An Overview of Geosynthetics Koerner
An Overview of Geosynthetics Koerner
An Overview of Geosynthetics Koerner
Robert M. Koerner
Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, PA 19033-1208 (e-mail:
The origin of homogeneous punched and drawn polymer products was with Netlon Ltd. of Blackburn, England;
first with geonets and then with geogrids. In this regard, the company (now Tensar International Ltd.) and its many
personnel (particularly Dr. Brian Mercer), should be sincerely congratulated. This congratulatory comment extends
not only for product manufacturing, but also for many new engineering applications and specific designs that were
generated as well.
Two other categories of geogrids were developed in this same time period (the late 1970s and early 1980s) of
very different compositions. One such category used about 200 high tenacity polyester filaments and contained them
within a polypropylene or polyethylene sheath. They were then fabricated into a grid structure by melt bonding the
overlapping sheaths together. This general concept was then extended to weaving and knitting PET yarns into a grid
configuration and then coating the structure with bitumen, latex, or PVC. The purpose of the coating is to provide
dimensional stability and some protection against installation damage to the fine denier filaments. The other geogrid
category developed around this time used PET packaging straps (about 1.0 cm wide) in a grid configuration and then
ultrasonically welded them together with the aid of a steel screen placed within the intersections. Subsequent
development with ultrasonic and lazer welding allowed for the elimination of the steel screen within the intersections.
Figure 1 shows the current situation of the three major categories of geogrid structures that are currently available.
It should be recognized that there is considerable competition among geogrid manufacturers in each of the three
categories mentioned; see Table 1 for the approximate status at this point in time. There it is seen that the coated
woven or knit yarn geogrids are, by far, the category with the most manufacturers.
(a) Homogenous (punched & drawn) (b) Coated woven or knit yarns (c) Welded straps or bars
Figure 1. The three major categories of geogrids
Table 1. Major geogrid manufacturers by category
Coated Woven or Knit Yarns
Straps or Bars
Netlon (now Tensar)
Permathene (Etsong)
ICI (Linear Comp.)
Mirafi (TC Nicolon)
Webtec (Hanes)
TechFab India
7 in Korea and 9 in Taiwan
Signode (dep.)
A further classification that can be made for all three categories of geogrids can be made on the basis of
application in that there are biaxial (or bidirectional) and uniaxial (or unidirectional) types available; see Fig. 2. The
biaxial types are used where the major principal stress direction is not known, as with pavements and foundation
applications. (A recently introduced TriAx type of geogrid is also in this classification). The uniaxial types are used
when the major principal stress is known, as in wall and slope applications.
(a) Biaxial (and triaxial) (b) Uniaxial
Figure 2. Classification of geogrids by application
A word of caution is perhaps appropriate with respect to the field usage of uniaxial geogrids in that the installer must
clearly recognize the directionality of the major principal stress and orient the geogrid accordingly. Figure 3
illustrates that this was unfortunately not the case for the homogeneous punched and drawn geogrid in Fig. 3(a) and
for the coated PET yarn geogrid in Fig. 3(b).
(a) Wrong geogrid orientation and very (b) Wrong geogrid orientation even with proper
difficult to even accomplish product labelling
Figure 3. Improper placement of uniaxial geogrids in retaining wall applications
Of the myriad uses of geogrids that have been and continue to be generated, a grouping can be made on the basis
of use by various industry sectors as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Some major uses of geogrids by industry sector
paved roads (pavement and base courses)
unpaved roads
railroads (ballast and base courses)
subgrade reinforcement
landfill vertical expansions
landfill lateral expansions
landfill veneer reinforcement
3-D foundation mattresses
walls and large berms
slopes and embankments
basal foundation reinforcement
encapsulation of stone columns
mattresses over soft soils
earth and earth/rock dams
canal side slope reinforcement
reservoir foundation reinforcement
erosion control mattresses
lifeline stress reduction
In order to illustrate some of the more important applications eight have been arbitrarily selected:
Aggregate base course reinforcement
While the first use of geosynthetics to provide for base course reinforcement used geotextiles on the subgrade
soils surface, geogrids were found to be competitive and particularly useful in their embedment within the base
course itself. The interlocking mechanism of appropriate sized stone aggregate with the geogrids apertures was
investigated by Sarsby (1985). Furthermore, a design method was also developed by Giroud, et al. (1985). In these
situations, not only soft foundation soils but firm foundation soils as well have proven to be cost effective insofar as
aggregate savings are concerned. Clearly, this 25-year old application exemplifies a sustainable situation many
years before the current use of the term. Figure 4 illustrates the situation for both highway and railroad applications.
