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Operations Management

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Operations Management

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Introduction to Operations Management

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: The Historical Evolution of Operations Management Systems View of Operations Management Communications in Operations Management Manufacturing Operations versus Service Operations

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Introduction to Operations Management

automobiles, steel, electronic and other manufacturing sectors have to overcome the threat to their marketshare posed by foreign companies. The need for operations managers to reduce manufacturing costs, optimize productivity and improve product quality in order to stay in the market, has become imperative. Many organizations now recognize the importance of automation, optimization of scheduling and a proper inventory management system, and are incorporating total quality management and total quality control in their operations. Table 1.1 lists some of the decisions and activities of a typical operations manager. The business environment for corporate organizations is becoming increasingly challenging. In India, firms have to deal with several bottlenecks such as outdated technology, underdeveloped infrastructure, inappropriate payment systems and ineffective scheduling and control systems, which have hampered their progress. The opening up of the Indian economy to global competition has increased the level of competition that domestic companies have to face. Domestic companies operating in Today the ordinary customer has become more sophisticated and demanding, and expects more variety, lower costs and better quality. Customers therefore drive demand and the industry has to meet this demand. Interfirm rivalry and competition have also increased manifold. In line with these changes, organizations are replacing production-driven systems involving mass production, by market-driven systems to enable them to corner market share. This scenario has increased the importance of operations management in an organization, as it is directly responsible for the final product. As a result, operations

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management is gaining more significance and has become a key discipline in management science. Until recently, the field of operations management field was considered relevant only to the manufacturing sector. But with the increasing influence of service industries, the scope of operations management has widened. This chapter presents an overview of operations management. Operations management can be defined as the management of direct resources (machine, material, and manpower), which are required to produce goods and services. It involves planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and coordinating all the activities of production systems, which convert resource inputs into products or services. Operations management, as a whole, deals with the design of products and processes, acquisition of resources, transformation of resource inputs into outputs, and distribution of goods and services.

Table 1.1.1: Decisions and Activities of Operations Managers

Plan product and service mix Location and capacity planning Decide upon production methods to use for each

Centralize or decentralize



Decide upon functions, products, or

Plan acquisitions of equipment Decide on the number of shifts and work hours Generate a master schedule of what products to

hybrid organization structure activity

Establish work center assignments Assign responsibility for every Arrange supplier and subcontractor

make and when Organize changes by incorporating new processes and procedures Controlling Encourage pride in performing as expected Compare costs to budget Compare actual labor hours to standards Inspect the quality levels Compare work progress to schedule Compare inventory level to targets Motivating
Provide challenges through leadership examples,


Establish maintenance policies

Establish provisions of union


Establish personnel policies Establish employment contracts Issue job assignments and


Coordinate through use of common

Video 1.1.1: Operations Management

specific objectives, and goals intangibles

forecasts and master schedules

Encourage through praise, recognition, and other Motivate through tangible reward system Motivate employees by job enrichment and

Observe actual performance and

recommend needed improvement

Report, inform and communicate Co-ordinate purchases, deliveries,

giving challenging assignments

design changes, and maintenance activities Respond to customer inquiries about status of orders

Training and Developing Personnel

Guide by informing correct work methods Encourage employees to seek perfection in their

tasks Give more challenging job assignments Support employees in training programs

Source: James B.Dilworth, Operations Management: Design, Planning and Controls for Manufacturing and Services (McGraw Hill, 1992). Source: feature=player_detailpage&v=LeeTy3YaMu0

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The evolution of modern operations management can be traced back to the beginning of the eighteenth century when Adam Smith recognized the importance of division of labor. In his book The Wealth of Nations, he advocated the division of jobs into sub-tasks, and the assigning of workers to tasks based on their individual skills and capabilities, in order to improve productivity. This concept was adopted by Frederick W. Taylor in his book The Principles of Scientific Management, a landmark in the field of operations management. Some of the milestones in the field of operations management are listed in Table 1.1.2. Till the early 1970's, the term Production Management was used, but the enlargement of the field, with the inclusion of purchasing, despatch and other allied activities, and the growing influence of the service sector, advocated the need for a more general title. As a result, "Production Management" was replaced by a more general term Operations Management, which incorporated both production and service-related concepts and procedures. Scientific Management F .W .Taylor, in his book The Principles of Scientific Management, introduced the concept of scientific management. According to this concept, scientific rules governed the productivity of a worker, and it is the prerogative of the management to study and apply these rules in their operations. Taylor proposed a systematic approach called the shop system and implemented it in Midvale Steel Works to improve labor efficiency. A few key concepts are listed below: 1. ! Each worker should be assigned a task based on his skill, strength, and ability to learn. 2. ! Standard output time is set for each task, using stopwatch studies. This should be used to plan and schedule future tasks.

3. ! Instruction cards, routing sequences, and material specifications are used for coordinating the activities in a shop, and work methods and work flow should be standardized. 4. ! Proper supervision by carefully selected and trained supervisors. 5. ! Incentive pay systems to motivate workers. Moving Assembly Line In 1911, Henry Ford applied the principles of scientific management to a moving assembly line for the manufacture of the Model T Ford automobile by employing standardized product designs, mechanized assembly lines, specialized labor and interchangeable parts in production units. Ford was thus able to reduce the production time for a car chassis from twelve-and-a-half hours to only ninety minutes. This was the first instance of the successful implementation of scientific management principles. This application of principles of scientific management increased the popularity across the globe. Hawthorne Studies Until the late 1920s, the developments in operations management only emphasized planning and control of materials and machines, and not on human dimensions. In 1927, a research team from the Harvard Business School under the supervision of Elton Mayo, undertook a study at Western Electric's Hawthorne plant in Chicago. The initial illumination studies tried to examine the relationship between light intensity on the shop floor and employee productivity. It was found that there was an increase in productivity whenever the intensity of light was increased. But to the teams surprise, the same thing happened when they reduced the intensity of light. These observations led the team to assume that it was not the light or other physical conditions, but the attention and

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importance the workers received during the study, which was responsible for their increased productivity. This study initiated wide-ranging research into the behavior of the worker in the work environment. The result was a sea change in the way managements treated their workforce. From then on, managements, irrespective of their field of operation, found ways to motivate employees with monetary or other intangible benefits like recognition, etc. Operations Research During the World War II, many countries faced complex problems in logistics control and weapon systems design and manufacture. The massive deployment of manpower, supplies, planes, ships and other resources created the need to find the most efficient way to utilize these resources. For this purpose, the United States and many European nations formed operations research teams in most of their military branches. These teams developed mathematical techniques to assist in taking appropriate decisions over complex logistical situations.
Table 1.1.3: Examples of Manufacturing and Service System Manufacturing System (e.g. Television) Inputs Equipment, labor, parts, etc. Conversion Assembling, Producing parts Process Output Television set Feedback Defect rates, andCustomer response Service System (e.g. Banking) Inputs Clerks, equipment, cash, etc. Conversion Monetary transactions Process Output Loans, and deposits Feedback Interest earned, and deposits received

At the end of the World War II, the successful operations research techniques were incorporated into the decision making processes of many business organizations. A SYSTEMS VIEW OF OPERATIONS An operation system is responsible for the conversion of resource inputs into desired products and services. The system consists of five basic sub-elements namely resource inputs, transformation, output, control subsystem and feedback. In each phase, value is added to the raw material, and when the value addition is optimum, the final product emerges. In order for the product to be competitive, it should be better than the competitors product in terms of quality and cost, and should be delivered on time. A systems view allows operations managers to see the complete process from concept design to final product output. An operations management system contains resource input, transformation process, output, control subsystem and feedback. Table 1.1.3 provides examples of a manufacturing system (television) and a service system (bank). Figure 1.1.1 illustrates the different subsystems and their relationships. Resource Input This refers to any physical or nonphysical resource coming into an organization. Physical resources include labor, materials, equipment, etc and non physical resources include information, human knowledge, skills and intelligence. Transformation Process The conversion or transformation process includes procedures, rules and guidelines employed to convert physical and nonphysical inputs into goods and services through value addition. This conversion can be physical (manufacturing), exchange (retailing), location (transportation), physiological

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(hospitals), or informational (telecommunications, educational services).

Figure 1.1.1: The Operations Management System

the plan and helps in control, whereas positive feedback motivates the organization to improve productivity.

COMMUNICATION IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Proper information flow is the key to any effective management function. The operations manager should always be in a position to interact with other departments for the smooth functioning of the organization. Communication is of two types: internal and external. Internal communication refers to the interaction within the organization. External communication refers to the interaction with individuals outside the organization. Internal Communications To run smooth and efficient operations, departments in an organization are dependent on each other. In view of this fact, the operations manager should have open channels of communication with other departmental entities. Proper communication promotes coordination, reduces machine idle time, manpower wastages and minimizes lead time in implementing plans. Accounting Proper coordination with the accounting department allows the operations manager to keep a tab on operational expenses. In addition accounting provides many auditing functions that assist in inventory control and purchasing decisions. Marketing The marketing department acts as a point of contact with consumers. It provides information regarding customer requirements and preferences, and customer responses to products or services. This information assists the operations manager in deciding the quantity, quality and other specifications of the product or service to be produced.




Control Subsystem Source: Sang M Lee. and Merc J. Schniendrjans, Operation Management (Houghton Mifflin Company, First Indian Edition, 1997)11.

Output The output subsystem is the outcome of a conversion process. It could be a tangible product such as a television or an intangible product such as education. Control Subsystem The control subsystem is incorporated into the input, transformation and output subsystem to monitor the system. Control subsystems ensure the system's integrity, and prevents it form taking any deviations from planned objectives. Feedback Feedback is the communication link between different elements of an operations system. Feedback provides the management with vital information which enables it to take remedial measures in case of any deviation from the desired results. It also allows the management to optimize the total systems operation. Negative feedback provides information about deviations from

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Finance The finance department is responsible for investment planning and expenditure. Proper coordination is the key to the timely receipt and approval of funds needed for production. The finance department is also responsible for evaluating and approving technical investment alternatives put forward by the operations manager. Personnel Proper communication between the operations and personnel departments ensures the recruitment of competent and skilled manpower. External Communication Having communication channels with external entities such as the government, competitors and customers is as important as internal communication. Information gathered from such interaction influences the decision making process. Customers Customers are the key to any organizations well being, and operations managers value the feedback given by customers very highly. This feedback offers many constructive suggestions with regard to the quality, functionality and performance of the product or service. Competitors Operations managers get vital clues from information about their competitors products and procedures. Based on the acquired information, operation managers can benchmark their products and procedures against their competitors to enhance their companys productivity. Suppliers

Suppliers provide the bulk of the inputs into the operations management system and can directly influence many aspects of the product, such as quality and price. In addition, suppliers provide information on new processes, techniques, materials and products. Government The government formulates laws, rules and regulations which influence the plans and decisions of operations managers. Operations manager have to be aware of and follow government rules and guidelines e.g. safety guidelines, environmental norms, etc. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS VERSUS SERVICE OPERATIONS Manufacturing and service operations require distinct management skills and tools because of their inherent differences. These differences are summarized below: Manufacturing operations result in tangible output while service operations result in intangibles like transactions, deeds, performances, experiences, etc. Occasionally this classification may be blurred as in the case of a service organization like a restaurant, where the final product combines elements which are both tangible and intangible. Briefly, a manufacturing organization can be defined as an organization where the production process involves less labor and more equipment, customer involvement in the conversion process is negligible or nil, and output is a tangible product which is consumed over a period of time. A service organization can be defined as one in which the process of production is more labor intensive, consumer interaction in the conversion process is high, and the output, in general, is an intangible product which is consumed immediately.

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Manufacturing organizations, in general, are involved in mass production with few variations, whereas service organizations customize products based on the requirements and preferences of individual customers. Manufacturing organizations can produce products based on the anticipation of demand which is not feasible for service organizations. Products of manufacturing organizations face competition in different markets whereas competition in the service organizations is limited to the geographical area in which the service organization is operating. Manufacturing organizations can measure the quality of the product through inspection and other auditing techniques, whereas the quality of service can only be measured through customers response or industry standards.

Question 1 of 10
Which company first adopted the concept of scientific management in the assembly line production system?

A. General Electric B. Ford Motors C. General Motors D. Westing House

Check Answer

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Section 2

Case Study: Crisis at Strocem RMC: Significance of Operations

This case study was written by Syed Abdul Samad under the guidance of Dr. V . Srinivas, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally,

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It was 10.30 AM when Rajesh Pawar reached the Civil Engineering Society, IIT Delhi the venue for a seminar on Corrosion of Reinforcement in HVFA Concrete. After the seminar, when the participants were discussing in groups, he spotted Deepak Kumar among the participants. Rajesh and Deepak had been classmates in the engineering college. Later both of them did their M.Tech in different universities and had joined the industry. Deepak had joined a well known construction company as a structural engineer, while Rajesh took up an additional 6 month diploma course in operations management before joining the industry. He joined a Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) manufacturing company as an operations manager. Rajeshs company was an industry leader with many manufacturing plants in various locations all over the country. Deepak had worked for the construction company for 2 years and then sensing the boom in the construction industry and the rising demand for RMC by the builders in the city he established a RMC plant located on the outskirts of the city. However, Deepak was currently going through a bad phase in his business. After the initial greetings, they decided to catch up at the coffee shop after the days activities. Later in the evening they met at the coffee shop.


Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. What is Operations Management (OM)? Explain the purpose and significance of OM in an organisation. Referring to the case study, bring out the differences between the production systems and operations of products and services. What is the difference between OM, Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) and Industrial Engineering (IE)? Rajesh lists out the tasks of an operations manager in a manufacturing firm. Similarly list out the tasks of an operations manager in an airline industry? How can services form an important part of operations in any firm? How can an operations manager help Strocem RMC in the short- and long-run? Referring to the case study, discuss the historical developments in the field of OM. List the current issues that an operations manager needs to take care of apart from those mentioned in the case study?



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Strategy in Operations Management

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Operations Strategy as a Competitive Weapon Strategic Planning for Production and Operations Process and Content of Operations Strategy Strategic Planning Models Productivity and Quality International Challenges in Production and Operations Management Financial and Economic Analysis in Operations

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Strategy in Operations Management

An organization that wants to succeed in a competitive business environment needs a sound strategy. A strategy is a broad, long-term plan, conceived in order to achieve business objectives. Strategies are developed at three levels: the corporate level, the business level and the functional level. In this chapter, we look at functional strategies, and, in particular, strategic decisions concerning the operations function. Many operations decisions are developed in compliance with business objectives, and with the functional objectives of the marketing, finance and human resources departments. Operations strategies such as the choice of operating structure are influenced by the nature of the goods or services to be produced and the markets to be served. In the early 1990s, following the liberalization of the Indian economy, many companies from Japan, Europe, North America and Korea started operations in India. Most Indian companies were not in a position to compete against them as their products were either costlier or of lower quality. At this point, many Indian companies realized that they had to improve their operations strategies in order to improve productivity. Today, operations strategies form an integral part of the strategic planning process of most companies.

They deal with the development of operational plans for the manufacturing facilities of an organization. OPERATIONS STRATEGY AS A COMPETITIVE WEAPON One of the key objectives of any business organization is to reach a position where it is able to attract more customers than its competitors. In order to gain such a competitive advantage, organizations try to identify their distinct competencies. The characteristics of a companys operations function are important in determining its choice of products and markets, and the elements of its competitive strength. The following examples show how operational strengths can be used effectively as competitive weapons: Product/Process Expertise: An organization can employ its strengths in certain areas of product functionalities and process capabilities to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. For instance, Intel Corporation, USA, has superior computer chip design due to its technological expertise in producing microchips. Quick Delivery: An organization with flexible capacity and an adaptive production process can produce a product and satisfy customer needs quickly. One-hour eyeglass


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manufacturing, one-hour photo developing services and same-day dry-cleaning and shoe repair services are some examples. Shorter Product Cycle The first company that enters a market usually gains a significant market share over subsequent entrants. The speed of product introduction is dependent on the flexibility and adaptability of the production system. A company, which is more adaptable than its competitors, can introduce a product into the market relatively quickly and will gain the advantage of untapped market demand and as a result will be able to corner a significant market share. Production Flexibility Some organizations specialize in having a highly flexible and responsive operations environment. Celestica, Inc, a Canadian computer component manufacturer, uses equipments that are not fixed to the floor. This enables production lines to be reconfigured within hours or days to make new and different products. This flexibility has allowed Celestica to expand from manufacturing a few products for a single customer (IBM) to making hundreds of products for over 40 different companies. Low-cost Process An organization with an efficient production system or access to low-cost resources can make standard products at costs lower than its competitors. For example, steel companies such as Nucor in the United States, have competed successfully with larger integrated steel producers like Nippon and US Steel by using mini-mills (a smaller version of a steel refining mill that can process scrap). The mini-mill production process allowed Nucor to gain a substantial price advantage

over competitors by reprocessing scrap steel rather than producing primary steel from iron ore. Convenience and Location Facility location can provide substantial competitive advantage. For example, local courier and parcel company, Desk To Desk Couriers (DTDC), is a strong competitor to foreign multinationals like DHL and FedEx in India, as it has deep penetration and covers a larger number of Indian towns and cities. Product Variety and Facility Size In some industries, the variety of products offered and the size of operations can provide competitive advantage. Increasingly grocery stores and supermarket retailers compete by having larger stores that allow them to display a greater variety of products and to benefit from economies of scale. Quality An organization that produces a product of higher quality than its competitors can increase its sales volume even while commanding a higher price. Such an example is found in Sundaram Fasteners of the Sundaram Clayton Group. Their radiator caps are standard equipment in major automobile companies like DaimlerChrysler and General Motors. STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS Strategic planning is different from operations planning in the scope of its application. Strategic planning is broad-based planning, which involves long-term decisions, whereas operational planning concerns itself with short term, day-today planning. Markets are the key to any strategy. Once

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Figure 2.1 Developing Operations Strategies

strategies should be consistent with strategies in other functional areas such as marketing, finance and human resources. The process of strategy development process is depicted in Figure 2.1. Elements of Operations Strategy An operations strategy is a high-level integrated plan for business effectiveness or competitiveness. Key components of operations strategy are described below: Designing the production system Product/service design and development Technology selection and process development Allocation of resources to strategic alternatives Facility planning Designing the production system Designing the production system is one of the key responsibilities of any operations manager. It involves selecting the product design, the production system, and the inventory policy for finished goods for each product line. Product design

Source: Norman Gaither, Production and Operations Management A Decision Making and Problem Solving Approach (International Thomson Publishing) 1987.

markets are analyzed, the strategic task of the operations manager is to develop appropriate processes and designs to achieve the agreed-upon objectives. As mentioned earlier, operations strategy is developed in compliance with business strategy, which, in turn, is derived from corporate objectives. Operations strategy should be flexible enough to support a product or service through its entire life cycle and be able to accommodate future changes in market demand or business objectives. Operational superiority is critical for many manufacturing and service organizations to maintain their competitive position in the market. In addition, operations

Product design is primarily of two types: Customized product design Standard product design Customized product design is the choice of operations managers when the level of customization is high and the quantity to be produced is low. Products are designed to satisfy individual customer needs. The emphasis in this type of product design is on the quality and on on-time delivery,

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rather than on cost. Industrial products like boilers and turbines are examples of customized products. Standardized product design is employed when an organization is involved in the production of limited variety of products, which are produced in large batch sizes. In such systems, importance is given to cost-control and quality rather than on the flexibility of the system. Consumer durables like coolers, fans, and televisions are examples of standardized products. Production system The production system can be broadly classified into two major categories: Product-focused systems Process-focused systems Product-focused systems are generally employed in mass production organizations where there are groups of machines, tools and workers arranged according to their respective tasks in order to put together a product. These systems are suitable for producing standardized products like cars, televisions, computer systems, etc. Process-focused systems are designed to support production departments that perform a single task like painting or packing. These systems are highly flexible and can easily be modified to support other product designs. Hence they are used in the production of customized products. Finished Goods Inventory Policy There are two types of policies relating to finished goods inventory: Produce-to-stock policy Produce-to-order policy

In a produce-to-stock policy, products are produced well in advance and are stored in warehouses, from where they are dispatched as per customer orders. This policy is suitable for organizations manufacturing products, parts or components, which have seasonal demand (like refrigerators and air-coolers) or those, which have general applications (like bolts and nuts). A produce-to-order policy allows production to start only after the company receives customer orders and halts production until another order is received. This policy is suitable for organizations that produce products, parts or components of high value (like spares of an aircraft engine) or those that are meant exclusively for specific purposes (like dyes, castings, etc.). Product/service design and development An operations manager in conjunction with the marketing department is responsible for product design and development. The stages involved in product or service development are: creation of the product idea, market definition, definition of the product function, product specification, design analysis, test marketing, introduction in the market, and finally, evaluation of product performance in the market. Technology selection and process development Once the design of the product is finalized, managers concentrate on determining how the product will be produced. This involves thorough analysis and planning of the production processes and facilities. Every step in the process of production is planned in detail. The technology to be used in the production process is selected from a range of options. Allocation of resources to strategic alternatives Production companies have to continuously deal with the problem of scarce resources like capital, machines and materials and so on. As these resource inputs are vital to

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production activities, their shortages can influence production performance significantly. Hence operations managers have to plan the optimal use of resources, both in terms of minimizing wastage, and in terms of their allocation to the best strategic use. Chapter 7 deals with the allocation of resources to strategic alternatives in greater detail. Facility planning The location of the production facilities is one of the key decisions an operation manager has to make since it is critical to the competitiveness of the organization. Setting up production facilities with adequate capacity involves massive initial investment. Therefore, strategically right options should be carefully weighed against all available alternatives. These decisions also influence the future decisions on probable capacity expansions plans. Managers have to take into account factors like the availability of raw materials and access to the market when making their decisions. Operations managers also make layout decisions, i.e. decisions on the internal arrangement of workers and departments within the facility. All these decisions are crucial for the success of the organization and are dealt with in greater detail in Chapter 5. PROCESS AND CONTENT OF OPERATIONS STRATEGY The process and content approach is one of the key approaches to strategic management. The content of a strategy relates to what the organization is planning to achieve, and the process of the strategy relates to how those objectives will be achieved. In other words, content and process can be referred to as the formulation and implementation of strategies, respectively. We can try and understand these concepts by applying them to the working of an insurance company. Content in an insurance company represents the information needed to successfully complete a transaction e.g. claims submitted by customers, medical records, processing manuals

used by the staff, etc. Process, on the other hand, represents the actions, activities and other procedures involved in the completion of a transaction e.g. telephone calls made, verifying eligibility, reimbursement, etc. So the content that is acquired from customers, agents and brokers provide the relevant information needed for the implementation of the requisite process. The proper content and relevant processes allow an organization to satisfy customers requirements. STRATEGIC PLANNING MODELS An operations manager has to evaluate a large number of variables that go into a typical decision making process. A strategic planning model helps operations managers in developing strategies to gain competitive advantage and enables them to manage resources optimally. TOWS Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths (TOWS) analysis developed by Boston Consulting Group is one of the methods, which helps organizations in making strategic decisions. It helps an organization in identifying opportunities and threats in the external environment and weaknesses and strengths within the organization. The difference between SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis lies in the fact that TOWS analysis first looks at the external threats and internal weaknesses and then aims to provide strategies which use external opportunities and internal strengths to counter external threats and eradicate internal weaknesses. The TOWS matrix, seen in Figure 2.2, illustrates four different strategies that an organization can adopt to handle different situations, internally and externally. The four strategies are described below: 1) ! WT Strategy (mini-mini): The purpose of the WT strategy is to minimize both weaknesses and threats. This strategy may

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Figure 2.2: TOWS Matrix

Strengths (S) List 5-10 internal strengths here Weaknesses (W) List 5-10 internal strengths here

organization to take full advantage of the opportunity provided by the markets. 3) ! ST Strategy (maxi-mini): In this strategy, an organization tries to counter the effects of external threats by using internal strengths. For example an organization can use its technological, financial, or marketing strengths to respond to a threat posed by the launch of a new product by a competitor. 4) ! SO Strategy (maxi-maxi): The optimum position an organization can find itself in is one where the organization, using its own strengths, can cash in on the opportunities provided by the market. Critical Success Factor Scoring Method This is a strategic planning model, which combines critical success factors and a scoring method to analyze the threats from competitors. Critical Success Factor (CSF) analysis developed at MIT's Sloan School of Management by John Rockart, assists in evaluating factors that are critical to a firms competitive position. An organizations competitive performance depends on its performance with regard to these factors, which indicates the competitive position of an organization with respect to its competitors. The factors include economic factors (product price, cost factors, profitability), social factors (managementemployee union relationship, customer perception, supplier relationship) and operations-related factors (procedural advantage, location, technology). Identification and evaluation of critical success factors, brings forth the factors in which the organization has a competitive advantage and those in which the competitor holds the advantage. To analyze the competitors threat, the management uses a rating score. A rating score is a number on continuous scale from 1 to 5 indicating the level of threat a competitor

Opportunities (O)

WO Strategies Generate strategies here that take advantage of opportunities by overcoming weaknesses

List 5-10 External opportunities here

ST Strategies

WT Strategies

Generate strategies here Generate strategies here that minimizes weakness that use strengths to and avoid threats avoid threats

involve retrenchment, cutting back on operations, mergers or even liquidation. 2)! WO Strategy (mini-maxi): The WO strategy tries to minimize weaknesses and maximize gains from opportunities. If due to an internal weakness, an organization is not able to make full use of the opportunities provided by the markets, the organization tries to tide over such weakness by acquiring necessary technology, imparting training to employees, etc. This enables the

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poses. A score of 1 indicates a high level of threat and 5 indicates a low level or negligible threat. An organization needs to concentrate on those factors in which the competitor holds an advantage and improve those in which the organization is ahead, in order to negate any future threats. PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY The prosperity of nations and organizations alike is considered to be dependent on their comparative productivity. Productivity provides a good measure of performance at national, industry or individual business level. What is productivity? Productivity can be described as the relationship between output from the system and inputs used to produce the output (products and services). In mathematical terms, it is the ratio of output to input.

into consideration more than one factor of production such as labor and materials. Total factor productivity includes all the factors of production (labor, materials, process, energy and other inputs). Output may be in terms of the number of customers served in a restaurant, the number or volume of products produced in a factory, the number of customer requests processed in a bank. Input may be the number of employees, quantity of raw materials, capital invested, etc. Productivity in a Service Organization Measuring productivity in a service organization is difficult due the intangible nature of the product. Service companies base productivity on the number of tasks performed, or the number of customers served in any given time period. Other measures include a comparison of the service provided with company, industry or customer quality standards. In the service industry, it is often difficult to establish a standard time for a task; usually, only a probable time for a task can be established. Service industries, in general, customize products based on each customers specific requirements. For example, the time taken to approve a loan in a bank varies with each customer. In order to measure productivity, service professionals maintain time-sheets to indicate the amount of time spent on a given task. In cases where the task is routine and involves minimal customization, the quantity of work, for example, the number of service calls made per day, the number of queries handled, or the number of customers served, is used as a measure. Quality and Productivity Quality like productivity is key to the well being of an organization. Quality is complementary to productivity. Quality

It is incorrect to equate higher production with increased productivity. An increase in output itself is not an indication of an increase in productivity unless there is a less than proportionate increase in inputs. As an example, consider a firm, which produces 10 chairs and employs 10 employees. If tomorrow, the firm starts producing 12 chairs by employing 2 more employees, this increase in output cannot be termed as an increase in productivity. However, if the increase in output was achieved by the 10 employees initially employed, it would be seen as an increase in the productivity of the employees. Productivity can be measured in relation to a single factor, a combination of factors (multifactor productivity) or all the factors taken together (total productivity). An example of single factor measurement of productivity is labor productivity, which typically measures output per unit of labor. Multifactor productivity takes

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should not be compromised when trying to increase productivity. Just by producing more products or serving more customers, an organization cannot expect to increase profits or retain customers. The product or service should be able to satisfy the requirements of the customers. By improving quality of product or service, the organization can improve its competitive position in the market. Incorporating quality in the operating system can contribute to improved productivity in the following ways: 1) Reducing wastage in production 2) Reducing the rejects 3) Optimizing the process and procedure The quality of the product or service can ensure that the organization retains its customers and simultaneously are able to attract new customers. With properly designed operating systems and procedures, an operations manager can improve the quality of the products and the productivity of the factors of production. As opposed to this, inefficient design leads to a decline in quality and productivity, resulting in overall inefficiency and sub-optimal performance. INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGES IN PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT International operations management decisions such as those of resource allocation and acquisition, location and logistics are complex. The complexity is due to the fact that the firms have to deal with suppliers from different countries, different government regulations, heterogeneous markets, transportation bottlenecks, etc. In addition, decisions involving location of the facility, exchange rates, tax laws, resource

availability, and the political and economic situation in the host country, make international operations management complex and challenging. Few key points organizations have to concern with before formulating international operations are: 1) Resources: where and how to obtain resources 2) Location: where and how to build and operate facilities 3) Logistics: modes of transport and inventory control First, decision involving the acquisition of resources, an operations manager has to decide on the process and steps an organization uses to acquire the necessary resources. Second, the manager has to decide on how much of vertical integration required to bring home the advantages of economies of scale, and to reduce dependence on local suppliers. Third, the make or buy decision has to be taken. Here the operations manager has to decide, based on the risk, investment and flexibility of the production process, whether to make or buy sub-parts needed in production. By making its own components, the firm can have control over quality, quantity, delivery, design alteration, etc. and in addition, this shields the organization from the vagaries of external markets. Buying sub-parts, on the other hand, gives the company the flexibility to change suppliers in event of any change in the production structure, without incurring the huge costs involved in facility reengineering . When it comes to choosing a location, the operations manager has to look into country-related factors -- the political and economic situation, and product-related and organizational factors. International location decisions are based on the availability of resources, infrastructure, the country of origin effect (for example, US company wont be welcomed in countries like Iran or Iraq), the cost of labor and raw materials,

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etc. Political and economic conditions like political stability, trade policies of the host country, and economic environment have considerable influence on the operational decisions. Product-related factors that influence decisions are market potential, competitors, customer preferences, etc. Finally, complex decisions regarding logistics have to be worked out as international logistics differ from domestic logistics in many ways; the distance involved, inventory levels, warehousing and distribution, modes of transport, and packaging, vary widely from country to country. Exhibits 2.1and 2.2 illustrates the strategy adoption decision based on a companies capabilities, needs, market opportunities and customer requirements. International Service Operations Services are intangible, cannot be created or stored in anticipation of demand, and requires customer participation. These attributes of services provide different challenges to the services organizations, which are very different from those faced by manufacturing organizations operating in international markets. Service organizations work under standards set in the host country as local governments regulate many service operations and provide guidelines, which may not entirely be applicable for the organization. Industries in service sectors like banking, airlines and insurance have to operate under extensive regulations of the host country. Issues before international service operations include capacity planning, location planning, facility design and layout, customization of services, etc. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS IN OPERATIONS Operations managers have to take both financial and economic decisions. Economic and financial analysis is used to evaluate the costs of operation and profit potential of an investment.

Exhibit 2.1 Platform Development at Whirlpool To what extent should a business customize a product to suit the requirements of various markets? On the one hand, customization allows an organization to satisfy the specific requirements of a market but on the other hand customization is expensive, because the firm has to forgo the advantages of a standardized production process. Modern manufacturing methods allow firms to customize products without experiencing a steep increase in costs. In platform development, for example firms use a basic framework that is common to all versions of a product. Attributes and features can be added and deleted to a product based on the specific requirements of different markets. Whirlpool applied this concept in to its washing machine manufacturing process. Whirlpool planned to make a world washer which could be sold in any part of the world. Such a washing machine would have to suit both American and European preferences. The Americans preferred top loading washing machines while the Europeans preferred front loading machines. The front-loaders were more efficient and environment friendly machines than the top loading machines since they used less energy, less water, less soap. Americans however preferred top-loaders since they had more capacity. Even then front loaders slowly increased their market share from zero to five percent in US markets within a decade. Whirlpool wanted to be a significant player in this growing market. So, Whirlpool formed a project team to develop a front-loader that would appeal to both European and American consumers. The 65-member team that was formed included German, Italian, and the US engineers, designers and marketing and production specialists. The outcome of this effort was Duet, a front-loader with capacity that was 10-15 percent larger than the top-loaders sold in the US. It was introduced in the US in fall 2001. The European version, sub branded Dreamspace, with different size, styling, and spin and wash cycles, was launched in the summer of 2002. The same basic machine will be sold in Asia also. Adapted from Scott Erickson, Platform Development in Whirlpool, myphlip.pearsoncmg, Prentice-Hall,Inc, 4 October 2002 <http:// >

Operations managers should be familiar with conditions and factors affecting costs and the methods of measuring and controlling costs. Operations costs are divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs or prime costs are those cost components, which

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Exhibit 2.2 International Operations Strategy - With reference to Italian Clothing Industry Organizations operating globally should be able to customize their operations to the specific requirements of the different markets they serve. Moreover their operations should take advantage of the opportunities provided by international markets such as low labor and operational costs in developing countries. Decisions regarding international manufacturing are complex, as many variables have to be considered. The decision of 'where' and 'how' to relocate current operations is tough to say the least. We will look into a few of these decision variables by studying the Italian clothing industry. The Italian fashion and clothing industry is known throughout the world for its product innovation, differentiation, quality, etc. Each individual firm has need-based approach to the international operations decisions. 1) ! Gruppo Finanziario Tessile: GFTs foreign market strategy involved the acquisition and building of international plants, cooperative agreements with stylists like Dior, Montana, and Donna Karan, production agreements in china to take advantage of low labor costs and to cater to Asian markets. 2) Marzotto: Acquired Hugo Boss, an export oriented German firm with a large subcontracting base. The organization has gone for technology transfer, with the objective of undertaking turnkey contract throughout the world. The company entered into technology transfer agreements with firms in Egypt, Slovakia, Romania, and India. In the case of sportswear labels, Marzotto decided to outsource completely from Tunisia and Morocco, as the quality requirement for such items is not high. 3) ! Sanremo: The firm believed in having directly owned manufacturing facilities for quality reasons. The company has three directly owned plants in France, Hungary and Bulgaria. The company subcontracts only informal wear and lower quality items from international and domestic contractors and even these are controlled by Sanremo workers. 4) ! Benetton: The company produces informal and casual wear products, which can be outsourced from other countries where wages are lower. But Benetton has preferred to retain 92 percent of its manufacturing capacity in Italy, where it can take advantage of the high productivity and flexibility provided by domestic subcontractors. As far as international strategy is concerned, the company has decided to take advantage of single investment opportunity as in India and China where the complete production process can be established to serve both the local and regional markets. 5) ! Diesel: This company has not yet ventured into the international operations arena. The reasons are attributed to the fact that the companys continuous technological improvements are well complemented by Italian subcontractors. Besides, use of advanced technology in production allows the company to produce goods quickly with lower labor cost per unit. Clearly individual firms design their international operations strategies on the basis of their strengths, needs and opportunities provided by other countries. The extent of a companys international operations does not depend on its size. Many large Adapted from Bolisani, Ettore, Scarso, Enrico, International Manufacturing Strategies: Experiences From The Clothing Industry, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1996, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p71, 14p

can be identified individually for each product or service produced, e.g. the cost of direct material, the cost of direct labor etc. Indirect costs or operations overhead are those which cannot be tied to specific product or service e.g. administrative costs, maintenance costs. In addition, an operations manager should be aware of the fixed and variable components of the costs. Fixed costs are those which do not change with a minor change in scale of production e.g. rent on premises, depreciation on equipment, insurance etc. Variable costs denote direct costs like wages of workers, and direct material cost which vary with the change in the scale of production. Operation managers have many methods at their disposal to evaluate the cost effectiveness of an investment. Two of the most commonly used techniques are the payback method and net present value (NPV) method. Payback Method One of the basic methods used to compare investment alternatives is by calculating the payback period for each investment alternative. The payback period is the time taken (usually in years) to recover the initial investment. The payback takes into consideration the initial investment and the resulting annual cash flow. Mathematically the payback period is denoted by:

Where, Payback period = Time taken to recover initial investment (usually in years)

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Net Investment = purchase and installation costs minus its anticipated future salvage value Net Annual income = Anticipated annual revenue minus expenses In spite of its popularity, the payback method has a few inherent drawbacks - it ignores cash flow beyond the payback period, and does not take into account the time value of money. These deficiencies are overcome in the net present value method. Problem 1 Payback period for a project with an initial investment of Rs 10 lakh that is expected to generate an income Rs 2 lakh per annum is calculated as which gives 5 years as the payback period or the time taken to recover the initial investment. Similarly, the payback period for different investment alternatives is calculated. The alternative with the shortest payback period is preferred.

Where, CFi = the cash flow at time i r = discount rate t = time horizon I = Initial investment If the net present value of an investment is greater then one then the project is acceptable. If the net present value is less than zero, the project is rejected. The greater the NPV value of the project the better is its profitability. Incase, where multiple projects are compared the project alternative with the largest NPV is selected. Suppose the net present value of a project is calculated as Rs 1lakh, this implies that undertaking the project is expected to increase the value of the firm by Rs 1 lakh. NPV is a useful method for comparing investment alternatives, with comparable initial investments.

Net Present Value (NPV) Method The NPV method is used to calculate present value of future returns, discounted at the marginal cost of capital, minus the present value of the cost of the investment. The net present value method takes into account the time value of money. It is employed for ranking and comparing the profitability of project alternatives. NPV for a project can be determined by using the equation:


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Question 1 of 20
Which of the following are among the key objectives of an operations manager? i. Maximizing customer satisfaction ii.Minimizing inventory iii.Maximizing resource utilization

A. i & ii B. ii & iii C. i & iii D. i, ii & iii

Check Answer


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Section 2

Case Study: Operations Management at Southwest Airlines

This case was written by R.Muthu Kumar, under the direction of A.V. Vedpuriswar, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

@ 2004, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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Its easy to offer great service at high cost. Its easy to offer lousy service at low cost. Whats tough is offering great service at low cost, and thats what our goal is. To do it, we have to watch every penny. I personally approve all expenditures over $1,000, not so much because I dont trust our people, because I know that if they know Im watching, theyll be just that much more careful. OPEA/004 --Herb Kelleher, the Chairman of Southwest Airlines Operations Management at Southwest Airlines
Its easy to offer great service at high cost. Its easy to offer lousy service at low cost. Whats tough Introduction is offering great service at low cost, and thats what our goal is. To do it, we have to watch every penny. I personally approve all expenditures over $1,000, not so much because I dont trust our people, because I know that if they know Im watching, theyll be just that much more careful. --Herb Kelleher, the Chairman of Southwest Airlines

Thanksgiving Day2. It also recorded 3.76 million revenue passenger miles up from 3.44 million for the same period in the previous year. Its load factor3 was 63.7% up from 60.5% in November 2002. Background Note In 1967, Texas businessman Rollin King and lawyer Herb Kelleher founded Southwest as an intrastate airline, linking Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. In 1971, Southwest made its first scheduled flight. Operating from Love Field Airport in Dallas, Southwest adopted love as the theme of its early ad campaigns. While other airlines moved to the new Dallas/Fort Worth Airport (DFW) in 1974, Kelleher insisted on staying at Love Field, and gained a virtual monopoly there. When Lamar Muse, Southwests president, resigned in 1978, Kelleher was elected as president and Chief Executive Officer. Thus began the career of one of the Americas most popular business leaders. In 1979, Southwest started its new service to New Orleans from Dallas, the first city outside Texas. In 1982, Southwest extended its services to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. Southwest launched the Just Say When4 campaign in 1985, which established it as the point-to-point carrier in the nation. Southwest introduced advance-purchase Fun Fares5 in 1986, and a frequent-flier program6 in 1987, which was based on the number of flights taken instead of mileage. Southwest and Sea world of Texas7 joined to promote Texas as a major tourist place.

In 2003, Southwest Airlines (Southwest) was the fourth largest1 Introduction US airlineIn 2003, in terms of (Southwest) domestic customers carried. The airlines Southwest Airlines was the fourth largest US airline in terms of domestic customers carried. The airlines major short haul, low-fare, high frequency, and point-to-point carrier in the US covered 60 cities (59 airports) in 30 states. It was the first airline and to introduce a major short haul, low-fare, high frequency, point-to-point homepage on the Internet. Southwest had enjoyed 30 straight profitable years. Southwest had the
best customer complaint record of any US airline for the last 12 years. In 2003, Southwest was named by Fortune as one of the most admired companies in US. In November 2003, Southwest achieved a 9.4% increase in traffic due to Thanksgiving Day 2. It also recorded 3.76 million revenue passenger miles up from 3.44 million for the same period in the previous year. Its load factor 3 was 63.7% up from 60.5% in November 2002.

Figure (i)
Figure (i)

Southwests Market Share in 2002


Background Note


carrier in the US covered 60 cities (59 airports) in 30 states. It was the first airline to introduce a homepage on the Internet. American airlines (AMR), Delta, and Jet blue. Southwest After had enjoyed 30 straight profitable years. Southwest A day for remembering remarkable military men. The Thanksgiving weekend is one of the most traveled periods during the year. had the best customer complaint record of any US airline for the It was a percentage of total passengers carried. last 12 years. In 2003, Southwest was named by Fortune as one 1 of the most admired companies in US. In November 2003, Southwest achieved a 9.4% increase in traffic due to
1 2 3

In 1967, Texas businessman Rollin King and lawyer Herb Kelleher founded Southwest as an intrastate airline, linking Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. In 1971, Southwest made its first scheduled flight. Operating from Love Field Airport in Dallas, Southwest adopted love as the theme of its early ad campaigns. While other airlines moved to the new Dallas/Fort Worth Airport (DFW) in 1974, Kelleher insisted on staying at Love Field, and gained a virtual monopoly there.

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In 1986, Southwest was announced as Sea world of Texass official airline and the official airline of California. In 1992, Southwest won the first Triple Crown8 Award for the month of January and won the annual Triple Crown Award. Southwest managed to receive that award without a break till 1996. Southwest moved into the East Coast with a service to Baltimore in 1993 and bought Salt Lake City-based Morris Air in 1994. In 1996, Southwest expanded into Florida and started selling tickets through its Web site ( Agreements with Icelandair allowed Southwest passengers to connect from four US cities to Europe through Icelandairs Baltimore hub. In 1998, Southwest flew its first nonstop transcontinental flight, from Oakland, California, to Baltimore. In 1999, Southwest added more routes in the East (from Islip to Raleigh-Durham, Nevada, Hartford). In 2000, Southwest had its first major accident, when a Boeing 737 aircraft overran the end of a runway in Burbank, California, and came to a halt in a busy street. But the accident caused only minor injuries. Southwest introduced SWABIZ9, a software tool that assisted company travel managers in booking and tracking trips made through its website. Later that year, Southwest placed its biggest aircraft order ever, calling for delivery of another 94 Boeing 737 aircraft between 2002 and 2007. In 2001, on its 30th anniversary, Southwest changed its logo and added blue to its traditional color scheme of gold, red, and orange. That same year, Southwest experienced a rare labor dispute, when stalled contract negotiations led to picketing by the

airlines ground crew union. Kelleher stepped down as president and CEO in 2001 and was succeeded by General counsel Jim Parker.

Operations Management at Southwest Airlines Figure (ii)

Figure (ii)

Southwests Revenue and Net income

$ 6,000 $ 4,500 $ 3,000 $ 1,500 $0 2002 Source: 2001 2000 1999 1998

Despite an industry wide downturn following the September 11, The year 2002 was the worst year ever for the airline industry. A sluggish economy, radical changes in airport security, high-energy prices, and tension in the gulf spelled financial a disaster for for 2001 terrorist attacks, Southwest managed to post profit the major airlines. Despite all this, Southwest posted its 30th consecutive annual profit. No other airline hadwell equaled this 2002. record of profitability. 2001 as as In the face of weak demand for air service, Operations most major airlines significantly reduced service, grounded Southwests business model revolved around providing safe, reliable, and short duration air service aircraft, and retrenched employees. UAL, the parent of United at the lowest possible fare. With an average aircraft trip of roughly 400 miles, the company had benchmarked its costs against ground transportation. But Southwest that costobligations leadership Airlines, and US Airways sought relief frombelieved financial should not dilute the quality of service. 10 and other smaller carriers ceased operation in According bankruptcy to analysts, who had been tracking Southwest closely, the airlines approach had a lot in common the approachesmaintained taken by cost leaders in other industries. Southwest and entirely. But with Southwest a full flight schedule pursued a blanketing strategy 11 similar to that of the famous US retailer, Wal-Mart. When Southwest decided to serve a new city, it typically scheduled flights from the new city to two, avoided layoffs.
three or even four destinations at which the company had previously established itself. Southwest did not commence a service between any two cities until it was able to devote the Southwest also necessary continued to atstrengthen its presence in the planes and personnel to operate least five to six flights a day. Like Toyota, whicheast manufactured small batches of cars in a cost effective way, Southwest had developed coast of the took advantage of the cutbacks in services by competencies in US. turningIt around aircraft quickly. Exhibit: I major carriers, by adding five nonstop transcontinental flights. Its Southwest Building blocks of operational latest eastern expansion project was efficiency at the Philadelphia

Southwest also continued to strengthen its presence in the east coast of the US. It took advantage Source: of the cutbacks in services by major carriers, by adding five nonstop transcontinental flights. Its latest eastern expansion project was at the Philadelphia International Airport, which it planned to serve with 14 daily flights.

in million

Limited passenger service. Frequent, Reliable Departures. Short-haul and Point-to-point Routes. Highly Productive Ground and Gate crews.



establishing a monopoly in the market. iBooks Author

Slashing the retail prices way below the cost, while entering a new market, and to raise them after

Operations Management at Southwest Airlines

International Airport, which it planned to serve with 14 daily flights. The year 2002 was the worst year ever for the airline industry. A sluggish economy, radical changes in airport security, highenergy prices, and tension in the gulf spelled financial disaster for the major airlines. Despite all this, Southwest posted its 30th consecutive annual profit. No other airline had equaled this record of profitability.

taken by cost leaders in other industries. Southwest pursued a Aircraft Utilization. High 11 similar to that of the famous US retailer, blanketing strategy Adopted from Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996.
Figure (iii)

Low-ticket fares and secondary or smaller airports.

Key Operational Parameters of Southwest

Operations Management at Southwest Airlines

Southwests business model revolved around providing safe, reliable, and short duration air service at the lowest possible fare. With an average aircraft trip of roughly 400 miles, the company had benchmarked its costs against ground transportation. But Southwest believed that cost leadership should not dilute the quality of service. According to analysts, who had been tracking Southwest closely, the airlines approach had a lot in common with the approaches

(in millions)


(in millions)

Low-ticket fares and secondary or smaller airports. Aircraft Utilization Passenger Load Factor 11.18 High Aircraft 70.50% Utilization. 11.18 71.00% Adopted from69.00% Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996. 11.16 69.25% 68.10% Figure (iii) 11.12 67.50% 11.13 66.10% 65.90% 11.10 11.10 Key Operational Parameters of Southwest 65.75% 11.09 11.11 Aircraft Utilization Passenger Load Factor 64.00% 11.08 11.18 70.50% 11.18 71.00% 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 69.00% 11.16 69.25% 68.10% Fleet Size(at11.12 year end) Revenue Passenger Miles 67.50% 11.13 66.10% 375 65.90% 366 11.10 11.10 344 45,392 65.75% 380 11.09 44,494 50,000 11.11 312 42,315 280 64.00% 36,479 11.08 285 37,500 31,419 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 190 Fleet Size(at year end) Revenue Passenger Miles 375 366 25,000 344 45,392 380 44,494 50,000 312 95 280 42,315 36,479 285 12,500 37,500 31,419 0

Figure (iii)! Key Operational Parameters of Southwest

Figure (iii)! Key Operational Parameters of Southwest


190 95 0

1998 1999





2,800 2,100 1,400 700 0

12,500 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 0 Average Daily Departures 1998 1999 2,800 2000 2,800 2001 2002 2,700 2,550 Average Daily Departures 2,334 2,700 2,800 2,800
2,800 2,100 1,400 700 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2,334 2,550

Note: Passenger Load Factor is the percentage of a plane filledLoad with paying passengers. Aircraft Note: Passenger Factor is the percentage of a plane filled with paying Aircraft Utilization is the hourspassengers. and minutes in a day a plane Utilization the hours andPassenger minutes in a day a plane is Revenue Mile - One paying is used. Revenue Passenger Mile - One paying passenger flown one mile. Often referred to as the passenger flown one mile. Often referred to as the airlines industry's measure to traffic. to traffic. airlines industry's measure


1998 1999 2000 Source:



Source: Turnaround

Quick turnaround held the key to operational excellence in the airline industry. Southwest Turnaround attempted to reduce the turnaround time through excellent coordination among various functions pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, ticketing agents, operation agents, ramp agents, baggage

Exhibit: I

Southwest Building blocks of operational efficiency

Limited passenger service. Frequent, Reliable Departures. Short-haul and Point-to-point Routes. Highly Productive Ground and Gate crews. Low-ticket fares and secondary or smaller airports. High Aircraft Utilization.

Source: Quick turnaround held cargo the agents, key to operational excellence airline industry. transfer agents, mechanics, fuelers, aircraft cleaners in and the caterers. This was unlike Southwest airlines, these different worked in isolation. In 1972, Southwest attempted to other reduce the where turnaround time functions throughtypically excellent coordination among various functions operated its flights just three planes. The company limited the turnaround time foragents, each pilots, flighthad attendants, gate with agents, ticketing agents, operation agents, ramp baggage plane to ten minutes or less. Southwest had managed to limit airplanes turn time to about 20-25 transfer agents, cargo agents, mechanics, fuelers, aircraft cleaners and caterers. This was unlike Wal-Mart. When Southwest decided toand serve a had new city, it minutes over the years, even though airport congestion had worsened security regulations become stricter. other airlines, where these different functions typically worked in isolation. In 1972, Southwest typically flights from the city the to turnaround two, three oreach even had operatedscheduled its flights with just three planes. The company time for Exhibit: II newlimited plane to ten minutes or less. Southwest had managed to limit airplanes turn time to about 20-25 Southwest: Anatomy of a 15-minute turnaround four at airport which the had company had regulations previously minutes destinations over the years, even though congestion worsened and security had 7:55 Ground crew chat around gate position become stricter. established itself. Southwest did not commence a service
Exhibit: II Plane begins to pull into gate; crew moves towards gate between any two cities until it was able to devote the planes and 8:04:30 Plane stops; Jet way telescopes out; baggage door opens Southwest: Anatomy of a 15-minute turnaround personnel necessary to operate at least five to six flights a day. 4 7:55 Ground crew chat around gate position Like Toyota, which manufactured small batches of cars in a cost 8:03:30 Ground crew alerted, move to their vehicles effective way, Southwest developed competencies in turning 8:04 Plane begins to pull intohad gate; crew moves towards gate around quickly. 8:04:30 aircraft Plane stops; Jet way telescopes out; baggage door opens
8:04 8:03:30 Ground crew alerted, move to their vehicles

Adopted from Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996.


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Turnaround Video 1.1:Southwest Airlines "Day in the Life of A 25 Minute Turn"

pilots, flight attendants, gate agents, ticketing agents, operation agents, ramp agents, baggage transfer agents, cargo agents, mechanics, fuelers, aircraft cleaners and caterers. This was unlike other airlines, where these different functions typically worked in isolation. In 1972, Southwest had operated its flights with just three planes. The company

Figure (iv)
Source: v=lBolz48uMtA&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL1B73FD FF388CB04F

Southwests Operations System Map 2002 Management at Southwest Airlines

Quick turnaround held the key to operational excellence in the airline industry. Southwest attempted to reduce the turnaround time through excellent coordination among various functions

Exhibit: II

Southwest: Anatomy of a 15-minute turnaround

7:55! 8:03:30! 8:04! 8:04:30! 8:06:30! 8:07! 8:08! 8:10! 8:15! 8:15:30! 8:18! Ground crew chat around gate position Ground crew alerted, move to their vehicles Plane begins to pull into gate; crew moves towards gate Plane stops; Jet way telescopes out; baggage door opens Baggage unloaded; refueling and other servicing underway Passengers off plane Boarding call; baggage loading, refueling complete Boarding complete; most of ground crew leaves Jet way retracts Pushback from gate Pushback tractor disengages; plane leaves for runway.


Use of Smaller Airports

Southwest avoided congested airports wherever possible. Instead, it concentrated on convenient, Source: efficient airports like Dallas Love Field and Houston Hobby and enhanced the companys ability to sustain high employee productivity and reliable on time performance. This dependence on secondary airports in major markets made it difficult for passengers to transfer from other airlines to Southwest flights or vice versa. But it saved an average of 15% to 25% of flight time due to reduced taxi time, fewer gate holds and less waiting in the air. This strategy also enabled the company to achieve high asset utilization.

Source: Hitem Hardest with the mostest, Forbes, 16th September 1991.

limited the turnaround time for each plane to ten minutes or less. Southwest had managed to limit airplanes turn time to about 20-25 minutes over the years, even though airport congestion had worsened and security regulations had become stricter.

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Figure (v)
Figure (v)
Number of daily flights

Operations Management at Southwest Airlines

Southwests Top Ten Airports Daily Departures

200 150 100 50 0
San Diego Nastville Los Angeles Oakland Dallas Love Chicago Midway Houston Hobby Baltimore Las Vegas Phoenix

customers and, therefore, minimized delays, and total trip time. In 2002, Southwest served 338 nonstop city pairs. As a result, approximately 77 % of Southwests customers flew nonstop. Use of Smaller Airports Southwest avoided congested airports wherever possible. Instead, it concentrated on convenient, efficient airports like Dallas Love Field and Houston Hobby and enhanced the companys ability to sustain high employee productivity and reliable on time performance. This dependence on secondary airports in major markets made it difficult for passengers to transfer from other airlines to Southwest flights or vice versa. But it saved an average of 15% to 25% of flight time due to reduced taxi time, fewer gate holds and less waiting in the air. This strategy also enabled the company to achieve high asset utilization. Ticketing In 1979, Southwest introduced self-ticketing machines in ten cities to make it faster and more convenient for people to fly. This helped in reducing the time each customer spent in line waiting to be ticketed. In this system, a customer inserted a credit card into the machine, and obtained a one-way or round trip ticket for the chosen destination. The system reduced ticketing time to one minute. In January 1995, Southwest was the first major airline to introduce a ticket less travel option, eliminating the need to print and then process a paper ticket altogether. Southwest also entered into an arrangement with SABRE13, the computer reservation system, to facilitate ticketing and automated booking

117 80 86










In 1979, Southwest introduced self-ticketing machines in ten cities to make it faster and more convenient for people to fly. This helped in reducing the time each customer spent in line waiting to be ticketed. In this system, a customer inserted a credit card into the machine, and obtained a one-way or round trip ticket for the chosen destination. The system reduced ticketing time to one minute.


After the deregulation of the airline industry in 1978, most airlines Southwest eased the airport workload for the employees and customers by allowing for Rapid 12 established the hub-and-spoke system. The was Rewards credits at the time of reservation rather than at the airport. This meant one less step for system the employees and greater convenience for the customers. Increased Internet sales forced Southwest to close its call centers in Dallas, Little Rock, and Salt Lake. Nearly 2,000 workers characterized by longer wait time for both passengers and were asked to relocate to another call center or accept a severance package. The customers had the opportunity to receive Rapid Rewards, after purchasing and flying only eight roundtrips. They airplanes, would more planes, extra computer earn 16 credits (a one-way ticket equals one credit) in a 12-monthsystems, period, and receive a extra salaries roundtrip ticket for travel anywhere within Southwests area of service for up to a year. Since there no restrictions on the number of Rapid Rewards seats, customers could fly virtually anytime to groundwere staff to to any Southwestand destination.additional Rapid Rewards members commissions could also transfer (but not sell) the award travel agents. ticket to anyone without any additional paperwork. Rapid Rewards program was simple and by far the most generous in the industry. tickets bought were nonrefundable but could be used toward Airlines also had to payThethe rent for the gates, as planes were future travel on Southwest, without the penalty of a change fee. The awards for Best Customer often kept The idle at an airport waiting for the connecting flight. SABRE Group was a world leader in the electronic distribution of travel and travel-related services, and was a leading provider of information technology solutions for the travel and transportation industry, Seeing these disadvantages, Southwest persisted including customized software development and software products, transaction processing, systems with its pointintegration, consulting and total information technology outsourcing. The SABRE Group provided Southwest with data processing services including computerized reservations and inventory control, to-point flights between cities. It gained an advantage over other flight availability information, schedules, fares and pricing. It was a promotional activity in which concessions were given in fares. carriers by utilizing the lost time for an additional flight. 7 Southwest also decided against interlining with other carriers. It was not in favour of keeping its planes waiting for passengers to arrive from connecting flights that were often delayed. Southwest felt that customers did not want to go out of their way and travel to a hub city simply for the convenience of the airline.
13 14

In January 1995, Southwest was the first major airline to introduce a ticket less travel option, eliminating the need to print and then process a paper ticket altogether. Southwest also entered into an arrangement with SABRE13, the computer reservation system, to facilitate ticketing and automated booking in a very cost-effective manner. This allowed the customers to bypass the existing computer reservation systems completely. Instead, they received a confirmation number from Southwest when they logged on to the companys website.

Southwests point-to-point route system, as compared to huband-spoke, provided for more direct nonstop routings for

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in a very cost-effective manner. This allowed the customers to bypass the existing computer reservation systems completely. Instead, they received a confirmation number from Southwest when they logged on to the companys website. Southwest eased the airport workload for the employees and customers by allowing for Rapid Rewards14 credits at the time of reservation rather than at the airport. This meant one less step for the employees and greater convenience for the customers. Increased Internet sales forced Southwest to close its call centers in Dallas, Little Rock, and Salt Lake. Nearly 2,000 workers were asked to relocate to another call center or accept a severance package. The customers had the opportunity to receive Rapid Rewards, after purchasing and flying only eight roundtrips. They would earn 16 credits (a one-way ticket equals one credit) in a 12-month period, and receive a roundtrip ticket for travel anywhere within Southwests area of service for up to a year. Since there were no restrictions on the number of Rapid Rewards seats, customers could fly virtually anytime to any Southwest destination. Rapid Rewards members could also transfer (but not sell) the award ticket to anyone without any additional paperwork. Rapid Rewards program was simple and by far the most generous in the industry. The tickets bought were nonrefundable but could be used toward future travel on Southwest, without the penalty of a change fee. The awards for Best Customer Service, Best Award Redemption, and Best Bonus Promotion among all frequent flyer programs were earned by Southwest. Boarding To reduce check in times, Southwest automated various procedures. It implemented computer- generated baggage tags

to electronically capture bags checked by customers. It also implemented computer-generated boarding passes from multiple points in the airport. This allowed customer identification by name for boarding purposes and allowed the customer a more convenient check in through standing in fewer lines. Southwest also implemented self-service boarding pass kiosks, or Rapid Check-In. Southwest did not assign any particular seat number to its customers. They were boarded on a first come first serve basis in a group of 30. Southwest used reusable plastic boarding passes to speed up the boarding process. Earlier, the employee collecting the passes, had to read what was printed on the ticket instead of simply looking at the color of the plastic boarding pass. This slowed down the operation. Also, airline employees could not concentrate on welcoming customers on board. In flight services Southwest did not offer full cabin service and provided only coach class service to its passengers. Southwest served no meals on board. Instead, the airline offered peanuts and other snacks and put extra seats in the empty space that would otherwise be required for food galleries. Southwest also avoided using bulky food and beverage carts that prevented customers from moving about the cabin. Aircraft Standardization Southwest concentrated heavily on one type of aircraft - the Boeing 737, to simplify scheduling, maintenance, flight operations, and training activities. It gave extensive training to all its pilots, flight attendants and mechanics on the Boeing 737.

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The airline could easily substitute the aircraft, reschedule flight crews or transfer mechanics quickly. With only one type of aircraft, spares inventory management and record keeping became simpler. Exclusive use of the Boeing 737 series helped the company to negotiate better deals with Boeing and fuel efficient and lower capital than the other aircraft in the market. Southwests efficient flight dispatch system allowed the airline to minimize weather and operational delays. Southwest also used a young fleet of aircraft (average age of 8.4 years) and an efficient maintenance team to minimize delays and cancellations due to mechanical problems. Looking Ahead Southwest planned to add two more nonstop flights between Baltimore and Houston by 2004. With the additional flights, Southwest would offer a total of four daily nonstop flights between the two airports. Southwest planned to connect with a new daily nonstop service between Spokane and Las Vegas on January 18, 2004. Southwest also had plans to add one daily nonstop flight between various cities from April 4, 2004. These included Chicago midway and Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, Chicago midway and Orlando, Chicago midway and Columbus, Baltimore/Washington and Columbus (A total of 12 flights daily). Southwest confirmed, it would start a new service from Philadelphia on May 2004, with daily nonstop service to Chicago midway, Las Vegas, Orlando, Phoenix, Providence, and Tampa Bay.

Bibliography 1. 2. Eric Gillian, Southwest, Northwest jump on upgrades,, 12th October 2003. Elizabeth Souder, High costs prompt Jet blue, Southwest 4Q warnings, Dow Jones " business news, 5th December 2003. Southwest Airlines boosts nonstop service in five cities,, 11th " December 2003. Southwest Airlines reveals Philadelphia service, Carrier announces nonstop destinations from its newest city,, 11th December 2003. ! www.thewasington ! ! ! !



5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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Linear Programming

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Requirements of a linear programming problem Assumptions of Linear Programming Models Solving Linear Programming model Formulating of linear Programming model

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Linear Programming

Linear programming is an optimization technique that is useful not only in industry and business but also in nonprofit organizations. It can be applied to a variety of problems such as production, refinery operations, advertising, transportation, distribution and investment analysis. The well-known mathematician Kohlar has defined linear programming as a method of planning and operation involved in the construction of a model of a real situation containing the following elements: (a) Variables representing the available choices, and (b) Mathematical expressions (i) Relating the variables to the controlling conditions, (ii) Reflecting the criteria to be used in measuring the benefits derivable from each of the several possible plans, and (iii) Establishing the objective. The method may be so devised as to ensure the selection of the best of a large number of alternatives.

It can be explained through an example. Suppose a manager has been given resources for use (i.e. available man-hours, quantity of raw material, machine - time, etc). In other words, the quantity of available resources is known to the manager. The objective of the manager is to determine the resources required or utilization to optimize the goal of the firm which can be profit maximization, sales maximization, cost optimization, etc. This situation requires a search for the variables that affect the objective and are subject to certain constraints. With the help of decision variables, their constraints, equalities or inequalities can be formed. They will then provide the optimal solution to achieve the objective. In this chapter, we discuss graphical and simplex methods of solving linear programming problems. REQUIREMENTS OF A LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM In order to solve his day-to-day problems in decisionmaking, a manager must possess the skill to recognize the problems for which linear programming solutions are appropriate. In general, linear programming models can


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be applied to problems which satisfy the following requirements. 1. ! The problem must have a well-defined single objective to achieve. Assume the case of a firm that manufactures two types of furniture, chairs and tables. The firm, in order to apply linear programming concepts for its production problems, should have a major objective, say profit maximization. 2. ! There must be alternative courses of action, one of which will achieve the objective. For instance, the firm in consideration may allocate its production resources like raw materials and manufacturing capabilities to chairs and tables in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 or 2:1 or some other ratio. 3. ! The decision variables must be continuous in nature. That is, the number of chairs and tables to be manufactured, in our case, is flexible enough to take any non-negative values within a range. 4. ! Resources must be limited in supply and the achievement of the objective function is restricted by these constraints. The furniture plant has a limited manpower and machine hours available. Hence, the more it allocates for chairs, the fewer tables it can make. 5. ! The objective and the constraints must be linear functions. The manager should be able to express the firms objectives and its limitations (constraints) in the form of linear mathematical equations or inequalities. The concept of linear programming can be applied to those problems which satisfy the above requirements. Thus, the general form of a linear programming problem can be stated as below:

Maximize Z = C1x1+C2x2+...+Cnxn Subject to the constraints A11x1+A12x2+...+A1nxn ! b1 A21x2+A22x2+......+A2nxn ! b2 A31x3+A32x3+.....+A3nxn ! b3 ............................ ........................... Am1x1+Am2x2+...........+Amnxn ! bm x1,x2,x3........,xn " 0 Where x1,x2,x3,.....,xn are a set of variable whose values are to be determined. Ci, Aij and bi are the coefficients that are specified by the problem assumptions and Z is a linear function of variables xi . It can be noted that the goal of linear programming model need not always be the maximization of the objective function. It can also be to minimize it. In case the model is meant to minimize the objective function, the sign ! in constraints is replaced by to obtain a general set of linear programming problem. Also, the constraints need not always be represented by inequalities. They can also be linear equalities. ASSUMPTIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODELS Like any other programming models, linear programming models are also based on many assumptions. The following are some of the main assumptions that are made in the construction of linear programming models: Proportionality Additivity Divisibility

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Proportionality The objective function (Z), as described earlier, is a linear function of the decision variables (xi). In other words, the value of Z increases by Ci times whenever the value of xi increases by unity. If the variable xj represents the number of units of product j produced and Cj is the quantity of material used to produce a unit of the product j, then producing five units of product j consumes five times the raw material quantity Cj that is, the material consumption per unit product remains constant irrespective of the quantities of production and the total consumption is always proportional to the total production. Additivity A typical linear programming problem has an objective function and several constraints, each with a set of decision variables. The aggregate value of the objective function and each constraint is generally obtained as the sum of individual contributions from each decision variable. That is, the concept of linear programming does not consider any synergistic effects among the decision variables, while calculating their total value for the objective function or the constraints that they are associated with. Divisibility As described earlier, the decision variables in linear programming models are continuous in nature and can take any non-negative, real, numeric value within the range specified by the constraints. The model assumes that these decision variables are divisible and solves the problems that involve fractional values for the variables in the same way in which the problems without any fractional values are solved. The solutions thus obtained are finally rounded off, without making a significant loss of quality in the solution. However, in cases where fractional values for the variables does not make sense, like the case of number of flights for an airline service, the problem can be formulated and solved as an integer program.

Certainty Finally, the linear programming model assumes that all the constants (Cj, Aij, and Bj) have certain values. It assumes that the optimal solution exists for the problem, only when the values attributed to the coefficients of variables are constant. A manager can identify problems to which linear programming models are appropriate by testing whether or not the problems satisfy the above assumptions of linear programming. FORMULATING A LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODEL Formulating a problem as a linear programming model is the vital and difficult aspect of solving it. Though there is no standard pattern to guide the process, many managers adopt the following procedure to formulate a problem as a linear programming model: Identifying Decision Variables Managers have to first identify the variables that can be controlled or changed in order to optimally achieve the objective function. These variables have to be defined precisely and completely. Defining the Objective Function Once the decision variables are identified, the managers have to define the objective of the problem and the relevant criteria for evaluating alternative solutions. The objective function has to be represented by a linear mathematical function, with the objective (minimization or maximization) precisely defined. Identifying the Relevant Constraints Once the objective function is clearly stated, the immediate task of the manager is to identify the constraints that hinder the process of meeting the objective. Once all the constraints have been identified and expressed in the form of linear mathematical (in) equalities, the problem is said to be formulated as a linear programming model. The following example illustrates the process of formulating a real problem into a linear programming model.

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Keynote 3.1.1: Example 1

SOLVING LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Linear programming was first developed to solve the problems of facility location. A map of the geographical locations that are under consideration was taken and a string was threaded through a hole over each proposed location. The end of each string was tied with a stone with its weight being proportional to the total cost of the location. All the strings were connected at the top of the map by a sliding knot apparatus. All the weights were dropped simultaneously so that the knot reaches location point that minimizes the total costs. Though the method was quite effective, it needed more time and effort. Hence, managers prefer to use several other methods like graphical method, and simplex method to solve the problems of linear programming. Graphical Method

This method involves indicating the constraining factors on the graph and identifying the feasible region. This feasible region represents the area containing all the possible solutions to the problem which are feasible, i.e. those solutions which satisfy all the constraints of the problem. While plotting the constraints on the graph, they are assumed to be equations, irrespective of the inequality conditions. Two coordinates for each such constraint are obtained and the line connecting the two coordinates is plotted on the graph. The feasible points are then plotted on the left side for the lesser than or equal to constraint. Similarly, feasible points are plotted on the right hand side for the greater than or equal to constraint. The intersection of points from all the constraints plus the non-negativity conditions forms the feasible region. The point at which the solution will have optimal value is identified by moving the objective function on the same graph in the feasible region. The objective function is moved slowly away from the origin and parallel to itself until the last point in the feasible region is reached. However, the optimal point generally occurs at the corner points of the feasible region. Hence it is sufficient to calculate the value of the objective function at these corner points and select the one at which the objective function has an optimal value. Examples 16.2 and 16.3 illustrate the usage of graphical method to solve linear programming problems. Graphical method involves a simple procedure and is free from complex mathematical calculations. However, the method is not applicable for solving many business problems owing to its inherent disadvantages. The method can be applied to solve only those business problems in which a maximum of two decision variables are involved. Graphs cannot be used to represent a situation with a number of variables. Further, the greater the number of constraints, the more complex is the graph, and harder is the process of identifying the feasible region. Graphical

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method fails to solve the problems where the objective function is parallel to one of the constraints. Owing to all
Keynote 3.1.2:Example 2

point gives atleast the same or better solution than the previous one. This search for examining successive corner points continues until no such better solution is found. Simplex method can be applied to solve any problem formulated in terms of linear objective function subject to a set of linear constraints. It has no restrictions placed on the number of decision variables or constraints in a problem, as it is accompanied by the computational capabilities of a computer. Simplex Table
Table 3.1
C1 C2 Cn 0 0 0 Coefficient Identity Minimum matrix ratio(bi) Basic Solution matrix CB s1 s2 .. variables variables x1 x2 xn sm 0 s1 b1 A11 A12.A1n 10 ..0 0 s2 b2 A11 A12.A1n 0 1.. 0 0 s3 b3 . .. . 0 sm bm An1 An2.Ann 00 ..1 Contributi 0 0 . 0 0 0 Z=#CBXB on loss . 0 per unit Zj = # Cbi Aij N e t C1 C2 .C3 0 0 Index row contributio ..0 n per unit, Cj-Zj Cj

these drawbacks, managers prefer to use methods like simplex method for making decisions. Simplex Method As described earlier, graphical method can solve only those problems which have a maximum of three decision variables. However, it is difficult for solving problems even with three decision variables. Therefore, it is usually used for solving problems two decision variables. The method cannot be used to solve practical problems as many problems contain more than two decision variables. Problems with more than two decision variables can be solved by using a systematic procedure called the simplex method. The method was developed by George Dantzig and involves a systematic and iterative procedure having fixed computational rules that lead to a solution to the problem in a finite number of steps. Simplex method is the effective way of solving large linear programming problems as it allows the managers to evaluate the corner points in such a way that each successive corner


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Solving a linear programming problem by using the simplex method makes use of a simplex table, which can be constructed in many ways. The initial table is formulated by writing out systematically all the coefficients and constraints in the problem. Consider the general linear programming problem as given below: Maximize Z = C1x1 + C2x2 + Cnxn Subject to the constraints A11 x1 +A12x2+.............+ A1n xn ! b1 A21 x1 + A22x2+.............+ A2n xn ! b2 ............................................................... ................................................................ Am1x1 + Am2x2+.............+ Amnxn ! bm And x1, x2, x3,,xn " 0 The above problem is first converted into the standard form by introducing slack variables as shown below: Maximize Z= C1x1 + C2x2 +......+ Cnxn + 0s1 + 0s2 +....+ 0sm Subject to the constraints A11x1 + A12x2 +.........+ A1nxn + s1 = b1 A21x1 + A22x2 +........+ A2nxn + s2 = b2
Keynote 3.1.3: Example 3

.......................................................... Am1x1 + Am2x2 +...........+ Amnxn + sm = bm And x1, x2, x3 ........, xn; s1, s2 ........, Sm " 0 To obtain an initial basic feasible solution We have to set x1 = x2 =......= xn = 0 Thus, we get s1 = b1, s2 = b2 ......., Sm = bm This solution can be summarized in a tabular form as follows: The first row of the simplex table (also called objective row) contains the coefficients obtained directly from the objective function. The values of these variables (Cj) will remain the same in all the succeeding tables. The second row provides the major column headings for the table and these headings remain unchanged in the succeeding tables of the simplex method. The first column (CB) is called the objective column and contains the coefficients of the basic variables in the objective function. The second column is known as product mix column and points out the basic variables, which happen to be the slack variables in the initial simplex table. The third column contains information about the resources or the values of the corresponding basic variables. Each simplex table contains an identity matrix, which represents the coefficients of the slack variables that have been added to the constraints to make them equations. The numbers Aij in the coefficient matrix (the matrix with non-basic variables) can take either positive, zero, or negative values. The row labeled Zj contains the sum of the numbers in the Cb column and the corresponding coefficients under each column variable in the table. These values of Zj under each column variable denote the contribution of each unit of variable brought into the solution through the present iteration. The last row is called index row and contains the values obtained by subtracting the Zj value from the corresponding Cj value. Each element of this row represents the net

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marginal improvement on the objective function if a unit of each variable (Xj) is included into the solution at the current iteration. Lastly, the value of the objective function for the current iteration is obtained by adding the products of the numbers in Xb column and the corresponding numbers in the Cb column. This value is represented at the right side bottom end of the table. Steps in simplex method Managers have to follow a set of sequential steps in order to obtain solutions for linear programming problems through simplex method. A brief description of these steps is given below: Step1: Formulating the linear programming model This is the first step of converting a real world problem into the standard form of linear programming. The procedure is the same as explained in the previous section. Step 2: Set up the initial solution To initiate the solution procedure from the origin the initial basic feasible solution is set by assigning zeroes to all the decision variables. The solution obtained is summarized and tabulated in the initial simplex table. Step 3: Test the solution for optimality The solution thus obtained has to be tested for optimality. This is done by examining the elements in the index row of the simplex table. The solution is optimum if no element in the index row is positive. The presence of a positive element in the index row indicates that the solution can be further improved by removing one basic variable from the basis and replacing it by a non-basic one. The procedure terminates here if the solution is found to be optimal. Step 4: (a) Determine the variable that has to enter next Identify the column (and hence the variable) in the index row of the table with the largest positive number as pivot (or key) column.

The value of (Cj -Zj) represents the amount by which the value of the objective function will increase if a unit of xj is introduced into the solution. (b) Determine the variable to b (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) e replaced Calculate the minimum ratio by dividing each number in the quantity (XB) column by the corresponding number in the key column selected in step 4(a). The row corresponding to the minimum (positive values only) of these ratios is called the pivotal (or key) row and will leave the basis. Step 5: Identify the key element The number that lies at the intersection of the key (or pivotal) column and the key(or pivotal) row of the table is called key or pivot element. Step 6: Evaluate the new solution The new solution, i.e. the improved version of the old solution is obtained by first evaluating the new values for the elements in the key row. This is done by simply dividing every number in the key row by the key element. Once the new values for the elements in the key row are calculated, the manager has to compute the new values for each of the remaining rows. This can be accomplished by using the formula: New row numbers = (Number in old rows) - (Number above or below the key number) (number in the row replaced in step 4(a)) = (Old row number) - (Corresponding number in the key row corresponding new value in the key row in the same column) The new entries in the Cb and Xb columns are then entered in the new table.

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Step 7 Test the solution

Keynote 3.1.4: Example 4

Test this solution for optimality in the same way as we did in step (2). Repeat the process until an optimum solution is obtained. The procedural steps in the simplex method can be further understood by considering the following example.

ISSUES IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING The preceding sections discussed only well behaved linear programming problems. Each of the problems were having a single objective function and a set of feasible constraints and a unique optimum solution could be obtained.
Keynote 3.1.6: Example 6

Keynote 3.1.5: Example 5

However, there may exist the solution without a boundary or more than one optimum solutions. The following sections discuss such issues of linear programming.

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Keynote 3.1.7: Example 7

Infeasibility is a state that results when there is no solution for a linear programming problem, which can satisfy all the constraints. This can be illustrated by the following example. Unbounded Solution

Keynote 3.1.9: Example 9

Infeasible Solutions

Keynote 3.1.8: Example 8

A problem may have unbounded solution, i.e., it may have no limit on the constraints. In such cases, there is no solution. Let us consider an example to illustrate the situation. Redundancy There may be problems with redundant constraints, i.e. a constraint may be present without any effect on the feasible region set. Let us consider an example to illustrate the case. Multiple Solutions Some linear programming problems may have more than one optimal solutions. This happens when objective function is

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parallel to one of the constraints. Let us illustrate an example for this case. Duality For every linear programming (LP) formulation there exists another unique linear programming formulation called the dual (the original formulation is called the primal). The dual

Review 1.2

Question 1 of 5
Which of the following is true?

Keynote 3.1.10: Example 10

A. Binomial logistic regression is the same as multiple regression B. Binomial logistic regression can only be used with scores C. Binomial logistic regression is not at all like multiple regression D. Binomial logistic regression is analogous to multiple regression. formulation can be derived from the same data from which the primal was formulated. The dual formulated can be solved in the same manner in which the primal is solved since the dual is also a LP formulation. The dual can be considered as the inverse of the primal in every respect. The column coefficients in the primal constraints become the row co-efficients in the dual constraints. The coefficients in the primal objective function become the right hand side constraints in the dual constraints. The column of constants on the right hand side of the primal constraints becomes the row of coefficients of the dual objective function. The direction of the inequalities are reversed. If the primal

Check Answer

objective function is a maximization function then the dual objective function is a minimization function and vice versa.

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Section 2

Case Study: Alexander Machine Company

This case study was written by under the guidance of IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally,

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On 6th January 2004, Alexander Machine Companys (AMC) monthly planning meeting was going on. The companys General Manager, S.Vimal was worried about the companys financial performance during the past six months. As he remarked to his colleagues, We are doing well only in some of our production lines. We have to do something to improve our financial position. We are not generating profit on our Model I printing presses. Why dont we just stop producing it? Instead we can purchase gears from an outside supplier, to resolve the capacity problem in our gear-cutting department. Why dont you get together, consider the various options, and arrive at an optimum solution?

Gear Cutting could be done through various processes like gear hobbing, gear milling , and gear shaping2. AMC used gear hobbing to produce the gears. Gear hobbing was a highly customized and flexible manufacturing process for cutting external gears. Gear teeth were generally formed on the gear blank (raw material) by hobbing. Gear was cut on the gear blank using a cutter called hob. The hob had grooves, which could form cutting edges. The hob traversed slowly across the face of the blank as it rotated. In the printing press, the paper and plate passed under a large metal roller that applied pressure, transferring the image from the plate to the paper. In the roller polishing lathe, the roller was polished to reduce the circumference of printing rollers to specifications and remove defects, such as turning and polishing lines, high spots, and scratches. The roller was mounted on mandrel of lathe. The circumference of the roller was measured at several points to locate irregular spots, using girth tape while the surface of the roller was examined for defects. Polishing of the roller was done by a polishing stone, which moved back and forth across the length of the roller, changing from coarse to finer grades of stone to impart acceptably smooth finish. Again, the polished roller was examined for rough spots, pinholes, and scratches and verified for size. The roller was cleaned before and after polishing, using cloth, water, and detergents or cleaning solution. In the assembly shop, the gears and rollers were assembled and finally checked for quality. AMCs gear cutting capacity was adequate to cut gears for either 2000 Model I printing presses per month or 1000 Model II

Figure I AMC: Manufacturing Process

AMC manufactured two types of printing presses, Model I and Model II. Manufacturing operations involved were: gear cutting, roller polishing, and final assembly for each model.

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printing presses per month, if committed fully to either model. AMC could also cut gears for both models: for example, it could produce 1000 Model I printing presses and 500 Model II printing presses. The machine-hour requirements for each printing press Model and the monthly machine-hour availability in the departments are shown in Exhibit I. The company believed it could sell as many printing presses as it could produce. AMCs production schedule for the last six months of 2003 had resulted in a monthly output of 1000 Model I printing presses Exhibit I Machine-Hours: Requirements and Availability Machine-Hours required Total Machine-Hours per model of printing available per month presses Model I 1 2 2 Model II 2 2 4

I have been observing the cost data for the two Models, the sales manager began. Why dont we just stop production of

Exhibit II Details of costs (in Rupees)

Model I
Direct materials Direct labor Gear cutting Roller polishing Final assembly Overhead Gear cutting Roller polishing Final assembly Total 30,725 40,680 89,200 1,60,605 4,90,105 40,950 40,000 50,000 1,30,950 4,20,950 19,500 10,000 30,000 59,500 23,000 7,000 20,000 50,000 2,70,000

Model II


Gear cutting Roller polishing Final assembly I Final assembly II

2000 4000 4000 2,000

and 500 Model II printing presses. At this level of production, Model II assembly and gear cutting were operating at capacity. However, roller polishing and Model I assembly were operating only at 50% capacity. See Exhibit II for details of costs. The finance manager, sales manager, and production manager discussed the problem in detail in their conference room.

Model I printing presses? We are not generating any profit on Model I printing presses. As we know, the selling prices for Model I are Rs.4,70,000, and for Model II are Rs.4,40,000. The finance manager interrupted, We are trying to absorb the entire fixed overhead of Model I printing presses over only 1000 printing presses. We would be better off increasing production of Model I printing presses, stopping if necessary production of Model II.

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The production manager said, There is a way to increase Model I production without stopping Model II production. If we purchase gears from an outside supplier, the gear-cutting problem can be solved. We can supply the necessary materials and reimburse the supplier for labor and overhead. The team wondered how the problem could be resolved.


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Facility Location

Introduction: In this chapter, we will discuss: Facility Location Importance of Location Decisions Factors Affecting the Location Decisions General Steps in Location Selection and Location Decision Process Location Evaluation Methods Locating Service Facilities

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Facility Location

The location where firms set up their operations is simply called 'Facility Location.' All the manufacturing and service organizations carefully plan where they should locate their plants and service facilities because location will have a serious affect on the success of an organization. Firms conduct facility location analysis where they evaluate different locations and finally choose an optimum location to start their operations. The need for selection of facility location may arise under the following circumstances: When the business is newly started When the expansion to the existing plant is not possible When a firm wants to establish new branches When the landlord does not renew the lease For social or economic reasons like inadequate power supply, government regulations, etc. Importance of Location Decisions The selection of a facility location is a strategic decision for any organization and is very important for the following reasons:

Facility location fixes the production technology to be used and the cost structure. Facility location depends on the size and nature of the business. Facility location affects the companys ability to serve its customers quickly and conveniently. A good facility location helps a firm to score over its competitors since it incurs reduced transportation costs of raw materials and goods and low labour costs, and has easy access to the markets. Therefore, the finance, personnel, marketing, and other departments have to be equally involved in planning the facility locations as the operations managers who run the facilities. Factors Affecting the Location Decisions Location decisions are influenced by a number of factors which are broadly classified as market related factors like market proximity, tangible or cost factors like transportation availability, and intangible or qualitative factors like environmental aspects. Following are the factors affecting the location decisions: Market proximity


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Integration with other parts of the organization Availability of labour and skills Site cost Availability of amenities Availability of transportation facilities Availability of inputs Availability of services Suitability of land and climate Regional regulations Room for expansion Safety requirements Political, cultural, and economic situation Regional taxes, special grants and import/export barriers General Steps in Location Selection and Location Decision Process Location decisions are affected by a number of factors and therefore developing a formal and generic location model is very difficult. It is expensive and time consuming to study and evaluate different sites to find out the optimal one. Location decisions are long-range and have a lot of scope for approximation and inference. Therefore, satisfactory decisions are developed rather than optimal decisions. The location decision process varies with the size and scope of the firms operations. Following are the steps involved in the location decision process:

Define the location objectives and associated constraints Identify the relevant decision criteria Relate the objectives to the criteria using appropriate models Do field research to collect relevant data and use the models to evaluate the alternative locations Select the location that best satisfies the criteria Location Evaluation Methods Before selecting a location or locations, a company should consider certain factors that affect their cost or profit. Each possible decision will have advantages as well as disadvantages. The company should select a location that best suits the products it offers, the location of its customers and materials, and other criteria that are specific to the company.
Video 4.1.1: Mathematical Models for Facility Location (Tutorial)



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Several models and techniques are available that help managers make appropriate location decisions. The following models are discussed in detail. Factor or Point Rating Method Center of Gravity or Centroid Method Cost-Profit-Volume or Break-Even Analysis The Transportation Method Example of facility location evaluation methods 1. Factor or Point Rating Method Companies have several objectives of various importance levels while selecting a site or location. Companies assign Video 4.1.2: Factor rating weightage to these objectives method (Tutorial) in the form of points. The potential sites are evaluated with respect to every factor a company is looking for and points are allotted accordingly to each factor. The superior site is the one that ends up with more points. However, the drawback of this method Source: is that a high score in any watch?v=pLV689AGLMo factor can overcome a low score in any other factor. The significance of point rating method is the relative importance of tangible cost factors when compared to intangible cost factors. Only intangible factors are assigned points. A manufacturer decided to compare two potential sites A & B, which are approximately equal when evaluation was done based on cost. Therefore, the manufacturer wants to evaluate

Table 4.1.1

Factor or Point Rating Method Points Assigned Maximum ! to Factors Possible Location Location Points -A -B Availability of fuel in 600 400 500 future Availability of labor 500 440 400 Water supply 200 160 140 Transportation facility 300 250 150 Topography of the 100 80 90 site Living conditions 400 300 310 Total 1630 1590

the two sites considering intangible factors using point rating method. Comparative ratings for major intangible locations factors and the points assigned to them are given in the table below. From the data, it is clear that location A has an advantage over location B. 2. Center of Gravity or Centroid Method The center of gravity method is used to find the optimal location for a distribution center that minimizes total transportation costs. This method takes into account factors such as markets, cost of goods, and cost of transportation. The center of gravity method aims at minimizing the total shipping cost, i.e. cost incurred for shipping from the distribution center to the different shipping points. If the shipping quantities for all destination points are equal, the location at which the transportation cost will be minimum can be

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identified by taking the arithmetic averages of the X and Y coordinates of the destination. But if the shipping quantities are unequal, the location can be found using a weighted average approach (the quantities to be shipped are taken as weights). The center of gravity of a geographical location can be identified by calculating the X and Y coordinate values of the location that would minimize transportation costs. The coordinates of the center of gravity can be identied by

sum of the fixed and variable costs at a specific volume of output becomes the total cost at that volume of output. Break-even analysis is one of the tools used for selection of a location. Since each and every location will have a different cost structure and sales volume, break-even analysis helps the manager identify the location where the profits are high. Figure 4.1 shows the relationship of cost and volume in two different locations A and B. Figure 4.1.1: Cost Volume Relationships of Two Locations

Where, Xc = X coordinate of the center of gravity Yc = Y coordinate of the center of gravity Vi = Volume of items transported to and from location i Xi = X coordinate of location i Yi= Y coordinate of the location i 3. Cost-Profit-Volume or Break-Even Analysis Break-even analysis is a graphical and algebraic representation of the relationships among volume of output, costs and revenues. Costs can be classified into two types: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are the costs such as administration expenses, rents of the buildings, lighting, etc. And they do not vary with the volume of the output. Variable costs are the costs such as raw material cost, labour cost, etc. And they vary with the volume of the output. The

Here, we assume that the revenues and costs are the linear functions of output volume. We also assume that the revenues for the two locations are the same, as there will not be much difference in the demand if the price of the product remains the same irrespective of the location it was produced at.

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Keynote 4.1.1: Problem 1

Keynote 4.1.3: Problem 3

4. The Transportation Method Transportation models deal with the determination of a minimum-cost plan for transporting a consignment from a given sources to a potential destinations.

Video 4.1.3: Transportation Problem Setup

Keynote 4.1.2: Problem 2

Source: v=peEp242q_zU

For example, a motor-bike production company produces motor-bikes at the units situated at various manufacturing units (called sources) and distributes them to various destinations. Here the availability as well as requirements of the various intermediaries are finite and constitute the limited resources. This type of problem is known as transportation problem in which the key idea is to minimize the cost of transportation. The problem can be solved by the following approach:

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Solve the transportation problems by North-West corner rule; or Lowest cost entry method; or Vogels approximation method Test the optimality of the solution For more details click here. Locating Service Facilities The capital investment required for setting up a new service facility is much less than that required for setting up a manufacturing facility. As a result, there has been phenomenal growth in new service facilities during the last decade. Despite this growth, in some cases the growth in services facilities did not match population growth. Services cannot be stored, therefore they have to be developed and delivered in close contact with customers. Therefore, location decisions are dependent on the choice of target markets. The target market also influences the number, size, and other characteristics of locations. While manufacturing location decisions focus on minimizing cost, service facility location decisions focus on the maximization of profit potential. Decisions regarding the number of locations in a geographical area and the location of service facilities in the area are complex and critical for the long-term profitability of a service organization. These decisions become even more complex if several locations in different geographical areas with multiple locations under each are available. In other words, finding the best option for locating a service facility can be very time consuming. Review 1.2

Question 1 of 10
Which of the following is a major factor in selection of a location for an aluminium factory?

A. Proximity to final consumer B. Proximity to input sources C. Proximity to sea port D. All of the above.

Check Answer


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Section 2

Case Study:Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

This case study was written by Siva V . Gabbita, Asst. Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, IBS Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:

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McDonalds Vision Statement McDonalds vision to provide the worlds best quick service restaurant experience is implemented through the QSCV philosophy. In their own words Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. Service Delivery Strategy McDonalds virtually invented the limited-menu fast-food business, thereby revolutionizing the restaurant industry. Over the years it has also made five major innovations. 1950s 1970s 1980s 1990s Introduced indoor seating Introduced the concept of drive through windows Introduced breakfast to the menu Introduced play areas for children

mixers to each such store. By 1961 Ray Kroc had set up 228 McDonalds restaurants and he convinced the McDonalds brothers into selling out for $2.7 million dollars when they were not as excited as he was with the rapid expansion. Hamburgers then sold for 15. McDonaldss went on to become a company that gave great value to customers and great value to shareholders. Parents loved McDonalds because on road trips with children they knew that they could count on McDonalds for food that their kids would not only eat, but love. There were play areas where kids could burn off some energy before the family got back in the car. And there were clean restrooms everywhere. In 1975 McDonalds did not have any drive-throughs, whereas by 2004 more than 90% of its US restaurants incorporated a drive-through process because 80% of growth in the fast food business came from drivethrough outlets. Customers could cut waiting time to a minimum by ordering without getting out of their cars. McDonalds calculated that their sales increased 1% for every 6 seconds saved at a drive-through. McDonalds like its rival Burger King also designed combo meals( burger+fries+cola) to save time in ordering. The gains in productivity that combo meals offered were used to offset inflationary pressures caused by wage increases. Burger King found that restructuring the menu enabled the counter staff to enter orders with a single key stroke in place of multiple key strokes on their Point of Sale machines, which reduced the time to take an order, which in turn resulted in win-win advantages since it cut customer waiting time as well as enabled counter staff to take more orders quickly. This increased productivity, reduced labor requirements, produced higher profits and resulted in greater pay to workers.

The McDonalds Story Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a burger and fry outlet in 1948 at San Bernardino, California. While keeping things simple they used an assembly line to help sell a lot of milkshakes along with the burgers and fries. Ray Kroc, a sales representative with a company that made a mixer that could make five milkshakes simultaneously, bagged an order from the McDonald brothers who wanted eight mixers. Ray Kroc visited McDonalds in 1954 and liked it so much that in 1955, he opened a McDonalds store in Des Plaines, Illinois. Kroc wanted to open a chain of McDonalds restaurants all over the country, because he could get to sell eight

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In 1965 McDonalds went public at $22.50 per share. It had split twelve times by the year 2000. In 1967 the company opened its first store outside the United States. In 1968 the Big Mac, their first product beyond basic burgers, was introduced, followed by the introduction of Egg McMuffin and a breakfast menu in 1973. By 1974 Kroc had stepped aside as CEO. The Service Assembly line Here or To Go? In the 70s Theodore Levitt wrote an article in the Harvard Business Review, called Production Approach to Services where he eulogized the standardization of service that McDonalds had systematized. As Levitt observed the approach which McDonalds pioneered treated the delivery of fast food as a manufacturing process rather than as a service process. As a result, it was able to provide cutting-edge, efficient services by
Video :What is Poka-yoke ?

McDonalds controlled the Operational Execution within its outlets to address Delivery (Time) Speed along with a focus on high quality by standardizing the operational process with careful planning and a systematic production function that minimized operator error and wastage. McDonalds did this by careful attention to design and facilities planning so that the production process was built into the system.
Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

Exhibit I

French Fry Station

French Scoop

Automated Drink Maker @McDonalds

Compiled by the author

Standard bag of French Fries @McDonalds

Source :

minimizing deviation in the service experience from customer to customer.

Mistake-proofing its production process with the extensive use of 13 Poka-Y okes was one way in which it was able to do so. For instance, the McDonalds french fryer equipment only allowed an

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optimum number of french fries to be cooked at a time, which maintained uniformity of taste in the fries produced. The counter staff used a wide-mouthed scoop to pick up the precise amount of french fries for each order size. This provided the additional benefit that no service employee ever touched the product. Storage space was also designed for a predetermined mix of products (Exhibit I). The other way in which McDonalds controlled the service production process was with the use of Automation. McDonalds introduced a food service automation program called ARCH (Automated Restaurant Crew Helper) which uses robotic equipment such as 1. the fry station, that can be programmed to automatically weigh, cook, time, shake and dump fries into baskets, lower the baskets into the cooking oil, shake them intermittently to remove clumps, and then dump finished fries for bagging without any human assistance and an automated drink machine which uses ARCH robots which substitute for crew members to grab cups, add ice, and operate drink valves, significantly reducing the time it takes to fill an order.

can expect to sell in the next 10 minutes. It indicates how many packages of BigMac sauce should be stocked for the day using recent sales data. It indicates based on daily demand patterns how many employees might be needed in different time slots, thereby assisting in accurate staff planning. Customising the Service Experience In 1979 McDonalds introduced the Happy Meal which many said was the last blockbuster product to hit the menu although Chicken McNuggets, was introduced in 1983. By the time Ray Kroc died in 1984, it had 7500 restaurants all across the world. The nineties were characterized by Globalisation and liberalisation and across the world trade barriers came down and competition intensified. In 1990 a McDonalds opened in Russia and McDonalds became a symbol of what American capitalism could achieve. It also signaled the end of the cold war. With the shrinking of the Global Village, and opening up of economies, disposable incomes grew and customer spends increased. As customers had more options and greater choices and as competiton was relentless, producers tried to differentiate themselves from rivals by providing greater variety in and customising their product and service offerings. In 1991 McDonalds designed a new product for health conscious consumers called the McLean Deluxe. The company also introduced spaghetti, lasagna, pizza and carrot sticks. All of them were disasters and had to be withdrawn from the menu. In 1996 the company re-labelled the McLean Deluxe calling it the Arch Deluxe a strange tasting grownup burger. It bombed.


These equipment were custom-designed to blend with existing cooking equipment and had special safety features including a shutdown mechanism that is triggered when the robot arm encounters human resistance. Mcdonalds ARCH production system also helps in SALES FORECASTING and PRODUCTION PLANNING, by telling managers how many hamburgers, cheeseburgers, or fries they


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This was also the time when McDonalds opened its first outlet in Delhi, India on October 13, 996. It had taken them five long years from 1991 when McDonalds got the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance for its fast food chain to announce their first restaurant in India. The company said that it took so long because it had stringent quality requirements to be met by local companies from which they would source the right raw materials. McDonalds in India purchases 98% of its food and paper from local companies. Made for You As competition heated up in the fast-food business, McDonalds found that it was losing market share. Therefore in 1997 the company slashed the price of the Big Mac to 55 in what they called campaign 55. Nevertheless sales continued to fall over the next quarter and McDonalds decided to abandon marketing strategies and instead adopt an operational strategy to fix the system in their restaurants. In 1998 therefore, they introduced Made for You to counter rivals Wendys and Burger King. Wendy International had introduced a made-to-order system that offered fresh food and a wide variety, while Burger King was promoting the idea of have it your way. Made for You, was simply is simply a make-to-order system, where cooking began after the orders were received so as to ensure the freshness of our products. Each individual order was communicated from the electronic POS systems at the customer counters to the display panel in the kitchen for individual customised cooking. The advantage with these systems was that it

also minimized wastage, which is always a problem with perishable products. When it was first launched in March 1998, McDonalds promised that customers could obtain their freshly prepared order within 90 seconds of placing their order. It was not easy for a company that had institutionalized standardization to manage both Delivery Time with Flexibility these being standard operational trade-offs and as the company focused on personalisation, its service times began to slip. The Made For You process made people wait and customers who saw value in convenient fast food increasingly began to take their business elsewhere. The ailing burger chain thereafter spent $20 million in research and development and $400 million to implement a transformation to the Made for You, food preparation process. McDonalds kitchen was designed to prepare large quantities of burgers in advance of the rush hour. From a customer standpoint rush hours are critical because service is judged during such periods. The emphasis therefore was on speed-getting customers in and out as quickly as possible-not variety. Changing its kitchen system was seen as key to turning things back around. Robert Marshall, McDonalds U.S. vice president of operations in charge of originally developing Made for You concept as well as its modification realized that not enough McDonalds restaurants consistently met the 90-second service benchmark during peak periods, although the switch to the new system cost roughly $25,000 a restaurant, or $400 million. McDonalds told restaurant operators theyd split with them the cost of replacing old equipment.

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Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

Exhibit III

new facility layout strategy was intended to improve the taste of food by ensuring it is always freshly made. Under the new restaurant design, no food was prepared in advance except the meat patty which was stored hot in a cabinet. To shorten total production process time to 45 seconds, some steps were eliminated and some shortened. Innovation in certain cooking equipment such as toasters and steamers significantly facilitated implementation. The company developed a toaster that browns buns in 11 seconds instead of half minute. The company worked closely with its Bread suppliers to change the texture of the buns so they could withstand the additional heat. Workers worked out that they could save 2 seconds if the position of containers was changed to enable workers to apply mustard to sandwiches with a single motion instead of two. McDonald thus expected to save $100 million per year in food costs, because only the meat, and not the bun or other ingredients, would be discarded if sandwiches did not sell. The company was banking on the new layout, to provide greater efficiency and customer responsiveness.

Adapted from: Heizer and Render: Operations Management, Ninth Edition, 2008. Pearson Education.

McDonalds Supply Chain QSCV Philosophy.

In 2001 therefore, McDonalds completed its fifth major innovation, a new layout to facilitate a mass customisation 15 process (Exhibit III). The corporation radically redesigned its kitchens in its 13,500 North American outlets. Dubbed the Made for You kitchen system, sandwiches were now assembled to order and production levels were controlled by computers. The

11,000 restaurants (7,000 in USA, remaining in 50 countries) Standardized taste at any McDonald, although food must be secured locally. High service levels maintained with low inventory

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Efficient Consumer Response Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a global movement in the consumer goods industry. The ECR Europe Executive Board (1995) expresses the ECR vision as: working together to fulfil consumer wishes better, faster and at less cost Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is the realization of a simple, fast and consumer driven system, in which all links of the logistic chain work together, in order to satisfy consumer needs with the lowest possible cost. Eighteen companies, divided equally between retailers and manufacturers, belong to the ECR Europe Executive Board (ECR Board). All are significant players either globally or in their home countries. The list includes the following retailers: Ahold/Albert Heijn, Metro/Asko, Rewe, Auchan, Promodes, ICA, Tesco, Safeway, La Rinascente and the following manufacturers: Unilever, Sardus, Procter & Gamble, Nestl, Mars, Kraft Jacobs Suchard, Johnson & Johnson, and Coca-Cola. Many other companies are actively involved in projects initiated by the ECR Board. ECR has a few starting points. Firstly the definition shows that consumer demand plays an important part. The chain has to ensure continual improvement of consumer satisfaction, products, and quality. Secondly, the definition also shows that maximum efficiency of the total logistic chain is required. The realization of the two starting points cannot be done without accurate information, which must be available when needed. To keep the costs low, it is preferred that this information and communication is paperless. To accomplish these aspects of

ECR, three focus areas can be distinguished according to Coopers and Lybrand 1. Category Management 2. Product Replenishment 3. Enabling Technologies. Product Replenishment Of the 3 focus areas most improvements in operational activities can be found in the way a store is replenished. Efficient Product Replenishment deals with efficient delivery of the correct product at the correct time at the correct place in the correct quantities. This process is primarily a logistic oriented strategy, which is activated by consumer demand, which is called PULL. Three trajectories can be identified: i. Trajectory from manufacturer to warehouse, ii.Trajectory from warehouse to retailer,and iii. Trajectory from retailer to consumer. The aim of Efficient Replenishment is to integrate these three independent trajectories into the logistic chain in order to create one efficient and effective trajectory throughout the whole chain. Efficient Consumer Response can be worked through product stock replenishment through logistic methods that can in general be classified as :


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Methods which work up the supply chain The upward methods deal with the stream of goods, which are sent in the direction from consumer to manufacturer. One can think of empty containers, pallets, empty packing, defective products and material, which has to be recycled. For many years this topic
Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

methods result in an increment in costs and are therefore not considered efficient. Methods which work down the supply chain Downward methods focus on the trajectories from manufacturer to consumer. Much attention is paid to these methods, because it affects the main part of the stream of goods. Exhibit IV depicts how the strategic introduction of warehouses and appropriate site selection and facility location can optimize transportation costs in the supply chain. Site Selection and Facility Location

Exhibit IV
Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer










When asked about the three most important factors for retailing success, it was Lord Sieff of Marks & Spencer, the UK based retail organisation who is reputed to have said - Location, Location, Location A key difference between services and manufacturing is the number of the companys facilities and the nature of the work they do. Manufacturers tend to have a small number of facilities that usually make different products. Services often have a large number of units, where each unit does nearly the same task.









Compiled by the author

received little attention, but the upward stream of goods is becoming more and more a hot item, due to environment policies. As yet many companies do not do on this, because most

Selecting a site for service firms is fundamentally a different problem from selecting a site for manufacturing facilities. Selecting a site for a manufacturing plant is done infrequently, and the basis for the decision is often centered on reducing costs usually through tax concessions from local governments or exploiting inexpensive labor.


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Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

nearly the same task. Selecting a site for service firms is fundamentally a different problem from selecting a site for manufacturing facilities. Selecting a site for a manufacturing plant is done infrequently, and the basis for the decision is often centered on reducing costs usually through tax concessions from local governments or exploiting inexpensive labor.

For service firms however the site selection problem isa frequent. For service firms however the site selection problem is frequent. It is not unusual for retailing firm to add several hundred new stores in a year. A new McDonalds store is said to be created It is not every unusual for a retailing firm to add several hundred new 10 hours. The location decision is often not based on lowering costs and the vast majority of service outlets areA toonew small for governments to give anything the said way of tax incentives. The stores in a year. McDonalds storeinis to be created decision usually centers on customer proximity so that the location will help generate revenue. For every 10 hours. The location decision is often based many service firms, site selection poses the most important operational decisionnot faced. Despite the on fact that a poor location can doom a facility to failure regardless of how well it is managed many lowering costs and the vast majority of service outlets are too locaion decisions are made with gut feel and opinion than science and fact. small for governments to give anything in the way of tax
The Location Decision
Suppose McDonalds retails through the following outlets in the twin cities which are located according to the following grid which represents coordinate locations for each outlet

Fixed and Variable Costs Fixed Cost per Variable Cost Location Year per Unit A B C D Banjara Hills Himayatnagar Mehdipatnam Secunderabad 2,50,000 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 100 300 200 400

Retail Outlets in the Twin Cities

Compiled by the author Although McDonalds is open to any location for its new warehouse, it has tentatively identified Banjara Hills, Himayatnagar, Mehdipatnam and Secunderabad as 4 potential warehouse locations whose fixed costs per year and variable costs per unit are as follows. McDonalds also needs assess the attractiveness of potential locations with respect to (after allocating weights that will measure the relative importance of) 4 intangible factors.

Compiled by the author

Although McDonalds is open to any location for its new warehouse, it has tentatively identified Banjara Hills, Himayatnagar, Mehdipatnam and Secunderabad as 4 potential warehouse locations whose fixed costs per year and variable costs per unit are as follows.

incentives. The decision usually centers on customer proximity so that the location will help generate revenue. For many service firms, site selection poses the most important operational decision faced. Despite the fact that a poor location can doom a facility to failure regardless of how well it is managed many 7 location decisions are made with gut feel and opinion than science and fact. The Location Decision Suppose McDonalds retails through the following outlets in the twin cities which are located according to the following grid which represents coordinate locations for each outlet

Potential Sites
Banjara Hills Himayatnagar Mehdipatnam Secunderabad

Environmental Conditions Supplier proximity Retail Outlet proximity Transportation costs


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Retail Outlet Banjara Secunderabad Mehdipatnam Himayatnagar Total Demand at Retail Outlet Hills

Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

Exhibit II Service-system Design Matrix

Himayatnagar Secunderabad Ameerpet Total Supply from warehouse Compiled by the author

4 12 8

7 3 10

7 8 16

1 8 5

100 200 150





1. 2. 3. 4.

Environmental Conditions Proximity to Suppliers Proximity to retail outlets Transportation Costs

The transportation costs to and fro potential warehouse locations and the existing retail outlets, as well as the total demands and supplies were computed as shown in the grid below

Source: Operation Management for Competitive Advantage by Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs, Eleventh Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill company



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Locating and Laying Out the Fast Food Business

Questions for Discussion 1. Using the service-system design matrix (Exhibit II) where would you categorise McDonalds service design? What is the best location in Hyderabad for a new warehouse/ temporary storage facility for storing McDonalds corrugated cardboard used in the form of shipping containers for hot cups, coffee stirrers, and ice cream cones?

