm (150 ft-lb). utes. Instrumentation with an accuracy of +/-2% over the test tem-
(b) The sample assembly is placed in an oven which provides a perature range is used to measure the temperature at:
controlled thermal environment over a 40°C to 365°C temperature 1. The atmosphere air gap adjacent to the unit under test; and
range and can increase the temperature of the surrounding oven 2. The exterior surface of the unit.
atmosphere at the linear rate of 3.3°C per hour throughout the (3) Procedure.
temperature operating range and ensure, by circulation or other (a) The test item is subjected to a gradually increasing air tem-
means, a uniform thermal environment to the item under test. A perature at a linear rate of 3.3°C per hour until reaction occurs.
means of relief should be provided for increased air pressure that is Temperatures and elapsed test time are measured and recorded.
generated in the oven due to heating. A typical test arrangement is (b) Color still photographs are taken to document the condition
given in Figure 5–34. of the unit and the test equipment before and after the test. Cratering
(c) Temperature recording devices are used to monitor tempera- and fragment size are documented as an indication of the degree of
ture at intervals of every 10 minutes (or less); continuous monitor- reaction.
ing is preferred. Instrumentation with an accuracy of +/- 2% over (c) The test is conducted on two separate articles as presented for
the test temperature range is used to measure the temperature of: transport.
1. The air within the oven; and (4) Criteria and method of assessing results. If there is a reaction
2. The exterior surface of the steel pipe. more severe than burning, the result is noted as positive (+) and the
(3) Procedure. item is not classified as Hazard Division 1.6. The energetic material
(a) The test item is subjected to a gradually increasing air tem- may ignite and burn and the case may melt or weaken sufficiently to
perature at a linear rate of 3.3°C per hour until reaction occurs. allow mild release of the combustion gases. Burning should be such
Temperatures and elapsed test time are measured and recorded. that case debris and package elements stay in the area of test except
(b) Color photographs are taken to document the condition of the for case closures which may be dislodged by the internal pressure
and thrown not more than 15 meters (50 ft).
unit and the test equipment before and after the test. Cratering and
j. 1.6 article bullet impact test (UN Test 7(j)).
the size and location of any fragments are also documented as
(1) Introduction. The Bullet Impact Test is used to evaluate the
indications of the degree of reaction.
response of a possible Hazard Division 1.6 article to the kinetic
(c) Three tests are conducted for each candidate substance.
energy transfer associated with the impact and penetration by a
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. After the completion
given energy source.
of each test, the pipe or any fragments of pipe are recovered in the
(2) Apparatus and materials. A 12.7 mm (0.5 in) gun is used to
test area and examined for evidence of violent explosive reaction.
fire service 12.7 mm (0.5 in) armor-piercing (AP) ammunition with

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 23

a projectile mass of 46 g (710 grains) and with standard propellant confinement as with Test 6(b). See paragraph 5–7b(3) and Figure
load. The gun should be fired by remote control and be protected 5–24 for additional discussions on procedures and for a typical test
from fragment damage by firing through a hole in a heavy steel arrangement, respectively. The unconfined test permits the collec-
plate. The firing gun muzzle should be at a range of 3 - 20 m (10-65 tion of airblast/fragment data without the attenuating effects of con-
ft) from the test item depending upon the explosive weight of the finement, whereas the confined test subjects the acceptors to a more
item. The test item should be secured in a holding device capable of severe environment. Record the size and location of any fragments
restraining the item against dislodgment by projectiles. The test is produced by each test.
recorded visually with video or cine equipment. Figure 5–35 pres-
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. Fragment data (size
ents a typical test arrangement.
(3) Procedure. The test consists of subjecting an all-up (com- and number of acceptor article fragments) and crater dimensions
plete) EIDS loaded item to a three-round burst fired at 856 +/- 9 m/ (and/or witness plate damage) are used to determine whether or not
sec (2800 +/- 30 ft/sec) velocity with an equivalent 600 +/- 50 any acceptor detonated. Blast data and the video or cine records of
rounds/min rate of fire and impacting within a circular target area of each test may be used to supplement this decision. For an item to be
50 mm (2 in) diameter. The rounds are aimed so as not to pass considered as a Hazard Division 1.6 article, it should have demon-
through the same hole. The test is repeated in three different orienta- strated no propagation (detonation of an acceptor) as a result of this
tions. In the appropriate orientation(s) the striking point on the test test. Acceptor article responses identified as no reaction, burning or
item for the multiple impact is selected so that the impacting rounds deflagration are considered as negative (-) results. See Chapter 6 for
penetrate the most sensitive material(s), that is not separated from guidance on fragment collection, evaluation and interpretations of
the main explosive charge by barriers or other safety devices. The airblast, thermal and fragment data.
degree of reaction is determined by post-test inspection of test film
and hardware. 5–9. Additional test
(4) Criteria and method of assessing results. For an item to be Flash point (ASTM D56–87).
considered as a Hazard Division 1.6 article, there should have been
no detonation (or explosion) resulting from any of the tests. Reac- a. Introduction. A summary of the ASTM test used to determine
tions of the article identified as no reaction, burning, or deflagration the flash point of liquid substances is provided in this section. The
are considered as negative (-) test results. flash point measures the tendency of the substance to form a flam-
k. 1.6 article propagation test (UN Test 7(k)). mable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions. This
(1) Introduction. The Propagation Test is used to determine if a test should be run remotely for materials suspected to be explosive.
possible Hazard Division 1.6 article will detonate a similar item Variations on this test method should be examined to determine
adjacent to it, in the condition as presented for transport and or vapor flammability characteristic of the sample material and the
storage. explosive hazard including testing in an open cup (see App A, Ref
(2) Apparatus and materials. Two or more of the articles to be 9).
tested are required, one of which should be provided with their b. Apparatus and materials. A Tag Closed Tester, (App A, Ref 9)
normal means of initiation. Where the article is not fitted with its illustrated in Figure 5–36, is used to conduct the test. The liquid
own means of initiation or its own means of initiation cannot be substance to be tested is contained in a 50 +/- 0.5 ml (3 +/- 0.03 in3)
functioned practicably then a stimulus of similar power should be container. The standard brass cup may be replaced with a compati-
provided. Video or cine equipment should be used to record the test ble test container.
visually. No other specific apparatus or materials are needed al-
though blast measuring equipment may also be used. c. Procedure. Condition the substance sample at 27 +/- 5°C or
(3) Procedure. 11°C below the predicted flash point, whichever is lower. Heat the
(a) The test is applied to an array of articles in the condition and substance using the sample heater either at 1°C/min for substances
form in which they are offered for transport and or storage. Where having a flash point below 60°C or 3°C/min for substances having a
explosive articles are to be carried without packaging, the tests are flash point above 60°C. When the sample is 5°C below the expected
applied to the non-packaged articles. The test is performed with at flash point, introduce the test flame into the apparatus vapor space
least one acceptor placed in the position most likely to result in for one second in a smooth motion. Repeat introduction of the test
communication between the articles. If this position is not known flame after each 1°C rise in sample temperature until there is a
several acceptors are used. distinct flash in the vapor space or an explosion occurs. Do not
(b) If the article is provided with its own means of initiation then confuse the true flash with the bluish halo which sometimes sur-
the donor article should be functioned by its own initiation system. rounds the test flame during applications immediately preceding the
Where this is impracticable the article’s own means of initiation is true flash.
replaced by another form of stimulus having the required effect. If d. Criteria and method of assessing results. The temperature (less
the article is not provided with its own means of initiation then it than or equal to 95°C) at which there is a true flash in the test
should be caused to function in its designed mode. apparatus vapor space will be recorded as the flash point for the
(c) The test is to be conducted at least three times, unless a
substance. A flash point less than or equal to 95°C is considered a
detonation of an acceptor occurs earlier. The first test is conducted
positive (+) response (failure)
without confinement and the next two tests are conducted with

24 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-1. UN hazard classification procedures for articles and substances

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 25

Figure 5-1A. UN hazard classification procedures for articles. and substances (cont.)

26 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-2. Gap test configuration for solid —UN Test 1(a) (iii)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 27

Figure 5-3. Gap test configuration for liquid substances—UN Test 1(a) (iii)

28 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-4. Number eight (USA) detonator

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 29

Figure 5-5. Internal ignition test—UN Tests 1(b) (ii) and 2(b) (ii)

30 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-6. Slow cookoff bomb test device—UN Tests 1(b) (iii) and 2(b) (iv)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 31

Figure 5-7. Gap test configuration for solid substances—UN Test 2(a) (iii)

32 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-8. Cap test configuration for liquid substances—UN Test 2(a) (iii)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 33

Figure 5-9. Bureau of explosives impact machine—UN Test 3(a) (i)

34 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-10. Bureau of explosives impact machine sample assembly for solid substances—UN Test 3(a) (i)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 35

Figure 5-11. Bureau of explosives impact machine sample assembly for liquid substances—UN Test 3(a) (i)

36 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-12. ABL friction test configuration—UN Test 3(b) (iii)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 37

Figure 5-13. Termal stability test configuration—UN Test 3(c)

38 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-14. Small-scale burning test configuration—UN Test 3 (d) (i)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 39

Figure 5-15. Termal stability test for articles—UN Test 4(a)

40 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-16. Steel tube drop test for liquids—UN Test 4(b) (i)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 41

Figure 5-17. Twelve meter drop test configuration —UN Test 4(b) (ii)

42 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-18. Cap sensitivity test configuration—UN Tests 5(a) and 7(a)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 43

Figure 5-19. Alternate cap sensitivity test configuration—UN Tests 5(a) and 7(a)

44 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-20. Deflagration to detonation test configuration—UN Test 4(b) (ii)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 45

Figure 5-21. Typical wood fuel arrangement for external fire test for Hazard Division 1.5—UN Test 5(c)

46 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-22. Prince incendiary spark test arrangement—UN Test 5(d)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 47

Figure 5-23. Single package test arrangement —UN Test 6(a)

48 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-24. Typical stack test arrangement—UN Test 6(b)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 49

Figure 5-25. Typical wood fuel arrangement for external fire (bonfire) test—UN Test 6(c)

50 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-26. EIDS gap test configuration—UN Test 7(b)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 51

Figure 5-27. Susan impact test arrangement—UN Test 7(c) (i)

52 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-28. Susan projectile—UN Test 7(c) (i)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 53

Figure 5-29. Friability test configuration—UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii)

54 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-30. Steel plate and recovery box setup for friability test—UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 55

Figure 5-31. Closed vessel for friability test–UN Tests 7(c) (ii) and 7(d) (ii)

56 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-32. Steel pipe used for EIDS bullet impact, EIDS external fire test and EIDS slow cookoff test—UN Tests 7(d) (i), 7(e), and 7(f)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 57

Figure 5-33. EIDS bullet impact test arrangement—UN Test 7(d) (i)

58 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-34. EIDS slow cookoff test—UN Test 7(f) and 1.6 article slow cookoff test —UN Test 7(h)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 59

Figure 5-35. 1.6 multiple bullet impact test arrangement—UN Test 7(j)

