Story Listening Effect
Story Listening Effect
Story Listening Effect
edicine, Counseling,
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At nightfall the cuckolded and damaged king ordered another maiden and her slave brought to his chambers, and took his pleasure. As the night wore on, the slave spoke, Mistress, if you are not sleepy, tell us one of your lovely little tales to while away the night before I must bid you goodbye at daybreak, for I fear the fate that will befall you tomorrow. To which Shahrazad replied, bowing to the king, With the greatest of pleasure. May I have permission to tell a story? Surprised, the king nodded. Whereupon did Shahrazad smile slowly and say, Listen!
What do we know about the effects of storylistening? Expanding personal experiences as tellers and listeners, you will be given findings from research examining storytelling effects in counseling, medicine, education, and psychology. Strategies for using research to expand your practice and obtain funding will be offered, with models to create research. Learn how listeners become storystoned, and the surprising results of the research of Dr. Honos-Webb and Sunwolf, involving listening to folktales to reduce anxiety following the 9-11 terrorist attacks. This is the nations first therapeutic study on the use of storylistening versus personal journaling to reduce anxiety following the 9-11 terrorist attacks, in which Dr. Sunwolf told folktales on 4 successive days directly after the attacks to college students, who were tested for stress and bereavement before and afterwards. This workshop makes accessible to practicing tellers, healers, and educators published cross-disciplinary researchin which one variable was storytelling. The use of folktales in medicine, law, psychotherapy, and educational psychology will be reviewed, focusing on studies that have successfully endured scholarly peer review (pointing out research designs, theories used to explain results, and important gaps). The list of studies is designed so participants can share and apply findings in their own practices or present them to the gatekeepers who control storytelling program funding. As a result of this workshop, you will: (1) learn what we know about the effects of listening to orally told stories, (2) learn how to critically read a scholarly study on storytelling, (3) obtain strategies for using published research to promote storytelling in your practices and communities, and (4) gain confidence and skills to design your own research that can yield important measurable results about storylistening and storytelling.
*ral tradition has it that while the nightly tales continued to unfold, Shahra+ad ,ore the !ing three children" -fter a thousand and one nights of story listening, the damaged !ing learned ,oth to lo&e and trust, sparing the teller.s life and !eeping her as /ueen" 0hen did they commence to en1oy life, until they were o&erta!en ,y the 2rea!er of 0ies and #estroyer of #elights" Hazar Afsana (a thousand legends)
Storylistening Effect, Sunwolf, 2003 Published Studies on Storytelling and Storylistening Effects -ndersen, -" 345536" Stories I tell my patients( 'atering the roses when the house is on fire" Eating #isorders, 4, 758 92" -ndersen, -" 345536" Stories I tell my patients( 0he Indian and the chess,oard" Eating #isorders, 4, 4:784:5" 2aumeister, R" F", ; )ewman, <" S" 3455=6" >ow stories ma!e sense of personal e?periences( oti&es that shape auto,iographical narrati&es" Personality and Social Psychology 2ulletin, 20, :7:8:50" 2a&elas, $" 2", Coates, <", ; $ohnson, 0" 320006" <isteners as co8narrators" $ournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 5=485@2" 2earse, C" I" 345526" 0he fairy tale connection in children.s stories( Cinderella meets Sleeping 2eauty" 0he Reading 0eacher, =@, :998 2la!e, " E", ; 2artel, A" 345556" Storytelling in the classroom( Personal narrati&es and pre8ser&ice teachers" 0he )ew England Reading -ssociation $ournal, 3@, 38:" 2rett, #" 345526" ore -nnie stories( 0herapeutic storytelling techni/ues" )ew Bor!