Exhibit V


APPENDIX Facility Location Models Centre of Gravity Method The centre of gravity method is used to find the optimal location for a distribution centre (more generally any facility) in such a way as to minimize the total transportation costs. The method treats distribution costs as a linear function of the distance and the quantity shipped. The quantity to be shipped to each destination is assumed to be fixed (i.e it will not change over time). An acceptable variation is that quantities are allowed to change, as long as their relative amounts remain the same (for example due to seasonal variations). The method includes the use of a map that shows the locations of destinations. The map must be accurate and drawn to scale. A coordinate system is overlaid on the map to determine relative locations. The location of the 0,0 point of the coordinate system and its scale, is unimportant. Once the coordinate system is in place, the coordinates of each destination can be determined. When the quantities to be shipped to every location are equal, one can obtain the coordinates of the centre of gravity (i.e. the

Adapted from Mapience India Limited

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location of the distribution centre) by finding the average of the x coordinates and the average of the y coordinates. This is a special case of the more general situation when the number of units to be shipped are not the same for all destinations in which case the weighted average must be used to determine the coordinates of the centre of gravity, with the weights being the quantities shipped as stated earlier. The formulae for the x and y coordinates are given by

The numerical preferences are qualitative in nature and are usually decided in groups depending on the extent to which a particular location provides benefits on a given criterion. Two mathematically identical ways in which these criteria can be given numerical rankings are presented below. The first method (Table I) assigns a higher point total to more important criteria The second method (Table II) allows each factor to be judged on the same scale a scale of 1- 10 Table I Factor Land price of neighbourhood Proximity to suppliers Proximity to retail outlets Transportation costs
Compiled by the author

Range 0-40 0-25 0-15 0-10

Multi-Attribute Models In a multi-attribute model (factor-rating, point rating etc.) the key criteria for consideration are listed and subjectively assigned weights, then prospective sites are subjectively assigned values for the key criteria, and the assigned values are combined with the criteria weights to determine an overall score for the site

Table II Factor Land price of neighbourhood Proximity to suppliers Proximity to retail outlets Transportation costs
Compiled by the author

Scale 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10

Multiplier 0.40 0.25 0.15 0.10


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and then the score is multiplied by a corresponding percentage depending on the importance of the factor. The Transportation model Managers must often deal with allocation problems that are considerably larger in scope. A beer manufacturer may have 4 or 5 breweries and hundreds even thousands of distributors not to mention retail outlets. An automobile manufacturer may have 2 assembly plants scattered throughout the country, 8-10 warehouses and thousands of dealers that must be supplied with cars. In such cases, the ability to identify the optimal distribution plan makes the transportation model very important. The shipping points (supply) can be manufacturing factories, warehouses, departments or any other facility from which goods are sent. Destinations can be factories, warehouses, departments or any other facility into which goods are received. The information needed to use the model consists of the following a. A list of origins and each ones capacity or supply quantitiy per period. b. A list of destinations and each ones demand per period c. The unit cost of shipping items from each origin to each destination This information is arranged into a transportation table. The transportation model is one of a class of linear-programming models, so named because of the linear relationships among the

variables. In the transportation model, transportation costs are treated as a direct linear function of the number of units shipped. Use of the transportation model implies that certain assumptions are satisfied. 1. 2. 3. The items to be shipped are homogeneous (ie. They are the same regardless of their origin (source) or destination (sink) Shipping costs per unit is the same regardless of the number of units shipped. There is only one route or mode of transportation being used between each origin and each destination.


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Transportation Methods

Introduction: In this chapter, we will discuss: North-West corner method Least cost method Vogels approximation method Stepping stone method

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Transportation Methods

The transportation problem is a special case of linear programming. In its most general form, the transportation problem has a number of origins and a number of destinations. A certain quantity of commodity is produced or manufactured at each origin and it is to be transported to the destinations, each having certain requirements. The objective of the problem is to meet the destination requirements with supply from the origins so that transportation costs are minimal. This method is applicable in situations involving the physical movement of goods from plants to warehouses, warehouses to wholesalers, wholesalers to retailers and from retailers to customers. These models can also be applied to tasks like production scheduling and inventory control. Moreover, such models reduce the computational effort involved in the simplex method and are hence preferred by many operations managers. A transportation problem can be either balanced or unbalanced. It is said to be balanced if the quantity of goods produced is equal to the total requirement of all the warehouses. Otherwise, the problem is said to be an unbalanced one. In an unbalanced problem, a dummy

warehouse is added if the production capacity is more than the requirement, and a dummy origin is added if production capacity is less than the requirement with desired quantity to make it a balanced problem. Since the formulation of a transportation problem is a special type of linear programming, it can be formulated as a linear programming problem as shown below. Suppose Xij is the quantity transported from the plant Pi to a warehouse Wj, and Cij is the unit transportation cost from Pi to Wj. Since the objective of a transportation problem is to minimize the total transportation cost, the objective function can be given as, Minimize, Z = !Cij Xij Subject to the supply constraints

Demand constraints


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Developing an Initial Feasible Solution The methods used to determine an initial feasible solution are: North-West corner method Least cost method Vogels approximation method North-west corner method (NWCM) In this method, the allocation of products starts at the northwest corner (or the top left corner) of the transportation table. The method is explained below.
Table 5.1.1
Origin O1 O2 O3 . . Om Demand D1 C11 X11 C21 X21 C31 X31 . . Cm1 Xm1 D1 Destination D2 . C12 X12 C22 X22 C32 X32 . . ... Cm2 X m2 D2 Dn C1n X1n C2n X2n C3n X3n .. Cmn Xmn Dn Supply S1 S2 S3 . . Sm

And Xij " 0 for all i and j, where: Xij represents the number of units shipped from origin i to destination j Cij represents the cost of shipping a unit from origin i to destination j Si represents the supply available at ith origin Dj represents the quantity demanded at jth destination The general layout of the transportation problem in table form is given in table 4.7. A transportation problem can be solved by using the following procedure: Step 1: Define the objective function that is to be minimized. Step 2: Develop a transportation table with rows representing the origins and columns representing the destinations. Step 3: Determine the initial feasible solution to the problem. Step 4: Examine whether the initial solution is feasible or not. A solution is feasible, if the number of occupied cells in the solution is (m+n-1), where 'm' is the number of origins and 'n' is the number of destinations. Step 5: Test the solution obtained for optimality by computing the opportunity costs associated with the unoccupied cells. Step 6: If the solution is not optimum, modify the allocation such that the transportation cost can be reduced further.

Step 1: Assign the maximum possible quantity of products to the top left corner cell of the transportation problem.

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Step 2: After the allocation, adjust the supply and demand numbers. Step 3: If the supply in the first row is exhausted, move down to the corresponding cell in second row and assign the possible quantity of products to that cell. If the demand in the column is first satisfied, move horizontally to the next cell in the second
Keynote 5.1.1: Example 1

Step 1: Select the cell with the least unit transportation cost and allocate as many units as possible to that cell. Step 2: If the minimum cost exists in several cells, select a cell

Keynote 5.1.2: Example 2

arbitrarily and assign the possible number of goods. Then consider the remaining cells of the same unit transportation cost. column and assign the quantity of products. Step 4: Continue the same procedure till the entire requirements are met. Step 5: Check for feasibility of the solution. Least cost method (LCM) In this method, allocations are made on the basis of unit transportation costs. The method is explained below. Step 3: Select a cell with the next higher unit transportation cost and continue the process till all requirements are met. Vogels approximation method (VAM) Vogels Approximation Method is the most preferred method over the above two methods as it usually results in an optimal or a near optimal solution. The method is explained below. Step 1: Calculate a penalty for each row and column of the transportation table. The penalty for a row/column is the

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difference between the least cost and the next least cost of that row/column. Step 2: Identify the row or column with the largest penalty value and assign the possible quantity of products to that cell having the least unit cost in that row or column. In case of a tie,
Keynote 5.1.3: Example 3

After computing the initial solution by using any of the three methods explained above, the solution needs to be tested to see whether the solution is optimum or not, by using the stepping stone method. In this method, the decision-maker calculates the net cost change obtained by introducing a unit of quantity in any of the unoccupied cells and checks for the possibility of improving the solution. This method describes the unused cells as water and used cells as stones, and the transportation refers to walking on a path of stones half submerged in water. The procedure of this method is explained below: Step 1: Determine the initial basic solution by using any of the three methods: north-west method, least cost method or the Vogel approximation method. Then check the solution for feasibility. Step 2: Select an unoccupied cell and trace a closed path starting from that cell using the most direct route through at least three occupied cells by making only horizontal or vertical moves.
Keynote 5.1.4: Example 4

select the row or column that has minimum cost. Step 3: Adjust the supply and requirement values after the allocation is made. Step 4: Delete that row or column where the supply or requirement is zero. Step 5: Calculate the values of penalty to all the rows and columns for the reduced transportation problem and repeat the same procedure till the entire requirement has been met. Stepping stone method


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Step 3: Starting from the selected cell, assign + and signs alternatively to the corner cells of the closed path. Step 4: Calculate the 'net cost change' of the selected cell by adding the unit cost values (with the signs assigned) along the closed path. Step 5: If the 'net cost change' is positive for all the unoccupied cells, we can conclude that optimum solution has been arrived at. Step 6: If the 'net cost change' of an unoccupied cell is negative, the quantity of products to be assigned to that cell
Keynote 5.1.5: Example 5

Review 1.2

Question 1 of 5
Which of the following is true?

A. Binomial logistic regression is the same as multiple regression B. Binomial logistic regression can only be used with scores C. Binomial logistic regression is not at all like multiple regression D. Binomial logistic regression is analogous to multiple regression.

is equal to the minimum quantity of those cells with the minus sign in the closed path. Step 7: Repeat the same procedure till the optimum solution has been reached.
Check Answer


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Section 2

Case Study:Utilisation of Transportation Method in Sandino Furniture

This case study was written by RagaSravanthi Vemulavada under the direction of R. Muthukumar, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:

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When deciding on a furniture store, a consumer generally concentrates on the type of furniture he/she wants to purchase and enquires about the service and quality of furniture at the store. In addition to the above, while choosing a furniture store, consumers also find out details about the stores shipping, delivery and assembling policies. Of late, consumers are also using the internet to read the reviews by other customers on the furniture in the stores and to get information about the sales and deals at certain retailers. By choosing a furniture store with the help of a website, the consumer will have the option of surfing through the stores collections before heading out to the stores. Some of the websites also feature interactive tools wherein one can enter the dimensions of a room and can move the virtual furniture as per ones desire to see how the placement should be done even before the new furniture is brought home. Although many stores and furniture dealers have samples in a wide range of styles, they are designed in such a way that they can be merged with any kind of furniture. Most of the stores have been offering discounts, clearance sales, and are even trying to entice customers by offering free schemes to customers who have purchased over a certain amount. Nowadays, a good furniture store not only has couches, chairs and tables but also lighting, carpets, blankets, window treatments, beddings, mattresses, pictures, wall hangings and an assortment of other attractive accessories. One such one-stop destination for all the furniture needs of the customers is Sandino Furniture (Sandino), one of the leading furniture stores located in Sydney, Australia. Sandino is a fully staffed, full service furniture dealer with over 40 years of experience. The company represents over 200 products of fine

furniture. Over the years, the company has strived to provide its customers with the best possible products in the market at affordable prices. The companys central location adds to its advantage because it gets to offer better service and delivery to its clients when compared to other stores, which are not very feasible to reach. Initially, when Sandino was started in 1965, it totally concentrated on selling basic household goods at discount prices. Later, the company got into selling household furniture. Also the company, which at the outset sold furniture produced by local manufacturers, started designing its own furniture. This became the basis for its future growth, led to innovative designs and improved functions at lower prices. At Sandino, the new product development process is supervised by a product strategy council, which consists of a group of senior managers. They set the priorities in designing products based on consumer trends. The company then establishes the price range for the product. Once the price range is set, the company selects a manufacturer to produce the product. At this stage, the company tries to seek a balance between its product quality standards and cost-efficient labour. Meanwhile, Sandinos engineers try to determine the materials that could be used to make the product. In Sandino, products are not available in ready-made form. The customer can select the parts of his choice and get the product assembled. The company also has the facility of delivering the goods. All the parts of a particular product are transported in flat packages. The company ships all its products disassembled. As

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per the company, the prices of shipping disassemble products reduced six times when compared to the prices of shipping assembled products. Sandinos customers are always delighted for they get a unique product at a more affordable price. Besides, most of its customers also find the Sandino shopping experience immensely appealing. Even though the customers feel that the products are not long lasting and most of the times, the products get destroyed while being shifted from one place to another; they still prefer buying furniture at Sandino. Sandinos ambience is made highly attractive to its customers. Once they enter the shop, they get enamoured by the range of fully decorated bedrooms, kitchens, drawing rooms, bathrooms, etc. At Sandino, the transformation that a simple wooden sofa undergoes has to be seen to be believed. Made from teak and sometimes rosewood, the sofas at Sandino enrich the whole experience of seating. The intricate carvings, the straight elegant lines, the finish, the furnishing and last but not the least, its adaptability have made Sandinos sofas an essential part of every home and office all over Australia. With the passage of time, chairs, tables, sideboards and even wall units beautified the furniture store. The atmosphere is always bright and inviting and the customers are free to laze around the model furniture while making their way through the store. At Sandino, one can expect to get beds, which are much more comfortable when compared to other stores and also have real solutions for people who seek better rest and comfort. Sandinos sales executives emphasise on the fact that their bed system is the

only one supported by independent medical, scientific and engineering research trials. Sandino manufactures these kinds of beds at three locations Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. The firm distributes the beds through warehouses located in Kingston, Darwin and Brisbane (Exhibit I).

Exhibit I Capacities and Requirements

Capacities 100 units 300 units 300 units Factories (Sources) Sydney Perth Melbourne Shipping Routes Warehouses (Destinations) Requirements Kingston Darwin Brisbane 300 units 200 units 200 units

Prepared by the author

Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. How should the company select the shipping routes to be used and the number of desks to be shipped on each route to minimise the total transportation cost (Exhibit II)?


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Exhibit II Transportation Costs per bed for Sandino Furniture Ltd.

To From Sydney Perth Melbourne
Prepared by the author

Kingston $5 $8 $9

Darwin $4 $4 $7

Brisbane $3 $3 $5


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Section 3

Case Study: Capacity Planning at General Motors India

This case study was written by Syed Abdul Samad under the direction of Debapratim Purkayastha, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

@2011, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally,

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Capacity limitation was the main reason for lower Spark sales. It was not the best strategy a company in GM Indias position should have adopted. You need to have the product available in the showroom. Mohit Arora, Senior Director, JD Power Asia-Pacific1, in 2007 When General Motors India Private Ltd. (GMI) launched its small car Chevrolet Spark on April 17, 2007, it intensified the price war in the small car segment. GMI, the Indian subsidiary of one of the worlds largest car manufacturers General Motors Company, priced the basic model at Rs. 309,000, nearly Rs2. 12,000 less than the Zen Estilo from its closest competitor, Maruti Suzuki3. However, despite a sparkling debut, a major campaign, and the media glitz that was planned to last a year, the Spark failed to ignite GMIs fortunes. Prior to this launch, the company was way down in terms of media voice, market share, product line up, and capacity constraints, and was badly affected by the phase-out of its once popular Opel brand. Moreover, due to capacity constraints, Spark was offered only in the northern and western parts of the country. While GMI hoped to increase its revenues with the launch of the Spark, its sales failed to live up to expectations. However, it managed to bag some prestigious awards like the J.D. Power Initial Quality Study (IQS) Award for four consecutive years from 2007 for its top quality features. The Spark also began receiving rave reviews from auto experts and consumers for its comfort and performance and GM recorded an annual growth of 68% in 2007. To overcome the existing capacity constraints, the company had built a facility at Talegaon in

Maharashtra by 2009. As a result, there was a reversal of the situation and the company had excess production capacity. With excess capacity, GMI planned to extend its portfolio. However, during 2010-2011, its production facilities in Gujarat faced labor unrest and the company was left with production losses. GMI, therefore, proposed to lay off some of its employees at its plants. With such problems surfacing, industry observers feared that GMI might again face capacity constraints. GENERAL MOTORS Founded on September 16, 1908, in Flint, Michigan, by William C. Durant (Durant), General Motors (GM) went on to become one of the largest manufacturers of cars and trucks with a 17% share in the world auto market. Headquartered in Detroit, GM, as of 2010, it employed approximately 209,000 people all over the world and produced around 8.5 million units annually. The company, together with its strategic partners, produced cars and trucks in 43 countries and its products were available in about 170 countries. GM had its highest sales in China followed by the U.S., Brazil, the U.K., Germany, Canada, and Russia and owned brands like Baojun, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, FAW, GMC, Daewoo, Holden, Goodwrench, Isuzu, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Geo, Saturn, and Wuling. Over the years, GM invested aggressively in high technology and e-business in its operations and fostered global partnerships and consumer relationships. In 2001, GM became a majority shareholder in GM Daewoo4 Auto & Technology Co. of South Korea. It developed product, technology, and purchasing collaborations with Suzuki Motor Corp.5 and Isuzu Motors Ltd.6

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of Japan, Chrysler LLC7, Daimler AG8, BMW AG9 and Toyota Motor Corp.10. It entered into vehicle manufacturing ventures with Toyota, Suzuki, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China11, AVTOVAZ12 of Russia, and Renault SA13 of France. It rebranded and relaunched the products from its collaborations. For instance, the Isuzu product Panther was re-launched as the Chevrolet Tavera. ! In June 2009, after the economic downturn of 2008, the company declared bankruptcy and underwent massive changes. With the help of loans from the US and European Governments, a New GM emerged (with reduced ownership) and was listed on the stock exchanges in November 2010. Its brands Pontiac and Goodwrench were retired and the company adopted a new brand identity and reorganization. Speaking on the occasion, Fritz Henderson, President and CEO of the company, said, Today marks a new beginning for General Motors, one that will allow every employee to get back to the business of designing, building, and selling great cars and trucks and serving the needs of our customers. One thing we have learned from the last 100 days is that GM can move quickly and decisively. Today, we take the intensity, the speed, and the commitment of the past several months and transfer it from the triage of the bankruptcy process to the creation and operation of a new General Motors. GENERAL MOTORS INDIA The companys operations outside the US, including India and all of those in the Asia Pacific region, however, were not affected by the bankruptcy. They became a part of the new

company and continued to operate normally without any interruption with a new corporate structure, a stronger balance sheet, and a renewed commitment toward customer centricity. GM will continue to remain aggressive in India in order to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Our goal is to continue to provide the best cars to our customers across the country while taking advantage of the extensive global resources offered by the new General Motors Company, said Karl Slym (Slym), President and Managing Director, General Motors India. Speaking about the presence of the company in India and its future plans, Slym added, In its 14 years of established operations in this country, GM India has invested over Rs. 5000 crore (Rs. 50 billion) to create a manufacturing capacity of 225,000 vehicles per annum. We are deeply committed to this market, our customers, suppliers, dealers, and all other stakeholders to continue our rapid story of successful growth in India. Over 4000 people are directly employed by GM India at our manufacturing plants in Halol and Talegaon, our Engineering, R&D and Design Center in Bangalore, and our corporate office in Gurgaon. We are not going anywhere and we are here to stay for the long term. General Motors began its operations in India in 1928. It started with assembling Chevrolet cars, trucks, and buses, but in 1952-53, the socialist Indian Government forced General Motors India to shut shop. In 1954, the corporation ceased its assembly operations along with other foreign car companies. However, GM continued its presence in India with the help of its association with Hindustan Motors and manufactured Bedford trucks, Vauxhall cars, Allison

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Transmissions, and off-road equipment. In 1994, after the Indian economy was liberalized, General Motors India Private Limited (GMI) was formed as a joint venture with a 50:50 ownership with Hindustan Motors14, a division of the CK Birla Group of Companies. It produced and sold vehicles of the Opel brand at its Halol manufacturing facility in Gujarat. Later in 1999, GM bought out the Hindustan Motors interest and GMIPL became a wholly-owned subsidiary of GM. In 2000, GM shifted its headquarters to Gurgaon, in Haryana state. GMI continued to produce Opel cars at the Halol facility in Gujarat until 2003, when it switched to production of Chevrolet vehicles at that location. During the same year, the company launched its technical center in Bangalore, which included research and development facilities and vehicle engineering activities. The center also provided purchasing and financial support services for the smooth operation\ of General Motor offices outside India. GMIPL also set up a second vehicle manufacturing plant in Talegaon in the state of Maharashtra in 2006 and a vehicle design studio in 2007. The Talegaon plant too produced vehicles of the brand Chevrolet (Refer to Exhibit I for GMs Cars in India). However, in 2009, GMIPL declared a new 50-50 partnership with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation of China the partner of GMs main venture in China for carrying out its operations in India. By 2011, the company had become the fifth largest automobile manufacturer in India after Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motor Company15, Tata Motors16, and Mahindra & Mahindra Limited17 with a production capacity of 385,000 vehicles annually at its two assembly plants based in Talegaon

Exhibit I GMs Cars in India

Chevrolet-Aveo Aveo 1.4 E Aveo 1.4 Aveo 1.4 LS Aveo 1.6 LT Opel Astra Chevrolet Tavera Neo Neo LS-B3 Neo SS-D1 Chevrolet Optra 1.6 Elite 1.6 LS Elite 1.6 LT Royale 1.8 LT 1.8 LT AT Opel Corsa Chevrolet-Spark Spark 1.0 E Spark 1.0 Spark 1.0 LS Spark 1.0 LT Chevrolet Optra Magnum Chevrolet Optra Magnum 2.0 MAX TCDi Chevrolet Optra Magnum 2.0 LS TCDi

Chevrolet Tavera Tavera B1 Tavera B2

Chevrolet Captiva Chevrolet SRV Chevrolet SRV 1.6 Chevrolet SRV 1.6 with Option Pack

Chevrolet Aveo U-VA

Aveo Aveo Aveo

U-VA 1.2 U-VA 1.2 LS U-VA 1.2 LT

Aveo U-VA Opel GT

Chevrolet Optra Magnum 2.0 LT TCDi GMs AWAITED CAR MODELS Cadillac CTS Hummer H2 Hummer H3 Cadillac XLR

Source: General Motors,

Dabhade and Halol. Though it started its operations in India with the Opel brand (Opel India Private Limited - OIPL), the brand was discontinued in the country in 2006 and was replaced by Chevrolet (Chevrolet Sales India Private Limited CSIPL). As of 2011, OIPL only provided vehicle servicing and spare parts to existing Opel vehicle owners (Refer to Exhibit II for GMIs existing and discontinued models in India).

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Exhibit II! GMIs Current and Discontinued Models in India

Current Models None Discontinued Models Opel Astra (19962006) Opel Vectra (20032006) Opel Corsa Swing (20032006) Opel Corsa Sail (20032006) Current Models Chevrolet Optra (Launched 2003) Chevrolet Tavera (Launched 2004) Chevrolet Aveo (Launched 2006) Chevrolet Aveo U-V-A(Launched 2006) Chevrolet Spark (Launched 2007) Chevrolet Captiva (Launched 2008) Chevrolet Cruze (Launched 2009) Chevrolet Beat (Launched 2010) Discontinued Models Chevrolet Forester (2003-2005) Chevrolet SRV (2006-2009)
Compiled from various sources

located in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan) and a fully functional after sales support system, which assured total customer satisfaction. As of 2010, CSIPL had 205 dealerships and more than 200 service centers in 178 cities in India. The company also had to its credit prominent awards in India like the Most Dependable Compact Car and Best Compact Car in Initial Quality 2010 by JD Power and Associates India study for its Spark and the NDTV Profit Car and Bike India awards 2011 like Best Communication and PR Campaign for the Beat and Car Manufacturer of the Year Award. Explaining the companys commitment to its customers, Slym said, We are committed to ensuring that our customers continue to receive a top-notch sales, service, spare parts and warranty coverage experience. Our dealers will also continue to receive all our carlines, while our suppliers will continue to work with us to supply parts and components for our cars, which we will continue to build at our state-of-the-art Talegaon and Halol facilities. We have no intention to modify our product, brand, or other business plans including new product launches, the all-new Chevrolet Cruze from our mother plant in Halol and an all new Chevrolet mini car from our new state-of-the-art plant at Talegaon. We will remain aggressive in all areas of our business and continue to introduce new and exciting products that are best in class, in order to continue our growth in India. INTRODUCTION OF SPARK After acquiring a majority share in Daewoo Motors of South Korea, in 2001, GM got access to the companys small car

Owing to the latest manufacturing methods and human factor practices followed in its plants, GMI recorded a sales growth of 61% in 2010, as compared to the sales figures of 2009. In May 2010, 8,225 units were sold against 5,109 units in May of 2009. Its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities were therefore benchmarked for advanced technologies in the Indian automotive industry. It followed a combination of Indian creativity, American management, and German engineering and produced premium automobiles in a world class manufacturing atmosphere. Industry observers said that GMs Opel Astra was the bestselling model worldwide and the third bestselling car ever produced. The company possessed a widely distributed dealer network (including export dealers

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platform. GM rebranded the Daewoo products as Chevrolet and re-launched them in different markets (including India). The Daewoo brands namely Daewoo Lacetti, Daewoo Kalos, and Daewoo Winstorm were rebranded as Chevrolet Optra, Chevrolet Aveo U-VA, and Chevrolet Captiva respectively. Daewoo Matiz, which was a runaway hit in the Indian market between 1999 and 2002, was discontinued from the Indian market after Daewoo was taken over by GM. Despite GMs acquisition of Daewoo, it took a full five years for the Matiz to return to India as the Chevtolet Spark in 2007. ! ! Till 2006, GM was manufacturing cars under its OPEL brand and gave a few hit products to the Indian customers. However, in 2006, the brand was discontinued and replaced by Chevrolet. The company started launching products under this brand name. As a result, the company did not have a great brand following or media presence as that for OPEL. And the company was at an all-time low in terms of media share of voice, because of low market share, small product line up, capacity constraint, lack of products in the fast selling B and C categories (mid-range and lower-end categories respectively), and also due to the phase-out of the popular Opel brand. The earlier products launched under the Chevrolet brand Optra, Tavera, and Aveo all catered to the SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) or the higher-end (A category) segments. But with the Spark, the company was planning to hit the small and compact car segment which was a biggersized market in India. The company expected a major hit with the Spark and its launch was planned carefully to create the needed hype. In 2007, GMIs share in the domestic car market was around 2.8% and the company aimed at notching

up a market share of around 10% by 2010. The car also marked GMs strategy of concentrating more on emerging markets to become a global leader. Rick Wagoner (Wagoner), who was the Global Chairman and Chief Executive of GM at that time, said, India is an important country to our business strategy as we feel that to succeed globally we must succeed in the emerging markets like India. The company expected 70% of global automotive sales growth over the next ten years (by 2017) from the Asia Pacific markets. As the Spark was expected to give a fillip to the companys fortunes in the country, a media blitz that would last the entire year was planned by the company, to keep GMI in the news on a continuous basis riding on the intended launch of its products, capacity augmentation plans, etc. This in turn was expected to leverage sales for its new car Chevrolet Spark that was yet to be launched. A major campaign with prominent newspapers, magazines, and television channels such as Business Standard Motoring, BBC Road Show, Top Gear, NDTV, CNBC, TIMES NOW, etc. was also launched for media interaction. To create a buzz in the media and industry, Wagoner was brought to India to launch the Spark. Ahead of introducing the Spark, Wagoner told a group of business leaders, It is time to redouble our efforts on manufacturing and marketing here. He added, This (the Spark) is a big part of our growth strategy here. With this new product and the investments we are making, GM sales and market share will continue to grow. On April 17, 2007, in Delhi, GMI launched its muchanticipated Chevrolet Spark in four models (Refer to Exhibit III for the various Models of Chevrolet Spark). The base model

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Exhibit III Chevrolet Spark: Models and Colors

Chevrolet Spark 1.0 Chevrolet Spark 1.0 PS Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LS It is the base variant of Chevrolet Spark that comes without few standard features like Power Steering, Power Windows, Central Locking, Fog Lamps, Rear Defogger, Rear Wash and Wipe. Power Steering the additional feature that is available with this variant. The additional features that are available with this variant of Chevrolet Spark are Body Colored Bumpers, fabric Insert on Door Trims, Front Power Windows, Digital Clock, and Cigarette Lighter. The additional features that this variant of Chevrolet Spark offers are Body Colored Tail Gate Handle, Body Colored Door Handles, Rear Spoiler, Satin Silver Roof Rails, Front Fog Lamps, Body Side Moulding, Front Windshield Top Band, Mudguards, Metallic Finish on Instrument Panel, Fabric Seat Covers, Rear Power Windows, Rear Defogger, Rear Washer and Wiper and Sun Glass Holder. It is the top end variant of Chevrolet Spark that offers few additional features that are Alloy Wheels, ABS (Antilock Brake System) and Drivers Airbag. Colors Available Misty Lake Topaz Metallic Caviar Black Platinum Metallic

Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LT

three-year/100,000 km standard warranty and a service interval of 5,000 km. Wagoner, after the launch of the Spark, said, GM has made growth in India a priority. Last year, we began the construction of a new manufacturing facility and introduced three new Chevrolet products. We are keeping up the momentum this year with the introduction of the Spark, which gives GM an entry in Indias predominant market segment. The Chevrolet Spark was launched to take on the small car market in India that was dominated by the Maruti Alto, Maruti Zen, Maruti Wagon R, Hyundai Santro, and Tata Indica. According to GM India President and Managing Director, Rajeev Chaba (Chaba), The Chevrolet Spark is the worlds newest-generation compact city car. It sets a new standard for its segment through its modern design, clever space utilization, affordability, and solid engineering. Due to capacity constraints, the Spark was initially available only in Indias Northern and Western markets. Ninety days later, it was rolled out in other markets. Ever since its launch, the Spark received rave reviews for its class-leading fuel efficiency, passenger comfort, and refined performance from auto experts and consumers, making it a desirable vehicle in India. In 2007, GM India experienced record annual growth of 68% on sales of 60,032 vehicles, which was well above the industry growth of about 14%. S PA R K S D E M A N D A N D S U P P LY: C A PA C I T Y CONSTRAINTS In a ceremony presided over by the companys VicePresident, P Balendran (Balendran), in April 2010, GMI rolled out the 100,000th Chevrolet Spark from its plant in Halol,

Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LT Option Pack w/ Airbag

Olympic Blazing Red White

was priced at Rs 309,000 (ex-showroom Delhi), while the higher-end model was priced at Rs 389,000. However, the top-line model, which was equipped with ABS and Alloy wheels, was priced at Rs 424,000. The five-seater Chevrolet Spark was equipped with an S-Tec engine and came with a

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Gujarat. Speaking on the occasion, he said, Spark is a hit globally, and it is one of GM Indias best-selling cars in the country. The growing popularity of our Spark testifies that more and more customers have been reassured by the quality, economy, and performance of this best-selling car. We are confident that the award winning Spark makes for a natural choice for the customers, given its product attributes and the value proposition it offers at an affordable price. While the Chevrolet Spark, the small car from GM, was declared a hit in 2010, it was not able to attract enough customers for quite some time after its launch in 2007. This turned out to be a dampener for the ailing American carmaker in India. In the seven months between April, when it was launched, and October in 2007, the company sold less than 12,000 units, or an average of 1,700 units a month. On the other hand, its competitors Alto and WagonR (Maruti Suzuki), Indica (Tata Motors), and Santro (Hyundai) had average monthly sales of 10,000-18,000 units. The lackluster sales during the second innings of the Daewoo Matizs face-lifted model were a big disappointment for the company. However, the same car, when it was first introduced by Daewoo as Matiz, had made a successful foray into the Indian market, in 1999, and was the best-selling car ahead of even Marutis offerings. In 2001, after GM acquired South Koreas Daewoo Motor, the company negotiated with Daewoo to buy its assets in Surajpur, Uttar Pradesh, to produce its small car. However, the deal fell apart and resulted in a severe delay in GMs small car plans for India. GMI had to then use its Halol facility, which had an annual capacity of 85,000 vehicles, to produce

the Spark. This was its only manufacturing facility then where it manufactured everything from the Spark to the Optra (six models of cars). There was a gap of five years between the withdrawal of the Matiz and the introduction of the Spark in the Indian market, which resulted in its poor market performance, despite the hype created before its launch. Moreover, the car was released only in the northern and western markets of India, owing to production capacity constraints, leaving the southern and eastern parts of the country to be taken care of in the next phase of its launch. There will be initial capacity constraints and depending on the demand we will rearrange the product mix to effectively utilize our existing capacity, said Chaba, President and Managing Director, GMI (2007). That year, GM (worldwide) reported a staggering loss of US$39 billion for the third quarter ended September 2007, while the net loss in 2006 was US$10.5 billion. Ankush Arora, head of marketing and sales, GMI, correlated the Sparks poor performance in India with the companys inherent capacity constraints and its rollout in the northern and western markets taking priority over the south. Some industry experts and consumers also felt that the price tag it carried (Rs 310,000 - Rs 425,000 (ex-showroom Delhi)), was actually high and did not take into account the price sensitiveness of the Indian consumer. Mohit Arora, senior director at JD Power Asia-Pacific, criticizing GMIs capacity limitations, said, You need to have the product available in the showroom. Though the Spark created a hype before its launch (due to advertisements and the earlier Matiz image), it did not tap it effectively enough. Experts pointed out that GM

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had indulged in selling the concept rather than the real product because of the unavailability of the product. ! ! In October 2007, during the festival of Diwali18, GM offered a massive discount of Rs. 53,000 on the six-month-old model (then available across the country), which got bookings for 12,000 units. Analysts interpreted this act of the company as a weakness of the product and feared that its brand image would be affected. But this offer acted as a turning point for the company and sales of the model picked up. The company then announced that it would increase the monthly production of this model at the Halol plant to 3,000 units and that its new plant at Talegaon (on which construction had begun in 2006 at cost of Rs. 13 billion), which would have an initial capacity of 145,000 units annually, would commence production in 2008. We are battling capacity constraints right now but will be in a better position next year when the Talegaon plant becomes operational. That plant will boost our capacity from the current 85,000 units to 225,000 units per annum. Subsequently we expect the numbers to swell further, said Chaba. GMI officials, in January 2008, expected that the sales of the Spark (projected to sell 40,000 units) would have the highest share in total expected sales of all its vehicles, which were expected to grow to 91,000 against the 60,032 cars sold the previous year. GMI Director (Operations) S Garg, said, Out of the total sales, we feel that Chevrolet Spark would enjoy major share in total car sales for this year as small cars continue to have largest share in passengers cars market in the country. With new production capacity, the company

expected to remove its capacity constraints that year. Garg added, The new facility at Talegaon in Maharashtra will have capacity manufacturing of 1.40 lakh (140,000) cars per annum and we feel production will commence during the last quarter of this year. Balendran added, Once the new plant becomes operational, we will overcome this capacity constraint. As expected, the companys new Talegaon plant became operational in October 2008. It worked on a single shift and had the capacity to make around 140,000 units. Speaking of this, Slym said, For the first time in the history of the company, we have excess capacity. This we will leverage. Now freed of capacity constraints, GMI planned to beef up its product portfolio with two new models (a small car and a sedan) during 2009. With the credit crunch slowing down car sales in India, Slym said, the new models would create good volumes for the company. ! In order to leverage the excess capacity and also beat the credit crunch affecting car sales, the company launched three new cars, namely the Captiva, the Cruze., and the Beat and upgraded models of other existing cars during 2008 through 2010. In the meantime, the Spark had crossed three million in sales globally during 2009. It also won the prestigious J.D. Power Initial Quality Study (IQS) Award for four consecutive years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 In May 2010, GMI launched the Chevrolet Aveo CNG in Ahmedabad, attaching itself to green technology and environment friendly mobility solutions, to appeal to both individuals and fleet customers. This expanded its CNG footprint across the country. It also inaugurated an LNG facility at Halol (with Rs.9

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Exhibit IV GMIs Sales for 2010 Model Spark Beat Tavera Cruze Aveo Aveo U-VA Optra Captiva Total Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009 2010 2010 2010 4,147 3477 3412 859 1,519 616 374 493 168 82 8,258 2825 1512 686 364 434 51 72 9421 4431 1592 726 420 411 98 21 11,111 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 3507 2,812 2,911 2244 2481 2424 3251 2786 2691 3272 3852 1529 692 315 529 62 115 10601 2,296 1,418 854 396 312 53 84 8,225 3,415 1,423 773 398 387 93 139 9,539 1722 1546 639 375 240 133 225 7124 45% (4914) 2475 1438 724 325 240 176 82 7941 34% (5939) 2753 1578 847 325 287 236 167 8617 13% (7654) 3021 1594 957 405 328 333 162 10051 36% (7413) 2547 1476 617 297 291 262 100 8376 2523 1694 623 258 271 288 120 8,468 3345 1691 715 243 331 296 91 9984 6% (9421)

% Growth over 101% same month (4,041) last year

139 % 126 % (3937) (4,921)

120% 61% 112% (4823) (5,109) (4,492)

18% 3% (7118) (8,258)

Compiled from various sources

billion investment), for gas supply to its manufacturing plant. On November 27, 2010, for the first time since inception, GMI crossed the 100,000 unit mark in sales. It sold 110,804 units in 2010 as against 69,579 units in 2009, registering an impressive growth of 59% (Refer to Exhibit IV for GMIs sales in 2010). Commenting on the performance, Balendran said, This is a momentous occasion and a historic milestone for all of us at GM India. We are very excited by the tremendous response that we have received from our valued customers. Introduction of best-in-segment cars from the 300 series, rapid network expansion for increased customer outreach, our unique value proposition like Chevrolet Cashless Ownership offer, innovative marketing initiatives, and our promise to deliver quality and performance are the factors that have led to this achievement. The economic growth that in turn propelled the growth in the automobile sector has resulted in sustaining this momentum. Analysts opined that the rising demand and the overwhelming response for the Beat, the Spark, and the Cruze, which had become industry benchmarks in their respective segments and a winner among consumers, were responsible for the milestones achieved by

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the company. The company sold 8,329 units (including all models) in May 2011, compared to 8,225 units in May 2010, registering a marginal growth of 1.3%. Commenting on the performance, Balendran said, Achieving these levels of growth also clearly reflects the customers confidence in our products. We are pleased to see such robust growth for all our car lines and we believe these world class products will further propel the Chevrolet brand in the market. The year 2011 marked the centenary year of the Chevrolet brand globally and the completion of seven years of its successful journey in the Indian market, with over 300,000 cars having been sold in India. Celebrating this milestone and to strengthen its ever increasing customer base, GMI took up initiatives like Chevrolet Free Mega Service Camps, the Mega Gold Rush Scheme for customers, and dealer driven activities to engage with its valued customers. The company introduced a centralized 24x7 call center (3030-8080 from any landline or mobile) to attend to customer needs. Other programs introduced by the company included unmatched product warranties/ guarantees, a 24x7 breakdown helpline service, Chevy U-First Camps, and a Cost of Ownership program to further bolster the ownership experience of Chevrolet vehicles. THE ROAD AHEAD As of 2010, India was home to 40 million passenger vehicles with more than 3.7 million produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%), making the country the second fastest growing automobile market in the world. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers19, the projected

! annual car sales were 5 million and 9 million by 2015 and 2020 respectively. Analysts expected India to be the worlds largest car consumer by 2050. In 2011, India was at the seventh position and was set to overtake Brazil to become the sixth largest passenger vehicle producer in the world, growing at a rate of 16-18%. After economic liberalization, as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions, the Indian automotive industry has demonstrated sustained growth (Refer to Exhibit V for passenger car vehicle production in India). Domestic manufacturers such as Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, and Mahindra and Mahindra, expanded their domestic and international operations and global companies saw the emerging opportunities and established their base in India. Exports from India also rose considerably and reached US$4.5 billion in 2009, with the UK being Indias largest export market followed by Italy,
Exhibit V GMI sales for 2005-2010
Year Sales (units) 2005 25,155 2006 38,857 2007 60,032 2008 66,543 2009 69,579 2010 110,804

Compiled from various sources

Germany, the Netherlands, and South Africa. Exports were expected to cross US$12 billion by 2014. General Motors also planned to export about 50,000 cars manufactured in India by 2011.


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Taking a cue from this growth trend, GMI started planning its future expansions. It planned to establish a 160,000 unit per annum engine manufacturing facility at its Talegaon manufacturing plant premises. It was a flexi-engine plant wherein both petrol and diesel small car engines were to be manufactured together. The company had ramped up production by adding second shifts at both the plants to meet the increased demand for its range of products and was planning to commission a third shift at its Halol facility to decrease the waiting period for its products. GMI also planned to hire 1,000 people to expand its output by 80% (410,000 units annually) by 2012. To achieve this target, the company was investing US$500 million (over Rs. 22 billion) in its Halol and Talegaon facilties to increase production capacity and merge R&D activities. The Halol and Talegoan plants would then produce 110,000 and 300,000 units respectively. It was also rapidly expanding its sales and service network to 300 locations to support the market demand of its cars. To make optimum utilization of the expanded capacity and manpower, the company planned to add a host of new products to its portfolio. In a path-breaking initiative to address the fuel price hike and introduce environment friendly mobility solutions, the company in collaboration with REVA Electric Car Company20 was manufacturing e-Spark. It was also working on the LPG and CNG variants of Spark, Aveo UVA, and Aveo. We have been working on alternative fuel technology for some time and the recent fuel price hike has expedited the process, said Balendran. But commenting on the launch date of these vehicles he added, It is too early to say. Certain tests and trials are to be done.

By October 2011, GMI in a Joint Venture with the Chinese Co. SAIC, proposed to commence the trial production of its new Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) models at its Halol plant and make them available to the market in the first quarter of 2012. The Indian market for commercial vehicles (heavy and light) was projected to sell around 1.28 million units in 2011, with the LCV market size of 280,000 units and growing at 25% annually. ! ! Increasing interest rates coupled with fuel price hikes and increased input costs have dampened the growth of the Indian automobile sector. In June 2011, the Reserve Bank of India21 raised key interest rates by 25 basis points. Top industry officials say that the growth rate was likely to slow down to 14-15% in 2011 as compared to 31% in 2010. In 2009, the industry had grown at 23-24% despite of a global economic slowdown. Balendran said, High input costs and rising fuel prices coupled with a steady hike in interest rates would affect sales this year for the overall industry. However, we (GM) dont expect any contraction. Backing the views, Pawan Goenka, President, Auto and Farm Equipment Sector, Mahindra and Mahindra, and also the President of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, opined, No doubt, it will have a negative impact on the automobile industry. It was expected.... Now we would like to see how much banks pass the burden (on to customers). GMI had lined up 6-7 launches by 2013 including two Light Commercial Vehicles (one pickup and the other a van), the Chevy Sail Hatchback, the Chevy Sail sedan, a small car, and the Orlando SUV. GMI was set to launch the Camaro by

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end-2011 and its iconic Cadillac by 2013. It was also looking at the possibilities of enhancing its range of diesel-driven cars as demand for the variant increased due to the price
Exhibit VI Passenger Car Vehicle Production in India
Total Vehicles Prodn. 3,536,783 2,641,550 2,332,328 2,253,999 2,019,808 1,628,755 1,511,157 1,161,523 894796 814611 801360 818193

similar variants of other models. At the 10th Auto Expo, 2010, New Delhi, GMI showcased 11 production and concept vehicles displayed under three themes/ categories Chevrolet Green, Chevrolet Performance, and Chevrolet Hot Hatch22. While on the one hand the company was introducing new models, on the other, it had shelved a small car project, positioned below the companys existing entry level compact car Spark that would have competed with the Rs. 1 lakh car (Rs.100,000) Tata Nano. It (small car) was under discussion when the Rs 1 lakh car (Nano) came in. We have reached a decision point that it is not right for us. We did have a plan (to launch a smaller car than Spark), but no longer now. We have shelved the plans to get into that segment, Slym said. GMI faced labor unrest at its Halol facility in the first half of 2011, which led to the company incurring production losses, and forced the company to think in terms of laying off some employees at this plant. With a slew of models yet to be released, increasing demand for its existing products, and such labor unrest at GMI, industry analysts wondered whether the company might again face capacity constraints. Footnotes: 1.Founded in October, 1990, J.D.Power Asia Pacific, Inc. is a subsidiary of J.D.Power and Associates. J.D.Power and Associates is a global marketing information services firm founded in 1968 by James David Power III. The firm conducts surveys of customer satisfaction, product quality, and buyer behavior for industries ranging from cars to


Car % % Commercial Production Change Change

% Change

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

2,814,584 2,175,220 1,846,051 1,713,479 1,473,000 1,264,000 1,178,354 907,968 703,948 654,557 517,957 533,149

29.39 17.83 7.74 16.33 16.53 7.27 29.78 28.98 7.55 26.37 -2.85

722,199 466,330 486,277 540,250 546,808 362, 755 332,803 253,555 190,848 160,054 283,403 285,044

54.86 -4.10 -9.99 -1.20 50.74 9.00 31.25 32.86 19.24 -43.52 -0.58

33.89 13.25 3.35 10.39 19.36 7.22 23.13 22.96 8.96 1.62 -2.10

Source: Automotive Industry in India, Automobile_industry_in_India

difference with petrol. It launched its Diesel variant of the Beat in July 2011 and was keeping its options open for introducing

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marketing and advertising firms. The company is a business unit of the Information and Media Group of McGraw-Hill, who purchased it from James David Power III in April 2005. The firm is headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California.J.D.Power Asia Pacific is based in Japan. 2.US$1 = Rs. 49.50 as on 28 October, 2011 3.Maruti Suzuki India Limited is a subsidiary company of Japanese automaker Suzuki Motor Corporation. It is India's largest passenger car company, accounting for over 45% of the domestic car market. The company offers a complete range of cars from the entry level Maruti 800 and Alto, to hatchback Ritz, A- Star, Swift, Wagon-R, Estillo, and sedans DZire, SX4, in the 'C' segment Maruti Eeco and Sports Utility vehicle Grand Vitara. 4.Daewoo or the Daewoo Group was a major South Korean chaebol (conglomerate). It was founded on March 22, 1967 as Daewoo Industrial and was dismantled by the Korean government in 1999. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis of 1998, Daewoo was the second largest conglomerate in Korea after the Hyundai Group, followed by the LG Group and the Samsung Group. There were about 20 divisions under the Daewoo Group. Daewoo Motor co. Ltd., the motor vehicles division, was founded in 1978, but was forced to sell off its automotive arm to General Motors in 2001. 5.Initially established as Suzuki Loom Works in 1909, Suzuki Motor Corporation was incorporated in 1920. With headquarters at Hamamatsu, Japan, Suzuki has steadily

grown to become the worlds #3 motorcycle manufacturer behind Honda and Yamaha. Suzuki offers its customers a wide range of motorcycles, automobiles, outboard motors, and related products such as generators and motorized vehicles. 6.Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Gas and Electric Industrial Co. cooperatively planned to build automobiles and in 1937, Tokyo Automobile Industries Co., Ltd. was established, with a capital of one million yen. In 1949, it was renamed as ISUZU. Isuzu Motors Ltd. is a Japanese car, commercial vehicle and heavy truck manufacturing company, headquartered in Tokyo. In 2005, Isuzu became the world's largest manufacturer of medium to heavy duty trucks. On November 7, 2006, Toyota acquired 5.9% of Isuzu, making it the third largest shareholder behind ITOCHU and Mitsubishi Corporation. 7.Chrysler Group LLC is an America-based multinational automaker headquartered in the Detroit suburb of Auburn Hills, Michigan. Chrysler was first organized as the Chrysler Corporation in 1925. On June 10, 2009, Chrysler LLC emerged from a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization and a substantial portion of its operations were sold to a new company, Chrysler Group LLC, organized in alliance with the Italian automaker Fiat. In 1998, Chrysler and its subsidiaries entered into a partnership dubbed a merger of equals with German-based Daimler-Benz AG, creating the combined entity DaimlerChrysler AG. Later, Daimler subsequently acquired Chrysler in a stock swap. On May 14, 2007, DaimlerChrysler announced the sale of 80.1% of Chrysler Group to American private equity firm Cerberus

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Capital Management, L.P., thereafter known as Chrysler LLC, although Daimler (renamed as Daimler AG) continued to hold a 19.9% stake. 8.Daimler AG (formerly DaimlerChrysler) is a German car corporation. By unit sales, it is the thirteenth-largest car manufacturer and second-largest truck manufacturer in the world. In addition to automobiles, Daimler manufactures buses and provides financial services through its Daimler Financial Services arm. DaimlerChrysler was founded (19982007) when Mercedes-Benz manufacturer DaimlerBenz (19261998) of Stuttgart, Germany, merged with the U.S.-based Chrysler Corporation in 1998. However, the buyout failed, and DaimlerChrysler announced on May 14, 2007, that it would sell Chrysler to Cerberus Capital Management of New York, a private equity firm that specializes in restructuring troubled companies. On October 4, 2007, a DaimlerChrysler Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the renaming of the company. From October 5, 2007, the company has been titled Daimler AG. The US company adopted the name Chrysler LLC when the sale was completed on August 3, 2007. Daimler produces cars and trucks under the brands of Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, Smart, Freightliner, and many others. 9.Bayerische Motoren Werke AG is a German automobile, motorcycle, and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916. It also owns and produces the Mini marquee, and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. BMW produces motorcycles under BMW Motorrad and Husqvarna brands.

10.TMC, is a multinational automaker headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 as a spinoff from his father's company Toyota Industries to create automobiles. Three years earlier, in 1934, while still a department of Toyota Industries, it created its first product, the Type A engine, and, in 1936, its first passenger car, the Toyota AA. Toyota Motor Corporation group companies are Toyota (including the Scion brand), Lexus, Daihatsu, and Hino Motors, along with several non-automotive companies. TMC is part of the Toyota Group, one of the largest conglomerates in the world. 11.Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation is a government-owned, Chinese vehicle manufacturer. Its parent company is the Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Currently one of the top four Chinese automakers along with Chang'an Motors, FAW Group, and Dongfeng Motor, SAIC was the most-productive vehicle manufacturer in China in 2010 selling 3.56 million units. 12.AvtoVAZ is a Russian automobile manufacturer, formerly known as VAZ: Volzhsky Avtomobilny Zavod but better known to the world under the trade name Lada. The company was established in the late 1960s in collaboration with Fiat. The current company name contains abnormal semantic pleonasm: AvtoVAZ literally stands for Avtomobilniy Volzhsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Automobile Volga Automobile Plant). AvtoVAZ is the largest company in the Russian automotive industry. It is 25% owned by French carmaker Renault. It produces nearly one million

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cars a year, including the Kalina, the Lada 110, and the Niva off-road vehicle. However, the original Fiat 124-based vehicle, the VAZ-2101 and its derivatives, remain the models most associated with its Lada brand. 13.Renault S.A. is a French automaker producing cars, vans, and in the past, autorail vehicles, trucks, tractors, vans, and also buses/coaches. Its alliance with Nissan makes it the world's third largest automaker. Together Renault and Nissan are leading electric car development among major car companies, investing 4 billion euros ($5.16 billion) in eight electric vehicles over the next 34 years. Headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, Renault owns the Romanian automaker Automobile Dacia and the Korean automaker Renault Samsung Motors. Renault also owns subsidiaries RCI Banque (providing automotive financing) and Motrio (automotive parts). Renault Trucks, previously Renault Vehicules Industriels, has been part of Volvo Trucks since 2001. Renault Agriculture became 100% owned by German agricultural equipment manufacturer CLAAS in 2008. 14.Hindustan Motors is an automobile manufacturer from India. It is part of the Birla Technical Services industrial group. The company was the largest car manufacturer in India before the rise of Maruti Udyog. It is the producer of the Ambassador car, widely used as a taxicab and as a government limousine. This car is based on the Morris Oxford, a British car that dates back to 1954. One of the original three car manufacturers in India, founded in 1942 by Mr. B.M. Birla, it was a leader in car sales until the 1980s, when the industry was opened up from protection. Manoj

Jha is the Managing Director. It began in Port Okha near Gujarat, and in 1948, moved to West Bengal. 15.General Motors India, automobile/car-manufacturers/general-motors-india.html 16.Hyundai is a global conglomerate company, part of the Korean chaebol (family business), that was founded in South Korea by one of the most famous businessmen in Korean history: Chung Ju-yung. The first Hyundai company was founded in 1947 as a construction company. Two of the best-known Hyundai divisions are Hyundai Motor Company, the world's fourth largest automobile manufacturer by volume as of January 2011, and Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's largest shipbuilder. Other companies currently or formerly controlled by members of Chung's extended family may be loosely referred to as a part of the Hyundai chaebol. 17.Tata Motors Limited is an Indian multinational automotive corporation headquartered in Mumbai, India, and established in 1945, when the company began manufacturing locomotives. Part of the Tata Group, it was formerly known as TELCO (TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company). Its products include passenger cars, trucks, vans, and coaches. Tata Motors is South Asias largest automobile company; it is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. The company is the world's fourth largest truck manufacturer, the world's second largest bus manufacturer, and employs 50,000 workers. Tata Motors has produced and sold over 4 million vehicles in India since 1954.

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18.Mahindra & Mahindra was set up as a steel trading company in 1945. It soon expanded into manufacturing general-purpose utility vehicles, starting with assembly under license of the iconic Willys Jeep in India. Soon established as the Jeep manufacturers of India, M&M later branched out into the manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural tractors. Today, M&M is the leader in the utility vehicle segment in India with its flagship UV Scorpio and enjoys a growing global market presence in both the automotive and tractor businesses. Over the past few years, M&M has expanded into new industries and geographies. It entered into the two-wheeler segment by taking over Kinetic Motors in India. M&M also has a controlling stake in REVA Electric Car Company and acquired South Korea's SsangYong Motor Company in 2011.The US-based Reputation Institute recently ranked Mahindra among the top 10 Indian companies in its 'Global 200: The World's Best Corporate Reputations' list. 19.The name Diwali is a contraction of Deepavali, which translates into row of lamps. Diwali falls on the one new moon night between mid-October and mid-November. It marks the end of the harvest season in most of India. Farmers give thanks for the bounty of the year gone by, and pray for a good harvest for the year to come. Traditionally, this marks the closing of accounts for businesses dependent on the agrarian cycle, and is the last major celebration before winter. It is also an auspicious occasion to make purchases like gold, vehicles, etc. 20.Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Private Limited, formerly known as the Reva Electric Car Company, is an Indian

company based in Bangalore, involved in designing and manufacturing of compact electric vehicles. It is one of the first companies to introduce electric vehicles worldwide. The company's flagship EV REVAi is the world's best selling electric vehicle so far. Reva was acquired by Indian conglomerate Mahindra & Mahindra in May 2010. 21.The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central banking institution of India and controls the monetary policy of the rupee as well as the countrys currency reserves. The institution was established on 1 April, 1935, during the British Raj in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The share capital was divided into shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid which was entirely owned by private shareholders in the beginning. Reserve Bank of India plays an important part in the development strategy of the government. It is a member bank of the Asian Clearing Union. The Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor, and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to important elements in the economic life of the country, and four nominated Directors by the Central Government to represent the four local Boards with the headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and New Delhi. Local Boards consist of five members each Central Government appointed for a term of four years to represent territorial and economic interests and the interests of cooperative and indigenous banks.

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22.The Chevrolet Green theme included the Hybrid Volt, the Electric Spark which runs on an all electric drive train, the Aveo CNG, and the well established Spark LPG. The Chevrolet Performance theme had Camaro SS, the WTCC Cruze race car along with the Captiva, the already launched Chevy Cruze, and the Optra Magnum. The third theme that takes the center-stage is the Chevrolet Hot Hatch section which includes the all new Chevrolet Beat, launched on 4th January with its established siblings, the Chevy Spark, and the Aveo U-va. End Notes: I.S Kalyana Ramanathan, Chevrolet Spark Fails to Ignite GMs Fortunes,, December 7, 2007 II.GM Sparks Price War in Small Car Segment, http:// III.Ibid. IV. G e n e r a l M o t o r s A S p a r k l i n g D e b u t , V.General Motors, VI.General Motors India Corporate Profile, http:// VII.General Motors,

VIII.GM India Part of the New General Motors Company,, July 13, 2009 IX.Ibid. X.Ibid. XI.GM India Part of the New General Motors Company,, July 13, 2009 XII.General Motors Rolls Out Mini Car Chevrolet Spark in India,, April 18, 2007 XIII.GM Sparks Small Car War Against Maruti, Hyundai,, April 18, 2007 XIV.GM Looks to Boost Production, Sales in India,, April 17, 2007 XV.General Motors Rolls Out Mini Car Chevrolet Spark in India,, April 18, 2007 XVI.Ibid. XVII.Ibid. XVIII.100000th Chevrolet Spark Rolls Out of GM Indias Plant,, April 21, 2010 XIX.GM Sparks Price War in Small Car Segment, http:// articles economicstimes April 17, 2000. XX.S Kalyana Ramanathan, Chevrolet Spark Fails to Ignite GM's Fortunes,, December 7, 2007

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XXI.GM Sparks Small Car War Against Maruti, Hyundai,, April 18, 2007 XXII.Chevrolet Spark to Enjoy Major Share in GMs Total Sales,, January 18, 2008 XXIII.Manu P. Toms, General Motors Developing Gas Variants for 3 Models,, June 13, 2008 XXIV.General Motors Plans New Launches in India, http://, November 5, 2008 XXV.General Motors India Crosses 100,000 Unit Milestone,, November 29, 2010 XXVI.GM India Sets All-time High Sales Record, http://, January 1, 2010 XXVII.The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) is the apex industry body representing 38 leading vehicle and vehicular engine manufacturers in India. SIAM is an important channel of communication for the Automobile Industry with the Government, National and International organizations. XXVIII.Tata Motors Financial History and Dividend policy,, March 23, 2011 XXIX.Darlington Jose Hector, GM to Make India Small Car Hub,, June 25, 2009 XXX.General Motors Shelves Small Car Project in India,, June 23, 2011

XXXI.Manu P. Toms, General Motors Developing Gas Variants for 3 Models,, June 13, 2008 XXXII.Indian Auto Sector Growth May Slow Down to 14-15 Percent in 2011,, February 14, 2011 XXXIII.RBI Rate Hike Will Dampen Demand: Auto Industry,, June 17, 2011 XXXIV.General Motors Shelves Small Car Project in India,, June 23, 2011.


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Facility Layout

Introduction: In this chapter, we will discuss: Facility Layout Criteria for a Good Layout Basic Layout Formats Developing a Process Layout Developing a Product Layout Developing a Cellular Manufacturing Layout Japanese Approaches and Trends in Manufacturing Layouts Service Facility Layouts

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Facility Layout

The physical disposition of the facilities of a plant and its various parts for the purpose of achieving quickest and smoothest production is referred to as the layout of the plant. As per the definition of Knowles and Thomson, plant layout involves: Planning and arranging manufacturing machinery, equipment and services for the first time in completely new plants. The improvements in layouts already in use in order to introduce new methods and improvements in manufacturing procedures. Similar to location decisions, layout decisions also have long-term consequences in terms of cost and the companys ability to serve its customers. While designing a layout, an organization should identify the objectives of its strategy that have to be supported by the layout and many other factors that affect and are affected by the layout. The overall objective of designing a layout is to provide a smooth work flow of material through the factory, or a comfortable traffic pattern, for both customers and workers in an organization.

Some of the major objectives of an ideal layout are given below: Providing enough production capacity Reducing material handling costs
Video 6.1.1: Typical Plant Layout Animation

Source: v=f5wfzqoMJuA


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Reducing accidents and hazards to personnelReducing congestion and utilizing the space efficiently and effectively Efficient utilization of labour and increase in employees morale Easy supervision Easy maintenance and high machine/equipment utilization Improve in productivity Criteria for a Good Layout The designing of a layout is a creative exercise. The use of work study methods and industrial engineering techniques are helpful in designing the layout. Following are some of the criteria that need to be satisfied by a good layout. Maximum flexibility Maximum coordination Maximum visibility Maximum accessibility Minimum distance Minimum handling Minimum discomfort Inherent safety Efficient process flow Identification

Video 6.1.2: Facility Layout (Tutorial)

Source: v=cTtu2P9dGqE

Basic Layout Formats The layouts are differentiated by the types of work flow they entail, and the work flow in turn is dictated by the nature of the product. The following are some of the types of layouts: 1. Process Layout Process layouts, which are also known as functional layouts or job-shop layouts, involve grouping of all the similar equipment or functions (all the lathe machines in one area, all drilling machines in another area, and all assembling works in some other area). They are designed to accommodate variety in product designing and processing. Process layouts mostly use general purpose machines that can be changed over rapidly to new operations for different product designs. The workers in process layouts must be highly skilled. They also require intensive job instructions and technical supervision. These layouts are able to change and adapt quickly to the multitude of operations to be performed on each unique batch of products.

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Advantages Greater flexibility in production Better and more efficient supervision is possible through specialization Breakdown of equipment can easily be handled by transferring work to another machine The capacity of different production lines can be expanded easily Better utilization of men and machines is possible through this layout Disadvantages Production requires more time as work-in-progress has to travel from one place to another place in search of machines This type of layout requires more floor space and there might be difficulties in production There will be accumulation of work at different production units. 2. Product Layout Product layouts, also called flow-shop layouts or straight-line layouts, involve arrangement of equipment or machines according to the progressive steps by which a product is made. Raw materials are moved into the first machine and the finished products come out from the last machine. These layouts are designed to accommodate only a few, mostly one or two, standardized products and process designs. They allow direct material flow through the facility for attaining large volumes of production. These types of layouts are preferred in the plants that manufacture standardized

products on a mass scale such as chemical, paper, rubber, refineries, and cement industries. Advantages Mechanization of materials is possible and material handling costs can be reduced considerably This layout requires less floor area per unit of production This layout facilitates better production control and production bottlenecks can be avoided Disadvantages Expansion of the production line is difficult There is difficulty in supervising Breakdown of equipment may disrupt the entire production system 3. Grouping Technology Layout In a grouping technology layout (also called cellular manufacturing layout), dissimilar machines are grouped into cells, and each cell functions like a product layout within a larger job shop or process layout. Each cell in this layout is formed to produce a single part family a few parts with common characteristics that usually require the same machines and similar machine settings. These layouts help simplify machine changeovers, reduce materials-handling costs, quicker manufacturing and shipping quickly, reduce the in-process inventory required, and automate the production easily. But the disadvantage of this layout is the reduced manufacturing flexibility. 4. Fixed Position Layout


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A fixed position layout involves movement of all machines and men to the product that remains stationary. In this layout, a major component of the product is fixed in a particular location and all the requirements are brought to the location. This type of layout is used when the product is bulky, large, heavy or fragile. This layout is followed in construction firms where the product will be in a fixed position and all the workers, materials, machines and sub contractors are brought to the constriction location. The examples of such layouts are those production lines designed for ship construction, aircraft assembly, rocket assembly, etc. The advantage of this layout includes less investment on layout, avoidance of transporting bulky materials.
Video 6.1.3:Ship Building

Although hybrid layouts make the identification of layout types fuzzy, it is very important to understand the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type of layout. In plants involving the fabrication of parts and assembly, fabrication is done by the process type of layout, while in the assembly areas, product type of layout is preferred. Developing a Process Layout Managers can use various models like mathematical models, computer models, and physical models. Mathematical models help managers analyze and conceptualize the problem; computer models provide them a quick approximation of goods layouts; and physical models help them visualize the layout. They are very useful in planning process layout. 1. Graphic and Schematic Analysis Templates, and two-dimensional cutouts of equipment drawn to scale are the most common layout-planning tools. Templates are moved about within a scaled model of the walls and columns of a facility to identify the best layout through trial and error. These templates are also used for developing product and fixed-position layouts. 2. Computer Models CRAFT A number of computerized layout programs have been developed to devise good process layouts. CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique) is one such program that works on the criteria similar to the loaddistance model. The model finds a layout by evaluating thousands of alternative layouts quickly. CRAFT has the capacity to handle plants comprising up to 40 work centers of different shapes and sizes, and can account for mobile and immobile process centers. The model considers various types of layouts and different materials-handling methods that a firm can use among its work centers.


5. Hybrid Layouts Single layout, like process layout, product layout, or fixed position layout, is difficult to practice in its strict meanings, rather a combination of several types of layouts is used which is called a hybrid layout (also called, combined layout). For example, a plant may have basically adopted a process layout, but one section of it could be using a product layout.

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The initial layout, a matrix identifying the number of loads moved among process centers, and a matrix of the cost of transporting loads among process centers have to be provided to CRAFT. CRAFT then evaluates the effectiveness of the initial layout and exchanges the locations of pairs of process centers. Each exchange is evaluated for its effectiveness and the best exchange is adopted. The process is repeated several times until there is no further reduction in the materials-handling costs. Finally, the last available solution is considered as the final layout. 3. Load Distance Model A plant having a process layout produces diversified products in variable work flows. Such a plant handles relatively large amounts of material. Since the movement of the material in such a process is more, and huge movement costs are incurred. Since material transportation does not add any value to the product, managers prefer layouts that result in minimum material movement; thereby aim at reducing the unnecessary flows among processing centers. The load distance model is one of the important models used to minimize the material flow. In this model, the number of loads (standardized amount of material) moved between each pair of process centers over a period of time and the distances between them are considered. These distances depend on the locations fixed by the initial layout. The initial layout is then modified to reduce costs. This process is repeated until there is no scope for further cost minimization. Developing a Product Layout The design for developing a product layout is partly established when each part of the product is designed and the different steps required to make it are determined. The volume of production will determine the most economical process, and the process technology will determine the

sequence of steps which have to be performed in production. Finally, the equipment and workstations are placed along a line in that sequence. Figure 6.4 shows some of the possible line arrangements. There might be many possible sequences to arrange workstations and equipment for the same product. Linebalancing, a mathematical model, is used for determining appropriate ways to group the tasks to be performed at each workstation. 1. Line Balancing Line balancing is a part of the assembly line study that comprises the selection of the appropriate combination of work tasks to be performed at each workstation so that the work is performed in a feasible sequence. The line balancing
Video 6.1.4:Product Layout (Tutorial)


mainly ensures that each workstation gets equal amount of the time approximately. Line balancing is achieved by breaking the total amount of work to be performed on a line into tasks. These tasks are assigned to workstations that allow the work to be performed in a feasible sequence within an acceptable cycle time. The time between completion of successive items on the line is

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termed as cycle time. The cycle time is determined by the maximum time required at any workstation. Work on the line cannot flow faster than it can pass through the slowest-stage, which is referred to as bottleneck. To avoid the bottleneck, some of the work tasks from workstations that deal with more work are assigned to workstations with less work. Steps in Assembly Line Balancing The following steps are needed to balance an assembly line: Step 1: The sequential relationship among different tasks is specified by using a precedence diagram. The cycle time is determined by using the following formula: Video 6.1.5: Ford Assembly Line

Where Nt = Theoretical number of workstations T = Sum of task times C = Cycle time Step 3: A set of rules is identified to shortlist and select the tasks to be assigned to workstations. A sample set of rules is given below. a) Identification of feasible (remaining) tasks for the same station: From the unassigned tasks, identify the task(s) which can be assigned next to the same station, subject to two constraints: The precedence rules should not be violated. The individual time required for each of these feasible (remaining) tasks should be less than the unassigned time for the station, where Unassigned time for a station = Cycle time (Sum of the time required for all previous tasks that have been assigned to the station) Note: When there is no feasible (remaining) task for the same station, move on to the next station. When there is exactly one feasible remaining task for the same station, assign it as the next task for the same station. When there are multiple feasible remaining tasks for the same station, use the following tiebreaker rules to shortlist/select the next task for the same station. b) Shortlist the tasks with most followers, among the feasible (remaining) tasks for the same station:

Source: v=0h5V0pFGrLU

Step 2: The theoretical minimum number of workstations required to satisfy the cycle time is determined using the following formula:


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From the feasible (remaining) tasks for the same station, shortlist the task(s) which has (have) the most followers. c) Select the task with the longest operation time: From the shortlisted tasks with most followers, select the task which has the longest operation time, and assign it as the next task for the same station. Sometimes, there may be many such tasks. In this case, one of these tasks with the longest operation time can be (arbitrarily) assigned as the next task for the same station. Keynote 6.1.1: Problem 1

The efficiency of the balance is calculated by using the following formula.

Where, T = Sum of task times Na = Actual number of workstations C = Cycle time Step 5: The balance is accepted if the efficiency is satisfactory, otherwise balancing is done using a different decision rule. 2. Mixed-model Line Balancing So far we assumed that only one product was produced in each assembly line. But, to meet the demand for a variety of products many manufacturers consider mixed-model line balancing. Mixed model lines involve multiple lot sizes, lot sequencing, different setup times for each lot, differing workstation sizes along the line, and task variations that make it very difficult to design. As such, no technique exists to provide the optimum assignment of tasks to workstations in mixed-model lines. The objectives of a mixed-model line design are to minimize idle time and minimize the inefficiencies caused by changing from model to model. Though many techniques such as integer programming, branch and band techniques, and simulation are used by researchers, they are unable to find the optimal solution for a realistic sized, real-world problem. Developing a Cellular Manufacturing Layout Developing a cellular manufacturing layout comprises three steps:

Step 4: This set of rules is applied iteratively till all the tasks are assigned. At the end of this process, the actual number of work stations (Na) required may be greater than or equal to the theoretical number of work stations (Nt).

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The parts that follow a common sequence of steps are grouped into a family. To do this, computerized parts classifications and a coding system have to be developed and maintained. Since systems are very expensive, many companies have developed short-cut procedures for identifying parts-families. The dominant flow patterns of parts-families are identified as a basis for location or relocation. Finally, the machines and processes are physically grouped into cells. The machinery parts that cannot be grouped with Video 6.1.6: Cellular Layout Presentation

The business philosophy, objectives, and manufacturing methods of Japanese are somewhat different from those of US firms. These differences are reflected in their facility layout. Since space is at a premium in Japan, the Japanese make the most use of what little space is available. Compared to US manufacturing facilities, Japanese factories are quite compact almost one-third of their US counterparts. These compact layouts, with smaller pieces of equipment closely placed together, aisles squeezed down, and work centers closely placed together, help them save space. They also use areas and train workers for more than one task. Due to the compactness of the layout, the materials travel shorter distances and products go through the factory faster, resulting in high production rates, quick processing of customer orders, and reduction in materials handling and inventory costs. It also enables the factories to be more flexible to changes in customer orders, production schedules and production rates. Communication and morale within a group also improve as the workers are stationed close to each other. In general, US manufacturing layouts are designed for high worker and machine utilization, whereas Japanese layouts are designed for flexibility and adaptability to different product models or to different production rates. Service Facility Layouts The fundamental difference between a service facility and a manufacturing facility is that service facilities exist to bring together the customer and the organizations services. Features like easy entrance to these facilities from freeways and busy thoroughfares, well organized parking lots, well marked entries and exits, powered doors, escalators and lobbies for customers provided by these service facilities are


any cell or family are placed in a remainder cell. The major problems in developing a cellular manufacturing layout are developing and classifying a coding scheme for items of different shapes, sizes, materials etc., grouping parts in families to form cell groups on the basis of processing requirements and routings, and creating the physical layout for positioning cells relative to each other. Japanese Approaches and Trends in Manufacturing Layouts

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mainly because of their differences from the manufacturing facilities. Two extremely different types of layouts of service facilities exist, based on the degrees of customer contact. At one extreme is that layout which is totally designed around the customer receiving service functions, and the other is that layout which is designed around technology, processing of physical materials, and production efficiency. Banks are the Video 6.1.7: Service Layouts

primary factors as opposed to factors like receiving patients, setting accounts and discharging patients. Some other service facilities strike a balance between these extremes. The best example of such a service facility is a restaurant where attention is directed both at customer receiving and servicing as well as on processing and preparation of food.


best examples of layouts designed around customers. Such service facility layouts give importance to customer convenience, but treat the employee work areas for information processing and financial record keeping etc. as secondary. On the other hand the best examples for service facility layouts that focus more on technology or physical materials processing and production efficiency are hospitals. The hospital layout considers application of medical technologies such as surgery, radiology, laboratory tests, patient rest and recovery, patient feeding and the effective employment of doctors and nurses healing skills as the

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Review 1.2

Question 1 of 15
What do you understand by the term facility layout?

A. A list of facilities provided by the organization to the consumers B. The physical distribution of various departments for ease in production C. The location of employees inside the organization D. Layout of safety equipment in an organization!

Check Answer


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Section 2

Case Study:Travelsafe Manufacturing Company (TMC)

This case study was written by Sourabh Bhattacharya, Asst. Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, IBS Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:

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Travelsafe Manufacturing Company (TMC) is a manufacturer of leather suitcases in northern India. Along with the leather suitcases, TMC also manufactures leather backpacks, leather briefcases, leather suave backpacks, zippered leather briefcases and leather travel backpacks. However, over the period of time, TMC has acquired latest know-how to manufacture fine leather suitcases. The leather suitcases manufactured at TMC have always been in high demand with fashion houses, leading suitcase brands such as Samsonite, Delsey, American Tourists, VIP , etc. TMC has earned a reputation of reliable and best quality leather suitcase manufacturer among its clientele. Though happy with this reputation, TMC became concerned about the performance of other products it produced. Its leather briefcases have literally no visibility in the market. The company experts attribute single-tracked focus on suitcase business to the low visibility of the briefcase business. Lately, management of TMC has started contemplating the idea of revamping their briefcase business. After a thorough assessment of its own capabilities TMC figured out that it would be difficult to penetrate new markets or acquire new customers. TMC thought it would be easier to cash on its reputation with the existing clientele and convince them for leather briefcases orders too. After efforts of many months TMC could receive an order for 60,000 leather briefcases from one of its European client to be delivered over a period of 300 working days. Because the company has never produced this product before in such a volume, an assembly line had to be planned to produce the order on a basis of one 8-hour shift per day. The companys employees are allowed to take two 15-minute coffee breaks per shift, they

take 15 minutes per shift to clean up their immediate work area, and they lose an average of about 20 minutes per shift because of material delivery delays. Suitcases staff has identified these tasks and their predecessor tasks, and has estimated the time required for each task as shown in the table below. Four production departments will do the work on the cases: metals, woods, leather, and final assembly. The union contract does not allow workers to do work outside their own departments (for example, an individual employee could not do both leather and woodwork), but they are allowed to do any work within their own production departments.


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Suggested Questions for Discussion

Task A. Process hide through cleaning bath B. Cut wood components according to templates C. Process metal hinges through stamping operation D. Process metal closure components through stamping operation E. Process hide through tanning process F . Trim wood components to dimension G. Tumble metal hinges to finish edges H. Tumble metal closure components to finish I. Cut hide into case blanks J. Attach wood components into frame subassembly K. Put metal hinges through plating process L. Put metal closure components through plating process M. Feather edges and sew corners of leather components N. Rout out attaching grooves in wood frame subassembly O. Dye leather hide subassemblies P . Bend metal handle and attach brackets Q. Assemble hinges, frame, closures, handle, and leather subassemblies R. Assemble inner liner and shrink to case S. Attach name plate T. Package for shipment
Compiled by the author

Tasks That Immediately Precede A B C D E F G H I J M K,L,N,O,P Q R S

Times (Minutes /Case) 2.05 .65 .45 .30 3.60 .41 .22 .41 2.15 1.02 .70 .80 2.71 .79 3.90 .61 4.10 .71 .30 .21

1. 2. 3. 4.

Draw a diagram of the precedence relationships. Compute the cycle time per briefcase in minutes. Compute the minimum number of workstations required. Which tasks are combined into workstations? How many workstations are in each of the work centers?


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Section 3

Case Study:Crunching Munch Time A Little

This case study was written by Siva V . Gabbita, Asst. Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, IBS Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owne To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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Satyam, the training manager, was annoyed and the Director noticed this and walked over.Participants are taking too much time off during the break Sir, and we are partly to blame. The serving of coffee/tea and biscuits is taking too long. It is taking a whole minute from the time the server enquires each participants preference until the participant moves away with his snack and drink. It was the second break of the first day of the one-week seminar for working executives that had been hosted by the Operations Department. Each days seminar ran from 10 am to 5 pm with a break every hour. The sessions were intensely conceptual and the schedule was tight. Satyam felt that just as participants were beginning to warm up to a concept, it was time for yet another break. Not only were participants taking their own sweet time sauntering back to their seats, it took a while before participants refocused. Added to that each break provided a slack as participants waited for everyone to regroup, during which one or more participants would engage Satyam in a discussion that he could not avoid which deviated from the days agenda. They had broken session for the second time at 12 pm and it was now 12.20 pm. Satyam chafed at the delay. It didnt make sense, participants would be breaking for lunch at 1pm anyway. The participants seem enthusiastic and interested in the content during the sessions and some of them have shared with me that they cannot wait to get back and apply what they learnt to their workplaces. As far as I can see the workshop is already a success. We cannot deny them the breaks. You wont be able to hold their attention for 2 hours at a stretch.

I guess you are right, we need to give them those breaks, but there at least has to be a way to get them back in session. I think we can do that if we serve them coffee/tea and biscuits faster. You are the Operations man. What do you suggest? asked the Director with a twinkle in his eyes, then more seriously added, Maybe we can move the coffee machine to the lounge area and let participants make their own coffee/tea. Hmm. There are 20 participants and it would take each of them at least a minute to draw their drink and grab a few biscuits, which means 20 minutes maybe more, since there is no human server urging the queue along. Plus we have to give sufficient time for the last participant to finish his/her coffee. The serving personnel not only keep the queue moving they also provide personalisation. Maybe we can have them serve biscuits away from the coffee machine, that could nudge people along and keep the queue moving and participants could split up between the coffee/tea and biscuits suggested the Director. We have one serving person now. The coffee machine is as good as another server. If we separate up the coffee/tea from the biscuits with two servers it would also mean that each participant would spend less time waiting in queue. Right now the last participant spends a lot of time standing in queue. I wonder if that would be enough though. Lets see now, what we really need is to find a way to restrict the total time to serve all participants to 10 minutes. began Satyam. Since there are 20 participants I guess that means that each participant has to be served in half a minute as opposed to the one minute that it is taking now.


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Crunching Munch Time A Little

The Director made a rough sketch in his notepad. Currently this is what the process looks like..

Y es. That way we could do better than 10 minutes. agreed Satyam. NB: All the diagrams are compiled by the author. Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. Use the following process flowchart symbols to construct a process flowchart from the time you wake up until you get to the first session at 9.10 am. Identify the following in the case

Uh-huh. But the stick figure depicting the service person is not standard flow chart symbology. The Director winked. Agreed. The Decision box does not look like a Diamond either. But bear with my poor drawing skills for a minute.


a. Throughput Time Yes. That we could do better than 10 minutes. agreed Satyam. b. way Work-in-Process c.the diagrams Cycle Time and/or Throughput Rate NB: All are compiled by the author. d. Made-to-stock

e. Questions Made-to-order for Discussion What I am suggesting is that there are some participants who only Suggested want their drink regular. I think its a good idea to separate them What is the bottleneck the current process? I. 3. Use the following process in flowchart symbols to construct a process flowchart from the from the participants who want their drink made-to-order, the you wake up until you get to first session at 9.10 am. 4.time Do you think the bottleneck is the occurring due to people who want more sugar or coffee, especially the tea drinking participants tend to stand right at the counter while they dip their tea bags in the milk blocking the way for the others. Wont we move participants faster like this? and the Director drew another sketch.

Task, Operation or Activity i. Inspection Delay II.

a. Blocking Identify the following in the case b. Buffering a. Throughput Time c. Starving b. d. Work-in-Process All of the above. c. e. Cycle Time and/or Throughput Rate None of these.

Decision point Storage Transport

d. e.

Made-to-stock Made-to-order


III. What is the bottleneck in the current process?

IV. Author Do you think the bottleneck is occurring due to iBooks a. Blocking


Materials Requirement Planning

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Fundamentals of Materials Requirement Planning Objective of MRP Components of an MRP System Key Planning Factors and Issues in MRP Closed Loop MRP Advantages and Disadvantages of MRP Problems in Implementing MRP Resource Planning for Service Organization Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII)

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Materials Requirement Planning

MRP system is the application of computers in operations management. It helps an operations manager find the net requirement of a component after taking into consideration inventory on hand, scheduled receipts, and scheduled order releases. MRP system generates schedule for material and component supply after considering end product requirements, product structure data (product production hierarchy), and historical lead-time information. Fundamentals OF MRP MRP is a backward scheduling process that estimates requirement of materials starting with the date of delivery of products and working backward to estimate date of receipt keeping in view production and waiting time, and estimating date of order, based on delivery lead-time. An MRP system helps in coordinating orders from external orders referred to as purchase orders and internal sources referred to as jobs. The system studies the future production requirements and disassembles the end product into required amount of raw materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies required in each time

bucket (time period) of the planning horizon. It then determines the existing level of inventories for each item and the required order quantities. Figure 7.1 illustrates how a typical end product is expressed in terms of Figure 7.1.1: Product Hierarchy


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assemblies, sub-assemblies, components, etc. Finally, a schedule is generated that specifies the time when the items are required base on the time when each item is needed in production, the lead times available for procuring the items, etc. This ensures the availability of parts and materials exactly when they are required in the production process. MRP is
Table 7.1.1: Expected Benefits from MRP
Industry Description Expected Level of Benefits High

useful for organizations involved in the production of complex products, organizations working with shorter delivery schedules, job-shops and assemble-to-order organizations. Table 13.1 illustrates the suitability of MRP in different types of industries and the benefits that can be achieved from it. OBJECTIVES OF MRP MRP helps an organization achieve the following objectives: Improved customer service: MRP helps organizations in improving customer service by identifying the quantity, timing and availability of components and parts, and by simultaneously placing orders to satisfy the requirements on time. Reduced investment in inventory: An MRP system assists organizations ordering quantity based on the actual number of components and parts required, hence, reduces investment in inventory. Improved operating efficiency: MRP system helps organizations in reducing both stock-out and inventory holding costs. It facilitates the timely supply of needed materials which reduces the idle time and improves the overall operating efficiency of organizations. Faster response to market changes: MRP system enables an organization to respond quickly to market changes.. If the market demand necessitates a change in the master production schedule, it can be easily incorporated in the MRP system. Thus by providing improved customer service, reduced investment in inventories, improved operating efficiency and faster response to market change, MRP contributes to the overall growth and operating efficiency of an organization.

Assemble-to-stock Combines multiple component parts into a finished product, which is then stocked in inventory to satisfy customer demand. Examples: Watches, tools, and electrical appliances. Fabricate-to-stock Items are manufactured directly by machines rather than assembled by parts, and are stored in stock points to meet the anticipated customer demand. Example: Electrical fuses. Assembleto-order A final assembly is made according to the customers orders. Examples: Motors, weigh feeders, and crushes. Fabricateto-order Items manufactured by machines to customer orders. Examples: Gears, ball bearings and conveyor belts. M a n u f a c t u r e r - t o Items either fabricated or assembled order completely in adherence to customer specifications. Examples: Turbines, packing machines, and heavy machine tools Process Industries such as chemicals, foundries, cement, steel, rubber, and plastics


High Low



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COMPONENTS OF an MRP SYSTEM An MRP system translates the demand for end products into raw material and component requirements. The system requires the following information to operate successfully: Customer orders and unfinished orders that must be completed in the planned production period. Demand forecasts of products demanded and the time period in which these demands are to be met. Capacity information that helps in anticipating resource shortages Details of the dependent demand inventory items at different stages of the transformation process and the stages through which these items traverse to make an end product Changes in inventory requirements due to change in product design expected during the planning period Available level of inventories at the beginning of the planning time period Quantities of ordered, purchased, or contracted inventory items that an organization expects to receive during the planning period
Source: Richard B Chase, Nicholas J Aquilano and F Robert Jacobs Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services (New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999) 634.

Figure 7.1.2: Materials Requirement Planning System

MRP System Inputs: Inputs of an MRP system include:

Once all pre-requisite information is received, operations managers convert it into a form acceptable to the MRP system. Three elements common to all available variants of MRP system are:

Master production schedule Bills of material Inventory records file Master production schedule:

Inputs Processing Outputs


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The Master Production Schedule (MPS) file contains information about when and how many units of finished products are required. It also contains information about the available cumulative lead-time for purchasing, receiving, fabricating, and assembling. This information is derived from an aggregate production plan and is based on demand forecasts. Based on this information from MPS, MRP system generates a replenishment plan for items needed in the production of the final product. The time horizon in the MPS is divided into shorter time buckets such as a day or two to plan short-term requirements, and longer time buckets such as a fortnight or a month to plan long-term requirements. Bills of material: The Bills of Material (BOM) contain the list of materials and the quantity required to produce one unit of a product. The BOM file shows the hierarchical levels or phases a product goes through during production. It consists of the complete list of all end products, the structure (subassemblies, parts, and raw materials which constitute the product assembly) of the products, and the quantity of each item required for producing each higher-level item in the product hierarchy. It also contains information about whether a particular item was produced internally or purchased from external sources. Figure 13.3 presents a product structure chart for a hypothetical product. In this chart, one unit of a finished product, its eight different component (P1 to P8) and different phases or level of production are shown. In the Figure 13.3, the hypothetical end product is assembled from two component parts, P1 and P2. The number 3 next to part P4 indicates that three units of P4 are required to make a unit of P1. In the hierarchy, the component parts at the lower levels are combined to form the inventory item at the next higher level. For instance,

Figure 7.1.3: Product structure chart

Keynote 7.1.1: Problem 1:Bill of Material

two units of the part P7 and one-unit of part P8 are processed to make one unit of part P4. It can be seen that the part P4 is used in more than one level of production.

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This situation causes some inefficiency in computer processing because MRP program has to consider more than one level where the part is required while processing material requirements. To overcome this problem, managers generally restructure the BOM, so that a common component appears at the same level throughout. This restructuring is called lowlevel coding as the common component is incorporated at the lowest level at which it appears in the original product structure chart. It is important for the operation managers to revise the BOM file at regular intervals and update it accordingly. Inventory records file: The inventory records file is a computerized file with a complete record of each material held in the inventory. It contains all the information about inventory levels at the beginning of the planning horizon and the details of the expected arrivals of inventory during that period. It also contains information about vendors like their names and addresses, and the time required for supplying materials, parts, etc. Inventory records file also contains information of some components and parts as end products that are supplied to customers as replacement parts or spare parts. MRP System Information Processing: MRP system uses information from product structure file and lead-time information to develop purchase and production schedule for the component, so that the materials are available exactly when they are required in the production process.
The steps in the MRP information processing:

Explosion The first step in the MRP information processing is that of explosion in which end product is disassembled into components required for its production. It starts with the time when the product is required and then proceeds backward to determine each production or purchasing activity that is necessary to make each higher-level item in the product structure chart. Explosion uses the information from MPS and BOM to generate the sequence followed to produce the end product. Netting The next step in MRP information processing is to develop a materials requirement plan for each item in the BOM file for each time bucket. The system first identifies the gross product requirements from the master production schedule. It then calculates the net product requirements by subtracting the available units of item and the quantity on order from gross product requirement. Net Requirement = Gross Requirement - On hand inventory Quantity on order Offsetting The system then uses the information obtained from explosion and netting process to determine planned order releases, i.e. the quantities to be ordered (either internally through production or from an external supplier) so that the materials arrive just when they are needed. The planned order releases for the finished product or component becomes the gross product requirement for items at the next lower level in the product structure chart. In case of product described in the Figure 13.3, the planned order release of 10 units of product

Explosion Netting Offsetting

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P1 on day 4 means that on day 4, the gross requirements for products P3 and P4 are 10 and 30 respectively. The final step in information processing is the consolidation of material requirements. Production organizations that produce
Keynote 7.2: Problem 2:Bill of Material

MRP Reports are of two types:

Primary report Secondary report

Primary reports: Primary reports are the main reports that are used in inventory and production control. Planned orders: It is a simple report that defines the quantity of inventory required in a specific time bucket. It includes information about all inventory requirements during the planning period. Order releases: These documents empower the purchase department to procure a specific quantity of inventory items required within a specific period. Changes in due date: These reports are generated to revise purchase orders if the orders are not completed on time. These reports include revision in delivery periods and order quantities.

multiple products generally have common material requirements for two or more products. These material requirements are consolidated to form a single master material requirements plan to take advantage of benefits of economies of scale and discounts for bulk purchases. MRP System Output An MRP system generates many types of reports and planning information as outputs. These outputs include notices, reports, and schedules, which help operations managers in planning and scheduling the dependent demand inventory. The reports can be customized to suit individual organizations requirements.

Cancellation or suspension: These report are generated when the order is to be canceled or suspended because of changes in the MPS. Secondary reports: These are optional reports that assist operations managers in assessing the performance of the inventory management system. Planning reports: Planning reports contain information about material (inventory) requirements. Examples of such reports are inventory forecasts, purchase commitment report, and longrange materials requirement planning information. Performance reports: These reports inform about the performance of the MRP system. At the same time, it helps


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identify the problem areas and verifies whether the system can achieve its planned objectives. Exception reports: Exception reports contain information about errors, late or overdue orders, or regarding any other deviations from the normal planned objectives. Exception reports are automatically generated whenever actual delivery of parts, subassemblies, etc. differs from the planned schedule.

and components needed in production process. If items are received before they are required, the inventory holding costs increases and if the material arrives late, stock-out costs increase. The accurate estimation of order time is necessary to avoid stock-out costs and control inventory holding costs. Lot-Sizing Rules Lot sizing rules assist in identifying time and size of the order. The objective of lot-sizing rules is to minimize the setup, order and holding costs. These rules include economic order quantity, lot for lot (L4L), least total costs (LTC) and least unit costs (LUC). Economic order quantity Table 7.1.3: Least Unit Cost Run Size for MRP Schedule
Week Net Production Closing Ordering Holding Total Requireme Quantity inventory or Set up cost cost nt cost (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 100 50 80 80 90 120 80 400 0 0 0 0 200 80 300 1 170 90 0 80 0 200 0 0 0 0 200 0 50 35 31 22 0 32 0 250 285 316 338 338 570 570

KEY PLANNING FACTORS AND ISSUES IN MRP The performance of an MRP system depends on certain variables and factors. Some of these have been discussed below: Lead-Time Lead-time is the time difference between placing an order and receiving the ordered materials. Proper planning and awareness of lead-time ensures timely receipt of raw materials Table 7.1.2: Least Total Cost Run Size for MRP Schedule
Weeks Quantity Ordered 1 100 1-2 150 1-3 230 1-4 310 1-5 400 1-6 520 1-7 600 Carrying Cost 0 40 90 130 190 280 330 Ordering Cost Total Cost 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 240 290 330 390 (LTC) 480 530

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Economic order quantity is the optimal order quantity where the total cost of acquiring material is the minimum. Lot for lot (L4L)

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Lot for lot is a commonly used technique for lot sizing. In this technique, planned order releases exactly match the net requirement. As no inventory is carried forward for the next weeks production, the carrying cost is minimized. The objective of the rule is to order the quantity that satisfies the exact requirements of the planned time bucket, which is usually one week. Under lot for lot rule, the lot size to be ordered is the difference between the estimated gross requirement for a week and the projected on-hand inventory at the end of the immediately preceding week Least total costs In the least total cost lot-sizing technique, the order quantity is determined by comparing the inventory carrying cost and ordering or set-up costs for different lot sizes and selecting the lot where both the costs are equal. The primary objective of this method is to minimize the ordering or setup costs and holding cost of inventory items. Table 13.3 shows the procedure to identify the lot size with the least total cost. In this example the ordering cost is taken as Rs. 200. The carrying cost in the table is an estimate to illustrate the procedure. We can see from the Table 13.3 that for the lot size of 400, the ordering cost is closest to the carrying cost. Least unit costs The least unit cost method involves summing up of the inventory carrying and ordering costs for various lot sizes and dividing it with the number of units in the lot. The lot size with the lowest unit cost is selected. Table 13.4 shows the procedure to identify the lot size with the least unit cost. Safety Stock Safety stock refers to the inventory level that is maintained to avoid the risks of stock-out. In case, any delays are encountered in the procurement of requisite items, or if there is any variability in demand, safety stocks can be used to

continue the production process. The higher the safety stock level the lower the risk of stockout. But if the safety stock is greater, the inventory carrying costs are also higher. Implosion Implosion is a bottom up approach wherein one goes upwards in the product structure chart to find the parent end product of every raw material used. By using this procedure, one can find the items, which are required for more than one end-item. Combing Requirements It refers to the process of obtaining the gross requirements of common items. When a single item is used at different levels of BOM in more than one end product, its requirements should be combined. Pegging Pegging is one of the techniques associated with combing requirements. It allows planners to identify the source of demand that relates to planned order release. It also helps ascend BOM and identify the items end product. Therefore, pegging enables executing an implosion process for common items. Cycle Counting Cycle counting is the process of keeping MRP records up-todate. It involves counting predetermined inventory items regularly on a daily, weekly or monthly basis throughout the year. For instance an organization needs to maintain inventories of items A, B, C, and D. Under annual inventory inspection method, the counting is carried out for all the items at the end of a year and discrepancies are noted and adjustments are made. But in cycle counting, the organization may schedule inventory inspection of item A in the first week of a month, items B in the second week of a month and so on. At

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the end of one month all the items are counted once. This process is repeated every month and discrepancies are noted. The number of items to count during a cycle period and time period for carrying out the inspections are based on an organizations specific requirements and resource availability for conducting these inspections. During counting, defective and rejected inventory items are subtracted from the available inventory records. Using this method, production managers can estimate whether the inventory available is more than what is needed. If there is a shortage, they can take decisions accordingly. Updating As inventory is regularly consumed from the stock, it is necessary to constantly update the MRP. An MRP system responds to any changes in MPS, product structure file, and product design. To update the system any of the two approaches can be used: Regenerative Method: This approach involves the complete regeneration of the MRP system at periodic intervals by reprocessing the entire data and accommodating new information. Net Change Method: This approach involves updating those parts of the MRP system, which are affected by the changes. Whenever there is any change in inventory stock level, it is incorporated in the MRP system. In this system, the program generates new information only on those products that are affected by the change. So, if a change in a component affects the planning of some products, a net change system generates reports on the affected products. Time Fence Time fences provide stability to the ever-changing MRP system. Time fence is described as the shortest time period in which any kind of modification or rescheduling is not allowed.

During this time period, MPS remains fixed. Changes are incorporated only under extreme circumstances. Closed-Loop MRP Closed-loop MRP is an extension of MRP that incorporates feedback loops which provides feedback to aggregate production plan, capacity plan, master production schedule, etc. The objective of a closed loop MRP system is to check
Figure 7.1.4 Closed-Loop MRP
Long Range

Resource Planning


Medium Range Capacity

Short Range

Vendor systems Source: T E Vollmann, W L Berry and D C Whybark, Manaufacturing Planning and Control Systems (Irwin, 3rd edition) 122.


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whether the available resources are sufficient to meet the requirement of production plan. Any changes in the planning due to variations in lead-time, discrepancies in the quantity ordered and received, change in customer demand etc. would necessitate a change in BOM and inventory status files. Using three planning routines, a closed loop MRP system checks whether the available resources can satisfy the requirements of the production plan. This is shown in Figure 13.6. Resource Requirement Plans Resource requirement plans are static in nature and involve identifying requirements for large structural parts of operations such as numbers, size and capacity of plants. As they help arrange resources in long-term, they are sometimes called infinite capacity plans. Rough-Cut Capacity Plans These are short term or medium term plans that check the requirements of MPS with available capacity. If the available capacity is less than required, then the options before the management are to alter the MPS, install additional capacity, etc. These plans are called finite capacity plans because they operate within capacity and other resources constraints. Capacity Requirement Plans Capacity requirement plans are used to assign loads to different workstations based on the information from MRP system. These are infinite capacity plans wherein the loads assigned to an individual workstation does not consider the capacity constraint of that particular workstation. For instance if an machine has a capacity of producing 100 units in a day then capacity requirement plans assign production of 100 units to that machine, without taking into consideration whether the machine is scheduled for some other operation during that time, or it requires any setup time.

So if the load is characterized by variations, then to avoid any discrepancies between assigned load and available load, additional capacity is added or finite capacity plan is used i.e. load is assigned based on the actual available capacity on a workstation. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MRP Advantages Following are the advantages of an MRP system: Some of the key benefits that can be derived from using a MRP system are: Reduced per unit cost of production thus enabling an organization to price its products competitively Low inventory levels, especially for in-process materials Better response to market demand Better customer service Reduced set-up and tear-down costs Comprehensive material tracking and optimized production scheduling Improvement in capacity allocation and planning Disadvantages Following are the disadvantages of an MRP system: High costs and technical complexities in implementation. In addition, organizations, which use an MRP system need to spend considerable effort on installing necessary equipment (computers), training personnel, modifying the software to serve their specific needs, validating, testing,


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and eliminating possible errors, and maintaining the software. The time required for planning and implementing an MRP system is generally very long. Data entry and file maintenance requires considerable inputs in the form of training and education of the personnel. Dependence on forecast values and estimated lead-time can sometimes be misleading. PROBLEMS IN IMPLEMENTING MRP SYSTEMS Though the underlying principle of an MRP system is simple, but many a time the implementation fails due to the following reasons: Inadequate employee training and involvement Use of inaccurate and obsolete data Inappropriate product environment Inadequate Employee Training and Involvement Inadequate employee training and involvement is one of the major obstacles in implementing MRP systems. If the employees are not trained properly, they will not be able to understand the system and hence cannot use it properly. Use of Inaccurate and Obsolete Data An MRP system cannot yield good results if the data is either inaccurate or obsolete. In other words, the system will not yield the desired results if the BOM records are not updated regularly. Inappropriate Product Environment

The success of an MRP system usually depends on the product environment. The system is useful only when an organization needs to purchase many items, a majority of which are components and parts. The demand pattern of these items should be dependent in nature and irregular in timing. Moreover, the lead times for purchase of these items should be consistent. If any of these criteria is not satisfied, the functioning of the system may not be economical and satisfactory. RESOURCE PLANNING FOR SERVICES Manufacturing organizations are materials driven whereas service organizations are capacity driven. Hence, the dependent demand in service organizations can be defined as the requirements for resources that are dependent on the customer demand for services. So instead of the bills of material, service organizations use the bills of resource. The bills of resource contain information on required materials, equipment time, staff that are used in providing services. The scheduling of staff and allocation of resources is done on the basis of this information. For an airline, the bills of resource include meals, fuel, staff and equipment. MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING (MRP II) The materials requirement planning system, like any other management information system, can be expanded to support other functions like engineering, production, finance, marketing and purchasing. Integrating these functional areas redefines the nature of an MRP system into a full-scale management information system refered to as the Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) system. The MRP II system can be used to analyze complete product cycles, from corporate production plans to finished goods distribution.


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The functions of MRP II can be divided into three parts: Product planning functions Operations planning functions Operations control functions

Exhibit 7.1.1 Benefits of a Manufacturing Resource Planning System Through MRP II, organizations can improve their competitive position with regard to pricing, product quality and delivery schedules. The benefits of MRP II system are 1. Effective inventory management and control a. Balanced inventories b. Reduction in work in process inventories c. Reduction in finished goods inventory 2. Improved capacity planning a. Improvement in equipment utilization b. Easy identification of problem areas in work centers c. Improvement in maintenance 3. Better priority a. Reduction in production lead time b. Rescheduling capabilities 4. Enhanced customer service a. Improved costs b. Timely delivery c. Improvement in quality of products d. Reduction in lost sales 5. Improved management a. Improved control and management through performance measures b. Gives a detailed overview of the manufacturing process 6. Enhanced employee morale a. Confidence in system b. Enhanced interdepartmental coordination 7. Effective long range planning tool for a. Marketing b. Production c. Personnel d. Finance f. Purchasing g. Top management
Adapted: James F Cox, Steven J Clark, Problems in implementing and Operating a Manufacturing Resource Planning Information System, Journal of Management Information Systems, Summer84, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p81, 21p.

Product planning functions: Product planning functions are carried out by managers at the upper-management level. They translate the strategic considerations into corporate business objectives. The output of this function is a production plan. This production plan becomes a point of reference for the production department to manufacture the specified quantities; for the sales department to sell the quantities produced; and for the finance department to manage the necessary financial resources so that manufacturing and sales department can carry out their operations smoothly. Operations planning functions: Operations planning functions are performed by middle level managers. Many activities in this function are similar to that of MRP, but with additional attention to both short and long-term physical constraints.. The activities of this function include purchasing parts and components, executing work orders, monitoring material movements, checking worker performance, reviewing the distribution activities, and so on. All the three functions mentioned above interact with the help of feedback provided by the checkpoints between them. Exhibit 7.1.1 lists the benefits that can be derived from an MRP II system. Exhibit 7.1.2 illustrates the use of MRP II in semiconductor industry. References: Chap14_MC_Questions&Answers.pdf


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Video 7.1: MRP

Exhibit 7.1.2 MRP II in Semiconductor Industry

The semiconductor equipment and materials industry started as made-to-order business i.e. customers placed the orders and based on them, suppliers provided the raw materials such as wafers, chemicals, etc. This process was effective in the past when the numbers of customers were less, orders were smaller and firms had to deal with less inventory. Now the requirements for semiconductor materials and equipment have increased manifold. Thus the industry has to deal with more number of customer, larger order sizes etc. To deal with such large scale purchasing and delivering requirements, organizations need to improve their supply chain activities. This can be achieved by implementating of MRP II system. MRP II facilitates the integration of different business functions and improves the supply process, leading to greater customer satisfaction. In MRP II, communication between different functional entities is critical. MRP II encompasses the complete supply chain from demand forecasts to planning and production and the delivery of final product. Adoption of MRP II improves the on-time shipment of goods and the accuracy of the inventory records, which is critical in materials supply industry. Semiconductor materials and equipment industry operates in an ever changing and unpredictable environment. MRPII allows the supply chain activities of semiconductor equipment and materials suppliers to operate efficiently in such volatile business
Adapted: Karen Johnson, The Time for MRP II is Now, Findarticles, 9 July 2001, looksmart and gale group, 18 Feb 2003, < article.jhtml? term=MRP>


Keynote 7.3: MRP Example


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Keynote 7.4: Problem

Review 1.2

Question 1 of 10
A master production schedule specifies

A. The financial resources required for production B. What component is to be made, and when C. What product is to be made, and when D. The labor hours required for production

Keynote 7.5: Problem

Check Answer


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Section 2

Case Study: Material Requirements at Kings Furniture

This case study was written by R. Muthukumar, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.


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The King Furniture Pvt. Ltd (King Furniture), founded in 1982, is part of a family enterprise with a combined manufacturing strength across several products that gives it the vital component strength in furniture manufacture. King Furniture's facilities include state-of-the-art plants for manufacturing powder coated and electroplated metal parts and injection moulded items. Injection mould unit manufactures Chair seats and its inners and outers of chair back and other chair components. Thermoforming unit for chair seat and back covers, melamine laminates. It serves all over India and popular for its quality, innovative & aesthetic designs and prompt delivery. This and a mighty investment in manpower towards design and production of quality furniture have been instrumental in what the company is the leading manufacturer of chairs and components in south India. King Furniture is endowed with a ISO 9001 certificate and is the trusted supplier of leading architects and companies across the country. King Furniture has been a trusted name in the furniture industry for over two decades, and manufacturer furniture for all office applications, covering open office systems, modular furniture, workstations, chairs and tables. It also retails the finest lines of home furniture, imported from across the globe. The managing director of the company, Narasimha Reddy, says, On time deliver performances of product shall be ensured. The cost of activities shall be brought down by reducing and rework and optimum utilisation of all resources. Identify and fulfil the training needs for all employees. To enable employees participation in continuous improvement through suggestion scheme and services preventive action and control to avoid customer dissatisfaction. Continuous review of service

requirements and achievements to identify opportunities for the organisation's quality improvement. Although it has tie-ups with many corporate customers. the demand for the companys chairs is not regular. For some weeks there will not be any demand at all, while for some weeks there will be a huge order. Hence, from after onwards the company decided to plan the production for every quarter. The same was intimated to the production manager. Now, the production manager at the company wanted to develop a materials requirements plan for producing chairs over a 12 week period. He estimated that the lead time between releasing an order to the shop floor and producing a finished chair is 2 weeks. The company currently had 300 chairs in stock and no safety stock (safety stock is stock held in reserve to meet customer demand if necessary). The forecast customer demand is for 200 chairs in week 1, 90 in week 3, 225 in week 5, 1,000 in week 7, 75 in week 8, 250 in week 11 and 100 in week 12. He was in sceptical as to how to go about it. Suggested Questions for Discussions 1. 2. What do you mean by Material requirement planning? Prepare a Market Requirement Plan for King Furniture.


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Operations Scheduling

In this chapter, we will discuss: Purpose of Scheduling. Scheduling Methods Scheduling Activities. Scheduling by Type of Operations. Scheduling Personnel in Service Operations. Scheduling Techniques.

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Section 1

Operations Scheduling
Scheduling refers to the setting up of operations processing times so that jobs will be completed by the time they are due. The main objective of scheduling operations is to provide the best service to the customers through efficient use of the firms resources. The activity of scheduling enables the management of a firm to allocate the firm's resources optimally over a period of time in order to accomplish specific tasks. In general, scheduling is done after making several managerial decisions. Scheduling can be either a mediumrange or a shortrange planning activity on the basis of the strategic and tactical decisions made in an organization. Suppose a firm wants to set up a fire protection system. Once the decision has been made, the management of the firm will make an analysis of the best location for fire stations, the type of equipment at each location, and a staffing plan for each fire station. Then the operations manager develops the schedules on the basis of the analysis already made. This chapter explains how various firms develop their schedules to improve their operational efficiency. PURPOSE OF SCHEDULING Scheduling of operations is essential for all firms as it helps them maximize customer satisfaction and minimize service delays. Proper scheduling enables firms allocate their production capacity to meet their customer requirements on time. If a firm schedules too much capacity, the facilities may remain idle, resulting in wastage of resources. Likewise, scheduling low capacity may result in incomplete jobs at the specified time, resulting in poor service to customers. So firms should develop their schedules in such a way that the optimum amount of resources is allocated to meet customer requirements. For all these reasons, organizations use scheduling in their day-to-day activities. For example, universities develop schedules (like hourly schedules of classes for their students, office hour schedules for faculty members, and assignment schedules for research assistants) to optimize the use of the available facilities. In spite of its short-term nature, firms consider scheduling as an important activity that provides them a competitive advantage. For example, firms that provide courier


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services emphasize package pickup and delivery sequencing, and the scheduling of truck and aircraft movements. This is because on-time delivery is very important to these firms and it gives them a competitive advantage over others in the same line of business. Also, firms can reduce their costs and increase their profitability if their operations are properly scheduled. Finally, firms should also build some flexibility into their scheduling systems to accommodate variations in customer demand. SCHEDULING METHODS Several methods can be used for the scheduling of operations. But the selection of the scheduling method depends mainly on the volume of production and the nature of the operation. In general, scheduling methods can be classified into forward scheduling, backward scheduling and a combination of both. Forward Scheduling Forward scheduling is a scheduling method in which actual production activities start when a job order is received. In this method, the operations manager schedules each operation forward in time starting from the date of production. Using forward scheduling, the operations manager determines the start and finish times for jobs to be done by assigning them to the earliest available time slots at the work center. As the jobs start at the earliest possible time, they are completed before they are required at subsequent work centers. Therefore, the work-in-process inventory level is high in the forward scheduling method.