60 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 5-36. Tag closed vessel

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 61

Chapter 6 the testing activity is responsible for continually maintaining up-to-
Instrumentation, interpretation of results and date dynamic calibration data for gauges, utilizing laboratory proce-
alternate tests dures appropriate to the transducer type.
(3) An electronic calibration pulse of amplitude simulating that
6–1. Introduction of the anticipated peak pressure will be recorded immediately before
This chapter specifies minimum requirements for instruments and each test.
equipment for measurement of airblast pressure, fragment dispersal, d. Data analysis. Pressure-time records will be analyzed to deter-
thermal flux, and firebrands associated with tests prescribed in chap- mine peak pressures and positive phase impulses.
ter 5, and interpretation of the results in order to assign the proper (1) The barometric pressure, ambient air temperature, and wind
hazard division. Minimum requirements for data analysis and report- velocity and direction at the time of the test will be recorded and
ing are also specified. In addition, acceptable alternate test proce- reported. These values will be used to convert the measured dis-
dures are presented. tances, times, pressures, and impulses to Standard or Sea Level
a. Blast pressure measurements are to be used for the determina- Conditions (atmospheric pressure of 101.36 kPa (14.7 psi), atmos-
tion of a net explosive weight for quantity distance (NEWQD) (see pheric temperature of 288.16° K (15°C).
paras 4–9d and 6–2) of configurations of reactive materials in am- (2) The following equations will be used to make the conversion:
munition as they are packaged and stored, or of ammunition constit- (a) PSL = PTS x FP
uents whose contribution to the total energy release in a single event (b) RSL = RTS x FR
is not known. For example, Hazard Division 1.3 material in assem- (c) TSL = TTS x FT
bled ammunition may contribute to the overall explosive yield. (d) ISL = ITS x FI
b. Observations of fragment dispersal, areal density (see para where P is pressure, R is distance, T is time, I is impulse; the
6–3b), and individual weights are necessary for the determination of subscript SL and TS refer to sea level or standard conditions and to
minimum separation distances consistent with established criteria for measurements made at the test site, respectively.
fragment hazards to personnel. (3) The four factors FP, FR, FT, and FIare defined as follows:
c. Measurements of the thermal radiation field (thermal flux) and (a) FP = (PSL/PTS)
observations of firebrands are used to determine the maximum sepa- (b) FR = (PTS/PSL)1/3
ration distance for Hazard Divisions 1.3 and 1.4 materials consistent (c) FT = (PTS/PSL)1/3 x (TSL/TTS)1/2
with established criteria for thermal hazards for personnel and fire (d) FI = (PSL/PTS))2/3 x (TSL/TTS)1/2
propagation by firebrands. where P is barometric pressure and T is absolute atmospheric tem-
d. Alternate test procedures that are acceptable to the DoD Haz- perature. As defined above PSLis 101.36 kPa (14.7 psi) and TSLis
ard Classifiers are presented at the end of this chapter. These alter- 288.16° K (15°C).
nate tests for purposes of hazard classification are taken from (4) Two sets of blast measurements should be reported—those
modified Tri-Service test protocols for qualification and weapons taken at the test site and the test site measurements converted to
systems safety. standard conditions.
e. Data interpretation. Any observed anomalies in the recorded
6–2. Blast measurements data that cannot be attributed simply to instrument malfunction will
a. Blast parameters. be noted. In the event that a systematic, substantial difference of the
(1) Blast output is to be evaluated with reference to the classical waveform from the classical shape in Figure 6–1 is observed, such
explosive blast waveform illustrated in Figure 6–1. Parameters de- as the absence of an initial peak, the peak pressure calculations for
fining the waveform and indicated in the figure include— NEWQD described below may be dispensed with in favor of a
(a) Peak or maximum overpressure that occurs at the instant of presentation of the records themselves together with an analysis. If
pulse arrival in the classical waveform. no anomalies are observed, the pressure-distance and impulse-dis-
(b) Positive phase duration, or the interval between shock arrival tance data which have been converted to standard conditions will be
and the time, at which the overpressure returns to zero. analyzed to determine NEWQD (this procedure is described below).
(c) Positive phase impulse defined as the integral of the overpres- These values of NEWQD will be reported. Reports of tests of
sure from the time of shock arrival to the end of the positive phase. complete rounds of ammunition which result in the assignment to
(2) The pressure and impulse are used to compute values of Hazard Division 1.1 will include data on equivalence of included
NEWQD to represent the amount of material under consideration. Hazard Division 1.3 components such as propelling charges.
b. Data acquisition system. A system for measuring and record- f. Effective explosive weight (EEW). The EEW of a particular
ing blast overpressure as a function of time consists of a transducer, explosive, device, event, stack, etc., is the weight of TNT (hemi-
signal conditioning equipment appropriate to the transducer type, spherical TNT surface burst, Fig 6–2) required to produce a selected
and recording and reproduction devices. The transducer may be any shockwave parameter of equal magnitude to that produced by a unit
one of a variety of electromechanical or electronic types having a weight of the material under test. A given material will have several
frequency response adequate to resolve the blast pressure pulse. For EEW’s depending on the shockwave parameter selected.
purposes of NEWQD determination, for items whose net explosive (1) Expressed as a ratio of the weight of the material under test
weights are below 1000 kg, the basic data acquisition system should to that of TNT in Figure 6–2, the EEW of an explosive more
have a system frequency response of at least 0.01 Hz-20 kHz (see powerful than TNT is greater than unity; the EEW of one less
App A, Ref 10). powerful is less than unity. Under this definition, the values of EEW
c. Transducer deployment and calibration. For any test that is determined respectively on the basis of the pressure and the impulse
expected to produce an overpressure pulse, pressure transducers will measured at a given location may differ, and both will be functions
be positioned so as to detect the free-field overpressure at distances of distance, geometry, or donor configuration.
where it is expected to attain the levels 70, 35, 7, and 3.5 kPa (10, (2) Hence, the general concept of EEW has significance only if
5, 1, 0.5 psi) based on a pre-test estimate of the yield. Two lines of the observed waveform is generally similar to the classical form
transducers will be employed. These will be positioned at least 90° shown in Figure 6–1 and if the geometry of the test material is
apart. If the test item has a line of symmetry, one line of transducers similar to that of the TNT standard in Figure 6–2. For strictly
should be placed along this line. hazard classification purposes, the EEW of a material is the weight
(1) The gauges will be mounted flush with the ground surface or, of a bare TNT hemisphere on flat ground (App A, Ref 11) that
alternatively, in above-ground fixtures designed to minimize ob- produces the same free-field overpressure or impulse at a given
struction of the flow, with the sensing face of each gauge parallel to distance from the test article.
the direction of flow. (3) Peak overpressure and scaled positive phase impulse (impulse
(I) divided by the cube root of charge weight (W)) for a bare TNT
(2) The gauges will have been calibrated prior to the tests, and
hemisphere are given in Figure 6–2 as a function of the scaled

62 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

range—the actual distance (R) from the charge center, divided by lb). An areal density of such fragments not exceeding one per 55.7
the cube root of charge weight (W). Table 6–1 presents the equa- m2 (600 ft2) is considered acceptable.
tions which were used to generate these curves. NOTE: These equa- c. Firebrands. The probability of a hit is dependent on fragment
tions are simplifications of those appearing in the Kingery and density in the same way as other fragments. However, injury or
Bulmash reference (App A, Ref 11). They are accurate to within damage may result from the thermal and chemical energy content of
0.2% of the full Kingery equations. the firebrand as well.
(4) EEW based on peak pressure is defined as follows: d. Fragment field sampling. Fragment field sampling will be ac-
EEW (pressure) = (Rarticle/Rstandard)3 p = constant complished using one of two methods, based on the results of single
package testing.
that is, for each pressure level of interest, the EEW (pressure) is the (1) Method 1 for fragment field sampling—Single package test
cube of the ratio of the distances (article and standard) at which that indicates there is a risk of mass detonation (Hazard Division 1.1
pressure occurs. classification expected).
(5) EEW based on impulse is defined as follows: Since both (a) This method is generally used for Hazard Division 1.1. arti-
impulse and distance are scaled according to the cube root of the cles and requires the characterization of the fragment distribution
explosive weight, finding the point on the standard impulse-distance (mass, number, shape and velocity) resulting from the initiation of a
curve corresponding to a measured value from the test data means single package of articles. Custom designed and constructed frag-
finding the intersection of a line of slope one (on a log-log plot) mentation arenas are used to measure these parameters. Typical
passing through the test data and intersecting the standard curve. construction utilizes steel plates and high speed motion picture
Either the cube of the ratio of the impulse for the intersection point cameras to measure fragment velocity and fiberboard collection ma-
with that for the standard curve or the cube of the ratio of the terial to capture fragments. Velocity measurement and fragment
ground ranges provides the EEW (impulse) at that point. collection are accomplished as a function of ejection zone measured
EEW (impulse) = (Iarticle/Istandard)3 or (Rarticle/Rstandard)3 around the vertical axis of the package. The mass, presented area
and velocity data for all fragments weighing more than 20 g (310
Note. Ratios taken along a line with slope of one on a log-log plot. grains) are used as input to a simulation model FRAGHAZ (App A,
(6) As described above, both EEW’s are functions of scaled Ref 12) which computes the Q–D requirements using a Monte Carlo
range. The EEW’s should be reported in both graphical and tabular simulation routine.
form as a function of the scaled range. In addition, an average EEW (b) It has been demonstrated that packages of Hazard Division
based on each parameter should also be reported. 1.1 articles may form high density, enhanced velocity (as compared
(7) The (EEW)MAX is the higher of the EEW’s determined for to single units) concentrations of fragments when detonated. These
peak overpressure and positive phase impulse, each averaged over fragment concentrations result from the collision and interaction of
the range 70–3.5 kPa (10–0.5 psi) for the geometry of the donor fragments from adjacent articles in the package. They will produce
munition. the highest safety concern and must be characterized. It is recom-
(8) The NEWQD is the (EEW)MAX (see para 6–2f(7) above) for mended that a 360° steel plate arena similar to the one illustrated in
the ammunition (including Hazard Division 1.1 and Hazard Division Figure 6–3 be used to determine the position of interaction areas for
1.3 contributions) minus the (EEW)MAX for only the Hazard Divi- the package being evaluated. The center of the package should be
sion 1.1 component of the ammunition, and then added to the HEW positioned at the geometric center of the arena. The height of the
(see para 4–9a) for the ammunition. package should also be centered on the steel plates. The distance
(9) Sometimes, based on physical evidence, it is possible to reach from the steel plates to the package is determined by—
the conclusion that division 1.3 material did not contribute to the Rp = 2*EEW1/3
detonation reaction of division 1.1 material in an ammunition item. where Rp = distance between the package and steel plates (m)
For example, a high explosive warhead detonation might project the and
rocket motor a short distance away where the propellant grain sub- EEW = effective explosive weight (kg)
sequently burns out. If the rocket motor case is substantially intact,
showing no evidence of an internal detonation-type reaction, the The outside surface of the witness plates should be marked in ten
NEWQD may be set equal to the high explosive weight (HEW) of degree azimuthal zones using—
the warhead. Similarly, recovery of all or a substantial portion of an θ = 2 π Rp/36
unreacted rocket motor grain or propelling charge may establish where θ = width of ten degree zone (m)
non-contribution. For this reason, it may be prudent to conduct
testing of an all-up-round or cartridge before testing the high explo- A single article within the package should be initiated. Determina-
sive component alone. tion of the unit which will produce the most hazardous fragmenta-
tion effects may require several tests for a package which contains
6–3. Fragment hazard assessment more than one non-symmetrical detonation source. The velocity of
a. Introduction. The evaluation of fragment hazard effects is con- the fragments should be measured using high-speed motion picture
ducted as an adjunct to the Single Package (6(a)), Stack Test (6(b)) cameras positioned to observe the outside surface of the witness
and/or the External Fire Test (6(c)). Two methods can be used: plates. The average velocity of each fragment striking the witness
(1) Near field fragment sampling using collection media and ve- panel is determined by dividing the distance to the plate by the time
locity measurement or of flight of the fragment.
(2) Fragment collection from the ground plane. The selection of (c) The design of the Fragment Collection arena is based upon
the appropriate method depends on the article being evaluated (Haz- the position of the fragment interaction areas measured by the Den-
ard Division 1.1 or 1.2) and the resources and expertise of the sity/Velocity arena. The azimuthal zone containing the most dense,
testing activity. highest velocity fragments should be characterized using bundles of
Note. Note that the "Method 1" approach described in the previous edition of fiberboard panels. Each panel is 12.7 mm (0.5 in) thick, 1.2 m (4 ft)
this publication (dated Dec ’89), and the analytical procedures based on that wide by 2.4 m (8 ft) tall. Nintey six panels are banded together to
method, remains valid and may be used for hazardous fragment distance form a bundle. The collection bundles are positioned at a distance
determinations in lieu of the Method 1 described below. which will prevent severe blast damage using—
b. Hazardous fragment. Under currently applicable explosives Rc = 4*EEW1/3
safety standards, a fragment hazardous to personnel in the open is where Rc = distance to the recovery bundles (m)
defined as one whose kinetic energy at impact exceeds 79 J (58 ft-