(a) Highways (b) Railroads
Figure 4. Aggregate base course reinforcement
Microgrids for soil stabilization
In the paper by Mercer, et al. (1985) in the inaugural conference on geogrids the year prior, microgrids were
proposed for soil stabilization. Figure 5 shows the general situation along with an illustration of the improvement in
soil shear strength, after Gregory and Chill (1998), and some aspects of mixing microgrids with the soil to be
stabilized. This application is complimentary with the use of continuous and discrete fibers which are also used in soil
stabilization, as well as crack retardation in bituminous pavements and concrete floor slabs.
Figure 5. Microgrids used for soil reinforcement
Mechanical connections to wall facings
The issue of connecting different types of primary reinforcement geogrids to retaining wall facings has been
somewhat controversial but is a moot point when it comes to a mechanical connection rather than a frictional one.
Two such connection systems are shown in Fig. 6. They use either a plastic keeper inserted into a masonry block
groove or placed over an upset ridge in welded wire facing (for a green wall facing) and take advantage of high
mechanical junction strength between the transverse and longitudinal ribs. Such mechanical connections provide
fixity which eliminates potential reinforcement slippage during the service life of the wall.
(a) Mesa wall block and connection system (b) SierraScape for welded wire wall facing
Figure 6. Mechanical connections to wall facings
Three dimensional mattresses for foundation reinforcement
For those uniaxial geogrids with full junction strength, the possibility exists to interlace them together and then
connect adjacent units to one another with a vertically inserted polymer rod or bodkin. Figure 7 shows the general
configuration wherein the mattress that is formed is approximately 1.0 m high; see Edgar (1985) and Paul (1985). It is
then filled with gravel and eventually forms a foundation support system used to support embankments and even
landfills as illustrated, Floss (ca. 1990).
Figure 7. Three dimensional mattresses for foundation support system and used at a landfill in
Hasham, Bavaria, Germany
Piggybacking of vertical landfill expansions
There are thousands of old or abandoned solid waste landfills that have no, or inadequate, base liner systems. At
many of these sites there exists a need to place additional solid waste. The idea arose to place a liner system above the
existing landfill as shown in Fig. 8 with the proposed waste above it. While total settlement of the existing solid waste
can be accommodated by adequate curvature, differential settlement is quite another matter. Originally proposed for a
site in Long Island, New York, a geogrid beneath the liner system would provide the necessary support. Design-wise,
Terzaghis 1925 arching theory for tunnel stresses in deep soil was utilized by Giroud, et al. (1988). In it the vertical
stress on the geogrid reaches a constant value as the overburden becomes large. Even further, there is no longer an
effect from surcharge loadings. This can be seen in the relevant equations that follow.
[ ]
0.5H/R 0.5H/R
ave z
qe e 1 R 2
+ = (1)
is the vertical stress on the structure or reinforcement layer,
is the average unit weight of material
above the settlement area, R is the radius of differential settlement zone, H is the total height above the settlement
area, and q is the surcharge loading placed at the ground surface.
Note that for large values of H (typically this amounts to H 6R) the formula reduces to the following value of
constant vertical stress. This then allows for the required tensile stress in the geogrid to be calculated accordingly,
Koerner (2005).
= 2
R, and (2)
R = 2
Also, T
= T
/ RFs
Where T
is the as-manufactured geogrids ultimate strength, is the strain criteria, RFs are the site specific
and product specific reduction factors and finally the factor-of-safety (FS) is calculated as follows:
FS = T
Figure 8. Piggybacking of vertical landfill expansions
Veneer reinforcement
Relatively thin layers of soil placed on slopes have a tendency to slide downward particularly if a geomembrane is
located within the cross section. This is clearly the case with solid waste landfills; both for the final cover above the
waste mass and the leachate collection layer below the waste until waste is placed in the facility. See Fig. 9 for both
Figure 9. Landfill cover and leachate collection reinforcement scenarios (aka, veneer reinforcement) along with
improper and proper placement of soil cover.
Also shown in Fig. 9 is a bulldozer pushing soil down the slope (what not to do) and one pushing soil up the slope (the
correct placement orientation). The photographs illustrate a uniaxial geogrid placed on the geomembrane which will
act as veneer reinforcement thereby increasing the factor-of-safety considerably. Koerner and Soong (1998) illustrate
how the FS-value varies in this situation using a standard example, then variations decreasing and increasing the
value. The benefit arising from inclusion of geogrid reinforcement is apparent; see Table 3.