Forward scheduling is used in fabrication operations where the products are so customized that customers specify the product specifications. Backward Scheduling The backward scheduling method schedules orders according to their due dates. The operations manager obtains the due dates for the job orders and develops the schedule backwards, thereby determining the latest point when the production activity can be started in order to complete the order on time. In this scheduling, the start and finish times of the jobs are assigned according to the latest available time slot. For example, the Annual General Meeting of a firm is scheduled to be held on 30th December. So the operations manager can schedule the required operations (for conducting the meeting) backward in such a way that they will be completed by the due date. This scheduling can also be done in service organizations when the demand for services can be anticipated earlier. Firms generally follow either backward or forward scheduling, depending upon the nature of the job. The forward scheduling method is used to estimate the earliest date by which a job can be completed. If the estimated date is well before the actual date of its completion, then the operations manager uses backward scheduling to determine the extent to which starting of the work can be delayed. Forward and backward scheduling methods are also useful to wholesalers and retailers. For instance, wholesalers use the forward scheduling method for the process of replenishing stock. Backward scheduling is


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commonly used when making arrangements for special events and occasions such as marriages. Problem 8.1.1 National Machines Limited has two job orders, X and Y. Both orders have to be processed on two machines 1 and 2. The route sheets for the jobs are given in the table below. Both the jobs should be ready in the next eight hours and both the machines are to start processing from now onwards. Develop schedules for both the jobs using forward and backward scheduling.
Job X Route Sheet Routing Machine Sequence 1 2 3 Total 1 2 1 Job Y Route Sheet Processing Time (Hours) 2 3

Forward Scheduling M1 8 7 6 5 4 Cumul 3 ative Time 2 (Hours ) 1 X2 Y1 X1 Y2 X3 Y2 X2 M2 Backward Scheduling M1 X3 M2 Y2

Processing Routing Time Sequence (Hours) 2 3 1 6 1 2




1 2

Problem 8.1.2 National Machines Limited has two job orders, X to produce 1000 nuts and Y to produce 500 screws. Both orders have to be processed on two machines 1 and 2. The route sheets for the jobs are given in the following table. Both the jobs should be ready in the next nine hours and both the machines are to start processing from now onward. Develop schedules for both the jobs using forward and backward scheduling.



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Backward Scheduling:
Job X Route Sheet Job Y Route Sheet Time Machine 1 Machine 2 Y1 1 2 3 4 5 X1 Y1 6 Y2 X2 7 Y2 X2 8 X3 Y3 9 X3 Y3

Routing Sequence

Processing Processing Routing Machine Time Machine Time Sequence (Hours) (Hours) 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 2 3 Total 2 1 2 2 2 2 6

1 2 3 Total

Here, the job of producing 1000 nuts can start latest in the 5th hour, and for 500 screws using the given sequence and machines by the 4th hour so as to finish by the end of 9 hours. SCHEDULING ACTIVITIES Whatever the method employed for scheduling, the process of scheduling involves mainly three activities, namely routing, loading and dispatching.

Solution Forward Scheduling:

Time Machine 1 Machine 2 1 X1 Y1 Y1 2 3 Y2 X2 4 Y2 X2 5 X3 Y3 6 X3 Y3 7 8 9

Routing Routing can be described as the specifications of the work flow. It explains the sequence of operations and processes to be followed in order to produce a particular product. Routing determines what work is to be done, where and how it is to be done. The operations manager develops routing sheets (hard copy) or routing files (electronic copy for computerized organizations) that provide detailed information about the sequence in which a product is manufactured. The routing sheets may also provide information such as the list of operations to be performed by an operator and the skills required to perform these jobs. The production requirements of

Here, 1000 nuts along with 500 screws can be produced using the given sequence and machines earliest by the end of 6th hour.


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a product and the layout structure are the important considerations for drawing up routing sheets. Loading Loading can be defined as assigning specific jobs to each work center for the planning period. For loading, the capacity limitations of each work center have to be considered in order to assign jobs to the work centers. In general, operations managers load jobs onto a work center upto its standard capacity. When the capacity limitation is not critical, the activity of loading aims at minimizing costs by reducing machine idle time, the amount of inventory, etc. Loading also includes the task of sequencing the jobs so that the machine idle times are minimized and the jobs are completed within the least time possible. Dispatching Once the production task is routed and the work centers are loaded, the activity of dispatching takes place. Dispatching is the final act of releasing job orders to the workers to go ahead with the production process. In this activity, an operations manager releases job orders in accordance with the planned sequence. Then the manager controls the production processes to ensure the effective implementation of the schedule in order to achieve the objectives specified in the master production schedule. Both manufacturing and service firms use the following dispatching rules (also called priority rules) in scheduling their production activities:

Earliest due date Firms that follow this rule prioritize their jobs according to their earliest due date. Firm lists the earliest due dates of all the jobs and dispatching is done in such a way that the one with the earliest due date is dispatched first, the next earliest job second, and so on. Longest processing time Jobs that have the longest processing time are loaded first onto the work center in this method. These types of jobs are given priority because they are considered more valuable to organizations. Shortest processing time Some firms prioritize their work centers jobs on the basis of the shortest processing time of jobs. Under this rule, the job which has the shortest processing time is given the highest priority. Firms use this rule when they want to maximize the number of completed jobs and keep a lower number of jobs in waiting. First in, first serve Firms that use this rule, process their jobs in the order of their arrival. Jobs are not prioritized according to their relative importance because all jobs are treated as equally important. This rule is used by organizations that lay emphasis on providing fair customer service. For instance, petrol filling stations schedule their services in such a way that the first


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customer is served first (irrespective of the volume of petrol to be filled). Slack time remaining (STR) In this method, the operations manager calculates the slack time of each job, i.e. the difference between the time remaining in the due date and the processing time required. Jobs with the shortest slack time are dispatched first. Problem 8.1.3 Dhruva Printer Works is involved in printing and binding works. The company has got orders from four of its customers: A, B, C and D (in the same order) at the beginning of a week. The processing time and due date of these jobs is given below.

Shortest Processing Time First In First Serve Slack Time Remaining Also calculate the average delay of a job in each case. Solution Earliest due date The order of jobs according to their earliest due date is, A D C B.
Job Sequence A Processing Time 3 2 4 5 Due Date 4 5 6 7 Flow Time 0+3=3 3+2=5 5+4=9 9 + 5 =14 Delay 0 0 3 7

Job (In order of arrival) Processing Times (days) Due date (Days hence) A B C D 3 5 4 2 4 7 6 5 D C B

Therefore, the average delay of a job is, Develop the order in which these jobs are to be processed by using the following dispatching rules: Earliest Due Date Longest Processing Time (0 + 0 + 3 + 7)/4 = 2.5 days.


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Longest processing time The order of jobs according to their longest processing time is,
Job-Sequence Processing Time B C A D 5 4 3 2 Due Date 7 6 4 5 Flow Time 0+5 = 5 5+4 = 9 9+3 = 12 12+2 = 14 Delay 0 3 8 9

First In, First Serve The arrival order of jobs is, A B C D.

Job Sequence A B C D Processing Time 3 5 4 2 Due Date 4 7 6 5 Time Flow 0+3 = 3 3+5 = 8 8+4 = 12 12+2 =14 Delay 0 1 6 9

The average delay of a job is, (0 + 1 + 6 + 9)/4 = 4 days. Slack time remaining The slack times of the jobs A, B, C and D are (4-3), (7-5), (6-4) and (5-2) respectively. Both B and C have the same slack time values. Since the processing time of C is lower than the processing time of B, job C is dispatched before job B. Therefore, the order of jobs according their slack time remaining is A C B D.
Job Sequence A C B D Processing Time 3 4 5 2 Due Date 4 6 7 5 Time Flow 0+3=3 3+4=7 7 + 5 =12 12 + 2 =14 Delay 0 1 5 9

B C A D. The average delay of a job = (0 + 3 + 8+ 9)/4 = 5 days. Shortest processing time The order of jobs according to their shortest processing time is, D A C B.
Job-Sequence Processing time D A C B 2 3 4 5 Due Date 5 4 6 7 Flow Time 0+2=2 2+3=5 5+4=9 9+5=14 Delay 0 1 3 7

The average delay of a job = (0+1+3+7)/4 = 2.75 days.

The average delay of a job is,


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= (0 + 1 + 5 + 9)/4 = 3.75 days SCHEDULING BY TYPE OF OPERATIONS The scheduling of operations is different for different types of operation. For instance, the scheduling of manufacturing operations is different from the scheduling of service operations. This is mainly because of the product complexity and greater material requirement involved in manufacturing processes. Operations managers have to put in great efforts to schedule inventories for manufacturing operations and undertake coordination between vendors and workers. At the same time, they have to ensure that there is no wastage of resources and the idle time of the machinery and the equipment is also minimal. In service operations, services are delivered only when they are demanded. So the operations manager should schedule the service operations according to the demand requirements rather than the inventory requirements. For example, the operations manager of a hospital has to ensure adequate healthcare facilities to meet the patients demands. Therefore, he has to match the demands of patients and doctors to deliver services effectively. Thus operations managers have to understand the type of operation before drawing up the schedule. Job Operations Job operations refer to the manufacturing of products or delivery of services on the basis of orders. They are scheduled

as per the requirements of customers. These operations involve the production of products or services in low volume. There is considerable variation in the materials used, set up time, etc. in performing these jobs. The operations manager may use methods like Gantt charts, job sequencing methods and critical ratio to schedule these operations. Repetitive Operations Repetitive operations (also called continuous operations) normally involve mass production of a product or a service. Therefore, there are few variations in the production process. In these operations, the labor is trained and the equipment designed for a narrow range of applications. The uniformity of processing and the continuity in these operations make it necessary to control the flow of materials and the allocation of labor resources closely, in order to minimize idle time and maximize the flow of inventory. Therefore, scheduling for these operations focuses on synchronizing customer demand with the production activities of the firm and avoiding delays in the flow of materials. JIT principles and queuing analysis are useful techniques for scheduling these operations. Labor-Intensive Operations Managers find it advantageous to consider the opinions of employees while scheduling their work times in labor-intensive operations, as the work involved in these operations is routine. Some personnel-related scheduling approaches that can be used by an operations manager are outlined below:


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Flextime In this approach, employees are given the option of choosing their work timings, provided that a specified number of hours are completed in a week. Flextour In this approach, employees are given some freedom in choosing their start time, but they must work each day for eight hours. Staggered times Here, employees are given an option to select their work hours from a list of available shifts. Compressed workweek In this approach, employees have an option of working ten hours a day for four days in a week. Part time In this approach, employees work for less than forty hours (normally twenty hours) per week on a temporary basis. Service organizations face high fluctuations in demand. Therefore, they are increasingly using the part time employees to fill the gaps in scheduling. For example, a restaurant may use a larger number of part-time employees around dinner time. In recent times, several service organizations have begun using permanent part-time employees, who work for fewer hours but through the whole year.

The scheduling practices listed above help both firms and employees. Some of the benefits that firms derive by using the part-time workers are: Reduced personnel costs as part-time workers do not get any fringe benefits. Improved performance of the firm as part-time workers are less likely to find their jobs monotonous. Part-time work is also advantageous to employees in several ways. A worker can take up a part-time job in addition to a regular job, or in spare time as a student or householder. This helps him gain knowledge and experience, improve his skills and earn income. Service Operations The scheduling of service operations is very different from the scheduling of manufacturing activities for two reasons: Services cannot be stored to meet the demand at peak hours. For example, unused train seats cannot be stored for future use. Variation of demand is relatively high in service operations. For example, deadlines to file income tax returns create a peak in demand at the end of the financial year for tax consultants. In general, service operations are operated on the first in-first serve principle. Though the objectives of scheduling are to provide both better customer service and the efficient use of

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service facilities, there is a trade-off between the two as service facilities are normally limited and overutilization of staff and facilities may affect the quality adversely. Firms normally meet the peak demand by engaging part-time workers. But this cannot always be done as the capacity of several service facilities (e.g. hospitals, airlines, restaurants, and theaters) is fixed. Therefore, operations managers use different methods to deal with these constraints when scheduling their operations. For example, an airline service provider may reduce the travel fare in the off-season to create more demand. Some firms also use automated systems that update all the parties concerned on information regarding changes or modifications in scheduling of operations. Refer Exhibit 8.1.1 for further details. Some of the methods that service firms can adopt in order to meet customer demand under situations of limited availability of service facilities, are:

Exhibit 8.1.1 Automating Scheduling

While builders can schedule their in-house activities, they find it difficult to schedule sub-contaractors activities effectively. The effects of poor scheduling of subcontractors activities become apparent when builders undertake a large project. In such cases, centralized scheduling can help builders manage the activities of all the subcontractors involved. Many user friendly and powerful software tools that can help builders schedule activities are available in the market. These scheduling systems can send new information to all concerned parties as and when schedules are updated or there is a change in the schedule. In some instances, field workers can update schedule using hand held devices. The following steps can be used to transform scheduling system: 1.Maintain and establish a well defined functional schedule for each product type 2.All members of the group should agree to the tasks, their duration and times to achieve various milestones of the schedule 3.Define what exactly is required from the software 4.Evaluate the software or try out the demo version for a few days to understand its capabilities and weaknesses 5.Check whether the software is compatible with the current system 6.Select a group of employees and provide them the necessary training so that they understand all the functionalities and capabilities of the new system 7.Clearly define the process-flow for managing the scheduling systems 8.Make management reports and summaries more informative so that the process can operate efficiently 9.Through the use of network, fax, wireless and hand-held devices, regularly track, update and distribute schedule information to all stakeholders. 10.Ensure that updates of schedules are maintained on the main server.
Adapted: Noelle Tarabulski, Centralize and Automate Your Scheduling,Findarticles, Feb 2001,Looksmart and Gale Group, March 28, 2003 < 66/71885819/p1/article.jhtml>


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Appointment systems An appointment system is used to schedule the firm's resources to satisfy the requirements of its customers effectively. Using this system, an operations manager controls customer arrival timings so that the firm's resources can be utilized to the fullest extent. In this system, customers are allotted a time to meet the service provider, which is referred to as the appointment time. This establishes a kind of queuing system based on customer convenience and availability of the service. However, this system is not always beneficial to the customer. He might have to wait to receive the services of the provider because of the unavailability of an appointment. The appointment for a cardiologist, for instance, may not be available for months in advance and a patient might have to wait for a long time to get his services. Appointment systems are useful in non-emergency situations. The system is not useful in case of emergency. For instance, an appointment to meet a urologist may be broken if the specialist has to attend to an emergency case at the time of appointment. So service organizations that adopt appointment systems usually maintain a slack time in their appointment schedules (similar to maintaining safety stock in a manufacturing organization). Reservation systems Appointment systems are useful for meeting the requirements of the individual customer and they cannot be used to schedule multiple resources required together to meet the demands of

several customers. In such situations, firms use reservation systems that enable them to meet customer demand successfully by scheduling multiple resources and facilities together. For instance, a hotel can schedule all its resources like room, bed, food and other facilities to serve a customer, when he reserves a room. Reservation systems also allow firms to discontinue unprofitable business operations. For example, several travel agencies mention a disclaimer in their contractual agreement that allow them cancel the tour if a sufficient number of customers do not make bookings on a tour. Reservation systems also help firms (hotels, restaurants, etc.) in situations where customer demand exceeds the firm's service capacity. Strategic product pricing Strategic product pricing is a scheduling approach that helps firms adjust to shifts in demand. For example, the demand for electricity increases during summer as people use air conditioners for longer periods. So electricity companies sometimes adopt a summer price strategy where the customer is charged a higher price. Similarly, hotels at tourist places or hill stations keep special pricing for off-seasons to stimulate demand. Thus firms try to increase the use of their service capacity by altering their product or service prices strategically. SCHEDULING PERSONNEL IN SERVICE OPERATIONS Service firms have to develop weekly, daily and hourly personnel schedules. Some of the approaches that firms can follow in this regard are discussed below.

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Scheduling Consecutive Days Off A weekly schedule for each employee with two consecutive days off in a week can be drawn up as shown in the following example. Suppose an educational institute wants to develop a schedule for its teaching faculty. The table gives the number of faculty required on each day of the week.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3 4 4 2 2 2 1

3. If a tie occurs, choose the pair with the lowest number (or requirement) on an adjacent day (before or after the pair). 4. If a tie occurs again, select the first of the tied pairs. Faculty A:
Mon 3 Tue 4 Wed 4 Thu 2 Fri 2 Sat 2 Sun 1

So Faculty A is assigned offs on Saturday and Sunday, as the lowest pair is (2, 1). Now we assign the days off to the remaining faculty. The row for Faculty B is developed by subtracting 1 from all the days that Faculty A works. Faculty B:
Mon Tue 3 Wed 3 Thu 1 Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun 1

Now we assign each faculty consecutive days off using the method given below. 1. Assign Faculty A to all the days that require staffing. 2. Then identify the two consecutive days with the lowest numbers (lowest pair) and these days become off for Faculty A. The lowest pair is the pair in which the highest number of the pair is less than or equal to the highest number of any other pair. The numbers against Sunday and Monday are also considered as a pair.

Here, the lowest pair is (1, 1) and it exists on Thursday and Friday. So Faculty B gets offs on Thursday and Friday. Now the row for Faculty C is,
Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 2 Thu 1 Fri 1 Sat 1 Sun 0


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Now there is a tie for the least pair. The pair is (1, 1) and it occurs on Thursday and Friday; as well as Friday and Saturday. We select Friday and Saturday as the lowest pair, as the adjacent value to this pair is the lowest. So Faculty C is off on Friday and Saturday. Since there is no requirement of faculty, Faculty C will also be off on Sunday. Now the row for Faculty D is,
Mon 0 Tue 1 Wed 1 Thu 0 Fri 1 Sat 1 Sun 0

This is explained in the following example. A firm is engaged in manufacturing four types of toys A, B, C and D. Each toy is manufactured through three functions: set up work, fabrication, and decorating work. The following table provides the production rate (number of units per hour) of each function for each type of product.
Production Rate (units per hour) Product A B C D Vol. Setup work 100 75 150 200 3.3 2.5 2.5 5 Fabrication 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 Decorating work 5 2.5 3.75 5

So, Faculty D is off on Sunday and Monday. He also gets off on Thursday as there is no requirement of faculty on that day. So the Institute can take two employees, Faculty A and Faculty B on a permanent basis and take Faculty C and Faculty D on a part-time basis. Faculty A and Faculty B handle one session each and they can be engaged in the other activities of the institute like content development, research and placement activities. Faculty C and Faculty D take 4 sessions every week on a parttime basis. Scheduling Daily Work Times One can also determine the least number of workers required to accomplish the daily work load.

Based on the above information, we calculate the time required for completing each function of all types of products.
Processing times Setup work Fabrication 30 30 60 40 160 40 50 100 80 270 Decorating work 20 30 40 40 130

Product A B C D Total

Total time 90 110 200 160 560


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By assuming each employee works for eight hours a day, we obtain the number of employees required by dividing the total number of hours with 8. Therefore, the number of employees required for setup work is 160/8 = 20, fabrication work is 270/8 = 33.75, and decorating work is 130/8 = 16.25. In total, 70 employees are required to complete all the work. So, the firm should engage 20 employees for setup work, 33 employees for fabrication and 16 employees for decorating work; and one employee can be engaged in fabrication work for 75 percent of time (6 hours a day) and decorating work for 25 percent of time (2 hours a day). Scheduling Hourly Work Times Service requirements may vary from hour to hour in service firms such as hotels and restaurants. So these firms engage more workers when the demand is high. This type of personnel scheduling uses a rule called the first hour principle. According to this principle, in the first period, the number of workers required in that period is assigned. Subsequently, additional workers are assigned as and when required. This approach is explained in the following example. A hotel works from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. everyday and the requirements of the workers for each 2- hour period is given below.

5 a.m. 7 a.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 11 p.m.

8 14 12 18 16 12 12 16 14

At 5 a.m., we assign 8 workers to work from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. At 7 a.m., we assign 6 new workers to work from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Since the requirement of workers came down, we do not assign any new workers at 9 a.m. Therefore, 2 workers will remain idle for the period 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Again at 11 a.m., we assign 4 new workers to work from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. At 1 p.m., we assign 6 new workers, as 8 workers who stated working from 5 a.m. will leave by 1 p.m. These people will work from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. At 3 p.m., we assign 2 new workers to meet the requirement of 12 workers, as 6 workers among the present 16 workers will leave by 3 p.m.

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Since there is no further increase in the requirement of workers, we do not assign any new workers at 5 p.m. At 7 p.m., we assign 8 new workers to meet the requirement of 16 workers, as 4 workers among the present 12 workers will leave by 7 p.m. At 9 p.m., we assign 4 new workers to meet the requirement of 14 workers, as 6 workers among the present 16 workers will leave by 9 p.m. Therefore, the management of the hotel can recruit (8+6+0+4+6+2+0) = 26 workers on a permanent basis and 12 workers on a part-time basis. Of the 12 part-time workers, 8 workers work from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and 4 workers work from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. The above description is summarized in Table below.
Time period 5 a.m. 7 a.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 11 p.m. Workers required 8 14 12 18 16 12 12 16 14 Newly On duty assigned 8 6 0 4 6 2 0 8 4 8 14 14 18 16 12 12 16 14 Workers who leave at the end of the period 8 6 4 6 2 Workers left 8 14 14 10 10 12 8 10 12*

* Part time workers. The management of the hotel can also opt for splitting of shifts. In this example, two workers remain idle from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Therefore, the management of the hotel can assign two workers to work from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and again from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. If the management opts for splitting of shifts, it can reduce the number of part time workers to 10. The following table shows scheduling of the personnel if the management opts for splitting of shifts.
Workers who leave at the Workers left end of the period 2+ 6 6 6 4 4 8 12 12 12 10 12 6 12 10*

Time period 5 a.m. 7 a.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 11 p.m.

Workers Newly On duty required assigned 8 14 12 18 16 12 12 16 14 8 6 0 6 4 2 0 8+2 2 8 14 12 18 16 12 12 16 14

+ These workers will again join the work at 7 p.m. * Part time workers.


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SCHEDULING TECHNIQUES Operations managers generally use several techniques to schedule jobs in the various departments. These techniques include Gantt charts, job sequencing rules, queuing theory, and the critical ratio method. Gantt Charts Named after Henry L. Gantt, a Gantt chart is a graphic display of the duration of a set of activities. Gantt charts are simple bar charts that can be used to schedule any type of operation. Gantt charts display graphically the use of resources (machines, tanks, pipes, operators, products) over a period of time. The vertical axis of the chart represents the firm's facility and the horizontal axis represents the schedule duration. Gantt charts are of two types: Workload charts Scheduling charts Workload charts They are used to illustrate workload levels for equipment, work centers or departments. The vertical axis of the chart represents the machines or any other facilities used to manufacture or process the job orders. The horizontal axis of the chart represents the time taken. Figure 8.1.1 depicts a typical workload chart. Here, the vertical axis represents the machines P, Q, R, and S that are used to

process the orders. And A, B and C are the job orders that need to be carried out on these machines. Each of these machines is assigned to a number of jobs that is shown as rectangular boxes. The length of the rectangle depicts the time requirement of that job. The time estimates used in these charts are obtained from standard time estimates.
Figure 8.1.1: Gantt Workload Chart
Week Number
1 P Q R S B C 2 A C C B 3 4 5 6 B A A 7 8

Work Center

Time Period (Week)

Idle time when the work center is not scheduled

Work Center unavailable due to maintenance, change over etc. Time when the work center is assigned a task.

Once the machine has been worked for a specific period, it requires some maintenance activity. The charts also enable the manager to plan for routine maintenance for each facility. They also depict the idle time for each machine. The space between two consecutive jobs is the idle time of that machine. Thus these charts enable the manager to identify the idle times of

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various machines and fill them with unplanned jobs in order to increase the overall productivity. From the chart, it is clear that machine P is free on the 5th and 8th week, while the 4th week is scheduled for maintenance activities, changeover, etc. Scheduling charts These charts depict the progress of the jobs as they pass through various work centers. They are useful when a particular job requires the use of several machines. Figure 8.1.2 illustrates a typical scheduling chart that shows the progress of job A, B, C and D through various work centers. The current date is shown by the dotted vertical line. In this particular instance, it is the middle of week five. From the chart, we can observe that Job A is half a week behind schedule. Job B has been completed on schedule. Job C is ahead of schedule Job D has been completed on schedule Though Gantt charts provide ease and clarity in communicating important job information, they do not take into account hurdles like production breakdown and human performance. They are useful only when the number of work centers is limited, the job times are long and the job routings are short.

Figure 8.1.2 Gantt scheduling chart

Current date Scheduled activity time Actual Time for Nonproductive activity

Johnsons Job Sequencing Rules The sequencing of jobs is important for the proper scheduling of jobs. It helps firms minimize the processing time of jobs. Thus it maximizes operations efficiency and reduces the processing costs of the firm over a period of time. When jobs are processed in a single stage of production, they can be simply scheduled one after the other. If two or more stages of production are required, firms should ensure that the jobs are sequenced in a way that idle time is minimized. Operations managers can use Johnsons rules and develop a job sequence that minimizes the total time span required in completing the given jobs.


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Johnsons rule for two-stage production We assume that the firm has to perform n jobs and each job involves processing on two machines A and B in the order AB. For example, A is the printing machine and B is the binding machine. The job involves first the printing operation and then the binding operation. Suppose that there are n number of books that are to be printed and then bound. Assume the expected processing times of these jobs are A1, A2,---An on machine A and B1, B2,---Bn on machine B. Now we determine the sequence in which the n jobs should be processed using the two machines in order to minimize the total elapsed time. Johnson and Bellman have developed a procedure to obtain the solution for the above problem. The procedure involves the following steps. Step 1: Identify the least processing time in A1, A2,--- An; and B1, B2,--- Bn. If there is a tie, select either of the processing time. Step 2: If the smallest processing time is Ar (rth job on machine A), then the rth job is placed at the beginning of the sequence. If it is Bs (sth job on machine B), then the sth job is placed at the end of the sequence. If Ar = Bs, then the rth job is placed at the beginning and the sth job is placed at the end of the sequence. Step 3: If there is a tie for the least processing times on machine A, any of the jobs can be placed at the beginning of the sequence. If there is a tie for the least processing times on

machine B, any of the jobs can be placed at the end of the sequence. Step 4: Identify the next least processing time and repeat the above steps. The process is continued till all jobs are assigned in a sequence. The sequence obtained is called the optimum sequence. Step 5: Once the optimum sequence has been found, the total elapsed time and idle time on machines A and B are calculated by using the following formulas. Total elapsed time = Time between starting of the first job and the last job in the optimum sequence. Idle time on machine A = Difference between the time when the last job in the optimum sequence is completed on machine B and the time when the last job is completed on machine A. Idle time on machine B = (Time taken by Machine A to complete the first job in the optimum sequence) + $ [(time when kth job starts on machine B) (time when (k-1)th job finishes on machine B)]. Problem 8.1.4 A firm produces six types of fan blades and manufacturing of a fan blade requires processing on two machines; Machine A and Machine B. The processing times for each type of blade (in hours) on both machine A and machine B are given below.


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Fan Blade Type M/C A M/C B

1 30 70

2 100 95

3 50 90

4 20 60

5 90 30

6 100 15

Now, the next least time is 50 hours for type 3 blade on machine A and we keep the remaining type 2 blade in the fourth place and so the optimum sequence obtained is:
4 1 3 2 5 6

Using this information, determine an optimum sequence to process the various types of fans so that the total elapsed time is minimum. Also calculate the total idle time on Machine A and Machine B. Solution Here, the least processing time is 15 hours for type 6 blade and it occurs on machine B. So this job is placed at the end of the sequence, i.e. in the 6th place. This job is assigned first and performed last.

Now we develop the schedule of each job in the optimum sequence (Refer Table below).
Machine A Job- Time in Processing Time out Time in Time Sequenc e Machine B Processing Time out Time

4 1 3 2 5 6

0 20 50 100 200 290

20 30 50 100 90 100

20 50 100 200 290 390

20 80 150 240 335 390

60 70 90 95 30 15

80 150 240 335 365 405

Now, the next least processing time is 20 hrs for type 4 blade on machine A. So, the job 4 is placed at the beginning of the sequence.
4 6

Therefore, the total elapsed time is 405 hours. The idle time for machine A is 15 hours (from 390 hours to 405 hours) and The idle time for machine B is 20 + 25 = 45 hours. (From 0 - 20 and 365 - 390 hours).

Now, the minimal values are 30 hours for type 1 blade on machine A and 30 hours for type 5 blade on machine B. So type 1 blade is to be scheduled next to type 4 blade and type 5 blade before type 6 blade.
4 1 5 6


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Johnsons rule for three-stage production In an n-job and three-machine sequencing problem, three machines; A, B and C, are involved, and each job is processed in the order ABC. Suppose the expected processing time for n-jobs on the three machines A, B and C are A1, A2,---An; B1, B2,--- Bn; C1, C2,--- Cn. Now we determine the sequence in which these n-jobs should be processed on the three machines to minimize the total operation time. In this procedure, we should ensure that any of the following conditions has been satisfied by the given problem: The smallest processing time on machine A should be greater than or equal to the largest processing time on machine B. The smallest processing time on machine C should be greater than or equal to the largest processing time on machine B. Now, we assume two fictitious machines, G and H, and the corresponding times of these machines Gi and Hi are obtained as: Gi = Ai + Bi H i = Bi + C i Now we solve the problem in terms of n jobs and two machines, with an order of GH. The resulting optimum sequence will also

become the optimum sequence for the problem of 3 machines and n-jobs. Problem 8.1.5 A firm is involved in five types of jobs, each of which must be processed on three machines, A, B and C in the order ABC. The processing time of each job (in hours) on the three machines is given below:
Job Ai 1 2 3 4 5 18 19 12 16 21 Processing Times Bi 10 12 5 6 9 Ci 8 18 16 14 10

The optimum sequence is, 3, 2, 4, 5 and 1. Now, we calculate the total operation time with the optimum sequence obtained. Thus, the total operation time is 104 hours.


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Job MACHINE A MACHINE B MACHINE C Sequen ce Time Processi Time Time Processi Time Time Processi Time in ng Time out in ng Time out in ng Time out 3 2 4 5 1 0 12 31 47 68 12 19 16 21 18 12 31 47 68 86 12 31 47 68 86 5 12 6 9 10 17 43 53 77 96 17 43 61 77 96 16 18 14 10 8 33 61 75 87 104

Step 1: Suppose there are n jobs, 1, 2, 3 ...n and m-machines; A1, A2, A3Am-1, Am. Suppose the processing times of job 1 on m-machines are A11, A12, A13A1m. For job 2, they are A21, A22, A23, A24.A2m. Similarly, for job n, they are An1, An2, An3Anm. Now, check whether: The minimum time on machine A1 is greater than or equal to maximum time on machines A2, A3,..Am-1 The minimum time on machine Am is greater than or equal to maximum time on machines A2, A3Am-1. The procedure can be continued only if any of these two conditions are satisfied. Step 2: Convert the m-machine problem into an equivalent twomachine problem by introducing two fictitious machines, G and H. The processing times of these machines are calculated as, Gi = Ai1+Ai2+Ai3++Aim-1 Hi= Ai2+Ai3+Ai4++Aim Then the optimum sequence is determined for these two machines.

Idle time on Machine A = 104 86 = 18 hours. Idle time on Machine B = 12 + [(31 17) + (47 43) + (68 53) + (86 77)] + " (104 96) = 12 + 14 + 4 +15 + 9 + 8 = 62 hours. Idle time on Machine C = 17 + (43 33) + (61 61) + (77 75) + (96 87) = 17 + 10 + 0 + 2 + 9 = 38 hours. Johnsons rule for n-jobs and m-machines The process of sequencing n-jobs through m-machines is explained below.


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Problem 8.1.6 Determine the optimum sequence of processing for the below given sequencing problem of four jobs: A, B, C, D and four machines: P, Q, R, and S.
Machines Job A B C D P 10 9 8 12 Q 7 6 4 8 R 5 4 2 3 S 9 7 6 9

Now we consider this as n-jobs, 2-machines problem. The optimum sequence is obtained as:

The calculation of total elapsed time is shown in below.

Machine Job A Job D Job B Job C P 0-10 10-22 22-31 31-39 Q 10-17 22-30 31-37 39-43 R 17-22 30-33 37-41 43-45 S 22-31 33-42 42-49 49-55

Also find the total elapsed time and idle time on each machine. Solution Here, minimum time on P = 8, Maximum time on Q and R are 8 and 5. Since the minimum on machine P is equal to and less than the maximum time on machines Q and R respectively, the problem can be proceed further. Now we assume two fictitious machines, G and H whose processing times are
Job A B C D Gi = A1 + A2 + A3 22 19 14 23 Hi = A2 + A3 + A4 21 17 12 20

The total elapsed time is 55 units. The idle time of Machine P is, (55-39) = 16 units. The idle time of Machine Q is, 10 + (22%17) + (31%30) + (39%37) + (55%43) = 30 units. The idle time of Machine R is, 17 + (30%22) + (37%33) + (43%41) + (55%45) = 41 units. The idle time of Machine S is, 22 + (33%31) = 24 units. Problem 8.1.7 Determine the optimum sequence of processing for the given sequencing problem of four jobs: A, B, C, and D and five


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machines: P, Q, R, S, and T. Also find the total elapsed time and idle time on each machine.
Machines Job A B C D P 9 12 7 13 Q 3 6 4 7 R 3 6 5 3 S 5 7 2 4 T 10 7 8 9

Now we consider this as an n-job, 2-machine problem. The optimum sequence is obtained using the steps given by Johnson and Bellman (mentioned earlier) as:
Job A B C D G=P+Q+R+S 20 31 18 27 H=Q+R+S+T 21 26 19 23

The calculation of total elapsed time is shown below. Solution Here, minimum time on P = 7 hrs, Maximum time on Q, R, and S are 7, 6, and 7 hrs respectively. Since the minimum on machine P is equal to and less than the maximum time on machines Q, R, and S respectively, the problem can move further. Now we take into account two fictitious machines, G and H, whose processing times are as follows
Job A B C D G=P+Q+R+S 20 31 18 27 H=Q+R+S+T 21 26 19 23 Machine Job C Job D Job B Job A P 0-7 7-20 20-32 32-41 Q 7-11 20-27 32-38 41-44 R 11-16 27-30 38-44 44-47 S 16-18 30-34 44-51 51-56 T 18-26 34-43 51-58 58-68

The total elapsed time is 68 hrs. The idle time of Machine P is, (68-41) = 27 hrs. The idle time of Machine Q is, 7 + (20-11) + (32-27) + (41-38) + (68-44) = 48 hrs The idle time of Machine R is, 11 + (27-16) + (38-30) + (68-47) = 51 hrs


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The idle time of Machine S is, 16 + (30%18) + (44-34) + (68-56) = 50 hrs The idle time of Machine T is, 18 + (34-26) + (51-43) = 34 hrs Queuing Analysis Queuing analysis involves the study of waiting lines and queuing systems. A queue refers to customers or units waiting for service. When the rate of arrival of customers exceeds the service rate, a queue is formed. As a result, customers or units have to wait to receive the service. This waiting time is often costly for service firms and needs to be minimized to the extent possible. Though increasing the capacity of service facilities can reduce the queue, the facilities become idle when the customer arrival rate slows down. Operations managers use queuing analysis to balance the costs of waiting time with the costs of providing additional service facilities. Queuing analysis helps them determine the optimum number of service stations required. Limitation of queuing models Poisson distribution cannot effectively represent real life situations, e.g. arrivals at a shopping center. Arrivals are assumed to come from an infinite population. The waiting space available for the population arriving at the service facility is considered infinite. The effects of long queues on new arrivals are not considered.

Critical Ratio Method The critical ratio method is a job sequencing technique that an operations manager can use to verify whether a job is being operated on schedule. In this method, the operations manager calculates the critical ratio of a job, which is the ratio of the actual time remaining to complete the job and the scheduled time remaining to complete the job.

Planned time is the difference between originally scheduled time to complete the job and time elapsed since beginning the work. Actual work remaining is the time needed from a given day to complete the work. If the critical ratio of an operation is less than one, then it can be said that the operation is behind schedule. If the critical ratio is more than one, the operation is being processed ahead of schedule. The method helps the operations manager revise the status of the jobs from time to time and re-prioritize them. Problem 8.1.8 Zenith Manufacturing Ltd. has started three jobs that require 28, 31 and 21 days to complete, respectively. The managing director of the company has engaged three teams to execute each of these jobs.


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After the lapse of 18 days, the operations managers of the three jobs states that the times required to complete the jobs are 11, 14 and 8 days respectively. Calculate the critical ratio of each job and find out which job is to be given priority. Solution The critical ratios and priorities are as follows:
Job 1 2 3 Critical Ratio (28 % 18)/11 = 0.91 (31 % 18)/14 = 0.93 (21 % 18)/8 = 0.375 Priority Order 2 3

A Planned days Work remaining in days 75 14

B 65 5

C 73 18

D 74 17

E 68 10

Solution The critical ratios and the priority order are as shown in the following table.
Job A B C Critical Ratio (75-60)/14 =1.07 (65-60)/5 = 1 (73-60)/18 =0.72 (74-60)/17= 0.82 (68-60)/10 =0.80 Priority Order 5 4 1 3 2


The lower the critical ratio, the higher the priority need in sequencing the job in the next days production activities. Here job 3 has the highest priority. Problem 8.1.9 Dang Electronics has six different jobs in process with delivery requirements as shown in the table. Today is Day 60, and the company uses the critical-ratio scheduling technique. Rank the jobs according to priority. Which jobs have the highest and lowest priority?

From the table it can be observed that job C has the lowest critical ratio and hence the highest priority, while job A has the highest critical ratio (ahead of schedule) and thus the lowest priority.


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Job Design
In this chapter, we will discuss: Job Design Fundamentals Considerations in Job Design Work Environment Uses of Job Design.

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Section 1

While employee productivity is important for any organization, managers should ensure that the workers are satisfied with their jobs. The degree, to which employees are motivated while performing their work, is dependent to a large extent on the activities and responsibilities entrusted to them in their jobs. Organizations should strive to incorporate new approaches and methodologies to improve efficiency and productivity when designing jobs. Production systems primarily emphasize on efficiency by aiming at maximizing the output from per unit time of employee effort. On the other hand, workers seek work, which interests them, while customers want low cost, high quality and prompt deliveries of products. Therefore, the challenge for operations managers is to accommodate customer and employee needs, and to eliminate inefficiencies in operations and thereby survive in global and domestic competition. To achieve these goals, organizations should provide the right atmosphere - physical and psychological % so that workers can perform optimally. This chapter focuses on the issues of job design for making a job comfortable for an employee and productive for the employer. The chapter discusses how jobs are designed, how workers are supported and motivated, how job standards are set, and how workers are organized in order to operate the production system at an optimal level. Job Design Fundamentals Job design is the process of determining the specific tasks and responsibilities to be carried out by each worker in the organization. It encompasses the specifications and expectations of an employees workrelated activities, including the structural and interpersonal aspects of the job. It describes a decision on issues like who is to perform what job, where it is to be performed, and how it is to be performed. Figure 9.1.1 illustrates the various factors to be considered in job design. A job is more than a list of tasks that a worker has to carry out on a regular basis. Managers have to plan it


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carefully, taking into consideration the needs of the employee as well as the employer. They need to design jobs with an objective of motivating all the employees to perform in their work with commitment and enthusiasm. Generally, the emphasis is laid on developing jobs that get the necessary work done, but they should also contain more elements that workers like and fewer elements that they dislike, in respect of the job. An effective job design ensures that jobs are consistent with the organizations goals. The objective is to boost employee motivation to achieve performance standards, and to match the skills and abilities of each worker with the job requirements. One of the most prominent job design models known as Job Characteristics Model was developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham. It lists five key job characteristics, which motivate a worker. These characteristics are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. Skill variety indicates the level and range of skills, abilities and talents needed to perform a job. Task identity defines clearly the identifiable tasks needed to complete the main task. Task significance indicates the influence of the job on individuals inside and outside the organization. Autonomy of a job indicates the flexibility, independence and discretion that is available to the employee in performing the job. Feedback indicates the level of information given back to the employee regarding his/ her performance.

Figure 9.1.1: Factors in Job Design

Source: Richard B Chase, Nicholas J Aquilano and F Robert Jacobs, Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services (New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999) 415.

Objectives of Job Design Job design refers to the process through which tasks are structured to improve the efficiency and productivity of the workers. Managers design jobs to minimize worker inputs (time

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and physical effort) and maximize their output. Job design should be technically, behaviorally and economically feasible for workers as well as the organization. The three types of feasibility are discussed below: Technical feasibility The set of duties or tasks assigned to a worker should be designed to keep the workload at a convenient level, i.e. the workload for each worker should be within the reasonable limits of his skills, and physical and mental ability. Job design should take into consideration the machinery and equipment required to perform the job. The organization should provide the necessary machinery and equipment that performs the desired tasks. Further, employees should be selected and trained to achieve the goals and objectives set forth by the organization. Economic feasibility The primary objective of a business organization is to make profits. In order to earn profits, organizations need to control their costs and other expenditure as well. The costs associated with purchasing materials, maintaining stocks, compensating employees, and the costs of providing necessary equipment to perform jobs should be such that it is economical to carry out production activities at the required production levels. Behavioral feasibility The nature of duties and responsibilities that characterize a job influence the perception jobholders have of themselves and their perception of others. When an important responsibility is delegated to a worker, it enhances his self-esteem and

motivates and stimulates him to work harder. Job design needs to take these behavioral factors into consideration, as behavioral traits and attitudes of people have a significant impact on the effectiveness of an organization.
Figure 9.1.2: Objectives of Job Design

A manager has to balance the above three feasibilities in order to arrive at an effective job design. For instance, an organization planning to improve productivity cannot just assign more job responsibilities to a worker. Overworked employees may become demotivated, and, as a result, the quality of their work might be affected. The organization should design jobs in

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such a way that it increases motivation level of its workers, and at the same time ensures that there is no reduction in production efficiency in terms of quality and cost performance. Hence, the objective of a good job design should be to allow these three aspects to coexist without conflicts, as depicted in Figure 9.1.2. CONSIDERATIONS IN JOB DESIGN There is no universally accepted procedure for designing jobs that will fit a production system. However, the tasks to be done, the type of training provided, and the work environment, i.e. the machinery and tools available for use all these affect the contribution of an employee in a production system. Some of the important components of effective job design are given below: Job Content Job content is the central aspect of job design. It defines the set of activities to be performed on the job. These include the duties, tasks and job responsibilities to be carried out by the jobholder, the equipment, machines and tools to be used, and the required formal interaction with others. The extent to which tasks can or should be defined differs from job to job. For instance, in traditional and repetitive jobs like those performed by workers on an assembly line, all tasks that are to be performed can be clearly listed and elaborately specified. On the other hand, it is difficult to define the job of an executive in exact terms as the duties encompass a much wider

range of tasks that are performed in different ways to meet unanticipated and dynamic business situations. Job content is the key to job design as it influences other aspects of human resource management. For instance, job content determines the qualifications and skills an organization should seek when selecting personnel. If the job of a senior chemist requires several years of experience with various kinds of chemical analysis, an organization cannot resort to campus interviews of new graduates to recruit personnel for the post. Job content also determines the nature of training programs that are conducted and the level of compensation provided. For instance, welding technicians who work with aluminum will require different training from those who work with steel. Performance analysis is based on the effectiveness of employees in satisfying the requirements as defined by the job content. Further, the compensation an employee receives is also based on several factors covered by job content, such as the complexity and the level of responsibility involved. Specialization Specialization of labor has both pros and cons. Becoming a specialist in a particular area can provide a worker with a great sense of pride. The fewer tasks a worker does and the narrower the range of his responsibilities, the more skilled and efficient the worker becomes in that particular area. Specialization also results in high-speed and low-cost production as the technique used is perfected. However, specialization is not preferred for certain jobs because they become tedious, monotonous and less

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Table 9.1.1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Specialization Advantages 1.Ease in recruiting new workers because fewer skills are required. 2.Lower production time or higher productivity by the learning curve effect due to repetition. 3.Lower wage rates due to lower levels of skills requirement and ease of substitutability of labor. 4.Ease of supervision and training the workers. 5.Simpler work instructions and easy production control because of consistence in work assignment. 6.Scope for higher degree of mechanization or automation. Disadvantages 1.Lower flexibility; in the absence of a worker, it is difficult to shift workload to any of the available workers as they do not possess variety of skills. 2.Lower work satisfaction, as the work is monotonous and boring. 3.Hidden costs of worker dissatisfaction that result from high employee turnover and absenteeism. 4.Reduced scope for improving because of workers limited perspective. 5.Higher chances of workers getting local muscular fatigue as the same muscles are used in performing the task.

absenteeism and employee turnover. Managers have to balance job specialization and skill variety, while designing the jobs for employees. Table 9.1.1 summarizes some of the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization. WORK ENVIRONMENT Apart from the job content and specialization, the environment in which employees work is critical to their productivity. Work environment includes the tools and equipment provided to perform the job, the atmosphere at the work place (office or factory), worker motivation, etc. Tools and Equipment The quality of tools and equipment provided to a worker has a profound effect on the workers contribution to his job. A poorly designed tool can cause excessive physical burden on the worker and may result in fatigue. A faulty computer monitor can cause severe eyestrain, which might affect productivity in an office environment. Hence, tools and equipment should be appropriate for the production task. The design should consider ergonomic factors like grasping pressure, size, weight, ease of use, etc. When designed properly, tools enable users to work efficiently, resulting in higher productivity. The equipment installed should be able to meet the capacity requirements of the job, have safety features and be easy to use. The use of the right tools and equipment can improve productivity in an organization substantially.

challenging for workers. Specialization can also lead to the worker losing interest in the job, and this may ultimately result in poor quality, lower production rates, and higher rates of


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Atmosphere The work atmosphere describes the surroundings of the jobholders workplace, which include factors such as workplace illumination, workplace temperature, air and noise pollution and vibrations that exist in and around the workplace. Customers judge service industries based on the workplace atmosphere and ambience. For example, the atmosphere, including factors like cleanliness and hygiene, in hotels, hospitals and restaurants, can directly influence customer perception of service. Exhibit 9.1.1 describes the ways to reduce injuries to workers in an office environment. Illumination Proper workplace illumination is necessary for worker. Illumination refers not only to the quantity of light available on the shop floor but also to the quality of the light. The quality of illumination is determined by looking at factors such as luminous intensity, reflectance (the percentage of light reflected from a particular surface), contrast (how much light is reflected off different-colored or angled surfaces), wavelength and polarization (the light reflected from a surface that causes glare). Operations managers have to consider all these factors while deciding on the illumination of the work place. Proper illumination reduces the strain and discomfort of a worker. Temperature Temperature at the workplace also has a significant impact on the performance of workers. High temperatures on the shop floor can result in workers becoming fatigued and tired quickly.

Exhibit 9.1.1 Ways to Reduce Injuries to Workers in an Office Environment 1. Through Effective Time Management Stress can have a severe, negative affect on the body. Effective time management helps workers complete their assigned tasks on time, without experiencing undue stress. 2. Improve Job Design Workers enjoy jobs which have more variety. Over-specialized and repetitive jobs lead to boredom and may result in injuries. 3. Encourage Micro-breaks Encouraging workers to take small breaks several times reduces the chances of injuries and improves productivity. 4. Train Workers This refers to the training of workers in the proper use of the equipment provided to them. Proper training reduces instances of incorrect usage thus minimizing the chances of injury. 5. Manage High Risk Conditions There are situations that represent high risk conditions for instance when a new employee enters an organization. A new employee is more prone to injuries as he may not be aware of the neccessary safety precautions. A high risk condition exists when a pregnant women or handicapped person are assigned certain tasks. The installation of new machinary also creates high risk environment. 6. Support Safe Work Habits Injuries can be reduced by encouraging safe work habits e.g using the keyboard correctly(this can reduce the risk of injuries for computer users). Employees should be encouraged to drink water, sit with proper posture, maintain proper distance from the monitor etc. 7. Proper Space Planning A proper office layout can go a long way in making the environment safer. Individual work stations as well as the office design should incorporate elements that reduce the risk of injuries. In order to rest ones eyes, one should look at a distance of more than 25 feet or more. In order to achieve this, many offices have adopted transparent panels. 8. Reduce noise In order to reduce the distraction caused by noise, steps should be taken to identify and eliminate all the sources of noise. Noise can be eliminated by using plants, tapestries, and sound absorbing panels. 9. Watch for symptoms Symptoms indicate an underlying problem. Symptoms such as shaking hands, change in productivity and quality of work, and blank stare indicate a high level of stress.

Adapted from How Managers Can Reduce Cumulative Trauma, onsightergo, 26th Feb 2003 <>


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On the other hand, low temperatures can also result in suboptimal performance as workers discomfort results in less work being done. The level of temperature at the workplace is such an important factor in workplace productivity that a society named ASHARE was formed to conduct research on this factor. According to ASHAREs recommendations, the most productive temperature range for offices in the summer season is 22.8C to 26.1C, and in the winter season is 20 to 23.9C. Air pollution Worker performance is optimal only when the atmosphere at their workplace is pollution free. The presence of toxic compounds in the air and physical environment not only reduces the productivity of workers, but also poses serious health risks. As it may not be possible to make the work environment completely pollution free for practical reasons, many countries have established threshold limit values (TLVs) to control the content of toxic compounds in the work environment. The TLVs set an upper limit for the content of gases, dust and other pollutants in the air, on the basis of a parts-per-million (ppm) exposure rate per hour (assuming an eight-hour day). Noise pollution and vibration Noise and vibration not only affect work performance adversely, but also damage the human nervous system. Noise pollution has a direct affect on worker productivity and constrains operations. In addition to noise pollution, vibration from

equipment, tools, air-conditioning units, compressors and pumps can also annoy workers. Operations managers should take steps to control noise and vibration in the workplace. Though it may not be feasible to eliminate noise completely, its effect on workers can be reduced by providing protective earmuffs to workers, insulating workshop walls, etc. Shock absorbers and other cushioning devices can reduce the vibration of machines and equipment. Despite efforts by operations managers to minimize the detrimental effects related to illumination, temperature, air and noise pollution and vibration, they are unavoidable for certain categories of workers. For instance, in cement manufacturing units, the plant environment is generally polluted with suspended particulate matter (SPM). Though automation can be used to replace workers in certain areas, this is not possible for all processes. Worker Motivation No matter how good the work environment and the tools and equipment are, workers may not perform optimally if they are not motivated. To motivate workers to perform optimally, monetary and non-monetary benefits are provided. Monetary benefits Monetary benefits are tangible benefits other than salary. Monetary benefits may include company shares, retirement benefits, health insurance, low interest loans, bonuses, etc. Incentive pay systems are used by organizations as a key motivational tool to induce the employees to put in extra effort.

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As this payment is directly linked to work performance, it can influence the productivity of an organization directly. A few basic incentive pay systems are listed below: i. Piece rate system

ii. Standard hour wage system iii. Gain sharing system iv. Bonus system Non-monetary system Non-monetary benefits like rewards, titles, recognition, etc. can go a long way in boosting the morale of a worker. The basic objective of a non-monetary system is to give workers a sense of achievement and build employee self-esteem. USES OF JOB DESIGN Job design is useful in developing job analyses, job descriptions and specifications and other applications of human resources management. The uses of job design are described below. Job Analysis Job analysis investigates the job content, the physical conditions in which the job is done and the qualifications that are necessary to carry out job responsibilities. Job analysis aims at setting out the nature of duties to be performed, the scope of responsibilities and all the other information relating to job content. Other information which has to be defined by the

Exhibit 9.1.2 Job Description of Job Analyst and Personnel Recruiter Job Analyst Job analyst collects, analyzes, and prepares occupational information to facilitate tasks of personnel, administrative, and management functions of an organization. In addition, the analyst studies current organizational occupational data, organization and flow charts, and other background information required for work study; observes jobs and interviews workers and supervisory personnel to determine job and worker requirements; analyzes occupational data, such as physical, mental, and training requirements of jobs and workers and develops written summaries, such as job descriptions, job specifications, and lines of career movement; utilizes developed occupational data to evaluate or improve methods and techniques for recruiting, selecting, promoting, evaluating, and training workers, and administration of related personnel programs. Personnel Recruiter The personal recruiter seeks out, interviews, screens, and recruits job applicants to fill existing company job openings; discusses personnel needs with department supervisors to prepare and implement the required recruitment programs; contacts colleges to arrange on-campus interviews; provides information on company facilities and job opportunities to potential applicants; interviews college applicants to obtain work history, education, training, job skills, and salary requirements; screens and refers qualified applicants to company hiring personnel for follow-up interview. The recruiter also arranges travel and lodging for selected applicants at company expenses; performs reference and background checks on applicants; files and maintains employment records for future references and projects yearly recruitment expenditures for budgetary control.

Adapted: Wendell. L. French, Human Resources Management (Houghton Mifflin company, Third edition) 168.

job analyst includes categories like the list of activities


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Figure 9.1.3: Applications of Job Analysis and Job Descriptions

performed; and how, when, and where they are performed; the equipment, machinery or tools that are used; the physical and social working conditions; the skill and ability requirements to perform the job and the nature and extent of training that is given to the jobholder. Personnel managers use job analysis as a management tool to improve the effectiveness of their staffing, training, appraisal and reward practices. Job analysis has become increasingly significant for managers because of its usefulness in scrutinizing candidates in the selection process.

Job Description Job description describes the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job. It includes information regarding the job content, the job requirements in terms of the necessary and desirable qualifications, work experience, the mental and physical effort involved, the scope of responsibilities, nature of reporting relationships and so on. The qualification mentioned in the job description is called job specifications. Exhibit 9.1.2 defines the job description of a job analyst and a personnel recruiter of an educational institution. Job description plays a key role in the recruitment process, as the applicants screen themselves out of consideration based on the job description given in recruitment advertisement. Recruiters also use job description to make appropriate judgments while selecting the right candidates. Besides its use in the process of recruitment, job description is used in activities

Source: Wendell. L. French, Human Resources Management (Houghton Mifflin company, Third edition).

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like planning and implementing training programs, establishing performance standards, etc. Figure 9.1.3 illustrates the various applications of job analysis and job description. Job description has four basic components, namely, the job title, job identification, job duties and job specification. A job title should reflect the purpose and responsibilities of the job. Job identification describes the department under which the job comes, the number of workers needed, reporting authority, etc. Job duties include duties and responsibilities associated with the job in a summarized form. Job specification describes the skills and qualifications required to perform the job competently.


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Work Measurement
In this chapter, we will discuss: Uses of Setting Work Standards Work Measurement Techniques.

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Section 1

Work Measurement
Work measurement is the process of identifying time standards for a job, i.e. determining how much time an average worker takes to complete a job under standard work conditions. A production system focuses primarily on improving efficiency by maximizing the output from each hour of employee effort. To be more productive, organizations need to change the mindset of their workers and make them strive for high productivity, low production costs and high product quality. Organizations should not force the employees to work harder because beyond a certain limit such coercion can result in worker dissatisfaction. This can lead to the long-term degradation of performance. To overcome this problem, operations managers use techniques that determine the time required for an average worker to perform a task, and then assign work accordingly. Work measurement is the application of certain techniques to determine the degree and quantity of labor used in performing tasks. The time consumed by an average worker, working at an average speed, to perform a specific task under normal operating conditions is generally referred to as time standard, or work standard, or simply, standard. It is expressed in terms of time elapsed per unit of output, or units of output per unit of time. Managers use these standards in planning, controlling and scheduling their operations. Work measurement is, therefore, the process of estimating the amount of worker time that is required to produce one unit of a specific output. USES OF SETTING WORK STANDARDS Work standards help operations managers reduce the effort involved in a job by minimizing unnecessary movements. It also helps identify inefficient methods and replace them with efficient work methods which can accomplish a similar amount of work in less time. There are many advantages of using work standards: 1. They help schedule operations by providing operations managers information about the time required to perform a particular task. 2. They help improve machine utilization by reducing idle time.


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3. They help compare the efficiency of different work methods. 4. They provide benchmarks for evaluating workers performance, thus helping managers determine the appropriate compensation.
Table 10.1.1: Work Measurement Techniques
Technique Time Study Source of Times Stop watch Timing Role of Analyst Direct Observation: Record times for several cycles of the task; judge and record pace. Define task in small, common elements. Lookup time value in standard data tables. Define task in basic body motions; look up time value in basic motion tables. Direct Observation: Randomly check employee status; keep tallies of employee activities and pace; obtain production count.

Work standards can be set only for jobs which satisfy the following conditions: 1. The work should be measurable i.e. it should have a definite start and finish time. 2. The work should have clearly defined steps. 3. The output of the work to be studied should be large enough to justify the expense of conducting work measurement studies. WORK MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The main purpose of work measurement is to find the standard time for a job. The different techniques used in work measurement are time study, historical analysis, standard data, work sampling and predetermined motion time data systems. Table 10.1.1 shows work measurement techniques, sources of time and timing role of analyst. Time Study Time study is used to identify time standards for a particular job performed by a competent worker under standard conditions. The time is recorded using a time watch or by studying the video clip of the job execution. Prerequisites for time studies are 1) The job selected should be standardized, i.e. it should employ standard tools and materials. 2) The worker, whose performance is going to be observed for setting time standards, should be competent in using proper

Standard Data

Table look-up

Pre-determined Motion Time Study Work Sampling

Table look-up

Percent of study period busy at given task divided by number of units produced.

Historical Analysis Past records on actual task times.

Determine arithmetic mean and/or other useful statistics.

Adapted: Richard J Schonberger, Edward M Knod Jr, Operations Management Customer Focused Principles (Irwin, 1997) 616.

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work methods, and should be an average performer (i.e. he should be representative of all the workers doing the job). The steps involved in time study are described below: Job identification and division The job that is to be timed is selected. It should be standard in terms of equipment and materials. This job is then divided into a convenient number of elemental tasks. Elemental tasks thus identified should have identifiable break points (starting and ending points), so that the time taken for the completion of such tasks can be measured accurately. Observation The performance of the worker is closely observed; simultaneously, using a stopwatch the observations are noted on a preprinted time study data sheet. Several cycles of each elemental task are timed, so that the effect of early or late readings is averaged out. In addition, multiple cycles help in smoothing out delays and interruptions caused by unavoidable circumstances and other contingencies. Pace rating the worker It is wrong to assume that the average of the observations made always represents the time required to perform each elemental task. When workers are aware that their performance is being recorded, they often behave differently from usual. Some may become nervous, or resentful, resulting in a slowing down of their pace of work. To nullify these effects, observations

are recorded repeatedly across several workers, and the observer is asked to stand near a worker while observing his performance. Based on the basis of these observations, each worker is rated, the rating being a percentage of the 'normal' worker. For instance, a worker can be rated as 90% normal, 75% normal, based on the observers inference of the worker's performance. Computing the normal time The normal time that is required to perform a job by an average worker is then computed based on the average cycle time and the worker rating. Normal time = Average cycle time x Worker rating Allowances The normal time thus estimated is not always equal to the standard time required to perform a task, as a person cannot perform consistently over a period of time for a variety of reasons. So, when calculating the standard time, allowances such as contingency allowance (unavoidable delays), interference allowance, relaxation allowance (for personal needs), etc. are considered. Hence, the fraction of time that elapses during these delays is estimated, and the available fraction of time for the performance of the task is calculated. Computing the standard time Standard time is the actual time taken by an average worker to complete a task and is calculated as the ratio of the normal time

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and the available fraction of time for the worker to actually perform the task (after considering time for breaks and all the other allowances). Standard time = Normal time/ Available fraction of time. Although time study offers precision in setting standard time, it requires competent analysts as supervisor. The cost of engaging an analyst makes this technique uneconomical for tasks with longer cycles. Hence, time study is usually used to set standards for shorter cycle tasks. Problem 1 A time study of an assembly line worker in a car plant produced the following results: Cycle time of 2.50 minutes; worker performance rating of 95 percent; average allowance for the activity 10 percent of the normal time. Calculate the standard time. Solution First we have to calculate normal time, which is given by, Normal time =Average cycle time & Performance rating Normal Time= 2.50 & 0.95 = 2.375 minutes Now calculate Standard Time Standard Time = Normal time/Available fraction of time = 2.375/ (1 0.1) = 2.63 minutes

Standard Data Many jobs in a company have some common elemental tasks. It is not necessary to determine work standards for such common tasks every time, since it is a repetition of the same exercise. Managers usually determine reasonable standards for these common tasks based on the standards previously set for them. The managers usually maintain a database of the standard time required for a work element, which has information obtained through previous studies, and this is used as standard data. Standard data is often more useful than other methods for organizations involved in production of goods. For instance, if all the elemental tasks of a new job are already present in standard data, managers can simply total their normal times to estimate the normal time for the new job. Also, the standard time to perform each elemental task is acceptable to both management and workers. The management can also avoid the costs and interruption involved conducting work measurement studies. Predetermined Motion Time Study (PMTS) All tasks that are performed manually are composed of basic motions such as reach, grasp, move, turn, stretch, apply pressure, release, and so on. Most tasks require these basic movements; the variation arises in the sequence and combination of these basic motions. Predetermined motion time study is a technique of setting work standards that uses the recorded standard time data for each of these basic motions


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associated with performing a task and summing them up to determine the time required to perform the whole task. Adjustments are made to this data, as operating conditions vary from firm to firm and job to job. For instance, the standard time for lifting (a basic motion) differs for a pencil and a wrench. PMTS differs from the standard data in the fact that PMTS provides time for basic motions rather than job-specific work elements. The basic motions are generic. Three of the most widely used predetermined motion-time data systems are: Methods Time Measurement (MTM), Maynard Operations Sequence Technique (MOST) and work factors. Predetermined motion time studies are useful in: i) Developing standards ii) Control and auditing iii) Benchmarking and performance evaluation Work Sampling Work sampling is a technique of analyzing work by taking several observations, usually, at random, to see the relative frequency with which various elemental activities take place. The percentage of observations that record a worker engaged in a particular activity to the total number of observations recorded approximates the percentage of total work time spent on that activity. For instance, if an analyst has made a total of 70 observations during a 3-hour study, and 14 of these observations showed the worker tightening the bolts of a machine, it will be assumed that worker spends 20% (i.e. 14 & 100/70) of his work time tightening bolts. Twenty percent of 3

hours is 36 minutes. If the number of times the worker tightened the bolts during the study is 44, then it is estimated that the normal time required to tighten a bolt averages to 36/44 = 0.818 minute. Work sampling is also used to estimate the percentage of employee time spent in breaks, unavoidable delays, and other non-productive activities. The accuracy of work sampling is subject to the competence of the analyst and the number of observations made. The manager usually decides on the number of observations to be made, based on the level of accuracy required. The technique does not permit a detailed breakdown of activities. This technique does not require extensive training to conduct and it can be performed simultaneously on several workers. It is less costly than most other methods, and is particularly useful in observing lengthy work cycles. It is an economical way to observe many workers performing a single operation that is widely used in the production unit. The technique is used extensively to measure the performance of workers involved in indirect labor jobs (like driving a pay loader to feed raw materials) and can also be adopted in service organizations like schools and hospitals. Three primary applications for work sampling are: i) Ratio Delay: This refers to find the activity time percentage for an employee or equipment. Ratio delay shows the percentage of time an employee or equipments was occupied or idle. Performance Measurement: Performance standards can be identified to evaluate employee performance. These


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Exhibit 10.1.1 TAYLORISM AND THE DEGRADATION OF LABOUR Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1917) was in many ways the founder of modern rationalized management methods of organizing and disciplining work and employees. It was Taylor who systemized the use of work-study, piece rate schemes, and time and motion studies in his drive towards designing jobs in their most basic and simple manner. Taylors Life and Early Ideas Taylor dropped out of his study of law and against the wishes of his affluent Philadelphia family, took up a job as a manual craft apprentice in a firm whose owners were close family friends of his parents. Later Taylor became a gang boss in a lathe department at the Midvale Steel Works, one of the most technologically advanced companies in the steel industry. In his youth Taylor apparently displayed odd behavioral characteristics, counting his steps, calculating his time in performing various duties and tasks, and studying his bodily motions whilst doing basic domestic chores (Kakar, 1970). This obsessive and compulsive type of behavior was explained by his desire to cut down to a minimum waste and inefficiency. He was at an early stage in his life searching for the one best way of carrying out tasks that would minimize bodily movements and reduce mental and physical effort. While working at the Midvale Steel Works, he became obsessed by what he called natural and systematic soldering. This emerged as a result of the natural tendency and desire of workers to take it easy, to control the speed and effort with which they exercised their jobs, and to work no harder than was absolutely necessary. Systematic soldering was for Taylor far more inefficient and pernicious because this type of soldering was controlled, regulated and supported by informal social groups of employees. A body of rules and norms supported by the close social networks and relationships on the shop floor regulated the speed and output with which employees were allowed to perform their jobs. As a worker Taylor claimed he never once broke the agreed norms on work restrictions but once he became responsible for output and productivity as a gang boss he was determined to reorganize and maximize production. In his own words Taylor claims: As soon as I became gang boss the men who were working under me and who, of course, knew that I was onto the whole game of soldering or deliberately restricting output, came to me at once and said, Now Fred, you are not going to be a damn piecework hog, are you? I said, If you fellows mean you are afraid I am going to try to get a larger output from these lathes, I said, Yes I do propose to get a larger output from these lathes. (Taylor, 1912; quoted in Clawson, 1980:212) For Taylor the importance and strength of the workers lay in the fact that it was they who had far more knowledge and understanding of jobs. How tasks were performed, the tools that were used and the precise way and speed with which jobs were done lay primarily in the experience, and craft of the employees. The legacy of craft control had been imported into the early factories whereby the workers themselves organized the way in which work was to be done and hence controlled actual process of labor. Workers would deliberately keep management ignorant of the speeds that could potentially be achieved in the machine room and as Taylor insisted this was perfectly rational because as soon as management discovers the maximum potential speed of work tasks they would naturally insist on speed-ups and more efficiency. Systematic and natural soldering, therefore, were rational attempts by workers to control the labor process, to control the speed and effort that they had to put into their jobs.
Source: Human Resources Management: A Contemporary Perspective, Ian Beardwell, Lan Holden


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performance measurements help management set goals and objectives for employees. ii) Time standards: This refers to identification of the standard time for the completion of a task. Managements use these time standards in generating time schedules and assigning tasks. Historical Analysis Setting work standards by using scientific methods like work sampling and time study is not always economical for an organization. But setting work standards helps improve the performance and management, and hence, is vital for the success of an organization. To reduce the costs of work measurement, operations managers use historical data to set work standards. In this technique, the output of a particular worker or department, over a specific period of time, is divided by the number of work hours expended, to arrive at the normal time (assuming that the performance was consistent over a period of time). This method does not require the presence of an analyst during the period of observation. It is very simple as it only involves the application of statistical tools and quantitative techniques. But, the relative accuracy of the standards developed through this method is low. The accuracy of these standards can be improved by combining scientific techniques of work measurement, i.e., by conducting time study or work sampling while historical data is being collected so that the work pace and percentage of time lost for delays can be estimated.

Employee Self-timing Setting work standards, especially for white collar jobs, requires new techniques wherein workers are asked to set work standards for themselves. This technique of setting work standards is referred to as employee self-timing. In this method, each worker is given a form that has two columns. The first column is for listing possible activities. In order to simplify the recording process, each activity is given a code. The second column provided is used for recording the time spent on a particular activity. Each time the worker takes up a new activity he enters the time taken to perform the previous activity and also gives details of the activity such as amount of work done (units processed or assembled, number of customers served etc.). This data is later summarized and used to set work standards for each activity. Employee self-timing technique is a simple, cost effective way of work measurement. Besides the training requirements for conducting this technique is minimal. However the technique has a few drawbacks such as it cannot make allowances for delays and interruptions that occur during the production or service delivery process. It can also upset the normal work routine, as recording and sorting data takes considerable time.


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Section 2

Case Study: Excel Printers : A Startup Companys Capacity Planning

This case study was written by R. Muthukumar, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.


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Manoj Kumar (Kumar) and Gautam Tripathi (Tripathi) are good friends and college mates. Although having a well established family business of real estates, wanted to start their own business. From their childhood, both had an inclination towards printing layout designs, layout copying, etc. They started Excel Printers with the monetary help from their families. They wanted to do the occupation on their own and learn from it. They purchased printing equipment, which consists of two high speed printers, which can be operated by one operator. Both planned to work alone on shift basis. Both wanted to work for two shifts per a day, but they do allow themselves 30 minutes for lunch or dinner according to their shifts. In addition, they service the machines for about 30 minutes at the beginning of each shift. Before they start any work order, it has to be set up according to the order, which requires certain amount of time. The time required to set up for each order varies by the type of the paper, use of colour, number of copies, and so on. Estimates of set up time are kept with each order. Since the machines are new, their efficiency is estimated at 100%. Within few months of time, the business started growing. One fine morning, they met to review the progress of the business. After discussion, they further planned to grow and decided to get into marketing activities also. As a part of new marketing initiative, they approached a small marketing consultancy and gave the marketing responsibility to them. The consultancy advertised for Excel printers with a message of new promotional incentives. Due to advertising and new customer incentives, orders have been pouring in. After receiving the orders, Manoj was little bit

worried about completing the work orders requirements. He called on Tripathi, who was in night shift that day. Both of them reviewed the orders and discussed about determining the capacity of their operation and the current load on their facility. Based on that they wanted to project the load profile and load percent. They listed out the details like work order no., no.of copies, set up time, run time per unit, etc. (Exhibit I). Excel Printers: A Startup Companys Capacity Planning

Exhibit I Work Orders Details Work Order No. 10 20 30 40 50 No. of Copies 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 Setup Time (minutes) 5.2 10.6 3.4 11.2 15.3 Run Time (minute/unit) 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.10

Prepared by the author


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Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. How do you calculate the normal daily capacity of Excel Printers? 2. From the Calculation, what is your interpretation? If it is under utilised, what should Excel Printers do? If the load is more, what should they do for increasing their capacity?


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Design of Production Processes

In this chapter, we will discuss: Process Planning and Design Major Factors Affecting Process Design Decisions Types of Process Designs Process Planning Aids Selecting the Type of Process Design

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Section 1

Design of Production Processe

PROCESS PLANNING AND DESIGN Process Planning and Design refers to the complete delineation and description of the specific stages in the production process and the linkages between the stages that enable the production system to produce products or services. These products or services should meet the desired quality standards. They should also be produced at the right time (when the customer wants them) and the total costs associated with their production should be within the budgeted limits. Process planning is required mostly for new products or services. Replanning is also necessary when business or market conditions change, or technologically superior equipment becomes available, or when the production capacity has to be changed. The choice of process design is driven by the operations strategy adopted by the organization. The production processes should be planned and designed to produce the ideal mix of products, which is determined by the production plan (which, in turn, reflects the operations strategy of the organization). For instance, if the strategy of an organization for a particular product line is to produce small batches of products, so that the quantity produced can be easily adapted to the size of the order, the processes should be so designed that they can shift quickly to the production of different products. This makes the production of small batches of the products economically feasible. In addition to the operations strategy, the product design of the organization also influences its process design. Process design and product (or service) design should be compatible with each other. Process design is said to be effective for an organization only when it is able to accommodate the product/service design. Operations managers often modify the process design on the basis of their experience in designing products and services, or vice versa. For effective process planning and design, thorough knowledge of operations strategies, product/service designs, technologies of the production system, and market conditions is required. These elements should be set out in a detailed plan for manufacturing the products/


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services. Figure 11.1.1 schematically illustrates the various inputs and outputs of process planning. Process planning forms the basis for designing factory buildings and facility layouts, and selecting production equipment. It also has a bearing on quality control, job design and capacity in different facilities of the organization. Hence, it is important for operations managers to determine how products/services will be produced. Figure 11.1.1: The Process Planning and Design Paradigm


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MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING PROCESS DESIGN DECISIONS Operations managers generally make process-design decisions after taking into consideration several factors. Some of these factors are: 1. Nature of demand 2. Degree of vertical integration 3. Flexibility 4. Degree of automation 5. Quality level and degree of customer contact A brief description of each of these factors and their influence on the process design decisions of an organization are given below. Nature of Demand The main objective of any production system is to produce products or services, according to customer requirements. Therefore, it is essential for an organization to schedule its production in such a way that it can always meet estimated future demand levels. We have discussed various methods for estimating future demand by using past sales data in detail in chapter 3. These methods can be used to plan for the production capacities needed in each future time period, taking into account factors

like seasonality, growth trends and other such demand patterns that affect future demand levels. Influence of Demand Patterns The demand for a product does not follow a fixed pattern over time. The rise or fall of demand over time is influenced by several factors, such as seasonal fluctuations, which affect the design of the production process of the product. For instance, the demand for products like fans, air conditioners and air coolers exhibit great variation from season to season (higher during summer and lower in winter). Decisions regarding the production process and inventory for such products should be made such that peak season demand can be met comfortably. During the season of sluggish demand too, production should be structured appropriately. The growth trends of a product also influence process design. The processes should be designed to be flexible enough to expand production easily in order to keep pace with growing demand. Influence of Price Level In most countries, customers are price-sensitive in their purchases. They buy more of a product when the price is set low, but tend to buy lower volumes when the price level is set high. Figure 11.1.2 illustrates such a relationship between the price level for a product or a service and its sales volume. As prices are reduced, customers tend to buy larger volumes of

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Degree of Vertical Integration Figure 11.1.2: Price Volume Relationship for a Product/Service One of the prime considerations of an operations manager when developing production-process designs is the level of vertical integration. Vertical integration refers to the extent to which the production and the distribution chain (extending from the suppliers of raw materials and components to the delivery of finished products) is brought under the ownership of the organization. In other words, the degree of vertical integration determines the extent to which a product and its components are produced internally. Any organization can integrate its activities vertically in two ways: forward and backward. Forward integration is the expansion of ownership of production to the distribution chain, towards the market. Backward integration expands the ownership of the production and distribution chain backwards, i.e. towards the source supplies. Decisions on the degree of forward integration required are predominantly based on the ability of the organization to market its products, whereas those on backward integration are influenced by several other factors (see Table 11.1.1). The degree of vertical integration that is optimum for a particular firm in an industry may not always be appropriate for another industry. Operations managers have to decide whether to attempt vertical integration. If they decide to do so, they will have to decide to what extent they can integrate, depending on the opportunities and risks associated with the integration. Vertical integration relieves an organization of a part of its purchasing function and provides flexibility in manufacturing.

products/services, till a point, after which, the curve becomes almost horizontal. The price-volume (demand) curve has many implications in the design of production processes. For instance, managers decide on the application of different designs (for example, customs versus standard designs), inventory and shipping policies at different levels of activities in order to produce the quantities demanded at minimal costs. The design of production processes should take care of all these factors to be effective.

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Table 11.1.1: Factors Affecting the Degree of Backward Integration





5. 6.


Cost of producing components versus cost of buying them. Investments necessary to produce components inhouse. Anticipated changes in net return on assets, if production of components is undertaken. The possibility of using existing (in-house) technology to produce components. Availability of funds to support the integration. Quality of suppliers i.e. whether available, reliable, willing to maintain long term relationships, capable of supplying high quality components at reasonable prices, having enough capital, and with zeal for improvement. The need to integrate to secure future competitive position.

suppliers. By integrating vertically, an organization may diversify its activities so wide that it loses focus, and its overall performance is adversely affected. Operations managers should evaluate all the pros and cons of vertical integration before deciding on its implementation. Flexibility An organization is said to be flexible only when it responds quickly to changing customer needs or market conditions. Flexibility is essential for organizations to increase or maintain their market share. Flexibility can be broadly classified into two types: Product/service flexibility and volume flexibility. Product/service Flexibility Product/service flexibility is the ability of the production system to shift quickly from producing one product to another. Some business strategies call for the production of many custom-designed products/services, in small lots. Product/ service flexibility is required in such cases. To produce different products in small lots, in most cases, generalpurpose equipment and multi-skilled employees are used. The employees have to be trained so that they can perform different types of jobs. Volume Flexibility Volume flexibility is the ability to increase or decrease production volumes rapidly in response to external changes. Volume flexibility is necessary for organizations which manufacture products whose demand fluctuates, because it is not economical to maintain a high level of inventory of such

This can result in an increase in profits due to centralized overheads, pooling of R&D and design efforts, and economies of scale. The return on net assets may rise or fall, depending upon the investment necessary to integrate and the amount of increased profits. If organizations do not integrate backward, they may face the risk of suppliers integrating forward and becoming formidable competitors. However, vertical integration is not always desirable. Decisions to produce components, instead of buying them, may trap organizations in the use of outdated technology. The economies of scale obtained by vertical integration can as easily be obtained by maintaining long-term relationships with

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products. The production processes for such organizations must be designed such that increasing or decreasing production levels is easy. The equipment for such organizations should be designed to meet the production requirements that are close to the peak levels of demand. The extra workforce that is required to increase production can be obtained from outside subcontractors, by paying overtime allowance to the existing workforce, by temporary recruitment of part-time workers, or by recalling the workforce previously laid off. The flexibility required in a system affects the design of its production processes significantly. Degree of Automation In the past, automating production processes was very costly. It was also difficult to integrate automated processes with other production processes. For these reasons, managers in the past tended to avoid automation. But, today, operations managers have realized that if automation is not made a strategic weapon, it will be a strategic limitation for their operations. Automation has become essential for organizations to become or remain competitive. Though automation is expensive, it can reduce labor and related costs. By automating their operations, organizations can produce products/services of high quality within a short period and can also shift to other products/services easily. But it is not always advisable for a producer to automate all processes completely, as the savings in labor cost will not always justify the huge investment required for many automation projects. Hence, operations managers should decide on the degree of automation required for their

production processes. This decision affects the way production processes are designed to a significant extent. Quality Level and Degree of Customer Contact The level of quality of a product or service decides whether it can compete in a market. Decisions taken on the desired quality level of products/services affect the design of the production process at all stages. The desired level of quality has a direct implication on the degree of automation to be built into the production process. For many products and services, the extent of customer interaction and contact has implications for the production process design. For instance, in systems like clinics and schools, the customer is actively involved in production and the service is directly performed on the customer. In such systems, equipment and employee training should be designed keeping the customer in mind. In some other systems, like firms which make steel or cement, the degree of customer interaction in the production process is negligible. These systems are highly standardized, and cost, price and speed of delivery are the general targets of operations strategies. TYPES OF PROCESS DESIGNS Production processes transform the resources and expertise of an organization into higher value goods and services. They take inputs from the market environment and the organization's own technological capabilities and convert them into an economically efficient and productive activity. It is essential for an organization to decide on the type of process

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design that should be used to produce each product or service. The various types of process designs that are generally used can be classified into three broad categories: 1. Product-focused 2. Process-focused 3. Group technology Product-Focused Also referred to as Line flow production system, this type of processing system is used mostly in production departments that are organized according to the type of product or service being produced. In this type of process design, products or services tend to flow along linear paths without backtracking or side tracking. Items follow a similar production sequence, which can be anything from a pipeline (for oil) to an assembly line (for televisions or radios). Figure 11.1.3 illustrates the direct, linear and continuous paths in which raw materials, components, sub assemblies, assemblies and finished products flow in the production of a hypothetical product. A productfocused Figure 11.1.3: Schematic Layout of a Product Focused Production System

production system is generally designed for three forms of production: discrete unit manufacturing, process manufacturing, and delivery of services.

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Discrete Unit Manufacturing Discrete unit manufacturing refers to the production of distinct products like radio or television sets. These products can be made in batches, and the system can be shifted to produce other products in similar batches. Process Manufacturing Process manufacturing involves the movement of materials between operations such as screening, crushing, storing, mixing, milling, blending, cooking, fermenting, evaporating and distilling. It is widely applied in the cement, plastic, paper, chemical, steel and brewing industries. Figure 11.1.4 illustrates the movement of materials in a cement plant which uses a process manufacturing production system. Figure 11.1.4: Process Manufacturing System A Layout in a Cement Plant


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Delivery of Services Delivery of services can also use a product-focused production system. In such a system, services are administered to customers while they move in a queue or in a linear route. Services delivered by waiters in restaurants make use of this system. Product-focused systems offer many advantages like low unit costs, high volumes of production and ease of planning. However, they require higher initial investments because of the use of specialized and expensive fixed position processing equipment in the production process. Many managers prefer this system for the benefits it offers: low labor skill requirements, reduced worker training, reduced supervision and ease of control. Process-focused In a process-focused production system, all the operations are grouped according to the type of process. The system is also referred to as an intermittent production system because production is performed on products intermittently (that is on a start and Figure 11.1.5: Process Focused Production A Schematic Layout


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stop basis). The system is also referred to as job shop as the products move from department to department in batches (jobs) that are usually determined by customers orders. Process-focused production systems are usually used to produce small quantities (or batches) of different items on relatively general-purpose machinery. Processing equipment and personnel are located according to the functions, and products flow through the facilities on irregular paths. Figure 11.1.5 illustrates the zigzag type of routes in which products flow in this type of production system. This system allows both sidetracking and backtracking in the product flow route. In the figure, Job A and Job B represent two different product designs. As per their design requirements, they are routed through different production departments to undergo different operations in different sequences. This system has its own merits and demerits. Two or more jobs undertaken by a production organization may come to the same department at the same time. If the department cannot work on both the jobs simultaneously, one of them has to be kept waiting. This is a simple case where one job waits for its turn in one department. In large production organizations, several jobs are kept waiting in various departments. This system may lead to loss of time, especially when a major portion of production time actually comprises the time in which jobs are waiting to be processed in different departments. Also, process-focused production systems require greater employee skill, more employees training, more supervision and complex production control.

On the plus side, process-focused production systems are more flexible because of their ability to produce a wide spectrum of products in small batch sizes. They also require less initial investment since they use general-purpose equipment that is less expensive. Product-focused and process-focused production systems represent two types of traditional approaches for organizing production activities. But, in practice, many organizations use blends of these two approaches. For instance, a typical factory producing television sets uses a blend of the above two systems. In the upstream part of the factory, where components and sub-assemblies are prepared, a processfocused approach is used because of the great variety of component designs involved. But in the downstream part of the factory that produces finished products, a product-focused approach is used because of the relatively small variety of designs involved. Such a practice has become common now as organizations put in greater efforts to cut production costs. Group Technology Traditional approaches to production have been modified in several ways to suit the requirements of organizations. These modifications have resulted in the development of many new approaches that are more appropriate for production purposes. Group technology is one such approach and is used mostly for metal working applications. The concept of group technology was first used for production processes in the late 1940s in the Soviet Union. Later, it was studied and applied in India, Japan, the United States and many European countries.

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In a group technology layout, dissimilar machines are grouped into work centers to work on products similar in shape and processing requirements. A group technology layout is similar to both product layout and process layout because each cell is dedicated to a limited range of products and each cell is designed to perform specific set of processes respectively. It is also referred to as the parts classification and coding system. In group technology, each part manufactured is given a code. This code has several digits, each digit representing a physical characteristic of the part. Organizations draw the following benefits by implementing the coding system (under group technology): 1. Coding gives a clear picture of the steps that are involved in producing a part. Hence, it is easy to route the parts in production. 2. Coding results in standardization of part designs. A database can be maintained with the design details of old parts. Whenever a new product is to be designed, the codes of existing products can be accessed to identify similar parts present. This simplifies the process of manufacturing new products. 3. Parts with similar characteristics can be grouped into families as similar products are generally produced in similar ways, i.e. similar parts are made on the same machines with similar tooling. Suppose an organization produces mild steel (MS) bolts of varying specifications. If all the bolts to be produced are processed on similar lathe machines, they can be grouped into a part family, thus simplifying the process of production.

Cellular Manufacturing Cellular manufacturing is a type of group technology in which the total production area is conveniently divided into cells, each cell consisting of a group of similar machines. For instance, a production organization can be divided into different cells such as lathe section, boring section, drilling section, grinding section and so on. These cells can be used to produce those parts that are needed more often in moderate batch sizes. Within each cell, products are similar to one another, and the flow of parts within the cell is more like a product-focused system. Cellular manufacturing offers many advantages for organizations. Some of the advantages of cellular manufacturing are: 1. As similar parts go to a particular cell, the machine changeover times between batches of parts are considerably reduced. This results not only in the increase of production capacity, but also in the reduction of production costs. 2. As the workers in a particular cell are made to work on a set of similar machinery, their costs of training can be brought down significantly. Moreover, workers gain specialized skills in production, as they are exposed to a smaller variety of machinery. This improves the quality of output. 3. The route of production through cells is more direct, as compared to that in non-cellular group technology. There are many advantages in this, like reduction in material handling costs and simplified production planning and

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control (PPC). It also permits quicker shipment of products. 4. Parts spend less time in waiting before they are processed. This results in a significant decrease in inprocess inventory levels. These advantages may lead to group technology and cellular manufacturing being adopted by many organizations in the future. But all job shop production should not be converted to group technology production because this production system is economical only for those parts that possess a degree of standardization and are produced in moderate size batches. PROCESS PLANNING AIDS Process planning is essential for designing and implementing a work system that will produce the required quantity of goods and services. It is a continuous activity, as production volumes have to be continuously adapted to the changing demand for goods and services. Managers generally use assembly charts and process charts to redesign, update and evaluate their production processes. Assembly Charts Assembly charts are used to obtain a general understanding of the entire process involved in producing products which involve assembly of a number of parts. They provide an overall macro view of the movement of components and subassemblies in the process of producing a finished product. They also show the material requirements (i.e. the list of all major components), sub-assembly operations, quality checks

and assembly operations that are involved in making a mechanical assembly. In these charts, it is a standard practice to indicate operations by circles and inspections by squares. Figure 11.1.6 illustrates a typical assembly chart that is used for producing an electric heater. Process Charts Process charts are similar to assembly charts, except that they include extra information like description of the various steps involved, their frequency of occurrence, the time for each step, the distance traveled and so on. Non-productive activities like storage ('), delay (D) and transport ( ) are also included. Figure 11.1.7 depicts a typical process chart used in a hypothetical manufacturing organization. Process charts are used to compare alternative ways of performing operations. Each activity can be reviewed by examining whether it can be improved by eliminating a task, combining tasks, changing the sequence of tasks, or modifying the tasks. Process charts can be used for process planning when new products are being planned or when existing operations have to be improved. Thus, these charts help the manager analyze the efficiency of processes.


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Figure 11.1.6: Assembly Chart for an Electric Heater

Source: Joseph G Monks, Operations Management (New York: McGraw Hill Inc, 1996) 156.


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Figure 11.1.7: Flow Process (Material/Product Type) Chart for Manufacturing a Steel Collar


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SELECTING THE TYPE OF PROCESS DESIGN Operations managers consider several factors before choosing a production processing system for an organization. Some of these factors are Variety and Volume The type of process design that is appropriate for a production system depends greatly on the range of the product i.e. variety, and the volume of demand for each product model. Figure 11.1.8 demonstrates the effect of batch size and the diversity of product designs on an organization's selection of product design. Figure 11.1.8: Influence of Product Diversity and Batch Size on Process Design Decisions

In the figure, as we move from point P to point S, unit production cost and product flexibility decrease. Point P represents a case in which a variety of products is manufactured. In such a case, similar products are produced in small batches, with sometimes a batch containing just a single unit. Process-focused job shop production systems with very high flexibility are appropriate in such cases. As the product variety decreases and the batch size of products increases to a point Q, cellular manufacturing for the production of parts in a job shop system becomes more appropriate. As the product varieties decrease further and the batch size of the product increases at point R, a product-focused batch system can be implemented. This system is relatively inflexible and necessitates special training for employees to shift their production activities between various products. The other extreme, point S, represents a case where there is not much scope for product variety and the batch size is very large. At this point, a product-focused production system that is dedicated to the production of a non-differentiated product is appropriate. This production system helps managers reduce unit production costs to the lowest level. However, it is inflexible and impractical to alter the equipment to make it possible to produce other products. Thus, the number of product models that is to be produced and the volume of demand that is expected for each product model have a significant effect on the manager's selection of process design.

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Investment In general, huge investments are required for setting up a product-focused production system that is dedicated to the production of a particular product. Such a system consists of inflexible equipment that is specialized to the product, and necessitates specific training of employees for producing the product. The capital investment required also influences the decisionmaker's choice of production system for the organization. Many organizations adjust their business strategies to meet their production targets by using the limited funds available. Economic Analysis As described earlier, each type of process design requires a different amount of funds for its implementation, because fixed and variable costs tend to differ from one production system to another. The greater the investments in fixed assets, the greater are the fixed costs. Variable costs differ with the volume of products produced in each period, say one month. Figure 11.1.9 illustrates the different costs associated with different production volumes and types of process design for a hypothetical product. As can be seen in Figure 11.1.9, the product-focused system is associated with high fixed costs. These costs (Rs. 20 crores) are related to the expensive machinery, automated controls and fixed-position material handling equipment. The variable costs associated with this system are relatively low as compared to the other types of process design. In the case of the process-focused job shop system, a comparatively

lower initial investment in fixed assets is required, but there is a steep growth in variable costs when the production volume is increased. The fixed and variable costs of cellular manufacturing generally lie between these two process designs. If the availability of funds is not a major constraint, managers can select the process design on the basis of the targeted production volume of the product. From Figure 11.1.9,, it can be inferred that for the given product, a process-focused job shop design is preferable if the annual production volume is less than two lakhs of units. If the production volume ranges between two lakhs and three

Figure 11.1.9: Cost-Volume Relationship for Different Production Systems


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lakhs, a cellular manufacturing system is preferable. For higher volumes, a product-focused production system that is totally dedicated to the product is preferable. Though managers consider factors like the variety and volume of products and the amount of initial investment required while selecting the process design, an important factor that should also be considered is the profitability associated with the selected process design. Exhibit 11.1.1 describes the FastCar system of DaimlerChrysler.

Exhibit 11.1.1 Integrated Product Development DaimlerChrysler integrated individual product development with production through its FastCar system. FastCar Speeds Design Decisions The process of converting a new or improved design into a new or improved product is a long drawn process. But the FastCar design initiative is making the process easier at DaimlerChrysler Corp. FastCar is an information infrastructure that integrates legacy system and web systems with all the functions that affect the product development process. FastCar links CAD geometry, simulation and analysis. It also incorporates other production and business systems such as finance, procurement, supplier systems, sales and marketing. It allows people who are connected with the product development process, from engineers to top management, to gather information regarding cost status, functional status, specifications, quality status, etc. throughout the design process. Through the FastCar system stakeholders can get information regarding the design process and also study the affect of the product development process on business and production activities. In the year 2001, the use of the FastCar network enabled DaimlerChrysler to reduce the time taken for design instructions to pass through to the product design team by 70 percent. DaimlerChrysler has decided to use FastCar in all future newproduct development programs.
Adapted from Tim Stevens, Factories Of The Future - Integrated Product Development, industryweek, 6 Jan. 2002, Penton Media, Inc, 28 Feb. 2003, < h t t p : / / w w w. i n d u s t r y w e e k . c o m / C u r r e n t A r t i c l e s / a s p / a r t i c l e s . a s p ? ArticleId=1255>


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Section 2

Case Study: Ford Motor Company in India: Developing the Ford Figo

This case was written by R Muthukumar, under the direction of Debapratim Purkayastha, IBS Hyderabad. It was compiled from field research, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

@2012, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:

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Ford Motor Company (Ford), one of the global leaders in the automotive industry found itself trailing in terms of sales volumes in the Asian region, especially India since its inception. Though it had entered the Indian auto market in 1995 and introduced midsized car models that were doing well in respective niche segments, its sales growth had not kept pace with the growth in the market. Unlike the US market, the Indian market for passenger cars was dominated by small cars and Ford India was not present in that segment. To capture a significant share of this high-volume, high-growth segment of small cars, many companies both multinational and Indian were gearing up with new product launches. Ford realized that a strategic decision was required through its wholly-owned subsidiary Ford India Pvt. Ltd (Ford India) for the Indian market. Ford India undertook marketing and consumer research to understand the Indian customer and to find a potential target customer for its new products. Based on the research findings, Ford India started developing the Ford Figo in partnership with global and regional Product Development teams. By the end of 2009, the team at Ford had developed its first small car through which Ford sought to gain a foothold in the emerging Asia Pacific and Africa markets.i The Figo was targeted at the growing market of young buyers in India. The company felt that it had done a good job of understanding the pulse of the market, the consumer mindset and was ready with a product that would appeal to the target segment. According to the company, Figo offered more features, interior space, technology and durability than other vehicles in the same price range.ii Ford Motor Companys President and CEO Alan Mulally (Mulally) said, (We are confident the Ford Figo will be a

product that Indian consumers really

want and value.)iii

However, the challenge before the team was how to launch this new car in the highly competitive Indian small car market and how to market Figo in a way that it would appeal to the target segment. v=_o-HPHFn5fE v=krHNahcyFV0&feature=r elmfu

THE SMALL CARS SEGMENT OF THE PASSENGER VEHICLE MARKET IN INDIA According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), passenger cars were classified on the basis of length into mini (</=3,400mm), compact (3,400-4,000mm), mid-size (4,001-4,500mm), executive (4,501-4,700mm), premium (4,701-5,000mm) and luxury (>5,000mm). Earlier cars were classified on the basis of price into segments A (< Rs.300,000), B (Rs. 300,000-500,000), C (Rs.500,000- Rs. 1 million), D (Rs. 1 million - Rs. 2.5 million) and E (> Rs. 2.5 million). Multi Utility Vehicles (MUVs) were classified on the basis of seating capacity seven, nine, and 13-seaters.iv (Refer to Exhibit I for details on classification of passenger vehicles as per SIAM). As

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Exhibit I! Classification of Passenger Vehicles as per SIAM Segment

A1 - Mini A2 - Compact A3 - Midsize A4 - Executive A5 Premium A6 - Luxury B1 - Van B2 MUV - Multi Utility Vehicle / MPV - Multi Purpose Vehicle SUV Sport Utility Vehicle

Length Engine Size


Exhibit II: An Overview of Manufacturers of Passenger Vehicles in India - As of September 2009

Year of Vehicles Establishm Manufactured Models ent Hindustan Motors 1942 Passenger cars, Ambassador, Ltd, New Delhi. Sports Utility Pajero, Lancer, (Collaboration with Vehicles (SUVs) Lancer Cedia, Mitsubishi Motors, Outlander, Japan) Montero. Maruti Suzuki India 1981 Passenger cars, Maruti 800, Ltd, New Delhi. SUVs. Maruti Omni, Alto, Gypsy, Versa, WagonR, Esteem, Zen Estilo, Baleno, Vitara, Swift, AStar, SX4, Ritz. Company Name Small Car Models and their Prices (in Rs.)

U p t o U p t o 8 0 0 M800, Nano 3400 mm <1000cc 3 4 0 1 t o 1 0 0 0 c c t o Alto, Wagon R, Zen, i10, A4000 mm <1600 cc Star, Swift, i20, Palio, Indica 4 0 0 1 t o !1600cc 4500 mm 4 5 0 1 t o !2000cc 4700 mm 4 7 0 1 t o !3000cc 5000 mm A b o v e !5000cc 5000 mm C i t y, S x 4 , D zi r e , L o ga n , Accent, Fiesta, Verna Corolla, Civic, Optra, Octavia C a mr y, E c l a ss , A c c or d , Sonata, Laura, Superb S class, 5 series Omni, Versa, Magic Innova, Tavera, Sumo


Maruti 800 Alto Wagon-R Zen Estilo A-Star Swift Ritz

Rs 185,000 - Rs 222,000 Rs 225,000 - Rs 290,000 Rs 330,000 - Rs 426,000 Rs 312,000 - Rs 398,000 Rs 345,000 - Rs 410,000 Rs 400,000 - Rs 520,000 Rs 390,000 - Rs 517,000

CRV, Vitara

DaimlerChrysler India Private Ltd, Pune Fiat India Private Ltd, Pune.


of 2010, passenger vehicle sales contributed to 16% of the total automobile sales in India. v Passenger vehicle sales had shown an increasing trend in the 2000s. India was the seventh largest producer of passenger cars in the world, as of December 2010 with sales of 1.95 million Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motor India Ltd. (HMIL), and Tata Motors Ltd. (Tata Motors) were the dominant players with a combined share of more than twothirds of the total sales of passenger cars vii (Refer to Exhibit II for details on various manufacturers of passenger vehicles in India).


Passenger cars Benz C-Class, Benz E- Class, Benz S-Class, Benz SL-Class Passenger cars Sienna, Palio Stile, Palio Stile Multijet. Petra, Uno, Linea, Grande Punto, Fiat 500


Palio Stile

General Motors India Private Ltd, Vadodara.


Honda Siel Cars India Pvt. Ltd, Greater Noida.


Fiat 500 Palio Stile Multijet Grande Punto Passenger cars Optra Magnum, Spark and Multi Tavera, Vectra, Aveo U-V A Purpose Spark, Aveo, Vehicles (MPVs) Aveo U-VA, Captiva. Passenger cars Honda Accord, Honda Jazz Rs 698,000 and Honda CR-V, MPVs Honda City, Civic, Honda Jazz.

Rs 336,000 - Rs 444,000 Rs 1,482,500 Rs 431,000 - Rs 470,000 Rs 400,000 - Rs 612,000 Rs 320,000 - Rs 423,000 Rs 400,000 - Rs 497,000


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Exhibit II (......Contd)

In India small cars accounted for more than 70% of the total cars sold in the country and the country was the largest manufacturer of small cars in the world.viii Small cars - mini and
Small Car Models and their Prices (in Rs.) Santro Xing Rs 264,000 - Rs 373,000 Getz Rs 360,000 - Rs 500,000 i10 Rs 332,000 - Rs 540,000 i20 Rs 480,500 - Rs 773,000 None

Company Name Hyundai Motors India Ltd, Chennai.

Year of Vehicles Establish Manufactured Models ment 1996 Passenger Santro Xing, cars and Getz, Accent, SUVs Verna, Sonata, Terracan, Tucson, i10, i20. 1997 Passenger cars, SUVs and MPVs Innova, Corolla, Camry, Prado, Land Cruiser, Fortuner Superb, Laura , Octavia, Fabia Audi A4, Audi A6, Audi A8, Audi TT Audi Q5 and Audi Q7, Audi R8. BMW 3 Series, BMW 5 Series, BMW 6Series BMW 7 Series X-Trail, Maxima. Boxster, Cayman, 911, Panamera, Cayenne. Nano, Indica, Indica Vista, Indica Xeta, Indigo, Sumo Grande, Safari

compact accounted for the sales of around 900,000 cars in India in 2009. With annual sales forecast to grow to 3.0 million units by 2016, global automakers started moving to introduce small cars in the country. ix (Refer to Exhibit III for market shares of various segments in annual sales of passenger cars in India; Refer to Exhibit IV for details on features of small cars from leading producers). Being the largest segment, the small-car segment witnessed the highest new car launches i.e. 11 new launches between the three years 2007 and 2010 (of which five were launched in 2010) with major ones being the Ritz, the A-Star and the Zen Estilo (from Maruti Suzuki), the i10 and the i20 (from Hyundai), the Indica Vista (from Tata Motors), the Polo (from VW), the Etios (from Toyota), the Ford Figo, and the Chevrolet Beat. As of 2010, Maruti Suzuki was the market leader in the small cars segment, followed by HMIL and Tata Motors.x Maruti Suzuki had been selling small cars since the 1980s; HMIL and Tata Motors started selling them in the late-1990s. Understanding the potential of small cars in India, GM India entered this segment in 2007. As of 2009, it sold two models of small cars the Spark and the Aveo U-VA. As of 2010, other players in the small car segment included Fiat India Pvt. Ltd, Skoda Auto India Private Ltd, Honda Siel Cars India Pvt. Ltd., Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. and Nissan India

Toyota Kirloskar Motors Private Ltd, Bangalore. Skoda Auto India Private Ltd, Aurangabad. Audi AG,


Passenger cars Passenger cars and SUVs


Rs 490,093



BMW India Private Ltd, Gurgaon. Nissan Motor Company Ltd. Porsche AG


Passenger cars and MPVs Passenger cars and MPVs Passenger cars and MPVs


2008 2003

None None

Tata Motors Limited, Mumbai.


Passe nger cars, MPVs, Trucks .

Nano Indica V2 Indica Xeta (petrol) Indica Vista

Rs 115,000 - Rs 172,000 Rs 338,500 Rs 314,250 Rs 447,400

Compiled from various sources


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Motors Pvt. Ltd., Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd., planned to step into the arena in the near future.xi
Exhibit IV Features of Various Small Cars in India
Model Engine power (in bhp15) Seating capacity Variants Length Torque (in Nm16) Fuel efficiency (in kmpl) Maximum speed Doors Maruti Alto Petrol 46 bhp Hyunda Maruti Swift i i10 Petrol Petrol/ Diesel 66 bhp 87 bhp (petrol) 75 bhp (diesel) 5 3 3495 mm 62 Nm @ 3000 rpm 5 Tata Indica V2 Petrol/ Diesel 64-70 bhp (petrol) 53-69 bhp (diesel) 5 5 5 3760 mm 113 Nm @ 4500 rpm 3675 mm 140 Nm @ 3000 rpm 12.2-16.6 (diesel) 10.5-14.5 (petrol) 135 kmph 5 5 5 3940 mm 220 Nm @ 1750 rpm Hyundai i20 Petrol/ Diesel 79-100 bhp (petrol) 89 bhp (diesel) 5 8 GM Spark Petrol 63 bhp

5 6 3495 mm 90.3 Nm @ 4200 rpm 12.3-1 6.9

4 3565 mm 99 Nm @ 2800 rpm 17.6 12-16.3

137 kmph 5

149 kmph 5

14-18 (diesel) 12-17 (petrol) 160 kmph

19-22.6 (diesel) 11.3-16.1 (petrol) 156 kmph

164 kmph 4 5

Compiled from various sources.

FORD IN INDIA Ford Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in Dearborn, Michigan, USA, manufactured or distributed automobiles across six continents. With about 201,000 employees and about 90 plants worldwide, the companys automotive brands included Ford, Lincoln, Mercury and Volvo. The company provided financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company.

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Exhibit IV (....Contd)

an engine plant and launch Figo. Ford India registered a 3% overall annual growth in 2009 on year-on- year sales performance, selling a total of 29,488 units in this year compared to 28,563 units sold during the previous year. Ford India did not register any s i gn i f i c a nt gr o w t h i n t h e passenger vehicle market in India (Refer to Exhibit V for Ford Indias sales compared to the total passenger vehicle sales in India). As of 2009, Ford India sold around 2,000 v=chqANiz701c

Source: Ford Figo v/s Rivals: Comparative Specs Chart,, March 11, 2010

Source: Ford Figo v/s Rivals: Comparative Specs Chart,, March 11, 2010

Established in 1995, Ford India was a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford Motor Company with more than 2,300 employees. Ford started its operations in India in 1995 as a 50/50 joint venture with Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M). The company launched its first product in India The Escort (C segment sedan) in 1996 from M&Ms Nashik Plant. In 1999, the Escort platform was ceased and Ford launched Ikon from its new facility in Chennai. This was followed by the launch of Endeavour SUV in 2003, the Fusion in 2004 and the Fiesta in 2005. In March 2005, Ford bought out M&Ms 15% stake in the company. For the period January to December 2006, Ford India posted an overall growth of 87%. In January 2008, Ford announced plans to invest US$ 500 million to double the capacity, set up

cars a month while the market leader Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. (Maruti Suzuki) sold over 71,000 cars a month.xii According to experts, the main reason for Ford Indias low sales volume in the country was its lack of presence in the small car segment in

Exhibit Exhibit VV
Comparison of Ford Indias Sales to Total Passenger Vehicle Sales in India

Adapted from

Exhibit VI

Adapted from

Fords Approach to New Product Development



It was against such a competitive and complex backdrop that Ford decided to prepare Ford India for the challenges ahead to put the company ahead of the competition. As part of a strategic plan for the future called Ford 200017, Ford India started implementing a customer orientation into every aspect of Fords business operations so that every product and service delivered by the company would be designed around the specific needs and wants of its customers. As consumers wants and needs were constantly evolving, Ford wanted to keep track of them to remain competitive. It monitored market trends, shifting consumer interests, and social and

a market which was extremely price-conscious. NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR FIGO Generally, the process of new product development involved a series of stages: the generation of new ideas, screening of ideas to identify the one with the most potential success, development of the idea into a concept that could be tested on a small group of potential customers in order to design a marketing strategy around it, development of the product, test marketing and finally launch it into the market.xiii Ford India followed a unique product development process while developing Ford Figo (Refer to Exhibit VI for Fords approach to new product development). THE IDEA BEHIND THE FORD FIGO The idea for the Ford Figo came about from Ford Indias strategic plan for the future and the market research which was carried out as part of that plan. This research highlighted a number of changes occurring in the marketplace. For instance, it found that: Globally in the next five years, small cars would make up about 60% of all cars sold. To be successful in its business Ford wanted to become one of the major players in that segment The Target customer would be a young individual, just married probably within the last 12 months and more ambitious. He lived at home with his parents, culturally considered quite acceptable in India. He had an income of Rs. 300,000 to 400,000 (US$6,750 to US
Exhibit VI: Fords Approach to New Product Development
It was against such a competitive and complex backdrop that Ford decided to prepare Ford India for the challenges ahead to put the company ahead of the competition. As part of a strategic plan for the future 17 called Ford 2000 , Ford India started implementing a customer orientation into every aspect of Fords business operations so that every product and service delivered by the company would be designed around the specific needs and wants of its customers. UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER As consumers wants and needs were constantly evolving, Ford wanted to keep track of them to remain competitive. It monitored market trends, shifting consumer interests, and social and political developments to identify issues that would affect consumers, the industry and the company. Ford had a network of internal and external experts from around the world to get a diverse, comprehensive perspective on consumer trends and how they would affect consumers future choices on vehicles and mobility. Ford used these data and analysis throughout its marketing, product development, and research and design organizations to guide future product and technology developments. Ford ensured its marketing experts used an intensive research and analysis process to understand its potential customers and their needs. Ford had a *brand DNA and hypothetical target customer for each of its new brands.Apart from containing simple demographic information such as age, gender and income, Fords target customer profiles had other details such as what they liked to do, what music they would listen to, and where they shopped. This complete approach helped the product development team focus on designing a vehicle that would meet customers needs and desires. In addition to product- and brandspecific market research, Ford had a team specifically dedicated to tracking shifts in social, technological, economic, environmental and political arenas. This Global Consumer Trends and Futuring team identified xliii trends that would impact the future of consumers values, attitudes and beliefs. The team found that the trends of consumers needs included: An increasing focus on (careful consumption,) in which consumers had to balance their values, passions and preferences with practical purchases as the global economic recession continued xliv Increasing desire for information and connectivity on-the-move to make the most of their time. Ford conducted market research online and in person, refining and creating new data-gathering processes that influenced product development and marketing campaigns. Christine Stasiw- Lazarchuk, Ford director of Global Market Research, said that Ford executives were truly interested in customer feedback that would help in New Product Development decisions. Gordon Platto (Platto), Ford chief designer, said, (Were heavily influenced by market research. We go to customer immersion events and spend time with customers in their homes to understand how they use their vehicles. It enables us to better meet the customer needs. You can see the xlv influence in our new vehicles.) Platto added, (As vehicle segments get smaller and more diverse, Ford uses market research to understand how far to push design concepts and unique features. This is done by extracting information from consumer questionnaires and by inviting customers to have open discussions with researchers in focus groups. You go to market research with an *open mind to understand what the customers are looking for.) xlvi

In order to refine a future niche vehicle, Market Research took few exterior and interior designs to a customer focus group to ask specific questions about participants likes and dislikes. In the next stage of the products development, the design team analyzed and interpreted the consumer feedback. By taking a disciplined approach to gathering consumer feedback, Ford gained a better understanding of consumer expectations.