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 63

(d) The number of collection bundles required is determined well as the locations of recovery packs or search sectors. The loca-
by— tions of any major pieces of debris, unexploded weapons or compo-
N = (2 π Rc/36)*42 nents, and unusually large fragments not collected or counted should
also be reported.
(e) The collection arena should be constructed by setting the (g) See paragraph 6–6 for alternate test procedures and interpre-
outside edge of the first collection bundle on the zero degree posi- tations for characterizing the fragment hazard for Hazard Division
tion of the arena as shown in Figure 6–4. The remaining bundles are 1.2 items.
positioned at radius Rc. The use of fragment ricochet traps is re-
quired to prevent fragments which impact the ground from subsequ- 6–4. Thermal effects assessment
a. Thermal effects parameters (for Hazard Divisions 1.3 and 1.4
ently impacting the witness plates.
ammunition). For hazard evaluation purposes, the thermal effects
(f) The package should be positioned in the center of the arena produced by the External Fire Test 6(c) will be characterized by two
with the vertical axis of the package horizontal (i.e., packages parameters: The radiation field and firebrands. These properties will
shipped with the articles vertical should be tested horizontally and be determined in the following ways using ammunition items in
vice versa). The article which produces the highest fragment density their standard storage configuration and in their shipping containers:
and velocity in the Density/Velocity arena should be detonated. (1) Thermal radiation fields. The data to be derived will be used
(g) Fragments collected in the bundles should be recovered using to establish the intensity, duration, and spatial characteristics as
the X-Y coordinate system shown in Figure 6–5. These coordinates functions of material, size of combustion zone, and burning rate, all
are used by the FRAGHAZ (App A, Ref 12) model to calculate the of which extend to the distance representing that required to obtain
fragment ejection zone. The fragments recovered from the collection an irradiance of 4 kw/m2(9.55 x 10-2g-cal/cm2-sec) for a Test 6(c)
bundles should be weighed and those weighing greater than 20 g mass corrected to 100 kg (220 lb) net explosive content.
(310 grains) should have their average presented area measured. The (2) Firebrands. The data to be derived will be used to establish
fragment weight, presented area, X–Y coordinates, and velocity are the spatial distribution (number per unit area), thermal capacity, and
recorded in the format shown in Table 6–2 and are used as input to size of the emitted brands as functions of material and fire
the FRAGHAZ model. characteristics.
b. Thermal effects data acquisition system.
(1) Thermal flux test criteria. The ammunition thermal effects
Table 6–2
tests are to be conducted when the wind speed is 6 m/s (13 mi/h) or
Fragment data requirements
less in the absence of precipitation or dust storms. Uniform ignition
X–Y coordinates Weight Presented area Velocity around the periphery of the thermal source material will be accom-
(cm) (g) (cm2) (m/s) plished with a standard igniter that will not perturb the thermal
_______ _______ _______ _______ measurements.
_______ _______ _______ _______ (a) The thermal flux will be determined using appropriate
radiometers with a range which includes 4 kw/m2(9.55 x 10-2g-cal/
(h) The fragmentation data collected (Table 6–2 above) are used 1. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the radiation field
as input to the FRAGHAZ computer program to compute the haz- will be measured with a series of radiometers. A minimum of three
ardous fragment areal number density distributions as a function of radiometers will be used in a line from the source in each of at least
the number of packages/articles. The program output provides a two perpendicular directions.
relationship between the number of packages/articles which can be 2. The second station from the source in each direction will
stored at a particular location and the fragment hazard range. The incorporate a radiometer capable of measuring thermal energy in the
program utilizes the hazardous density and kinetic energy criteria range of 4 kw/m2(9.55 x 10-2g-cal/cm2-sec) (App A, Ref 13).
(para 6–3b) with fragment trajectory simulations to compute the 3. Calibration tests can be used to provide guidance on the total
fragment hazard range for the packages/articles being evaluated. range and location of the radiometers.
(2) Method 2 for fragment field sampling. Single package test (b) Time-lapse color photography using one picture every two
indicates that a risk of mass detonation need not be considered seconds is generally considered adequate to document the size of the
(Hazard Division 1.2 classification expected). thermal source and the combustion zone. A more rapid rate might
(a) Fragment dispersion resulting from Test 6(b) or 6(c) will be be necessary for some ammunition items as determined in the cali-
determined by visual search of surface areas within three separate 5- bration tests.
degree sectors, parallel and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of (c) The scaling relationship (mass)2/3/ (distance)2given in the Hay
the test stack, with a common point of origin at the center of the and Watson reference (App A, Ref 13) can be used to determine the
stack as shown in Figure 6–6. flux at 15 m (50 ft) for 100 kg (220 lb) of material and record.
(b) Sectors will be divided radially into 60 m (200 ft) wide cells (2) Firebrand test criteria. Firebrand effects are to be documented
out to a distance of 420 m (1400 ft), unless there are indications in the horizontal and elevation views from the burning source mate-
from other tests or data that the fragment hazard is likely to extend rial. The same test conditions as specified for the thermal flux test
beyond 420 m (1,400 ft). will be used simultaneously for the firebrand tests except for the
(c) Visual searches of these sectors will begin at the point of instrumentation. It is anticipated that firebrand test instrumentation
origin. may utilize remote viewing with infrared scanners, and the measure-
(d) The number of fragments found by visual search of the 5- ment of firebrand effects may utilize the melting of plastic sheets or
degree sector will be reported for each 60 m (200 ft) radial incre- the charring of wood panels.
ment. If fragments are observed beyond the farthest cell in a sector 6–5. Interpretation of results
(generally, beyond 420 m (1400 ft)), they will be identified in the a. General. Results of tests evaluated with respect to the pass/fail
test report by size and location. (“-”/“+”) criteria given in Chapter 5 will be recorded on forms
(e) The required distance for protection from hazardous frag- shown by example in Figures 6–7 and 6–8 given at the end of this
ments will be that distance immediately beyond which cells in all chapter. The results are interpreted as follows:
the search sectors contain no fragments with weights greater than 25 (1) Classification. The ammunition should be classified in the
g (385 grains). light of the test results and of other relevant data according to the
(f) Test reports for each of the above fragment field sampling characteristics of the hazard division as indicated below.
methods will include a plan view of the test area, showing test stack (a) Sometimes, the observed hazard effects vary among replicate
dimensions and the orientation of individual units in the stack, as tests or may not correspond exactly to the definitions. When this

64 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

occurs, the DODC should use its judgment or arrange for further (a) A substance is forbidden for transport if:
testing. 1. The solid or liquid substance is considered impact sensitive
(b) It is prudent to err on the side of caution, particularly in the (see para 5–4a(4)) at a drop height of 10.16 cm (4.0 in) for solids
crucial decision as to whether or not a product is susceptible to mass and 25.4 cm (10.0 in) for liquids in the Bureau of Explosives Impact
detonation. Machine Test 3(a)(i) (10 trials); and/or
(c) Based on results obtained from the tests given in Chapter 5, 2. The solid or liquid substance is considered friction sensitive if
the appropriate hazard division compatibility group can be assigned. any of the following results are obtained from the ABL Friction
Additionally, the appropriate UN Serial Number is determined by Test 3(b) (iii)—visible sparks/flame, audible explosion, loud crack-
referring to appropriate lists of UN Numbers (see para 4–8). ling noise, or detection of reaction products by a gas analyzer for a
(2) Airblast effects. For articles that mass detonate (Hazard Divi- friction sensitiveness equal to or greater than dry PETN (see para
sion 1.1), the NEWQD (para 6–2(f)(8)) up to 100% of the actual 5–4b(4)); and/or
weight of the active ingredients will be used. For protective con- 3. The solid or liquid substance is considered thermally unstable
struction design purposes, the explosive equivalence without limita- in the Thermal Stability Test at 75°C (Test 3(c)); that is, the sub-
tion will be used. Note that the terms “detonation,” “explosion,” and stance ignites or explodes, or the substance experiences self-heating
“deflagration” which are used as reaction descriptors for test re- of 3°C or greater; and/or
sponses that may be associated with airblast effects are defined in 4. The solid or liquid substance explodes or detonates in the
Chapter 2. Small-Scale Burning Test 3(d) (i).
(3) Minimum hazardous fragment distance. Note that the mini- (b) An article, packaged article, or a packaged substance is for-
mum hazardous fragment distance (for one item) for Hazard Divi- bidden for transport if:
sions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, as determined by testing, is specified in 100- 1. The Thermal Stability Test for Articles and Packaged Articles
ft units in parentheses preceding the hazard division designation; for (Test 4(a)) (does not apply to packaged substances) results in an
example, Hazard Division (12) 1.2 indicates that the minimum frag- explosion, ignition, generation of colored fumes or odors, tempera-
ment distance is 1200 ft for this item. Also, specification of the ture rise exceeding 3°C experienced, or the outside casing of the
minimum fragment distance is required for all Hazard Division 1.2 package or the outside packaging is damaged; and/or
items. 2. The Steel Tube Drop Test for Liquids (Test 4(b) (i)) results in
(a) For articles that mass detonate (Hazard Division 1.1), the a detonation for a drop of less than 5 m (197 in). If a local reaction
minimum distance for personnel in the open (inhabited building) for occurs for a drop less than 5 m (197 in) then transport in metal
fragment protection will be 381 m (1250 ft) unless another distance packaging is prohibited unless suitability for transport can be
is determined by tests. For operations in which variable numbers of demonstrated.
units* are handled, a graduated distance is permitted when the 3. The Twelve Meter Drop Test for Articles and Solid Sub-
article has been adequately evaluated to determine if the distance for stances (Test 4(b) (ii)) (three drops with separate units) results in a
the minimum hazardous fragment density requirement as given in fire or explosion (rupture of the package is acceptable). (NOTE: A
paragraph 6–3b and in DoD 6055.9–STD (App A, Ref 1) is less substance that fails Tests 3(a) (i), 3(b) (iii), or 3(d) (i) may be re-
than 381m (1250 ft) for the number of units per operation. (See the packaged to pass Test 4(b) (ii) to allow transport; however, sub-
report on FRAGHAZ (App A, Ref 12) in the Method 1 discussion stances that fail Test 3(c) are forbidden for transport regardless of
given in paragraph 6–3d(1)(a)). The results of the fragment analysis packaging.)
will be noted in the test documentation. (2) Hazard Division 1.1.
Note. *A unit is to be one article for unpackaged items such as bombs or one (a) Explosion of total contents (see para 5–7a(4)) in the Single
outer package of articles for items such as fuzes. If an operation involves Package Test 6(a) indicates a candidate for Hazard Division 1.1.
palletized articles, then the unit shall be considered to be a pallet load. (b) If the product is accepted as Hazard Division 1.1 and the
(b) For articles that do not mass detonate but present a fragment minimum hazardous fragment hazard distance does not exceed the
hazard (Hazard Division 1.2), the inhabited building distance is default value of 381m (1250 ft) given in paragraph 6–5a(3)(a)
equated to the minimum hazardous fragment distance as determined above, then testing beyond the Single Package Test 6(a) or the Stack
by Method 2 (para 6–3d(2)) or by alternate test methods given in Test 6(b) is not necessary.
paragraph 6–6b. (c) If the explosion of total contents (see para 5–7b(4)) appears to
(4) Thermal effects. For items that present a mass or moderate occur almost instantaneously in either the Stack Test 6(b) or the
fire hazard (Hazard Division 1.3 and 1.4, respectively), firebrand External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c), then the item is assigned Hazard
throw distances and thermal flux measurements are used to charac- Division 1.1.
terize the hazards and determine the hazard division. (3) Hazard Division 1.2. The item is assigned Hazard Division
(a) The firebrand throw distance for Hazard Division 1.4 may not 1.2 if an explosion reaction (see Glossary) results in one or more of
exceed 15 m (50 ft); otherwise, the item is classified as Hazard the following events:
Division 1.3. (a) Explosion of total contents (see para 5–7b(4)) does not occur
(b) The irradiance for a burning Hazard Division 1.4 item may in either the Stack Test 6(b) or the External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c);
not exceed that of the fire by more than 4 kw/m2(9.55 x 10-2g-cal/ and/or (NOTE: If two or less acceptor packages detonate in a con-
cm2-sec) at a distance of 15 m (50 ft) from the edge of the Test 6(c) fined stack test with four acceptor packages or more, then the
stack for a mass corrected to 100 kg (220 lb) net explosive content packaged article can be hazard classified as Hazard Division 1.2;
(see para 5–7c(4)(c) 3) otherwise, the item is Hazard Division 1.3. otherwise, it is hazard classified as Hazard Division 1.1.)
b. Summary of test criteria and method of assessing results. The (b) Debris from the event perforates any of the three aluminum
requirements summarized and referenced below are minimum for witness plates in Test 6(c); and/or
assignment of articles and materials into the appropriate hazard (c) More than 10 metallic projections, each with mass exceeding
division. Test Series 3 tests are used to determine if a substance is 25 g (385 grains), are thrown more than 50 m (165 ft) from the
forbidden for transport. Test Series 4 tests are used to determine if edge of the Test 6(c) stack; and/or
items with substances that failed Test Series 3 tests or new articles (d) Any metallic projection with mass exceeding 150 g (2300
are forbidden for transport (see note for para 5–1b(3)(b)). Test grains) is thrown more than 15 m (50 ft) from the edge of the Test
Series 6 tests are used to determine whether the item is classified 6(c) stack.
Hazard Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4; Test Series 5 for Hazard (4) Unit risk Hazard Division 1.2. For storage application a spe-
Division 1.5; and Test Series 7 for Hazard Division 1.6. See para- cial category of Hazard Division 1.2, unit risk, has been designated
graph entitled “Criteria and Method of Assessing Results”associated (DoD 6055.9–STD, Chap 9, para C.2.a) (App A, Ref 1). The mini-
with each test in Chapter 5 for more details. mum hazardous fragment distance for this category is determined
(1) Forbidden for transport. using the areal number density criteria given in paragraph 6–3b.

