Name:Jayash Singh Roll No:1311000924 course:MCA Subject Code and Nmae:1020 C Programming Semester:ist
Name:Jayash Singh Roll No:1311000924 course:MCA Subject Code and Nmae:1020 C Programming Semester:ist
Name:Jayash Singh Roll No:1311000924 course:MCA Subject Code and Nmae:1020 C Programming Semester:ist
Ques 1:-Explain the history of C language. What are the advantages of C language Ans:-c is general purpose, structure programming language.its instruction consist of terms the that resemble algebraic expressions, augmented by certain english keywords such as if, else, for, do and while. c was the offering of basics combined programming language called B, developed in 1960's at combridge university.B language was modified by dennise ritchieand wase implemented at Bell laboratories in 1972. since it was developed along with the unix operating system it is strongly with associated with unix . this operating systemwhich wae also developed at bell loboratories,was coded almost entirely in c.
2. Explain the basic structure of a c program 3.write the simple structure. 4.contruct and use of the concept of constant and integers.
Ans:-c supports a rich operators an operator is symbol that tell the computer to perform certain mathmatical or logical manipulation. operator or used in programs to manipulates data and variable they useually from a part of mathmatical or logical expressions. c operator can be classified into a number of categories.they include: 1.Arithmatics operator. 2.Unary operator 3.Relational operators 4.Logical operator. 5.conditional operator
1.Arithmatics operator:-the basics operator for performing arithmatics are the same in many computer languages: +addition.
the operator can be used in two ways: to substract two number (as in a-b), or to negate on number(as in -a+b or a+-b).
the modulus operator % gives you the reminder when two integers are divides:1 % 2 is 1;7%43.
additon operator you might be wondering about is exponentiation. some language have an exponentiation but c doesn't.
multiplication division and modulus all have higher precedence than addition and substraction the terms "predence" refers to how "tightly" operator to bind to their operands.
2.Unary operator:-A unary operator acts upon a single operand a new value.
Unary Minus:-the most known as unary operator is minus, where a minus sign precedes a constant variable expression . in c , all numerics constants are positive.therefore a negative number is actually a positive constant preceded by a uniary minus, for example: -3
3.Relational and Logical operator:-the relational operators such as <,<=,>,and >= are in fact operator just like +,-,* ,and /. the relational operators take two values ,look at them and "return" a values of 1or 0 depending on whether the tested relation was true or false. the complete set of relational operator in c is: < less than. <=less than or equal >greater than >=greater than or equal == equal != not equal
for example, 1<2is true (1),3>4 is false(0),5==is true (1),and 6!=6is false(0).
Ans:-Typecasting:-c performs type conversions automatically. however there are instance when we want to force a type conversion in a way to different from the automatic conversion .consider for example the calculation of ratio of doctor to engineer in a town.
Ratio=doctor_number /engineer_number
since doctor_number and engineer and engineer are declared as integers in program the decimal part of the result of the division would be lost and ratio would represent a wrong feature. this problem can be solved by converting locally one of the variables to floating point as shown below:
ratio=(float)doctor_number /engineer_nuber.
the operator (float) convert the doctor_number to floating point for the purpose of the expression.the floating point mode, thus retaining the fractional part of the result . note that in way does in operator (float) affect the value variable doctor_number.
the process of such local conversion is know n as casting a value the general form of cast is:
where type-name is one standard c data types. the expression may be constant, variable or an expression.
x=(int) 8.5 integer by truncation 21/4 and the result would be 5. A=(int)21.3/(int)4.5 and the result would be 5. B=(double)sum/n floating point mode. y=(int)(a+b) converted to integer.
8.5 is converted to evaluated as evaluated as 21/4 division is done in the result of a+b is
main() { /* program to find average two integers */ float avg int n=2,n1,n2; printf("enter any two numbers\n"); scanf("%d%d",&n1,n2); avg=(n1+n2)/(float)n; printf("their average is \n",avg"); }
Ans:-do while:- The do while situation where we need to execute the body of the loop before the test is performed. therefore the body of the loop may not be executed at all if condition is not satisfied at the very first attempt.where loop makes a testof condition before the body of the loop is executed.
for above reason while loop is called an entry controlled loop and do....while loop is called exit- controlled loop.
//program to print multiplication table main() int rowmax=10,colmax=10,row,col,x; printf("mul;tiplication table \n"); printf("........................"); row=1; do { col=1; do { x=row*col; printf("%4d",x); col=col+1; } while(col<=colmax); printf("\n");; row=row+1;
while(row<=rowmax); printf("...../n");
The while loop:-loop generally consists of two parts:one or more controle expression which control execuation of the loop and the body which is the statement or set of the statement which is executed over and over
the most basic loop in c is the while loop . a while loop has one control expression is true here before executing the body of the loop, the condition is tested. therefore it is called an entry controlled loop.
x=x*2; }
mani() { int num,large,n,i; clrscr(); printf("%d",&n); large=0; i=0; while(i<n) { printf("\n enter number"); scanf("%d",&num); i++; } printf("\n large=%d",large); }
Ques 5:-What is recursion? State two conditions for a recursive procedure. Write a program to find factorial of a given positive integer using recursion.
Ans:-Recursion:-recursion is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly until some specified condition has been meet . the process is used for repeatitive computation in which each action is stated in term of previouse result.
/*calculate and display the factorial*/ printf("n!=%ld\n",fact(n)); } long int fact(int n) { if(n==0) return(1); else return(n*fact(n-1)); }