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$9,000) a year. The car buyer had started becoming increasingly upwardly mobile, aspirational, reasonably well educated at university level, with an MBA/Post Graduation or beyond and he was looking to move from a motorbike to a four-wheeler.xiv He viewed quality and value for money as hygiene, and expected more security, less stress and more personality in his car. The Ford brand appealed more to the older age group and the company was in danger of losing the younger customers.

fun to drive, cost of ownership, interior space, technology and safety. (Our market research indicated and largely confirmed to us the complexity of the Indian market. In other parts of the world people look at the features of the cars first and then the price, it is the other way around in India. Aspirational youth still live in a joint family system and seek advice from their elders on major decisions,xvi Michael Boneham (Boneham), President and Managing Director, Ford India Pvt Ltd, said. The Figo offered a platform for Ford to enter the vehicle market, affordably without sacrificing style and comfort. According to experts, while affordability and practicality were of great importance in this segment, buyers were not willing to sacrifice on style and performance. The Figo was expected to be a perfect combination of style and affordability.xvii The design team focused on listening to customers prior to the initial design process thus ensuring that the final design of the Figo was representative of market needs. Ford designers set out to create an attractive exterior coupled with a stylized and exquisitely crafted interior that gave generous proportions and better value for money. (Creating appeal and communicating value to the customer starts with good design. You want a car that reflects and makes a statement about you,xviii said Emily Lai, color and materials Design Manager for Figo. Boneham said, (It is a clear shift in strategy and thinking. Finally we listened to the customer. The company had maintained that the mid-size and entry-level sedans, represented by its first launch Ikon and the subsequent Fiesta, was the segment to be present in the country, what with a growing affluent middle

Ford used these changes in the marketplace to its advantage. It set about researching and developing a car that would harness the true potential of the changing market. It wished to change the attitude of consumers toward the Ford brand and also to capture a younger generation of customers. It was against this background that the idea for the Ford Figo was born. In September 2007, Ford identified its target customer for Figo. The research had shown that there was a growing market of young buyers, particularly among women. After listening to research, Ford decided to develop a small car specifically for India and similar markets. The company believed that the small car segment was where all the action was and, hence, would account for the bulk of its new launches one every 12 to 18 months over the next few years.xv Ford decided to position the Figo in the high volume, small-car segment. Figo would meet the changing customer needs with its attributes pricing,

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class.xix Ford argued that the size of the vehicle did not matter as long as the price was right and consumer saw a value equation with the offering. TURNING THE IDEA INTO REALITY The Ford Figo was designed to capture the younger generation of customers and to cater to the needs of a wider range of buyers. As such it was specifically targeted at the mid-20s age group and the emerging needs of this group. Extensive Indian market research was undertaken to identify the core needs of this target market. Ford Indias marketing team gathered 15 young men from the capital city, New Delhi, Bangalore and Lucknow, a smaller, second-tier city. Each of the men represented the core target customer of the new car. Ford believed that newly married young men, in their mid-twenties, represented the prime target for Figo (Refer to Box I for details about Target Customer for Figo). To help designers, engineers and marketers understand this target, the potential customer was given a typical name. For the new Ford Figo, that target customer was named Sandeep. Ford wanted to understand what made them tick, what their lives were about, and what they wanted in a car. Rahul Gautam, Ford India brand manager described the potential target customer, (Sandeep is the quintessential middle class youth. He is coming up in life and he is ambitious. He has just gotten married and he is starting to earn more, getting recognition in his job and being promoted. He wants to give attention to his family,

Box I Target Customer

Young,26-27 years old, Ambitious with aspiration of moving up both socially and professionally; Newly married with no children, living with parents Like international, established trusted brands; Stylish and cool in his circle Technologically savvy-part of online social networks/blogs First time-value seeking and status driven-buyers looking for Attractive Design Interior Spaciousness Substantial Package Cost of Ownership

he respects his parents and he wants to spend time with his wife, plus he aspires to do well in his job. Interestingly, he has kept his bachelor mindset. So all this leads to some stress and tension because he feels pulled in different directions and short of time.xx He added, (Hes looking for a product that offers his own, exclusive space. A place he can use to groove to his music while going to and from work, a place he can use to take his wife out safely at night, pick up relatives or friends or take the family on a weekend trip. He worries about two wheelers and accidents so the right car relieves tension for him. xxi


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Fords learning through the past and the marketing research drove the product, marketing and communication decisions. This research found that the target customers: were looking for a break from the routine liked to buy the latest vehicle but were cautious and tended not to spend beyond their means were looking for a distinctive design in a car and new styles which would help them, express their individuality.

The Figo was actually designed in Australia and engineered in India.xxiv Development work was done by Fords Asia Pacific & Africa product development team in Broadmeadows, Australia, near the northern outskirts of Melbourne. The team was led by Scott Strong. Broadmeadows was the headquarters of Ford Australia while Fords Asia Pacific & Africa product developments head office was located in Bangkok, Thailand.xxv The Figo was based on the Europes Ford Fiestaxxvi. When the design team for the new Figo met with the marketing team from India, the direction given to them was: (We Want More). After deciding on packaging objectives that needed to be met, such as reducing the overall length of the car to suit the Indian market, the designers were given the goahead to apply a near-clean sheet approach to both the interior and exterior.xxvii The Figo was compact at 3.8 meters by 1.7 meters. According to experts, this size was just right to (ease its passage through the tide of bullock carts, angry taxis, handcarts, motorbikes and cows that clog (Indias) city roads. xxviii Designers ensured that despite its youthful spirit, Figo was mature and smart. Although it was small in size, it was designed to have solidness and safety.xxix According to Scott Strong, Ford Asia Pacific and Africa (APA) design director, design teams initial concepts were well received by Indian customers and received positive feedback from research clinics. With the backing of Ford management and the Indian marketing team, the design team went to work,

In March 2009, Ford had conducted Consumer Immersion an ethnographic workshop with target customers for top management and marketing. DESIGNING A CAR MATCHING THE NEEDS OF CUSTOMERS Ford Motor Company President and CEO Alan Mulally stated that the new Ford Figo had been designed and engineered to compete in the heart of the domestic India car market.xxii The new Ford Figo was designed to appeal to those who were more open to change, more independent minded and more willing to embrace new things. It was designed to change customers expectations of what a car in this segment should offer in terms of design, package and driving dynamics.xxiii Ford Figo Shared key elements of Fords kinetic design language with vehicles like the globally renowned Ford Focus, Ford Mondeo and the Ford Fiesta. Ford Figo featured a fresh, contemporary shape that offered a distinctive alternative to traditional brands in this segment. The design language conveyed a dynamic spirit of energy in motion.

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adding more personality to the Figo and strategically taking elements of the global Ford kinetic design philosophy and adding them to the new interior and exterior designs. The new designs were tested at a second round of customer clinics and received a good response from group of potential Figo buyers. Quality, substance and generous proportions were evident in the design of the new Ford Figo, which featured a solid stance, an invitingly large interior and a vibrant, youthful character. Its package was right-sized for the market, which was predominated by congested urban driving conditions. From its modern headlamps, grille shapes and sculpted bonnet of its distinctive face to the subtle integrated spoiler and chamfered window shape at the rear, Ford Figo was filled with kinetic design touches. These also included sculpted shapes to the body side chiseled front fenders, a(comet tail undercut in the side indicators, and additional light-catching sculpting in the lower bodyside which combined to communicate the solidity, substance and protective safety of its design. The Ford Figos large side window shape was another key kinetic design feature hinting at the comfort and spaciousness awaiting occupants' front and rear. The side window graphic was executed with a blacked-out B-pillar, an elegant design touch that unified the side windows into one shape visually. With its wheels positioned at the four corners of the vehicle with minimal overhang, Ford Figos bold wheel arches signaled its agility and solidity.

Beyond design, Figo had lifestyle features like Bluetooth connectivity, CD with MP3 compatibility and Aux-in port for iPod connectivity. The new Ford thus instantly connected with the energy and vitality of the buyer. DEVELOPING THE PROTOTYPE: The prototype development process started with a thorough understanding of the needs and requirements of the target market. A highly advanced threedimensional imaging computer system was used to ensure that everything in the car was within reach. Variations in torso, limb size and comfort values were calculated for all human joints. As a result of this, the items like seats, seat belts, mirrors and so on, were made to suit different car drivers. In addition, Ford researched every other aspect of the car from its physical shape, color, the texture of the interior surfaces; the sound of the car and even the interior smells. The car was made with a 1.19-litre 70 bhp petrol engine and a 1.4-litre 68 bhp diesel engine, with four variants LXI, EXI, ZXI and Titanium (Refer to Exhibit VII for Specifications of Ford Figo). Both these engines were manufactured at the companys new 250,000 capacity engine plant near Chennai. xxx Ford used the Three-Wet High-Solids paint technology, which gave a highgloss finish with excellent depth of color, while providing durability and increased resistance to scratches and stone chips.


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Exhibit VII Specifications of Ford Figo Vehicle Summary Name Car Body Type Top Speed Fuel Consumption Highway Fuel Consumption City Engine Specifications Engine Type Maximum Power Maximum Torque Dimensions Length Width Height Other Specifications Seating Capacity Steering Brakes Gears Fuel Tank Compiled from various resources Cont.. 5 Power Front Disk,Rear Drum 5 Manual 45.00 3795 mm 1680 mm 1427 mm 70 Bhp@6250 rpm 102 Nm @ 4000 rpm Figo Lxi Hatchbock 160 15.00 kmpl 12.00 kmpl

Exhibit VII (...contd) Few Images of Ford Figo

against other competitive facilities globally, as well as the existing manufacturers in the Indian market, for quality and production efficiency.xxxi (Were confident that the new Ford Figo will be extremely attractive to Indian car buyers,) said Boneham. xxxii

Throughout the assembly process, error-proofing technology helped measure precision. The plant was equipped with precise part checking fixtures that allowed engineers and manufacturing technicians to verify build precision very accurately. Created with a (best of the best) approach, it had been benchmarked


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PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT The Figo was developed by engineers of the Asia-Pacific in consultation with Indian Engineers.xxxiii The Ford Figo was designed with a unique personality to appeal to target buyer groups. As India was a price sensitive market, to keep the cost price under control, Ford decided to source up to 80-85% of the parts for Figo from suppliers in India.xxxiv Boneham said, (This is about where you need to be in this segment to be really competitive from the material cost point of view which then gives you the opportunity to price aggressively. One of the other things that we are going to focus and which is very critical in this segment is cost of ownership. Total lifecycle cost the purchase price, which obviously people are very sensitive about, fuel economy, scheduled maintenance, parts pricing, overall competitiveness. xxxv To enable this Ford did benchmarking exercises against the key rivals on component pricing, on scheduled maintenance and fuel economy. According to the company, Figo was designed to give a fuel economy of around 15.6 km a liter and 20 km a liter for the petrol and diesel versions, respectively.xxxvi According to the company, at Ford, Purchasing (as a department) was organizationally independent of product development and had always been a powerful force within the company. Because of the sheer volume of materials and services Ford purchased, a very slim reduction in purchasing cost could result in very significant savings. Consequently, the Purchasing team was involved closely in nearly every product decision.

TESTING Before the car was launched, it was necessary to put it through a thorough test market program. Boneham said, (We are running at about 160 vehicles off the line for various trials. We are doing a lot of kilometres all over India at the moment. We have gone through huge testing regimes all over the world.xxxvii The objective of this was to test the car rigorously prior to launch and provide feedback to the company. A 3.2 kilometre testing facility was designed to provide engineers with vehicle feedback under real world conditions to evaluate vehicles for squeaks and rattles, braking performance, steering manoeuvres and wheel alignment. Straight roads, twisty roads, pavement with a variety of smooth and rough surfaces and even simulated village streets were built into the course. Once the vehicles were in regular production, they were randomly pulled from the assembly line and tested to determine if all functions were operating correctly. Designed with safety in mind, the new test facility allowed engineers to test multiple vehicles at one time and helped reduce the number of tests on public highways. The company engaged consumers through moderated clinics and through one-on-one interviews before vehicles reached market. It also used the Internet for consumer comments in auto sites, chat rooms and blogs. xxxviii TAKING IT TO THE MARKET By the second half of 2009, the Ford Figo was ready for its launch. In September 2009, Ford revealed its Figo model in New Delhi. Alan Mulally claimed that Figo would be a gamechanger for Ford India. He said, (The Figo should help us make

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considerable gains in India, where we have had not much presence in the market till now. We do not operate on the basis of market share but on customer demand and products.)xxxix Figo was to be launched in early 2010 in the price range of Rs. 349,000 to Rs 442,000 for the petrol version and Rs 447,000 to Rs 529,000 for the diesel version.xl According to Boneham, Figo offered (more features, interior space, technology and durability than other vehicles at this price in the segment.xli (We focused on parts and keeping their cost down. The components are built in India. This was a significant strategy to get the cost down first, so we could price-position the car right,xlii he added. Industry observers said that Figo featured a premium experience at a budget price. However they questioned whether Ford India would be able to find a gap in the small car segment to position and price the Figo effectively. In a highly price-conscious and competitive Indian small car market faced with the impending launch of new models of small cars from various global automakers, what should Ford India do to market its Figo? The team at Ford also saw it as a very big challenge as the company really needed to make its presence felt as it was one of the first multinational automotive company to enter India, but till then, did not have an offering in the highest growing segment. How could they effectively take the Figo to the market?

End Notes: I. Ni k h il G u l at i and Sa n ta n u C h o ud h ur y , (Ford Targets India Market with First Small Car, http://, September 23, 2009 Ford Rolls Out Figo at Rs 3.49 lakh,), March 13, 2010


III. Fords Global CEO Reveals New Ford Figo Targeting India Market and Export Sales,), September 23, 2009 IV. Prodding the Giant,), November, 2010 V. Overview of Indian Automobile Industry,), 2010 VI. Indian Passenger Vehicle Industry: Growth Momentum to Continue,), March, 2011 VII. VIII.India is the Second Largest Small Car Maker,), September 25, 2009 IX. Ni k h il G u l at i and Sa n ta n u C h o ud h ur y , (Ford Targets India Market with First Small Car,) http://, September 23, 2009 X. September 2009 Indian Car Sales Figures & Analysis,) October 7, 2009


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Ni k h il G u l at i and Sa n ta n u C h o ud h ur y , (Ford Targets India Market with First Small Car,), September 23, 2009 The Ford Focus a Car for the Millennium,) Julian Lorkin, (Marketing in India: How the Rubber Hit the Road for Ford's Figo,) http://, November 29, 2010 N. Ramakrishnan, (Small Car Segment is Where All the Action is: Ford India Chief,), February 3, 2010 Pawan Luthra, (How to Market in India: Ford India MD,)

XXIII. The Ford Focus a Car for the Millennium,) XXIV. Ford Figo - Built in India, Developed in Australia. And 2012 Ford Ranger,), September 30, 2009 XXV. bid. XXVI. Ford Figo - Built in India, Developed in Australia. And 2012 Ford Ranger,), September 30, 2009 XXVII. New Ford Figo Brings Kinetic Design for Economy & Small Cars in India,), March 11, 2010 XXVIII.Jeremy Cato, (Ford Figo Takes on India ,), March 9, 2010 XXIX. Ford Figo Goes Entry Level,) XXX. Ford Gets Aggressively with Figo Pricing,), March 9, 2010 XXXI. Ford Introduces New Figo Hatchback for Indias Burgeoning B-segment,), September 24, 2009 XXXII. Ford-introduces-new-Figo-hatchback-for-India-sburgeoning-B-segment,), September 24, 2009 XXXIII.Murali Gopalan, (Ford to Use Figo Inputs for Global Car Plans,), April 1, 2010




XVII. Ford Figo Goes Entry Level,) XVIII. xviii Ibid. XIX. N. Ramakrishnan, (Small Car Segment is Where All the Action is: Ford India Chief,), February 3, 2010 @ Ford India Special,), November 2009 Ibid.


XXII. Ni k h il G u l at i and Sa n ta n u C h o ud h ur y , (Ford Targets India Market with First Small Car,), September 23, 2009

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XXXIV.Ni k h il G u la ti and Sa n ta n u C h o ud h ur y , (Ford Targets India Market with First Small Car,), September 23, 2009 XXXV. N. Ramakrishnan, (Small Car Segment is Where All the Action is: Ford India Chief,), February 3, 2010 XXXVI.Ford Gets Aggressively with Figo Pricing,), March 9, 2010 XXXVII.N. Ramakrishnan, (Small Car Segment is Where All the Action is: Ford India Chief,), February 3, 2010 XXXVIII.Market Research Drives Product Development at Ford,), June 6, 2009 XXXIX.Bhattacharya Sindhu, (Figo Will be a Game Changer for Ford in India,), September 24, 2009 XL. XLI. XLII. Ford Gets Aggressively with Figo Pricing,), March 9, 2010 Ford Rolls Out Figo at Rs 3.49 lakh,), March 13, 2010 Julian Lorkin, (Marketing in India: How the Rubber Hit the Road for Fords Figo,) http://, November 29, 2010

XLIV. Market Research Drives Product Development at Ford,) XLV. Ibid.

XLIII. Understanding Changing Customer Needs,) http:// xliv Ibid.


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Aggregate Planning and Capacity Planning

In this chapter, we will discuss: Overview of Planning Activities The Aggregate Planning Process Strategies for Developing Aggregate Plans Aggregate Planning Techniques Master Production Schedule Implementing Aggregate Plans and Master Schedules Capacity Planning

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Section 1

Aggregate Planning and Capacity Planning

OVERVIEW OF PLANNING ACTIVITIES Operations planning activities can be long-range, medium range or short range in nature. Long-range planning focuses on a time period of more than one year and is generally carried out annually. Process planning and strategic capacity planning are examples of long-range planning. Medium-range planning focuses on a time period of six to twelve months. Examples of medium range planning are aggregate planning, master production scheduling and materials requirement planning. Shortrange planning focuses on a time period of less than six months. Order and workforce scheduling are examples of such planning. Business Planning Production organizations use a formal process, which is referred to as the business planning process, to address concerns like new product development, sales levels to be achieved, new process requirements, capital investments, and new distribution strategies. Decisions regarding these issues are taken with the help of long-term and mediumterm plans and are evaluated on the basis of their impact on the profitability of a business. In long-term business planning, decisions are taken regarding setting capital budgets for acquiring new facilities, expanding plant capacity and purchasing high cost equipment. These decisions are based on long term business forecasts. But the accuracy of these forecasts is usually low due to possible changes in economic and competitive conditions in the future. For instance, long term planning decisions regarding the determination of production capacity are based on the estimated market demand for a product at the time of its introduction into a market. The forecast of demand for the product may become inaccurate in the future due to obsolescence of the product or changes in market characteristics like the availability of complementary products, increasing number of competitors, etc. Long-term decisions often act as constraints by limiting the scope for change during the intervening time period. For instance, the final decision on facility design creates an upper limit on the organization's production capacity. Hence, long-term business decisions must be evaluated

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periodically for their effectiveness and suitability for achieving organizational goals. Intermediate-term or medium-term planning involves developing specific objectives for various departments or functions such as manufacturing, marketing, finance, production, etc. These plans are subsets of long-term plans, and operate within the constraints set by long-term plans. Management conducts regular meetings to develop these plans and take suitable operating decisions. This type of business planning generally involves a committee consisting of various heads of departments so that all the medium-term plans are focused towards the achievement of the goals established by the long-term business plans of the organization. Operations Planning The business planning process coordinates the activities of each function or department such that all activities and resources are focused towards achieving the organizations objectives. The operations or production plan is a part of the business plan. It defines how an organization is planning to produce products or services and estimates the cost of production. A production plan contains information regarding the production process, manufacturing facilities, inventory requirements, suppliers, etc. Such a plan is usually made on the basis of sales estimates. Production output is expressed in terms of revenue earned, tons of output generated, or units of aggregate product that represent all the products in the product line of an organization. Operations plans should be aligned with the business plans and objectives of other

functions like marketing, finance, human resources, etc. A production plan specifies 1. The quantity of items to be produced 2. The quantity and timing of production 3. Final schedule for the completion of the product. THE AGGREGATE PLANNING PROCESS Aggregate plans define how resources can be best employed to meet market demand for the given products. The objective of an aggregate plan is to minimize production costs, make appropriate changes in production rates and workforce levels and to improve profits, customer service and utilization of resources. The process of aggregate planning is complex due to the number of variables that must be considered in the planning process. Figure 12.1.1 shows the relationship between the aggregate plan and other aspects of production. The concept of aggregation, goals for aggregate planning, forecasts of aggregate demand and interrelationships among decisions are the basic considerations for developing an aggregate production plan. Concept of Aggregation The first step in developing an aggregate plan is to identify a meaningful measure of output. This is easily done for organizations with a single product, but is quite difficult for organizations producing several products. A sugar factory manager, for example, can measure capacity in terms of tons of sugar produced. Service organizations such as hospitals

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Figure 12.1.1: An Overview of Operations Planning and Scheduling System

Source: Adam Jr. Everette and Ronald J Evert, Production and Operations Management: Concepts, Models and Behavior (New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private limited, 1996), p. 374.


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may use number of patients visited as a reasonable measure. But for organizations with large product portfolio like FMCG firms, it is difficult to find a common measure that defines the complete product portfolio. In such cases, a meaningful measure can be found by identifying groups or families of individual products. These products, although different from one another, share common production processes or consume similar resources. Three models of television sets form a single product family or group, as do six models of wristwatches, or four models of cameras. The planning for such groups can be done in terms of a representative or typical product model that broadly represents all the products in the group. Aggregate Planning Goals There are a number of goals that have to be satisfied simultaneously by the aggregate plan. Some of the important goals of aggregate planning are mentioned below: 1. Aggregate planning should contain information on the required level of output to be produced, inventory levels to be maintained and backlogs based on the business plan. For instance, in anticipation of a major promotional campaign, the business plan may call for an inventory buildup; the aggregate plan should provide appropriate production support. 1. The aggregate plan should utilize the facilitys capacity in an efficient manner and the usage should be consistent with the organizations strategy. Capacity underutilization may lead to wastage of resources. One firms strategy

may be to operate at full capacity for efficient operations, so that the underutilization of capacity and wastage of resources are avoided. Other firms that compete on the basis of flexible service to customers may maintain a capacity cushion to meet the sudden changes in the demand. 2. The companys objectives and its policies regarding its employees should be in line with its aggregate plan. For instance, one company may have a policy of providing stable employment especially in those fields where critical job skills are scarce. Therefore, it may not adopt an easy hire-and-fire policy. Another firm may hire and fire employees more readily based on output levels during the aggregate plan period. Forecasts of Aggregate Demand Accurate forecasting helps aggregate planning deliver better results. The forecast models discussed in Chapter 3 are used to forecast the demand for different product families and individual products. Inter-relationships among Decisions All the activities in an organization are interrelated and dependent on each other. Therefore, operations managers must consider the future consequences of current decisions, as the decisions relating to activities in the current period have an effect on activities in subsequent periods.


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STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING AGGREGATE PLANS An aggregate plan is developed after careful consideration of the different variables that influence the production plan. Figure 12.1.2 illustrates the different variables which a manager needs to consider when developing an aggregate plan. These variables are used in different combinations so as

to enable an organization to satisfy the demands of the market. Pure Planning Strategies Fluctuations in demand and uncertainties in production activities can be effectively managed by varying the size and utilization of the workforce, and the size of inventory and through back orders, subcontracts and by varying plant capacity. If only one of these strategies is adopted without using others, then the strategy is called a pure strategy. But normally, a combination of these strategies is used, which is better than focusing on just one strategy. Some of the pure planning strategies are discussed below: Varying the workforce size in response to the output requirements: Under this strategy, the size of the workforce is varied by hiring and laying off workers in direct proportion to demand. The management determines the number of workers needed to meet each months output requirements, based on average worker productivity. Workers are laid off when the quantity to be produced is less and are hired when there is an increase in orders. Many US automakers follow the varying workforce strategy. This strategy has many disadvantages. The varying employment level involves hiring and laying off costs, in addition to the indirect cost of training new employees. It also affects workforce morale when some workers are laid off. Moreover, skilled workers may not be readily available when they are needed. Firms, which have agreements with unions

Figure 12.1.2: Managerial Importance of Aggregate Plans


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on wages, hiring and layoffs, are constrained in using this strategy. Problem 12.1.1 In a textile firm, a worker is capable of tailoring 3 garments per day. Assume the time taken for each garment is the same. Given: Hiring costs = Rs. 3000 Layoff costs = Rs. 4000 Current employee strength = 40 Aggregate demand for next four months is given in the
Jun Demand Working Days 3170 24 Jul 3000 25 Aug 2900 23 Sep 2660 24

Number of units produced by each worker in the first month with 24 working days = 24&3 = 72 Total output of 40 workers = 72&40 = 2880 And the demand in the first month is 3170. Therefore, there is a deficit of 290 units. In order to meet the demand of 3170, organization needs 4 more workers. The cost of hiring in the first month = 4&3000 = Rs. 12000 Similarly we can calculate the hiring and laying off cost for other months based on number of worker required to satisfy the demand. Varying the utilization of the workforce: Under this strategy, the firm maintains a stable workforce and varies the utilization of the workforce in accordance with demand or required output. When demand is lean, the workforce is scheduled to produce only the output to meet demand, resulting in idle work hours. On the other hand, if the demand is high, the same workforce works overtime to meet the demand. So, the workforce is overworked when demand is high, and underutilized when demand is less. Although this strategy avoids the hiring and layoff costs associated with the earlier strategy of varying the workforce size, expensive overtime costs are incurred. The legal and behavioral limits on overtime are some of the other disadvantages. The employees tend to become inefficient and are prone to job-related accidents, if they have to work

following table: Based on the given information, generate a production plan by following the varying workforce strategy. Solution The aggregate production plan with varying workforce levels is given in Table 12.1.1. At the beginning of the production plan, the workforce level is 40. In order to satisfy the first months demand, organization needs 44 workers. So it hires 4 new workers to meet the demand.

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Table 12.1.1: Production Plan with Varying Workforce Level

Month Working days Units per month/workers Workers available Demand Total output Deficit Surplus Number of additional workers needed Hiring costs Number of workers ! to be laid off Layoff costs Total number of workers Total Costs (hire/layoff) Jun 24 72 40 3170 72&40" = 2880 290 0 4 Jul 25 75 44 3000 75&44" = 3300 300 Aug 23 69 40 2900 69&40" = 2760 140 Sep 24 72 42 2660 72&42" = 3024 364

costs and materials handling costs, additional storage space requirements and the risk of damage or obsolescence. Problem 12.1.2
Jun Demand Working Days 5000 23 Jul 4600 24 Aug 5200 22 Sept 4800 23

Aggregate demand for product X for the next four months is given in the following table: Given: Opening stock of inventory = 500 units Inventory holding cost = Rs. 40 Worker productivity = 20 units/day Worker strength = 10 Shortage cost (due to lost sales) = Rs. 30/unit Based on the above information, generate a production plan with varying inventory levels. Solution The aggregate production plan with varying inventory is given in Table 12.1.2. In aggregate planning with varying inventory level, the workforce is kept constant.

140/69 = 2 12000 0 6000 0 0 300/75 = 0 364/72 = 4 5 0 16000 0 20000 44 40 42 37 12000 16000 6000 20000

overtime. On the other hand, too much of idle time results in loss of interest and affects employee morale. Varying the size of inventory: Under this strategy, an organization maintains a constant workforce and level production. When demand is low, the constant rate of production results in accumulation of inventories. If the demand is more than the capacity, the additional requirement is met by utilizing already accumulated inventories. This planning strategy results in fluctuating inventory levels throughout the planning horizon. Stable employment, no idle time and no overtime are some of the advantages of this strategy. The disadvantages are increased inventory-carrying


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Table 12.1.2: Production Plan with Varying Inventory Level Jun July Aug Sep Opening stock of 500 100 300 0 inventory Working days Actual production Demand forecast Shortage in supply ! (unmet demand) Shortage cost ! (due to lost sales) Safety stock Closing inventory Inventory carrying costs 23 4600 5000 0 0 0 100 4000 24 4800 4600 0 0 0 300 12000 22 4400 5200 500 15000 0 0 0 23 4600 4800 200 6000 0 0 0

Shortage cost (due to lost sales) = (Units short) & (Per unit shortage costs) Inventory carrying costs = (Closing inventory) & (Per unit inventory holding costs) Closing inventory in one month is taken as the opening inventory for the next month. Back orders, subcontracting and plant capacity: Other pure strategies are back-orders, sub contracting and varying plant capacity. In order to maintain smooth operations, organizations use the back order strategy, in which current order commitments are fulfilled in the future. Back-order strategy assumes that customers are willing to wait for delivery. It effectively smoothens out production. But this strategy may sometimes result in stock-out costs when customers do not wait till the product is delivered and switch to a competitors product. The subcontracting strategy allows level production and sources the additional output required from subcontractors. Finally, adjusting plant capacity by varying equipment capacity over both the short term and long term is another pure strategy to absorb demand fluctuations. Meeting the demand by varying the workforce and subcontracting may lead to hiring and lay-off costs. Further, it may also lead to periods of idle time and periods of over-utilization of workforce. To avoid these consequences, many organizations in Europe have started using Annualized hours. In this concept, workers are recruited on the basis of number of hours they have to work in

Actual production in a month is calculated as = (Number of working days) & (Number of workers) & (worker productivity in units/day) Case 1: If (Opening inventory + actual production) >= Demand forecast, then a. Closing inventory = Opening inventory + actual production Demand forecast b. Shortage in supply = 0 Case 2: If (Opening inventory + actual production) < Demand forecast, then a. Shortage in supply = Demand forecast (Opening inventory + actual production) b. Closing inventory = 0

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a year. Refer Exhibit 12.1.1 for further details on annualized hours.

Exhibit 12.1.1 Annualized Hours In aggregate planning, seasonal demand is managed by varying the workforce size, varying workforce usage, building inventory/ backlogging and subcontracting. But hiring and layoff costs are incurred in varying the workforce, while workforce utilizationbased planning leads to periods of idle time and periods of overtime. In order to meet fluctuations in demand effectively, a new concept known as annualized hours (AH) is being used in Europe. Under the annualized hours system, workers are recruited on the basis of number of hours to be worked in a year, for instance, 1500 hours a year. These hours are distributed through the year on the basis of the demand requirements at a particular time. The use of this concept has helped overcome the problem of having idle or overworked employees, and has reduced the costs of hiring/layoff and training of employees. Workers are paid overtime only when they have worked more than their annual contracted hours. Using annualized hours, many organizations have achieved reduction in unit cost, inventory and low labor turnover, and improvement in quality of products and services. This system has also improved employee morale and made it easier for employers to recruit new employees. One of the problems faced by organizations in annualized system is scheduling the work throughout the year.
Adapted from R Hung, Scheduling a workforce under annualized hours, International Journal of Production Research, 07/20/99, Vol. 37 Issue 11, p2419, 9p.

AGGREGATE PLANNING TECHNIQUES There are many aggregate output planning models that help planners formulate the aggregate output plan. The graphical, optimal, and heuristic models are some of the aggregate planning models that are discussed in the following section. Graphical Method for Aggregate Output Planning The graphical planning procedure is a two-dimensional model relating cumulative demand to cumulative output capacity. It is one of the techniques used in developing and evaluating various alternative plans or a combination of these alternatives. The method evaluates various alternatives plans and identifies the best plan through trial and error. The steps are as follows: i. A graph is drawn by taking cumulative productive days for the planning time period on the X or horizontal axis, and cumulative units of output on the Y or vertical axis. The cumulative demand forecast for the entire planning time period is plotted on the graph.

ii. Based on the aggregate planning goals, a planning strategy is selected. Proposed output for each period in the planning horizon is computed and plotted on the same axis used to plot the demand. iii. The planned output is compared with expected demand and periods of excess inventory and shortages are identified.


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iv. The costs involved in the implementation of the plan are calculated. v. The plan is modified in a way to meet aggregate planning goals by repeating the steps 2 to 4 until a satisfactory plan is established. Figure 12.1.3 shows a graph that illustrates the above steps for level production and demand forecast. The graphical method described above is simple to understand, and requires only minimal computational effort.

Optimal Models for Aggregate Planning Linear programming The linear programming model is one of the optimal models used to formulate aggregate plans. The optimal plan for minimizing costs is identified by the linear programming procedure. The number of units to be produced, the total number of shifts for which the plan should operate in the planning time horizon, and the amount of inventory that has to be carried in each time period, are specified by the identified plan. Linear programming is used to allocate scarce resources to strategic alternatives when the costs of various resources are linear functions of their quantities. The linear programming model is useful when the cost and variable relationships are linear, and demand can be forecasted exactly. Optimal solutions can be derived using the simplex and transportation methods described in Chapter 4. Linear decision rules (LDRs) Linear Decision Rules (LDRs) are a set of equations for calculating the optimal workforce, aggregate output rate and inventory level for each time period in a planning horizon. Similar to linear programming, this method guarantees an optimal solution and eliminates trial-and-error computations. It also overcomes the limitation of linear programming by taking into account non-linear cost relationships. This model determines the actual costs incurred due to the changes in the inventory level, production rate, and workforce size, and fits them in the form of nonlinear equations. These equations are simplified to obtain two linear equations: for production

Figure 12.1.3: Aggregate Output Plan and Forecasted Demand for ! Level Production

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rate, and workforce size, using calculus to minimize the total cost. These two equations can be used to determine the required workforce size and production rate (for a month) as a function of the demand forecast, the current workforce, and inventory. One of the drawbacks of LDRs is that they must be tailored to fit each organizations specific requirements. Further, to derive proper LDRs for a particular company, extensive mathematical analysis has to be carried out. Finally, any changes in the cost relationships like increase in wages will require redoing the whole process to derive new LDRs. Heuristic Models Heuristic models are based on historical aggregate planning data available with organizations. The management coefficient model is a heuristic model which uses the regression method to identify capacity requirements based on the managements past decisions. The management coefficient model is used to generate a set of equations that represents historical patterns of a company's aggregate planning decisions. Accumulated data on the firms workforce, production and inventory decisions are analyzed using regression techniques. The objective is to find the regression equations that best fit the historical data. Finally, the equations so generated are used to make future planning decisions, in a manner similar to LDRs. Heuristic models are easy to construct if the relevant historical data is available. But heuristic models should be applied after careful consideration, as past pattern may not always be an accurate indicator of future trends.

Computer Search Models Computer search methods are used when an organization has large quantity of information on different production variables. A computer program simulates conditions under all the possible combinations of these variables and identifies the most cost-effective combination, which satisfies the production requirements. It evaluates all possible combinations, based on specified search conditions and rules, in order to identify the optimum aggregate plan. Computer Simulation in Capacity Evaluation Computer simulation is used to evaluate the performance of a specific plan, based on real-world variables and situations. Simulation provides what-if analysis of different situations, using different variables with alternative values attached to them, to judge the performance of the system under different conditions. Complex situations can be analyzed with the help of simulation models. For example, in any service organization, the number of customers served is a key measure of productivity. Using simulation, different layouts and schedules can be tested to see which would enable an organization to maximize its capacity utilization. Formulation of simulation method is quite complicated, and the costs associated with it are high.


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MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE The Master Production Schedule (MPS) defines the type and volume of each product that is to be produced within the planning horizon. The MPS is a detailed plan that specifies the exact timing for the production of each unit. Master production schedules are also used in scheduling various stages of production, depending on the type of operations. For instance, the MPS of make-to-order organizations deals only with end-items or final products, and not components and sub-assemblies. On the other hand, the MPS for assemble-to-order organizations concentrates on scheduling the major components that are assembled to make a product after orders are received. MPS is based on an estimation of the overall demand for the end product. A final assembly schedule is developed only when customer orders are received. Functions of an MPS are described below: Translate Aggregate Plans The master schedule is a manufacturing plan, which breaks up planned total production of the firm into groups of products or product lots. The sizes of the lots are determined in such a way that the products are economical to produce and utilize firms facilities and resources at an optimal level. The aggregate plan sets a level of operations that balances market demand with the material, labor and equipment capabilities of the firm, whereas the master schedule is more detailed and translates the aggregate plan into a specific number of individual products to be produced in specific time periods at specific workstations.

Evaluate Alternative Schedules Planners use computerized production and inventory control systems with simulation capabilities to evaluate alternative master schedules. Once all the alternatives are evaluated, the detailed material and capacity requirements are identified, and the exact lead times and delivery schedules are also determined by the planners. The simulations even suggest how increased demand for one product can affect the production schedule of other products. Identify Material Requirement The prime input for a material requirements planning system is the master schedule. Once the master schedule is drawn up, it alerts the material requirement planning system to produce or purchase the necessary components that are needed to meet the requirements of final assembly schedules. Generate Capacity Requirements Capacity requirement planning needs inputs from the material requirement plan, which in turn, is directed by the master schedule. So, the master schedule is a prerequisite for capacity planning. The master schedule reflects the most economical usage of labor and equipment capacities. If the capacity available does not satisfy the requirements of the master production schedule, either the production capacity or the MPS is revised.


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Effectively Utilize Capacity The master production schedule assigns loads for labor and equipment based on the requirements. The load report takes into account of the individual product requirements and available resources in assigning load to individual workers, equipment and workstations. The objective is to fully utilize the available capacity. Master Production Scheduling The process of master production scheduling involves the planning of activities to determine whether or not an operation can achieve the production objectives mentioned in the MPS. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) are the two planning activities that are a part of the master production scheduling process. CRP determines whether the existing production capacity is sufficient to achieve the objectives of the MPS. Figure 12.1.4 illustrates the process of master production scheduling. The following are the sequential steps involved in the master production scheduling process: 1. Determining the gross requirements of materials, components and sub-components (total demand in units of the end-product) for each product in the product line using MRP. 2. Obtaining the net requirements for each unit of materials, components, and sub- components, after taking into consideration inventory on hand and inventory on order. Figure 12.1.4: The Master Production Scheduling Process

Source: Sang M Lee and Marc J Schniederjians, Operations Management (Chennai: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997), p. 187.

3. Revising the preliminary master production schedule to accommodate the inadequacy of materials in inventory, if any. 4. Converting adjusted net requirements into planned order releases (the order quantity for a specific time period) to determine unit or lot-sized production during the planning horizon.

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5. Developing load reports from the planned order releases. The load report contains information on the amount of work assigned to individual workers, machines and workstations. 6. In the event of a mismatch between available capacity and required capacity, the MPS is modified or additional capacity is added. Master production scheduling is generally based on the results of demand forecasts. These results are not always accurate, and the actual production output is not always the same as the actual market demand. To accommodate these imbalances, operations managers modify the master production schedule by Modifying the size or composition of the product or service temporarily Allowing the inventory level to increase when the demand for the product is low and decrease when the demand is higher Deferring routine maintenance and diverting labor capacity to manufacturing Subcontracting the additional capacity requirements Altering the prices of products to influence the demand level

Master Schedule Formation The proper implementation of the master production schedule is important for achieving the goals set in aggregate plans. As the market environment and resource availability influence the aggregate plan, they also affect the master schedule. The influence of the market environment on the master schedule is shown in Figure 12.1.5. The two major sources of inputs that influence the MPS are forecasts and customer orders. Make-to-stock environment takes inputs from forecasts in deciding the MPS. On the other hand, make-to-order environment takes inputs from customer demand and based on that generates an MPS. Make-to-stock Items The major input for the make-to-stock items in master schedule is the demand forecast. Requirements are based on the need to replenish plant or distributor inventories of end products or service parts. MPS for a make-to-stock environment is generated after taking into account the end item level. The products in a make-to-stock environment are produced in batches and the finished goods inventory for all the products are maintained constantly. Examples include FMCG firms and home appliances firms. Make-to-order Items For make-to-order items, detailed scheduling of time and materials required is essential because the items and quantities specified are unique for a particular customer order. In make-to-order environment, there is no finished goods

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Figure 12.1.5: Market Influence on the Master Schedule

inventory. Customer orders are backlogged and production begins only after the orders have been placed. An example is jet engine production. Problem 12.1.3 The forecasted demand for telephone handsets for next six weeks is 30, 35, 38, 32, 32, 30. And the number of orders booked at the start of the MPS planning period is 23, 40, 24, 22, 38, and 22. Prepare an MPS schedule for the telephone set manufacturer. Given, Inventory on hand=40 Lead time = 1 week Production lot size = 80 units Quantity on hand = 40 Solution First week Forecast for the first week is 30 units. This requirement can be satisfied by using the on hand inventory. Projected inventory on hand at the end of first week is = On hand inventory + MPS quantity - projected requirements for the week

Source: Joseph G. Monks, Operations Management, Theory and Problems (McGraw-Hill International, Third edition).

= 40 + 0 30


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= 10 Second week Forecast for second week is 35 units but the orders received are for 40 units. (when calculating the projected inventory for the week, Inventory on hand at the end of first week is 10 units, which is not sufficient to satisfy the second weeks requirements. So to make up for the deficiency, the manufacturer develops a master schedule. As the lead time is one week, the production should commence on first week itself to satisfy the requirements of the second week. As can be seen from the Table 12.1.3, MPS start quantity for first week is 80 units (production lot size).
Table 12.1.3: MPS for Six Weeks 1 2 3 Forecast 30 35 38 Orders 23 40 24 Projected on-hand inventory 10 50 12 MPS quantity 0 80 0 MPS start 80 80 4 32 22 60 80 5 32 38 22 0 80 6 30 22 72 80

From Table 12.1.4 we can see there is no requirement of MPS quantities in 1st, 3rd and 5th week. Problem 12.1.4 Develop a master production schedule for the following data: Forecasted demand for the next 8 weeks: 24, 25, 23, 26, 25, 27, 26, 27 Orders booked: 28, 26, 22, 22, 23, 25, 29, 27 Inventory on hand = 30 Lead time = 1 week Production lot size = 50 units Solution First week Requirement for the first week based on the existing order is 28 units (given). This requirement can be satisfied by using the on-hand inventory. Projected inventory on hand at the end of first week is = On-hand inventory + MPS quantity projected requirements for the week = 30 + 0 28 =2

Now at the end of 2nd week projected inventory on hand = On hand inventory + MPS quantity - Projected requirements for the week = 10 + 80 40 = 50 units Similarly, projected inventory at the end of all six weeks and the MPS quantities can be calculated.


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Second week Forecast for second week is 25 units but the orders received are for 26 units. Inventory on hand at the end of first week is 2 units, which is not sufficient to satisfy the second weeks requirements. So to make up for the deficiency, organization schedules for MPS quantities. As the lead time is one week, the production should commence in the first week itself to satisfy the requirements of the second week. As can be seen from Table 12.1.4, MPS start quantity for first week is 50 units (production lot size). Now at the end of second week projected inventory on hand = On hand inventory + MPS quantity - Projected requirements for the week = 2 + 50 - 26 = 26 units Similarly, projected inventory at the end of each week and MPS quantities is calculated.
Table 12.1.4: MPS for 8 Weeks
1 Forecast 24 Orders 28 MPS quantity 0 Projected on-hand inventory 2 MPS start 50 2 25 26 50 26 3 23 22 0 3 50 4 5 26 25 22 23 50 0 27 2 50 6 27 25 50 25 50 7 8 26 27 29 27 50 0 46 19

IMPLEMENTING AGGREGATE PLANS AND MASTER SCHEDULES Unplanned Events Aggregate plans are continuously updated to accommodate the effects of unplanned events. Forecasted demand and actual demand for a product may differ significantly due to unexpected events. Not achieving planned output for the month or the workforce not being able to produce at its average capacity are unexpected events that may also disrupt the plans. These unexpected events must be taken into account while developing aggregate plan. But in this case, the difference will be that actual demand is taken as input rather than the forecasted demand. As the aggregate plans are updated, the master production schedule is also altered to incorporate these changes. But, sometimes the aggregate plan remains fixed, while the master production schedule undergoes changes because of changes in demand for individual products, the production process, and performance rates. The MPS transactions, records and reports are updated and reviewed continuously to accommodate these changes. This process of reviewing and updating, called rolling through time, shows the dynamic nature of planning and scheduling activities in operations management. Behavioral Considerations Behavioral considerations are important in planning and implementing the aggregate plans. Deciding the time horizon is the biggest issue in aggregate planning, as the complexities

The company has to schedule production in the first, third, fifth, and sixth weeks.

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in planning are dependent on the time horizon. If the plan is short-term and based on judgment and experience, it might turn out to be costly. But long-term planning is a difficult task. Therefore, the optimal time period for aggregate planning should be selected. When an aggregate plan is implemented, it has an impact on almost all the functions and departments of an organization. For example, the purchasing department has to make arrangements to procure materials. Subcontractors need to be hired. The implementation of the aggregate plan initiates actions in various functions. It also affects organizational environment. If the plan specifies reduced output, people may be removed from their jobs. This may affect their level of motivation and job satisfaction. CAPACITY PLANNING Capacity planning involves the identification and evaluation of the long term and short-term capacity requirements of an organization, and the development of plans to satisfy them. Capacity indicates the maximum output that can be produced in a given system. If we say that a factory has a production capacity of 100 units per hour, it means that under optimal conditions, the factory will produce 100 units per hour. In most cases, a hundred percent capacity utilization is not possible. Capacity is normally measured in terms of output such as, units per unit of time (i.e., 10 units/hr) or by the available resource hours (i.e. 5 machine hours/day). Capacity planning is important as overestimation or underestimation of capacity requirements can have an

adverse impact on an organizations performance. If the capacity is not sufficient to meet market demand, the organization may not be able to meet the customers requirements on time, and competitors might gain market share, or the organization may not be able to take advantage of the opportunities available in the market. On the other hand, if the capacity is too large, the company may be left with substantial inventories, and may be forced to produce less profitable products in order to utilize the extra capacity. So, capacity planning is important to determine adequate production capacity to meet forecast demand levels. Capacity planning is also used by organizations when deciding on issues like whether or not to use subcontracting or overtime to achieve production goals. The capacity planning process involves identifying the available capacity and additional capacity requirements, and evaluating and summing up the capacities required at each work center. If there is any gap between planned and available capacity, it is increased by overtime, subcontracting, etc. or the master production schedule is revised. To have an effective capacity plan, an organization has to identify current capacity, forecast the future requirements of the capacity. In the next stage, the sources which can be used to meet the capacity requirements are identified and evaluated. Finally, the most appropriate alternative is selected. Measuring Capacity Capacity can be measured in terms of the inputs or outputs of the conversion process. For a company with single product or similar products in its portfolio, capacity is given as the number of units per month. But for an organization with a

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multitude of products in its product portfolio, capacity is measured in a common unit such as sales in a monetary unit per week, month, or year. In service organizations measuring output is not possible, so the input rate capacity is used to measure the capacity. For example, a hospital measures capacity in terms of the number of beds available, airlines use the number of seats available in a particular time period, etc. Measuring available capacity exactly is not always possible as capacity is dependent on many factors. For example, machine breakdown, employee absence, and other similar factors can lead to disruption in production, affecting the final capacity. So, decisions on capacity availability are taken after considering unavoidable interruption in productions. To measure capacity, we use the following formula: Capacity = Available time Utilization Efficiency The capacity utilization rate measures the capacity level at which a production process is operating.

specifications of individual product lines, production capabilities in existing facilities, etc. The steps for determining capacity requirements are as follows: 1. Employ forecasting methods and find the individual product demand within the planning horizon. 2. Identify the equipment and human resource requirements to meet the forecasted demand. In case of multiple products or services, identify the time required for switching from one product or service to another. 3. Compare capacity required with available capacity for the required time period and identify the gaps. 4. As determining exact capacity requirements is difficult, organizations in general allocate extra capacity to meet any contingencies in the future. The extra capacity allocated for uncertain future requirements is known as the capacity cushion. Economies of Scale

Capacity available indicates the capacity level for which the process is designed (i.e. designed capacity). Capacity utilization rate is measured in percentage terms. Determining Capacity Requirements Future capacity requirements need to be accurately determined to ensure good performance in the future. Required capacity is determined on the basis of the

The basic theory behind economies of scale is that as the size of an operation increases, per unit cost of production decreases. The reasons include decrease in the fixed costs of production per unit of output, and adoption of efficient process and technologies like automation, which are not economically feasible for small-scale operations. But when the firm expands beyond a point, diseconomies of scale become apparent, because the expenditure incurred for maintaining

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large operations becomes uneconomical. The reasons for diseconomies include increased distribution and storage costs, complexities in operations, and high costs of modification and replacement of existing facilities. So, an organization has to determine capacity required to achieve economies of scale. In Figure 12.1.6, the relationship between the production level and the average unit cost is shown. The resulting economies/ diseconomies of scale are apparent. Point O shows the optimum level of output where an organization can take full Figure 12.1.6: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale

advantage of economies of scales without facing diseconomies of scale. Planning Service Capacity! In a service organization, planning for capacity should take into consideration when and where the capacity is needed. Services can neither be produced in anticipation of demand nor stored as inventories. The service capacity should be located near the customers because most service delivery process involves customers. Unlike manufacturing organizations, a service organization based in one geographical location usually cannot efficiently serve customers in other geographical area. As a result, service organizations generally operate through branches or franchises because of the nature of the services, which involves customer participation in the service delivery process. As customers cannot come to a single location to avail services, services organizations tend to increase capacity by establishing new branches and facilities. There are a few exceptions to these rules; many educational institutions, hospitals, holiday resorts, etc. tend to concentrate on increasing capacities in one location itself. Further with the expansion of the Internet, many retailers are taking up the option of providing services online from a single location rather than establishing brick and mortar outlets.


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Section 2

Case Study: Bake a Cake

This case study was written by Siva V. Gabbita, Asst. Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, IBS Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.


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September 2001 was a time that Sandhya and Bhaskar Kumar will always remember! Their twin sons, Nishant and Prashant , then five years old, started school, and in the same month, Bhaskar, a 29-year-old master baker at a large bakery, was fired from his job. Sandhya, who had a part-time secretarial job with a local builder, saw this misfortune to be an unrepeatable opportunity. They had always wanted to work together and Sandhya felt that there was a demand for speciality cakes which offered them an opportunity to set up a small business capitalizing on Bhaskars skills. Bhaskar felt that his greatest satisfaction came from producing high-quality decorated fruit cakes. Using the recipe he had learnt from his grandmother, samples were made and packaged. Traditionally, small local baking and confectionery businesses produce a wide range of breads, cakes, biscuits, etc. many on a daily basis. This involves starting work very early (4 am), high complexity and considerable risk. Bhaskar wanted a simpler business that would involve relatively normal hours of work, for both himself and his wife. As Bhaskar recounted to a friend in 2007 In early 2002 we only made two sizes: beautiful 2 kg cakes symmetrically decorated on top with a pattern of almonds, cherries, walnuts and ginger that we marketed to cafs and restaurants expecting that their customers would love portions of them with their teas/ coffees, and a 1 kg cake that we marketed to retail shops for family purchasers one which could be bought as a treat or a gift for friends and relatives. We had a gut feel that the 1 kg cakes would require production in volumes whereas demand would be about 150200 cakes a month for the 2 kg cakes. This would give us time to visit our customers as well as try and

gradually market our products to the bakeries and other potential outlets. We had a target of starting production in January 2002 if possible and spent a few months researching our markets. Although neither of us wanted to hire employees we realized that if we were to run the business just between the two of us we would just about be able to cope each day making the cakes. Sandhya said she would manage to collect the children from school at about 3.30 pm ( we developed a working relationship with a neighbour to drop them off along with her kids in the morning, while Sandhya would pick them up in the afternoon) but I wouldnt be able to get home before 7.00 pm on weekdays. We decided we would do our selling and prospecting for new customers on Saturdays and therefore work a 5 day week. We definitely didnt want to start production on weekends. We wouldnt be able to cope with that! The alternative was to hire part time or full time employees. We did not know how many employees we would need. We realized we needed to gauge the size of our markets while marketing our products. Our initial our marketing research was confined to taking samples to shortlisted potential retail outlets. The response was reasonably enthusiastic and close to our expectations. We forecasted demand for both 1kg and 2kg cakes for the first 6 months of 2002 as follows.


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January February March April May June Demand in units(for 1kg & 2 kg cakes) 630 520 410 270 410 520

the business would have to be run by just Sandhya and me, which was how we really preferred it. A year later in 2003 they bagged a contract to supply 5000 customised cakes in their 40 hour week. Realising that this would require a special production line to perform the finishing, decorating and packing of the cakes after they were baked, Bhaskar and Sandhya rented some space near their home to set up a factory modestly equipped with weighing and preparation equipment, a large 15 kg cake mixer, two small catering ovens, a small cool room and sundry utensils. For each batch, dried fruits (raisins, sultanas, currants, cherries, crystallized ginger, etc.) would be weighed and cleaned which Bhaskars experience working with the large bakery told him would take 0.12 minutes, other ingredients prepared and measured(0.30 minutes), tins greased (0.36 minutes) and the pre-made cake mixture weighed into each tin (0.25 minutes). The top surface of the cake would then be decorated with carefully selected dried fruits and nuts (0.17 minutes) and brushed with a glaze(0.05 minutes). The icing on the cake would follow a sequence of decorating with red icing (0.10 minutes) followed by decorating with blue icing (0.08 minutes). Packing the cake would take 0.25 minutes. Today the combined daily demand averages 500 cakes a day with a standard deviation of 100 cakes. In order to simplify weighing, mixing and baking, production is done in nominal 10 kg batches of one size at a time. Thus a batch is either ten 1 kg cakes or five 2 kg cakes A 10 kg batch of cakes fills one oven; baking time is three hours for the 1 kg cakes, four and a half hour for 2 kg cakes and an oven normally bakes only two batches per day. The number of ovens over the years grew to 7 to handle capacity increases.

We found out that if wanted to hire temporary workers when needed it would cost us roughly Rs. 5000 to hire and Rs. 5000 to fire a single employee. If we over-produced and we had to sell stock off at a discount because though this recipe of cakes lasts for up to 12 months, for best flavour and texture, it should really be eaten within six months. Stock carrying costs we estimated would be Rs. 100 per unit remaining at the end of each month. On the other hand if we wanted to maintain full time employees we would have to pay them 2400 per month. We only had one oven to start with. The oven would be turned on at 8.00 am and ready by 8.30 when the first batch would be loaded. A batch is either 10 1 kg cakes or 5 2kg cakes. The oven could bake only two batches per day. Sandhya insisted on work-life balance and job rotation which meant that we would not have overtime for our employees and one employee would on average make 50 cakes a month. We also did not want to share our family recipe which meant that outsourcing production was out of the question. My Severance payment package that I had received from my earlier employer and a small loan allowed us a meagre start-up budget of Rs. 3,50,000 of which we could allocate at best 2,00,000 per month for a workforce. We decided on the basis of our calculations that we couldnt afford a workforce and

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Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. Do you think Bhaskar and Sandhyas were correct in concluding that they could not afford a workforce using either level or chase strategies if they had a budget of 2 lakhs? Replicate their calculations to explain your answer assuming an opening stock of 300 units of cake in January 2002.

2. How many workstations would be required for the production line set up in 2003 for the supermarket contract if they wanted to minimize idle time in the system. 3. ! Calculate the safety stock and reorder level to maintain a 95% service level. 4. Reduce inventory and move to a kanban system by calculating the number of kanban containers for a production order quantity of 250 cakes and lead time of 2 days.


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Section 3

Case Study: Made in India

This case study was written by Siva V . Gabbita, Asst. Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, IBS Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:

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Rajesh just completed chef school at the top of his class and was keen on opening his own restaurant. In his assessment there was a growing and sizeable market for gourmet cuisine while customers had either to choose from fast food centres, restaurants or large hotels all of which provided standard items. He had long dreamed of opening an establishment that would provide exquisite cuisine and a fine dining experience to connoisseurs of good food. He and his friends had been involved in setting up a snacks and drinks stall during one of the college festivals using what they had learnt in the Operations Management class and they had to take a number decisions like where they should locate the stall and how they could estimate customer demand in order to determine capacity, processing requirements, ordering of inventory, determine stall layout, hire staff to manage queues effectively, minimize costs and maximize profits. All these issues were inextricably interlinked and involved the evaluation of a number of tradeoffs. Changing any one of these parameters invariably impacted a number of other parameters which Rajesh had found quite challenging. He and his friends had managed a peak demand of 25 customers per hour and used a fountain soda machine, a coffee maker and a sandwich maker that could produce made- to-order grilled sandwiches. Rajesh reasoned that his dream restaurant would essentially expand on the concept of the stall they had managed with reasonable success during the college festival. Relevantly therefore Rajesh had subsequently conducted a size estimate for his dream restaurant, by scaling up their stall to estimate customer demand. Accordingly he had also planned for facility,

equipment and labor requirements that he would need when he decided to set up his restaurant. He had reached the conclusion that there were a lot of unknowns that he would have to learn about He would need to learn about the production technologies He would have to install and gather data on the relevant costs. He would have to understand the market to ! quantitatively assess potential demand and take a decision on whether to expand into a large facility right at the start or to expand small initially and build later depending on customer demand. He would also perhaps have to conduct a profitability analysis With his strategic vision of providing exquisite cuisine and a fine dining experience to connoisseurs of good food he would also have to make appropriate decisions related to process design. He knew that this would be determined by and in turn would determine Service and product design (what he would produce) Location (where he would produce) Supply network design (what he would make and what he would buy). Process technology, Layout and Flow (how he would produce). He would also have to evaluate the human resources, inventory, scheduling and maintenance that will support his mission and objectives.


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He decided the only way to find out would be to go into business for himself. As he recollected he had to take into consideration long-term, medium-term as well as short-term operational issues. He was ready to begin, but wasnt sure where to start. Each of these decisions seemed to depend on as well as influence each of the other decisions. Rajesh had learnt at chef school that frameworks were precisely useful for just such situations when a number of inter-related and inter-dependent variables were interlinked. Knowing that the Product depended on and was determined by the Process selected to produce the product, and since process selection in turn was determined by and influenced a number of other decisions he decided to use the Product-Process matrix framework (see Exhibit II and Exhibit III) for Process Design. Rajeshs first option was to operate in the lower right corner of the matrix, where he could produce high volumes of meals with a limited variety, much as in an institutional kitchen. Such a process could produce large volumes of standard items such as baked goods and mashed potatoes prepared with state-of-the-art equipment automated equipment. Alternatively, he could move to the centre of the matrix, where he could produce more variety and lower his volume of production. Here he would have less automation and use prepared modular components for meals, much as a fast-food restaurant does. Another option was to move to the upper right corner and produce a high volume of customized meals, but neither Rajesh did not know how to do this with gourmet cuisine.

Rajesh knew that a classy restaurant serving high-quality meals would have to come at a cost, but customers, he reasoned, would be willing to wait for their food if their specific taste preferences were catered to and an excellent ambience was created. After all if customers could stand in line at fast food restaurants they would be willing to wait for great food too. The real issue was that restaurants never really seemed to get the correct mix of cost, quality, flexibility and delivery right. Indians were friendly and fabulous hosts and their food and drink the best in the world. Rajesh felt that western business models overemphasized costs and prioritized speed over accuracy whereas in his opinion hospitality was more about the hosts discerning customer requirements. The difference he felt was that rather than being treated as artists, the hosts were often seen as employees on an assembly line. A strategy of cost leadership or even on product differentiation was profit-seeking and therefore either inward-focused or competitor-focused and intrinsically incapable of discerning customer preferences. Rajesh believed instead that profits, costs and the tradeoffs that had to be balanced were not customer issues and therefore customers must never be made aware of them. During chef school, Rajesh had spent many hours trying to understand why organizations were unable to be customercentric and finally decided, much to his own surprise, that companies never really sought to address any customer requirements. They only identified and capitalized on customers needs, wants and demands to earn profits for themselves. There was an inherent conflict in the oft- repeated goal of a business to make profits for its shareholders. In Rajeshs opinion, profitability was a necessary condition. It was not the goal of a

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business. Rajesh was intrigued with the question of whether it was possible to carefully take decisions with his mission and objectives first in mind. Reasoning that he will need to build an extremely flexible kitchen suitable for a wide variety of custom meals catering to the whims of each customer, Rajesh finally chooses a process strategy that will support his mission and desired product differentiation. Only with a process such as this he decides - can he provide the fine gourmet dining experience he has in mind for his customers. Rajesh believes that there will be a high demand for gourmet dining in his city but knows that he needs to collect quantitative evidence and an estimate of how high demand would be in order to weigh alternatives and take an appropriate decision. Before he can do that, Rajesh has to choose between setting up two possible kitchen processes. For one process, which we will call A, he estimates the variable costs to average Rs. 50 per meal and fixed costs Rs. 25,000 per year. For the second process, B, the variable costs estimated are Rs. 20 per meal and fixed costs Rs. 100,000 per year. If demand is low he will choose production process A and if demand high he will choose production process B. Although Rajesh feels that he will eventually have to price meals differently for each customer he approaches a marketing research firm with his requirements and calculations using a ballpark figure of Rs. 100 per gourmet meal. The marketing research study discovers that at a price of Rs. 100 per gourmet meal the restaurant can sell a maximum of 10,000 meals a year and that there is a 70% chance that demand will be

high as defined by Rajesh. The study also forecasts that in the first year Rajesh can definitely expect to sell 3000 gourmet meals if the price per meal can be reduced to Rs. 60. An associated question that Rajesh has to address is whether, irrespective of production process adopted, he should build his restaurant large right at the start or build it up in phases by setting up a small facility now and decide as appropriate as demand kicks up. The large facility will be set up with 28 tables to deliver a maximum of 28 meals a day 365 days a year whereas the small facility will use 7 tables to deliver a maximum of 7 meals a day 365 days a year. NB: All the exhibits and diagram are compiled by the author. Suggested Questions for Discussion 1. 2. Where in the Product-Process Matrix should Rajesh locate his production process to produce the product he has in mind? How would Rajesh define low and high demand to the marketing research firm? III. Which Process A or B should Rajesh choose? Calculate the + for 3000 meals a. With Selling Price of Rs. 60 per gourmet meal b. With Selling Price of Rs. 100 per gourmet meal If Rajesh had known in advance that with a price reduction from Rs. 100 to Rs. 60 he could be assured of selling 3000 gourmet meals in the first year would his definition of low demand and high demand have changed?

3. 4. 5.

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V. Assume that if Rajesh starts small in the first year, if demand in future continues to be low he will gain a profit of Rs. 80,000. However if demand increases in future he will gain a profit of Rs. 200,000 if he expands but gain a profit of Rs. 150,000 if he does not expand. Should Rajesh start with a large expansion from his college stall or expand small initially and build later if demand goes up?

Additional questions and supplementary information can also be included for discussion during the course of the class.


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Materials Management
In this chapter we will discuss: Significance of Materials Management Functions of Materials Management Make or Buy Decisions Materials Storing Materials Management Technology Materials Management Techniques Purchasing Management Ethics in Buying.

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Section 1

Materials Management
SIGNIFICANCE OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Firms invest a significant portion of their capital in materials. Even though the range of investments made in material varies from industry to industry, materials normally account for about 50 percent of the total capital invested. Therefore, materials need to be managed effectively and efficiently. For instance, if a hospital runs out of a single item like a syringe, a seemingly insignificant item in its inventory, it brings most operations to a standstill. Besides, such shortages delay service delivery and increase expenses for the firm. Materials management does not mean stocking large amounts of materials to avoid the problem of a shortfall of material. Making more investments in materials than required, is highly uneconomical for a firm because of the high costs involved in storage and maintenance. Therefore, firms should monitor carefully the entire material flow process so that there is no shortage of materials, and they are available at the right time, at the right place and in the right quantity. Management of materials is very significant in a firm for the following reasons: First, the cost of material is increasing due to scarcity and increasing demand. So, the management should carefully assess the quantity required and minimize wastage during production. Second, reduction in expenditure on materials can improve the profits of a firm. Since overheads other than material costs like labor costs and administration expenses are relatively fixed and do not offer much scope for reduction, material is only the major area for cost reduction. For example, let us consider an organization that generated sales worth Rs. 1 lakh in a given year with a profit of Rs.10,000. Given that the cost of materials was Rs.50,000. The profits of the organization increase by 25 percent (i.e. Rs. 12,500) if the firm can save 5 percent (i.e. Rs. 2,500) of its current material costs (assuming that other costs remain the same). In this case, a five percent saving in material costs results in increase in profits by 25 percent. The return on investment (ROI) of a firm also


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depends on the effective utilization of materials, as they are an important part of the current assets of any firm. The Return on Investment (ROI) is calculated as: ROI = EBIT / (Fixed assets + Current assets) If a firm reduces its costs on materials (current assets), the return on investment of the firm also increases considerably. Third, materials management contributes to the quality of the end product or service. As materials management covers the execution of functions like purchasing, inventory control and material handling in a firm, the quality of the end product is dependent on it. Fourth, materials management aims at the preservation of important and scarce resources for future requirements. Further, material management executives are entrusted with the job of exploring new sources of supply and identifying the ways to ensure environmental safety. Materials management helps accomplish the following objectives of a firm: Obtain the least possible prices for materials purchased. Maintain high inventory turnover so that less capital is tied up in inventory, i.e. help increase the effective utilization of the firm's capital. Ensure the availability of materials required to continue production, when there are disruptions in supply.

Maintain cordial relations with suppliers and supplying firms. Maintain records along with well-planned administrative controls and periodic audits that discourage corruption. Keep searching for the new products and materials that can help the firm run efficiently. Materials management, as we find, plays a significant role in a firm by integrating and coordinating the flow of materials within the firm thus helping in achieving its production and distribution objectives effectively. FUNCTIONS OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT The process of materials management can be explained by three overlapping functions: Production Control Inventory Control Materials Handling The relationship of these three functions can be better explained by studying the flow of materials through the entire firm; starting from the selection of a supplier to the point where the products reach the customers. Material flow is a stepwise process that describes the involvement of different departments through which materials are processed and made available for the end customers.


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Figure 13.1.1 represents the material flow process of a typical manufacturing firm. The flow process is similar in service firms as service firms also deal with materials. For instance, automobile service stations need to maintain materials in the form of accessories, spare parts, lubricant oil, etc. Production Control The function of production control aims at directing and regulating the movement of goods through the entire manufacturing cycle from the process of purchasing materials to producing the finished product. The departments involved in this function are Purchasing department Receiving department

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Raw materials inventory department, and Production department Each department is headed by a manager who is responsible for all the activities in the department. The production control function of materials management is aimed at ensuring that the adequate amount of materials required for production is available and the supply is obtained in the most effective and economical manner. Purchasing Department The main task of the purchasing department is to acquire the required materials in the right quantity, of the right quality, from the right source, at the right time and at the least possible cost. Materials can be purchased in two ways: centralized or decentralized. In centralized purchasing, the purchasing activity is carried out by a separate department usually known as the purchasing department. It purchases materials in large quantities by grouping orders from all the departments of a firm. In general, larger firms follow the centralized purchasing route, as it results in consistency in buying policies and uniformity in maintaining purchasing records. Also, the buyer maximizes his purchasing power, which helps him obtain large purchase discounts. In decentralized purchasing, there are no special departments for purchasing. Heads of individual departments undertake the activity of purchasing on the basis of their departmental requirements. This results in greater flexibility in departmental activities, as it is easier for the head of the department to change purchasing preferences rapidly as per the

Exhibit 13.1.1 Materials Handling Principles Some of the guidelines that help the materials handling managers ensure better handling of the materials are given below: Sequence the production operations in a logical manner so that handling is unidirectional and smooth. Standardize the production processes so that the materials handling equipment can be effectively utilized. Minimize human efforts by using mechanized materials handling equipment. Move heavy and bulky materials through the shortest possible distance during production processing. Locate stores near the plant. Ensure that the materials handling system is flexible enough to allow for unexpected breakdown of materials handling equipment, changes in the production technology, etc. Take all the possible safety precautions to avoid accidents in the handling of materials. Follow method study to avoid the wasteful movements
Source: K. Aswanthappa and K.Shridhara Bhat, Production and Operations Management (Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House, 1999) 167.

requirements. Some firms hire external specialists, called contract consultants to negotiate purchasing terms and conditions. However, no firm adheres strictly to any one of these approaches and usually follows a mix of the approaches. The important tasks performed by a purchasing department are: processing the requisitions for materials and supplies from all departments of the organization, identifying and selecting suppliers (or vendors) to obtain the materials required, negotiating with suppliers in relation to purchasing contracts and quantity discounts, inviting bids to acquire

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certain materials, and evaluating suppliers in terms of their quality and promptness in delivery. Receiving Department The primary responsibility of the receiving department is to process incoming shipments of materials. In several firms, the activity of receiving materials is taken care of by the purchasing department itself. The tasks of the receiving department include unpacking incoming materials, checking their quantity and inspecting their quality and generating receiving reports. A typical materials receiving report consists of information on the quantity, price, description and other technical specifications of the incoming materials. Usually, the head of the department comments in the report about the condition of materials upon arrival and other delivery information. The report is used by the purchase department to update its material database and to evaluate vendors. On the basis of the receiving report, the warehousing department arranges store space; the manufacturing department schedules production processes, and the accounts department makes payments to vendors. Raw Materials Inventory Department Raw materials inventory is the collection of inputs that are transformed into finished products. For example, the raw materials inventory for the manufacturing of cement at a cement plant includes limestone, clay, gypsum, etc. This

department looks after the management of the raw materials inventory. The main tasks of the department are repackaging and labeling raw materials to make them ready for use in the production process, storing the raw materials safely and protecting them from damage and pilferage, updating and maintaining records of the quantities of various raw materials, arranging for the replenishment of stocks in liaison with the purchase department and auditing the raw materials periodically. Several firms use materials planning systems like Material Requirement Planning (MRP) to manage raw material inventory effectively. Chapter 13 discusses in detail how an MRP system works. Production Department The objective of the production department is to keep the flow of materials continuous during the process of production without any stoppages. The main focus here is on ensuring that materials are readily available as and when they are required in the production process. The important tasks performed by this department are Monitoring the flow of work-in-process materials throughout the production process. Identifying production bottlenecks and minimizing them to avoid production delays. Computing the storage capacity required in the department and adjusting it to maintain a smooth flow of work.

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Thus, the function of production control is carried out by the purchasing, receiving, storing and production departments by providing a sufficient supply of materials for production and balancing the timely availability of materials with their procurement costs. Inventory Control The objective of the inventory control function in materials management is to maintain stock of materials in various stages of production, in the desired quantities so that the overall cost of production is minimized. The tasks of inventory control in the raw materials storage and production departments are the same as that in the production control department. However, inventory control emphasizes cost minimization, whereas production control focuses on materials availability. The inventory control function is represented in three departments: Raw materials inventory department Production department and Finished goods inventory department. The overlapping of the raw materials inventory and production departments can cause conflicts in the execution of the two functions of production control and inventory control. For example, the manager of the purchasing department may want to procure materials in large quantity to get a price discount, even though the cost of storing them is high. In such

situations, the materials manager acts as an arbiter and balances the need for quantity in the production control function and the material cost minimization of the inventory control function. Finished Goods Inventory Department The tasks involved in a typical finished goods inventory department includes checking the quantity and quality of the products in the production process, storing the products to protect them from pilferage and other damage, auditing the finished goods inventory, and locating and retrieving finished goods from stocks. In general, firms plan their finished good inventory requirements on the basis of the marketing strategy and market demand. One such strategy is the just-in-time strategy that is discussed in detail in Chapter 12. Materials Handling Materials handling refers to managing the physical movement of materials into, through, and out of the firm. The primary objective of materials management is to move materials to the required location in a timely and cost-effective way without affecting the primary objective of the other two materials management functions. Some factors that influence the materials handling function are - the type of plant layout, the type of production process used, the nature of the materials and the material handling equipment used. The responsibilities of a manager who looks after the materials handling function focus on the effective utilization of the firm's material handling equipment and convenience facilities like

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Exhibit 13.1.2 Reasons for Storing of Materials Raw materials: Raw materials include all the goods purchased that become a part of the finished product. Firms store raw materials for the following reasons: Supply is unreliable Firms try to get purchase discounts, which they get if they purchase materials in large quantities. Every time the purchase is made, firms conduct acceptance testing. If materials are purchased in larger quantities, less time can be spent on testing the materials. Finished product: Finished products are the products that are ready to be supplied to customers. The main reasons for holding finished products are: In general, firms produce a large batch of materials even though the immediate demand is small as production of goods in larger batches gives them a cost advantage. Firms may intentionally store the finished products (rather selling them) if the market forecasts indicate considerable increase of the products prices in the near future. Defective goods, or goods made to the wrong specifications are normally stored till the management takes a decision. Work in progress: These are the goods that are partly finished. Such incomplete goods exist because it requires a specific amount of time to convert the raw material into a finished product. Work in progress increases because of delays in the production process. Consumables: Consumables are the materials used during the production process; these materials do not form a part of the finished product. For instance, stationery, cleaning materials, lubricants, etc. are consumable materials. Strategic stocks: Strategic stocks are held for other than operations purposes. Stocks of raw material are stored when there is a likelihood of political unrest in the country, or to make the materials unavailable to competitors. No general rules can be given for this area and it is, strictly speaking, outside the operations managers remit.
Source: Les Galloway, Principles of Operations Management (International Thompson Business Press).

conveyors, and the manpower that maintain these types of equipment and facilities. Material handling equipment is of two types - fixed path equipment and variable path equipment. Fixed path equipment moves in a fixed path. For example, conveyors, monorail devices, and pulley-drive equipment come under the category of fixed path equipment. Overhead cranes also belong to this category with a slight provision for variation. Though its movement is restricted, it can move materials in any manner within a restricted area by virtue of its design. Variable path equipment does not have any restriction in the direction of movement of materials, though the size of the equipment affects its movement. Trucks, forklifts, mobile cranes and industrial tractors are examples of variable-path materials-handling equipment. The selection of the type of equipment requires careful consideration of factors like investment, labor, anticipated service hours per hour, and loading and unloading characteristics. Other considerations include the source of power, conditions under which the equipment operates and other technical aspects. A materials handling manager selects the equipment required carefully, and uses them for the physical transfer of materials from the receiving department of the firm to its warehouses. The departments that are included in the materials handling function are: Purchasing department

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Receiving department Raw materials inventory department Production department Finished goods inventory department Shipping Distribution centers, and Warehouses The materials management function can also be referred to as a combination of three sub-functions; traffic, physical distribution and logistics. The sub-function 'traffic' deals with arranging the most economic transportation method for both the incoming and outgoing materials. The sub-function 'physical distribution' is associated with the movement of the finished products and the other materials. Finally, the subfunction 'logistics' deals with obtaining, producing and distributing materials and products at/to the desired place, at the right time. The remaining departments of the materials handling function are discussed below. Shipping Department This department is involved in delivering goods from the finished goods inventory to customers. The important tasks of the shipping department are Staging and organizing the orders to be shipped.

Physically checking contents to make sure that they are in accordance with the order. Weighing, labeling and packing orders to be shipped. Arranging transportation for orders and loading them into trucks. After an order is shipped from a plant, it is sent either directly to the customers or to the temporary storages like warehouses or distribution centers as shown in the Figure 13.1.1. Distribution Centers and Warehouses Distribution centers and warehouses are those physical facilities that are used to store and ship inventory. The main difference between warehouses and distribution centers is that distribution centers are situated close to the markets they serve to provide better services to the customers. These centers may have customer service facilities that allow customers to pick up goods at the center itself. Warehouses may also serve customers directly but are commonly used to store raw materials that are needed to be shipped to the manufacturing firm and finished goods that are to be shipped to the retailing firms. The RPG-owned Giant Hypermarket in Hyderabad is an example where a warehouse is successfully used to serve as a retail front. Thus all three functions of materials management: production control, inventory control and materials handling need to be


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properly managed in a firm to maintain a smooth flow of materials.

Total Costs (per annum)

Figure 13.1.3 Make-or-Buy Analysis

Total Cost (Buy) Total Cost (Make) Variable Cost (Make) Fixed Cost (Make)

MAKE-OR-BUY DECISIONS Usually, before a new item is indented in the purchase order, managers conduct a make-or-buy analysis. Through this analysis, managers determine whether it is more economical to produce the item in house or purchase it from external vendors. In some cases, a firms production department may be able to produce items in-house at lower cost, with higher quality, and deliver them faster than external vendors. Purchasing managers take inputs from production engineers duirng the make-or-buy analysis. A typical make-or-buy decision is based on a break-even analysis. As shown in Figure 13.1.3, there is no fixed cost associated with purchasing material and the total cost of buying is the product of price per unit (P) and the number of units procured (Q), i.e, Total Cost buy = P & Q If the item is made in-house, the organization incurs a fixed cost, say F, for installing the necessary equipment and facilities. It also incurs variable production cost, which is equal to the unit variable cost (V) times the number of units demanded (Q). Total Cost make = (VQ) + F

Quantity Demanded (per annum)

In Figure 13.1.3, we can see that at break-even point, the total cost of buying is equal to the total cost incurred by making the item in-house. Let us assume that Q1is the demand to reach break-even point. P&Q1=(VQ1) + F Q1 = F/(P-V) So if the annual demand for the product is less than Q1, the total cost of purchasing the product from an external vendor will be less than the total cost of making the product in-house. If demand is greater than Q1, the total cost of making the product in-house will be less than the cost of purchasing it from an external vendor. Managers use this analysis to determine if the purchase cost of a product from an external vendor is less than the cost of producing it in-house.

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Cost is not the only factor influencing the purchasing decision. Before making make-or-buy decisions, organizations take into account factors such as the availability of raw materials in the long-run, the ability to monitor and control quality, etc. Many organizations opt for external suppliers because of their specialized skills in producing the required products. Suppliers maintain high standards in quality and ensure timely delivery because if they do not do so, they would lose the contract. Organizations usually opt for in-house production for the following reasons: 1. To have control over all the value chain activities 2. To put excess plant capacity to productive use 3. To ensure that the design of a product is kept a secret Organizations usually opt for outsourcing of a material for the following reasons: 1. To take advantage of knowledge and expertise of suppliers 2. To avoid incurring infrastructure costs when the quantity required is too low to justify in-house production 3. To maintain a multiple source policy Many large organizations maintain both make and buy capabilities to ensure delivery of materials when suppliers are unable to meet their commitments (due to strikes, production problem, etc.).

MATERIALS STORING Preservation and storage of materials is an important aspect of materials management. A store is place or a building where goods are kept for future use. The term 'stores' covers all the aspects of preservation of goods: receiving, storing and issuing of materials. The process of storing involves checking incoming materials to ensure that they are as per specifications and in good condition, actually storing them at appropriate places, and issuing materials against authorized requisitions. All types of materials viz. raw materials, work-inprocess, finished goods, spare parts and other consumable goods are stored so that they are readily available whenever they are required. An efficient storage system provides the following benefits to a firm - efficient utilization of the firm's material storage space, minimization of deterioration and pilferage of materials and reduction in the need for material handling equipment. It also provides a clear picture of stock accumulated and abnormal consumption of materials, and thereby enables the firm to take the necessary control measures. Stores Layout The layout of stores plays an important role in determining the performance of the department. The materials manager should ensure the following points while planning and developing the stores layout: Location of stores is in the close vicinity of the place of their use.

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Capacity of stores is adequate and flexible for future expansions. Transportation and handling of materials are kept to the minimum. Floor space and height of the stores are used efficiently. Materials are stored in such a way that the identification and counting of materials can be done easily. There is provision for easy receipt and disbursement of materials. The two important aspects of stores layout are the storage system and the type of stores layout, which are discussed below: Storage System All firms require easy access to stock and therefore the selection of an appropriate storage system is essential. But greater accessibility may not provide space economy. Therefore, a storage system is a compromise between accessibility and space economy. In general, firms follow three ways of locating their stocks - fixed location, random location and zoned location. In the fixed location method, a specific position is assigned for each type of material. The position assigned may be on the basis of the similarity of the materials, suppliers, size or frequency of use. This kind of setup makes it easy for the materials manager to locate a material. But this method

results in wastage of space as space is supposed to be kept vacant if a particular type of material is not available. In the random location method, materials can be stored at any position. This enables the firm to utilize its storage space more effectively. A separate record of the location of the goods is maintained. In the zone location method, materials required for a particular product are stored in a specified area. The materials within each zone can be arranged by the fixed location or the random location methods. Types of Stores Layout There are two types of stores layout: the comb layout and the tree layout. In a comb layout, materials are stored only on one of the sides of an aisle or passage. In a tree type layout, the materials are stored on both sides of the aisle. The materials manager can follow the type of layout suitable after considering the availability of space and the layout of the stores building. Figure 13.1.4 depicts the two types of stores layouts. Coding Materials Coding of materials helps in identifying materials easily. Similar-looking materials may be difficult to identify. Therefore, a proper identification number is required for the materials manager to get the materials easily from the stores. The codification system also ensures accuracy in correspondence. Under coding, a unique number or an ID is assigned to each of the firm's materials. The coding of a material may include

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various attributes and uses of the material. Every firm develops and follows its own coding system. For instance, a firm may follow a codification system of five numbers in which the first two numbers of the code specify the type of material. The two digit number may be assigned as follows: 01- Raw material, 02 Spare parts, 03 work in process, 04 finished goods, etc. The third number of the code may specify the shape of the materials. A firm may assign the following numbers to represent the shape of material: 1 Wire, 2 Rod, 3 Sheet, 4 Sheet, 5 Strip, etc. The fourth and the fifth numbers of the system may describe the type of material of the inventory. For instance, 01 Mild steel, 02 Stainless steel, 03 Copper, 04 Brass, 05 Bronze, 06 Aluminum, 07 PVC, 08 Special alloy, etc. Therefore, a material with a code of 04205 means a finished good of a rod shape, which is made of bronze. Stock Verification Due to mismanagement, damage or theft, there may be differences between the actual balance and book balance of inventory. Therefore, the materials manager should check the inventory at regular intervals. Stock verification can be done in three different ways. Fixed or Periodic Inventory Approach In this approach, the inventory in the stores is verified by an appointed team at regular intervals of time, usually annually.

Figure 13.1.4: Comb Type Layout


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This method can be used for seasonal businesses, as the execution of this method requires stopping of all the production and other related operations. The process of verification should be completed in the least time possible. Continuous Approach In this approach, firms divide their inventory into 52 equal groups and one of these groups is verified every week so that the process of stock verification does not affect
Exhibit 13.1.3 AGVs at General Motors The General Motors (GM) automobile plant located at Flint, Michigan, uses a type of computer controlled materials handling equipment, called Portec automated guided vehicles (AGVs). These AGVs are small size self-powered electronic cars whose movement is guided by a computer attached to them. These AGVs are engaged with transferring of car engines from workstation to workstation when performing assembly operations. The benefits derived of the use of AGVs include:

production and other related operations. This approach is also called the perpetual approach. Low point Inventory Approach As the level of inventory in stores is highly variable, the low point inventory approach suggests that verification of inventory should be carried out when the level of inventory is minimum, irrespective of the time. This approach makes the process of verification easy and the minimal time is required for verification. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT TECHOLOGY The latest technologies have brought about revolutionary changes in materials management. Technologies such as Robots and Automated Storage and Automated Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) make execution of materials management functions convenient, easy and economical. Robots Robots are re-programmable and multi-functional manipulators designed to move materials, parts, tools and other specialized devices through variable programmed motions to perform a variety of tasks. They are versatile, computer-controlled machines programmed to perform various tasks independently (without human support). Several robots are stationary and mounted on the floor, with an arm that can reach different locations.

Better control of material flow, because the worker can identify problems at each workstation and then allow the AGV to proceed to the next workstation. Greater flexibility in production operations, as the AGVs can be programmed to go in any order to any of the workstations. Higher product quality and productivity, as these systems operate with great accuracy. A cleaner and safer work environment.

Source: Sang M. Lee and Marc J. Schniederjans, Operations Management (Chennai: All India Publishers and Distributors, 1997) 252-253


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The two basic types of robot applications are 'processing' and 'pick-and-place'. In a processing application, the robot works as a tool by performing a job on a product (cutting, screwing, etc.) that moves to the robot. In a pick-and-place application, the robot moves the product (e.g. loading and unloading of materials). The pick-and-place application is more relevant in materials management. The robots hand actually performs various tasks like handling of materials, assembling and testing. Recently developed robots are equipped with sensors that respond to stimuli such as touch and light, so that these robots can be used effectively to mix chemicals in laboratories and to handle radioactive materials. Robots also can be used to perform highly repetitive tasks. Several companies in Japan have gained competitive advantage at times of labor shortage through the use of such robots. Physical Capabilities of a Robot Robots are described in terms of their physical capabilities. The work envelope and grippers (hands of a robot) are the main determinants of the capability of a robot. The 'work envelope' of a robot is the physical movement capability of the robots arms and hands. By determining a robots work envelope, the materials manager can fix its position such that the area in which materials move falls within the work envelope of the robot. The design of the robot grippers is another important element in classifying robots. The jaw hand is usually used to pick up materials, turn them and keep them in a nearby conveyor (or

any other location) within its work envelope. The claw hand of the robot has teeth for better grasp of the materials. Machine tools can also be fixed in place of the robots' hands. The hand-tool interface is better with robots as robots can move 360 degrees, while rotation of a human hand is limited to 210 degrees. Robots can be broadly classified into six categories based on the nature of their operations: Physically operated robots Fixed-sequence robots Variable-sequence robots Numerical control (NC) robots Playback robots Intelligent robots Physically Operated Robots These types of robots have a mechanical arm and hand. Workers can use such robots to pick up materials. The primary objective of using these robots is to protect workers from hazardous work environments. For instance, a worker can use a robot of this type to shift or transport radioactive materials like uranium and plutonium. Fixed Sequence Robots These robots perform a sequence of operations according to a predetermined set of procedures. These robots are not

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flexible as they lack the versatility to change their work sequence and are hence used to perform a limited or fixed number of activities. The sequence of actions of such robots is usually triggered by electronic sensors. Variable-Sequence Robots The sequence of actions performed by these robots can be easily changed while their functioning is similar to that of fixed sequence robots. Numerical Control Robots (NC Robots) These robots perform a set of operations based on numerical data that is fed into them through devices like punched tapes, data cards and digital switches. These robots are used to perform manufacturing operations where high precision is required. These machines require support from an operator for positioning the materials on which they work. Once the materials are fixed in the right position, these robots perform a set of activities according to the instructions given in the program. Playback Robots These robots can store a sequence of operations in memory. Initially, an operator performs the operations using the robots. The robot stores all those activities (in the same sequence) in its memory and repeats them to produce similar types of products on its own subsequently.

Intelligent Robots These robots are capable of perceiving the environmental conditions of the workplace through tactile or visual perception (or both) and can make necessary and suitable decisions by using on-board computers that they are equipped with. These robots can also move to the work location and perform the work. However, these robots are much more expensive than the other robots discussed above. Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/AR) The AS/AR systems are computer-controlled and mechanically-operated materials handling systems. The functioning of these systems is similar to functioning of physically operated robots, but these systems can also perform complex operations of loading and unloading the inventory with their dozens of automated pallet movers. As discussed earlier, storage and retrieval activities were the specific storing and order picking functions of inventory items. Now, AS/AR refers to the execution of inventory stocking and picking functions, and automated material handling functions, which are integrated and controlled by a computer. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are the systems that can be used to store and retrieve inventory items from stock. These AGVs replace traditional materials handling equipment, like manually operated trucks, hydraulic, hand pallet trucks, and straddle trucks. Today, several firms use AGVs to carry out their materials handling functions effectively.

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The semi-automatic AGVs (a combination of computer and human control) can move independently on their guided paths to a specific workstation and then signal (using built-in horns or lights) to the operator to perform the required operation. Once the operator completes the operation, the AGV moves to the next workstation to carry out the next series of tasks. The guided paths on which these AGVs move consist of strips of magnetic tape on the floor and the sensor attached to the AGV directs the vehicle to follow the path. Conveyance Systems AS/AR systems also use conveyor-type systems. In these systems, inventory items are stored in standardized boxes. These boxes have a trip control device that does not allow inventory items to spill out of the boxes. These systems are normally controlled by a Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. When a particular inventory item is to be picked up, the computer releases the control device at the place where the inventory item is located and the box automatically falls onto the conveyor. Then the conveyor sends the boxed items to the order-processing area where a robot (or a human being) collects them. Then, the function of storage is accomplished by AGVs in the same way that the computer processes an order. That is, AGVs are directed by the computer to locate and replenish boxes of inventory (which the AGV carries from the receiving areas) to the desired locations. An AGV follows its guided path until a sensor indicates the location of the bin, and then either its on-board computer or the warehouse facilitys main

computer activates its lifting forks to position the inventory item on the appropriate shelf. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Materials managers use several techniques to carry out their tasks. Among them the most widely used materials management methods are the Kanban card systems, ABC classification systems and Just-In-Time (JIT) purchasing. The transportation method of linear programming that is discussed in chapter 7 is also useful in minimizing the material transportation distance. Here, we discuss the commonly used techniques. Kanban Systems The Kanban system was developed by Toyota Motor Company, Japan. In order to use a Kanban system, firms should necessarily store their materials and other inventory items in a single-use container like trays or boxes. A card (also called Kanban) is attached to each container that holds a specific amount of materials or other inventory parts that are used to manufacture the product. The Kanban cards are used mainly to initiate the transactions. For instance, when the material in a container is depleted, a Kanban that defines requirement of inventory items to continue the production process, is kept in the container. A Kanban system uses three types of cards to initiate material transactions; production authorization card, vendor authorization card and conveyance authorization card. The production authorization card authorizes the production department to start the production process. This card

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describes the products name, identification number and description and the list of materials needed for continuing the production process. A vendor authorization card describes the products name, vendor's name, and the quantity ordered, and the issuing of this card authorizes a vendor to supply the required materials in the specified quantity. A conveyance authorization card authorizes a materials handling agent to move the tray to a specified destination. This card specifies the products name, its identification number and the delivery destination. Firms derive the following benefits through the effective use of these systems: Reduction of work-in-process and raw materials stores Elimination of stock-out situations Improvement in customer service through minimizing the lead time Effective supply chain management can be ensured. A Single-Card Kanban System A single-card system makes use of the conveyance card alone. The functioning of a single card system is shown in the Figure 13.1.5 and it can be explained in the following steps: An assembly line worker needs some inventory items to manufacture a product. He puts an empty tray at point A and issues a conveyance Kanban specifying the materials or the other inventory parts required. A materials handling agent takes the tray from a point A to a point B in the inventory department. The tray is filled with the desired inventory and the material handling agent collects the filled tray at point C. Here, the materials manager should ensure that the required amount of inventory is ready to be picked up, otherwise the production process gets delayed. The agent again moves the tray to point D in the assembly area where it is required for processing, and then it again goes to point A.

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This cycle is repeated whenever there is a material requirement in the assembly line. But the system works effectively only where desired quantity of materials is available in the inventory department. The single card system is more useful in execution of repetitive operations. Also, the trays used in this system should be standardized to the lot size in production. For example, if a firm produces one television at a time, then a tray should contain only the parts required to manufacture one television. If it produces ten televisions at a time, the tray should contain the materials required to produce ten televisions. A Dual-Card Kanban System The dual-card Kanban system makes use of two Kanban cards. The two Kanbans are a conveyance card and a vendor card. In a single-card Kanban system, we assume that the required quantity of inventory is available in the inventory department. In the dual card system, the required inventory is obtained from a vendor and a vendor authorization Kanban is used in the transactions. The functioning of a dual card system is shown in Figure 13.1.6 and can be described in the following steps: The process of working of a conveyance card in this system is similar to that in the single-card system. A conveyance Kanban is put in an empty tray at point A and a material handling agent moves it to point B in the inventory department. The tray is collected at point C and

sent it to point D in the assembling area similar to the single card system. In this system, the vendor Kanban is introduced at point X, authorizing a vendor (at point Y) to deliver the materials that are specified in the card. After receiving the card, the vendor delivers the materials into the empty trays that are available at point Z. The filled container is placed in the bins at the position X. It remains at this position till a conveyance card authorizes the movement from point B to point C.


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Once the contained is authorized to move, the vendor Kanban is removed and sent to the vendor and cycle repeats itself. From the above procedure, it can be observed that Kanbans operate in closed loops and they continue to operate until the materials manager withdraws them. The number of Kanbans can be altered according to the estimated demand for a product. If the demand for the product increases, a larger number of Kanbans are used to meet the increased demand. Similarly, the number of Kanbans can be reduced if the demand for the product decreases. Thus, the system enables both production control and inventory control in materials management. But the limitation of the system is that it depends excessively on the people involved in the process. The failure of a vendor to supply the required amount of materials and missing a Kanban are serious threats to the successful running of the system. ABC Classification Systems Firms use thousands of varieties of materials that vary in prices, usage and lead-time. It is neither desirable nor possible to exercise the same degree of control over all the materials. So, materials managers should pay more attention to those items whose usage value or consumption value is high and less attention to those items whose usage value is low. To demonstrate the usefulness of an ABC classification system, we consider an example. A materials manager is engaged in the construction of a reservoir. He has to manage

materials like cement, concrete, steel and sand. The materials manager should not take the same protective measures for storing of all four types of materials. Since cement and steel are costlier than concrete and sand, the materials manager should assign more resources to store and control cement and steel. Concrete is cheaper than cement and steel, but is costlier than sand. So moderate resources should be assigned to store and control concrete. A very low level of resources would be enough to control sand. Thus the materials manager classifies the materials into three categories: 'A', 'B', and 'C' on the basis of value of consumption (also called usage value). The usage value is the product of the unit cost and the amount used in a year. Here, A represents the materials of high usage value (per annum), 'B' represents materials of moderate usage value, and 'C' represents the lower usage value items. In general, A category items account for 60 to 70 percent of the total cost, B category items 10 to 30 percent, and C category items from 5 to 15 percent. But the percentage of values of these categories varies from industry to industry and also from one firm to another within the industry. The ABC classification system is sometimes referred to as ABC (Always Better Control) analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to alter the expenses associated with controlling the materials, according to their usage value. The procedure is explained in the following steps: List all the materials that the firm holds.

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List the unit cost and the annual demand (in units) of each material. Calculate the usage value of each material. The usage value is obtained by multiplying the unit cost of a product with the numbers of units likely to be used in the year. Tabulate the materials in descending order of their usage value. Assign item one of the three classifications; A, B and C. The working of ABC analysis is explained in the following example. Suppose a company uses 11 types of materials; viz, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. The following table lists the number of items used per year and cost per unit of the materials.
Type of Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No. of Materials Used Per Year 50000 4000 12000 5000 7000 2000 4000 500 600 200 20 Cost Per Unit 20 150 30 50 15 25 7.5 35 12 9 60

Now we calculate the usage value of each material and arrange the materials in descending order of their usage values.
Type of material Usage Value % of usage value Cumulative value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 10,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 2,50,000 1,05,000 50000 30000 17500 7200 1800 1200 24,22,700 41.28 24.77 14.86 10.32 4.33 2.06 1.24 0.72 0.3 0.07 0.05 100 41.28 66.05 80.91 91.23 95.56 97.62 98.86 99.58 99.88 99.95 100

Here, we can see that two materials (materials 1 and 2) out of 11 materials account for 66% of total costs. So 66% of the total resources are to be assigned to control 18% of the materials (two out of eleven materials). So materials 1 and 2 are categorized as A type materials. Three materials namely materials type 3, 4 and 5 (27% of the total materials) account for 29.5% of the total costs. So these are grouped as B type materials. The remaining six materials account for 4.5% of total costs. So the materials 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are categorized as C type materials.


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Even though the method facilitates selective control of materials, the method suffers from several limitations. ABC analysis does not consider the aspect of availability of materials. In general, firms assign more resources to control the materials that are not easily available. The importance of a material is another aspect that is not considered in ABC analysis. For example, C type items like diesel oil are very important to a firm, and also become more valuable during a power crisis. JIT Purchasing The concept of just-in-time purchasing was developed by the Japanese. The method advocates reduction in the size of the purchased quantities to the extent so that materials reach the production point directly. This results in reduction in wastage, storage and maintenance costs. The basic features of JIT purchasing are given below. Through proper use of JIT systems, both buyers and sellers can reach to the stage of zero defects. Both parties should come to an agreement that they do not deliver any defective item. Frequent shipment in small lot sizes is an important feature of JIT systems. This will reduce the inventory storing and maintenance costs. In the JIT purchasing system, the firm ensures that the high value components and materials arrive only when they are required. This reduces maintenance costs.

A dedicated transportation system is used for transportation of materials to avoid delivery delays. Standard shipping and returnable containers are used to ensure safe transportation of materials. Stable production schedules are developed and communicated to the suppliers to ensure smooth flow of production. Electronic data exchanges are used to provide the information about the current status of the production process and the inventory level. Buyers and sellers enter into long-term agreements and develop lasting relationships. The practice of the JIT purchasing system is different from the traditional purchasing system. The comparative analysis of the purchasing practice of traditional and JIT purchasing systems is shown in Table 13.1.1. JIT purchasing practices enable firms to obtain the following benefits: Reduction in costs by lowering inventory carrying costs and reducing waste Improved quality Increased responsiveness and flexibility Administrative efficiency


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Production improvements through a lower number of inspections, ease in receiving materials, better plant layout and less paperwork. More responsiveness to customer needs Reduced capital requirements
Table 13.1.1: Comparative Analysis of Purchasing Practice: Traditional and JIT
Purchasing Activity Purchase lot size Selection of supplier Evaluation of supplier JIT purchasing Traditional purchasing

Frequent purchase of lots, and in small sizes Purchase of lots in larger sizes, less frequent Single source of supply for each type of material. Emphasis is on product quality, delivery performance, and price, but no percentage of rejections from a supplier is acceptable. Multiple sources of supply for each type of material. Emphasis is on product quality, delivery performance, and price, but around two percent rejections from each supplier is acceptable.

Receiving inspection

Counting, receiving, and inspection of incoming Buyer is responsible for receiving, counting, and parts is reduced as the supplier takes utmost inspecting all incoming parts. care. Primary objective is to achieve product quality Primary objective is to get the product at the through a long-term contract and fair-price. lowest possible price. Concern for both inbound and and outbound Concern for outbound freight and lower freight, and on time delivery. Delivery schedule outbound costs. Delivery schedule left to the is left to the buyer. supplier. Loose specifications. The buyer considers performance specifications more important than product design. Supplier is also encouraged to be more innovative. Less formal paperwork. Delivery time and quantity level can be changed by telephone calls. Rigid specifications. The buyer relies more on design specifications than on product performance, and suppliers will have less freedom in design specifications. Requires a formal paperwork.

Negotiating and bidding Delivery schedule

Product specification


Source: Everette E Adam Jr. and Ronald J Ebert, Production and Operations Management: Concepts, Models and Behaviors (New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, Fifth Edition, 1996) 586.


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PURCHASING MANAGEMENT The term 'purchasing' refers to buying of a material or an item from a company or division that supplies materials. Since a manufacturing firm is involved in the conversion of raw materials into finished goods, it should ensure that right type of materials (here, raw materials) are purchased in the right quantities at the right time. Apart from obtaining the right product at a lower cost, the purchase department may also perform other activities like developing a network of vendors, and providing the necessary information about new products, materials and services to other departments. A firm purchases an item only when The cost of purchasing the item is less than that of actually manufacturing it. The company does not have the requisite manpower to make the item. The expected returns on the investment made in manufacturing the items are not attractive. The demand for the item (to be manufactured) is seasonal and there is a risk in storing and maintaining it. Management of purchasing activities is very important for a firm for the following reasons: Impact of costs on profits: In a typical manufacturing firm, the cost of purchases is more than 50 percent of the total costs. Thus, a small saving in the cost of the material can have a significant impact on the profitability of the firm.

Increasing prominence of automated manufacturing: With increased automation of manufacturing facilities, labor costs have decreased in many mass production industries. For this reason, material costs become the central focus in the control of production costs. In addition, automation requires a rigid control on design, delivery schedule and quality of purchased materials. This makes the purchase departments role more significant as it has to maintain a good relationship with vendors to ensure the delivery of high quality materials, in the right quantities, and at the right time, continually. Increased global competition: Increases in population and consumption worldwide have made it difficult for firms to procure scarce materials that are essential for production. To offset increased competition for scarce materials, firms are extending their purchase activities globally. This could result in increase or decrease in material costs, depending on the taxes and duties associated with the import of materials. Responsibilities of a Purchasing Manager The purchase department is one of the key players in achieving the strategic objectives of a firm. It is responsible for activities like timely delivery of products or services, costs and quality of purchased items, and so on. Thus the purchasing manager undertakes the following activities: Vendor Development Selection of Suppliers Contract Negotiation and Communication Interface

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Vendor Development The primary responsibility of a purchase manager is to search for and identify a list of potential suppliers (or vendors) on an ongoing basis. He should search for suppliers who are capable of supplying products that meet the firm's requirements, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The purchasing manager can use Yellow Pages, which list vendors and their product range and activities. The purchasing manager can also get information from various web sites, newspapers, business journals, industrial associations, etc. A database of the list of vendors should be maintained item-wise. Then, the purchasing manager can check specifications of products and examine their quality. Though the technical specifications and other requirements are checked by the respective departments, the purchasing manager should ensure that the sources of supplies are stable, reliable and capable of fulfilling the quantity requirements of the firm from time to time. To achieve this, the purchase manager and his team, conducts periodic supplier surveys in which the suppliers ability to meet the supply requirement in terms of cost, quality and quantity are assessed. These visits in surveys help the purchasing firm assess the vendors abilities. Selection of Suppliers To select a supplier from the list of vendors, a purchasing manager develops a list of satisfactory suppliers and asks them for a quotation for materials. Once the quotations are

obtained, the purchasing manager examines the cost of the items and the other aspects such as delivery charges, discount structure and supplementary charges like taxes payables. The selection is made after analyzing the ability of the vendor to deliver the items in the required quantity with the required quality and promptness of delivery (on the basis of past experience with vendors). Vendor rating is a useful method used by purchasing managers to select suppliers. Vendor rating is a scientific ranking technique, under which purchasing managers rate vendors according to their performance. To start with, the purchasing manager identifies the factors that are important for evaluating the vendors. Since the importance of each of these factors is not necessarily the same, weights are assigned to each of them. Then each of the vendors is scored on a scale (usually 0-10), with reference to the factors considered. Then the score of each factor is multiplied with the appropriate weight to obtain the weighted score. The weighted score of each factor is added to obtain the vendor score. The vendor score is calculated for all the vendors and the vendor who gets higher score is selected. Suppose the purchasing manager of a firm considers the following as important factors to evaluate vendors' performance: quality, delivery, cost, reliability of service, and production capacity. The weights assigned are 8, 7, 5, 3, and 2 respectively. The scores given to a particular vendor are 6, 8, 5, 4, and 6 respectively.


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So the vendor score is (8 & 6) + (7 & 8) + (5 & 5) + (3 & 4) + (2 & 6) = 153. All the vendors are given the scores and vendor score is calculated for each vendor. Then the vendor whose score is high is selected. Contract Negotiation and Communication Interface Once a vendor has been selected for the supply of an item, the purchasing manager negotiates with the selected vendor and establishes the terms and conditions that the vendor must adhere to when supplying the items. The terms include issues such as price of the items, quality and other performance standards, technical specifications, delivery schedule, freight payment, payment terms, and so on. The objective of the negotiations is to make the most economical purchase of materials, and to establish and maintain a longterm relationship with the vendors. The purchase department acts as an interface between the indenting departments and the corresponding suppliers. When the production, engineering, quality control, or finance department wants to communicate with the suppliers, the message is sent through the purchasing manager. Similarly, any communication from the suppliers is channeled through the purchasing manager. Also, the purchasing manager should take the follow-up action to ensure that the items are delivered on time and that they conform to the required specifications. Early delivery of materials is not always an advantage because vendors who

make an early delivery may demand early payment. Also, materials which arrive early require space for storage. Value Analysis The purchasing manager conducts value analysis that aims mainly at achieving cost effectiveness and maintaining the required level of quality. Value analysis is an organized effort that studies in detail the 'value' of the material. Value analysis reviews the design changes with the objective of eliminating high-cost materials and the materials that are technically obsolete and reducing the number of parts. Here, the purchasing manager looks for information such as cost, manufacturing process, performance characteristics, etc. relating to raw materials and finished products. Then the basic and secondary functions that are performed by the materials are listed for each type of material. After analyzing the functions and costs of the material, the purchasing manager evaluates the possibilities of using other materials. Value analysis evaluates the materials by seeking answers to the following questions: What is the function of the item? Is it possible to run the system without the item? Can the item be substituted with a standard part? How much does the item cost? How much does the substitute, if any, cost?