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 65

Ammunition is categorized as Unit Risk Hazard Division 1.2 based the Susan Impact Test 7(c) (i) – or – in the alternate Friability Test
on the following test results: 7(c) (ii) (three trials) the average dp/dt is less than 15 MPa/ms (150
(a) No sympathetic detonation response in the Stack Test 6(b) or bars/ms); and
the 1.6 Article Propagation Test 7(k); and 4. The substance does not explode nor detonate in the EIDS
(b) No response occurs in the External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c) or Bullet Impact Test 7(d) (i) (six trials) – or – in the alternate Friabil-
the 1.6 Article External Fire Test 7(g) which would require that the ity Test 7(d) (ii) (three trials) the average dp/dt is less than 15 MPa/
article be confined to Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3; and ms (150 bars/ms); and
(c) No detonation (or explosion) response in the 1.6 Article Bul- 5. The substance does not detonate nor react violently with a
let Impact Test 7(j); and fragment of mass exceeding 1 g (15 grains) and range more than 15
(d) No reaction more severe than burning (see para 5–8i(4) in the m (50 ft) in the EIDS External Fire Test 7(e); and
1.6 Article Slow Cookoff Test 7(h). 6. The substance does not detonate nor react violently (fragmen-
(5) Hazard Division 1.3. The packaged product is assigned to tation of one or two end caps and fragmentation of the tube into
Hazard Division 1.3 if none of the events which would require the more than three pieces) in the EIDS Slow Cookoff Test 7(f) (three
product to be assigned to hazard Division 1.1 or 1.2 occur and either trials); and
(a) A fireball extends beyond any of the witness screens in the (b) The article is considered a Hazard Division 1.6 article if it
External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c); and/or contains only EIDS and if—
(b) A jet of flame extends more than 3 m (10 ft) from the flames 1. None of the events occur during the 1.6 Article Fire Test 7(g)
of the fire in Test 6(c); and/or which would require the article to be assigned to Hazard Divisions
(c) The irradiance of the burning product exceeds the criteria 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3; and
specified in paragraph 6–5a(4)(b) above; and/or 2. The reaction is no more severe than burning (see para 5–8i(4))
(d) Fiery projections emanating from the product are thrown in the 1.6 Article Slow Cookoff Test 7(h); and
more than 15 m (50 ft) from the edge of the Test 6(c) stack. 3. There is not a detonation (or explosion) response (burning or
(6) Hazard Division 1.4. The packaged product is assigned to deflagration responses are acceptable) in the 1.6 Article Bullet Im-
Hazard Division 1.4 and to a compatibility group other than Com- pact Test 7(j); and
patibility Group S if none of the events occur which would require 4. There is no sympathetic detonation response (see para 5–8k(4))
the product to be assigned to Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 and in the 1.6 Article Propagation Test 7(k).
either— c. Data recording. The substance and ammunition data forms
(a) Any indentation is observed on any of the three screens in the shown by example in Figures 6–7 (DD Form 2738) and 6–8 (DD
External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c); and/or Form 2739), respectively, will be used to record the results of the
(b) A projection, thermal effect or blast effect is observed during hazard classification tests. DD Forms 2738 and 2739 will be repro-
the External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c) which would significantly duced on 8 1/2- by 11-inch paper. DD Forms 2738 and 2739 may
hinder fire-fighting or other emergency response efforts in the im- be electronically generated, provided the content, format, and sequ-
mediate vicinity (5 m (15 ft)) of the package. encing of each electronic version is consistent with the current
(7) Hazard Division 1.4 Compatibility Group S. The packaged approved edition. The electronically generated form will be identi-
product is assigned to Hazard Division 1.4S if— fied by entering “EG”in parentheses, upper case, after the date of
(a) None of the events occur which would require the product to the form, i.e., DD Form 2738, JUL 96 (EG).
be assigned to Hazard Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or to Hazard Division Note. An approved electronic copy of DD Forms 2738 and 2739 may be
1.4 (compatibility group other than Group S) or 1.6N. obtained from the web site:
(b) None of the projections, thermal effects or blast effects ob-
served during the External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c) would sig- 6–6. Alternate tests
nificantly hinder fire-fighting or other emergency response efforts in Alternate tests to be used for assigning hazard classification must be
specifically referenced in the hazard classification data package for
the immediate vicinity (5 m (15 ft)) of the package. review using the administrative procedures provided in Chapter 3.
Note. See paragraph 5–7c(4)(f) for criteria for excluding a product from Note. Optional tests in the UN protocol (App A, Ref 6) are acceptable
Class 1 that has satisfied requirements for Hazard Division 1.4S. alternate tests.
(8) Hazard Division 1.5. A substance is assigned to Hazard Divi- a. Hazard Division 1.1.
sion 1.5 if— (1) As an alternative to conducting the Method 1 test series (para
(a) The substance is not “cap sensitive”(see para 5–6a(4)) in the 6–3d(1)), the Stack Test 6(b) (para 5–7b) may be conducted once
Cap Sensitivity Test 5(a) (three trials); and/or without confinement in order to permit collection of fragment/
(b) A hole is not blown through the witness plate of the DDT airblast data without the attenuating effects of the confinement.
Test 5(b) (ii) (three trials); and/or (2) When the end item will be assigned to Hazard Division 1.1
(c) The substance does not explode (see para 5–6c(4)) in the because of the risk of mass detonation, an iteration of the Stack Test
External Fire Test for Hazard Division 1.5 (Test 5(c)); and/or 6(b) (para 5–7b) may be performed without confinement for frag-
(d) The substance neither ignites and burns (mildly or vigorous- ment hazard analysis in place of the External Fire (Bonfire) Test
ly) nor explodes at any time during five consecutive trials (different 6(c) (para 5–7c). When the fragment hazard will be determined in
samples) of the Princess Incendiary Spark Test 5(d). this manner, and when necessary to assure detonation of the total
(9) Hazard Division 1.6. An article is assigned to Hazard Divi- contents of the stack, individual items will be primed for simultane-
sion 1.6 if it only contains EIDS (extremely insensitive detonating ous detonation.
substances) and responds as indicated to the following substance b. Hazard Division 1.2. The standard method for collecting and
(EIDS) and article (1.6) tests. analyzing the minimum hazardous fragment distances based on the
(a) The substance is considered EIDS if— maximum hazardous fragment throw distances for Hazard Division
Note. EIDS must also pass Test Series 3 so as not to be forbidden for 1.2 is Method 2 using an External Fire (Bonfire) Test 6(c) which is
transport. See paragraph 6–5b(1) above. outlined in paragraph 6–3d(2). Inhabited building distance is
1. The substance does not detonate in the EIDS Cap Test 7(a) equated to the minimum hazardous fragment distance. The follow-
(three trials); and ing alternate test method results in a minimum fragment distance in
2. The substance does not detonate (punch a clean hole through 100-ft increments with a 200-ft minimum fragment distance.
the witness plate) in the EIDS Gap Test 7(b) (three trials) with the (1) Test(s)—Conduct single unconfined Stack Test 6(b) and/or
70 mm (2.76 in) PMMA gap; and single Bonfire Test 6(c) with 360° fragment recovery.
3. The airblast, averaged over ten trials, at 3.05 m (10 ft) does (2) Minimum fragment distance—Determine the maximum haz-
not exceed 27 kPa (3.9 psi) for a 333 m/sec (1093 ft/sec impact in ardous fragment throw distance, round the distance up to the next