Table 3. Summary of numeric examples given in Koerner and Soong (1998) for various slope stability scenarios
Situation or condition Control
Scenarios decreasing
Scenarios increasing
1 standard example* 1.25
2a equipment up-slope 1.24
2b equipment down-slope 1.03
3 seepage forces 0.93
4 seismic forces 0.94
5 toe (buttress) berm 1.35-1.40
6 tapered cover soil 1.57
7 intentional veneer
(using geogrids )
8 nonintentational veneer
(using other geosynthetics)
varies; but
not recommended!
*30 m long slope at a slope angle of 18.4 deg. with sandy cover soil of 18.4 kN/m
dry unit weight, with = 30 deg.
and thickness 300 mm placed on an underlying geomembrane with a friction angle = 22 deg.
Large walls at landfills with exposed face
The construction of large engineered walls at landfills to provide for increase volume for solid waste placement is
an existing technology for a quite new application. As seen in Figure 10, the wall facing is exposed although
vegetation growth is a help insofar as the lifetime of the biaxial geogrid facing is concerned. Interestingly, wall
designers completely discount the steel grid insofar as its lifetime is concerned and instead rely on the polymer
geogrid in this regard. As also seen in Figure 10 is that research is ongoing insofar as lifetime prediction using
laboratory weatherometers. The data indicates greater than 80% strength retained which, at an approximate
correlation factor of 1000 light hours in ASTM D7238 at 70C, is equivalent to more than 20 years in a hot, dry
climate like west Texas, USA.
Tensar's PP XMD GG Data at 70C
0 10000 20000 30000
Light Hours Exposure
Tensar's PP XMD GG
Data at 70C
Figure 10. Large engineering berms for increased airspace at landfills
Bridge abutments with footing surcharges
The design and construction of bridge abutments and wing walls using geogrid reinforcement is certainly within
the state-of-the-practice at this point in time. What is an advance, however, is to have the superstructure load being
imposed on a shallow footing thereby applying a large surcharge load to the abutment wall. Figure 11 shows details
of this innovative project which is presently being monitored for its performance, see Abu-Hejleh, et al. (2002).
Figure 11. Bridge abutments with footing surcharge using geogrid reinforcement
It is the Authors belief that proprietary specifications by individual companies have served the geosynthetics
industry (particularly the geogrid industry) quite well in bringing us to the current situation. An approximate
worldwide estimate is that geogrid usage is about 100M m
and at a cost of about $2.50/m
. This represents about
$250M per year. It is estimated to be about 6.7% of the total geosynthetics market. In order to markedly increase this
activity in the next 25-years some geosynthetic materials groups have implemented generic specifications; notably
geomembranes, geotextiles, geosynthetic clay liners, and geopipe. The Author believes that such generic
specifications would beneficially serve the geogrid industry similarly.
To accomplish generic specifications for geogrids one must first identify the critical test properties from a
manufacturing quality control (MQC) perspective. Table 4 is offered in this regard for both uniaxial and biaxial
Table 4. Various control test methods (necessary to craft a generic specification)
Method Biaxial Uniaxial
1. Tensile strength
2. Junction efficiency
3. Torsional rigidity
4. Pullout resistance
5. Interface shear
6. Aperture size
7. Ultraviolet stability
8. Oven aging
9. Carbon black
10. Molecular weight
11. Carboxyl end group
at 1, 2, 3 % elongation
all resins
at failure
all resins
The above listed test methods are all standardized by ASTM, ISO, or GRI and are readily accessible. Of course, the
devil is in the details insofar as numeric values are concerned, but the Geosynthetic Institute has (unsuccessfully)
attempted to craft such specifications. Table 5(a) for biaxial geogrids and Table 5(b) for uniaxial geogrids have both
been through numerous iterations but with robust objections by usually more than one manufacturer. Thus, at this
point in time they are offered as draft specifications but be assured that the designer community is highly desirous of
such generic specifications for geogrids.
Table 5(a). Suggested standard specification for biaxial geogrids in permanent reinforcement applications
(e..g, pavements and foundation bases)
Property Test
(ASTM or
Units Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Test
Tensile Strength @
D6637 kN/m 4.0 5.0 3.5 4.0 2.5 4.5 MARV
Tensile Strength @
D6637 kN/m 8.0 9.0 5.0 7.5 4.0 6.5 MARV
Tensile Strength @
D6637 kN/m 17.0 19.0 10.0 16.0 8.0 13.0 MARV
Ultimate Tensile
D6637 kN/m 25.0 29.0 16.0 26.0 11.0 17.0 MARV
Pullout Interaction
D6706 n/a 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 yearly
Direct Shear
D5321 deg 30 30 30 30 30 30 yearly
Aperture Size - mm 15-75 15-75 15-75 15-75 15-75 15-75 yearly
Torsional Rigidity GG9 mm-kg/deg 60 30 15 yearly
Oven Aging (90 days)
Carbon Black (range)
UV Stability (500 hrs.)