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Can the functions performed by two or three materials be clubbed together and replaced by any other material? Value analysis involves the coordinated efforts of the engineering, production, and purchasing personnel, and helps in reviewing purchase activities to ensure that expenditures result in the receipt of appropriate value. The step-by- step procedure of value analysis is given below: Examine all the products/materials that are being reordered and identify each product/material that needs an improvement. Gather all possible information about the designs, costs, scrap rates, and so forth of the product. Form a team that includes experts from various functional areas that are related to the functions performed by that material. Generate alternatives by generating new ideas and evaluate different ways of accomplishing the tasks. Evaluate the alternatives on criteria like cost and feasibility and eliminate the non-feasible alternatives. Refine the feasible alternatives and select the optimal alternative. Value analysis not only reduces expenditure significantly, but also improves reliability, maintainability, quality and performance of the material.

Purchasing Process The process involved in acquiring materials, machinery and equipment is similar in organizations. In this process, the purchase department interacts with organizational units like the production and finance departments, and sellers. The general procedure that is involved in the process of purchasing is illustrated in Figure 13.1.7 The purchase department generally deals with elements like purchase indents (referred to as requisitions), requests for quotations and purchase orders. These three elements are also called purchasing instruments and are fundamental to the purchase process. Purchase requisitions come from departmental representatives who make use of the materials in their processes. These requisitions include a clear specification of required materials, quantity required, probable date of requirement, name of the department to which the costs are to be accounted, and in some cases, the list of vendors capable of supplying them effectively. This indent is acceptable only when it is approved by the signatory authorized to undertake the purchase. After receiving a purchase requisition from an indenting department with the approval of the authorized signatory, the purchase department prepares requests for quotations. These requests are sent to prospective suppliers, who are considered efficient enough to supply the materials by meeting the cost, quality and time requirements prescribed by the organization. In these requests, all the information about

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Figure 13.1.7: The Purchasing Function brings together the Operation and Its Suppliers
Suppliers Purchasing function The internal operation

Suppliers prepare quotation of Specification Price Delivery, etc

Prepare requests for quotations

Requests for products and services

Select the preferred supplier

Discuss with the operation

Produce goods/ services

Prepare purchase order

Liaise with operation Receive goods/ services Input to the operation

Deliver goods/services Inform purchasing

Source: Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers and Robert Johnston, Operations Management (England: Pearson Education Limited, Third Edition, 2001) 417.

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the material requirements that have been furnished by the indenting department is communicated to the suppliers. These requests will generate possible responses (also called Quotations) from the suppliers, in which they quote the price per unit of material, the delivery schedule, the mode of transportation and special conditions of the supplier, if any. The purchase department selects the supplier who offers the best quotation and negotiates the terms in order to enter into a meaningful and mutually agreeable deal. The department then prepares a purchase order for the materials in adherence to the negotiated terms and conditions, and sends the order to the vendor. A copy of the order is also sent to the head of the indenting department to inform him about the release of the order. Purchase Order is the legal document that authorizes the supplier to supply the goods. It represents the buyers obligation to buy the materials against the specified terms. Purchase orders confirm the approval of the suppliers quotation by the ordering organization. If an order is issued in the absence of a quotation, the commitment exists only after the supplier accepts the order and acknowledges the same. In addition, the purchase department is also responsible for the proper delivery of materials on time. The finance department pays the vendors only when the purchase department and the corresponding indenting department notify it about the quantity of materials received with an acceptable quality level. Though there may be some variations in purchasing procedures, depending on the material required, the procedure described above is the general procedure that many organizations follow to procure

Exhibit 13.1.4 Purchasing and the Internet Recent times have seen a tremendous growth in Internet-based purchasing solutions, such as E-Commerce, B2B, ShopBots, On-Line Auctions, Market sites, etc. The tools provided by the Internet can help two types of purchasing shopping and buying. Shoppers are characterized by people who are in constant search for the lowest price and not concerned about long term vendor relationships. These groups of purchasers are willing to spend time on the Internet and looking for the best deals and participating in on-line auctions. Many B2B tools available on the net are designed keeping in mind the specific needs of corporate shoppers. The focus is more on tools that allow shoppers to purchase non-strategic items such as stationary supplies. One more area gaining acceptance is Dynamic Pricing Channels (or Digital bazaars), which are conducted by on-line auctioning sites like eBay and OnSale. Under this arrangement, auction sites post the excess inventory of a company on their sites. Once posted, companies receive competitive bids from purchasers (other companies). Buyers are interested in purchasing strategic items that are required in production process. As these items are part of the production process, timely delivery and quality commitments from the suppliers are of paramount importance. The Internet can provide assistance to buyers by providing a means for instant communication with suppliers. For instance, the amount of data entry work involved in placing an order can be substantially reduced if the prospective vendors are provided with real time information. This can be made possible by using tools that allow transfer of information from companies inventory systems to prospective vendors. Vendors fill out a structured form based on the order requirements The information provided by the vendors is automatically analyzed and the prices are compared. Price comparisons can help in making decisions regarding size of the order and the duration of the contract with a vendor. Many new tools that simplify the process of purchasing on the net are coming into the market. One such recent entrant is ShopBot, which gathers information from various market sites for the lowest prices. Once the exact requirement is matched, it automatically places a bid on the auction sites. Syndicated buying is another area which has received considerable impetus from the Internet. In syndicated buying, many small organizations combine their orders to get a volume discount from suppliers. For instance, fifty small oil companies can combine their requirements to get volume discounts otherwise available only to large oil companies.
Adapted: Kevin Bennett, Will the Internet Replace Purchasers? about?, May 19, 2003, About Inc, 272 March 3, 2003 <>

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their materials. Other than the procedures discussed above, many organizations now use the Internet to facilitate purchasing. Exhibit 13.1.4. describes how web-based tools and solutions are changing the facet of purchasing. ETHICS IN BUYING The word ethics is derived from the Latin word ethicus and the Greek word ethikos, meaning character or manners. This meaning can also be extended to imply systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Ethics is thus said to be the science of morals, moral principles, and recognized rules of conduct. Since the purchasing department deals with large sums of money, purchasing personnel may in some cases, take part in unethical and illegal activities such as manipulating quotations, fixing prices, favoring a specific supplier while placing an order, altering a product sample with the intention of getting approval for a substandard item, and so on. As a part of relationship building, vendors give purchasing personnel gifts like free lunches, liquor, stays at holiday resorts, and so on. While this is a normal practice, organizations must state the type of gifts purchasing personnel are permitted to accept and draw a line beyond which accepting gifts is considered unethical. Most organizations develop a set of rules and guidelines to ensure that their purchasing personnel conduct business in an ethical manner. Some of these rules are given below:

1. The organizations interest should be kept in mind while purchasing. 2. No undue favor should be taken or given to suppliers. Selection of suppliers should be based solely on merit. 3. All purchasing activities should be conducted honestly and truthfully. 4. All purchasing commitments (payments of bills, etc) should be completed on time. Organizations can reduce the temptation to adopt unethical practices by compensating employees suitably. They should also have a comprehensive policy concerning ethics, which should be communicated to all the concerned persons in the purchasing department. The purchase department should also hold regular discussions on ethical behavior and ethical issues.


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Section 2

Case Study: Inventory Management through ABC Analysis A Case Study for Super Sounds Inc.

This case study was written by R. Muthukumar, IBSCDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was prepared from generalised experiences.

2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.


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Super Sounds, Inc. (Super Sounds) is a leading speciality retailer founded more than 60 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio. Super Sounds has nearly 20,000 employees in more than 850 stores and multiple distribution centres. With locations in 47 states, Super Sounds offers home theatres, sound surrounding systems, head phones, speaker phones and other video and audio accessories. The store provides a vast array of items to inspire accessories of all kinds. The company aims to meet its customers needs not only with its products but also with the services and advice to help with their needs. Thus, customer service is an essential element of Super Sounds successful retail model. The shop is in a storefront location on a busy street and it has limited storage space for inventory. Recently, as demand for its few products has increased, management has had difficulty in managing the inventory. They frequently run out of some crucial products but seem to have endless supply of others. As a the shop is unable to serve its customers properly. The management of Super Sounds understood the value of managing inventory to satisfy customers and to bring down inventory costs. During that time a new management trainee, Ashok, joined the store to look after the operations. Now it is his responsibility to control and manage the inventory properly. He consulted some industry experts whom he knew personally. Many experts said that if the retailers arent tailoring inventory levels to individual stores based on previous sales results and other historical information, definitely they have to lose their customers. Its essential for smaller retailers and savvy, well-run speciality stores to have a customised selection of inventory for

every store if they expect to maintain margins and stay profitable. With the massive amount of unsold inventory that must be marked down, it seems some retailers must significantly improve how they buy merchandise and stock their stores. As every successful merchant knows, buying the right merchandise at the right time and in the right quantities ranks among the most important disciplines in retailing. While buying certain categories of merchandise may require some intuition, the most effective way to manage inventory levels is by studying, analysing and paying absolute attention to the facts. The potential buyers, I know, intimately understand what has been sold in the past, at what price points, brands, colours, styles, seasons and everything else that influences the sale of their merchandise. Simply sending the same quantities of merchandise to every store shouldnt happen with the technology available to retailers today. Excess inventory, especially in a recession draws a fine line between staying in business and failure. Obviously, having excess inventory will have huge inventory costs. To reduce costs in an inventory system, the focus should be on certain important high valued items. After the thinking process, Ashok decided to use ABC analysis method. He collected data on annual demand of items from previous years. From that, he estimated the annual demand for each item. Then he prepared a list of items the shop stocks and the annual demand and unit value for each (Exhibit I). He classified the items using ABC Analysis.


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This ABC classification process helped manage the inventory properly. The implementation of the ABC Analysis became a key element of supply chain and inventory management across Super Sounds stores. The company is standardising from the store floor to the back room on ABC classification.

Cont... Item Number 11 12 13 Annual Demand 19 12 7 10 6 18 110 74 8 10 7 5 5 46 32 101 83 Unit Cost (in INR) 36 115 2,300 245 665 28 23 18 610 935 270 1,400 900 67 160 45 12

Exhibit I Annual Demand and Items Item Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Annual Demand 10 18 36 9 4 3 19 56 105 27 Unit Cost (in INR) 8 16 30 1,230 760 810 420 35 17 350

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


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Cont... Item Number 28 29 30 31 32 33 Prepared by the author Annual Demand 54 14 9 7 16 35 Unit Cost (in INR) 16 42 705 37 26 2

Suggested Question for Discussion 1. 2. 3. What is meant by ABC analysis? Indicate its advantages? How did Ashok analyse Super Sounds inventory using ABC analysis? Discuss the two basic decisions addressed by inventory management?


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Fundamentals of Inventory Control

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Purpose of Inventories Inventory Costs Inventory Systems Economic Order Quantity Model Inventory Classification Models

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Section 1

Fundamentals of Inventory Control

Inventory refers to a stock of goods, commodities, or other economic resources that are held by firms at a particular time for their future production requirements and for meeting future demands. Inventory management assists organizations in minimizing their inventory cost without compromising on their ability to respond quickly to customer demand. Inventories can be direct or indirect. Direct inventories include goods that play an important role in manufacturing of a product and become a part of the finished product. Direct inventories include raw materials, work-in-progress goods, etc. Indirect inventories include goods that are necessary to run the production process but do not become part of the end product. For example, lubricants, grease, oils, stationery etc., are indirect inventory goods. Raw materials are the items waiting to be used in the manufacturing of products. Work-in-progress goods are semi-finished items that are stored temporarily during the production process. Finished goods are items that are waiting in stores for delivery. Apart from these items, inventory includes machinery and other capital equipment, furniture, components or machinery under repair or maintenance etc. In several firms, effective management and control of inventory is important to keep the cost associated with the inventory at minimum level. Organizations have to carefully select the level of inventory they need to maintain. Stocking large amount would lead to increased inventory costs. On the other hand, fewer inventories would lead to frequent disruptions in the production process. The objective of inventory management is to order the right quantity, at the right time without disrupting the production process. In this chapter we shall discuss the importance of inventory management, and how proper control can be exercised over inventory, optimum level of inventory to be maintained and the determination of right order size and time for acquiring inventory. PURPOSE OF INVENTORY Firms maintain various types of inventory at various stages of the production process. Table 14.1.1 describes the types of inventory and the reasons for


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Table 14.1.1: Types of Inventory and Reasons for Holding Inventory

Type of Inventory Reasons for Holding Inventory

Obtaining raw materials from suppliers exactly when needed for production schedules is not always possible. Quantity discounts can result from larger purchase quantities. Larger shipments can result in reduced incoming freight costs and material handling costs.

manufacturing required quantity during summer. Thus organizations maintain a constant production rate and a finished goods inventory. This inventory is used to cover the deficiency in manufacturing capacity during high demand periods. Better Service to Customers Firms hold inventory of goods to ensure quicker and better customer service. This is especially true in case of the retailing sector and online shopping portals (Refer Exhibit 14.1.1 for further details on inventory management in retailing). Even if the production process is temporarily stopped, the firm will be able to deliver goods to customers on scheduled dates. Besides, using the finished goods inventory, a firm can handle the increased requirements due to sudden rise in demand for its products. Machinery spare parts inventory allows organizations to repair facilities in case any machine malfunctions or breaks down and helps reduce the breakdown time. Protection against Business Uncertainties Firms maintain adequate level of inventory in order to operate successfully in an uncertain environment. Inventories help firms take advantage of speculative and unexpected opportunities. For instance, a sudden and unexpected increase in demand can be met with finished goods inventory. Raw material inventory is maintained to tide over expected increase in prices or anticipated scarcity in the future. Maintaining inventory enables firms to exploit speculative opportunities and also safeguards them against unusual events. Take Advantage of Quantity Discounts

Raw Materials

Processing steps can be temporarily delinked, which allows flexibility in planning each step. Unequal production rates of processing stations may result in process slow-down, in the absence of inventories. Producing and transporting in larger batches reduces material-handling and production costs.

Semi-finished Goods

holding these inventories. In general, firms maintain an inventory to obtain the following benefits: Smooth Production In some cases, demand for an item fluctuates widely, but the production capacity of the firm is fixed. For instance, if 75 percent of the firm's annual output is sold in only two months because of the seasonal demand of the product, it may not be economical or feasible for the firm to produce 75 percent of its annual output in just two months. Therefore, firms produce goods at constant rate and finished goods are stored till they are sold. For instance, sale of air conditioners is more during summers but an organization may not be capable of

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Exhibit 14.1.1 Inventory Management in Retailing

Among most of the service industries, retailing is one of the sectors where inventory management is critical for smooth operations. For retailers, warehouses and distribution centers have important place in overall operations. For on-line retailers, success depends on how much control they have on their inventory. There should be a proper coordination between order taking system and backend order processing system. Retailers operate through multichannel system, integrating these channels to a single supplying system at times can be complex and error prone. So many retailers maintain multiple warehouses or distribution centers catering to specific channels. Another important aspect of retailing involves keeping track of the available inventories and how inventory is replenished and issued. Retailers have to deal with loss, theft, damages and also stockouts. Retailers gain competitive advantage over other retailers based on the age of the inventory they stock. Retailers stocking recent and in-demand items can improve their standing in the market. The strategy to have the latest products on offering many a times results in obsolescence of the current inventory. Further the retailers deal with finished goods inventory, which has short life cycle. To improve the inventory control system, big retailers often institute a partnership with the channel suppliers. For example Wal-Mart tied up with Fingerhut Business services for its Internet based store Under this kind of arrangement, suppliers are paid only after an item is sold. As a result, the inventory is managed and controlled by suppliers and manufacturers. But many suppliers do not approve such arrangements, as they cannot simultaneously perform two jobs. Initially retailers were involved in both promoting and distributing the stocks but currently manufacturers are promoting products and retailer are concerned only with providing shelf space for the products and providing good ambiance to the shoppers. Adapted from Leslie Langnau, Inventory Management is Key in Retailing, Material Handling Management, Aug2001, Vol. 56 Issue 8, p35, 3p.

Exhibit 14.1.2 describes how an organization can improve profitability by effectively managing inventory and despite the various costs involved. Purchase Costs The cost of purchasing a unit of item is called its purchase cost. If x is the unit price of an item and n is the number of items that the firm wants to purchase, then nx is the total purchase cost. Suppliers sometimes provide discounts to their customers based on the purchase costs. Carrying Costs Carrying costs represent the cost incurred while inventories are stored in warehouses or stores. They are also referred to as holding costs or storage costs. The investment made in inventory does not provide immediate return, which it could have otherwise earned if the capital was invested in some other productive activities. Therefore, carrying costs include the opportunity costs besides storage costs (rent, lighting, refrigeration etc), staffing costs, equipment and maintenance costs, insurance costs, interest charges for financing the inventories, taxes, security and other expenses associated with holding materials in warehouses. Loss of inventory due to pilferage, spoilage, or breakage in warehouses and the cost of obsolescence are also a part of the carrying costs. In general, carrying costs are expressed either as a percentage of material cost (generally between 25 to 35 percent) or as the actual amount incurred during storage of inventory in a warehouse for a year.

Each time a firm places an order, it incurs an ordering cost. Therefore, to minimize ordering costs, firms try to reduce the numbers of orders, by ordering more quantity than is actually needed. Many suppliers give quantity discounts i.e., the larger the size of order, the bigger is the discount and lesser is the per unit cost. INVENTORY COSTS One of the key decisions an operations manager has to take is the quantity of the goods to be ordered. The order quantity is generally decided after taking into account the following costs Purchase costs, Carrying costs, Ordering costs, Stock-out costs.

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Ordering Costs

Exhibit 14.1.2 Managing Inventory


Managing inventory can go a long way in improving the profitability of an organization. Given below are the five possible courses of action that will help firms manage inventory better. Computerization of Records Many organizations that use a manual tracking system, should consider shifting to computerized management system. Computerized systems allow easy entry and retrieval of information, and few systems with advanced processing capabilities can help in the decision-making process. Further the reduction in the cost of hardware and software systems has made it a viable alternative to a manual system. Maintain Records of Inventory Turnover By maintaining proper records of inventory turnover, an organization can keep track of the amount of inventory being utilized in its operation. By comparing this amount with the industry standards, organizations can decide whether they need to change their inventory policy. Balance Data and Educated Guesswork Determination of the exact inventory requirement is not possible in many situations. Organizations may end up with too much or too little inventory. So the inventory requirement should be planned after taking into consideration both available statistical data and guesswork based on the prevalent market situations. Should Have an Ordering System in Place Proper inventory ordering system should be in place rather than just putting requisition when the inventory is finished. Person involved in ordering should be competent and should be aware of alternative sources. Proper system would allow firms in their purchasing so that they can take advantage of benefits offered by the vendors like discounts on bulk purchase. Moreover proper ordering system would ensure timely ordering and receipt of materials required in the production process. Employees Should Be Held Accountable for Inventory Management Employees should be made accountable for tracking the inventory levels, accepting defective and substandard items, delays in receiving or ordering needed materials. This accountability on the employees will make them alert while handling inventory matters.

Figure 14.1.1 Costs Trade off in Inventory Management

Ordering costs are associated with the process of purchasing inventory. These costs include costs associated with preparing the purchase order, postage, telephone calls to the vendors, setup costs if produced in-house, record-keeping and accounting costs, and material-receiving costs. These costs are also referred to as acquisition costs. Ordering costs are incurred each time the order is placed with a supplier. In general, ordering costs are fixed, and do not vary with the order size (the number of goods or items in an order). Therefore, the ordering costs per unit decrease as the order size increases.

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Figure 14.1.1 illustrates the cost tradeoff in inventory management that is considered while deciding on the size of a purchase order. In the figure, we can see that the annual carrying costs increase proportionately with increase in the order quantity. The annual ordering cost decreases with the increase in order quantity, as the number of orders decreases. So operations managers compute the total annual costs for various order quantities and then select the most economic order quantity (where the total annual cost is minimum). Stock-out Costs These are the penalty costs associated with delays in meeting the demand or the firms inability to produce the product due to shortage of stock. The purpose behind holding inventory is to avoid stock out costs. These costs are also referred to as shortage costs. The stock-out cost mainly includes the loss of sales caused by shortage of stocks. Shortage of stocks leads to: Loss of future sales as customers who were not served on time may shift to competitors products Additional costs associated with urgent purchases Loss of customer goodwill Operations managers decide on the order quantity and inventory levels to be maintained after giving due consideration to above mentioned costs.

INVENTORY SYSTEMS The series of activities involved in maintaining adequate levels of inventory is referred to as inventory cycle. The activities include ordering of inventory, receiving, storing and using them in the process of production. While ordering inventory, firms place their orders on the basis of any of the following inventory systems: Fixed Order Quantity System (Q-System) Fixed Order Period System (P-System), also known as Fixed Time-Period Reordering System Two key questions before the operations manager are when to order and how much to order i.e. the time and the quantity. The time at which the inventory is reordered is called the reorder point and the quantity of materials reordered is referred to as reorder quantity. Figure 14.1.2 compares the two systems using a flow chart. Fixed Order Quantity System (Q-System) According to this system, inventory is continuously checked and a new order is placed when the level of inventory reaches a certain point, called the reorder point. In this system, the order quantity (Q) is always constant and the order is placed when the level of inventory reaches the reorder point. This system is also referred to as reorder point system. The quantity to be ordered is determined by demand and cost considerations. The pattern followed in ordering inventory according to the fixed order quantity system is shown in Figure 14.1.3.


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Figure 14.1.2: Comparison of Fixed-Order Quantity and ! Fixed-Time Period Reordering Inventory Systems

Figure 14.1.3: Fixed Order Quantity System

The fixed order quantity system assumes that the demand for inventories over a period of time (i.e. the usage rate of materials) is constant and the lead-time for replenishment of inventories is zero (i.e. materials are received immediately after they are ordered). With the passage of time, the level of stock gets steadily depleted until it reaches the point R (reorder point) and then the order is placed for Q units and the stock reaches the initial level.
Source: Richard B Chase, Nicholas J Aquilano and F Robert Jacobs, Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and services (New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1999) 587.

The assumptions like no lead time, constant product demand, constant price per unit of product, constant ordering or setup costs may not be applicable in real life situations. Thus, to improve the applicability of this system, firms adopt a more practical approach wherein the time between two successive

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orders is varied to accommodate the changes in demand. For instance, in a FOQ system order quantity is 100 units and the order period is ten days. If the quantity demanded for a particular period becomes 150 units then instead of changing the order quantity the next order period is reduced to five days. The reorder point is determined by estimating the expected usage of inventory during the lead-time plus the safety stock needed. An order is placed for a fixed quantity (Q) as soon as the quantity of an inventory item in stock falls below the predetermined reorder level. Fixed Order Period System (P-System) In the fixed order period system, the order period is fixed, but the order quantity varies with the requirement. The quantity ordered each time depends on the current inventory level or inventory in hand and future inventory requirements. Figure 10.4 illustrates graphically the operations of this system. Here, orders are placed at equal intervals of time (T1 = T2 = T3) and the quantity ordered during T1 is different from the quantity ordered at T2. The level of inventory in this system is counted during the review period. The order size is determined on the basis of available and required inventory level. As this system is based on periodic review of inventory level, the cost involved in constant review can be saved. But the system requires higher levels of safety stocks to tide over any unexpected demand variations. Both the fixed order quantity system and the fixed order period system have their strengths and weaknesses. In general, operations managers adopt a combination of these systems in maintaining their inventory. For instance, firms make use of

reorder levels to trigger orders (like in the case of the fixed order quantity system) and do not order for the same quantity of material every time (like in the fixed order period system). The decisions on the quantity of materials are taken based on various costs associated with the inventory. ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY MODEL In 1913, F.W. Harris developed the economic order quantity (EOQ) model to determine the optimum order quantity. EOQ method is used to identify the order quantity that would minimize the total cost i.e. the sum of ordering and carrying costs. The model makes the following assumptions: The price of the inventory item (p) is independent of the order quantity. It means that the benefits of economies of scale are not taken into consideration while purchasing. The cost of ordering (C0) is fixed and is independent of the quantity ordered (Q). The total holding cost of inventories is proportional to the number of inventory items stored. Demand for a product or its usage rate is constant over time. Materials are always issued in equal quantities to the indenting departments and the inventory supply rate is always greater than or equal to the usage rate (i.e. there is no scope for shortage of inventory). The lead-time for material delivery is known with certainty and it remains constant.

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The quantity of inventory ordered is delivered in a single lot and there is no scope for splitting of deliveries. Reorder Point The calculation of the reorder point should ensure that the inventory level reaches zero at the end of each reordering cycle. This is because a positive inventory level at the end of the cycle results in an increase in average inventory and associated costs. " To ensure that this condition is satisfied, reorder level is set equal to the number of units that are estimated to be used during the lead-time. This is equal to the product of demand per unit time and lead-time, where unit time and lead-time are expressed in the same units. Reorder Point = dLT Where, d = Average Daily Demand LT = Lead time Optimal Order Quantity As shortage of materials is not allowed, stock-out costs of inventory have a little role to play in the computation of EOQ. Hence, the total cost of maintaining inventory (TC) can be assumed to have only three components: ordering costs, holding costs, and variable item costs. As the ordering costs are assumed to be independent of the order quantity, the ordering cost per unit time can be considered to be equal to the fixed cost per order (CO) times the number of orders placed per unit time. The number of orders placed per unit time is equal to the demand per unit time divided by the order quantity. For example, if a firm uses

2,00,000 units per year and orders 50,000 units per order, then the number of orders placed per year is four. Therefore, ordering cost per unit time Where D = Demand per unit time, Q = Quantity ordered, As the demand rate D is assumed to be constant, the average inventory level is equal to the arithmetic mean of the maximum inventory level and the minimum inventory level. As the reorder point is set in such a way that the inventory level is zero when the inventory is replenished, the average inventory level is half the order quantity. The holding cost per unit time can be calculated as product of the holding cost per unit (Ch) and the average inventory level. That is, holding cost per unit time The third component of total costs, the variable item cost per unit time, equals the cost per unit (Cp) times the quantity purchased per unit time, D. Therefore, Total cost (TC) The total cost is minimum when the cost of ordering is equal to inventory holding or carrying cost. i.e., Solving the relation we get,


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Figure 14.1.4: Fixed Order Period System

Given, Annual Usage or Demand D = 5000 units Unit Price = Rs. 30 Fixed ordering cost per order (C0) = Rs 200 Holding or Carrying cost (Ch) = Rs 4 Using the equation EOQ! = We get, EOQ!= = = 707 units (approx)

So the optimal order quantity for the firm is 707 units. At this quantity level, the firm would be able to minimize total cost i.e. carrying and ordering cost. Reorder point can be determined by using the relationship Lead time ! Demand per day Assuming 275 working days annually, Demand per Day ! Or, Q = = EOQ ! ! = = = 18.18 units

Operations managers plan and procure materials with the objective of controlling inventory levels in order to minimize the associated costs. Problem 10.1 A company manufacturing electronic equipment purchases transistors at Rs 30 per unit. The annual requirement of transistors is 5000 units. The ordering cost is Rs 200 per order, carrying cost is Rs 4 per unit, lead-time is 5 days. Calculate EOQ and Reorder point based on the given information. Solution

We can round off demand per day to 18, So the Reorder point = 18(d) 5(LT) = 90 Therefore, whenever the inventory level drops to 90, the firm should order 707 more units. Problem 10.2 A telecom distributor stocks a certain kind of electrical switch relay system that costs Rs.50 per unit and has an annual demand of 10,000 units. The ordering costs are estimated at Rs.80 per order and carrying costs are estimated at 20% of the cost of the item. Calculate the EOQ.

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Solution Given: Cost of the switch = Rs.50 Demand = 10,000 units Ordering cost = Rs.80 per order Carrying cost = (20/100)50 = 0.2 x 50 = Rs.10 EOQ= = 400 units

Category B includes items that account for approximately 15% of total inventory items and inventory investments. Category C includes items that account for approximately 75% of the total inventory items with approximately 10% of the total inventory investment. The ABC classification method is described in detail in Chapter 12. VED Classification VED classification is based on the importance of a particular item in the production process. Under VED, the items, which are critical for production are classified as V (vital), the items, which are important in the production process but not critical are classified as E (essential) and the items, which consists of non essential and do not influence the production process are classified as D (desirable). Items categorized as V need maximum control and investment. V items may not be the most expensive but are critical to the production process. ABC classification of items is based on the annual usage value whereas VED method is based on the criticality of the item in the production process. FSND Classification Under FSND classification, goods are classified on the basis of their turnover. F items are fast moving, S items are slow moving and N items are non-moving items and D items are dead or the items which have not been issued for few years. In most cases, the items identified as D are normally sent for disposal. The classifications of items as FSND are based on the number of issues or withdrawal of items from stores over a period of time. This period is decided based on the kind of inventory a firm is

So the optimal order quantity for the firm is 400 units. The firm would be able to minimize total cost i.e. carrying and ordering cost if it orders in lots of 400 units. INVENTORY CLASSIFICATIONS MODELS To exercise proper control over the inventory items, organizations classify and categorize these items. This classification allows operations managers in devising control plans relevant and effective for items with similar attributes. These methods are sometimes called selective control methods. ABC Classification ABC is one of the most widely used inventory classification models otherwise known as Always Better Control model. As per ABC classification, items are classified on the basis of their annual consumption value. In an organization, few items have maximum turnover in terms of annual consumption or usage value. Annual usage value of an item is given by the relationship Annual usage value = annual requirement & per unit cost Category A includes items that account for approximately 10% of the total inventory items and 75% of the inventory investment. These items need high level of control.

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holding. Time period for the movement of inventory in a steel factory may be different from that of an electronics firm. SUMMARY The term inventory refers to the materials that possess economic value, and are stored by a firm for future use. Inadequate inventory hampers the production process, and also affects the sales. Therefore, firms maintain adequate level of inventory to improve its operating efficiency and safeguard them from business uncertainties and help them provide better customer service. Firms should ascertain the exact inventory requirements as excessive inventories lock up the working capital and yield no immediate returns. On the other hand shortage in inventory level would lead to stockout costs. Operations managers need to control the inventory levels for each of the items in the inventory list by determining when and how much stock to replenish. Two inventory systems are fixed order quantity system and fixed order period system. In fixed order quantity system, the ordered inventory remains the same but the timing of the orders varies with requirement. In fixed period model, the time period between two orders is same but the order quantity varies. Economic order quantity model is used to determine the optimal order quantity that minimizes both inventory ordering and holding costs. In real business situations, the actual performance does not always match the planned performance. Hence, managers monitor output periodically, compare the actual output with planned output, and take necessary corrective action, in order to

improve the efficiency of inventory control system. Classification of inventory allows operations managers to exercise control over the inventory items and develop control plans for the same.


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Supply Chain Management

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Business Drivers in Supply Chain Performance Principles of Supply Chain Management Forces Shaping Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Framework Customer Focus in Supply Chain Management Electronic Supply Chain Managemen

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Section 1

Supply Chain Management

The supply chain can be described as the network, covering the various stages in the provision of products or services to customers. It includes not only manufacturers and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, distributors, retailers, etc. The number of stages in the supply chain depends on the customers needs, and the role each stage plays in fulfilling their needs. Supply Chain Management (SCM) integrates procurement, operations and logistics to provide value added products or services to customers. Effective management of the supply chain helps organizations meet customer requirements on time, with the desired quality specifications, in a cost-effective manner, through the coordination of different activities which transform raw materials into final products or services. SCM can provide both tangible and intangible benefits to an organization. Tangible benefits include revenue growth, improved facility utilization, optimized inventory management, etc. Intangible benefits include improvement in quality, improvement in customer satisfaction, and enhanced customer and supplier relationships. In this chapter we discuss the principles of supply chain management, process views of the supply chain, and factors and issues considered when designing the supply chain. B U S I N E S S D R I V E R S I N S U P P LY C H A I N PERFORMANCE Supply chain management has become one of the key areas that organizations are focusing on to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the production process. Four key drivers of supply chain performance are inventory, transportation, facilities and information. They help determine not only the responsiveness and effectiveness, but also the strategic fit of the supply chain. Figure 15.1.1 illustrates the position of these drivers in the overall decision-making framework of the supply chain.


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Figure 15.1.1: Supply Chain Decision-Making Framework

more responsive to customer demand if he has the stock with him that will allow him to meet his demand. But, on the other hand, if the manufacturer has large stockpile of inventory, the holding cost will increase. So, the objective of the supply chain management should be to reduce the inventory cost without compromising the responsiveness of the organization. Transportation Organizations use transportation to move components and products between the different stages of the supply chain. Transportation decisions are made on the mode of transportation and route to use in the transfer of products from one point to another. However, there is always a trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency. If an organization uses air transport to transfer its products or components, its responsiveness increases significantly, but its cost efficiency decreases because of high air transport costs. Similarly, if an organization uses land or sea transport, its cost efficiency increases but its responsiveness decreases. Key components in transportation decisions are: selecting the mode of transportation, route and network. Another decision to consider is should the organization have transportations infrastructure of their own or should they outsource the transportation requirements. Facilities Facilities are the locations in the supply chain where the raw materials and finished goods are stored, and where work-inprogress materials are assembled or fabricated, and from which finished goods are distributed. Facility's capacity and

Source: Sunil Chopra, and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations (Delhi: Pearson Education, 2002) 51.

Inventory Inventory includes raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods in the supply chain. Inventory decisions have considerable influence on the supply chain management system. Inventory exists in organizations due to a mismatch between demand and supply. Inventory is also maintained to increase the responsiveness of organiza Inventory includes raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods in the supply chain. Inventory decisions have considerable influence on the supply chain management system. Inventory exists in organizations due to a mismatch between demand and supply. Inventory is also maintained to increase the responsiveness of organizations to sudden increases in customer demand. As inventory is a major source of cost in the supply chain, organizations need to decide how much inventory they need to store at each level of the supply chain. A manufacturer will be

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location has significant affect on the performance of the supply chain. More facilities close to customer may improve the supply chain effectiveness but cost of maintenance of so many facilities will be high. On the other hand, organizations can have fewer warehouses that cater to different market. This would reduce the maintenance cost but their responsiveness would be adversely affected. Information Sometimes, the value of information as a supply chain driver is undermined due to its abstract quality. However, in reality, it is one of the key drivers affecting the performance of the supply chain. As the supply chain is made up of various entities, proper coordination is the key to improving the efficiency of the supply chain system. The flow of information also affects the performance of other drivers. With proper information, organizations can predict the quantity to produce, when it is needed and where it is needed. This makes the supply chain more effective and responsive to market demand. PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT In order to service the needs of customers and fulfill their expectations and to meet the organizations growth and profitability objectives, managers focus on improving the effectiveness of the supply chain. If an organization follows the principles of supply chain management, it can attain a balance between customers expectations and its growth and profitability objectives.

Segment Customers Based on Service Needs Most organizations segment customers based on the industry, product or trade channel without differentiating their specific requirements. In order to serve customers properly, organizations should segment markets based on the specific needs of customers. Once the market is segmented, organizations can develop a supply chain plan that takes into account the specific requirements of the different segments. Based on the segment requirements, merchandising, distribution and other supply chain plans are generated and implemented. Customize the Logistics Network Companies usually design their logistics system either to meet the average service requirements of all customers or to satisfy the toughest requirements of a single customer. However, both these approaches lead to poor resource utilization. For instance, an organization may need to follow two different logistics networks to service two organizations whose lead times are significantly different. In order to meet specific requirements, organizations have to customize their logistics network so that they can supply items to customers based on their specific requirements. Plan Based on Market Demand Traditionally, each department in an organization makes demand forecasts for the same set of products independently. But the assumptions and measures made by each department differ significantly from those of other departments. Therefore, their forecasts also vary widely. Such forecasts make the

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supply chain inefficient. Therefore, a process which can recognize the needs and demands of different functional groups is required. A company should see that every link in the supply chain is involved in collaborative forecasting and should provide the required capacity for all operations. The process should foresee surges and slumps in demand, if any, from ordering patterns. Enhance Ability to Meet Customer Requirements Organizations traditionally set their production goals on the basis of demand forecasts. They also kept a cushion of extra inventories of finished products to offset forecast errors. They assumed that the lead-time to convert raw material into finished goods was constant. They could also cut costs by reducing their set up time, and by using just-in-time techniques, etc. Today, many manufacturers are recognizing the greater potential of less traditional strategies like mass customization. They are questioning the validity of assuming fixed lead-time for production. Manufacturers can gain competitive advantage if they reduce the lead-time along the supply chain and the conversion time (from raw material to finished product) and tailor their products to the requirements of specific customers. Improve Relationships with the Suppliers Organizations can derive significant cost advantages if they maintain strong and long-term relationships with their suppliers. Organizations should demand the highest level of service from their suppliers, but they should not forget that their suppliers also play a significant role in reducing cost. On the basis of market positions and industry structure, manufacturers can decide how

to approach suppliers invite competitive biddings, enter into long-term contracts, make strategic alliances, outsource, etc. Have a Supply Chain-wide Technology Strategy Organizations need to adopt enterprise-wide systems and replace inflexible and poorly integrated systems. The main drawback of fragmented systems is that they can capture data but cannot translate it into business intelligence that can enhance the capability of business operations. Therefore, an IT system should integrate three kinds of capabilities. In the short term, it should be able to handle day-to-day transactions, so that demand and supply are aligned to a certain extent by sharing information. In the medium term, it should help in planning and decision making and effective resource allocation through a master production schedule. In the long term, it should provide the top managers with tools for strategic analysis. The information required to enhance the capabilities of the supply chain management system, usually resides outside the organization. And, only a few companies are adequately connected to the outside to get the required information. Through electronic connectivity, organizations can improve the performance of the supply chain considerably. Devise a Complete Supply Chain Performance Measure Instead of just having inward-looking performance measures, organizations should develop a comprehensive system to measure overall performance of the supply chain system. By establishing common measures, organizations can assure that all the supply chain entities are working towards common goals and objectives. As all the activities in the supply chain are

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interdependent and interrelated, non-performance of one entity of the supply chain is reflected in the entire supply chain. Exhibit 15.1.1 shows how companies can benefit from supply chain activities.
Exhibit 15.1.1 Benefits from Supply Chain Management
To see how supply chain management helps organizations in improving productivity, let us look at two real world business examples: P&G and Wal-Mart Wal-Mart and P&G have used the capabilities of the supply chain management system to the fullest. Before these two companies started collaborating, most retailers were wary of sharing information with manufacturers. In order to improve the flow of information between them, they use software that connected P&G with Wal-Mart's distribution centers. This software link allows P&G to get real time information about the status of its products in Wal-Mart's distribution centers and a few of Wal-Mart's individual retail outlets. Based on this information, P&G can replenish stocks that have reached re-order level. The system even allows P&G to monitor shelves in WalMart stores through real-time satellite links that send the information to P&G, whenever any of its products are scanned at the sales counter. P&G gets to know what to manufacture and ship. Besides, invoicing and payments are also automated. Through this system, P&G is able to reduce its inventory and order-processing costs, which it can pass on to Wal-Mart directly. Cisco Systems Cisco systems, which operates through a network of component suppliers, distributors and contract manufacturers, links these entities through its extranet, which forms a virtual supply chain. For instance, when a customers orders a router from Cisco, the message is automatically passed on to the contract manufacturers of printed circuit board assemblies. Distributors who provide components for routers are also alerted. As the distributors and contract manufacturers are aware of the incoming orders through Cisco's extranet, which is linked to Cisco's manufacturing system, they are in a position to supply the requisite material at short notice. Once the contract manufacturer receives the information, the Cisco extranet monitors the contractor's assembly line to check the status. Once the factory assemblers put the bar code on the router, and plug in the cables that stimulate the corporate network, automated testing software at Cisco matches a particular item to a specific customer order. If everything is working satisfactorily, Cisco's software provides the customers details to the subcontractors for shipping the finished items. Such an automated system minimizes the need for paperwork, warehouses and inventory. Adapted from Christopher Koch, The ABCs of Supply Chain Management, CIO, International Data Group (IDG), January 20, 2003, 012202_scm.html

globalization, competition, information and communication, regulation and environmental concerns. Consumer Demand The key focus of an organization is to find a balance between cost and quality, and customization and availability without compromising on any one of them. Customers expectations with regard to quality, speed of service, choice, and price have increased significantly. So, organizations have to make the products or services cheaper, better and available within the minimum possible time. The objective of supply chain management is to keep the customers satisfied by providing them with what they want, when they want it and at a price they can afford. Globalization Organizations are realizing the importance of benefiting from the competitive advantages of other economies. For instance, American and European companies have realized the cost benefits of outsourcing operations to Asian or Latin American. In these economies they are able to find skilled labors for fraction of price they have to otherwise pay in developed countries. Supply chain globalization is also the result of companies planning to take advantage of untapped foreign market. Competition Competition in every business has increased significantly over the last decade. It has increased due to advancements in technology, increased globalization, easy access to information, creative business designs, etc. These factors have dislodged

FORCES SHAPING SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Various business and economic forces influence the effectiveness of a supply chain. They include consumer demand,

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many market leaders. Earlier, market share was a good measure of profitability, but now organizations are redefining their competitive space. For example, having a significant market share in the mainframe and minicomputer market cannot ensure the profitability of a company because of the change in the competitive space. Now, the market for PCs and workstations is much bigger than that for mainframes and minicomputers. Improvement in information flow and transportation has given even the small companies the competence to operate in international market with other big players. Information and Communication The improvements in information flow and communications systems are key forces providing support for supply chain decisions. The Internet is an application, which is redefining the way products are purchased, sold and distributed. It has given the customer access to information regarding every aspect of the product. Now, customers can evaluate and compare different products and then make a purchase decision. Many companies are purchasing and distributing products without distributors or resellers. The information explosion is facilitating the expansion of supply chain activities to different parts of the world. Government Regulation Governments have played a significant role in the evolution of the supply chain. The scope of supply chain activities is no longer restricted by national boundaries. An organizations supply chain decisions have to take into account the regulations and policies of other countries as well. Trade barriers, duties and other such trade related decisions are in the hands of

governments of various countries. These rules and regulations directly affect the functioning of supply chain entities. With the formation of international trade organizations like the WTO, and other regional trade agreements, governments around the world are trying to bring in consistent regulations in all member countries. Environment Growing concern for the environment has made an impact on supply chain design. Many European countries have regulations regarding the usage of packaging material. Many organizations are designing products that can be recycled completely when their operational life is over. Government regulations to protect the environment also affect supply chain decisions. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The supply chain framework is based on a functional model of the SCM system. This basic framework is a development tool that assists in the development of a well integrated SCM system in an organization. The framework consists of several components that define key functions, processes and best practices. There are a few organizational behaviors known as SCM enablers that support the organizations overall performance. First, we will look at the seven SCM components. The Seven SCM Components The SCM components represent business processes and practices. They incorporate all the activities that are necessary for maintaining and developing relationships with suppliers,

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keeping the organization's marketing and financial objectives in focus. The seven SCM components are described below. SCM leadership SCM leadership component provides SCM system direction, designs and assists in deployment and improvement of the SCM system. Managers form different functional domains that interact with the supply chain constitute the leadership component. These functions include materials, purchasing, quality, manufacturing operations, manufacturing engineering, design engineering and market Information and Communication The improvements in information flow and communications systems are key forces providing support for supply chain decisions. The Internet is an application, which is redefining the way products are purchased, sold and distributed. It has given the customer access to information regarding every aspect of the product. Now, customers can evaluate and compare different products and then make a purchase decision. Many companies are purchasing and distributing products without distributors or resellers. The information explosion is facilitating the expansion of supply chain activities to different parts of the world. Government Regulation Governments have played a significant role in the evolution of the supply chain. The scope of supply chain activities is no longer restricted by national boundaries. An organizations

supply chain decisions have to take into account the regulations and policies of other countries as well. Trade barriers, duties and other such trade related decisions are in the hands of governments of various countries. These rules and regulations directly affect the functioning of supply chain entities. With the formation of international trade organizations like the WTO, and other regional trade agreements, governments around the world are trying to bring in consistent regulations in all member countries. Environment Growing concern for the environment has made an impact on supply chain design. Many European countries have regulations regarding the usage of packaging material. Many organizations are designing products that can be recycled completely when their operational life is over. Government regulations to protect the environment also affect supply chain decisions. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The supply chain framework is based on a functional model of the SCM system. This basic framework is a development tool that assists in the development of a well integrated SCM system in an organization. The framework consists of several components that define key functions, processes and best practices. There are a few organizational behaviors known as SCM enablers that support the organizations overall performance. First, we will look at the seven SCM components.


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The Seven SCM Components The SCM components represent business processes and practices. They incorporate all the activities that are necessary for maintaining and developing relationships with suppliers, keeping the organization's marketing and financial objectives in focus. The seven SCM components are described below. SCM leadership SCM leadership component provides SCM system direction, designs and assists in deployment and improvement of the SCM system. Managers form different functional domains that interact with the supply chain constitute the leadership component. These functions include materials, purchasing, quality, manufacturing operations, manufacturing engineering, design engineering and marketing. Overall performance of the SCM system is to a large extent dependent on the interaction between these functional heads and the senior management. SCM strategy A firms SCM strategy component focuses on how different entities of the supply chain perform as a group. The firms resources are allocated to different supply chain operations and these resources are aligned with the firms strategies. The SCM strategy forms a blueprint for supply chain operations that support and are consistent with the manufacturing and marketing objectives of the organization. This strategy should be a part of corporate strategy and the various functions should also be involved in it.

Operational planning The operational planning component defines the operational requirements for maintaining a supply chain. These requirements are specified in terms of tasks, resource requirements and measurements. The functions listed in operational planning include commodity planning, supplier capacity planning, planning for supplier evaluation, certification processes, etc. Successful operations plans use inputs from company's overall strategy and SCM strategy. Business relationship management Organizations are dependent on the supply chain partners as much as these partners are dependent on them. Thus, it is important to have an environment conducive to communication and negotiation between the organization and its supply chain partners. The nature of the communication varies depending on the organizations relationship with its key suppliers. Organizations normally share operational, financial and marketing information with their supply chain partners. In this way, trust develops between them. As a result of open communication, suppliers are better aware of the operational requirements of the organization. The relationship can be improved by having long-term contracts, and using inputs from different levels of management and supply chain partners in the communication and decision-making processes. Exhibit 16.1.2 describes how supply chain integration can bring mutual benefits to all the supply chain partners.


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Exhibit 15.1.2 Supply Chain Integration

Through supply chain integration, companies can realize higher profits, increase market share, improve competitive position, etc. Many leading companies such as Dell, Seven-Eleven, Lucent Technologies, Sun Microsystems, Wal-Mart, Procter and Gamble have achieved significant improvement in their competitive position as a result of supply chain integration. As supply chains are dynamic in nature, they continuously align themselves to changing market and customer needs. In such a dynamic environment as integrated supply chain allows for efficient use of information. Three key issues that define supply chain integration are information integration, coordination and organizational linkage. Information Integration Through information integration, supply chain partners can exchange information and knowledge. The information shared includes demand forecasts, inventory status, capacity plans, production schedules, demand forecasts, shipment schedule, etc. Coordination Coordination dimension of supply chain integration defines how work can be assigned to the bestpositioned supply chain partner. Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Continuous Replenishment Plans (CRP) are such coordination activities wherein the replenishment decision are given to the suppliers. As suppliers are better informed about the product, market condition and forecasting techniques, they will be more effective in handling replenishment plans. Coordination also involves sharing, redeployment and consolidation of resources such as warehouses, inventory, transportation, etc. Organizational Linkage Other than information sharing and coordination, integration involves maintaining an effective communication channel between various supply chain partners. Communication can be maintained through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), Internet, account teams, executive briefing, etc. Organizational linkage also involves setting of performance measures that span the complete supply chain. If the performance of one partner effects the other then the under performing partner is held accountable. In case of joint performance measures, multiple channel partners are held accountable. This common responsibility and accountability promotes coordination and collaboration between different channel partners. Supply chain integration allows easy reassignment of responsibilities based on the changing business environments and customer requirements. Besides the partners can enter or leave the network without affecting the functioning of the supply chain network. Adapted from Hau L. Lee and Seungjin Whang, Creating Value through Supply Chain Integration, " Supply Chain Management Review, September/October 2000, < scm/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA151843>

significantly. The order-to-delivery process can be used to evaluate suppliers performance on the basis of criteria like ontime delivery, cost, defects, lead time, flexibility in scheduled time, etc. Quality and performance management The quality and performance component is concerned with the initiatives that organizations and suppliers take towards improving, and maintaining quality standards. The quality and performance component helps identify the quality defects in suppliers products, and facilitates cooperation between suppliers and the manufacturer to improve the quality of the items supplied. By working together with suppliers with regard to improvement in quality of the products, reduction in cost and cycle time, organizations can improve the overall quality and performance of supplied material. Human resources management The human resources component deals with the training of personnel in order to improve their skills, knowledge and attitudes that help enhance the performance of supply chain. Employees should understand the diverse supply chain activities and should be able to perform the activities competently. They should develop multiple skills so that managing cross-functional teams becomes easier and simpler. In order to achieve a broad set of skills, organizations conduct regular training and orientation programs. Training is provided in functional domain knowledge, product development, assessment of suppliers, manufacturing processes, team skills, and supervisory skills.

Order-to-delivery process The order-to-delivery process defines how effectively an organization can direct the flow of products from suppliers to the company. It includes certain processes such as order releases, receiving, inspection of incoming material, accounts payable, and materials handling. By automating and simplifying the orderto-delivery process, organizations can reduce order time


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The Six SCM Enablers Enablers are responsible for the overall performance of the SCM. The SCM enablers are a group of carefully conceived and defined behaviors and approaches that allow, encourage and reinforce a firms commitment to high performance SCM practices. The six SCM enablers are described in detail below. Alignment Alignment here refers to the matching of corporate and business unit goals. It also includes consistency in processes, actions, and decisions across the business units to support the supply chain management processes. It is a key organizational behavior within the supply chain management system. As the organizations function with the help of the coordinated efforts of different processes, it is of critical importance to have wellcoordinated cross-functional and inter-company activities. This ensures that stakeholders and business processes work towards consciously determined and mutually recognized goals and objectives. Good alignment is achieved through effective planning and execution in conjunction with cross-functional interaction, effective information systems, and organization-wide and continuous communication systems. For better alignment, the company leadership should strive to set goals, objectives and strategies that support successful supplier relationships. For example, if the management rewards the purchasing department for obtaining products at low prices from suppliers, then it might hamper the development of long-term relationships or partnerships with suppliers. Similarly, if an organization does not have faith in its suppliers, it will be reflected in the functioning of

the SCM system. Exhibit 15.1.3 describes how a company can improve performance by improving supply chain activities.

Exhibit 15.1.3 Supply Chain Improvement at Palm

In order to improve the performance of Palm's supply chain operations, Angel L. Mendez, Senior vice president, global operations and other senior executives decided to transform their supply chain process from push to pull. The team also planned to optimize various supply chain activities, which included demand management, containing manufacturing costs and improving relationships with customers, suppliers, electronic manufacturing service (EMS) and original design manufacturing (ODM) partners. In order to achieve this, Mendez devised a six-quarter plan. The plan included shifting manufacturing operations to areas where operation costs were low, laying more emphasis on e-collaboration with customers and suppliers, redesigning the company's product introduction strategy and proper inventory control and management. With regard to demand management, it was noted that the Palm's software tools did not match up to customers expectations. Palm decided to clear inventory items through discount sales. In order to improve its supply chain activities, Palm implemented an ERP package from SAP. In order to improve the effectiveness of the ERP package, Palm decided to install supply chain planning, demand planning and available-to-promise modules. As the company was transforming its supply chain activities in a pull system, instant information availability was critical. As a result of improvement in its IT infrastructure, Palm was able to reduce the time taken for information transfer between it and its manufacturing partners to 48 hours, one-fourth of the time taken before transformation. The manufacturing and repair facilities that were located in North America, Europe and Asia were shifted to China to derive cost advantages. Currently, China accounts for 95% of Palm's production. As as result of this initiative, Palm has been able to cut the lead time by one-third. Palms repair and warranty work was transferred to Celestica Inc. which was previously handled by four different vendors. As a result of this move, Palm was able to reduce the total cost of service per unit by 40%. These strategic improvements in supply chain activities allowed Palm to reduce lead time and at the same time minimize the repair expenses.

Adapted from Jennifer Baljko, Palm gets a grip on its supply chain, ebnonline, February 18, 2003, CMP Media, February 19, 2003 <>

Customer-supplier focus The basic objective of the customer-supplier focus is to prepare an organizations processes in such a way that they are able to understand and react to customer requirements fast. For organizations like Boeing, which largely depends on the suppliers for their requirements, the health and well-being of the suppliers is critical to provide value to the customers.

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In order to improve suppliers satisfaction, organizations should have clear and mutually understood and acknowledged rules of relationship. Organizations should show commitment for the long-term profitability and success of their suppliers. This commitment would require suppliers involvement in new product development and improvements in the current products or services. Design Design is the aspect of products, processes, systems and services that ensures their successful application. Design is the comprehensive process that after considering feedback from customers and suppliers defines the overall requirements both external and internal to the organization. Design helps organizations develop products, services and business processes that satisfy the requirements of both customers and suppliers. Measurement Measurement refers to the quantification of information about inputs, outputs, and performance dimensions of products, process and services. Measurement is the tool used by organizations to evaluate the performance of different business processes and supplier activities. Measurement provides vital information regarding key operating outcomes such as on-time delivery performance, quality, responsiveness to engineering and technical support, etc. of the firms suppliers. The measurements can provide results only when the organization takes corrective action to improve the areas where the measurements indicate below-par performance.

Participation/involvement Stakeholders must be involved in the decision-making process in order to ensure the success of products, processes, systems, and services. Utilization of available resources in terms of the talents and energies of employees and external stakeholders improves organizational efficiency and performance. Feedback and involvement of suppliers and customers in the organizational planning and decision-making process enhances the effectiveness of the decision-making process. Involvement and sharing of information between different departments of the organization improves the supplier evaluation process. Periodic review Evaluation of the performance of the processes, programs and systems, on a periodic basis, supports continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is based on the periodic review of all the business processes. These periodic reviews bring to notice deviations from the desired performance, and performance bottlenecks. Once they are identified, organizations can devise plans to improve the processes. Periodic review is not restricted to self-contained processes like the purchase order process, but is undertaken for complete SCM processes like the order-todelivery process. Customer focus in supply chain management In SCM, new areas of competition are emerging that go beyond manufacturer vs. manufacturer, distributor vs. distributor and

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retailer vs. retailer tussles. Organizations are now competing on flexibility, speed, and productivity, and focusing on meeting consumer demand. Organizations can be flexible, quick and productive only if they align their strategic initiatives with their supply chain partners strategic initiatives. In this competitive environment, organizations need to do more than just optimize their supply chain activities. Todays competitive environment is the result of the convergence of forces on all members of the supply chain. These forces are the development of new technologies, increase in communication capabilities, increasing demand for better quality and customer services and demand for quick and efficient response to market. Earlier, many supply chain members, especially the ones who were the farthest from end consumers (for example suppliers of components to manufacturers), gave attention only to those factors that directly affected their immediate customer and supplier. However, for survival in todays highly competitive environment, organizations need to focus on end customers and see how these forces affect their end customers. The key to survival will depend on the supply chain members focus on the demand side of the supply chain equation. From a corporate standpoint, end-use forces will influence the way things are done in the supply chain and determine the best operational practices for meeting the requirements of end users. From the point of view of consumers, end-use forces such as technology and changing lifestyles will help determine what is done in the supply chain. Thus, the objectives and goals of supply chain activities will be influenced by customer focused analysis. Management professionals have

often debated the effectiveness of push and pull strategies. In the current scenario, the consumer provides both the push and the pull, in a process known as demand-chain management. Demand-Chains: A Focus on End Users Instead of building and operating a supply chain from manufacturer to market, demand-chain leaders focus on developing alliances with those channel partners who are in the best position to meet the requirements of their customers. The focus on end-users has directed the attention of all supply chain partners to the demand side of the supply chain equation and caused them to reexamine their roles in the supply chain. The players in todays emerging demand chains are the same as those in traditional chains, but their respective roles and responsibilities have changed. In a demand chain, products dont necessarily originate from manufacturers. Any player in the supply chain can develop them at any point. The products developed are based on consumer research and information gathered by any supply chain partner. For instance, retailers can provide comprehensive information on consumer spending patterns and preferences to the manufacturer. This information will help the manufacturer produce products with attributes that meet customer requirements. When developing a demand chain, it is important to define who will be responsible for identifying consumer needs and wants. Is it the retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer? Its also important to know whether these responsibilities change with the situation. Traditionally, retailers have been the closest to consumers. Because of this proximity, retailers assumed the role of monitoring consumer preferences. But with rise of the Internet

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and direct sales, consumers are now interacting with different entities in the purchasing process. So every member of the demand chain, whether it designs, manufactures, markets, sells, or transports a specific product, needs to monitor consumer needs and wants. Since all chain members cannot conduct direct consumer research, information regarding relevant consumer trends and products should be shared by all members. This knowledge makes it easier for everyone in the demand chain to identify product and packaging requirements, marketing opportunities, and determine the need for extending the brand. The success of a product and the channel members depends on the level of participation and coordination between the channel members from the time the product is conceptualized to the time it is launched into the market. Whether information is obtained from point-of-sale databases, focus groups, quantitative surveys, or from newer methods like shadowing of consumers and in-home research, the data must be shared, analyzed, and utilized by all channel members. This is essential if supply chains are to be transformed into demand chains. Broad Trends and Misconceptions When developing a demand chain, channel partners must be aware of broad demand trends in consumer markets, which are based on demographics, lifestyle and other social factors. For instance, due to the fall in the birth rate in industrialized nations, the overall size of the average family has shrunk, thus bringing down the number of new consumers. Further, due to increase in automation, the size of the workforce has also shrunk. As a

result, organizations in industrialized countries are looking for new markets and segments. In new markets, organizations have to perform efficiently with few resources (time, money, human resources etc.). Therefore, supply chain partners need to change their operations and strategies. These changes influence the way in which consumers purchase goods. Changes in consumer buying patterns can be seen in the way they purchase products, where they purchase them. Failure to acknowledge these changes leads to two common misconceptions about the working of the demand chain. The first misconception is that customers will always buy from retailers. This may be true in most cases, but the trend is changing. Now consumers are actively looking for new sources to obtain products and services. In their endeavor to get value for money, they are prepared to buy products and services from any channel member who can provide them with quality products, timely delivery and a reasonable price. Therefore, through their buying habits, consumers are now determining which supply chain entity would succeed and which one would fail. All members of the supply chain must work in unison to improve the profitability and performance of all members. Consumers investments in terms of time, attention, and money on a particular business indicate which business will succeed in the future. Channel partners should realize that if consumers select a particular retail outlet for fulfilling their needs and wants, they are affecting the whole supply chain. The second misconception about demand chains is that business-to-business companies need to monitor only their

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customers. In other words, since they are not dealing directly with end-users, they do not need to be concerned about them. In industrial or business-to-business organizations, solving your customers problems sometimes means solving your customers customers problems. All customer/industrial demand for products or services across the supply chain is derived from end-user demand. Business-to-business customers will not order more parts if consumers are not buying their end products. Creating the Demand Chains of the Future Demand-chain management focuses on the supply of items that consumers are willing and able to purchase. Unlike supply chain management, which focuses on the efficient distribution of products and services, demand chain management focuses on meeting customer requirements efficiently. Demand chains aim to bring together channel members to delight customers and solve their problems by: Gathering and analyzing information about consumers, their problems, and their unmet needs. Identifying and choosing the right channel partners who can effectively perform functions needed in the demand chain. Developing a system for information sharing among channel partners about consumers and customers, available technology, and logistic challenges and opportunities.

Developing products and services which are able to solve customers problems. Choosing the most optimal transportation and distribution methods to deliver products and services to consumers in the expected format. ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT In an organization, the SCM's core focus is to integrate its suppliers, the manufacturing process and its customers. As with most other aspects of business, information technology has become a part of SCM. The Internet has provided organizations the capability to integrate the entire supply chain, from raw material sourcing to delivery of the product to the customers. ESCM or electronic supply chain management is business-tobusiness integration through the Internet. Exhibit 15.1.4 illustrates how a retailer can benefit from ESCM. ESCM Advantages The advantages of ESCM are many, and include timely orderprocessing, improved inventory tracking and management, improved accuracy in order fulfillment, support for JIT manufacturing, etc. Cost saving By integrating different supply chain levels, organizations can realize huge cost reductions. As the ESCM integrates supply chain partners with the help of the Internet, the cost and time involved in communicating with them is reduced significantly.

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information about the inventory level. Therefore, there is no need to carry high inventory.
Exhibit 15. 1.4 Electronic Supply Chain Management in Retailing
In the competitive retail market of today, organizations have to satisfy constantly changing customer needs and wants, and reduce operating costs. In order to achieve this, retailers focus on improving relationships and coordination with business partners. This ensures the timely delivery of goods without straining resources. Organizations are adopting e-business technologies to improve the performance of the supply chain network. The electronic supply chain provides retailers and their suppliers a medium for instant communication. An electronic supply chain can help an organization in areas like advanced planning and replenishment systems (APS) and supply chain execution (SCE) systems. Through APS, retailers and suppliers can forecast their sales and inventory requirements. Such forecasts help in planning and scheduling orders. Through the SCE system, organizations can maintain better control over distribution centers, warehouses/ stores, transportation and other logistics operations. Electronic supply chain management can bring benifits in the following areas: Business integration Electronic supply chain management integrates various aspect of the supply chain such as forecasting, distribution, merchandising, production, transportation, etc. Business process and information integration allows retailers to reduce inventory costs, cycle time, transportation costs, etc. thus improving customer service and inventory management. Business-to-Business collaboration Coordination and information flow between the different channel partners is critical for the optimal performance of the supply chain. Retailers can improve forecasts, replenishment plans, and management of suppliers by collaborating with other supply chain partners. Electronic commerce In order to take full advantge of the opportunities provided by e-commerce, retailers should have an effective electronic supply chain management system that can handle customer requests promptly. The Internet, apart from providing a sales channel, can also be used to handle customer complaints, provide assistance, collect customer data that can be used in forecasts, etc.

Reduction in procurement costs An organization can reduce its procurement costs significantly by providing its suppliers instant access to information. Since the supplier can access the information regarding inventory and procurement automatically, the purchasing department can reduce its involvement in minor transactions. Their focus can now be on higher value activities like vendor selection, sourcing, and managing relationships with vendors/suppliers. Reduction in cycle time ESCM ensures that the organizations get timely and accurate forecasts with regard to product or service demand. This allows proper production planning based on actual requirements, resulting in reduced cycle time for production activities and reduction in stock-out costs. ESCM Implementation In order to improve ESCM implementation, the following activities should be undertaken: 1. 2. Understand and evaluate the level of integration within the organization. Determine the number of suppliers who have direct influence over the products or services that are delivered to the customers, across the entire supply chain.

Adapted from Jonathan Kates, Electronic Supply Chain Management Defines Retailers Success, Integrated Solutions for Retailers (February 2000), February 20, 2003 < articles/2000_02/000205.htm>

Reduction in inventory levels ESCM results in an extended organization that encapsulates the activities of the suppliers. The extended organization structure provides instant information about the status of inventory levels to the suppliers. As a result, inventory levels are replenished as and when required. In todays business arena, suppliers are electronically connected and get real time


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3. 4. 5. 6.

Divide suppliers into different categories: first tier, second tier, and so on. Define the customer base in term of sales, profitability, size, etc. Improve the information infrastructure within the organization to accommodate ESCM requirements. Constitute a team with representation from various functions within the organization and representatives from suppliers and customers to plan and carry out the implementation. Identify leaders who are capable of guiding the implementation process competently.

that the rightful recipient views the information. One way of doing this is to encrypt the data as this ensures that the data is secure and members of supply chain can view only that information which is relevant to them. Changes to existing business processes An electronic supply chain transforms a business process significantly. The changes arise in the way companies deal with each other. All channel partners should be willing to exchange information such as inventory levels, production schedules, forecasts, promotion plans, etc. Sometimes, partners may be apprehensive of sharing too much information. In order to tide over such apprehensions, a culture of openness and trust should be developed between all the channel partners. SUMMARY A supply chain consists of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers whose combined efforts result in production, selling and delivery of products and services. The objectives of supply chain management are to reduce operation costs, improve coordination between channel partners, reduce lead time, improve the reliability of the delivery system, reduce inventory costs, etc. The key drivers of supply chain management that determine the overall competitiveness and responsiveness of the organization relate to inventory, transportation, facilities and information. The complete supply chain is made up of many channel partners and many processes. These processes can be viewed from two perspectives: the cycle view and the push/pull view.


Issues Relating to ESCM The purpose of ESCM is to allow effective sharing of information like forecasts and orders among the supply chain partners. Utilization of data relating to customers and suppliers through Internet technologies results in a virtual corporation that facilitates real time information flow between various supply chain partners. ESCM has many benefits, but together with the benefits, there are issues that must be addressed to improve the efficiency of ESCM. These issues include: Security issues Security is the most sensitive issue when information is shared or exchanged over the Internet. An organization has to ensure

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Supply chain management encompasses several activities and partners. The forces which are responsible for making the supply chain effective are consumer demand, globalization, competition, information and communication, government regulations and environment. The supply chain enablers, which determine performance, are alignment, measurement, participation and involvement, customer-supplier focus, design and periodic review. The scope of supply chain management has increased significantly. For many big enterprises, supply chain activities span countries or continents. In order to coordinate such a wide array of activities spanning different geographical locations, organizations are using information technology to an increasing extent at every stage of the supply chain. Efficient supply chain management assists in streamlining the supply, production and distribution, resulting in value creation for customers.


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Section 2

Case Study: Zaras Supply Chain Management Practices

This case was written by P. Indu, under the direction of Vivek Gupta, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation

2006, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:,


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Zara has managed to fill a hole and seize an opportunity in Spain. It has done for fashion what IKEA did for furniture, filling the gap between hypermarket and designer clothing in a very desirable way.1 - Valerie Van den Boffche, Head Wolff Olins, Spain, in 2004. Zara is nimbler and faster to the market. This will be important as fashion trends globalize.2
- Keith Wills, European Retail Analyst, Goldman Sachs, in 2000.

edge Spanish apparel retailer epitomizes cheap chic knocking out mass-produced copies of catwalk fashions almost overnight.3 Zara introduced about 12,000 designs every year; the shelf life of each design was about four weeks. In January 2006, Zara had 853 stores, located across the world (Refer to Exhibit I for the geographical spread of Zaras stores). These stores received two deliveries from Zaras central distribution center every week. The deliveries were customized in accordance with the data sent by them every day. Zara pioneered the concept of customized retailing and was able to conceptualize the garment, develop, and deliver it to the stores within two to three weeks. The key to Zaras success was its vertically integrated structure where design, production, distribution, and retailing were integrated. Maria J. Garcia, spokeswoman for Zara, said, The vertical integration of our production system allows us to place a garment in any store around the world in a period between two to three weeks.4 (Refer to Table I for the time taken for Zara to make garments) Zaras vertically integrated supply chain received the attention of industry players and analysts. According to Richard Hyman of Verdict, a retail consultancy in London, Vertical integration has gone out of fashion in the consumer economy, Zara is a spectacular exception to the rule.5

ZARAS FAST FASHION STRATEGY In 2004, a famous pop star toured Spain to give a series of concerts. Her outfits attracted instant attention from teenagers and young girls across Spain. By the time the pop star had reached the last leg of her tour, Spanish girls were sporting outfits similar to the ones she had worn during her first concert. The outfits were designed and distributed by apparel retailer Zara, which quickly gauged the demand for them and stocked up its stores across Spain in less than two weeks. According to a survey conducted by Interbrand, Zara was the only Spanish brand to be featured in the list of The 100 Top Global Brands in 2005. It was featured at the 77th position in the list that featured Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and IBM in the first three positions. The survey featured only those brands with a value of more than US$ 1 billion, which derived around 33% of their revenues outside their country of origin and whose financial data was publicly available. Interbrand describing Zara, said, Cutting-


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Country Hong Kong Japan Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Philippines 1 8 18 3 3 4 1 4 90 41 38 2 5

No. of Stores 4 18 3 3 2 1 31

Country Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands Poland

No. of Stores 36 1 2 2 1 1 6 11 46 1 7 3 259 4

Country Argentina Brazil Canada Chile Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Mexico Panama Uruguay Venezuela USA Total

No. of Stores 6 14 14 5 1 1 1 39 1 2 9 19 112

Country Andorra Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland

No. of Stores


Middle East & Africa Country UAE Bahrain Israel Jordan Kuwait

No. of Stores Portugal 5 1 14 1 4 Romania Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden


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Country Lebanon Morocco Qatar Saudi Arabia Total

No. of Stores 2 1 1 16 45

Country Switzerland Turkey UK Total Grand Total

No. of Stores 8 13 45 665 853

Zara was founded by Amancio Ortega Gaona (Ortega). Ortega worked as an assistant in an apparel shop and in 1963 he set up his own fashion retail business named Confecciones Goa, in Arteixo-La Corua, to manufacture housecoats. In 1975, when a German retailer cancelled a major order, Ortega started selling the clothes from a small outlet in his factory and called the outlet Zara. Zara went on to become the flagship brand of the holding company, Industria de Diseo Textil, SA, popularly called Inditex, which was founded in 1979. Ortega was credited with democratizing fashion in Spain; he was responsible for making designer clothing accessible to the masses. Between 1976 and 1984, Zaras presence was extended to major Spanish cities. The first store outside Spain was opened in 1988 in Portugal. The next international ventures were New York in 1989 and Paris in 1990. By the end of 1990, Zara had operations in 82 cities across Spain and three cities internationally. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Zara continued its global expansion and opened stores in several countries. These included the UK, Japan, Chile and Uruguay (1998), Canada, Germany, Poland, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain (1999), Australia and Denmark (2000), Holland, Luxembourg, Iceland, and the Czech Republic (2001). In 2002, Zara entered Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Malta, Singapore, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador. In 2003, the new markets in which the company established its stores were Sweden, Russia, Ireland, Slovenia, Malaysia and Jordan. Zara entered Hungary,

Source: Table I Zaras Supply Chain Time Taken from Start to Finish Time Process Taken Style idea, quantity etc., conveyed to Head quarters One day Fabric from Stock One day Design Three days Style Approval One day Prototype Development / Fit Sample / Approval Three days Garment Production Ten days Shipment Five days Adapted from Devangshu Dutta, Brand Watch Zara, Images Fashion Forum,, February 12, 2004.

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Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hong Kong, Morocco, and Panama in 2004. In 2004, Inditex owned about 100 companies engaged in several activities related to textiles, such as textile purchasing, textile manufacturing, and logistics. Through these companies, Zara was able integrate its operations. For example, Comditel specialized in procuring undyed fabrics which could be dyed or printed as per the orders obtained. Zara procured 40% of the fabric from Comditel, and finished the processes of dying and printing in about 4 to 5 days. Dyestuff was obtained from another company, Fibracolor. Synthetics were supplied by external suppliers. By 2005, Zara had become the third largest clothing retailer in the world in terms of revenues. As of January 2006, Zara operated in 57 countries. For the year ending January 2005, the company accounted for 67.4% of Inditexs turnover with sales of , 3819.6 million. About 65.8% of Zaras revenues came from international markets. According to Inditex, Zara is a high-fashion concept offering apparel, footwear, and accessories for women, men, and children, from newborns to adults aged 45. Zara stores offer a compelling blend of fashion, quality, and price offered in attractive stores in prime locations on premier commercial streets and in upscale shopping centers. Our in-house design and production capabilities enable us to offer fresh designs at our Zara stores twice a week throughout the year.6 Zara always had something new to offer its customers and the supply of these products was limited. By not resorting to mass production, Zara was able to maintain the exclusivity of its

products. This also helped in creating a scarcity value -shoppers were not sure if they could get the same product later and went ahead with buying the product instead of postponing their purchase. Zara also scored high on offering garments similar to those created by famous fashion houses at a fraction of the price. In order to maintain a constant flow of new supplies, the garments needed to be created at quick intervals according to the demands of customers and had to be replenished rapidly. Commenting on Zara, Richard Perks, retail analyst with Mintel, said, Theyve got to get the design. Theyve got to engineer it for low-cost production. Theyve got to take the gray fabric and print it. Theyve go to get it out to their outworkers to be made up and theyve got to ship it from Galicia right across Europe. That is an unbelievable achievement.7 SPOTTING TRENDS One of the secrets behind Zaras success was its ability to spot emerging trends and react quickly. Zara had a dedicated design team in Arteixo, A Corua, in northern Spain. Ideas for new designs or for modifications to be made in existing designs mainly came from Zaras stores. The store managers and sales staff updated the head office every day about the moving stock and about customers demands. Across all the stores, Zaras sales staff was equipped with wireless handsets which provided data to the store manager about the pieces sold. The manager consolidated the data and sent it to the company headquarters through the Internet. The staff also provided inputs regarding the new lines, colors, styles, and fabrics that customers were demanding. It was quite common for Zaras sales personnel to inform headquarters about a new style that a customer had been wearing. This could eventually become part of Zaras line.

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The store managers were selected carefully as they had an important role to play in providing the crucial information which formed the base for new designs. People with retailing experience, who could spot the right trends, and possessed a design sense were selected for the position. The store managers followed the trends in local fashion carefully. According to a store manager in London, I follow trends in London very closely. If Sienna Miller is doing boho, Zara will do boho. Were on top of every new style.8 Another source for the new designs was the team of designers who traveled across the world looking for new designs and the emerging trends. Zara kept scouting around at fashion shows, discotheques, universities, movies and music videos to spot new trends. DESIGNING Zara had a team of 200 designers, with each designer churning out about 60 styles a year on an average. The designers were encouraged to experiment, but within Zaras defined parameters. They were expected to adapt haute couture9 styles to the mass market, while not bringing in their own styles or influencing the designs. According to Ken Watson (Watson), Director of a London based Industry forum, who conducted an in-depth study of Zara, Zara doesnt want any prima donna designers. They want young 26-year-olds who will work within their system.10 Zara had three design centers -- one each for mens, womens, and childrens apparel. Each line had separate procurement, design, and production planning staff.

The store managers across Zaras stores placed orders twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays in Southern Europe and Spain and on Tuesdays and Fridays in the other parts of the world. At the Zara headquarters, the store specialists collected the information obtained from different stores across the globe. This was then fed into a database. Each of the store specialists was responsible for a group of stores. They obtained informal feedback from the store managers and also visited the stores periodically to assess the trends. Most of the store specialists had worked as store managers and had a deep knowledge about managing stores. Based on the feedback from the stores, the store specialists provided the designers with an outline of the new styles, designs, and fabric as demanded by the stores. The procurement and production managers provided inputs regarding the capacity and manufacturing costs. The designers came out with the design specifications and the technical brief. With all the teams working in tandem, the prototypes were ready within a few hours. Commenting on the fact that several teams worked together, spokeswoman from Zara, Carmen Melon, said, We have five different teams sharing the same space, so design people work together with product people and merchandising, as well as the people who provide the samples and patterns.11 Once the team came out with a prototype, designers used CAD to further enhance the color and textures. Sampling did not take much time as the fabric was already available with Zara. The approvals were also obtained in quick time since the whole team was at one place. As soon as the approvals were obtained from the team and the final consent from Ortega, the fabric was sent for cutting. Ortega was involved in the day to day operations of

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the company. According to Martn Varsavsky, founder of Spains Jazztel telecom, He is very hands-on about the designs. Everything creative is passed on by him.12 Zara also brought out its own collections periodically, one during spring/summer and another during fall/winter. The designers started working on the designs, colors, and fabric about eight months in advance. Several patterns were deliberated upon before the final designs were decided on. Once the designs had been decided upon, fabric procurement and production planning began. PRODUCTION Depending on the styles and sizes to be produced, the fabric was cut at Zaras own high-tech automated cutting facilities. Several layers of fabric, meant for garments of a particular design, were laid out on cutting tables, vacuum sealed, and cut by machines, based on a computer layout of the sample pieces. The layout was prepared so as to minimize wastage. The fabric was then marked for sewing. The pieces cut in Zara were distributed for sewing among 350 small workshops in Galicia and northern Portugal. These workshops, which were not owned by Zara, employed about 11,000 workers and were provided with a set of instructions. The garments were generally ready within a week or two, depending on the number of garments. With the fabric in stock, Zara was ready with the final product, including designing, pattern making, and cutting within 10 days. Due to this flexibility in production processes, when the demand for any design was low, Zara was able to stop its production. At

the same time, it was able to modify its processes to produce more of the designs in demand. Analysts opined that it was Zaras ability to respond quickly that put the company on a different plane as compared to the other fashion retailers. After the stitched garments arrived at the manufacturing centers, they were checked twice for quality, ironed, tagged, and then wrapped in plastic bags and sent to the distribution centers. About 60% of Zaras total production was carried out in Portugal and Spain. The company considered several factors like expertise, cost, and especially time sensitivity before opting for outsourcing. Zara carried out some of the capital intensive manufacturing processes including dyeing and cutting the fabric indigenously while the labor intensive steps like sewing were outsourced. Garments that required styling and reflected fashion Manufacturing Process of Zara

Adapted from J. L.W. Lo, B. Rabenasolo and A-M. Jolly-Desodt, Leveraging Speed as a Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of an International Fashion Chain and its Competitors, Fashion Net, International Conference 2004.


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trends were made by Zara while the basic designs and knitting were outsourced. On the flip side, the people cost that Zara had to incur was higher compared to other retailers who outsourced their production to Asia (Refer to Exhibit III for Zaras production process). DISTRIBUTION The distribution of garments was carried out at Zaras 500,000 square meter distribution center in Arteixo. This center was located centrally among 14 manufacturing plants in La Corua. Zara had its own railway track of 211 km through which the goods moved from the manufacturing plants to the distribution center. In 2002, another distribution center was opened at Zaragoza in Spain to complement the existing facility. The merchandise moved through optical reading devices that sorted out more than 60,000 items every hour. The distribution center had two levels and was fully automated. On one level was the section on folded apparel packed into cardboard boxes. The boxes were dropped through a shaft according to their destination. On the other level were garments placed on hangers. These garments were sorted based on their styles. There were two belt systems -- one for folded and one for hung garments. The garments were then routed using automatic routing devices. All the garments were pre-priced and the lots labeled according to their destination. At the loading docks, fleets of trucks took the goods to their destinations. Twice a week, the garments were shipped out of the distribution center. Non-European consignments were sent to the airport at Santiago di Compostela. For stores within Europe,

they were sent through trucks, which received the consignments within 24 to 36 hours. The stores located outside Europe received the consignment within two days. The distribution center was used to select, sort, reroute, and resort merchandise between manufacturing units and stores and was not used to store merchandise. About Zara delivering its products twice a week, The New Yorker wrote, Twice-weekly deliveries may be common in the grocery business, but in fashion retailing theyre unheard of. The curse of the rag trade, after all, is the enormous lag time between the initial sketches of that new A-line skirt and its arrival in stores. Instead of reacting quickly to what customers want now, most retailers must guess what theyll want six or nine months hence. Thats hard enough if youre selling televisions or bicycles. In the fashion business, its close to impossible.13 Once the trucks reached the stores, the garments could be put on display straight away as they were pre-priced and already ironed. Zara was able to achieve an accuracy level of 98.9% in its shipments. The items sent to a particular store had the items that the store managers had asked for and sometimes new items that were proving popular with stores at other nearby locations. With new stock arriving twice a week, the stores always had something new to offer and the customers waited eagerly for the new arrivals. According to Zara, on an average, customers visited Zaras stores 17 times a year, compared to the three to four visits its competitors received.


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STORE OUTLAY Zara was very particular about the location of its stores. The stores were mostly located in prime locations across the world. For example, Zara outlets were located in 34th Street, Fifth Avenue, SoHo in New York; Regent Street in London, and Champs Elyses in Paris. All of Zaras stores were uniform in outlay, including lighting, fixtures, window display, and arrangement of garments. A typical store had a floor space of 1200 square meters. The stores were brightly lit with a mix of halogen and fluorescent lighting. The back walls were fully lit and the lights placed around and above the merchandise diffused light from all sides. Color was not used much in the interiors, which were mostly in white, natural pine, mill work, and brushed stainless steel hues. The glass paneled faade was brightly lit with a prominent display of products, mannequins, and posters showing Zaras clothes. Zara planned its store windows and displays carefully. At the companys headquarters, there were 25 full length display windows. These windows had display platforms and variable light, which helped Zara in determining how the display unit would look on bright days, on cloudy days, and during the night. A team of window designers worked to arrive at the look of the windows at each of their stores. The window presentation designs were then sent to the stores and most of Zaras stores across the world sported those designs. On Zaras store designs, Domenico De Sole, the CEO of Gucci said, What always strikes me is the very high quality of their store presentation.14

The display of clothes was given prominence in the stores. When the shipments arrived, there were codes on all the items which conveyed to the staff where exactly the items needed to be placed. In the stores, the clothes were organized by color rather than type of garments. This was done in order to encourage customers to spend more time at the stores and to spot the matching items. According to a sales assistant in one of Zaras stores, We always have something that looks like what the customer wants. If the flowery dress sells out, there will be a white one of the same design in stock. Customers wont leave the store empty-handed.15 All of Zaras stores were located at places where there was constant pedestrian flow and they had huge windows to display the merchandise. This acted as a major pull factor in attracting customers. Zara believed that these locations themselves provided the required advertising -- the company spent very little (about 0.3% of its total revenues) on advertising or on the launch of new stores. Zaras huge stores presented the ambience of upscale boutiques, with marble floors and effective lighting. One of the customers visiting Zara in New York commented, You feel like youre in a classy European boutique.16 Most of the stores were company owned and in some markets particularly in Asia, Zara adopted the route of alliances and franchises. All the franchise operations were controlled by strict quality procedures laid out by Zara. It provided the franchise partners with extensive training in human resources and logistics. Even while entering into agreements with franchisees, Zara retained the right to open its own stores in the location and buy out franchised operations in case it experienced any problems with running the stores.

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REAPING THE BENEFITS Instead of projecting sales for a certain color, fabric, or style and launching such products, Zara reacted swiftly to emerging trends in the fashion industry. The company ensured that its stores were stocked with the products that the customers wanted at that point of time. In contrast, other retailers took between 8 and 12 months to forecast and arrive at a style and send it for production. Zaras initial forecast was limited to the kind of fabric and the amount of fabric it would buy. The fabric thus procured was unprocessed and undyed and Zara colored the product only before selling it, based on the need and demand by consumers. Zara sourced undyed fabric from the Far East, Morocco, and India. When Zara opened stores in new locations, the shop assistants clearly told the customers that the styles changed every week and that they might not find the same piece in the stores again. Once a product was in the stores, Zara quickly moved on to the next style. With new styles being introduced every week, consumers were likely to visit the store more often. Producing a product in limited quantity had another advantage. If the style did not sell as expected, Zara did not lose much, as there was not much stock to be discounted. On an average, Zara sold only 18% of the clothes through discount sales twice a year, as against the industry average of 36% and constant markdowns. Analysts opined that Zaras main advantage was its ability to respond during the season. If any collection was not doing well during the season, Zara could immediately realign its resources, whereas the other retailers had to resort to discounts and advertising to clear their stocks.

Zara used the pull process instead of forecasting to gauge market trends. As soon as a product was sent to the stores, Zara would know if the new design was going to succeed or not, based on immediate feedback from the sales force and store managers. Products that did not sell as expected were immediately discontinued. According to Watson, The fundamental thing about using small batches and this model is that (you) are continually making decisions based on consumer demand. And if you cut your demand to your supply and are able to do it quite quickly as it begins, youre always on the upward start of the demand curve, which is the highest rate of sales.17 Defying conventional wisdom, Zara adopted practices that resulted in higher costs. These included three product lines, deliveries twice a week, using planes and trucks to transport its goods instead of cheaper alternatives like trains and ships, and shipping some of the garments on hangers, which occupied more space, thus increasing freight charges. However, these practices helped Zara maintain a low inventory and higher profit margins. Analysts opined that Zaras supply chain did not minimize costs but worked towards maximizing revenues. When most of the European retailers were moving their production processes to low cost countries like China and India to minimize their costs, Zara made efforts to keep its costs low, despite manufacturing in Spain and other European countries. The company did not own any of the workshops where the sewing was done. These workshops employed women from villages and small towns. Their average wage was around US$ 500 a month as against the US$ 1,300 per month paid to industrial workers. However, these wages were still 5 to 7 times higher than those paid in India or China. Zara was thus able to

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achieve the flexibility of making and distributing the garment in a few days, something which would have not been possible if the manufacturing was done in these low cost countries. According to David Bovet of Mercer Management Consultant, The dominant way of thinking for a while now has been, find the cheapest country out there and get it to produce your stuff, but what Zara has said is that proximity matters. Even if you save a couple of bucks an hour by shipping the stuff off to the Third World, you end up paying more in the end, because it destroys your flexibility.18 Zaras use of information technology (IT) was limited. According to Andrew McAfee, specialist in the corporate use of IT at Harvard Business School, The company keeps its technology simple even a little old-fashioned but as a result spends five to ten times less on information technology than its rivals.19 LOOKING AHEAD Industry analysts were of the opinion that Zara could not continue with its supply chain model for too long. With many retailers moving their manufacturing processes to India and China to control costs, Zara would have to follow suit sooner or later in order to remain competitive. However, if the production was to move out to low cost countries, Zara could lose its advantage and might not be able to refurbish its product lines in quick succession, the analysts felt By 2008, the quotas imposed on the Chinese textile industry by the US and the European Union would be removed. Most of the leading European textile companies were expected to move their manufacturing processes to Asia, particularly to China, due to

lower costs. Several luxury apparel brands would also start sourcing from China. According to Nathan Cockerll, analyst with Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), The economics of Asian sourcing actually work better for some luxury companies than fast-fashion retailers, because the margins on more expensive goods arent affected as much by the cost of putting them on a plane.20 Analysts cautioned Zara against aggressive expansion. They pointed out that the farther Zara moved its operations from Spain, further away it would be from its centralized distribution system, which would lead to higher costs. Analysts warned that vertical integration, which was Zaras strength, could also turn out to be its weakness, if it continued expanding to far off locations in Asia and America. One of the disadvantages of vertical integration was the lack of economies of scale, where Zara was unable to reap the advantage of producing large quantities of products to sell them at competitive prices. Retail experts suggested that Zara should complete its expansion in the European markets before expanding into the Asian markets. In case Zara wanted to expand further, analysts opined that it needed to decentralize its production processes and have a production center for a cluster of countries along with distribution centers.


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Exhibit II Inditex International Expansion Year 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Portugal USA France Mexico Greece Belgium, Sweden Malta Cyprus, Norway, Israel Argentina, Japan, UK, Venezuela, UAE, Lebanon, Kuwait, Turkey Countries

Cont.... Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Countries Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Canada, Uruguay Austria, Denmark, Qatar, Andorra Puerto Rico, Jordan, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, Czech Republic El Salvador, Finland, Singapore, Dominican Republic, Switzerland Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malaysia Hong Kong, Morocco, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Panama Morocco, Indonesia, Philippines, Costa Rica


Additional Readings & References: 1.! Echikson, William, The Mark of Zara, BusinessWeek, May 29, 2000. 2.! Folpe, Jane M, Zara Has a Made-to-Order Plan for Success, Fortune, September 04, 2000. 3.! Echikson, William, The Fashion Cycle Hits High Gear, BusinessWeek, September 18, 2000.

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4.! Surowiecki, James, The Most Devastating Retailer in the World, The New Yorker, November 2000. 5.! Floating on Air, Economist, May 19, 2001. 6.! Heller, Richard, Inditex Index Inside Zara, Forbes, May 28, 2001. 7.! Zara, a Spanish Success Story,, June 15, 2001. 8.! Zara Tests Market with Brand Launches, Estates Gazette, June 08, 2002. 9.! Dutta, Devangshu, Retail @ The Speed of Fashion Part I and II,, 2002 and 2003. 10.! Bainbridge, Jane, High-Speed Retail is Quick to Answer Customers' Needs, Marketing (UK), April 03, 2003. 11.! Spains Best Brands,, February 16, 2004. 12.! Doonar, Joanna, Branding Espaa to the Rest of the World, Brand Strategy, March 2004. 13.! Ferdows, Kasra; Lewis, Michael A. and Machuca, Jose AD, Rapid-Fire Fulfillment, Harvard Business Review, November 2004. 14.! Pepper, Robert, Loyaltys Missing Link, Marketing (UK), March 23, 2005. 15.! The Future of Fast Fashion, Economist, June 18, 2005.

16.! Global Brand, The 100 Top Brands, BusinessWeek, August 01, 2005. 17.! Murphy, Robert, Strong Sales at Zara Boost Inditex Profit, Womens Wear Daily, September 23, 2005. 18.! F o r o o h a r, R a n a , F a b u l o u s F a s h i o n , N e w s w e e k International, October 17, 2005. 19.! Thomas, Ryan J, Uncovering Zara, Apparel Magazine, January 2006. 20.! 21.! Footnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Doonar, Joanna, Branding Espaa to the Rest of the World, Brand Strategy, March 2004. Echikson, William, The Mark of Zara, BusinessWeek, May 29, 2000. Global Brand, The 100 Top Brands, BusinessWeek, August 01, 2005. Schapiro, Stephan A., Flying Off the Rack, Air Cargo World Online, September 2001. Floating on Air, Economist, May 19, 2001. ! Offer Document Inditex, 2001. ! Zara: A Model Fashion Retailer, CNN, July 22, 2004.

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Saini, Angela and Ryle, Sarah, New Kids on the High Street Cut a Dash with Fast Fashions,, June 05, 2005. The term haute couture is French. Haute means high or elegant. Couture literally means sewing, but has come to indicate the business of designing, creating, and selling custom-made, high fashion womens clothes.

18. Surowiecki, James, The Most Devastating Retailer in the World, The New Yorker, November 2000. 19. The Future of Fast Fashion, Economist, June 18, 2005. 20. Foroohar, Rana, Fabulous Fashion, Newsweek International, October 17, 2005.


10. Thomas, Ryan J, Uncovering Zara, Apparel Magazine, January 2006. 11. Zara: A Model Fashion Retailer, CNN, July 22, 2004. 12. Heller, Richard, Inditex Index, Inside Zara, Forbes, May 28, 2001. 13. Surowiecki, James, The Most Devastating Retailer in the World, The New Yorker, November 2000. 14. Heller, Richard, Inditex Index, Inside Zara, Forbes, May 28, 2001. 15. Saini, Angela and Ryle, Sarah, New Kids on the High Street Cut a Dash with Fast Fashions,, June 05, 2005. 16. Echikson, William, The Mark of Zara, BusinessWeek, May 29, 2000. 17. Thomas, Ryan J, Uncovering Zara, Apparel Magazine, January 2006.


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Productivity and Quality Management

Introduction: In this chapter, we will discuss: Productivity The Strategic Role of Quality Role of Inspection in Quality Control The Cost of Quality Statistical Concepts in Quality Control Acceptance Plans Computers in Quality Control

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Section 1

Productivity and Quality Management

Every organization, whether it manufactures goods or renders services, has to track its performance at regular intervals of time. Performance can be split into qualitative and quantitative performance. Quantitative performance, also called productivity, is the output produced using a given set of inputs. The prosperity of nations and organizations alike is considered dependent on their comparative productivity. Productivity provides a good measure of performance at the national, industry, or individual business level. Qualitative performance refers to the quality of the product or service produced. The focus on product quality gained importance in the 1920s, when Walter Shewhart developed the first process control chart. With the increase in competition and customers becoming more aware educated, the demand for better quality products increased. To satisfy the requirements of quality-conscious customers, operations managers started actively pursuing quality standards, both in products and in services. In services, quality indicates performance in the delivery process and customer service. These include intangibles like courteous, prompt, and timely service, and tangibles like office ambience that is pleasing to customers. Quality control begins long before products/services are delivered to customers. For quality control, the preventive, concurrent, and feedback control approaches are used. The Japanese dominance in the world of motor vehicles, electronics, and other industries is due to their high regard for quality. Japanese products epitomize quality in every aspect. Quality is treated as a long-term strategy and this results in the incorporation of quality principles in every aspect of the business process. In this chapter, we discuss the importance of productivity as a measurement tool, the concept of quality, methods to control quality, and ways to implement quality management principles. PRODUCTIVITY Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of an organization in terms of the ratio of the outputs to inputs. The higher the numerical value of this ratio, the greater the efficiency. Productivity measures the efficiency of the


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employees (teams or departments) in using the organizations scarce resources to produce goods and services. It is an important tool for managers because it helps them track progress in terms of the efficient use of resources in producing goods and services. It helps them identify inefficient activities (if any) in the production process in terms of man-hours spent, material consumed, etc. Thus, productivity can be used as a controlling tool to ensure that all the resources are utilized judiciously and efficiently. This section focuses on defining productivity, measuring productivity, and describing the factors that affect productivity in an organization. Productivity Defined The term productivity was first used by French mathematician Quesnay in 1776. He defined it as the relation of output to input. In 1883, another Frenchman Littre defined productivity as the faculty to produce. In 1950, the Organization of European Economic Cooperation formally defined productivity as the quotient obtained by dividing output by one of the factors of production. In this way, it is possible to speak of productivity of capital, investment, or raw materials, according to whether output is being considered in relation to capital, investment, or raw materials respectively. In general, productivity can be defined as the relationship between output from the system and inputs used to produce the output (products and services). In mathematical terms, it is the ratio of output to input.

Inputs Inputs are all those factors of production like capital, men, material, machinery, etc. Inputs can be quantified into different categories like number of man-hours worked, quantity of material used, tons of raw material consumed, and power consumed in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW). They can also be viewed in terms of costs associated like material costs, transportation costs, direct costs, overheads, etc. Input can also be categorized into tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets include raw material consumed, components used, and machinery used, while intangible assets include leadership skills, knowledge of the workers, and training provided. Outputs Output may be in terms of the number of customers served in a restaurant, the number or volume of products produced in a factory, or the number of customer requests processed in a bank. It can also be tangible or intangible. The number of goods produced, tons of cement produced, etc., are tangible outputs while customer satisfaction is intangible. Operations managers need to develop means to quantify the intangible output to determine productivity accurately. Components of Productivity Productivity can be improved in many ways such as by procuring quality raw material at the lowest possible cost, adopting an optimal mix of production factors, and training the workers. These different factors/components independently influence the productivity in different ways. The components can

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be categorized to include price efficiency, allocative efficiency, technical efficiency, and scale efficiency. Price efficiency Organizations always try to achieve a trade-off between the quality of the material purchased and the associated costs. Procuring good quality material at the lowest possible costs would reduce the overall cost of the product. Price efficiency comes in when such cost reductions are possible without compromising on the quality of the material purchased. Allocative efficiency Operations managers do consider an optimal mix of factors of production. For instance, a trade-off between capital and labor is necessary to maximize productivity due to constraints arising in utilizing either of them in a given situation. Hence, the adoption of an optimal mix of factors of production leads to allocative efficiency. Technical efficiency Productivity can be increased either by increasing the output with the same number of inputs or by producing the same output using fewer inputs. For instance, if 100 units are produced using 80 units of raw material, then productivity can be increased either by producing more than 100 units (say 110 units) by using the same number of inputs (80 units), or by producing 100 units by using less than 80 units of input (say 75 units of raw material). Either way, the productivity increases and this increase is termed as technical efficiency. Technical efficiency can be gained by

modifying the existing production processes, introducing automation in production processes, etc. Scale productivity This component is concerned with the activity volume. The volume or size of operations has an impact on the productivity of the organization. For example, let us assume that the ordering cost for a raw material is fixed irrespective of the quantity ordered. In this situation, a small organization whose volume of output is low may find this ordering cost (input) more than a large organization, which has higher output volumes. Factors Affecting Productivity! !

Productivity is one of the major concerns of managers as it helps organizations survive in a competitive environment. As productivity helps measure the efficiency and competitiveness of employees, departments, or organizations, it is considered an essential element in the control process. Although the need to improve productivity is felt in organizations, there is little consensus about the fundamental causes of low productivity and the ways in which they can be dealt with. Productivity in organizations is believed to be affected by several factors, some of which are mentioned here: Bottlenecks in the production process can hamper productivity. Poor layout design can be one of the reasons for bottlenecks. Further, productivity depends on the capacity of the slowest processing equipment. If steps are taken to improve the capacity of such equipment, it leads to a corresponding increase in the productivity.

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Training programs affect productivity. Rapid technological changes are taking place in organizations across the world. Therefore, employers have to train their employees to constantly upgrade their skills. However, the time (unproductive) spent by the employees in learning new technology reduces their productivity as the time spent on training eats into the total effective work time. Exhibit 16.1.1 details the National Productivity Council of India, a non-profit

organization, which offers training and consulting to the firms on ways to improve productivity. The total production cycle time has an impact on total productivity. The production cycle time is the sum of the actual production time and idle time, i.e., time spent by the material between processing. Hence, operations managers need to adopt proper scheduling in the plant to increase productivity by reducing idle time. The productivity of an organization may also suffer if social and legal obligations (for example, government policies) make it necessary for it to employ people without adequate skills. Workers often believe that their employers are exploiting them by increasing their workload from time to time on the pretext of improving productivity. Therefore, they resort to strikes, thereby leading to loss of productivity. Measuring Productivity Productivity can be measured in relation to a single factor (single factor productivity), a combination of factors (multifactor productivity), or all the factors taken together (total productivity). Single factor productivity and multifactor productivity can also be termed as partial productivity as all the factors of production are not considered while calculating productivity. Kendrick and Creamer defined partial productivity (single factor productivity) in 1965 as the ratio of gross or net output to one class of input. An example of single factor measurement of productivity is labor productivity, which typically measures output per unit of labor. Multifactor productivity takes into consideration more than one

Exhibit 16.1.1 NPC and Productivity Improvement

The National Productivity Council of India (NPC) was established by the Government of India in 1958 as a registered society. It is an autonomous and non-profit organization where equal interests are held by the government, the employers, and the workers organizations. NPC provides training and consultation to organizations in different industries on ways to improve productivity, apart from undertaking research in the area of productivity. In addition, it also actively implements the productivity promotion plans and programs of the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organization (APO). NPC provides productivity training in various disciplines like Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Process Management, Technology Management, and Disaster Management. These training modules aim at improving the existing production methods and implementing new methods. For example, under the discipline of technology management, NPC provides training on spare parts management, maintenance management, etc. Team building, stress & time management, Six sigma work culture, etc. are the focus areas under Human Resource Management. NPC offers consultation services to the industry, agriculture, and services sectors in a wide spectrum of domains. They include System/Industrial engineering, Agricultural productivity, Plant engineering, Energy management, Environment management, and Information technology. It also provides training and consultation services to firms under the Small Scale and Informal Sector (SIS) that includes associated government and non-governmental organizations.
Adapted from

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factor of production such as labor and materials. Total factor productivity includes all the factors of production (labor, materials, process, energy, and other inputs). According to Kendrick and Creamer, total factor productivity is the ratio of the real products originating in the economy, industry, or firm to the sum of the associated labor and capital (factor) inputs. In this section, we will focus on productivity measurement for tangibles (production) and intangibles (knowledge workers, services organizations). Traditional approach to measurement of productivity Productivity is measured in terms of partial productivity and total productivity. As labor is one of the major sources of production costs for organizations, most productivity ratios are calculated by considering labor as the specific input. This partial productivity ratio is referred to as the labor productivity index or output per work-hour ratio.

square foot of floor space, return on investment, amount of scrap for certain units of output, etc.

Many organizations measure productivity in terms of partial productivity (single factor or multi-factor). This is because it is difficult to measure total productivity due to the difficulty in identifying/understanding the particular input variable(s) (among many variables) that has led to lower productivity. Another problem with total productivity is that all the variables (inputs and outputs) must be expressed in the same units. But it is difficult to add the number of labor hours to the number of units of energy or any other units of an input.

Measurement of productivity of knowledge workers It is easy to measure the productivity of quantifiable tasks (e.g., the number of units produced by an individual working on a machine during a given time period). But it is difficult to measure the productivity of tasks (such as pharmaceutical research) that cannot be measured in units. In fact, measuring the productivity of skilled workers is difficult because of its dependence on many intangible and qualitative factors. However, in order to improve planning and control at the organizational level, it is essential to quantify the work and keep track of the productivity of the organization.

Material costs also affect productivity as they add up to 30% to 40% of the overall costs. Hence, operations managers also measure productivity in terms of material used.

In addition, managers often develop specific ratios that gauge productivity for particular outputs and inputs, such as sales per


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The productivity of a knowledge worker is much more difficult to measure than that of industrial workers for the following reasons: !The quality of a knowledge workers output cannot be determined immediately. For example, the effects of a strategic decision may not be evident for several years and even then the positive or negative effect of the strategic decision depends on various external factors beyond the control of those responsible for taking the decision. !Often, the output of knowledge workers contributes only indirectly to the achievement of the end result, and is, therefore, difficult to measure. For example, a human resources manager solves the employees problems and attempts to improve the quality of work life of employees. These efforts contribute indirectly to an increase in productivity. !Knowledge workers often assist other organizational units/ departments indirectly and this contribution is usually difficult to measure. For example, a scientist in the R&D department may give a suggestion to the marketing department to highlight a specific attribute of the product while marketing it. In this case, it is difficult to measure the actual contribution of the scientist in the increase in sales of the product. Measurement of productivity in service organizations Measuring productivity in a service organization is difficult due the intangible nature of the product. Service companies base productivity on the number of tasks performed, or the number of customers served in any given time period. Other measures include a comparison of the service provided with established

company, industry, or customer quality standards. Since it is often difficult to establish a standard time for a task in the service industry, usually, only a probable time for a task can be established. For example, the time taken to approve a loan varies from bank to bank. As a result, banks sometimes focus on the speedy approval of loans as a function of their operational efficiency. In order to measure productivity, service professionals maintain time-sheets to indicate the amount of time spent on a given task. In cases where the task is routine and involves minimal customization, the quantity of work, as for example, the number of service calls made per day, the number of queries handled, or the number of customers served, is used as a measure. Productivity and Quality As discussed earlier, productivity and quality are two components of performance. Quality, like productivity, is a key to the well-being of an organization. Quality is complementary to productivity and vice versa. Neglecting one of these can lead to the organization performing poorly. Thus, there should not be any compromise on quality when trying to increase productivity. Just by producing more products or serving more customers, an organization cannot expect to increase profits or retain customers. The product or service should be able to satisfy the requirements of the customers. By improving the quality of a product or service, the organization can improve its competitive position in the market. Many organizations have thus shifted from the production-oriented approach to the marketing oriented one.

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A focus on quality in the production processes can contribute to improved productivity by reducing wastage in production, reducing the number of rejects, and optimizing the process and procedure. The quality of the product or service can ensure that the organization retains its customers and is simultaneously able to attract new customers. With properly designed operating systems and procedures, an operations manager can improve the quality of the products and the productivity of the factors of production. As opposed to this, an inefficient design leads to a decline in quality and productivity, resulting in overall inefficiency and sub-optimal performance. The following sections will focus on the concept of quality and its role in organizational success. THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF QUALITY For many years after World War II, quality was viewed as a defensive function rather than as an offensive weapon that could be used in developing new markets and increasing market share. The main function of quality control was to reduce the number of customer complaints. So quality initiative was highly dependent on inspection rather than prevention. However, more and more companies today are recognizing the value of using quality as an offensive, strategic weapon. A company can compete on eight different quality functions: (1) Performance, (2) Features, (3) Reliability, (4) Conformance, (5) Durability, (6) Serviceability, (7) Aesthetics, and (8) Perceived quality. The Ritz Carlton Hotel has developed its own standards of quality called as Gold Standards which are used to maintain the highest quality levels in the service. Refer Exhibit 16.1.2 for further details.

Exhibit 16.1.2 Service Quality at Ritz-Carlton Hotel

To understand how service quality can be improved, let us take the example of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel the winner of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award in 1992. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel has a comprehensive service quality program. The company implements this program through executive participation in the decision making process, gathering proper information, well conceived and properly executed plans, and properly trained employees. As in any service industry, employees are the key to the performance and quality of Ritz. To maintain highest standards in service, Ritz provides training to employees in the companys Gold Standards, which are a set of guidelines for providing premium service. The importance of quality for Ritz-Carlton can be judged from the fact that the top management meets regularly to discuss the quality of products and services, guest satisfaction and so on. To maintain the highest level of quality, the company regularly updates itself on consumer requirement by gathering information from the travel industry, customer feedback, focus groups, and surveys. To meet the customers requirements, Ritz-Carlton has translated key requirements into Gold Standards, which consists of a credo, motto, three steps of service, and 20 Ritz-Carlton basics. All the employees are required to abide by the guidelines outlined in the Gold Standards. The employees are provided continuous training and are rewarded for outstanding and exceptional performance. The employees have been given full rights to perform their jobs in a manner that will satisfy the requirements of the guests. To enable quick resolution of any customer problem or grievances all employees are given a freehand to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Data is collected on a daily basis from 720 work areas in the hotel to identify any problem areas that can hinder the normal functioning of the hotel. In addition the hotel organizes guest meetings to find the areas where the services have not been able to satisfy their requirements. Each employee is instructed and trained to note customer preferences and the data thus gathered is stored in a database. This information on the likes and dislikes of the customers helps Ritz-Carlton provide personalized and customized services to repeat guests.