66 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

100-ft increment, and define as the minimum hazardous distance (6) Test A–105.001 Cap Test is an acceptable alternate test pro-
(inhabited building distance) for the ammunition item. cedure for hazard classification Test 5(a) (para 5–6a) with pass/fail
c. Hazard Division 1.3. Solid propellant rocket motors for which criteria given in paragraph 5–6a(4) and Test 7(a) (para 5–8a) with
it is impractical to conduct the hazard classification tests given in pass/fail criteria given in paragraph 5–8a(4).
Chapter 5 present special concerns. The following guidance for (7) Test A–111.001 Thermal Stability is an acceptable alternate
alternate testing is provided: test procedure for hazard classification Test 3(c) (para 5–4c) with
(1) The shock sensitivity of the propellants shall be measured at
pass/fail criteria given in paragraph 5–4c(4).
the diameter at which the material maintains a stable detonation (if
at all) up to the web thickness for the rocket propellant or eight e. Hazard assessment tests (MIL–STD–2105B) acceptable for
inches (super large-scale gap test), whichever dimension is less. The hazard classification (App A, Ref 15). The following hazard assess-
methodology is outlined in Figure 6–9. ment tests specified in MIL–STD–2105B are acceptable alternate
(a) Gap Test for Solids and Liquids. Figure 5–7 presents a sche- test procedures (with noted additional requirements) for hazard clas-
matic of the Gap Test 2(a) (iii) with the 5.08 cm (2 in) PMMA gap. sification tests using pass/fail criteria provided in Chapter 5 herein.
This test is employed with variable PMMA gaps to establish a (1) The 40-Foot Drop Test is an acceptable alternate test proce-
stable detonation (if at all). dure for hazard classification Test 4(b) (ii) (para 5–5c with pass/fail
(b) EIDS Gap Test 7(b). Figure 5–26 presents a schematic of the criteria given in paragraph 5–5c(4)).
EIDS Gap Test (with the 70 mm (2.76 in) PMMA gap shown)) (2) The Fast Cookoff Test is an acceptable alternate test proce-
which shall be used with a variable PMMA gap for substances
dure for hazard classification Test 6(c) (para 5–7c) and Test 7(g)
which do not maintain a stable detonation in Test 2(a) (iii) with a
(para 5–8h) with pass/fail criteria given in paragraphs 5–7c(4) and
zero gap.
(c) Super Large-Scale Gap Test (SLSGT). Figure 6–10 presents a 5–8h(4), respectively if—
schematic of the SLSGT (with a variable PMMA gap shown) which (a) Multiple items (three or number to satisfy the volume ”re-
shall be used for substances which do not maintain a stable detona- quirement in paragraph 5–7c(3)(b), whichever is greater) in the
tion in the Test 7(b) with a zero gap. transport/storage configuration are tested;
(d) Criteria. A solid rocket motor using this test protocol with (b) The fire lasts a minimum of 30 minutes (unless disrupted by
propellants that maintain a stable detonation with any PMMA or an item test failure that results in a classification of Hazard Division
zero gap with Test 2(a) (iii), Test 7(b), or the SLSGT (as appropri- 1.1 (para 5–7c(4)(a)); and
ate) is hazard classified Hazard Division 1.1; otherwise, the rocket (c) Witness screens and radiometric measurements required in
motor is a candidate for Hazard Division 1.3. paragraph 5–7c(3)(h) and 5–7c(4)(c) 3, respectively, are used.
(2) Any accident data generated during large motor development Note. Two Fast Cookoff Tests (satisfying criteria specified in para
that documents the propellant response is to be included in the 6–6e(2)(b) and 6–6e(2)(c), above) are acceptable for one hazard classifica-
hazard classification data package. tion Test 6(c) or 7(g) if the item response for each of the tests is a reaction
(3) Solid rocket motors should be tested singly (if transported no more severe than burning as defined in paragraph 5–8h(4). A reaction
singly) in the Bonfire Test 6(c); however, storage configurations more severe than burning in any test would require that a test be conducted
may require that multiple items be tested. with a minimum of three items.
(4) Motor firing data for ignition function is acceptable in lieu of
single package hazard classification testing. (3) The Slow Cookoff Test is an acceptable alternate test proce-
(5) Large rocket motor responses for conditions given in para- dure for hazard classification Test 7(h) (para 5–8i) with pass/fail
graphs 6–6c(2) through 6–6c(4) above that produce airblast and/or criteria given in paragraph 5–8i(4) if—
fragment hazards beyond the Hazard Division 1.3 quantity-distances (a) The test item is in the transport/storage configuration;
given by Table 9–10 in DoD 6055.9–STD (App A, Ref 1) for the (b) The temperature (linear rate of 3.3°C/hour) is controlled
quantity of propellant involved are hazard classified Hazard Divi- within +/- two percent up to 365°C; and
sion 1.1 regardless of the results obtained using paragraph
(c) Fragmentation data are collected.
d. Qualification tests (MIL-STD–1751A) acceptable for hazard (4) The Bullet Impact Test is an acceptable alternate test proce-
classification (App A, Ref 14). The following qualification tests dure for hazard classification Test 7(j) (para 5–8j) with pass/fail
specified in MIL–STD–1751A are acceptable alternate tests for haz- criteria given in paragraph 5–8j(4) if–
ard classification tests using pass/fail criteria provided in Chapter 5 (a) The test item is in the transport/storage configuration;
herein: (b) The firing rate for three 12.7 mm (0.5 in) rounds is 600 +/-
(1) Test A–01.001 Impact Test (Laboratory Scale)—Bureau of 50 rounds/minute (100 ms +/- 9 ms between impact);
Explosives Apparatus is an acceptable alternate test procedure for (c) The test item is secured in a holding device capable of
hazard classification Test 3(a) (i) (para 5–4a) with pass/fail criteria
restraining the item against dislodgement by the projectiles;
given in paragraph 5–4a(4).
(2) Test A–102.001 Friction Sensitivity—ABL Sliding Anvil Test (d) The impacting armor-piercing rounds penetrate the most sen-
is an acceptable alternate test procedure for hazard classification sitive material(s) that are not separated from the main explosive
Test 3(b) (iii) (para 5–4b) with pass/fail criteria given in paragraph charge by barriers or other safety devices;
5–4b(4). (e) The rounds impact within a circular target area of 50 mm (2
(3) Test A–104.001 Large-Scale Gap NOL Method is an accepta- in) diameter without passing through the same hole;
ble alternate test for Gap Test 2(a) (iii) as used for paragraphs (f) The test is conducted three times (different orientations).
6–6c(1)(a) and 7–3a(1).
(5) The Sympathetic Detonation Test is an acceptable alternate
(4) Test A–104.003 Super Large Scale Gap Test is an acceptable
test procedure for Test 6(b) (para 5–7b) and Test 7(k) (para 5–8k)
alternate test procedure for the large solid rocket motor hazard
classification Super Large Scale Gap Test (SLSGT) (para with pass/fail criteria given in paragraphs 5–7b(4) and 5–8k(4),
6–6c(1)(c)) with criteria given in paragraph 6–6c(1)(d)). See Figure respectively if—
6–10. (a) The test items are in the transport/storage configuration;
(5) Test A–104.004 Explosive Shock Sensitivity Test-Expanded (b) The test is conducted three times;
Large Scale Gap Test NSWC Method is an acceptable alternate test (c) One of the three 7(k) tests is conducted without confinement
procedure for hazard classification Test 7(b) (para 5–8b) with pass/ to allow collection of airblast and fragment/debris data. Note: One
fail criteria given in paragraph 5–8b(4) for a 70 mm (2.76 in) of the three 6(b) tests may be conducted without confinement. (See
PMMA gap. paras 6–3d(1) and 6–6a.)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 67

Table 6–1
Hemispherical TNT surface burst--peak pressure and positive impulse
PRESSURE, P (kPa) Equation constants
RANGE,Z (m/kg1/3) A B C D E
0.2-2.9 7.2106 -2.1069 -0.3229 +0.1117 +0.0685
2.9-23.8 7.5938 -3.0523 +0.40977 +0.0261 -0.01267
23.8-198.5 6.0636 -1.4066 0 0 0

PRESSURE, P (psi) Equation constants

RANGE, Z (ft/lb1/3) A B C D E
0.5-7.25 6.9137 -1.4398 -.2815 -0.1416 +0.0685
7.25-60 8.8035 -3.7001 +0.2709 +0.0733 -0.0127
60-500 5.4233 -1.4066 0 0 0

IMPULSE, I (kPa-ms/kg1/3) Equation constants

RANGE, Z (m/kg1/3) A B C D E
0.2-0.96 5.522 +1.117 +0.600 -0.292 -0.087
0.96-2.38 5.465 -0.308 -1.464 +1.362 -0.432
2.38-33.7 5.2749 -0.4677 -0.2499 +0.0588 -0.00554
33.7-158.7 5.9825 -1.062 0 0 0

IMPULSE, I (psi-ms/lb1/3) Equation constants

RANGE, Z (ft/lb1/3) A B C D E
0.5-2.41 2.975 -0.466 +0.963 +0.030 -0.087
2.41-6.0 0.911 +7.260 -7.459 +2.960 -0.432
6.0-85 3.2484 +0.1633 -0.4416 +0.0793 -0.00554
85-400 4.7702 -1.062 0 0 0

Equation Form:
P,I = exp(A+B*(Ln(Z))+C*(Ln(Z))2+D*(Ln(Z))3+E*(Ln(Z))4)
P in kPa, Z in m/kg
P in psi, Z in ft/lb1/3

I in kPa-ms/kg1/3, Z in m/kg1/3
I in psi-ms/lb1/3,Z in ft/lb1/3

68 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 6-1. Idea overpressure vs. time history

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 69


POSITIVE IMPULSE, I (kPa-ms/kg^1/3)




1 10 100


See Paragraph 6-2.f(3).

Figure 6-2. Hemispherical TNT surface burst—peak pressure and positive impulse

TB 700-2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A-1-47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 6-3. Velocity/density arena configuration—method 1

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 71

Figure 6-4. Fragmentation characterization arena—method 1

72 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 6-5. Fragment collection coordinate system—method 1

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 73

Figure 6-6. Fragment recovery areas for tests 6(b) and 6(c)—method 2

74 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Figure 6-9. Solid rocket motor card gap test protocol

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 79

Figure 6-10. Super large-scale gap test configuration

80 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Chapter 7

Interim hazard classification Program Manager, Hazardous Materials Transportation

U.S. Department of Energy
7–1. General
Oakland Operations Office
Interim hazard classifications are assigned for a variety of reasons.
For example, during the course of programs for the acquisition of Oakland, CA 94612–5208
new explosives and ammunition items, explosive substances and
devices must be transported from places where they are manufac- c. For DoD, the names of the persons holding the above listed
tured or assembled to testing facilities. Typically, these shipments positions or their alternate will be provided, through the DDESB
are made at times during the development cycle when hardware and the Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), to the
configurations are subject to frequent significant changes. See para- Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, Materials
graph 1–7 for shipment of laboratory samples. Transportation Bureau, RSPA/DOT, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washing-
a. Quantities of test items sufficient to support STANAG 4123 ton, DC 20590. MTMC will furnish notification that DoD has
(App A, Ref 2) and DoD storage hazard classification tests are placed the names on file at DOT.
normally not available. Furthermore, extensive testing may not be d. For DOE, the names of the persons holding the above listed
economically justifiable to support one or a few shipments of such positions or their alternate will be provided through the Transporta-
developmental configurations. tion Management Division (TMD) EM–261, to the Associate Ad-
ministrator for Hazardous Material Safety, Materials Transportation
b. Consequently, it is frequently necessary to hazard classify ex-
Bureau, RSPA/DOT, 400 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20590,
plosive items on an interim basis with less information than is
on a current basis. TMD will furnish notification that DOE has
usually available regarding production items that are ready for re-
placed the names on file at DOT.
lease into the military inventory. This chapter includes guidance
e. The chiefs of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force
pertaining to responsibilities and procedures for the determination,
offices identified in Appendix A, Reference 3 may, with DDESB
documentation, and administrative control of interim hazard
concurrence, authorize additional persons to grant (by signature)
interim hazard classification approvals, subject to all the conditions
7–2. Authority and procedures of this chapter. At the time of publication these
a. The organization sponsoring development of, or first adopting authorized persons are:
for use, an explosive substance or assembly is responsible for pro-
viding the requisite data to the cognizant interim hazard classifica- (1) U.S. Army.
tion authority for each new interim hazard classification or renewal (a) Chief, System Safety Office.
b. DoD or U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Interim Hazard Chief, System Safety Office
Classification of an ammunition and explosive must be approved U.S. Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering
(by signature) by one of the following persons: Center
(1) U.S. Army. Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806–5000

Chief, Explosives Safety Test Management (b) Chief, Safety Office.