( Imagination Press" 2roderic!, C" 2" 3455@6" C0hat reminds me of a story DE( 0he therapeutic use of cautionary tales" Contemporary Family 0herapy, 47, 4782:" Crain, '" C" #.-lessio, E", cIntyre, 2", ; Smo!e, <" 345936" 0he impact of hearing a fairy tale on children.s immediate ,eha&ior" $ournal of Fenetic Psychology, 4=3, 5847" Coll, C" -", 2enedetti, -", Carmody, 2", Reynolds, 0", 2rantigan, )", ; 'ilson8<ing,loom, E" 320046" %nleashing the power of teenage fol!lore( Research to in&estigate the power of storytelling" $ournal of Bouth Ser&ices in <i,raries, 4=, 3@8=4" #i&inyi, $" E" 3455@6" Storytelling( -n en1oya,le and effecti&e therapeutic tool" Contemporary Family therapy, 47, 278 37" Frant+, 0" F" 3455@6" Stories for therapy( 0he right story to the right person at the right time" Contemporary Family 0herapy, 47, =78:=" Fee, $" P" 3459@6" 0he narrati&i+ation of e?perience in the oral style" $ournal of Education, 4:7, 583@" Feist, E", ; -ldridge, $" 0he de&elopmental progression of children.s oral story in&entions" $ournal of Instructional Psychology, 25, 33835" Fuille, ", ; 2oersma, F" 345526" Fairy tales as a trance e?perience( Possi,le therapeutic uses" -merican $ournal of Clinical >ypnosis, 3=3=6, 2=@82@3" >ic!s, G", ; -ustin, $" 3455=6" E?periencing the legal system( Fairy tale trials for fifth graders" Social Studies, 9@, 358 ==" >ill, <" 345526" Fairy tales( Aisions for pro,lem resolution in eating disorders" $ournal of Counseling and #e&elopment, 70, @9=8@97" >oewisch, -" 320046" C#o I ha&e to ha&e a princess in my storyHE( Supporting children.s writing of fairy tales" Ready ; 'riting Iuarterly, 47, 2=58277" >ohr, >" 320006" #ynamic aspects of fairy tales( Social and emotional competence through fairy tales" Scandina&ian $ournal of Educational Research, ==, >onos8'e,,, <", Sunwolf, ; Shapiro, $" 320046" 0owards the re8enchantment of psychotherapy( 0he container model of storying in treatment. Humantistic sychologist, !", 70857" >oward, F" S" 345546" Culture tales( - narrati&e approach to thin!ing, cross8cultural psychology, and psychotherapy" -merican Psychologist, =:, 4978457" $ohnston, $" R", 2reunig, G", Farrity, C", ; 2aris, " 345576" 0hrough the eyes of children( >ealing stories for children of di&orce" )ew Bor!( Free Press" Gast, A" 3455@6" Fol!tales as therapy" )ew Bor!( Fromm International" Goenig, $" ", ; Jorn, C" R" 320026" %sing storytelling as an approach to teaching and learning with di&erse students" $ournal of )ursing Education, =4, 3538 Guttner, <" 345996" Fa&orite stories( - hypnotic pain8reduction techni/ue for children in <angen,runner, " R", ; #is/ue, $" F" 345596" 0he healing power of stories for children( -n annotated ,i,liography" Storytelling 'orld, 4=, 2382@" <ar!in, #", ; Jahoure!, R" P" 345596" 0herapeutic storytelling and metaphors" >olistic )ursing Pract", 2336, =@8@=" <aRossa, R" 3455@6" Stories and relationships" $ournal of Social and Personal Relationships, 42, @@38@@9" andler, $" ", ; $ohnson, )" S" 345776" Remem,rance of things passed( Story structure and recall" Cogniti&e Psychology, 5, 44484@4" c#aniel, " -", >ines, R" $", 'addill, P" $", ; Einstein, F" *" 3455=6" 'hat ma!es fol! tales uni/ue( Content familiarity, casual structure, scripts, or superstructuresH $ournal of E?perimental Psychology( <earning, emory, and Cognition, 20, 4:5849="