Adapted from Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 1992 Winner The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, nist, September 8, 2001, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), November 8, 2002,! <>

Performance Performance indicates the ability of a products primary operating characteristics. Consumers judge the quality of the product based on its performance, after comparing it with the competitors products or the prevailing market standards. For example, performance characteristics for a car would typically include pick up, fuel efficiency, etc. Features The number of features a product has in addition to the basic features also influences customers perception of quality.

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Besides, features allow companies to satisfy different requirements based on individuals preferences and choices. As a result, customers perception of quality is also dependent on the number of product models and/or variations available. Additional features also helps in enhancing the appeal of the product. Reliability As a technical term, reliability refers to the probability of a products failure within a specified time period. Reliability is usually measured as the mean time between failures (MTBF) or the failure rate per unit of time or any other measure of usage. Reliability is very important in case of high value products such as airplanes, computers, etc. Conformance A products conformance reflects how well the product and its individual components meet the established standards. Products conformance to specifications can be identified by analyzing their defect rates during production, and the number of customer complaints after their sale. Durability Durability of a product indicates the operational life of a product or in other words how long the product can be used without replacement. For some products, the entire product needs to be replaced when one component is damaged (for instance when the filament of a bulb burns out, the entire bulb needs to be replaced). While for other products (e.g. cars), the consumer has

to evaluate the trade-off between replacing the product versus spending more money on repairs for the existing ones. Serviceability Serviceability is concerned with how readily a product can be serviced back into operational mode, and the speed, competence and courtesy associated with that service. This dimension of quality is sometimes overlooked at the design stage." The speed of repair improves the availability (amount of time the item is in use) of the product and reduces the repair costs. Aesthetics The aesthetics value of a product or service is influenced by individual preferences. While one group of customers may regard a product as aesthetic, another group may feel it is not tastefully designed. So companies can use this quality dimension to cater to a niche market. Perceived quality Perceived quality is directly related to the reputation of the firm that manufactures the product. Total information about the various quality aspects of a product is usually not available, especially when it is a new product. So, customers rely heavily on the reputation of the organization and the past performance of its products when attaching a value to its new products. ROLE OF INSPECTION IN QUALITY CONTROL How many items should be inspected? As more and more items are inspected, the cost of inspection increases while the cost of

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undetected faults decreases. At one point, there is an optimal trade-off between the cost of inspection and the cost of an undetected fault. At this point, the cost of total quality control is minimal. Inspection costs include personnel training, supervision of inspectors, inspection labor costs, conducting tests, maintenance of testing and inspection facilities, etc. The cost of undetected faults includes customer complaints, loss of goodwill, product replacement cost, product liability suits, product recall programs and returned products. For most products and services, all outputs cannot be inspected. It would be uneconomical and in some cases where destructive testing is done, it would be impossible. For example, when concrete blocks are crushed to determine their maximum compression strengths, the product is destroyed. In order to improve the efficiency of the inspections they should be carried out 1.! 2.! 3.! After operations that are most likely to produce faulty items, Before costly operations commence, Before operations that can cover up defects take place,

Cost of Prevention Prevention costs are those costs that are incurred by a company in preventing defective goods and services from being produced and/or delivered to the customers. This category includes the investments made in machinery, technology and education/ training programs to reduce the number of defects. It also includes costs to administer the firms quality program, data collection and analysis, and vendor certification. Investments in this category bring high returns including benefits gained from increased customer satisfaction and reduced scrap losses and rework expenses. Cost of Detection/Appraisal Detection or appraisal costs are those costs that are associated with evaluating the quality and performance of the products and machines. These costs include inward materials inspection, tests and inspection throughout the transformation process, equipment maintenance, etc. Cost of Failure The cost of failure relates to non-conforming and non-performing products. These costs can be divided into internal and external failure costs. Internal failure costs refer to the costs incurred when defects are found before products are delivered to the consumers. These costs include scrap, repair, retesting of repaired products, downtime, losses due to process variability and disposition of defective items. These costs can be eliminated if defects are minimized or eliminated within the system. External failure costs are the costs that are incurred after the products have been delivered to the customers. Costs

4.! Before undertaking assembly operations that cannot be undone, and 5.! When the finished product is ready for delivery.

THE COST OF QUALITY The cost of quality can be divided into three major categories cost of prevention, cost of detection/appraisal, and cost of failure. The total cost of quality is the sum of costs in all three categories.

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in this category include the cost of returned material, warranty charges, field survey costs, legal expenses due to lawsuits, loss of sales due to customer dissatisfaction and costs of concessions made to customers. STATISTICAL CONCEPTS IN QUALITY CONTROL Statistical techniques are used in identifying the variations in the process that ultimately affect the quality of the final product or service. Control Charts Control charts are used extensively to monitor quality. The concept applicable to all control charts is that different measurement criteria are plotted on the chart with a central line representing the mean value and two control limits above and below that central value. If the noted variable and attribute values fall between these control limits, the process is said to be in control. If the values fall outside these control limits then the process is considered to be out of control, and remedial actions are taken to rectify these discrepancies. Control charts are easy to develop, analyze and understand. Essential steps in starting the control chart To establish the basic procedures for a quality control program, the manufacturer must take the following preliminary steps: 1. Select the quality characteristics that are to be controlled (including the limits of variations). 2. Analyze the production process to determine the kind and location of the probable causes of irregularities.

3. Determine how the inspection data is to be collected and recorded. 4. Choose the statistical measures that would be used in the chart. 5. Select the right control chart so that the control limits calculated are correct for the data. The selection depends on the format of the data being collected. The data collected can be in either variable or attributes format. The selected variables refer to the measurable characteristics of a product or service such as length, weight, thickness, etc. In the attributes format, the items inspected are classified either as conforming or non-conforming. Control Charts for Variables Control charts for variables are used to maintain quality standards for a process by evaluating measurable product or service variables like thickness, length, tensile strength, and queue waiting time. These charts are used to evaluate the mean and variability of the process distribution. Control charts for variables include X-Chart and R-Chart. X-chart X-Chart illustrates the central tendency of the inspected samples. For a meaningful analysis, both the X and R-charts are used simultaneously. The upper and lower control limits for X-chart are given by the following equations: UCL = + A2 LCL = A2 Where, = Mean of means of all the inspected samples = Mean of ranges A2 = Constant whose value is dependent on the sample size.

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The mean of range R-chart or range chart R-Charts show the variability of the process. A process is said to be in control when both the accuracy (mean) and precision are in control. The range chart is used to check the process variability. Range for a sample is given by the difference in the highest and lowest values in the sample. R = xmax - xmin Control limits for R-chart is given by the formula: CL = UCL=D3 LCL= D4 D3 and D4 are constants whose values are based on the sample size. Problem 16.1.1 Table 16.1.1 gives the means ( ) and range (R) of ten samples each of size 5.
Table 16.1.1
Sample X R 1 2 3 38 4 4 42 8 5 6 7 8 39 4 9 41 8 10 46 6 40 47 6 7 46 42 51 7 3 6

The control limits for the X-chart UCL = + A2 = 43.2 + 0.59 5.9 = 46.68 LCL = - A2 = 43.2 - 0.59 5.9 = 39.7 CL = 43.2 Control limits for the range charts UCL = D3 = 2.34 5.9 = 13.8 LCL = D4 = 0.16 5.9 = 0.944 CL = 5.9

Figure 16.1.1: R-Chart

(Conversion factors for sample size 5 are given as A2 = 0.59, D3 = 2.34, D4 = 0.16) Comment on the state of the process by using mean and range charts. Solution The mean of means is given by:


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Figure 16.1.2: X-Chart

such situations, control charts for attributes are used. Two types of control charts for attributes the P-chart and the C-chart are described below. P-chart or fraction defective chart P-chart is employed to find out the proportion of defective items in a selected sample. It is used to control the proportion of defective items being produced by a production process.

The control limits are given by UCL= +3 LCL= - 3 Where n= Number of sample inspected, and = Average of proportion of defective items In case the LCL is negative, it is taken as zero. Problem 16.1.2 Based on data given in Table 16.1.2, construct a p-chart or fraction defective chart. Size of sample is given as 30.
Table 16.1.2
Sample Number of defectives 1 3 2 2 3 2 4 1 5 4 6 2 7 1 8 4 9 2 10 1

Based on the control limits, R-charts and X-charts are plotted as shown in Figures 16.1.1 and 16.1.2 respectively. The process control state is commented on after analyzing both the charts. In range chart all the sample ranges fall within the control limits indicating that the process in control. But the process cannot be assumed to be in control because by observing" X-chart we can see the sample means are outside the control limits indicating out of control process. An in control process must satisfy the requirements of both the " X-chart and R-chart. Control Charts for Attributes In control charts for variables, a measurable variable is used like weight, length, width, etc., in the inspection process. But if the quality characteristics are not quantifiable then the items after inspection are identified either as defective or non-defective. In

Solution Fraction defective for each sample is given by p = c/n = number of defective/sample size

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Fraction defective for Sample 1 = 3/30 = 0.1 Fraction defective for Sample 2 = 2/30 = 0.067 Similarly, calculate the fraction defective for all ten samples
Table 16.1.3
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fraction Defective 0.1 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.13 0.07 0.03 0.13 0.07 0.03

Figure 16.1.3: P-Chart

= 3

= 0.73/10=0.073 =3 =3 = 3 & 0.0475 = 0.142

Substituting these values in the equations for control limits for the p-chart, we get CL=0.073 UCL =0.073 + 0.142 = 0.215 LCL =0.073 - 0.142 = -0.069 = 0, as the value obtained for LCL is negative. The Figure 16.1.3 of p-chart indicates that the process is in control as all the values are within the control limits

C-Chart or number of defects chart C-Chart is used to illustrate the total number of defect in an item when the item may contain more than one defect. C-Charts are used to find the total number of defects or average number of defects per unit in an inspected sample. Control limits for a c-chart is given by the equations UCL = + 3 LCL = - 3 Where, is the average number of defects produced by a process. If LCL value is negative then it is taken as zero, because the number of defects cannot be negative. Problem 16.1.3 The number of defects in a process was noted after observing 10 samples of a painting job. The errors in these samples are given in Table 16.1.4.


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Acceptance Plans
Table 16.1.4
Sample Number Number of Defects 1 3 2 7 3 2 4 0 5 4 6 6 7 1 8 2 9 4 10 3

Using c-chart determine whether the process is in control or out of control. Solution! First we have to find the average ( ), which will be the central limit. = = = 3.2

Control limits for this process is given by: UCL = 3.2 + 3 = 8.57 LCL = 3.2 3 = -2.17 CL = 3.2 As LCL for this sample is negative, it is taken as zero.Now the C-chart can be obtained by plotting the number of defects on the Y-axis and sample number on the X-axis.
Figure 16.1.4: C-Chart

Acceptance plans are used to verify the quality of raw materials, purchased parts and components, and finished goods. Acceptance plans are used to verify the quality of both incoming raw materials and outgoing finished materials. On the basis of acceptance plan, a manager can accept or reject a lot. If the lot of raw material is accepted, it is placed in the inventory for use, and if rejected, it is returned to the supplier. If the lot of finished goods is accepted it is dispatched to the consumers, in event of the lot being rejected it is subjected to 100% inspections and defective items are replaced by non-defective items. The key information in an acceptance plan is the criteria for accepting or rejecting a lot, as deduced from the sample. For attributes, what is the maximum percentage of defectives that can be found in a sample and still be accepted? For variables, what is the largest and the smallest sample mean and sample range? Described below is acceptance sampling based on average outgoing quality and operating characteristics. Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) curve Average outgoing quality indicates the average defects in the lot that is assumed to have been inspected completely and all the defects or defective items have been removed or replaced. When the number of defects or non-conforming units in a lot is less, it means AOQ (proportion of non-conforming units in the released lot) is less. As the proportion of defective items in the lot increases, the chance or probability of rejecting such lots increases. These rejected lots are subjected to 100% inspection. " As a result of more lots being subjected to 100% inspection, AOQ level is improved. The maximum average outgoing quality

As we see in Figure 16.1.4 the defects are within the control limits. Hence, the process is treated as in control.

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for any acceptance plan is the average outgoing quality limit (AOQL), which indicates the point at which the AOQ reaches the critical level. Any lot with AOQ value of more than AOQL should not reach the ultimate customers. From the Figure 16.1.5, AOQ curve characteristics can be seen when AOQ is plotted against percent defective. Initially, the curve takes an upward trend as the number of defective units increases the AOQ for the sampling plan increases. The point P indicates the maximum level for AOQ. If the percent defectives exceed this critical point (P), the entire lot is rejected and every item in the lot is inspected. As a result of increased inspection, the defectives in the outgoing lot decrease thus improving the AOQ.
Figure 16.1.5: Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) Curve

certain about the quality of the items in the lot. We only know about the quality of the items in the sample. From the sample, we infer the quality of all the items in the lot. The operating characteristics (OC) curve is an important feature of acceptance plans. It shows how well an acceptance plan differentiates between good and bad lots. Let us assume that a good lot does not have more than one percent of defectives. This is called the Acceptable Quality Level (AQL). If there are only one percent of actual defectives, the probability of accepting the lot is 95%, thus the probability of rejecting the lot is 5%. The probability of rejecting the lot at AQL is called a producers risk or Type I error. In any sampling plan, there is always a risk that a good lot will be rejected - this is the producers risk. The consumer too faces a risk. Suppose a bad lot has 5 percent or more defectives. This will then be called the Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD). The probability of accepting a lot with this percent of defectives is the consumers risks or Type II error. Acceptance plans generally do not have large sample sizes because their inspection costs are higher. As a result they generally make a trade-off when designing acceptance plans. They design acceptance plans with sample sizes that offer a balance between inspection costs and the cost of undetected defects. OC curves are not used to make day-to-day decisions about accepting or rejecting lots. They show how a particular acceptance plan discriminates between good and bad lots. Acceptance plans are used to ascertain whether raw materials, purchased parts and finished goods meet prescribed quality standards. On the basis of acceptance plans, operations managers can either accept or reject a lot.

Operating characteristics (OC) curves Inspection of all the items in a lot is not practical or feasible. Even after drawing a random sample from a lot, one cannot be

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Figure 16.1.6 shows the general characteristics of a normal and ideal OC curve.
Figure 16.1.6: Operating Characteristics Curve

be moved into production rapidly, and products can also be shipped more quickly to customers. The use of computers in the production process reduces the number of human errors in the process. Robots, numerically controlled machines, flexible manufacturing systems, automated assembly systems, and automated storage and retrieval systems are computer dependent systems that help improve the quality of processes and products. CONCEPT OF Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM is not a tool or a product. It is a philosophy that seeks organization-wide improvement through the involvement of every individual in the organization. It differs from the traditional quality control methods in the fact that in TQM maintaining quality standards is the responsibility of everyone in the organization. The traditional systems restricted quality only to quality personnel and manufacturing departments. Ensuring quality was narrowly focused on products meeting the set specifications. Thus any quality related problem could be attributed to the manufacturing department. This narrow view did not take into consideration the fact that the performance of the manufacturing department is dependent upon the services rendered to it by other departments. For example, if the purchasing department did not properly evaluate the raw material supplier, the final quality of the product would be affected adversely. Moreover, delays in processing documents within the company often results in delayed delivery to the consumers. This has a negative impact on the companys image. The TQM philosophy seeks to remove these discrepancies by making quality control the responsibility of everyone in the organization. The entire

COMPUTERS IN QUALITY CONTROL Total quality control programs require sophisticated computer systems and databases. Computers provide timely and relevant information regarding the quality of outputs. As control charts can be prepared quickly by computers, the time between product inspection at various stages and the posting of information on control charts is reduced. Computer programs are also used for making lot acceptance decisions. These programs set the conditions for acceptance, receive sample measurements, and recommend an acceptance decision. As a result, the lead-time is minimized, materials can

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organization is directed toward serving the customer most effectively. TQM divides customers into two categories external customers, who consume final goods and services offered by the company, and internal customers, the employees of the organization. The TQM philosophy believes that each department should treat other departments as its customers. A number of tools and techniques are used to give shape to TQM philosophy. The main focus of these tools is on team building and empowering employees. Some of these tools are: Kaizen or continuous improvement in process, skill sets, systems and operations Participation of shop floor employees through initiatives like quality circles Improvement in interdepartmental coordination and functioning through initiatives like QITs (Quality Improvement Teams) Proper maintenance of machinery and other capital equipment through initiatives like Total Productivity Management TQM Principles A list of TQM principles is given below that act as a framework for overall improvement in quality standards. Systematic improvement TQM as a philosophy involves improvement in every aspect of an organizations functioning, and is not limited to a single product or process. It is a systematic process of improving and

maintaining quality standards in an organization. Systematic improvement involves identifying and managing the relationships between various processes and systems to achieve organizational objectives. Customer focused The customer is the focus of the total quality management approach, and not an individual product or service. TQM evaluates customers requirements, needs and wants and then, provides requisite products and services that satisfy their requirements or exceed their expectations. Customer focus enables an organization to respond effectively, and on time to any changes in markets. TQM also leads to increased customer loyalty, which in turn brings repeat business to an organization. Continuous improvement Quality is not an end item, but an ongoing process of improvement. Continuous improvement results in improved organizational capabilities, which enable the organization to take advantage of upcoming opportunities. By continuous improvement in the production process, products and employees skills, organizations can maintain their competitive position in the market. Problem prevention TQM philosophy is proactive rather than reactive. It emphasizes on the prevention of problems rather than the use of remedial measures. This is achieved by employing statistical process control tools, problem solving, system failure analysis, etc. By applying problem prevention principle, an organization can

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reduce wastages, minimize rejects and improve production process. Universal responsibility Maintaining quality is not just a prerogative of the top management or quality inspection department but every employee at all levels is equally responsible for its implementation. Quality responsibilities result in the employees being more committed, motivated and creative in performing assigned tasks. Designing quality for products Total quality management principles advocate the integration of quality initiatives with all business processes. Design, the first phase of production, has a significant affect on the overall quality of the end product. Quality in design is important not only for the development of products and services, but also for the development of processes. Genichi Taguchi advocated the importance of quality in design. According to him, activities such as process control, inspection, and defects removal, alone do not improve quality. The three important aspects of design quality are: Meeting customer requirements: During the design process, an organization should focus on meeting customer requirements. As mentioned earlier, making a quality product or service involves providing value to customers, not increasing the number of features. So the design team must either know the exact customer requirements or should be able to estimate them fairly accurately. During the design phase, the design team must be

kept informed of any changes in customer requirements, which might influence the design objectives. Capability of process: The product design should take into consideration the capability of the process. During the initial stages of product or service design, operations managers and designers should work together to ensure that production requirements match process capability. Standardization to improve quality: To ensure the quality of products during the design stage, designers should use standard procedures, materials, and processes that have proven quality. Standardization allows easy acceptance of the product in the market. Environment friendly features and attributes in a product or process have become another quality benchmark. For instance, one of the quality benchmarks for automobiles is emission and noise levels.


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Section 2

Case Study: Toyota Motor Company: Losing its Quality Edge?

This case was written by Syeda Maseeha Qumer, under the direction of Debapratim Purkayastha, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

@ 2010, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-8417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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The recalls and sales and production suspension cast a negative light on Toyota's reputation for quality, just as the company emerges from an unprecedented downturn in the auto industry. This could hamper the company's potential sales and profitability recovery, especially in the U.S. market.1 Jeong Min Pak, senior director, Fitch Ratings Ltd, in 2010. [The lean production system] runs too deep in the Toyota culture and has been too successful and too effective. I would anticipate Toyota is going to get through this with a weakened reputation -but since the company made great cars for a great price for 50 years, they are on a much better platform for restoring the luster of their reputation because the platform was so strong to begin with."2 - Michael Useem, a management professor at Wharton Business School, in 2010. INTRODUCTION On January 21, 2010, Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) recalled 2.3 million select Toyota Division vehicles in the US. The recall was done to fix sticking accelerator pedals which caused unintended acceleration, leading to accidents. Earlier in November 2009 too, the company had recalled 4.2 million cars in the US to rectify accelerator pedals which were getting lodged under the floor mats of the vehicles. Subsequently on February 1, 2010, Toyota suspended the sales of eight of its popular car models involved in the recall and discontinued production at six of its North American car-assembly plants in response to growing customer concerns. The eight car models represented 57% of Toyotas sales in the US in 2009.3 Talking about the recalls,

Japanese Trade Minister Masayuki Naoshima said, The scale of the recalls is huge. The situation is serious. It points to the possible dangers a global economy can bring. I would like Toyota to respond properly to secure consumer confidence.4 Toyota, an iconic car maker founded in 1937, was known for its innovations, quality, and global competitiveness. Its business segments mainly included automotive operations, financial services operations, and other business operations. Automotive operations accounted for 89% of Toyotas total revenues in 2008. The company manufactured vehicles at 53 production sites in 27 countries around the globe. In the fiscal year 2008, Toyota sold approximately 8.91 million vehicles in 170 countries and regions under the Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu, and Hino brands. North America was its b i g g e s t m a r k e t followed by Japan, watch?v=hQPGSFA_JU8 Europe, and Asia. For the third quarter ended December 31, 2009, Toyotas net revenues totaled 5.3 trillion yen, an increase of 10.2% compared to the corresponding period of 2008. Vehicle sales during the same quarter amounted to 2.07 million units, an increase of 227 thousand units over the same period of 2008.5 watch? v=hQPGSFA_JU8

According to analysts, delivering quality was one of the most fundamental principles of Toyota and the companys success was led by unusual quality delivered at very competitive prices. The company recognized quality as one of the most important

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factors affecting customer satisfaction and strove to achieve excellence in manufacturing quality products. The foundation of Toyotas strong quality was its efficient and much emulated manufacturing system known as the Toyota Production System Figure I Outline of the Toyota Production System
Best Quality Lowest Cost Shortest Lead Time Best Safety High Morale

(TPS). Through its well-organized production system, Toyota rapidly captured market share, controlled cost, and launched better car models. Toyota employees world over practiced philosophies such as Kaizen (continuous improvement), PDCA (plan, do, check, action), Pokayoke (mistake-proofing), and Justin-Time (JIT) to achieve excellence in production. To ensure zero defects in the finished product, Toyota set up quality assurance systems across various divisions, including development, purchasing, and production. Because of its competent quality process system, the Toyota brand had become synonymous with quality, reliability, and durability, experts said. However, some analysts felt that the Japanese company had succumbed to the pressures of rapid globalization and sacrificed its legendary quality to reach the goal of becoming the number one auto maker in the world. According to them, a series of recalls in the US, China, and Europe had tainted the automakers image of manufacturing reliable cars and trucks. According to Maryann Keller, senior adviser at Casesa Shapiro Group LLC, Toyotas reputation for long-term quality is finished. People arent going to buy Toyotas, period. It doesnt matter which model. Whats happened is sufficient to keep people out of the stores.6 However, some analysts were positive that Toyota would not lose its quality edge. According to them, the fact that the car maker had discontinued sales of the affected models until the recall issues were resolved was proof of its commitment to quality. They felt that in order to retain its reputation as a quality car maker, Toyota should try to gain the confidence of its customers and concentrate on the quality of its products rather than expanding its business and gaining market share. They need to

Just in Time Right part Right amount Right time Takt time planning Continuous flow Pull system Quick changeover Integrated logistics

People & Teamwork Selection Common goals Ringi decision making Cross-trained

Jidoka (In-station quality) Make Problems Visible Automatic stops Andon Person-machine separation Error proofing

Continuous Improvement

Waste Management Genchi Genbutsu 5 Whys Eyes for Waste Problem Solving Leveled Production (heijunka) Stable and Standardized Processes Visual Management Toyota Way Philosophy

In-station quality control Solve root cause of problems (5 Whys)

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do something warmer, something that demonstrates caring. I think they can recover, but that window is closing. They will have to do something big and fast,7 said Maurice E. Schweitzer, an associate professor of operations and information management at the Wharton School. BACKGROUND NOTE Toyota was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda (Kiichiro) in 1937. The history of Toyota goes back to 1897, when Sakichi Toyoda (Sakichi), father of Kiichiro, diversified into the textile machinery business from the traditional family business of carpentry. In 1926, Sakichi founded the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd (TALW) which manufactured automatic power looms. The looms stopped automatically when any of the threads snapped. This concept of designing equipment to stop so that defects could be immediately fixed formed the basis of the TPS. Kiichiro, an engineer from Tokyo University, was more interested in automobiles and engines than the familys textile business. In 1929, he traveled to the US and Europe to study the manufacturing processes in car factories there. After returning to Japan, he spent his time studying car engines and experimenting with better ways to manufacture them. In the early 1930s, Kiichiro convinced his father to launch an automobile business and in 1933, Sakichi established an automobile department within TALW. Kiichiro developed the first passenger car prototype A1 in 1935. In 1936, Sakichi sold the patent rights of his automatic loom to a company in England to raise money to set up a new automobile business. With the 100,000 that Sakichi received from the sale,

Kiichiro laid the foundations of the company. The company named Toyota was established on August 28, 1937, with a capital of 12 million yen. The name Toyota was used instead of Toyoda as it took eight pen strokes to write Toyota in Japanese and eight was considered a lucky number in Japan. Kiichiro was made the managing director of the company. In the late 1930s, Kiichiro traveled to the US to study the manufacturing processes at Ford Motor Company (Ford). Armed with strong knowledge about the Ford production system, Kiichiro returned to Japan determined to adapt the system to smaller production quantities, more suitable to Japan. Following World War II, international manufacturers had begun concentrating on medium-sized and larger cars but Toyota kept its focus on small cars. Toyota faced tough competition from Ford and General Motors Company, LLC (GM), which were the top car manufacturers in Japan at that time. In 1950, after a major strike by labor unions, Kiichiro was forced to step down and his cousin Eiji Toyoda (Eiji), who was also an engineer from Tokyo University, was made managing director. In 1957, Eiji renamed Toyota The Toyota Company. Due to World War II, there was severe shortage of raw material in Japan and Toyota did not have enough capital to carry huge inventories. The main challenge for the company was to produce the maximum units possible, given financial and other constraints and to reduce manufacturing inefficiencies. To overcome these problems, the TPS was put in place by the then production chief of Toyota, Taiichi Ohno (Ohno). Ohno traveled to the US in 1956 and came back with several ideas on which he based the TPS. The objective of TPS, also referred to as the lean manufacturing system, was to manufacture vehicles ordered by customers in

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the quickest and most efficient way and to deliver them as quickly as possible. Though the TPS was not the handiwork of Ohno alone as it included concepts developed by Sakichi, Kiichiro, and Eiji, it was Ohno who streamlined the concepts and developed them into a formal system. He was also responsible for training a number of Toyotas engineers on how to use and implement the system. The TPS overcame limitations of production, while making the most of the available resources. It made use of concepts like Just-in-Time (JIT), Kaizen, Kanban, and Jidoka to reach a high level of efficiency in production. The system formally came to be known as the TPS in 1977. Quality management experts opined that over the years, TPS had developed into a model of industrial excellence, leading to the companys manufacturing methods being emulated by other players in the automobile sector. The TPS enabled Toyota to come out with many innovative models in a cost-efficient way, they added. The company started its globalization in the 1950s and entered the US market in 1957. It established its first overseas production unit in Brazil in 1959 followed by its entry into the European market in 1963. Besides manufacturing, Toyota started a global network of design and R&D facilities covering the three major car markets of Japan, North America, and Europe. The company underwent rapid expansion in the 1960s and 1970s and exported fuel-efficient small cars to many foreign markets. It focused on lowering its production costs and on developing more sophisticated cars. The Toyota Corolla, which went on sale in 1966, became Japans most popular family car. Toyota received a major boost in the late 1970s, when the oil crisis resulted in many people shifting to Toyotas fuel-efficient cars. The crisis

also sent Japan into recession and most of the auto makers suffered losses. However, the efficiency and flexibility of the TPS helped Toyota bounce back. In 1978, a group of engineers from Toyota, under the guidance of Ohno, gave a presentation at Tokyo on the TPS. This further sparked interest in the system and many expressed keenness to learn more about it. Toyota brought TPS to the US in the 1980s, when it set up a joint venture with GM called New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI). By the early 1970s, Toyotas production was behind that of only GM and Ford. It also began to tap the markets in the Middle East. By 1974, Toyota Corolla had become the largest selling car in the world, and a decade later, Toyota ranked second only to GM in the total number of cars produced. By the end of the 1980s, Toyota began to build new brands and the luxury division, Lexus, was launched. During this period, Toyota continued to strive for improvements and its manufacturing processes served as a model for other companies. In 1983, the companys name was changed to Toyota Motor Corporation. In 1988, Toyota opened its own production plant in Georgetown, Kentucky. In 1990, to provide safe and innovative products and safeguard the environment and culture of the local communities in which it operated, Toyota established the Guiding Principles at Toyota. These principles highlighted the management philosophy, values, and methods that the company had embraced since its foundation. (Refer to Exhibit I for Guiding Principles at Toyota). The Toyota Guiding Principles, considered as the foundation of the companys corporate management philosophy, were revised in 1997. In he early 1990s, as Toyota expanded its overseas operations, excessive capital spending affected its profit margins.

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Exhibit I Principles of Toyota

Guiding Principles Of Toyota*
1. Honor the language and spirit of the law of every nation and undertake open

and fair corporate activities to be a good corporate citizen of the world.

2. Respect the culture and customs of every nation and contribute to economic

and social development through corporate activities in the communities.

3. Dedicate ourselves to providing clean and safe products and to enhancing

the quality of life everywhere through all our activities.

4. Create and develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding

products and services that fulfill the needs of customers worldwide.

5. Foster a corporate culture that enhances individual creativity and teamwork

value, while honoring mutual trust and respect between labor and management.
6. Pursue growth in harmony with the global community through innovative

7. Work with business partners in research and creation to achieve stable, long-

term growth and mutual benefits, while keeping ourselves open to new partnerships. *Established in 1990, revised in 1997. Five Main Principles of Toyota
1. Always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the Company and

Tatsuro Toyoda (Tatsuro) took over as the companys President in 1992. In 1995, after Tatsuro resigned due to health reasons, Hiroshi Okuda (Okuda) became Toyota president. After some setbacks in the early 1990s, the company began to grow further under the leadership of Okuda, who focused on international expansion and localization of production. He also developed a strong dealership network and increased advertising. This resulted in a significant increase in sales. In 1996, Toyota consolidated its production in the North American production units into the Cincinnati-based Toyota Motor Manufacturing (North America). One of Toyotas major innovations was the Prius, a gasoline-electric car and the worlds first mass-produced hybrid car launched in 1997. The Prius, which was successful in the US, further consolidated the companys position in the country. Toyotas overseas production increased from 1.22 million units per year in 1994 to 1.54 million units per year in 1998. In 1999, Okuda replaced Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda while Fujio Cho (Cho) became the president of the company. Besides increasing manufacturing centers and expanding sales networks worldwide, Cho focused on localizing design, development, and purchasing in every country. In 1999, Toyota listed its shares on both the New York and London stock exchanges. During the 2000s, Toyota registered strong sales in the US and Japan. In 2000, for the first time ever, Toyotas total worldwide production exceeded five million vehicles. In 2001, Toyota started two new plants in Europe and in 2002 it established Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey to manufacture Corolla sedans for export markets.

to the overall good.

2. Always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times. 3. Always be practical and avoid frivolousness. 4. Always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and

5. Always have respect for God, and remember to be grateful at all times



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In April 2002, Toyota announced a new corporate strategy, the 2010 Global Vision, to achieve a 15% market share of the global automobile market by early 2010. By mid-2003, Toyota had a presence in almost all the major segments of the automobile market that included small cars, luxury sedans, fullsized pickup trucks, SUVs, small trucks, and crossover vehicles. In 2005, Katsuaki Watanabe (Watanabe) was appointed President of the company. In the first quarter of 2007, Toyota replaced GM as the worlds leading automaker, breaking the latters 77-year reign. The company sold about 2.35 million vehicles compared to GMs 2.26 million. Based on the market capitalization, Toyota was valued at almost 12 times GMs value (Refer to Exhibit II for a timeline of the company). Analysts felt that the global financial crisis had had its impact on the worlds largest automaker and it became difficult for the company to cope with a shift in the global automobile industry. As the global financial crisis deepened in 2008, the consumer demand for cars and other goods plummeted, especially in the US and European markets. Because of the credit crunch, automobile sales dropped significantly as consumers stopped buying new cars. This led to a fall in the vehicle sales of auto companies. In 2008, Toyotas sales were down 4% from 2007 and the company sold about 8.97 million vehicles.8 In North America, which accounted for a third of Toyotas worldwide revenues, sales fell 15.4% to 2,217,660 vehicles in 2008. The sales of large pickups were down about 25% and the sales of SUVs fell by 30%.9 The companys sales were also affected in Europe and Japan (Refer to Exhibit III for Vehicle Production, Sales and Exports of Toyota in 2008).

Exhibit II Toyota Milestones

Event 1930s 1935 Completion of A1 prototype passenger car 1936 Launch of AA passenger car 1937 Establishment of Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. 1938 Production began at Koromo plant (now Honsha plant) 1940s 1947 Domestic production reached 100 thousand vehicles 1950s 1950 Establishment of Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. 1955 Launch of the Toyopet Crown 1957 Export of the first made-in-Japan passenger car to the US (the Crown).Establishment of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. 1960s 1961 Launch of the Publica 1966 Launch of the Corolla 1970s 1972 Cumulative total domestic production reaches 10 million vehicles 1973 Establishment of Calty Design Research, Inc. 1977 Establishment of Toyota Technical Center, U.S.A., Inc. Year


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Exhibit II Toyota Milestones

Year 1982 1984 1987 1988 1989 1992 Event 1980s Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., and Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd., merge to become Toyota Motor Corporation Joint venture company (NUMMI) established with General Motors begins production in the United States Establishment of Toyota Technical Center of Europe Kentucky plant (now TMMK) begins production in the United States Launch of Lexus in North America 1990s Establishment of Toyota Supplier Support Center in the United States U.K. plant (TMUK) begins production

In early 2009, Toyota projected a loss of 450 billion (US$5 billion) for the fiscal year 2009 in its vehicle-manufacturing operations, the first annual net loss reported by the company in six decades. Consolidated sales totaled 7.57 million units, a decrease of 1.34 million units compared to the previous year10

Exhibit III Vehicle Production, Sales and Exports of Toyota (2008)

Japanese Production Overseas Production Total Global Production Sales in Japan Overseas Sales Total Global Sales Exports Toyota 4,012 4,198 8,211 1,470 6,526 7,996 2,586 Daihatsu 793 115 908 642 224 866 130 Hino 106 106 41 69 110 67 Total 4,912 4,313 9,225 2,153 6,819 8,972 2,783

1997 Launch of the Prius hybrid vehicle 1999 Toyota Motor Corporation lists on the New York and London stock exchanges Cumulative total domestic production reaches 100 million vehicles 2000s 2002 Establishment of the Toyota Institute, a personnel training facility Toyota Motor Corporation participates in F1, the pinnacle of motorsports 2005 Joint venture company established with PSA Peugeot Citron begins production in the Czech Republic. Launch of Lexus in Japan 2007 Global cumulative sales of Toyota hybrid vehicles top one million 2008 Worldwide Prius sales top 1-million mark Source: 2008 Annual Report, Toyota Motors Corporation

(Figures rounded to the nearest hundred) (In units, 1 unit=1000 vehicles) Source: Toyota in the world 2009

(Refer to Exhibit IV for the income statement of Toyota). Toyota then began to look for a leader who would steer the company back to profits. In January 2009, the company announced that it had selected Akio Toyoda (Akio), grandson of Kiichiro Toyoda, to lead the company and manage a turnaround. On June 23, 2009, Akio took over as President of Toyota. The challenge before Akio was to bring the automaker back to profits. Akio embraced a traditional Toyota practice called genchi genbutsu11, meaning go and see for yourself to resolve the problems at Toyota.


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Exhibit IV Income Statement of Toyota Motors

(All amounts in millions of US Dollars except per share data) Operating Revenue Total Revenue Adjustment to Revenue Cost of Sales Cost of Sales with Depreciation Gross Margin Gross Operating Profit R&D SG&A Advertising Operating Profit Operating Profit before Depreciation (EBITDA) Depreciation Depreciation Unreconciled Amortization Amortization of Intangibles Operating Income After Depreciation Interest Income Earnings from Equity Interest Other Income, Net Income Acquired in Process R&D Interest Restructuring and M&A Other Special Charges Total Income Avail for Interest Expense (EBIT) Interest Expense Income Before Tax (EBT) 03/2009 03/2008 03/2007 03/2006 207,852.28 262,394.00 202,864.00 179,083.00 207,852.28 262,394.00 202,864.00 179,083.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 171,718.44 199,912.00 151,171.00 133,938.00 186,856.33 214,795.00 162,883.00 144,249.00 0.00 36,133.85 0.00 25,663.47 0.00 -4,667.52 10,470.38 15,137.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,667.52 1,401.91 2,121.24 -3,622.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,766.38 474.66 -5,241.04 0.00 62,482.00 0.00 24,938.00 0.00 22,661.00 37,544.00 14,883.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,661.00 1,654.00 2,696.00 471.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,482.00 460.00 27,022.00 0.00 51,693.00 0.00 21,017.00 0.00 18,964.00 30,676.00 11,712.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,964.00 1,118.00 1,775.00 518.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,375.00 418.00 21,957.00 0.00 45,145.00 0.00 18,844.00 0.00 15,990.00 26,301.00 10,311.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,990.00 800.00 1,399.00 1,163.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,352.00 184.00 19,168.00

Exhibit IV
(All amounts in millions of US Dollars except per share data) Income Taxes Minority Interest Preferred Securities of Subsidiary Trust Net Income from Continuing Operations Net Income from Discontinued Ops. Net Income from Total Operations Extraordinary Income/Losses Income from Cum. Effect of Acct Chg Income from Tax Loss Carryforward Other Gains (Losses) Total Net Income Normalized Income Net Income Available for Common Preferred Dividends Excise Taxes Per Share Data Basic EPS from Continuing Ops. Basic EPS from Discontinued Ops. Basic EPS from Total Operations Basic EPS from Extraordinary Inc. Basic EPS from Cum Effect of Accounting Chg Basic EPS from Other Gains (Losses) Basic EPS Total Basic Normalized Net Income/Share Diluted EPS from Continuing Ops. Diluted EPS from Discontinued Ops. Diluted EPS from Total Operations Diluted EPS from Extraordinary Inc. Diluted EPS from Cum Effect of Accounting Chg Diluted EPS from Other Gains (Losses) Diluted EPS Total Diluted Normalized Net Income/Share Dividends Paid per Share

03/2009 -571.45 -245.80 0.00 -4,423.78 0.00 -4,423.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,423.78 -4,423.78 -4,423.78 0.00 0.00 -2.82 0.00 -2.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.82 -2.82 -2.82 0.00 -2.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.82 -2.82 2.49 03/2008 9,098.00 778.00 0.00 17,146.00 0.00 17,146.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,146.00 17,146.00 17,146.00 0.00 0.00 5.40 0.00 5.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.40 5.40 5.39 0.00 5.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.39 5.39 2.16 03/2007 7,609.00 421.00 0.00 13,927.00 0.00 13,927.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,927.00 13,927.00 13,927.00 0.00 0.00 8.68 0.00 8.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.68 8.68 8.68 0.00 8.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.68 8.68 0.00 03/2006 6,769.00 718.00 0.00 11,681.00 0.00 11,681.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,681.00 11,681.00 11,681.00 0.00 0.00 7.18 0.00 7.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.18 7.18 7.18 0.00 7.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.18 7.18 1.26

* Toyotas financial year ends on March 31. Source:



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QUALITY MANAGEMENT AT TOYOTA Analysts were of the view that Toyota recognized quality as an important aspect of customer satisfaction and strove to deliver quality products to the market. Experts opined that quality, considered as the DNA of Toyota, was inbuilt into each process. By focusing on smaller production lots based on demand rather than on capacity, Toyota had set a standard for manufacturing, product development, and process excellence in the automotive industry, they said. The quest for superior quality was evident in the TPS which focused on eliminating variability from the production process so that quality products were offered to the customer. Toyotas commitment to manufacturing world class and quality automobiles was entrenched in its entire manufacturing philosophy right through the development stages to manufacturing. At Toyota, quality was improved through collaboration and communication among personnel in development, purchasing, production, and after-sales service divisions. Delivering quality is one of the most fundamental responsibilities that Toyota has to customers. Toyota must aim to achieve zero customer complaints,12 said Shinichi Sasaki (Sasaki), chief quality officer at Toyota. According to some analysts, TPS enhanced flexibility and production capacity which allowed the company to make the best use of its resources. The focus of the TPS was to reduce cost through elimination of waste or Muda. The company believed that waste not only raised cost, but also concealed problems within the system, leading to more serious repercussions at a later stage. Toyota practiced the principle of lean thinking which

allowed workers to become independent goal seekers and encouraged them to apply their problem-solving skills to fixing defects during the production process and reducing wastes in all transactions. Experts opined that Toyota implemented lean production techniques through continuous improvement and learning, eliminating waste, getting quality right the first time, empowering employees to become problem solvers, and satisfying customers. In June 1960, Eiji laid down the guiding principles for quality control at Toyota and introduced the concept of building quality into processes. These guiding principles were formulated in response to the deteriorating quality of products caused by insufficiently trained staff at Toyota plants. For instance, the pressure to launch the second generation Corona into the market as quickly as possible in order to meet market demand led to some early product defects. Though the defects were rectified later, the issue affected the image of the company. In June 1961, Toyota adopted a system of Total Quality Control (TQC) to modernize management operations. This system analyzed the cause of defects that occurred during production and developed measures to prevent their recurrence. In addition to this, quality control teams were formed at all levels to promote company-wide participation. Toyotas TQC efforts were officially recognized in 1965, when the company was awarded the Deming Application Prize for quality control management. To manufacture world-class, quality automobiles at competitive prices, Toyota incorporated several operational concepts into its production system. The TPS was built on two main principles, Just-in-Time (JIT) production and Jidoka.

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Video 17.2.2: JIT JUST IN TIME-(8) Lean Manufacturing Basic Concepts

At Toyota JIT was used not only in manufacturing but also in product development, supplier relations, and distribution. It helped the company respond quickly to changing customer needs and offered high quality products at low costs, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction. Implementing JIT was a complex procedure for Toyota as thousands of components were involved and it was difficult for preceding processes to correctly anticipate the exact demand of the subsequent processes. In order to overcome this difficulty, Ohno developed the Kanban system. Kanban


JUST-IN-TIME Ohno implemented the concept of JIT in Toyotas manufacturing operations during the early 1970s. The JIT system comprised a set of activities aimed at increasing production volume through the optimum use of inventories of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods. The objective of the JIT system was to avoid waste, reduce inventories, and increase production efficiency. It was based on the principle of producing only the required products in specific quantities at a given point in time thereby eliminating waste of all kinds and reducing cost. JIT was based on the pull system of manufacturing wherein products were manufactured on demand as against the commonly used push system, where each process manufactured components based on capacity regardless of the demand. The push system often created excess inventory and blocked the production line.

Kanban (meaning signboard in Japanese) was an essential component of JIT. The concept was used in the TPS to effectively control production quantities. The idea was devised by
Video 17.2.3 :Learn How Kanban Systems are Used in a Lean Manufacturing Environment

Source : v=zkQxvkXSiuA&feature=relmfu


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Ohno based on the system followed by super markets in the US for replenishment of store shelves based on the quantities picked by the customers. The essence of Kanban was that a supplier delivered components to the production line only when required, thus eliminating storage in the production area. People working on a certain process of the production line withdrew units in required quantities from the preceding process on the line at a given point of time. In the Kanban system, workers of a process listed the number of components required on a card called the Kanban. A worker would take the card to the preceding process and withdraw the amount required from it. The system was made up of a fixed number of containers, each holding a certain fixed quantity of parts. Each container had a set of Kanbans attached to it. Each set comprised two types of Kanbans the Withdrawal Kanban and the Production Kanban. A Withdrawal Kanban detailed the kind and quantity of product that the subsequent process should withdraw from the preceding process. The Production-ordering Kanban specified the kind and quantity of the product that the preceding process must produce. The total number of containers and the number of parts each container would hold was calculated using a formula to arrive at the maximum amount of inventory that could be present in the system to hold the process together. Jidoka Another important operational principle of the TPS was Jidoka (self-regulation), which focused on empowerment of workers. The company believed that people were an important element of the TPS and that without their support the system would not work

efficiently. To ensure smooth and quality production, Toyota encouraged its workers to play an active role in quality control and implement their ideas and opinions in production processes. Workers were given the responsibility of ensuring the quality of their own work and were instructed not to pass on poor quality to the next stage. Through visible control, any employee at any level of the hierarchy had a right to make improvements in processes or eliminate any waste that they identified. Jidoka promoted worker participation and empowered workers to stop the equipment or operations in a line any time during the production process if they spotted a problem in the line. Whenever a worker detected an abnormality or problem in the production line, or was unable to keep pace with the line, he/she could stop the operation by pulling a cord called the andon cord located next to the assembly line. Pulling the cord set off an alarm system, and illuminated the color coded andon electric light board, and alerted supervisors to the presence of a problem in the line. Until the problem was resolved, the line was not restarted. Experts pointed out that the Jidoka system helped direct attention to a problem as soon as it occurred, thus preventing further complications and breakdown of equipment. The process involved every team member in monitoring and checking the quality of cars produced which helped the company in achieving high levels of efficiency. Implementing Jidoka helped make problems transparent and the production process saw a lot of improvement. In addition to JIT and Jidoka, Toyota adopted many other operational principles such as Kaizen which became

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benchmarks for production practices across the global corporate world. Kaizen Kaizen, which meant continuous improvement, was adopted by Toyota in the early 1950s to improve the production processes, increase efficiency, and reduce waste. Some analysts opined that Kaizen was the major contributor to the companys global success. Kaizen required all employees to participate in eliminating all activities that were classified as waste, from the production system and improve plant layout, machine design, or process flow. At Toyota, Kaizen was not used just to identify a problem and develop a solution, but was viewed as a corporate philosophy. The five whys were an important part of Kaizen. Ohno insisted that workers at Toyota should ask why five times when confronted with any problem. This way one would get to the root of the problem, eliminate it, and prevent its recurrence. He wanted us to watch and ask why over and over again. If we did that, he knew that better ideas would come. Mr. Ohno realized new thoughts and new technologies do not come out of the blue they come from true understanding of the process,13 said Teruyuki Minoura, former president and CEO, Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America Inc. At Toyota, team leaders and supervisors followed Kaizen seriously and were on the constant look out for problems and ways to improve productivity. They observed workers and their work processes so that problems could be detected on the spot. Through quality circles and a reward system, team members strove to achieve Kaizen. Ohno believed that to achieve Kaizen, it was important for employees at Toyota to be in touch with

gemba or the place where the action was (in this case the manufacturing plant) and come up with at least one idea for Kaizen. Exhibit V Principles of the Toyota Way
Principle 1 - Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals. Principle 2 - Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. Principle 3 - Use pull systems to avoid overproduction. Principle 4 - Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare.) Principle 5 - Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time. Principle 6 - Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment. Principle 7 - Use visual control so no problems are hidden. Principle 8 - Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes. Principle 9 - Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. Principle 10 - Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy. Principle 11- Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. Principle 12 - Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (genchi genbutsu). Principle 13 - Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly (nemawashi). Principle 14 - Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).
Source: Jeffrey K Liker, The Toyota Way, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004

An important element in Kaizen was Pokayoke or error proofing. Pokayoke involved the creation of processes that moved smoothly from step to step, without giving room for errors to

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creep in. At Toyota, processes were often created in such a way as to make it impossible to assemble a product in any way other than the correct one, to eliminate the chance of error. According to experts, Kaizen played a vital role in the application of TPS, JIT, Kanban, and Jidoka (Refer to Figure I for an outline of the Toyota Production System). As a company committed to quality, Toyota established an efficient development and production system which handled complex automobile functions and systems and met the goals of design, cost, and production volume. During the planning stage, Toyota designed quality into the automobile and ensured that the end product was defect free. At the beginning of the development stage, the design staff worked along with the production team to incorporate easy-to-manufacture features into design drawings. The purchasing division communicated Toyotas quality guidelines to the suppliers through presentations and meetings related to the quality of purchased parts. Personnel from Toyotas development and production divisions too visited suppliers to check the quality of components. The company conducted quality audits to check the reliability of its vehicles. These audits included testing exhaust systems, maintaining mass production quality control levels, identifying improvements for quality assurance methods, and carrying out detailed vehicle evaluations. At the end of the final assembly, the vehicles were put through functional inspection wherein every aspect of the vehicle was subjected to a series of tests. During the final inspection, the functional and physical aspects of the vehicles were examined. Test tracks were conducted for a check of road performance and customer satisfaction drive tests were done.

THE TOYOTA WAY With the globalization of its production, Toyota faced quality assurance problems. Quality assurance required that no matter Video 17.2.4: TMHE Improves Efficiency & Quality The Toyota Production System

Source :

where Toyota vehicles were manufactured, the same quality should be maintained. For this purpose in April 2001, Toyota adopted the Toyota Way a set of conduct guidelines and communicated them to all its overseas manufacturing plants (Refer to Exhibit V for the principles of the Toyota Way). According to experts, these principles added value to the organization by contributing to the development of employees and helping them solve problems together. Over the years, Toyota propagated its unique corporate culture, the The Toyota Way throughout its global manufacturing units. To make its overseas plants self-reliant, the company tried to minimize the support that came from its manufacturing plants in Japan. In 2003, Toyota established the Global Production Center (GPC) in

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Toyota City to train mid-level plant managers who would support Toyotas overseas production sites. In addition to this, in 2006, Toyota established regional GPCs in the US, the UK, and Thailand to carry out training activities in the North American, European, and Asia Pacific regions respectively. Analysts were of the view that quality was one of the strengths of Toyota and served as an interface between the company and the customer. Since its foundation, Toyota had been delivering quality products which exceeded the expectations of customers. At Toyota, senior management and all other employees took necessary actions to ensure customer satisfaction based on the slogans, Quality as Toyotas Lifeline and Aiming to Achieve Zero Customer Complaints. The company believed that the success of a business was defined by customer loyalty and satisfaction which could be achieved by delivering products and services of superior quality. For this purpose, Toyota practiced the Customer First concept which originated in the TPS and became one of Toyotas cornerstone principles. For Toyota, the Customer First policy meant that each employee should give utmost attention to manufacturing quality from the customers viewpoint. Taking this policy further, in 2005, Toyota established the Customer First Activity Promotion Committee to promote built-in quality activities throughout the Toyota Group, including suppliers, and to meet customer expectations in terms of conformance, reliability, durability, performance, appearance, user and environmental friendliness (Refer to Exhibit VI for a structure of the Quality Assurance System at Toyota). In January 2005, Toyota reorganized certain divisions in charge of quality related issues within the quality division to launch the Customer Quality Engineering (CQE) Division. The CQE Division

was responsible for early detection and early resolution (EDER) of quality-related issues related to its vehicles. In January 2007, Toyota introduced the Team Leader System to address quality issues and to provide detailed technical supervision to employees. In this system, individual teams were formed, each consisting of a small number of workers to fortify the management structure on the production floor. Toyota also adapted the concept of jikotei kanketsu, a defect-free process completion, to ensure that no defective product left the production process. In January 2007, Toyota established the Jikotei Kanketsu Department whose purpose was to instill awareness in all Toyota personnel that quality must be built into each process. All employees at all stages from development, purchasing, and production, sales, and after-sales service were required to take the necessary actions to ensure that no defects occurred in their area and that defective components were never passed on to the next process. Analysts said that by gaining a competitive advantage in manufacturing, Toyota was not only able to maintain its award winning levels of quality, but was also able to rapidly capture market share by exercising aggressive cost control and producing better car models. In order for Toyota vehicles to continue being accepted by customers and society in general, Toyota must continue to meet the increasing demand for higher quality. Naturally, we must strive to prevent issues from arising in the first place. More importantly, however, we must improve Toyota quality further, so that the market will recognize Toyota saying Im glad I chose a Toyota, Im enjoying my Toyota car, or Thats what I like about Toyota. Toward this end, my mission is to further strengthen the Toyota DNA related to making

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products, and to ensure and improve Toyota Quality all over the world, by re-assessing Toyotas company-wide system and rebuilding it if necessary,14 said Sasaki. QUALITY TAKING A BACKSEAT IN TOYOTA? According to analysts, the TPS was responsible for transforming the company from a small auto manufacturer into an iconic carmaker. Empowering factory workers and giving them control over production lines was central to Toyotas quality control. Toyotas operational principles like Kaizen and Jidoka ensured that high levels of quality were maintained, making Toyota one of the best car companies in the world.
Exhibit VI! Toyota Quality Assurance System
Quality Group

4. BR* Jikotei kanketsu Department (promote Jikotei kanketsu concept in-house and establish Jikotei kanketsu activities)

However, some analysts felt that the company had become a victim of its own success. They said that during the late 1990s, Toyota started to expand aggressively in a bid to grow globally and achieve its goal of becoming the worlds largest automaker. The companys rapid expansion strategy affected its unique selling point product quality. Even though it expanded aggressively, Toyota failed to hire enough engineers to keep up with production increases. As its design centers were understaffed, Toyota outsourced the design and development of crucial components to its suppliers. Moreover, during that time, a Japanese law limited the amount of overtime that engineers could work. As a result, company engineers rushed out products without conducting enough quality checks and relied heavily on computer simulations to ensure quality. Toyota kept most of its development in Japan, although it built R&D centers in the US. As Toyota quickly ramped up production of its vehicles, its employees strayed from the Toyota way of rigorous quality control and continuous improvement in manufacturing methods. As a result, a number of errors were reported during vehicle development. The company overlooked these issues and continued with product launches in the overseas markets, observers said. Eventually, customers begun to experience problems in their vehicles related to design such as steering defects in certain pickup trucks and SUVs, engine sludge, defects in ball joints, and software glitches. With mounting customer complaints and a series of accidents, Toyota had to recall the affected vehicles and fix them. In 2003, Toyota recalled 330,000 vehicles in Japan after a crash caused by a broken steering linkage seriously injured five people. In the US too, the company recalled 200,000

1. Customer Relations Division (communicate customer feedback in-house in order to enhance products

2. Customer Quality Engineering Division (conduct early detection and early resolution (EDER) of

3. Quality Division (improve audit system for products, organizations and frameworks)


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vehicles that same year. In 2004, in the US, the number of recalls increased five-fold, to one million vehicles. Of Toyotas total recalls in 2004, 68% were due to design problems such as defective rubber parts and joints. In 2005, Toyota recalled 2.38 million vehicles in the US, double the number of vehicles recalled in 2004, and more than 10 times the number of vehicles recalled in 2003.15 In Japan, the number of recalled vehicles jumped 41fold since 2001, to 1.9 million in 2005.16 In 2005, Toyotas rate of recalls in the US as a percentage of vehicles on the road was 10.1% compared with 6.8% from GM and 2.5% at Chrysler Group.17 To avoid further recalls, Toyota hired 979 engineers in Japan in 2005. In 2006, Toyota announced five recalls affecting approximately 900,000 vehicles. On July 20, 2006, 367,600 Toyota Highlander and Lexus RX SUVs were recalled because of a defective carpet clip that interfered with the functioning of the accelerator. In August 2006, Toyota launched a recall of 170,000 Prius models due to problems in steering shaft assembly.18 The Toyota Avalon, redesigned and introduced in 2005, was also beset with problems related to air bags and the steering column. During the same time in China, Toyota recalled 20,069 Crown sedans because of a defect in the rubber strips that sealed windshields. Commenting on the growing number of recalls, Tom Libby, senior director of industry analysis at Power Information Network (PIN), said, Toyota has developed an image of superior quality and reliability and its helped them a great deal, so they need to minimize these occurrences, and I think they know that. It takes more than a few incidents to change perceptions, and perceptions are built up over a long period of time. Toyota still

has that strong quality reputation, but it just cannot let these number of instances multiply.19
Exhibit VII Worlds Top 10 Auto Groups by 2009 H1 Sales Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Company Toyota Motor Corp General Motors Co *Volkswagen AG #Hyundai Motor Co **Ford Motor Co PSA Peugeot Citroen Honda Motor Co Nissan Motor Co Suzuki Motor Corp Renault SA Sales (US$ million) 3.564 3.553 3.265 2.153 2.145 1.587 1.586 1.546 1.15 1.107

*Excludes Scania ** Ford publishes wholesale, not retail, figures # Including Kia Motors Corp (000270.KS) Source:

Analysts blamed the then president of Toyota, Watnabe, for the declining quality of Toyota vehicles. According to them, Watnabes constant focus on cost cutting had created huge production glitches and turnaround quality levels at Toyota. Watanabe failed to predict market shifts and delayed the launch of some new models by as much as half a year, they said. Experts felt that Toyota was stuck with too many plants and the company was compelled to run all its plants to generate cash flow, even though quality issues were present. According to a senior executive at Toyota, The quality issue is a big concern.

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Theyre [Toyota executives] embarrassed about it. You think about Toyota, and quality is in our DNA. We are concerned about looking like the rest of the pack. The market is forgiving because of our long reputation, but how long will they be forgiving?20 The companys quality control issues irked the Japanese government, which ordered quick recalls. As a damage control in June 2006, Toyota appointed two executive vice presidents to its quality group and created a new position of senior managing director to monitor quality at its plants. The company hired 850 engineers in 200621 and opened two quality institutes each in North America and Europe to inculcate the Toyota Way in its workers in these regions. Though the company was hit by a series of quality issues in 2006, it continued with its global expansion spree. In 2007, Toyota added an average of two new factories a year to its global network. It also built a second Canadian plant in Woodstock which opened in 2008. By 2007, about two-third of Toyota's workforce was located outside Japan and the company could no longer rely on word of mouth to convey its managerial and manufacturing methods to workers at its overseas plants. As a result, quality suffered. There were complaints from customers that oil-sludge buildup had destroyed their vehicles engines. Between 2004 and 2007, Toyota recalled 9.3 million vehicles, a number exceeding its total annual output.22 In the 2007 J.D. Power survey, the Toyota brand scored below that of Hyundai Motor Co (Hyundai).23 In the same year, the Consumer Reports magazine did not give new Toyota vehicles a positive recommendation as vehicle testers thought that Toyotas history of dependability could no longer be relied upon. Toyota has spent the last five or 10 years concentrating on being the biggest

instead of the best, and thats a shame,24 said Jake Fisher (Fisher), senior engineer at the nonprofit Consumer Union, which publishes Consumer Reports. Despite the recalls, in 2008, Toyota realized its goal and surpassed GM as the worlds largest car maker in terms of sales volume (Refer to Exhibit VII for Worlds Top 10 Auto Groups by 2009 H1 Sales). Critics alleged that Toyota had had to compromise on quality to achieve the number one spot in the auto industry. The ranking came at the expense of the companys engineering and quality control prowess, they said. MORE PROBLEMS IN 2009 In mid-2009, after reporting its first losses due to the global financial crisis, Toyota was taking some urgent steps to bring the automaker back into profits under the new President, Akio, who adopted the traditional Toyota practice genchi genbutsu to solve problems. Just then, Toyota received another setback. The companys handling of safety issues came under scrutiny because of the increase in incidents of sudden acceleration in Toyota and Lexus vehicles, which had caused accidents resulting in 19 fatalities since 2001.25 Experts said that there were faults with the Toyotas vehicle throttle systems which caused accelerators to stick at high speeds, thereby causing accidents. In 2009, Toyota recalled about 4 million Toyota and Lexus cars for faulty gas pedals that stuck in floor mats, resulting in sudden acceleration. The recall came after a family of four was killed in California as the Lexus in which they were traveling reportedly accelerated on its own. The pedal parts were manufactured by a supplier, CTS Corp, in North America. However, Toyotas Japanese models which sourced the same parts from a different

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supplier were not affected. Also in November 2009, Toyota recalled 110,000 Tundra pick-up trucks due to rust-prone frames which caused the spare tire to fall into the roadway, posing a danger to other vehicles. As the intensity of the recalls increased, experts began to question Toyotas reputation as a quality automaker. Toyotas position began to slip in consumer satisfaction surveys too. In the Insurance Institute for Highway Safetys tests of 2010 model cars and light trucks, none of Toyotas vehicles were named top picks. It takes a very long time to establish a reputation for safety and reliability. It doesnt take very long to lose it,26 said Fisher. According to a study carried out by US Global Quality Research System in April 2009, Toyota lost its top position as a quality car maker and was tied with Ford. According to Martin Zimmerman, a staff writer at Los Angeles Times, Its a humbling comedown for an automaker that in the early years of this decade routinely had the fewest recalls among the six largest players in the U.S. auto market. In 2000, for example, Toyota recalled a mere 8,379 vehicles, according to government data.27 On January 21, 2010, Toyota recalled approximately 2.3 million select Toyota Division vehicles in the US due to a faulty gas pedal that stuck and caused acceleration without warning. Toyota also suspended the sales of eight of its most popular models involved in the recall. The suspended models contributed to 57% of Toyotas sales in the US in 2009. (Refer to Box I for Toyota vehicles affected by the recall). Soon after the recalls, Toyota announced that it would discontinue production of the affected vehicles at six North American plants for a week starting February 1, 2010. The

automaker said the move would affect plants in Princeton, (Indiana), Lafayette (Indiana), Georgetown (Kentucky), San Antonio (Texas), Cambridge (Ontario), and Woodstock (Ontario). However, the Lexus Division or Scion vehicles, Toyota Prius, the Tacoma, the Sienna, the Venza, the Solara, the Yaris, the 4Runner, the FJ Cruiser, the Land Cruiser, Highlander hybrids, and certain Camry models, including Camry hybrids were available for sale. The recall also widened to Europe and China where a similar accelerator part was used in the vehicles. In Europe, Toyota was expected to recall two million vehicles and was evaluating the models to be recalled. In China, Toyota was expected to start a recall in February 2010 for 75,500 RAV4 SUVs that were manufactured in China between March 2009 and January 2010. WHAT WENT WRONG? According to analysts, as the company was aggressively expanding globally, it lost its focus on quality and failed to maintain quality standards at its overseas plants. After becoming the president of Toyota in June 2009, Akio accepted that the company in a bid to become the worlds largest car maker, had drifted away from its core value of focusing on the customer. I do not think we were wrong to expand our business to meet the needs of customers around the world, but we may have stretched more than we should have. Rather than asking, How many cars will we sell? or How much money will we make by selling these cars? we need to ask ourselves, What kind of cars will make people happy? as well as, What pricing will attract them in each region? Then we must make those cars, he said.28


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Some experts were of the opinion that Toyotas very success had contributed to some of its failures and that the company had only itself to blame. They pointed out that Toyotas global growth pressured the automakers resources. Analysts said that quality suffered as Toyota began chasing sales to increase its market share and gain market dominance and profitability. The companys pursuit of cost-savings may have seen those values compromised, they added. According to Michelle Krebs, a senior analyst at Edmunds.com29, Toyota has been the favored child for a long time. Now, all of a sudden, theyre just like the rest of the auto companies: They make mistakes. Weve always wondered if theyve stretched their resources too thin. Engineering, marketing, manufacturing theyre doing a lot more with the same amount of people.30 Experts were of the view that the companys cost-cutting measures had also contributed to the fall in quality. In order to save money, Toyota used an increasing number of common parts across a number of its car models. For instance, Toyota View Only Top Items in This Story used the same accelerator pedal made by supplier CTS Corp in the eight different car models whose production was halted in February 2010. Experts said that generally big car companies used this kind of platform sharing to reduce costs but this, in turn, exposed them to risk as even a small defect could lead to big problems for the companies. According to some analysts, the quality failure at Toyota was due to a greater emphasis being placed on costs, which was creating a wedge between the company and its suppliers. Theyre not keeping as close a watch on how suppliers are performing and theyre not letting suppliers know how they are performing. Theyre a malaise in the Toyota way. Theres an increasing

number of recalls and were hearing it from suppliers about how Toyota treats them. Toyota is becoming just another automaker,31 said John W. Henke Jr., president of Planning Perspectives, Inc. Some analysts also said that the automaker had set aside its Toyota way of quality and become more aggressive in its sales in order to topple GM. The management even failed to anticipate looming problems and expanded too quickly, ignoring Toyotas style of disciplined growth, they added. Some analysts were of the view that though its profits had grown, it had spent less wisely. John R. Harris, a Tokyo-based communications consultant specializing in the auto industry, said, Its hubris, in a word. A cloak of false humility. Toyota secretly set its sights on catching General Motors as the worlds top-selling carmaker. They snuck up behind GM, all while keeping their head down. But as they got closer, they got caught by this desire to be No. 1. But behind it all was this huge ambition. As the ambition got a hold of them, they overreached.31 Some experts opined that outsourcing may have also played a part in the carmakers problems. Initially, the company purchased parts from Japanese suppliers. But as it began to expand, Toyota outsourced most of its manufacturing and production. It begun to source parts locally, changed its raw materials suppliers, and opened plants nearer to its markets. It was reported that during recession, the company demanded that suppliers make parts cheaply. According to an executive at a major US supplier, Toyota insisted that his firm make each group of parts 10% cheaper.33 Analysts said that a fewer number of Toyotas were built in Japan and the company had not maintained the same quality levels at its overseas plants. Some experts were of the

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opinion that the quality of Toyota cars had slipped after the company began its expansion in North America. In Japan, quality control was not an issue as executives could go to the sites to help train workers and impart the firms values for building vehicles. Production was expanding so fast that there was a lack of trained mechanics to teach the new ones. Those mechanics teaching were doing so with a bit of concern about their expertise,34 said Masahiro Fukuda, a senior analyst at Fourin, Inc. According to Hiroyuki Yokoyama (Yokoyama), the companys general manager for quality, at Toyota, quality had suffered for a number of internal and external reasons such as a rapid increase in production, a proliferation of model types, more electronic controls, swelling global ranks of employees, and customers heightened quality expectations. Internally, we were not able to keep up with the external changes, and some of those results showed up in quality,35 said Yokoyama. Some analysts opined that Toyota had deliberately overlooked issues related to the quality of its vehicles. The company delayed recalls and tried to blame human error in cases where owners claimed vehicle defects. According to an investigation carried out by the Los Angeles Times in December 2009, Toyota had concealed safety issues on several occasions in an effort to keep its name clean and allegedly paid out cash settlements to people who had sued the company after serious accidents.36 Even customers who complained of acceleration problems with their vehicles received buybacks under lemon laws from Toyota. In both cases, the owners were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. The paper reported that the sudden-acceleration issue had existed for years, leading to several recalls since 2000.

Several incidents of Toyota concealing defects or delaying recalls even after receiving several complaints were reported. For instance, in 1994, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) slapped a US$ 250,000 fine on Toyota, for providing misleading information about a fuel leak in Land Cruisers and waiting for two years to fix the problem. Some analysts felt that though Toyota had been facing quality problems since the 2000s, the company had reacted to the situation strongly only in end 2009. Some analysts blamed Watanabe for the lapse in quality as he was at the helm in 2006 when recalls mounted to more than 1 million a year. In pursuing the companys goal of becoming a market leader, Watanabe had taken some missteps, they added. For instance, in order to gain a stronghold of profits and a market share in Detroits car market, the company built a US$ 1.3 billion plant in November 2006 in San Antonio to manufacture its largest pick-up, the Tundra, just before cracks emerged in the US subprime-mortgage market. Analysts felt that the opening of the Texas plant just when the market had fallen apart was a big mistake on Toyotas part. In his speech to Japans National Press Club in 2008, Watnabe said that Toyota was a victim of the big company disease.37 HAS TOYOTA LOST ITS QUALITY EGDE? Some analysts expected Toyotas quality problems and the subsequent recalls to affect the brand image of the company in the long run and lead to a short-term effect on earnings. Toyota dealers would suffer losses and brand loyalty would get eroded, they said. Moreover, experts felt that constant recalls by Toyota would hurt the reputation of the automotive industry of Japan in

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Exhibit VIII 2009 J.D Power Initial Quality Study (IQS) Rankings
Brand Lexus Porsche Cadillac Hyundai Honda Mercedes-Benz Toyota Ford Chevrolet Suzuki Infiniti Mercury Nissan Acura BMW Kia Volkswagen GMC Buick Problems per 100 Vehicles* 84 90 91 95 99 101 102 102 103 103 106 106 110 111 112 112 112 116 117 Brand Audi Pontiac Scion Volvo Saturn Mazda Lincoln Subaru Dodge Jaguar Mitsubishi Chrysler HUMMER Jeep SAAB Smart Land Rover MINI Problems per 100 Vehicles 118 118 118 118 120 123 129 130 134 134 135 136 136 137 138 138 150 165

sold more than 34,000 Camrys in America, which made it the best-selling car in the country. According to IHS Global Insight., Toyota would lose 20,000 vehicle sales a week till it resumed sales and production of the eight car models39. According to Tatsuo Yoshida, an auto analyst at UBS Securities Japan Ltd., lost sales were costing Toyota US $155 million a week and the cost of the recalls was likely to total about US$ 900 million.40 On February 2, 2010, the company reported a 16% decline in sales to a 10-year low of 98,796 vehicles.41 According to John Paul MacDuffie, co-director of the International Motor Vehicle Program, Its a huge threat to their reputation. Now, Toyota is having to stop the line at the corporate level in a big way. 42 On the other hand, some analysts felt that the recalls would not affect the reputation of Toyota, which had been known for years for manufacturing quality vehicles. They opined that the recalls might actually end up being positive for the brand as the company had taken the responsibility for the fault, halted production, and addressed the issue in the best interests of its customers. Some experts said that Toyota had been proactive by taking responsibility and fixing the quality related problems. Even though other manufacturers had faced similar problems, none of them had pulled the models out from the market as Toyota had done, they added. Analysts were of the view that despite the recalls, Toyotas reputation as a quality car maker remained unscathed. In 2009, 10 of the JD Power Initial Quality Study (IQS) awards for the best vehicles in a segment were given to Toyota or its Lexus unit. This was more than any other automaker had received (Refer to Exhibit VIII for 2009 nameplate IQS rankings).Toyotas assembly plant in Higashi-Fuji, Japan, received the Platinum Plant Quality Award for manufacturing

*The industry average is 108 Source: J.D Power & Associates 2009 Initial Quality Study

general. Automaking is perhaps Japans premier industry, and the perception here is that one of our national champions has embarrassed us,38 said Christopher Richter, senior research analyst at Calyon Capital Markets Asia. Analysts were of the view that Toyotas decision to stop selling some of its top-selling models in the US would cost the carmaker dearly as these models accounted for 70% of Toyota-brand sales and about 56% of overall US sales. In December 2009, Toyota

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vehicles with fewest defects and malfunctions. In January 2010, the brand also topped Consumer Reports magazines annual survey of automotive brand perceptions. Some experts felt that the issues related to quality would be resolved quickly and that it would not be fair to question the reputation of a company which had been viewed as the leader in automotive quality for years. For instance, during the recession, Toyota had no involuntary layoffs and employed extra people to focus intensely on quality and safety. At some of the Toyotas plants, 40% of workers who were not needed for production were paid full-time to learn its famous production system and point out problems during production. Jeffrey K Liker, professor of industrial and operations engineering at the University of Michigan and writer of the international best seller The Toyota Way (McGraw-Hill, 2004), said, Before all of the recent negative news about unintended acceleration, recalls of millions of vehicles, and a shutdown of U.S. production I was working on a book extolling the virtues of this great company, which was using the recession to retain employees, not lay them off, and teach them kaizen (the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement). So what happened that is causing the media to write off 60 years of progress in a company that has become a model of operational excellence. It seems to me that the inferences about Toyotas quality problems are emotional and have little to do with actual facts.43 Some experts opined that though the parts of the recalled vehicles had been supplied by an American company, it was Toyotas responsibility to ensure that they worked properly before they were installed. Critics alleged that Toyota had stopped sales as it was not able to fix the problem and not because of its

concern for customers. It might take a significant amount of time for the company to address the quality issues across all its vehicle models, they said. According to John Wolkonowicz, (Wolkonowicz), an analyst at IHS Global Insight, This is the biggest crisis in the auto industry since the bankruptcies of GM and Chrysler. Toyota is not going to be able to contain this problem in a short period of time.44 Some industry observers opined that quality was one of the biggest strengths of Toyota and if that itself deteriorated, the brand would lose its value. Theres nothing else to the brand [Toyota]. Its not built on eye-catching design. Its not built on a cutting-edge driving experience. Its not built on performance. Its built on quality and low-cost of ownership,45 said Wolkonowicz. Experts were of the view that if consumers lost their confidence in Toyota cars, they might switch to other brands. According to research by Art Spinella, president of CNW Marketing Research, Inc. in 2004, 92% of first-year Toyota owners were willing to recommend their car to a friend, while the recommendation percentage dropped to 88% in 2009 behind Ford, Chevrolet, Honda, Volkswagen, and Hyundai. Analysts felt that Toyotas quality woes had also opened the doors for its competitors. For instance, in the US, Ford, GM, and Hyundai started offering interest-free loans and additional trade-in incentives to owners of Toyota vehicles. These companies also offered US$1,000 to customers who were willing to trade in any Toyota. According to Peter DeLorenzo, editor of AutoExtremist.com46, Toyota is in serious trouble, because now there are too many competitive models from savvy competitors Ford and Hyundai for instance that are presenting a real alternative to the consumer. The


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days of Toyota being automatically successful with everything it touches are well and truly over.47 Industry insiders were also speculating on whether Toyotas quality troubles might spell the end for the companys president, Akio. He had been under pressure to improve quality since he had taken the helm and recall setbacks may add to the strain, they said. Analysts felt that Akios ability to steer Toyota through a crisis would decide his legacy at Toyota. However, some analysts opined that with a spate of recalls and issues related to quality, a tough road lay ahead for Akio. Commenting on the crisis, Sean Kane, president of Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. said, It is a perfect storm for Toyota. I dont think theyre unfairly being targeted. I think theyre finally being targeted.48 OUTLOOK Experts felt that in order to prevent its image from slipping further, Toyota had to focus on its quality aspect. The company needed to closely monitor quality and overhaul its design, engineering, and manufacturing operations. Toyota should reorganize its production plants, switch suppliers, and ship in parts from Japan. The company should retrain its North American assembly workers by following a back to basics approach to identify and correct defective working practices and highlight the need for increased front line vigilance, they said. According to industry analysts, Toyota, known for its reputation for quality, had to effectively communicate its strategy to customers to retain its position as one of the biggest auto makers in the world. In order to maintain its position in the market, the company should contact owners individually in order to get them

into dealerships for repairs, and then compensate them by offering a rebate or another free service. Toyota must avoid creating more bad feelings among consumers, they said. According to Schweitzer, If I were advising Toyota, Id tell them this is an opportunity to regain trust, to demonstrate unparalleled commitment to its customers. The company should show that it is willing to do what it takes to make sure [its] customers are driving safe vehicles. If they miss this opportunity, it will be very costly. The politicians will be trying to score political points by raking some [Toyota officials] over the coals and painting them as profit-hungry executives. Its going to be a tough crowd.49 On January 31, 2010, in order to rebuild its decades-long reputation for quality and to promote the reliability and safety of its vehicles, Toyota launched a major public relations campaign. The company ran a full-page print ad in major newspapers explaining its decision to halt production of the defective cars. The black-and-white ads featured a large image of a pause button with the caption A temporary pause, To put you first. A top executive from the company was likely to appear on television to discuss the recalls. George Peterson, an analyst at AutoPacific, Inc.,said, What they absolutely have to do is convince people that they are working on this and are going to do the right thing for cars on the road, at dealerships and in production. 50 In the fiscal year through March 2010, Toyota expected a net loss of 200 billion yen despite efforts to cut costs by 440 billion yen during the year. It was reported that global recalls of about 8 million vehicles would reduce the demand by 100,000 vehicles and cost the company 100 billion yen.51 In the three months ending March 31, 2010, sales of 503,000 vehicles were predicted

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in North America. However, analysts felt that the company would not able to achieve the sales target as customers were reluctant to buy Toyota vehicles due to quality problems. Theres a huge possibility that Toyota wont meet this forecast. The recalls will damage their reputation and if they widen, there will be costs which Toyota has not yet taken into account,52 said Koji Endo, managing director of Advanced Research Japan Co. In order to uphold the reputation of Toyota, Akio planned to set up a global quality special task force that would conduct regional quality improvement activities around the world. The committee headed by the president was to inspect every process quality in design, quality in production, quality in sales, and quality in service and provide customers with satisfying products in each and every region. Genchi-genbutsu activities would be encouraged and the company would enhance the frequency of communication between itself and regional authorities. To develop quality-management professionals, Toyota would start an Automotive Center of Quality Excellence in key regions. Based on the improvements, Akio planned to seek evaluation from outside experts regarding its newly improved quality-control management and listen to each and every customer and improve quality. Talking about his initiatives, Akio said, Under the banner, Lets build better cars, we will go back to the basics of customer first and genchi genbutsu, and once more, deeply consider what customer first really means. All our employees around the world, all of our dealers, and all of our suppliers will unify in their utmost efforts to regain the trust of our customers as soon as possible.53

Endnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Yuri Kageyama, Toyota Recalls Show Price of too Rapid Growth,, January 28, 2010. Quality on the Line: The Fallout from Toyotas Recall, http://, February 3, 2010. Kate Linebaugh and Norihiko Shirouzu, Toyota Halts Sales over Safety Issue,, January 26, 2010. Yuri Kageyama, Toyota Recalls Show Price of too Rapid Growth,, January 28, 2010. Toyota Announces Third-quarter Financial Results,, February 4, 2010. Alan Ohnsman and Mike Ramsey, Toyota Quality Image May Be Finished as Sales, Output Halted,, January 27, 2010. Quality on the Line: The Fallout from Toyotas Recall, http://, February 3, 2010. Nick Bunkley, Toyota Ahead of G.M. in 2008 Sales,, January 21, 2009. Bill Vlasic and Nick Bunkley, Toyota Scales Back Production of Big Vehicles,, July 11, 2008.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. Genchi Genbutsu means Go and See the problem first hand The Company believed that practical experience is valued over theoretical knowledge.

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12. Aiming to Achieve Zero Customer Complaints,, 2007. 13. NUMMI.pdf. 14. Aiming to Achieve Zero Customer Complaints,, 2007. 15. Norihiko Shirouzu, Mariko Sanchanta and Yoshio Takahashi, WSJ: Toyota Sales Halt Raises Quality Questions,, January 31, 2010. 16. Micheline Maynard and Martin Fackler, A Dent in Toyota Quality? - Business - International Herald Tribune,, August 4, 2006. 17. David Olive, Toyotas Reputation for Quality Went Long Ago,, January 29, 2010. 18. Toyotas Reputation Takes Some Hard Hits,, August 2, 2006. 19. Toyotas reputation Takes Some Hard Hits,, August 2, 2006. 20. Micheline Maynard and Martin Fackler, A Dent in Toyota Quality? - Business - International Herald Tribune,, August 4, 2006. 21. Micheline Maynard and Martin Fackler, A Dent in Toyota Quality? - Business - International Herald Tribune,, August 4, 2006.

22. David Olive, Toyotas Reputation for Quality Went Long Ago,, January 29, 2010. 23. David Olive, Toyotas Reputation for Quality Went Long Ago,, January 29, 2010. 24. Martin Zimmerman Recall Another Blow to Toyotas Reputation,, November 26, 2009. 25. Ken Bensinger and Ralph Vartabedian, Toyota Found to K e e p Ti g h t L i d o n P o t e n t i a l S a f e t y P r o b l e m s ,, December 23, 2009. 26. Martin Zimmerman Recall Another Blow to Toyotas Reputation,, November 26, 2009. 27. Thomas Sloma-Williams, The Last Word: Big Problems for Toyota,, December 22, 2009. 28. John Murphy, Toyota Boss Vows to Change Priorities,, June 26, 2009. 29. Edmunds.Com is an online resource for automotive consumer information. 30. Yuri Kageyama, Toyota Recalls Show Price of too Rapid Growth,, January 28, 2010. 31. DaveHannon,ToyotaQualityConcernsShutDownNorthAmeric anProduction,, January 27, 2010. 32. John M. Glionna and Coco Masters, Toyota Recalls Undermine Japanese Confidence in an Industrial Titan,, January 29, 2010.

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33. David Welch, Toyotas Recalls: A Tough Road Back,, February 3, 2010. 34. Blaine Harden, Analysts Say Toyotas Push for Growth Caused Faults in Cars,, January 28, 2010. 35. Hans Greimel, Toyota Faces Major Repair Work on its Ailing Image,, January 18, 2010. 36. Chris Shunk, LA Times details Toyota History of Concealing Safety Issues,, December 24, 2009. 37. Husna Haq, Toyota Recall: Did Rapid Growth Hurt the Carmaker's Quality?, January 28, 2010. 38. John M. Glionna and Coco Masters, Toyota Recalls Undermine Japanese Confidence in an Industrial Titan,, January 29, 2010. 39. Makiko Kitamura and Tetsuya Komatsu, Toyoda Shrinks Biggest Carmaker for Quality Control (Update1),, January 28, 2010. 40. Yuri Kageyama, Hurt by Recalls, Toyota Expected to Lose US sales,, January 29, 2010. 41. Alan Ohnsman and Keith Naughton, Toyotas U.S. Sales Decline Signals Uphill Battle (Update1),, February 3, 2010. 42. Quality on the Line: The Fallout from Toyota's Recall, http://, February 3, 2010.

43. Jeffrey Liker, Toyotas Lost Its Quality Edge? Not So Fast,, January 28, 2010. 44. Alan Ohnsman and Makiko Kitamura, Toyota Falls as Widening Recalls, Sales Halt Tarnish Reputation,, January 28, 2010. 45. MartinZimmermanRecallAnotherBlowtoToyotasReputation,,November 26, 2009. 46. is a weekly online magazine which publishes news, commentaries, and analyses of the auto industry. 47. James R. Healey and Sharon Silke Carty, Toyota Recall: Gas pedal Issue Affects More than 2M vehicles,, January 22, 2010. 48. Hans Greimel, Toyota Faces Major Repair Work on its Ailing Image,, January 18, 2010. 49. Quality on the Line: The Fallout from Toyotas Recall, http://, February 3, 2010. 50. Roger Vincent and Ken Bensinger, Toyota Works to Save Face,, February 1. 2010. 51. Makiko Kitamura and Tetsuya Komatsu, Toyota Expects to R e t u r n t o F u l l - Ye a r P r o f i t a m i d R e c a l l C r i s i s ,, February 4, 2010. 52. Makiko Kitamura and Tetsuya Komatsu, Toyota Expects to R e t u r n t o F u l l - Ye a r P r o f i t a m i d R e c a l l C r i s i s ,, February 4, 2010.

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53. Address by TMC President Akio Toyoda,, February 5, 2010. References & Suggested Readings: 1. 2. Address by TMC President Akio Toyoda,, February 5, 2010. Makiko Kitamura and Tetsuya Komatsu, Toyota Expects to R e t u r n t o F u l l - Ye a r P r o f i t a m i d R e c a l l C r i s i s ,, February 4, 2010. Toyota Announces Third-quarter Financial Results,, February 4, 2010. Alan Ohnsman and Keith Naughton, Toyotas U.S. Sales Decline Signals Uphill Battle (Update1),, February 3, 2010. David Welch, Toyotas Recalls: A Tough Road Back,, February 3, 2010. Quality on the Line: The Fallout from Toyotas Recall, http://, February 3, 2010. Roger Vincent and Ken Bensinger, Toyota Works to Save Face,, February 1. 2010. Norihiko Shirouzu, Mariko Sanchanta and Yoshio Takahashi, WSJ: Toyota Sales Halt Raises Quality Questions,, January 31, 2010. David Olive, Toyotas Reputation for Quality Went Long Ago,, January 29, 2010.

10. John M. Glionna and Coco Masters, Toyota Recalls Undermine Japanese Confidence in an Industrial Titan,, January 29, 2010. 11. Yuri Kageyama, Hurt by Recalls, Toyota Expected to Lose US sales,, January 29, 2010. 12. Alan Ohnsman and Makiko Kitamura, Toyota Falls as Widening Recalls, Sales Halt Tarnish Reputation,, January 28, 2010. 13. Blaine Harden, Analysts Say Toyotas Push for Growth Caused Faults in Cars,, January 28, 2010. 14. Husna Haq, Toyota Recall: Did Rapid Growth Hurt the Carmaker's Quality?, January 28, 2010. 15. Jeffrey Liker, Toyotas Lost Its Quality Edge? Not So Fast,, January 28, 2010. 16. Makiko Kitamura and Tetsuya Komatsu, Toyoda Shrinks Biggest Carmaker for Quality Control (Update1),, January 28, 2010. 17. Yuri Kageyama, Toyota Recalls Show Price of too Rapid Growth,, January 28, 2010. 18. Alan Ohnsman and Mike Ramsey, Toyota Quality Image May Be Finished as Sales, Output Halted,, January 27, 2010.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.



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19. Dave Hannon, Toyota Quality Concerns Shut Down North American Production,, January 27, 2010. 20. Kate Linebaugh and Norihiko Shirouzu, Toyota Halts Sales over Safety Issue, http://, January 26, 2010. 21. James R. Healey and Sharon Silke Carty, Toyota Recall: Gas pedal Issue Affects More than 2M vehicles,, January 22, 2010. 22. Hans Greimel, Toyota Faces Major Repair Work on its Ailing Image,, January 18, 2010. 23. Chris Shunk, LA Times details Toyota History of Concealing Safety Issues,, December 24, 2009. 24. Ken Bensinger and Ralph Vartabedian, Toyota Found to K e e p Ti g h t L i d o n P o t e n t i a l S a f e t y P r o b l e m s ,, December 23, 2009. 25. Thomas Sloma-Williams, The Last Word: Big Problems for Toyota,, December 22, 2009. 26. Martin Zimmerman Recall Another Blow to Toyotas Reputation, http://, November 26, 2009. 27. John Murphy, Toyota Boss Vows to Change Priorities,, June 26, 2009. 28. Nick Bunkley, Toyota Ahead of G.M. in 2008 Sales,, January 21, 2009.

29. Bill Vlasic and Nick Bunkley, Toyota Scales Back Production of Big Vehicles,, July 11, 2008. 30. 2008 Annual Report, Toyota Motors Corporation 31. Aiming to Achieve Zero Customer Complaints,, 2007. 32. Micheline Maynard and Martin Fackler, A Dent in Toyota Quality? - Business - International Herald Tribune,, August 4, 2006. 33. Toyotas Reputation Takes Some Hard Hits,, August 2, 2006. 34. ! Jeffrey K Liker, The Toyota Way, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004. 35. ! 36. ! NUMMI.pdf. 37. ! 38. ! 39. ! 40. !


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Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing System

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: The Concept of the JIT System Advantages of JIT Systems Characteristics of JIT Systems

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Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing System

The Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing system is a planning system for manufacturing processes that minimizes the availability of material inventories at the manufacturing site to only what, when & how much is strictly necessary. The JIT system is an integrated set of activities designed to achieve high-volume production using minimal inventories; raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods and other consumable goods. Nowadays many firms are successful in implementing the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy to improve their productivity by reducing unnecessary inventory and avoiding delays in the execution of operations. According to the JIT system, all components and other inventory items arrive as and when required (i.e. just before the start of an operation). Items are picked up by the worker and fed directly into the production process. Firms produce finished goods only at the time when they are required for sale.

The JIT system emphasizes the elimination of inventory of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. Even though it is sometimes difficult to put into practice, firms target the elimination of waste by the timely scheduling of inventory. Implementation of the JIT system requires the total transformation of the methods of designing products and services, assigning responsibilities to workers and organizing work. Today, several major companies like Hewlett-Packard, 3M Corporation, General Electric, Harley-Davidson and General Motors use the JIT system and are enjoying its benefits. In this chapter, we discuss various aspects of JIT production systems, both for products and services, and how they improve the productivity and profitability of a firm.


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THE CONCEPT OF THE JIT SYSTEM The concept of just-in-time states: 'nothing is produced until it is required.' As already stated, the practice of just-in-time aims at assembling finished products just before they are sold, and in the same way the sub-assemblies are made just before products are assembled, and components are fabricated just before the sub-assemblies are made. Thus, the system always keeps work-in-process inventory as low as possible; thereby reducing production lead times. In order to ensure smooth flow of materials in just-in-time systems, firms should achieve and maintain high performance levels in all their operational areas. Organizations should maintain consistently high quality in their products and processes. This is possible only when their various production processes are coordinated well. Firms can achieve such quality and coordination only with the active participation, involvement, and cooperation of all its employees. Just-in-time manufacturing is therefore based on the concept of continuous improvement, which includes two important and mutually supporting components: People involvement Total quality control People Involvement A JIT manufacturing system requires a strong human resources management component for its successful

implementation. Firms impart the required skills to their workforce by training them in the JIT philosophy, assigning them appropriate responsibilities, coordinating their goaldirected efforts and motivating them. The JIT system aims at the continuous improvement of the firm's operations and minimization of wastage (or underutilization) of human capital. Therefore, the JIT system encourages employees and suppliers to be innovative and make use of their creative talents. Firms look for the following three essential elements in its people for the successful implementation of a JIT program: Teamwork Discipline Supplier involvement Teamwork The effective involvement of people can arise only through a spirit of teamwork; they should interact with each other to identify, define, and solve problems. Activities to involve the people in an organization include suggestion programs and quality circle programs. In suggestion programs, employees are encouraged to make suggestions to improve a process. In quality circles, people working in similar types of operations meet at regular intervals and discuss ways of improving the quality of their processes. Project teams that work on ad-hoc basis can also be formed to focus on the achievement of specific improvement targets. It is therefore imperative that the

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JIT system has an open management style and an organization-wide attitude of teamwork, so that each employee works to improve the performance of the firm by suggesting improvements to existing methods. Discipline The open and improvement-driven work culture discussed should not imply that workers are free to implement whatever methods they like. Instead, existing procedures should be continued until a better way is suggested, tested, and approved. Suggestions made by workers for improving processes are first collected and evaluated by the management of the firm. The selected suggestions are tested practically to determine how much better the new process is, compared to the existing process. If the suggested process proves better than the existing one, the management approves it for implementation. Thus, firms that follow the JIT system use the creativity of workers in conjunction with their teamwork and discipline to produce products and services of good quality. Supplier involvement Firms that practice JIT production systems require reliable suppliers who can supply high-quality components and materials in the required quantities. Therefore, JIT firms maintain long-term business relationships with a few selected suppliers. Firms may also invite their suppliers representatives to participate in design review, to suggest new designs, and methods for improving product quality or productivity. Generally, JIT firms have contracts with their suppliers, to provide supplies of the required quality specifications and target

prices. This is done in preference to inviting competitive bids from a set of suppliers. The contract should be reasonably profitable to both the supplier as well as the JIT firm in the long run. The supplier should abide by the rules and regulations of the contract and supply materials within the time specified in the contract. The JIT firm can also suggest means, and provide assistance, to improve supplier productivity and product quality. The JIT firm may also wish to share its production plans and schedules with its suppliers so that they can plan their levels of business and capacity requirements, and make necessary arrangements with their vendors. The presence of trust and commitment is very important in building partnerships between suppliers and JIT firms. Such partnerships help them achieve higher productivity levels. Since the contract between supplier and buyer is long-term in nature, the attitude of each party towards the other should be fair. Long-term contracts provide security to suppliers as long as they are competitive and committed. Building effective partnerships depends on four elements: trust, communication, linearity of production, and time to make changes. The supplier should trust his customer (the JIT firm) and have confidence that his customer will provide him more business and make timely payments if his requirements are met. This makes both firms work more closely than actually specified in the contract. Communications also play an important role in establishing a good partnership. To overcome communication problems, the JIT firms can establish a buyer quality engineer team that stays in constant touch with its suppliers. This reduces potential miscommunication with the firm's suppliers. Suppliers should also inform the JIT firm about

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new programs undertaken by them to improve quality and should ensure the timely delivery of supplies. Linear production schedules relate to the development of production schedules with uniform workloads. Since these schedules contribute to the improvement of the firm's manufacturing operations, the supplying firms should tailor their schedules to the JIT firms needs. Maintaining linear production schedules requires the identification and elimination of production bottlenecks, balance in the production system, and reduction in setup time. JIT firms should also provide enough time to their suppliers so that they can respond to changes in demand. Sometimes, suppliers have to purchase new materials, add more machinery and equipment, hire and train labor, etc. in line with the requirements of the JIT firm. Total Quality Control The quality of a product is its ability to serve and satisfy the needs of its customer. To produce high-quality products, JIT firms conduct surveys, deploying their marketing workforce to understand their customer needs and requirements. This information is useful for designing the features of products in such a way that they fulfill customer needs. It is not just the quality control department of the firm that is responsible for ensuring product quality. High quality can be attained only through the collective and coordinated efforts of all the departments of the firm. For instance, the purchasing department works in coordination with the quality control department and purchases only those supplies that meet the quality requirements. The personnel department trains and motivates its workers to produce products of the required

specifications and quality. The concept of the 'immediate customer', (explained below) followed by JIT firms helps them achieve the required levels of quality. Concept of immediate customer A non-JIT firm considers a customer as a person outside the firm who buys its products for his use or consumption. But JIT firms view customers in a different way. They use a concept known as immediate customer. Each worker in the firm
Exhibit 17.1 JIT for Small Scale Manufacturers Many manufacturing concepts that have been applied by large manufacturers can also benefit small scale operations. JIT, for example, can lead to significant savings in inventory costs for even small scale operations. Gamblin Artist's Oil Colors (based in Portland), a small oil paint manufacturer, applied JIT concepts to its manufacturing process. The company, which was started by a husband-wife team, had a modest beginning. They started operations in their garage, producing only three colors of paint. Now the company is dealing with more than 87 colors and has a client base that is spread across America. The company employs 20 employees and has its own manufacturing facility. To handle the requirements of increased production, the company hired a manufacturing consultant. He advised the company to change its traditional manufacturing system to a new, leaner, just-in-time model. Prior to adopting the JIT model, the company manufactured in batches of 1,200 tubes of paint. These batches would end up on the inventory list for a period of three to six months. But after transition to the JIT system, Gamblin started manufacturing smaller batches of 500 tubes, producing a single color at a time. As a result, production figures doubled and finished goods inventory turnover came down from three months to six days. The quality control process also saw significant improvement. The implementation of JIT manufacturing strategies helped the company reduce inventory level significantly and free up capital amounting to $200,000.
Adapted from Jane Applegate, Just-In-Time Manufacturing, entrepreneur, May 30, 2001,, Inc, February 28, 2003 < YB_SegArticle/0,4621,28974,00.html>


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considers the next worker (who continues the process of production) as the customer. Therefore it is the responsibility of the worker to ensure the product is processed to meet certain specifications and quality requirements before passing it to the next worker, i.e. the immediate customer. In JIT manufacturing systems, each worker is trained in quality principles and testing procedures. Workers are made fully responsible for the work they carry out at their workstation and they are entrusted with the job of inspecting their own work. Only items of acceptable quality are delivered to the immediate customer. JIT firms do not maintain separate departments for correcting defects. Each employee has to identify and correct his or her own mistakes and send it to his or her immediate customer. Every worker analyzes the types and sources of errors and then develops methods to prevent them in the future. In case a worker delivers a defective item or an improperly finished item to his immediate customer, the worker who identifies the defect is authorized to stop the process and take necessary actions thereafter. ADVANTAGES OF JIT SYSTEMS A firm that maintains high volumes of work-in progress inventory may end up producing a large amount of scrap before identifying any defects. It is also very difficult for the management to identify defects when volumes are very large. Machine conditions, tool settings, quality of raw materials, etc. have to be checked to identify the source of the defect. Therefore, several firms now adopt just-in-time manufacturing.

By using JIT principles, firms can reduce wastage that arises during the production process such as the waste of overproduction, of time spent in waiting, in transportation and movement, in processing, in keeping excess inventory and in defective parts. These advantages are not restricted to large organizations, as small scale manufacturers also benefit by using JIT (refer Exhibit 17.1). The following are some of the operational benefits that firms derive from the use of just-in-time systems: Increased utilization of machinery and equipment Reduced investment in inventory Improvement in the quality of product or service Reduction in space requirements of the firm Reduction in production cycle time Zero inventory storage and maintenance costs Closer relationship with suppliers Reduction in formal paper work Higher involvement of employees as they are responsible for the quality of goods that they produce. Suppliers to firms also benefit from JIT systems. Their benefits include: A long-term guaranteed contract for supply of materials


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A steady and continuous demand for their materials Less expenditure on promotional activities Timely payment for materials supplied CHARACTERISTICS OF JIT SYSTEMS The principles of just-in-time manufacturing have gained importance in business firms as they contribute greatly towards making a firm successful. Proper implementation of these principles results in the production of products and services as required by customers, at the desired rate and quality expected by them. Thus, a JIT system focuses on minimizing the firm's unproductive resources, aims at the continuous improvement of a process, and ensures the desired quality of the end-product or service. The following are some of the characteristics of a JIT system: Uniform workstation loads Small lot sizes Closer supplier ties Maintenance of high quality Quick and economic setups Flexible facilities and multi-skilled workforce Preventive maintenance Continuous improvement

Uniform Workstation Loads Just-in-time manufacturing helps firms maintain uniform loads at workstations. For example, let us assume that the aggregate production plan of Toyota Motors is 24,000 cars in a month. If the production is carried out five days per week, 1,200 cars
Exhibit 17.1.2 Japanese Terms Relating to JIT Some of the Japanese terms (words) associated with JIT systems are listed below: Muda: Waste Mura: Unevenness Soikufu: Creative thinking Muri: Excess, more than required Andon: Stopping of a production process because of existence of a problem. Poka-yoke: Fool-proof machines and methods that prevent production of defective items. Shojinka: A flexible workforce that can work under various production systems (with different machines) Jikoda: (autonomation): Enables machines to be autonomous and automatically detect defects

should be produced each day. If the production is carried out in two shifts in a day, the production line should produce 600 cars per shift. Therefore, JIT system helps maintain uniform workload at each work center. Suppose Toyota Motors 150, 200 and 250 units of three types of cars A, B and C respectively in each shift. There are three ways in which Toyota can make its production schedule smooth. In the first method, the required quantity of a particular type of car

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is produced first and then production of another type of car is started. Thus the sequence of producing 150 A's, 200 B's, and 250 C's is continued in every shift. In the second option, Toyota can adopt a method in which a mix of various models is produced in short repetitive sequences and the frequency of repetition for each model is in proportion to its demand. Since the production requirements of A, B and C are in the ratio of 3:4:5, Toyota can develop a production cycle that consists of 12 units: 3 cars of model A, 4 cars of model B, and 5 cars of model C. The order in which they are manufactured depends on the market requirements for each type of car model. In the third option, Toyota can develop a production sequence of A-B-C-B-C-A-B-C-B-C-A-C or any other sequence based on market requirements and the cycle is repeated. Such a repetitive cycle throughout a period results in a uniform workload for all the work centers in the assembly line and capacity requirements can be greatly smoothed. But this method is feasible only when the set up times are low. Small Lot Sizes Firms that follow JIT type of manufacturing system maintain inventory in the smallest possible lot sizes. This is required as small lot sizes reduce cycle inventory (the excess of inventory, above the safety stock, that is carried between two orders), cut lead times and also help in achieving a uniform workload. Larger lots have to be kept for a longer time to be processed at the next work center, whereas smaller lots have lower waiting times in the production process.

Each work center uses standardized containers for each type of part, so that the work center which is next in line can obtain them when required. Items are so placed in the containers that it is easy for the receiving work center to inspect, count and handle the items. However, the use of small lot sizes is disadvantageous in terms of increased setup frequency. Closer Supplier Ties As JIT systems operate at low inventory levels, JIT firms require a high level of cooperation from their suppliers. Suppliers should be able to provide timely delivery of inventory meeting the required levels of quality. Therefore, the supplier should be active and reliable, as the system requires frequent shipments of inventory. Against this backdrop, firms generally choose those suppliers who are located close to the plant. Firms also maintain long-term relationships with their suppliers to ensure smooth and continuous production. Maintaining High Quality Just-in-Time system aims to achieve a high level of conformance of goods and services with their specifications and reducing waste by eliminating scrap and rework. The JIT system encourages workers to act on their own to ensure the quality of work; thus, quality control operates at the source itself. Whenever a quality problem is identified, the production process is stopped, and it is continued only after the problem is solved. For instance, the management at General Motors authorized its workers to discontinue production by pulling a cord, if they faced any problem (in Japanese, this practice is called 'andon'. Some of Japanese terms used in JIT manufacturing are listed in

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Exhibit 17.2). Even though stopping the production line hampers the firm's production, the management of GM
Exhibit 17.1.3 The Practice of JIT by US Companies
After World War II, several US companies became competitive by setting up larger plants, which allowed them to benefit from economies of scale, but also required the maintenance of huge inventories. Later, they realized the importance of JIT systems and put it into practice in order to protect themselves from the expansion of Japanese companies in the US market and other international markets. North America first gained exposure to JIT system through joint ventures. General Motors (GM) and Toyota established the NUMMI plant in 1983 at Fremont, California. Toyota produced the Chevy Nova for GM and GMs managers were trained in Toyota's JIT production system. General Motors implemented the JIT system effectively and was able to make its production system more flexible. Ford also attempted to implement a JIT system, but failed, as it had very little flexibility in its production system. Some of the reasons that made it difficult for US firms to implement JIT system are given below: US companies emphasize cost and quality more than achieving flexibility in production. Japanese companies were more successful than US companies in using flexible schedules with their suppliers. But US companies found suppliers unwilling to cater to flexible JIT requirements.The morale of workers in US firms was low as compared to the morale of Japanese workers consider work as the most important part of their life, while Americans work in order to support their outside life. Therefore, American companies should develop more flexibility by breaking down their departmental barriers for successful implementation of JIT systems.

require quick and inexpensive setups to minimize the disadvantages of having more number of setups. The successful implementation of a JIT system is greatly dependent on its ability to reduce setup times. JIT firms engage specialists and consultants to train their workers to reduce setup times. Firms adopt the following procedure to reduce setup times: Analyze existing setup procedures The existing setup procedure is recorded, normally with the help of videotapes. Then the management of the firm collects information from its employees relating to the execution of these setup procedures. The procedures are then analyzed to determine how they can be improved. Separation of internal and external setup activities External setup activities are those that can be performed without stopping the current production process. The management of a JIT firm can improve its setup process by separating external setup activities from internal setup activities, and then developing a plan to perform the external activities, while the production process is under way. This sales time in the production process. Convert internal setup activities into external setup activities Next, the management of the firm should try to convert its internal setup activities into external activities by changing work methods, adding work aids or by purchasing duplicate

wanted the output to be of high quality. By empowering its employees and making them responsible for quality, GM reduced the number of supervisors by 50 percent. Quick and Economic Setups Traditionally, firms manufacture their products in large lots resulting in a lower number of machine setups. But JIT manufacturing firms undergo a larger number of setups as they produce in small lots. Therefore, JIT manufacturing firms

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sets of tools or equipment. Some procedures that enable the conversion of internal setup activities into external setup activities are described as follows. Heating Instead of heating materials before beginning a production process (as a part of the internal setup), materials can be preheated outside the setup so that the actual heating activity can be finished in less time. This can be done by preheating the material in another vessel during the production of previous batches instead of stopping the production process to merely heat it. The same type of reasoning can also be applied to other operations like cooling and mixing of materials. Cleaning Cleaning activities can also be converted into external setup activities by using two sets of tools and equipment. Workers can replace contaminated equipment with a clean set to continue the production process while the contaminated equipment is cleaned externally. This will result in increased speed of the production process. Streamline work Simplifying internal activities and streamlining the work in a firm reduces setup times. For example, a set of tools can be provided to each work center so that workers need not wait for a standard tool required while another processing is going on. The use of standardized parts also simplifies the processes and reduces setup times. For example, fasteners

used in a setup process can be standardized to the same size, so that they can be loosened and re-tightened by using a single wrench. For an overview of JIT manufacturing in the US, refer Exhibit 17.3. Flexible Facilities and Multi-skilled Workforce As we have discussed before, firms that produce the same product repeatedly, can benefit by following JIT production systems. Since the process of production is repetitive, movement of materials can be minimized by placing the equipment in cells (a cell is a grouping of several types of machines in which each machine performs a single operation repeatedly) instead of keeping them in functional departments. Such an arrangement reduces the need for materials handling equipment, thereby reducing material-handling costs. Such flexible facilities improve the speed of the production thereby allowing quick deliveries. In a JIT production system, workers must be capable of performing more than one operation. The entire workforce is trained continuously (at regular intervals) to develop a variety of skills to serve any function the firm requires. Firms can develop flexible workforces through crosstraining. A worker is trained to perform several operations rather than being limited to a single operation assigned to him. Cross-training of the workforce and establishing Uform cells makes the production process more flexible. Arranging facilities in U-form and processing production activities in small lot sizes makes it easy for the firm to

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identify the defects that occur at any stage of the production process. The causes of defects can also be identified and corrected easily. When a defective item is found, the JIT system stops the production process to correct the defect, instead of continuing to produce defective items and then trying to rework them. If any work center causes a defect in the product, then all work centers downstream automatically stop operations and help solve the problem. Preventive Maintenance In a JIT system, the breakdown of one machine stops the entire production process. Therefore, machinery has to be kept in good working condition so that production is not hampered. Firms therefore need to undertake preventive maintenance to reduce the occurrence of defects. The objective of preventive maintenance is to replace parts that are likely to produce defects, rather than repairing the defects that arise during production. Workers in JIT manufacturing systems are given the responsibility of maintaining their machinery and equipment. They are also trained to solve or repair common problems. The following are the important principles and actions that improve equipment maintenance: Design simple equipment and standardize replacement parts. The variety of machines used should be minimized (in terms of manufacturer, model, etc.). Collect information about the frequency and causes of failure of machines. This information helps in the efficient allocation of resources for maintenance.