U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety
ATTN: SIOAC–EST Chief, Safety Office
Savanna, IL 61074–9639 U.S. Amy Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Cen-
(2) U.S. Navy. ATTN: SCBRD–ODR–S
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010–5423
Director, Weapons and Explosives Safety Division
ATTN: N71 (c) Chief, Infrastructure Management Division.
Naval Ordnance Center
23 Strauss Avenue Chief, Infrastructure Management Division
Indian Head, MD 20640–5555 U.S. Army Research Laboratory Command
(3) U.S. Air Force. 2800 Powder Mill Road
Adelphi, MD 20783–1145
Air Force Safety Center
ATTN: SEWV (d) Chief, Safety Office.
9700 Avenue G
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117–5670 Chief, Safety Office
U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command
(4) U.S. Department of Energy. ATTN: AMSAM–SF
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898–5130
(a) Director, Occupational Safety and Health Division.
(e) Chief, Safety Office.
Director, Occupational Safety and Health Division
U.S. Department of Energy Chief, Safety Office
Albuquerque Operations Office U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
Albuquerque, NM 97115–5400 ATTN: CSSD–TC–WS
P.O. Box 1500
(b) Program Manager, Hazardous Materials Transportation. Huntsville, AL 35807–3801

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 81

response is obtained with a standard detonator; otherwise, the sub-
stance may be interim hazard classified as Hazard Division 1.3.
(2) U.S Navy. b. Interim hazard classification (which must include an appropri-
(a) Indian Head Division. ate compatibility group) may be issued for a period up to one year.
Extension beyond one year will require a request from the origina-
Indian Head Division tor, with justification, for renewal by the issuing organization. In-
Naval Surface Warfare Center terim hazard classifications need not be submitted to DOT for filing.
ATTN: Code 041B c. Any change in packaging or explosive components in an item
101 Strauss Ave. will require reexamination of the item by the cognizant interim
hazard classification authority listed in this chapter in order to ascer-
Indian Head, MD 20640–5035
tain the need for revision of the interim hazard classification.
d. Interim hazard classifications are not recognized for interna-
(b) Program Management Office.
tional shipments by commercial carrier. When international ship-
ment by commercial carrier is necessary for ammunition and
Program Management Office explosives without final DoD hazard classifications, a DOT Classifi-
Strategic Systems Programs Detachment cation of Explosives with EX number assignment is required. (See
P.O. Box 157 para 3–1b). Interim hazard classifications and justifications for inter-
Magna, UT 84044–0157 national shipment, required in conjunction with a request for a DOT
Classification of Explosives with EX number assignment, may be
(3) U.S. Air Force. issued for a period of up to two years.
(a) HQ Ogden Air Logistics Center. e. Any incident involving loss of contents of the package must be
reported to the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials
HQ Ogden Air Logistics Center Regulations, DOT; the Chairman, DDESB, or the DOE, Director,
ATTN: LIWOS (Chief, Explosives Safety Team) TMD; and the authority granting the interim as listed in 7–2b.
6043 Elm Lane (Bldg 1246 f. The interim hazard classification procedures apply only to DoD
Hill AFB, UT 84056–5819 agencies and DoD contractors, or to DOE and DOE contractors,
(b) Chief, Systems Safety.
7–4. Documentation
a. The following data, as applicable, will be provided as a part of
Chief, Systems Safety the interim hazard classification request:
Air Force Development Test Center (1) Item nomenclature.
ATTN: AFDTC/SES (2) Part numbers.
Eglin AFB, FL 43542–6817 (a) Prime Contractor.
(b) Vendor.
f. The names of persons to whom approval authority is delegated (3) National stock number.*
will be provided to the Associate Administrator for Hazardous (4) System the item is associated with.
Materials Regulation (DOT) and to the Department of Defense Ex- (5) Next higher assembly item is used with.
plosives Safety Board (DDESB–KT), on a current basis. Acknowl-
(6) Size of unpackaged item.
edgement from MTMC that DoD has placed the names on file with
(7) Weight of unpackaged item.
DOT is required.
(8) Explosive compositions.
g. The approval authority for DOE interim hazard classifications
may not be delegated. Interim hazard classifications must be signed (9) Net explosive weight.
by one of the persons designated in paragraph 7–2b (4) or their (10) Physical description of item.
alternates. (11) Functional description of item.
(12) Packaging data.
7–3. Limitations (13) Description of fuze safety features.
a. Interim hazard classifications assigned to substances must be Note. *Unique contractor part numbers or product codes are allowed for
supported by results from Series 3 tests (para 5–4). In order to interim hazard classifications.
obtain an interim Hazard Division 1.3 classification then the follow- b. A central file will be maintained by each organization to
ing two tests also need to be conducted: which interim hazard classification authority is delegated. The docu-
Note. Use format given by example in Figure 6–7 to report results. mentation of each hazard classification will be kept in a manner
(1) Test 2(a) (iii)—Use Gap Test for Solids and Liquids (para permitting rapid retrieval for as long as shipments or storage of the
5–3a) with a 14 cm (5.5 in) tube (and sample) length and a 9.5 mm configuration may be necessary. A copy of the hazard classification
(3/8 in) thick witness plate. The substance is interim hazard classi- will be expeditiously furnished, upon receipt of a proper request, to
fied as Hazard Division 1.1 if a positive (+) response is obtained any organization required to store or transport an item that has been
with a PMMA gap greater than or equal to 17.78 mm (0.7000 in -70 assigned an interim hazard classification.
cards); otherwise, the substance may be interim hazard classified as c. A copy of each DoD interim hazard classification must be
Hazard Division 1.3. The U.S. Army Armament Research, Develop- provided to the Chairman, DDESB. A copy of each DOE interim
ment and Engineering Center (ARDEC) Solid Propellant Shock Ini- hazard classification must be provided to the Director, TMD and to
tiation Sensitivity Test (App A, Ref 16) is an acceptable alternate the Chairman, DOE Explosive Safety Committee.
test for solid gun propellants. A solid gun propellant is interim d. A copy of the applicable DoD or DOE interim hazard classifi-
classified as Hazard Division 1.1 if the reaction front propagates cation approval must be carried aboard each vehicle used to trans-
steadily with a PMMA gap greater than or equal to 7.6 mm (0.3 in) port ammunition and explosives covered by this chapter.
with the ARDEC test; if the reaction front velocity is decaying, then e. For DOE, shipments by cargo aircraft may only be transported
the solid gun propellant may be interim classified as Hazard Divi- by an air carrier authorized by an exemption to carry explosives.
sion 1.3. The air carrier, exemption held by the carrier, and type of explosive
(2) Test 5(a)—Cap Sensitivity Test (para 5–6a). The substance is to be carried, must be identified to and approved in writing by the
interim hazard classified as Hazard Division 1.1 if a positive (+) Office of Hazardous Materials Exemptions and Approvals prior to

82 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

each shipment, or be authorized by provision of an authorized DOT forwarded to the Director, U.S. Army Technical Center for Explo-
exemption. sives Safety, ATTN: SIOAC–EST, Savanna, IL 61074–9639. A
review of the information will be performed to determine accepta-
bility of the entry and for compliance with the procedures in this
Chapter 8 c. The Director, U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives
Joint hazard classification system Safety, will be responsible for distribution of the JHCS printouts to
DODCs, world-wide distribution of the quarterly printed JHCS mi-
8–1. Introduction crofiche, inputting data into the JHCS, and maintaining the JHCS to
This chapter provides information and procedures concerning hazard include the on-line service.
classification data in the Joint Hazard Classification System (JHCS),
hereinafter referred to as the JHCS.
Table 8–1
8–2. Background Joint Hazard Classification System control record
a. The JHCS is a data base containing hazard classification and Posi- Acronym Data Entry Field Spaces
safety data for explosive items, ammunition and ammunition related tion
items (i.e., items containing some Class 1 material) of the DODCs.
0 TC (TRANS CD) (A) 1
The information contained in the JHCS is necessary for safe storage 1 DOD–COMP (A) 1
and transportation. The JHCS was established to promote consis- 2 TRI–SVC–COORD (Y) 1
tency among DoD hazard classification actions, to eliminate dupli- 3 NSN (1305013480192) 13
cation and conflict among component hazard classification 4 ITEM–NOMEN (CARTRIDGE, 25MM, 48
assignments, and to provide a single source document of authorita- APFSDS–T, M919)
tive and controlled hazard classification data for the entire DoD. 5 DODIC (A986) 4
b. The JHCS contains the following data elements for DoD ex- 6 IBD (04) 2
7 DOD–HCD (1.2) 3
plosive items, ammunition and ammunition-related items:
8 CG (C) 1
(1) DODC code — this code indicates which component is the 9 HAZ–SYM–CD () 2
proponent of an item’s hazard classification. 10 UN–SER–NO (0328) 4
(2) Tri-Service coordination code — this code indicates whether 11 EX–REG (9502042) 11
or not Tri-Service coordination has been completed. 12 HIGH–EXPL–WT (0.0046) 7
(3) Item nomenclature. 13 NET –PROPEL–WT (0.2095) 7
(4) Department of Defense identification code (DODIC), Locally 14 NET–EXPL–WT (0.2141) 7
15 NET–EXPLO–WGT–QD (0.2141) 7
Assigned Ammunition Reporting Code (LARC), or Navy Ammuni- 16 PART–OR–DWG–1 (9391187) 16
tion Logistic Code (NALC). 17 PART–OR–DWG–2 (12938117) 16
(5) National Stock Number (NSN). 18 PART–OR–DWG–3 (12929427) 16
(6) DOD hazard division transportation and storage Compatibility 19 PSN (CARTRIDGES FOR 150
(7) United Nations (UN) Serial Number. PROJECTILE)
(8) Department of Transportation (DOT) hazard class (pre- 20 TECH– NAME () 50
(9) DOT marking (with supplementary expansion ) (pre–1991). d. The JHCS will be distributed on microfiche on a quarterly
(10) DOT label (pre–1991). basis. The fiche is available for unlimited distribution. Anyone de-
(11) Hazard symbol. siring a copy of the microfiche and/or placement on automatic
(12) High explosive weight (HEW) (in units of pounds and distribution for the fiche should send a request to: Director, U.S.
kilograms). Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety, ATTN:
(13) Net propellant weight (NPW) (in units of pounds and SIOAC–ESM, Savanna, IL 61074–9639 (DSN 585–8710 or Com-
kilograms). mercial (815) 273–8710).
(14) Net explosive weight (NEW) — the total of all Class 1 e. The JHCS is available through an on-line format. Contact the
material used for transportation purposes (in units of pounds and same address and telephone numbers in the previous paragraph to
kilograms). request access (password and login/ID) and procedures. Contact
(15) Net explosive weight for Q–D (NEWQD) — that combina- may be also made by electronic mail at
tion of explosive weight and propellant weight used to determine the The JHCS may also be accessed on the Hazard Classification Home
explosive weight used for quantity-distance purposes (in units of Page at
pounds and kilograms). 8–4. Department of Transportation (DOT) changes
(16) Part number and/or drawing number. a. In 1991 the DOT adopted into federal law a different system
c. The above data will be sorted in the following sequences for for hazard classification of dangerous goods. The new system is
output purposes: essentially that which is used by United Nations for the transporta-
(1) NSN. tion of dangerous goods. The total phase-in period for the new
(2) Federal Stock Class (FSC)/ DODIC/National Item Identifica- system is ten years. The 49 CFR (App A, Ref 3) has more detailed
tion Number (NIIN). information regarding the different phase-in periods for specific
(3) Part number (drawing number)/NSN. situations and should be consulted as the authoritative source. The
(4) Alphabetical listing by Item Nomenclature. JHCS will continue to have the old DOT information for the entire
phase-in period of ten years.
8–3. Responsibilities and procedures b. For new items added to the JHCS after April 1991, there will
a. A JHCS control record will be generated for any addition, be no DOT (old system) information added.
deletion or change to the JHCS. A sample of the data base record is c. For those items added after April 1991, the DOT hazard class
provided in Table 8–1. Each DODC is responsible for completing for Class 1 items will be the DoD Hazard Division Compatibility
the record with the appropriate data elements for the desired addi- Group. Any parenthetical values appearing in the DoD hazard class
tions, deletions and changes to the JHCS. will not be included in the DOT hazard class. For those items where
b. All completed control records for revising the JHCS will be the DoD Hazard Division Compatibility Group is other than Class 1