Mol. Weight (min.)
CEG (max.)
PE and PP
PE and PP
all polymers
75% retained
0.5 to 3.0%
70% retained
25,000 gm/mol
30 m mol/kg
Notes: Class 1 most severe conditions
MD machine, or roll, direction Class 2 intermediate
XMD cross machine, or cross roll, direction Class 3 least severe conditions
n/a not applicable, i.e., dimensionless MARV minimum average roll value
(1) Test conditions are using well-graded concrete sand at optimum moisture control and 95% density under 50 kPa
normal pressure.
Table 5(b). Suggested standard specification for uniaxial geogrids in permanent reinforcement applications
(e.g., reinforced walls and steep soil slopes)
(1) -To determine the comparable ultimate tensile strength per ASTM D6637 for each category, these allowable
strengths should be multiplied by the product of the appropriate reduction factors as given in the table (unless less
conservative values can be justified).
(2) -Still higher strength geogrids are generally available from manufacturers on a product-specific basis.
(3) -Test conditions are using well-graded concrete sand at optimum moisture control and 95% density under 50 kPa
normal pressure.
(4) - These default values are to be used unless manufacturer has product-specific and/or site-specific data justifying
lower values.
n/a = Not applicable
The growth and use of geogrids in the 25-years since the original conference has been nothing short of
spectacular. This statement applies not only to the manufacturing of the products themselves but equally as much to
the innovative geogrid application areas; of which eight topics were offered in this paper. Applications, of course,
require a geogrid design methodology which has been offered by geogrid manufacturers in stark contrast to other
types of geosynthetics.
The next 25-years are, of course, conjecture. To continue as is, however, is often not the best company philosophy
since complacency is an ever-present danger. This paper has offered a somewhat daring change in that generic
specifications could open up an even more meaningful geogrid market penetration than the past spurred by
engineering designers many of which feel constrained by proprietary specifications. Such a shift in strategy among
geogrid manufacturers is indeed unsettling but should have the effect of growing the market considerably. In so
doing, individual consultants could have their own in-house geogrid champion and not be limited by a sole-product
Of course, time will tell in this regard and whatever is the decision going forward, the Geosynthetic Institute is
willing to participate in every way possible.
Abu-Hejleh, N., Zornberg, J.G. & Wang, T. (2002). Monitored displacements of unique geosynthetic reinforced soil
bridge abutments. Geosynthetics International, 9 (1), 71-95.
Edgar, S. (1985). The use of high tensile polymer grid mattress on the Musselburgh and Portobello bypass.
Proceedings of Conference on Polymer Grid Reinforcement, Thomas Telford Ltd., Publisher, London, 103-111.
Floss, R. ca. 1990. personal communication.
Giroud, J.-P., Bonaparte, R., Beech, J. F. & Gross, B. A. (1988). Load carrying capacity of a soil layer supported by a
geosynthetic over a void. International Geotechnical Symposium on Theory and Practice of Earth Reinforcement,
Fukuoka, Balkema, Rotterdam, 185-190.
Giroud, J.-P., Ah-Line, C. & Bonparte, R. (1985). Design of unpaved roads and trafficked areas with geogirds.
Proceedings of Conference on Polymer Grid Reinforcement, Thomas Telford Ltd., Publisher, London, 116-127.
Gregory, G. H. & Chill, D. S. (1998). Stabilization of earth slopes with fiber reinforcement, Proceedings 6th
International Conference on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, IFAI Published, 1073-1078.
Koerner, R. M. (2005). Designing With Geosynthetics, 5th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey, 796 pgs.
Koerner, R.M. & Soong, T-Y. (1998). Analysis and design of veneer cover soils. Proceedings Sixth International
Conference on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, IFAI, 1-26.
Mercer, F.B., Andrawes, K. Z., McGown, A. & Hytiris, N. (1985). A new method of soil stabilization. Proceedings
of Polymer Grid Reinforcement Conference, Thomas Telford, London, 244-249.
Paul, J. (1985). Economics and construction of blast embankment using tensar geogrids. Proceedings of Polymer
Grid Reinforcement Conference, Thomas Telford, London, 191-197.
Sarsby, R. W. (1985). The influence of aperture size/particle size on the efficiency of grid reinforcment. Proceedings
of the 2nd Canadian Symposium on Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Edmonton, Geotechnical Society of
Edmonton, 7-12.
Terazhi, K. (1925). Erdbaumechanik Auf Bodenphysikalischer Grundlage, Franz Deuticke Publ., Leipzig, 399 pgs.