Replace worn parts of the equipment, after periodic checks. Purchase all spare parts that are necessary during repair work. Continuous Improvement Firms that use the JIT system aim at continuous improvement in quality and productivity by identifying areas that require improvement. Problems are detected before they actually occur, and they are solved in the minimum possible time, to ensure the smooth flow of work. For manufacturing operations, the percentage of scrap can be reduced by following better work methods and training employees. Imbalances in capacity can be eliminated by developing an appropriate master production schedule and maintaining a flexible workforce. Relationships with suppliers should be maintained to ensure timely delivery of raw materials with the prescribed specifications. Manufacturing operations can be improved on a continuous basis through the complete involvement of employees and the management. In the case of service operations, the process of continuous improvement aims at reducing the number of people involved in providing the service, without affecting the quality and rate of service. The management of a service-providing firm reduces the number of employees until the point where the provision of the service becomes slow or stagnant. The management then explores ways to improve the service process.

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Though JIT is a powerful tool for reducing the firm's inventory and improving productivity, the implementation of JIT principles is difficult as it has to overcome the following barriers: workers resistance to change, difficulty in accomplishing zero lead-time, zero safety stock and zero idle time. The implementation of JIT manufacturing principles requires great support and commitment from the top management and extensive employee training.


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Section 2

Case Study: Toyotas JIT Revolution

This case was written by D. Sirisha, under the direction of Sanjib Dutta, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

2002, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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Toyotas focus on JIT is a continual problem-solving process (not an inventory reduction plan) illustrates why the automaker is a JIT leader not only in its industry but all of industry. - (1998). A LEGENDARY PRODUCTION SYSTEM In the mid-1990s, more than fifty executives and engineers from major automobile companies worldwide visited Toyota Motor Companys (Toyota) manufacturing complex at Georgetown, US, to study the Toyota Production System (TPS). The visit also included an intensive question and answer session. Even though the visitors were from competing automakers, including Ford and Chrysler, Toyota did not deny them access to the plant. The TPS aimed to produce world-class, quality automobiles at competitive prices. It was built on two main principles, Just-inTime (JIT) production and Jidoka. JIT was used not only in manufacturing but also in product development, supplier relations and distribution. Analysts remarked that despite imitating Toyotas JIT for many years, no other automaker in the world had been able to make their production systems and processes as efficient as Toyota had done. Analysts felt that though other leading automakers like MercedesBenz, Honda and DaimlerChrysler excelled in advanced engineering techniques, engine technology and styling, they did not match Toyota in efficiency, productivity and quality. Executives of rival companies also appreciated Toyotas manufacturing and product development systems. Officials at GM commented, Toyota is the benchmark in manufacturing and product development. A top executive at Ford said, Toyota is far ahead in

developing markets that the real race is for the second place. Some executives at BMW also considered Toyota the best car company in the world. The early adoption of JIT principles by To y o t a s e e m e d t o have helped the company achieve significant success. It helped the company respond quickly to changing customer needs and offer high quality products at low costs, thus increasing customer satisfaction. BACKGROUND NOTE Toyotas history goes back to 1897, when Sakichi Toyoda (Sakichi) diversified into the handloom machinery business from his family traditional business of carpentry. He founded Toyoda Automatic Loom Works (TALW) in 1926 for manufacturing automatic looms. Sakichi invented a loom that stopped automatically when any of the threads snapped. This concept of designing equipment to stop so that defects could be fixed immediately formed the basis of the Toyota Production System (TPS) that went on to become a major factor in the companys success.
Video 1 : JIT Introduction v=b1LhvnSzIbg


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In 1933, Sakichi established an automobile department within TALW and the first passenger car prototype was developed in 1935. Sakichis son Kiichiro Toyoda (Kiichiro) convinced him to enter the automobile business. After this the production of Model AA began and Toyota Motor Corporation was established in 1937. Kiichiro visited the Ford Motor Company in Detroit to study the US automotive industry. He saw that an average US workers production was nine times that of a Japanese worker. He realized that the productivity of the Japanese automobile industry had to be increased if it were to compete globally. Back in Japan, he customized the Ford production system to suit Japanese market. He also devised a system wherein each process in the assembly line of production would produce only the number of parts needed at the next step on the production line, which made logistics management easier as material was procured according to consumption. This system was referred to as Just-in-Time (JIT) within the Toyota Group. The JIT production was defined as producing only necessary units in a necessary quantity at a necessary time resulting in decreased excess inventories and excess workforce, thereby increasing productivity. Kiichiro realized that by relying solely on the central planning approach, it would be very difficult to implement JIT in all the processes for an automobile. Hence, TPS followed the production flow conversely. People working in one process went to the preceding one to withdraw the necessary units in the necessary quantities at the necessary time. This resulted in the preceding process producing only quantities of units to replace those that had been withdrawn. Toyota flourished during the Second World War by selling trucks and buses to the army and the company launched its first small

car (SA Model) in 1947. After the war, the company faced a series of financial problems. A financial support package from a consortium of banks (after the intervention of the Bank of Japan) helped Toyota tide over its problems. The package consisted of a series of steps that included downsizing and restructuring the company into separate manufacturing and sales divisions. As per the revival package, The Toyota Motor Sales Company Ltd. was formed in 1950. In the same year, Kiichiro resigned. By 1952, Toyota made a turnaround and in 1953, the company appointed distributors in El Salvador and Saudi Arabia and started exports. Meanwhile, Taiichi Ohno (Ohno) took charge of the company. In 1957, Toyota entered the US market through its subsidiary, Toyota Motor Sales, USA. In 1959, the company began its first overseas production in Brazil and over the next few years, developed a vast network of overseas plants. Besides manufacturing, Toyota started a global network of design and Research and Development facilities covering the three major car markets of Japan, North America and Europe. By the early 1970s, Toyotas sales exceeded that of Chrysler and Volkswagen and its production was behind that of only General Motors (GM) and Ford. Toyota continued its efforts to make its production system more efficient and also developed flexible manufacturing systems. It also began to tap the markets in the Middle East and by 1974 the Toyota Corolla, (launched in 1965) became the largest selling car in the world. In 1984, Toyota entered into a joint venture with GM and established the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI). By the early 1990s, as Toyota expanded its overseas operations, the excessive capital spending affected its profit margins. Tatsuro

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Toyoda (Tatsuro), who took over as the company President in 1992, began to control costs by eliminating all unnecessary expenditure. In 1995, after Tatsuro resigned due to health reasons, Hiroshi Okuda (Okuda) became Toyota president. In 1996, Toyota consolidated its production in North American production units into the Cincinnati based Toyota Motor Manufacturing (North America). In 1999, Okuda replaced chairman Shoichiro Toyoda and Fujio Cho (Cho) became the president. In the same year, Toyota listed its shares on both the New York and London stock exchanges. By the end of 2001, the companys net income had reached $5,447 million and net revenue reached $106,030 million (Refer Exhibit I for the companys financial performance over the years).

Toyota Business Results (Consolidated, Japan GAAP) (1 = 1 million) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Net Revenue 10,718,74012,243,835 11,678,39712,749,00912,879,56113,424,423 Income before income tax Net Income Vehicle Production (units) 420,801 256,977 708,299 385,916 884,516 454,350 771,885 356,180 750,501 406,798 864,129 471,295

3,849,817 4,293,682 4,233,371 4,458,406 5,002,731 5,275,213

Vehicle Sales 4,148,641 4,559,515 4,456,344 4,695,147 5,182,774 5,526,863 (units) Employee 146,855 471,300 405,881 N.A. 150,736 664,400 446,796 450,700 159,035 788,742 508,380 444,400 183,879 973,479 606,134 487,300 210,709 871,329 689,435 453,300 215,648 860,821 672,567 479,900

Exhibit I Toyota - Business Results (Consolidated, US GAAP)

Year ended March 31, Net sales Income before income tax Net income Net income per share (Basic) Net income per share (Diluted) 1998 1999 2000 2001 11,566,368 12,687,421 12,649,777 13,137,070 873,065 436,935 144.86 144.26 875,674 451,646 119.47 119.47 880,680 481,936 128.27 128.27 1,107,289 674,898 180.65 180.65

Capital Investment* Depreciation* R&D spending

*: Not including vehicles for leasing. Source:

Note: For further information, please go to:http://

According to analysts, Toyotas success in both the local and global markets was mainly because of its state-of-the-art and well-planned operational strategies. The company had continuously focused on gaining a competitive advantage through implementation of innovative and path-breaking ideas on its production floors. TPS worked on the basic idea of maintaining a continuous flow of products in factories in order to flexibly adapt to demand changes. The most important feature of TPS was the way it linked all production activities to real dealer

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demand through implementation of Kanban, JIT and other quality measures that enabled Toyota to manufacture in low quantities. Video 2 : Toyota Production System

defined waste as, Anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts and workers (working time) which are absolutely essential to production. JIT did not allow any surplus as it believed that effort and material expended for something not needed now cannot be utilized now. (Refer Table I for requirements and assumptions of JIT).

Table I Just-in-Time Production System What it is Management philosophy Pull System through the plant What it does Attacks waste (time, inventory, scrap) Exposes problems and bottlenecks Achieves streamlined production What it assumes v=Tc9IQLJl4AU&feature=player_embedded

JUST-IN-TIME PRODUCTION SYSTEM Developed by the Japanese, the JIT production system was one of the most significant production management approaches of the post World War II era. The system comprised a set of activities aimed at increasing production volume through the optimum use of inventories of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods. In a JIT production system, a workstation gets a part just in time, completes its work and the part is moved through the system quickly. JIT was based on the principle of producing only what is needed and nothing more than needed. The Japanese believed that anything produced over the quantity required was a waste. Cho

What it requires

Stable environment Employee participation Industrial engineering/ basics Continuing improvement Total quality control Small lot sizes Source: Production and Operations Mgmt.: Manufacturing and Services, Chase, Acquilano & Jacobs. JIT could be applied to any manufacturing environment including job shop, batch production or repetitive production. The ideal lot

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size as per JIT was one. A worker had to complete one task and pass it on to the next workstation for further processing. If workstations were geographically far away, efforts were made to reduce the transit time. The advantages of JIT included price flexibility, reduction in product variation, quick response to customers' demands, high quality products at low cost for consumers, and above all, customer satisfaction. The system also offered the advantages of low inventory investment, shortened lead times, and early detection of quality problems. JIT IN TOYOTA In the early 1930s, the technology used by American automobile companies was superior to that used by Japanese companies. Kiichiro therefore decided to learn new automobile production techniques from American manufacturers. He soon realized that to catch up with the Americans, he had to master basic production techniques. He then reorganized the production system in Toyota in a unique way. This reorganization eventually led to the development of JIT concept. In the early 1970s, Taiichi Ohno (Ohno) implemented JIT in Toyotas manufacturing plants. The JIT system was aimed at avoiding waste, reducing inventories and increasing production efficiency in order to maintain Toyotas competitive edge. Ohno also believed that customers should receive high quality products in the shortest time. Initially, JIT was used as a method for reducing inventories in Toyotas shipyards, but later it evolved into a management philosophy including a set of techniques (Refer Exhibit II for a comparison between JIT and non-JIT systems).

Kanban was an essential component of Toyotas JIT concept. The Japanese referred to Kanban as a simple parts-movement

Exhibit II Comparison between JIT and Non-JIT Systems Characteristics JIT System Non-JIT System Labor division Setting standards Inventories Discipline" Flexible work teams Rigid work segments Standardization of Standardization of methods methods Low inventories Self-discipline of workers " Small batch sizes Last stage first Frequent Decentralized Increased Long runs First stage last Infrequent Centralized Lowered High inventories Discipline imposed through strict hierarchical organization

Production runs Planning flow Set up times Operating control Interdependence


system that depended on cards and boxes/containers to take parts from one workstation to another on a production line. Ohno had developed the idea in 1956 from the super markets in the US, which had devised an effective system for replenishment of store shelves based on the quantities picked by the customers. Initially, Ohno used pieces of paper contained in rectangular vinyl

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envelopes to Video 3 : Kanban Animation c o n v e y information (called Kanban). In a period spanning three decades, K a n b a n developed into a sophisticated information s y s t e m t h a t ensured v=bEcDzJt43ns&feature=player_embedded production in required quantities at the right time in all manufacturing processes within the factory. The essence of the Kanban concept was that a supplier delivered components to the production line only when required, thus eliminating storage in the production area. Suppliers delivered desired components when they received a card and an empty container, indicating that more parts were needed for production. In case of line interruption, each supplier produced only enough components to fill the container and then stopped. Since Kanban was a chain process in which orders flowed from one process to another, the production or delivery of components was pulled to the production line (Refer Box).

In a pull system, the production of a certain product starts only when a demand or request is made by the buyer. The consumer of the product pulls from the last link of the production chain. This last link pulls its preceding link and so on. In western companies, the push system was considered to be more cost-effective. Push systems were schedulebased projections of what demand was expected to be. Based on historical information (updated on a weekly or monthly basis), a computer program processed the information giving a detailed sub-schedule for buying materials and producing goods. This schedule pushed the production in order to comply with the expected demand. The disadvantage of the push system was that predictions did not always coincide with facts. This resulted in either excess or inadequate inventories.

In the traditional forecast oriented method, parts were pushed to the line (Refer Exhibit III for a comparison of the Kanban philosophy with the western philosophy).


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Exhibit III Toyotas Kanban Philosophy vs Western Manufacturing Philosophy

Factors Inventory Toyotas Kanban Philosophy A liability. Every effort must be extended to do away with it Western Philosophy An asset. It protects against forecast errors, machine problems, late vendor deliveries. More inventory is safer.

Lot Sizes

Immediate needs only. A replenishment Formulas. Always revising the optimum lot size quantity is desired for both with some formula based on the trade-off manufactured and purchased parts. between the cost of inventories and cost of setup. Make them insignificant. This requires Low priority. Maximum output is the usual goal. either extremely rapid changeover to Rarely does similar thought and effort go into minimize the impact on production, or achieving quick changeover. the availability of extra machines already set up. Fast changeover permits small lot sizes to be practical, and allows a wide variety of parts to be made frequently. Eliminate them. When problems occur, Necessary investment. Queues permit identify and correct them. The succeeding operations to continue in the event correction process is aided when of a problem with the feeding operation. Also, by queues are small. If queues are small, providing a selection of jobs, the factory it surfaces the need to identify and fix management has greater opportunity to match the cause. varying operator skills and machine capabilities., combine set ups and thus contribute to the efficiency of the operation. Co-workers. Theyre part of the team. Adversaries. Multiple sources are the rule, and Multiple deliveries for all active items its typical to play them off against each other. are expected daily. The vendor takes care of the needs of the customer, and the customer treats the vendor as an extension of his factory. Zero defects. If quality is not 100%, production is in jeopardy. Constant and effective. Machine breakdown must be minimal. Keep them short. This simplifies the job of marketing, purchasing, and manufacturing as it reduces the need for expediting. Tolerate some scrap. Usually track what the actual scrap has been and develop formulae for predicting it. As required. But not critical because queues are available. The longer, the better. Most foremen and purchasing agents want more lead-time, not less.

At Toyota, two types of Kanban cards were used: one, to move parts from one place to another, known as the Conveyance Kanban card, and the other, to authorize the production of parts, known as the Production Kanban card. (Refer Figure I). A standard size container was used to store parts and each card was treated like a coupon. (Refer Box).
Suppose a container of item X is required in work centre A. As a first step, a production Kanban card is issued to work centre A. The work centre withdraws a container of raw materials from its inventory. The container of raw materials also included a conveyance Kanban card. Work centre A removes the conveyance Kanban card from the container and sends it to the proceeding work centre where it serves as an authorization to pick up a container of raw materials.

Set Ups


Figure 1



Equipment Maintenance Lead Times


Management by consensus. Changes Management by edict. New systems are are not made until consensus is installed in spite of the workers. Concentrate on reached, whether or not a bit of arm- measurements to determine whether or not they twisting is involved. The vital ingredient are doing it. of ownership is achieved.


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Three types of information were exchanged using Kanban. Pick up information guided the earlier stages regarding parts to be produced for the succeeding stages. Transfer information indicated when the parts had to be produced for the succeeding stages. Production information was transmitted from the earlier stages to the later stages to inform the workers about the product mix and other operational matters. To make the Kanban system effective and reap maximum benefits (Refer Table II) from it, Ohno framed six rules: Table II Advantages of Kanban 1. A simple and understandable process 2. Provides quick and precise information 3. Low costs associated with the transfer of information 4. Provides quick response to changes 5. Limit of over-capacity in process 6. Avoids overproduction 7. Minimizes waste 8. Control can be maintained 9. Delegates responsibility to workers Source: IBS Center for Management Research

A Kanban should be attached to the goods. 100% defect free parts were required. Reduce the number of Kanbans. The Kanban cards were re-circulated and the number of cards controlled work-in-progress (WIP) in the system. In this way, the activities of final assembly were linked to previous operations by a chain system of card ordering that pulled production through the factory. Another important component of JIT was Heijunka (production smoothing). JITs principle of building only the required number of items helped keep the production costs low. Heijunka helped in the accomplishment of this principle by creating a consistent production volume. Heijunka averaged the highest and lowest variations of the orders. The variations were then removed from the production schedule. This ensured that the right quantity of parts was produced with minimum workforce. Heijunka took care not only of the total volume of items but also the type of items produced and the other options. FUTURE OF JIT Although many automobile companies around the world adopted JIT, the system was far from perfect and difficult to implement. It was based on the key assumption that sources and channels of supply were reliable and dependable at all times. Analysts felt that it did not take into account the possibility of labor strikes at automotive plants. Moreover, JIT involved high set up costs and Special training and reorganization of policies and procedures in the company were necessary to implement JIT. The supplier

Later process went to the earlier process to pick up products. The earlier process produced only the amount withdrawn by the later process. Should not pick or produce goods without a Kanban.

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relations of the Video 4 : JIT benefits and drawback company also needed to be improved to ensure timely delivery. In the absence of good supplier relations, JIT increased the risk of inventory shortage. Organizational culture also seemed to play a crucial role in the implementation of JIT. M a n y c o m p a n i e s outside Japan reported v=xOfNTxafNoU&feature=player_embed d i f f i c u l t i e s i n t h e ded implementation of the concept. Another problem seemed to be the difficulty of removing the human element from the systems that generate requirements. An analyst commented, Computer algorithms, they say, go only so far. Good people, with lengthy experience at reading the ups and downs of the industry are still a must. Most companies felt that people should be actively involved in the system. Moreover, there could be many barriers to the successful implementation of JIT. For JIT to be successful, companies had to ensure that they did not make frequent changes in production planning and that their forecasting procedures were reliable and did not result in under or over forecasting of demand. Other barriers could be equipment failure and employee absenteeism.

Analysts felt that Toyotas JIT was a complicated process and that its success inside a plant depended mainly on highly experienced, highly motivated managers. Outside the plant, JITs success depended on a network of capable suppliers that operated in sync with Toyotas production processes. In fact, according to some analysts, Toyota was not able to replicate the JIT production system in an efficient way in any of its operations outside Japan. John Paul MacDuffie said, Toyota hasnt developed a single facility that is as efficient as the ones it has in Japan.

Measure / Company Set up time (hours) Set ups per day Strokes per hour Lot / Batch size

Exhibit IV Plant Productivity A B C Toyota (USA) (Sweden) (W.Germany) 0.2 3 500+ 6 1 300 4 4 0.5 -

1 day* 10 days 1 month

*For products low in demand, one batch = 7 days use. Source:

Although Toyotas JIT had some drawbacks, it offered several advantages over other manufacturing processes. Because of the early adoption of JIT, Toyota benefited more from the system than other automobile companies (Refer Exhibits IV & V).


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Exhibit V Productivity Comparison of Different Auto Manufacturers Takaoka A B C Measure / company Toyota (USA) (Sweden) (W.Germany) plant No of employees No of vehicles produced per day Man hours for completion of vehicle 4,300 2,700 1.6 3,800 1,000 3.8 4,700 1,000 4.7 9,200 3,400 2.7

advantages of Kanban over the western manufacturing system? 3. Using JIT, Taiichi Ohno revolutionized the production system at Toyota. However, some analysts pointed out that JIT had many drawbacks. Briefly explain the disadvantages of JIT. How can they be solved? Additional Readings & References: 1. 2. Taylor III Alex, How Toyota Defies Gravity, Fortune, December 8, 1997. Bowen Knet and Spear Steven, Decoding the DNA of Toyota Production System, Harvard Business Review, SeptemberOctober 1999. Kanban an integrated JIT system,


By 2000, JIT was adopted by many Japanese companies, as well as some US car companies. Analysts felt that JIT was not only a process that could be applied to manufacturing, but also a philosophy that governed the attitude of a successful business. According to one analyst,1 Using JIT, Taiichi Ohno had revolutionized production. The market clearly reflects the success of JIT. The concept has made Japanese products affordable and reliable in quality. Quality is no longer a privilege it is a standard accompanied by low cost. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. The JIT production system was one of the most significant production management approaches of the post World War II era. Discuss in detail, the concept of JIT and its advantages. 2. Kanban was an important component of Toyotas JIT system. Explain the concept of Kanban used in Toyota. What are the

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Endnotes: 1. Andres Aviles Final Draft,


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Section 3

Case Study: Lean Manufacturing Initiatives at Boeing

This case was written by K.Subhadra, under the direction of A. Mukund, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation..

2002, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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Our entire enterprise, will be a lean operation characterized by the efficient use of assets, high inventory turns, excellent supplier management, short cycle times, high quality and low transaction costs. - Boeings Vision 2016 Statement, in 2002

successful jets, the 737. In 1962, Boeing manufactured the Air Force One for the American Presidents use. In late 1969, Boeing entered the Spacecraft manufacturing business by contributing to the Apollo program.

BACKGROUND NOTE The US - based leading airplane manufacturer Boeing Airplane Company (Boeing) was formed in 1916 by William Boeing (William) and George Westervelt (Westervelt) as the Pacific Aero Products Company. The companys name was changed to Boeing in 1917. Boeing began by manufacturing aircrafts for the US military during the First World War. In 1922, Edgar Scott, became the companys president and during his tenure the navy awarded Boeing a contract to build a primary trainer (planes for test flights). In 1927, the Model 40A mail plane, won the US Post Office contract to deliver mail between San Francisco and Chicago. The Boeing Air Transport (BAT) was formed to run the new airmail services. BAT also trained pilots, set up airfields and provided maintenance staff for the new service. However, Boeing realized that to grow, it needed to design and go in for mass production and sell its own aircrafts. After the Second World War, the company shifted its focus from the defense industry to commercial jets. In 1952, Boeing launched its first commercial jet, the Boeing 707, a short-range jet. In 1960, William M. Allen (Allen) became the companys CEO. The same year, Boeing began manufacturing its first jumbo jet the Boeing 747. During Allens tenure, Boeing launched one of its most

Source: uploads/2011/07/boeing-737-600.jpg

In the early 1970s, Boeing faced a host of problems due to the recession in the aviation industry. When the Airbus Industrie was formed in 1970, Boeings market share (70% in the early 1970s) began to decline. In the mid-1970s, Boeing launched long-range planes (the 757 and the 767). By the mid-1980s, Boeing expanded its presence in the consumer electronics business through joint ventures, mergers and subcontracting. In March 1984, Boeing took over the De Havilliard Aircraft of Canada to enter the commuter planes market. In the early 1990s, Boeing completed the manufacture of the 727 and the 737. By October 1994, the company launched the new 737 series, the 737-800.

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In the mid-1990s, Boeings revenues plunged and it had to retrench around 9,300 employees due to the economic slow down. The company faced a 10-week strike in the fourth quarter of 1995. In late 1996, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas announced plans to merge. In 1997, Boeing had approximately 70% of the world market for passenger aircraft. By the end of 1997, Boeing was severely affected by the Asian economic crisis that put in doubt over one-third of the $1.1 trillion projected commercial aircraft sales for the next 20 years. The companys internal problems such as bureaucracy, redundant manufacturing processes and an outdated information technology setup further aggravated the situation. Boeing lost 17% of its market value as a result of the Asian crisis. By 2001, Boeing had emerged as a $58 billion company operating in 145 countries with around 179,000 employees worldwide. The company was divided into six major units: Air Traffic Management, Boeing Capital Corporation, Commercial Airplanes, Space and Communications, Military Aircraft and Missile Systems, and Connexion by Boeing. The commercial aircraft division contributed around 60% of the total revenues. Boeings manufacturing plants were located at Renton, Everett (Washington), Wichita (Kansas) and Long Beach (California).

Video 1: Boeing Manufacturing v=SYfYFQftKBE&feature=player_emb edded

MANUFACTURING PRACTICES AT BOEING In a traditional commercial aircraft manufacturing plant, the floor layout was similar to a parking lot. The planes were docked in stalls six on the left side of the factory, six on the right side. Each plane was surrounded by ramps and workers would go in and out to find parts, install them. Boeing had followed the above approach from the beginning and its manufacturing practices did not change much over the years. According to analysts, by the early 1990s, the companys operations had become completely outdated. Its operations were inefficient and characterized by high costs and long production cycles. The main problem with Boeings production system was said to be the variety of choices it offered to customers. Boeings customers had a wide range to choose from from the type of engine to the location of a small spring on the board in the

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cockpit. As a result, the company had to keep track of every part that went into the plane. This was done with the help of an operations system that used 800 different computers. These computers frequently had serious co-ordination and communication problems. The system was designed to keep track of the several million parts involved in the production of a plane rather than the planes development. It also involved recomputing of parts requirements several times during the construction of a plane. Each plane had a customer identification code and employees spent several hours matching the designs with the customer identification codes. The process worked well when Boeing manufactured large volumes of identical planes. However, when it started manufacturing planes with different configurations, the process became cumbersome. Due to this, its reputation for quality and on-time delivery suffered. The launches of planes was frequently delayed and many planes had several technical snags. The company realized that it would have to streamline its manufacturing activities to address the above problems. Thus, Boeing began implementing a lean manufacturing process in 1993 and even benchmarked itself against automobile major, Toyota, and developed a system, which tracked defects in its airplanes. In early 1994, Boeing implemented a manufacturing process improvement initiative called Define and Control Airplane Configuration/Manufacturing Resource Management (DCAC/ MRM). This improved the manufacturing process and reduced costs, cycle time and defects. DCAC also simplified and improved Boeings internal processes for handling airplane

customer configuration data. MRM helped improve the manufacturing process based on airplane data. However, the DCAC/MRM initiative was reportedly so complicated that the executive in charge of it referred to it as the acronym from hell. It took two years to implement it than originally anticipated. Despite the above initiatives to implement lean manufacturing and improve operational efficiencies, Boeing failed to reap benefits due to a host of internal problems. The old manufacturing procedures and the companys bureaucracy slowed down its operations. It was reported that for even a minor alteration like changing the location an emergency flashlight holder, consumed thousands of hours of engineering time, hundreds of pages of detailed drawings and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to execute. The loopholes in Boeings manufacturing processes turned into a major problem in August 1997, when it launched a price war to compete with Airbus. As a result of the price-cuts, the company received several orders. However, it could not cope with the demand when it tried to increase production. A number of problems such as raw materials shortage, parts shortage and productivity inefficiencies associated with the recruitment of thousands of new employees soon surfaced. This resulted in a serious disruption of process flows leading to late shipments of parts. This, in turn, resulted in workers being forced to work overtime. Soon, the overtime costs increased to 30% of the total labor cost even as Boeing saw its inventory turnover falling sharply. Due to the above problems, Boeing was forced to close its two assembly lines manufacturing Boeing 737 and 747 for a month

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resulting in a $1.6 billion loss. Boeing not only missed the delivery targets, but also lost some of its customers to Airbus. The company realized that it had to change its manufacturing process to compete with Airbus, which was rapidly eating into its market share (Refer Table I).

Exhibit I About Lean Manufacturing The concept of lean manufacturing can be traced back to Japan after the Second World War, when Japanese manufacturers were facing a decline in human and financial resources. These circumstances forced Japanese manufacturers to develop a new, low cost, manufacturing technology. Toyota was the first company to implement this practice. The company developed various disciplined processes such as Just-In-Time and Kanban, which collectively came to be known as the Toyota Production System, or Lean Production. The main focus of this system was to minimize the consumption of resources that were not of any value to a product. By early 1980, US automakers had also begun adopting the lean manufacturing concepts. In lean manufacturing, it requires that instead of being pushed to the market, products are produced according to customer needs and with shorter lead times. The major difference between lean manufacturing and traditional manufacturing was that lean manufacturing worked on the concept that production can and should be driven by real customer demand. Thus, lean manufacturing can be seen as a system that focuses on continuously improving manufacturing processes and driven by customers, both internally and externally. Typically, the lean manufacturing initiatives in any organization consist of six major tenets that are supported by a set of strategic initiatives (Refer Figure II).

Table I Global Aerospace Industry Market Shares (in %) Year Boeing Airbus 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 70 64 60 50 45 45 47 15 32 35 50 55 55 53

Source: IBS Center for Management Research

It was at this stage that Boeing decided to refocus on the lean manufacturing initiatives that began in 1993 to solve its problems (Refer Exhibit I for a note on lean manufacturing).


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Figure II Moving Line Assembly

came into the picture, Boeing believed that Airbus was doing well because of the government subsidies it was receiving from the European Union rather than its engineering efficiency. The above circumstances had made the company complacent and its employees had become averse to any kind of change. According to analysts, there was a strong company-wide feeling of Why change? when the lean manufacturing initiatives were first introduced. However, when Airbus market share went up at Boeings expense, the latter was forced to look at its production process. Phil Condit who took over as Boeings CEO in 1996, outlined the following four-pronged strategy for the companys turnaround after the production problems in 1997 led to the closure of two plants: Fix the commercial aircraft divisions production problems. Grow the higher-margin defense and space divisions. Regain credibility on Wall Street. Scrap Boeings paternalistic corporate culture.

Source: BusinessWeek, June 04, 2001.

LEAN MANUFACTURING AT BOEING Boeing began implementing lean manufacturing principles in 1993. The company employed a Japanese consulting firm to assist in the task at its commercial aircraft division. However, because of Boeings decades-old operational inefficiencies, it failed to reap the benefits of lean manufacturing. Analysts felt that Boeings corporate culture was one of the reasons for the above failure. Though executives knew about the manufacturing problems, the company-wide attitudinal problems thwarted any corrective measures. This attitude was due to the environment in which the company was doing business for a long period. Its major customers mostly state owned airlines, protected by regulation, and the free spending US Department of Defense never cared about the prices. Also, Boeing never had an efficient competitor challenging its market share. When Airbus

To fix the commercial aircraft divisions production problems, Condit decided to refocus on lean-manufacturing principles. The primary focus of these efforts was to eliminate waste in the companys business processes to maximize operational efficiency, improve quality/safety standards, eliminate unnecessary motion and inventory and save time. Boeing also believed that by refocusing on the lean manufacturing initiatives, it would be able to improve the employees morale due to their increased involvement in manufacturing. The exercise began with an assessment process in which representatives from all the functional work areas evaluated their

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current business situation and performance. After the evaluation, an implementation plan was formulated by using various tools and techniques of lean manufacturing (such as value stream and employee involvement) to simplify and improve the business processes. The plan ensured that employees made a step-bystep improvement in process efficiency and costs. Boeing realized that the success of lean manufacturing would depend on employees who were empowered to challenge and change the existing processes. For this, Boeing relied on the people who worked closely with the processes and products, as they were the most reliable sources to identify and remove the waste in manufacturing and support processes. Thus, the implementation of lean manufacturing principles at Boeing was a co-operative process wherein managers at the plants worked in co-operation with employees and encouraged them to introduce procedures to reduce wastage. As part of the lean initiatives, Boeing formed a production reform team in 1997. the team consisted of around 2,000 people along with Robert Hammer (Vice-President, Production Process). The team devised a plan that revolved around a simple notion that airlines should order airplanes the way consumers order automobiles. According to the new plan, carriers were not offered unlimited choices. They had to pick from a finite options package and special requests were handled at an extra price. The team discarded 400 computer programs which kept track of the parts list and sketches and replaced them with four interconnected software packages one each to manage configuration, manufacturing, purchasing, and inventory control. The team had devised only one list of parts for each airplane,

updated electronically throughout the production cycle. In accordance with the new manufacturing procedures, the Boeing 777 was manufactured in a paperless way. Right from the initial designing to the finalization of the design, it was done on computers using 3D-CAM software. To tackle the challenge of production reforms, Boeing conducted a five-day workshop called the Accelerated Improvement Workshops (AIW). AIW was a five-day workshop combining training, planning, and implementation to make rapid improvements on the factory floor. During the AIW, employees were allowed to make significant changes to work procedures, work rules, machines and the flow of work. Due to AIW, the employees at factory building wings for 737 and 747 reduced the production time for some functions from 56 to 28. They moved machines, designed new tools, and reduced unnecessary inventory. One of the trouble areas for Boeing was its inventory management. The inventory turnover at Boeings factories was only two to three times a year, while an efficient manufacturing operation typically turned its inventory 12 times a year. According to analysts, Boeing held about $18 billion in gross inventories, which was equal to 35% of the total revenue. To manage its inventory, Boeing installed an inventory management system, Cribmaster, in December 1997. The software effectively monitored the tool inventory, tracked consumption and issued purchase orders. Another area of concern for Boeing was maintenance of equipment. To improve maintenance of its machines, Boeing conducted an Autonomous Maintenance Workshops (AMW). In

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the AMW, operators and maintenance personnel were responsible for the daily care and critical component checks of their equipment. Through small group activities, the performance of the asset was continuously improved. Video: 2 : LEAN MANUFACTURING

company to lower the production cost and also freed the manufacturing capacity. Boeing utilized this opportunity by entering into contracts with Delta Airlines and Alaska Airlines to manufacture replacement floor panes for their airplanes. Boeing was able to release tens of thousands of square feet of floor space for new business production. It also eliminated hundreds of thousands of square feet of inventory space. The time taken to produce individual parts and components was reduced by upto 95%. Also, the time taken to fully assemble an airplane was reduced by 50%. According to company sources, the initiatives resulted in saving millions of dollars. In the Renton plant, where wing parts were built, employees could reduce the flow time on products from more than 9- days to 5 days. The flow time reduction efforts eliminated a second production line, which saved millions of dollars. The lean principles also helped Boeing to reduce defects by 48%. Boeing gained a lot by involving its suppliers in the implementation of the lean manufacturing initiatives through a web-based procurement system. The system helped a supplier to know when Boeings inventories had come down to the minimum level so that he could dispatch the parts automatically. This led to the inventory problems being solved to a great extent. The Cribmaster software enabled employees to avoid entering each tools number manually into the computer. Instead, with bar coding, tools were checked out in seconds using a wireless handheld scanner. This process saved nearly 1,000 issues, returns and counts and a lot of time for the workers. All this resulted in the inventory turnover increasing from 2 to 18 per

Source: v=nhtdXOjoctI&feature=player_embedded

Boeing also conducted many Lean Manufacturing Assessments (LMA) and Production Preparation Process (3P) workshops. In LMAs, representatives from every function identified improved methods to do the same work, and developed an implementation plan for changing over to new processes. The 3P workshops focused on redesigning the waste out of parts, equipment and processes. REAPING THE BENEFITS As a result of the above initiatives, Boeing was able to reduce its inventory levels by $1 billion since January 1999, and was also successful in reducing the manufacturing time by 60% and manufacturing floor space by more than 50%. This helped the

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year and the inventory of work in process reduced from 100 pieces to 30. Boeings employees were able to improvise on the machines they used due to the lean manufacturing initiatives. They designed several new machines that replaced the existing huge, costlier ones. For instance, a drill machine was built for 5% of the market cost; another component was developed at two-tenths of the cost of the existing one. The improvement in efficiency could be judged from the fact that a process that took 2000 minutes for a 100-part order was now completed in 100 minutes. EXTENDING LEAN MANUFACTURING In 2000, Boeing introduced an innovative manufacturing technique called Moving Line that further improved its production efficiency and quality levels (refer Figure II). Though Boeing had used this technique earlier, the new aspect of this technique was the fusion of the moving line techniques with the lean manufacturing techniques. Under this, a continuous moving assembly line moved planes from one assembly team to the next place slowly, keeping production at a steady pace. It also allowed employees to monitor the production status anytime which reduces the amount of work in process inventory. In the Boeing 737 moving assembly line at the Renton plant, unfinished planes moved along the assembly line at a rate of two inches per minute. As the planes moved, mechanics added the components without leaving the assembly area surrounding the planes. They were given the required parts and tools by a set of support people, who communicated with them through two-way radios or through various visual signals. Workers were

empowered to stop the assembly line when it fell behind schedule so that the managers could track the schedule by monitoring the planes position in relation to the time marking taped on the floor. This enabled the managers to know exactly where the planes were in the assembly process at any given time. The company arranged more than 30 feeder lines that worked parallel to the main assembly line where the components were pre-assembled. This saved both time and cost. For example, previously the mechanics needed 42 hours to install 204 parts for an assembly that went into the 737. The feeder lines enabled the assemblers to install only 14 parts and the job was completed in just 16 hours. The complete conversion of both the 737 and 757 factories to the moving line setup was expected by end 2002. According to company sources, when these moving lines are fully operational, Boeing would be able to reduce the final assembly time by 50% with the lines moving continuously at a rate of about one half inch per minute. Company sources feel that over the next five years, all the assembly lines would be converted to the moving line. With this, Boeing aims to reduce the average time from order to delivery to six months. Analysts opine that once this initiative is completed, Boeing would find it comparatively easier to stay ahead of Airbus.


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Figure I Building Blocks of Lean Manufacturing

Workplace organizations system: Lean manufacturing cannot be a success in a disorganized workplace. Poor working conditions lead to wastes that delay production and increase defects. Good working conditions are essential for efficient production. Many companies use the 5S system, which improves and standardizes the workplace environment for safe and effective manufacturing practices. Value stream mapping: Value stream mapping can be defined as mapping the production path of a product visually. It is a starting point to help the management recognize waste and identify its causes. This process focuses on the production flow beginning with acquiring raw materials to the final production of the product. Value stream mapping helps an organization understand the production flow. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): TPM can be defined as an initiative that optimizes the effectiveness of manufacturing equipment. It is team based and involves everyone in each function in the organization. TPMs goal is to make the production systems profitable and it requires organizations prevent breakdowns and defects in efficient and economical ways. This is achieved through preventive, corrective, maintenance or breakdown maintenance. Thus, TPM eliminates all accidents, defects and breakdowns. Cellular manufacturing: Cellular manufacturing helps produce various products with minimum wastage. Both equipments and workstations are arranged in a sequence to support the flow of materials and components with minimal transport or delay.

Quick changeover: Developing a production system that manufactures only what the customer wants and when the customer wants it, leading to a strong, flexible manufacturing system adaptable to changes. To improve the setup operations, a setup analysis is undertaken. It videotapes the entire setup operation, asks the personnel about their work and studies the time and motion involved in each step. The setup is then improved through various setup reduction techniques. Pull/Kanban systems: Companies need to design their operations to respond to customers requirements and Kanban helps immensely in this regard. Its literal Japanese meaning is instruction card. These are generally manual pull devices, which allow the efficient transfer of parts from one department to another and automatically put a purchase order for products using minimum/maximum inventory levels. It thus acts as a signal to the manager for replenishment of materials.


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Quality at source: Generally, in traditional manufacturing companies, quality checks are done during the receipt of goods and through sampling at the products final assembly line. In lean manufacturing, the inspection and product rework are done at any point in the production. Quality at source is done through two systems viz., Zero Quality Control and Poka-Yoke. One-piece flow: This is a technique that aims at producing one part correctly all the time so that the company can achieve its goals without unplanned interruptions and lengthy queue times. It is also known as continuous flow manufacturing. Takt time: It refers to linking production to the customer by equaling the production pace with the pace of the actual final sales. Initially, the actual Takt times are calculated for each product and part and then the time required for each product and part is used to determine the time to be allotted to the actual process in the entire production chain. In simple words, Takt time is the rate of customer demand and the frequency at which the customer requires a finished item. Employee involvement: Lean manufacturing results in changed production methods. An awareness about the changed production systems must begin at the top of the company and establish a sense of urgency that will flow down to the next level and to the lowest level shop floor. When implementing lean manufacturing strategies, the management must ensure that the people are fully trained and empowered to accept and implement the changes. It should also ensure the presence of a widespread orientation about quality and continuous improvement. The management should also create a common understanding about the need to change to lean.

Standardized operations - Standardization is used to systematize a process including the man-machine interactions and studies of human motion at shop floor. The standardization of work should occur in the entire organization rather than in one department All the above building blocks help a company implement the lean manufacturing techniques successfully. They also help organizations reap various benefits in the form of waste elimination and lower inventory cycles. Lean manufacturing has an overall impact on the sales and customer service in the form of shorter lead times, higher flexibility and increased sales. It also reduces the requirement for space and work-in-progress and improves quality. The results, however, vary from industry to industry. According to analysts, the typical benefits derived due to lean manufacturing include: Reduction in scrap and setup time by 90%. Reduction in lead-time by 50%. Achievement of 20-inventory turn over year. Reduction in operating costs. Improvement in productivity (10%-40%) and quality (25%-75%). Though lean manufacturing had gained popularity in the late 1980s, only a few companies were actually able to reap its benefits completely. This was because many organizations did not understand clearly the philosophy behind the initiative. There was a lack of continuous improvements to the process as well as a lack of employee involvement into the process. Sometimes, labor unions misunderstood the initiative as the managements way of reducing the number of employees.


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Comparing Traditional and Lean Manufacturing Techniques Traditional Production Lean Production Production schedules are based on! Forecast product is pushed through the facility.! Customer Order product is pulled through the facility. Products manufactured to Replenish finished goods inventory Fill customer orders (immediate shipments) Production cycle times are Weeks/months Hours/days Manufacturing lot size quantities are Large, with large batches moving between operations; product is sent ahead of each operation! Small, and based on one-piece flow between operations Plant and equipment layout is By department function! By product flow, using cells or lines for product families Quality is assured Through lot sampling100% at the production source Workers are typically assigned One person per machine! With one person handling several machines Worker empowerment is Low little input into how operation is performed! High has responsibility for identifying and implementing improvements Inventory levels are High large warehouse of finished goods, & central storeroom for in-process staging! Low small amounts between operations, ship often Inventory turns are Low 6-9 turns per year or less High 20+ turns per year Flexibility in changing manufacturing schedules Low difficult to handle and adjust !High easy to adjust and implement Manufacturing costs are! Rising and difficult to control Stable/ decreasing and under control Source:

1. Explain the circumstances that made Boeing adopt the lean manufacturing practices in the late 1990s. What were the factors that hindered the implementation of the system? What according to you are the pre-requisites for the successful implementation of lean manufacturing in large organizations? 2. Define lean manufacturing and discuss the various tools and techniques that are involved in the successful implementation of the system? 3. Explain the lean manufacturing initiatives undertaken by Boeing and explain its approach. Analyze the methodology and the process in implementing it? What are the factors that contributed to its success in the second attempt? 4. What were the benefits derived by Boeing as a result of adopting lean manufacturing practices? Do you think the companys decision to implement the moving line technology for aircraft manufacturing was a wise move? Give reasons to support your answer. 5. Do you think Boeing would gain a competitive advantage over Airbus after implementing lean-manufacturing practices at all its locations? Do these practices offer it a potential to regain market share and restore profitability levels?

Additional Readings & References: 1. 2. Tully Shawn, Can Boeing Reinvent Itself?, Fortune, March 8, 1993. Taylor Alex, Boeing Sleepy in Seattle, Fortune, August 7, 1995.

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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Engardio Peter, Roberts Dexter, Cover Story Boeing, BusinessWeek, September 30, 1996. Solovar Griffin Maura, Boeings Big Problem, Fortune, February 2, 1998. Reinhardt Andy & Browder Seanna, Cleared For Takeoff: Another Turnaround, November 9, 1998. Labich Kenneth, Boeing Finally Hatches a Plan, Fortune, March 1, 1999. Boeing Attempts a U-Turn at High Speed, BusinessWeek, April 16, 2001. Boeing Goes Lean, BusinessWeek, June 4, 2001. Wilhelm Steve, Boeing Thrives on Lean Effort,, July 27, 2001.

10. Arnold V. Paul, Boeing Knows Lean, MRO Today, March 2002. 11. 12. 13.


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Operations Technology

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Overview of Manufacturing Activities Impact of Operations Technology on Manufacturing Automation Technologies in Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence Technology in Services Evaluation of Technology Investments

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Operations Technology

With the passage of time, operations management has undergone a considerable change. Now-a-days most of the organizations are adopting new technologies in their manufacturing processes to improve productivity, reduce labor cost, provide safe work environment for their workers, improve material handling and manage inventory better. In studies conducted to find the relationship between financial performance and the investment in technology, it was found that organizations which invested more on technology performed better than the organization with less investment in technology and R&D. But this is applicable to only those organizations which require technology or which have scale of operation that would justify investment in technology. A number of significant developments has taken place in various fields in the recent past, which include the digital computers, improvements in data-storage technology, sophistication of software, advances in sensor and optical technology, artificial intelligence and many more. All these developments have contributed in the progress of operations technology.

Investment in technology needs careful consideration, because the costs involved are very high and organizations may sometime have to alter their current processes to make them compatible with the new technology. Technological upgradation is essential for an organization to remain contemporary and competitive in the market. Hence, many organizations today have adopted advanced technologies in both product development and production methods. In this chapter we discuss the significance of technology in operations management, recent developments in the field of operations technology and how organizations can improve productivity by adopting the latest technologies. OVERVIEW OF MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES To understand the significance of advanced technology in manufacturing processes, it is essential to understand these processes. Organizations choice of business, territories and products are based on the needs and preferences of their target customers. Hence organizations first try to find out the


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market requirements. They then conceptualize and design products that would be acceptable in the market. Once the decision with respect to area of operation is taken, the actual production begins. The production process involves a series of activities, which is formulated after detailed technical and engineering analysis. Engineering drawings are initially drawn for each component of the product. These individual components are then tested to see if they are technically compatible with other components of the product. Once all the components of a particular product are identified, a prototype of the product is made to test the performance of the product. Through prototype testing, organizations identify shortcoming, defects and faults in the products. The product design is then revised and the necessary changes are made after which another test is conducted. This process continues till the product design satisfies the requirements of all performance evaluating parameters. Once the product structure is finalized, the components are produced, assembled and fabricated according to the design specifications. In coordination with these design activities, the purchase department obtains requisite quotations for materials required and the quality department develops methodologies to monitor the quality of the product and manufacturing process. Production commences only after the necessary equipment and machinery is installed and the raw material needed is obtained. During the production process, activities like

equipment maintenance, raw material sourcing, quality control and packaging are carried out, as and when required. Many of these activities are performed or assisted by automation. In the following sections, we will discuss some of the technologies that are employed by organizations to improve productivity. Impact of Operations Technology on Manufacturing The competitive business environment has forced organizations to meet market demand quickly and focus on quality. Technology helps organizations survive in the this environment and satisfy market demand. Adopting new technology is expensive and requires considerable changes in organizational structure and processes; but the benefits of technology far outweigh its disadvantages. To stay competitive, organizations have to speed up the process of new product development, production and distribution and to reduce labor costs. The use of technology allows organizations to achieve these objectives within cost and quality constraints. Currently, many software and hardware based technologies are available for use in the various stages of production. In the design stage, technologies such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) and other visualization and simulation software allow organizations to design products that meet customer requirements and design processes that are required for producing the desired products. Testing and simulation are

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important aspects of product and process design. CAD allows easy testing of products and simulation of processes so that many deficiencies can be identified before the prototype is developed. In the absence of CAD, organizations invest a considerable amount in filed testing. Many automation technologies like FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System), Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS), robots, etc. make the production process more effective and efficient. Technologies such as CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) automate the total production process. Technology such as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) provides a timely, accurate and efficient medium for communicating with suppliers and distributors. The overall impact of technology on manufacturing organizations is reduction in labor costs; improvement in quality; reduction in waste and scrap; increase in efficiency of design process; improvement in the efficiency of various production processes; reduction in setup and lead-time; and improvement in communication, interaction and coordination among various elements of the manufacturing processes. AUTOMATION Automation can be defined as technology that performs a task or set of tasks based on programmed commands. This in conjunction with automatic feedback and control enables the system to operate without human intervention. Automation is used to control, monitor and execute manufacturing activities. It includes a set of procedures, guidelines based on which machines can automatically perform activities performed by humans. Organizations that use automation to control and

manage their operations gain a considerable economic advantage. As most of these systems use computers, which are capable of collecting and processing data better than human beings, their productivity is higher. Computers use advanced control algorithms to optimize the process and improve the reliability of the results. In addition, computers are capable of sensing process conditions that indicate unsafe or abnormal operations much more quickly than humans. All these capabilities and attributes result in increased productivity, efficiency and safety in the manufacturing process. Described below are few applications of automation technology in manufacturing organization. Flexible Manufacturing System

Figure 18.1.1 Layout of a Typical FMS

Automated Transport

Automated Transport

Automated Tool Changing Unit

Source: Joseph. S. Martinich, Production and Operations Management: An Applied Modern Approach (John Wiley & Sons Inc.).


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Early automation systems consisted of a transfer line, which was a fixed-path conveyor with single-purpose equipment installed on either side of it. The conveyor moved the parts to each workstation where the machines performed a predetermined task. This automation was economical only for those organizations, which were involved in the production of large volumes of a single product or similar products. To overcome these inefficiencies, Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) were introduced in production lines. FMS is a form of flexible automation in which several machine tools are linked to the material-handling system. A central computer controls all aspects of the system. This system is effective in producing different items that have similar processing requirements. Figure 18.1.1 shows the layout of a typical FMS. The components that make up a typical FMS are: An automated loading system to load materials Two or more machining centers, which are automated to change tools by themselves A system to move materials in between machining centers An unloading system A central computer that integrates the whole process In a flexible manufacturing system, the automated material handling equipment moves the requisite materials to the appropriate work-center. Machines at these centers are preprogrammed to select, position and perform specific operations with many tool options. Once the machine processes a

particular batch, the central computer signals the details of the next job and each machine repositions and retools accordingly. In the meantime, the processed parts are automatically transferred to the next machining center in its route. Different FMS layouts are possible, based on the production requirements. These layouts include progressive layout, closed loop layouts, ladder layout and open field layout. Progressive layout In progressive layouts, all parts travel through the machining stations in the same route. This type of layout is used in the production of families of parts. Closed loop layout Closed loop layout is used for producing larger variety of parts. In this type of layout, the machines are arranged in processing order but they provide a flexibility wherein parts can skip a machine station or can loop back to a machine station in alternate order. Ladder layout In ladder layout, parts can be delivered to any machine in any sequence. Machines are arranged in a manner that allows more than one machine to work on single item at the same time. Parts are not limited to a single family. Open field layout Of all the FMS layouts, open field layout is the most complex. In open field layout, materials can move among the machine

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centers in any sequence. Open field layout generally consists of many support stations (tool interchange, inspection station, etc.). In comparison with the traditional automated systems, the flexible manufacturing system offers many advantages such as reduced direct labor, shorter response time, consistent quality of products and better control over the manufacturing processes. However, these benefits do not come cheap. FMS requires huge capital investments in equipment, and planning and control systems. Hence, they are employed only by those production organizations in which all the products produced utilize similar components or different products manufactured are variations of the same basic design. Robotics Robotics is an automation technology that has received considerable attention since 1960s. It is based on two related technologies: numerical control and teleoperators. Numerical control (NC) is a method of controlling machines by means of numbers coded on punched paper, tape or other media. Teleoperator is a mechanical manipulator that is controlled by an individual from a remote location. Since the late 1960s, major developments in microelectronics and computer technology have led to significant advances in robotics. For example, in the automobile industry, the introduction of computer-controlled one-armed robotic devices has helped in the automation of the assembly lines to a great extent. These one-armed robots are capable of doing several tasks such as lifting, welding, assembling parts and spraypainting of automobile bodies. These mechanical arms are

programmed by physically moving them through the desired motions. The different movements are recorded in the computer's memory so that they can be repeated precisely. Some high-performance robots have built-in sensors that enable them to correct their movements if there is a deviation from the programmed patterns. Others using electronic digital cameras, inspect automobile bodies to make certain that their dimensions meet the design specifications. Similar kinds of advanced highperformance robots have been adopted by other industries which use assembly lines in their manufacturing processes. A large number of electronic firms employ robots to sort or test finished products. Robots in manufacturing Currently, robots are extensively used in manufacturing operations. These operations can be broadly divided into three categories: Material Handling Processing Operations Assembly and Inspection Materials handling In this category, the applications of robots include transfer of materials, and material loading and unloading. Material transfer applications involve movement of materials from one location to another. These movements range from simple operations of lifting and placing items from one location to another to complex operations wherein the movement and placement is based on

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calculations. Robots equipped with tools like gripper are employed to load and unload materials at a workstation. Processing operations These operations include activities such as spot welding, continuous arc welding, spray painting, etc. These processing operations involve the manipulation of a tool by a robot to perform a particular action. For instance, spray painting involves pre-programmed movements of the spray painting gun over the area to be painted. Assembly and inspection Many of the assembly line operations are repetitive and the number of the items passing through the assembly is also significant. Because of high costs and low efficiency of manual labors, increasingly robots are being employed in assembly lines. Robots are being increasingly used in inspection of production processes and products. A robot using sensors determines whether or not the product being produced is consistent with the quality specifications. In most industrial robotic applications, robots provide a substitute for human labor. However, robots can be employed only for those jobs: That are repetitive and involve the same basic work motion in every cycle. Where the operations are hazardous or uncomfortable for a worker.

Where the task requires a part or tool that is heavy and difficult to handle. Automated Materials Handling
Exhibit 18.1.1 High-Tech, Mid-Tech, or Low-Tech Production Sophisticated production technology or automation of production processes alone cannot ensure the success of any organization. There are many successful companies that still utilize the oldest known manual technology. On the other hand, there are examples of companies that have failed despite having the most modern technology. This does not imply that the operations technology used by a company is irrelevant to its profitability or to other measures of success. But before adopting new technology, organizations should realize that Not all automation projects are successful. Companies that launch major automation projects may manage the implementation of the automated machinery poorly. As a result, they are worse off after automation than they were with their former production technology. Automation cannot make up for poor management. Even if the implementation of the automated production machinery goes well, the company may be so poorly managed that it fails anyway. Economic analysis cannot justify automation of some operations. It is wrong to assume that automation always results in the increase of profit levels. For example, if labor cost is very low and automated equipment is very costly, the extra cost of automation may not be sufficiently offset by product quality and other improvements. It is not technically feasible to automate some operations. In the garment industry, for example, the cloth that must be processed is so stretchable, flexible, and flimsy that certain production operations like cutting, assembling, and sewing are not yet automated. In these operations the chief obstacle to automation is incorrect positioning of the cloth relative to cutters, sewing heads, and other mechanical devices. There are instances where production operations have not been automated, and there are operations for which automation may not be possible. But for an organization looking at long-term growth, survival, and profitability it is imperative that it keeps its production processes in tune with the advances in the production technology. For many companies today, the question is not whether they will automate their operations or not. Rather, their major concerns are: Which operations will be automated? In what sequence will the operations be automated? When will the operations be automated?

Adapted: Norman Gaither, Production and Operations Management: A Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Approach (International Thomson Publishing, 1987).

Material handling is an important aspect of manufacturing and service operations. Material handling involves the transfer of

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material from one place to another, packaging and storage. To reduce the time and money involved in the material handling operations managers take the help of technologies like automated guided vehicles (AGV's), automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), etc. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) Automated guided vehicles are remote controlled vehicles that transfer materials from place of storage to the workstations. There are many variants of these vehicles based on the size and type of operations. For instance, in mines, they are used for transporting people and materials; in assembly line production, they maintain the constant supply of materials, transport heavy equipment or items on the factory floor. Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) AS/RS are computer controlled systems that automate storage and retrieval of inventory, work-in-progress (WIP) items. AS/RS expedites the process of storage and retrieval. Besides the chances of the product being damaged during storage and retrieval is also significantly reduced. AS/RS is made up of four basic components, a storage rack or bin, a storage and retrieval machine (SRM), a shuttle, and a planning and control system. AVGs and AS/RS systems together can provide fully automated systems that can transport the requisite materials from the place of storage to workstations or vice versa without human involvement. Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation

Organizations have realized the profit potential of automating their operations. But the cost of automating can be very high. So before adopting automation, organizations should be fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages of automation. Advantages 1) ! Improvement in productivity: Machines can perform repetitive and monotonous tasks continuously without fatigue or loss in productivity. In addition, automated machines are capable of producing more units than humans in a given time period. 2) ! Efficient use of materials: Increased process control makes more efficient use of materials, resulting in less scrap/waste. 3) ! Improvement in the quality of the product: It is a common belief that quality is an outcome of good workmanship of humans. However this is not always true. Automated systems generally perform the various manufacturing process with lesser variability than human workers. This results in greater control and consistency in product quality. 4) ! Improvement in work environment for the workers: Worker safety is another important reason that justifies the automation of an industrial operation. As automated systems do not require human intervention, they help safeguard workers against the hazards of the factory environment. Another benefit of automation is the reduction in the average number of working hours per week for the worker.


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5) ! Reduced factory lead-time: Automation enables organizations to process a typical production order expeditiously, thus reducing lead-time. Disadvantages 1) ! Negative feedback from the employees: Automation may lead to dissatisfaction in employees and unions, which may disrupt the normal functioning of the organization. The reasons for dissatisfaction can be resistance to change or fear of losing job. 2) ! High initial investment: The initial capital investment is very high for an automated system. 3) ! Higher level of maintenance needed: As automated systems are complex, they require higher levels of maintenance and the cost of maintenance can be substantial. The cost includes training of maintenance personnel, repairing costs, tools and equipment maintenance cost, etc. 4) ! Less flexible: Automated systems are less customizable in terms of the number of possible products that can be manufactured when compared with manually operated systems. 5) ! Requirement of technical manpower: As most of these automated systems are complex, a competent and skilled person is required to operate the system. In spite of these disadvantages, automation technology, if used wisely and effectively can yield substantial opportunities in future. By automating the production process, workers can

be relieved from repetitive, hazardous, and unpleasant work. The level of automation in an organization depends on its requirements. TECHNOLOGIES IN MANUFACTURING The manufacturing requirements of organizations have increased manifold. The increasing complexity of product and process design, time and monetary constraints, quality conscious customers and other factors have put a lot of pressure on the manufacturing organizations. In order to overcome this pressure the organizations are adopting technologies such as CAD, CAM, and CIM to optimize their manufacturing process. By using these technologies, organizations can save on operational costs, and improve both quality and productivity. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Design (CAD) is a technique used for designing product and process on a computer terminal. Computer systems assist in the creation, modification, analysis and optimization of a design. A CAD system incorporates computer graphics and computer-aided engineering systems. The physical attributes of the process or products can be illustrated using computer graphics while computer-aided engineering systems can highlight the operational capabilities of the proposed design. The designer working with a CAD system creates the lines and surfaces that form the object (product, part, structure, etc.) and stores this model in the computer database. Once the design procedure is completed, the

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CAD system generates detailed drawings required to create a product or process. Using a CAD system, a designer can generate various views of an assembly and its components. Several models like the wire frame model (illustrates the outline of the product structure in 3D space) are used to represent the
Figure 18.1.2: Components of CIM
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Business Activities CAD Planning Capacity planning Procurement, Order Entry, Payroll, Billing, etc Engineering analysis, Materials Planning Drafting Design Computer-aided Review process planning CAM Control Process Controls Shop-Floor control Computer-aided inspection

2) Improvement in the quality of product or process design. 3) More standardized products and design documentations. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Exhibit 18.1.2 Artificial Intelligence in Services

Natural language processors are being used as front-end interfaces between the user and conventional computer resources, such as database systems to make them more user-friendly. Some of the earliest practical expert systems were developed in the medical field. One such system is MYCIN, an expert system that helps physicians diagnose bacterial infections. Based on the patients symptoms and test results, the system diagnoses, and suggests additional tests. In addition, MYCIN can provide information on a particular diagnosis. The MYCIN system is an example of the flexibility of an expert systems inference engine. Expert systems have shown great promise as instructional aids, especially in advanced or highly technical fields. Expert system tutorials can be used to provide instructions in algebra, geometry, calculus and computer programming languages. These programs can, not only detect errors in syntax or incorrect calculations, but also detect errors in logic. Expert systems can even offer advices. In banking, Expert systems help equity traders in selecting appropriate broker for a particular transaction based on the investment requirements. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been used successfully to assist customer service representatives in selecting the appropriate product mix for a particular customer. Expert systems can also be applied to commercial lending, securities analysis, financial planning and interest rate swaps. Artificial intelligence systems are also used to automate many clerical functions, such as reviewing loans, monitoring late payments, and analyzing letters of credit. Many applications of AI, such as those in training and software development, are being used in manufacturing and service firms. Artificial intelligence based systems will have a broad impact on the functioning of many firms in
Adapted: James. B Dilworth, Operations Management: Design, Planning and Control for Manufacturing and Services ( McGrawHill).

Manufacturing Activities: Materials Handling, Fabrication, Assembly, Inspection Source: James B. Dilworth Operations Management: Design, Planning and Control for manufacturing and Services (Mc GrawHill)

parts in desirable forms. The use of CAD systems in product design enables production engineers and marketing personnel to view the items and suggest changes in the design before the commencement of production. Few of the top-end CAD packages allow testing at the drawing stages thus eliminating the need of costly prototype testing at the initial stages of the product design. By introducing CAD, an organization can improve the quality and functionality of a design. A CAD system provides comprehensive tools for improving design process. Some of the benefits of using CAD include: 1) Increase in productivity.

In Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), computers are used either directly to control the processing equipment or indirectly to support manufacturing operations. Automated machines

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usually perform a variety of operations, depending on the instructions received from the computer with respect to the sequence and operational specifications of a process. Computer programs can be stored in a database and can be retrieved, updated, and revised as components are added/ redesigned. They can also be transmitted electronically inhouse or externally by satellite to other divisions and facilities. The use of computers to indirectly support manufacturing operations is often referred to as indirect CAM. It involves capturing data regarding the flow of items through automatic means such as bar coding, and using this information in planning and scheduling production activities. Operations managers generally apply indirect CAM for activities such as capacity planning, purchasing, inventory control, quality reporting and so on. Direct CAM links computers directly to one or more machines such that the production processes are monitored and controlled by computer signals. It is widely used in several kinds of manufacturing activities. CNC machines are one of the key elements of CAM. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machines store operational instructions on their on-board computers which control their operations. These machines can perform variety of tasks on the basis of instructions embedded in them. They can even change the type of operation to be performed based on the process requirements without any human intervention. All information regarding new operation is fed to the computers by input devices such as keyboards and video scanners.

Figure 18.1.3 Basic Components of an Expert System

Professionals or Experts Solution

User Problem

Front-end Interpreter

Inference Engine Procedural Reasoning Controller

Knowledge Base

Benefits of using CAM: 1) Reliable information inputs 2) Consistent product quality 3) Reduction in labor costs 4) Better control and management of equipment and materials

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5) Improvement in production rate High costs involved in implementing CAM are deterrent in its use. Moreover, any error in the computer program can result in the production of many erroneous parts. Hence managers use CAM only under the close supervision of a skilled machine operator. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the next step in the technological progression of an organization. The system incorporates all the engineering functions of CAD/CAM and the business functions of the firm. These business functions include order entry, cost accounting, maintenance of employee time records and payroll, and customer billing. In an ideal CIM system, computer technology is applied to all the operational and information-processing functions of the company from customer orders through design and production (CAD/CAM) to product shipment and customer service. In many ways, CIM represents the highest level of integration in manufacturing. Figure 18.1.2 illustrates the components of CIM. CIM refer to a computer application that connects various computerized systems into a single multi-functional system. For instance, budgeting, CAD/CAM, process controls, group technology systems, MRP II, financial reporting systems, etc. are linked together. A CIM is capable of controlling and coordinating every phase of production, from initial order receipt to dispatch and billing. The CIM process does not have a fixed process structure. It varies from organization to

organization depending on the functional requirements. The system combines database systems, manufacturing equipment and sub-systems together into a single integrated system in order to enable the organization to transform product ideas into high-quality products in minimum time and at minimum cost. For example, the design engineer's workstation (CAD system) is linked to the overall system so that design specifications and manufacturing instructions are automatically sent to the shop floor. The inventory databases are also linked, so that they can be updated on a continuous basis. An automated inspection system (or a manual inspection station supplied with online terminal entry) is linked to a quality control system that maintains a database of quality information and alerts the manager if there is deterioration in quality, and at times even identifies a problem. Automatic tracking of the products flow from one station to another on the factory floor allows tracking program to identify bottlenecks and recommend replacement of faulty equipment. The main objective of CIM is to reduce costs both direct (labor, material) and indirect costs (materials handling, inspection). A typical CIM system takes product design details from a CAD system and other customer order information systems, and uses this information to create purchase orders (for producing necessary materials), work instructions, tooling requirements and so on. The system then develops schedules for production equipment and coordinates the activities and flow of materials throughout the manufacturing unit. It also tracks the movement of the

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product in production units, monitors product quality and tool wear, and simultaneously stores the data for future analysis. The system keeps track of all inventory items raw materials, spares and components, semi-finished goods and final products and automatically releases purchase orders when necessary. The expansion of CIM has slowed down because of the high costs of implementation, lack of standardized interfaces between the various CIM components and the slow acceptance of standardized communication protocols to support integration. However, proper application of CIM by an organization would result in reduced operating costs, improved quality and reliable delivery performance. Many organizations like Motorola, Sony and Toshiba have integrated their design, sales, scheduling, manufacturing, purchasing and accounting systems by using CIM. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) Computers are substituting humans in many organizations because of their ability to process data and perform logical and mathematical calculations much faster than the human brain, and without any fatigue. They are considered to be smart alternatives to human effort in performing many tasks. However, conventional computers can only substitute human beings but they can never replace them because they lack the power of reasoning and decision-making. But this is no longer true. Computers, equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), have the capacity to perform tasks commonly associated with the higher intellectual process characteristics of human beings such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or

learn from past experience. The term AI was first used in the mid fifties by John McCarthy and today the term AI is frequently applied to the branch of computer science, which is concerned with the development of systems endowed with such capabilities. Unlike conventional systems that manipulate numbers to solve problems, systems with artificial intelligence manipulate symbols. Symbols are patterns and processes that can be combined into expressions. These systems can assume and simulate inductive reasoning by comparing available data to ideal models. AI makes a system capable of performing all those tasks that would have otherwise required the application of human intelligence. Like human being, AI systems can reason and draw conclusion even when data or information provided is incomplete. This ability makes them more flexible than conventional computer systems. Hence, AI-based control systems perform better than conventional control systems in situations that demand flexibility of operations. Expert Systems Programming languages like C, C++, FORTRAN, BASIC are procedure based which are not suitable for handling day-today situations. To counter this problem, a rule-based system was conceptualized, which employed human logic in evaluating different situations. Expert systems are programs designed to provide users the expertise of professionals in a particular field. Figure 18.1.3 illustrates the basic components of a simple expert system.

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Self-service has become an important aspect of a service organization and Internet is playing a key role in this area. Customers have also taken to the idea of accessing information from the web rather than through normal channels. Customers normally use web based self service systems for changing account information, to know the status of their order, for booking tickets, obtaining information for products and services, etc. If an organization properly implements its web service, it can achieve higher efficiency, and at the same time, reduce workload on employees and customer service costs. Identifying the significance of web-based self-service, organizations are demanding Customer Relationship Management software vendors to integrate modules, which would assist in providing web-based self-service to their customers. Most of the available CRM software requires customization, integration, and add-on modules to be used as self-service web interface. Few of the CRM vendors like Avaya, Kana and Siebel systems have integrated web based self-service modules in their CRM package. Web based customer service allows users to obtain information, submit queries, clarify or obtain information from customer service representatives through forms, e-mail and online chat etc. Further users can look for information that satisfies their needs in the FAQ section. Web based self-service should include: The Portal Interface: A portal interface allows users to alter or update their profile, request for service, get suggestions on the product or service, put forward their grievances, regarding a product or service. Collaboration Tools: This attribute allows customers to interact with customer representatives or other customers of the company through online chatting or email. Many products even allow group discussion through multi-threaded applications, wherein more than two customers can interact simultaneously. Through proper authentication only authorized users are permitted to take part in the discussion. A Comprehensive Knowledge Base: Knowledge base includes comprehensive database of content and comes with a search engine that allows users to search for the relevant information concerning their queries and service requests. Web self-service provides both customers and organization with flexible, convenient and effective ways to receive and provide information.
Adapted: Gaurav Verma and Todd Hollowell, CRM Makes Strides In Self-Service, informationweek, 18 Feb 2002, TechWeb, 18 Nov 2002 < IWK20020214S0010>

Exhibit 18.1.3 Web Based Self-Service Integrated CRM

Figure 18.1.4: A Computer-Integrated Service

MARKETING DEPARTMENT Computer terminal or microcomputer linkage for order entry

Customer order CUSTOMER Confirmation

Telecommunication link

Confirmation on time, date and Orders for new


Customer order entered in Orders for use of equipment and MAIN COMPUTER Confirmation Feedback

ON-SITE MINI COMPUTER Orders for tangible and intangible service products, descriptions of work requirements for each workstation, storage locations for tangible products, and instructions for delivery to the

Feedback Computer-aided design software to help design new products

Required Confirmation transactions feedback ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE DEPARTMENTS New product designs Confirmation feedback

Bill and invoice for finished products sent

Finished product delivered to customer A network of workstation microcomputers or computer terminals that represent the service system used to provide the service products


Automated storage and automated retrieval (AS/AR) facility

The systems knowledge base consists of facts, procedural steps, and rules that determine how the data is related to the solution and other relevant information. The rules are framed on the basis of the methods used by professionals for solving

Source: Sang M Lee, Marc J. Schniederjans, Operations Management (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997) 41.


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problems (This information is arrived at by conducting extensive interviews with experts). An expert system consists of an inference engine, which is a program that enables the system to evaluate the rules in the knowledge base. It determines the set of rules that will be invoked based on the nature of the problem. As the code of the inference engine is separate from that of the knowledge base, a single inference engine can be used to drive different knowledge bases. The systems are generally provided with a language interface that permits the user to interact with the system. TECHNOLOGIES IN SERVICES Service organizations generally make use of information technology, computers and telecommunication technologies. Most of the service organizations are information driven and the smooth flow of information is critical to their operational effectiveness. The use of technology has made service less location dependent. For instance, use of e-banking allows banks to provide services to customers dispersed in a larger geographical area. Firms like Amazon (one of the worlds largest e-business companies) and other e-business retailers are able to service the request of people from different locations without spending considerable amount on establishing brick and mortar outlets. Further improvements in technology have made it possible for many firms to shift their customers service operations to countries where the cost of labor is less. We can see this phenomenon in India where many MNCs have established call centers to cater to service requirements of their clients. Some technology applications

that are helping service organizations in improving their productivity and efficiency have been described below. Computer Integrated Service Systems (CISS) Computer Integrated Service Systems is a CIM variant for service organizations. One of the key elements of any service organization is the communication link between the organization and its customers. This communication link facilitates quick and appropriate service delivery to its customers based on their specific requirements. Further, it assists service organizations in providing service to customers spread over a large geographical locations. For instance, by using the Internet, a stockbroker can provide services to customers residing in different locations. A service may include both tangible and intangible products. For instance, restaurants and retail outlets provide tangible products as part of their service. In view of these characteristics, many of the CIM components like AS/RS are also part of CISS. Figure 19.4 illustrates a CISS process structure. Office Automation Use of technology in offices can expedite many routine tasks. As a result, employees can have more time to interact with the customers, which is the key aspect of any service operation. Moreover decrease in the customer waiting time helps increase customer satisfaction. Office automation technologies include PCs, software packages like word processors, and spreadsheets, e-mails, teleconferencing, fax machines, etc.

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Self-Service Systems Self-service systems have become an important service delivery points (i.e. branches, online pages etc. for many service organizations. The Internet has given new meaning to self-services. Many tasks in which human interaction was considered necessary are being provided without human intervention. Today, individuals can open accounts, transfer money, order for goods, ask for assistance, buy and sell shares etc. using the Internet. There was a fear that overdependence on self-service systems would have negative impact on customer relationship. On the contrary, customers have embraced the self-service concept because of its ease of use. Self-service systems allow considerable saving in labor costs for service organizations. Examples of self-service systems include ATM's, virtual banks, self-service check out lanes in supermarkets, etc. Image Processing Systems Many image-processing systems like scanners and other digital and optical imaging devices are extensively used to speed up the process of verification and processing of credit cards and bank checks. Bar-coding and scanning technology enables organizations like supermarkets, libraries etc. to categorize their items. In addition these systems assists in the storage, retrieval, and processing of information. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI is a system, wherein standardized forms of electronic documents are transferred between two computer systems. Customers and suppliers or departments within the same

organization can share and transmit information electronically in real time using EDI. For instance, a computer in the purchase department of an organization can scan inventory records of its stores department in order to determine the items whose quantities are below reorder levels. The computer can prepare purchase orders and store them electronically in the mailbox of the corresponding vendors. An employee in the suppliers organization can access this computer through a data link to periodically check the mailbox. He can then pick up the acceptable orders, enter them into its order-entry system and prepare a pick list to withdraw the items from its inventory and a packing slip to ship the items. The suppliers computer automatically sends mail to its customer organization regarding the dispatch of items. This rapid transfer of information not only saves time but also reduces paper work. EDI offers several other advantages. For instance, suppliers can use an EDI system to track the sales or product usage rates of their customers and adjust their production schedules accordingly. Customers can also track their own orders within the vendors system to find out the status of their orders. EDI allows organizations to cut down their inventory levels and plan for better production and shipment schedules.

Using EDI, different business units spread across different geographical areas can coordinate and plan activities

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efficiently. Service organizations generally operate through branches; therefore it is all the more important that all the branches are interconnected for proper coordination and management. Expert Systems Many financial organizations use decision support system (DSS) or expert systems in their operations. These systems have the ability to analyze input and provide solutions by matching the available information with the pattern in its database. One of the most promising developments in this field is the use of 'neural network' approach to build an expert system, which lets the software literally learn from example and experience. Neural network is a group of processing elements that learns from experience and does not operate based on programming. These networks are useful in pattern recognition, generalization and trend projection. Several banks today are using the neural network program to detect credit card frauds. It is also being used by some leading investment banks to track stock price patterns and predict their movements. STEPS INVOLVED IN TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION New technology adoption is a carefully constructed process as the capital investments can be very high and any wrong decision can have long term impact on the profitability of an organization. Following are the basic steps involved in the technology implementation process: Determine the requirements: Before adopting new technology organizations should assess the need for the new technology,

and identify the areas where use of new technology is warranted. They should also determine the long-term suitability of the proposed changes. Form a committee or hire external consultant to plan adoption process: New technology adoption is a complex process. Therefore it is essential to constitute internal committee. If the organization does not have the expertise to properly assess the requirements, external consultant can be appointed for the job. Collect and analyze data concerning anticipated changes: Once the needs are identified, they should be evaluated and the probable changes should be analyzed to see their relative significance on the organization's productivity. Evaluate the proposed course of action: The best technology that satisfies the requirements is selected from the available alternatives. Organizations also need to take a decision with respect to developing the technology in-house or procuring the requisite technology from outside sources. Develop an implementation plan: Once the technology is selected, a proper implementation plan should be devised. All the factors that would lead to the proper implementation should be given due consideration. And even the probable problem areas are identified and steps are determined to minimize their effects. After implementation analyze the positive and negative feedbacks: Once the plan is implemented, post implementation checks are conducted to evaluate the

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performance of the new technology. If the results are not consistent with the expected results, the plan should be modified or re-implemented. EVALUATION OF TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS Investment in technology in spite of its obvious advantages may not be always right option. So before taking a decision on technology investments, organizations analyze the cost and benefit analysis of that investment. Cost benefits can be seen in terms of reduction in labor cost, materials costs, inventory costs, distribution costs, quality costs, etc. Other benefits of using technology include improved and consistent quality, increase in variety of products produced, and reduced production cycle time. In addition to these benefits, an organization has to take into account the risk factors involved in new technology adoption. These risks include risk of adopting untested and untried technologies, risk of disruption in the normal production during and after the implementation. Some of the basic questions that the management needs to answer would be: 1) ! How the investment will help the organization achieve its production and business objectives? 2) ! Would the investment in technology provide competitive advantage to the company? 3) ! What would be the rate of return on investments? 4) ! Does the scale of production justify the expenditure on technology?

5) ! What is the expected life span of the technology being considered? 6) ! Is the technology being considered compatible with the current processes? If not, what would be the expenditure on modifying current processes to accommodate new technology or equipment? 7) ! Does the technology being considered satisfy environmental and other government regulations? Based on the evaluation of all these considerations, organizations proceed with the plan to adopt new technology.


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Section 2

Case Study: The Tata Nano Project Making of the Worlds Cheapest Car

This case was written by Barnali Chakraborty, under the direction of Vivek Gupta IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

@2009, IBSCDC. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally,

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The Nano shows that a new world order is possible in the auto industry. It shows a glimpse of whats to come.1 Vikas Sehgal, Vice-President at Booz & Company2, in March 2009.

Nano, Luca Cordero Di Montezemolo, Chairman of Fiat7 and Ferrari8, said, I congratulate you [Tata Motors] on three things a modern and contemporary car, design, sufficient internal volume, designed and developed entirely on your own.9 The Tata Nano project was the brainchild of Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Group. The project to make the cheapest car in the world had started in 2003. The engineering team that made the Nano achieved the cost target by implementing an innovative design and reducing cost by paying attention to each and every component of the car. From the engine, steering, wheels, and tires to the windshield washing system, gear shifter, and central console, every component was given special emphasis in an effort to cut down cost. During the launch of the Nano, Ratan Tata said, Today, we indeed have a Peoples Car, which is affordable, and yet built to meet safety requirements and emission norms, to be fuel efficient and low on emissions. We are happy to present the Peoples Car to India and we hope it brings the joy, pride, and utility of owning a car to many families who need personal mobility.10 Analysts believed that the Tata Nano had created a new segment in the passenger car market. Citing Nano as an example, Vijay Govindarajan, Professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and Chief Innovation Consultant at GE,11 said, Great companies are built on creating new markets, not increasing market share in existing ones.12 Notwithstanding the encouraging response received by the Nano, the car faced some challenges. Some analysts wondered whether the positive response from the public would transform into sales or not. They also pointed out that Tata Motors lacked

This is a big achievement but the auto market has been changing over the years anyway. To sustain this requires production volumes, great after-sales and product-acceptance.3 - Rakesh Batra, Partner, Ernst & Young4, in March 2009. THE PEOPLES CAR On April 25, 2009, bookings closed for the much-awaited Tata Nano, the worlds cheapest car, made by India-based Tata Motors Limited (Tata Motors). The bookings began on April 09, 2009 and the car received an overwhelming response from the Indian consumers. The company received a total of 203,000 bookings for the car.Tata Motors, the largest automobile company in India in terms of revenues, launched Nano, commercially on Exhibit I: Tata Nano March 30, 2009 (Refer to Exhibit I for a visual on Nano). The car with an exfactory price5 tag of Rs.100,0006 generated enormous interest among the public as well as industry experts. Commenting on the

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the capacity to fulfill high demand. In the first year, the car would be manufactured at the Pantnagar plant at Uttarkhand, which had a capacity of manufacturing only 50,000 cars annually. Analysts opined that the long waiting period may put off some potential consumers of the Nano. Although there were some apprehensions among industry experts about the commercial success of the Nano, the car was expected to change the way the developing world thought about innovations and profitability. According to John Wolkonowicz, Auto Analyst for Global Insight, The Nano will put the Third World on wheels, and that will have far-reaching implications. Its going to affect every citizen of the world.13 BACKGROUND NOTE The history of Tata Motors dates back to the mid-1900s. In 1945, Tata Motors was incorporated as Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company Limited (TELCO). The company was engaged in manufacturing locomotives and engineering products. Three years later, it launched a steam road roller in association with the UK-based Marshall Sons. In the 1950s, Tata Motors ventured into the manufacture of medium commercial vehicles. In 1954, TELCO signed a contract with Germany-based Daimler Benz AG to manufacture medium commercial vehicles and within six months, the first vehicle hit the road. In 1959, it also set up a research center at Jamshedpur in India. In 1961, TELCO started exporting vehicles. The company also established an engineering research center in Pune, India, in 1966.

In 1983, the company started manufacturing heavy commercial vehicles. In 1985, in collaboration with Hitachi, TELCO manufactured hydraulic excavators. From the next year onward, it started the production of the first indigenously designed light commercial vehicle, the Tata 407. In the 1990s, TELCO introduced several new vehicles including the first indigenous passenger car, the Tata Sierra, and the multi utility vehicle, the Tata Sumo. In 1994, the company entered into a joint venture agreement with Mercedes Benz to manufacture Mercedes Benz passenger cars in India. In 1998, indigenously designed passenger car, Indica was launched. In the same year, TELCO launched Indias first sports utility vehicle, the Tata Safari (Refer to Exhibit II for the product portfolio of Tata Motors). In 2002, TELCO launched the Tata Indigo and entered into an agreement with the UK-based MG Rover to sell its first indigenously developed passenger car, the Tata Indica as the City Rover in the UK. In 2003, TELCO was renamed as Tata Motors. In 2004, Tata Motors acquired the second largest truck manufacturer in South Korea, Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company. In 2006, Tata Motors and Fiat India Automobiles signed an agreement to share a dealer network. Tata Motor also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Fiat in 2006, to manufacture passenger vehicles, engines, and transmissions. As part of an agreement signed in 2007, Tata Motors agreed to build pick-up trucks which would have the Fiat name. It was decided that the trucks would be built at Fiats plant in

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Exhibit II Tata Motors Product Portfolio

Product Type Products Passenger Cars Indica Vista, Indica V2, Indica V2 Turbo, India V2 Zeta, Indica V2 Dicor, Indigo, Indigo XL, Indigo Marina, Indigo CS, Nano, Fiat Cars Utility Vehicles Safari Dicor, Sumo, Sumo Grande, Zenon XT Trucks Medium and heavy commercial vehicles including rigid trucks, tractor trailers and tippers Intermediate commercial vehicles Light commercial vehicles Small commercial vehicles Tata Novus TL 4X4 C o m m e r c i a l Buses including Tata Globus Range and Tata Starbus Range P a s s e n g e r Winger available in standard, deluxe and luxury range Carriers Magic Defence vehicles Tata 207 ambulance, LPT 1615 TFF (Truck Fire Fighter), Armoured Sumo, Armoured Safari, Winger Ambulance, Xenon 4X4 Pickup

mother plant of the Nano near Sanand, 30 km away from Ahmedabad. On June 02, 2008, Tata Motors acquired the Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) units from the US-based auto manufacturer Ford Motor Company (Ford) for US$ 2.3 billion. JLR was part of Fords Premier Automotive Group (PAG). While Jaguar manufactured high-end luxury cars, Land Rover manufactured high-end SUVs. As of 2008, Tata Motors was the largest automobile company in India in terms of revenues. It was also the leader in the heavy commercial vehicles business in India with a market share of 65 percent. The companys manufacturing facilities were located in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, and Pune. Tata Motors commercial and passenger vehicles were marketed in several countries across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, South East Asia, and South Asia. Tata Motors had been facing problems since the third quarter of 2008-09 (Refer to Exhibit III for the financial highlights of Tata Motors). In the third quarter of 2008-09, the company reported sales volume at 98,760 vehicles as compared to 144,608 vehicles during the corresponding quarter of 2007-08. The company also reported its first quarterly loss of Rs. 2.63 billion in the same quarter after seven years. According to the management of Tata Motors, In the October-December quarter of the financial year 2008-09, the automotive sector in India suffered severe contraction in demand, arising from major financial and other market upheavals. This exacerbated the lack of liquidity and unavailability of consumer finance.14 The

Argentina. These trucks were expected to be sold in South America and in some European countries. In 2007, the company started the construction of its first small car plant at Singur, in West Bengal, India. However, the plan to launch the Nano by the end of 2008 was delayed as the company had to shift the Nanos manufacturing base to Gujarat due to an agitation by farmers in Singur over land acquisition by the company. On October 07, 2008, the company signed an agreement with the government of the western state of Gujarat to set up a manufacturing plant of the Nano in the state. The agreement entitled Tata Motors to 1,100 acres of land for the

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Exhibit III Tata Motors Financial Performance

Q3 FY 09 Revenue* EBITDA Profit Before Tax Net Profit Total Commercial Vehicles Total Passenger Vehicles Exports Total Volumes 47,586.2 916.50 (4,191.5) (2,632.6) Volume Summary 49,546 42,187 7,027 98,760 82,568 49,284 12,756 144,608 Q3 FY 08 72,518.3 8,197.4 6,651.0 4,990.5 9M FY 09

(In Rs. million)

9M FY 08 199,813.0 21,608.6 18,784.2 14,926.5 215,313 153,475 40,488 409,276

financial loss also affected the stock price of the company, which plunged from Rs_741.45_on January 01, 2008, to Rs. 159.05 on December 31, 2008 (Refer to Exhibit IV for Tata Motors stock prices between January 2008 and January 2009). NANO THE CAR The Nano had a 623 cc rear engine and a rear wheel drive. The engine was a two cylinder petrol engine. The fuel economy of the car was expected to be around 21 kilometers per liter under city driving conditions. It had a 4-speed manual transmission and the maximum speed was 105 kilometers per hour (kmph). The Nano met all Indian safety standards. According to the claims made by Tata Motors, the Nano was BS III15 compliant and could be upgraded to BS IV emission norms. It also cleared the crash tests to meet international safety norms. Tata Motors planned to introduce the petrol version initially, and to follow it up with diesel and electric versions. The car was available in three variants the Tata Nano Standard, the Tata Nano CX, and the Tata Nano LX16 (Refer to Exhibit V for price of three variants of Nano in Delhi). Tata Nano Standard: The standard version was available in three color options, single-tone seats, and fold-down rear seat. The base variant complied with BS II and BS III emission norms. Tata Nano CX: The second variant was available in five color options with heating and air-conditioning, two-tone seats,

187,659.2 11,186.3 2,839.5 4,098.4 195,192 142,507 29,177 366,876

(In Units)

*Net of excise Conversion rate for Q3 FY 09 1 US$ = 49.96 Conversion rate for Q3 FY 08 1 US$ = 39.49 Average conversion rate for 9M FY 09; 1 US$ = 45.14 Average conversion rate for 9M FY 08; 1 US$ = 40.44 Source:

Exhibit IV Tata Motors Stock Price Chart (January 2008 January 2009)

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Exhibit V Prices of Different Variants of Nano in Delhi (In Rupees)

Base Price Value-added Tax Ex-showroom Price Octroi RTO Insurance Other Estimated On Road Price Tata Nano Standard Tata Nano CX Tata Nano LX 109,654 134,543 153,209 13,707 16,818 19,151 123,361 151,361 172,360 0 0 0 5,168 5,728 6,148 4,416 5,186 5,784 2,206 2,206 2,206 135,151 164,481 186,498

Financial Times had a headline to the effect that the Tatas are to produce a Rs 100,000 car. My immediate reaction was to issue a rebuttal, to clarify that that was not exactly what I had said. Then I thought, I did say it would be around that figure, so why dont we just take that as a target.18 THE NANO PROJECT The project to build the Nano started in 2003. Girish Wagh (Wagh) was selected as the leader of the 500-member team which was chosen to develop the Nano. Right from the beginning, the team members were asked to be as frugal as possible to maintain the low price target of the car. However, the top management of Tata Motors had specified that while the small car had to be made at low cost, it had to meet the regulatory requirements and achieve performance targets including fuel efficiency and other standard emission norms. Ratan Tata was involved in the project right from the beginning. The development team opined that it was his involvement and encouragement that had boosted the morale of the team. According to Wagh, Mr. Tatas involvement with the project, his constant encouragement and support, and his presence at the Pune plant were what made it all happen. He led by example. His interactions were not only with senior managers; he discussed things and asked for suggestions from everyone. And this attitude percolated to all team members.19 Initially, the team thought of developing a four wheel version of an auto-rickshaw, which would not have doors and windows. Instead, it would have plastic flaps to protect the


parcel shelf, booster-assisted brakes, and a fold-down rear seat with nap rest. The variant complied with BS II and BS III emission norms. Tata Nano LX: The third variant had all the features offered with Tata Nano CX. In addition, it had complete fabric seats, central locking, front power windows, body colored exteriors in three premium colors, fog lamps, electronic trip meter, cup holder in front console, mobile charger point, and a rear spoiler. The variant complied with BS III emission norms. The Nano became popular for its ex-factory price tag of Rs 100,000. However, Ratan Tata himself had not planned to offer a car at that specific price. According to him, It was never meant to be a Rs 1 lakh17 car; that happened by circumstance. I was interviewed by the [British newspaper] Financial Times at the Geneva Motor Show and I talked about this future product as a low-cost car. I was asked how much it would cost and I said about Rs 1 lakh. The next day the

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passengers from the rain. The team considered the idea of using plastic instead of steel and buying a low-priced engine.
Exhibit VI Technical Specifications of Tata Nano
Engine Type Size ECM Valves 2 cylinder petrol with Bosch multi-point fuel injection (single injector) All aluminum 624 cc (38 cu in) Value Motronic engine management platform from Bosch 2 valves per cylinder, single overhead camshaft

transportation with four wheels; it was not even defined as a car. 20 However, while developing the car, the team realized that it could actually make a car within the price target. Industry experts opined that Tata Motors was able to achieve its low price target because of the Nanos innovative design. The company filed for more than 37 patents for the design (Refer to Exhibit VI for technical specifications of Tata Nano). In its pursuit to reduce cost, the R&D team responsible for developing the Nano made changes in most of the components of the car including engine, steering, driveshaft, wheels, tires, seating systems, and interiors. Commenting on this, Ravi Kant, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tata Motors, said, Every day we invite people to come and examine the car and ask: How can we make more savings?21 ENGINE Initially, the Nano team thought that they would outsource the engine. However, after considering all the engines that could be suitable for Nano, they decided to create an engine on their own. In the year 2005, they started working on the new engine. The engine design was changed three times. Finally, they introduced a 623 cc, two cylinder petrol engine. Wherever possible, lightweight steel was used in the Nano, which made the car much lighter than other small cars. In an effort to reduce the steel content in the car, an aluminum engine was used instead of a conventional engine made of steel. An aluminum engine helped not only to reduce weight but also to save on cost. The engine was placed at the back in order to increase the space in the interiors of the car.

C o m p r e s s i o n 9.5:1 Ratio Bore X Stroke 73.5 mm (2.9 in)&73.5 mm (2.9 in) Power Torque Suspension, Front Brake T y r e s a n d Rear Brake Brakes Front Track Rear Track 33 PS (33 hp/24 kw) @ 5,500 rpm 48 Nm (35 ft-lbft) @ 2,500 rpm Disk Drum 1,325 mm (52.2 in) 1,315 mm (51.8 in)

Ground Clearance 180 mm (7.1in) Front Suspension McPherson strut with lower A arm Rear Suspension Independent coil spring Wheels Performance Acceleration Fuel efficiency 12-inch steel rims/alloys 0-70 km/h (43 mph) in 14 seconds 20 km per litre (5 liters per 100 kilometers)

Maximum Speed 105 km/h (65 mph) L a y o u t a n d Rear Wheel Drive, 4-speed manual transmission Transmission Steering Type Mechanical rack and pinion B o d y a n d Seat Belt Dimensions Trunk capacity 2 30 liters (1.1 cu ft)

Source: S. Muralidhar, The Great Indian Engineering Feat, http://, March 22, 2009 and

Elaborating on the initial plan, Nikhil A. Jadhav, Industrial Designer at INCAT, Tata Groups engineering and designing firm, said The idea was to try and create a very low cost

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Commenting on the rationale for the rear position of engine, Abhay Deshpande, Assistant General Manager, Vehicle Integration at Tata Motors Research Center, said, It made the car more low-cost, more efficient, and more compact.22 As there was no space for the battery in the back, it was put under the drivers seat. Since the engine was light and placed at the back, it put less pressure on the steering system. Hence, there was no necessity for a link between the engine and the rear wheels. While incorporating these changes, the Nano team ensured that the engine satisfied all emission standards and sound norms and was fuel efficient. In an effort to reduce the price of the Engine Control Unit (ECU) that controlled the operation of the cars engine, Tata Motors and Bosch worked together and made several changes including reducing the number of sensors used by the ECU to oversee the cars engine. These changes helped the company to further reduce costs. Since the Tata Nano had a rear engine, it affected the air flow in the car. Tata Toyo Radiator, the supplier of the engine cooling system (ECS), came up with innovations to address this issue. The rear doors of the car were designed in such a way that there was easy air flow in the car. The fan motor and fan blade were also redesigned to increase their efficiency. STEERING AND DRIVESHAFT In the Nano, the steel rod of the steering was replaced with a steel tube. This helped to reduce the weight of the car. Rane Group, the supplier of these tubes, redesigned them to make them of one piece instead of the usual two pieces. As a result,

the cost of machining and assembling the two pieces of the steel tube was saved. According to Harish Lakshman, Director of the Rane Group, The world has seen this sort of integration of two pieces into one, but applied differently not for a new car, and not to reduce costs.23 The driveshaft helps to transfer power from the engine of a car to its wheel. The driveshaft of the Nano was supplied by GKN Driveline India, a subsidiary of GKN Plc24. The supplier experimented with 32 types of driveshaft before creating the appropriate driveshaft for the Nano with the help of its designers from France and Italy. GKN manufactured a smaller diameter driveshaft for Nanos rear wheel drive system, which was lighter and for which the material cost was less. WHEELS AND TYRES The wheels for the Tata Nano were supplied by Wheels India, promoted by the TVS Group. The company developed a lighter wheel as compared to other passenger cars in India. According to Srivats Ram, Managing Director of Wheels India, The wheel that was developed is lighter than any other passenger car wheel in the country and the first wheel to my knowledge in passenger car wheels to have three bolt-holes instead of the conventional four.25 MRF26 supplied the tires for the Nano. As the Tata Nano was a rear engine car, the rear tires were made wider than the front tires to take care of the larger rear load. MRF developed three different tires for Nano. While the front tires were 135/70 R12, the rear ones were 155/65 R12 with tubeless radial tires of 12-inch rim diameter.

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The spare wheel was smaller at 135/70 R12 so that it would use up less space and reduce weight and cost. The spare wheel was supposed to be used only for as long it took the car to reach a place where the defective wheel could be repaired. MRF branded the tire as TEMP. SEATING SYSTEMS AND INTERIORS The seating systems were supplied by Tata Johnson Controls Automotive. The front seats of the Nano were based on a single support structure as an alternative of individual rail. A sufficient amount of foam was used to give the required seating comfort. The drivers seat could be reclined and could be moved forward and backward. The rear seats could be folded which helped to increase the rear space of the car. To reduce costs, the basic variant did not have the option of seat adjustments. The interior and exterior plastic parts of the Nano including the bumpers, instrument panel, air vents, cockpit, door handles, etc. was supplied by Tata AutoComp Systems. All these parts of the Nano were designed to reduce weight. In addition, the design innovation was done keeping in mind the specific needs of the car. For example, the recess in the front dashboard was designed in such a way that the passengers could keep small items there while traveling. The central console in the car was positioned for both right and left hand drive versions. It had a speedometer, an odometer, and a digital fuel gauge. OTHER COMPONENTS

In an effort to reduce costs, the Nano team laid emphasis on each specific component of the car. For example, in order to reduce the weight of the car and save costs, the Engine Induction System was made of plastic instead of aluminum. In order to reduce costs on the cars brakes, Bosch supplied a conventional vacuum booster. As the engine of the car was placed at the rear, the load on the front wheels was less than that on the rear wheels. Therefore, the car had drum brakes instead of the usual disk brakes on the front wheels. The Nano team had developed a cable type gear shifter instead of the rod type. This innovation not only helped reduce the weight of the gear shifter system but also made gear shifting smooth. In order to save space and reduce cost, the windshield washing system was smaller compared to any other car. The washer tank was fixed in front of the car. The Nano had only one wiper. It also had only one outside rear view mirror. The inner rear view mirror was redesigned so that it could integrate with the cabin lighting system, thus serving to reduce the total number of required components. Instead of using long life bulbs, regular bulbs were used in the Nano. Regular bulbs met the regulations and also helped cut costs. MANAGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN Although in the beginning, the auto part suppliers of Tata Motors were skeptical about the project, they were later convinced that they also could contribute to achieving the cost target as well as improve their own bottom lines (Refer to Exhibit VII for auto part suppliers of Nano).

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Exhibit VII Auto Part Suppliers of Tata Nano

Components Cylinder Heads Supplier Sundaram Clayton Limited, Rico Auto Industries Limited Batteries Tata AutoComp Systems Limited, Exide Industries Limited Starter Motors Bosch, Lucas-TVS Alternators Bosch Radiators Taco E n g i n e M a n a g e m e n t Bosch System Mirrors Taco Tyres MRF Limited Brakes Bosch Sheet Metal Caparo Group, JBM Group, Rasandik Engineering Industries Limited Bumpers Taco Lamps Lumax Industries Limited Steering Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited, Rane Group Dashboard Taco Seats Taco
Source: S. Muralidhar, The Great Indian Engineering Feat, http://, March 22, 2009.

through problems and make suggestion that has enormous value, its very efficient.27 In order to reduce cost on logistics, Tata Motors planned to assemble the Nano at the dealers workshops. The Nanos components could be built and sent separately for assembling. According to Tata Motors, if some entrepreneurs set up an assembly operation, the company would give training to their employees and supervise the quality aspect. The company wanted these entrepreneurs to set up a satellite assembly operation for it. Hence, the Nano would be sold in kits and it would be assembled at the satellite assembly operations and sold via local distributors. According to Ratan Tata, A bunch of entrepreneurs could establish an assembly operation and Tata Motors would train their people, would oversee their quality assurance, and they would become satellite assembly operations for us. So we would create entrepreneurs across the country that would produce the car. We would produce the mass items and ship it to them as kits. That is my idea of dispersing wealth. The service person would be like an insurance agent who would be trained, have a cell phone and scooter, and would be assigned to a set of customers.28 TATA NANO Vs. MARUTI 800 The Tata Nanos closest competitor in terms of price was the Maruti 800, made by Maruti Suzuki India Limited, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan. Analysts pointed out the fact that the ex-showroom price difference of the standard models of the Tata Nano and the Maruti 800 was about Rs.

While some auto part suppliers developed a number of auto parts through their own research and development, some worked together with Tata Motors to develop certain parts for the Nano. Tata Motors also helped some auto part suppliers to find international partners to develop products required for the Nano. According to Xavier Mosquet, Senior Partner and Head of the US Automotive Practice at the Boston Consulting Group, Building partnerships with a limited number of suppliers and putting everyone in the same room to work

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60,000 (Refer to Table I for price comparisons of the basic model of Tata Nano and Maruti 800 in different Indian cities).
Table I Ex-Showroom Price Comparison of Basic Model of Tata Nano and Maruti 800 (In Rupees)
Delhi Tata Nano Standard Maruti 800 Standard

km/hr. Analysts were of the view that the main reason was the low capacity engine of Tata Nano compared to Maruti 800. Although, the Tata Nano was shorter in length than the Maruti 800, width-wise and height-wise, it was larger (Refer to Table II for a comparison of technical specifications of Maruti 800 and Tata Nano). The Tata Nano had a maximum power of 33 bhp compared to the Maruti 800s 37 bhp. However, it was lighter than the Maruti 800, weighing 580 kg as compared to Maruti 800s weight of 660 kg. Hence, the power to weight ratio, considered to be the right measure of performance of an engine, was 0.057 bhp/Kg for the Tata Nano and 0.056 bhp/ Kg for the Maruti 800. Considering this fact, analysts opined that both the cars would have almost the same engine performance. The fuel efficiency of the Tata Nano was much better than that of the Maruti 800.
Table II Comparison of Technical Specifications of Maruti 800 and Tata Nano
Specifications Dimensions Length Height Width Engine Type Number of cylinders Engine capacity Peak power Transmission Tyres Maruti 800 3.34 meters 1.40 meters 1.44 meters 3 cylinder 796 cc 37 bhp 4 speed manual Radial Tata Nano 3.1 meters 1.6 meters 1.5 meters 2 cylinder 623 cc 33 bhp 4 speed manual Tubeless

Chennai Mumbai Kolkata 132,056 134,249 130,784 185,294 197,214 193,137

123,361 184,894

Analysts were also of the opinion that once the Tata Nano started selling, Maruti Suzuki might reduce the price of the Maruti 800, which would bring down the price difference further. They were of the opinion that since the price difference was only about Rs 60,000 and there were various finance options available, many consumers might prefer to buy the Maruti 800, a car tried and tested for more than two decades, rather than the Tata Nano, which was a new car and had a long waiting period. The Tata Nano had 20 percent more seating capacity than the Maruti 800. However, in order to make the car spacious, its engine Nano was placed at the rear, unlike in the Maruti 800, where the engine was placed in front. Analysts were of the opinion that the Maruti 800s front mounted engine made the car safer than the Tata Nano. Analysts also said that unlike the Maruti 800, there was no hand brake in the Tata Nano. Some auto analysts pointed out that the engine of the Tata Nano made a lot of sound, whenever the speed crossed 60

Front wheel drive Rear wheel drive

Source: S. Muralidhar, Mega Plans for Super Mini, http://, January 10, 2008.


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The service and maintenance cost of the Maruti 800 was low compared to any other car available in India. Analysts opined that the biggest challenge for Tata Motors would be to keep the service and maintenance cost of the Nano low. They felt that although the service and maintenance cost of the Nano was not known, this could be deciding factor for the consumers. THE CHALLENGES While Tata Motors launched the Tata Nano at the promised price of Rs 100,000 (ex-factory), most industry experts opined that the Nano would face many challenges in the near future. They said that the decline in the raw material costs between January 2008 and March 2009 had helped Tata Motors maintain the price target of the car (Refer to Table III to know about the change in the cost of raw material). However, if the price of the raw material increased in the near future, then it would be difficult to maintain the price, they said. And if the price of the car was increased, it would lead to lower demand, they added. According to Bijoy Kumar Y, Editor, Business Standard Motoring, You have to design a car at a specific cost and without comprising on the safety. You also have to ensure that the price remains the same for few years that is critical as you cannot have a Rs 1-1.2 lakh car which scales up to Rs 3 lakh car.29 Nano attracted criticism from some analysts for having interiors made of plastic which, they said, lacked appeal. Some also complained about the engine, which sounded like a lawnmower. Some analysts also pointed out that in the standard model of the Nano, only the drivers seat could be

adjusted. Others pointed out that there was no luggage space in the Nano. Industry experts felt that the Nano was more suitable for intracity driving than inter-city driving. Some analysts were concerned about the quality of the car, if the company sent the components of the car to the dealers workshop for assembling. They were of the view that if there were some quality issues at the dealers end, then the Tata brand would be affected. Despite the challenges, the booking figure reflected the high demand for the Nano. Experts opined that though there was a high demand for the car, if any problems were reported as far as the quality of the car was concerned, then the consumers confidence would be affected and that would affect its sales also. According to Wagh, Today, the Nano has become a big brand. But the bigger challenge now is how to sustain the demand. The product has to be very good and consistent.30 Analysts were also concerned whether Tata Motors would be able to fulfill the high demand for the Nano as the Pantnagar plant could manufacture only 50,000 Nano cars annually. It was announced that production at the mother plant at Sanand, which had a capacity of manufacturing 250,000 cars per year, would start only by the end of 2009 and that the first Tata Nano from the plant could be rolled out only by the end of 2010. Analysts opined that the long wait period would decrease interest among the consumers. Tata Motors targeted the owners of two wheelers as potential customers for the Nano. The company was of the view that

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Table III Change in the Cost of Raw Material

Raw Material January 2008 March 2009 Change (In Percentage) -28 -51 -19 0

manufacturer gets wafer-thin margins in selling the Nano, dealers selling the model will be expected to make do, too.32 Reportedly, Tata Motors had spent approximately US$ 400 million on developing the Nano. Analysts opined that considering the Nanos low price, Tata Motors had to compromise with very low margins. According to them, it would be as low as 5 percent. Experts were of the view that with such low margins, it would take about five years for the Nano project to turn profitable. However, the management of Tata Motors was confident that it would be able to sell huge numbers to cover the cost of developing the Nano. According to Ratan Tata, All I can say at the moment is that the project is highly profitable. After all, I am not doing it for philanthropy.33 Footnotes: Jessie Scanlon, What Can Tatas Nano Teach Detroit?, March 18, 2009.

C o l d R o l l e d Rs 45,000 per Rs 32,000 per Steel tonne tonne Crude US$ 100 per US$ 49 per barrel barrel Rubber Rs 93 per Kg Rs 75 per Kg E n g i n e e r i n g Rs 150-600 Rs 150-600 per Plastic per Kg Kg

Source: Manu P. Toms, Softening Raw Material Prices Smooth the Ride,, March 22, 2009.

low price would prompt many two wheeler owners to upgrade to the Nano. However, not everyone agreed. Some experts opined that as two-wheelers generally gave a higher mileage of about 55 km per liter, most of two wheeler owners may not buy Nano which gave a mileage of around 21 km per litre. According to Venu Srinivasan, Chairman of the TVS Motor Company, There will be no major impact on two-wheelers. It (Nano) will create its own segment.31 Since the price of the Nano was low, the Nano dealers operated on a low commission. Experts opined that the commission would be as low as 2 to 2.5 percent of the price of Nano in comparison with an average commission of 3 to 3.5 percent. They said that it would not be too profitable for auto dealers to sell the Nano. Commenting on this issue, SP Shah, President of the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA), said, We expect that since the

2 ! Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., founded in 1914, was a leading global management consulting firm. In mid 2008, it separated its US government and global commercial businesses, and sold a majority stake in the US government consulting business to the Carlyle Group for US$ 2.54 billion. The US government consulting business would retain the name Booz Allen Hamilton and the commercial and international businesses would be operated as Booz & Company. (Source: 3 ! Will the Nano Change Indias Auto Industry, http://, March 25, 2009.