Storylistening Effect, Sunwolf, 2003 cEwan, >", ; Egan, G" 3Eds"6 3455@6" )arrati&e in teaching, learning, and research. )ew Bor!( 0eachers College Press" eyers, $" '", ; >illiard, R" #" 320046" Storytelling for middle grades students" Phi #elta Gappa Fast,ac!s, =92, 78 =:" urray, S" <" 3455=6" Storytelling in close relationships( 0he construction of confidence" Personality and Social Psychology 2ulletin, 20, :@08::3" *r,ach, I", Fesh,ac!, S", Carlson, F" -", ; Ellen,erg, <" 3459@6" -ttitudes toward life and death in suicidal, normal, and chronically ill children( -n e?tended replication" $ournal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, @2, 402084027" Penno, $" F", 'il!inson, I" -" F", ; oore, #" '" 320026" Aoca,ulary ac/uisition from teacher e?planation and repeated listening to stories( #o they o&ercome the atthew EffectH $ournal of Educational Psychology, 5=, 23833" Pesesch!ian, )" 345926" *riental stories as tools in psychotherapy" )ew #elhi( Sterling Pu,lishers" Rall, $", ; >arris, P" <" 320006" In Cinderella.s slippersH Story comprehension from the protagonist.s point of &iew" #e&elopmental Psychology, 3:, 2028209" Rue&eni, %" 3455@6" Stories and metaphors as inter&entions with headache sufferers" Contemporary Family therapy, 47, 358=:" Sar,in, 0" R" 3459:6" )arrati&e psychology( 0he storied nature of human conduct. )ew Bor!( Praeger" Sherman, R" 3455@6" 0he diamond( - fairy tale" Family $ournal, 5@, 2@@82@5" Sipe, <" R" 345536" %sing transformations of traditional stories( a!ing the reading8writing connection" 0he Reading 0eacher, =7, 498 Smith, F" F", ; Celano, " 320006" Re&enge of the mutant coc!roach( Culturally adapted storytelling in the treatment of a low8income -frican -merican ,oy" Cultural #i&ersity and Ethnic inority Psychology, :, 2208227" Stallings, F" 345996" 0he we, of silence( Storytelling.s power to hypnoti+e" 0he )ational Storytelling $ournal, SpringKSummer, :845" Sturm, 2" '" 345556" 0he enchanted imagination( Storytelling.s power to entrance listeners" School <i,rary edia Research, 2" Sturm, 2"'" 320006" 0he CstorylisteningE trance e?perience" $ournal of -merican Fol!lore, 443, 297830=" Stern,erg, R" $" 3455:6" <o&e stories" Personal Relationships, 3, @5875" Sunwolf 345556" 0he pedagogical and persuasi&e effects of )ati&e -merican lesson stories, -frican dilemma tales, and Sufi wisdom tales" >oward $ournal of Communications, 40, =7874" Sunwolf, ; Frey, <" R" 320046" Storytelling( 0he power of narrati&e communication and interpretation" In '" P" Ro,inson ; >" Files 3Eds"6, 0he new hand,oo! of language and social psychology 3pp" 445843@6" Susse?( 'iley" Sutton8Smith, 2" 3459:6" Children.s fiction ma!ing" In 0" R" Sar,in 3Ed"6, )arrati&e psychology( 0he storied nature of human conduct, 3pp" :78506" 'estport, C0( Praeger" 0aylor, S" E", -spinwall, <" F", Fiuliano, 0" -", #a!of, F" -", ; Reardon, G" G" 345536" Storytelling and coping with stressful e&ents" $ournal of -pplied Social Psychology, 23, 7038733" 0homas, A", ; Piercy, F" 345576" - few useful stories for family therapy" $ournal of Family Psychotherapy, 9, 4843" Aangelisti, -" <", Crumley, <" P", ; 2a!er, $" <" 345556" Family portraits( Stories as standards for family relationships" $ournal of Social and Personal Relationships, 4:, 33@83:9" 'allas, <" 3459@6" Stories for the third ear( %sing hypnotic fa,les in psychotherapy" )ew Bor!( '" '" )orton ; Company" 'anner, S" B" 3455=6" *n with the story( -dolescents learning through narrati&e. Portsmouth, )>( 2oyntonKCoo!" 'estland, E" 345536" Cinderella in the classroom( Children.s responses to gender role in fairy8tales" Fender ; Education, @, 23782@0" 'e?el,latt, R" 320046" Fairy tale time" College 0eaching, =5, 'iest, #" $", 'ong, E" >", 2rotherton, S", ; Cer&antes, $" " 320046" Postmodern counseling( %sing narrati&e approaches in the school setting" Family 0herapy, 29, 4847" 'illiamson, P" -" 345536" Encouraging social competence and story comprehension through thematic fantasy play" #imensions of Early Childhood, 24, 47820"