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 83

(i.e., Class 2–9), the DOT class will consist only of the DoD Hazard
Division. No Compatibility Group for Class 2–9 will be included in
the DOT hazard class; whereas, it will be for DoD.
d. For those items entered in the JHCS after April 1991, the DOT
label for Class 1 items will be the word “Explosive” followed by the
DOT hazard class (i.e., 1.2C). For Class 2–9 consult 49 CFR (App
A, Ref 3).
e. For those items entered after April 1991, the DOT container
marking for Class 1 items will consist of the Proper Shipping Name
(as defined by the UN Serial Number), the UN Serial Number, and
the NSN or part number. The NSN or part number may be used
only if it is directly traceable to a DOT assigned registration number
(i.e., “EX” number). All of these data elements are in the JHCS.

8–5. Completion of control record for JHCS revision

a. Each element allows sufficient space for hazard classification
data. There are a total of 20 available data entries for each item
entered into the JHCS.
b. Each data element and the available codes that are incorpo-
rated on the record are provided in Table 8–2.

84 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Table 8–2
JHCS control record data elements

0 Transaction Code (TC), Definition: A code that identifies 1A Enter a code which describes the transaction being repor-
the effect that input will have on the automated file. ted as follows:

A—Add. Establish a record for an item.

C—Change. Change selective data elements already
established for an NSN.
D—Delete. Delete an established record for an NSN.
Each control record for deletion must contain data in field
positions 1, 2, and 3 and a D in position.

1 DOD Component(DOD—COMP). Definition: A code 1A Enter one of the following:

that designates which Service is the proponent of the A—Army
item’s hazard classification. F—Air Force

2 Tri-Service Coordination TRI–SVC–COORD) Definition: 1A Enter one of the following:

A code that indicates whether Tri-Service agreement Y—Yes
has been reached on the hazard classification. N—No
X—Yes, by Panel in Jul 89
T—Not new
O or P—Yes, to establish the same NSN a maximum
of three times to record variable data related to the number
of boxes and/or different manufacturers in shipments of
certain material.

3 National Stock Number (NSN) Definition: A number 16AN Enter 13 numerals as defined:
composed of a four-digit Federal Supply Classification Example: 1337–00–269–5030
and a nine-digit National Item Identification Number
4 Item Nomenclature (ITEM–NOMEN) Definition: A de- 48AN Enter description of the item up to 48 characters long.
scription consisting of a noun phrase or modifier and Example: IGNITER ROCKET MOTOR Leave unused, trail-
identifying the make, model, size, etc., of the item. ing positions of the field blank.

5 Department of Defense Identification Code ((DODIC) 4AN Enter a four digit alphanumeric identification, as assigned,
Definition: A code assigned to a generic description of otherwise, leave blank. Examples: V835; VY80; VY80.
an item of supply in Federal Stock Group 13 (Ammuni-
tion and Explosives) and Federal Stock Group 14
(Guided Missiles). A locally Assigned Ammunition
Reporting Code (LARC) for the Air Force or a Navy
Ammunition Logistic Code (NALC) may be used.

6 Inhabited Building Distance (IBD) Definition: The mini- 2N Enter two numerals to report the inhabited building dis-
mum separating distance hundreds of feet) for specified tance for the item in hundreds of feet; otherwise, leave
levels of protection of inhabited buildings and personnel blank. Sample entries:
in the open from hazardous fragments or firebrands 04=400 feet
produced by ammunition and explosives items as deter- 12=1,200 feet
mined by tests in accordance with the Technical Bulle-
tin. It will appear within parentheses.

7 DoD Hazard Division (DOD–HCD) Definition: The haz- 3AN Enter a numeral for the DoD hazard class, a period (.), and
ard division designator denotes both the hazard class a numeral for the DoD (hazard) division for the item.
and division for the material. The hazard class is a
designator to denote that the material is explosive, Available classes: HD
compressed gas, flammable gas, flammable liquid or Explosive: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,
solid, oxidizing substances, poisonous (toxic), radioac- 1.6
tive, corrosive, or miscellaneous hazardous material. Compressed Gas: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
The (hazard) division is a designator assigned to de- Flammable Liquid: 3
note the character and predominance of the associated Flammable Solids: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
hazards and the potential for causing personnel casual- Oxidizing Substance: 5.1, 5.2
ties or property damage. Poisonous (toxic): 6.1, 6.2
Radioactive material: 7
Corrosive: 8
Miscellaneous Hazards: 9
Non-Regulated N.R
Sample entry: 1.2

Note. All HD 1.2 items must have an IBD (field position 6) fil-
led in or the control record will be rejected.

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 85

Table 8–2
JHCS control record data elements—Continued

8 Compatibility Group (CG) Definition: In view of transpor- 1AN Enter one of the following:
tation and storage principles, the grouping of ammuni- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, N, S
tion and explosives is usually obvious from the descrip-
tion of the item. See Chapter 4 of the publication. All
classes will include CG.

9 Hazard Symbol Code (HAZ–SYM–CD) Definition: A 2A Enter one or a maximum of two letters. See Table 8–5 for
pseudo-code used to identify specific hazard symbols hazard symbol codes.
required for storage.

10 United Nations Serial Number (UN–SER–NO) Defini- 4N Enter four numerals assigned for domestic and interna-
tion: The identification of a hazardous material assigned tional identification of the item. The HD (field position 7)
by the United Nation’s regulatory authorities. and SCG (field position 8) must be in agreement with the
UN number selected. If not, the data record will be re-
jected. For Non-regulated items, use all zeros, i.e., 0000.
Example: 0314

11 Department of Transportation (DOT) EX Registration 11AN Enter the seven digit and possibly letter(s) that are re-
Number (DOT–EX–REG–NO) and suffix(es) ceived from DOT when the DoD places an item on file with
the DOT as required per 49 CFR 173.56.

Example: 8709021 or 9112123AB

12 High Explosive Weight (HIGH–EXPL–WT) Definition: 7AN Enter six or less numerals and a floating decimal point to
The total weight of explosives (Hazard Division 1.1 ma- express the total weight in pounds as defined. The com-
terial) in the item. puter will right justify this field, leaving preceding, unused
positions blank. Enter actual Class 1 material weight for
Non-Class 1 and non-regulated items.


1/8 lb ( 0.125)
145–3/4 l ( 145.75)
3000 lb ( 3000)

13 Net Propellant Weight (NET–PROPEL–WT) Definition: 7AN Enter six or less numerals and a floating decimal point to
The total weight of propellant (Hazard Division 1.3 ma- express the weight in pounds as defined. The computer
terial) in the item. will right justify this field. Refer to examples above. Enter
actual Class 1 material weight for Non-Class 1 and non-
regulated items.

14 Net Explosive Weight (NET–EXPL–WT) Definition: The 7AN The computer will do summation. Non-Class 1 items will
total weight of all Class 1 material in an item. It has to use the sum of the High Explosive Weight and the Net Pro-
equal the sum of the High Explosive Weight and the pellant Weight. Non-regulated items will use 0.0.
Net Propellant Weight.

15 Net Explosive Weight for Q–D 7AN Enter six or less numerals and floating decimal point to ex-
(NET–EXPLO–WGT–QD) Definition: The net explosive press the weight (in pounds), that will be used for quantity
weight, the net propellant weight, or a combination of distance computation.
the two, for a single item according to paragraph 4–9d
of the publication.
Note. The Net Explosive Weight will be used for transportation
purposes; this value is for storage. Non-Class 1 and non-regu-
lated items will use 0.0.

16 Part Number or Drawing Number (PART–OR–DWG–1) 16AN Enter the manufacturer’s part number or the drawing num-
ber of the main assembly for the item. Left justify this field
leaving left unused positions blank and include pertinent
dash or dashes. Example:
(HC–01A90081–005 )
(7400592 )
(75–1–71& )
(812503–133 )

17 Part Number or Drawing Number (PART–OR–DWG–2) 16AN Use this field only if field position 19 has been used. Enter
the manufacturer’s part number or the drawing number of
the main packaging drawing for the item. Left justify this
field leaving left unused positions blank and include perti-
nent dash or dashes. See examples in position #16. If not
needed, leave blank.

86 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Table 8–2
JHCS control record data elements—Continued

18 Part Number or Drawing Number (PART–OR–DWG–3) 16AN Use if needed. Instructions same as for field positions 16
and 17.

19 Proper Shipping Name (PSN) Definition: A description 150AN Enter Proper Shipping Name from 49 CFR 172.101 up to
specified by DOT in 49 CFR 172.101 to identify hazard- 150 characters long. Leave unused, trailing positions
ous material. blank.

20 Technical Name (TECH–NAME) Definition: Recognized 50AN Enter technical name(s) up to 50 characters long. Leave
chemical name required by 49 CFR 172 for "N.O.S." unused, trailing positions blank.

Note: Obsolete entries (below denoted by asterisks (*)) will be available in the JHCS for those items entered prior to April 1991. Those items
entered in the JHC after April 1991 will not have this information filled in. See paragraph 8–4 for further information.

I* Department of Transportation Label (DOT–LABEL–1) 1AN Data elements I, II and III are obsolete and no longer re-
Definition: The coded definition of the label that must be quired for changes made after April 1991. See paragraph
applied to the shipping container(s) for a hazardous 8–4 for these items. For those items entered into the JHCS
material. prior to April 1991, the following would apply. Enter one
number or letter to identify the first label to be affixed to the
container(s) for the item. (See Table 8–3 for DOT label
codes.) Example: I (for DOT label of Explosive A item).

II* Department of Transportation Label (DOT–LABEL–2) 1AN Enter one number or letter to identify the second label to
Definition: The coded identification of the second label be affixed to the container(s). If not needed then leave
that must be applied to the shipping container(s) for a blank. See Table 8–3 for DOT label codes. (See para 8–4
hazardous material. for additional DOT information.)

III* Department of Transportation Label Code (DOT– 1A If an entry has been made in field position II above, enter
LABEL–3) Definition: The coded identification of the herein the third label to be affixed to container(s).If not
third label that must be applied to the shipping contain- needed then leave blank. See Table 8–3 for DOT label
er(s) for a hazardous material. codes. (See para 8–4 for additional DOT information.)

IV* Department of Transportation Class Code 1AN Enter number or letter. See Table 8–5 for DOT class code.
(DOT–CLASS) Definition: A code that identifies the This data element is also obsolete. After April 1991, for
class of hazardous materials assigned to the item for Class 1 items, the DOT class is the HD (field position 7)
transportation purposes. and CG (field position 8). For Class 2–9 items, the DOT
class is the HD in field position 7. See para 8–4 for addi-
tional DOT information. The entries made before April
1991 will have DOT class code data elements.