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4 ! Ernst & Young was one of the largest professional services firms in the world. It was founded in 1989. (Source: 5 ! Ex-factory price of a car is the price at which a car manufacturer sells the car to the dealer, Ex-showroom price is the price at which a dealer sells a car to the consumer and it also includes value added tax. On road price of the car is the price at which the consumer buys the car which includes registration charges, insurance, and road tax. 6! As of April 30, 2009, US$ 1 = INR 49.9.

13 ! Keith Naughton, Small. Its the New Big, Newsweek, February 16, 2008. 14 Tata Motors Q3 Net Loss at Rs 2.63 Billion,, January 31, 2009. 15 ! BS II, BS III and BS IV are the mandatory emission norms for Nitrogen Oxides, Hydrocarbons, Carbon Monoxide and particulates in India. These norms are substantially aligned with the European norms Euro II, Euro III and Euro IV; the main difference is that the peak speed in the extra urban driving cycle is 90 km/h in India and 120 km/h in Europe (Source: 16 ! 17 ! One lakh was equivalent to 0.1 million. 18 ! Christabelle Noronha, The Making of the Nano, http://, January 2008. 19 ! Sujata Agarwal, A Passion for Cars, http://, January 2008. 20 ! D r e a m C o m e Tr u e f o r Ta t a N a n o , h t t p : / /, March 23, 2009. 21 ! Manjeet Kripalani, The Story Behind the Tata Nano,, May 14, 2008. 22 ! D r e a m C o m e Tr u e f o r Ta t a N a n o , h t t p : / /, March 23, 2009.

7 ! Italy-based Fiat SpA or Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino is involved in manufacturing automobiles and engines. As of 2009, Fiat was the sixth largest car manufacturer in the world. 8 ! Italy based Ferrari SpA is a manufacturer of sports cars. Ferraris parent company is Fiat SpA. 9 ! The VIPs Who Checked the Nano, http://, March 24, 2009. 10 ! Richard S, Chang, Tata Nano: the Worlds Cheapest Car,, January 10, 2008. 11 ! The General Electric Company, a multinational technology and services conglomerate, was founded in 1878 in New York, United States. 12 ! Jessie Scanlon, What Can Tatas Nano Teach Detroit?, March 18, 2009.


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23 ! Manjeet Kripalani, The Story behind the Tata Nano,, May 14, 2008. 24 GKN Plc is an UK based engineering company. It is one of the leading manufactures of automotive driveline components. 25 ! T Murrali, Revolutions in Wheels and Tyres, http://, March 22, 2009. 26 ! MRF Tyres is the leading manufacturer of tires in India. As of mid-2009, it exported its extensive range of tires to more than 75 countries worldwide. For the financial year ending September 2008, MRF reported revenues of 57.56 billion and a net profit of 1.44 billion. 27 Jessie Scanlon, What Can Tatas Nano Teach Detroit?, March 18, 2009. 28 John Hagel and John Seely, 4 Lessons to Learn from Tatas Nano,, March 25, 2008. 29 Ketan Thakkar, Tata Might Struggle to Meet Nano Demand,, March 19, 2009. 30 Sujata Agarwal, A Passion for Cars,, January 2008. 31 Tata Nano May Have Marginal Impact: Maruti, http://, March 27, 2009. 32 Nano Offers Little to Dealers, Likely Margins to be 2-2.5%,, March 28, 2009.

33 Why the Nano is Profitable,, March 26, 2009. References and Suggested Readings: Nano Bookings Expected to Touch a Million, http://, April 26, 2009. Nano Offers Little to Dealers, Likely Margins to be 2-2.5%,, March 28, 2009. Tata Nano May Have Marginal Impact: Maruti, http://, March 27, 2009. Shymal Majumdar, Nanos Nano Impact, http://, March 26, 2009. Why the Nano is Profitable,, March 26, 2009. Will the Nano Change Indias Auto Industry, http://, March 25, 2009. Sudha Menon and Mobis Philipose, 300, 000 Bookings = Rs. 2,850 Cr in Cheap Funds for Tata Motors, http://, March 25, 2009. Tata AutoComp Systems contributes significant components for Tata Nano,, March 24, 2009. Ta t a s R e a d y f o r t h e N a n o M a d R u s h , h t t p : / /, March 24, 2009. The VIPs Who Checked the Nano, http://, March 24, 2009.

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Sister Brands on Nano Ride, http://, March 24, 2009. NanoA Dream of Ratan Tata, A Revolution for the Auto Industry,, March 24, 2009. Dream Come True for Tata Nano,, March 23, 2009. Tata Motors to Redesign Nano for US Market, http://, March 23, 2009. How Customers Can Book Their Nano, http://, March 23, 2009. Nano Wait Is Over,, March 23, 2009. N a n o o n I n d i a n R o a d s i n J u l y, h t t p : / /, March 23, 2009. Murali Gopalan, From Singur to Sanand, an Arduous Drive,, March 23, 2009. Manu P. Toms, Softening Raw Material Prices Smooth the Ride,, March 22, 2009. S. Muralidhar, The Great Indian Engineering Feat, http://, March 22, 2009. N. Ramakrishnan, Who Is Going to Finance the Car, http://, March 22, 2009. T Murrali, Revolutions in Wheels and Tyres, http://, March 22, 2009.

Ketan Thakkar, Tata Might Struggle to Meet Nano Demand,, March 19, 2009. Tata Nano: the Innovations by the Team, http//, March 19, 2009. Jessie Scanlon, What Can Tatas Nano Teach Detroit? http://, March 18, 2009. Tata Motors Showcases 3 Models at Geneva Show, http://, March 04, 2009. Manu P. Toms, Nano Booking Likely to Cost Rs. 70, 000,, February 26, 2009. Virendra Pandit, Tatas Pick Gujarat for Nano, http://, February 26, 2009. Ta t a M o t o r s Q 3 N e t L o s s a t R s 2 . 6 3 B i l l i o n ,, January 31, 2009. Nano: Tatas to Beef Up Dealer Network,, August 06, 2008. Manjeet Kripalani, The Story behind the Tata Nano, http://, May 14, 2008. John Hagel and John Seely, 4 Lessons to Learn from Tatas Nano,, March 25, 2008. Keith Naughton, Small. Its the New Big, Newsweek, February 16, 2008. How the Rs 1-Lakh Car Was Made,, January 12, 2008.

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S. Muralidhar, Mega Plans for Super Mini, http://, January 10, 2008. Richard S, Chang, Tata Nano: the Worlds Cheapest Car,, January 10, 2008. R. Jagannathan, Tata's Nano Will Fit into Most Pockets,, January 10, 2008. Sujata Agarwal, A Passion for Cars,, January 2008. Christabelle Noronha, The Making of the Nano, http://, January, 2008.


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Maintenance Management

Introduction: In this chapter we will discuss: Necessity of Maintenance Management Types of Maintenance Evaluation of Preventive Maintenance Economies of Maintenance Reliability Maintenance Planning Reliability Centered Maintenance Total Productivity Maintenance

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Maintenance Management

Any machine loses its efficiency after some point in time due to various factors such as wear and tear, aging, misuse, etc. This cannot be completely eliminated but the effects of these factors can be minimized, and the operational life of equipment can be extended. Maintenance management helps extend the operational life of equipment. Through proper maintenance, organizations can retain the productivity of their equipment, increase the operational life of equipment and maintain safe working conditions by reducing the probability of accidents. Through proper maintenance planning, organizations can reduce the number of breakdowns and minimize losses due to faulty equipment. The scope of maintenance management in a firm is not just limited to prevention of machinery breakdowns and repairing malfunctioning equipment; it also aims at developing a reliable and high quality production system. Environmental concerns have also increased the focus on maintenance as poorly maintained facilities, machines and

equipment pollute the environment. Maintenance is a noncore business activity. As a result, many organizations tend to overlook the importance of proper and timely maintenance. In this chapter, we discuss various maintenance concepts like preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, and remedial maintenance, and ways to test and improve the reliability of a system. NECESSITY OF MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT The objective of maintenance management is to ensure that systems are working at their optimum efficiency. This is achieved by identifying and locating the source of problem as early as possible, and taking preventive steps to avoid any breakdown. Timely inspection of facilities, appropriate replacement policies for machines and their components, and proper care during the designing and installation phases, all improve the reliability of machines and equipment.


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The significance and importance of maintenance management can be judged from the following facts: 1. Breakdown of one piece of equipment or component can hinder the performance of the entire production process, resulting in delays. 2. Repairing a machine can be expensive once it breaks down. 3. Malfunctioning equipment may affect the quality of products. Scrap or wastage due to such equipment increases unit production costs. 4. During machine breakdown, workers become idle resulting in higher labor cost per unit of the product. 5. Machine failure can even lead to accidents in some cases. To minimize these risks in production, the maintenance department plans and controls all the maintenance activities required to keep the firm's machinery in optimal working condition. The goal of maintenance management is to Maximize the availability (working time) of firm's assets for production purposes Preserve the value of the firm's machinery and equipment by reducing the rate of deterioration Plan and schedule the maintenance work to anticipate and prevent machine failures and breakdowns

Improve the quality of products and increase the firm's productivity Use maintenance personnel and equipment efficiently Minimize or totally eliminate accidents by regular inspection and repairs Effective implementation of maintenance activities eliminates equipment errors. This improves productivity as machines are operational for a greater percentage of time, or in other words, the availability of machines increases. It also improves the economic lifetime and salvage value of equipment. A few of the key maintenance decisions made by operations managers are described in Exhibit 19.1.1. Impact of Poor Maintenance The poor or improper maintenance of a firm's machines and equipment will affect the following: Production capacity The production capacity of a firm is affected by poorly maintained machinery and facilities, because poorly maintained machines do not operate at their optimum efficiency. This results in delays in meeting delivery schedules and ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction. Production costs


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Exhibit 19.1.1 Basic Maintenance Decisions

Centralized versus Decentralized Maintenance Some companies have one single large maintenance department covering all the facilities, whereas other companies set up an individual maintenance section for each department. Individual or decentralized departments are justified when there is a need for special skills and special equipment, and if rapid response is critical. On the other hand, a centralized maintenance department allows the workload to be properly distributed. Contract versus in-House Maintenance Depending on the requirements, organizations either contract out the work of maintenance work or develop an in-house maintenance department. For instance, an organization with one or two vehicles may not be interested in handling car repairs in its own workshop. But organization with a large fleet of vehicles may find it economical to set up own workshop for carrying out repairs. Many organizations employ contract maintenance for specialized and seasonal maintenance activities. Standby Equipment Often, when old machines are replaced, they are not discarded but are kept as standby equipment. A decision has to be taken on the number of such machines required. New machines are purchased to provide redundancy so that the reliability of the production system is improved. The decision on number of spare machines is dependent on the reliability of each piece of equipment, the time needed for repair, the waiting time for repairs to start, the schedule of production operations and the cost incurred due to loss in production time. Repair versus Replacement There are two alternatives for maintenance personnel when a machine stops functioning. They can either repair the machine or replace it. If the machine is due for replacement in near future, instead of spending on its repair, organizations may consider replacing the machine. This decision of repair versus replacement is based on the assessment of the funds needed to repair and keep the present machine, and the funds required to purchase new equipment for replacement. Individual versus Group Replacement Some items like light bulbs are used in large quantities. For such items, many organizations prefer group replacement. In the case of group replacement, all the bulbs in a particular section are removed even if a few of them are not defective. Savings achieved through such arrangement are in general more than the cost of removing the non-defective items.
Adapted: James B. Dilworth, Operations Management: Design, Planning and Control for Manufacturing and Services (McGraw Hill, International Edition).

Production costs increase because of idle labor during breakdown, repair costs, increased material scrap, lower productivity, etc. Quality of a product or a service Poor and delayed maintenance affects the quality of the endproducts. Poorly maintained machines produce products which do not match the required or expected specifications. Safety Poorly maintained facilities may become accident-prone. They usually compromise the safety of the workers handling such machines. Areas of Maintenance The following are the major areas of maintenance in a firm: Mechanical maintenance This includes maintenance of the firm's machines and equipment, such as furnaces, boilers, compressors, material handling equipment, transport vehicles, etc. Civil maintenance This includes building construction and its maintenance, maintenance of service facilities like water filters, air conditioning, plumbing, etc. Other activities include maintaining drainage systems, fire fighting equipment, security systems, waste disposal, etc. Electrical maintenance

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This includes maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment such as generators, motors, electrical installations, lighting, telephone systems, etc. TYPES OF MAINTENANCE Maintenance operations include all those activities that keep production facilities and equipment in operating condition. These activities are generally divided into three broad categories: Preventive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Remedial Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is based on the idea that prevention is better than cure. The objective of preventive maintenance is to service machines regularly so that the equipment functions satisfactorily under optimum load conditions without breakdown or reduction in efficiency. All machines and equipment deteriorate with the passage of time, because of wear and tear, improper use, overloading, aging, etc. These deteriorations include changes in the specification of components (e.g. dimensions, tensile strength, etc.), weakening of components, etc. As a result of deterioration, there is A reduction in the production rate of the machine

A reduction in the quality of products manufactured A reduction in the operational life of a machine An increase in noise and vibration during use An increase in the consumption of fuel and electricity Preventive maintenance can be classified into periodic maintenance and irregular maintenance activities. Periodic maintenance activities Periodic maintenance activities are conducted at regular intervals. These activities are carried out based on time frame like once a week or once a month or based on the usage of the machine like after every 40 hrs of operation. For instance, in cement manufacturing units the filters in the dust collectors are cleaned regularly (monthly, weekly etc. depending on the usage), lubrication of moving parts after every 100 hrs of operations, etc. Irregular preventive maintenance activities Irregular preventive maintenance includes tasks like repairs, overhauls, and cleaning of spills. These activities are carried out when the routine inspection of a machine reveals the necessity for servicing before the next periodic preventive maintenance. The set of irregular preventive maintenance activities, which detects problems while the equipment is still performing at a satisfactory level, is referred to as predictive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is time-based whereas predictive maintenance is condition-based.

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Preventive maintenance should be scheduled to reduce the cost incurred in the maintenance process and maintain the systems in optimum working condition. Too frequently conducted preventive maintenance may not serve the purpose and it would be a waste of the firms resources. For preventive maintenance, firms incur the following costs: costs of replacing materials and parts, cost of instruments used in condition monitoring, wages of preventive maintenance technicians and staff, etc. As there is no hard and fast rule about the costs and time to be spent on preventive maintenance, each firm formulates its own preventive management policies according to its specific needs and resources. Workers involvement is one of the key elements of preventive maintenance policies. Workers should be made responsible for conducting preventive maintenance on their machines and equipment to prevent breakdowns. They should go through the preventive maintenance checklist before beginning their shifts, inspect their machines thoroughly, and adjust the machine components in case of any errors. They should also closely monitor the performance of the machines while they are in operation to detect or predict irregularities, so that problems can be corrected before breakdowns occur. Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance is a part of preventive maintenance, which involves the identification of future problems before they occur. The philosophy of predictive maintenance is to monitor continuously the vital attributes of the various systems. If there is any indication of malfunction, steps are taken to rectify the

problem. Preventive maintenance is the time-based regular tuneup and repair of machines to ensure their future performance, whereas predictive maintenance is concerned with inspecting regularly the vital signs of the machine to identify the health of the system. So, under predictive maintenance, the firm's facilities are continuously monitored and regularly inspected to ascertain the operational viability of the machines. Generally, firms use Condition Monitoring to identify any condition that may lead to unexpected machine breakdown. Under the condition monitoring technique, various parameters that reflect the condition of a
Exhibit 19.1.2 Conditional Monitoring Based on Vibrational Analysis For a typical steel factory, maintenance costs account for 10-15 percent of the production costs. According to industry estimates, steel factories, by reducing 10 percent of maintenance costs, can realize 30 percent increase in profitability. In steel factories, the focus of maintenance activities has shifted from remedial maintenance to preventive maintenance, as the cost of failure in such large plants due to machinery breakdown is substantial. Rourkela steel plant, one of the largest steel plants in India, has a comprehensive maintenance plan based on condition monitoring, particularly vibrational analysis. Vibration is a common characteristic of most machines. Even in optimal working conditions, machines generate some amount of vibration. But the increase in the level of vibration beyond the safety level indicates an error or malfunction in the machine. The malfunction may be due to imbalance, misalignment, wear and tear in gears or bearings, etc. In the Rourkela steel plant, all machines and equipment are regularly monitored, and information on vibration generated by each individual machine is monitored continuously and logged. This logged information is then analyzed and any deviations from the normal are noted. The source of deviation is identified and corrective actions are taken before it leads to breakdown. Vibrations-based preventive maintenance was selected in Rourkela because of the nature of the machines in the steel factory. Most of the machines are the rotating type with oil or grease lubricating systems, or based on anti-friction or journal bearings. For such machines, vibrational analysis provides relevant information for predictive condition monitoring.
Adapted: S.Parida, N.R.Kotu, M.M.Prasad, S.Vanam, V.S.Vishwanath, Development and Implementation of Reliability-centered Maintenance using Vibration Analysis: Experiences at Rourkela Steel, 28 Jan. 2003< idn135.htm>


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machine and its components are monitored continuously or at frequent intervals. Parameters like temperature, vibrations, corrosion, leaks, noise, etc. can highlight the problem areas. These regular checks help identify or eliminate problems before they develop into a major failure. Newly developed sensitive instruments like amplitude meters, vibrations analyzers, audio detectors, optical tools, and instruments that measure pressure, temperature, etc. have simplified the monitoring of the working condition of a system. Information thus obtained is evaluated against the readings obtained when the equipment is working under standard conditions. For instance, monitoring the temperature may indicate the failure of coolant, improper generation of heat, damage to the insulation, etc. Vibrations may reveal the faults in alignment, or imbalance in components. Exhibit 19.1.2 shows how conditional monitoring allows a steel factory to improve the effectiveness of its maintenance activities. Benefits of predictive maintenance include 1. Identification of problems before they become responsible for breakdowns. 2. Reduction in the amount of unscheduled maintenance activities. 3. Reduction in repair and service time, as much of the diagnostic work is done beforehand. 4. An interruption of normal production activities, as maintenance can be scheduled when the equipment in question is idle.

Remedial Maintenance Remedial maintenance is carried out when a machine or equipment breaks down or is malfunctioning. Remedial maintenance is also referred to as 'breakdown maintenance' or 'corrective maintenance.' Remedial maintenance activities are reactive, i.e. they are performed only after a breakdown has occurred, or when equipment malfunctions or operates at a lower speed than desired, or produces products of inferior quality. For instance, remedial maintenance is carried out when a motor is not starting, or when a particular component or part is broken. Once equipment breaks down or stops functioning, the maintenance department analyzes the problem, identifies the causes and then carries out the necessary repair work to get the equipment back into operational mode as soon as possible. To minimize production losses, these repair works are carried out on a priority basis. In general, breakdown of a machine occurs when The components of the machine are worn-out Lubrication is insufficient Cooling system fails to perform There are voltage fluctuations or electricity surge Wrong or sub-standard materials are used There is improper use of it Though firms take up preventive maintenance, the breakdown or sudden failure of equipment cannot be completely eliminated.

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Therefore, some firms maintain standby equipment and spare parts so that the breakdown does not interrupt production schedules. Firms usually follow this practice for non-critical equipment, because adequate attention is not paid towards them during preventive maintenance. The following are some of the objectives of remedial maintenance: To minimize production losses by getting the equipment back into working condition as quickly as possible To minimize the investments in spare parts and standby machines, used when the equipment is under repair To perform appropriate repair at appropriate levels The activities of remedial maintenance not only aim at getting the malfunctioning equipment back into operational condition as fast as possible, but also to develop programs to eliminate the causes that lead to malfunctioning and need for any repair work in the future. These programs may include activities like modifying or redesigning of malfunctioning equipment, increasing the frequency of preventive maintenance inspections, and so on. In addition to these major maintenance plans, an organization can go in for opportunity maintenance. Opportunity maintenance is carried out when the equipment is idle or it has been stopped for repairs. These maintenance activities are not scheduled before hand and are not based on any conditions. If equipment is idle, it is inspected and requisite repair or maintenance tasks are carried out. These maintenance tasks are entered in the maintenance journal and other scheduled maintenance activities

are adjusted. Opportunity maintenance may bring benefits like reduction in stoppages due to scheduled preventive maintenance activities. ECONOMIES OF MAINTENANCE If equipment is not maintained properly, maintenance costs incurred on the personnel and equipment can be substantial. Therefore, proper planning is crucial to minimize maintenance costs. Too little preventive maintenance can be risky; on the other hand, too much preventive maintenance is not economical. All firms incur preventive and remedial maintenance costs; the decision before an organization is how much to spend on preventive maintenance. Firms require some level of preventive maintenance, as it is essential for the smooth functioning of production process. Firms also incur some remedial maintenance costs, as some failures cannot be avoided. Product-focused organizations and highly automated production units emphasize preventive maintenance to avoid frequent equipment breakdowns, as the failure of a component of equipment results in the entire production system or a major part of it remaining idle. On the other hand, process-focused organizations lay greater emphasis on efficient remedial maintenance. The objective is to reduce production interruptions due to equipment maintenance. They generally possess in-process inventories to cover for the production loss due to breakdowns. The decision on the appropriate mix of remedial and preventive maintenance is dependent on several factors. The decision regarding the trade-off has implications on the overall performance of the organization. Organizations can reduce the frequency of equipment breakdowns by laying emphasis on

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preventive maintenance, improving the capabilities of maintenance personnel through appropriate training, and so on. Hence, the operations manager has to make a trade-off between the amount of effort to be put into preventive maintenance and the amount to be put into remedial maintenance. The objective of an operations manager is to reduce the total maintenance cost, which is the sum of preventive and remedial maintenance costs. As we can see from the Figure 19.1.1, the point M indicates the levels of preventive and remedial maintenance costs, where the total cost of maintenance is the lowest. As the preventive maintenance cost increases, the repair and replacement costs decrease.

RELIABILITY The reliability of a system or a product refers to the probability of the item performing its intended task without breakdown or slack under normal work condition. Component Reliability A complete system is made up of components, which have their own individual capabilities and reliabilities. Component reliability can be measured either for a time period or the number of times the component is used. Component Reliability (CR) = 1 ! FR Where,

Figure 19.1.1 Cost of Maintenance

FR is the failure rate, which is given by FR =

Total Cost Cost

System Reliability The total reliability of a system is the combined reliability of each individual component of the system or product. System reliability is the measure of probability of a system performing optimally under standard conditions. Failure or breakdown is dependent on a few critical components. For instance, car breakdown is generally due the malfunction of a few critical components that are parts of the engine. Failure of the AC or screen wiper is not critical. So the system reliability can be measured by multiplying individual reliabilities of critical components. The system

Frequency of maintenance

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reliability is measured after ascertaining whether the components are in series or parallel. Series system When the components are in series, failure of any one component will lead to the failure of the complete system. The total system reliability of a series system is always less than the reliability of individual components. For instance, reliability of series system with two components with reliabilities of 0.95 and 0.87 is given by SR = r1 r2 0.87 = 0.83

R=1 % (1%r1) (1%r2).(1%rn) Where, r1, r2, r3rn represents reliabilities of critical components So the reliability of parallel system with two components with reliabilities of 0.95 and 0.87 is given by R = 1% (1%0.97) (1%0.87) = 0.99 Problem 1 A machine had 5 critical components. And 50 such machines were tested to see how they would perform under actual work condition. The test results are tabulated below:
Components Number of failures C1 4 C2 3 C3 6 C4 4 C5 7

SR = 0.95

For instance, the reliability of system with four critical components with reliability r1, r2, r3, r4 is given by SR = r1 r2 r3 r4

Similarly, for a series system with n critical components, the system reliability is, SR = r1 r2 r3 ........... rn

Based on the above data, calculate the reliability of the machine (Evaluate as a series system.). Solution First calculate the reliability of the components: Failure rate Fn = Component Reliability = 1 Fn

Parallel systems In parallel systems, the failure of one component does not lead to complete equipment failure, but the efficiency and performance are affected. For parallel systems, the total system reliability is greater than the individual component reliability. The reliability of parallel system with n critical components is


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Mean time to repair (MTTR)

Components C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Number of Failures 4 3 6 4 7 Failure rate (Fn) 0.08 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.14 Component reliability 0.92 0.94 0.88 0.92 0.86

It refers to the average time taken to repair a machine. Mean time to repair takes into consideration both diagnostic and repair time. Availability Availability defines the percentage of time for which a machine or equipment is operational during a given time period. Availability = Based on the equation, we can say that the availability of the equipment can be increased by either increasing mean time between failures or by reducing the mean time to repair.

Now the product of individual component reliabilities gives the reliability of the complete machine: SR = C1 SR = 0.92 C2 C3 C4 C5

0.94 0.88 0.92 0.86 = 0.60

Measures of Reliability Given below are a few common measures of reliability. These measures assist operational managers in identifying the machines that are most likely to malfunction. The decision on the frequency of maintenance activities to be carried out is also influenced by the information provided by these measures. Mean time between failure (MTBF) MTBF is the average of time lost due to a machine being out of order. It is the inverse of failure rate. MTBF = Total operating time / number of failures MTBF = Problem 2 For three products A, B, C, the MTBF and MTTR are given in the following table:
Product A B C MTBF 17 hrs 35 hrs 22 hrs MTTR 3 4 6

Based on the given information, identify the product with highest reliability and availability. Solution i) Reliability of a product is given by

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Reliability = 1-Failure rate and Failure rate in terms of MTBF is given by, Failure = Using the above equation to calculate individual failure rate and reliability, we get,
Product A B C Failure rate 1/17=0.059 1/35=0.028 1/22=0.045 Reliability 1!0.059=0.941 1!0.028=0.972 1!0.045=0.955

MAINTENANCE PLANNING As the production costs are increasing and the manufacturing processes are becoming more complex, the need for maintenance has increased manifold. Planned maintenance helps organizations reduce the expenditure on maintenance and the costs associated with failures. Preventive maintenance activities are repetitive in nature and performed according to a schedule. On the other hand, remedial maintenance is not repetitive and is performed on a need-to-do basis, as future breakdowns cannot be predicted. Preventive maintenance activities involve identification of probable problems and estimation of the amount and type of work that is required to keep the systems working in optimal working condition. This estimation enables maintenance managers to schedule and plan their maintenance programs. Subsequently, they determine the sequence in which various maintenance activities are carried out. Managers use the available information to determine the labor hours, tools, equipment, materials and other accessories required to implement the maintenance plan. The maintenance tasks are prioritized on the basis of their significance in maintaining a continuous production process when maintenance resources are scarce. These priorities help organizations allocate resources to those critical systems whose failure will have disastrous effect on the production process. Besides, maintenance managers often maintain inventories of equipment and materials required for maintenance activities to reduce the lead-time before a repair can begin. Organizations with production facilities in more than one location reduce inventory costs by storing basic and

Reliability of Product B is highest. ii) Now to calculate the availability of an item, we use the following equation % Availability = Based on the above equation Availability of A= Availability of B= Availability of C= So, product B has the highest availability.


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frequently used maintenance materials at each location, and occasionally used materials at a centralized location.
Exhibit 19.1.3 Advantages of Computerized Maintenance Management System
CMMS or computerized maintenance management systems help the management in planning, scheduling and controlling maintenance tasks. Maintenance management has incorporated many new techniques, and concepts like condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, and a range of monitoring and analysis methods. To maintain proper control and coordination between all these activities, organizations employ CMMS. CMMS has features, which provide long term and day-to-day information to the management and maintenance personnel. Good CMMS systems should 1. Provide comprehensive information on work schedules, available resources, and machine and equipment usage. 2. Have the ability to generate preventive maintenance work orders. 3. Be able to schedule preventive maintenance activities in a manner to take advantage of unplanned downtime. 4. Be able to generate information required in preventive maintenance, through analysis of inspection and monitored data. 5. Be able to provide information on the history of repairs and replacement work done on equipments and facilities. 6. Be able to evaluate costs involved in preventive and remedial maintenance, and suggest appropriate course of action. 7. Be able to generate failure code list to evaluate problems concerning different equipment. 8. Be able to generate reports which detail about how often the equipment has failed, how long the equipment was not in operation, how much time was taken in repairing the equipment, how much cost was incurred in repairing, etc. 9. Be able to provide information required to schedule tasks, choose locations for equipment installation, and implement maintenance plans. 10. Integrate seamlessly with the popular ERP packages like SAP, PeopleSoft etc.
Adapted: Chinta Srinivasan, Strategy for a Successful CMMS Selection, Maintenanceworld, 2 Dec.2002 < strategy_for_a_cmms.htm>

The advantages of a computerized maintenance management system are listed in Exhibit 19.1.3. Maintenance is carried out throughout the life of a piece of equipment. The bathtub curve assists in decisions regarding maintenance requirements. If organizations are not able to fulfill the maintenance requirements, they outsource maintenance activities from outside vendors. Bathtub Curve It would be of great help to operations mangers if they were able to predict when the probability of equipment failure will be highest. The bathtub curve illustrates the different stages a piece of equipment goes through in its lifetime and the probability of failure during a particular stage. Figure 19.1.2 illustrates the structure of a bathtub curve. During the first stage of infant mortality, the probability of failure is very high but it decreases rapidly. The reason for these failures can be attributed to improper design and installation. This stage is also known as the burn in stage where the functional defects in the products come to fore. Once this stage is passed, the equipment enters into the adult or useful life stage where the failure rate is constant, and to some extent, predictable. Proper maintenance of equipment can ensure the longevity of this stage. Most of the causes of failure during this stage are attributed to external causes or accidents, for example, a mistake by an operator, or usage of improper materials. Then finally, the equipment reaches old age or wear out stage, where the failure rate increases. During this stage, organizations go in for a complete overhaul of the system or replacement of the system. The failure rate in each of these stages depends on the reliability of the equipment installed and on the amount of

Many organizations are using computerized maintenance management systems to improve their maintenance planning.

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maintenance effort spent on it. The bathtub curve can be used not only to study the failure rates characteristic of new equipment but can also be applied for old equipment, which has undergone servicing under preventive maintenance. After the preventive maintenance is completed, the equipment again goes through the stages defined in the bathtub curve. The bathtub curve may not always be an effective indicator of the failure rates of equipment. For example, present day manufacturers dispatch equipment only after the burn in period is over, so that they can identify and rectify the problem before it reaches the end users. So the initial stage of the bathtub curve will not be applicable to such machines.

Contract maintenance is useful for seasonal or irregular maintenance activities, which do not warrant the involvement of the in-house maintenance department. Further, external maintenance personnel have the requisite training and expertise to service complex systems. By outsourcing non-core activities like maintenance, an organization can concentrate on its core business activities. Exhibit 19.1.4 shows how an organization can benefit from outsourcing maintenance activities.
Exhibit 19.1.4 Outsourcing at Southwest Airlines Outsourcing maintenance activities has become a viable alternative to in-house maintenance. Southwest Airlines is one of the top airlines in the US. It has been rated as the best airline in the US for five straight years. The company, unlike other airlines companies which have their own fleets, takes about 50 percent of its airplanes on lease. Southwest Airlines outsources about 90% of its maintenance requirements with the major chunk going to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). This outsourcing to the OEM, although expensive, provides Southwest with reliable and efficient aircrafts. As a result, only 1 percent of Southwest flights were canceled due to mechanical failure in 1996. The company signed a ten-year engine maintenance contract with General Electric Engine Services Inc. in 1997. As a part of this deal, Southwest pays GE on a rate per flight hour basis. This policy of outsourcing has given Southwest Airlines the confidence to operate without spare aircraft or engines, which has resulted in further savings. Further the company is able to save a substantial amount, which it would have otherwise spent on acquiring maintenance capabilities. Southwest Airlines commitment to outsourcing can be judged from CEO Herb Kellehers comment: The people who are in the business full-time can do it better and more cheaply.

Figure 19.1.2 Bathtub Curve

Infant Mortality or Early Failure stage Wear Out Stage Failure

Useful Life or Adult Stage


Adapted: Michael F. Corbett & Associates, Ltd, Outsourcing at Southwest Airlines: How America's Leading Firms Use Outsourcing, Firmbuilder, 17 March 2001, Michael F. Corbett & Associates, Ltd, 30 Nov 2002, <>

Contract Maintenance In order to reduce the costs incurred in maintenance, many organizations outsource their maintenance activities. The process of outsourcing an organization's maintenance activities to external vendors is known as contract maintenance.

RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a technique of preventive maintenance wherein the reliability of a system is identified and a maintenance plan is devised accordingly. RCM involves the identification of the functions of a system, the

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reasons for failures and the consequences of failures. Factors to consider in RCM are MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) and rate of failure during a specified time period. RCM has seven basic steps: 1. Identify the system, equipment, product or component for which analysis is required. 2. Determine the functions of the items under consideration. 3. Identify the factors that are responsible for the failure of the items. 4. Identify the failure mode or in other words, the situation that indicates a state of failure. 5. Evaluate the effects of such failures on the systems performance. Look at the significance of such failures with respect to the operational ability of the production system. 6. Collect requisite information like design, operational and reliability data, and select an appropriate maintenance plan. 7. Once implemented, document the process so that it will be available for future reference when the maintenance is carried out again. RCM has become an integral part of airlines, shipbuilding, military and other operations where reliability is critical. It started with the airline industry, where the technology in new aircrafts has become more complex, and the chances of

failure of many parts and components have increased. To reduce the maintenance costs, airlines adopted the RCM philosophy. RCM is a proactive approach of maintenance. In this approach, steps are taken to ensure that the reliability of the components that go into a system is very high. Todays complex production systems involve the combination of many critical components, which need to work properly. No matter how reliable each component is, the failure of one component can lead to the failure of the complete system. The objective of RCM is to reduce the effects of such failures, and the maintenance costs, and to improve customer satisfaction. TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE Total productive maintenance (TPM) illustrates the relationship between maintenance and productivity and indicates how the productivity of machines and equipment can be improved. TPM is a philosophy similar to TQM, and advocates the involvement of all employees in the maintenance of the machines and the work environment. TPM aims at achieving zero breakdowns, zero defects and zero accidents. The five goals of TPM are: 1. ! Make equipment more effective: Improve the efficiency of the equipment by identifying all the costs such as downtime costs because of breakdowns, defect costs, etc. and take steps to eliminate such losses. 2. ! P l a n m a i n t e n a n c e a c t i v i t i e s : I d e n t i f y t h e maintenance needed for different types of equipment and

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generate maintenance plans for operators and maintenance personnel. The objective is to minimize the mean time to repair (MTTR) thus reducing downtime costs. 3. ! Proper training to employees: Proper training should be provided to the maintenance personnel and workers using the machines so that they are capable of maintaining and performing necessary repair work. 4. ! Empower employees to take steps to improve maintenance: Empower the employees so that they take responsibility for the maintenance of the equipment and take action for repairs, improvement or prevention of breakdown. 5. ! Early equipment management or maintenance prevention: The basic objective of this is to reduce the maintenance requirement from its source. Identification and elimination of likely causes of errors during the stage of design can reduce future maintenance requirements considerably. Through proper implementation of TPM principles, a firm can reduce maintenance costs, improve the quality of products or services, increase operating efficiency and reduce wastage. Exhibit 19.1.5 gives an example of the advantages that can be derived through a TPM program. Employee empowerment and participation motivates workers so that they have sense of accomplishment, ownership and pride. TPM follows the principle of continuous improvement, as there is always a scope for reducing the maintenance costs.

Exhibit 19.1.5 TPM Implementation at MRC Bearings MRC Bearings, an aerospace industry supplier, had a serious problem; it was unable to meet its delivery schedules. Further, customers expected shorter lead times and cost reductions. In order to improve its delivery track record and achieve cost reductions, MRC Bearings adopted Total Productive Maintenance. The company was spending more than 80 percent of maintenance expenditure on emergency work orders. But after implementing the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program, MRC Bearings was able to reduce unplanned maintenance activities by 99% from 1,660 hours to less than 30 hours. In order to improve the effectiveness of the TPM program, the company worked with Preston Ingalls, president of the Marshall Institute. Pratt-Whitney one of MRC Bearings customers also supported the company in the implementation process by sharing their TPM practice. At MRC, TPM implementation started with cleaning, inspecting, lubricating and undertaking corrective work on a piece of machinery. Once cleaned, the machines were scheduled for painting. Initially, the the response to the TPM intiatiative was cold, but as time progressed, employees realized the potential of TPM and insisted on having their machines scheduled for TPM. To achieve the goals of TPM initiative, MRC formed Equipment Improvement Teams (EITs) which worked on solving the equipment related issues. In one instance, an EIT team studied a piece of equipment which was beaking down regularly, requiring three or four days to fix the problem. The EIT team found that the orginal manufacturer used a coupling of sub-standard quality on the drive unit, resulting in this problem. By rectifying this problem, the machine efficiency was improved by 16 percent. TPM advocates identifying the root cause of failures, rather than just fixing the symptoms. According to MRC employees, the implementation of TPM had a physical impact on the work area: machines were more reliable, and the work atmosphere was clean and pleasant. Adapted: MRC Bearings' TPM Journey: From Totally Painted Machines to Taking Pride in Our Machines, marshallinstitute, Marshall Institute, 22 Feb. 2003 <http://>


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Project Management

Introduction: In this chapter, we will discuss: Necessity of Project Management Network Modeling Project Planning Methods Project Crashing

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Project Management

In simple terms, a project can be defined a group of tasks which helps in achieving an objective. A project is generally undertaken to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity. Examples of projects include new product development, buying a new plant, or solving a production problem. A project plan involves many considerations and constraints. Project management is the process of planning, directing and controlling resources to meet the technical, cost and time constraints of a project. Project management helps organizations utilize their resources optimally. With the number of activities increasing in projects, organizations need tools to plan and schedule various interdependent and interrelated activities. The need to reduce new product development time, become cost effective and keep quality at the highest level has necessitated the use of project management in organizations. Each project is unique with respect to resource requirements. Projects are temporary in nature

and the resources (personnel, equipments, etc.,) are reallocated to different activities once the objectives of the project have been achieved. NECESSITY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT With the growing complexity of projects, the need to understand, and plan all the interrelated activities has increased significantly. Through project management, organizations can schedule and plan activities so that the objectives of the project can be achieved on time. A brief history of project management is given in Exhibit 20.1.1. Project management assists organizations in scheduling operations so that resource wastage is minimized. Networking techniques like PERT and CPM help project managers identify the best suitable schedule for a project. Completion time for each activity is identified and, based on that, tasks are scheduled to reduce the total project time and costs. The allocation of the resources such as man, machine, and material for various activities is a


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complex process as many decision variables are involved. For large projects that span months and years, it is important to identify the resource and time requirements of each activity accurately. Further, any project that extends the allotted time can put great resource strain on the project. Project management techniques are employed to determine the project duration, critical activities of the project, the schedule of activities, etc. Critical activities are those activities, which, if delayed, can extend the project duration. Therefore, by identifying critical and non critical activities, project managers can determine which activities can be delayed without affecting the duration of the project. Project management assists an organization in completing projects on time, employing the optimum quantity of resources. Exhibit 20.1.2 lists the key aspects required to ensure the success of a project. Project management helps improve quality, and reduce the risks and costs associated with a project. NETWORK MODELING Most projects comprise of more than one interrelated activities, which are to be executed over a period of time. It is helpful for an operations manager to have a method for visualizing these interrelationships. Networks assist project mangers in defining the activities of a project. Network scheduling is a effective yet a complex tool for managers to understand and apply. To employ the tool effectively, managers should be conversant with statistics and other complex mathematical calculations. The time estimates and activity variance are some of the potential sources of confusion. The management must therefore train the managers so that they can understand and

Exhibit 20.1.1 History of Project Management

Project management in its present form took shape over the last few decades. From the 1960s onwards, organizations realized the importance of managing work through projects and integrating the efforts of multiple departments and functions. Late 19th century In the latter half of the 19th century, the rising complexity of business operations saw the emergence of project management in management principles. In early 1870s, construction of the American transcontinental railroad began. During the construction, business leaders faced the daunting task of managing and organizing thousand of workers and large amounts of raw material. Early 20th century

In the early 20th century, Frederick Taylor developed ways of improving the efficiency of workers by focusing on elementary tasks. Till that time, industrialists believed that to improve productivity, workers had to be made to work harder and for longer durations. Henry Gantt, an associate of Taylor's, studied the sequence of operations in work. He developed Gantt charts that use task bars and milestones markers, and generated a framework that illustrated the sequence and duration of all the tasks in a process. The charts were so effective that they were used by business managers in their original form for around a hundred years. Mid 20th Century Once World War II was over, the complexity of production and decreasing labor availability prompted changes in organizational structures and processes. Network techniques such as PERT and Critical Path Method (CPM) were employed by managers to manage complex projects. Initially these techniques were used to develop military weapon systems that involved a large variety of tasks and considerable interdependencies between the tasks. Later, their effectiveness led to the adoption of these techniques across various industries. Today If a business enterprise has to be successful, the different entities of the organizations must work in a coordinated manner to achieve specific goals. The project manager heads the project team and works toward improving integration of workflow and communication across different departments.

Adapted: Toney Sisk, The History of Project Management, projmgr, February 26, 2003 < >


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Figure 20.1.1: Simple Network Exhibit 20.1.2 Key Principles for Project Management Success

Project managers should concentrate on completing the project on time, without incurring extra expenditure, and at the same time maintain quality standards. Systematic and detailed planning ensures the success of a project. Further the plan should be flexible enough to accommodate any future changes. Project managers should inculcate a sense of urgency in team members. Project managers should resist the temptation of shortcut methods to achieve project goals, as this may lead to failure and rework. They should follow successful project life cycle models even when there is pressure on resources. Project results and processes should be communicated in detail to all the team members. Projects should be implemented on a stage-by-stage basis so that any deviation can be identified and rectified. Projects should get clear approval from sponsors, stakeholders and the top management. Before venturing into a project, the needs to be satisfied must be clearly identified and documented. Projects should be carried out at a normal optimum pace, until and unless expediting is critical. Project managers should be given authority with responsibility. Project sponsors and stakeholders should participate actively in the decision making process. Project managers should communicate the achievement of project goals to the sponsors and stakeholders. Recruitment or selection of competent, well-qualified and dedicated personnel is important for the success of the project.

Networking Conventions A network diagram using arrows and circles depicts the planned relationships between the activities of a project. There are two standards conventions for representing a project in a network. Activity-On-Node convention

Adapted from Michael Greer, 14 Key Principles for PM Success, December 9, 2002 <http://>

Activity-On-Arrow convention Activity-On Node (AON) convention (precedence notation) In AON notation, activities are represented by circles with arrows linking them together to show the order in which they must be performed.

use these techniques to monitor and control projects effectively. Figure 20.1.1 illustrates a simple network. In the figure, numbers or letters designate the activities and the arrow indicates the sequence of activities that are to be performed to complete an activity. The numbers on the arrows indicate the time required to complete the activity.


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Networking Terminology

Activity-On-Arrow (AOA) convention In AOA convention, the activities are represented by arrows. The nodes are called events and are used to connect predecessor and successor activities. The alternative ways of representing various relationships using AON and AOA conventions are illustrated in Figure 20.1.2. In the AOA convention, the activities are represented by numbers i-j, where i represents the number of the beginning event and j the number of the ending event. Dummy activities are the activities that do not utilize any time or resource but are introduced to indicate the precedence relationship. Dummy activities ensure that two activities do not have the same beginning and end nodes. In the AON convention, the activities are identified with a number or name, and dummy activities are generally not used as the network is drawn after all the activities and their relationships are identified. Either approach may be appropriate for the identification of activities. The choice depends on the convenience of the individual planner. Some people start with the first activity and proceed further in chronological order, while others start with the last activity and work backwards. Many organizations prefer to work backwards as the finished date is generally fixed. Therefore, in case of any expected delay in schedule, the flexibility to start a project ahead of schedule can be used.

As described earlier, a network is a graphical representation of the interrelationships among all activities of a project. Managers use the following terminology to represent projects on networks:

Figure 20.2: AON and AOA Methods of Indicating Activity Relationships Activity Relationships on ! on Network Network Diagrams Diagrams

Figure 20.1.2: AON and AOA Methods of Indicating



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Advantages of Network Modeling Network-based scheduling can significantly improve the execution of a project. A network helps in scheduling the activities involved in a project based on the probable time required to complete each activity. The advantages of networkbased scheduling techniques are as follows: The activities to be performed are visually represented; thus, the process of identifying and scheduling activities is simplified. Further, teams can improve communication and coordination as they can see the effects of their work on others and vice versa. Networks provide an estimate of the duration of the projects at the given resource level. They help operations managers in identifying the critical or potentially troublesome activities and their effects on the execution of the project. They provide methods for tracking the status of the project and evaluating time-cost trade-offs that result from resource allocation. They provide means for estimating the time and cost impact of changes in the project at the planning stage. Networking Terminology As described earlier, a network is a graphical representation of the interrelationships among all activities of a project. Managers use the following terminology to represent projects on networks:

Activity An activity is a task, which must be completed in order to finish the project. Activities consume resources and time, and have a definite starting and ending point. Event An event is the outcome of an activity or group of activities. It represents the completion of some activities and the beginning of some new activities in the network. An event is also referred to as a node or connector and is generally depicted by a circle in a network diagram. Critical path The critical path is the longest path of interrelated activities with zero slack time. The critical path consists of all those activities, which if delayed, will result in the delay in project completion. Optimistic time (to) Optimistic time is the minimum amount of time in which an activity can be completed. It is possible to complete a project within optimistic time, only when all the project conditions are satisfactory. Pessimistic time (tp) Pessimistic time for an activity is the maximum amount of time required to complete the activity under unfavorable circumstances.


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Most likely time (tm) It is the model activity time and indicates the best guess for activity completion. Managers arrive at this time according to their experience or by studying past data. Expected time (te) This is the amount of time that an activity is expected to consume. It represents the mean activity time of the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely times. Expected time is calculated by using the following equation

Latest start time (tl) This indicates the maximum amount of time that can elapse before an activity begins, if the project is to be completed by the scheduled time. It is also the difference between the time allowed for a project and the maximum expected completion time. Slack time (ts) This refers to the amount of time that an activity can be delayed beyond its earliest start time without delaying the project duration, if that activity and other activities take their estimated durations. Also referred to as float, it is a measure for determining the criticality of an activity. An activity with more float is less critical and can be delayed in case of resource scarcity. PROJECT PLANNING METHODS PERT and CPM are the two most widely used project planning methods. These methods are used either in conjunction with or as a substitute for Gantt charts. These methods are better than Gantt charts as they not only illustrate the sequence of activities, but also indicate the relationship of activities that can and cannot be performed simultaneously. PERT and CPM methods provide information about: 1. Estimated completion time of the project 2. Status of the project whether it is behind, ahead of, or on schedule.

Expected start time (tb) The Expected Start Time for a node is the sum of the expected times of all the activities preceding it on a path, and indicates the time expected to be consumed before an activity can start. Earliest start time (tE) The Earliest Start Time is the minimum amount of time that should be consumed before beginning an activity. This is also the maximum of the set of expected beginning times of an activity. Expected finish time (tc) The Expected Finish Time (EFT) is the sum of the expected times for all the activities succeeding the node and indicates the amount of time expected to be taken once an activity starts.


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3. Expenditure incurred during the project and its comparison with the budgeted amount. 4. Whether sufficient resources are available to complete the project on time. 5. Activities that are critical for project completion and those which are not critical and can be delayed without delaying the project. Critical Path Method (CPM) CPM is a networking methodology, which is employed to find the minimum time required to complete the project and at the same time identify the sequence of tasks to be performed. CPM is used in identifying the precedence relationship among various tasks of a project. CPM helps project managers track various activities of the project and it enables the identification of the critical activities of the project. Problem 20.1 Based on the information given in Table 20.1.1, identify the critical path and the total duration of the project.
Table 20.1.1: Activities, their Preceding Activities, and Durations
Activity 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-6 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8 Preceding Activities 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-6, 4-6 5-7,6-7 Duration 2 2 2 4 8 4 2 5 4

Solution To identify the critical path, we have to find the earliest and latest Project Management times. The network diagram is shown in the Figure 20.1.3. The
To identify the critical path, we have to find the earliest and latest times. The network diagram is shown in the Figure 20.3. The steps involved in identifying the critical path are described below:

Figure 20.1.3: Network Diagram for Problem 20.1 Figure 20.3: Network Diagram for Problem 20.1

Computation of earliest time (Forward Pass)

Forward pass computation is employed to find the total project time. Using forward pass computation, the earliest start and earliest finish time for each activity is identified.

steps involved the critical path are described below: The earliest in start identifying time for an activity (i,j ) is given by the earliest expected occurrence Computation earliest time (Forward Pass) The earliestof event time for the starting event is taken as zero. The earliest start time

time of the event i. For instance, earliest start time for the activity 1-2 would be earliest expected occurrence time for event 1. for an event is given by the earliest starting time plus activity duration of the preceding activity.
2 3 1 1 1-2 1-3

Forward Therefore passthe computation is 1 employed to the total project earliest event time for event in the network be 0 or E = find 0 E = E +D = 0+2 = 2 time. E = E +D = 0+2 = 2
E4 = E1+D1-4= 0+2 = 2 E = E +D = pass 2+4 = 6 Using forward computation, the earliest start and earliest Note, two activities converge at node 6 i.e., activity 6 can begin only when both 3-6 and for 4-6 activities are activity completed. In this the earliest event time of 6 is given by finish time each is case, identified. E = max [E +D , E +D ] = 10
5 2 2-5



The earliest start time for an activity (i,j) is given by the earliest Activities Duration Earliest Earliest Latest Finish Latest Float (Days) Starting Time time Finish of the Time event Starting Time (L-D)-E expected occurrence i. For instance, earliest (D) (E) Time (E+D) (L) (L-D) start time for the activity 1-2 would be earliest expected 1-2 2 0 2 9 7 7 occurrence 1-3 2 time for 0 event 2 1. 2 0 0
1-4 2-5 3-6 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8 2 4 8 4 2 5 4 0 2 2 2 6 10 15 2 6 10 6 8 15 19 6 13 10 10 15 15 19 4 9 2 6 13 10 15 4 7 0 4 7 0 0 338

Table 20.2: Calculation of Earliest and Latest Time for an Activity


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The earliest event time for the starting event is taken as zero. The earliest start time for an event is given by the earliest starting time plus activity duration of the preceding activity. Therefore the earliest event time for event 1 in the network be 0 or E1 = 0 E2 = E1+D1-2 = 0+2 = 2 E3 = E1+D1-3= 0+2 = 2 E4 = E1+D1-4= 0+2 = 2 E5 = E2+D2-5= 2+4 = 6 Note, two activities converge at node 6 i.e., activity 6 can begin only when both 3-6 and 4-6 activities are completed. In this case, the earliest event time of 6 is given by E6 = max [E3+D3-6, E4+D4-6] = 10
Table 20.1.2: Calculation of Earliest and Latest Time for an Activity
Activities Duration (Days) (D) 2 2 2 4 8 4 2 5 4 Earliest Starting Time (E) 0 0 0 2 2 2 6 10 15 Earliest Finish Time (E+D) 2 2 2 6 10 6 8 15 19 Latest Finish Time (L) 9 2 6 13 10 10 15 15 19 Latest Starting Time (L-D) 7 0 4 9 2 6 13 10 15 Float (L-D)-E 7 0 4 7 0 4 7 0 0

Similarly, E7 = max [E5+D5-7, E6+D6-7] = 15 E8 = E7+D7-8 = 15+4 = 19 Next, we will find the EFT or earliest finish time, which is determined by adding activity duration and EST (Refer Table 20.1.2). Computation of latest times: backward pass With forward pass, we can identify the duration of the project. Backward pass is used to find the float for an activity, which helps in determining the critical path. Backward pass begins from the end node, and proceeds towards the first node. The latest finish time for the last activity is equal to the earliest finish time of the last activity. So, L8 = E8 = 19 L7 = L8%D7-8 = 19-4 = 15 L5 = L7%D5-7 = 15-2 = 13 L6 = L7%D6-7 = 15-5 = 10 L4 = L6%D4-6 = 10-4 = 6 L3 = L6%D3-6 = 10-8 = 2 L2 = L5%D2-5 = 13-4 = 9

1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-6 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8


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As three activities are originating from A, LFT is the minimum of Similarly, previous LSTs. E = max [E +D , E +D ] = 15
7 5 5-7 6 6-7

Solution The critical path can be computed by knowing the earliest and latest times for each of the activities mentioned in Figure 20.1.4. The following table shows the earliest and latest times.

L1 = min [L2 %D ,L D1-3 L4%D Next, we will find the EFT or,earliest finish 1-2 3% 1-4]time, which is determined by adding
activity duration and EST (Refer Table 20.2).

E8 = E7+D7-8 = 15+4 = 19

Computation of latest times: backward pass = min [7, 0, 4] = 0

If the L value is not equal to 0, then there is an error in the forwardSo, or backward pass calculation.
L8 = E8 = 19

With forward pass, we can identify the duration of the project. Backward pass is used to find the float for an activity, which helps in determining the critical path. Backward pass 1 begins from the end node, and proceeds towards the first node. The latest finish time for the last activity is equal to the earliest finish time of the last activity.

Table 20.1.3: Calculation of Earliest and Latest Time for an Activity

Duration Earliest Activities (Days)! Starting Time (E) (D) 1-2 1-4 2-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8 6 4 3 5 3 6 6 3 7 3 0 0 6 9 9 9 4 14 10 15 Earliest Finish! Time (E +D) 6 4 9 14 12 15 8 17 17 18 Latest Finish Time! (L) 6 6 9 12 8 15 8 15 15 18 Latest Starting Float! (L-D)-E Time! (L-D) 0 2 6 7 5 9 2 12 8 15 0 2 0 -2 -3 0 -2 9 -2 0

Critical Lpaths be = 19-4 = 15 identified by calculating the float or slack 7 = L8!D7-8can L = L ! D = 15-2 = 13 5-7 values, 5as7 shown in Table 20.1.2. The float value of each L6 = L7!D6-7 = 15-5 = 10 activity can be calculated by using either starting time or L4 = L6!D4-6 = 10-4 = 6 finishing time. The activities with zero float are part of the L3 = L6!D3-6 = 10-8 = 2 critical path. In this L2 = L5!D2-5 = 13-4 = 9network, the critical path includes activities As three activities are and originating fromtotal A, LFT is the minimum of previous 1-3, 3-6, 6-7, 7-8 the duration of theLSTs. project is 19 L1 = min [L2!D1-2, L3!D1-3, L4!D1-4] days.
= min [7, 0, 4] = 0
1 Problem 20.2 calculation.

If the L value is not equal to 0, then there is an error in the forward or backward pass Critical paths can be identified by calculating the float or slack values, as shown in Table 20.2. The float value of each activity can be calculated by using either starting time or finishing time. The activities with zero float are part of the critical path. In this network, the critical path includes activities 1-3, 3-6, 6-7, 7-8 and the total duration of the project is 19 days. The time estimates for completing the construction of a facility project are shown in the figure below. Determine the critical path of the project.

The time estimates for completing the construction of a facility project are shown in the figure below. Determine the critical path of Problem the project. 20.2
Figure 20.1.4: Network Diagram for Problem 20.2 Figure 20.4: Network Diagram for Problem 20.2

The earliest start time (EST) for event 1 in the network will be 0 or E1 = 0, E2 = E1+D1-2, E3 = E1+D1-3, etc. Earliest finish time (EFT) = Activity duration + EST In this problem, the float value is zero for activity 1-2, 2-3, 3-7, and 7-8. Hence, the critical path for this network problem is 1-2-3-7-8.



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Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) In CPM, the time values are assumed to be fixed and easily identifiable. But for projects where time values are affected by chance variations, a more probabilistic approach is taken. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is used for planning, and scheduling projects so that all activities are completed in the shortest possible time. The technique was developed in 1958 by the US Navy for the planning and controlling of the Polaris nuclear submarine project. PERT is also a graphical representation of project activities. The PERT network always begins and ends with a single node and there is at least one continuous path between first and last node. To avoid the possibility of two activities leaving a node and later reentering the same node, dummy activities are introduced into the network. The iteration process for drawing up a PERT schedule is shown in Figure 20.1.4. Given below are the conditions that must be satisfied for the application of the PERT method: Activities should have identifiable start and finish time. The project should not have too many interrelated or overlapping activities. The activities should be clearly distinguishable from each other. The project should be flexible enough to accommodate different sequences and timings.
Figure 20.1.4: Iteration Process for PERT Schedule Development


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The various steps involved in the process of scheduling a project using PERT are as follows: 1. Identify the list of activities that are involved in the project. Then, identify the sequence of the activities, based on the priorities and constraints. For example, in a new product development project, test marketing can be conducted only after a prototype has been tested and flaws are identified and removed. Once the tasks and sequences are identified, a precedence table is drawn which tabulates preceding activities for each activity. 2. Once the sequence of activities is identified, their expected times and respective variances are calculated using the following formulas:

4. Determine the earliest start times and the earliest finish times for each of the activities in the PERT network. 5. Determine the latest start times and latest finish times for each of the activities in the network. 6. Determine the slack activity times and identify the critical path activities. The slack time for an activity is the time by which that activity can be delayed without delaying the total project, and is the difference of either the latest start time and earliest start time, or the latest finish time and the earliest finish time. 7. Determine the probability of completing the project within the desired completion period (Z). This step is optional and makes use of the following formula: Z = (Desired project period Expected project period) / (Standard deviation of the critical path activities)

Activity Time =

Activity Time Variances = Where t0 = Optimistic time estimate, tp = Pessimistic time estimate, and tm = Most probable time estimate 3. Develop the PERT network by using the data obtained through step 1 i.e. using expected time.

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Problem 20.3 Table 20.1.4 shows the activities of a project and their optimistic, pessimistic and most likely times. Develop a network diagram for the project activities. Calculate the probability of finishing the project in 30 days.
Table 20.1.4: Activities and their Optimistic, ! Pessimistic and Most Likely Times Activity 1-2 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-5 4-6 5-6 to 3 7 5 10 4 4 6 tm 6 10 8 13 6 5 6 tp 9 19 11 22 14 6 18

and activity variance is given by the equation

Once, the expected time is computed for each activity, we can find the critical path and the duration of the project. The earliest and the latest times are calculated as described in previous example on CPM. From Figure 20.1.5, we can see that the critical path includes the activity 1-3-5-6 and the total duration of the project with the expected activity time is equal to 33 days.

Figure 20.1.5: Network Diagram for the ! Activities in Table 20.1.4

Solution Figure 20.1.5 shows the network of a project for which the optimistic, pessimistic and expected times of activities are given in Table 20.3. Now using the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely times given in Table 20.1.3, we calculate the expected time (te) shown in Table 20.1.4. It is given by the equation Next, we will determine the probability of completing the project within the desired completion period. This step makes use of the following formula:

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Z = (Desired project period Expected project period) / (Standard deviation of the critical path activities) or,

Problem 20.4 For the network diagram given in Figure 20.1.4, the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely times are given as under table 20.1.5. What is the probability of the project taking more than 20 weeks for completion?
Table 20.1.5

Where, D = desired project completion date = 30 E = earliest expected project completion time = 33 .2cp = Sum of variance of critical path activities = 12 The probability of completing the project in 30 days is

Activities 1-2 1-4 2-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8

Optimistic time to 4 4 2 5 3 5 4 2 6 3

Pessimistic time tp 8 6 5 7 6 9 9 5 9 6

Most likely time tm 6 5 4 6 4 6 6 4 7 5

= 0.86 Solution

So the probability of completing the project in 30 days is 0.86.

To find out the probability, one has to find the expected mean time Te and standard deviation. Completion time TE = sum of the all the (expected mean times (te) on the critical path as determined in problem 2 (1-2-3-7-8) = 6 + 3.83 + 6.33 + 4.83 = 20.99 (21 weeks approx) Standard deviation (of critical path) = /variance = / 0.4444 + 0.25 + 0.4356 + 0.25 = /1.1747

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Table 20.1.6
Activities Optimistic Pessimistic Most likely Expected Variance time to time tp time tm mean time te 1-2 1-4 2-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-7 6-7 7-8 4 4 2 5 3 5 4 2 6 3 8 6 5 7 6 9 9 5 9 6 6 5 4 6 4 6 6 4 7 5 6 5 3.83 6 4.17 6.33 6.17 3.83 7.17 4.83 0.4444 0.1089 0.25 0.1089 0.25 0.4356 0.6889 0.25 0.25 0.25

Advantages and disadvantages of PERT PERT offers a project manager many benefits in planning for projects. The following are the advantages of PERT: 1. It provides a graphical display of project activities that helps the users understand the relationships among the activities. 2. It is the ideal technique for tactical level planning and operational level control of projects. 3. It is effective in planning single project activities in any type of industry. 4. It allows project managers to do 'what if' analysis on project activities. Though PERT offers many advantages, it has many inherent disadvantages. The disadvantages that limit the use of PERT are: 1. It cannot effectively handle situations in which two or more projects share available resources. 2. It fails when there is a change in the precedence and sequential relationships of project activities. 3. It requires a lot of information as input to generate an effective plan. This may prove too expensive.

Probability of project extending over 20 weeks = (20 20.99) / (/1.1747) = 0.99/1.17 = 0.846 Thus, there is a very high probability of the project going on beyond 20 weeks.


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PROJECT CRASHING In the event of the project's expected time of completion being more than the desired time, an attempt is made to reduce the time involved in some of the activities so that the project is completed on time. This process of reducing the time of the project by reducing the scheduled time of some of the activities is called crashing. Project crashing is accomplished by subcontracting, overtime, extra shifts, increasing the number of workers, additional capacity installation, etc. The key objective is to reduce the project time as much as possible with minimal expenditure. As these approaches have significant cost implications, operations managers analyze the time-cost tradeoffs and reduce the project duration with minimal increase in costs. The steps involved in this project crashing are described below: 1. First, identify the normal cost (estimated cost requirement for finishing activity in normal time) and crash cost and time (estimated cost requirement for finishing activity in crash time or reduced time). 2. Identify the critical path and calculate new time-cost ratio for each activity based on the crash time and cost. Though the relationship is not linear, we assume a linear relation for simplicity and calculate the per unit crash cost as

3. Highlight the activities on the critical path with the smallest time-cost ratio and crash those activities. Crash the selected activity to the maximum possible extent until one of the conditions given below is satisfied. a. ! The activity time is at its minimum possible value. b. ! The time reduced is equal to the smallest slack value of the non-critical activities. c. ! The reduced time is equal to the desired project completion time. After crashing, if the critical path changes, then the crash time is calculated based on the new critical path. 4. Repeat the steps 2-3 till the project duration is crashed to the desired new level.


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Problem 20.5 Based on the information given in the following table 20.1.7, identify the number of days by which the project can be crashed and the total cost of crashing.
Table 20.1.7
Activity 1-2 1-3 2-4 3-4 Normal Time 2 4 4 3 Crash Time 2 3 2 2 Normal Cost 1000 3000 4000 2000 Crash Cost 1000 3500 6000 3000

2) ! Calculate the time cost ratio of each activity. Time cost ratio = Activity 1-2 cannot be crashed. Time cost ratio (1-3) = (3500-3000)/(4-3) = 500 Time cost ratio (2-4) = (6000-4000)/(4-2) = 1000 Time cost ratio (3-4) = (3000-2000)/(3-2) = 1000 3) ! The critical path activity with smallest time cost ratio is selected and crashed. The activity 1-3 on the critical path has the smallest time cost ratio and it can be crashed by a day. This crashing will increase the project cost by Rs 500 and reduce the project duration from 7 days to 6 days. 4) The network diagram for the new schedule is given in Figure 20.1.6b. As a result of the crashing, we now have two critical paths 1-2, 2-4 and 1-3, 3-4. As activities 1-2 and 1-3 cannot be crashed further, we have to crash the activities 2-4 and 3-4. Activity 3-4 can be crashed by a day and activity 2-4 can be crashed by two days. As crashing activity 2-4 by two days will not affect the project duration, both activities 3-4 and 2-4 are crashed by one day each. 5)!The final network diagram is shown in Figure 20.1.6c. The final project duration is reduced to 5 days and the total cost of crashing = 500 +1000 +1000 = 2500.

Solution: 1) ! Draw a network diagram using the normal time and calculate earliest and latest times. From the Figure 20.1.6a we can see activities 1-3 and 3-4 are on the critical path.
Figure 20.1.6a

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Figure 20.1.6b

Figure 20.1.6c


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Section 2

Case Study: The Burj Dubai Project: A Symbol of Economic Strength or a Monument to Hubris?

This case was written by V. Namratha Prasad and Sachin Govind, under the direction of S. S. George, IBS Center for Management Research. It was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation.

2010, IBS Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-8417-236667/68 or write to IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR), IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email:


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This is a symbol of the economic momentum that Dubai had and an ironic reminder of its property bubble.1 - Saud Masud, a Dubai-based analyst at global financial services company, UBS AG, speaking about the Burj Dubai, in 2010. We get one chance in a lifetime to deliver a world-class project such as the Burj Dubai. Our main objective is to ensure that the very best in engineering, architecture, interiors, finishes, and infrastructure support are employed in the making of this iconic building, which is the pride of Dubai.2 - Mohamed Ali Alabbar, Chairman, Emaar Properties PJSC, in 2008. While Cairo has the original pyramids, Dubai is the epicenter for the new-age ones, the ones that are blurring the lines between architectural fantasy and reality. And nothing symbolizes this quantum leap from impossible to probable better than the worlds largest building, the Burj Dubai.3 - Jeremy Lissek, a columnist, in 2008.

Dubai received a US$ 10 billion lifeline from Abu Dhabi to deal with the financial crisis that it was facing.


INTRODUCTION On January 4, 2010, Dubai inaugurated the worlds tallest building, after renaming it as Burj Khalifa in honor of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan -- who had ruled Abu Dhabi since 2004 and was also President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (See Exhibit I for a picture of the Burj Khalifa). The building, which till then, had been called Burj Dubai, was renamed after

Source: commons/9/93/Burj_Khalifa.jpg.


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Mohammed Ali Alabbar (Alabbar), Chairman of Emaar Properties PJSC (Emaar), a Dubai-based company Video 1: responsible for constructing the tower, said that the height of the building was 828 meters (2,717 feet). The tower was the tallest building in the world, as it exceeded all the criteria listed by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban watch?v=RQ2Sgg1X-_M Habitat (CTBUH) in ranking the height of buildings. The criteria included the height to architectural top of the building, height to highest occupied floor, and height to tip of spire/antenna. The Burj Dubai project was conceptualized in 2004 by the Dubai government and Emaar. By building the worlds tallest tower, Dubai wanted to draw the attention of the world to itself and consolidate its position as a major business and tourist hub in the Middle East. In 2003, after an international design competition, the responsibility for designing the tower was assigned to Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) (See Exhibit II for more about SOM). SOM designed a supertall structure that could withstand the unique climatic conditions of Dubai, including extreme temperatures, sandstorms, and high winds. The Y-shaped structure made of reinforced concrete used a structural system

Exhibit II About Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) is one of the worlds leading architecture, urban design, engineering, and interior architecture firms. It was founded in 1936 by Louis Skidmore and Nathaniel Owings, who were joined by John O. Merrill in 1939. The firm has offices in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, London, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Over the decades, SOM has worked on creating some of the most important architectural structures of the 20th century. It has completed over 10,000 projects in the US and in more than 50 countries around the world, including the Manhattan House (1950), the Lever House in New York City (1952), John Hancock Center (1969), Chicago Willis Tower, formerly Sears Tower (1973), and Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai (1998). Since inception, SOM has received more than 800 awards for quality and innovation. About 125 of these were received after 1998.
Compiled from various sources.

called the buttressed core system that ensured its stability while allowing for a greater height and the ability to withstand moderate earthquakes. Emaar said the tower would have a hotel in the lower floors, and then residential units, with the top floors to be used for business purposes. In 2004, the construction contract for the tower was

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entrusted to a joint venture (JV) between Samsung Engineering & Construction (Samsung), a Belgian firm called Belhasa Six Construct LLC (BESIX), and a local firm, Arabtec Construction LLC (Arabtec) (See Exhibit III for more information on the three companies).

The project commenced in September 2004 and was expected to be completed by December 2008. Construction went smoothly in the initial stages, with one floor being constructed every three days. However, labor unrest, bankruptcy of the company making the towers outer cladding, and some design changes to increase the height of the tower, caused a delay in the project. In 2008, the global recession cast its shadow on the real estate market in Dubai. The fall in demand for property caused real estate prices in the tower to fall by almost 50-60%. Emaar incurred losses and also stalled several of its other construction projects. It kept postponing the inauguration of the tower, citing unfinished interior work as the reason. Finally, it announced that it would inaugurate the tower in January 2010. Some analysts felt that the inauguration of the tower would provide some positive press coverage for Dubai and also help its real estate market recover to some extent. In marked contrast to this, there were other analysts who felt that there would be insufficient demand for commercial and residential space in the tower. Saud Masud, a Dubai-based analyst at global financial services company UBS AG, said, [the Burj Khalifa] is the most expensive square footage in the region and Im not sure in the current downturn that will translate into strong residential or commercial demand, despite the prestige factor.4 THE RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT In 1971, Dubai joined Abu Dhabi and four other Persian Gulf states Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, and Fujaira to form the UAE. Ras al-Khimah too soon joined the group. Over

Exhibit III About Samsung, Besix and Arabtec

Samsung Engineering & Construction (Samsung) is a part of the Samsung Group, the 14th largest company in the world. The Group has three major subsidiaries -Samsung Electronics, the worlds largest electronics company, Samsung Heavy Industries, the worlds second largest shipbuilder, and Samsung C&T, a major global construction company. Samsung was involved in the construction of the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Samsung Tower Palace 3 in Seoul, South Korea. Belhasa Six Construct LLC (BESIX) is a leading Belgian multi-disciplinary group of building companies in which Orascom Construction Industries (OCI), an Egyptbased EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contractor has a 50% stake. BESIX has been executing construction projects in the Middle East for over 40 years and has an outstanding reputation in the region. BESIXs projects include the ETSALAT in Dubai, the Baynunah tower in Abu Dhabi, the headquarters of ADMA OPCO & ADGAS in Abu Dhabi, and the Emirates Tower Hotel in Dubai. Arabtec Construction LLC (Arabtec), founded in 1975, is a leading construction firm in the UAE. It has vast experience in executing major construction projects in all sectors of real estate and infrastructure. Its projects include Burj Dubai Lake Hotel, Sky Gardens Tower at DIFC, DIFC Gate Village, and DIFC Truck Tunnel.

Compiled from various sources.

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the years, the UAE became a prosperous state on the back of oil revenues and also due to the fact that it was situated on one of the main waterways of the Middle East. However, Dubais continued prosperity was in doubt due to the fact that its oil reserves were limited. It, therefore, went all out to project itself as an economic destination and as a safe haven for business in a volatile region. In 1985, it established the Jebel Ali Free Zone, an economic zone which offered business and tax incentives, in addition to a variety of products and services like business centers, ready to use offices, warehouses, factories, and infrastructure ready plots. Over time, the economic zone attracted several businesses, becoming a significant source of revenue for Dubai. Dubai also sought to project itself as a tourist destination, building parks, zoos, museums, art centers, libraries, malls, recreational arenas, and sports stadiums. In addition, it began hosting several major international sporting events, encouraged the construction of world class hotels, spruced up its beaches, and organized events like the Dubai Shopping Festival. All these measures ensured that Dubai gradually became one of the worlds top tourist destinations. The growth of Dubai as a business and tourist destination resulted in a real estate boom, with the number of office buildings, residential buildings, hotel rooms, shopping malls, and entertainment centers growing rapidly. Construction companies designed and built several architecturally unique buildings in the emirate, some of which became tourist attractions in their own right (See Exhibit IV to learn more about some of these projects).

By 2003, real estate and construction accounted for 22.6% of Dubais GDP, while oil accounted for only 6%.5 The idea for the skyscraper was conceived in 2003, at the peak of the real estate boom in Dubai. The project planners wanted to build a tower that would be the tallest in the world and draw the attention of the world to Dubai. Jacqui Josephson, a tourism and VIP Delegations Executive at Nakheel Properties (Nakheel), said, He [Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum] wanted to put Dubai on the map with something really sensational.6 The project planners sought Video 2: Design of Burj Dubai to project the tower as an emblem of Dubais building prowess, financial strength, and global ambitions. It was also expected to reinforce Dubais status as a financial and tourist hub in the Middle East and bring in additional foreign investment and business. Talking about the fascination for tall buildings, Source:http:// Greg Sang (Sang), Projects Director of Emaar, said, The v=yNfpwdLVZ4c height says something about the strength of the economy. In the 1900s when skyscrapers were first built in the United States, it wanted to show industrial might. Then in the 1980s to the 1990s, when Asian economies took off, there were structures like the Petronas Towers in Malaysia and Taipei 101 in Taiwan. Now it is the Middle East where the growth rates are in double digits.7

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Exhibit IV Some Major Structures in Dubai

From the late 1990s onwards, Dubai created several marvels in construction and set numerous world records like the biggest manmade islands (the Palm Jumeirah, the World islands and the Universal islands); the biggest shopping mall, (the Dubai Mall); the biggest indoor ski area, (Ski Dubai); the worlds largest fountain (Dubai fountain) and the worlds tallest hotel (Rose Tower); the worlds largest passenger and cargo hub (Dubai World Central International Airport) and the greatest number of seven-star hotels. As of 2009, Dubailand, which was expected to be almost twice the size of the Walt Disney World Resort, was under construction. The top ten tallest buildings in Dubai were No.! NAME! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! Burj Dubai! Almas Tower! Emirates Office Tower! Rose Tower! The Index Burj Al Arab! HHHR Tower! ! HEIGHT (m/feet) 818 / 2,684 363 / 1,191 355 / 1,163 333 / 1,093 328 / 1,076 321 / 1,053 317 / 1,040 309 / 1,014

THE DESIGN OF THE BURJ DUBAI Emaar, founded in 1997, was one of the largest real estate companies in the world as of 2009 and the Middle Easts largest home builder by market capitalization. The company was 31.88% owned by the Dubai government and also had foreign investors. Alabbar was also a member of the Dubai Executive Council, the government body responsible for executing all growth initiatives in Dubai. Over the years, Emaar had completed several important real estate projects, including the Dubai Marina and Arabian Ranches. Apart from Dubai and other places in the UAE, the company had projects in places like Saudi Arabia, India, etc. It had acquired John Laing Homes (JL Homes), Americas second largest privately held home builder, and Hamptons International, UKs premier realtor. Moreover, to boost its project execution capabilities, it had a JV with US-based Turner Construction Companys subsidiary, Turner International. In 2003, Emaar organized a limited design competition among five prominent international architectural firms to design the Burj Dubai. The company then selected the design submitted by Adrian Smith (Smith), an architect at SOM. SOM said that the design was inspired by a 73-storey tower called the Tower Palace Three, which it had earlier constructed in Seoul, South Korea. Marshall Strabala (Strabala), who worked as Associate Partner and Lead Designer for SOM, said, The structural system and philosophy of how the Burj works is based on that [Tower

Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel!

The Address Downtown Burj Dubai 306 / 1,004 Ahmed Abdul Rahim Al Attar Tower 301 / 988



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Palace Three], it was adapted and changed for the new program of the Burj.8 SOM created a 90-member team for the detailed design of the Burj Dubai. The height of the tower in the original design was only marginally more than the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan, which in 2004, was the worlds tallest tower. However, over a period of time, the design was modified to make the tower taller. The Burj Dubai had three wings forming a Y-shaped floor plan (See Exhibit V for the floor plan of Burj Dubai and some other

Exhibit V A Comparison of Burj Dubais Floor Plan with Some Other Structures

The designers used a new structural system which they called a buttressed core system, with a central core flanked by the three wings, for the building. This was done as SOM realized that there were limitations on the height that could be achieved with the rectangular plan, commonly used for multi-storey residential buildings, with two rows of apartments with windows, and a corridor running down the middle. Bill Baker (Baker), Structural Engineering Partner, SOM, said, When we analyzed those types of buildings, we found they were very strong in the long direction and not so strong in the short direction. So essentially, this building has three of those arranged in a Y-shape, so one wing buttresses the other two wings. In the very center, theres a hexagonal concrete core that encloses all the elevators, and acts as a giant axle.9 SOM added that the buttressed core system ensured the stability of the structure, helped distribute the weight of the tower evenly, and also provided it the strength to resist moderate earthquakes. The core also kept the wings firmly anchored, so that they did not sway in the wind a particularly serious issue in all supertall structures. Baker said that the buttressed core system also enabled the height of the building to be increased at any stage during construction. The reinforced concrete hexagonal core gradually narrowed as it rose and tapered off with a steel spire. The designers decided to use concrete for the building not only for its robustness but also for its superior ability, in comparison to steel, to withstand fire. This aspect was considered crucial, since the twin towers of the World Trade Center had collapsed in the 9/11 attacks, as their steel framework had buckled due to the heat from fires set off by the airliner crashes.


supertall structures). Sources quoting Smith said this three-lobed cross-section was inspired by the Hymenocallis, a desert flower native to the region.

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One of the biggest challenges that the designers faced was dealing with the powerful winds at that height. SOM used a series of design models and wind tunnel tests to ensure that the structure did not sway significantly and that it also had the capacity to tolerate high wind loads. In order to reduce the wind shear, SOM altered the shape and width of the floors. In order to reduce the stress from prevailing winds, the engineers rotated the building by 120 degrees from its original layout. The top stories of the structure had a wind sway of 1.2 meter or 3.9 feet. The Burj Dubai had 24 setbacks that reached upwards in a spiraling helical pattern, making the structure gradually slimmer as it rose. The setbacks not only served as a crucial defense against the wind, but also served to minimize other forces that could destabilize the building. Baker said, Its like a childs swingset. If the child is kicking their feet at the natural harmonics of the swing, they can go very high. On this building, theres 24 major setbacks so its like having a child with 24 different feet. Each foot is kicking a little bit different so it doesnt get going too much.10 The Burj Dubai was completely curved with no right angles on the outer perimeter and virtually no horizontal ledges. This ensured that sand and dust from the sandstorms that were a regular feature of Dubais environment, did not settle on the tower. Smith said, I wanted to use only vertical elements here because the fine dust in Dubais air will build up on any horizontal projecting elements of the wall.11 The outer design of the tower was said to be derived from patterns embodied in Islamic architecture and bore a resemblance to the onion-shaped domes typically found in Islamic constructions. Talking about other Islamic influences,

Smith said, The base of the building will be very dense with a stainless steel latticework, which will have characteristics similar to the traditional mashrabiyya screens used in Islamic architecture. The base of Burj Dubai will be heavily screened on the first three or four levels to give it a dense metallic texture.12 The concrete tower was to be clad with reflective glazing, aluminum, and textured stainless steel spandrel panels and vertical stainless steel tubular fins. SOM Associate Director, Nada Andric, added, The client was very interested in simplicity, so we developed a color and materials palette that was reduced to a very few materials, inspired by the fine sand and the pearls that have been harvested in the region for centuries.13 The high performance exterior cladding was designed to withstand the extreme summer temperatures in Dubai, and the high wind pressures acting on the structure, in addition to ensuring optimum energy utilization in the tower. In January 2005, SOM was also awarded the contract for the Burj Dubais interior design (lobbies and other public areas) and the landscaping around the towers foot. OTHER PROJECT FEATURES The Burj Dubai was to be the centerpiece of Downtown Burj Dubai; an urban project spread over two square kilometers. Downtown Burj Dubai, included the Dubai Mall (to be the largest shopping mall in the world), nine hotels, 19 residential towers, 30,000 homes, an entertainment complex, 6.2 acres of parkland, and a 30-acre manmade lake, with one of the biggest fountains in the world.


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According to the original construction plan, the lower floors of the Burj Dubai were allocated for The Armani Hotel Dubai -- a super luxury hotel, designed by renowned international designer Giorgio Armani (Armani). The upper floors were to be residential apartments; with 144 of them to be Armani Residences designed by Armani. The residents of these would have access to the amenities offered by the hotel including concierge, 24-hour room service, and housekeeping. However, at a later stage in the project, Emaar decided to earmark the topmost floors of the tower for corporate offices and suites, while the middle floors were allocated for residential units. Strabala said, The design of the Burj was primarily a residential building. We changed the top to office very late in the game. With a hotel at the bottom, it was primarily super high-end luxury and I think [Emaar chairman] Mohamed Ali Alabbar had a terrific business model for doing it as his whole development is around the Burj this was an element that marked this part of the city.14 Over a period of time, more details about the Burj Dubai Tower began to emerge. The tower was to have around 200 floors, out of which about 160 would be habitable and the remaining floors earmarked for services. The first 37 floors were to be occupied by The Armani Hotel Dubai with 175 guest rooms and suites. The next 68 floors would have about 1,000 residential units, and the topmost floors, more than 220,000 square feet of prime business space. Around 35,000 people were expected to live, work, and stay in the apartments, offices, and the hotel. In addition, the tower was to have four swimming pools, including an outdoor swimming pool on the 78th floor, a cigar club, a library, several spas, an observation platform on the 124th floor (providing visibility of up to 50 miles), an exclusive residents

lounge, a 15,000-square-foot fitness area, four steel-framed communications floors at the top, and 3,000 parking spots on four levels (See Exhibit VI for more about the Burj Dubai).

Exhibit VI Information about Burj Dubai

Burj means tower in Arabic and so Burj Dubai translates to Dubai Tower. The Burj Dubai is located on Sheikh Zayed Road at the intersection of Doha Street. Some facts about the tower: The peak electricity requirement for Burj Dubai is estimated to be 36mVA, comparable to 360,000 x 100 watt light bulbs, all operating at the same time. The tower needs 250,000 gallons of water a day, in addition to 10,000 tons of cooling water/hour. It is estimated that 15 million gallons of supplemental water would be collected each year from the condensation of moisture from the humid air through air conditioning. The water that is equivalent to 20 Olympic swimming pools is expected to be used to irrigate the landscaped grounds around the tower. The building service/firemans elevator has a capacity of 5,500 kg and will be the worlds tallest service elevator. The curtain wall of the Burj Dubai is equivalent to 17 football (soccer) fields or 25 American football fields. The total amount of concrete used on the building is equal to the weight of about 100,000 elephants. The total weight of aluminum used on Burj Dubai is said to be equal to that of five double-decker A380 aircrafts. The air temperature at the top of the tower is up to 8 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than at the base.



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In what is called the chimney effect, if a door at the top and a door at the bottom, in addition to the airlocks in between are opened, strong winds will rush through the air-conditioned building.

Some of the other records achieved by the Burj Dubai were: Highest vertical concrete pumping (for any construction) at 601 m or 1,972 ft. The previous record-holder was the Riva del Garda Hydroelectric Power Plant that pumped concrete up to 532 m or 1,745 ft. Worlds highest elevator installation. The highest residential floor will be level 109 the highest in the world. Highest vertical concrete pumping (for a building) at 601 m or 1,972 ft. The previous record was held by Taipei 101 at 449.2 m or 1,474 ft. Worlds fastest speed for elevators at 64 km/h (40 mph) or 18 m/s (59 ft/s). The previous record was held by Taipei 101 at 16.83 m/s. The supertall building with most floors at 160. The previous record was held by both 1 & 2 World Trade Center at 110 floors.

SOM reduced the number of lift shafts with a system of highspeed and local elevators, with sky lobbies along the way. The tower had more than 50 elevators and they travelled at a speed of 18m/sec (64km/hr). The double decker elevators (with two elevator cars that were attached one on top of the other) had the capacity to carry 42 people at a time. Apart from having a system to control pressure in the elevators, the building also had a system to control pressure in the upper floors. The project was also extensively peer reviewed by experts in tall building design, who checked its geotechnical engineering, wind engineering, and structural engineering aspects. THE ECONOMIC DETAILS Emaar announced that the total budget for the Burj Dubai was US$ 4.1 billion16, while the budget for Downtown Burj Dubai was US$ 20 billion. George Efstathiou (Efstathiou), Managing Partner of SOM, said, Ive seen a lot of clients dreaming of building a supertall. Not many come to fruition, because you really have to know what youre doing. You have to have the financial wherewithal. You have to have the guts. The recipe is very complex. Everything has to be in place. Otherwise its all talk.17 Similarly, Sang said that economic factors rather than technical ones tended to place limitations on building height. He said, Theres no limit. Anythings possible. You can design anything. Its not a technical question, but an economical one.18 He also said that tall buildings were efficient, as a dense population concentrated in one place meant lower per capita energy consumption, and also ensured that all amenities were available

Compiled from various sources.

Though details about the security systems in the tower were not released, it was stated that the tower was highly compartmentalized, with pressurized air-conditioned refuge floors provided for every 25 floors, where people could shelter during their long walk down to safety during an emergency. SOM said that the most complex design challenge was the task of encasing all the services, systems, and elevators within the buttressed core. Baker said, Its a Swiss watch. We did a tremendous amount of detailed drawings on where the penetrations in the core could be. Things werent left to chance.15

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in the immediate vicinity, eliminating the need for long drives to go shopping. Other experts like Ron Klemencic, Chairman of CTBUH, thought that tall buildings were not economically viable. He said, Around 70 to 80 stories, the amount of shaft space consumed by the elevators is so great that the economic equation for the building begins to fall apart. Beyond 70-80 floors, prestige is the driving factor.19 However, Emaar and SOM disagreed with this view. At an early stage in the project, Smith said, We do believe that we have a project here that can be justified economically. The building will offer terrific condominium units of the highest standard with incredible views at a very high efficiency ratio of net to gross area. The combination of residential and hotel uses makes this a viable project economically. It happens to be a very efficient and cost-effective structure because its all concrete. Concrete is the least expensive and most rigid material for tall buildings.20 CONSTRUCTION In early 2004, bids were invited from major global contractors for constructing the Burj Dubai Tower. The US$ 871 million contract was finally awarded to a JV formed by Samsung, BESIX, and Arabtec. The JV reportedly won the contract based on their prior technical expertise in the construction of high rise buildings, even though their bid had not been the lowest. The contract financing for the Burj Dubai was provided by three UAE banks -- Emirates Bank International, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, and Mashreqbank. The syndicated facility

was to be shared equally by the three banks, with Mashreqbank acting as the Facility Agent and Security Agent. The Burj Dubai project was scheduled to be completed in four years, and construction began on September 21, 2004, with excavations for the foundation, through sand and brackish water. The sandy soil posed a few challenges and required a large foundation which weighed around 110,000 tons and rested on nearly two hundred 164 meter deep piles. A very strong, high density concrete made up of Portland cement combined with silica fume, fly ash, and ground granulated slag was used for the building. Each batch of concrete was tested for strength and consistency; otherwise it tended to develop cracks, which could affect the stability of the structure. The concrete core was cast first, and after a few floors were completed, the wing walls and their slabs were cast. The project used the services of several sub-contractors (See Exhibit VII to learn more about the suThe designers and builders had to overcome several challenges, while constructing the tower. Dubais high temperatures proved to be challenge while the concrete was being transported during construction, as it tended to set faster. Therefore, the concrete was mixed with ice, and pumped during the night when it was comparatively cooler. The contractors had to use high performance concrete pumps to raise the concrete to the required heights. The tower also had the worlds fastest high-capacity construction hoists, with speeds of up to 2m/sec, to transport men and materials. In addition, the height of the tower made communication a tricky issue, with construction crews facing

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Exhibit VII Sub-Contractors for the Project

ROLE Wind analysis Consulting engineers Subcontractor Foundations NAME OF CONTRACTOR Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. Hyder Consulting Ltd. Dorma GmbH & Co. KG. OGRO Beschlagtechnik GmbH. Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH.

craftsmen were paid US$ 7.60/day, while manual laborers were paid just US$ 4/day. In March 2006, several of the workers at the site rioted -- upset over low wages and poor treatment -damaging property worth US$ 1 million. Due to this and other reasons, construction work was stalled for a few days, and this resulted in delaying the project. By November 2006, even though 80 floors had been constructed, the cladding work had not begun, with the result that the concrete structure remained exposed to the elements. According to the original construction schedule, cladding work was to begin in the first quarter of 2006, to keep pace with the rise of the tower. Emaar revealed that the delay was due to the bankruptcy of the parent company of Schmidlin LLC UAE (Schmidlin), which had been contracted to install the cladding on the tower, in February 2006. It was estimated that with only 115 weeks left for the projects completion, the cladding would not be completed on time, even if it was done at the rate of 1.3 floors per week. Talking about the effect of the delay on the project timeline, a Project Manager said, Normally if the building is reaching level 70, they should have fixed the curtain walling up to level 45. They will never catch up. The whole project looks to be delayed by a year minimum.21 The lack of cladding also meant that interior work that required dry conditions could not be taken up. In January 2007, Schmidlin was removed from the project and the contract for the cladding was given to a new JV between Arabian Aluminium Company LLC and Hong Kong-based Far East Group. At that time, an Emaar spokesperson said that the work on the cladding would be accelerated to keep the project on

Middle East Foundations Group LLC. Project management Turner Construction Co. Software Computer and Design Services. Source:

problems like communication delays or no reception on their walkie-talkies when they went past 30 floors. In the initial stages of the project, the building rose at the rate of about one floor a week. Later, the rate of construction was accelerated to complete one floor every three days. At the height of construction activity, 8,000 workers were employed on site, besides 300 management personnel, supervision staff, contractors, and engineers. DELAYS DURING CONSTRUCTION In 2006, the project, which had till then been progressing slightly ahead of schedule, fell behind schedule. Workers from countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, were used to construct the towers and they complained that they were being paid very low wages. It was reported that skilled carpenters and other

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track and to ensure that the completion date remained unchanged. Efstathiou said, Its very unusual for a tower to be this tall without cladding. But we have a new contractor on board and they have a local partner and a scheme to get us back on track.22 Installation of the cladding began in June 2007, with Emaar stating that the project would be delayed by only a couple of months. The cladding panels were first loaded onto the installation floors and then later moved into position using small cranes. About 380 engineers and technicians were required to install a total of 24,348 cladding panels over a curtain wall area of 132,190 square meters. Later, Alabbar said, The cladding work has involved considerable innovation vast amounts of research and simulation have pioneered advanced materials and installation techniques.23 Later, the original design of the structure was changed to increase the height of the tower. This resulted in BESIX, Samsung, and Arabtec seeking a time extension to accommodate the extra work. Ivan Bruyninckx, BESIX Deputy Project Director, said, The final height of the tower will indicate what extra time we will be allowed to work with, because the initial program was for a certain height and the new height is different from the initial height. So there may be an adjustment of timing, but all of this is not clear yet. We are still hitting for substantial completion by the end of 2008 or the early months of 2009.24 MAKING PROGRESS Even as its construction met with delays, the tower continued breaking height related records regularly. In February 2007, Burj

Dubai overtook the Sears Tower located in Chicago, US, for being the building with the most floors, after 100 floors were built (See Exhibit VIII for a comparison of Burj Dubai with other prominent skyscrapers). In July 2007, Burj Dubai became the tallest building in the world when it surpassed the Taipei 101 in height. In August 2007, it

Exhibit VIII Comparison of Burj Dubai with Other Prominent Towers

Source: Stefania Bianchi, How Far up Will Dubai Tower Finally top out?, August 19, 2009.


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even overtook the Sears Tower antennas height of 527.3 meters or 1,730 feet. In September 2007, at 150 floors, it became the tallest freestanding structure in the world, surpassing the 553.33 meter (1,822 feet) CN Tower located in Toronto, Canada. At that stage, Emaar initiated the next stage of construction with the commencement of the structural steel work for the upper floors. In October 2007, 144 one- and two-bedroom Armani Residences were sold out within a period of three days. Later, floors 45 through 108 with about 700 apartments were sold out in just eight hours. According to one of Dubais largest real-estate brokers, Betterhomes, at the height of the emirates property boom, one-bedroom apartments in the Burj Dubai were selling for between US$ 1,715 and US$ 2,776 a square foot in the secondary market. In mid-2007, Hisham El Far, Chief Executive of real estate company Coldwell Banker, said, Residential space in the tower is being sold for Dh4,000 to Dh6,000 per square foot, while commercial space is going for Dh5,000 to Dh8,000. Prices have increased by almost 25 per cent in a couple of months and are bound to increase as Burj achieves more remarkable feats.25 Later, Alabbar said that most of the apartments in the Burj Dubai were sold out. In November 2007, the construction activity at the Burj Dubai was halted for a week after Arabtec workers went on strike over poor pay and unsatisfactory working conditions. In March 2008, Emaar decided to redesign the interiors of the tower. At that time, the company said that the tower was four months behind schedule and by the time the interiors were finished the project would be delayed by another eight to nine months. The redesign was taken up because Emaar felt that the interiors needed to

look more contemporary, as the initial design had been done in 2004. Emaar also entered into talks with prominent artists from around the world to create signature pieces for the lobby of the building. The interiors of Burj Dubai were expected to showcase more than 1,000 pieces of art, while the lobby was set to have artwork featuring 196 bronze and brass alloy cymbals, representing the 196 countries of the world. In April 2008, the Burj Dubai became the worlds tallest man-made structure when it exceeded KVLYTVs (at North Dakota, US) mast height of 628.8 meters or 2,063 feet. Later, Emaars decision to install a communications center in the tower necessitated some changes in the project, including the addition of extra floors. This resulted in the completion date of the project being pushed from April 2009 to the end of the year. Alabbar later announced that September 2009 was a possible and reasonable date for completion, and that the Burj Dubai would be inaugurated at the same time as another prestigious project The Dubai Metro. CHANGES IN THE DUBAI REAL ESTATE MARKET In late 2008, the world economic crisis, combined with a slump in the price of crude oil and a fall in world trade, had an adverse impact on the real estate market in Dubai. Consequently, real estate prices plunged, and there was a steep fall in the demand for homes and offices. Most of the real estate companies in Dubai found themselves in financial difficulties, with late payments from clients and other liquidity problems. This halted Dubais expansion plans and many real estate companies began initiating cash saving moves, including laying off of staff. In

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addition, several real estate projects, worth around US$ 300 billion, were either delayed or scrapped. It was further revealed that as of 2009, Dubai had total borrowings of US$ 80 billion, and US$ 50 billion of that debt was set to become due over the next 3 years, most of it in 2011 and 2012. Speaking about Dubai, an analyst said, This has been the most spectacular spending mission on Earth. But its a mirage. If complex debt structures have brought the financial world to its knees, Dubai is the worlds biggest toxic time bomb.26 In March 2009, in a bid to cover part of its looming obligations, Dubai launched a five-year US$ 20 billion bond program and the UAE federal government, through the UAE Central Bank, subscribed to the first half of it, thereby providing it with funds of US$ 10 billion. The real estate companies in Dubai become the major beneficiaries of the funds. The real estate situation in Dubai continued to deteriorate in 2009. According to The Colliers International (Colliers), a property consultancy, residential property prices in Dubai fell by 48% in 2009, when compared to 2008, and were expected to further drop by 20% as more ongoing projects were completed. JP Grobbelaar, Director of Research and Advisory at Colliers, said, One in every four units is standing empty. Unless there is a dramatic improvement in economic conditions, this oversupply will continue for at least the next two to three years. Speculators were treating property like a grocer would a can of beans on the shelf, with no intention of eating it and only wanting to hold on to it for a day or two. But they got their fingers burnt.27

However, analysts pointed out that while Dubai had shut down several construction projects, it was still pushing some projects like the Burj Dubai and the Dubai Metro towards completion. PROJECT COMPLETION Emaar was also affected by the downturn in the real estate market in Dubai. In late 2008, the price of property at Burj Dubai slumped by about 50%-60%, while prices in the surrounding Downtown Burj Dubai fell by at least 22%.28A few of the residential units in the Burj Dubai were listed in the secondary real estate market. Emaar began making losses from the second half of 2008 and also described the first half of 2009 as extremely challenging. In Q2 2009, it posted a loss of US$ 350 million after it was forced to write off US$ 470 million on JL Homes, purchased in 2006. For the same quarter in 2008, it had posted a net profit of US$ 571 million. The company said that part of the loss was due a change in its accounting policies brought about in April 2009. With the new policy, it booked the profits only when a completed property was handed over to the client. To deal with the downturn, Emaar announced that it was putting its expansion plans on hold and planning to finish its existing projects. Alabbar said that for the most part of 2009, Emaar had been focused on finishing its projects, especially the Burj Dubai, and strengthening its customer relationships. Emaar also offered its customers the choice of shifting their investments from projects that were scrapped or delayed to projects that were nearing completion. In Q3 2009, Emaar posted a net profit of US $ 178.5 million (Dh 655 million). Mohammed Ali Yasin, the General Manager of securities trading firm, Shuaa Securities, said, The Dh 655m was ahead of expectations, which, for a real

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The Top Ten tallest building in Dubai are:

Burj Dubai

Almas Tower

Emirates Office Tower

Rose Tower

The Index

HEIGHT (m/feet) 818 / 2,684

HEIGHT (m/feet) 363 / 1,191

HEIGHT (m/feet) 355 / 1,163

HEIGHT (m/feet) 333 / 1,093

HEIGHT (m/feet) 328 / 1,076

Burj Al Arab

HHHR Tower

Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel

The Address Downtown Burj Dubai!

Ahmed Abdul Rahim Al Attar Tower

HEIGHT (m/feet) 321 / 1,053

HEIGHT (m/feet) 317 / 1,040

HEIGHT (m/feet) 309 / 1,014

HEIGHT (m/feet) 306 / 1,004

HEIGHT (m/feet) 301 / 988


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estate company in Dubai, is a very good thing, especially after the last three quarters.29 In July 2009, Emaar announced that it was postponing the opening of the Burj Dubai from September 9, 2009, to December 2, 2009 -the United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day -- as there was still a lot of work to be completed both internally and externally on the tower. Some sources also speculated that the delay was because of Emaars plans to extend the height of the tower by another 70 m from a height of 818 m. In a poll conducted by a large Middle Eastern business portal, Maktoob Business, a majority of respondents said that they were disappointed that the Dubai Metro and the Burj Dubai were not being inaugurated on the same day -- September 9, 2009. Of the respondents, 43% felt that by launching the two on the same day, Dubai would have been able to gain more attention and positive global press coverage, especially after a long period of constant negative publicity. Some also felt that by sticking to its September 2009 deadline for the Burj Dubai, Dubai could have shown the world that it stuck to its deadlines and completed its projects on time. Analysts expected the opening of the Burj Dubai to not only boost Emaars global reputation, but also to increase its revenues by almost US$ 1 billion after the residential units were handed over to the owners. Most of the residential apartments in the tower had been purchased as vacation homes or as investments by wealthy people from the Middle East, India, and Pakistan. Most owners were expected to make their final

payments and close the deals as they had already paid up a large part of the sales price. Alabbar added that 90% of the properties in the tower had been sold prior to the financial crisis and that Emaar had earned a return of 10% on its investment. In October 2009, installation of the cladding on the Burj Dubai was completed. The spire atop the tower was expected to be visible from over 90 km away. Dubai expected 10 million tourists in 2010, with the tower emerging as a major tourist attraction, offering as it did spectacular views and interactive tours. Baker believed that the time for which the tower would remain the tallest building in the world would be around five years the time it would take to build another tall building. He added, I dont think theres a structural limit to how tall a building can be at least were not there yet.30 In November 2009, Emaar again postponed the inauguration of the Burj Dubai, this time to January 4, 2010, to coincide with the four-year anniversary of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum becoming the ruler of Dubai. However, in the same month, Dubai found itself in the midst of a financial crisis, when Dubai World (the investment company that managed the businesses and projects for the Dubai government) asked for a six-month delay in repaying US$ 26 billion of debt. The extent of the debt created chaos in several global financial markets, and dented the image of Dubai as a regional powerhouse. On December 14, 2009, in a move that surprised analysts, Abu Dhabi provided Dubai with US$ 10 billion, out of which US$ 4.1 billion was given to Dubai World to meet its immediate obligations. However, most analysts thought it to be temporary relief as the bulk of the debt still remained to be paid.

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Emaar had expected the tower to become a much sought after residential and business address in Dubai. However, during the five years of the towers construction, the property market of Dubai went from being the worlds best performing to one of the worst performing markets. The tower, which was to have been surrounded by other high rise buildings, was expected to stand alone for quite a long time, as the funds meant for constructing these high rises were diverted into other projects that had a better chance of being completed. Moreover, Nakheel, which had planned to build a 3,274-foot tall building called the Al Burj in Dubai in competition to the Burj Dubai as part of a US$ 38 billion commercial and residential project, was in severe financial straits. This meant very little possibility of the tower being constructed. On the occasion of the towers inauguration, Alabbar said that the cost of its construction was US$ 1.5 billion.31 Analysts felt that people who had purchased the apartments as investments were likely to be badly affected, as the Dubai real estate market continued to fall. Moreover, office leasing was expected to be a major challenge for property investors. Roy Cherry, an analyst at investment bank, Shuaa Capital PSC, said, Those who bought with the intention of leasing will face a difficult time because few companies today can justify paying premiums for luxury.32 The situation in the Dubai real estate market was expected to worsen, as even after the cancellation of several construction projects, several new buildings were expected to come into the market in 2010, thereby further pushing down property prices.

References & Suggested Readings 1. Samsung to Build Tallest Building,, December 9, 2004. 2. How Dubai Manages Its Mega Projects,, December 29, 2006.

3. Burj Dubai Takes on a Shimmering Glass Facade with Installation of Curtain Wall Glass Panels,, May 20, 2007. 4. Robert Ditcham, At 150 Stories, Burj Dubai Towers above All the Others,, September 14, 2007. 5. Emaar Properties Unveils Luxury Armani Residences in Burj Dubai,, October 28, 2007. 6. Jessica Rowson, Burj Dubai Reaches 601m On Schedule,, November 12, 2007.

7. Burj Dubai Set to Influence Generations of Architects,, March 5, 2008. 8. Louise Armitstead, Dubai Vows to Keep Building despite Global Crisis,, November 29, 2008. 9. Funds on Way to Help Dubai Companies; Property Firms on Priority List,, March 14, 2009.


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10. Maurice Picow, Burj Tower in Dubai a Steep Investment during Tough Economic and Environmental Times,, March 21, 2009. 11. Chris Sleight, More Delays Rumored for Burj Dubai,, July 14, 2009. 12. Burj Dubai Armani Hotel Is Upbeat on Occupancy,, July 15, 2009. 13. Jebediah Reed, In Teetering Dubai, A New Metro and Worlds Tallest Building Are about To Debut (Photo Tour),, July 28, 2009. 14. Timon Singh, Details of Burj Dubai Opening Revealed,, September 22, 2009. 15. Nathalie Gillet, Emaar May Cancel Burj Dubai Towers,, October 18, 2009. 16. Timothy Brooks, Burj Dubai, A Pinnacle of Innovation,, November 11. 2009. 17. Jamal Al Majaida, 3 UAE Banks to Fund Samsung for Dubai Tower,, accessed on November 16, 2009. 18. Mike Caggeso, A View from the Burj: Dubais Economy Fueled by High-Powered Government Investing,, accessed on November 27, 2009. 19. Alasdair Soussi, Hard Times for Arab Capital of Cool,, accessed on November 27, 2009. 2. 3. 4.

20. Realizing The Fantastic: Is Dubai The Worlds Development Laboratory?, accessed on November 27, 2009. 21. Jack Lyne, Tussle For Worlds-Tallest-Building Title Heating Way, Way Up,, accessed on November 27, 2009. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Endnotes: 1. Zainab Fattah and Ayesha Daya, Dubai Towers Name Reflects U.A.E. Shift,, January 5, 2010. Emaar Increases Height of Burj Dubai; Completion in September 2009,, June 18, 2008. Big Ambition,, September 4, 2008. Zainab Fattah and Ayesha Daya, Dubai Towers Name Reflects U.A.E. Shift,, January 5, 2010. Prospects of Dubai Economic Sectors,, 2003.


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6. 7. 8. 9.

Burj Dubai,, January 16, 2009. Mahmood Saberi, Burj Dubai Is the Height of Success,, April 19, 2008. Tom Arnold, Architect Reveals Burj Dubai Height,, December 3, 2008. Katie Puckett, Burj Dubai: Top of the world,, October 3, 2008.

18. Mahmood Saberi, Burj Dubai Is the Height of Success,, April 19, 2008. 19. Linda Crites, The Rise of the Few: Key Ingredients for the Worlds Tallest Skyscrapers,, September 27, 2005. 20. I n t e r v i e w w i t h A d r i a n S m i t h , h t t p s : / /, November 2003. 21. Burj Dubai Is Hit by Curtain Wall Delays,, November 11, 2006. 22. Burj Dubai Is Hit by Curtain Wall Delays,, November 11, 2006. 23. Burj Dubai Exterior Aluminium Cladding Completed, http://, October 6, 2009. 24. Burj Dubai Is Hit by Curtain Wall Delays,, November 11, 2006. 25. Burj Dubai Set to Scale New Heights in Real Estate Prices,, July 25, 2007. 26. Dubai Vows to Keep Building despite Global Crisis,, November 30, 2008. 27. Karen Attwood, Focus: A Monument to the Folly of Dubai,, October 27, 2009. 28. Burj Dubai Tower Sees 50% Drop in Property Prices,, November 12, 2008.

10. Katie Puckett, Burj Dubai: Top of the world,, October 3, 2008. 11. Interview with Adrian Smith, https://, November 2003. 12. Interview with Adrian Smith, https://, November 2003. 13. Katie Puckett, Burj Dubai: Top of the world,, October 3, 2008. 14. A r c h i t e c t R e v e a l s B u r j D u b a i H e i g h t ,, December 3, 2008. 15. K a t i e P u c k e t t , B u r j D u b a i : To p o f t h e w o r l d ,, October 3, 2008. 16. 16 17. Big Ambition,, September 4, 2008.


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29. Angela Giuffrida, Handovers Return Emaar Profits,, October 22. 2009. 30. Burj Dubai: Top Of the World,, October 3, 2008. 31. Dubai Opens Worlds Tallest Skyscraper, http://, January 5, 2010. 32. Zainab Fattah and Ayesha Daya, Dubai Towers Name Reflects U.A.E. Shift,, January 5, 2010.


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