V* Department of Transportation Exemption 1N Enter one of the following numerals to express the exemp-
(DOT–EXEMPT) Definition: The identification of the tion:
part of the 49 CFR under which the item is exempt from 1—Exempt under part 173.55 (pre-1991 49 CFR)
DOT regulations. Definition: The numeric identification 2—Exempt under part 173.260 (pre-1991 49 CFR)
of a combination of classes of explosives. Enter the numeral 3, as required to identify the combina-
tion of classes of explosives portrayed in Table 8–6. This
data element is also obsolete, but will be available for en-
tries made prior to April 1991.

VI* Department of Transportation Marking (DOT–MK) Defi- 2A Enter two letters to designate the proper DOT marking to
nition: Required marking that must be used on the out- be placed on the shipping container(s) for the item. See
side of shipping containers in accordance with 49 CFR Table 8–6 for DOT marking. (This data element is also ob-
173. solete. After April 1991, the container marking will consist
of the proper shipping name, UN serial number, and NSN.
The proper shipping name is defined by the UN serial num-
ber assigned in position 10, above. (See para 8–4 for more
DOT information.)

VII* Department of Transportation Marking Expansion 2N Relative to the marking entry infield position VI above,
(DOT–MK–EX) Definition: Additional information re- enter the following additional coding:
quired to be placed on the outside of shipping contain-
ers to further identify items for transportation purposes. 01—(Proof)
02—(White Phosphorous)
03—(Black Powder)
04—(W/Ethylene Oxide)
05—(W/Titanium Tetrachloride)
08—(Sodium Chlorate w/Percussion Caps)
09—(Dibenz (1, 4) Oxazepine) (CR)
10—(W/explosive cartridge)

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 87

Table 8–3
Department of Transportation (DOT) label codes

I Explosive A
J Explosive B
F Explosive C
W Corrosive
R Flammable Liquid
X Flammable Solid
T Irritant
G Non-flammable Gas
M Magnetized Material
Y Oxidizer
1 Poison Gas
2 Poison
3 No label required
4 Flammable liquid, Non-flammable Gas, and Poison Gas
5 Explosive and Poison Gas
6 Flammable Solid and Poison
7 Flammable Liquid and Poison
8 Oxidizer and Poison
9 Explosive A or Explosive C

Table 8–4
Hazard symbol codes

F G (Army only) G-type Nerve Agent

G VX (Army only) VX Nerve Agent
H H (Army only) Mustard Agent
I L (Army only) Lewisite
J BZ (Army only) Agent BZ
A Full protective clothing (Red) Set 1
B Full protective clothing (Yellow) Set 2
C Full protective clothing (White) Set 3
D Wear breathing apparatus
E Apply no water
For Air Force Users: Items coded with an "E" show that the "Apply no Water"
symbol may or may not require posting of the symbol depending on quantity be-
ing stored and/or amount of water available in event of a fire. Air Force person-
nel refer to Air Force Regulation 92–1 and consult with local fire chief to deter-
mine the applicability of using the symbol for each location.

Table 8–5
Department of Transportation (DOT) class codes

I Class A Explosive
J Class B Explosive
F Class C Explosive
W Corrosive Material
R Flammable Liquid
X Flammable Solid
T Irritating Solid
G Non-flammable Gas
Y Oxidizer
S Poison A
P Poison B
3 Class A Explosive or C Explosive

88 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Table 8–6
Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping description codes

AB AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectile

AC AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/ GAS PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with gas projectile

AD AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/ILLUMINATING PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with illuminating projectile

AF AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/INERT LOADED PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with inert projectile

AG AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/SMOKE PROJECTILES, Ammunition for cannon with smoke projectile

AH AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/SOLID PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with solid projectile

AI AMMUNITION FOR CANNON W/O PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon without projectile

AK AMMUNITION FOR SMALL ARMS W/EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILES Ammunition for small arms with explosive projectile


AN (QTY) BLASTING CAPS—HANDLE CAREFULLY Blasting caps (show actual number)


















BN FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. Flammable liquid, n.o.s.

BO FLAMMABLE SOLID, N.O.S. Flammable solid, n.o.s.


BS HAND GRENADES Grenade, hand, explosive








TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 89

Table 8–6
Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping description codes—Continued


CK PROPELLANT EXPLOSIVES (SOLID) CLASS B Propellant explosive, solid


CP RIFLE GRENADES Grenade, rifle explosive

CQ ROCKET AMMUNITION W/EMPTY PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with empty projectile

CR ROCKET AMMUNITION W/EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with explosive projectile

CS ROCKET AMMUNITION W/ILLUMINATING PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with illuminating projectile

CT ROCKET AMMUNITION W/GAS PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with gas projectile

CU ROCKET AMMUNITION W/INCENDIARY PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with incendiary projectile

CV ROCKET AMMUNITION W/INERT LOADED PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with inert loaded projectile

CW ROCKET AMMUNITION W/SMOKE PROJECTILES Rocket ammunition with smoke projectile

CX ROCKET AMMUNITION WITH SOLID PROJECTILE Rocket ammunition with solid projectile

CZ SAFETY FUSE Safety fuse or fuse, safety



DC SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Small arms ammunition

DD SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION IRRITATING (TEAR GAS) Small arms ammunition, irritating cartridge







DS CHLOROACETOPHENONE, SOLID (CN) Chloroacetophenone, solid (CN)

DU CHLOROACETOPHENONE, LIQUID (CN) Chloroacetophenone, liquid

DX GRENADE, TEAR GAS Grenade, tear gas

DZ PHOSPHORUS, WHITE, DRY Phosphorus, white, dry






EN AMMUNITION FOR SMALL ARMS W/INCENDIARY PROJECTILES Ammunition for small arms with incendiary projectile



ET EXPLOSIVE TORPEDO Explosive torpedo

90 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

Table 8–6
Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping description codes—Continued

EW CARTRIDGES, PRACTICE AMMUNITION Cartridge, practice ammunition




FC FLEXIBLE LINEAR SHAPED CHARGE, METAL CLAD—HANDLE Flexible linear shaped charge, metal clad

FD ELECTROLYTE (ACID) BATTERY FLUID Electrolyte battery fluid


FF SUPPLEMENTARY CHARGE (EXPLOSIVE)—HANDLE Supplementary charge (explosive)


XA OXIDIZING MATERIAL, N.O.S. Oxidizing material, n.o.s.



XD ACCUMULATOR, HYDRAULIC Hydraulic accumulator or Accumulator, hydraulic










XS POISONOUS GAS, N.O.S. Poisonous gas, n.o.s.

XT IGNITER FUSE—METAL CLAD Igniter fuse, metal clad





XW AMMUNITION FOR CANNON WITH EMPTY PROJECTILES Ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles

XX AMMUNITION, NON-EXPLOSIVE Ammunition, non-explosive

Note. "Ammunition, non-explosive" is technically not a DOT

marking and containers need not be marked as such for trans-
portation purposes. If containers are presently marked "Ammu-
nition, non-explosive," they need not be remarked.





YB NITROGEN TETROXIDE LIQUID Nitrogen tetroxide, liquid

YD ETHYLENE OXIDE Ethylene oxide

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 91

Table 8–6
Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping description codes—Continued

YE EXPLOSIVE RIVETS Explosive rivets

YF ELECTROLYTE (ACID), BATTERY FLUID (NOT OVER 47% ACID) Electrolyte, battery fluid


YN IRRITATING AGENT, N.O.S. Irritating agent, n.o.s.

YI CHEMICAL AMMUNITION, NON-EXPLOSIVE (CONTAINING ANIR- Chemical ammunition, non-explosive (containing an irritat-
RITATING MATERIAL) ing material)

YJ BATTERY, ELECTRIC STORAGE, WET, FILLED WITH ALKALI Battery, electric storage, wet, filled with alkali

YK BATTERY, ELECTRIC STORAGE, WET, FILLED WITH ACID Battery, electric storage, wet, filled with acid


YP TEAR GAS DEVICE Tear gas device


Note. For Class A


Note. For Class C

92 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

REFERENCES related publications

1. Department of Defense Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards, DoD 6055.9-STD, (latest
revision). Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
19111. Phone: 215-697-2667; FAX 215-697-1462.

2. NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4123, Methods to Determine and Classify the
Hazards of Military Ammunition and Explosives, (latest revision). Defense Printing Service Detach-
ment Office, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111. Phone: 215-697-2667; FAX: 215-697-

3. Code of Federal Regulations, Transportation, Title 49, Parts 100 to 177, (latest revision. Superin-
tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Phone: 202-512-1800.

4. Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, ST/SG/AC.10/1/latest revision. United

Nations Publication, New York, New York 10017; Phone: (212) 963-8302.

5. Code of Federal Regulations, Protection of Environment, Title 40, Parts 260 to 299 (latest
revision). Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Phone:

6. Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Tests and Criteria, ST/SG/AC.10/11/

latest revision. United Nations Publication, New York, New York 10017; Phone: 212-963-8302.

7. Ribovich, J., Watson, R. W. and Gibson, F. C., Instrumented Card Gap Test, AIAA Journal, Vol 6,
No. 7, pp. 1260-1263, 1968. Linda Hall Library, 5109 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO 64110-2498;
Phone: 800-662-1545; FAX 816-926-8785.

8. ASME B16.11-1991, "Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded," American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, New York, NY (latest revision); Phone: 212-705-7800.

9. ASTM D56-87, "Standard Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester," American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA (latest revision) Phone: 215-299-5400.

10. Giglio-Tos, L. and Linnebrink, T., "Air Blast Pressure Measurement Systems and Techniques,"
Minutes, 15th DDESB Seminar, pgs 1359-1402, September 1973 (AD 755-660). Defense Technical
Information Center, Fort Belvoir, VA; Phone: 800-225-3842.

11. Kingery, C. N. and Bulmash, G., "Airblast Parameters from TNT Spherical Air Burst and Hemi-
spherical Surface Burst," ARBRL-TR-02555, April 1984 (AD B082713). Defense Technical Informa-
tion Center, Fort Belvoir, VA; Phone: 800-225-3842.

12. McCleskey, F., "Quantity-Distance Fragment Hazard Computer Program (FRAGHAZ)," NSWC

TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998 93

TR 87-59, February 1988. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, 17320 Dahlgren Road,
Technical Library, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5000; Phone: 540-653-8351; FAX 540-653-7165.

13. Hay, J. C. and Watson, R. W., "Scaling Studies of Thermal Radiation Flux from Burning
Propellants," Minutes, 25th DDESB Seminar, Volume IV, pp. 233-268, August 1992. (AD A26116)
Defense Technical Information Center, Fort Belvoir, VA; Phone: 800-225-3842.

14. MIL-STD-1751, Military Standard, Safety and Performance Tests for the Qualification of Explo-
sives (High Explosives, Propellants, and Pyrotechnics) (latest revision). Defense Printing Service
Detachment Office, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111; Phone: 215-697-2667.

15. MIL-STD-2105, Military Standard, Hazard Assessment Tests for Non-Nuclear Munitions (latest
revision). Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
19111; Phone: 215-697-2667.

16. Lu, Pai, AARDEC Solid Gun Propellant Shock Initiation Sensitivity Test," Minutes 26th DDESB
Seminar, August 1994. CD-ROM, Defense Technical Information Center, Fort Belvoir, VA; Phone:

94 TB 700–2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/TO 11A–1–47/DLAR 8220.1 • 5 January 1998

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